.jaeaSBSBatsaWsaWalaa . ..... 1 MWUAUBPPB, ,. -rr-irTTthfir slever parody iThe foiiojnng L1U riMicM CaaaiM on the e famous poem wttvtno- TT,fA Or nder." WILMING- ixbe JNeeuy ton Stab. ISON dBLlS. . .:.u i.oTrarrl oves I view i TSaariigbtthrough these gratings P0" ro5.h mv true iioa:;n5 Board. is ana Diaic ciu.-.-0 -r i Isianaltate Returnuig Board, . ...aa ihnsuand dollars (two Should by eiecieu y Board Sna State Returning Board. n,at and Morrisey were fro- llc J2 their vast corruption lard ; Si to General Grant ltsdu-lS- 10 r.l LiMri the Lou- Ty to pe"0". PMnrnlna. Board- isiana State Returning Board. .. i nariatipg we threw Xhepoits auu g. The party thus that saved the U- Tliiin was rescucu uj i jtlim y Rtnrn1nc Board jsiana State Returning Board. .i.,. olSmir Wrtlls !rfi hlllP tkVw oioes leak. A brutal horde Of deputy sergeants no comma- N'icfttion suner wuu isiana oiaie nu.u.u - nsiana State Returning Board. '1 ' -aF jdH hWveta eu my bowic-uihi, iwvyw Revolvers, auu wj nri,. AM AAfth am I 1A IIO Cane. n ut -- T Defenseless memoer in mc ii- lsiana state neiurmug isiaua State Returning Board? Field DUts oo his remorseless screw, At every ue i uuu wv. Vassal or peer am I? I to Reply decline, to save the Lou- isiana Sute Returning Board. TVaintow Crpital. The annual inquiry of the New York Legislature relative to the sal ary account of life insurance compa nips develops great reluctance on the on part of some companies to tell what they are asked to. The meagre in formation supplied also shws that the poorest companies paid the high est price. For instance, one compa ny paid its vice-president $20,t)67; its secretary $14,234, and a total of 8116,428, to receive three millions and manage assets of five millions. Another company only spent $56,000 to manage assets of four millions and a half. Another spent $181,000 in running the company with an income of only about a million and a half. Breathing Hlasma Without Injury. There is no exaggeration in the statement that thousands of persons residing from one year's end to another in fever sad ague regions on this Conti nent and esewhere.breath air more or less imprest ziated with miasma, without incurring the disease. ! : I I 1 . k. .v. 1 1.1 . M ciuiuiv aau uuiv uuuc uicr wo ill uic uiuik w using Hostetter s Stomach Bitters as a preventive. it has frequently hanpened. and the fact has been amply attested by the parties themselves, that' per sons garrounaea oneu sues Dy neunoors snnenng iae utnarea ei una snivenng ana miming piagne. uave eujoyeu soaomie unmoniiy irom it, .thanks to the protection afforded bv the Bitters. Nor la that standard aati-f ebrile cordial leas enlcaciens in rem- eaymg than m preventing chills and fever, bilious remittents, and disorders of a kindred tree. Taken between the paroxysms, it speedily gtt their violence, and eventnallv prevents their recurrence. These facts, convincing v estabiiaheri hv pv Henri tpBeal with peculiar force to travelers and sojoorn- r m maianons aistncta. THE OBSERVER NEDS MO FORMAL STATE JtENT OF PRIN ciples, nor elaborate recital of what it will ee or txpects to do, in the coming year. It can offer uu stronger guarantee for its future than is afforded t. X. wnanc'' win labor earnestly and iaitnrallv for the utmiwiumt f k nHnM.t. party and for the good of the State, which it be- 10 tau enn in Aiv C'.fCn atinn fnr THP ADjbTOTTdii mTm 7 w aaub viioiUTJUL alitl l Lie WUOlc- some uteratareitia giving to the people of North o UOUDVUU1U. X O.A UDorilii V XilL becomes a flxture. It needs only to be seen to make Th qh .r' comer or wo mate, i" . speedily, its JTdltors 'BEMICMs FOR 18T7 FOB TH3 OBSERVER. DAILY t EtVit! n aTf?1 2 volume. I S;i iwhi)?, s volumes. p4nU1uarT' 2 volumes. IRobBoy.iTelumea. 5. Heart of Midlothian, 3 volumes. f SSftS Immermoor, 2 volumes. m nSfbb0t-2 volumes. Mrtty. 9 volumes, if Syworth, a volumes. Or i . yinte volumes, aannal snhLf110 T111 Xer elve te farwSdea8-, the wnole of the abov? will OrVtoan?JU 01 exPrefMl. free of all ehargea, i" nnS subaJ. Bfe: matcWe?8MvLU,n,laled dltIon of Sc0"' FOR THB OBSERVER, WEEKLY. W?i SwlSH? P900 wno sends ns $3 for one i-ifi u' ''P'lOn to THE OBSKRVHR wkl. rol.owmgaC& - 4. .. mm rami sPoemaofPauli BSSnZ 7-The6ddTTum;;8UUC-10 iwJ DwaoBds, by same. OrlJBlmp80n,Hoosier Mosaics charges. DT PP or express flee of all 8ed (S11; w,em&a. ot ehild, who may wbscrlpuo- annual 'f. or both combing KrUV? or week March l.lfinntl,Jetweeil nuary 1. 1877. and AIL the bookririiorWMded' ft6e of all chsitres. ""uuusuon "" a 'morte'f t.1"' " wel1 fluted and North'aud Kto uSUWjFm r ducted TES OF 8UBSCB1PTION IN ADVANCE. "a'lj,onevi, " BixmontuT"11"1--" weeuy, one year. m'aU iiMto;' $8 00 4 00 2. BhsDhsm. History of the U. a 3. RiitoyoLWlnguaii liar Books. 1876, Scritoer's MontUy, 1876. We invite the attention of the public to Sews iota's Monthly, which now deservedly ranks among the but illustrated periodicals or the WORLD. The papers illustrative of American Scenery, which have appeared in its pages, among which were included " The Wonders ot the Yellowstone" and the " Grand Canon of the Colorado," have won beautiful engravings, have been re issued in book -form in both Great Britain and America. For the coming year we have broader plana than ever before The magazine will be enlarged, and there will be THree ReiartaWe Serial Stories BT AMERICAN WRITERS. G ONR O Ttn IflET HABTE, Of which the Boston Post says: "It is a sena that will make every new number of Scribner's eagerlysought for, if It had nothing else to recom- The Canadian Illustrated Neinx rrrlior tbftt " wp have found at last the American novel." ine uhubvum vowntr-Journai says: "The second installment is even stronger than the first. all that was looked for e begin in January - ; " PHILIP UTOLAA'S FRLWD8, By EDWARD JSVERETT HALE. : This is an historical romance. The kcb In laid inthe southwest, at a time when that territory was Byamu, uiou r renco, ana men American, ana n wax waa imminent, to obtain the control of the month of the Mississippi. It is likely to be the w oi me jusaiespi v alley , as tti i HI1 . a v LJasM . a thai juass o Lowrie s. By FANNY HODGSON BURNETT. The friends of " rkmraim"who have read "Hnrlv Tim's Trouble," "One Day at Arlc," 'The Fire at UraaUey Mills," and others of Mrs. Burnett's short stories, will not need to be assured that they haves rare treat before them. The scene of the new novel is lata in anvKngliah mining town, and from the first page to the last the interest is unflagging. Among other notable papers we mention the fol lowing: A Skcohd "Fakmmb's Vacation," by Col. George E. Waring, descriptive of a row-boat ride of two hundred and fifty miles, in one of the most fertile and interesting of the vine-growing valleys or Europe a region never seen by the ordi nary traveler, bat full of interest, In H social and in dustrial aspects. Am collection of Revolutionary Letters, h A SERIES OF ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES ON AMERICAN COLLEGES, The Series includes William and Mary, Harvard. Yale, Michigan State University, vTesleyan Unl veraity, Amherst Agricultural College, Princeton, Union, Bowdoin, Trinity, and other typical institu tions of the country. Elegantly illustrated article OLD NEW YORE, illustrated papers on American Cities. Ac The editorial control and direction of the Maga zine will reroain in the handa of Dr. Holland, who will contribute each month editorials upon current political and social topics. Our readers may look to Old Cabinet" for pure sentiment; "Home and Society" 1 or graceful economy; " Gulture and Pro trress" for criticism: ' The World'a Work" for in- dustrial intelligence ; Bric-a-Brac" for wit and in nocent pleasantry. ScRiBNXB's Monthxt is now recognized, both In tois country ana in England, as the great represen tative American magazine. by the favor accorded te It bv a een- erous pubuc, we shall aim, daring the Centennial year, to eclipse its former achievements in both its Literary ana Art departments. &CBIBNXB is sold Dy ail First-ciass Booksellers and News-Deal era.; Price, $4.00 a Year, 35 cents a Number The 10 vols, complete. Nov. 1970. to Oct 1875. oouna in maroon cietn ...fan oo ao. ao. bound in hair morocco. 30 oo Vols, betrtn in November and May. Any of the earlier volumes (I to VIII) will he supplied separately to parties who wish them to complete sets at this rate, i. ., cloth, $3 00; half morocco, 3 00. aj kseilers and Postmasters will be supplied at rates that will enable them to fill any of the above offers. Subscribers will please remit in P. O. Monev Orders, or in Bank Checks or Drafts, or by registered letters. Money in letters not registered, at sender's MovBUaaTnand Daxunrmwt ' numbem jree to all twtcrtoers ror laib. SCRIBNER & (X)., 3 an ft-tf 743 Broadway. New York. THE ALDINE COIFANYS NEW PUBLICATIONS. SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. TBI ALDINE; THB ART JOURNAL 07 AMJUUCA. This splendid enterprise Is net only well sus tained in every feature, but is being constantly de veloped and improved. It to-day stands Without a rival in the whole world of periodical literature. The beautiful dosr-potrait, "Man's Unselfish Friend,'" a chromo presented to every subscriber, is a dlcided hit, and will, if possible, add to the popularity'which this work has gained. The Abt Uhiok feature also promises great and beneficent results, in arousing public interest in the fine arts. Circulars and full information on application. Parts I, II, III and IV are now ready. SUTTON'S LEISURE-HOUR MISVELLANY. To be completed in 40 parts, issued fornlghtlj. Bach part will contain an ealegant frontispiece, orignally engraved on steel, for the London Art Journal. : i REPRODUCING at a price within the popular reach, engravings never berore offered at leas than live times tne amount. These plates have been the attraction of THE mm ART JOURNAL. Each Dart will contain 26 auarto oases, including the elegant frontispiece, on heavy plate paper. A superb title psge, richly illuminated in red and gold, will be given with the first part, and the print ing of the entire work will be a worthy ropresenta- tation or "Tne Aioine rress" wnicn is a guar antee or something beautiful and valuable. THE ART JOURNAL Complete in IS monthly parts, at $1 each. Repro aacing tne oest inii-psge illustrations from the earlier volumes of The Aldlne. Each menthly part will contain six superb dates which accompanying descriptive matter, and whether for binding or framing, will be entirely be yond competition in price or artistic cnaractcr. Every impression will be most carefully taken on the finest toned paper, and no pains will be spared to nan wis toe ncnrai production or a press which has wen. in a marvelously short time, a world wide reputation. , GEM 8 FROM THE ALDINE. Especially assorted for Scrap Bbok Wuxtratiom ef. Drawing Class voptes. a large collection or Pictures or different nixes and on almost ever conceivable subject have been put up in sb attractive envelope, and are bow offered at a price intended to make them popular in every CUK, Envelope No. 1. containincr 50 beantifnl en crav ings, is new ready, end will be sent, postage paid, to any address for ONE DOLLAR. A libsrai dis count to agents and teachers. Ttlat ALDINE PA SSE-P AftTOUTS. Ineompliuice with repeated requests, the pub lishers of The Alddte have prepared impressions Z u vi men inun dcsbqiui pi ates ror passe-par- Thecuts ire mounted on a beautifully tinted azure mat. with a hasdaomo mH hMiu, ni iJLitV&P"' H U euJyleft for the customer ? fold' ever an abreadv attached border, u muv uw; in wuc uy o cnild. i, 13x15 in. with plana. (Uk. sue lor S i selection is ten to pu A 10 X lfila in.. SOp . wi.t, . 7 sub; . rm -. , w. , uuu luaaa. oc. CANVASSERS WANTED. THE ALPINE COMPANY, . New York Agent for DL, IS3 The Morning Star PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Subscription Rates In AdTaiiec : DAILY STAB, One Year, postage paid, $7 00 " Six Months " 4 00 - Three Month " ' 3 35 One Month M " 1 00 WEEKLY STAR. One, Year postage paid, $1 50 " Six Months, ' 1 00 ThreeMonths" 00 Notices of the Press: A first-class paper. BatUeborO Advance. Emphatically a live paper. Goidsboro JteiM. The Stab is a live paper. Sumter (S. G.) New. One of oar best exchanges. -Keowee (A 01 Court One of the best daily papers inthe State. Weldon News. One ot the very best ef oar dally exchanges. - South Carolinian. Ranks among the leadinr Dallies of the State. Christian Advocate. One of the best Dailies in the State. titeUesvillt A valuable paper. We cheerfully recommend it. Pes Dee Courier Ranks among the leading Journals of tne South. - Marion 03. C.) Star. One of the best and most desirable papers in North Carolina. Norfolk Virginia. Full of general news, and a credit to Wilmington -Elizabeth City Nor& Carolinian. One of the best daily papers published m the Southern States. Horry (a. C.) Newt. One of oar best Southern Journals. As a newspa per not surpassed by any. Friend ef Temperance. One of the best conducted in the State; bold, inde pendent and well informed. JMMtwe Recorder. Ablv edited, and has a circulation which speaks volumes of comment on its Influence. Magnolia Onward and UDward it eoes until now it has the largest circulation or any lMiry in tne state. nea- mom . The Wilmington Stab, now very much Improved. has the largest circulation of any paper inthe State. JCnjleia limes. The Stab stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise and literary merit Chester J3. C.) BeporUr. Unauestionablv the best daily lonmal In North Carolina, and has no superior in any other Southern State.-ifaroro 03. C.) limes. For editorial ability, general news, correct market reports and fine literary selections the Stab has nc superior. Rocky Mount Mail. Is well conducted and has as much and great a va riety of good reeding matter as any Daily in the State. Warrenton Gazette. This paper, though not many years old. is one of the best dallies in the State, sad well merits the support it receives. uovssovrg courier. One of the beet dally Journals en our exchange list Belongs to no ring save that which encircles tne good ot the people. Savannah Mirror. The Wilmington Morning Stab is among the best newspapers in the South. Rich, rare, racy, always rrean and "on nme.-jisnevtue sxpoettor. A staunch and Independent advocate of the peo ple's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first jour nals of the Southern country. -Rockingham Observer. The Stab is undoubtedly an enterprising sheet. beautifully printed and conducted with marked ability. Mr. Bernard deserves great credit for his efforts in journalism, Raleigh Sent1 el. Those of our readers desiring to take a daily or weekly paper from North Carolina cannot do better than take the Wilmington Stab. Cherato OS. C.) Democrat. The Stab is one of our most highly valued ex changes, sad It affords us pleasure to recommend it sb one of the most racy sad reliable dailies in North Carolina. Kinsion Gazette. A live newspaper, and the best Dally n the State. The circulation is larger than that of any other Daily la the State, which proves it Milton Chron icle. No oaoer evei started in North Carolina has grown so rapidly as has tne stab, rnougn only nve ESS! old. it is now a fixed institution, enjoying an Influ ence sad e prosperity second to none in the State. Salisbury Watchman. The Wilmington Stab is in the front rank of our Southern dailies, well edited, full of mews and select reading matter, teiegrapmceporta, and in every res pect a first rate journal. If we had many such papers our State would be the gainer by it. Greens. Patriot. Eugene L. Harris, Artist In Crayon Portraits. SASSAFRAS FORK, N. V., BEOS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION to his Portraits in Crayon. Persons wishing good pictures of themselves or deceased friends can have them nicely executed by sending him a photograph to work irom. A good pnotograpn is necessary to insure a good likeness. The prices below include oy man, on rousr. a. Beat frame of walnut an will oe Tumvaea ts usase who desire it, at $1. 00. CBS: .... . . $5.00 $10.00 Size, 14 x 17 inches. Life flue, (bast) - TESTIMONIALS. "Mr. Harris nosseses the rare gift of being able to delineate, accurately, from a photograph or o the picture the exact likeness of say one. we guaran tee gatisf actios.'- Oxford Leader. " We have seen his work, and consider it excel lent Try him." Central Protestant. " We have seen a capital portrait of Hon. A. W Venable. by Mr. E. L. Harris; that reflects ddi- t i on al lustre on his genius tat that department." Torch-Light, l mar n-u W. U. Gbbgo, Prest. F. W. Rockwkx, Sec. Southern White Lead Oo. Every package of this Company's brand of Strict ly Pure White Lead bears the following guarantee : '-Thx Whits Lbao contained in this Package IB eUABAUTEED BV THB MANTJT-ACTUBXRS, THE SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD CO., St. Louis, Mo., TO CONTAIN HO ADULTERATION WHATEVER. IT IS COMPOSED ENTIRELY OF PERFECTLY PURE CARBO NATE ot Lead and Linseed Oil, axp is sold subject to Chemical analysis and the Blow Pipb Tbst." ; , The same of this Company is placed ONLY upon STRICTLY PURE Lead. It is not placed upon a second or other Inferior Quality. So oarties pur chasing White Lead branded "SOUTHERN COM- fAMX," are absolutely sure or QDtaining a ruu FBCTLY PURE ARTICLE. Fer sale by Dealers in Paints sad Oils throughout the West and South.' feb 6 -8m The Piedmont Press, HICKORY. N. C. IS THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN CA tawba county, and has on extensive circulation among mere nan is, rarmers, ana au cuts ness men in the State. The PRESS is a WIDE AWAKE DEMOCRATIC V 11 m M aa. ana is saesirsDiemeaium ror NArth Oarelina. liberal advertisements. y stbicti-y s LEAB BLEACHED PRINTING AND BINPING. THE "STAR" J iNsfe Iff STEAM JOB PRINTING BOOK BIN1DERY, -AND- "R T. A -"NT TT BODTT -r t f;,Tfn MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM H. BERNARD, PROPRIETOR, WILMINGTON, N. C. t&THE ONLYI ESTABLISHMENT III THE CITY BAVINO All of these Facilities Combined. The Beet assortment of TYPE, PAPERS, CARDS and INKS. Skilled Workmen -IN- Every Department. Not the Lowest Prices BUT, -: As Low Prices AS ANY Other Establishment FOR THB BEST QUAL1T1 OF;WOKI4. PRINTING, RULING -AND 33il IST ID I IsT C3-., OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. EXECUTED Promptly and Skilfully. Improved Machinery OF- SINCE ADDING am Power labled MISCELLAKEOUS. 1877. The Quarterly Reviews Blackwood'sSMagazine. THE LEONARD SCOTT FUR LISHING CO. 41 BARCLAY STREET, NEW YORK, Continue their authorised Reprints of the FOUR LEADING QUARTERLY REVIEWS. EDINBURGH REVIEW, LON DON QUARTERL Y REVIEW Con mntOkek. WESTMINSTER RE VIEW, Liberal.) BRITISH Q UARTBRLY REVIEW, EemtgsMeaL) ' AND BWwooi's Eiidmrik fca&aziiie. The Brittsh Quarterlies give to the reader well di gested information upon the great events in con temporaneous history, and contain masterly criti cisms on all that is fresh and valuable in literature, as well as a summary of the triumphs of science and art. The wars likely to convulse all Europe will form topics for discussion, that will be treated with a thoroughness sad ability nowhere else to be found. Blackwood's Magazine la famous for sto ries, essays, and sketches of the highest literary merit. T TERMS (INCLUDING POSTAGE): Payable Strictly raj advance. For any one Review $ 4 00 per annum For any two Reviews 1 00 For any three Reviews For all four Reviews For Blackwood's Magazine.. . . . Fer Blackwood sad f Review. . . For Blackwood and S Reviews. 10 00 M 00 4 00 7 00 10 00 18 00 For Blackwood and 3 Reviews. . For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews. 15 00 CLUBS: : ''''-i'-S "' --it'"- ?r'r $ ' "r ? A discount of twenty per cent will he allowed tr clubs of four or more persens. Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one ad dress for $12.80; four copies of the Tour Reviews n suranroea i or t, ana bo on. PREMIUMS: New subscribers (applying early) for the year 18T7 may have, without charge, the last volume for 1876 of such periodicals as they may subscribe for. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to dubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on application. THIS IdSUfr AKD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., dec 19-tf 41 Barclay st. New York. J. Lippincott & Co. HAVE JUST PUBLISHED Life of Gen. T. J. Jackson, ("STONEWALL JACKSON,") Bv Sarah Nicholas Randolph, author of "The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson," etc Hand somely illustrated with Portrait from Steel, and Eight fall page wood engravings. Crown 8vo. Fine cloth, ti.ua. "The pages before us are a contribution to our 11 terature for which all Virginians should be grateful, and which should be in the library of every South ern household." Richmond Enquirer. "It is the record of a career tn the highest degree interesting. The simple narrative of his life has all the charm of romance. "Baltimore Gazette. THE ATONEMENT? LEAM DUNDiS. A Novel. By Mrs. E. Lynn Linton, author of "Patricia Kemball," etc With illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, $1.50; paper, $1.09. T "Mrs. Lynn Linton is one of the most original and acute thinkers of the day, and writes not only fearlessly, but with remarkable vigor. Chicago Inter-Ocean. "That very engrossing noveL "-Philadelphia As. "An exceedingly Interesting aoyeL "Boston Gat. -ner vigorously written tale." jv. Y. Eve. Mail. a familTsecret, An American Novel. By Fanny Andrews, (Elsey Hay), 8vo. Fine cloth, $1.50. Paper cover, $1.00. "It la a vigorous, incisive and pleasant story. " Chicago Evening Journal GENTLEFOLKTAND others. By Julia Duhbxns, anther oi "Philosophers sad Fools." Crown 8vo. Fine cloth. Sum The excellence sad value of these essays consist in meir Deing tne results or a strong mind opera ting on life, in the spirit of philosephy.long matured and carefully sifted, sad the air of pleasing tranquil ity which pervades them throughout. "For summer reading, and especially for retina aloud among people of refinement sad culture, there are few more desirable books then thin " JTfftsxfflf LIFE'S PROMISE TO Pit. A NoveL By Clara L. Conway, ltmo. Fine doth, $1.50. A novel of mote than commoa. merit, with a Beat deal of admirably distinctive portraiture, and is s story of thrilling Interest. Forsale by all Booksellers and Periodical Dea lers, or will be sent by mail on receipt ef the price by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., Publishers, 715 and 717 Market Street, Philadslphia. ang 4-tf PROSPECTUS. The Raleigh Observer. ON THE 16TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1976, -and in the city of RALEIGH, the undersigned will commence the publication of The Observer, a DAILY and WEEKLY Democratic newspaper. Of long experience in their profession as editors. respectively of the Fayette ville Obsbbyxb and the Wilmington Journal, they do not affect to doubt the soundness of the general judgment which as signs tnem aoillty to mraisn S newspaper umieu vo the needs and adapted to the tastes of the people of North Carolina. Differing in politics in the olden time, there was never a difference between the Ob skbvxb sad the Jotjbnal in seal for the interests and honor of North Carolina. To promote the one. and to uphold and add to the other will be the ob iect of the Obsbbvbb now. Of very decided opinions, on questions of public interest, and apt to give those pression. they deem it the first duty of a i to furnish its readers with the Info rr to the f ormsjhm of their carte i Taa 3n It densea smeary orsnjs tanee hi which liltfc circulauoi any other by like dignity Obskbvbb, transf ( will deserve, and i i the equal, sad then I former circulation and It will be their hdence by earnest rare, nrstanai these, of the whole can only bee tic orrndoles from the rjfecee and Dower lv ahnned. and under whose baleful rule has been outraged and the whole country has been lmnnvei-taheri and disgraced PETER M. W. L , SA gcasaaiPTioM nans. Daily bserver, one year. $8 00 Daily Observer, six months. 4 00 Weekly Observer, one year, . iir nfliriT i inBrrTrir niT mirniian ' - .. - . .i , , j -i - All communicstrons auoam ue aeureaaea, iwvu farther to W. L. SAUNDERS. Sept 94-: tr Wilmington. N. C. C. H. WARD'S Shop, North Front st efforts to promote the public wel- rrunaScSocgh Unioa. TheyUdnk Uatthls which then have eo great- tne scutn i8 Bank, . Ubersl terms wfJTbe made General Snp'ts Office, GTJ8TA fit. K. COMPANY, WILMINOTON. N; C, Jan 3. Iff. 7. Change of Schedule. O N AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, JAiLS, TUB rouowmg ncn bio wm do run on this Hoad: Day Express and Mall Train (Daily except sunaay.; Leave Wilmington j jilts p. H- Leave Florence 5:20 P. M- Arrive at Colombia 9:80 P. M- Leave Columbia 7 :40 A. M- Leave Florence -12:30 P. M- Arrive at Wilmington 5:90 P. M- NIGHT EXPRESS IB A IN (Daily). Leave wamington ... 8: Leave Florence in An4 flalnrnW. K.-tn a v Arrive at Augusta,. .".'..".V.'.VJ." MtJL Leave Florence 2:30 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 7:25 A M. Throngn Preleht Train (Daily except sanesji.j Wilmington 1:80 P. M. 3:90 P. M. I0:jA,;i. 4:30 P. IL 4:00 A. M. 2:46 P. M. Leave Florence Arrive at Columbia. . . Leave Columbia Leave Florence Arrive st Wilmington. Paaaencfznt fnrr Anon RtA rm H hr.vn A folra Night Express Train from Wilmington. rnrougn oieeping uars on night trains for Charles ton sad Augusta. Parlor Car on Day Express and Mail for Charles ton, JX i JAMES ANDERSON, j an 4-tf n'i sup't. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. OF7ICB OI QSHL 80nXlAMHUUI1 WilmingtoE, N. C, Jan. 1, kNMND AFTER WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 3, 1 1 1 OTTf Dflaom, rn1na as fhn Yi f Jliwin i-y An jftV V Afs. a. WasjSJaagTT I AtOUlS VU UU ff UiUtUSjUU vv Weldon Railroad win run as follows : 5 ly Hall anlZ Express Train Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 7:45 A M Arrive at Goidsboro 11:26 A. M. Kocky Mount i:so r. at. Weldon 3:00 P. M. Leave Weldon daily.... 12:80 P. M. amveat rtocxy Mount a:u3 r. m. Goidsboro... 3:6 P. M. Wilmington,-Frontt. Depot, 7:53 P. M NlRtot mall land ExpressTraln, Daily except ;snnday. Leave Wilmington At 5:40 P. IS. Arrive at Goidsboro 10:15 P. M. Rocky Mount.... ........ 12:80 A. M. Weldon 2:20 A.M. Leave Weldon, daily 4:S0 A. M. Arrive at Rocky Mount. ..... 6:01 A. M. uoiasDoro a:uo a. m. Wilmington 13:00 j M. The Dav Train makes close connection at Wel don for all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all rail route. Night train makes close connections at Weldon tor au points north via Richmond. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS at tached to all Night Trains, and run through from ilmington to Milford Station, en Richmond, Fre dericksburg & Potomac Railroad. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington tri weekly at 5:30 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P.M. . j JOHB JT. 1UVJMJE, fan i8-tf General Superintendent. fcj CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY GO. Omct Gxaaaax, Supeeintentjent, j Wilmington. N. C, Sept 16, 1876. f Change of Schedule. On sad after SUNDAY, the 17th Inst., trains will run over this Railway as follows: Passenger and Mail Express. Leave Wilmington at 6:30 A. M. Arrive to Charlotte at.... 8:30 P. M Leave Charlotte si 6:30 A? M. Arrive at Wilmington at 8:30P.M. Daily except Sundays . V. Q- JOHNSON. nov 10-tf General Superintendent THE FIEXinD, 1 Journal for the Sportsmei of To-lay, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING , AT 14 S. Canal St. Chicago. TJtRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Yearly, $4.00: Half-yearly, $2.00. Foreign and Oswsdlsa subscription, post free Yearly 18s.; Half yearly 9s. Single copies, 10 cents. THE FIELD is a complete weekly review of the higher branches of a sport Shooting, Fishing, Racing and Trotting, Aquatics, Base Bail, Cricket, Billiards, sad General Sporting News, Music and the THE FIELD will be found in keeping with tne on all subecta pertaining to nonoraDte sport, sad will, under no circumstances, admit to its columns anything tending in any wise to demoraliae- or degrade public sentiment; THE FIELD being the only Sporting Jo nnbliahed West of New York, and the receg authority among the sportamen of the West-aad South, among whom it enjoys a large and increasing patronage, possesses superior advantage as an ad vertising medium, which will be appreciatea by those desiring to make their business known in the United States. aprss-tr The Biblical Recorder, PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Broughton & Co. RALEIGH, N. a REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. REV. J. D. HUFHAM. Associate Editor, BEY. W. T. WALTERS, D. D., Agricolt'al Editor. Organ of HortH Carolina Baptists In Iti Fortieth Tear. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE 1. As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed Only $2.10 per Year Address Jan 30-tf BIBLICAL RECORDER, Raleigh, N. C. To the Working Glass. TT7E ARB NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH TV ail classes with constant tat home. the whole of the time, or for th spare moments Business new. light and profitable. Persons of ei ther sex easily earn from 50 cemts to $5 per evenin sad a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to tne easiness, soys ana gins earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, sad test the business, we make this wePwill send one dollar for the trouble of writing. vsral dollars to commence work on. and a codv of Home andTFire- vaUUUBt sua Bcuti irae uj uisu, howqi, a jwu w permanent, proflUble work, address, Qsobob Stfh- sox St Co. , Portland , Maine. reo b-Dm The Camden Published Emu Thursday, at Camden, & 0., OUBST.BSTAJUSHBD PAFKB l an extensive cii;iuuuij and au Classes ox , Co- with these desiring to aaMMtmsdaBBaflBBBSB 05 P. M 1 sawWyMtf WBW UtfMflftWISWl I 7HBhl BaaaHaHalBftwit Iili aa)t -TaAaaJ- .'aKSr-. .. SjV Lsskgyl ertpOon price, PM A RhY. INSURANCE. XaelFaLlli Insurance Rooms, BANE OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, Wilmington. H. C. Queen Insurance Company, of England. rjorthiuntish & Mercantile Ins. Co , of England iassffi: esBasss- New York. lav. nf New VnA Springfield fissmacWf SprlngfleldTMaas. Royal Canadian Insurance Compaty, of Canada. LwweCo.ofNorth. LIFE. Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Hartford. Fire ani Life iiisiirriee Aiew? o J. A. BYRNE & CO. Beprcaentlns over $62,000,000 "OFFICE Commercial Bxchangt North Water Street t eb ts-tf PIEDMONT & AEUHGTON LifelnsuranceOompan v Of RlcHBiona, Virarlnla ' Over 22,300 Policies Iigued Annual InfioaftOw 8100,000 ProgressiTe ! Prosperous! Prompt SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES, SB70tth INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE ' AND OOOD SUEPLWl Premloms Cash, Policies Liberal, Annual Division of Surplus AUTHTJB J. HILL, Jr Agent, Office far the present with Or. T. F. Wood. Modi cal Examiner, on Market street, two doers west ol Green A Planner's drug store, Wilmington, N. C. September a-tf JNCOURAOE HOME INSTITUTIONS Security against Firs, THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COM PAN i , RALEIGH, N. C. ratesfoSSB ' ' All'losses are piomptly adjusi!edaaf paid. Tbi "HOME" is rapidly growing in public ifavor, aui appeela, witkoonadence, totearaera of properiv b NerthCarolina. s i-r imaUpaits of the Stats. . Jr.. PreaiAent N.y. PULASKT COWPER, Supervisor. ATklHoUrt E MANNIN asi-tf Wilmington, N. c Bank of New Hanover, Capital Cash Capital paid in Surplus Fund et&M nnn e ' DIRECTORS. JOHN DAWSON C. M. B9SDMAN D. R. MURCHISON DONALD MoRAS H. VOLLERS R. R. BRIDGERS J. W. ATEINSOM. L B. GRAINQES JAS. A. LEAS B. F. LITTLE K. B. BORDEN M. WEDDELL. "ta -tJRAINGES, President 8. D. Waixaca, Psshisf sugBVtf ROD it CUM, wm LATE - THE AMERICAS SPORTSMAS, , A SIXTSmi PAGE PAPMS. ' - ' yfj j iSajj,- DEDICATED TO Siooflai, FBtm ani natural History, OCIENCE. ADVENTURE AND Field Snort articles bv DOUUmBTS SL .00.8 Months pmrmii 01 America. I S.00. 6 Months. Send stamp for CODV to OON. AprOS-tf 81 Park Row,' New York Only One Dollar. $1.00. The Wide Awake. FOR 1877, WILL BE NfULRBW tOST-PAID, TO ANY ' ADDRESS, FOR f 1.00. npHB WIDE AWAKE IS A SMALL WEEKLY 1 PAPER, published at Fayettevllle, N. C. De classes and conditions of persons who desire good government, and the re establishment and perpetua tion of the material Interests of our impoverished country. Its columns are usually occupied by the latest local aad general news and other interesting and profitable reading matter, together with the latest and most reliable market quotations, wit and humor. It is also aa Excellent Advertising Medium for the Merchants of Wilmington, having au extensive circulation in the counties of Cumberland, Harnett, Moere, Richmond, Robeson, Bladen and Sampson: nnd also, at all points -along the Carolina Central Railway, from Wilmington to Shelby. Terms lower than any in the State. Address, H. I. M cDUPFIE, jan27-tf Publisher. Forestp Stream, A Weekly Journal of Sixteen Pages. DEVOTED TO ilELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HISTORY, FISH CUL TURE, PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESER VATION OF FORESTS, YAC5TCNG. BOAT ING AND ALL Out-Door Recreation ami Stidi. It is the only Journal in this Ceuntry that fully supplies the wants and meets hs necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS $6 00 A YEAR. Liberal discount to Clubs. t4 Send for a Specimen Copy Forest S fftesism Pobllshlna Co., 13 Chatham Street, (City BsE Jeasre. New York. Post Ofltce Box Ss msr SS-tf - ' The Monroe Enquirer, BOTLIK & WOLFE, Editors anal Proprietors. nmirmnn at arnw. HE ENQ UIKitK it uiu.-- M roe, Union county, f-.-t, AS-mSiofAia, Uatoa, .very large intelligenti ons flu. an ae-tf 46 S. Clark St., Chicago, ill. 1 mar?8S-tf

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