BE IIOEHHTG STAB. By wniffl. BEnSAUD. ' ' '' 'a. a-'- -- -' '? (BLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. BA.TMI 0 flBMBITRO tS AVTXMOU f 1 ... ' A .rt VinaliM' naiAl. .'. ... . IT 00 L.ntnlk It .U'! M'i - a 8 85 month - ' 1 Off Fo City 8mBriben, delivered In any part or the if, yifteem-Csnts pr waek. Our City Agenta are I authorised to collect tor more than three Booths advance. ' - . ' OUTLINES. do iTw Houses of (jongreas mevinjmnv ion.'yeeterdsy, when decision ct&te lission Ws eWtvereda.;, rewoMy-apee, igned tf -'i!$bt the Democrats, was re lented . Democrats nearly eetmpleted preparation, for cootept , over Qrefcon ad Lay they will win iliere'jrtte he toiniBiBiu. ,mr( newui, wu i jdisbursed the Democratic cumpaign money, I is, willing , to show how every. dollar; was A spent; be sent no cipner tefegrams. Friends of Texas Pacific Rallrqadwlll make no farther enort to pass tueurioiu this session. Turks are increasing their earrisonson the Danube. weace neuuau. -r - crisis imminent ax kuon- ; iabiuiiv - -l i, zy i, i atantinople; new Grand Viier appoiBted, : Grant has had another Sunday talS: this time about South Carolina, ,-; v Grant will vacate the White House1' 6a March 3; Good -?Tr? took a recess until iO olockfruTs1ntJrnin2V House' in cancuf last nirhU . 1q the Senate Sherman moved that Louisiana be .given to Hayes; Mr. Keraan aanfflttteA a substitute; ; Mr. Thuiman spoke ia favor of the sub stitute; 'Morton - replied ; Mr. Bayard ad dressed the Senate; Sherman's resolution adopted, 41 to 28..'-- House, vote $360, 000 to ante bellnm mail contractors. .. - The Cabinet do not expect any violation of the law in New Orleans; there is enough of that sort of thing in Washington N. Y. markets Moaey auU at 34'per cent; gold dull at 105fl05; cotton quiet at 12i12j cents; ;spirits turpentine easier at 40 cents; rosin dull at $2 10. Latest By Mail. From 8oail4Crltaa. Special to Charleston--Journal of Com- , ; merce. . I Columbia, February 17. The Hampton taxes (are still being paid in rapidly. All classes and colors of people seem to be eager, to contri bute to ihesuppqrt of the honest go vernment. Over 1166,666 have al ready been received at the Executive office. Charleston, of course, leads off with, her 125,000 payment.. Next to bercoines Newberry. "The colored people are responding as freely in many sections as the whites. In Barnwell couuty- nine hundred co lored people have paid their taxes to the Hampton Government Other counties are doing nearly as well. The collector of Aikea county re ceived the other day a note from the President of the Graniteville Manu facturing Company inviting him , to come to Graniteviile and receive the company's taxes. To-day the com pany's check for $1,000 was re ceived by Governor Hampton... Judge Mackey says that he has it from good authority that Chamberlain's collec tions in ( the entire State do not amount to much over 1950. v n WaahlasrtoB U-lp. Richmond Dispatch Special. Washington, Febl: 17. The Republicans feel that ; they have a certainty of success before them, and don t care s what course their opponent may" take. 'Morton says the decisions of the Commission . ..... f?11 XTa tT5STw22S nnA he denloresthe partisan votes or I . " . . u, votes of tne democrats, ana did they vote with the Republicans, bat that Bradley did vote witn tne Democrats udod an important ques- tion of evidence. This kind of talk provokes the Democrats, very few of whnm are willing to admit Its truth, or can see any joke in it The impudent remarks of these fellows are almost as annoying as the decision of their Tribunal," Senator Bayard says. . . . . L,. The electoral bill was framed with honest intentions, butits object was defeated by the; appointment of two bitter partisans, Garfield and Morton. Deplorable as is the result, he thinks it should be acquiesced in. .... Senator Why te, who opposed but voted for the bill, says it was a com pact, and,' for one, he is in favor of making the best of a bad bargain. The Democrats who voted against Lamar's motion to postpone the joint convention until Monday were Sav age, Southard and Walling, of Ohio; iiordon, or ivansas; r-ower, 01 mien - igan ; Haymond, of Indiana; Tarbox, of Massachusetts; Wells, of Missouri, and Whitehouse, of New, ork, . -ii ,A " :-'t ;' - -J-- TfceDemoeratIe Caoeni. I Special to the Herald. - . Washington, Feb. 17. Senator Bayard made an address full of feeling and eloquence. . Senator Kernan made a patriotic and sensible ; speech. , Messrs.. Hill, Singleton, John Young Brown and others spoke advisiiig the most rigid adherence- to law. ; Messrs. Hurd, Walling, Southard, Jones of Ken tucky, Lynde and Thompson ' spoke in disagreement with the resolution, afterward offered and adopted. Bat, strong as. the excitement was, not a man in the caucus : advocated irregu lar or unlawful proceedings or fili- Jin nr Arincr. SMversJ . of r the sneakers thought it desirable to use all egai and constitutional means to delay the count with a view to a new election, but the suggestion was , not warmly received. Finally Mr. Reagan, of Texas, brpngbt onl thfollowiPg re- solution : . , h M Resolved; That the' count of . thij electoral vote shall proceed without dilatory opposition to the orderly exi P . : - . t. . . irri 124. ecationof thg act of Congress crea ting the Electoral Commission, whose ueuuuoDs &nau ue receiYeu aaa aoiea ttpon in accordance with! the provi sions or tne sua law. This was accompanied with strong protest against the: action Of the Com mission in the Louisiana case. This f esolittion was 4 adopted by a very iiruug raaioniy. ana was YOiea IOr by almost all the Southern members. iutenaea conversation I with mem bera after the adjournment of the caafjus shows that it is almost, H not buite nnanimbosly; acquiesced in. The - caucus broke- on in excellent pints and with general good feeling. be appo nted t9 draw.up aprotest concerning the action of the Commis sion, to be sent to the country. It is understood that in this the circam Stances of the election in Florida and Louisiana will be briefly l and intelli- gibly presented, . so that the whole country may understand them. The proceedings of the day and evening fortunately hz the attitude and the intentions of the! Democratic party in relation to the electoral count and show that it is honorably and patriotically determined to stand by the law and carry it out. no mat ter what may be the course of the Commission. : 4'. j ; ,The slature. ! j Raleigh Observer's Report Condensed. 1 ..... SENATE. ; f Thursday, Feb. 17. introduction of ; By Mr. Stanford: Bill BTIXS. to establish a new county to be called Vance. Re f erred to committee on Corporations. r,iu ior tne -upper 01 we xnsaue , .i 1 . i7 t I Asvlum that 6 0.000 be aDDroon mf - '. w . A a a nted for this purpose, arid $3,000 for repairing the water works. 1 The bill then passed! its several readings. i By permission Mr. Stanford of- fered a resolution for the relief of the ew River Canal Company. Propo sitions and Unevances committee. , Bill to authorize the Commission era of Lenior county to levy a special tax for certain purposes, was taken up and passed its second reading; ' Bill to authorize a government for Wilmington. . i By permission, Mr. duced a resolution rela tion of the . Electoral Finger intro- ive to the ac- Commission. Condemns in strong terms the action of the majority of said Commission The resolution passed SPKCIAL ORDER. Bill to establish county govern ment was taken up. On motion of Mr. Robinson the amendments proposed by the House were considered separately. . The amendment of the House rela tive to a county treasurer was not concurred in. With slight and nmmnortant amendments the remaining amend - - ments of the House were concurred in. By permission MrJ Uobinson m- . i j 1 . i. : 1. irouaceu a resuiuwuu tu ui.uuiio mo Judiciary committee to examine the orders and decrees Of tno , Circuit Court of the United States in the Swazey suit and ascertain by whom .. . . j l tne receiver is paia. osa. auopwu. xesoiuiiiou reiauve 10 a. x. iuo conrrty, was taken np knd adopted HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 &y smr. vv uson, 01 I A bill to authorize iNew Hanover: New Hanover I county to fund its floating debt. j Finance, I SPECIAL ORDER. ' A bill to amend an act to incorpo rate the Mt. Ahry Narrow Gauge Railroad Company" was taken up on its third reading as the special order for 11 o'clock m. This bill pro vides for the working of convicts on this road on the same provisions that. they are worked upon other roads. The question then recurred upon the bill on its third! reading, and it passed by a vote of. yeas 61, nays 22. A resolution to compel the Presi dent of the Western! North Carolina Railroad to report the condition of the claims against George W. Swep- son and M. S. Littlefield, and to re- quire the Secretary of State to for ward a copy of the resolution to the j President of said road, was taken up, 1 an4 passed its several readings X Kill trkPat nVtliali a. TSoarrl of Audit . . - It- 1 -r r and Finance for the city of Wil mington was taken up on its several readings and passed. A bill to incorporate the town of Denver, in Lincoln county, was taken up on its second reading and passed by a vote 01 yeas 7p, nays o The bill to incorporate the town of Burnt Chimney, in Rutherford coun ty, was taken up. on its second read mg and passed Dy a navs 0. - The bill to incorporate the town of Vanceboro, in the county of Craven, was taken up and passed its secohd reading by a vote of yeas 70, nays 1. The bill to extend the time of the organization of the Atlantic Steel and. .Iron Manufacturing Company and to change its name to the Dan- bury Steel and Iron Manufacturing 1 ..1 u ! company, ww k.u uF t,u. reading and passedf ,; , , The' bill tq incorporate the Polk County Narrow Gauge Railroad Oom- pany, was taken up. The question .recurred upon the biU upoa-'itt ieeond reading and it passed by a vote ofj yeas 05, nays 1. . The bill to locate a permanent seat of government for the county ot ren- .... .. ... .. ' - ... : j.,, ... . ....... -. WILMINOTON der, was taken ud. and. on motion of ! Mr. Moye. was referred, to the com- luibvec wu x ryposiMous sua vxnev- - - Mvaaa...,.. . State G-leanings. j Ashe ville has a reading club. j Good tobacco is grown in Wa-; tauga county. . . , , Tobacco is crown quite success- fully in Buncombe. - Louisburs; was favored with several fights last week, j -4 CoL R. F. Armfield's address on education at StatesvUle is well spoken of." CapwR. A. Shotwell and Natt Atkinson are getting up a j "legislative di rectory.", j f The Observer says there are five thousand petitions before the Peniten tiary Board. ' ' j-;( . In a few days Henry, on the Kaiiroad, will be communicating with tne enure world by teiegrapn.i -, ... . .j.. Some prisoners in . Asheville jail ocked the jailor up and made their es- cape. 1 ney were recapturea. 1 .imt x' ' tThe den, davs ago. Loss S3.000. Insured ia the H. u. uome, The Goldsboro Messenger is in-1 dulging some goose talk. It tells of a goose owned by Mr. Eorhegay,! at Mt Olive.that lays egs that average 8 by 10f inches. . 4- Raleigh Observer: Mr. Edward Fasnach, of this city, has just received a shipment of 400,000 silk Worm eggs. Mr. F. intends to commence the manufacture of Bilk. 4- Why is Manly, on the Raleigh and Augusta Airline, like the majority on the Joint Fraud Commission t Because it counts eight but this time it is houses. The TT 'a' a' jyeioa says u naa. one six weeas ago. , - Raleigh Sentinel : The drum mers are beginning to roll in again pretty rewy. wmvu iuu leaves uiiu vuu xiurmciu M . 1 L!.L S 21 . . 1 . .1 "VT .1 merchants are confident the business tide has: turned and times must soon improve; Raleigh handled five hundred and eishtv-seven bales of cotton last week. Whole receints since September 1st thirty- seven thousand and seventy-seven bales. Increase six thousand seven hundred and eighty-one bales. The News tells a fnnnv storv on Judge Cannon how be Btarted for Curri tuck Uourt House to bold court, lost nis way. and turned up at Barnum's Hotel in Baltimore. Moral: "A little learning is a dangerous tbingV -r- Raleigh Sentinel : The State Treasury was enriched yesterday to the amount of fifteen cents, the amount of fines collected at the Fall Term of Dare Superior Court If things keep on at this rate the free schools can be kept open every day in the year, without any iucrease of taxation. 1 Kaleisrh Observer : The society exercises at Wake frorest College on Fri day last are reported to nave been tne most interesting and best attended for several years past. Excellent speeches and an in teresting debate entertained tne large audi- eoce of visitors who crowded the chapel, and the entire day and night proceedings passed on in tne most pleasant manner. 1 The Economist correspondent writes from Perquimans: "Jacob Simpson has been indicted for murder and Joseph Skinner for burglary. They were also in- I dieted for burning the county jaiL There t - . " 1 m 1 . was a compromise in ine case 01 Simpson There was no orosecutien for murder, on .v.. t. .U . n1 A u. I in bnrnintr the laiL for which offence I . . " 1 . . , .l . . he was sentenced to : the penitentiary at bard labor for thirty years. Joseph Skin ner was tried for burning the jail, convict ed of the affence. and Sentenced to the Den- itentiary for ten years. Tneywere botn colored." j MBW AOVBBT18BBBNTS. Cbonly & MoRBis--Buggies. Muhson & Co. Best shirts made. Thos. W. Strange Adm'rs notice. . Notice Howard Belief Fire Engine Co. Wright & Stepman Mortgagee's sale. Local Dote j. j Cautionary signals are ordered continued on the North Carolina coast The storm-flag was j displayed from the Signal station in this city yester- We are glad to see ?that Mr. i , Ij. H. Bowden has sufficiently recovered to Do on ine streets again. ! . i -t ' ' 1 1 " . 1 '. 1 . - J coiorea woman Dy tne name of Martha Bell was lodged in jail yester- dsy afternoon for non-payment of costs in a; case of assault and! battery. S - The bill for creating a Board of Audit and Finance for the city of Wilming ton passed its several' readings in the House on Saturday and now goes to the Senate. j Falling, followed by rising ba rometer, southwestj veering to -colder northwest winds, with partly cloudy weath er and possibly light rains, are the indica tions for this section! to-day. ' We see from the Florence (S. C.) Times that Mr. R. B. Wood, of this city, as purchased several lots in that place and proposes to - erect comfortable dwelling louses upon them immediately. ' ' ' The bill establishing a city go vernment for Wilmington, introduced by Mr. Wilson, of New Hanover, was taken tip in the Senate on Saturday, passed its second reading, and was referred to the udiciary Committee. Thermometer Record. j The following will show the Btate of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.35 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Augusta,.. . ... ...68 I Montgomery;.'. . . .67 Charleston....... 61 INew Orleans,.... 65 Rorsicana. .......71 I Norfolk.. .47 Galveston,. .1 ... .64 PuntaRassa,. ... .62 Indianola, .. .'. . . .65 Savannah,:.; .... .67 Jacksonville,.. ;k. 67 St Marks,. 69 Key West...... ..69 WUmington,... 62 Mobile, .....63 1 C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1877. MThLtw fBetalUtlB ' ' ; On Sunday morning Kev.Dr. Wilson dis- ;d the law ; of retaliation, and other lnts suggested by the latter portion of thd fifth chapter Of Matthew,' with singular power, clearness and pointednesa. It was a masterly discourse, very tboughfuL very lu cid, very cogent, very impressive, It was the most, practical Sermon we have heard in years, ( and kvfe regret that every; man t ; aa .oman in Wilmington did not hear It. kHf discussion of .the law of retaliation was from the Christian stand-point and was as scrip tural as felicitous and forceful. It Is true there: were some .hard; sayings, but they were true sayings. 'But in this he was faith-i ful to the teachings of the Master, and ela borated, explained and ; enforced some Of those sublime and exalted teachings that seem to the natural eye and natural under standing so perplexing and so impossible." The law of retaliation lies at the very foundation of civil society, but ! it is not placed in the hands of the private Individ ual for vindication and enforcement ' It is the natural feeling, of the human, heart to Retaliate when assailed, and ito return in jury neither Aristotle por Cicero ever conceived hi any ideal manhood that was . invested with the virtues and graces withjwhich the true hero of Christianity stands : clothed as he is sketched by the awful pencil of the Master of life arid death. The standard of excellence, the , pattern of perfection, at once complete and symmetrical, which Christ sets up, is far above any imaginings of the wisest philosophy, or any of the con ceptions of the most adventurous poet. .The Master forbids all private retaliation and revenge. He teaches that murder is but the ripened fruit of sinful anger that charity to all men is absolutely right that forgiveness of injuries is a noble Christian Virtue that we should exercise a disposi tion to oblige others whenever it is possible to do so that it is manlike to love our. friends, but it is godlike -to love our enemies. These are not so much the points pre sented in the able discourse as suggestions excited by it Verged ReceaimeadMieM .Persons who are under the necessity, as nearly every family must be at times, of employing1 servants of whose experience. capacity and good .qualities generally they have no- personal knowledge, should be very careful as to what sort of recommen dations or certificates of character are pre sented for their consideration, satis fying themselves particularly as to the genuine ness of the' article, even if they have to go to the'trouble of submitting it to the im partial consideration (?) of a returning board or a grand high commission. In stances are no doubt frequently occurring I which go to prove the propriety of proper judgment and discretion in thlamatter; one of which has just come to our knowledge.' It seems that a colored woman who had been employed in a family as cook took it ; into her head to leave very unceremonious ly, thus putting her employers to consider able trouble and inconvenience.. Shortly afterwards the woman called upon or sent to the lady of the house for. a recommen dation. The lady, in. the kindness of her heart, wrote , her one, giving her a pretty good general character, but cand idly stating as the principal fault she found with her the fact that she had left her employ with out giving her proper notice of her intentions Not satisfied with this certificate, the wo man got some one to rewrite it, leaving out Ue objectionable features, and making it much stronger generally than the lady could have conscientiously, written it, on the strength of which she succeeded in get ting ' an;, excellent place, t A- gentleman friend Of both families, who ; saw the cer tificate, being surprised that the lady should have given the woman such a strong recom mendation after what had occurred, ap proached her on the subject, when the fact of the forgery Was brought to light A Female Pickpocket. Martha Williams.the colored woman who I was arrnatprl a. few davfl asro on the charsre of a poctet-book from Charles Herring, but was released because the pro secuting witness, who is an employe on one of the railroads, failed to make his ap pearance before the Court, was again ar rested yesterday on the charge of stealing another pocket-book, with its contents, from one Ramas Thomas, colored, on Fri day night last It appears that Thomas had the pocket book in a pocket in the back part of his pants, and the accused, having volunteered to fasten one of his suspenders, took the occasion to abstract the pocket- book while doing so. The woman was lodged in the guard house to await a hear ing before the Mayor's Court this morning, The woman seems to be a regular consti tutional pickpocket" .. Personal. The Key. Dr. Charles F. Deems, former ly of the North- Carolina Conference and at one time pastor of the Front Street Methodist Church of this city, but now o; the "Church of the : Strangers," in New York city, arrived here last evening on the 7 o'clock train, several of his friends meet ing him at the depot The Doctor will re main here two days only, leaving on Wed nesday evening's train - for the - North, and in the meantime he will be found at the residence of Mrs. C. G. Kennedy, where he will be pleased to see his many friends- Col. Burre Addreee j ! CoL J. G. Brr will deliver his admira ble essay on the local history of this sec tion at the rooms of the Library Associa tion, this evening, for the benefit of the La dies' Benevolent Society. There should be a large attendance, as the admission fee is only 25 cents. .. ;' Star BalA Upon ' Bevemae ' Vlelmtei . ape or tkie FrtMnerav - Two violators of the revenue laws, named HcCullough and Boss, purporting to hall from Guilford county, In this State, were overhauled about seven miles from Ben- nettsville, a C, , on Wednesday last, ai wa learn from parties who arrived In this city yesterday, and . their wagons, horses and about .thirty boxes of tobacco , captured. The boxes, we learn, had no stamps upon them at - all, the excuse, being ; given that , they- had been put on with paste and the rats had gnawed them off. ' After march ing for some distance, at the request of the prisoners, they were allowed to step aside from the road, accompanied by the colored guard, and just here the fan came in; for, no sooner had the two men gained , the cover of the woods than a bargain was struck with the guard, who were bribed to the tune of five ; dollars each, when the prisoners fled for parts unknown, ' leaving the tobacco, wagons,' horses, clothing and ther effects in the hands of the capturing arty. 1 . . . ' . (Sadden Jeatb. 1 AfiQkilf raiAbv thflnaedof Hec Johnson, residing in that part of the city nown as Brooklyn, dropped on the streets Sunday morning and died soon after being conveyed to his residence. He was appa rently in his usual health on Saturday night ; and early Sunday morning, and at the time he was attacked with the disease which so soon terminated in his death -he-was on his way home from Mt Zion A. M. & Church, where he had been in attendance upon the services. Deceased was about 30 years of age, and had been subject to fits of apo plexy. Coroner Hewlett was notified and held an inquest over the body, the jury re turning a verdict that deceased came to his death from natural causes. ; The remains were followed to Pine Forest Cemetery by the Good Samaritans of which order he was a member. , Another Sadden Death. William Price, a well-known colored drayman, aged about 51 years, residing on the corner of Ninth and Red Cross streets, died suddenly on Sunday last He went home Saturday night ia his usual good health, but about 1 o'clock Sunday morn ing was attacked with apoplexy, falling off the bed. A pbpsician was sent for, but the stricken mannever spoke from the time he was seized with the fell disease, breathing bis last in a few hours afterwards. Coro ner Hewlett held 'an inquest yesterday, the jury returning a verdict to the effect that deceased came to his death from natural causes. -- rotate Stealing. - Thieves broke into a potato bank at the plantation of Mr. J. F. Garrell, known as j Sans Souei, just beyond the Northeastern suburbs of the city, on Sunday night, and , succeeded in carrying off about thirty, or forty bushels of potatoes. , Judging from the tracks there must have been two or three men concerned in the robbery, who brought bags with them for the purpose of taking the potatoes away. They were tracked to the ' edge of the woods, but the trail could not be followed any further; Mr. Garrell has no clue to the perpetrators of the robbery, mayor Court. ' There were several cases before this Court yesterday morning, but the most of them were continued over. Among .ihese were one for selling liquor on Sunday, one for gambling and one for disorderly conduct John Fiver, charged with: disorderly con duct ws required to pay a fine of $25 and the costs. The Mall. The mails close and arrive at .the Cit? Post Office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through mails.. .... Northern through and way ffl&llw "-" Mails for the N. C. Railroad, i and routes supplied there-:- from, at.. ...... ......... Southern mails for all points South, daily... Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sunday).........,.; 5:15 P.M. 70 A. M. 5:15 P. M. "- r ' ! 100 P. M. (J:00A. M. Fayette ville, and offices on Cape fear Ktver, Tuesdays and i Fridays. 1KP M. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daUy (except Sundays).......... Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices every Friday. . Smithville mails, by steam-: . boat, daily (except Sundays) M&ils for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Sapply.Shallotte and Little River, every Friday at ARRIVE. 6:00 A. M. 1 6:00 A. M. 2 P.M. i 1 4 6 A.M. Northern through mails. . . . . . Northern through ''and way mails. ........... 12:15 P. M. 8 P. M. Mails delivered from 6KX) A. M. to 7KX) P. M., and on Sundays from 8 SO to 9:80 A. M. . - - -1 - Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5 SOP M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. r' j. -x'l .:!-.,; h Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. . ti 1 Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night , . t h ) - ., ,,; f Mails collected from street boxes . every aay at 4.uu Jf. m. Apnolntnaenta For quarterly meetings on the Wilming ton District of the Methodist E. Church South, as made by Rev. W. S. Black, Pre siding Elder, for his first round of the pre sent, Conference year: . . m Topsail, at Union............. Feb. 24-25 Cokesbnry and Coharie Mission. at Hall's. J ............ Mar. ; 3-4 Kenansville, at Kenansville Mar. 10-11 District Stewards' meeting in the Lec ture Room of the Front Street Church, Wilmington, at 11 o'clock, a. m., Feb. 5th. There is,but one Terdiet, aad that is that in thirtv-three vears Dr. Ball's Ooueh 8v-1 - rap has never failed to cure a Oeugb, Gold, I W?? Price 25 cents; live bottles, fl. u 4 f 1 WHOLE NO. 2,977t Flrcaaen's-Celebrmtton a- ----r- : : The members of the Hdward llelied Fire Engine Company' Now'l, will : Celebrate triAtr. anniversary hv a parade with- their engine Uusafternoon and abali and supper J m aaia tvuigu. w uuiig auw casions of the kind, we may safely assume' that our friends of this veteran organiza tion will have a good time. ; . : 'T- . 1 i-Si 1 ' ::--',,-. RirSR ARDMABINB ITEIWp..,, The British barque Eletta was report-: ed in below yesterday by Capt. Williams, Lm.- 1 TT 1 TIT-.-- ' J-j'AJl f''- I 1 01 we steamer nm..4.yp, , .,.., I 1 Thai; Norwegian (barque ,; Capt Bjertness, from Rotterdam December1 4 15th, in ballast, and consigned to Mr. R. E. awaiting ordersv-''!l r, ; BOOK BUTDKBT. THE M.OBK1KA bTAB tyOpk: MlBd ery does all Hade of Binding and Ruling in a work- tnanllke 1 manner, and at TaaadnaUe - prtoe iter. ebants and ethers needing Beeelpt ;BookB, or other . work, may rely pn promptness in the execution pf TaaxiRa . PExarnfe-IirKS. Inralnable to rail raMcompanieatBteamBaipeoBTpanle baakt; tncr'-l during and changeiesa, and will .copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Haiit; loit7 raceived a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre-J j pared to exeputeorders promptly and at moderate I ' W1.M .. .. . .... ... . - I ( No nucesB need be apprehended from an attack ptPneomonia, severe Coughs, Consumption,, and Croup and Wnooping Cough among your children-1 various oiner xnroat ana vane, diseases, or even wnen noeoHKa-s uibhai btbttp can do ODtainea of anr Drueeist in tbe United states. One 75 cant bottle will cure anr case. It is a sreat blessine for' our people to know that they can buy this prepara- I tion in Wilmington. Sample bottle 10 cts. ' TJoKSUMPTiTxa Taki Nonas J Every moment of delay makes your cure more hopeless, and mucn depends on tne Judicious choice or a, pre-,! medy. . The amount of testimony in favor of Drs Schenck'a Pulmonic Syrup,, as , a, cure for Con-, sampnon, far exceeda all that can , be brought te support the pretensions of any other medicine.' See Dr. Schenck's Almanac, containing the certificates of many persons of the highest respectability, whe have been restored to health, after being pronounced Incurable by physicians of acknowledged ability. Schenck'a Pulmonic Syrup alone has. eared many i as these evidences will show; but tbe cure is often promoted by the employment of two other remedies which Dr. Bcbeaek provides for the purpose. These additional remedies are Schenck's Sea Weed. Tonic and Mandrake Pills. By the timely use of fbese medicines, according to -directions, Dr. Bchehekcer' tinea that most any case of Consumption may be; cured. Dr. Schenck is. professionally at his principal of fice, corner Sixth . and Arch. Streets, Philadelphia; every Monday, where all letters.for advice must be addressed. NEW ADVERTISEMENT . Aire LAST WEEK'S RXCDEIPTS. .". ' MORE EXPECTED WEDNESDAY. They are the best SHIRTS made, - - -. i , . And only $1 15 each. lebto-lt mxviisort Ac CO. Hofarfl ReMFire Jape Co., No. V A TTENTION I xx Members, both Honorary and Active Ton are hereby ordered to appear at your Engine i Boom, THIS (TUESDAY) MOfiNING, at lO o'cfock oreciBojy, in run unuonn, wniie gloves, ior .annual rsraoe ana jsngme xnsi. By order of Fere in aa ' i HENRY BHRBECKj ; : V Kec. Sec'y. febSO-lt Buggies. QTJR LOWEST PIGUBES. We can sell yon . ' ; :: An EXTRA TOP BTJGM3Y. . . . for $140 CO The PHYSICIAN'S PHaSTON.'for $175 CO . The TWO-SEATED BUGGIES, for $195 CO Warranted as represented for one year. Sheldon Axle. Shnlar Snrinsr. Old A Sons' Patent Wheel, Jos. Morrison's Patent Dash Rail. Refined Iron and best Norway Bolts, best Top Leather, En glish Varnish. " Top Baggies' Shifting Rail can be. used with or wiuwmigp. ; CRONLY & MORRIS. feb 20-lt - Auct'rs. Administrator's Notice. ABETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON ES-. tate of ths late Robert Strange having been granted to the undersigned on the 17th inst notice is here- bv elvan triall mmnsa hnvlntr .lilmi Mratn.f akll ! decedent, to exhibit the same to the undersigned, as Administrator aforesaid, on or before the 20tk day of February, A. D., 1878, and all persohs Indebted to said Intestate are requested to make payment to uic nnoeraignea wiiooni aeiay. WUminKton. Februarr 19th. 1877. feb 20-oaw6w Tu W. STRANGE. -)- Aam'r. : Ilortgagee's Sale. ; XJT VIRTUE OF THE PROVISIONS OF I A certain deed' of mortgage "made by "The Wilming ton and Seaboard Railway Company" to John W. Leak, R. 8. Ledbetter, and "The Bank of New Ha nover," dated 8d day of August 1875, and duly re- fZA at staid TnnrtiTMAA vfii m niTPaTia V" maj im MARCH NEXT, at 11 o'clock, A. the door of the Goart Hmu In th. n X7iim; cause to be sold bypnbllc auction, for cashall and . Bsguiar xtus vaaIUUb laniES OF RAILWAY, uiuuuuij uie Aaus, nun ana Buperstrnctare or eve ry kind connected therewith, lying in the City of Wilmington, owned by or belonging to said wil- jauagHin aaa oenooara juuiway uompany, togetnei With the leasehold interest and estate of said Cam. pany on the Lot at the southeastern intersection of oevenin ana ilea uross streets, on which its stables SvlSee&Fc ffiif eHrwa ua.lsne! nd P'8n.t ef the same.. And at 12 o'clock, M., of said day, will cause to be sold as aforesaid, at the Stables referred to. all and sirum- lar the Horses, Mules, Cart. Wagons, Carts, sets of nam use, ana otner rersonai rropernr or said mort gagor, "The Wilmington and Seaboard Railway wwjnuj. 1 - Wilmington, February 20th, 1877 RIGBJLak STEDMAN. febSO-td Attorneys. Spring Specialties I i: JROADWAY SILEtHAT r AND STIFF HATS . EXPECTED THIS WEEK. ; . HARRISON & ALLEN, t . . ' at"i s; ; vivi i MiBIatters. I ' CARDS AND VISITING OAED8 the most elegant style, at ; w jl. n. bssnasd b -Prtatinr and Publishing bbo ADVERTISING, -'One Square.he day,. ......... ; t . f two dan..... 18 SCO X 60 8 00 v 8 60 5 00 50 ,8 00 15 00 S3 00 85 00 !",.,' four days, ............. uve aays,. One week........... Two weeks, ........ . Three weekn i " r " . One month . .... Two months. Three months, bix monies,. One Tear. 60 CO i kk Contract Advertisements taken at nrosnr tionately low rates. i Five Sonares-estimated aa a anarteMOlnnin. and tea squares as ahalr-colamn. . . : MISCMiLANKOUS A SONI C H ALL. Gol. BUTT'S ESSSV i t ! . , - . , ON THE Local History ofttae Cape Fear, J J ! - r t :j . - j ..... -I ..- . . i r . iatorical and Scientific A Bsociatlon. will le dellv- red ia pubUc, at the MASONIC HALL, In tnia city, !TiiMJlnir RAnln QAIIi lata ihcprofcfeedB io)e applied to tbe benefit of the. La- r. , , , eiei- neneyoieat Dociety. Admission 25 Cents. - " ' - febl8-tt sing Out 1 ONSIQNMSNT8 ICONPAT : ,V AND TUESDAY NEXT, unoice n. v. ana snrar-corca Bacon Uami, Eeza. Onions. Annlea. Onion Bnttona. Mullets, large, medium and cmalL 'J-' tH X. ,A .1 1 . ! . i. Potatoes, Dried. Apples, Pira 'Feet ' Choice Honntaln Batter in Tnbi and Bella,- ' -fit"--; , U: ,-fJ u-i .. Western Bacon Shoniaers, Beef Hams, Ac. .Orders solicited far Molasses, all prides. Corn. jueaiSfriiiiru. vtuuueB, vonee. dec PETTEWAY -Ms SCHULKXN. febl8-ta Brokers and Gommission Merchants, mm UNEQUALLED Itf FVrpyee&cwTANU : . tirDrrrruinnL r rc-cuum rnuM j CrKOWO .SA. . v4 SEND FOR CIKCDLARS AND PRICE LIST TO 'feblS-tf'' i JOHN DAWSON. : Wilmington, N. C. Peruvian 'Guano. - f Five Hundred Tons GU A WAP El i n Received Direct from the Agents or' Hi e Peruvian Government FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SHIT Williams & Hurcluson. GEORGE MYEES, iTit3 H and 13 South Front Street, 1 '.'' JUST RECEIVED, Bbls BALDWIN APPLES, Bbls POTATOES, 20 TnDsBBST BETTER fa the World, OK Boxes INDIA SOAP, - With tha Blueing la it Hv your linen with uniform Blueing. - - , Cases JELLIES, PRESERVES '. OU and JAMS, ORANGE MARMALADE from Florid! " The most elegant display of CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND GROCERIES t ' , ever offered in Wilmington. :; ''.J'! GEO. MYERS, .. . febl8-tf 11 and 13 South Front SU . Plows. Flows. A FULL SUPPLY OF SOUTHERN PLOWS OF all numbers used la this section of country. WATT PLOWS, DIXIE PLOWS, GRANGER'S FRIEND PLOW. Ac. Ap. niXTraao .11 Plows. All above at Lowest Possible Figures at the New Hardware Store of-- . - feb!8-tf . GILES & MURCHISON. OUR OWN MAKE ' Sfl-ddleS' EUd HElHeSS W.IWBl ilJSaUiOiTlOH, : ,s Made or Repaired at, : Havden & Gerhardt'ft Third St.. between Market and Prlaeeso. feb 18-tf . tTTj ; .. . . ; !T . . Eastern Hay rh Hav! ery Superior Article t v w Ofifi' BALES NOW ZUU .: LANDING. For sale by t feb l7;3t B. F- JHTCDELIi HON, I' - 'et't 'a'1' By Wm.Bhk. I SHADOWS ON THE snow. b Fj SHADOWS ON THE SNOW, By Farjeou. KISMET, of the "No-Name Series." WHITEFRIARS, or the Days and Times of. Charles tbe Second. ; . It . ELLEN'S BABIES, and THE BARTON EXPERIMENT. ; , . ( . All for sale at . HSTNSBERGXR'8 feb 16-tf Live Book and Music Store. Fresh Arrivals. 'X HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF SWEET FLORIDA ORANGES and ASPINW ALL ' BANANAS, the largest and finest flavor that come to this market. , -' Call and try them at my Fruit and Confectionery Stores. . . , i 0. G. NORTHROP, JanS4-tf Nos. M and 85 Market street. : BATES OF Ha" i .ifr !E wWA

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