ornittg Star. WILMINGTON N. G. i Wednesday Morning, May 2, 1877. BY TELEGRAPH. : Aft ernooii Reports W A9HI N OTON. President Anxloa o have tats Soutli--ern Policy TfcdronfflilF Dlcned Tbe Contett.Uver New Orleans Na val Offlce-VleWB of the Rival Fac tlons-Dcbt statement.' Washington, May 1. It is given oifi lhai the President desires Congress fully tdisfcuss his Southern poli cy during the extra session. Without such thorough discussion he fears the Republi cans of the North might labor under misap prehensions which might affect unfavorably the fall elections; A most interesting contest is progressing over the New Orleans Naval office. Pinch back and Antoine are the chief contestants, and may be said to represent the rivaly among the colored element. Senator Bruce, of Mississippi, is disposed to sup port Pinchback,. on the ground that he is more logically the representative of the col ored men of Louisiana, having fought their battle in a . higher sphere than Antoine. Antoine has had State loaves; Pinchback has had national kicks. Senator Burchhas arrived, and Governor Pinchback is expected to-night. The pre sence here of Eeveral prominent colored men from Louisiana is to advise appoint ments upon the basis "of the President's Southern policy, and with a view to a more commendable and discriminating recogni tion of colored men. Gen. Chester lias the President's assu rance that the colored people will have a just representation in the Custom House. Burch recommends Lieutenant-Governor .Antoine for the Naval office. Pinchback is likely to oppose this movement. Chester is inclined .to deprecate the removal of Riard without cause, and will continue to advise with the authorities here what will best subserve the Federal good. The debt statement shows a decrease of over four millions. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE Odessa Declared In a State of siege Volunteering Lively In Arabia W by tbe Golos Newspaper Was;snspended Troops for tbe Saltan Tbe Belllg- . erents will not Enter Servla De claration of tbe Czar Tbe Pope's Ilealtb Improved, dec. London, May 1. Odessa has been declared in a state of siege. The Russians have completely obstructed the Danube at the mouth of the Peuth. aRecruiting and drilling in Jeddah, and voIWns of Arabia, Large numbers are TnerViEg everywhere. 4,000 f uheriff of Mecca sends the Sultan The 8uSnguipped troops, ly an arcnfMon of the Golos was caused making as vHolaring the necessity of - tion as on TuSSJ8 war on tbe administra tes, which were ttS as to suppress robbe defeat in the Crimea ''ncipal -cause of the .The Sultan will not untu of the Prophet to arouse the the slandard 1DShan th,er meaDS of defend" feel" The 2imes correspondent at &lL believes that Russia wm do nothin iare8t occupying certain VmegiTJ b??Td sgood policy for the RusE, T?elay theless, a Russian.. lullyjrepafe'o sacrifice thirty thousand men in forcing the Danube, should circumstances compel im mediate action in that direction. The Porte gives official notice of no in tention to carry on war on Servian soil. Russia appears to have given similar assur ances. Mr. Layard, the British Minister, has ad vised tbe Sultan not to unfurl the standard of the Prophet, as it would end all attempts to localize the war. The Pope is receiving pilgrims. His gen eral health is improved, but his physicians warn him against fatigue. The Czar has telegraphed to the Prince of Montenegro: "I am firmly resolved this time to realize the sacred mission of Rus sia and my predecessor. God will aid us." TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. An Engine Overturns near Chicago Five Killed and Several Wounded. Chicago, May 1. A special dispatch to the limes,- from Bloomington, says a report was received there late last night, at the telegraphic head quarters of the Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis railroad, of a terrible accident near Chicago. About six o'clock, last evening, a switch engine of the Chicago, Danville and Vinceanes Railroad was coming out of Chicago, and when at 26th street, the engine, from some cause unknown, jumped the track and completely overturned. Eight or ten persons were on the engine, and five are reported killed and their bodies lying under the ponderous locomotive. Two men escaped with terrible injuries, one engineer having both legs broken. One of the killed was the fireman of the engine, and another was the Chicago and Alton Railroad telegraphic night operator at Dan ville, named Fahey. THE STEAMER LEO. Report of Escaped FIremen-Uow Hi e iFire Originated. New Yokk, May 1. ytvio firemen, who escaped from the burnt steamer Leo, say thirteen barrels of gin were carelessly rolled 'between the decks. When the men went below with a lamp to secure these barrels, which lurched fearfully duriugthe storm, the vapor from the gin ignited, causing the disaster. OHIO. miners on a Strllte Trouble Appre- bended. Cincinnati, May 1. Pour hundred miners at Straitsville are on a strike. They are marching from plaee to place, and trouble is apprehended. ELECTRIC SPARKS. There was frost in many parts of Ala bama yesterday morning. It is reported that Shrylock & Rowland commission merchants of St. Louis, have tailed. .Chester Morgan & Abrend, carpet deal million haTG failCd fr quaner A'Cleveland dispatch states that the body found in the lake is not that of Mr; Bliss as previously reported. The Montgomery city election yesterday was quiet. The Democrats elected the jorityr' Aldermen by a large ma- James A. Hill, cashier of the Union iaste??01' of Phielphia, &rtiohnrt- Th C0BCern hM 0ne iQto wfcoah? WinK- tobacco brokers, of Sofc 'TKa-' ha7e ,aU.ed- Liabilities or0- The assets, mainly debts, are considerably short of that figure. The AdantaG formeriyel to Our Night Reports. J FOREIGN INTELLIGENT E i War Kews aud Speculations Eng land's Position In Relation to tbe Struggle Her preparations for Pos. ible Emergencies Prance Deter mined in Her Position of Neutrality England's Answer to Russia's Cir cularEngagement Retween Herxe govlnlans and Turns, dec. London, May 1. The Vienna correspondent of the Times telegraphs as follows : " As things look at present the British government will possi bly be the only one to return a regular offi cial answer to Russia's representation, that she is acting in the interest and according to the wishes of Europe. The British answer may possibly indicate the limits within which England would not consider her interests threatened, and would there fore remain neutral. The result of all this seems to be that, for the moment at least, there is an end to anything like concert or even common ground of European policy, each power being intent upon its Own inter ests." M Recruiting has been progressing briskly lately. Nearly every regiment in the ser vice is full. The military artificers at Woolwich were excused, yesterday, from regular monthly drill, on account of the emergency of the work on which they were engaged, namely, the repair and preparations of the wagons and ambulances constituting a field tram. Seven Jtwelve-ton naval guns have been shipped to Portsmouth, and lour hundred tons of ammunition and arms are being shipped for Malta, Versailles. The French chambers reassembled to-day. To day in the House of Deputies, Duke De Cases, laying the yellow book on the table, said the present complications found France free from any engagement. Never, during the last seven years, had her relations with foreign States been better. The language of neighboring powers left no doubt of their pacific sentiments. In the Eastern question the most absolute neutrality, guaranteed by the most scrupu lous abstention, will remain the basis of our policy. In the House of Lords, this afternoon, Lord Derby, in reply to a question by Earl Granville, said the government had pre pared an answer to the Russian circular, which was approved by the Queen. It will be sent out to-night and will be laid before the House as soon as delivered to Russia. S. H. Mountain, hop merchant, has failed. A Renter telegram from Ragasa says : " The first engagement since the expiration of the armistice occurred yesterday. A Herzegovinian insurgent force attacked the Turkish vanguard near Mevesigne, killing, it is stated, fifteen." - . Corfu, May 1. The Ironclads Alexandria, Monarch, Swiftsure, Devastation and Hotspur, of the British Mediterranean squadron, arrived here this morning. Riga, May 1. Seventeen steamers have reached Revel. Navigation is now open. Fifty steamers bound for Riga, have put into Windaw. Glasgow, May PL A large business is doing in sugar at 3d. per cwt. advance. 4 WASHINGTON. Instructions to Ante-Rellum mall Contractors Debt statement, tc. Washington, May 1. A HrrMilnr iaanml from thp Piwinfflno n partment directs that claims for ante-bellum mail contracts must be made to the Second Assistant Postmaster General by the con tractor or nis executor, as money cannot xeagiu oi route, now mucn in eacn state, if it extends over more than one year, and the Deriods for which the claim i marin Evidence in writing or print, which the claimant may nave, must accompany the fllaim o rwl f . n r. mi-i. I 1 1 1 . 1 viMiu, ouu uiusi uc veriueu uy me testimony of two witnesses, who were post masters on the route. Tf thin in imrvwcihla two other disinterested persons who re ceived ineir man at eitner of the terminal points on said route. Application and statements must be made under oath, and tbe credibility of the persons making the Oath mUSt be Certified tn hv thp nprann ha. fore whom the oath is made, and his signa ture must be certified to by the clerk of the court of lecord in the county where the oath is made. The debt statement shows a decrease du ring tne month of $4,375,000; cash in the Treasury, including nearly $15,000,000 held for redemDtion and called bonds not nw. sented, $105,500,000; currency, including u.wu.wu neiuior redemption oi iractional currency, $8,375,000. NEW YORK. Consecration or a Bishop Laborers Killed by a Falling Boor, Sec. New York, May 1. Rev. John Lancaster 8nniilfJinr nf at Michael's Church, in this city, was to-day uouaccraieu xusnop or tne new diocese of Peoria, Ills., at St. Patrick's Cathedral, with impressive ceremonies. Cardinal Me. Closky presiding. A portion of the roof of the new poatoffice building on Park Row fell over the large room used as a dormitory for railway pos tal clerks. Two laborers were killed. It is believed that no postal clerks were there when the roof fell. Albany, May 1. Attorney General Fairchild was exam ined before the Woodin committee to-day. He said he had no confession of William M. Tweed, nor any paper signed by him. He had a communication from Mr. Towns end, which informed him of what Tweed would testify to in case he was granted certain immunities, but declined to produce the paper or tell what its contents were. SOUTH CAROLINA. Tbe Republican State Officers With draw: from tbe Contest with tbe Hampton Officials, fcc, Columbia, May 1. The Republican State officers yesterday having signified their willingness to with draw from the contest, to-day, by counsel, went into the Supreme Court and moved to withdraw their answers from file, and consented that judgment should be entered in favor of the plaintiffs. The Hampton State officers were advised of the entry of judgment in the Court, and the offices will be transferred to them to-morrow. The work of transferring the treasurer's office will probably occupy a week or ten days. ILLINOIS. Railroad and Marine Accidents and Loss or Life. Chicago, May 1. Wm. C. Fayhe, a telegrapher, was killed in a railroad accident on the Chicago, Dan ville & Vincennes Road. He was cut twice in two. Thos. Halvey had both legs cut off. Three others were badly injured. The schooner Velocipede capsized near Racine and her crew of three were drowned. WEATHER REPORT. . i WAR DEPARTMENT, rAR Department, 1 Chief Signal Officer, J. ngton, May 17:80 P. M. ) ymce of Washinati For the South Atlantic and Eastern Gulf States slowly rising barometer, northwest to southwest winds, clear or partly cloudy weather, and stationary or rising tempera New York, May 1 Noon. Financial. Hf-nr.ks mr.flve. with better Drices. Monev 2 per cent. Gold opened at 106f and closed at 1064. Sterling exchange long 488, short 490. Governments active and steady. State bonds quiet; Tenn's better; rest steady. i Lommerciai. Flour dull and declining. Wheat dull and nominally lower. Corn very heavy 3a4c lower. Pork quiet at $16 4016 50. Lard heavy steam $10 35. Spirits turpen tine stnadv at 324- cents. Rosin auiet at $1 952 05 for strained. Freights firm. Uotton dull uplands lute; urieans 11 cents; sales of 249 bales. Futures a shade lower but steady, as follows: May 10.84 10.86 cents; June 10.9010.92 cents; July 11.0011.02 cents; Ausrust 11.11 11.13 cents; September 11.U011.UM cents. New York, May 1 Evening. Financial. Money easy at 2&2i per cent. Sterling 488. Gold stronger at 10Gi106. Govern ments strong and active new fives 110. u.'.j. i : 1 ouuu uulr.s quiei auu uuiuiuui. vommerciai. Cotton dull sales 290 bales, at 104 cents for middling uplands, and 11 cents for middling Orleans ; consolidated net receipts 1, rao uaies ; exports 10 ureai 1 i tt ntrc 1 1 i. 1 t .Britain iu,44a Dales; to tne continent 4,udy h oaies; to r ranee, o,wi Dates, iiour very dull, at 2550 cents lower, and extreme decline mainly on speculative lots super fine Western nnrl State 7 Vfifihl Of?. Knnt.h- ern heavy, and 2550 cents lower; com mon to fair extra $8 109 00; good to choice do. $9 0510 75. Wheat entirely nominal and heavy, and 10 cents lower to sellers winter whe'at dull and nominal. Cord 45 cents lower, with much less do ing j-raixed 6769c, closing inside; No. 2 yelldw 6971c, closing inside. Oats less active, without material change. Coffee Rio in moderate demand and unchanged. Sugar very firm, but quiet and unchanged. Molasses firm and in fair demand. Rice firm and fairly active at 564c. for Caroli na; Louisiana 4$6c. Tallow steady Rosin quiet. Turpentine steady. Pork unsettled, and decidedly lower. Lard heavy and decidedly lower prime steam $10 22i10 25; new do. $10 12. Whis key dull at $1 13 ; closing at $1 12 bid. Freights unsettled. Cotton net receipts 300 bales; gross re ceipts 373 bales. Futures closed firm, with sales of 42,000 bales, as follows: May 10.8910.90 cents, June 10.9310.94 cents, July 11.0411.05c,August 11.1411.15 cts, September 11.1211.13 cents, October cents, December 10.9410.95 cents, Janu ary ii.iiHgm.io cents, uenruary li.aa 11.24 cents. Baltimore, May 1. Flour quiet and steady Howard street $10 0011 50; other grades unchanged. Wheat quiet and easier Pennsylvania and "A AT : i i j Aa Wvfcn rs n i jnaryiauu reu $3 Tswgpo ao. oouinern corn dull, weak and 14 cents lower closed quiet and weak Southern white and yel low 70 cents. Oats quiet and steady. Rye easier at $1 061 10. Provisions quiet and heavy. Pork $17. Bacon shoulders 7c; clear rib 9$c; hams 12i13ic. Lard refined llllc. Coffee strong and un changed. Whiskey timer at $1 13$. St. Louis, May 1. Flour buyers and sellers apart and nothing doing. Wheat dull, lower and very unsettled No. 2 red fall $2 04 a U5; JNo. 3 do $1 911 92. Corn unset tled and lower No. 2 mixed 51a51i cents. with 50$ cents bid at close. Pork dull and lower at $16 50. Lard dull and nominal Bulk meats dull and nothing doing. Bacon dull at 61 cents for shoulders, $8 65(&8 for clear rib, and 85(2,9 cents for clear nwlnn Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull prime red $2 052 10. Corn dnll at 54 oi icenis. rors quiet at $lo 15. L,ard dull and nominal; kettle luftmli cents. Bulk meats weaker shoulders 51c. asked ; short nu tc Dia; e cents asued; short clear sides held at Sic. Bacon dull; shoulders 61c: clear rib 8ic; clear sides 9i94c. Whis key quiet at $1 09. COTTON m ARRETS. Mobile, weak and nominal at 10$ cents uei receipts ou Dales; savannah, dull and nominally unchanged at lOf cents net re ceipts 103 bales; New Orleans, quiet at 9f , lOf and 10J cents net receipts 572 bales; Charleston, dull at Hi cts net receipts 209 bales; Memphis, dull and irregular at 10$ cts net receipts 892 bales; Boston, dull at Hi cents net receiDts 55 bales: Ralti more dull at 10 cents gross receipts 53 bales; Augusta, quiet atl010f cts net receipts 68 bales; Norfolk, dull at 1010f cents net receipts 274 bales; Galveston, dull and nominal at lOf cents net receipts 170 bales; Philadelphia, quiet at 11J cents net re ceipts 205 bales. FOREIGN ftlARKKTS. Liverpool, May 1 Noon. iCotton quiet and unchanged middling uplands 5id; middling Orleans 6d; sales of 8,000 bales, including 1,000 bales for speculation and export; receipts 8,800 bales, of which 3,900 bales were Ameri can. Futures opened l-16d cheaper mid dling uplands, 1. m. c, May and June delivery, 5 25-32d; June and July deliv ery, 5 27-325d; July and August de livery, 5 31-32d; August and September delivery, Od. LATER. Futures middling uplands, 1. m. c, July and August delivery, 5 29-32d; Au gust and September .delivery, 5 31-32d. The sales of American cotton to-dav were 5,950 bales. y Extras. PURPLE AND WHITE CABBAGES. Fresh SAUR KRAUT. Fresh BUCKWHEAT. Hb. 1 FULTOH MARKET BEEP. The above are the Best Goods and are sold at the Lowest Prices. l. VOLLBRS'. ap ia-tf 8. E. cor. Market and 2d 8ts. J Duplin County Beef. 1 WISH TO CALL THE ESPECIAL ATTHN HSJLS? y '"nds and the public generally to the VERY SELECT STOCK oWm ol exhi bition at my STALL, NO. 6, MARKET HOUSE, and for sale in quantities to suit the parchaser. .Cash orders respectfully solicited by aP Lg T. A. WATSON. Wood! Wood! QAK, ASH and MIXED WOOD, L1GHTWOOD and PINE, At Lowest Prices for Cash. aPa8-tf O. Q. PARSLEY & CO. Extraordinary Inducements OFFERED TO PARTIES IN NEED OF BOOTS AND SHOES. r,1 Ji cx,ami?e Stock, Styles and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. W.. CHILDREN'S 8HOE8 A SPECIALTY, i T. H. HOWEY, Jr., nP gbg No. 47 Market st. BINFORD. CROW & Co. OFFER FOR SALE "tOO Hhds and Bbls N.' O. and CUBA 50Q Bbls FLOUR, MOLASSES, 25 BblB BUGARf Bags COFFEE, KQ Boxes C. R. SIDES, 100 Bt9 ''OBAOep (OWwork) j North Carolina Hams, Buckets, Brooms, Candles, Matches, Candy, SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, -AT- 36 Market St M.M. KATZ'S, 36 Market St BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. FANCY & STAPLE DRESS GOODS. Great Variety, From the LAST TWO Every Thing to Complete a Full Outfit for Ladies or Misses, Men or Boys, AVE NOT SPACE TO MENTION THE v OR PRICES.. -CALL AND ap l-tf COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET STAR OFFICE, May 1. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. The market was steady at 29 cents per gallon for coun try packages, with small sales reported at that price. Also sales of 30 casks selected packages at 29 i cents. ROSIN The market opened dull and nominal and closed steady at a decline of 10 cents on yesterday's quotations, 700 bbls Strained changing hands at $1 50 per bbl. Also sales of 25 bbls (K) Low Pale at $2, 39 do (M) Pale at $2 50 and 60 do (N) Extra Pale at $38 25 per bbl. TAR. Market steady at $1 70 per bbl, the receipts of the day selling at that figure. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market steady at $1 GO for Hard, $2 25 for Yellow Dip and $2 50 for Virgin. Sales at quotations. COTTON. Market dull and nominally unchanged, there being an entire absence of inquiry -or presssrc to sell. There are no official quotations. RECEIPTS. DAILY RECEIPTS. Cotton 7 bales. Spirits turpentine 179 casks. Rosin , 978 bbls. Tar t 280 " Crude turpentine 594 " RECEIPTS For the month of April, 1877. f 'ottr.ii 733 Spirits 4.505 T J no noi nuniu .......... OH,VOV Tar in QAO. Crude. .7. '. ! . !l2650 rv w mnlKqf ApriL 1877. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude Domestic. 1,250 2,170 7,919 8,768 855 roreign... i,U53 4,446 34,213 9,602 63 Total... 2,309 6,616 42,132 13,430 418 COXXON AND NAVAL STORM. The following is the stock of naval stores and cotton in yard and afloat at this port May 1st: Cotton, in yard 2,056 bales. afloat, 95 Total, Spirits Turpentine, in yard.. afloat,.. .2,151 44 ..2,039 casks . . 711 44 Total 2,750 44 uosin.inyard, 28,138 bbls. anoat, 10,495 44 Total.- 38,633 44 Tar, in yard j 2,197 bbls. afloat, 2,719 44 Total 410 Crude Turpentine, in yard, 2,492 bbla " " afloat, 000 44 Total, 2.492 44 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. STOCKS Ashore land Afloat May 1, 1876. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 1,345 2,224 84,930 6,031 2,953 RECEIPTS For the month of April, 1876. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude 3,433 5,195 33,218 8,837 19,815 EXPORTS For the month of April, 1876. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. Domes'c, 1,393 310 16,874 6,182 100 foreign, 3,387 3,788 5,303 4,784 160 Total. . 4,680 4,048 22,177 10,966 260 QUOTATIONS. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude April 29. D. & N. $1 55 $1 40 $2 10 May 1... 28j 1 55 1 35 2 10 Cbarletn Naval Stores market, April. 30. The receipts were 115 casks spirits tur pentine and 165 bbls rosin. There were sales of near 175 barrels rosin at $1 60 for (C to E) strained No. 2; $1 70 for(F) extra No. 2; $1 80 for (Q) low No. U $1 851 90 for (H) No 1 and $1 95 for (I) extra No. 1; H low Pale? 3 75for (M) pale $3 75 for (N) extra pale and $4 50 for win dow glass. There were 150 casks spirits turpentine sold at 29c for whiskeys ; and oils, and 30c for regular packages. Crude turpentine is valued at $2 10 per bbl for virgin, $1 701 75 per bbl for yellow dip and $1 25 per bbl for scrape. Boston Hoot, Shoe andLeathcr Mar ket, April 28tth. The market for manufactured goods is of course almost entirely nominal, as is al ways the case at this season of the year. The interest of the trade centres in the mar ket for stock, and in the likelihood of the fall trade in boots and shoes opening at higher prices than last year. There is some talk of exporting heavy" goods in case of the war being prolonged. In any event buyers for the fall trade will probably be here earlier than usual, as the mere proba bility of the market going up on them will make them anxious to be here early. Most of the boot and shoe manufacturers areeither in the west themselves soliciting orders or have drummers there. They re port that jobbers show much incredulity at their statements timt tiQ nMAn j in leather will be permanent, and that man ufactured goods must go higher. The manufacturers themselves are very unset tled as to tbe future of prices. Great Bargains. WEEKS Auction Sales. HUNDREDTH PART OF ARTICLES SAVE MONEY BY BUYING OF 36 Market Street. MARINE. Port Almanac may 2. , 5:06 A. M. 6:48 P. M. Sun Rises Sun Sets High Water (Smithville) 11:00 M'n. 44 ;( Wilmington).. .. 1:30 E'n. Day's Length 13:42 ARRIVED. Stmr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. Stmr J 8 Underbill, Piatt, Smithville, O G Parsley & Co. Nor Earaue Abraham Skalle. 336 tons. Gregersen, Gloucester, via Charleston, R E Heidc. CLEARED. Stmr A P Hurt, Worth, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. Stmr J S Underbill, Plait, Smithville, fV a VnrnW Xr. fin 'Spanish Schr Huron, Puig, Barcelona, opai II, LIKUSSCl Ub V.U. Schr Ida M Eldridge, Pisher, Port-au Prince, Hayti, E Kidder & Sons. EXPORTS. FOREIGN. Sp Schr Barcelona. hhla main Huron 1,770 Pobt-au-Pbince Schr Ida M Eldridge 229,389 feet lumber, 60,000 shingles. MARINE DIRECTORY. Ittst'or Vessels In the Port of Wil mington, N. C, may 2, 187T. BARQUES. Bertha (Nor.), 227 tons; Hansen, R E Heide Henrick Ibsen (Nor.), 362 tons, Rasmussen, R E Heide A O Vinje (N6r.), 333 tons, Pedersen, R E Heide Runer (Nor.), 380 tons, Langfeldt, R E Heide Gitana (Nor.), 320 tons, Jacobsen, asrgaieiuXuv.. A Sprunt & Son E Peschsu'& Westermann Hermann Helmreich(Ger.), 400 tons, Koch, j EPeschau& Westermann Wilhelm Kisker (Ger.) Burmeister, rep'g, E Peschau & Westermann Frcy, (Nor.), 290 tons, Haivorsen, T RE Heide Lydia Peschau (Ger.), 403 tons. Fechter, E Peschau & Westermann LaBella (Nor.), 256 tons, Alsem, R E Heide BRIGS. Rufus (Nor.), 220 tons, Christensen, , . , RE Heide Baltic (Br.), tons, Bointon, Alex Sprunt & Son SCHOONERS. C E Sears, 160 tons, Turner, . . G G Barker & Co Mattte Holmes, 190 ton9, Richardson, J H Chadbourn & Co Sally Mair, 257 tons, Powell, J E Lippitt James Young, 261 tons, Towney, B J H Ahrens Ida M Eldridge, 329 tons, Fisher, Master Kate Newman, 140 tons, Newman, Master Susan Stetson, 140 tons, Merry, Master Ella H Barnes, 190 tons, Harrison, Master J P Wyman, 164 tons, Urann, m GG Barker & Co Traveller, 177 tons, Hodges, J H Neff J R Bodwell, 170 tons, Spaulding, , G G Barker & Co Delhi, 204 tons, Emerson, G G Barker & Co Huron, 149 tons, Puig, DeRosset & Co R C Thomas, 235 tons, Thorndike, J H Chadbourn & Co James O'Donnahue, 158 tons, Warren, Jl B F Mitchell & Son Katie Mitchell, 112 tons. Wrieht. Worth & Worth Wyoming, 197 tons, Foss, Worth & Worth Clara, 166 tons, Spcllman, Navassa Guano Co Mary Augusta, 156 tons, Holt, Master Molasses. Molasses. JQQ Hhds CUBA MOLASSES, 100 SUGARH0USS MOLASSES, Of Bbls A Not NEW OKLBANS Jv MOLASSES For sale by ap 29-U KERCANER & C ALDER BROS. Flour, Corn and Meal. 60Q Bbls FLOUR, all grades, 3000 BnBh- CORN, Pi A A Bash- FRESH WATER- . OUU GROUND MEAL, For sale iy ap 29-tf KERCUNER A CALDER BROS Sugar. Coffee, Rice. 0 Bbls SUGAR, 200 Bags COFFEE, 2g Bbls RICE. For sale by ap 29-tf KERCHNBK A CALDER BROS. Hoop Iron, &lue, Bivets, &c,: OA Tons HOOP IRON, 1 Inch, V ljtf inch and 1 inch, 200 Bbla A No. 1 GLUE. 200 PaporS KIVKT8 200 Kegs NAILS, i For sale by KERCHNSR CALDER BROS. ap 29-tf Kerosene Oil. 20 Bbls KEROSENE, For sale low by ap 28-DAWtf HALL A PEARS ALL. Butter ! Butter ! JpiNB TABLE AND COOKING BUTTER, For sale low by ap 88-DAWtf HALL & PEARSALL. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT BBO WN 8c 45 MARKET Refrain from passing any comment DRY GOODS, as the' quotations CONVINCING : Summer Silks, 50c per yard, Lyons Poplins in all the new shades, Printed Linen Law us, beautiful styles, Natural Col'd Linen Snitings, all qua lities, ir a ir-v . yt mourning uress u-ooas, m all the desirable Materials, Crape, &c. Wegive special attention to the above, the advantage of all in want of Ribbons, all reduced, Plaid Sash Ribbons, 50c and 75c, Italian Laces and Insertions, Ladies' Lace Bibs, Ladies' Parasols, from 25c to $1, Printed Cambrics, 10c and I2c, Great Bargains in Hamburgs, 5c up, Job Lot Bl'k Kid Gloves, 50c a pair, sizes 5f , G, 6, 6, BLEACHED SHIRTINGS Something really good, at 8c per yard, 7c by bolt, 4 4 Hallowell, 10c per yd, 9o per bolt, 4-4 Fitzville, 10c " 9c 4-4 Hill, 11c " 10c 4-4 And'cog'in 11c " 10c c (( Sheetings in great variety, Unbleached Cottons, very cheap, Gent's Silk Bows, I2c up, Gent's Madras Bows, lc each, Ladies', Gent's and Children's Hosie ry, Underwear and Gloves, Shetland Shawls, all wool, $2, Barege Shawls, $1.50, Lace Points, in pusher and Llama, GENTS' SHIRTS, ALL-MADE but BROWN & RODDICK, ap 29-tf 45 Market Street. MISCELLANEOUS. L A D I OF T72IOT7DTEI TASTE ! -AND Excellent Judgment! ABE SELECTING THEIR SPRING DRESSES ! FROM OUR Medium & Low Priced FABRICS ! flack are all of Recent Importation ! AND THi BEST GOODS SOLD FOR The Prices in the City. HEDBIO!K, 29 market Street. mh 22-tfDiW Sundries. W ACCAMAW AND CAPE FEAR RICE. Hams, Sides and Shoulders, Flour, various brands. Case Goods of all kinds, Tonic Bitters, about twenty different kinds, Ale, Beer, Win 2s,Brandies and Whiskey s, Coffee, Teas, Sugar and Molasses, Hoop Iron, Nails, Bongs, Glue, &c For sale by ap29.tr ADRIAN & VOLLBRS. Tobacco Sundry brands, consisting of yacht Club, Sultana, Nilson, Honey Dew, Nat Macon, Gov. Allen, Here's Your Mule, Augustas, Nectar, Rising Star, Farmer's Choice, Oronoco Leaf, Sun Cured, Yellow Twist, and Ambrosia. For Bale by ADRIAN & VOLLBRS, ap 29-tf Southeast corner Front and Dock Sts. Consignment. OA Tnbs BUTTER, -trr Bbls DRIED i V It APPLES. 6 Bbls N. O. t Bbls CUBA MOLASSES, O MOLASSES, -i t Boxes MEAT. Balk and TSsonn 1U EGGS, PEAS, PEANUTS, POULTRY. GLUE. Ac. Tnst.mr tori tn ull r,H do it. We are nren&reri tn fill nrAora nMmntin t., xnwt. ma Pic Hum. It tn a 1K .irUKf n. Q lii'ii,. . -,! all grades; Lye, Potash, Washing Crystal, Baking ivnuciB, menu-, iaru. uonee, jsoiasses, tMii, vorn, &c, sc. C all and examine samples. PETTEWAY & SCHULKBN, Brokers and Commission Merchants, ap24 -t8 Next North Princess and Water Ste. Coopers' Tools. TRUSS HOOPS, JOINTERS, HOWELS AND Crozes. Adzes. Axes. Drawimr Knives of all kinds, Dowelllng Machines, Coopers' Hammers, Chisels, Punches, Ac. The Largest Stock of the above Goods and at the Lowest Possible Prices can be found at the Old Established Hardware House of JOHN DAWBOW, ap 29-tf - 19, 90 and 21 Market St. !Rj O JD1D X O it , STREET, on the following PRICE LIST of of themselves are SUFFICIENTLY ? . Fancy Dress Goods from 8o up, Grey DeBege, 10c, Black Grenadines, from 12c up, Col'd Stripe "f i0c up Iron Grenadines,silk & wool,40cto $l !. . . t . ana are fully satisfied, it will be to such Goods to give us it trial. Black Lace Shawls, 100, Lace Jackets, , Best Calicoes, 8c, Best Plain Homespun, 10c, Best Ginghams, 10c and 12c, Job Lot Col'd Kid Gloves, 50c a pair, various sizes. White Pique, 12c, Beautiful Lace with Satin stripe, 25c, worth 50c, A bargain in Buff Pique, 12c, Lad ies' White H'dks, in piece, hem'd and hem-stitched, also Colored Borders, Ladies' White Vic. Lawn Prints,$4.50 to $5, Ladies' White Vic. Lawn Polonaise, $2.25 and $2.50, Gents' Ties, at all prices, The Cheapest Line of Gents' Braces ever shown In the city, Mosquito Nett, all kindf, Ladies' Bustles. BUTTONS & BUTTON HOLES, 75c MISCELLANEOUS. Chaw the Best. B UY JAMBS Y. WHITTED'S CELEBRATED BRAND OF Harry JLee Chewing Tobacco, t8old oly in Wilmington by ADRIAN & VOL LKRS, Wholesale Grocers and Tobacco, Cigar aad "v"' oaicro, Southeast corner Dock and Frost Streets. ap 27 3m Mallard & Co. FGLL LINE SADDLERY GOODS AT Sm WmV LOWEST PRICES. - LADIES' and GENTS' TRUNKS, TRA JT VELING BAGS, &c. Large Assortment. tyRBPAIRING DONE VERY CHEAP. WITH NEATNESS anc DISPATCH. p27-tf No. 8 8QDTH FRONT ST. THe little Sliop Around tie Corner, TS THE PLACE TO GET JL i SADDLES HARNESS LlL WHIPS and COLLARS jnaae or uepaired. Cheap for Cash. Next to Sonr.hprlftTiri'a Stuhlaa HA i DEN & GERHARDT, P -tf Wilington, N. C. Spring Novelties. JN STIFF AND SOFT HATS 1 LADIES' STRAW HATS i l HARRISON & ALLEN, ap 59-tf Wholesale and Retail Hatters. Buyers OF BOOTS & SHOES. Will find the LARGEST STOCK ! and the LOWEST RATES ! AT . GEO. R. FRENCH A SQN'S, 39 N. Front St. ap 29-tf 22' Nobby and Nice CIGARS Hav an-a -60 cts a Dozen. CIGARETTES Perique atd Petit Canon. TOBACCOS Fine-Cut and.Plug. 100,000 CIQARS15 to ,75. 75,000 QreTOio. To IClose or Liberal Buyers C.O.D. ap 29-tf D. P1GOTT. We Receive Our AN APPLES DIRECT FROM THE Packers, and can offer greater inducements to buy- era than any City Honse. GEO. MYERS, ap 29-tf 11 and IS Front Street. The GREAT DEMAND FOR THESE DELI- cious One Gallon Cans of Apples has increased our orders from 25 to 50 cases per week. Try a can , and you will be satisfied not only with the price. but with the Natural Flavor . " PI S PEACHES in 3-lb cans at 16 cents. At " GEO. MYERS', ap 15-tf 11 and 13 Front Street. Chloride of Lime, T7K)R DISINFECTING PURPOSES, A - In 6, 10 and 15 cent Papers. GUM CAMPHOR, ALOOHHL, CASTOR OIL, Paints, White Lead, Oils, Varnish, Glass, Putty, &c rot sate oy GREEN A PLANNER, ap 28-tf Druggists. Market Street nHMi