ht M0rmng mat. "Old si" ob the Latest Couatv One of Old Si's political friends met him yesterday and said : "How is yer now?" "Well, Fie chock fall of Dimocrat prinoerpal yit l" "Yasr-btrrdat gameob seben-up is got away wid ver ?" "Yer mean dat count ap at Wash in'ton ?" "Dat's de berry numershun V "Dat warn't no seben-up, nigger, lessen dey is change de game sence I played hit. Dar warn,'t no jerger in, seben up when I Wnz er furriner'ter de cho'ch." m rm irf ' "Well, w' got yer, ea ylsow I" "Dat's mebbeso, bat den hit, 'minds me o de feller dat cotcH te' itfch fan de oaten de stolen pants, fer he sed dey is got me in de jale-house bat I'se still got do itch an' de britches !" "Bnt, wha' am yer all gwine tor do 'boat de kase ?" "Gwine ter 'bide de 'cishun ? We'se too good Dimmocrats ter kick 'ginst de law dat we help fer ter 'corpe rate !" "An' de Radikels lan's on top, jess ez I tole yer when yer startid P "Oh, yea, yer kin crow now but hit moughty weak lungs dat got ler blow de belias on, for yerV we se had yer down we ae sot on yer we'se nigh onottpjpIM yer breff an'de good luck dat's sabed yer dis time is only waitin' fer ter vakate de premi ses when we sets down de nex' time. So, stan1 f am onder, I tell yer; stan' futn onder?"-4fato Constitutitm. We suggest this couplet rrom Butler as a motto for the Electoral Commission: "Is not the High Court of Justice sworn To judge that law that serves their turn ?" iVu York World, Why did not oar neighbor go on a little further with the quotation? Some of the lines that immediately follow axe no less pat and to the pur pose. For instance, these: "Can they not juggle, and with slight Conveyauce play with Wrong and Right ? Will not Fear, Faro, Babe and Grudge The same cases sev'ral ways adjudge ? As when the sea breaks o'er its bounds, And overflows the level grounds. Those banks and dams, that like a screen Did keep it out, now keep it in ; So when tyrannic usurpation Invades the freedom of a nation, The lam o' W land, that were intended To keep it out, are made io defend it." Bun. THE OBSERVER N' BEDS NO FORMAL STATE KENT OF PRIN- ciples, nor elaborate recital of what it will de. or txpects to do, in the coming year. It can offer no stronger guarantee for its future than is afforded by its put conduct. It will labor earnestly sod faith rally for the advancement of the Democratic party, and for the good of the State, which it be lieves to be one aodlnaetpfrabta. .4 To this end is desired at once a largely increased circulation ior this ubsiskv lk, ana tne wi some literature it is giving to the people of H Carolina. Once in a household, THE OBS8R' North itVBR becomes a fixture. It needs only to be seen to make its way into every nook and corner of the State. That it may be so seen, and speedily, its Editors offer the following PKEIIVIIS FOR. 18 7 7: FOR THE OBSERVER, DAILY : To each-and every who tends as $8 for one year's subscription to BK. Daily, win D3 maiiea e following novels of Sir printed, ele- gantly bound, and 1. Waverly, 3 volume-, a. Gay Mannering. volume. - 3. Thr Antiquary, a volumes. , 4. Rob Roy, t volumes. i 5. Heart of Midlothian , 2 volumes. 6. Ivanhoe, 2 volumes . 7. Bride f Lammermoor, 3 volumes. - 8. The Monastery, 2 volumes. 9. The Abbot, 2 volumes. 10. Old Mortality, 2 volumes. 11. Kenilworth, 3 volumes. 12. The Pirate, 2 volumes . Or, to any one who may send us $96 for twelve annual subscriptions, the whole of the above will be forwarded, by mail or express, free of all charges. Or. to any one who may send us $192, for twenty four annual subscriptions, will be forwarded, free of charge, all the above at once, and the remaining 24 volumes of this tmmaled edition of Scott's matchless novels, as issued monthly ; the whole de livery to be completed by October, 1877. FOR THE OBSERVER, WEEKLY. To each and every person who sends ns $2 for one year's subscription to THE OBSERVER, weekly, will be mailed, postpaid, a copy of any one of the following valuable books : l. A. a. atepnens- History or tne U. s. Shepherd's History of Eng. Language. Heed's Memories or Familiar books. Poems of Henry Timrod. Poems of Paul H. Hayne. E. W, Fuller's tca Gift. .:. A The Odd Trump. ". Harwood, by same author. 9. The Lacy Diamonds, by same. 10t Flesh and Spirit, by same author, if Ellen Story. 12. Thompson's Hoosier Mosaics; Or, to any ene who may send ns $24 for twelve asjtjaal subscriptions, the twelve books above named will be forwarded by mail or express fiee of all charses. To that person, man, woman, or child, who may send us the cash for the largest number ef annual subscriptions to TUB OBSERVER, daily, or week ly, or both combined, between January 1, 1877. and March 1. 1877, will be forwarded, free of all charges, A T T flin V si s r m momu a nomtnma t r hoaK nanny PMj uiv uwae iiuuu iniuiuuiB w waa ynuvi, and a commission of TEN PER CENT. OF THE AMOUNT KBMITTKD. To the person who may send us the second lare est list one-half the volumes named,' and the same commission To the person who may send as the third largest list, oae-uura vse volumes names, ana tne same caeh commission . Samples of the above books, ail well printed and bound, and most ef them pronounced by the press North and South to be eems of typographical beau ty. may be seen at the office of TheaCbserver. To thost disposed to canvass for THE OBSER VER. and preferring money to.books, exceedingly Y dli. uuu piciciimg muuv i wsjwMt AVWuaugaj liberal commiaaions will be paid, to be deducted by canvassing agent iron nis remittances. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE. Daily, one year, mail postpaid.. $8 00 " six months. ' " 4 00 three-months, 2 00 Weekly, one year, mail postpaid 2 00 " six months, " 100 r-Specimen copies of the Daily, or.Weekly,or uoih. mailed on application. Address THE OBSERVER, jan -tf Raleigh, N. C "T" THE LAlTDMABK;i PUBLISHED AT S1A1ESVILLE. IREDELL CO., N. O. IB THE Leading Newspaper in Western North Carolxn&- it i the only Democratic Paper nublished la Ire dell Oomnty one of the lsigeat and wealthiest oosn-. ties lu tne atate inu ixmb muwium m iigm ww circulation than any paper ever heretofore published In the county. i -HI Its circulation in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alle ghany, Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, is larger than that of any two papers in the State combined; and is rapidly acquirwg a strong iooiuom m rurejuc Surry, Rowan and western Mecsientmrg. U is the only paper. In Western North Carolina that employs a Regular Canvassing Agent, and thus kept constantly before the people. , Under thii system a rapidly increasing circulation is the result malting tne landmark ." ,v- Til FC BEST ADVERTISING MEDICS1 US WfiOTSBIl flUITXTl UJUtUAtlAA. ADDRESS, dey-tf "LANDiTIARK," I Statesville N. C. THE MORNING STAR BOOK BIND ERY Is complete in all all its appointments, and Is ia charge of one of the most skillful workmen in the State. All kinds ef Binding executed neatly, cheaply and erpeditlonalv. Walter Scott, beautifully fofweWIBuftrated MISCELLANEOUS. 1876. Sorter's lontMy. 1876. We invite the attention of the public to Soma ner's Monthly, which now deservedly ranks among the best illustrated periodicals or the WORLD. i The papers illustrative of American Scenery, which have appeared in its pages, among which were Included "The Wonders of the Yellowstone" and the ' Grand Canon of the Colorado," have won wlde-epread admiration on both sides of the At lantic ; and " The Great South" ' articles, with their beautiful engravings, have been re issued in book form in both Great Britain and America. For the coming year we have broader plans than ever before The magazine will be enlarged, and there will be Three Remarkable Serial Stories )VA i iS ) iC. ' f IT 1 i By AMEttlCiN WRITERS. C ONB O T" BY BRET HARTE, Of which the Boston Post says: "It is a sens that will make every new number of Scribnkr's eagerly sought for, if it had nothing else to recom- ' The Canadian Illustrated Neios, predicts that " we have found at last the American novel." " The Louisville Courier-Journal says: "The second installment is even stronger than the first, Justifying all that was looked for? J We begin in January " PHILIP NOLAN'S FRIENDS, By EDWARD EVERETT BALK. TVs is an historical romance. The scene is in the southwest, at a time when that territory laid was first Spanish, then French, and then American, and waen war was imminent, to .obtain the control of the month of the Mississippi. It is likely to be the i Valley, as Gabriel great romance oi me Misswai Connor will be of the Pacific Slope. " That Lass o'Lowrie's, By FANNY HODGSON BURNETT. The friends of " Sckuhner" who have read "Surly Tim's Trouble,"" One Dajf at Arlc," 'The Fire at Grantley Mills," and others of Mrs. Burnett's short stories, will not need to be assured that they have a rare treat before them. The scene of the new novel is laid in an English mining town, and from the first page to the last the interest is unflagging. Among other notable papers we mention the fol lowing: A Second "Fabmkb's Vacation," by Col. George E. Waring, descriptive of a row-boat ride of two hundred and fifty miles, in one of the most fertile and interesting of- the vine-growing valleys of Europe a region never seen by the ordi nary traveler, but full of interest, in it social and in dustrial aspects. A rare collection or Revolutionary Letters. A SERIES OF ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES ON AMEBIC AN COLLEGES. The Series includes William and Mary, Harvard, Yale, Michigan State University, Wesleyan Uni versity, Amherst Agricultural College, Princeton, Union, Bowdoin, Trinity, and other typical institu tions of the country. Elegantly illustrated articles on OLD NEW YOBEt illustrated papers on American Cities, &c. The editorial control and direction of the Maga zine will remain in the hands of Dr. Holland, who will contribute each month editorials upon current political and social topics. Our readers may look to "Topics of the Time" for healthy opinion; "The Old Cabinet" for pure sentiment; "Home and Society" f er graceful economy ; " Gultnre and Pro- fress" for criticism; " The World's Woik" for in ustrial intelligence ; " Bric-a-Brac" for wit and in nocent pleasantry. Sohibhzb'b Monthly is now recognized, both in this country and in England, as the great represen tative American Magazine. Encouraged bv the favor accorded to 1 1 hr a mn- erous public, we shall aim, during the Centennial year, to ecupse its lormer achievements in both its Literary and Art departments. Scbxbnxr ia sold by ail First-Class Booksellers and News-Dealers.; Price, 400 a Year, 35 cents a Number The 10 vols, complete. Nov. 1870. to Oct. 1875. bound in maroon eleth L $20 00 do. do. bound in half morocco. 30 00 Vols, besrin in November and May. Any at the earlier volumes (I to VIII) will be supplied separately to parties who wish them to complete sets at this rate, i. ., cloth, $2 00; half morocco, $3 00. Boo ksellers and Postmasters will be supplied at rates that will enable them to fill any , of the above offers. . i Subscribers will please remit in P. O. Money Orders, or in Bank Checks or Drafts, or by registered letters. Money in letters not registered-, at senders risk. . . November and December numbers Tree to all new subscribers tor 1876. SCRTBNER & CO., jan 6-tf 743 Broadway, New York. THE ALDI NE COIPANTS NEW PUBLICATIONS. SOLD ONLY BY 8URSCRI PT10N. THE ALDINE; THE ART AMERICA. JOURNAL OF This splendid enterprise is net only well sus tained in every feature, but is being constantly de y el oped and improved. It to-day stands without a rival in the whole world of periodical literature. The' beautiful dog-po trait, "Man's Unselfish Friend." a chromo presented to every subscriber. Us mefdednit, and win. If possible, add to the ppuiaxity which this wori nas gained. Tne art nion feature also promises great and beneficent results, in arousing public interest in the fine arts. circulars ana ran lniormation on application. Parts I, n, m and IV are now ready. SUTTON'S LEISURE-HOUR MISCELLANY. To be completed in 40 parts, issued fornlzhtlv. Each part will contain an elegant frontispiece, orignally engraved on steel for the London Art Journal, RE PRODUCINC a a price within the popular reach, en .vines never before offered at less than live times tne amount. These plates have been the attraction of THE LOKDOS ART JOURNAL Each part win contain 26 quarto pages. Including the elegant frontispiece, on neavy plate paper. A superb title page, richly illuminated in red and gold, wUl be given with the first part, and the print log of the entire work will be a worthy represents tation ei rne aioiue r-res wmcu its a .guar an tee of something beautiful and valuable. THE ART JOURNAL. Complete in 13 monthly parts, at $1 each. Repro during the best full-page illustrations from the earlier volumes of The Aldine. Each monthly part will contain six superb plates which accompanying descriptive matter, and whether for binding or framing, will be entirely be yond competition in price or artistic cnaracter, Kvarv impression will be most carefully taken on the finest toned paper, and no pains will be spared to make this the richest production of a press which has won; in s marvelonsiy short tune, a world wide reputation. t OEMS FROM THE ALDINE. Wffnectallv assorted for ficrav Book Illustrations & Drawing Close r Onneu . . . i Of A large collection of pictures Of different suscs and on almost ever" conceivable subject have been pat up in an attractive envelope, and are now offered at a price in tend d to make them popular in every Envelope No. L containing 50 beautiful emrrav in ps. is now ready, and will be seat, postage paid. to any address for ONE DOLLAR. A liberal dis count to Sfpt and teachers. THE ALDINE PASSK-PARTOUTS. In compliance with repeated requests, the pub lishers of The Aldinb have prepared impressions f many of their most beautiful plates for passe-par- Thecntaare mounted on a beautifully tinted azure mat, with a handsome red border line. To attach the glass, it Is only left for the customer Xryl ' 27 subjects, If x 18 in.,cr.: with glass, 60c. Six of this size for $1 00, when selection is left to TmHKahAnL 6 subjects, io x ia , wiiu kibbb, wc . . . . r. , mi. y J IA. ...X 1 . . k. I t by mail, without glass, post-paid, for pri price CA&TtASQERS WANTED. THE ALDIME COMPOY, 58 Maiden Lane, Nsw York Airant, for 111.. Ind., lows and wis. GEORGE DRANT. Sn. janSO-tf 46 S. Clark St., Chicago, 111. MISCELLANEOUS. The Morning Star PUBLISHED DALLY AND WEEKLY SnlipDta Rates In Aiyanec : DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid, f7 00 Three Months" 2 25 One Month - " ...... l 00 U ft WEEKLY STAR, One, Year postage paid, $1 50 " " SUMonths, " 1 00 Three Months" " SO Notices of the Press: A first-class paper. Battleboro Advance. Emphatically alive paper. Goldsboro Hews. The Stab 1b a live paper. Sumter (S. O.) News. One of our best exchanges. -Keowee (& U Courier One of the best daily papers in the State. Weldon News. One ot the very best of our daily exchanges. - South Carolinian. Ranks among theleadinr Dailies of the State. Christian Advocate. One of the best Dailies in the State. StatesvUl Intelligencer. A valuable paper. We cheerfully recommend it. Pee Dee Courier Ranks among the leading journals of tne South. - Marion IS. C.) Star. One of the best and most desirable papers in North Carolina. Norfolk Virginian. Full of general news, and a credit to Wilmington Elizaoeih City Nor A Carolinian. One nf the best, daily !tarura nnhliahfld in the Southern States. Horn (& C.) Newt. One of our best Southern Journals. As a newspa per not surpassed by any. Friend of Temperance. One of the best conducted in the State: bold, inde pendent and well informed. Hillsbore Recorder. Ablv edited, and has s circulation which speaks volumes of comment on its influence. Magnolia Monitor. Onward and upward it eoes until now It has the largest circulation of any Daily in the State. Pied mont Press. The Wilmington Star., now very much improved. has the largest circulation of any paper in the State. Enfield Times. The Stab stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise and literary merit vusier vs. v.) ueporur. Una uestion ably the best daily journal In North Carolina, and has no superior in any other Southern State. Marlboro OS. C.) Times. Va AUn.l altltft. hmiamI .mm .11. I mfl.bat reports and fine literary selections the Stab has ns superior. Bocly Mount Mail. Is well conducted and has as much and great a va riety of good reading matter as any Dally in the State. Warrenton Gazette. X 1UB LMUKH, UAUUgll LlJ. Ill nil J JWB UIU, IB waif v the best dailies in the State, and well merits the support it receives. Louisburg Courier. One of the best dally Journals en oar exchange list. Belongs to no ring save that which encircles the good of the people. Savannah Mirror. The Wilmington Morning Stab is among the best newspapers in the Sonth. Rich, rare, racy, always fresh and "on time." Asnnue mxposuor. A staunch and Independent advocate of the peo ple's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first jour nals of the Southern country. -Sockingham Observer. The Stab is undoubtedly an enterprising sheet. beautifully printed and conducted with marked ability. lb. Bernard deserves great credit for his efforts in journalism. Raleigh Sent tel. Thorn nf onr readers desirine to take a daily or weekly paper from North Carolina cannot do better man tane tne Wilmington star. vnervwvs. v.) Democrat. The Scab Is one of our most highly valued ex changes, and it affords ns pleasure to recommend it as one of the most racy and reliable dailies in North Carolina. K-inston Gazette. A live newspaper, and the best Daily n the State. The circulation is larger than that of any other Daily in the State, which proves it Milton Chron icle. No paper evet started in North Carolina has grown so raoidl v as has the Stab. Though only five years old, ft is now s fixed institution, enjoying an influ ence and a prosperity second to none in tne state. Salisbury Watchman. The Wilmington Stab is in the front rank of onr Southern dailies, well edited, full of sews and select reading matter, telegraphicreport8, and in every res pect a first rate journal. If we had many such papers onr State would be the gainer by it Greene. Patriot. Eugene L. Harris, Artist In Crayon Portraits. SASSAFBAS FORK, N. C., BEOS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION to his Portraits in Crayon. Persona wishing good pictures of themselves or deceased friends can nave tnem nicely executed oy sending mm a phdtogrsph to work from. A good photograph is necessary to Insure a good likeness. The prices below include postage by man, on roller. A neat frame or walnut and gut win oe rurnv nea to t nose who desire it, at $1.50$2.00. Sise, 14 x 17 inches, - - -Life Size, (bust) - - .... $5.00 $10.00 TESTIMONIALS. "Mr. Harris posseses the rare gift of being able to delineate, accurately, from a photograph or othe picture the exact likeness of any one. We guaran tee satisfaction." Oxford Leader. " We have teen his work, and consider it excel lent Try him." Central Protestant 1 " We have seen a capital portrait of Hon. A. W Venable. bv Mr. fi. h Harris: that reflects addi tional lustre on his genius in that department " Torch-Light! mar 17-tr W. H. Gbbgg, Prest. F. W. Rockwell, Sec. Southern White Lead Co. Every package of this Company's brand of Strict ly rare w mte Lieaa Dears toe loiiowing guarantee 'The W hits Laad contained in this Package is guabanteed by the Manxtpactureks, the SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD CO., St. Louis, Mo., to contain ho adulteration whatxvwb. It is composed entlbxlt of perfectly pure carbo NATE or Lead and Linseed Oil. and is sold subject to Chemical Analysis and the Blow Pipe Tbst." Th name of this Company is Disced ONLY anon STRICTLY PURB Lead. It is not placed upon a second or other inferior quality, so parties pur chasing White Lead branded "SOUTHERN COM PANY," are absolutely sure ot obtaining a PER FECTLY PURE ARTICLE. Fer sale by Dealers in Paints and Oils throughout the West and boutn . les o-am The Piedmont Press, fflCKOKY N. C., TR THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN CA 1 tawba county, and ha an extensive circulation among merchants. Tanners, and an classes 01 busi ness men in the State. The PRESS is a WIDE AWAKE DEMOCRATIC PAPER. and is a desirable medium for advertising in Western North Carolina. Liberal terms allowed on yearly advertisements. Subscription $2 in advance. Address MURRILL & TOMLLNSON, mar.36 -tf Editors and Proprietors tl BLEACHED TW PRINTING AND BINPING. THE "STAR" STEAM JOB PRINTING" HOUSE, BOOK BINIDERY, -AND- BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY. I i mm i i ' WILLIAM H. BERNARD," PROPRIETOR, WILMINGTON, N. C. ESTABLISHMENT m THE CITY HAVING All of these Facilities Combined. The Reet Assortment of TYPE, PAPERS, CARDS and INKS. Skilled Workmen -IN Everv Deoartment. Not the Lowest Prices ' -BUT,- As Low Prices AS ANT Other Establishment FOR THE .if . is BEST tfctTALITY OFffWORIa. PRINTING, RULING -AND BIX 2STBI1TG:, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED Promptly and Skilfully. Improved Machinery -on u 1 1 ALL KZIIsTIDS. SINCE ADBING St e am. Pa war We are enabled to fill All Orders will) the Utmost Dispatch MISCELLANEOUS. 1877. The Quarterly Reviews Blackwood' sSMagazine. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUB LISHING CO. 41 BARCLAY STREET, NSW YORK, Continue their aothobiskd Reprints of the FOUR LEADING QUARTERLY REVIEWS. EDINBURGH REVIEW, (Whig.) LON DON QUARTERLY REVIEW Con servative). WESTMINSTER RE VIEW, Liberal.) BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, (Evangelical.) AND Blackwood's ElinlmrjLu Magazine, The British Quarterlies give to the reader well di gested information upon the great events in con temporaneous history, and contain masterly criti cisms on all that is fresh and valuable in literature, as well as a sn miliary of the triumphs ef science and art. The wars likely to convulse all Europe will form topics for discission, that will be treated with a thoroughness and ability nowhere else to be found. Blackwood's Maga ine is famous for sto ries, essays, and sketches of the highest literary merit. TERMS (INCLUDING POSTAGE): Patablb Stkictly in advance. For any one Review $400 per annum Per any two Reviews. t 00 " " Poi any three Reviews.. ......... 10 00 " For all foar Reviews 13 00 For Blackwood's Magazine 4 00 u " Per Blackwood and 1 Review 7 00 " " For Blackwood and S Reviews.. . 10 00 " For Blackwood and 8 Reviews.... 13 00 " " For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews. 15 00 " CLUBS: A discount of twentv Der cent wiH be allowed to clubs of f onr or more persons. Thus : fear copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one ad dress tor $12.80; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $48, and so on. PREMIUMS: New subscribers (aoDlyins early) for the Tear 1877 may have, without charge, the last volume for 1876 er such periodicals as tney may suDscnbe for. Neither Dreminms to subscribers nor ri!vnrit tn clnbs can be allowed unless the meney is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. circulars wiin rurxner particulars may De aaa on application. TrLK IdUi AU SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., dec 19-tf 41 Barclay st. New York. J. B, Lippincott & Co. HAVE JUST PUBLISHED Life of Gen. T. J, Jackson, 9 ("STONEWALL JACKSON,") Bv Sarah Nicholas Kandolph. anthor of "The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson," etc. Hand somely illustrated with Portrait from Steel, and Bight fall page wood engravings. Crown 8vo. Fine cloth. $3.00. "The paces before ns are a contribution to onr 11 terature for which all Vlreinlana should be eratefnl. and which should be in the library of every South ern nousenoia. taciimona jsnguirer. "It is the record of a career in the hiehest degree interesting. The simple narrative of his life has all the charm of romance." Baltimore Gazette. THE ATONEMENT Gf LEAH DOHDAS. A Novel. By Mrs. E. Lynn Linton, anthor of "Patricia Kemball." etc With illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, $1.50; paper, $1.08. "Mrs. Lvnn Linton is one of the moat original and acute thinkers of the day, and writes not only fearlessly, bat with remarkable vigor. Chicago Inter-Ocean. "That very engrossing novel."-Philadelphia lnq. "An exceedingly interesting novel" Boston Gaz. "Her vigorously written tide." J?. T. See. Mail. A FAMILYSECRET. An American Novel. By Fanny Andrews, (Elsey Hay), 8vo. Fine cloth, $1.60. Paper cover, $1.00. "It Is a vigorous, incisive and pleasant story." Chicago Evening Journal. gentlefoleTahd others. By Julia Duhrinq, author oi "Philosophers and Fools." Crown 8vo. Fine cloth, $3.00. The excellence and value of these essays consist in their being the results of a strong mind opera ting on life, in the spirit of philosophy , long matured and carefully sifted, and the air of pleasing tranquil ity which pervades tnem throughout. "For summer reading, and especially far reading aloud among people of refinement and culture, there are few more desirable books than this." Philadel phia Evening Bulletin. iim PROMISE TO PAY. A NoveL By Claba L. Cohway. 12mo. Pine cloth, $1.80. A novel of more than common merit, with a great deal of admirably distinctive portraiture, and is a story of thrilling Interest. For sale by all Boo ksellers and Periodical Dea lers, or will be sent by mail on receipt ef the price by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., Publishers, 715 and 717 Market Street, Philadelphia. ang 4-t f PROSPECTUS. The Raleigh Observer. ON THE 16TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1876, and in the city of RALEIGH, the undersigned will commence the publication of The Observer, a DAILY and WEEKLY Democratic newspaper. Of long experience in their profession as editors, respectively of the Fayetteville Obsebvsb and the Wilmington Journal, they do not affect to deubt the soundness of the general judgment which as signs them ability to furnish a newspaper suited to the needs and adapted to the tastes of the people of North Carolina. Differing in politics in tne olden time, there was never a difference between the Ob server and the Journal in zeal for the interests and honor of North Carolina. To promote1 the one. and to uphold and add to the other will be the ob ject of the Observer now. Of very decided opinions on question of public interest, and apt to give those opinions plain ex pression, they deem it the first doty of a newspaper to furnish Its readers with the information necessa ry to the formation -of their opinions, -to publish all "the news;" and their purpose is to make The Observer now, as of old, a truthful, accurate, con densed history of the times in which we live. It was thus that "the old Observer" won its bold up ob the people of North Carolina, enjoying the affec tion of its party friends, receiving the respect and confidence of its bitterest political fees, end com manding in its comparatively isolated location a circulation larger than has ever been attained by any other North Carolina newspaper, and it Is thus, by like dignity and fairness that the editors of The Observer, transferred to the State Capital, hope it will deserve, and soon equal, and then surpass, its lormer circulation ana prosperity. n. It will be their high aim to deserve the public con' hdence by earnest effort to promote the nubile wel fare, first and foremost of North Carolina, next of all the Southern States, and finally, and throngb these, of the whole Union. They think that this can oniy De usu aj me prevalence ei democra tic principles ana mewaismissai 01 tne KSSBSM par from the places and power which they have so erei ly abused, and under whose baleful rule the South has been outraged and tne whole country has been PETER M. HALE, W. L, 8AUNBKRS. subscription rates. Daily Observer, one year. $8 00 Daily Observer, six moataa. 4 OB Weekly Observer, one year, 1 00 Weekly Observer, six months. 1 00 All communications should be addressed, until runner notice, to W. JU. SAUNBERS, sept 34-DftWtf r Wilmington. N. C. 0. H, WARD'S Barber Shop, North Front st. South of Dawson's Bank, WILItlOCTON, W, C. CUTTING, SHAVING AND DYEING DONE IN THE LATEST STYLE. je 11-tf Which, from oar knowledge of its constituents, we can confidently recommend to all who wish to pur chase a RELIABLE GUANO at a moderate coat. We feel satisfied this will become a GENERAL FAVORITE as soon as Its good qualities are known. jan7-eodtf 8u Wed Fri RAILROAD LINES, &c General Sup'ts Office, WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & aV Gl'STA ii. JEL. COMPANY, WILMINGTON. N. C, Jan 3. W.i. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, JAN. S, THE following Schedule will be run on this Road: Day Express and Mall Train (Daily except Sunday) Leave Wilmington 13:15 P. M- Leave Florence.... . 6rS0P.M- Arrive at Colombia 9:80 P. M- Leave Columbia 7:40 A. M- Leave Florence 13:30 P. M- Arrive at Wilmington ... 5:30 P. M- NIGHT EXPRESS TWAIN (Sally). Leave Wilmington ... 8:05 P.M. Leave Florence 1:00 A, M. Arrive at Colombia 5:10 A. M Arrive at Augusta, 9:00 A. M. Leave Augusta,... 4:30 P. M. Leave Columbia 9:80 P. M. Leave Florence 3.-80 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 7:35 A M. Throoeh Freight Traln.(Dally except Sundays.) Leave Wilmington 1:30 P. M. Leave Florence. . . 3:00 P. M. Arrive at Columbia 10:10 A. M. Leave Columbia.., 4:80 P. M. Leave Florence 4:00 A. M Arrive at, Wilmington 3:45 P. M. Passengers for Augusta, and beyond should take Night Express Tram from Wilmington. Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charles ton and Augusta. Parlor Car on Day Express and Mall for Charles ton, JAMES ANDERSON, Jan 4-tf Gen'l 8upVt. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 1, 18TZ. ON'AND AFTER WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 3, f8T7, Passenger Trains on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad will run as follows : E Day Mail andExpreos Train. Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 7:45 A M. Arrive at uoiasooro. . u:zo -a- j. Rocky Mount i:au r. at. Weldon 3:00 P. M. Leave Weldon daily 12:20 P. M. Arrive at Rocky Mount. . . . , 2.03 P. M. Goldsboro 3:tb r. . Wilmington, FrontJSt. Depot, 7:50 P. M Nignt fflall land ExpreealTraln, Dally except 'Sunday. Leave Wilmington At 5.40 r. st. Arrive at Goldsboro 10:15 P. M. Rocky Mount 12:80 A. Jtt. Weldon 2:20 A. M. Leave Weldon, daily, 4:f0 A. M. Arrive at Eacay Mount. t:ui a. as. UoiasDoro :uu a. m. Wilmington .12:00 M. The Dav Train makes close connection at Wel don for all points North via Bav Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all- rai 1 rooie. Nieht tram makes close connections at Weldon for all points nortn via Kichmoad. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS at tached to all Night Trains, and run through from Wilmington to Milford Station, on Richmond, Fre dericksbure & Potomac Railroad. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington trl weekly at 5:30 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P.M. an!18-tf General Superintendent. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. Omci Gnxmuii Superintendent, ; 1 Wilmington, N. C, Sept 16, 187S. i Change of Schedule. On and after SUNDAY, the 17th inst., trains Will run over this Railway as follows: .Passenger and Hail Express. Leave Wilmington at 6:30 A. M. Arrive in Charlotte at 8:39 P. M Leave Charlotte at 6:30 A.M. Arrive at WUmington at 8:30P.M. DaDy except Sundays . IV. Q- JOHNSON. I Inov 10-tf General Superintendent. THE FIELD, A Journal for tke Sportsmeu of To-day. PUBLISHED EVERY. SATURDAY MORNING. -AT- . 14 S. Canal St. Chicago. TEBMX OF SUBS CBIPTION PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Yearly, $4.00. Half-yearly, $2.00. Foreign and Canadian subscription, post free Yearly 18s.; Half yearly 9s. Single copies, 10 cents. THE FIELD is a complete weekly review of the higher branches of a sport Shooting, Fishing, Racing and Trotting, Aquatics, Base Ball, Cricket, Billiards, and General Snorting News, Music and the Drama. THE FIELD will be found in keeping with tne times, on all subjects pertaining to honorable sport, and will, under no circumstances, admit to its columns anything tending in any wise to demoralize or degrade public sentiment.; THE FIELD being the only Sporting Journal published West of New York, and the recognized authority among the sportsmen of the West and South, among whom it enjoys a large and increasing patronage, possesses superior advantage ae an ad vertising medium, which will be appreciated by those desirine to make their business known in the United States. apr22-tf The Biblical Eecorder, PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Brougliton A Co. RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor, REV. J. D. HUFHAM, Associate Editor, REV. W. T. WALTERS, D. D., Agricult'al Editor. Organ of North Carolina Baptists In Its Fortieth Tear. JO " " V EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT. As aa Advertising Medium Unsurpassed Only $2.10 per Year. Address BIBLICAL RECORDER, Ian 30-tf Baleign. gg To the Working Class. WE ASS NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH all classes with constant employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments Business new, light and profitable. Persons of ei ther sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a proportional smnbv devotina their whole time to the business. Boys and girl s earn nearly as mucn as men. xnat ail wno see wis nouce may send their address, and test the business, we make this unparalleled offer : To such as are not Well satisfied we will send one dollar for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a cony of Home andSFire side, one of the largest and beat Illustrated Publi cations, all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address, George Stin son A Co. , Portland , Maine. f eb 6-OTn i TWT1 IBS Soluble Navassa Guano, Navassa Acid Phosphate, Navassa Tobacco Fertilizer. In addition to the above WELL KNOWN and POPULAR FKRTILI ZERS, we propose this year to introduce a New and Cheaper Soluble Ammoniated Guano, a! the WB NAVASSA COTTON MIXTURE, INSURANCE. Atkinson & Manning's Insurance Rooms, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, Wilmington, N. C. FIRE. Queen Insurance Company, of "g'4 Is ortn. British A Mercantile In. Co., 01 England. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. National Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. Continental Insurance Company, of New York. Phoenix Insurance Company, of New York. Springfield Insurance Co., of Springfield, Mass. Royal Canadian insurance Compaty, of Canada. m A RINK. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Company, of New York. Insurance Co. of North America, of Philadelphia LIFE. Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Hartford. Total Assets Represented Over $100,006,600. janll-tf , Fire and Life Insurance Agency o J. A. BYRNE & CO. Representing a ver $62,000,000 Aaseta "OFFICE Commercial Exchange Building North Water Street. f eb 95-tf PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON Life Insurance Oompan v Of Richmond, Virginia. Over 22,300 Poiieies Issued Annual Income Over $1,600,000 Progressire ! Prosperous! Prompt SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES, SECUKs INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE. AND GOOD SURPLUS Premiums Cash, Policies Llberu , Annual Division of Surplus. ARTHUR J. HILL, Jr., Agent. Office for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood, Modi cal Examiner, on Market street, two doers west ot Green ft Planner's drug store, Wilmington, N. C. September 2-tf JjNCOTJRAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME 1'SL'KAE COMPANY. RALEIGH, N. C. This Company continues to write Policies, at fa rates, on all classes of insurable property . All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. Th "HOME" ia rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property i North Carolina . T Agents in all paiU ef the State. Ms xc. tt. battle, Jr., President. O. B. ROOT, Vice President SEA TON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI CO WPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON MANNING, Aanm, MJ-tf Wilmington, N. c. Bank of New Hanover. 1 ; - v - t J - t U 4-V -i A. - , S Authorized Capital $1,000,000 Cash Capital paid In $300,000 Surplus Fund 50.000 D IB EC 7 OBS. JOHN DAWSON C. M. STRDMAM 1. B. GRAINGES J AS. A. LEAK B. F. LITTLE E. B. BORDEN M. WEDDBLL. D. R MURCHISON DONALD MoRAB H. VOLLERS R. R. B8IDGBRS J. W. ATKINSON I. B. GRAINGER, President S. D. Wajllace, Cashier ang SO-tf ROD tt GUN, in a if . . LATE- mmtm sportsiai, A SIXTEEN PAGE PAPEB. - DEDICATED TO Fishing and natural History, s CIENCE, AMUSEMENT, ADVENTURE AND 1 TMpld Snnrt ortiVloc k. tv. uw. t- . SPoaraiow of America. PRICE. $1.80. 8 Months $3.00. 6 Months. $4 Yearly aena stamp lor epecimen copy VO . ... J ' BOD GUN. April6-tf 31 Park Bow. New York $1.00. Only OneDoilar. Hit T k e Wid e Awake. FOR I8TT, WILL BE MAILED, POST-PAID, TO ANY ADDRESS, FOR $1.00. THE WIDE AWAKE IS A SMALL WEEKLY PAPER, pUbHsned at FHyettevine, N. C. De mocratic in politics, but alive to the interests of all classes and conditions of persons who desire Rood government, ami thore JtahBaiiaaBJitossMan. tion of the material Interests of oaf impoverished country. Its columns are usually occupied by the laLcci. iuuai aim general news ana umer interesting and profitable reading matter, together with the latest and most reliable market quotations, wit and humor. It is also an Excellent Advertising Medium for the Merchants of Wilmington, having an extensive circulation in the counties of Cumberland, Harnett, Moore, Richmond, Robeson, Bladen and Sampson; nnd .also, at all points along the Carolina Central Railway, from Wilmington to Shelby. Terms tower than any in the State. Address, ' n. i. Mcduffie, jan27-tf , PobHshr. Forest and Stream, A Weekly Journal of Sixteen Paget. DEVOTED TO HELD SB OBTSy PRACTICAL NATURAL HISTORY , V ATION OF FORESTS, YAC JJNU AMliAXdj Ont-Door Recreation an SMy. ' It ia the only Journal in this Country that fully supplies the wants and meets he necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS $5 00 A YEAR. Liberal discount to Clubs. Send for a Specimen Copy Forest & Stream Publish 1 ns; Co., 17 Chatham Street, (City Hall Square), New York. Post Office Box 38S3 mar 28-tf