Saturday Morning. JApnl V, 1377. BY TELEGRAPH. 5" Afternoon Reports WASHINGJOH. All Quiet lu Souili Carolina cliam berlaln will Practice Law-Paeliard Til real ens the President-Wliat tlio Organ Think of U Appointment, Washington, April G. Private dispatches from South Carolina indicate quietness and peace. It is announced that Chamberlain will accept no federal office. He will join his fortunes with a prominent law firm in New York. Wm. Burnett, who was recently sus pended, has been reinstated Supervising. Steamboat Inspector at St. Louis. Secretary Key has appointed Sara. D. Brown, of Louisville, Special Post Office Agent, vice Edward Howard. Packard has written a long and some what threatening letter to Hayes. Alluding to it editorially the Republican says: "This is all very fine, but does Mr. Packard really hope to frighten the President aw from the pursuance of duty by such lan guage, and tEe" implied threat that he wiii make certain exposures which will be un pleasant te the President; What need the President care for Packard's assumption that he (Packard), has tbe strongest case, and in what unmistakable manner will he fce beard from ? The whole country knows that there have been charges and counter charges of corruption and fraud in the political contests in the State of Louisiana, ftnd that some of the proceedings have been most disreputable, but we doubt whether Mr. Packard could tell anything besides what is fully known already." Jno. T. CJolhns has been appointed Col lector of Customs at Brunswick, Ga., and J. O. Shackleford Surveyor of Customs at Louisville, Ky. s-s- - FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Redaction In 'Discount Rates by It a n ii of Prance Its Effect on Ens land and the Gold Stores of the World Sentence of Paul de Cassag nac Jovellar to he Recalled lrom Vat a. Paris, April 6. Paul de Cassagnac has been sentenced to two months' imprisonment and a fine of three thousand francs for insulting the Chamber of Deputies. Madrid, April 6. Jovellar's recall from Cuba has been de termined, and it is expected he will resume the Ministry of War. London, April 6. The Bank of France has reduced its rate of discount to two per cent. The rate here tofore was three per cent. The Financier, refernns to-this reduction. saYS. "ims is likely to stimulate the investment of French savings in the public securities, while, in its relation to England, it seems to mark the conclusion of the prolonged pressure udou 4he sold stores and gold currents of the world, whereby the metallic stock in the Bank of France has been gradually raised to an unparallelled total. ' THE INDIANS. Crazy Horse and hi Warriors on tbe Way to Surrender Sitting Rull Go Ins Northward. Deadwood, April 6. Crazy Horse, with fifteen hundred war riors, camped last night near Butte Creek, on their way to the Spotted Tail Agency to surrender. Sitting Bull is making his wayjto the British Possessions. Our Night Reports. FROM WASHINGTON. President Wants Appointments Post poned nntll nls southern Policy Is Tested Got. Potts, of Montana, Charged with Taking Bribes, ate &c. Washington, April 6. Tne rresldent is reported as saying 1 n Cabinet, yesterday, that he would prefer to postpone action on as many appointments as possible, until it is definitely known whether his Southern policy is successful A. E. Lee, who has been appointed Consul to Frankfort-on-the-Maine, was .Pri vate Secretary to Hayes while Governor of Uhio. Secretary Schurz has gone to New York and will be absent till Monday. it is stated that charges nave been pre ferred against Gov. Potts, of Montana, for receiving bribes. ISk) Cabinet meeting to-day. Mr. Evarts has gone to New York. LOUISIANA, Great Mass meeting: of Citizens of New Orleans In JLa Fayette Square Ex pression of Patriotic Sentiments in desolations Adopted, Ac. New Orleans, April 6. A. very large mas3 meeting of the citi zens of New Orleans wa held at La Fayette Square to-day. It is estimated that from ten to fifteen thousand persons were pres ent. The following resolutions were adopted: We, the citizens of New Orleans, in mass meeting assembled, representing, as we firmly believe, the sentiments of a large majority of the people of Louisiana, pro claiming atiew our deyotion to the Consti tution of the United States, and our un qualified acceptance of all the amendments thereto; asserting that in loyalty to our re established Union and in true national patriotism we do not yield to the people of any section of our common country, as we stand ready to prove by any test; declar ing our earnest desire to obliterate the feel ings of sectional bitterness which were left as the result of the late unhappy war and to retfrrrte the whole people of the United States in a common bond of brotherhood; equally desirous of breaking down the barriers of prejudice and distrust which designing po litical tricksters have, from base motives, reared between the white and colored citi zens of the State, and to re-establish the relations of the two races upon a basis of just laws, equal rights, common protection and harmonious and kindly sentiments to ward each other; profoundly impressed with the gravity of the crisis through which our State is passing and the feeling that we should publicly proclaim our sentiments touching the same, we do hereby adopt the following resolutions. The resolutions were quite long, patriotic and fully in accord with tbe preamble. WEA THEH KEPOKi . WakDbfabtmbnt, ) Office of Chief Signal Officer, J. Washington, April 6-7:30 P. M. ) Indications. For the South Atlantic States and Ten nessee; easterly to southerly winds, partly cloudy weather, with local rains and slight chances in temperature and barometer. The schooner Robert Clark, from Wil mington for Boston, put into New York, srday, tor a narDor, naving iobi ooe barrels of naval stores from her ag a gale. FOREIGN INTEL11GENCE Effects of the Protocol Views of lue.q EngliNh and Kh avian Press Liver-4 pool Cotton Market Review for the Week: Failure of a Large sugar House London, April 6. The Pall Mall Gazette, iu an article, con sidering the effects of the protocol, con cludes as follows: "Grave danger to peace lies iu the fanaticism or patriotism of the new Turkish Parliament, and the protocol and attendant declarations do not diminish it. If their general tendency is to soothe Russian susceptibilities, they are at the same time calculated to exasperate or to harden the Turks." The friendly alliance between the Direct and Anglo-American Cable companies was consummated to day. Fenzel & Sons, of Bristol.whosome time ago closed their sugar refinery, which was said to be the largest in the world, have placed their affairs in the hands of their creditors. The liabilities of the firm are estimated at $2,500,000. An arrangement is probable. St. Petersburg, April 6. The Galos of to-day, in commenting on the situation, is of opinion that the present crisis will terminate if the Porte will make concessions. The Galos adds that the sig nature of the protocol was proof of Eng land's readiness to accept everything that would prevent armed intervention in Tur kish affairs by Kussia. Liverpool, April 6. The circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association, in its review of the week ending last night, says: Cotton reopened on -Tuesday, after the holidays, with an unusualjy active demand, and a very Jarge business was done at de cidedly higher prices. The sales since have been considerable, and though the market is quieter, quotations are almost, uniformly raised. American was in very large demand on luesday and Wednesday, and prices advanced itod. to-day (Thurs day). With less activity the full advance is nearly maintained. In Sea Island the demand continues limited, at rather easier rates for common qualities of Floridas. Transactions in futures have been exceed ingly large, and the advance on Tuesday was id. over last week's closing rates. Since then there has been more desire to sell, and the market closes dull and heavy at a decline of S-16d. from Tuesday's high est rates. ELECTRIC SPARKS. At St. Louis, the majority for Mayor Overstolz is over 10.000. Theodore Hand, clerk to the Receiver of Taxes in Philadelphia, is $50,000 short. C. C. Sweetzei's block, in Lynn, Mass., was burned Thursday night. Loss $150,000. The official count gives Moore, Republi can candidate for Mayor of Cincinnati, a majority of 1,634. The grand jury at Chico, California, have indicted several of the Committee of Nine for murder and arson. The Governor of New York, in a-message to the Legislature, charges DeWitt C. Ellis, Superintendent of the Bank Depart ment, of culpable negligence. A Paris dispatch states that the daughter of Prevost Parodot, who became a Catho lic at the time of he father's suicide in Washington, took the vail on Wednesday. DOMESTIC OIAKKETS. New York, April 6 Noon. Financial. Stocks unsettled, active and lower. Money 3 percent. Gold opened at 105 and closed at 104$. Sterling exchange long 486, short 488. State bonds steady. Governments very strong. Commercial. Flour a shade firmer. Wheat advancing. Corn firm. Pork firm at $15 12$. Lard firm steam $9 859 90. Spirits turpentine steady at 37$38 cents. Rosin quiet at $2 052 lOjf or strained. Freights irregular. Cotton steady uplands 1 1$ cents ; Orleans 11$ cents sales of 964 bales. Futures open ed steady, with sales as follows: April 11.46 11.48 cents; May 11.5311.55 cents; June 11.6811.69 cents; July 11.7811.80 cents; Aucust 11.8811.90 cents. New York, April 6 Evening. Financial. Money dull at 22$ per cent. Ster ling exchange firm at 486. Gold dull at 105105$. Governments dull and strong new fives 110$. State bonds quiet and nominal. Commercial. j Cotton easy sales of 1857 bales at 11$ cents for middling uplands, and 11$ cts for middling Orleans; net receipts for the week 1,469 bales; gross 7,087 bales; ex ports to Great Britain 2,707 bales; to France 33 bales; sales 11,320 bales; stock 270,059 bales. Flour 510 cts higher; superfine Western and State $6 456 55; Southern flour 1015 cts higher; common to fair extra $6 606 50; good to choice do $7 559 00. Wheat winter 12 cts better, with a brisk export demand and fair milling inqniry. Corn without impor tant change, with a moderate export and home trade demand, closing firmer. Oats about lc better, with a fair trade. Coffee quiet and unchanged, at 16$20$c gold, for cargoes; 16$22c, gold, for job lots. Sugar quiet and unchanged. Molasses quiet and without material change. Rice steady with fair inquiry. Tallow firm at 88$c. Rosin steady and unchanged. Spirits turpentine easier at 37$d7$ cts. Pork dull and easier new mess $14 90. Lard dull and lower prime steam $9 80 asked. Whiskey firmer at $1 07fl 08. Freights active and without material change. Cotton net receipts 294 bales; gross re ceipts 18,083 bales. Futures closed quiet and steady, with sales of 45,000 bales, as follows: April 11.3711.38 cents, May 11.4611.47 cts, June 11.5911.60 cents, July 11.7211.73 cts, August 11.8211.83 cents, September ' 11.7011.72 cts, Octo ber 11.5111.52 cts, November 11.41 11.43 cents, December 11.4211.44 cents; January 11.5011.53 cts. Baltimore, April 5. Flour strong but quiet, and unchanged. Wheat strong but quiet, with business re stricted by limited supplies Pennsylvania red $1 721 75; Maryland red prime $1 701 72; amber $1 75; white $1 70 1 75. Southern corn steady, firm and quiet Western firm; Southern white 53 cents; yellow 54 cents. Oats active Southern prime 4345 cents. Rye steady at 7275 cents. Provisions heavy and unchanged. Coffee nominal. Whiskey firmer at $1 07$ 1 08. Sugar steady at 10$ cents. St. Louis, April 6. Flour buoyant for medium and extra grades, which are scarce; other grades are quiet. Wheat No. 2 red fall $1 571 57$; No. 3 do. $1 52$ Corn No. 2 mixed 40 cts. Oats No. 2, 37 cents. Rye 67$ cents. Whiskey steady at $1 04: Pork easier. Comparative Cotton Statement, New York, April 6. The following is the comparative cotton statement for the week ending this date: 1877. 1876. Net receipts at all United States ports during week 27,390 55,988 Total receipts to this - date 3,737,594 3,804,262 Exports for week 53,936 69,934 Total exports to this date. 2,473,089 2,680,785 Stock in all JJ. S. ports. , 690,774 . 309,413 Stock m all interior towns (Selma omitted) 85,182 81 Stock in Liverpool .... 1,096, American afloat for Great Britain Cincinnati, April s. Flour strong and higher. Wheat strong red $1 501 00. Corn in good demand at 4143i cents. Pork easier at $14 50 14 75. " Lard in fair demand and lower steam $9 40; kettle $10 2510 75. Bulk meats quiet shoulders 5i cts; short rib middles 7i7 cents; short clear do. 7 cts. Bacon steady and in fair demand shoulders 6c; clear ribs 8c; clear sides 8fc. Whiskey $1 04 asked. COTTON HIRKETK. Weekly Receipts. Mobile, weak at 11 cents net receipts 1,305 bales; Savannah, dull at llf cents net receipts 2,915 bales; New Orleans, dull and easy at 10, 11 and 11 cents net receipts 10,660 bales;Charles ton, quiet at llf ents net receipts 1,189 bales; Memphis, quiet at .11 cents net receipts 2,246 bales; Boston, quiet at llf cents net receipts 2,049 bales; Baltimore, dull at 11 cts net receipts 60 bales; Au gusta, quiet at 11 cents net receipts 478 bales; Norfolk, quiet at 11 cents net receipts 3,093 bales; Galveston, nominal at llf cents net receipts 2,409 bales; Phila delphia, quiet at llf cts net receipts 912 bales. FOREIGN ITI ARKKTS. Liverpool, April G- -Noon.- Cotton quiet and unchanged middling quiet and unchanged- uplands Cd; middling Orleans frd; sales of 10,000 bales, including 2,000 bales for spec ulation and export. Receipts 3,900 bales, of which 250 bales were American. In futures buyers are offering l-32d less Middling up lands, 1. m. c , May and June delivery, 6 5 32d; June and July delivery ,6id; July and August delivery, 6 13-32d; August and September delivery, 6 7-16d; September and October delivery, 6Jd. " The sales for the week were 79,000 bales, of which 3,000 were for speculation ; stock 1,096 bales, American 748 bales; receipts 109,000 bales, of which 67,000 were Amer ican; actual export 6,000 bales; afloat 322, 000 bales, of which 176,000 are American. LATER. Middling uplands, 1. m. c, April and May delivery, 6 3 32d; May and June delivery, 6 7-32d; June and July delivery, 6 15-16d; July and August delivery, 6f d. The sales of American cotton to-day were 7,100 bales. Appointments by Bishop Atkinson for his Spring Visitation. Murfreesboro, 1st Sunday after Easter, April 9 Winston, Gatesville, St. Peter's, Gates county, Hertford, Perquimans county,... Woodville, ' Elizabeth City, 2nd Sunday after Easter, Camden Mission, Edenton,. 8 10 " 11 ' 13 " 14 15 .. 1? 19 " 21 ' 22 " 24 " 26 " 29 30 May 2 4 5 6 9 " 10 ' 11 " 13 St. Lukes, Washington county,.. St. David's, " " 3rd Sunday after Easter, Plymouth, St. James', Beaufort county, St. George's, Hyde county, 4th Sunday after Easter. . . Fairfield, Hyde county, Bath Zion Church, Beaufort county,. Washington, " " Williamston, (Ascension day). . Trinity Church, Scotland Neck, Sunday after Ascension. Collections in behalf of Diocesan Mis sions will be made at each place. Quarterly meetings. Second round of appointments for the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church South, as made by Rev. W. S. Black, Presiding Elder: Bladen, at Bethel April 7-8 Elizabeth, atPurdie's April 14-15 Smithville, at Bethel April 21-22 Whiteville and Waccamaw Mis sion, at Wayman, April 28-29 Wilmington, Front Street May 5-6 12-13 Topsail, at Herring's Chapel, . . May Cokesbury and Coharie Mis sion, May Clinton, at Johnson's Chapel,. . May Kenansville, June 19-20 26-27 2-3 High and Low, Eich & Poor, CAN FIND BOOTS & SHOES, TO Fit their Feet and Fit their Pockets, GEO. R. FRENCH & SON'S, 39 N. Front St. ap 6-tf Ghesnut Caramels, &c. TTOUR LARGE INVOICES OF CANDY RE- X? ceived this week; among which are CHESNTJT CARAMELS, CHINESE JELLY GINGER, FIG NOUGAT, TAFFY, CREAM. WALNUT EXCEL SIOR FRUIT CANDY, and over one hundred oth er kinds. Also BANANAS and large ORANGES of Spain, at S. G. HOKTHKOP'S mh25 tf Frnit and Confectionery Stores. Turpentine Tools. HACKERS, PULLERS.DIPPERS, WHETTERS, Files, Truss Heops, Adzes, Drawing Knives, Hewclls and Crozes. Hammers. Compasses, Dri vers, Chisels, Punches, &c. The largest stock of the above Goods in the city can be found at the Lowest Cash Prices at tnc Old Established Hard ware Hotise of JOHN DAWSON, ap 1-tf 19. 20 and 21 Market St. Tellair & Snedeker, MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS, AND IMPORTERS GF OILS, OFFICE. 105 JOHN STREET, NEW YORB. Sperm, Lard, Whale, Mecca: Olive, Signal, Illuminating, Lubricating & Cylinder OILS. Represented by Col. HOUSTON RUCKBR, late of Lynchburg, Va. ap o-im Fashionable Millinerv. JLaurinburg, N. . X HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM THE .North with a beautiful assortment of FASHIONA CLE MILLINERY. Having bought for cash I can offer extra inducements to the ladies of Laurinburg ami rmtuso uaii Dtsiure purcnaBing else- nucrc. luuxo-im JJ1KS. a. A. IHUMABUH. Dentistry. DR. R. P, BESSENT, of Salisbu ry, has oved to Wilmington, for the purpose of PRA LCT3 ICING DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, and has opened the Office lately occupied by Dr. S. S. Everitt, ble Yard, on Front street. over the Mar- mh 8-lm Lee's Prepared Lime T!B OFFER AT EXTREMELY ? LOW PRICE, and Farmers who hare used it for Cotton. Corn and Peanuts, pronounce u the best Fertilizer FOR THE MONEY they have ever used. mh 31-tf O. G. PARSLEY & CO. Cooper's Tools ! S HOOPS, DRAWING KNIVES, JOINT- Axes, Compasses, Howels, at very low figures, jby AA- . Jh ON. " At 9. m SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, -AT- 36 Market St M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market St. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. FANCY & STAPLE DRESS GOODS. Great Variety. Great Bargains. , . From the LAST TWO WEEKS Auction Sales. Every Thing to Complete a Full Outfit for Ladies or Misses, Men or Boys. HAVE JNOT SPACE TO MENTION THE OR PRICES. B-GALL AND ap 1-tf COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET, The official or opening quotations below are posted at the Produce Exchange daily at IP. M., and refer to prices at that hour. STAR OFFICE. April 6. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The market opened steady at 33 cents per gallon for country packages, and about 450 casks changed hands at that price; closing quiet. ROSIN. The market was dull and nom inally unchanged, the last reported transac tions being on a basis of $1 70 fur Strained and $1 75 for Good Strained. There was a sale of 40 bbls new crop (N) Pale rosin at $4 00 per bbl. TAR The market was quiet at $1 60 per bbl, the receipts of the day selling at that price. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market quiet at $1 50 for Hard and $2 50 for Virgin and Yellow Dip, with sales at quotations. COTTON. The market for this article was quiet, with but little change in the quo tations of the past week. We hear of sales to-day of 14 bales at quotations and 61 bales as follows : 7 bales at 8 cents, 3 do at 9 cents, 5 do at 10 cents and 46 do at 10$ cents per lb. The following are the official quota tions: Ordinary 9$ Good Ordinary 10 cents jp lb. Low Middling 10$ Middling 11 Go( rood Middling. Quotations conform to the classifications of the American Cotton Exchange. PEANUTS. Market quiet, with sales of about 300 bushels at from 65 to 85 cents per bushel, as in quality. CORN. Sales to-day of 3,000 bushels Hyde county corn at 57 cents per bushel, in bulk. RECEIPTS. Cotton 24 bales. Spirits turpeutiue 155 casks. Kosin 1129 bbls. Tar 734 ' Crude turpentine 707 " New York Naval . Stores market, April 4, 1877. Receipts to-day, 2,027 bbls rosin, 165 do spirits turpentine, 58 do pitch, 34 do tar. Business moderately active and developing no new teatures worthy of extended nonce. spirits turpentine was hoi caned lor m large parcls, and only a light jobbing de mand prevailed, but holders ideas were pretty steady at 37i38c, and 50 bbls sold at latter figure, nosms were held well up to late figures and offered carefully, but the demand did not amount to much, and we could learn of no sales. Tar and pitch is dull and nominally unchanged, The telegraphic aavices were as follows .Liverpool spirits turpentine, 2V)s od; rosin common, 5s 6d; fine, 10s. London rosin. 6s for common; pale, 1215s ; spirits turpen tine, zvs bd. Charleston Naval Stores market. April 5. The receipts were 38 casks spirits turpen tine and 150 barrels rosin. The last re ported sales of rosin were made at $1 65 for (B) common strained, $1 70 for (C and D) strained and good strained, $1 75 for (E) No. 2, $1 80 for (F) extra No. 2; $1 85 for (G) low No. 1, $1 90 for (H) No. 1, and $2 00 for(l) extra JNo. 1. The last sales of spirits turpentine were at 33c, and 32c for for regular and oil packages. Crude tur pentine is held at $2 50 for virgin, $1 75 for yellow dip and $1 25 for bard. Mortgagee's Sale. Y VIRTUE OF THE PROVISIONS OF A Coy and his wife Mary Ann McCoy, to William F. Potter, dated the 11th day of May, 1876, and duly registered in the office of the Register of the County oi jew turnover, in book ju.di.ju., at paged ana following, the undersigned, as Attorneys of said Mortgagee, will, on SATURDAY, the 5TH DAY OF MAY NEXT, at 11 o'clock, A.M., at the door of the Court House, in the City of Wilmington, cause to be sold, by Public Auclion.for cash, the following described PIECE or PARCEL OF LAND, eitnate in the City of Wilmington, in the County of New Ha nover, viz: Beginning in the Eastern line of Fifth Street, at a point thirty feet southwardly from its intersection with the Southern line of Nixon Street, thence runnii g Southwardly with said line of Fifth street tnirty ieet; tnence isastwarajy in a line paral lel with Nixon St. seventy-five feet: thence North wardly m a line parallel witn mrth St. thirty feet; and thence Westwardly in a line parallel with Nixen Street seventy-five feet to the Beginning the same being part of the Western portion of Lot number "1,'onme jbiock numoerea "E4, as designated on the plan of said city. Wilmington, Apni 3d, 1877. WRIGHT & STEDMAN. ap 3-tds Attorneys. "Burerlarv " X O PREVENT THIEVES ENTERING YOUR House, use the NATIONAL 8A8H, LOCK AND JBUKUIjAK AliAKUS. For sale only by GEO. A. PECK. jan 26-tf No. 96 South Front St. Correct Styles gILK STIFF AND SOFT FUR HATS. HARRISON & ALLEN, apl-tf Hatters. The little Siop. Around the Corner, js the place to get HK and COLLARS JUBUe or XM9IHUTCK A Next! HUNDREDTH PART OF ARTICLES SAVE MONEY BY BUYING OF 36 market Street. MARINE. Port Almanac April 1. Sun Rises 5:34 A. M. Sun Sets 6:29 P. M. High Water (Smithville) 3:24Eve'g ( Wilmineton).. .. 5:54 Jive s uay s Length 12:00 ARRIVED. Stmr A P Hurt. Worth. Fayelteville, Worth & Worth. Stmr North East, Paddison. Point Cas- well, Preston Gumming & Co. Stmr J Underbill, Piatt. Smithville, O 6 Parsley & Co. JNor .Barque it orsete, 333 tons. Christian sen, .Lisbon, 45 days, R E Heide, with 150 tons salt tor llall & Pearsall. Nor Barque St Olaf. 283 tons. Hassel. xirisioi, jngiana, a iii xieiae. T-;-.-i II , . t-W . . ' ' bchr Jiilla ti Barnes. 190 tons. Harrison. Wilmington, Del, 10 days to master, with 250 tons guano for the W & W, and W, C iXAUlt. ouur uroiu .ueai. moore. JNew Kiver. na val stores and cotton to Hall & Pearsall. CLEARED. btmr A P Hurt, Worth. Favetteville. w ortn ec w ortn. Stmr .North East, Paddison. Point Cas well, Preston Cumming & Co. btmr J Underhill. Piatt. Sm thville. O G Parsley & Co. bchr Gold Leaf, Moore. New River. Hall gs rearsau. O T"A .11 Schr Ogeechee'Sabiston'Hvde counlv. B EXPORTS. COASTWISE. Baltimore Steamship Lucille 64 casks spirits, yo bbls rosin, 40 do tar, 25 do pitch, m do crude turpentines, 2 bales cotton, 20 do dmestics, 20 do sheeting, 11 do yarn, 9 uo paper siock, m empty beer kegs, 30 bbls potatoes, 16 do dried fruit, 88 bags peanuts. 5 bbls shelled peanuts, 5 do oil, 197 empty carooys, 4 pfegs mdse, 37,723 feet lumber. New York Steamship Regulator 288 bbls tar, 273 casks spirits, 560 bbls rosin,50 ao cruae turpentine. 3UU ba es cotton. 51 uo sueeting, dl8 empty carboys, 7 bales hides, ob pkgs mdse. MARINE DIRECTORY. oi v eswelM in llie Port or Wil mington, j. c.t April 7, 1877. BARQUES. bt Olaf (Nor.), tons, Hassel, R E Heide Arnon UNor.), 244 tons, Grundersen, RE Heide Willielm Jvisker (Ger.) Burmeister. reD'e. E Peschau & Westermann Jb'rey, (JNor.), 290 tons, Haivorsen, RE Heide L,ydia Fescuau (Ger.), 403 tons. Fechter. rescnau & Westermann ilera (IN or.), 244 tons, Groon, Vick & Melmnfi Israel (Swed.), 300 tons, Taplin, R E Heide jMizaoem .xayior (jtfr. liarquentine), 2G1 tons, Mitchell, Vick & Mebane BRIGS. Hiram Abiff, 327 tons. Brown, J H Chadbourn & Co JiurocIyUon (Br.), 266 tons, Sinclair. G G Barker & Co Fitlo (JNor.), 210 tons, Torsen, R E Heide I ordenskjold (JNor.), 290 tons, Olsen, . RE Heide lielene (JNor.), 288 tons, Gundersen, . Glaseow SCHOONERS. James Young, 261 tons, Towney, B J H Ahrens Jbanme VV Johnson, 265 tons, Cullen, Harriss & Howell Albert Mason, 285 tons, Rose, Harriss & Howell Ida M Eldridge, 329 tons, Fisher, Master mae ot tue East, 182 tons, Lord, Master neqry a. rauu, tons, Strange, Barker & Co St L'roix, 221 tons, Leland, J H Chadbourn &, f!n Kate JNewman, 140 tons, Newman, Master Donna Anna, 177 tons. Armbrust. i Worth & Worth Mercy I Trundy, 130 tons, Crowley, J H Ohadbourn & Co Susan Stetson, 140 tons. Merry, Master Trustee's Sale. I V1KTUB UJ) THE i'ROVTSTOTVS nw A certain Deed of Trust, made by Malcolm McMillan to unvux m. rtenno, aaiea tne lutn day of January A.D. 1873. and duly registered in the Rmristprv nt. fice of Richmond County, North Carolina, in Book .nun., igc , iuiu luuuwiiiK, i wiii sen to tne tu sli est bidder, for cash, at the Court Honsp in Pnnt. ingham, in the County and State aforesaid, on the m j oi at-rtLLi, lat i, ine roiiowmg TKACTS OF LAND, lying in the County of Richmond jiixvoi Taavr-ikying on ootn sides of Joe's Creek, Four Mile, Kingsbury, Horse Pen and Poplar opiing uoMiiUH! uiu uie Carolina uenirai JKauway, and South of the Cheraw and Blue's Bridge Road, containing about 2400 Acres. siufl TKAUT-Lying on the South side of Breakfast Branch, near the junction of the South xjicmnaou oraueii, near ms junction or tbe South ESXtwttsS prong ef 8aid brancb centain- THIRD TRACT Lvinsr on Smith .iA r small prong of Four Mile Branch, and on the south west side of said Four Mile Branch, containing about HO acres. 5 FOURTH TRACT-Lyingonboth sides of Joe's Creek, at the mouth of Four Mile Branch, adjoinine Mihsnn's inn aero nrean nntot: or ' Fin? T?ACJT-Containing a'DOIlt M a granted to John A. Renno. . SIXTH TRACT-Containine Seven acres, adlnin- S&iii n 5f re.tra,ct-, h;reIa before described, and j. uuup wtniiuiuu a i a lid . . - D. M. RENNO. ma ai-gtawaw Sa&W Trustee. Stokes DURHAM ......50C and "OCCONEECHEE" 70c Per lb. to Consumers. Other TOBACCO GOODS In proportion to the trade and other consumers, By D. PIGOTT. lahHf Tobacconist. NEW GOODS! - FOR -AT- IB JR, O W IN" & IR, O JOID X C s 45 MARKET STREET. The Best Quality of Calicos, 8 Cents per Yard : 1 Wamsutta Shirts, 2100 Linen Bosoms, only ?5C Frank Leslie's Ladies' Journal Cut Paper pat- terns, for Spring and Summer, Catalogues Containing mh 31-tf MISCELLANEOUS. I X L -yERY SMALL, VERY CHOICE SUGAR-CURED PIG HAMS, I X L yERY CHOICE THIN SUGAR-CURED BREAKFAST BACON. Eureka. STEAM SLICED! SMOKED BEEF, In small Boxes. SHREDDED COD-FISH in small packages. STRICTLY NEW CROP PRUNES and CURRANTS. These and all other Goods Best in this Market. CHAS. D. MYERS & Co. 5 Ml 7 North Front St. ap l-D&Wtf Review copy Sugar House Molasses. -i ( A Bbls SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES, 1VV For sale KERCHNKR & C ALDER BROS ap 5-tf Kerosene Oil, Mullets and Macterel. JJ B Jls A No. 1 KEROSENE OIL, pr A Bbls MULLETS, 100 Bbls, i Bbls, X Bbls and Kits MACKEREL, For sale by KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. ap 5-tf Casks, Glue, Hoop Iron, &c, 200 100 20 200 100 SPIRIT CASKS, Bbls A No. 1 GLUE. Tons HOOP IRON, 1 inch, IX inch and 1 inch, Papers RIVETS, Kegs NAILS, For sale bv ap 5-tf KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. Lime! Lime! 10,000 Bushels FRESH BUILDING LIME, 500 125 AGRICULTURAL LIME. Bales EASTERN HAY. Now landing and for sale by mh 20-tf WORTH & WORTH. Wanted. Consignments for the tradb. twtojtt tons Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, alive and dressed. Hgge, Choice Beef, J Sausage, Potatoes, Peas, &c. : Hides. Furs. Tallow. Ae. sn.nrp. anil in demand at high prices. Can make prompt and pro- ntawe returns. ORDERS WANTED FOR Corn, Coffee, Molasses and Sugar, all grades; Soap, Candles, Salt, Mullets, Bacon, Lard, Ac, Potato Slips, Tobaceo, Glue, Spirit Casks, c. Goods carefully selected at Lowest Market Prices 1 In ordering sav whether von wish to fen v fnr rt . utt " J woji ui lime. apl tf PETTO WAY & SCHULKEN. Sundries. 10 000 BuBhels CORN' 300 Sacks copFftB' 30Q Boxes CANDLES, g00 BarrelB FLOUR, 300 Bags SHOT' KAA Kegs NAILS. Also, , Lake Qeoree and Lebanon A . SHET8TINO' and Randolph YARNS, sror sate by mh 18-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Hams. 5000 LBS QOOD No- 8 .- SUGAR-CURED HAMS, Very low for cash at L. VOLLERS'. S. E. cor. Market and 3d Sts. mh 13-tf mjr 1 r t Molasses, Sugar, Bacon Cuba Clayed, Muscovado, New Orleans, and Sugar House Syrup, In Hhds,Puncheons, T'cs & Bbls ) Crushed. Standard A, Ex. OGolden C, Yellow C. and C. ) Smoked Sides, ( Smoked Shoulders, jj. . sides ana Shoulders. For sale by WILLIAMS A M ORCHISON. mh 18-tf The Monroe Enquirer, BOYLIN & WOLFE Editors and Proprietors. THE ENQUIRER IS PUBLISHED AT MON- Ji06' Union county, N. C, every Tuesday, at $2 00 a year. The Enqthrsb circulates extensively throughout tiie counties of Anson, Union, Chester field and Lancaster, and reaches a very large num ber of intelligent readers. The merchants of Wilmington will And it to be one of the best advertising mediums on the Caro lina C antral Railway, asfwe guarantee as large a bona fide circulation as anyp aper between Charlott rod Wilmington with fsbhatb one exception, sept a-tf jOLASSHS. I jgACON, N E W G 0 0 D S - all Patterns Sent Free BROWN & RODDICK 45 Market Street. MISCELLANEOUS. L A L I E -QF- UNDOUBTED TASTE! - AND Excellent Judgment! ABE SELECTING THEIR SPRING DRESSES! FROM OUR Medium & Low Priced FABRICS ! nick are all of Recent Importation ! AND TUiS BEST GOODS i SOLD FOR The Prices in the City, ZE3I 3J TDJEb I GKL, 39 market Street. mh 82-tfD&W Exchange Corner F RESH SUPPLY OF SPANISH LACE SCARFS. LACE TIES, LACE IBS, LACE COLLBRETTS, LINEN SETS, it. THE NEW INDIAN TRIMMING, AT : "WZjVL. FITFE'S. mh4-tf Headquarters Choice Family Groceries, QALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. T. II. McKOYS LARGE AND VARIED STOCK. EXTRA LARGE TABLE RAISINS, SEEDLESS RAISINS. LEG HORN CITR0! CURRANTS, . SHELLED ALMONDS, EXTRACTS. POW'D SUGAR ORANGES, LEMONS, APPLES, CRANBERRIES, PRUNES, ASSORTED NUTS. ANY QUANTITY, FROM A TON DOWN. I DELIVER GOODS PROMPTLY TO AST PART OF THE CITY. THOS. II. McKOY dec lft-tf Jas. C Stevenson Oflers to the Trade the STANDARD BUTTER. MARTIN'S GILT EDGE Received Every Week and Gua ranteed Fresh, Also, a good article of NORTHERN Rich, Sweet and Yellow, at SO cts. per pound retail. BONELESS CODFISH, FERRIS' TRADE MAR MEATS, and the OLD RELIABLE "PATAPSCO" FLOUR. Specialty for the season. BREAKFAST CEREalS' WHITE WHEAT. BARLEY, and OATMF.AL, In convenient Packages to suit the Trade. -as t ni WAfn k for CA-tf mam j. iaiiiivi swivw mh25-tf Just Received, TAMILY MESS BEEF, CHOICE. in Barrels and Half UTTER, OF GOOD QUALITY, inTbS- B B EEF TONGUES, LARGE, AND PRIME For sale low by RD. CR0WW' mh 22-tfD&W