2. ormng Sftfe spring rime. Dear, faded flowers, they bloom again, Like echoes of the springtime gone; And mossy hillside, shadowy glen, Break out in beauty like the dawn. In regal beauty leaf and bud Bend 'neath the kisses of the breeze. And "Spanish Mixture for the Blood" Smiles from the fences, rocks and trees. Dear, smiling spring, what tender hope Breathes from the life-awakening soil ; How "Bolus' Anti-bilious hope," And "Dr. Gastric's Castor Oil," Bid frightened nature wake and' smile; For springtime blossoms Alius less With thoughts of praises than with vile "Panaceas" for "Biliousness," If to the wooded nook we stray, Where every swelling germ is huge With life; each gray-browed rock will say,. "Use Philogaster's Vermifuge." If from these silvan bowers we fly, We fly alas to other ifis; And farm-yard gates and barn-doors cry, "Take Ginsengrooter's Liter Pills." Eich blue-eyed violet hides a "Pill," There's scent of "Rhubarb" in the air; "Rbeurnatic Plasters" line each hill, And "Bitters" blossom everywhere, With "Ague Cures" the eyes are seared; The air is thick, or thin I meant, For nature's face and clothes are smeared Willi "Universal Liniment." Burlington Hawkeye. Wake Foroat Colleee Raleigh Observer. This Institution was chartered in 1834. For forty-three years has it been in existence; yet so quietly and un ostentatiously has its work been done, that comparatively few outside the religious denomination which con trols it, know much about it. The bill to call into existence this College and give it a body corporate was introduced into the Legislature, in the House of Commons at least, by Hon. Will. H. Battle, who then repre sented the county of Franklin. And the bill became a law only by a major ity of one. The Baptists of North Carolina were a feeble folk then, but now they number nearly one hundred thousand members, including men high in civil, social and financial positions. - At first the College curriculum was combined with the manual labor sys tem, but the latter proving, after two years' trial,unsuccessf ul, was dropped. Since the beginning two thousand young men have matriculated. The largest number at one time on the roll was one hundred and fory-six. The total number of graduates, up to date, is one hundred and sixty- four. An Irishman's Will. In the name of God, Amen! I, Tim othy Doolan, of Barry do wnderry, in the county of Clare, farmer, being sick, wake on my legs, but of sound head and warm heart Glory be to God! do make this, my first and last will and ould and new testament. First, I give my sowl to God, when it plazes him to take it sure no thanks to me, for I can't help it then and my body to be buried in the ground at Barrydownderry Chapel, where all my kin have gone before me, and those that live after, belonging to me, and buried, peace to their ashes, and may the sod rest lightly on their bones. Bury me near godfather aud my mother, who lie separated altogether at the other end of the chapel yard. I lave the bit of ground containing eight acres rale old Irish acres to my eldest son Tim, after the death of his mother, if she lives to survive him. My daughter Mary and her husband, Paddy 0'Reagel,areto!have the black sow that's going to have twelve black bonifs. Teddy, my second boy, that was killed in the war in Ameriky, might have got his pick of poultry, but as he is gone I'll lave them to his wife who died a week before him; I bequeath to all mankind fresh air of heaven, all fishes of the sea they can take, and all the birds of the air they can shoot. I lave to them all the sun, moon and stars. I lave to Peter Raf ferty a pint of potheen I can't finish, and may God be merciful to him. I He Played to Win. Le Figaro tells a neat story of the last days of the Homburg gaming-tables. A German officer paid a visit to the trente-et-quarante table one day, and beginning with a very small stake, happened to light upon a series by which he won $20,000 in half an hour. The veteran gamblers predicted that he would be tempted back to try bis fortune,but day after dayjjassed with out his entering the casino. At the end of three months his regiment hav ing received orders to march, on the following morning he sauntered into the room, and taking a double florin from his pocket, staked it on the black and lost. All the gamblers expected that he would double the stake, and in the course of an hour loose ali that he had won when he was there before. But he turned on his heel and walked out ot the room, muttering, l never have any luck at this game." Millionaire Wlnani's Great Oreau From the Baltimore Gazette. "I'm building," Mr. Thomas Winans said, in showing the reporter through his mansion in .Baltimore, "an organ that will be one of the largest in the United States when completed. It will have 5,000 pipes, ranging in size from 34 feet to three quarters of an inch. It is to be composed of five organs, solo, swell, orchestra, pedal and hierh pressure, and will be worked with an air pressure of four and eight inches. The room in which this organ is being built is the full height of the house, and has windows at the top filled with slats by means of which the music can be thrown in any de sired direction." Sporting Dogs. ! REEDING KENNEL OP A. C. WADDELL, (Formerly of New Jersey), EDINA, KNOX COUNTY, MISSOURI. The Finest Strains of SETTERS, POINTERS, SPANIELS AND OTHER SPORTING DOGS, Bred from both Imported and Native Stock, at mo derate prices. apio-JJKwir gf f f f Can't be made by every agent every Ifi y y y month in the business we famish, but those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a dav right in their own locali ties. Have no room to explain here. Business plea- pant ana nor.oraoie. w omen, ana Doy s ana gins ao as well as men. We will furnish von a complete Outfit free. The business pays better than anything else. We will bear expenses of starting you. Par ticulars free. Write and see. Farmers and mecha nics, their sons and daughters, and all classes In need of paying work at home, should write to us aud learn all abouKhe work at once. Now is the time. Don't delav. Address True & Co.. Augusta Maiae. feb 6-m : . M l -. PUESCRIPTSO$ FREE. TORTHE SPEEDY CURE of Semis! Weakness, uvai. iuuuuuu, iiuu mi disorders won gat on r indiscretion or excess. Any draggut has the ingr -dients. Address Dr. JAQUES & CO., Cinclnnal Ohio. feb 15-lyD&W WHOLESALE FB1CBS. 3TOur quotations, it saoaid be understood, rep resent the wholesale prices generally. In making up small orders higher prices nave to be chargea. .ARTICLES. P3ICJSS. oo iix 00 124 11 18 9 10 10 11 oo 14 oo io oo 8 oo a 9 oo a 7 oo a 6 BAGGING Gunny Double Anchor Double Anchor "A". . BACON North Carolina, Hams, 9 a (new) Shoulders, 9 Sides, N. C. choice, & Western Smoked Hams.... ..... . ...... . Sides, $ & Shoulders, Dry Salted- Sides $ a j Shoulders I BEEF On the Hoof BARRELS Spirits Tnrpentrno, oecona nana eacn New New York, each New City, each BEESWAX $ B.... ..... BRICKS Wilmington, V X.. Northern........ , B OTTER North Carolina, 9 B Northern, 9 CANDLES Sperm, 2 Tallow, V lb... Adamantine. M Th . . 0 00 1 90 1 80 00 8 00 32 15 26 25 14 00 180 2 00 1 90 30 10 00 14 00 20 35 42 15 12 UK 18 18 35 23 35 90 6 7 95 20 0U 9 00 13 50 00 11 50 6 50 8 50 5 00 9 00 10 00 12 00 9 00 10 00 11 00 12 00 62 50 60 00 65 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 65 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 60 00 CHEESE Northern Factory 9 a Amry, creamy s st'te.aa COKPEE Java. 9 a Rio, V B Lagcavra. a... i6 12 34 20 Hya 87 00 oo to, oo Sl" MKAL 9 .busr.cl.in sacks COTTON TIES .sa ih DOMB8T1CS 8herttag,,Vd i aril, 9 ounce EGGS.. .. FISH Mackerel , No. 1 . " bbL ! '. No. U9M bbl . . Mackerel, No. a, 9 bbl. Nc.3, Xbbl r Mackerel, No. 3, 9 bbl. Mullets. bbl ST. C. Herring, 9 bbl Dry Cod, ft FLOUR Fine, 9 bbl Super. Northern. 9 bbl Extra do. " bbl..... Family " 9 bbl,.,... City Mills Supir., 9 bbl.... Extra. 9 bbl...... " Family, bbl... Ex. Family, V bbl .. FERTILISERS Peruvian Guano, 9 200U tte Baugh's Pbosohate. " Carolina Fertiliser, " " Ground Bone, P " Bone Meal, " " Flour, F " Navaesa Guano, " " Complete Manure " " Whann's Phosphate ' " Wando Phosphate, " Berger & Buws's Phosph. Kxcellenza Cotton Fertilizer GLUE 8 a 16 00 8 50 13 00 7 so a 11 oo 3 53 6 00 73i 0 0) 0 00 0 03 11 00 0 00 9 00 10 00 11 00 57 50 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 GO 60 00 55 90 9 15 87 80 00 85 70 1 CO 7 10 1 25 GRAIN Corn, in store, in oags, 00 70 Cora, Cargo, w Dusnei.. Corn, Tel., 9 bushel.... Corn, wholesale, in bags Oats. $ bushel Peas, Cow, 9 bushel.... HIDES Green, 9 a Dry, 8 a HAY Eastern, 8 100 as... Western, 100 as... North River, 8 100 as. . HOOP IRON 8 ton....... LARD Northern, 8 S North Carolina, 8 a.... LIME bbl 00 00 62 90 6 10 1 20 . 10 I 00 & 80 00 00 i 50 a 1 15 1 10 90 11 12 0fi SO 00 15 00 IS 00 35 00 LUMBER City StkahSawbd Ship Stuff, resawed, 8 M ft. . Rouch Edee Plank. 8 M ft. . . 18 00 00 00 14 00 18 00 13 00 CO 60 00 00f 40 3 25 20 1 10 90 30 30 15 75 80 4 00 18 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 6 00 60 West India Cargoes, according to quality, m rt Dreesec Flooring, seasoned.. Scantling and Boards, com mon, 8 Mft .... MOLASSES Cuba, bids, 8 gal.. Cuba, bbls 8 gal Suga;- House, hhds, 8 gal. . 16 00 44 47 30 32 80 4 GO 21 145 100 40 35 20 90 1 00 450 19 00 CO 00 16 00 16 00 00 75 00 8 23 75 90 90 11 11 UK 13 7 600 300 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 13 00 909 7 00 6 CO 4 00 500 3 50 20 32X DDIS. 9 EM.... arwrin VHla ID oral TP t NAILS Cut. 4d to S0d. 8 keg. . . OILS Kerosene, 8 gal Lard, 8 gal Linseed, 8 gal Rosin. 8 liat POULTRY Chickens, live " Spring... PEANUTS 8 bushel . potatoes sweet, $i susnei.. . Irish, Northern, 8 bbl PORK Northern. City Mess. . . . . Thin, 8 bbl... Prime, 8 bbl RumB. 53 bbl RICE Carolina, 8 & East India, 8 a Rough. 8 buflh KAGS Country, 8 a City, 8 a ROPE 2 2 SALT Alum, 8 bushel 00 00 00 00 00 00 oo 00 11 00 5 4 OC 2 50 6 50 9 60 18 00 00 00 00 00 08 11 00 8 00 6 50 5 90 0 00 1 00 1 75 18 28 Liverpool, 8sacs,cb F.O.B.. American, 8 sack SUGAR Cuba, 8 2) Porto Kico, 9 ID A Coffee, 8 1 B " 8 a C ' 8 U Ex. c $ a Crushed. 8 a SOAP Northern, 8 BTHNGLES Contract, 8 M UommoB, 8 M Cypress Saps 8 M, Cvtres3 Hearts 8 M STAVES W. O. Bbl., 8 M a, o una., w m Cypress, 8 TALLOW 8 "ALLOW 1 TIMBER Shipping, ?M mu rnme, w m. Mill Fair, 8 M Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary. 8 M. . . . WHISKEY Northern, 8 gal..., VT tl. 1 MM I norm Jiruu.ua, gi gai WOOL Unwashed, 8 Wasted. 8 a w 1 1. T2::s ;; n ukonkv itiabket BUYINS. SXIiLlMt). Goid . ..105 107 Exchange (sight) on New Yotk, f disc't. mitimore, x - Boston " Philadelphia, " Western Cities Ji " Exchange 30 days 8 8 cent interest added to aoore. Bans or JNew nanover stocx iuu First National Bank, 85 Dawson Bank bo Wilmington Building Stock, 100 , 95 Navaeea Guano Co. " 140 N. C. Bonda Old Ex-coupon 14 Do. f Funding 1866 b Do. " 1888 6 Do. New 5 Do. Special Tax 1 Do. to N. C. Railroad 49 W. &. W. R.R.Bonds7 8c (Gold Ini). 100 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 8c. .40 Wilmington oityaonas, s wc w 7 8c 90 " " Old 6 8c 60 " " new 6 8c... 69 (Gold Int) " F 8 8c 70 ( " " ) New Hanover County Bonds (10 years), 6 8c(Go.d Int.) 80 W. W. Railroad Stock 70 North Carolina R. R. " 40 Wa Gas Light Co. " 57 Wil. & Seab'd R.R. " 10 Wilmington Cotton Mills .40 THE FIELD, A Journal for the Sportsmen of To-day. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. AT 14 S. Canal St. Chicago. OF S UBS CBIPTION PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Yearly, $4.00. Half-yearly, $2.00. Foreign and Canadian subscription, post free Yearly 18s.; Half yearly 9s. Single copies, 10 cents. THE FIELD is a complete weekly review of the higher branches of a sport Shooting, Fishing, Racing and Trotting, Aquatics, Base Bail, Cricket, Billiards, and General Sporting News, Music and the Drama. THE FIELD will be found in keeping with toe times, on all subjects pertaining to honorable sport. and will, under no circumstances, admit to its colnmHs anything tending in any wise to demoralize or degrade pnDUc sentiment.; THE FIELD being the onlv Snortine Jonrnal published West of New York, and the recognized authority among the sportsmen of the West and South, among whom it enjoys a large and increasing patronage, possesses superior advantage as an ad vertising medium, which will be appreciated by those desiring to make their business known in the united Btates. apr22-tf The Western Expositor, ASHEVILLE, If; C. W. H. Malone, - - Ed. ft Prop'r JXAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN Wfcstern Northern Carolina. It is the paper for business men, in which to ad vertise. Specimen copies mailed on application. Address Ifi-A ruolTUxt OFFICE, OV 2-tf Asheville. N. The Salisbury Examiner, . Established It 1899. THOROUGHLY AND ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC. Printed Weekly and Tri-Weekly at $2 and $5. Address J.o J.J.STEWART, jo t& S ft&tor and PiOprietor, Salisbury, N. C. BUSINESS CARDS. N. A. STEDMAN, Jr., Attorney & Counsellor at Law, ELIZABBTHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, "N. C. Office Up Stairs, in Brick Building occupied by Rinaldi & Co. - bpecial attention to Claims. Collections on sumsf of $100 and upwards made for Five Per Cent, if J witnout suit. Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, Ac, a specialty. ap 5-D&Wtf ' FEANK H. DARBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. (Office in Journal Building, Princess street,) apl5-2m Wilmington, N. C. A. ABSIAIt. BU YOUdSSS ADRIAN & V Lt JL 18 2 S , Corner Front and Bock 8t., WI'iMIKGTOJJ, N. C. WHOLESALE GROCERS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Country merchants will do well by calling on us and examining oar stock. no v 19-tf Mortgagee's Sale. XJY VIRTUE OF THE PROVISIONS OF A certain indenture of Mortgage, made by John I4c Coyjand his wife Mary Ann McCoy, to William F. Potter, dated the 11th day of May, 1876, and duly registered in the office of the Register of the County of New Hanover, in Book M.M.M., at page 64 and following, the under signed, as Attorneys of said Mortgagee, will, on SATURDAY, the 5TH DAT OF MAY NEXT, at 11 o'clock, A.M., at the door of the Court House, in the City of Wilmington, cause to be sold, by Public Auction, for cash, the following described PIECE or PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the City of Wilmington, in the County of New Ha nover, via: Beginning in the Eastern line of Fifth Street, at a point thirty feet Southwardly from its intersection with the Southern line of Nixon Street, thence runnivg Southwardly with said line of Fifth Street thirty feet; tbence Eastwarely in a line paral lel with Nixon St. seventy-five feet; thence North wardly in a line parallel with Fifth St. thirty feet; and thence Westwardly in a line parallel with Nixon Street seventy-five feet to the Beginning the same being part of the Western portion of Lot number "1," on the Block numbered "324," as designated on the plan of said city. Wilmington, April 3d, 1877. WRIGHT & STEDMAN, ap 3-tds Attorneys. Iron Cotton Ties- Down with Monopoly ! 1 a Important Special Notice ! Tie American Cotton Tie Compay. Limitea, Through their unequalled facili- ties for procuring their supply in the most econom ical way, are enabled to offer the CELEBRATED Arrow Cotton Ties at the price of p.50 PER BUNDLE, less 2 Per Cent Discount for Cash, and the General Agents, R. W. RAYNE & CO., New Orleaas, are author ized to sell, through their Sub-Agencies in this city, either for immediate delivery, or upon con tracts for future delivery up to August, to Factors and Country Merchants, on the above-named terms, in quantities, from time to time, as may be re quired, settlements being made on delivery. The Company having A LARGE STOCK NOW ON HAND, and having additionally contracted for an abundant supply to meet the ENTIRE DE MAND FOR COTTON TIES throughout the Cot ton Spates, the celebrated ARROW TIE will be placed upon the Market generally, and cold through their Agents, at LESS THAN FLAIN HOOP IKON is worth, it being the purpose of the Compa ny not only to merit the continued patronage of the Planting Community, but to MEET COMPE TITION IN ANY FORM in which it may arise. AMERICAN COTTON TIE COMPANY.LIMITED. J. J. McCOMB, Director. To Dealers IN COTTON TIES. The UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OF THE AMERICAN COTTON TIE COMPANY, for the sale of the well known ARROW TIE, are prepared to contract on above terms for delivery of Ties. BeROET & ., ap27-lm AGENTS. Kentucky Rifle Powder Blasting Powder. Deer Powder. A Large Supply Constantly on Hand, Manufactured by the Celebrated H4Z41ED POWDER CftWPT. FOR SALE BY WILL ARB BROS. dec 14-tf AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N. C. At Stevenson's. Cooked tripe, a delicious breakfast RELISH, preserved in its own juices, thereby retaining all its nutritious qualities. BONELESS SPICED PIGS' FEET. BONELESS CODFISH. McMUHRY'S PEACHES. CUTTING & CO.'S PEARS CHAMPAGNE CIDER on draught. The best quality of DRIED BEEF, chipped by my Patent Machine, making fifty e Uces to the inch, at 25 cents per pound . Fresh Crisp Milk and Cream Soda CRACKJSRS. GINGER SNAPPS and afher CARES and CRACK- ER3. N. B. My former advertisement concerning Teas has opened the eyes of some to the fact that they CAN get GOOD TEA. Jas. C. Stevenson ao29-tf Just Received, PLAITING MACHINES I PLAITING MACHINES Price Very Low. EXCELSIOR KER03ENE OIL LAMPS .1 No Chimneys Needed. 8ave Cost in Chimneys. FISHING POLES and TACKLE, Cheap, atf GEO. A. PECK'S, -my t-tf No. 85 South Front St. E. Artis, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Front Street, under Purcell House, WILMINGTON, N.O Hair-Gutting, Shaving and Shampooing done in the highest style of the art. Attentive and polite Barbers always ready to wait upon customers. jep is-ct MISCELLANEOUS. CLYDE'S New York and WilmiDgton, N. 0, Semi-Weekly Steamship Line. The Steamer BENEFACTOR, Capt. JOSES, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK ON SATURDAY, Klarcb 24, To be succeeded by STEAMER PIONEER, Capt. WAKE EE Y, On WEDNESDAY, March 28th. "Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING or steamers as advertised.., SAILING FROM WILMINGTON SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY. For Freight Engagements apply to A. D. CAZAEX, Agent, WILMINGTON, N. C, L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. TO, P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, 6 Bowling Green or Pier 13 N. R., mh 24-tf .New York. Baltimore & Wilming ton, K. G. - Steamship Line. The Steamer ID. J". FOLEY, Capt. PRICE, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON SATVUDAY, march 34, To be succeeded by Steamer RALEIGH. Capt. Oliver, On WEDNESDAY,.. march 28, andkreafter sailing from Baltimore EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, "Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. J0i THROUGH BILLS OF LADING given to and from PHILADELPHIA, and PROMPT DISPATCH Guaranteed., For Freight Engagements apply to A. i. CAZAEX. Agent, WILMINGTON, N. C. L. Sl BELDEN. Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER General Agent, Corner Lee and Light Streets, mh 24 -t f Baltimore. Headquarters Ghoioe Family Groceries. ALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. T. II. MeKOY'S LARGE AND VARIED STOCK. EXTRA LARGS TABLE RAISINS, SEEDLESS RAISINS. LEG HORN CITRON CURRANTS, SHELLED ALMONDS, EXTRACTS. POW'D SUGAR, ORANGES, LEMONS, APPLES, CRANBERRIES, PRUNES, ASSORTED NUTS, ANY QUANTITY, FROM A TON DOWN. I DELIVER GOODS PROMPTLY TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. TISOS. H. IflcKOY. dec 16-tf Sundries. 10 000 Bu8helS Prime Wnite CORN, r 200 Bales Ea8tern QQ Barrels FLOUR, 3QQ Boxes BACON, 30Q Sacks COFFEE, JfjQ Barrels SUGAR,. 200 80X68 GANDLES' OKA Hilda and Bbls New Crop CUBA ZOU MOLASSES and S.H. SYRUP, rQ Bbls N. O. SYRUP 400 Kegs NAILS. -QQ Tons Guanape GUANO, 1 QQ 2d-hand SPIRIT BARRELS, JQQ Bbls GLUE, 1JQ Tons HOOP IRON, ALS0, Also, Lake George and Lebanon A. SHEETING' and Randolph YARNS, For sale by ap 29-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. ! Flour, Corn, Bacon. QQ Bbls Flour, all grades, 3000 Basl1 Prile Wnit9 Corn, Q Boxes D, 8. aud Smoked Sides, 1000 New Spirit Casks- extra vr? Q Bags Rio Coffee, 1 A A Bbls Glue, 1UIP 500 Bdls Hoop Iron, 100 BXeS Soap' Canoles Candy, Snuff, Bbls Sugar, 2QQ Hhds and Bbls Molasses and Syrups tp22-tf WORTH & WORTH. BINFQRB, GROW & Go, OFFER FOR SALE iaa Hhds and Bbls N.O. and CUBA X v J H- OL A S S 55 S j 5QQ Bote FLOUR, 2 Bbls SUGAR, rje Bags COFFEE, A Boxes C. R. SIDES, jAQ Boxes TOBACCO (Old work) North Carolina Hams, Backets, Brooms, Candles, Matches, Candy, Starch, Soap, Mackerel, &c, &c, ap,T-tfD$W MISCELLANEOUS. The MorningStar PUBLISHED DAILY AUD WEEKLY SUaiscriptioa Rates In Adranee : DAXLY STAR, One Year, postage paid, $7 CO Six Months M " 4 00 " " Three Months" " 2 36 " One Month " " 100 WiSESLY STAR, One, Year postage paid, $1 60 Six Months, " 1 GO Three Months " " 50 Notices of the Press: A first-class paper. Batiieboro Advance. Emphatically alive paper. Qoldsboro Hews. Tae Stab is a live paper. Sumter (8. C.) Newt. One of the best daily papers in the State. Weidon N'ewA. One ot the very best of our daily exchanges. - South Gaivlinian. Ranks among the leading Dailies of the State. Christum Advocate. One of the best Dallies in the State. Statetvillt lntelliQencer. A valuable paper. We cheerfully recommend it. Fee Dei Courier Ranks among the leading journals of tne South.- Marion (S. C.) Star One of the best and most desirable papers in North Carolina. Norfolk Yirqiruan. Full of general news, and a credit to Wilmington Elizabeth City North Carolinian. One of the best daily papers published In the Southern States. Horry (A C.) Newt. One of our best Southern journals. As a newspa per not surpassed by any. Friend of Temperance. One of the best conducted in the State; bold, inde pendent and well informed. Hilieboro Recorder. Ably edited, and has a circulation which speaks volumes of comment on its influence. Magnolia Monitor. Onward and upward it goes until now it has the largest circulation of any Daily in the State. Pied mont Press. The Wilmington Stab, now very much improved, has the largest circulation of any paper in the State. Enfield Times. The Stab stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise and literary merit Chester S. C.) Reporter. rTnnnautiAncKlo hpat rfnilv mnmal In North Carolina, and has no superior in any other Southern State. Marlboro 03. C.) Times. jj or ecuionai uumty, general news, wuion U"i reports and fine literary selections the Stab has no superior. Rocky Mount Mail. TO 111 1.1 -vim- 1 . Is well cor ducted and has as much and great a va riety of good reading matter as any Dairy in the State. Warrenten Gazette. the best dailies in the State, and well merits the , T" . ! 1 t'Iu.Im. support it receives. uuuvsuu.ru wrorw. nnsnfthahKit rinllir i nrt rr, al on our exchange iiat Rr-inntrs tn no rino sava that which encircles tne good of the people. Savannah Mirror. The waraineton Morning Stab is among the best newspapers in the South. Rich, rare, racy, always fresh and "on time." Asheville Expositor. A - A tn4ananlant or1Arat flf t.h ft nAA- pie's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first jour nals of the Southern country. -Rockingham Observer. 1 ne STAB IB UIIUO .1 UU.lliy Ul culci LiliDlilg outrcb, beautifully printed and conducted with marked ability. Mr. Bernard deserves great credit for his efforts in journalism.- -Raleigh Sentful. Those of our readers desiring to take a daily or weekly paper from North Carolina cannot do better than take the Wilmington stjl Cher aw OS. C.) Democrat. The Stab is one of our most highly valued ex changes, and it affords us pleasure to recommend it as one of the most racy and reliable dailies in North Carolina. Kinston Gazette. A live newspaper, and the best Daily n the State. The circulation is larger than that of any other Daily in the State, which proves it. Milton Chron icle. No paper cvei started in North Carolina has grown so rapidly as has the Stab. Though only five yean old, it is now a fixed Institution, enjoying an influ ence and a prosperity second to none in the State. Salisbury Watchman. The Wilmington Stab is In the front rank of our Southern dailies, well edited, full of news and select reading matter, telegraphiceports, and in every res pect a first rate journal. If we had many such papers our State would be the gainer by it Greens. Patriot. W.JH- Grbso, Prest. F. W. Rockwell, Sec. Southern White Lead Co. STRICTLY LEADS Lll BLEACHED Every package of this Company's brand of Strict ly Pure White Lead bears the following guarantee : ' The Whim Lb ad contained in this Package is g u a b ant ee d bt the manhtactttrers, the SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD CO., 8t. Loots, Mo., TO CONTAIN HO ADULTKBATION WHATEVER. It IS COMPOSED ENTIRELY OT PERFECTLY PtJBE CARBO NATE op Lead and Linseed Oil, and is sold subject to Chemical Analysis and the Blow Pipe Test." The name of this Company Is placed ONLY upon STRICTLY PURE Lead. It is not placed upon a second or other inferior quality. So parties pur chasing White Lead branded "SOUTHERN COM PANY," are absolutely sure of obtaining a PER FECTLY PURE ARTICLE. For sale by Dealers in Paints and Oils throughout the Weat and South. feb 6-3m Tellair & Snedeker, MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS, AND IMPORTERS 9F OILS, OFFICE, 105 JOHN STREET, NEW YORB. Sperm, Lard, Whale, Mecca. Olive, Signal, Illuminating, Lubricating & Cylinder OILS. Represented hy Col. HOUSTON RUCKBR, late of Lynchburg, Va. ap 5-lm O. H, WARD'S MM- i Hair Dressing Saloon, North Front Street, NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF DAWSON BANK, WILMINGTON, Bf. C. HAIR CUTTING AND SHAMPOOING 25 CT8. EACH. ap7-tf Spring fashions. H AY1NG RECEIVED BY STEAMER BLOCKS of the latest styles of Hats for Ladies and Chih (iren, jara. v lrgima a. urr is prepared to tuts?, press and bleach work entreated to her. Old Bonnets and Gentlemen's Panama and Silk or Fur Hats made to s Look as Bright as New. White straw dyed black when so ordered and in best tyle. RESIDENCE One door east of Front, on Church Street. mh87-tf THEE MORNING STAB BOOK BIND ERY is complete in all all its appointments, and is in charge of one of the inest skillful workmen tn the State. All kinds of Binding executed neatly, cheaply anri expeditiously. ew Spring and RECEIVED DAILY BY JULIUS S AMSOF, SUCCESSOR TO J. & H. SAMSON. I AM NOW PREPARED TO SHOW THE Finest Stock of DRY GOODS in this City ! CONSISTING OP - Dress Goods In all the new styles and shades, Calicoes, Cambrics, Cretonnes & Percales, Bleached and Unbleached shirt ings of the most approved makes, Household Furnishing Goods, The Best Assortment of Mourning Dress Goods ever Exhibited in this Market. Also, some Job Lots of Notions, &c, from the lato firm's stock, which I will offer at greater inducements than ever until they are sold out. Respectfully, JULIUS SAMSON, ap 14-tf RAILROAD LINES, &c. General Sup'ts Office, WILMINGTON, COLOMBIA & AS GUST A R. R. COmPAMT, WILMINGTON. N. C. March 9. 1S.7 Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MARCH 11, THE following Schedale will be ran on this Road: Day Express and Mall Train (Daily except Sunday.) Leave Wilmington. 12:15 P. M. Leave Florence 5:20 P. M. Arrive at Columbia 9:30 P, M. Leave Colombia 7:40 A. M. Leave Florence 12:30 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington 5:20 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (BaUy). Leave Wilmington 7:20 P. M. Leave Florence 12:(?5 A. M. Arrive at Columbia 3:45 A. K. Arrive at Augusta, 7:40 A M. Leave Augusta, 8:45 P. M. Leave Columbia.... 12:10 A. M. Leave Florence . : 4:28 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington 8'-45 A M. This Train will only stop at Flemington, White ville.Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Timmonsville, Sumter and Bartover, between Wilmington and Co lumbia. Tbrouch Freight Traln.t Dally except Sundays.) Leave Wilmington 2:80 P. M. Leave Florence 2:20 P. M. Arrive at Columbia -. 10:10 A.M. Leave Columbia.. 4:00 P.M. Leave Florence l :00 A. M. Arrive at WUmingtoa 9:30 A M Passengers for Augusta, and beyond should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charles ton and Augusta. Parlor Car en Day Express and Mall or Charles ton, JAMES ANDERSOK, mh 10-W " Gen'l Sup't. Wilmington & Weidon RAILROAD CO. Oyyics or Gxh'x. Bufsuxwtrkdkkt. i WDmlngton, N. C, March 9, 1877. 1 kN AND AFTER SUNDAY , MARCH 11TH, J 1877, Pasaeiiger Trains on the Wilmington & Weidon .Railroad will run as fellows : Day Stall and Express Train. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 9:65 A. M. Arrive at Weidon 3:45 P. M. Leave Weidon daily 11:50 A. M. arrive at Wilmington, Front St Depot, 7:03 P. M. Night IHall and Express Train, Dally except Sunday. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 5:40 P. M. Arrive at Weidon 2:20 A.M. Leave Weidon, daily, 4:80 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington, FroLt St. Depot, at 12:00 St. The Day Train makes close connection at Wei don for all points North via Bay Li&e, daily except Sunday, and daily v-ia Richmond and all rail route. Night train makes close connections at Weidon for all points north via Richmond. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS at tached to all Night Trains, and run through from Wilmington to Milford Station, on Richmond, Fre dericksburg & Potomac Railroad. JOHN F. DIVINE, mh 10-tf General Superintendent. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. Office Gkkkbai, Superintendent, ) Wilmington, N. C, Sept 16. 1876. 1 Change of Schedule. On and after SUNDAY, the 17th inst., trains will run over this Railway as follows: Passenger and Mall Express. Leave Wilmington at 6:80 A. IS. Arrive in Charlettc at 8 :S0 P. M Leave Charlotte at 6:30 A. M, Arrive at Wilmington at . 8:80 P. M. sDaily except Sundays . IV. Q. JOHNSON, nov 10-tf General Superintendent. Forest and Stream, A Weekly Journal of Sixteen Pages. DEVOTED TO IIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HISTORY, FISH CUL TURE, PROTECTION OF GAME, PRESER VATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING, BOAT ING AND ALL Qti-Dour RecreatiOu ail SMy. It is the only Journal in this Country that folly supplies the wants and meets he necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS $5 00 A YEAR, Liberal discount to Clubs. Send for a Specunes Copy Forest Sc Stream Publishing Co., !7 Chatham Street, (City Hall Square), New York Post Office Box 2S32 jmar 28-if ortn & refill LATB THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN. A SIXTEEN PAGE PAPER. DEDICATED TO Shooting;, Fishing aM Natural History. SCIENCE, AMUSEMENT, ADVENTURE AND Field Sport articles by the First Scientists & Sportsmen of America.. PRICE. $1.00. 3 Month. $2.00. 6 Months. $4 Yearly. Bend stamp for specimen eopy to ROD GUN. Aprid-tf 31 Park Row, New York Summer Goods ! Linen Lawns and Linen Diapers. Hosiery, Ladies' and Gents' Un derwear, Tweeds, Cassinteres and Cotton tides, Laces and Edgings, and all kinds of Small Ware In great vari ety. 43 Market street. INSURANCE. Atkinson & Manning's Insurance Rooms, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, Wilmington, N. C. Fins. Queen Insurance Company, of England. In orth, British & Mercantile Ins. Co., of England. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. National Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. Continental Insurance Company, of New York. Phoenix Insurance Company, of New York. Springfield Insurance Co., of Springfield, Mass. Royal Canadian Insurance Compasy, of Canada. MARINE. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Company, of New York. Insurance Oo. of North America, of Philadelphia. LIFE. Connecticut Mutual Life Inc. Co. of Hartford. Total Assets Represented Over $100,006,600. janll-tf Fire and life tarance Agency tl J. A. BYRNE & CO. Representing over $62,000,000 Asset "OFFICB Commercial Exchange Building North Water Street. ; . feb 26-tf PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON Life Insurance Compau Of Richmond, Virgin... Over 22,300 Polisies laraed Annual Income Over 1.500.000 Progress ! ProspMs! Promui SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES). SfiC.'fetfc INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE AND GOOD SURPLUS Premiums Cash, Policies Libera., Annual Division of Surplus. AETHTJE J. HILL, Jr., Agent Offica for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood. Med: cal Examiner, on Market street, two doors west os Green & Planner's drug store, Wlhainirton.-N. C eeptember 2-tf JgNCOURAOE HOME INSTITUTIONS. SeoHiity against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, RALEIGH, N. C. This Company continues to writ Policlea. mi. rates, on all classes of insurable property. s,e9,arepiomptly adjusted and paid. TU HOME is rapidly growing in public favor, ai,u appeals, withcooildence, to Insurers of property c North Carolina - -"' T5 IT T rfv.1T T -rZ f. . . n. xj.il. j. x jr., rresiaent. O, B. ROOT, Vice President. SEA TON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPEE, Supervisor. " ATKINSON A MANNING, Anuri, -Tl-tf' WflmiiKtem. N. C. Bank of New Hanover. AutlioHzed Capital $1,000,00 Cash Capital paid in $300,000. Surplus Fund 950,000. 1 i DIM EC 2 ORS. JOHN DAWSON C.-M. STDMA D. R. MURCHISON 1. B. GRAINGSK DONALD McRAE "JAS. A. LEAK H. VOLLERB b. P. LITTLE R. R. BRIDGET'S E. B. BORDEN J. W. ATKINSON M. WEDDELL, L B. GRAINGER, President S. D. Wallace, Cashier aogSO-tl To the Working Glass. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH all class e with constant employment at home, the whole of tbe time, or for their spare moments Business new, light and profitable. Jfersons of ei ther sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and teat the business, we make this unparalleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar for the trouble of writing Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home sad Fire sic e, one of the largest and best Illustrated Pahll cations, all sent free by mail. Reader, if yon want permanent, profitable work, address, UnoBOB Snn son & Co., Portland, Maine. feb 8-6m The Bobesonian. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING in Lumberton, N. C., by W. Wallace McDiar mid, has the largest circulation of any country paper in the State. It circulates extensively in the coun ties of Robeson. Richmond, Bladen. Columbus, Cumberland, Brunswick, and in the adjoining coun ties of Marion, Marlboro' and Darlington, In South Carolina. As a Local Newspaper it has no superior. It is one of the few country papers whoso Editor and Publisher gives bis whole time and attention to its columns. In Poiltics the ROBESONI AN will strive to pro mote the principles of the Democratic-Conservative party, and is uncompromising! v in favor of Whit Supremacy. Its Local columns will always teen with the latest and best news, written in a Brief, in telligent aud business-like manner. Its editorials will be short and lucid and upon subjects whleh directly concern onr people. As an. adrertuing medium it is mueh sought after and has a patronage second to ne other country paper. Established in 1870, it has ever since been increasing in influence and popularity until it has reached and occupied the very front rank of North Carolina journalism. RATES Cash is Advance One year. tM0: Six Months $1 90; Three Months, 60 cents. Send a throe-cent stamp for specimen copy. Advertising rates furnr. ihe d - on application. Address tee Pub -Ushers. octlCtf O