Y i J- .t .1 ... -, ', ( i. ! I 1 I ! f i 1 i i- f lib f Y.V- : f Bt 0. 1 if; Si I'm I ink If 1 ' i .V j : -I 1 tnrning WILMINGTON, N. C: Satukday.Mobning, Jan. 13,1877. BY TELEGRAPH. 'Afternoon Reports. WASHINGTON. Natlert in Consre Work of. the .-Committees Latest from New Or- leana How the Oregon Fund was trued. ''. "" ' ' "".'" : Washington, Jan. 12: Li the Senate Mr. Chaffee,' of Colorado;, introduced a bill to abolish the use of stoves for heating passenger railroad cars. Referred to the committee oh Railroads. - The sister committees of the two Houses meet at one o'clock for consultation. The meeting will be somewhat in the nature of a joint committee, with a Senator presiding. The commiitee on Privileges, Rights and Duties of the House will report,, in addi tion to otVer points reported; that no vote sball be counted against the j judgment of the House. The report was adopted by a strict party vote. I The Judiciary committee of the House will report the answer of Barnes,, the New Orleans telegraph manager I insufficient, and submit the case to the House for furT ther action. President Orton has not yet been presented at the bar of the House. The committee took no action in regard to the Returning- Board, whose contumacy was referred to them. j The Privileges and Elections committee had no meeting. I " - Latest dispatches from New f Orleans show no change. The Republican Senate is still without a quorum. Three Senators are said to be at Pinchback's house, guard ed, at their request, by Nicholls' police, against capture by the ttergeant-at-Arms of the House. ..''.". A dispatch from Salem. Oregon, says a Republican lawyer got three thousand dol lars for arguing in favor of Uronin netore . Gov. Grover, that Cronin got three thou sand for carrying the vote to Wasningtoj, and that the balance of the money was re turned, I NEW YORK, Total Z.oss of a snip front Stranding The Steamer Amerlqne Capture of Express Robbers. ; New York, Jan. 12. The ship Simla, which was stranded a week ago five miles south of Barnegat, yesterday began to fall to pieces and will become a total loss. " $ The hull of the steamer Amerique is im bedded twelve feet in the sand, and the task of saving her is looked upon as a pro digious one. -f " , Potjghkeepsie, Jan. 12. . Detectives arrested three burglars on the Montreal train this morning at 2 o'clock, who had planned to. rob tbe safes of the National Express Company, j The burglars were at work on the car when detected. They are bow in jail hire. . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Conference Adjourned to Monday An Ultimatum to Turkey then to b Presented Hlsmarclt Impatient. i " -: ; ' - London, Jan. 12. The Conference has adjourned to Mon day, when it is supposed a proposition in the shape of an ultimatum will be present ed to Turkey. ' j Bismarck is reported as becoming impa tient, as the prolongation of the conference is damaging to the dignity of the European Powers. I . Tjtaly proposes an adjournment of the 'Ocrece to Vienna. ; Ituasisrjjuahing her . military prepara- " CONGRESS.. Answer of a Recusant Witness Ho Is Remanded to -Custody Rrfport of tbe committee on the Rlshts and PrlYileseof the House-i-The Senate and House Pronounced on an Equal Footlns In Counting the Electoral Vote A Petition from Business Men on the sabjeet of pohatlng the Vote Speech of Frellashuysen, &c. Washington, Jan. 12. HOUSE The House had 5 at its : bar to day. E. W. Barnes, the recusant witness, and after listening to his answer, that if he again assumed control of the New Orleans office, and there were there any of the tele grams demanded of him he would be wiU . ing to produce them, adopted a resolution - that witness hadjnot made sufficient answer, - and remanding him to the 'custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms. , j Mr Knott, of Kentucky, from the c om mittee on determining the rights and priv ilegesof the House in counting the electoral . votes, submitted that the President of the Senate "had no right to determine what electoral votes shall be counted, and that the powers of the Senate and House are equal in respect to the counting of these votes. - He gave notice that he would call it up for action on Wednesday next Messrs. Field, of New York, and Law rence, of Ohio, were appointed as additional members of that committee. ' Adjourned till Monday. SENATE Mr. Prelinghuysen presented a petition from persons representing the financial, commercial, manufacturing and business interests of Newark, New Jersey, asking that in counting the electoral vote v all party considerations be laid aside and pure unselfish patriotism guide th? action of Congress. The petition having been read, Mr. Prelinghuysen said he sympathiz ed with the sentiments -of the petitioners. He believed there was patriotism ie.noueh and statesmanship enough in the represen tatives of the Alnerican people.1 to reach a satisfactory conclusion in regard to the present embarrassment, and he had hoped that patriotism and statesmanship would be exercised. If Congress should reach a i satisfactory solution of the complications, which all now deprecated, the effect would prove a boon to this nation worthy of the memorial here. The petition was referred to the special committee of seven Senators, appointed to consider the Presidential difficulties. The bill for the correction and revision of the laws passed. Mr. Booth addressed the Senate in favor of his plan for counting the electoral votes, Which Submits the nninta nnnn whiAh hnth Houses are unable to agree to the Supreme Adjourned to Monday. LOUISIANAj ; , No Change In the situation. Nkw Oblkanb, Jan. 12. : No change in the situation since yester . . day. The weather is wet and exceedingly '-j disagreeable. -Both parties: are awaiting , 1 . advices from Washington j before taking ' further action. - i The-Republican Legislature had another : ballot, resulting: Pincbback 29, Antoine 22, Beattie 12, Lewis 11, the remainder scattering, ' i '.r yjf. ; , ' ' The coroner's inquest, in the case of But ler, killed in the accident on the Pensacola Railroad, rendered averdict of malicious interference with the track by parties un- known. i-".,' i I Nomination and Couflrmaltdil-cab-luet MeeUns No; Conclusion Ar ' rived at by the Coniinltteeon Coant - Ibc tbe Electoral Vote, &e. I : : v; Washington, Jao. 12. j Jesse A. Glenn has been nominated for postmaster at Dalton, Ga. The Senate to day confirmed Woodford as U. S. District Attorney for thaBoutbero District of New York. - j There was an hour's Cabinet session, but nothing important received attentipn. . . Official dispatches from Newl Qrleana present no new features,' --''- , A. 1 The Cabinet did not consider Southern affairs .toay.; V :&i;yo jot Us 1 . The joint committee ou' counting the electoral vote'adjourned to6 pcTok.- They meet again to morrow Nothing transpired beyond that they. are not through and had arrived at no conclusion. - i ''" ' '" The fact of another; prOlpngatVMi-iof .earn e' arrest aoes not involve as present any unreasonable or inconvenient personal restraint. ... VIHGINA. 1:A Arrival at.Norfolit of the Grajul Duke. Alexis on the Flag ship of .the.Rus slan Squadron The Other. Ships of - the Squadron Expected'. A c. r Nobtolk, Jan. 12. . The frigate Svetlan, flagship of theRast sian squadron, arrived in. Hamptdn Roads this afternoon, having on board Grand Duke Alexis and Admiral Boutjoff. The remaining ships of . the squad rent are ex pected to .arrive to-morrow. , -The Russian minister and Admiral Crawn, of he Rus sian navy, chartered a tug and immediately went down ' from here to . Hamptdn Roads to escort the Grand Duke to this city. Suit able anartments have; been provided for him at the Atlantic. Hotel, f s '- -; Port Monroe, Jan'. 12,. , The ; monitors Wyandotte, Passaic and Montauk, which have been in the Roads for the past three months, were sent up to Norfolk to day to make room for the Rus sian fleet, which is hourly expected. The Roads is crowded with merchant' vessels. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. The Liverpool Cotton Trade Prohi bition ' of the Export of Grain and Cattle The Demands of Roumanla, LiYfiBrooL, Jan. 12. The circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association, in its review of the week ending last night,1 says: The market was animated tne early part of the week, and, with extensive business, prices ad vanced considerably. There hasj been, a quieter tone since Tuesday, and the mar ket was flat to-day (Thursday), with a pres sure to sell, and a portion' of the advance was lost American continued in 'very ex- uve request in tne earner part of tbe week, and prices advanced 5-16d.. The market has been less active since Tuesday, and, being f ally supplied, l-16id of ithe ad vance has been lost. Sea Island has been neglected, but prices are firm. Int futures transactions continue large, with consider able fluctuations in prices. ; )x ' I i ' London, Jan. 12. The Foreign ofQce received a dispatch from the British ambassadors at Constanti nople, announcing that tbe export of grain and cattle has been prohibited from the Danube, and the- export of grain prohibi ted irom tne ports of Trebisahd. Samsur and Kerasun. . i : . ; j Constantinople, Jan. 12. ' A note has been presented to Saf vet Pa sho, Minister of Foreign Affairs, from the Roumanian government, demanding that Turkey recognize that lioumania forms no integral portion of the Ottoman territory, , Oii i WEATHER RBPOKtJ W All DzPASTMItNT , omcexit Chief Bicaal Officer, WHsmngion, jai an. 13730 Pi U Indications.- For the South Atia!o aud zsf GQirt States, falling followed by rising hrone ter, warm northerly winds, veering to deci dedly colder westerly arid increasing cloudiness will prevail, with probablv oc- vutuvnni iigni rains. ELECTRIC Lucille Western,' the actress, is jead. Slivin & Cain, dry goods dealers! Louis ville, havLgone into liquidation; liabilities $160,000. ....... . The new steamer Calumet, loaded for New Orleans, was sunk by moving ice at Cincinnati yesterday morning. , ; : , Afire at Rockport NI T., caused by, the explosion of a kerosene lamp, i burned the old Methodist Ch.urch.with other build ings. Loss $40,000 -. s The thermometer, at Watertownj N. T., at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, indicated two degrees below zero, a change of fifty degrees in tea hours, j ; y ; : ; The steamship Nova Scotian, from Balti more, arrived at Halifax, at 3 P. M. yes terday 'and sailed at 8 o'clock for Liver- Lpool via St. John, N. F, : - . i ,? . A Gloucester (Mass.) dispatch, daed Jan-' nary 11th, reports that ten schooners of the fishing 'fleet from that port are missing, and doubtless lost, and that the crews probably perished. , . .itA Rev. Stuart Roberson, of Louisville,' has recovered thirty thousand dollars; and his lawyers fees and costs, . in the. libel suit against McKeev Fishback& House, propriev tors of the St. Louis Democrat. The Pennsylvania Senate yesterday pass ed the resolution agreed upon in caucus Thursday, denouncing threats of violence as being intended to prevent or imperil the declaration and confirmation, of the consti tutional election for President ; and Vice President. :?-:-,-..v; ; -a-.,- DOBIEST1C nAUKBTK. Nifw York, January 12 IToon. 1 . ; Financial. .- Stocks active and lower.' Motley 5 per cent. Gold onenert at lOit inH ln.a 1061. Sterling Exchanpn Inner 4RS1. ehnrt .485 J. Governments' dull but strong. State bonds dull but very. strong.- j Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat dull and unchanged, flnrn 'nnint Pork steady at tl8 25. Lard teiidvi steam $11 45. Spirits turoentine firm at 45 cts. Rosin quiet at $2 4500 55 for strained. Freights dull. . : : Uotton steady, with sales of 506 bales; uplands 13 cents; Orleans 13-16 cts. h utures firm, as follows r j January 13 cents; February 13i13 816 cts: March lotio i-io cents; April lif, V-8213f cts; May .13 3 3213 -16 cts: June 131 13 15-16 cts. -; . : 'r Nkw Tob Jan. fEvening. Ti Monev dull and . offered at a nPl fnt Rtprlintr fiTP.hancra ctaadv aqoi nrm.er at 106f106. ,Japvernments active auu strung new nves 14.lf , Btata DondS Steady. ' ; - '" j ' - Cotton firm, with! sale of 40Q hula of 13ai3 3-16 , cents: - recpJntA for tli net .7,605 bales gross 22,035 bales; txports to Great Britain. . 7.408 halcni tntha nnnti. nent 386 bales; sales ; for the week 8,028 bales; stock 236,678 bales. Fiouf drill with no decided change in rtrirp unA in limitAd export and home . trade demand; Southern nour ami ana uncnaneea. u Wheat xmiet WASHINGTON t . : , ' ,r . - .. m i SPARKS. ( BaCaUS and nominaUy Unchanged, with ' shippers , and millers inclined to hold off, and hold-' erf exhibit no : pressing desire to realize. Corn 4 cent ; better, with a very fair exp6rt and moderate home trade demand 8i 60ic for -No. 2 white western; 57i60c for new yellow Southern on dock and-afloat Oats 1c better and -fairly active.- Coffee- Rio firm and in fair demand; cargoes 19 23ic gold; job lots 1923Jc gold. Sugar quiet and firm at 99f c for fair to good refining; refined easier and in- moderate demand;. HicJ for standard. A;. llf lljc for granulated; llc for crushed and pow dered. Molacses foreign grades dull; New Orleans quiet at 45G0c. Rice steady and In moderate itrquiry. Tallow steady j at 8 8ic Rosin quiet at $2 452 55 for strain ed.1 Spirits ' turpentine firmer at 4G$47c. Pork duU, heavy and decidedly lower; mess $18. Lard heavy but lower, and is held at $11:30. Whiskey steady at $1 15. Freights quiet. i ; ; - .., ? Cotton net receipts 628 bales; gross re-r ceipts 1527 bales. Futures' closed firmer ; sales of 36,000 bales as follows: January, 13 3-1618 7-82 cents; February 13 11-32 ,13 cents; March, 13 9-1613 19-32 cents; April,13 25 3213 13-16 Cts; May, 13 31-32 14 cents; June, 14145-32 center July I4i14 9-82 cents; August, 14 5-16 cents; beptemoeT, 15-lti cents; October, 13 9-1613f cents; November, .13! 5-16 13 7-16 cents. V Baltimobb, Jan. 12. Flour active, strone and buovante How ard street and Western Superfine $4 75 5 50; lfixtra 6 50; Family $6757 50; Rio- brands $8 0U; family f9 00. I Wheat scarce and firm Pennsylvania redjfl 55 1 57; Maryland red, prime, $1 581 60; amber $1 62; white $1 501 6U Souths em corn scarce and' firmer; new Southern white 56c; white 5556c;. yellow 5860c. Oats quiet and steady. Rye steady and firm. Provisions steady and Unchanged. Coffee quiet and firm. Whiskey dull und lower at $1 13. Sugar active at 11 jc- . '. CiNcrNNATi, Jan. 12.: Flour firmer. Wheat firmer, but not quo tably higher; red $1 401 59. Corn quiet and steady at 4445 cents. Oats steady at 3439 cents. ' Rye easier at 81c i Barley nominally unchanged. Pork duil at $17 75. Lard dull and lower steam rendered $111; kettle H212 cents. Bulk meats in active demand, chiefly for speculation shoulders 6f6c; short rib sides 8fc; short clear Bides 9c. Bacon quiet and unclianged. Green meats easier shoulders 664c, w hisKey nrm at fi 05. v n f -.1 f Bt. Lotus, Jan. 12 Flour firm and unchanged. Wheat ex cited and higher No. 2 red fall $1 49 1 494; No. 3 do: $1 43J. Corn firm No. 2 mixed 40c. - Oats quiet and firm at 33ic. Rye 7272ic Barley steady and firm- choice Wisconsin 9oc. Whiskey quiet! at $1 07. Pork dull at $17 25 bid. Lifrd dull atllc bid. Bulk meats dull and nominal at 6i, &, 8&, 8f, 8 and 9 cents for! shoul ders, clear rib and clear sides. Bacon in active at 71, 9 and 10 cents for shoulders, clear no and clear sides. COTTON niBKBTil. Weekly Receipts. Mobile, quiet and steady at 12i cents net receipts 10,200 bales; Savannah, quiet at 12 cts net re ceipts 15,472 bales; New Orleans, steady at 12 cents net receipts 22,832 bales; Charleston, steady at 12f cts net receipts 6,980 bales; Memphis, steady at 12 j cts net receipts 4,355 bales; Norfolk, quiet and steady at 12J cts net receipts 10,280 bales; Galveston, dull and lower to sell at 12 cts net receipts 22,932 bales; Bostdnl, quiet at 13i cents net receipts 3,203 bales; Bal timore, quiet and firm at 12 cts cross re ceipts none; Philadelphia, quiet at 13 cts net receipts 1106 bales. VOUKlun NARKKTS. Ltvkbpool, January 12 Noon Cotton quiet and unchanged; middling uplands 7d; middling Orleans 7d; sales or lu.ooo bie, iududioe 2.000 bales which were taken for speculation and ex port; receipts 14.900. of which 11.500 were American, Futures weakervwkh sellers at last night's price8, but hare since 'become l-is2dde&rerimiddin7unrw1a I lm f Jan and February deliverr, 18-16S 27-52d ; February and March de!ivery,61a6 15-16dt March and Am-il 7 (A7 l-32d: Abril and May71-16d; May and June 7i7 5-32d; June and July 7 3-167 7-32d; middling uplands, 1. m. c, shipped December and January, per sail, 6 15-16d; January and February, 7d; February and March 7 3-32 74d. . I Tbe sales for the week were 130,000 bales, of which 48,000 were for speculation and export; stock 608,000 bales; American 365, 000 bales;receipts 138,000 bales, bt which 107,000 were American ; actual export 4,000 bales; afloat 365,000 bales, of which 308,000 are American; sales of American 56,000 oaies. , 5 ' Sales of bales. LATER Amencan cotton to-day 6,900 t V ; LATER . Middling uplands, 1. m. c, March and Apru delivery, 7d. I j ; t LivEKPOoii, Jan. 11 31 p. m. juiuuang upianus, l m. c., Marco and April delivery, 71-32d; April and May 3-82. . - .- : ': ' . ' j I Look to Your Interest AdTertisiii is a FrofitaMe Inyestment The Kershaw Gazette mintton and elsewhere, raperier indncementa to adTertiae tkelr buKinesB in Its colmaEa. Hrlne m large sad repidlr increasing circulation throughout one of the wealthiest sections on the Wateree river, it is considered a most . f Valuable Advertising Medium. -Asverasers who desire to roach purchasers should advertise in the GAZETTE. 'I I It is published in Camden, Kershaw Co., iB.'c., at m wTigHuwaa uie wsieree river, at $x Par terms of advertising, Ac; address : I ' - FRaKK P. BaiBD. Bd. AProri'r, Powder, Shot, &c. TnxxTTWT a"arm A vm n a tux . i t . ' , ,CABTRIDGES,,ALI, SIZBsL Breech-Loading and Muzzle-Loadnig GUN8. .-TT VTAiia, KAJtLKUDS, SHELLS, 4c, For saie cheap by )l26-tf No. 25 South Front Bt. U1EU. Al f1Ifnr no The B0AH0EE HEWS. PRICE REDUCED FOR THE CENTENNIAL TEAR. Mepenfient Seii-WecHy Newsptoer SXVpXXD TO POLITICS, LITERATURE, AGRICUL TURE and NEWS. . Circulation Large and Daily Increasing NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBIL It Circnlfttoa In. ThtrHr.twn IVnnHu .1.' 1TL.J , 1 linn rem AOIO. ouuacripuon jrnoe, in Advance, $3 per year, 8nd lor sample copy to : MANKIKG BEOS., Proprietorg, . mall-.tf 1876. Postpaid. 81.60. A llONTHLYTCAGAZIITa " FOB "YOUNGEST t. Besders. Snnerhl-r Tnantratarf- RmA in r.t.t. w oampie xiunoer. BUDscrue wow, and jttt nMt m uniwn u uu f ok rsu I hn r . . JOHN L. SHOHEY, ' oetM-U m 36 Bromfleld Street, Boston. Sat It H i : a-. B R O W W Urn AVE OFFER GREAT INDUCEMENTS ; . - JAJN U Alt l; ln siiCQ uoooB . as .DeionR vo . inter, wear,, ana V" in'ordcr toclosd out the same have made ' 1 ; ; ' : ": '' ' - - SaTECEIELI In G-?eiB E DiUiC T 1-0 N S. liie iruoue are iuuy aware, iium uicir eApcucutc ui iuu iuav ; . We -NETER advertise What ari not prepared 16 do. : We' have" hot ihe space to enu merate every article "uttliBjollowing. is ;a SMALL sample o r! BLANKETS reduced to $2 a pair f - , CLOAKS reduced to $3. c vs. ..r c. t .. The above are, consigned from onp ; pf the largest Importing Houses in the Nortb, .apd T " " MUST BE jsolo. FELT SKIRTS, all reduced, A Beautiful Assortment. ..; ij. -.- . r Unprecedented Low Prices!1 ONE PRICE! : ii I dec 30-tf COMMERCIAli. WILMINGTON MARKET: The official quotations of the 'roducc Exchange are posted daily at 1 P. tM., and refer to prices at that hour STAR OFFICE, Jan. 12. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Official au. tations firm at 44 cents per gallon' for Southern packages. Sales of 325 caiks at 44 cents, market iclcfing strong at thit price. ! ROSIN Official quotations fim at $2 25 for Strained and Good Sprained. Sales of only 95 bbls Good Straipeds re ported at $2 25 per bbl. ! ' ; ; , : TAR Official quotations steady at $1 80 per bbl. Sales at quotations. , CRUDE TURPENTINE. Official quo tations steady at $2 25 for Hard and 3 25 for Yellow Dip and Virgin.less extia. Sales at quotations. COTTON No official Quotations. The market wat entirely nominal, with do sales to report, 12 cents heing the besj bid for middling, and sellers asking 12- cents, receipts. j X Cotton ... Spirits turpentine i. Rosin. Tar. Crude turpentine.. , 616 bales 218 casks 2,350 bbls. 100 bbls, 483 bbls. Charleston lVavalBStores Rrlcet Jam. Jl. : The arrivals were 112 casks spirits tur- npntinAnnH hnrrpia main Hulnfl nf 9S3 bote rosin at $2 80 for extra N6.:2; $2 35 a u ior iow jno. 1: z -ou-iuf jmo.i; f uu for extra No. 1: i2 80 for low Dale, land $3 25 for pale Spirits turpentine quiet; sales zo casKs at 41, 42 ana sacas in pacE- ages. New York Naval Store .Harkef, iteceipU to-dr St4 bbls rosin, 67 1 do piriU turpentine, 121 da. tar. , aauie luee ularity of tone can be noticed, but as" a rule holder-appear ,ta have a fair amount of iinnA.... ' A ' : t . 1 vuuuucuu), iu rciraiu ixum urging ou siness. Spirits turpentine has attracted more demand at the decline, and the move ment was very fair to-day, with a rfecoVery on values and a show -of firmness at the close. Bales 2UU bbls Southerns and New Yorks at45i46ic, and 200 bbls Southerns at 461c, in shipping order. Rosins appear ed to rather lack strength on prices, and were selling slowly. We hear of only 800 uDis ai fs ot ior x4o., .1. Tar ; and pitch quiet and unchanged. . - j The telegrapbic aavices were as follows: Liverpool Spirits turpentine. 36s 6d: rosin common, 6s 9d; fine, 10a 6d. London rosin 7s 0d7s 3d for common; palp, 12 MARINE; I Port Almanac January 13. Sun Rises .................... 7-lb a: ML Sun Sets. . . , ; 5K P. M m aw: vu--vuvuie;. ...... i :34 Hiven " (Wilmington).. . . 10:04 Even. Day's Length 9:5S i ARRIVED. ! I Worth, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. 1 ' Stmr Wave, Robeson, Fayetteville Williams Murchi8on. Z, . . i , : ' Stmr North East, Paddison, Point Cas well, Preston Cumming & Co. s SUnderhill, Piatt, Smjtiiville, O G Parsley & Co. .' j . , Swed .brig Caren, 260 tons, Schmidt, Dunkirk, R E Heide. 1 r i t0.ScLr Charlotte Ann Pigott, UotsA Little River, 8 C, naval stores to W I Gore. Nor bam UP T.paapna flRA inno taL JLimmenck, Ireland, 51 days, Alex "Sprunt Ger barnnft Aiipnafn Tio wo 1.L- Dreves, Bristol, England, 123 davsE Pe- ouunu o& vt estermann. 1 : s .. j CLEARED. i f GoI0.Worth' Vftevaie, ia uu mmj w a mm . oimr" wavei HKobeson; FayetteviUe, Stmr North "Raat. Phrli wcii, jrietuon Vyumming ess Jo. ; StmrJf.S Underbill. Plntt G Parsley & Co. 1 - ' ur brig Brisk, Trefry, Liverpoql, Alex Sprunt & Son and Vick & Mebahe. ? f Schr Marv Lvmhnrirfir IWt..' tj.i.j! moreHarriss & Howell, ; f a ' 1 ocur onanoue AnnJt-igott, Morse, Little ""'I u j, 11 x wore Baltimore Schr MaW TiviUiL-i? ' 59,000 feet lumber, 200,000 shingles. ' - j Jivbbpool Br brig Brisk 1,044 bales cotton. - 1 r For Sale, SCHOONRH "T.TTTr.P Light draft: will carry 0 tons, or 2500 bushels grain; is well found la chains. aucnurs ana ngging, and will be sold iow ior uasn Apply to r I Annlv a JAMES POWER Js Citi X- Row! 4 - . i.; , Fire Wksliy? OWING TO ' WANT OF-ROOM IN T OLD Store; I am conwllsd to keep my stock: of TY1TS S and FIB 8- WORKS st my Second Bruit and Confectionery Store, No. 84 South side Market St. 1 1 A ran supply, however, or CAISDia,X)NFEC TIONERYaBd FRUIT can still be found at the oi a lore. aec SO-tf S. G. NORTHROP.. 1 1 s-g-sssi . - 1 Exponis. j " .-; .deciat-lat4? i ; '. r 'f, -7' ROD Di If C Ri'S TO ' PURCHASERS v FOR TJaE; MPNflL LADIES' KNIT JACKETS, i , . ' Reduced to 50 da. GOOD WHITE FLANNEL, ' ; : ! ri-nt 1-.-..X it II -t j Reduced tp 15 cts. fiOTTOtt FLANNEL, redurAd to t) r.ts.- E LadiesV Gentsf;atld ; Chfldreh's ,Uto4erwear Al.Ii REDUCED.: i ..-. WAMSUTTA SHIRTSlOO Linen, 75 cts FRANK LESLIE'S Cut Paper Patterns Catalogues Free. .STRICTLY. CASH! 45 Market Street. WHOLESALE resent the wholesale prices generally, li making sVaBM. n.w Annrunnna T gtannM hA nhrl ArAtAArf Kin' SB SBiaji oraers nigner pncs nave to oe coargeo,; . ; , THICKS. BAGGING Gunny.. ..... ."I 1 ; Double Anchor. Double Anchor ' A". BACON North Carolina. " , ,' , . name, 9 tt(nev). .... ... . -V Shoulders, ft ..'..'I : Sides, N. C. choice, s) ft... Western baioked ( : . : s , ; . Hams.. ..r...VVl. , 'Sides, J ft ... , Shoulders,. ..... ...... Dry Salted: : 00 m 00 MX 1 ft 16 lc a 16 Ott Q . 00 Q 00 - 00 Q a 00 17, 12 10 ii: 8 6 Sldfcs ft....".;.'.' suouiacrs... RHtV.nn thhDvtf BARHKLS Spirits TurpcnUBA , Second Band, each.... .. ... - - New New York. each. ; . : .. New City, each BKBSWAX-V ft...;.,;..-.;.'.. B HICKS Wilmlnxtoii, H ... Nnrthern 0 00 a 180 1 90 & 0i 1 80 & 19 1- 36 & 23 8 00 to 10 00 32 Q 1400 15 O 30 . .-. ......... B OTTER North Carolina, y ft . nortnern, v ... ... CANDLESHperm, V ft. TaUow, 9 ft.,... -Sa B 40 4a- '; "14. o 15 & 1 & M U . 20 O 4 TO & 7 a I5ff 13 I CHESS B Northern FactoryV . xiairy, creamy . . ....... -'. State, SB ft.... it. ...., CO b" FKB Java, ft j .a-., Rio, V ft ......... .. f Mixn Lrm S 4 10 IS 85 S3 COJElNMKALr-Sl.baehol.iu sacks nranviNTTHaii bv DOKKSTICS-Sheetlni'.tiliiVd 1 iuu, 9 oaucn...... ....... EGGS.. .T... FISH Mackerel, No. U9 bbl. .... No. I, bbl .i.... ... Kackerel. No. s, 9 bbl. .. Nc.l,sj-bbl.. ........ - UD sTA 80 & 1 25" 16 00- O 90 00 8 60 fh fi 00 13 00 18 50 1 50. U 00 MulletaTlflbW U 60 & 11 50 4 00 fik 800 N. O. Herring, 9 bbt.. . .... . S 00 f 60 Drr Cod. rLOUE Fine, 9 bbl 4 50 & 500 615, 7 00 7 50 ft 8 as . super, rturuiom, w 001...... Bxtrsdo. " 9 bbl...... Family " bbl . 00 & 10 50 . ffltr sTIHii flnnsr bhl Kxba, bbU.... 0 00 Q 550 0 00 5 7 00 jramuy, v dm.. gx.VaraHy, 9 bbl ; purrnJZKss , Peruvian Guano, V 20UU fts Baugh's Phosphate, " " Caroiiaa Farthiser, Ground Bone. " '.. Bone Heal. ,. .:- 0 00 7 75 0 00 850 67 50 C 00 00 fi 50 00 C 0000 e 00 00 Flour, Navaaaa Guano, " " Oompsste Manure " " Wharm's Phosphate u : WandoPhosphat Tr 00 00 & 6700 68 00. O 65 00 00 00 ft 67 00 08 00 D 7000 00 ou, R to 00 co 00 o.eooaJ ExceUeusa Cotton FertUiser B.. .. .... ....it mm HP. Corn, wholeaala. la baral . V1W, 9 WUBUOl..... ......... Pau flaw al JinahAI iixlj uraeu, V - Dry.ft.. i. HAT Eastern, SI 100 fts Westers, 9 100 fts........ ' North River, 9 100 fts...... . HOOP IRON ton ... LUMBXB Crrt &Tiaiisiinmll - - ajupBtux,resaweo, w airt Rnnirh Um Plank. SJ V ft WeallndiaCargoeB,aocordiiir ! toguaUty,1htft .7? 14 00 18 00 ireanev rnwouu iniaiw mini Scantling sad iSqaras, com I monTS Mft.... ...... .... MOLA88K& Cuba, hhds, 9 gal. . Cubs, bbls 9 ....... " Sugsi House, hhdB, 9 gal. . 4yr Sble bbI" E NAnSnt, 4 to SSL '9 keg!." I ulljO averoeene, y ai... POULTR 1 " . Hiwlno PVTFPHJ nnahal POTATOES Sweet, JB bushel.'.' insu, noruern, ddi ..... PORK Northru,City Ueaa.... , This V bbl.. r Priaie, bbl.......... Rump, V bbl.. fUCS-U&Lv ft............ :. oantnua, v s , itAQS Country, 9 Tb. ,9 ft,.-. ..... ....... SALT Alum , f) bushel. Ananean. SI aaek.: fUaAB-Cuba,ft.. .....; rortoKico, v . ! A Coffee. 9 ft B " 9 ft .-- o- 9 ft..... a, JSX. U W ID Crushed 9 ft. Miar ftorwern, w ........... PHINGlS- Contract, f2 M..... r nortnc Cypress Saps S M wuuuuui y Jm. s eeeeee 4 STAVBS W. O. Bbt, i M.. R. O HhtL. - r - -- 00 00 00 00 08 10 00 7 60 6 60 Cmrefls. 9 TALwjW St t , f , Mill Prlmeff .. ! r: Common am air. m A - a e,s s . washed.? ft... WUHINGTON : 1KONBX, dIAH&ET. .... IUI. I . 1IM Axcauge (aignt) on New Totk, ......... Jf dise't. . Duumore,..,.. , m - Boston. ......... h PhiladelphU, ........ M BxcBahSre SO dava 8 r.tit interest added t atvv I 'J - WABTATn I :hiob SNew Hoover S1.....i.... 1 ,100 , g?WBm Bank - ?S.?w r Navasia Guano (So. .'."..".".'.' N. C. BondB-ldEx-Coupon.......i..l4 Do. Funding 186............ 6 , Do. " . 1868 6 - Do. i.Hew..V.i.-.-..;.i.-.-...v5 Do.. Special Tax........ 1 Do. to N. a Railrosd.V.i:.....49 W A Xxr t H TtrnMlaV D.Hnld n inn Carolina Central R. X. Bonds, 6 9c..' .40 w luumnon vuty uonas, s wo. . . . . . ... do 7 e... . . HO ' ntd it Oj an "''.'uew ec.":.'(W(aoldInt) P7AW T7laBvav llTITlfV ftATlaSl l1l.VtMM al alVia- " ' - arn M l M 6 c(Go,d Iat).......;,...,....V80 f JiYfi North Carolina R. E. M "U'"Il!:4b5 ? ' a'ti? wumintrton cotton MUls.;.. :Vr.;.;0 cheablaij .Tpwlltlonslv. . T'"'uf,l I - ? . I' , ! t .. ' -. ..I. . .... I ! I. GL.UJC aAIN-Coni,ln store, ta.' Cora, Yet, 9 bushel..... x Chickens. tte.'"! iiiit noaKutctfirYAS hook Birxiw A .E?T complete in all all its apMUlanenta: um la in - - . . r-i'r-ni mm usHc-snimoi Anbthfeil?bt !of Of Empress Clothe 50 Cntper rdipfy jXa tfcotf ,'ji:0 ' .-?uJiH.-K i-U- h a it-(5 a ins t.i';i),:R'E'-s:s;H&:Q!o b s .ill . vJaIJ 1U -5? .: Mi 12 -2e 15c. aud 20c per TarA. 1 iilr:-. ;. -iff? : BesirableVery Lo Art !'-!:"' J'-ri; ess. jk4 -. ' V!" i, ' j. t ' M i dec2G-tf List or Vessels In the Port r Wil. ; B ARdTTRS i i i " '," Apollieker JDlesing, 387 tons, Segebar .nuaur iMor.j, aa tons, Andersen, i - ! ,c ' : iv ; Vick & Mebaoe Freidig (Nor:), 25D tODS, Andersen j r Blanche, S50tons, Alsen, Tick & Meban'e CeresXQeTi), 384 Jans, jDoellner, . i ;: '" ' YikingXNor.), 274 tons, Basmussen, j , . . .. '.v'C' :uv(. i.i, t . .. RJJ Heide Dvauiiuii.ur.;, coo ions, uisen, is js tieide EmmaCkBr.) 2960Dtf, Harrison, "' " ff Vick & Mebane Ruth (Nor.), 468 tons,: Andersen, , , ' : ytJ: :'yi-rr 2 .'"-KB Heide AmazonQcrOj SBtons, Ballzer, I :, ' 1 E Peschau & Westerrnann Memoria (Nor.), 579 tons.Arsen, R E Heide WilMam Croscnp (Br.) 461 Ions, Oweat : i ! '! ' ". ; Muster LoUise-Wichard (Gter.), 350 tons, Ehrncke. t V U ";"-E Pescbaii;& Westerrnann Supurb (Ger.), 345 tens, Fmndt, ;' ; 3 E Peschau & Wcsteroiann ScTimtfert Ger. 350 tons, Siebel'ist,r fs I FelioieXNor.), 285 tons.Hvidale, R E Heide Martha (Ger.), 243 tons, Lange, ' n t Busy Bee (Br.), -330 tons, Smith, " , Master Joshua King (Brl), 290 tons, Hamikpn, . . , "Willinma Xr. XT nrphionn Tartar (Br,), 179 tons, Role, ; - i ; ' ' " 1 " "f Alex Sprunt & Son Inca (Ger.). 210 tons, Spisle, ( , : . . ..-.In n..: . ;E Ppfldinn &: Wpslrmnnn James B Eirby,' 334 tons, Scaife, ; - - -. . Northrop & Cumming Brisk (Br.), 284 tons, Trefryt -- 1 , - r i Alex aprunt & SCHOONERS MCMoselw 199 tons. Hieffims' . ' . . r. i. Northrop & Camming ittjiue ocuiu zvo ions. Miien, . - i Master Mary Lymberger, :128 tons, Coombs, E S rowell, 577 tons, Williams, Nellie Starr, 228 tons, Poland, J H Chadboarn & Wave Crest, 300 tons, Wincehnbach, lfSti?fetons.T -ljr-k M.y I W I f irn . " .m.. : -r Hen.ry P Jayens, 322 tons, Pcarce, i :-R4ejfwv ;u.,H;xiar.riss do Jttoweii KATES Ol? lraKIOJEJix.; Per Steamer. Per Sailing - Vessel . . TaKvw Tnnir . j 0 20 Q 0 0 20 & 0 0 00 & 0 20. 0 00 1 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 a 0 0 00 & 0 , 0 00 a 0 t 00 & t t) 00 0 0 00 a 0 I Cde Turpentine j bbl 0 46 a 0 0 i-ar v odu... ....... Spts Turpentine bbl 0 80 a 0 36 85 a 0 00 itosm w nni. . . 40 0 0a 3 00 0 00 Cotton 9 bale...... reanuts y Duauei...... To 'Philadelphia. 0 10 n 0 00 0 09 0 50 0 00 0 50 0 00 ft& 1 GO Tar r.hf. . : 8pU Turpentiiie bail nosui. y nDi. ........ 0 oa ea 0 so Dottnn S3 tiolo' 0 00 8 00 0 00 0L 0 75 cotton Goods m 1 - 1 bale.. Lumber $M;....""! 0 00 AMI 10 0 00 10 00 7 CO S TO JSALTLKSUE. 'CrurlaTnrnenttnn K Mil - I 0 00 o 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 2 0 00 0 45 0 00 01 0 45 Tar S) ihl - Spts Turpentine" "j bbl 000 a 0 90 0 00 0 45 0 00 00 Cotton V bale.... .... . Peanuts ft bushel.:.... Lnsiber M.:.....;.-. Aoam w nni : - 0 00 0 II v W 64 0 0 00 8 00 6 50 -'---To- Bosrev ' Crude Turpentine V bbl Tar Wbbf.... 0 CO 00 00 0 t & 0 00 0 00 a 6 00 0 00 0 SntaTnraimMiM n 1K1 . U 00 0 0 08 0 0 65 0 2 60 0 0 It 0 RoitevVbi....::: Cottnn K Halo . 0 00 0 00 Peanuts tjUflheL'll". 0 00 ia 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 a 0 00 11 50 13 For th e Holidays, 8W I T?ntE CRACKERS, APPLES, i tt I ORANGES, L.EMONS, . BRANDY PEACHES, PICKLES, j CDOOA and ASSORTED NUTS. . - CANNED GOODS, -NUTMEGS. ' CINNAMON, FLAVORING EXTRACTS. BAKING POWDERS, &c. T .-' ' f j ; Flour. ATiARGR STOCK ON HAND OF JARIOUS II l. . . aDiniTO TV T .inn ' Sweet and Salt Snuffs. TOBACCO, SMOKING AND CHEWING, j Various. JGradeslamf JBrands4-Lafe and Ample n 2 Stock.to select from. SUGAR, COFFJSX. MOISES,:LARD;;BUTTEi "Send orders direct to the LArge Wholesale firrupnr nrt rm.fvn TCoixr PVpsh anil Vyim. fu)a c. ADRIAN & VOLLBRS, v i Wholesale Grocers, . " . QornerDocfc. and Front Streets. dec 17-4f ' - EiJiltisr SHIONArtLE BARBER, ' r; : ' ' ' j irrontqreemader Purcell Houio,'" ' Halitjnttiner. Snavinv -and Rhmrvrw!n i. the highest sle of the art. .f - - l I Attentive and polite Barbers always ready to wait upon customers. -- - 'octl3-tf For Christmas. T3QASTINGPIGS. .1 v J-V Also And POULTRY, atSTALLo 67 1 - y. A. WATSQN. r- TAl J? BROKKPW AN Di -COMMISSION MSBCHANT8 0rM,ilBRaANIM8Jei COTTONi NAVAL STOHESi aa therPRODtJOBv j.iwVi f ' r .i5wo suaru: oati. T W8U. vQf-Jf- ' all, flilurlf Inr llfriaflM Ifosra T aa1 OlA. Oi.v T Z , 33 IV1 ar kat StrefiiT ' r. - . -i i -. ;DRESS GOODS Gashinere and Mermoi ! i. m.:j l', i t o i.. if; ,'1 -Jl" ! A ' -'- 5 LW, 11 i i S3 ;rA -O? s;j) fJG Market Street MISCELLANEOUS With the New Year p 'BEQ po , TKNDBR ' Obit ' 'THANKS , uJ JHAJi n K.lNDKBl!jpS, AND ft 1 'l : PATKQN8 POB THEIR e r d::s ti p'p o-k Andto assure them of our appreciation und detir- mination. to deserve it ip future, by careful ! . , attention to oar bustoess, the . 3 ' SUPEHJOg QUALITS of our FAMILY SUPPL1 i and the LOW PRICES of our Goods. It Is eur purpose to make - APKOMIN.fiNT FEATUUEJN.THK FUTURJ Fewer Acccuufg will, be more nrolll- abT to: tiB "'and'' i. ' ; " , Respectfully, 1 ' 1. CHAS. D. MYEES & Co. 5 A: 7 IV ortU Front St. jan 7-tfDAW Review copy. Sundries; 10 000 PEANUT AND CORN SACKS, 100 88168 1rime'B"HAY' -250 g" Buck 811(1 Drop 8HOT ' KegsTTAlLS, J Q Q Boxes CHEESE, 100 Bblrand 20X68 CRACKBM QQ Gross MATCHES. JQ Boxes CANBLES, - 200 J?oxea TOBAcco Half Bala and Boxes SNUPP. . AABbls"FIX)TJlt'angrade,T Son Co BD,B SUOAH, . ',' ALSO, ''- ' - Lake George, Manchester and Lebanon A SHEET ING, Little River and Randolph TARNS, For sale by dec34-tf . t W1IXIAM8: A MUKCB1SON uarters' r- 25 25 60 25 00 10 50 so 80 so 00 75 10 uuoice - ramuv lirocenfts. ; yOHRISTMis NEARLY HERB, AND EVERYBODY EX PECTS SOMETHING EXTRA FOB THE OCCA SION. The same can he mderteii tmm U 00 45 45 75 45 00 LARGE" ANP VARIED .STOCK, ; FOR A- SMALL AMOUNT .0F CASH, CALL AND EXAMlNEBEFiRE; PURCHASING ' ELSEWHERE.". i extra Large table raislSts, " ... ;.v,;'; skedless' raisins. . currants;3;HS;!EHORN 6-TK0N SHELLED ALMONDS,.' . . . " J EXTRACTS; 00 00 48. 40 70 74 00 10 , '. ' . :.' - ; P0W.'D SUGAR. ORANGES, t LEMONS.' APPLES, CRANBERRIES: t: i PRUNES. .r : v ASSORTED ' NUTS'.'" ANX QUANTITY. FROM A TON DOWN. DELIVER GOODS PROMPTLY TO ANY j . s PART OF THE CITY. TUO&Il ; McliO V. dec 16-tf Jno.' W. Gordon & Brother, . " CSEMElt At '; Insuiaiice Agents, ' , . V. Repreacnting '. ; .. 860,000,000 Assets, .. :'.2i NORTH.. WATER ST. jan7-tf ': ' : . .) Special Wotice. ON AND AFTER THE i lU ' i.r..:--, d'j : - . INAUGURATION OF GOV. VANCE . WE WILL OFFER OUR EntirevStq'ck bfiWinter AT PRICESWHICH CANNOT B BEA,TKN IN THE STATIC St Hi SAMSON'.s, ' ':; X f 43 Market Street dtcatrtf 'iCi u For Sale; TWO MULES, ' j ; ' ft JUid jUSftS! HORSE. . k tfl) ,.!) SOL. 'BEAR 'A BROS. i 18 Market street. Heaflq Family