the mormSostae: Br WM. H. BEHMABD. PUBLISHED DAILY RXCEPT MONDAYS. RATX8 OT SCMOBIRIOM IX ADVAKO : Three months, Oae irnmm To City cltr, Fifteen Centa ner v not authorised to collect f in advance. $7 00 4 00 a as M 1 oo delivered in any part of the vmr AKenia are months OUTLINES. Eulogies were pronounced in the Senate upon the late Speaker Kerr, and resolutions adopted. -It fa declared that Hayes baa endorsed the speech of Mr. Foster, in which a policy of peace was promised to the SoutH. Hayes is expected to leave for Wuhiogtoa on, ffofa&&$B.! preme Court at Columbia was crowded to! hear lb decision fe the THda Nfcrria habeas carpu case; the Court took a recess and the crowd retired. The Pope wfll puWfshi bis ecclesiastical policy on the occasion of bis jubilee. Russia has determined to demobilize her troops when peace is signed between Turkey and Servia and Montene gror -- Adeline Patti baa not fits away! with Nicoitni. - la the House a bill was passed to provide for vacancies in the omce or President and Vice President that may arise through the failure of the two Houseato count the electoral vote; a mo- tion failed, fox the waut of two thirds ma jority to recognize South Carolina and Louisiana; House took a recess until to morrow at Wedlock. , The House bflfc relative to President and Vice President! was referred in the Senate to committee oo v rivueges ana Elections. New iTork markets: Money dull and offered si $ per cent; gold dull at 104f 104 ; cotton steady at 12f 12 cents; spirits turpentine dull at ! 38 cents; rosin dull at $1 92 for strained. The Morning Star. -ji . v - VOL. XIX. NO. 131. WIOfTNrvrnv kt FPTTF"! i Y TTPTTTTiTfT n n w -w a if i i i i i j r, u viZL " T . , v iA- a i sd mFXJM. BATES OF One Square & 1. t WW... two qayi. . threediv. ABVEBTI8IRG. Si on 1 80 ..... 2 00 2 60 .. ... 8 00 3 50 5 00 6 50 elected by the people. In less thau ten minutes after the PWge of the electoral bill, Wan was telegraphed to withdraw and to elect Davis. Prominent men of the Democratic party met to-night and have decided upon a policy tbat will be carried out one which wfll give ns all possible advantage but at present cannot be made public. The Democrats of th mu .;n to-morrow night hav a . ing to protest against the decision of tne Uommwsmn Tt u.jj. . by George W. Julian, General Blair of itansas, Montgomery Blair, Mr. Morrison and others. G. C. W. f CBpecial to Richmond Dispatch. I i t , Wasitingtoh, Feb. 26. Vaulfield sent up to the clerk's Ha.1t resolution of 130 Chicago mer ohants,demanding that he urge a new election, to take the stead of the commission's work. Latest By Mail. (be Federal Capital. Whir.1 w. Feb. 2 1 A M The situation last night was some what mixed. The Republicans are verv anxious to get out of the woods, and are Very uneasy lest the electoral count may be defeated. In their ex tremity they are making a variety of profeaaion of fair treatment to the Southern people which kave about as much substance These premises are evidently made S ui me purpose or inauoing southern members to forego an v dilatory op position to the count. " These prom ises in respect to Louisiana and South Carolina will probably be put to a test to-day, and they will be offered the opportunity of voting for a joint resolution recognizing the State go vernments of Nioholls anfl Hampton. Mr. Ellis, of St, Louis, yesterday declared his purpose to cuter such a nawiutwu. ne rte public an leaders who 1?e pretended that Hay es was ready to throw off the carpet-baggers yesterday attempted to evade the issue by saying that Hayes policy ought not to be anticipated. It is an awkward issue for them, inas much as if they redeem their assu rances and pass this resolution through the Senate it may alienate from Hayes the carpet-bag element in that body and lead to some very serioufcresoUs not satisfactory to the managers of the Returning Board fraud. The President is disposed to take a sensible view of the Loniaian a t na tion. He recognizes-the fact that the Nicholls government is the one that the people of Louisiana heartilv prefer. Putting everything together, the friends of Louisiana are really masters of the situation, and are able to dictate terms to Hayes friends. They can defeat the electoral count if they choose. The Republicans know this. The present conduct ' of Grant in reapeot to Louisiana i more creditable to him than that of Hayes. All that the tatter may do will be from necessity, while- Grant acts from free choice, and his coarse is free from trickery and selfish motive. I feel sure that ere many hours the Suv eruuieiiis oi jnampton and jym elis will be on firm ground. I fear the time has gofteNfMf&r& plomacy to defeat Hayes, Just 'as the time for fighting west by in Novem ber atlor December. A great cause has, I fear, been lost for want of leadership. L. -Q. W. Special to Norfolk Landmark. I Washington, D. Q., Feb. 26. Tberrare bitter speeches being made. The sensation was Hewitt's speech, and he counselled submission before anarchy. Mr. Cate, of 'Wis consul, stigmatized it as cowardice, and Yeates, of North Carolina, roared out that the South had trusted the No r t hern Democrats, and they b ad played the coward twice. Great con fusion prevailed, when Hoar, of Mas- sauuusens, inrnea on neviu, and he was in fi laded by Cox. Washington, Feb. 25. In a letter dated the 19th instant, addressed to a prominent Republican member of the House of Representa tives from Ohio, Governor Hayes, in response to a direct inquiry, says:' "Have no concern. Assure any of oar Southern friends thai I am im pressed with the necessity of a com plete change of men and policy. I shall stand by the ideas ?&hi3&l& my letter of last summer." J. ; Aft SHVv i " irR irf OUT Lspecial to Petersburg IudBX-AppeaJ,.,;, Washington, Feb. 26. YoMamay feel satisfied, however, Electoral 4oui nwnrses me course or tne faith less Democrats in their surrender of their present rights. He has not advised because he believed it would have been an insult to the Democrats who sup- to have even intinud that thfln telhgenee was unequaled to their dtt ties tinder the circumstances, and that Poppleton. of Ohio. to laughme at the President's un electjas Donn Piatt calls Hayes, by vipg read from the clerk's desk the remarkable speech of Hayes, which was teleerranhed P.VPrVwtlOru loaf nnt from Cincinnati, giving an ac count of a serenade to the Governor at a place called Fremont. . Hewitt returned to the charge on ueais me Massachusetts Senator eleot some hard blows for his al leered deceit of the Ti drawing them into support of the bill under the promise that it gave power to go behind the returns. Hoar answered Hewitt in a speech in which he made vehement denial of having given any such impression as was attributed to hie bv Hewitt. If he had done so be would have been worse thau Benedict Arnold. He closed with a prophesy that the coun try would applaud the Commission hereafter for fixing the boundary be tween the Federal Government and the States. Morton is suggested stroncly, but it is contended that bis position as commissioner shuts him out. He could, however, resign, as Thurman did. Hamlin is talked of, and Sar gent aleo. Conkling is not trusted by his Republican associates, especially by Morton and his party. It is now arranged that Hayes is to be sworn in quietly at the White House, on bunday at noon, by the Chief Jus tice, in the cresence of the n,K; and a few select friends. under consideration, the clerk read section 22. Mr. MoRae sent forward a new owu lo rouow after section 22. to provide for taxing rlno Mr. MoGehee asked for the call of me roil, winch was done, and 82 n8ered to their names. Linirty-eight members absent. A nne snowing. Stab. J Mr. McRae's new section was taken up, providing for a tax on dogs. Sundry amendments were snbstitu ted, when, on motion, the whole mat ter was laid on the table. The amendments made by the com mmee of the WhoJs were then adopted by the House, and the bill, an ameuoeovwaapat upon its second reading; the vote stood, veas 43 nays 43. The chair voted in the af- nrmative, and the bill passed its se cond reading. om to establish county govern- vu.a noo iMui up wiin sundry oiueuumems irom tne Senate, Mr. Morin'g moved that the House concur in the Senate amendments, npon which Mr. Bryant called for the yeas and nays, which call was su tained, and the House concurred bv a vote of 66 yeas and 26 nays. The Speaker announced the fol lowing as the House branch of the committee on tne Atlantic fc North Carolina Railroad: Messrs. Richard son, craves and MoGehee. Spirits Turpentine.. The Supreme Court will soon adjourn. The Charlotte Greys will re- " ciguijr opringneiu rittes. The lature. 1 Raleigh Observer's report, condensed. 1 SENATE. Monday, Feb. 26. Bill to allow the Commissioners of Onslow to levy a special tax was ta ken up, and passed its third reading. BUI to establish a Criminal Court for the county of New Hanover. Mr, Short offered to amend so as to make the salary of the Judge of said Court $2,500. Adopted. Mr. Graham offered to amend so as to elect the Clerk of the said Court by the General Assembly. Adopted. The bill then passed its several readings. Bill to amend the law in regard to the geological survey. (Requires the State Geologist to devote two months each year at Chapel Hill, as lecturer on geology, climatology, &c, and to ourmys wiMj students, dec.) An amendment by Mr. Johnston, that the salary of State Geologist shall not exceed $1,800, was adopted by a vote of ayes 26, nays 16. The bill then passed second and third reading. Ayes 26, noes 14. Bill to create a new township in Columbus connty, to be called Lake Waccaraaw Township, passed its sev eral readings. Act , concerning Greene county (provides for restoring burnt records, &c., &o.,) passed its several readings. Bill to allow two constables to Wil mington towusnip. indefinitely post poned. r"I Bill to amend the landlord and ten ant act was taken up and passed its several readings. Bill to establish a Board of Audit and Finance for the city of Wilming ton was taken up and passed i ve ral readings. Bill to incorporate the Angola Rav Canal Company. j Mt. Stanford offered a substitute .which gives 25 convicts to cut said Mr. Tfoy offered to amend by giv- ng 30 instead of 25. Accepted. The substitute 'then passed its aav- i 3 : r erai readings. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PJECTITIONS. i t a r at':, -m 1 mr. onacKeirord presented a peti tion in relation to the charter of the town of Swansboro, Onslow county Committee on Comoratinns ;Mr.-Rfchardson presented a peti tion irom citizens or W ilmington in regard to the limits of that city. Corporations. i 'R;n s a , dj I inMSrdM vsw; tuwnsnip in tne V Trayne, to oe Known as v Creek townshin. wan taVn nn ,od passed its several readings. Mm iu autuuiioc mtJ uuiumissioners of Wayne connty to appoint a Finance committee, was taken up and passed its several readings. Bill to incorporate the town of Contentnea, in Greene connty,: was taken up and passed its -second read ing, and passed its third reading by a vote of yeas 70, nays 0. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLB. ! The Revenue bill being the matter Raleigh has a Bradlev. but it ain't Jo. It is R H., a ever fellow. Conoord Register: The Liberia fever is abating; no new cases are reported. Mr. Thomas Garrison, of Bnrke, was thrown from his mule and badly hurt. The Raleigh people seem to be in earnest in regard to a vote on the sale of liquor. O.nentin RnaW Van . - .uo., a icauiue Raleigh Uwyer.-died on the 26tb, aged about 55. 6 . 77 Arthur Parris was seriously of a XT, I 1 mm .J iicwucrn uy one mcnay on last Saturday. - TWO frfiicht t.rnino mn the Narrow Gauge RaUroad and eonsider able business is done. The ladies of Charlotte Second Presbyterian Church propose lb aire a se ries of weekly "sociables." " A revival in nrnorrouimn ot T 0" ,9' Mgtbodist Church, Raleigh, un eeoaeacfc of' Iw v.- vrv C. Iforasff, Thomas Messer was murdered in Burke county by Frank Goines, as is supposed. The latter has been arrested. Mrs. Francis Tisdal. in Gaston county, was burned to death on the 19th inst. She was 70 years of age.' She was almost charred. Gastonia. a vouncvillaoro knufa of one hundred and thirty-five inhabitants. A few more, and it will be a regular North Carolina."city." It is to have a newspaper.' The next thing will be a cornet band. Charlotte Observer : When it was made known that the disabilities of Gen. Hill were removed, he was immd late ly nominated for the office of a Justice of the Peace, tbat being the only vacant office known. Of the relations of D. R. An thony, who left North Carolina and lived for a time near Liviagstooe, Sumter coun ty, Alabama, where he died, leaving two orphan children. Any person knowing ujriuiuK m iuc Baiu u. n. .anuiony in this State, will please correspond with Mrs. Bettie High, Livingstone, Sumter oounty, Alabama, and give her bis name and ad dress. Monroe Express-. Some of oar merchants, who am ilrml nt mnin. k. ; freight charges on the C. C. Railway, have icaoivcu w uaye meir gooas Drought from Charlotte in wagons. During the last week quite a number of wagons went up to vuonuiie, una reiurnea wen loaded with goods, and it is probable that if the railroad does not soon make a reduction in its charges all our merchants will enter the ar rangement Charlotte Observer: We learn from Mr. Dumont, the attorney for the Massachusetts colonists who have been prospecting in Western North Carolina, that they have negotiated for the purchase of about six thousand acres of land lying twelve mil as nhovp Mnrmuitnii tk. I " o 'uut tuc AC gion of country known es the Dinville val- btn n A Un a I 1 am LeealSDota. No Raleigh Netos received at this office last night Full moon yesterday at 59 min utes after 1 p. m. ' There were eight oases docket ed at the Marshal's office yesterday for trial before the Mayor's Court this morn ing. The steamer J. 8. UhcUrhill carried down a large number of passengers to Smithville yesterday morning, Including Judge Seymour. Falling barometer, northeast to southeast winds, warmer, partly cloudy or nayeay" weather, are the indication for this section to day. - The Clerk of the market se cured the necessary brick yesterday for mending the pavement in the market house a desirable improvement. The Baptist Mission Sundav School cleared about $60 bv the recent entertainment at Brooklyn Hall, which will oe appnea to buyine books for the Libra ry, &c. TWo Unsuccessful Attempts at Hob- ""-" Exc Ulnar Chase-A n At tempt to Shoot the Thief, See. a quarter to 8 o'clock last even in? u attempt was made to rob the residence of Mrs. Langdon. on Market batwfien: Fourth and Fifth streets. The thief. wk: was a colored man. wa ; accidentally dis covered on the upper piasa in the rear of tne ouiidUig, watching for an oooortnnitv to enter the house, and in the hurry with wnicu ce retreated from the premises, upon Excitement she street Last Night annual Soldier dabbed by a Po liceman. Last night, about nine o'clock, conside rable excitement was caused on Front street by the arrest of a drunken soldier, and the alleged excessive cruelty practiced by one of the policemen makine the arrest Several gentlemen who witnessed the affair say that there was no excuse whatever in the fellow's behavior for the- severe blows given him by the policeman, Maultsby. The man was knocked senseless, and it is reported his skull fractured, but we were unable to learn as to the truth of the re port. Maultaby claims to have acted In self-defence, and with no intention of se riously injuring the prisoner, and also that the gentlemen mentioned above did not see the whole of the affair. The matter will be investigated before the Mayor this morning. If we mistake not the police are instruct ed, and it is one of the rules envemi nr ti,0 force, that the dub is not to be used except in extreme cases, where it mav become ne cessary for self-preservation, which is not likely to happen in a case where a man is intoxicated, and if the policeman, Maultaby, should be unable to prove to the satisfac tion of the tJottrt that he clubbed the man as he claims, we trust that an example may be made of his case. - Another fact in this connection was cer tainly outrageous, and we call the Mayor's attention to it. Upon the arrival of the policemen at the guardhouse with the pris oner the wounded man was taken in charge by the janitor and thrown into a dark cell " ftre SgEV V; " " One weele. .arsHS"- :: :; ffir .r::::::.::J8 One year ' w tea eqnarS Tm haff qnarter-colama, nd Sndden Death. Mr. John William Brill, a resident of Dn. plin, aged about 27 years, passed throueh nere en the 21st inst, on his way home from Savannah, and in twenty-four hours after his departure from Wilmington h was a corpse, baving died suddenly on the awnu. lie was in Savannah during the nr. valence of the yellow fever scourge and Had a severe attack of the disease. RIVER AND MARINE ITEMS. The Norwegian brig Atha was retort ed as having arrived in below yesterday. The Frederike Wefrn, Kriegal, cleared from Maaslius for this port on the 6th inst. The steamer Dixie, formerly on the une oetween this city and Smithville, cleared for New York yesterday, where she is now owned, having been traded for the J. 3. UnderhiU. She will go by the inland water route. 1ST OF LETTERS Remaining m the City Post-Offlce, Feb. 28, 1877: i B. Thos Barfield, Rev Geo Batson, John Be"?, mrs Emily G Berry, E NBendeU, mrsMT Berrv. Henrietta mi miss Mary Brown, miss M ft Fannie Brown, George W BOOK BiNDEHT. 'I b Un..... a . . maabke maimer, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing,t n Wkmajrraym promptness In the execution of rwB4--liiva!liabte to ran road oowp,!,, BtaamaWp companies, bank., mer- tomM The, are en dnrlng and changeless, and win cOpr Sarp aad j "Bfcma! Ovbs 2,40000 aucpui Bottles ow Boscaa.s Gxbxah Stkot We been dlstribi tedrw of charae severe CoBgha, Pneumonia, aad other Throat and Lung diseases, as a proof of its woaderfnl quality thia mai4n j. . 5 a? The demand for - vuvuiv IB niiniwriMH KPfftl lr a n If . wvvv SUl y vlsv, mfMifino Thtee doses will NEW ADYRTISiEMENTS. Administratriz' 8ale. : ;v,j Bowing, xfrown, Burnett O. Frank Gapps, miss AnnaL Carr, mrs Mary Carter; mrs Jane Ceala. miss Eliza L had wick, miss Louisa Cumber. t PvT80111 DBld' mha Eusa I B Damifino. F. Mrs Mary L Futch. i G. Mrs Harriet Gary, miss Mary J Granger. J H. Peter R TThvpo Ton.,, w tji ' ; Lou HID, miss Lula Herriae. Jack Hiirh- smith miofl nino. n;n : t .. na . I JX TUESDAt, MARCH 90TH 1T? BY CRONLY & MORRIS. FOLLOWIN SUasN. M 30 Share :artln,d ', for cash, the estoteof .to the hi elonvfn tt to tk. s Capital Htook Ort ComDan v nf PwH.,.. 25 Shares First National BankV WltaTinT CO. 21 Shares Wilmioeteu Camnr.u utv,rf' Washington A N. Orleans T- feb28-4t mh 4, 18,80 nac - r - - . . . 4 Wanted, being discovered, he dropped a child's cane the Protests of a smith, miss Diner Hill, miss Lizzie Hum-1 and two umbrellas in thVyard, whichX Pcian otlters present, white the gSprisg Hotel, missj i i i j . . nhvaician alluded in nn .u j I "y " al ! A .ww wm yu GOOD, HONEST, HNRRGKTIC MAN r qualntea m this city, to solicit TRA nu 7: On COmnllflMInn nw 17! miui. 1 UL an (J if finery had evidently stolen from some other dwelling. Running out at the front gate, and not being pursued, he next tried his hand at tne residence of Mr. Alfred Martin, a few steps further up Market street. Mr. Martin and another male member of the family were seated in rooms in the rear part of the nouse, tnere being no lights in the front rooms. A colored servant boy had been sent on an errand, with directions to leave the article he had been sent for in the library, which is one of the front rooms of the building, and it is understood that both the front and rear doors were unlocked. Upon the return of the boy, he entered by the back door and was proceeding through the passage to the .Liiorary wnen he discovered the thief with an overcoat which he had taken from the banisters, two or three of which bad been physician alluded to was not allowed to examine me neau or the wounded man to ascertain the extent of his injuries, on the piea made by the janitor that he must await the arrival of the city physician, who had been sent for. Tlie Turnpike Road. J&nowing that the completion of the above enterprise is a matter in which nnt only the residents of the sounds, but also the people of Wilmington, feel a eneclai interest, because it would furnish in the one case a good road to market and in the other a fine drive for the nent-uo occunanu of the city, we venture to make a few sug gestions m its behalf, particularly as we learn that the stockholders have not the means to complete it at present, when it will so soon be needed for the increased travel incident to the warm season. fsb 28-lt I t.ot.V.H.V,-j n ' Night Shots. CHILDREN'S T.TVBW tMt 1 . Pi It,' g Jo feb 28-lt HDXF'8 UHDI $150perdoi!n. J. Mrs Caroline V Jackson. n -Isaac JH Kelly. L. Sol. Levy. M. Mrs Anna Jane Marshall, Wm May, miss Mary McDuffle, miss Melvina McKov mrs Mary McAllister, mrs Kilty McKoyl A jl. iuuuiu, ul jjuuer, z mrs James C mrs Jianiiy Moore, miss N V Mor- uv ujrem. j -miss Jbuisana Xiixon, Geo Night in 1 sr. 1 w ravnp mtsa -r w TJ-tr: Biner Pierce. Jos A Phillm. CTf B8ie.r Thos Reid, Rosanna ! WS ARB Now owwAnui - ..uru-o, mrs rtnoaa xtoan. " ?d moat complete titoek of MnSSSTl RWEar, at Drugs and Medicines. One plan brought to our attention laths. .1 i . i . . . It... piata toere ny inmates of the house on 1 the directors make an arrai ehterfng that evehine1. The with the resMphto Kfk.")fi J 1 - - ' nuuuua, I IWB OB as be discovered the thief, attempted to ef- reel a. sufficient interest to lend a helping feet his capture, but the fellow, who was hand, to haul shells (of which there is an too fast for him, dropped the overcoat and abundance at accessible points) and place made for the front door, through which he them on theroad, or on such sandy portions escaped into the street. A hue and crv of it as moat need snnh . . r . lev. and that thev are matrinar pffnrto tn cure additional tracts adjoining thia It is thoughts the colonists will move out in early spring. O NBWSABVKBTISKHafttTS. Cabs well & Sons Wanted. MrjNSON & Co. Night shirUv Vc O. G. Parsley & Co. Lee's lime. Jab. C. Stevenson N. C. hams, &c. Eliz. J. Martin Administratrix sale. BiNFORD, Crow & Co. Hay, hams, &c. Geeen & Planner Drugs and medi cines. g ' Almost an Exploilon. j A hole was blown through the top of one of the small boilers connected with Messrs. E. Kidder & Sons' mill, in the southern part of the city, yesterday after noon, about ten minutes to two o'clock, causing considerable commotion, , but for tunately resulting in no serious iamn Part of the shed over the boiler was blown off and a brick wall in the rear was knocked down, one of the flying bricks striking a colored man on the bead, who was sitting near by, breaking the brick, but doing no damage to the man's cranium. The acci- dent was not caused by carelessness, we understand, but through some defect in the boiler. The damage was slight. The boiler, we learn, will be replaced by a new nrw jji- nr. was then raised, the thief shaping his course down Market to Fourth street, down Fourth to'Dock, and up Dock in lhe directJon of Fifth street, closely pursued by a number of persons who had been attracted by the shouts of "Stop thief 1" About midway between Fourth and Fifth streets the I wm' naa aiso loined in the cry as a blind, passed a gentleman on the sidewalk, who, as soon as he became aware of the cause of the excitement, drew i his pistol and fired some five or six shots at 'the form of the retreating scoundrel, but failed to bring him to the ground, and he finally aucceeded in making good his es cape. The shouts of the crowd in pursuit to gether with the firing of the pistol, caused much excitement in the immediate neigh borhood. The thief was not recognized, and there is at present no due to his identity. Oakdale Cemetery, We are glad to see that by a recent order oi the Directors of Oakdale Cemetery Company, many trees have been cut down or transplanted, and all of the hedges have been trimmed and every lot put in thorough order. As soon as the hedges and plants begin to feel the genial influence of Spring and don their new attire of green, the very great improvement in the beauty of the grounds win be manifest td . each and all; and we trust every lot owner will approve of this action of the Directors, and readily contribute their quota of the expense. It was much needed, as the neglect of a few lots mars the beauty of those which are kept in order, and, in fact, detracts fronV the general good order of the Whole. ceiving for the labor thus performed tickets cuuuiDg mem 10 the free use of the road for a definite period; or, if this be consid ered impracticable, let the stock be nlaced at such a reasonable figure as to induce a large increase of stockholders, the funds secured oy tuts means to be used in the further completion of the road. In this connection we would mention that there are a quantity of shells within a few feet or the road, at what is known as "Cool Spring Bridge," which might he utilised in improving the condition of the road bed. S. Seni Shaw, mm Jnuniun. a,;.i. Geo W Smith .David Spicer, miss Sallie ujaiuucj , tt zx Dincaianu. T. Capt Wm Tindall. V, ; W Joshua Wastry, rarsDaffney White head, Dudley Whitehead, Busaa Wiggtifs, Henry Wiggins, miss Minnie WliaW Smf1111. am8'JJbert B Willis, A M Willis, miss EHeno Wood. - Persons calling ior letters in the above list will please say "advertised." not called for within 80 days they will lfe sen trftifiwitT-Briifiki 1 , Ed. R Brink, P. M. Wilmington, New Hanpver Co., K. (C. Parents, mother n w ma. A mlin . - mA. Tk .i&rt a r"tr v "y11 w frtua csyrup tp the little m on uaoca ui cougns ana colds, only costs 25 cents. -i1- Appointment, by Bishop Atklnaon for tele sprlns viiimiinn. ' ' CHnton, (Good Friday) .March 30 l4AJrioKAM XM4KH J - 1 4 6 DOMEOTICDBUMeTer conBunng of CHRMIC oruwiilHS. FANCV 1. IffTPPT A T ntro1 DRUGGISTS' SUN DRIES, PERFDMBRVp April GoldSboro fP.nator Aav WindaoVT' x Wood viUe, Bertie coin ly, Murfreesboro, 1st Sunday after Faster, . , Winston, Gatesville...... Peter's, Gates county, Hertford, Perquimans county,. ii Woodvflle, " Bhzabeth City, 2nd Sunday af ter Easter, Camden Mission, JEdentoa,. SL Lnke'8. WaflhinVtA'r. "'r.,'J,'J SL David's, -$3 Bonday after Easter, Plymouth,. p. I St- Juhes Beaufort county,".'." ." " SL George's, Hyde county, 4th IX a wi WKKl . ...... -- Fairfield, Hyde county,.......;. ...i.May . May or'a Court. The toBowhig; cases were disposed of yesterday" nlorning: John Perry, a white seaman, charged with going into the house of John Toomer, colored, at 11 o'clock Mondav nlahL ani acting -very disorderly, refnaing to leave f S?61'1' H: when asked to do so. was ordered to nv a t S?esville'- fine of $10 and costs or work for thirty days Son Church; "iufort" unty: the sami charged with throwing rocks SgntZfcl- V: y " -tfr ' in the house alluded to. in an attlnt Sl SHftS?0"- y). hunnlf nn A - J . w. I rw B. JL. vpBB.ttoq was ordered to pay a fine of $20 and costs or work for thirty days uu me streets. The same, charged with resisting a police officer in the discbarge of his duty, was or dered to pay a fine of f60 and costs or work for thirty days on the streets. Hugh Currin, a companion of the above, charged wth disorder! neas and resteupoifee ttfflcer Bryant Mc- 8 10 n 13 14 15 17 19 2ft 22 1 KCifl LBS. N. C. wvv , SIDES and SHOULDERS Lee's Prepared Lime 1 RE COMMBND ED AS THE BEST FERTTLI- X RR for the money made In the United State , f or Own! Ortten, Peannti, and other Field Crops. .V1:jJ I'lfTjfjVUt,. I , cut i T " . . , O. G. PARSLEY A CO. Hay, JJams, Ac. J5Q Bale. GOOD. BAY. , g Boxeg HO. S SMOKED SAMS, j fyQ Boxes DI SALT SIDES, 1 00 Bbls those npeiior EARLY ; - i , RO 3E POT ATOB8 , JQ0 BWB E.E. POTATOES. - rb feb m-tm&w For sale by f ' j i i ,m ' BINFORD, CROW A CO. it 29 30 2 4 5 A T THE. '. Il!0 All FIRST I ebS7-tf ! I m Just Look 'LES. CARR A OVa' leradlflk. aanr lTnW t r.i A Ho. 1 N. C. Dried Apples. , , P CLASS GOODS. iFT 5 '. o 8. E. cor. MaAltidS8t.. Trinity Church, Scotland Neck ouaaay aner Ascension ' j .' lii) - i i ' It j ; , ; nU A O T WTTCinn a o vao, JU, ilL X XaJLB QC i;0. 'fl I OFFER " ':Afe 135Q PAS CANHKD FRUfl AND 350 Appointments For quarterly raeetiogs on the Wilming ton District of the Methodist E. Church South, as made by Rev. W. S. Black, Prsr, swing jffiider, for his first round of the icoiBiiag ponce omcer Jbtrvant Mc uuu'utuw j"oi : Mlllan. was nrrJpro tn . I UOKe80Urv and CohnriA M?ODi . mt uura OKKrVKBt- I tt ins in the three m I nBU.- - UiUentiona m behalf of Diocesan Mis 4fi BOXES oranges and lemons qc Narrow Escape from Burning. A colored girl about ten or twelve years of age, daughter of Christopher Huggins, living near the foot of Mulberry street, maue a narrow escape from death by burn ing yesterday morning about nine o'clock. A fire bad been built in the yard and the girl was playing about it, when the skirts of her dress came in contact with the fire and iier body was almost instantly en veloped in flames. Fortunately her father was near at hand and hastened to the res pf ibjs daughter, sh the burning gar- menis and tearing , them from her bod v Thua the girl escaped with but Utile injury; out naa no one been near when the flames Communicated to her person, the result Would no doubt have been5! fatal one Thermometer Record. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.35 yesterday evening, Washington mean timer as ascertained from the dairy bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: o Angusts,4.'4...4.;fl Montgomery,... i M CliatJeston. i .95 New Orieana,. . . 62 wuioinua, uu iwiiuta.. ,4U The steamship Benefactor. Jones, ar rived at New York from this port on the 25thinst. 8 M Galvestpn,....; ..58 InIniofe,.......57 JaokMnVllle...-...4 Key WeatL al .gifl Mobile,. .i. 60 Punta Savan ing in the three cases 170 and costs or nine. ty days' labor on the streets. Annie Gore, white, charged with drunk enness, was ordered to pay a fine of MO and costs Or work for thirty days on the streets. Henry McRae, colored, charged with -wiuwr vonsaci, was ordered to pay a fine of $5 and costs. j Monroe Wilkins, charged with disorderly conduct, was required to pay a fine of $25 and costs or work for thirty days oa tbs streets. A party, Charged with resisting a nnlln officer, was let off, it being his first offence ana one case, tor selling liquor on Sunday, was conunueu Su nday Scnool Coacort We learn that the Front Street M. E. Sunday School is practicing in anUcipation oi one or their delightful concerts, to come off in about two weeks. We have olearfnir recollections of those in the past, and feel assured that the MitnAatirt raua. t . have already established as sweet afaMM WfUn f not be sullied in the coming j concert, for they are being drilled under the skilful guidance of those who know full well how to make Words pathetic in the soul inswration and sweetness ofaonf. Weremenibewtth peculiar pleasure the Humming feng," sung lueir hut cod- cert, and now "oft in the stilly niaht" we ear "the aotu; come softly floating on the Eenansville, at Kenan sville Mar. 8-4 Mar. 10-11. li 7:00 A. Mi 9 5:15 P.kMJ Tfce nana. The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: w m ' - ..... f!T.nRR Northern through mails. . , . . . Northern through and way mans.............. Mails for the N. C." RaiTroad, and routes supplied there from, at Southern mails for all points I wum, aauy ..... . Western mails (C. C. R'yldaily fexcent AnnAav ' J Fayetteville, andofflcesonCape Fritoys ' Aue8aays, i111 L (except 8undays). ......... 6:00 A. M. Onslow C JJ and interme- t a . . mt. . 1111 IL oiaie omces every Friday. . "iouo w wjr xiiii, i own VERY CHOICE. SfrP8 ii CKBAt AND FACTORY yd ' .CHEESE. SOAlPS. N r UULAT'8 and TAYLvR'S. KIRK'S rDLARLUEjr,., M ,.,r. - . . 04 Li; A Comfort toonsBko-yors, bll iWXlO J li Aj-thaPrdao theL-andry. WHITS RUSSIAN BOAR-, , -ffO.r i ?prtheBatv.Toaet, h,, lo i :7y.7; sjirrasa. yHR WWR8T WHOLESAJLEWcia. vW8.DYERSOO., o 7 nortb Front St. feb 21 -n.Wtf a wvw a. . 1 jk i 1 t f 1 ii.! i i-. i J. FRESH SUPPLY OF PINE rakiwaq nit ; Y -,--fa 1 f IFORNIA PEARS, SWEET ORANGES A PPT TtH fwM6-tf TwoFraltanlboS 6:00 A.M.' sit 1 0:00 A. M. 3 P. M. ; Creek Supply.Shallotte and itiue niver. every irnUa ABRrVB. air." We hope they will repeat tWA 1 dayiuVoo R M f 0 Jll?!y:l Northern through mails. . .:. iV'4aR M. imruHsra turougn and wayp. , iiaii8Qeuveredixom 6ttHrA.fM. jto 70i . awu on ounaays iromsO to 9-3QA. Stamn Office onen 1mm a r j'a twiKWiPi i rirMimnii nrsrw aft ran Stamps for sale at ceneral deiirerv h.n afnmn ntHm. Im. J . " ney Doxes acceaaih lo at .11 h. fliwuuu;w!u irom street boxes evprv tW id! t-it - 1 ' r - r. ' n rtWM . 1 Broadway Silk Hats 1 Just recerVeAL ' ' '"'! HARRISON & ALLEN, The Latest Out. - HERITAGE OP LANUDALE. 'll .mid - .'Tw. iiasaate. THRFAtEECRBT. ,-00, i Hrs, Only More So. Ma crfNTtrRY, rrs frtr ' 1 U-tnsiifi ) lliw Mi piHffMITiL I bftutcnitii is iwdJ Mb fei 1 an For sale at o ? By Mark Twata. WWrtf WW I No.andlfat8rel;