THE MORNING STAB. By WI. H. BERNARD. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. uates or BUBBCBiPTioa in advance : One year, (by mail) postage paid, f 00 Six months, " " " 4 00 Three months, " " " 2 35 One month " " " I 00 To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the city, Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for mere than three months in advance. OUTLINES. Considerable activity in London Stock Exchange. Russia is still preparing for the crossing of the Danube; the Turks are prepared to resist. Russians ex pected to attack Oltenitza. Ghiacet burnt by the Russians. A railway bridge"TJver the Aluta carried down with a train of ten Russian cars; five passengers drowned. Eight hundred Turks have been buried at Ardahan. The Czar starts for the Danube on June 2d. : Tlio Circassian revolt continues, and Rus sia is -concentrating troops in large force for its suppression. England has in formed the belligerents that merchant ves sels and neutral men-of-war must not be in terfered with in passing through the Suez Canal. Great panic in Odessa and along the Black Sea. War between Turkey .and Greece thought to be inevita ble. General Ord asks for power to pursue the marauders into Mexico. An iron steamer at Chester, Pa., got loose and killed many persons; six dead bodies have been removed. A nog in Cin cinnati will succeed, it is thought, in get ting control of the new Southern Railroad. Three boys burned to death by an ex plosion at Miue Hill colliery, Penn. Disguised men hung a negro at Cairo for attempted assault and murder. New York markets : Money easy at 12 per cent; goluLsieady at lOtiJ ; cotton firmer at !0lle; rosin strong at $1 901 95; spirits turpentine easier at 31$ cents. Latest By Mail. Vlrglula Appointments. Special to Baltimore Sun.l Washington, May 20. On Friday night last Col. Mosby an interview at the White House viih the Presideut on the subject of M)ntejf the Federal appointments for the State of Virginia. Col. Mosby had another interview with the Presi dent oif the same subject yesterday norning, and urged the appointment f Col. W. W. Forbes 3S postmaster at lliuhmond.and of James D. Brady as collector of internal revenue at Petersburg. The President then pro mised Col. Mosby that he would di rect tjoaimissions to be made out for botlfof the gentlemen named. Sub sequently to his interview with the President Col. Mo9by stated iu con versation with the correspondent of the JStin, that in the case of the inter nal revenue collector at Petersburg he had made it a test case as between native jSouthern applicants and car pet baggers, iiichards, the present collector, is a Maine carpet-bagger. His reappointment was pressed very strongly by Mr. Blaine, and also by Mr. Jorgenson, the Republican mem ber of the House from the Peters burg district, and .the only Republi can elected to the House of Repre sentatives from Virginia. Chatnberlaln'a Opinion of Hampton, The New York HeraUVs man has interviewed Chamberlain, Here is a part of what the great disappointed said: It is a fact, however, that now there is peace and good order throughout the State, although I do not think that this should be to any extent regarded as a justification of the illegal or violent measures that were resorted to for the purpose of obtaining control. Still, it may be recognized as a fact that so far in the State at large there bave been no ontrages of power or abuse of the colored people or Republicans gener ally!! . There was a large majority of the meople of South Carolina entitled to 'vote who desired a continuance of nhc Republican administration, and I do not think that Ueneral Hampton represents this element. Still I be lieve he will endeavor to make a good and honest government so far as its finaueiai and practical depart ments are concerned. Fast f rotting In California. San Francisco, May 19. At Chico to-day Goldsmith Maid and Karus trotted, best three in five, for a purse of $2,000 and an extra thousand if the best time in the State was beaten. The track was ex cellent and the day favorable. The first heat: At the start Rarus had the lead nearly a length; the Maid closed the gap on the first quarter, and -look and maintained the lead, win ning the heat by half a neck in 2.19$ The second heat: Rarus a length be hind at the start, which relative po aition was maintained until turning .into the home stretch, when the Main .skipped, bat caught her feet almost instantly; Rarus closed nearly neck and neck in the meantime, but the Maid erossed the score half a neek ahead in 2.14. The third heat was similar to the second, and won by the JVIaid in 2.17. Blaine' Advice to Hepnblleaui. Washington, May 21. Them has been much said about -the growing opposition to the policy otfihie Administration. It is also true that letters have been written here bv orenrfemen hierh in official Dosi J O O m lion, which had much to say in the way of doubts as to the success of the same. Senator Blaine, who has often been quoted in this conversa tion, said to vour correspondent. white at the State Department to day, after he had a pleasant inter view with Secretary Evarts, that the best advice he could give to all ve- publicans was to benave themselves The VOL. XX. NO. 53. THE IHECKLENBCBG DECLARA TION, The 102nd Anniversary ov. Vance Speaks. The day was grandly celebrated at Charlotte on Monday by firing of cannon, military parade, and a speech of the Governor. We give the fol lowing synopsis that appears in the Richmond Dispatch: The Governor said it was a good sign to see a people meet annually to celebrate the wisest and best deeds of their ancestors. The love of free dom will never perish so long as we continue to commemorate the day on which that freedom was born. The last twelve years have seen the severest strains since their erection upon the bulwarks of our liber ties, which on yesterday oue hun dred and two years ago were begun to be established, and de clared should be ours by our fore fathers of Mecklenburg county. Du ring that time they "have been as sailed by all the chaotic disorders following rampant in the wake of civil war sectional hatred, political disagreements, embittered by gene rations of accumulated dislike, and tempered by but few honest differ ences; while unscrupulous ambition, insatiate venality, and corruption wide-spread and indescribable, per vaded all ranks. The hearts of all patriots iu the laud were hushed with fear, and there was grave reason to believe that we were drifting into that chaotic anarchy from which tnere is through the It was only no escape save gates of despotism, the recollection of the whom we derive our people from blood which enabled us to preserve any hope; thoughts of their perse vering, liberty-loving character of the pertinacity with which they re sisted tyranny and attacked fraud and corruption, gaining victory in the end. These thoughts made our faith grow brighter in the capacity of our people to follow their example. A glimpse of fruition is even now gladdening our eyes, and we may rea sonably hope and believe that the worst is passed, and ere long we will be permitted to live on in peace, pros perity and happiness. The Virginia Episcopal Council. Special Dispatch to Baltimore Sun. Staunton, Va., May 20. The Episcopal Council closed its session yesterday after the transac tion of a variety of routine business. An interesting discussion was had on a 'resolution by Col. J, M. Pat ton, "that the diocese of Virginia prizes episcopacy as a venerable, historic form of church government or eccle siastical polity, but does not main tain and does uot find in the prayer book the exclusive validity of episco pal orders. 'V The whole matter was eventually Taid on the table. The Council nonconcurred in the amend ment to the constitution proposed by the General Convention of 1874 re garding missionary jurisdiction. Interesting to Rice Growers. San Francisco, May 21. Telegrams to leading merchants here say the first rice crop in China is a complete failure, owing to the overflow at Canton and other places. The price has advanoed from 25 to 30 cents by the "picul, (one hundred and thirty-three pounds.) swapping the Devil for a VVltcli. Washington, May 21. Thomas C. Dunn, formerly State Comptroller-General, was to-day ap pointed Collector of Internal Rev enue of south Carolina, vice 1j. kj. Carpenter, resigned. The Baltimore Corn market. The business in Western corn on Saturday showed a decline in the price of li2 cents per bushel, which was nearly it not quite ail tne aa vance of the day previous. The ab sence of exciting rumors from the other side is the cause . assigned for the decline. Spirits Turpentine. A poor fruit crop for the Stokes section. The Goldsboro Minstrels made $45 at Wilson. Halifax sends three colored con victs to the big pen. Burglars and thieves are depre dating at Reidsville. Ralei&rh has one swell-head. It takes an 8 hat to fit it. Some ten houses were destroyed by the late Durham lire. Gov. Vance attended the 20th May celebration at Charlotte. Mrs. Kate Ward, aged 97, died in Stokes county on 13lh inst. The Danburyians amuse them selves with "wheelbarrow tournaments." The Reidsville Times tells of a Caswell calf with a long, solid hoof like a mule's. -- The Goldsboro Presbyterian la dies held two dime parties last weekwith satisfactory results. The Medical Convention this year promises to be well attended. It met at Salem yesterday. Picnics are just now as abun dant as mosquitoes. They all bite some the pocket and others the skin. Mr. Jas. W. Barden, of Wayne, was seriously hurt by being thrown from bis buggy by a run away horse. Mr. Einstein, of Boston, Mass., whilst on a visit to Goldsboro with his family, lost two of his children by death. Morn WILMINGTON, Mr. Joseph Utley, one of Fay- etteville's best citizens, died on the 19th of disease of the heart. Capt. John McKellar, an excel lent gentleman, highly esteemed in Cn- berland, died on Saturday last. Newbern District Conference, M. E. Church, met at Newbern on the 16th. A good attendance. It sat for four days. Albert Sumwell stabbed Wiley Barrett six times at Henderson. Wounds severe, the cutter has fled, and a wench was the cause. Lincoln Progress-. We learn that the dwelling bouse of the widow Henry, Gaston county, was entirely destroyed by fire last Tuesday. The town of Creswell, in Wash ington county, that was reported burned, is a little place named alter the late Post master General, J. A. J. Creswell. Raleigh News: The oontract for plastering the United States courthouse and postoffice here has been awarded to C. W. Dozier, of Norfolk, Va., for $3,525, he being the lowest bidder. Daubury Reporter: Instead of two bar-rooms, Danbury now boasts or two prosperous Sunday schools. The co lored people organized a school last Sun day for the religious training of their chil dren. r Raleigh Observer: We learn that Mr. W. A. Price, of this city, has been tendered a position as boss machinist by the Russian government, and that be in tends leaving for that warlike country in a few days. Not a Wilmington Star received here till yesterday. Start that paper this way, and never let it miss ure. l ne pot. won't boil without it. BeidsviUe limes. Wherever the fault.- it must be corrected. The Star mu9t shine at Reidsville. Danbnry Recorder: On Wednes day of last week Mr. J. D. Smith, of our village, sustained severe injuries while in the woods felling timber, a tree striking him. breaking one bone in his right arm, and inflicting other painful injuries. Raleigh Observer: About six hundred excursionists from Weldon and alou the line of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, arrived in the city yesterday at 11 o'clock. A more orderly and well be haved set never came to Raleigh ou a like occasion. Goldsboro Messenger : The smoke house of Mr. Hillory Hastings, in Fork township, was robbed on unaay night of last week of a considerable quan tity of bacon. A pity that some of these smoke house thieves are not left dead in their tracks. Reidsville Times : Gov. Reid was the youngest looking man at Went worth Court. He appeared in every case. Mr. French, of this county, a distinguished member of the Canby Convention, has en gaged Gov. Reid as counsel in a fornication and adultery suit. Congressman-elect Brogden has written one of his most gushing letters to the managers of the International Exhibi tion. My pen is bad, my ink is pale, But when call'd on I never fail. Patented. Goldsboro Messenger: We learn that Gov. Brogden will soon be called upon by His Excellency, Gov. Vance, to account for about $10,000 worth of improved guns that disappeared from the State ar mory during his administration, and for which his devoted Adjutant General has so far failed to give an account. Goldsboro Messenger: Our farmers give us cheering reports of a plen tiful peach crop. The wheat prospect, too, is said to be very good, and we are glad to know that a larger acreage has been plant ed throughout this section than at any pe riod heretofore. This is right. Let the crop be increased with every season. Reidsville Times : A negro boy, big enough to plow, was before Judge Cox for a witness, at Wentworth, Tuesday. The Judee asked who made him. Didn't know. Ever been to church ? No. Ever hear tell of a Bible ? No. Ever hear tell of God ? No. The Judge stood him aside. Here is richness for missionaries. One of a party of colored emi grants, forty in number, who went from. .North Carolina to LiiDena in leov, writes back to some friends: "We have got planted down potatoes, eddoes, cassadas, and various garden seeds. I hope you will send out the emigrants from the coun ty of Martin, and let them come to Brower ville. All of the members say 'Thanks be to God of Heaven,' and every one is satis fied." News: F. H. Wilkins, S. S. Mebano and N. F. Roberts, graduates of the Theological Department of Shaw Uni versity, colored, were ordained last Sab bath evening at the College Church, on the corner of Blount and Cabarrus streets. The Rev. H. M. Tupper officiated, assisted by the Revs. Augustus Shepherd, J. J. Worlds, M. C. Ransom and Samuel Ful wider, all of whom save one are graduates of the same department. Danbnry Reporter: The Peo ple's Press asks where are the martins, their boxes being unoccupied this Spring. We here can ask the same question, and go further by asking where are the red birds, catbirds, bluebirds, robins, turtle-doves, the wild screams of the blue' jay, and the hoarse croaking of the raven f They are nearly all gone, and a death-like silence prevails in our wild forests. An epidemic is now prevailing among the feathered or der of life, and none can know whence it came or whither it goetb. THLE city. NEW ADVKBTISBiHENTS. Steamer Underbill. C. W. Craig Stolen horse. Munson & Co Silk bows, &c. Cronly& Morris Underwriter's sale. Cronly & Morris Sundries at auction. magistrates' Court. Before Justice W. W. Harriss, yester day morning, one John Davis, colored, was arraigned on the charge of committing an assault upon Ella Holmes, colored. De fendant was ordered to pay a fine of $1 and the costs. Taylor Woodward, colored, was ar raigned before Justice Gardner, on the affidavit of his wife, for assault and bat tery, for which he was ordered to pay a fine of $10 and the costs. The same de fendant was next arraigned on a peace war rant, sworn out by his wife, and was ordered to give bond in the sum of $100 for his ap pearance at the next term of the Criminal Court, in default of which he was com mitted to jail. N. C, WEDNESDAY, IOcal DoC. The thermometer indicated 85 degrees in our office yesterday at noon. When shall we have a sailing or rowing regatta upon the bosom of the old Cape Fear, in front of the city? This section was visited by two good showers of rain Monday night, ac companied by thunder and lightning. A steamship is reported to be on the way from Italy to this port with a cargo of sulphur for the Navassa Guano Works. Capt. G. L. Dudley, Chief Clerk in the Secretary of State's office, is here on a short visit to his old home and friends, and is looking remarkably well. Drs. Thomas F. Wood and W. W. Lane, of this city, are in attendance upon the session of the State Medical Con vention, which met in Salem yesterdays The Front Street Methodist Church is undergoing repairs, but it does not interfere with the worship of the con gregation, the work at present being on the building. Nearly stationary or rising ba rometer, stationary or lower temperature, northwest to southwest winds and clear or partly cloudy weather, are the indications for this section to day. There seems to be considerable difference iu temperature between this city and Norfolk. On Monday the Signal Office reported the thermometer at Norfolk at 93 and in Wilmington at only 80 degrees. Our breezes during the summer months are un surpassed. All the furniture and effects of the office recently fitted up by W. H. Har rison, the lottery man, where he was to make several fortunes under the charter of the N. C. Beneficial Association, were sold under an attachment yesterday by Sheriff Manning, and bid off by Mr. F. A. Shutte at $151. The old "Veteran Light Infantry Corps looked so well on Monday, in their fatigne caps and badges, and reminded so many of our citizens of former and better days, when they saw Buddy Savage, as he was once familiarly called, in command, that the wish was expressed that they would form a company among themselves, to be styled the Veteran Corps. Keep t lie Street Clean. The sickly season of the year approach eth and great care should be taken to place the city in good sanitary condition. We regret, however, to learn from many of our citizens that, notwithstanding the health regulation ?, those whose duty it Is to look after the matter are not setting a very good example in regard to cleansing the streets, as one gentleman says no dirt or rubbish has been removed from the street in the square where he resides for several weeks, and that a dead rooster was allowed to remain unburied upon the street for several days, until a lad came and volunta rily carried it away to some other locality. There should be do neglect in such an im portant a matter as preserving the public health. colored Lyceum. "Acorn Grove Lyceum" is the name of a debating club of young colored men, who hold semi-monthly meetings in the colored Presbyterian Church, corner of Eighth and Chesnut streets, where they discuss various questions, read compositions, essays, &c, with the view of improving their minds and making themselves useful as well as or namental in their day and generation. We are glad to be able to record such evidences of a desire on the part of our colored pop ulation to improve their intellectual as well as moral condition. The last subject for discussion was, in substance, "Which has the most influence on the public mind, the hope of reward or the fear of punishment." A Tlinelysosseitlon, The incidents connected with the organi zation of the Wilmington Light Infantry should not be allowed to pass into oblivion, and hence a friend suggests that the speech of Col. Edward Cantwell, delivered on the 21st inst or, better still the speech, to gether with a life sketch of every deceased member of the corps, from its organization up to the present time, be printed in pam phlet form, and the proceeds of its Bale de voted to assisting the maimed, crippled and blind Confederate soldiers in or near our city, and the widows and orphans of Con federate soldiers in our midst. What say the company in regard to it? Every true Wilmington ian would naturally wish copy of the book. Sale of a Soundlesldouce. At the administrator's sale of the estate of the late Eli Murray, deceased, situated on Greenville Sound, which took place yet terday, the summer residence, with the grounds attached, was started at $1,300, and finally knocked down to Mr. W. H. McRary at $3,000. It is the general im pressioD, however, that the sale will not be confirmed . A small portion of the per sonal property was sold, when the sale was adjourned to take place at Wilmington, the time to be hereafter announced. There were quite a number of gentlemen pre sent from this city Horn Stolen. Mr. Charles Craig, of Federal Point, who was in this city yesterday, reports that he had a valuable horse stolen from him on Sunday night last. The animal had been turned out on the marsh to feed, and failed to come up as usual, when a diligent search was made for him, hut without avail. Mr, Craig has no cine to the perpetrator of the theft or as to the whereabouts of his horse. Star VJ MAY 23, 1877. The Camp meeting An incident. The Camp meeting which has been in progress at Gander Hall, about seventeen miles below this city, near what is known as the "Sugar Loaf," since Thursday last, broke up yesterday. The steamer Juniper arrived at the wharf, foot of Chestnut street, about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, with a flat in tow, and both steamer and flat were literally crammed with colored passengers, some estimating the number at over one thousand. By the way, a crowd that went down to the meeting: on Sundav. on the steamer Underbill, met with quite a serious disap pointment. The boat, when some consid erable distance from the shore, unfortu nately got aground, and it was found im possible to convey the passengers to the land even in flats. The boat remained there, within bailing distance of the plaee where the meeting was in progress, until about 3 o'clock Monday morning, when she got off and came up to this city. A portion of the passengers had been taken off and brought up by a small schooner that passed about 1 o'clock that night. A good num ber of our white citizens were on the boat, and they say they didn't enjoy the trip "ronrth a not I On a Breeze." A ripstaving, uproarious, rantankerous colored damsel, who answers to the name of Amelia Bradley, was arrested in "Pad dy's Hollow" Monday night, by Officer McMillan, charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct. She had conscientious scruples against being locked up in the guard-house and literally "fit" her way to that institution, being, when she arrived there, a veritable "Flora McFlimsey," in that she had nearly torn her clothes from her person. In other words, not being ex actly satisfied with the bad habits she had inherited from mother Eve, she managed very successfully to form another one. And still she was not happy until she had contrived to tear the officer's clothing until they were nearly in as bad a condition as her own. She will probably have a hear ing this morning. A Phenomenon. A rather singular phenomenon was wit nessed last night, about 11 o'clock. Ablack cloud, spanning the entire firmament from east to west, having all the appearance of a column of black smoke, passed over this city, moving in a southerly direction; and as it gradually moved southwardly the lower edge of the cloud assumed a fiery, reddish hue. The rising of the cloud, which was apparently only about twenty five yards in width, was accompanied by a stiff breeze, lasting, however, only a min ute or two. We should not be surprised to hear of a tornado somewhere near Wil mington. Thermometer Record. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.35 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Augusta, 94 Charleston, 90 Cor sic an a, 90 Galveston 86 Indianola, 83 Jacksonville, 90 Key West, Mobile 90 Montgomery, 93 JNew Orleans, 90 Norfolk 89 PuntaRassa, Savannah, 93 St Marks, 89 Wilmington 84 Culcken Stealing. Wash Green, colored, living in the vicinity of Market and Thirteenth streets, naa nis premises mvauea oy tmeves on Monday night, who succeeded in stealing and carrying oft his entire stock of poultry. No clue at last accounts to the perpetrators of the theft. Chicken thieves are once more getting on the rampage Excursion There will be an excursion to Smith ville and the forts below, on Wednesday, May 30th, on the steamer J. S. Underbill, under the auspices of the members of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Tickets, $1 for the round trip, and children half price, will be for sale at Heinsberger's, Howey's, and H. tfur&nimers stores. Arrested on Suspicion A colored boy, who was selling chickens in the suburbs of the city, yesterday morn mg, was arrested on suspicion, owing to the fact that a great many chickens have been stolen from different parties lately The fowls were not identified, however, and the hoy was released THE IUAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post umce as ioiiows: CLOSE. Northern through mails 5:15 P. M, Northern through and way mails 7:45 A. M Mails for the N. C. Railroad, and routes supplied there from, at 5 :15;P. M Southern mails for all points South, daily 6:30 P. M Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sunday) 6:00 A. M. Fayette ville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1:00 PM. Favetteville by u. u. R'y, daily (except Sundays) 6 KM) A. M. Onslow C. H. and interme diate offices every Friday. . 6:00 A. M. Smithville mails, by steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 2:00 P. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Supply, Shallotte and Little River, every Friday at' 6:00 A. M. ARRIVE. Northern through mails 12:15 P. M. Northern through and way mails 7:15 P.M. Southern mails 9:00 A. M. Mails delivered from 6:00 A. M. to 7:00 P. M. , and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6 P M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night WHOLE NO. 3,056 The N. C. B. A. The franchise of the North Carolina Beneficial Association was sold at public auction, in this city, yesterday, to satisfy an execution. It was bid off by Capt. C. D. Myers. And now the question arises, "What will he do with it ?" The comfort of its possession is very fre quently offset by the annoyance occasioned by the continual crying of the Baby. Cry ing, however, is the child's only method of suggesting that it suffers with discomfort and pain, and at once ceases when the cause is (as it should be) promptly removed by using Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. Sold eve rywhere. 25 cents per bottle. f CITY ITEOTa. GOUHAUB'S OLYMPIAN CREAM commends Itself to young and eld ae the most natural, effect ive aad harmless embellisher and preservative of ?oni. Price reduced to One Dollar. For sale bv J. c. Munde. 3 IT IS OFTEN EASMRT03AVE FIVE CENTS tha to earn it. People can save this and more be side 3rt-SSr kv n;C KSif. Baking Powdkb. Try it. Dy U8U5S isjkxogu-. Purity, strength and reliability stamp the charm, ter of Doolby's Yeast Powder as being par excel lence the best of all preparations used to perfect and facilitate the process of baking. Less than two thirds ordinary quantity suffices. So strong and pure is this admirable article the most skillful housekeepers have learned to discard all others. BOOK BlNDKEY. THE MORNING STAB Book Bifld ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. Transfes PBiNTiNo-lNKs. invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, nanaf actarers and others. They are en- during clear f jr an indefinite period of time. Having just receired a fresh eapplyof these inks, we are pre s. ana caangeiess, ana win copy snarp ana pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. . All nervous, exhausting and painful diseases spee- Ky yield to the curative influences of Pulverma er's Electric Belts and Bands. They are safe, simple, and effective, and can be easily applied Dy the patient himself. Book, with full particulars, mailed free. Address Fulyermacher Galvanic Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ovkb 2,400,000 Sample Bottles of Boschees' German Syrup have been distributed free of charge in this country to those afflicted with Consumption, severe Coughs, Pneumonia, and pother Throat and Lung diseases,;as a proof of its wonderful quality in curing these dreaded diseases. The demand for this medicine is immense. Regular size 75 cents. Thiee doses will relieve any case. t THE DUTY OF WOMAN. To be attractive is a duty which every lady owes to herself, to her do mestic circle, aad to society. Not only should she endeavor to please in address and in apparel, but, whenever possible, in complexion and in feature as well. Facial embellishment is to a lady as proper. and oftentimes as necessary, as are the adornments of her raiment, the artificial graces of her conver sation, of her demeanor, or other meretricious at tractions upon which depend so mnch of her do minion and influence over man. The woman who permits herself to become unlovely, who resigns herself hopelessly to the ravages of time, and the spoliation of her charms, visits upon her f iiends and admirers a sorrowful regret, that it becomes her to avert to the latest day. Of this social duty it may truthfully be said that she can best acquit herself by the use of Qooraud's Olympian Cream. No oth er preparation approaches this in excellence, in harmlessness and purity, or compares with it in the number of spontaneous testimonials that its virtues have elicited. Its advertisement has hitherto been its merit, its recommendation by all that have used it, and not by sounding and pretentious advertising in the journals of the day. Trial bottles 25 cents. For sale by J. C. Munds. DIED. BOATWRIGHT. At 9 o'clock, on the mornins of the 33d inst., JOHN LORD, son of John L. and Annie T. Boatwright, aged one year and one day. Funeral will take place from St. James' Church, this afternoon, at 5X o'clock. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Underwriter's Sale. A HIS HORNING, AT 10 O'CLOCK, WB WILL sell on the Wharf, in front of Mr. J. H. Neff's Store, South Water Street, per order and under in spection of the Agent of the Underwriter, for acct. of whom it may concern, One Large Yawl Boat, Twenty-five feet long, seven feet wide, and four feet deep, my 23-lt CRONLY & MORRIS, Auctioneers. Sundries at Auction. XhIS MORNING, AT 10 O'CLOCK, WB WILL sell, within our Store, South Water Street, an as sortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, FURNITURE AND GROCERIES generally, together with the articles from the C. C. R. R. Co., as advertised by Mr. A. D. Love.Freight Agent. CRONLY & MORRIS, my 23-lt Auctioneers. QOL'D SILK BOWS, only 10c. BLACK SILK BOWS, orily5c. ELEGANT COL'D SILK TIES, only 25c. PERCALE TIES, only 10c. At my. 23-lt MUNSON'S. Steamer Underbill Wi ILL BE DRESSED IN A NEW COAT OF PAINT, and special caro will be taken to provide for the comfort and convenience of Ladies and the Little Ones. Substantial?, Creams, Strawberries, Lemonades, Fruits and Confections at Reasonable Prlees. my 23-3t 23d, 28th, 29th $15 Reward, Ti HE ABOVE REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR the return of my HORSE, which was stolen from my if arm on Federal rotat, Sunday night, May 20. D escriDtion About fourteen veara old. small size. color light sorrell, blaze face, and one hind foot wnue; saacue gan on Dack. mys3-4t C. W. OR&IG. Listing of County Taxes OFFICE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, May 19th, 1877. All persons are hereby notified that the Listing of County Property (for Winning ton Township), of all Real Estate, Personal Prop erty, Polls, and any ether Taxable Property, re quired by iaw, Is to be given in at the Coanty Com missioner's Room, commencing on the 1ST DAY OF JUNE (proximo), and for Twenty Days there after. S. VAN AMRJNGB, Tex Lister for' my 20-tf nac Wilmington Township. RATES Of ADVURTmic One Square one day, . " " two days, .v.;- 1 S three days,.... ... .'.".I I " fourdays, ?SS - " five days,' . ; ? 00 " One week, : 2 co 2 2 Two weeks, . i ' Three weeks, g S " One month,. . w on Two months, . ".nw Three months,... 24 00 !. l Six months, ... 40 00 One year go C4) -79?trc Adrerttsementa taken at proeor Uonately low rates. Ten lines selid Nonpareil type make one square. MISCELLANEOUS. M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. By CRONLY & MORRIS. G. C. Railway Freif&t Office, WILMINGTON, N.C., April 23, 1877. w Notice. W ILL BE SOLD, ON MAY 23RD, 1877, AT 10 o'clock, A. M.,at the Auction Rooms of CRONLY & -MORRIS, South Water St, te PAY FREIGHT and CHARGES, the following GOODS, now stored in Company's Warehouse at Wilmington, N. C. vSwu' E' ? Wytegham, Hillsboro; on gr Mill htones, J. u Hall; Troy, N. C ; 20 Bundles Cotton Ties, sot marked : 1 Iron Grist Mill, not marked: 1 rinePt0nPr8- Hamer' Laurinbttrg; 1 Cotton Planter, B. H. Anthony, Shelby: 1 Box Candy, James Lindsay, Liiesville: 1 Keg Lard, W. D. Glennrowder-sCreek; 1 fSMSCSSSA?S Mra- Wrenshot, Lincolirion: -, S?HMJ5!'S. Hi Kalgnt, Wadesboro : 1 Bundle Trees J. 8. Odoun, Liiesville: 1 IXlSfWSiS caster, S.C. -;fhjm; B- D Ingrain. Rock- . " 4.AU JTlZblU fcjv. P!H!i . 1 H. Aycock.Rock- 3 uaies liracKets, L. L. Polk. Polkt,. I Band Wheel, not marked By order, F. W. Clark, Gen'l Freight and T. Agent A. D. LOVE, ap 21-lra Freight Agent. Latest Agony! THE MOZART SALOON 1 That old reliable house is thb on ly PLACE in the city wheie you can get BERGNER & ENGEL'S LAGER, ICE COLD. 8"Try that Cold Beer one time. Remember those Fancy Drinks. JOHN HAAS, Jr., my 22 2t Proprietor. . Molasses, Corn, Bacon, &c. . QQ Hhds CUBA MOLASSES, "250 SUGAR HOU8K MOLASSES, Of BblsANel NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, anrl iinnnr.nvRs A Boxes D. S. SIDES 20 Hhds and Boxes SMOKED SIDES, OA A New and Second-Hand CASKS, 1Q0 Bbls A No. 1 GLUE. 1000 Bnsh-COKN' g0O Bbls FLOUR, all grades, 4 ( Tons HOOP IRON, 1 inch, -IV IX inch and IX Inch. OK Bbls SUGAR, , 100 Ba28 COFFEE, 1 Bbls and Half Bbls SNUFF, 0 Boxes TOBACCO, ypj Boxes CANDY, FJ0 Cases LYB POTASH, Buckets, Wrapping Paper, Twine, Matches, faper Bags, dtc , &c, For sale by my 20 tf KERCHNER A C ALDER BROS. DO YOU WANT A BARREL OF FAMILY FLQUR AT A REASONABLE PRICE.r ALSO, Tie Best Hew BUTTER in the World ! AT A REDUCED PRICE, 00 GALLON CANS OF THOSE J 00 ELEGANT PR ESER VEB A PPL ES! THREE CANS FOR $1.00. At GEORGE MYERS' 11 and 13 South Front Street. my 10-tf Paris Cherrette Gloves. For gentlemen the kid glove so much sought after in the City of Paris. A few dozens from late importation myl3-tf HEDRICK. Gent's L. C. Hdk'fs. A HE BEST LINK IN THE CITY. LADIES' DRESS;GOODS, Bargains offered ; Corsetts, Striped and Figured Pique, and Hamburg Trimmings, just received. myl3-tf HEDRICK. My Son's Wife, JY AUTHOR OF "CASTE," "MR. ARLE." -a-flB FLIRT) or, THE LIFE OF A YOUNG LADY OF FASHION. The Wife's Trials, A LOVE STORY, by Miss JULIA PARDOK. Jast received and for sale at HEINSBKRGKR'S my 20-tf Live Book and Music Store. Just Received, PLAITING MACHINES ! PLAITING MACHINES ! Price Very Low. EXCELSIOR KEROSENE OIL LAMPS ! No Chimneys Needed. Save Cost in Chimneys. FISHING POLES and TACKLE, Cheap, at GEO. A. PECK'S, my 17-tf No. 35 South Front St. Strawberries. Received fresh every day from the Westbrook Farms. Also, another supply of those Choice Bananas, at S. G. NOBTHROP'S my 13 -tf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. BINFORD, GROW & Go. OFFER FOR SALE -f A A Hhds and Bbls N. O. and CUBA 1UU MOLASSES, 00 Bbls FLOTJR' 2 Bbls SUGAR, ijf Bags COFFEE, 0 Boxes C. R. SIDES, 00 Boxes TOBACCO (Old work) North Carolina Hams, Buckets, Brooms, Candles, Matches, Candy, Starch, Soap, Mackerel, &c, &c, ap,27-tfDW 1 BoTP&M1tfe.nt marked,