ft mmns fT ' fclLMINQTON, K C: Wednesday Morning, March 28, '7T. BY TELEGRAPH. Afternoon Reports WASHINGTON. iiambcrlalii VUUe flay e-P( epara- tious for Got. Hampton Another i en: Ull I lorn Bond Colled for Con. cordon Thlnata Hampton will be In d$aMaiutabd3 Poooooalon In Few Bay. L , W ABinNOTON, March 27. Chamberlain, of South Carolina, and 1 floNr:TDrew, of Florida, are at the Ebbitt House. Rooms have been prepared for Got. Hampton at Willard's. The Treasury has called for another ten millions of bonds of May and November, ; 1868,' Interest on ..which ceases on the 27th of June. Gen. Gordon has no doubt that Gov. Hampton will, within a few days, be in un opposed possession of the government He expresses no opinion regarding Louisiana. There are two letters, one signed by Fos . ter, the other signed by both Foster and Matthews, about a page each, which LeTy and Ellis will not publish without direct authority from the signers. Chamberlain was at the White House this morning. The' Cabinet met at 12 o'clock. The Cabinet has niscussed a rearrangement of thtf Military Departments, but the change will not be made until Louisiana is pacified, when Gen. Hancock's command will in clude that State. NEW ORLEANS. i'roclamatlsu of Got. N IcuoHh Pack ard laouoa a counter-Proclamation. ' New Orleans, March 27. Gov. Nicholls has issued a proclamation to the people of Louisiana, commencing as follows: , "The State government being now com plete in all its branches, and in full per formance of all its functions, it becomes the duty of the people of Louisiana to promptly discharge their pecuniary obliga tions to it, in order that all just claims against it may be punctually met. To ordi nary motives, inducing the payment of taxes, is now added that of evincing by such payment confidence in the strength an stability of that government,, and a just appreciation of the fact that it is the one chosen by the people. The evidence already received on this point is entirely satisfactory, and I confidently expect a con tinuance of the same patriotic action throughout the State! '""The people of Louisiana may rest confi dent! v assured that the government, of which they have chosen me the executive head, will not be imperilled or impaired by any compromise of their rights." Packard bias also issued a proclamation commencing as follows: .j "To the citizens of Louisiana A so called proclamation of Francis T. Nicholls, claim ing to be Governor of the state of Louisi ana, just made public, contains gross mis i statements which I deem it my duty thus authontativelv to refute. Mr. .Nicholls, who asserts tbat his government is a fixed fact, complete in all us branches, is desti tute of one shred of legal title to the office he attempts to usuip." m m m M A BIN E DISASTERS. A Veaaol Part Amldabloa and la Left to nor Fate All Hands Saved The Dlaaatero off cape Henry. New York, March 27. The Rockaway, after bearing a northeast gale several hours, parted amidships. All aboard were transferred to the Wyanokc, and the Kockaway left to her fate. Washington, March 27. The Observer at Cape Henry reports the Norwegian bark Pentzer in a bad condi tion. She is full of water and will probably go to pieces. The crew, eleven all told, are saved. The Winchester, at last high water, had moved about a length. They continue to heave ballast overboard at the rate of 100 to 150 tons per day. The sea and wind are very high and unfavorable to speedy work. but the ship remains in a good condition and position. The Italian bark Franceshine so far de clines the assistance offered by the life saving crew. There is no immediate dan ger of loss of life or breaking up of the vessel. CONNECTICUT. Bursting of a Dam Fearful Damns to tbe Town of Stafford Kallroad Depots, Churches, Banks, Ac, Hashed Away. Stafford, Conn., March 27. I he dam or the Btanordsuire reservoir -gave way this morning, and the damage in wis vmaee is learful. Iroad freight house and all of the cars were washed away. The Passenger depot is an rignt. lae Dianord .National Bank, the Congregational Church, and about fifteen other buildings were washed away. The damage to the railroad track is heavy. Telegraphic warnings nave oeen sent to Norwich and vicinity, in which direction the flood is going. Hartford, March 28. The probable loss at Stafford alone is two millions, state senator juiius converse telegraphs tbat all tbe dams on tbe stream from Staffordville to a point below the springs, with all the bridges, are gone. frobably not less tnan thirty nouses were destroyed and tbe loss will be very large The dam was considered safe, but tbe heavv rains of Monday afternoon and eve ning filled the reservoir to overflowing. The breaking away was wholly unexpected, but ua reservoir being set some distance above the village tbe alarm reached the people in time tor tnem to enect tneir safety. ,';3it-U in ".tattS'HB H ka miu ELECTRIC SPARKS. The Rockaway is the first vessel of her kind that ever left Norfolk while caution ary signals were displayed. Gov. Hampton, United States Senator etecl Butler ana Attorney General Conner. with others, ware to leave Columbia last night for Washington. The St. Charles Hotel, opposite the Erie depot, atPatteraon, N. J., was burned Monday night. The boarders barely es caped with their lives. Some jumped from loe-tnira story, oreamng limns. J. L. Keck & Bro., pork packers of Cin cinnati, have called a meeting of their creditors. Losses in the pork business and speculations in Chicago are tbe immediate causes or tneir enuwrraasment. COTTON MARKETS. Mobile, quiet at 10 cents net receipts 294 bales; Savannah, doll at 11 cts net receipts 409 bales; New Orleans, quiet and eeatera?, 10 nd Hi cento net receipts SSiMtlea; Cmetm. easier at lljofu cents act receipwawo vbk; nwuiuuu,uaii at lOf cents net receipts 271 bales; Boa ton, dull at 111 cents net receipts 181 bates; Baltimore, dull and lower at 11 cts -mm MMiou 285 bales: Au mists, dull and nominal at 10 nta-net receipt. . bto; adelpbla, qdiet at lit receipts bales. TVT i r "D 1 1 T-16 cts foi m WASHINGTON. Speculations at to c nam beV la I ntal at tentions What Hampton's Friends Say Louiaiana matters The Com mission not yet Made np, &c. Washington, Mjarch 27. The Star says there are not a few who be lieve that Gov. Chamberlain will not return to South Carolina. His wife, it is said, reached this city several days ago with the children and several Saratoga trunks. The, Governor, however, brings only the tradj didonal carpet-bag, although the gossips suggest that Mrs. C. may have brought the personal effects of the family in the trunks. Hampton's friends say that if any com promise is suggested by which Chamber lain, through the consolidation of the Legis lature, ofleYs.like "J. N."to martyr himself for the Senatorship, that he will refuse to entertain any proposition looking to that end. If the conference between the rival Executive claimants does not result in the unconditional abdication of Chamberlain, Hampton proposes to have him ejected uri der the existing State laws, and all he will ask is that the civil process" of the courts be served on him. The Cabinet considered the Louisiana Commission. Result unknown. Gibson. Levy and Ellis visited the White House and War Department with satisfac tory results. It is supposed yesterday's or- - aera to Augur were mourned in some way jno Boutuern appointments reported to day. Blaine had an interview with the Presi dent after the Cabinet adjourned. Harlan, of Kentucky, is now mentioned as Commissioner, and Wheeler's name is revived. It is claimed that four of five are selected, but the names are carefully withf held. It appears that Packard claimed his re cruiting officers, now imprisoned by the Nicholls government, under Augur's orders of yesterday. The orders were amplified by an explanation that no such meaning should attach to them. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. The London Timea on tbo Attitude of England and Kussla Relative to Fending Peace Negotiations The Eaatorn Question In Parliament Latest Advices from Home, Arc London, March 27. The limes, in a leader reviewing the situation, says: "When we see how our government does nothing, promises noth ing, and exhibits only distrust and condem nation of Russia by restricting itself to the faintest phraseology in which an argument can be couched, we cannot wonder that negotiations are interrupted. The fact is that, though according to the formalities of diplomacy England and Kussia have been all along combined for a common purpose, the two countries have gradually assumed such a position of antagonism that they are regarded on the continent as two rivals in a great controversy which may possibly develop into a great conflict In Russia the notion prevails that the Turks are in cited against Russia by English animosity, and in England the people believe that Russia threatens certain of our interests from instinctive impulses or a settled policy. It may be too late to change these feelings. We know tbe situation of Kussia, and on our side the resolutions and demeanor of the government are fixed for a period be fore the end of which all will be decided. It is no less regrettable that thetwO govern ments seem incapable of arriving at an un derstanding, and have now, as far as we can see, no point of view in common. The result must be to make the preservation of peace by means of a European agreement almost impossible. If Russia has inde pendent reasons of her own for refraining there may be no war, but ministers and ambassadors are now at the end of their suggestions. At least this is the case with tbe representatives of Kussia and JSngland. The consequence of this is that those who do not despair turn to tbe continental rowers as capable, possibly, of some mediation. The eyes of Europe now turn once more to the members of the triple alliance. Austria, from her geographical situation, has tbe preponderating influence in the Eastern question, and the nearer the pros pect of war tbe more important does her part become. During tbe first days of the insurrection Austria might have produced pacification by a week s energetic action. That time is now past. Austrian occupa tion of Bosnia and Herzegovmia would certainly not produce peace, but would sanction tbe invasion of Turkey by a Rus sian army. If there is war there must be a' great war, and any power that interferes must be prepared to wage a great war also. Though Austria might, by unity of pur pose and a resolution to act energetically, take the decision into her hands, it is almost certain she will leave tbe Kussian govern- men t to take its course, reserving to herself future liberty of action according to cir cumstances. Tbe controlling iorces, m possible war, will proceed largely from neighboring empires, and in this sense the belief at St Petersburg tbat, through the failure of an European understanding, the imperial alliance comes to tbe foreground, has a certain -justification." The House of Lords adjourned for faster recesSuntil April ldtb. In tbe House of Commons sir Stafford Northcote. in reply to a question by the Marquis of Uarungton, said negotiations about the protocol were still pending. The conditions were unsettled. He hoped to make a more satisfactory statement -after the recess of Parliament. A dispatch from Rome to the Times an nounces tbat it is stated that several of the congregations have counciled tbe Pope to fulminate greater. excommunication against Jtung victor .Emmanuel should be sign me clerical abuses bill. Liverpool, March 27. The Post states tbat the covered liabili ties of Isaac Low &Co., the suspended cotton nouse, is estimated at $250,000 cnieny on arrival contracts. WEATHBH RBPOKT. WakDkpaktmknt, Office of Chief Signal Officer, Washington, March 277:30 P Indications. M. For the South Atlantic states, clear or fair weather, northwest to southwest winds. no decided change in temperature aud ris ing barometer. DOMESTIC MARKET. New York, March 27 Noon. Financial. Stocks dull. Money 2 per cent. Gold opened at 1041, and closed at 104. Ster ling exchange long 4844, short 488$. Gov ernments dull and steady. State bonds steady. Commercial. Flour quiet and firm. Wheat a shade firmer. Corn quiet and unchanged. Pork heavy at $14 62?. Lard heavy steam $9 70. Spirits turpentine heavy at 3939 cents. Rosin firm at $2 052 12 for strained. Freights steady. Cotton steady, with sales of 189 bales uplands 11 5-18 cents; Orleans 11 11-18 cento. Futures opened easy, with sales as follows: April 11.1411.16 cents; May 11.3311.35cents; June 11. 48U. 50 cents; July 11.6011.63 cents. New York, March 87 Evening Financial. Money easy at 22 per cent. Sterling exchange steady at 484. Gold steady at 104. Governmen to active and steady ; new fives 110. Commercial. Cotton steady, with sales of 1,420 at 11 516 cento for middling uplands, middling (Means: con soli- I dated net receipts 18,087 bales; exports to ! Great Britain 17,987 bales; to Prance 5,856 bales; to the continent 2,204 bales. Flour e stronger, mainly on medium and : 6w grades, but less doing; closing firm; ; superfine Western and State $6 00gG 25; I Southern flour a shade firmer; common to faffextra $6 106 90; good to choice do VoGui) 00. Wheat a shade stronger and ess active; old ungraded winter wheat quiet j aad unchanged. Corn .without decided I change, with moderate trade. Oats dull and in buyers' favor. Coffee dull and heavy at 16$20fc, gold, for cargoes; 16 22c gold, for job lots. Sugar steady and in fair demand; refined easier; standard A 04c. Molasses steady. Rice quiet and without decided change. Tallow easier at lo-loc. Kosin and spirits turpentine steady. Pork opened lower, and closed firm new mess $14 50. Lard opened low er, and afterwards reacted, closed firm prime steam $9 60. Whiskey steady at $1 Oii. -Freights sail and steam Jc. (Jotlon net receipts 19 bales; gross re ceipts 490 bales, i! utures closing firm, with sales of 47,000 bales, as follows : March 11.2811.30 cts, April 11.29! 1.30 cents; May 11.4611.47 cts, June 11.63 11.64 cents, July 11.7511.76 cts, August 11.8611.87 cents, September 11.7011.72 cts, October 11.5711.69 cts, November 1.4811.50 cents, December 11.5011.52 cents, January 11.5911.81 .cents Baltimore, March 27. Plour firm and quiet business restricted by firm uess of holders. Wheat scarce and higher; Pennsylvania red $1 631 65; Ma ryland red, prime, $1 bzl 65; amber $1 67 1 68; white $1 501 65. Southerncorn steady'and firm; western active and easier; Southern white 5152 cents; yellow 52 52 cents. Oats and rye steady. Provis ions and coffee steady and unchanged. Whiskey dull at $1 08. Sugar steady at 10$ ceats." FORB1KN 1TIAKKKTS. Liverpool, March 27 Noon. Cotton opened depressed; middling: up- ands 0 3-1 (JU; middhne Orleans 6ffd: sales of 5,000 hales, including 1,000 Daies tor speculation ana export. Ke- ceipts 6,600 bales, of which 2,500 were Amarian. Futures opened very flat, with sellers at last night's prices, as follows: Mid dling uplands, 1. m. c, March and April delirery, 6 l-16d; April and May delivery. 6 3-32d; May and June delivery, 6 3-lGd; July and August delivery, 6f; August and September 6 13-32d. LATER. Middling uplands, 1. m. c, May and June delivery, Go-sad. Liverpool, March 27 Evening. Futures steady middling uplands,!, m c, snipped in February, per sail, 6 d-lbd. London, March 27. Spirits turpentine 28s28s 3d. THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post lOfflcc as follows: j CLOSE. Northern through mails . 5:15 P. M. Northern through and wuy mails 8:15 A. M. Mails for the N. C Railroad, and routes supplied there from, at 5:15 P. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily 6:30 P. 1L Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sunday) 6:00 A. M. Fayette ville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1 :00 P M. FayeUeville by C. C. R'y, daily (except Sundays) 6:00 A. M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices every Friday. . 6:00A.M. Smithviile mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 2:00 P. M. Mails for Easy Hill. Town Creek, Supply.Shallolte and Little River, every Friday at 6:00 A. M ARRIVE. Northern through mails 12:15 P. M. Northern through and way mails 7:15 P. M. Southern mails 9:00 A. M. Mails delivered from 6:00 A. M. to 7: 00 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M. and from 2 to 6 P M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. Mans collected from street boxes every day at 4. oof. M. Once More to the Breach. WK RISE TO Ex plain tbat we arc now dally receiving large additiona to our already large stock of BOOTS & SHOES, and selling them VERY LOW FOR CASH. GEO. R. FRENCH & SON, 39 N. Front St. Call on mh 25-tf Turpentine Tools. JT ACKERS, PULLERS, DIPPERS, HACK FILES, HACK WHETTER8, HACK WEIGHTS, Ac., for sale at lowest living prices at me flew uaraware store or mh 25-tf GILES & MTJItCHlSON Dublin Countv Beef. I WISH TO CALL THE K8PBCIAL ATTBN- tion of my friends and the public generallT to the VERY SELECT STOCK OF BEEF now on exhl bition at my STALL, NO. 6. MARKET HOUSE, and for sale In quantities to sou tne purchaser. Cash orders respectfully solicited by mh 25-tf T. A. WATSON m a. rt A. OneSnilL VarallieiO. OfcU. ITTR LARGE INVOICES OF CAJNDX KK- ceived this week, among which are CHESNUT nARAVfKT.H. CHINESE JELLY WINGER. Jb'lG NOUGAT, TAFFY. CREAM. WALNUT EXCEL SIOR FRUIT CANDY, and over pne hundred oth- pt kinds Also BANANAS and large UKANums or spam, at S. U. iNUJKiilKUr mh 25-tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Latest Spring Shapes ! JpiNE NUTRIA BEAVER HATS t SILK HATS AND CAPS ! HARRISON & ALLEN, mh 25-tf Hatters. Turpentine Tools. HACKERS, PULLBRS.DIPPEBS, WHKTTBR8, Files, Trass Beopjt Adzes, Drawing Knives, Hswells and Crozes. Bammers. ComDasses. Dri vers, Chisels, Punches, &c. The largest stock of the above Goods in the city can be found at the Lowest Cash Prices at tne Old Established Hard ware House cf JOHN DAWSON, mh 26-tf 19. 90 and 2t Market St. 1 : 1 Tie Little SHop Aronn tbo Corner, JS THE PLACE TO GET SADDLES. HARNESS, ifttt WHIPS and COLLARS flfcsfcr H itepaired, Cheap for Cash. ' Next to Sontherland's Stables. M nl HAYDBN & GERHARDT, BmhSa-tf Wilmington, N. C. si3srioxisrc3-. OEKhEM ( Mrl'jUtBiR Dam aaafl BhW .j mJ" ftVfSA (BNIHG STAR BOSK BIND- BBld onli by complete in all all its afpointments, . ffg.W, I ..j o n . nl nrsf nt r n mt RiriiLrn workmen I uui. 1 rl TM II llllaatfT- mhS5-D&Wtf m . Nl . K A T Z , 36 ON HAND A FULL WHITE JACONETS, CAMBRICS, MARSEILLES, EMBROIDERIES, Worked on Jaconets. Nainsook and Swiss. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. DAMASKS, LINEN AND COTTON DIAPER, CORSETS, MOURNING BOMBAZINES, BRILLIANTINES, At Prlce to Salt tbe Hvdl. IMI. IK .A. T Z feb 27-tf COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. The official or opening Quotations below are posted at the Produce Exchange daily at 1 P. M. . and refer to prices at that hour. STAR OFFICE, March 27. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. In the early part of the day the market was quoted nominal, with nothing doing, but later about 150 casks changed hands at 84 cents per gallon for country packages, a decline of 1 cent on last reports. ROSIN. The market ruled firm duriug the day at $1 75 for Strained, $1 80 for C," and $1 85 for Good Strained. Sales reported of 1,500 bbls Good Strained at $1 85 per bbl. TAR. The market for tar was firm at $1 65 per bbl. Sales of receipts at that price and 75 bbls, in order, at $1 70 per bbl. CRUDE TURPENTINE. There was an advance in the price for this article of 10 cents on last reports, the receipts of the day changing hands at $1 75 for Hard a nd 2 75 for Virgin and Yellow Dip; market closing dull. COTTON. Market weak and nothing doing. We give the official quotations aa follows: Ordinary 9f cents "g lb. it (i Good Ordinary 10 Low Middling 10$ Middling 11 Good Middling. .. . . . " Quotations conform to the classifications of the American Cotton Exchange. PEANUTS. Market quiet, with small sales reported at from 60 to 85 cents per bushel, as iu quality. TIMBER We hear of sales to-day of 1 raft Inferior at $4 50 and 3 do Common Mill at $6 50 per M. The market was un changed, the prices ranging as follows: In ferior $45; Common Mill $6 507 00; Fair Mill $7 50 and Prime Mill $89perM. RECEIPTS, Cotton 40 bales. Spirits turpentine 72 casks. Rosin 1834 bbls. Tar 799 " Crude turpentine 267 " New York Naval storea market. March 24, 1877. t or spirits turpentine there is no im provement in demand, the business wholly in small lots, but no change made in prices; merchantable order quoted at 40c, with sales of 140 barrels at this price. Rosins for strained there is a good export inquiry, and strong prices ruling; the better grades are steady and have a moderate demand ; sales of 1,500 barrels common strained at $2 05 ; 500 barrels do. at $2 07, and 1,500 barrels good strained at S3 10. We quote Strained at $2 05 for common, and $2 10 8213 for good; "E"at S3 15; "P"at3 35; "O" at S2 852 40: ti at 2 40a2 45; T" at $2 75; "K" at $3 00; "M" at $8 50: "N" at 4 25; and window glass, $6 50 7 00. Tar quoted at f 23 12 for JNorth County. City pitch at $2 37fca2 50 f. o. b. Charleston NavaljSStores market. March 26. The receipts were 7 casks spirits turpen tine and 109 bbls rosin. The sales were 218 barrels rosin, eight of which was an arrival of the new crop classed as Dale (Ml and sold for $3 50; the remainder were dis posed of at $1 65 for (B) common strained and $1 75 for (C to E) strained to No. 2; ininy-nine casss spirits turpentine were sold at 34c for whiskey packages. Til-,,,, O,, nflU. 8 CI 4. JtlOUr. OUffar, UOHee (fc O8J.U ' ' 50Q Bbls FLOUR, all grades, 0 BblB SUGAR, 1AA Bags RIO COFFEE. IOU Ofinn Sacks Liverpool and Marshall's Blown SALT. a or saie dj KERCHNER & C ALDER BROS. mh 27-tf Spirit Casks, Glue, Nails, &c, 200 SPIRIT CASKS, 100 Bbls A o. 1 GLUE. 200 20 Kegs NAILS, Tans HOOP IRON, 200 Papers RIVETS, For sale by KERCHNER & C ALDER BROS. mh 87-tf Case Goods, Bice and Tobacco. '1 50 50 200 100 Cases LYE and POTASH. 75 Cans 1 aud 3 It) . OYSTERS; Cases riCBLES, Boxes SOAP, 25 Barrels RICE, Boxes CHEWING TOBACCO, For sale KERCKNKR A C ALDER BR8 mh 27-tf OHEETTNG FIVE BALES O HEAVY SHEETING For sale by mh 37-tf KBROHNBU & CALLER BROS. He-No Tea p IVES UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. IT IS AN UNCOLORED TEA Such as the Chinamen themselves drink. IT. D. MYERS & OO,, 5 &7Nort Market Street. ASSORTMENT OF GOODS. SWISS LAWNS, NAINSOOKS, PIQUE, LINENS. &o. GOODS. MOHAIRS, ALPACCAS, &c, Pockets of Everybody. 36 Market Street. MARINE. Port Almanac OTarcli 28. Sun Rises 5:51 A. M. Sun Sets 6:19 P. M. High Water (Smithviile) 7:05 Morn (WHminctonL. .. 9:85 Morn Day's Length , 12 :28 ARRIVED. Stmr Gov Worth, Worth, FayeUeville, Worth & Worth. Stmr Wave, Robeson, FayeUeville, Williams & Murchison. Stmr North East, Paddison, PoiDt Cas well, Preston Cumming & Co. Steamer Caswell, Henry, Bannerman's Bridge, A H YanBokkelen. Stmr J S Underhill, Piatt, Smithviile, U U farsley S Uo. ocar Mercy T Trundy, 190 tons, Crowley, Navassa, with phosphates to the Navassa Guano Company. ochr snow btorm, Beery, Charleston, freston Cumming & Co. Bchr Katie Edwards, Moore, Little River; cotton and naval stores to Hall & Pearsall. Schr Minnie Ward, Moore, Tar Landtag, naval stores to Hall fc .Pearsall. CLEARED. Stmr Gov Worth, Worth,- FayeUeville. Worth Worth. Stmr Wave, Robeson, FayeUeville, Williams & Murchison. Stmr North East, Paddison, Point Cas well, Preston Cumming & Co. Steamer Caswell, Henry, Bannerman's Bridge, A H VanBokkelen. btmrJ b Underhill, Piatt. Smithviile. U li Parsley & Co. Schr J Burley, Northrop, Port au-Pnnce. JNorturop & Cumming. Scur Snow storm. Beery, Elizabeth City. rreston uumming s uo. Schr Katie Edwards. Moore. New River. nan & Pearsall. Schr Minnie Ward. Moore. Tar Landing. mil & Pearsall. , EXPORTS. COASTWISE. Baltimore Steamship Lucille 28 bales cotton, 100 casks spirits turpentine, 245 bbls rosin, 2o do tar, 3 do pitch, 31 do fruit. do bones. 48 bushels peanuts. 4 boxes drugs, 8,814 feet lumber, 1 box hardware, 5 casks broken glass. 3 bales varn. 6 do warps, 1 box clothing, 1 pair scales, 1 bdle bags. FOREIGN. Port-au-Princk Schr J Burley 134.- VOZ feet lumber, 10,000 shingles. MARINE DIRECTORY. List of Vessels In the Port of Wil mington, N. C, Marcn 28, 18T7. BARQUES. Burgermeister Kersteiu (Ger.)378 tons, Eh- renreicn, js Pescbau s Westermann Falken (Nor.), 272 tons, Christensen, R E Heide Leopard (Nor.), 275 tons, Bueh, R E Heide yv inourn t,ur.j, 4o tons, uailiaay, R E Heide Nimrod (Nor.), 332 tons, Olsen, K E Heide Israel (Swed.), 300 tons, Taplin, R E Heide Vick & Mebane(Br. Barquentine), 296 tons, Whitesides, Vick & Mebane Elizabeth jTaylor (Br. Barquentine), 261 tons, Mitchell, Vick & Mebane BRIGS. R. Von Benningsen (Ger.1, 308 tons. Koster. E Peschau & Westermann Black Swan, 189 tons, Winslade, Master Fido (Nor.), 210 tons, Torsen, R E Heide Tordenskiold (Nor.), 290 tons, Olsen, RE Heide Iduna (Swed.), 230 tons, Lundgren, R E Heide SCHOONERS. Pride of the East, 182 tons, Lord, Master L T Knight, 203 tons, Anderson, Worth & Worth Henry A Paul, 497 tons, Strange, GG Barker & Co Ann Dole, 185 tons. Bunce, E Kidder & Sous J Burley, 1 59 tons, Northrop, Harriss & Howell St Croix, 221 tons, Leland, J H Chadbourn & Co John S Lee, 269 tons, Chase, Master Fannie Tracey, 248 tons, Tilton, Harriss & Howell Kate Newman, 140 tons, Newman, Master E P Aboda, 258 tons, Swain, Harriss & Howell Nellie Carr, 133 tons, Nickerson, J H Neff Donna Anna, 177 tons, Armbrust, Worth & Worth Sundries. 10 000 BnBhe!8 CORN 300 Sacks COFFJSB' 300 BoxeB candles' gQQ Barrels FLOUR, 3QQ Bags SHOT, 50Q Kegs NAILS. Also, Lake George and Lebanon A. SHEETING' ana uanaoipn xakjms, For sale by mh 18-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHKON. Spring Fashions. HAVING RECEIVED BY STEAMER BLOCKS of the latest styles of Hats far Ladies and Chil dren, Mrs. Virginia A. Orr is prepared to alter, press aad bleach work entrusted to her. Old Bonnets and Gentlemen's Panama and Silk or For Hats made to Look as Bright as New. White straw dyed black when so ordered and in best lawle. RESIDENCE One door east of Front, on Church street. mai-tr Mallard & Go. FULL ASSORTMENT OF SADDLERY GOODS, TRUNKS, BAGS, aataaaaV FEATHER DUSTERS, &c, rafREP AIRING HARNESS WITH DISPATCH. mhT-tf No. 8 SOUTH FRONT ST. ime. 45 MARKET OFFER A FEW SPECIAL LOTS THIS WEEK, IN ORDER TO MAKE FOR THEIR SPRING STOCK. Lot I . Lot 2. Lot 3. Lot 4. Lot 5. Lot 6. LADIES' and MISSES PIQUE j APRONS, m cents, formerly 25 T. AnTfift' ?OLLARft one tutnt fmr.h ! . M LINEN COLLARS, one eent BOYS' SILK BOWS, 5 cents and 18i cents. GENTS' SILK BOWS, ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE REMARKABLY CHEAP HAMBURGS at 5 cents and C ce ' LADIES' BROCADE SILK. SASHES, m: Two- aad a half yards ton , Two D0lars ea LADIES' CHEMISE, made of a good Cotton, 1 Tucked Yokes, 40 cents each; only a few Je( GENTS' WAMSUTTA SHIRTS, 2100 Linen, all made but Buttons and Button Hoi , 75 cents each. Our patrons will find style of the above, and we can safely market at evfen $1.00. ONE PRICE ! BROWN & RODDICK 4ft market 8tree, N. B. We have opened the Store formerly occupied by C. X Price, in EXCHaNrp CORNER, with a Full Line of FANCY MISCELLANEOUS. Stokes- ovaxiiAm 50c and I "OCCONEECHEE" TOe Per lb. to Consumers. " ' i Other TOBACCO GOODS In proportion to the trade and other consumers, I D. PI60TT, Tobacconist. mhl-tf BOKA TZEIA. ! Consisting of OOLONG, IMPERIAL AND JAPAN MIXED, and pronounced the most elegant Tea is the market. Only 75c per pound. 50 MORE PAILS OF THOSE PICKLES, CHOW CHOW AND MIXED Costing the consu mer only half the usual price. DELICATE MIlK AND CREAM CRACKERS- Only $1 60 per case. NEW BUTTER, OLD SWEET MASH, FRESH SARDINES, OLD BLUB GRASS. 500 CASES CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES All Cheaper than ever, GEO. MYERS, feb -25-tf 11 and 13 South Front St. Lee's Prepared Lime. JJIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY ALL WHO HAVE USED IT. For sale in Car-load lots or by the Bag. mh 20-tf O. G. PARSLEY A CO. Hams. 5000 LBS GOOD SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Very low for cash at L. VOLLBRS'. S. E. cor. Market aad 3d Sts. mh 13-tf Reduction in tie Price of Bird Seed, WE WILL SELL CANARY AND MIXED Bird Seed. TWO POUNDS FOR TWENTY- FIVE CENTS (-25 cts), from this date. We order these Seed weekly, and guarantee them to be Clean Sifted, Fresh, aad free from all inju rious matter. GREEN & PLANNER, mh 4-tf Druggists Market Street Dentistry. DR. R. P. BESSENT, of Salisbu- kry, has removed to Wilmington, for the purpose of PRACTICING DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, and has opened the Office lately occupied by Dr. S. S. Everitt, over the Mar ble Yard, on Front street mh 8-lm Burfflarv. T O PREVENT rHIEVES ENTERING YOUR House, use the NATIONAL SASH, LOCK AND BURGLAR ALARMS. For sale oaly by GEO. A. PECK, j an 26- tf No. 86 Sonth Front St. Jas. C. Stevenson Offers to the Trade the STANDARD BUTTER. MARTIN'S GILT EDGE, Received Every Week and Gua ranteed Fresh. Also, a good article of NORTHERN BUTTER, Rich, Sweet and Yellow, at 80 eta. per pound retail. BONELESS CODFISH, FERRIS' TRADE MARK v MEATS, and the OLD RELIABLE "PATAPSCO" FLOUR. Specialty for the season, BREAKFAST CEREALS, WHITE WHEAT. BARLEY, and OATMKAL, In convenient Packages to suit the Trade. I CANNOT be undersold for CASH. mh 25-tf . Flour. Flour. Flour. 600 Barrels GOOD FLOUR, For sale lowby mh 25-DAWtf HALL A PEARSALL. Sugar and Coffee. 0 Barrels REFINED SUGARS. Bags COFFEE, For sale low by mhaS-D&Wtf HALL A Prakrit r Exchange Corner SPANISH LACE SCARFS LACE BIBS, LACE COLLERETTS, LINEN SETS, Ac. THE NEW INDIAN TRIMMING, AT mh4-tf Be in Time. STREET. cents. a very great improvement in the 8ze and say that no such SHIRT is offered in the a t il .eroj- "5 V STRICTLY CASS! GOODS aad TOTS mh ... MISCELLANEOUS. Xj -A- T X ESS -OF- UND0UBTBB TASTE ! ExceUaafc Judgment ! ,;i.lA Vitt ilw Jfi.. ARE SELECTING THEIR .;i i. . tiflWKta . : SPRING DRESSES! FROM OUR Medium & Low Priced FABRICS! fltt wdl of Recent Imprtati! AND TkU BJEIST G3-OODS ! I SOLD FOR The Prices in the City, HEDBICK, 39 market Street. mh22-tfD&W Molasses, Sugar, Bacon Cuba Clayed, aSf naoAwoln 1UT GLASSES. V New Orleans, and lrt I Sugar House Syrup, In Hnds.PuncheonB.Tcs ABblf ) Crushed. UGARS, ( Standard A, S ). . V Yellow C.sndf ) Smoked Sidee, - . JgAOON f SmokerShours, I Shoulders. Far sale by mh 18-tf WILLIAMS & MUttCMSOS. Just Eeceived, TJVaMILY MESS BEEF, CHOICE, In Barrels aad Half Barrel jgUTTER, OF GOOD QUALITY, m Tubs. gEEF TONGUES, LARGE, AND PRIME QUALITY. For sale low by BIN FORD, CEO W & CO. mh mro&w Lime I Lime! 10,000 Bushels FRESH BUILDING LIME. 500 AGRICULTURAL LIME. 125 Bales HASTSRN HAY. NOW landing and for sale by mh tb-tf WORTH WORTH. Petteway & Schulken, BROKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Are filling orders for All Descriptions of Merchandise, k. 7 Corn. Oats, Bran, Pe Mola SftSSuilam, Soap,By Mullets, Mackerel, Ac. nartAti Meats and Lard, all gri Glue, Spirit Casks, Ac., Ac., . At the Very Lowest Market Prietf- er"Attattk given to selecting Quality ef and Packages. Consignments of Naval Stores, Cotten idpn n uiinw w vwn Ac. bare sp-'a , .. , . jJiH-U :Luck is a Fortune ! Buying poor shoes will soon caus yoa to spend one. SO AVOID this by BUt6 your BOOTS aad SHOES from mh,tf T-fgg& Fresh Crisp Milk and Soda Biscuits. pEEK PRE AN VARIETIES, DOTS AND GLEN COYS9 TjNGLTSH, PINEAPPLE, DUTCH HEAD AND CREAM CHS , ALL CHOICE GOODS. CUAS. D. MYERS A CO' mhM-DAWtf 5A7NorthFroBi. E.Artis T7ASHIONAHLB BARBER, ..ouJCi i? Front Street. mAJgwN C WILBUR-; .IatX! u Hair-CnttinsL Shai and Shaaipoows nMMiS Bayers alwaya ready to f upon cunomers. JLM aaaaaaaaafaatV . , BaW III iilaaaaaaaaaaaWnaaaatil

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