aaHaMIHllm '' ' ' ' I MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. l0rmn0 PRINTING AND ' BINPING. MISCEXLANKOUS. RAILROAD LINES, &c. INSURANCE. ..... f I -------- I . . " i . . . . - ! !- vobuiiok me fiiecioni ISrecialtp New York Herald.1 Washington, Jan. 9. ; inere-H reason 10 -.ueueve iuai, me important work of the session, the labor of ibe two committees on count ing the electoral votes, gets on very well. The Senate committee, consist ing of Messrs. Edmunds, ' Morton, Conkling, Frelinghuiysen, jThurman, Bayard and Ransom, have been very closely engaged for several days, and have so far advanced with their pre liminary work that they will be ready to morrow to ask for a conference with the House committee.' The lat ter, consisting of Messrs. Payne, Hun ton, Hewitt, Springer, McCrary, Wil- Jard and Hoar, has not held many meetings as yet, but the members have appointed a sub-committee to collect all the precedents on the sub ject of the electoral count, and this work has been done with' surprising rapidity and completeness,! and is al ready out of the printer's hands. It will be carefully studied, not only by the members of the two committees, but by all who wish to inform them selves on the 'subject. The discus- : sions and conclusions in the two com- m a a . I ml r mmmrr w ana fj rv d it Z lulLlOtJa are Kept vci v iiviiic,uuii iii la believed that an amicable spirit pre- vans in me oeute cuiuiiiiliub, aim that the whole question will be fairly and fullj considered by the members as an important constitutional ques tion and without reference, to what the immediate political consequences of their final conclusion may be. The House committee on the. privileges, powers and duties jof the House in counting the electoral vote is ready to report and may do so io-morrow. This is not one of the joint commit tees,' bat a special body, consist ing" of Messrs. Proctor Knott, Sparks, Randolph, f Tucker, Marsh, Burcbard and Seelye. The report will be moderate in tone, but will maintain, by precedents and authori ties, by the declarations of the most eminent statesmen from early times to the present, and by the unbroken practice, that the House has the right duty .and privilege of taking a part in the electoral count. ( In the words of Henry Clay in 1821, 'the two Houses are' called on to enumerate the votes for President and Vice-President; of course they are called on to decide what are votes." And in case of a disagreement between the Houses, as Mr. Clay added, "One House would say the votes oughi to be counted; the other that they ought not, and then thft vof pM wntild hn Inst !il to gether." . . . v 1.1 ,' DlMtit Grows A pace. Like an 111 wind, and cannot be mattered too early. What is a trifling attack o.' sickness to-day may, if unattended to, become a eerious ease in a week. Small ailment should be nipped In the bad before they blossom into fall blown maladies. If this ad vice were attended to, many a heavy bill for medi cal attendance might be avoided J When the liver is disordered, the stomach foul, the bowels obstruc ted, or the nerves disturbed, resort should at once be had to that supreme remedy, Hostetter's Bto-win- few doses of which will restore healthy action and put the system; in peruse. Itigm wise precaution to keep this incomparable preventive in the house, since it checks, with unri valled promptftude disorders which breed othersfar more dangereu, and in their latest developments are themselves oiien iuu. j THE OBSERVER NEEDS NOFOKMAL STATsWoPPRm ciples, nor elaborate recital of what it will do, or fcxpects to do, in the coming year. It cm offer no staonger guarantee for its future than Is afforded by ite past conduct. It will labor earnestly and f iithfully tor the advancement j of heDeratic party, and for the good of the iState, which it be lieves to be one and inseparable.! To this end is desired at once a largely increased circuianon ior x on uiauii , some Uterature it is giving EI.vBK Carolina, i Once in a household, THE OBSKKVJUt becomes a fixture. It needs only to be Been to make its way into every nook and corner of That it may be so Been, and speedily, its Editors offer the following j ; PUGHI U MS F, O It 1 8 7 7 : FOB THE OBSERVER, DAILY : To each and every person who tends . $8 for one vear's subsenpuon w xax. -v. Srillbs mailed Vd anv one of the foUowing novels of Sir Wfaltef Scott, beautifully printed, ele gantly bound, and profusely lUuatrated : 1. Waverly, 2 volume?. ! - - a. Gay Mannering. S volnmes. 3. The Antiquary. 2 volumes. A. Rob Roy, a velumes. I S. Heart of Midlothian, 2 volumes. 45. Ivanhoe, 2 volumes. -.. 7. Bride f Lammermoor, 2 volumes. m "ntm MnnMtp.iT. 2 volumes. ' . The Abbot, 2 volumes. . to. Old Mortality, 2 volumes. . 11. Kentlworth, 2 volumes. - 12. The Pirate, 2 volumes. t ' tr to anw niut whn TOUT HP.tld II 96 for .twelve annual snkscriptions, the whole of the above will be forwarded, by mail or express, free of all charges. Or. to any one who may send us $192, for twenty four annual subscriptions, will be forwarded, free of charge, all the above at once, and the remaining 24 volumes or this unmaled edition of Scott s matchless novels, as issued monthly jthe whole de livery to be completed by October, 1877. , - FOR THE OBSERVER, WEEKLY. j I To each and every person who sends us $2 for one ...i if; f THR (iRSRftVEB. weekly. wiU be mailed, postoald, a copy of any one of the fAliMlnn walnnhlB nrinKR ! ... g. Language, iiiar Books, 4. Poems of Henry innroo.. 5. Poems of PaulH.Hayne. i " 6. E.W. Fuller's tit a Gift. 7. The Odd Trump. I I ' ! 8. Harwood, by same author. 9. The Lacy Diamonds, by same. 10. Flesh and Spirit, by same author. 11. Ellen Story. t 12. Thompson's Hoosier; mosaics. On to any one who may send us $24 for twelve annual subscriptions, the twelve books above named. will be forwarded by maU or express fiee of all that nerson. man. weman, or child, who may mi na the cash for the largest number ef annual 'Untimi ta THE uBSEUVER. dally, or week ly, or both combined, between January -1, , MOT. .and li , i mm m ha forwarded, free of all charges. Aivt. the books named ass premiums to each paper, fnd J Tcommi esioTof TEN PER CENT. OF THIS AMOUNT REMITTED. i To the person who may send us the second larg est list one-half the volumes named, and the same ' TUierson who may send us the third largest list, ene third the volume named, and the same each commission . ' - ' . . ' . Samples of the above books, all well printed and boundT and most ef them pronounced by the press North and South to be gems oi ty. may be seen at the office of To tnose aisposea w - VER. and preferring money to books, exceedingly liberal commissions will be paid, to be deductedly canvassing agent from his remittances. RATES 0? SUBSCRIPTION-IN ADVANCE. Daily, one year, mail postpaid. " six months, - r ..J three months, Weekly, one year, mail poetpaid.... . .. . ttTmnnllil ' . $8 00 4 W 3 00 5 00 1 00 t-Specimen copies of the Daily, or.Weekly.or both, mailed on application. Address ; THE OBSERVER, Jan -tf -. J I . Raleigh, N. O. Corni 1300 Bushels PRIME WHITE CORN, Ex 8chooneri"iam, The r1orning Star PUBLISHED DAILYi AND WEEKLY DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid,.; ....$7 00 " Six Months " . .... 4 00 M " Three Monthe" ; " ' 2 25 00 One Mouth i " WKKKLY STAR. One, Year postage paid, tl 50 SU Months. " : i WJ Three Monthfi " ! 50 Notices of the Press: A flrsclass paper. BotOebon Advanc.' - .v ... .1. . i ; Emphatically alive paper.4fiWd6oro JITM. . The Stab is a live paper . SutiUtr (J3. C.) Newt. I One of our best excbjuigeaC-jreoiM(y9. Ot Cornier One of the best daily papers in the State Wddon One of the very 8out Cwoiinian. best ef our daily exchanges.- Ranks among the leading Dailies of the Bute. ChrUOan AdvoeaU.' i One of the best InUlUqencer, Dailies In the State.-tefenifis A valuable paper. P44 Dm QourUr We choerfnlly recommend it. ' Ranks among the leading Journals of the South. Marion (J3. C.) Star. I - One of the best and most desirable papers in North Carolina. Norfolk Virginian. i Full of era! news, and a credit to Wilmington (My Nor& Carolinian. : One of the best daily papers published in the Southern States. Barry (& V.) Nnot. One of our best Southern Journals. - As a newspa per not surpassed by any. Friend of Temptrtmc. One of the best conducted in the State; bold, inde pendent and well informed. Wltboro Recorder. , Ably edited, and has a circulation which speaks volumoa of comment on its influence. Magnolia Monitor. . -. ;j. ... ; Onward and upward it goes until now It has the largest circulation of any Daily In the State. PUd mont Prett. ii : , The Wilmington Stab, now very much improved, has the largest circulation of any paper in the State. JBnJUid Timet, The. Stab Btsnds among the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise and literary merit Chetter ( C.) RtyorUr. j - UnqoBnUoaably the best daily journal In North Carolina, and ha n superior in any other- Southern St&tMarOoro (.8. C.) TVwm. ; . r- ; For editorial ability, general news, correct market reports and fine literary selections the Stab - has no superior. Bocky Mount MaU. is well conducted and has as much and great a va getyof good reammatter as any Daily in the .' This paper, though not manv years old. is one of tne test daUies in the State, and well, merits the support it receives. iMtubvrg Courier. ; une or tne vest oauy journals en oar exchange list Belongs to no rin aave that which encircles the gooa or ue people.- ah Mirror. The Wilmington MoBxnro Stab Is among the best newspapers in the South. Rich, rare, racy, always fresh and "on tbne.nAikevilU ExpotUor.. A staunch and independent advocate of the peo ple's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first Jour nals of the Southern country.-oefei0Aam Obeerver. The Stab is undoubtedly an enterprising sheet, beautifully printed and conducted with marked Lability. Mr. Bernard deserves great credit for his enorts in journalism. UaleigK SenV Ml. . .- Those of oar readers desiring to take a dally or weekly paper from North Carolina cannot do better than take the Wilmington Stab. Gheraw 03. C.) Democrat. i The Stab is one of our most highly valued aswwro MBit it-enA jiinuni to recommend it CaroUna Kinston A live newspaper, and the best Daily n the State. Th circXtSn' lareer than that any other Daily in the State, which proves it. Milton Chron ide. i- .. So paper ever started in North Carolina has grown so rapidly as naa in dtah. xiivugu v"j oldjx is now a fixed institution, enjoying an Influ ence and a prosperity second ta none In the State.- Sausoury natenman. . rri, Bi4lln th front AJt Of OUT ""J-.iifnTrof news and select read w mat, Wephiciport8, and ta every res alratrate journal. If we had many snchpapers a.5?LJhth rainer bv it. Gru. Patriot. THE SENTINEL k cur hid j . nr 10a vnw APirania IS THE MOST FtsiplBwbJUAtBVjltoof North CaroU na havebeen engaged since the momentous election of 1800. upon its resuii aepenua u ttTHBIGH SENTINEL will, a, ever, be in the front of the ngnt, sustaining iwmtcwmj Sfthf Sy the candSs of the National Democra- tic nartv. ana me actios wu - Democratic Convention. To thhi we pledw .the wholepower and influence of a journal which, in to past, has done what It could to serve the tater esw,and preserve the rights and liberties, of the Poer& SS52S5S. &!&JJ2&2g2n i-iffied USuowtagcIS Sng to the 15th November, a period of four months. BAI1.Y KDmOH. 1 Copy.. 5 Copies 8 55 .. 10 00 ...17 50 .60 cents. 10 Copies. WKXKLT IBITION. 1 Copy.. the money must accmopany tte of In every case 1y ja-tf i7 , der. The Piedmont Press, HICKOKY, N. C, 1 1: nmv viPIK PTTRI.T8HED IN CA- lVwba coanty, ana haV an ensive circulation Mi Z XS-Tarmera. and all classes of busi- 1 n. men in the State. The PRESS is a ness men m VVirLvv nvMOf TRATIC PAPER. and Is a desirable aiedium forjvertistag in Western JAMftaamantfi Suescriptioa fS iTdvance. Address . mar SMI - - - Kditers and Proprietors, y Eugene L. Harris, . Artist In Crayon Portraits. SASSAFRAS FORK, N. 0., BEGS LEAVE TO ijuxv ""V'r," to his Portraits in Crayon. Person ' (wishing good pictures of themselves or deceased friends canhave them nicely executed br sendtog him a photograph to work from. Agood PnotoPJ. Eecessary to insure a good likeness. The prices btui&udelMtageby mall, on roller. .A neat of wlanut art'wiU be turnip to those . v v TTm a nni if 'Kf WlfW wno aesiTB m . lze,14x HtofheB. - " " . - ; Life Size, (bust) - 1U;MU TBHTIHIONlAliS. . f ur Harris nosseses the rare gift of being able to delineate, accurately, irom i picture the exact likeneaspf any lee satisfaction." Oxford Leade " We have seen his work, and to delineate, accnray.from a Pkotograpn orotue - We have seen his worx, ana eumiuw lent Try him." - luenirai irruixmi-i ; "We hive seen a capital portrait of Hon, A. W !It. v -u. HIT Harris: that reflects addi- ttltaUw on bis genius that department" I Torch-Light.1 The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEW S paperand the Organ of the Methodist Protes t.nt PcWh In North Carolina, U published at Greensboro, ,N. C ! m r MBnl in advance. Ten trarlbmtyf itt location, , the nWod 3tv1&agto, a ttocoistaiittytacreasingde. v-rltr "S'T.t-w,-. aniui classes of readers mana wu, ITVhT TnEW-imaT. unite. HaiIaVu.th7SS ests, an j T ioCHATJi, mrHtf Greensboro, N. C. -Weiiylte theattentkm- of .the public toSouB sbb's Monthlt, which now deservedly! ranks among the best ilmjstkatxd fkbiosicau pi thb 2,2h? f P f ustrative-: or American f Scenery, which Save appeared-in ita-pagea, among! which JS5".KM2KSed'lw V7ondersot Se Yellowstone" and the Grand Canon, of the Colorado," have won. wide-spread admiration, jon both Bides of the At. lantic; ana " The Great South" articles, with their beanttfulengravinga, have beea re Usued in book iviw m uoui ureu onuuu uu America, i? or the, vuuuug jrtuwe nave oroaaer plans tbau ever before x us magozmc wm De enlarged, and there will be Three " ReiarMe Serialstories I . . By A31BU1CAN WKITEhJ "GABRIEL G ONR O Y BY BKET HAUTE, Of which the BoBton JPoet aays: "It is a that will make everv new number of Hmninii'i eagerly Bought f of if it had nothing else to recom mend it." . . . . . ; , .... .: The Canadian IBvstrated Neios predicts that " we have found at last the American novel. " I The Louisville Courier-Journal says: "The second Installment is even stronger than the Iflrst, ilutiifiiirLn nil that innx Tnnlrii fnr " : We begin in January . . J ' - : " PHILIP NOLAA'S FRtilNES, By EDWARD EVERETT HALE. This is an historical romance. The scene-is laid in the southwest, at a time when that territory was nrst Spanish, then French, and then American, and when war waa imminent, toobtaln the control of the month of the MississiDDL It is Hkolv to he the great romance of the Mississippi Valley, as Gabbixi, Uokbot will beof the Pacific Slope. ' , i . u That Lass o'Lowrie's," By FANNY HODGSON BURNETT. . The friends of " Scbxbhxb" who have read "Surly Tim'B Trouble," "One Day at Arlc," 'The Fire at uranuey Mills," and others of Mrs. Burnett's short stories, will not need to be assured that they have a rare treat before them. The scene of the new novel is laid in an English mining town, and from the first page to ine i&Biroe interest is unnagging. 1 Among other notable papers we mention the folr lowing: A Sboond "Fabmb's Vaoawoh," by Col. George E. Waring, descriptive of a row-boat ride of two hundred and fifty miles. In one of the most fertile and interesting of the vine-growing valleys of Europe a region never seen by the ordi nary traveler, but full of interest, in it social and in dustrial aspects, a rare collection or u. . ? . .... , "' - Revolutionary Letters. A SERIES OF ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES ON AMERICAN COLLEGES. The Series Includes WUUam and Mary, Harvard. Yale, Michigan State University, VTesleyan Uni versity, Amherst Agricultural College, Princeton, Union, Bowdoin, Trinity, and other typical institu tions of the country. Elegantly illustrated articles on OLD NEW YORMt illustrated papers on American Cities. &c The editorial control and direction of the Maga zine will remain m the hand of Dr. Holland,! who Will contribute each month editorials upon current political and social topics. Our readers may look to 'Topics of the Time" for healthy opinion; ".The Old Cabinet" for pure sentiment; "Homeland Society" lor graceful economy ; " Gulture and Pro gress" for criticism; " The World's Wmk" for . in dustrial intelligence; " Bric-a-Brac" for wit and in nocent pleasantry, i I Sobibkbb's Monthlt Is now recognized, both la this country and in England, as the great represen- Encouraged by the favor accorded to It by a sen erous public, we shall aim, during the Centennial year, to eclipse its former achievements in both its Uterary and Art departments. SCBXBKBB IS SOldl y all First-Class Booksellers and News-Deal era.; L Price, $4.00 a Year, 35 cents a Number The 10 vols, complete, Nov. 1870, to Oct 1875.! bound in maroon cloth $20 00 do. do. ' bound ta half morocco. 80 00 Vols, begin in November and May. Any ef the earner volumes u 10 v ui) will oe supplied separate!; to parties who wish them to complete sets at i thti rate, i. ., cloth, $3 00; half morocco, S3 08. Boo ksellers and Pbstmastersrlll be supplied at rates that will enable them to fill any of the above' oners... ... 1 will nlease in P. O. Money cy m ieiie nfcl risk. - 1 mtna Novkmbkb and Dxcxxskb Bxrxsuts Jree to all nets subscriber for 1878. SCRIBNER A CO.. Jan-tf 743 Broadway, New York. THE ALDBE COMPANYS NEW PUKHCATIOIVS. SOLD ONL T BY S XBSCRIPTIOXT. V '. : ' THE AT AMEBIC. THE ; ALDINE; JOURNAL OP .This splendid enterprise linet only well sus tained in every feature, but ieeing constantly de veloped and lmproveo. it 10-y sianas without a rival in tne wnoie wunu w cnuuicai nxeraiare. The beautiful dog-potrait, ' Man's Unselfish Friend,'" a chromo presented every, subscriber. is a diclded hit, ana wm, u ysioie, add to the popularity which this work bargained. The Art Uhiojc feature also promises fat and beneficent results, In arousing qudiic uueu in tne nne arts. Circulars and full information .1 application. Parts I, n, in and IV aroow ready, SUTTOrs LEISURE-HOUR M1SlLANT ip 1. onmnlrttpcl in 40 DOTtS. nA fnTtiiohfl. Each part will contain an elegi frontispiece. orienally engraved on steel ror London I Art Journal. , i REPRODCCI ;' a a price within the popular reacn, cuMngs never I before offered at less man uyc u a0 Tbeae plates have been the attraction , f before offered at less than nve tunes jiHnount. THE LONDOS ART MIL. Each part will contain 26 quarto papnciuding the elegant frontispiece, on heavy Pperj A nnrb title paee. richly illuminated W and eold. will be given with thefirst part, atfe print ing of the entire worKWiii oe a worj,ur tation ! "The Aioino icbb "" antee of something beautiful and valuab. , THE ART JOUBN1 mraithlvnarts. at tl ' W"l" 1 1 oto Mnn A ducmg tne oet iuu-o riZc .orlipr volumes of The Aldind Each monthly part will contain six snpeVatci which accompanying descriptive matlaad whether for binding or framing, will be enV be yond competition In price or artistic Jter. fcverv Impression will be most carefuHy tf on the finest toned paper, and no PMhsiii otred tS make this the richest proton of few which has won. in amaxveiuunij uu -"-ia- wide reputation. OEMS FROM THE ALDINE. . vniWliallY assorted for ! Scrap Book lustrations & Drawinkss , -,: Copies. - I 1 ' A large collection or pictures -p and on almost ever conceivable subject hafen nut up in an attractive envelope, and are nowpd it nrice intended to make them popular j Beione No. I. containing 50 beautiful .r- inirs. is new ready, and will be sejt, porta; .rtflrojia for ONE DOLLAR. Alio count to agents and teachers. THE AliDINB . PASSK-PART . t- AMyvi arxra with rcuested reauest T mmnliance Wltn ropeaiea rouueoLo, uii ... - Ushers c THXAU)Dri ; have Pfepar rl Jm Aijnn have prepared ims of many of their most beautiful plates for p TOl".n; mounted on a beautifully azure mat, with a handsome red border line. To attach the glass, it is only left for thexusr TsVmta' 25c7: with glass 50c) Six f this size for $1 00, wheri selection is ll pners. . - i . ? B 6k x iyt in.: 15c; with glass,.40ci :tj ri.iahi juvl witn pi us. x do. fint by mah, wltiiout glass, postpaid, for pri! ae- CANVASSERS jWA NTE. TllR CJOMP AMY, ' 68 Maiden Lane, New aMnt for 111.. Ind.. wwarao Wis, nnn-RCiE DRANT. Sr. an0-tf 4J H Clark St.. Chicago, II isenta i,guar i I !: V , I f HE STAR JOB - PRINTING BOOK BINDERY, -AND- BLANK BOOK WILLIAM H. BERNARD, PROPRIETOR, WILMIN G TON, N. C. ESTABLISHMENT IH THE CITY HAVING All of these Facilities Combined. The Beat Assortment ot TYPE, PAPERS, CAEDS and INKS. Skilled Workmen -IN Every Department. Not the Lowest Prices - BUT.- As Low Prices AS ANT Other Establisliment for the: BEST QUAL.ITY OF WORK. PRINTING, RULING -AND OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. EXECUTED Promptly nd Skilfully. Improved Machinery -OF- ALL OgalllsriDS. SINCE ADDING m P 6 wre r We are enabled to fill riers wits tiic ntaosl.Distateli' i i J t) in n Am 11 i i - i ; ; ll Si The Quarterly RiBviews -AND- f, Blackwood's Magazine. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUB , , . LISHINQ CO. . 41 BARCLAY STREET, NEW YORK, . Continue their authokibkd Reprints of the . FOUR LEADING QUARTERLY REVIEWS. EDINB URGH REVIEW, ' Whig.) LON DON QUARTERLY REVIEW Con- : eertx&vey. 1 WESTMINSTER .RE VIEW Liberal. )' BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, i AND ; , BiactfDOu's EuiDliiirai.lafiaMe. The British Quarterlies give to the reader well di gested information upon the great events in con temporaneous history,, and contain masterly criti cisms on all that ir fresh and valuable In jliterature, as well as a summary of the triumphs of science and art. The wars likely to convulse all Europe willi form topics for discassfon, that will be treated with a thoroughness and ability nowhere else to be found. Blackwood's Magazine is famous for sto ries, essays, and sketches of the highest literary merit. . i ...... . ' , i ; TERMS (INCLUDING POSTAGE) : ' PATABL3 STBIOTX.T IS ADVAXCH. For any one Review. ............ , For any two Reviews. Foi any three Reviews.. ... For an four Reviews ; . F0T Blackwood's Magazine Fer Blackwood andT Review.. .. For Blackwood and 2 Reviews.. $ A 00 per annum . 7 00 " " 10 00 . la 00 M ' " , a 00 " " - . 7 00 M " . 10 00 " . iror itiackwood and 3 Reviews, For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews! 15 00 " M 13 00 ' j ' ' CLUBS: , A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus : four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one ad-dr?itor,12-8?i ,onr copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $48, and so on. PREMIUMS: New subscribers (applying early) for the year 1877 may nave, without charge, the last volume for 1876 of such periodicals as they may subscribo for. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. , Circulars with further particulars may be i""i on application. : ; j THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO.," ' ,decl9-tf i ; ,,; 41 Barclay st. New York. J. B. Lippincott i5c Co. ' HAVE JUST PUBLISHED ; ; Life of Gen. T. J, Jackson j ; ("STONEWALL JACKSON.") V By Sabar Nicholas Kakdolfh, author of "The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson," etc Hand somely illustrated with Portrait from Steel, and Bight full page wood engraving.. Crown Bvo. Fine cloth. $2.u0. . . .; ; - i ... j "The pages before ns are a contribution! to our 11 terature for which all Virginians should be grateful, and which should be in the library of every South ern household." Richmond Enquirer. It Is the record of a career in the highest degree interesting. The simple narrative of his life has all the charm of romance." Baltimore Gazette. THBATONEHENW.mH pDAS. A Novel. By Mrs. E. Lynn. LnreoH, author of "Patricia KSmball," etc : With illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, $1.60; paper, $1.09. "Mrs. Lynn Linton Is one of the most original v ""U writes, not only "An exceedmglyhattngnoveL'' MstMllraS "Her vigorously written taJe.". T. Eve. MaU. V A MILYECSET. i An American Novel. By Fanny Andrews, (Elsey "-ji -v -a- uuui, fi.ou. iraper cover, $i.uu. "It is a vigorous, mclsive'and pleasant 8tory.,., CMcago Evening Journal. . i i i . GENTLEFOLKSlND .OTHERS- By Jotja Dttrbtko, anther ol "Philosophers and Fool ft" nmwn Rvrt Vhu 1n1, Miu The excellence and value of these essays consist j u-u imn; ui. lukuiiB or a strong mind opera ting on life, in the spirit of philosophy Jong matured ..j mwu, UftU, IMC OXi Ul UlCltwUlK UaUQUll- ItT whlRh nrrvada them thnnrr)inn "For summer reading, and especially for reading are few store desirable books than Thui phia Evening Bulletin LIFE'S PROMISE TO PAT. A Novel. Br Cum I. rnmriT Urtn ni- cloth, $1.50. i ; . A novel of more than common merit, with a great deal of admirably distinctive portraiture, and is a story of thrilling interest. ; . . - For sale by aU Booksellers and Periodical Dea lers, or will be sent by mail on receipt ef the price by J.B. UPPINCOTT & Co.: Poblishers, 715 and 717 Market flrraot aug 4-tf - Philadelphia. PEOSPECTTIS. The Raleigh Observer. ON THE 16TH DAT OF NOVEMBER, 1876. .and in the city of KALEIGH, the undersigned will commence the publication of The Observer. a. HA TT.V anil WRPrRrf.'V nnnm.. non.ann. Of long experience in their profession as editors, respectively of the Fayetteville Obsebtbk and the Wilmington Jouhkal, they do not affect to doubt the soundness of the general Judgment which as signs them ability to tarnish a newspaper suited to the needs and adapted to the tastes of the people of North Carolina. Differing in politics in the olden time, there was never a difference between the Ob. sxbvxb and the Journal in zeal for- the interests and honor of North Carolina. To promote the one, and to uphold and add to the other will be the ob ject ef the Obbkbvbb now. Of very decided opinions on questions of public interest, and apt to give those opinions plain ex pression, they deem it the first duty of a newspaper to furnish its readers with the information necessa ry to the formation of their opinio., to publish all "the news and their purpose is to make Thx Obsxbvxb now, as of old, a truthful, accurate, con densed history of the times in which we live. It waa thn that H"ho b3A nimsnu t ob the people of North Carolina, enjoying the aff ee- uuu ui jib partj lrieuuv, receiving me respect ana confidence of its bitterest political fees, and com- circulation larger than has ever been attained bv -.T .1- II . a. . J auj uwci iiurm vBruima newspaper, ana it is tnus, h lllra dlfrnifir an A fafpnnaa that Hi. A1trm rryl will reserve, and soon equal, and then surpass, its luiuci uirvuiauuu auu piuepeniy. It will be their high aim to deserve the public con- fare, first and foremost of North Carolina, next of all 41.- anHkHH D4.i.. Jl J ml . - ' an tuv duuuiciu oiaicSf wnx? uumaxj ana Urouga these, of the whole Union. They think that this w vuvvvvw Jr' 1wUwv Ui ilvtUUClw tic principles and the dismissal of the Radical party from the places and power which they have so great ly abused, and under whose baleful rule the South has heen nntnureil anil thn nhnla onnnf-n va k- impoverished and disgraced - - v i J rIsrKa H. HALE, ' ' :- 'i!T i ; ' s W. SAUNDERS. "subscription bates. Daily Observer; one year.. ... . . , . t , . . ... . . .. K & 00 vuiruoRmr, six mostns. 4 03 Weekly Observer, one year,.. . ; U) Weekly Observer, six months.. ..;.'....:...... 1 80 AH commnnicat.lana ahnnM i iMmuj n.n . , . . ... " WWCTDW) llllfcll iuurnvuo!,w k -. w, Li. BAUJNWJEK8. sept 84-D&Wtf Wilmington, N. C, Barber. Shop, North Front Bt : South of JJawson'a Bank,- - :- '' ' i WILMiaiGTON, N, CUTTING, SHAVING AND DTEING DONS IN THE LATEST STYLE. je 11-tf 1877. GenerjSnp' " "' GUST A it. K. COMPANY, , t r ' 1 WILMINGTON. N, C.. jin 3. it' 7 Change of Schedule, ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY. JAN.'S.-TfiE following Schedule will be run on this Road: Day Express and Leave Wilmington Leave Florence Arrive at Columbia. . Leave Columbia Leave Florence Mall Train; (Daily,)' ... ....... 32:15P.M. i.:.. 55:80 PwM- J ; f 9:S0 P. M. j 7:40 Ai M. 12:30 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington. ! 5 P. M. This Train will run Daily, except Sundays NIGHT EXPRESS TBAIN (DaUr). Leave Wilmington Leave- Florence. Arrive at Columbia , Arrive at Augusta, i8:05 P. O, i .w a. m. 6:16 A M 6:00 A, M, :S0 P. M. 9:30 P. M. 8:30 A. M. ;7:2S A M. ijoave Augusta, Leave Cwombia...... Leave Florence. . . . . . . Arrive at Wilmington . . ... . . . . ... Thronsh Frelchc Tralu.(Dallr except ' snndaTs.) Leave Wilmington Leave Florence Arrive at Columbia Leave Columbia. . Leave Florence..:. . 1:30 P. M. 8:00 P. M.. 10:10 A.M. :80 P. M. :D0 A. M. t:45 P. M Arrive at Wilmington Passengers for Charleston, Augusta, and' beyond should take-Night Express Train from Wilmington. Through Sleeping Cars on&igkt trains for Charles ton and Augusta. I" ' . ' ; ; JAMES ANDEfeSON, " jani-tf ' - ! Oe5l Sup't. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. OlTNl OT Q3T'i StT7-3UXTSHI)EXT ' ' I Wilmington, N. C, Jan. , 1877. ON AND AFTER WEDNESD A T, JAN TJABS' 3, 1877, Passenger Trains en the Wilmington St Weldon Kailroad will run aa follows : j ; I i -' D,ay Mali and Express Train. Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 7:15 A. M M. Arrive at Goldsboro 11:43 A. t Reeky Mount.. !'" Weldon Leave Weldon daily Arrive at Bocky Mount. 1: :40-p. M" . 8:20 P. M. 18:40 P. M. v, 6:23 P. M. feKJloflooro... . :05 P. if. i . Wilmington,JFront;8t. Depot,' 7:5J P. M Night fllall land Express Tralb, bally -. . except Sunday. Leave Wilmington...... .... At Arrive at Goldsboro. ......... 6:44 P. M 10:15 P. M 13:80 A. M. m A. M 4:0 A. M. : 6:01 A. M. 8:00 A. M Bocky Mount.. weiaon. Leave Weldon. dailv.. Arrive at Bocky Mount. Goldsboro Wilmington. lt:00i M. The Day Train makes close connection at Wel don for all points North via Bay Use, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all rail route. . Night train makes close connections at Wddon for all points north via Richmond. t ' - PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS at tached to all Night Trains,! and run through from Wilmington to Milford Station, en Richmond, Fre deri!keburr & Potomac Railroad. i r FREIGHT TRAINS will leave WDnungton tri weekly at 5:30 A M., and arrive at 1:40 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, janS-tf , Genera Agent CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO, Offiox GxkxbaTj StmaiiHTSirDiNT, ' - - - Wilmington, N. OSept 16. 1876. f Change of Schedule. On and after SUNDAY, the 17th inst., trains wiu rniynvpr jrosi -? - Jas8eneerani Ttfnii Leave Wilmiricrton ar"" -i Arrive in Charlotte at.. .7.".7!7T.7.T7r7 tiSulCJl Leave Charlotte at J a -an a at Arrive at Wilmington at ...J... ........ 8:30P. M. DaQy except Sundays . IV. O, JOHNSON, General Superintendent., IfnovlO-tf THE FIEIjID, A Journal for ine Sportsmen of May, PUBUSHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING ''-.-at i . , : r . 14S. Canal St! Chicago. TERMS OF S UBS CRIPTION - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. YP.Rrl V el Oft (Talf-r&a.l.r Ml T. . . J Canadian subscription, poet free Yearly 18s.; Half- i THE FIELD is a complete weekly review of the higher branches of a port Shootinr, Fishing. Racine and Trottlnjf, Aqaatias Base Balk Cricket, Billiards, and General Sporting News, Music and the Drama. . . i TOTE VTTJ'T Tl .71 W J j i j ... i hiii nm.uiwium jm lugopuuc witn we times, on all subjects pertaining to honorable sport. BTtA Will TITltl Vr .Ftv.nn.t--.. -l 1. ..I - columns anything tending in any wise to demoralize or degrade public sentiment.; . . , j ; . : I, THE FIELD-elng . the only Sporting- Journal published West of New York, and the recognised South, among whom it enjoys a large and increasing pawuuag., ywKBBw Duucriur . Havaau-jge as an ad vertising medium, which will be appreciated by Siose desiring to make their business known in the nited States. ... , apr22-tf The Biblical Recorder, PUBLISHED BY I ' Edwards, Broughton & Co. . . ' RALEIGH, N. C. I - REV. O. T. BAILEY, Editor,? f . I REV. J. D. HUFHAM, Associate Editor, i REV. W. T. WALTERS, D. D., Agricult'ai Editor. Organ, of Norili" Carolina Bbtists In Us Fortieth Tear.; ; .EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAfcE ITj . - . . - - ; . : i -. ; As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed v ;;. BIBLICAL RECOVER. 5 s janSOtf , i , i r Ralelg,N.C. 4- fTh llonrde Enuif ei BO Y L I N & i W O T. F Ti! Editors and ProDrieters. ' T!HB INQUIRER IS PtTBLISHED At -MON-roe, Unienconnty, N. C; every Tueeday, at $3 00 a year. . The ERQumuLciieulates extensively xii-V--iarnnAnit tlim ,nnHi 1 .-. tt i t.-i . J field and Lancaster, and reaches a very , large num ber of intelligent readers. -1 - - r WV. --.a-uV -... .M Tmt ' - - ... - : - iiuurauaBwui nuuDiHn win naaiitto be fnia Of thA hunt -UlvarH-rln- 1l-m-i .1. . r nna Central Railway, aewe guarantee as large a .tJt y"M""Mw o KuypBper Deiween unariott. nd Wilmington with FiBHAn one exception. , sent S-tf- v. ..:,!- F ' ' . fUBLISHBD EVERY TUESDAY MORNING AT CONWAYBORO, 8. Cj,T) j t., W. : BBATY. EDITOR: j. W. e. ffurmrv i " ! termsrls Per Annum. ' A DVERTISEMENTS INSERTED AT? LOW -iT-L rates. Th flhwi m 1a h nnWii.t-n miK- in this county, and a considerable circulation in Co- inmousana-BrunswieK county, N. C, makes It a desirable medium for advertisers. . ; W.H. Bernard is our authorised Agent' in Wil mington, N. C. , I dec 18-tf AtMnson:& Manning's k ' Insurance Rooms, I BANK OF NEW H!M?OVER BUILDING', - ."Wlimlnaston, N.o. ?V- :,i FIRE. " ' ' ;' Queen Insurance Company, of England. .. Morth. British & Mercantile Ins. Co , of England, Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. National Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. Continental Insurance Company, of New York. Phmnix Insurance Company, of New York. Springfield Insurance Co., of Springfield, Mass. , .Boiol Canadian lnfcurance Uompasy, of Canada. -v...:; . iHABINE. , percentile Mutual Ins. Company, of New York. Insurance Co. ef North America, of Philadelphia .' " LIFE. Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Hartford. - Total Assets Represented Ovct $100,000,600 . jan 11-tf Fire and ; Life Insurance Agency o C; .' , ' J. A." BYRNE & CO. ReprcseutluK over $C2, 000,000 Aaieia . i "OFFICE Commercial Exchange Buildin North Water Street. . fob 85-tf ' PIEDMONT & AEUNGT0N Life Insur an c e 0 o m p an v Of Richmond, Virginia. Over. 22,300 Policies Issued Annual Income Over $1,500,000 ; Progressiye ! Prosperous! Prompt ! SHALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOS8K8, tJBri'hi. - INVBST3pNTS,: AMPLE RESfiRVB. AND GOOD 8UEPLU8 Premiums Cash, Policies JLlberui, Annual Division of Surplus. ARTHUR J. HILL, Jr., Agent Office fer the present with br. T. F. Wood. Med) cal Examiner, on Market street, two doers west of Greeli & Planner's druc store, Wilmington, N. C. September S-tf JgNCOUEAGE HOME INSTITUTIONa. ? . ' SecHrity against Pire. THE NORTH CAROLINA UOME INSUItAKCE COKPAN1, RALEIGII,. N. C . This Company continues to write Policies, - at fa t rates, on all classes of insurable property. ul25a.xe Pomptiy adjusted and paid. The "HOME is rapidly growing in pubUc favor, ami appeals, wit confidence, to insurers of property r. North Carolina . - ' . ' U t ASpt8 in all paits of the State! jti B. HT BATTLE Jr President O, B. ROOT, Vice President. . BEATON GALES, Secretary. PUEASKI COWPER, Snperviflor." - - ATKINSON & MANNING, Aokkts, aual-tf Wiimincton. N. c. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Cash Capital paid Tn $300,000 Surplus -Fund $50,000 DIREC1 ORP- . 'wm. stedaN i GRAINGER JAS. A. LEAK 1- iirrri-4TI-- JOHwAVFSON -D. R. MTJRCHIS- R. R. BREDGERS g. B.. BORDEK J. W. ATKINSON M. WBDDELL. I V .. L B.' GRAINGER, President S. D. W-i-LLACB, Cashier auSO-tf W. H. GBEGa,Pre8t. V F. W. Rockwmx, Sec. Southern White Lead Co. Ever? package of this Company's brand of Strict ly Pure White Lead bears the following guarantee "TBI! Wwttv I vin'nulF.T-,.T, ... n .. " - lillD X AJJ-.--ti B IS OtTABANTEED BT THS ManOTACTTJKEBS. THE SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD CO., St. Louw, Mo., TO CONTAIN HO'ADULTSBATIOH WHATEVKB. It IB COXPOB-CD K B THiKLY OF PKJ.MCTI.T- PUBX CABBO TiATR n, T.le A Tl . nm Tiu-..n f TT .vm. .-- j-nB.ir WJ-U. JUXJW JC BVIaU DUB' jbct to Chsshcal. Ahaxtsis amd tbh Biow Pipe Test." . The nnme nf this rvimn.mt .a j.a .vt v STRICTLY PURE Lead, it is not placed uuon a :"v" " inicauc quiuiiy. do parties pur- Svh.5,?..Whlte Lead hranded-"SOUTHERN COM- FECTLY PURE : K?ICLE. ' For Rfilft hv Tlis tm Po.. . inj mi. the West and South. , octl0-3m ROD & CUW, LATE THE AMERICAN "SPORTSMAN. A SIXTEEN PAGE PAPKR: DEDICATED TO Shooting, Mm ani Mnral History, OCIHNCI., AMUSEMENT, ADVENTURE AND Bpoutskwt of America. PRICE. $1.00. 8 Months. $.00. 6 Months. $4 Yearly .. minx"t': seca stamp ior specimen copy to -i .. .. . i- ROD & GUN. AprilfKf 31 Park Row, New York Latest Styles. HAVING RECEIVED BY EXPRESS BLOCKS Of the latest k. tIab nf Hat. .- T .-. -,a t kii dren, Mrs. Virginia A. Orr is prepaeed to alter, pre&e uu uiu nun. cuuuica io ner. via jiouneis and Gentlemen's Panama Hats made to Look as Well - us NeW. For Dftrtipnlr I rn tir wan tn r.. twttt . Nun.between 3rd and 4th streets. ' The Camden Journal. PutMshed Every Tiursday,at Camden, A. C, IS THE OLDEST-E8TABLISHED. PAPER IN -CnrpbAw nnnntr. anA Kna .-totUr. .i.inu among the Merchants, Farmers snd fell classes -of It offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a deslr- aY1a 1rv1ntn fnr' AdvArHafni, ,V. -.- tw. u.i.j.1. itcirculates, being connected with that city by steam er on the Wateree River, and the Wilmington, Co fnmllf-L flni. Ancmats 17-i.1f4r.ai . . Liberal terms will be made with those desiring to suveruse. . STRICTIiY ltX tl BLEACHED W Subscription price, $3 60 per annum. Address, FRANTHAM &IJ1AY, febS7-tf . Kditors and Proprietor! dec31-DAWtf JHALL & PEARS ALL.

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