By WW. H. BERNARD. TBLISHKDlTkXCKM MONDAYS. o 8DB80MPKW IN ADTAHOT Oneyear, (by mml) posttge paid, Six months, u Three montns, i( M tr- $7 00 . 4 00 . a as . 1 00 of the uTn raw Subscribers, oeuvereau. - in advance. John Young Brown publishes the letters of Foster and.Matthews pledging the Presi dent to a policy that would enable South Carolina and Louisiana to control their own affairs. Hampton had a briHiant reception all along the lioe;at Washington there was none; Governor Hampton was with lEeTresidcnt at 1 o'clock; a delega te from Baltimore invite him to visit that city. It is understood that Ger many will sustain Russia's fresh proposals. Isisjthought England and Italy will send ambassadors to Constantinople, and Austria will probably do the same. The news from Vienna is that England baa ac cepted Russia's counter proposals in sub stance; the London limes takes a very gloomy view of the situation.. New York markets: Money easy and offered at 4 per cent; gold firm at 104$105; cot ton quiet at lliH cents; spirits turpen tine lower at 35 cents; rosin steady at 2 05 2 12i Gov. Hampton a Blchmond, V. The Virginians gave Gov. Hamp ton a grand reception.) A Urge and distinguished committee met him at Chester, of which Hon. A. M. Keiley was Chairman. At Richmond lie was received by the Campaign Club. The greeting very enthu siastic Music, a procession, firing of cannon and sundry speeches. Mr. Keiley made the address of welcome, when Gov. Hampton spoke at length. Gen. Butler and Attorney General Conner also spoke. Altogether it was a'grand time. The Southern people delight to honor their true heroes. C;ov. If amp ton at Petersburg:. About 1,200 persons turned out to receive him. Great enthusiasm pre vailed. He was called out and in troduced by Col. Stith Boiling, for merly of his staff. The Index--Appeal says: "His appearance was greeted with prolonged and enthusiastic cheering and there followed a great rush and pressure to see and hear him. "Gov. Hampton uncovered his head, and bowing, briefly and eloquently expressed his thanks for the compli ment and the honor the citizens of Petersburg had bestowed upon him. He referred to years gone by when he visited Petersburg under far dif ferent circumstances, and when the tire-works he was then accustomed to witness were little like those he now saw. But notwithstanding the fierce struggles and unparalleled privations of those dark days, he bad always cherished pleasant reminiscences of Petersburg and of old Virginia, where had been displayed such grand deeds of heroism and valor. "Gov. Hampton then spoke of the object of his visit to Washington." Latest By Mail. ' From the Federal Capital. Special to Richmond Dispatch. Washington, March 28. Having rested a day or two dele gations of Virginia Republicans come up again, freshly armed with poten tial signatures and eloquent petitions, praying the President to appoint this or that person to office. Colonel Brady is here, directing THE FORCE8 OF HISS VAN LEW with nyiciuskill. To-day a delega tion of white and colored citizens of Richaond called on the President in iier interest. J. V. Reddy, at the head of a delegation of uncertain complexion, presented a petition for the appoint ment of E. P. Murphy as collector of internal revenue at Richmond. He tells me the document bore the auto graphs of ex-Mayor Keiley, Captain G. D. Wise, General P. T. Moore, and uiany other prominent citizens. Congressman Springer has A SCHEME FOR ELECTING A PRESIDENT without an electoral college, which he hopes to get through Congress and have ratified by the Stales before the next presidential struggle. The fea tures of it, in brief, are that the peo ple shall cast their votes directly for a candidate for the presidency, and in every State the votes be canvassed by a board consisting of the judge of the highest State court the Go vernor and 1 hp Spcrolaro nf SioId- that each State shall be entitled to as many votes for President as she has senators and Represeiuasives in Con gress, exceot that States htnii nnlu ne Renreseni.niiva in f!nnn oLoll nave but one vote (instead of three) tor President, and States having only two Representatives shall have three votes (instead of four); that the board Jl canvassers shall aggregate the votes cast for each candidate, and acn candidate shall be entitled to "is proportionate share of the number fir m . r floral votes to which the State mtled; that the two Houses of r PL 8S' meQtng in joint session '"all be the sole i n f era nf iho nnnlifi- ration and election of President. He "-WoseU tbat the regular ses JJJ first Monday in Jannary of each t i Vs 8ha,l end on that date in ot March 4tb. some ow m a . t lji(itnhoU; t ... ,u Bay8 00 TvepuDlican onstruction couW have kept mseif " power without the support H army- As to his own osis be The VOL. XX. NO. 7. says Hampton may be able to com mand more force to maintain his pre tensions, but he thinks he could re cover bis lost ground by the moral effect of authority to use the United States troops. The claim that Hamp ton naa been recognized bv all the State courts he denies. The Sunreme Court was equally divided on that nnAtA t S. 1 1 1 4UCSHUU iu vue paruon case, ana only four of the eight Circuit Courts ac knowledge Hampton as Governor. The Judges of the Circuit Courts, he says, have drawn their salaries from the public fund raised by citizens and 1 . ... -X unaer tne control of Hampton, but that does not constitute a recogni tion in any sense, certainly not a ju dicial recognition, of his rio-ht to the Governorship. me F . lue .Louisiana Commission will or ganize and get to work as soon as practicable. Four are Republicans; tne other is a .Democrat. As before suereested in these dis patches, the Commission will not at tempt to asoertain for themselves who may have been legally elected Governor, but the general plan of their mission will be to induce those members of the two rival Legislatures whose election is not disouted to or ganize themselves into a Legislature that both political parties shall recog nize as tne only an true law-making body, and this new Legislature would then decide who are entitled to the vacant contested seats, and would canvass the return for State officers. t is asserted by friends of this scheme that it is legal and entirely feasible, because there are in the two Lesnsla- j- tures enough members whose election is undisputed to form a quorum of each House, and tbat under the con stitution and laws of Louisiana, while the Returning Board has the riirht to canvass the votes for Presidential electors, the Legislature has the right to canvass the returns ot elections for purely State officers, and to declare the result. . General Sherman and Don Cameron Mut Rime and Explain. Washington, March 27. Attention having been drawn to the curious circumstances attending the transmission of the order of March 2d to General Augur, at New Orleans, inquiries are made in all di rections as to the party responsible or the delay in the transmission of the order, and for the ambiguous anguage in which it was couched. t is now a fact known to all parties concerned that but for the tampering with this order, by which the pur pose of Gen. Grant was defeated, tire troops protecting Packard would have been withdrawn in the early morning of the 3d of March, and ackard's government would have f one to pieces before r resident laves took nossession of the White House, on Monday, March 5th. THK ENFIELD FIRE. A Lisa ef Leases Narrow Escape A Sad Blow to tne Town. Special to Richmond Dispatch. Enfield, N. C, March 28. The losses were as follows: J. C. Derr, bar-room and residence; loss, $193 in gold, and stock and furniture of the value of about f 700. Derr, his wife and children barely escaped with their lives, without any wearing apparel. They had to be lowered rora the second-story window. No insurance, a purse is nemg raised for their relief. J. W. Powell's heirs' store and residence badly scorched and warped; damage, $100; occupied by P. Levy as general merchandise; stock and furniture damaged $500. J. R. W buskers store. .Loss, $1,500; insured for $750; occupied by W. H. McGwigan fc Co., general merchandise. They had their large stock insured. Mrs. S. S. Alsof, store; a law office and barbershop. Loss $1,500; no insurance. J. H. Parker's store; loss $4,500; partially insured; occupied by Ellis Levy, general merchandise and house hold furniture; loss W io,ouu; insured. Isaac Levy, damaged by removing stock and furniture, $200. Store badly scorobed; damage $100; in sured. Henry Bond's store and Town Hall; loss $4,500; insured for $3,000 in the Richmond Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Jjoss on the store and fixtures $500; no insu rance. Store occupied by R. B. Britt, general merchandise, loss $2, 200; insured for $1,000 in a Rich mond company. Mrs. P. B. Key, three stores ; loss, $3,500; insured. The store occupied by Dr. J. A. Collins as a drag store; loss about $4,000; nearly fully insured. J.J. Kobertson, con fectioner; loss about $1,500; insured for $1,000 in the Pamlico Insurance Company of Tarboro, N. C. J. Co hen, agent, grooer, loss '$600; no insu rance. Branoh, Dunn & Co.'s store; loss $2,500; not occupied; no insurance. Branch & Bryan's store was dam aged by blistering and warping $50. Spier W hi taker's two stores were warped and blistered; damage $50. Wbitaker & Vick's (estate) store damaged $100., It is believed- that the fire caught from a defective flue in Derr's kitchen. A Crime of Peculiar Atrocity. The Charlotte Observer says: On Tuesday a negro man, named Jim Wilson, and his wife were arrested and put in jail on the charge of kill ing a three-year old child, who was a sister of Wilson's wife, and who was living with them at the time in Gas ton county. It is said to have been Morn WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, t877. killed with a leaden-headed cane, with which the skull was broken in three different places. The body was badly burnt, and showed other evi dence of ill-treatment. Anecdote. Roanoke Newa.1 The Richmond Enquirer relates ah anecdote of Hon. B. F. Moore, of Raleigh, and our friend Captain James Simmons, of this city. Our cotemporaiy says that when Mr. Clay came to this State, Mr. Moore was selected to make the address of weloome, and having prepared it, he stated to Captain Simmons that he wished to submit it to him. Said the latter, "I being a man of culture and literary attainments, you wish to see what impression it will make on the cultivated." "No," said Mr. Moore, "I wish to see how it will strike the vulgar mind." These may not be the exact words, but are in substance. It was not, however, on the occasion of Mr. Clay's visit to this State, but Mr. Moore was selected to prepare the Whig address in. 1844, andit was when it was completed that the above pleasantry occurred in the town of Halifax, Captain Simmons being then clerk of the county court and Mr. Moore practicing law in the town.. We have often heard Captain Simmons laugh over the incident. A Whole Family of Tnleves. Raleigh Observer. The sheriff of Chatham county brought to the city yesterday a col ored woman who was sentenced at the recent term of the Superior Court for that county to a term of three years in the penitentiary for larceny. The only thing remarkable about her incarceration is that her husband died in the penitentiary, her only son is now in Alamance jail awaiting trial for burglary, and her two daughters have served out several terms in the county jail for stealing. With the hanging of the son and three years' confinement of the old woman, it is to be hoped that the nest will be broken up. Tbe Fertiliser Question in Nortn Carolina. Polkton Ansonian. "It is calculated that the farmers of North Carolina paid last year three million dollars for commercial manures, and upon reliable data it is estimated that one million dollars was paid tor sand. We learn that a Baltimore firm sold to one of four farmers last year a large lot of fer tilizer, which, upon actual and careful analysis, showed that it contained 57 per oent. of pure sand, and although the farmer has instituted proceedings for damages, he will be auable to re cover, owing to the defects in our laws on that subject." A. Cariosity. IWeldon News. A darkey was in town yesterday who was a great curiosity. He could transfer his heart from one position to another, could make it apparently cease beating, and perform other won derful tricks with the organs of his body. He had travelled, as he Btated, all over Europe. The above perform ance was witnessed by two gentlemen, one of them a physician, both of whom stated to us tbat they had never witnessed any thing so wonder ful before. Spirits Turpentine. Measles are around and in Wadesboro. The Ivy King mill in Jones rnnnt.v has heen burnt. The house robbers are still prowling around Charlotte. A negro, subject to fits, was found dead in Duplin recently. J. G. Branch has been elected Captain of the Anson Guards. Tbe Lumbertou Methodists have recently bad a concert in aid of their church. The Wadesboro Herald says an enormous quantity of molasses is sold in that place. The Board of Agriculture met at Raleigh on Wednesday. Nothing im portant transpired. A son of Gapt. f. M. Hartsell, of Maguolia, had his foot cut very painful ly last Monday. The premiums due by the State Agricultural Fair for 18T6 are promised soou. Better late than never. Col. Wharton J. Green, of Warren, addresses a letter to the New York Sun through tbe Raleigh Observer. Raleigh Neos: Yesterday 52 lien bonds were brought into the office of the Superior Court clerk to be probated. The residence of Mr. Frank Pharr, in Cabarrus, was burnt last Friday. Lo3s $1,500. Supposed to be incendiary work. Robert Strother, of Gianville, was in tbe hands of the revenue raider at Wilson, charged with selling unstamped tobacco. Some writer is reviewing Gov ernor Graham's defence of 20th May Declaration in Concord Sun. He rejects the document. There is a probability that States villwill baye a bank. We have known several towns to have banks, but they were spelt with an F. . -rp A- targe crowd- turned out to greet Gov. Hampton both at Goldsboro and Wilson. Both he and Gen, -Butler spoke at tbe latter place briefly. In answer to a request from the editors for bis views on the political situa tion, Hod. Jos. J. Davfc nAdMNsea-a long letter to the Raleigh Ok; Thomas Robinson, a native of England and a very worthy citizen or jua son county ior mors man miy years, m on Atarcn lum, m nis vom year. ING Magnolia Record: Mr. James Williams and his son-in-law, Jesse Speight, Esq', with their families, and Martin F. Smith, Esq., and several others, have re cently left our county for new homes in the State of Arkansas. Ansonian : Dave Edwards, col ored preacher, had been to one of his churches on last Sunday to preach', and in attempting to cross Lane's Creek on Mon day morning in a canoe at Ponds' Mill, he was washed over the dam and lost. Magnolia Record'. On the night of the 20th inst. a dwelling bouse in Jones county, belonging to Aretas Williams, Esq., but occupied by Mr. Ben Marshborn, was burned. The fire was accidental. Marsh burn lost most of his furniture. No insur ance. Raleigh News: To-day the At torney General will file an opinion setting forth that the Directors for the Insane Asy lum, appointed by the Governor under the law passed at the late session of the Gene ral Assembly, cannot go into office until March 1st, 1878. News: Yesterday morning Uni ted States Marshal Hill received a telegram from Deputy Marshal Pennington, at Wil son, announcing the arrest of W. R. Kirk land, upon a capias issued from the United States Circuit Court, charged with violation of the revenue laws. News'. Yesterday Gov. Vance par doned Daniel Dishman, of Iredell county, out of tbe penitentiary. He was convicted in the Iredell county Superior Court of stealing leather out of vats, and sentenced to a term of five years, of which term he has served four years and seven montbs. Robesonian: The members of tbe Light Infantry Company, proposed to be formed here, met Saturday, the 23d inst, and an election for officers was held,, with the following result: Captain, Alfred Row land; 1st Lieutenant, N. A. McLean, Jr.; 2d Lieutenant, J. A. McAllister; 3d Lieu tenant, Dr. R. F. Lewis. - We note with pleasure a decided improvement in the Magnolia Record. Bro. Stallings is a man of decided ability. He announces that on 10th April he will begin tbe publication of a new serial, which will be full of interest. He also states that he will soon begin tbe publication of the his tory of Duplin county, which will run through several numbers of the paper. Neves: Yesterday morning,about 9 o'clock, a tenant house on the plantation of Col. T. C. Robinson, near Neuse depot, about ten miles north of this city, was dis covered to be on fire. The flames, when first discovered, had made considerable headway. Three young colored children were in the bouse, and were rescued with considerable difficulty by tbe gallantry of a negro boy. Raleigh Observer : A small number of colored men met in the Court house last evening for tbe purpose of or ganizing a colonization society. Several talks were made in favor of .the movement. They, however, do not propose to go West, but have their hearts set on Liberia. A committee was appointed to confer with some Northern colonization society, and after appointing another meeting for next Wednesday nigbt tbe body adjourned. THE CITY? NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. Munsom & Co. Spring suits. Hkinsbeboeb Croquet, pianos, &c. Eliz. J. Martin Administratrix sale. North Carolina Beneficial Association. Chas. D. Myers & Co. Closing notice. Geo. R. French & Son Boots and shoes Cronxy & Morris Sale of W & S R W Wright & Steduan Postponement sale Local Dots. Mayor Canaday returned to the city last evening. The various banks of this city will be closed to day. Housekeepers should continue to be careful witb their fires during this windy weather. There are now thirty-three cases on the summons docket for trial at the next term of the Superior Court. On the 30th of March, 1002, paper was first made of cotton rags. To day is the anniversary of tbe event. j The hour for evening service at tbe Front Street Methodist Cburcb has been changed from half-past 7 to 8 o'clock. To-day is known in the religious calendar as Good Friday, and will be ap propriately observed by various congrega tions in this city and elsewhere. The Lodges of X O. O. F., of this city, will elect representatives next week to the Grand Lodge of the Order in North Carolina, which meets in Salisbury in May next. . t . Mt. George Ringold, a trage dian of note, is expected to appear at the Opera House in this city on the 16th and 17th of next month, in his favorite charac ter of Henry V. At a meeting of the Produce Exchange, held yesterday, it was resolved to close the Exchange to- day, Good Fri day, and it was recommended tbat busi ness generally be suspended. We learn that the "North Caro lina Beneficial Association" will give a se ries of drawings for real estate and per sonal property in this city. Mr. Wilkes Morris will be tbe Business Manager. The Hibernian Benevolent As sociation of this city will have one of their charming ''Socfables'irt Meginney's Hall on Thursday night next. Preparations are now in progress for the event and a de lightful time is expected. The tonnage for the month of February emanating from Wilmington to local stations On the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad amounted to 3, 224,708' tons; to through points, 481,8 tons. Total 3,706,688 tons. To day (Friday) 'Jved by tbe Front Street poWurcb as a dav of fastlDff : tiVfim.' .preparatory administraj ie sacrament of Star Tne Law Concerning Inspection la tbe City or Wllmlnstou. The act of the General Assembly' amend ing the Inspection laws of the City of Wil mington, ratified Maich 12th, 1877, pro vides "That no Inspector licensed to in spect, weigh, gauge or measure any such articles as are sold in the City of Wilming ton, N. C, by inspection, weight, gauge or measure, and which he is authorized by said license to inspect, weigh, gauge or measure, shall take a license from or obli gate himself to be governed in the discharge of bis official duties by any person, party, corporation or combination of persons whosoever, nor shall he engage for a salary as clerk or otherwise to perform the duties of inspector, weigher, ganger and measurer, for any person, party, or corporation, or tbe in any way connected with the interest of any merchant, distiller or purchaser inter ested in the purchase or sale of any article so to be inspected, weighed, gauged or measured by him, under a penalty of twenty-five ($25) dollars for each and every such act done by him in violation of the provisions of this chapter, aed no person shall engage in the business of inspection, weighing, gauging or measuring any Tur pentine, Tar, Rosin, Cotten, Hay or Spirits Turpentine without having first procured a license as aforesaid under a like penalty." Feats of Marksmanship A stain North Carolina vs. Texas. A gentleman of this city having Been the articles which have recently appeared in the Stab in reference to feats of marks manship, comes to the front with a few which have come under his own observa tion. On one occasion he was in pursuit of a covey of partridges, and while following them up to get a good chance to shoot them a large hawk made a strike among them, and a successful one, too, for he mounted into the air with a partridge in his claws, and after flying about forty yards with his booty our friend fired, bringing him to the ground, and cooped both bawk and partridge. Mr. Thomas J. Lee, of Iredell county, he says, killed seven deer at three shots, four at two and three at one discharge of his piece. The three killed at one shot were at a distance of sixty yards by actual measurement Tbe "Lone Star" can now hide its diminished lustre by taking a back seat in tbe shooting firmament. Stealing Rope. A colored man, answering to the some what queer name of John Smith not the white individual of tbat name, of whom some of us may have heard in our boyhood days was arrested yesterday on the charge of stealing a piece of rope from the raft of "Judge" Merrick. It seems that Merrick missed the rope, and had a suspicion that Smith was the thief, as he had been seen prowling about the place .where the raft was tied up. He thereupon went to one of the junk shops, where he found John just in the act of offering the rope for sale. He then procured the services of a police man and had Smith taken to the guard house, where he will be held to answer to the charge of larceny. Tbe New River canal. It should be borne in mind tbat there will be an important meeting of business men and citizens generally at the Court House to-night, for the purpose of taking into consideration matters relating te the proposed canal for connecting the inland waters of North Carolina. It is an enterprise which would no doubt prove of incalculable benefit to the Com mercial interests of Wilmington, and as such, some plan should be devised to build it as soon as possible. It is with the hope tbat something may be done in this direc tion tbat the meeting will be, held to-night. Let there be a large attendance and some thing definite may be accomplished. Reorganizing unaer tbe New Law. The colored military company known as tbe Sumner Light Infantry met Wednes day night and reorganized under the new military law, the old officers under which the company was first organized being re elected, as follows: George L. Mabson, Cap tain; Alex. Sampson, First Lieutenant; Francis W. Payne, Second Lieutenant; King MeCall, Ensign. We are requested to state that there will be a meeting of the members at their arm ory on Seventh, between Orange and Ann streets, on Tuesday evening next, at 7 o'clock. , Reported Homicide In Pender. Persons arriving here from Pender county yesterday bring tbe intelligence that a re port was in general circulation in that county to the effect than a man was shot and killed somewhere in the neighborhood of Point Caswell on Sunday night last. Coroner Isaac James passed through Rocky Point yesterday morning on his way to the neighborhood mentioned to investigate the matter. As yet nothing is definitely known as to who the man was or whether he was white or colored, so Jar as we could ascer tain. : - The Smrgeon. We noticed several sturgeons' heads at the wharf, foot of Dock street, yesterday afternoon, the two largest of which would aggregate more than One hundred pounds in weight. There were some eight or ten oftbem, and they werejpurchased as food for bounds by two of our prominent sports- n. The monster fish to which these heads belonged were caught only a few miles below this city. The Wilmington Light Infan- try, uadercommand of M. I 1 TMfljirii ii - WHOLE NO. 3,010 Thermometer Record. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at tbe stations mentioned, at 4.35 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Augusta, 67 Charleston, . . 67 Corsicana, ...... .76 Galveston 73 Indianola, ...... .70 Jacksonville, 67 Key West, 67 Mobile, 71 Montgomery, 68 New Orleans, 73 Norfolk .55 Punta Rassa, 72 Savannah, .69 St. Marks, ..71 Wilmington, .... 60 Tbe Wilmington Board of Audit and Finance. The Raleigh News of the 29th says: Yes terday bis Excellency, the Governor, ap pointed the following gentlemen, under tbe law passed by the late session of the Gene ral Assembly, to compose the Board of Au dit and Finance for tbe city of Wilming ton: W. D. Mabn, 1st Ward; Norwood Giles, 2nd Ward; Richard J. Jones,' 3rd Ward; David G. Worth, 4th Ward; T. W. Player, 5th Ward. m ss Bj A Branch Turnpike. The contract for building the branch turnpike road, by which it is claimed tbe distance between this city and Masonboro Sound will be lessened one mile and a half, was given out on Wednesday. Tbe branch will begia at a point on tbe main road about one quarter of a mile above what is known as the Downey house, and cross Hewlett's Creek near tbe mill dam. Alarm of Fire. The cry of fire yesterday morning, at half past 9 o'clock, was caused by the burning of a portion of the roof of the residence at the northeast corner of Second and Orange streets. The flames were extinguished, however, before much damage was done. The alarm bells were not sounded. Services In St. PanPs Evangelical Lutheran Church. Preparatory service (German) at 10$ A. M. ; German service at 11 A. M. ; English service and Confirmation at 8 P. M. St. John's Church Good Friday Morning Prayer, Litany and Ante-Communion Office, with sermon, at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. The Depnty Clerk informs us that there are now about one hundred and twenty-five cases on the criminal docket to be turned over to Judge Meares at tbe next term of the Superior Court for this county. Clear or partly cloudy weather, with northeast to northwest winds, rising barometer and slight changes in tempera ture, are the indications for this section to day. RIVER ANDHARINB ITEMS. The German barque Bertha, Schutte, arrived at Stettin from this port on the 25th inst. U iiiKfti The Norwegian brig Hilding, Jorge n sen, arrived at Queenstown from this port on the 27th inst. By a telegram received at the Signal office in this city yesterday, we learn that tbe German Barque Wtthelm Kisker, Capt. Burmeister, and the British Brig Irust, Capt. Marsters, got ashore on the Western Bar yerterday morning while making their way out to sea. Not w itbslanding the ' fact that they went on at high water it is hoped that they will be gotten of safely. , You need not leglect your business when troubled with a cough or cold, if you odIv use a reliable remedy at once. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the best remedy we know of. Price only 25 cents. f Appointments by Bishop Atkinson , for bis Sprlnc Visitation. Clinton, (Good Friday). . ; March 30 Goldsboro. (Easter dav April l Windsor " Woodville, Bertie county, " Murfreesboro, 1st Sunday after Easter - " Winston, ............ " 4 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 17 19 21 22 24 26 Gatesville, i St. Peter's, Gates county,. Hertford, Perquimans county,'...; Woodville. ! . " . Elizabeth City, 2nd Sunday after , , Easter, ,-. ... .-. . ; .; . ; Camden Mission,. ........ . . . . .-. . tj " Edenton, " St. Luke's, Washington county,. . " St. David's, " " . 3rd Sunday after Easter, . . . ... i ' Plymouth, " St James', Beaufort county, " St George's, Hyde county, 4th Sunday after Easter. ...... " Fairfield, Hyde county, " Slades ville, ........... : . . . May Bath.. " Zion Church, Beaufort county,.. . ! 29 30' 2 4 5 6 9 10 11 Washington, Jamesville, Williamston, (Ascension day). Hamilton,... Trinity Church, Scotland Neck, Susdav after Ascension:.. w 13 Collections in behalf of Diocesan Mis sions will be made at each place. - . i m n CITY ITEMS. ;io tii'i lo f The name ef the manaf actorers on the cans in which Doout'b Yeast Powssr Is pot ap it aa ab solute guarantee of what the label states. Ia other words yon can depend on fall weight, and purity and strength of material which never fail hi their purposes. All housekeepers glory in it as the ne plus ultra. 1 ' ' Book Butdkqy. Thk MoRNiKO Stab Bo jk Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling te a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and ethers needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness hi flic ezecmtionof their orders. Tr- Tbassrb FBiHTiss-lNKS. inraluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, iner chants, mannfactarers and others. They are en during and changeless, sad will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh sapplyof these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. on Mn mn Riim. ' RnTTT.RK OF BOSCHXES' Gbbsajt Stbot have been dlstrlbstedrof charge in this country to those afflicted with Consumption, MtemOosghs, 'Pneumonia, and ;other Threat f wonaerim for k' .Lnnff diseasaa aa nroof of its SEBBtaL-1 , The demand ssieHapjMr"1uirt "i?(TTiiftr size t5 cents. 1 hBb1 Hjm.v , . . mh29-tt H BATES O ADVERTISING. One Square one day, gj oo 1 ' three dais s oo " " four days, , g so u u flTe djyg & oo '." one week,. 3 so " Twoweeks 5 00 " Three weeks, 6 60 " One month, 8 00 " Two months,...: 15" do " Three months,... 2-2 00 T. ,1 Sbt months . 88 00 ' " Oneyear, 60 OO ry Contract Advertisements taken at propor tionately low rates. Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column, anf tea squares as a half column. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M. CJRONL.Y, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY A MORRIS. Postponeient of Sale of I IWictii & Seaboard Railway Co. TO ENABLE PARTIES TO COMPLETE THEIR financial arrangements, the sale of the above Road will be postponed from day to day until 1-UKSDAY, APRIL 3d, 18TT, at 11 o'clock, AM. 3 when it will he positively sold to the highest bid- Cross and 7th Street, on same day, at IS o'clock, M. mh 30-tds rti. C RON LY, Auctioneer BY CRONLY MORRIS. 4 Administratrix' Sale. QN TUE8BAY, MAY 1st, 18T7, commencing at 10 o'clock. A.M.. I will sell, at the late residence of N. M. Martin, deceased, all of the HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE therein contained. ELIZABETH J. MARTIN, Administratrix mh S0-2t mh 30&my 1 nac 1 j The Much Vexed Question TO WHERE WK SMALL BUY ' OUR NEW SPRING SUIT, Can be answered by calling on mh 30 -It I UN SON Co Our Customers WILL PLEASE NOTICE THAT OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY, Between the hours of 10 A. M. and 1P.M. CHAS. D. MYERS CO,. 5 A 7 North Front St. mh 30-D&Wtf New Prunes, DRRANTS, SWEET ORANGES. ' ' LEMONS, Ac. Ac. CHAS. D. MYERS CO. 5 &7 North Front St. mh 30-tf D&W COMMUNICATED We UNDERSTAND THAT THE NORTH CA ROLINA BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION intend, nnder their charter, to cor duct in our city a series of DRAWINGS FOR REAL ESTATE AND PER SONAL PROPERTY, with Mr. WILKES MORRIS, of the firm of Cronly A Morris, of this city, ss its Business Manager. Mr Morris says that arrange ments have been entered into with the principal Lottery men throughout the country, whereby the Official Raffle Numbers are to be disposed of to them by this Association, truly called "Beneficial," as it will undoubtedly be the means of bringing capital into tins city and State mh 30-tf Croquet. J- LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NBW STYLES OP CROQUET JUST RECEIVED AT THE LIVE BOOK STORE. . : Eli. AND ORGANS SOLD FOR CASH AND ON THE INSTALMENT PLAN, AT HEINSBBRGER'S mh 30-tf Nob. 89 and 41 Market Street. SJ Country Buyers OF BOOTS & SHOES. will find our STOCK FULL AND COMPLETE Prices AS LOW as any Northern House. Call on GEO. R. FRENCH SON, mh 3C-tf 88 N. Front St. -Mortgagee's Bale. IY VTJRTUB OF THE PROVISIONS OF A certain deed of mortgage made by "The Wilming ton and Seaboard Railway Company" to John W. Leak, R. 8. Ledbetter, and "The Bank of New Ha nover," dated 3d dav of August, 1875, and duly re gistered in the proper office, in Book l.L.L. , at page 432 and following, the undersigned, ss the Attorneys of said mortgagee, will, on THURSDAY, ttD OF MARCH NEXT, at 11 o'clock, A. M., at the door of the Court 'House, in the city of Wilminrton, cause te be sold ty public auction, for cash, all and singular THE VARIOUS LINES OF RAILWAY, including the Rails, Sills and Superstructure of eve ry kind connected therewith, lying In the City of Wilmington, owned by or belonging to said Wil mington and Seaboard Railway Company, together with the leasehold interest and estate of said Com pany on the Lot at the southeastern inter sectien of Seventh and Red Cross streets, on which its stables are standing; and also all and singular the Rights, Privileges, Easements and Franchises f said Com pany in any way connected with the aae and enjoy ment of safe lines of Railway, and the receipt of the issues and profits of the same. And at 13 o'clock. M., of said day, will cause to be sold ss aforesaid, at tits Stables referred to. all and singu lar the Horses, Mules. Cars . Wagons, Carta, sets of Harness, and other Personal Property of said mort gagor, "The Wilmington and Seaboard Railway Company." ... n Wilmington, FebraaryJta. 1ST7. ' WRIGHT & 8TBDMAN. febgP-td ni s a Attorneys. ' POSTPPNBMENT. The above sale is postponed until FRIDAY, March 30th, 1677, at same time sad place. ' WRIGHT & STEDMAN, - mhaPrlti Attorneys. ma 1 1 ..m baM Ij. TPStR '?. .s Csss. j .. DRIED APPLES, DRIED BEEP, I - , 'a BUTTER , In Tubs ana Rolls, TT. a HAWS and SIDES. ' ' ' i" J i v mm v T-.T-. unr T WW3 N. O. MOLASSES, Ac, Ac. BULK flags sdHOULDW- Ordertlnrre prompt' attention. 1 t 9t"..?" Leave your Order with us. j . pirrrewAY a scifeigte; Brokers and Commission mhSO-ts Next North Prince asAWjfrf Sa. BLACK STIFF, JUST RECEIVED. HARRISON & HORSES 3 ULK " , ana an tne uaks, and all PERSONAL PRORRYST sfSw?'