THE MORNING STAR. BATES OF ADVERTISING, Uf WM. hT BERKAKP. PUBUSHID DAHJ KICKPT MONDAYS. i I , AAX QT 8OTKAW0 W ADVA OMMIL (by main nnatira Mid.. 7 00 Six montW " " 4 00 umnnlhi " I Three m on unesaenaa To City Subscribers, aeli vered in city, Fifteen Cents per week. Oar not eainoruea to collect i tn HIMMC. OUTLINES. the XIX. NO. -127. M OR ntno St a n : i ! ikT NftP , . 1 -.. , . I '- j , - . ; i - to gojh I ? . i a v si i WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1877. Before the Commission Judge Matthews, Evarta and Merrick spoke; this closes the case; no body cares, and the jury Is packed andthfttrihifemde up before Jhe cause is tried; twe Dfemoesatic objections were overruled, f course. Busaia continues her war preparations. i-"tt Carditis do not favor the reassembling of the Vati can Council now. War appears im- minent. Criminal proceedings have been instituted against the President of the bunted New Jersey Mutual Life Insurance Company. Evidence was allowed of a documen ta ry character relating to Walts in Oregon. - Fifty-three thousand dol lars Appropriated by House for continuance of government work at Raleigh; three hun dred and seventy-five thousand dollars ap propriated to par mail contractors for mall service in Southern States, North Carolina among them, prior to, the war, but bill not disposed of. 1 Raleigh Observer's Report Condensed. SENATE. WuBkbsdat, Feb. 21. By Moore, of New Hanover: Peti tion from the citizens of Harnett township, New Hanover oonnty, rela tive to the sale of spirituous liquors. Propositions and Grievances. Bill to organize a the city of Wilmington was taken up SkcTP nomin Court. He is still Local sou. A pole punching W W .r? 1? week at Honk r nHl-; uueu WKQ ne Yesterday. , ::; :! M1" ' V " There are thirteen cases dock et" vey?avis of Cabarrus, had etedfor a hearing before the Mayor's Court; bis hand shot off last week. He was lead- this morning. mg his gun. :' . f, . 6 ; ft sxil Some rascal burned thh nm. WIBaj VVm- Kirkwood and E. . denceof Mr. Frank Jarrel, of Lenoir, last I j Hewes, Local Board of Inspectors of ; steamboats, are on a visit-to this city. WROXETNO;,2sa&0 fTIL T . . I ... wmmmma warn J. lie jifip-ia Qtnra ui wnue hold no Ttfny. n.f tt ? .! i .mi' k VJ ? sn ootlna- ISat eta. A shooting match took place at the Aih- tenc ciub Grounds yesterday morning, anon iy o ciocK, netweens teams number one and two of the St. Geor Ani fit a CITY 1 1 fciWr. Jits Book Bwdict.-Thz mwikikg 8ta bocx filsti 7 oes all kinds of Binding and RuUng In a work! manlike manner, and at reasonable price!. Merj taanta and ethers needing 1 drewsahboW6r, wHh'tbe following work, may rely on promptness In Ike exacatinn nf TBAM No. L week. No insurance. Charlotte has formed a "Dra matic and Library Association," with Col. H. C. Jones as President. Jjurnam claims to have 2.600 Moore, of New Hanover moved inhabitan. a.nd the largest smoking tobac- to postpone. Lost. The bill then passed its third read ing. "Bill to regulate the sale of weights and mMsureSjaod collect the amounts now due, was taken up and passed its several readings. J Udge M CKOV Was invited t n ea nderbiltrs heirs are on the floor of the Senate. i & eii . . i i ji . , w i luruaienmg migaiion; Mack, Jfivarts and SPICIAL ORDKR Ethan AUen will represent the will. G. to reduce the directors of the 1 feMbene, IsapAiiitetadentof Howe Sew- Btaxe Asylum from I& to 9 was ta ing Machine Company, reported a defaulter Up. in a large sum. Heavy failures at Chi- I ine committee to. whom the bill cage; the physic is working. AtClif- ' w? relerre reported the bill back co lactones in the world. Green, what hnnl O Anna - . . . " A little colored girl, three years of age, was recently killed in Orange by the accidental discharge of a gun which her brother was "foolihe with." Harnett sends three colored boarders to the penitentiary. Chowan sends one .colored, and Perquimans sends John H. Cox, manslaughter, in for thirty years. The Messenger has found ah! old gentleman 104 veara old. Hi J oab Smith and he Uvea in Pitt county. He onya ub was o years oio m tne warof 1813. yy n . i It looked like Sunday on Water street yesterday. Nearly every door was closed, and very few people were stirring. We hear that notices have been served on several owners of broken pave ments, warning them that they must "mend their ways." Warrants have been issued against a number of bur merchants, who are charged with obstructing the sidewalks with their goods boxes, &c. x amug oarometer, increasing DaBrntz Cutler . . it. H.F.Brown,. Win. ft....;. W", R. KenBn, . . . B. P Harrison .. Totals. 43 43 V 8 4 MM 384 AYerage of totals. 38 4 4 8184 0 8 SI 41411 543 40 87 80 S3 80 160 TBAH He. 8. X. LillT . .. J.H. Allen.... R. B.CaMer.... 840, lir44 134 t4i0, 184 Average of totals. 80 4 5. Totals. 8 44 4i6Fi 003 4134 "40 17: 81 87 39 their order. Tarawa Inreme.BrKs.TaJttaW! to wiii road companies, steamshiD comnanips ht. ; chants, manaf actarers and others. They are an- wmg and changeless, and will copy sharp and Pawdto execauorder promptti d at moderate ionr davs. Saw wiek;..;;;; Two weeks J Tweeks,:"" ; Two month, ;, :- rasS-' m MQttoentas, ' One year, ti6WlowT,ertlfemenU mS&BStZ: W-colnma,and NEW ADVERTISEMENT J ti oo .. ISO . 3 00 .. 8 60 .. 800 . . 8 60 .. 5 00 .. 660 .. 8 00 .. 15 00 .. 33 00 .. 86 00 .. 60 00 propor Hew and beautiful. PI! I Of O A LAB Xk. AKGE VARtETT OF CHROMOS, EN (J RAVINGS, , and COLOBKu LITHOGfi APH 8 , TAB LATKST STYLES. 154. Ova 2,400,COO Sample Bottixh n 8imrr hare been distributed free of charge woairy to uose afflicted with ConsumDtioi Serere Coatrhs. PnenmnnU atA nn,. rm, . 33 w j . . . j 1 ' 1 1 M, iUUBb ox Messrs. UUUrutZ Uutlar and TS T.iIItt I MactaNMM. as nronf at scored tbe sarae, but Mr. Cutlar, having iS' &eLl snnrorf the i..f . v. , " I Th , aZTZi n JS?eaM' Hesnlar size 75 cents. 'm w uuiuirei ui tuuera vo oj, was i iu5To ay csee aeciared ttae winner. Tbermometer Record. The following will show the state of the KXI OPSKi.TION.-A most snc-' cful operation was recently Berfoxmed'byj me weu known ocnlist of Oia city. southeast, to southwest winds, stationary thermometer, at the stations mentioned t g?." m temDeraiure and r.lnnd ftr r.iw-n-fK laK.-i ' 'IZTT. rewun on Cert street .,UJ v,aiugi jvi.viUajr otcuiuk, TY obuidkioq mean I -loicniianM heenbom WinH ,-n w i.-., are the Indicaiions for this section to-day A petition ursrinsr the nassacrp - . a o jt O . s . - ton, unio, iour men were killed and several; acaMed by a boiler explosion. ,-L-bD stmcUve flre at Pass Christian, Miss. ; seve ral houses destroyed, including the Catho lic Church. German Parliament met Cardinal Cullen refuses to allow the remains of O'Mahoaey to lie in state, in the CatrreoTaTat Dublin. Evidence sub mitted shows Watts resigned by telegraph on November 13th; resignation accepted on iin oy teiegiapn; His account with Depart- - no uom mm Mnoary . ! ihtendent shall be a married man ine Dm then passed its third read ingayes 88, nays 5. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, bill to prevent discrimination in railroad freight was made the speoial order for Friday, at 12 o'clock. NIGHT SESSION. Bill to made all outside and divi sion banks on rice plantations lying on the Cape Fear river, from ten miies above Wilmington to the month k . i r ... T o HT 41 i Vi fcUW "vera. wrm ience, was taken V rJ -"J-a,". up ana passed its several readings. .a lib. Bill to create a new township in ?Z ?t ' Tyrrell county was taken up and tRichmond Whig Special.l passed its several readings. Washington, Feb. 221 A. SI. Mr. Bingham moved to reconsider 1 Repoblicana axe very anxious tDe vote b7 which the bill in regard for an tfflgr declaration of the eleo- to appointing directors for the In- toralnojiut. IheLJaaders dread -de- Aaylum passed its third reading, lay and filhbustering. They don't whe,epon a motion was made to want an extra session, bot this will table thi motion, which waa lost. be very apt to come. The bUl passed its third reading. The House committee cm Appro- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES priations have agreed to the dIam nf R :n i a" V. . . UHttUto oomitt lo Sot d DoSe thL' m w jvtcuMfO BUU here is the record t T'hfi fin TT civ mnmk.. C . t I Clf thp nriminol Kill fn. kifl j 1 . , . . -" I - ".j luouiucto vi Lilt) I f- "in iui luia Uiljf anu " ine super- preseni legislature, who were members in county, was being circulated on the steeds Mmm t .a tho m STJ" f-fi0?!1 jesterday, and had obtained jt"L. uiraiuo, oiauioru, r OIK and Lilfis. of thA Huun. ' I tures. Commander Wm. Ai Kirkland, now on the South American station, has been ordered back to the United States for home service. MillsboTv Recorder. Capt. K. is a native North Carolinian. -Stab.1 (jrolu8boro Messenger many aigna- army down to 20,000 men. The House of Representatives will pro bably insist on this, or even a greater reduction. An increase of several thousand men to the regular army: was seeufed by the Administration i icnoc a ,rv TIW "P"'' prefcence inat puWio school law was taken wei ueeueu tor me irontier, npon a call of the .. TTmY' m :"ia irauu 18 secona reading by a vote of 99 veas Vet VlWld. U u a sr. nnJoHtuu) !.. 1 " yeas, an ameadmot wiU be engrafted on Bill to ' incorporate the town of tbe bi ky the House of Representa- Sparta, Edgecombe county,was taken ttree forbidding any one of.- the troops op on it soveral readings' and passed Co-operative Association of Wilming- By Mr. Clarke, of Craven: A bill to prevent excessive punishment for trifling offenses. Judiciary. Bill to revise and consolidate the up, and upon a call of the roll passed its to upbuld Life pretended Governments of Packard in Louisiana, and Cham berlain in South Carolina. Of course such an amendment would be dis tasteful to tbe Republican Senators, out 1 am not sure that they would not agree to it rather than ran the risk of an extra session of Congress. Tbe National Republican has a significant leader to-day upon the same linp as Foster's speech was upon Hayes Soothers policy. It opposes keeping up sectional divisions, and recognizes the fact that the negro is falling under the natural influence of Ilia omnlnnan Pnan ikn "rw t m charges are treated as exaggerations It is proposed to let the people of the soutb select their own state govern ments, and to "invite Southern states men having the confidence and sop port of their people to tbe councils of the Administration." Prominent friends of the incoming President say that this will be bis iolicy. Per contra, Johv Sherman, the bit terest of all revilers of the Sooth, is spoken of an tae probable Secretary of the Treasury. L. 14. W. Special o Richmond Dispatch. L Washinoton, Feb. 21. ' The sensation of to-day is a report thatJMr. Kandall intends to resign the apeaKership ot tne House, it is surmised that bis object is to take the leadership of the obstructionists, who are sadly in need of a leader. The very act ot resigning wonld cause gome delay in tne electoral count, as it would be necessary to elect a new Speaker before other business conld proceed. xi is aouDtrui wnetner ne win re sign, but not doubted that be is in en tire sympathy with those Democrats who desire to defeat the operation of the electoral act, and that he has sought to organize them so that their efforts might be effective. AN TJNPOBTUNATB MISTAKE. Whatever merit there may have been In the Nevada case the Demo crats lost the benefit of it by a cleri cal error. The objection presented by Mr. Springer, of Illinois, alleged that Daggett was a United States Commissioner f instead of United States Circuit Court Clerk, and as there was no practicable way to amend the objection, Springer was under tbe necessity of moving to re ject his own objection. Special to Norfolk Virginian. ... W ashi ngton, Feb. 2 14 :4SP. M. Neither the joint session of the House and Senate or the Commission draws crowds. In the discussion of the Oregon case the argument of the Democrats is unanswerable. The fillibnsterers desire Randall to resign the Speakership and assume the lead ership of the House 10 order to defeat the conspiracy, should an adverse de cision be rendered in the Oregon case. Othitllo. 96 yeas, nays none. Bill to increase the number of the Trustees of the University was taken np on its several readings and passed. ikCButuuiHi appointing a joint com mittee of five to confer with the Gov ernor in relation to the State's inter est in the Atlantic and North Caro lina Railroad was taken up and adopted. SPECIAL ORDEIl. Mr. McClure's bill to provide for the making of election returns through the mails, by registered let ters was taken up, and under a sus pension ot tbe rules the bill went to its third reading and passed. CALENDAR RESUMED. Bill to authorize tbe Commission ers of Onslow county to levy a spe cial tax, was taken up on its third reading and passed by a vote of 85 yeas, nays none. Bill to aid in the completion of tbe The ne gro Wright Bradley, tried at Carteret Court last week for the killlnir of Mr RnnWi:,, m Onslow county, was convicted of man slaughter. Our informant neglected to fur nish us the judgment of the court. Masonic items from the JVews ; Lodges at work, 240; members admitted during the Masonic year ending October 31, 1876, 484; died, 115; number of mem bers of lodges, 9,035; number of Masons not memoers or lodges, 3,882; whole num ber of Masons in the State, 11,917. Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 21, 1877. J- Teates, Souse of Representatives, rrwmirnyirit, JJ. i.'. J As a patriot, delay the count, prevent fraud, and save the country. 8ignedl Oct. Coke, W. P. Roberts. The Pee Dee Herald says one Wat Arrington has eloped with a Mrs Saunders, of Anson. "Arrington deserts a wife and seven small children. The faith less wife of Saunders leaves two children one of them an infant three or four months old." The iniured-husband is in hot mir suit Raleigh Observer of 2nd: The session of the Senate last night was a lively one, the entire time being consumed in the uuasiuerauon 01 tne insane Asylum bill Spirited discussion was made on both sides, points of order were raised, and reconside rations prevailed. The sticking point seemed to be whether the Superintendent of the Asylum shoule be a married man or not Raleigh bondhold ers throueh then: counsel aooear oo. yesterday afternoon before the joint com mittee on the State Debt. They propose to compromise at 40 cents on the dollar of the anti-war debt, and 30 cents on the debt con tracted since. This would give tbe State Stonewall Lodge, Knights of Pythias, visitsd Germaaia Lodge, of tbe same order, in' a body, on last night, and we are told the Knights enjoyed them selves immensely. Yesterday was not only the an niversary of the birth of Washington, but of the inauguration of Jefferson Davis in 1862, and of the capture of Wilmington by the Federal forces in 1865. We are requested to state that there will be preaching at the Primitive Baptist Church, on Castle street to-night. Elders John S. Brinson and Taylor are ex pected to conduct the services. Uur friends should not forget the Sunday school entertainment, to con sist of vocal and instrumental music, speeches, dialogues, &c., to take place at Brooklyn Hall to-night. It will be worth seeing and hearing. Our attention is called to the fact that "Mrs. Warren Bey, wife of a late American officer in the Khedive's army (hence the Bey) lately gave a grand ball at her residence in Paris, which was tbe finest event in the American colony in that city this season." The ladv in Question is th time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued irom the Signal Office in this city: Montgomery, . ... .55 New Orleans,.... 54 Norfolk .59 PuntaRassa 65 Savannah, .59 St Marks........ 59' Wilmington,.... 8 AUBUSta... 61 Charleston, ......58 uorsicana, 63 Oalveston,. ...... 61 Indianola. ..... ..68 Jacksonville, 61 B-eywest 71 Mobile,.... .55 A. .. ' twugBtt 10 seldom that one so young is pmcd rfM im oigBS nsa Deen given. Baltimore Ameri can, Feb. 12. f rrrrrrr- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS r About Shua St. Patrick's Day. The Hibernian Benevolent Association pf this city are making preparations for the celebration of St Patrick's Day, on the 17th of March. Thev will have thAir cnoi - w , MaSWSJBJBM parade, after which an oration will be de livered by Hon. Edward Cantwell, who, a uay or two since, accepted the invitation of the Association to ad dress them on that oc casion. The arrangements look to a more spirited celebration of the day than usual Arrested for Larceny. A colored man by the name of H. Banks was arrested by one of the police officers, aoout 13 o'clock on Wednesday nigh tin the act of carrying off a plank from the Walker ml on Princess, between Front and Second streets. He was taken to the guard house and locked up, there to await a hearing before the Mayor's Court this morning on the charge of larceny. , ; odJ- wlio oilw TM.ou i-1'A, HJSY ARE THE RUST I nnt Ifwnniuu.i.n . .. ,ST I w.uwim me cjota, tney Will last tbe thesboviBneTkUnr-gfn, fob ts-rt jntfjwso We sell; 'i.'HIf Alio, a PINB ASSORTMENT mm .s 'f.'ili'tii y 'feb as-tf of NBW STYLB FRAMES, Jnet receired at HEINSBERGER'S Live Book and Music Store. . Turpentine Still. f 16-BBL. STILLi TOTDK18, it -A or wtre by EEROHNKR SCAlim BRO8. , Rice, Sec KA BWs SUGAR. l Bbls kice. JQfJ Boxes caawma TOB4000, For fi Ale by ' gggg KEBCHNER & CALDER BROS. fills: . V IB i-f'; moo! e b4f Flour. Flour. Bblg FLOUR, all grades. For sale bj a Oai Coal. ;: v at.;i -nil 11 UOI QABGO OF PRIME MJA3.TO WpWLAiroi?. UASH OBDBR8 FILLED PROMPTLY BBOS Meal and Hay. 1000 r0 COMa inn paaisH watbr- . 4J'i -- A J ALPSJt BROS. ' - . ijJfiomatooO Stf o Ltaaan ruiuajfi AND WHITE E CABBAGE. ROLL BUTTER, (1RTTH s ?&8'XQIJNTAIN j LWOfi rillKI.KN onri a. S. cor. Market nS tin 6t vi-iu m ei and planing mills ttom baa parsley a vmnnn -o'tpO, G. Parties), WILMINGTON, N. C "urrs uojicuea ior all deecristions of vnr m-a.-BUILDING and WEST TNnrT 1 TinSs? CAK febJ83-tf pBAS, Onion lets, Fresh i BEANS. Change of Signal Officers. Mr. D. C. Ralston went tofhnithrHle on the Government steamer Jas. T. Boston, yesterday, for the purpose of assuming cnarge or the 17. feb 28-tf iL.T t. "ft. l t r v m " wu muu v arieues, . rur owe DJ GR & FLANNB Ship Notice. BR. , j j it ; this State. serious Accideut to a Child. A little child of Capt Edgar Williams, of the Steamer Wm, Nyce, about twelve months old, met with a very serious acci dent on Wednesday evening, between 5 and 6 o'clock. Tbe little one had been left with the nurse for a few moments, while the mother went below stairs to attend to about $7,000,000 to nav. or nerhans not I some business, and during more than $6,500,000. princinal and inter- owinir tn nwt .v ! gg , I a ""6'"' w vaiciciguas UU UIC pul 8. -Signal Office at that wife of Dr. Edward Warren, formerly of Poiht in place of Mr. B. C. Anderson, who. at nta own request, will be transferred to Breckenridge, Minnesota, where he goes for j tne benefit of his health. Mr. Ralston is accompanied by his family. ALL PERSONS warned against harboring or credit ins ;aav Of the Crew nf aSn232 By '-FRANK "as neither Masteraoi Consignee will be responsible la the premises. IbTSSlnSKr woe mat come inSLPLYJSS SOUTHBBN PLOWS OF'.c- CASTINGS to fit all aii sihivp lar S ynu i i feb SS-St C. PETBRSEN. Master ics vi AHl INK 1TB The Norwegian brig BMina. Cant Ellingsen, is on Messrs. Cassidey & Ross.' ways for the purpose of undergoing some sngnt repairs. The schooner Etta May, Capt Hobby and StyUsh Hats and Caps. HARRISON & ALLEN, febaa-tf Hatters. Baldwin Apples, Referring to the County Gov ernment bill, Col. Cameron writes to his paper, the Hillsboro Recorder, as follows: "The bill had some little opposition from the Democratic aide, eight Democrats in the House voting against it on its third reading. Home ot these thought tbe bill did not go far enough; others voted in def erence to the wishes of constituents. The Kepubiicans voted against it to a man, and made strenous fight at every step." Col. E. R. Liles thus refers to Henry G. Williams, Esq., editor of Wilson Advance, and a member of tbe State Sen ate, in bis letter to the Pee Dee Herald, his paper: "Williams is a lawyer, editor, scholar and orator; has much experience in legislation, is modest and lazy a warm- neanea, gooa looKing, rriendly gentleman; always ready to help a friend 'in a pinch,' of the nurse, the child fell headforemost 'om Philauelphia fer this norL with a car. I WaLMT, JUST received - . . - i oena vonr orrtAra whfi fhn hilt VPrv mrplv nnneiirin.nn tha frnr Vti ru -I tl . I '--J J TI"S" nwMwm. uu vneraw ana oansDury itailroad by speech on the Robinson Electoral Commis a i at at r. i. . . fl i the use of fifty convicts, was taken up on its second reading. The bill was read a third time and passed. Bill to farm out seventy-five con victs to work on the Rutherford and Spartanburg Railroad, was taken up. Bill to create a new township in Columbus county, by the name of Waceamaw township, was taken up and passed its several readings. Bill to locate a permanent seat of government in Pender county was taken up. Mr. McBrayer took! the floor in support of the bill, stating that the necessities of tbe people of Pender county demanded the removal of the county seat to a more central portion of the county. Mr. Kenan moved to lay the whole matter on the table, which motion prevailed. Spirits Turpentine. Shelby has 1,005 inhabitants. The plum trees are blooming in Anson. Corn sells at 95 cents a bushel at Wadesboro. Pitt sends up three boarders to the penitentiary. Judge Settle leaves for Florida aboot March 15th. Charlotte is soon to have a Jew ish lodge, the B'naiB'rith. Mrs. Sarah Pinkston. acred 15. died recently at Wadesboro. , Nash sends three convicts to the penitentiary, all colored. - John G. Marber, Senator from Wilkes, died on the 17th inst. Two hundrecLand twenty mort gages recorded in Wilson to date. D. C. Murray, of Raleigh, is the newly elected penitentiary steward. Cabarras was to have had a "great big" annual rabbithunt on the 32nd. Judge Buxton was taken quite sion resolutions, was, probably, the ablest of the session." TJH JS CITY. NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. O. Q. Parsley & Co. Coal. L. Vollers Fresh arrivals. Munson & Co. About Shirts. Green & Planner Onion bets. Washington's Birthday. Washington's birthday was more gener ally observed as a holiday in this city yes terday than it has been before 'since the " late unpleasantness." Business was near ly entirely suspended, all the public offices, city, county and federal, being closed, while the stars and stripes floated from vari ous public and private buildings, including the offices of the different consulates. In front of the Court House there was also a profuse display of bunting. There was uo regularly organized cele bration of the day. were out, but their intended display in honor of the father of his country had to be turned into a funeral cortege in honor of a deceased member of the regiment, known as the Brogden Guards. A large number it the sporting fraterni ty were on the "rar path " in the woods adjoining the cly, but none of the lucky ones had come h at last accounts. There were several Sound parties, and as it was a pleasant day those who partici pated in them 10 doubt enjoyed tbe trip. 1 into tne nre. lhe grand-mothsr, who was go pi coal for Mr. J. A. Springer, went in an adjoining room, heard the screams of ashore on New Inlet Bar on Wednesday the child, hastened to see what was the tbe 21st inst. j about 12 o'clock. The vessel matter with the little one, and found it in commenced leaking badly during the after- the condition described. It was badly burn- noon, and bilged Wednesday night. The ed about the face and on the arms, but it steamer Douglass, Capt Jacobs, went to the is hoped that it did not inhale the fire, in assistance of the vessel yesterday morning, which case there are strong hopes of its 8 tapped her, took off the officers and crew, ultimate recovery, though it will probably brought them to this city, arriving here be somewhat disfigured. The best of med- last night. The vessel and cargo will ical skill was called into requisition and all doubtless prove a total loss. The steamer the relief possible afforded to the little suf , arrived at the scene of the wreck just as the Douglass was on the point of leaving. The Etta May ia a fore-and-aft schooner of 152 tons burthen, and at the time of the accident had been four days out from Philadelphia. There was no in surance on the vessel. Tbe masts were cut away. Send your orders while they are Bed. LADY'S PEAS and WHITE BEANS, at JAMBS C. SJBVUNSON'S, Marlfet Street the New Hardware Kr ru"ile ' febl8-tT PILES k, KTROHISON. jWt rjST) mmm ume Beet pORK. SAUSAGB, Ac, For gale by; '. . JAMBS, J.KINO, Stall Np. fl Market Haass. Hew Crop Muscovado Molasses. nm feb4-tf febSS-tf THIRD CARGO ! NEW CROP :t'ii .myall hi Q CO HHDS inn bbls. Very Superior, -sv v V BX BRIO JOHN PIHROH -nTT-T. ' MATANZ AS. For sale low from wh.-f FROM ferer. New proof of his Galls. During the late term of the Superior Court foLAhis county, a colored man by the name ofT3am Mannine was converter) nf slaughtering and appropriating to his own. use a heifer belonging to Mr. Patrick Ras berry, of Masonboro Township. At the time of the trial many expressed their doubts as to his guilt, and at one time it was thought that he would be let off with light punishment after he was convicted, but be was finally sentenced to the peni tentiary for three years. A day or two ago, however, a circumstance transpired that threw new light upon the subject, and made the fact of. his guilt more apparent It seems that another family rorantlv j , moved into the house occupied by Man- I layette ville, and offices on Cape ning at the time of his arrest, when a dog I Blver, Tuesdays and belonging to the new comers, having scent ed something buried in the yard, went to work and finally succeeded in scratching up the head of the identical heifer Man ning was charged with stealing. 13X3 The mails. The mails close and arrive at the Citv Post Office as follows; CLOSE. Northern through mails Northern through and wav mails... ....7?.. ........ Mails for the N. C. Railroad, i , and routes supplied there from, at Southern mails for all points South, oallyrnrT. .77.77:: Western mails (C.C. R'vldailv . -. i v - - vexcept ounaayj. (JKX) A. M. HOGS II E A 1 S! - - KB 3 Hen SI B . v. ' ; NOW LANDING From Schr. Ann Dole. Superior to Any Cargo Recejved tola Season. FOR SALE LOW BY s is p. m. Williams & Mnrehisnn : r , .. . "7KP. M. 100 Barrels Seed ni bin Potatoes ! Hon ;i -, Vol? , : ' FOR SALE BY feb 14-tf D&W Pearsaltn 5:15 P. M. 7 AO A. M. omt make Saddles and Harness. 1:00 PM. 6KK) A M. 6:00 A. M. 2 P.M. The Canal Project. ol. Hi. R. Liles, writing to his Daner ine coiorea military une fee Deemrdld) under dale of Raleigh, neu. 16, says of the New River Canal scheme, which was indefinitely postponed tn the Senate : "It has cost the State much money, having been before the Legislature, with varying fortunes for several years. The gentleman who has always had jt. jr hand and lobbied for It, Mr. Youn& has worked as faithfully for it as ever did a man for anything, and is wall known to all who have been here of late years. He takes the many jokes of members good- numoreaiy, worKs patienUy, and submits to defeat resignedly. And it" he lives will be here si next Legislature wfth his maDs and memorials, and his tale of Angola Bay, uig ocosin and Alligator Swamp." . Maj A snccessfaiseerch, T. C. 'Miner one of the Sheriff's depu ties, armed vith tbe necessary warrant, searched the oouse of one Laura Wiggins, on Market, bt ween Eleventh and Twelfth streets, on Wednesday afternoon, and found a lot of bediiothing which bad beep stolen from a ladyof this city about two weeks ago, and Ibe recovery of whioh the war rant wassued. The woman escaped and has not M been arrested. w 1 Fridays. Payetteville by C. C. Ryy, daily (except 8diiaya).,..w... Onslow C, H.i and interme diate offices every Friday . . Smithville mails, by , steam boat, daily (except Sundays) Mails for Easy Hill. Town . Creek, Supply. Shallotte and Little River, every Friday at 6A.M. ABRIVE. Northern through mails . . . . , t 12:15 P. M. Northern through and way mails:..:.... ... ....'.7.. ' 8P M Mails deUvered from 6:00 A. M. to 7.-00 P. M., and on Sundaya from 80 to 9:30 A. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M. ana irons vytoim r M. Money Kegister Department open same as office. -' m ;-, i ' . Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. " :i J "7 Key Boxes accessi ble at all hours, day and night. ' Mails collected from Street hnrm snm day at 4.00 P M. tmiMa i ' CASES CH AS. D. MYERS & Co. OFFER CANNED PRTJITS VEGETABLES. Ot) UXUVHUJKS ATSJJ . LEMONS) Tana vuviVJa 350 AND 30 BOXES CREAM AND CHEESE. FACTORY 30 fffrtii Appointments f For quarterly meetings on the Wilming ton Distriet of the MethodUt E. Church Rnn f h so marln ho Dav TIT a Ti r, t!? . (jin wuijeten-.; sent Conference year; ' '-J''-i" tualiy succeed, JWa2lriiils03!it9a vfeaalilnni. "U r TJD. 554 SO (Jokesbary and Ooharie Miaaion, District Stewards' tteetins- hi tb l w iwum ui toe front linnet Chnrafc Wilmington, at 11 o'clock, a. ra., Feb. 5th. 200 BOXBS SUNDRY AND TOILET QQ owatb, COLGATE'S sad TAYLOR'S. KIRK'S INDIA Rune A Comfort to. Housekeepers And the Pride of the : WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP For the Bath, Toilet, orLsnndnr use. VKBY LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. CHAS. D. MYERS ft CO.' -- - , , rv fbiawtf s a? North pmnt t ; AtPrioes ta Snit Evwybod Vr i if Hi OF BVBBY DESCRIPTION. or Repaired at Hayden & GerJiarflt'R. ff? St..1&etweea Market sad NORTH CAROLINA Cassi meres. JUST RECEIVED, FROM THE FACTORY AT SALEM, H. C. 25 ps. Cassimeres, VsrkmsqBaltties,ths most desirable Goods made fer Men sad Boys' wear. Seld atit4bnfaetrers prices. fe H-tfDAW 't poet bwo HEDKICK. an flur i . . P To Parents How oftnn ULJOW1 ' ijjd uiuok serious a uvDiuiaua unnm risw it sands take it. Price 25 cents. Styles oi Neekweax I) .TSiLiBBr i sr.r-r.wmm irisssi i feb 8-tT ft" turn . 1 sb n-it The- ln Inangnrated by ns on the 8th DAT OF JANUARY. JBTT, conttnne la fall force and effect on the 8th DAY FEBRUARY, 18ft, sad Js working to our mutual advantage. I Goods sold at LOWEST BUB PRICES FOR CASH, theoounter, by .tst'f i i: u'i Tobscffonfcc 6. DtmiiB CoimtY Beef. lilt fHi;n Hrlt rti-i77oj- , . r ALL-FED t AT STAiL NO. 6V ipltc . an T ' MARKET ' mma tied at Lowest Cash Price. BXCBANGB OORNER,, Uf . ' rit naioi moj Cash orders respeetfany solicited by leh lltt V. A. WATSON.