BKTTING UUAUriES. ratling Uowii Money and Jewelry on a Kace. Sau Francisco Chronicle. Bewitching Spanish senoritas from the Southern counties, intoxicated at the graceful way in which the Major was bumped around the circle in which he was riding the race, un clasped the massy bracelets from their shapely olive arms, or drew their flashing diamonds from their shapely fingers, or snatched their little tickers from their zones pulsating with the passion of the hour, and put them up on the bucking coursers and their gal lant riders, and most unfortunately lost them. Two handsome sisters, the Misses Dunlap, staked $500 and a gold watch. But the pinnacle of excite ment was reached when in the thirty second mile Major Jose Ramon Pico overhauled and passed John Smith. Then it was that the fervent and ad miring Senora Pico whipped out her gold repeater and $500 of the current coin of the realm and put them up on the faithless fliers. The Major won $1,800 in money, a splendid gold stop watch, and ten mustangs that didn't win a race. Tltc Value of (be Press. From Col. W. F. Saunders' Address at the Press Convention: "No man more highly appreciates than I do the power, both for good and evil, of the press. Whether as a mere reflector of public opinion, or in its higher sphere, as its guide and educator, its nower is scarcely with out limit. It is all important then for the State and her citizens that this power should be rightly directed. For its efficient exercise it is important that the conductors of the press, so far as in the nature of things it may be possible, should act together. Nor do I hesitate to say that they should learn to work together for the good of their own order,and this not merely from selfish motives, nor purely from pecuniary consideration, nor even for political promotion, but for the reason that a State can have no better foun dation for its prosperity and its citi zens no better guarantee for their liberties than an intelligent, vigilant, bold and honest spoken public press. With these views of the excellent mission of journalism, and of its power for good and for evil, it is needless to say that I feel a corresponding sense of the weight of responsibility arising from the possession of that power. Indeed the responsibility when duly considered as one to be answerable for both here and hereafter, both temporally and eternally, is a peace ful one. We must remember that while the political teacher and the religious reach only three hundred we reach one thousand. If, then, we propagate crime, we do it upon no insignificant scale. It is incumbent upon us, therefore, to do something more than to magnify our calling in a word, that we should fit ourselves for it. Let it then be henceforth the study of Our lives to make ourselves better editors, and in doing so make our selves better citizens, better men and better Christians. Baldwin Interpretation of Ezeklel. Some one has copied from "Arma geddon," -the wonderful book of Rev. Mr. Baldwin, of Tennessee, that ap peared twenty-five years or more ago, thfe following concerning one of Ezekiel's unfulfilled prophesies: 1'The Kings of the South shall push nr butt at him, and the King of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots and with many ships.'" Russia is the power which the King of the South is to "push." The King of the South is Turkey, on the south of Russia, and the King of the North is Great Britain. This- is evident, he says, from its northern position as a great power, and from the immense naval, as well as land forces, it possesses. He says the attack of England, or Great Britain, on Russia is to be great and furious; but finally unsuccessful; for Russia will move right on and more than gain her purpose. She will conquer Asia Minor and the Turkish empire generally, and will advance on Palestine, and "shall have power over treasures of gold and silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt. While engaged in these conquests, "rirlincs out of the East and out of the North shall trouble him." The tidings from the East and the North may be the news of the disaffections of the papal power on account of the superiority which Russia gives to the Greek church, and on account of holy places in Judea. The word tidings seems also, he says, to indicate great insurrections. He is positive that the Russian empire has two great works to do; the first is to destroy the Roman church in Europe, and the other to attack the United States. He also states in his book that before the war begins for the conquest and annihila tion of Turkey, the French people would establish a republic and assist the United States at the time Russia makes the attack. According to this writer the present war in Europe will become general, and be the most fearful the world has ever, witnessed, and is to take place before the 117th day of the year 1878. The mother of the Spnrgeona. Rev. Dr. S. J. Ford, of St. Louis, thus writes of his visit to the Stock well Orphanage, London: "There were five Spurgeons present, and all said a feAV words. The father John Spurgeon, his two sons, J . A. Spur eeon, and Charles, then the two sons Sf Charles H., Masters Thomas and Charles. It was an interesting sight. After meeting, Mr. Spurgeon intro duced me to his father, and we eon vUrUflii tnornther as we walked atout T". " . , -J Tl re grounds, lor some consiuerauits time Of course 1 asked mm 01 nis family. He'is sixty-six years of aye. He has eight living children. He has spent his life in the ministry. In the course of the conversation he said: I had been from home a great deal, trying to build up weak congregations, and felt that I was neglecting the religious training of my own children, while I toiled for the good of others. t .anmoH home with these feelings. T nnened the door, and was surprised 1 opened me uuw, w , rVlu to find none of the children about the uJn doins auietly up the stairs, I hall. Going quietly up heard my wife's voice. She was atred in praying wuu w uu"ui heard ner pray iur "J v. Shn rame to uuant-a, especially prayed for him, for he was of high spirit and daring temper. 1 listened, said the old gentleman to me tearfulw, listened till she had ended her pfayer, and I felt and said, 'Lord I willjgo on with Thy work; the children wif be cared tor.'' "Selected. 1 m m m Breato of Promise Case. Curiosity of law suits for breach of matrimqiial promises: In Boston, a girl was eigaged to a man who jilt ed her. Tfs was ten years ago. She married somebody else. Recently she became a widow, and now she sues the original suitor because he will not keep the old promise. In Minne apolis, a man is the complainant. He declares that his pocket and his feel ings have suffered an injury equal to $10,000 by the refusal of a wealthy widow to marry him. She promised to do so, and he gave up his business of liquor selling to please her, thus causing his bankruptcy. In Montreal, a woman of forty failed to secure a verdict against a boy of eighteen. He proved that he had never meant nor promised to marry her, but had re garded her rather in the light of a motherly adviser. nerves that Quiver, Heads that ache, stomachs that inflict dyspeptic tor ments, muscles and joints racked with the rheuma tism, are infallibly restored to health by the cele brated elixir, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, a medi cine prescribed by physicians, possessing Infinite purity, and which no one takes in vain who is afflic ted with any of the numerous complaints to which it is adapted . It frequently happens that so-called remedies fail to produce a permanent effect. This is because they are merely palliatives, and therefore do not remove the cause of the maladies, whose symptoms they after a time cease to ameliorate. This is notably the case with opiates and Bedative drugs. It is not eo, however, with Hostetter's Bit ters, which are a searching specific thut conquers the disease as well as banishes its indicia. WHOLKSALE PK1CKS. tSTOvr quotations, it sftould be understood, rep resent the wholesale prices generally. In making up small orders higher pneos nave to be charged. ASTICWSlT PBICBS. BAGGING Gnnny. . . Double Anchor Double Anchor "A" BACON North Carolina, Hams, $ R(ncw) Shoulders, 9 lt Sides, N. C. choice, lb , Western Smoked Hams Sides, $) lb......... Shoulders,....,. ........ Dry Saltea Sides 5 Shoulders , BEEF On the Hoof BARRffiLS Spirits Turpentine, Sccoiid Hand, each New New York, each New City, each BEESWAX $ E BRICKS Wilmington, M Northern , BOTTSR North Carolina, $ ft Northern, $ ft... CANDLES Sperm, W ft Tallow. 8 Adamantine. ?8 ft 00 00 12 12 to 11 u 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 13 10 11 14 10 8 9 6 to 8 00 90 80 00 00 32 15 26 35 1 80 2 00 190 30 (a, io oti 14 00 to 30 35 421 j 15X 12 14X 18 13 35 23 253 90 6 U5 14 a 00 Qt 16 12 to u 20 34Jea 00 c CHEESE Northern Factory sg ft Dairy, cream ?J To State, ft COFFEE Java, 8 ft Bio, 9 ft Lacnavr. SS ft... CO RN MEAL 9 bushcl.in sacks COTTON TIES 88 to DOMESTICS Sbeatiug,-!, yd tarn, S onnca 00 Od 16 00 8 50 13 CO 7 50 11 00 3 50 B 00 to EGGS FlBtl Mackerel, No. 1.$ bbl... No. 1, $ bbl Mackerel, No. 2,? bbl Nc. 3, bbl Mackerel, No. 3, a Dbl Mullets. bbl N. C. Herring, bbl .. . Dry Cod, 9 ft FLOUR Fine, 9 bbl Super. Northern, bbi Extra do. " 9 bbl Family " 9 bbl City Mills Supsr., 9 bbl.... Extra. 9 bbl..... Family, bbl... Sx. Family, bbl .. FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, 3 2PWI s Bangh's Phosphate, " " Carolina Fertilizer, " Ground Bone. Bone Meal, " ' " Flour, " " Navasea Guano, " " Complete Manure " Whann'B Phosphate ' " Wando Phosphate, " Berger A Butz's Phospn. " Excellenza Cotton Fertiliser 12 30 00 a 9 oo 18 50 & 00 a ii do 6 50 850 ma o oo a 5 00 000 o oo 11 00 0 00 9 00 10 00 11 00 5 io oo 6 12 00 & 900 10 00 11 00 13 00 57 50 00 00 50 00 00 00 CO 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 60 00 55 90 9 no 70 00 62 50 60 00 65 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 65 00 67 60 70 00 70 00 00 00 60 00 GLUE 9 ft to 15 HUaXH Oou, "tore, "ago, 4 to to to Cora, Cargo, 9 busuol.. Com, YeL, 9 tmsheL... Corn, wholesale, in bags Oats, 9 bushel......... Peas, Cow, 9 bushel..,. HID as Green, 9 Dry, ft HAY-Bastern, 9 100 lbs - Westera, 100 fts . . . North River, 100 fts.. HOOP IRON 9 ton LARD Northern, f. ft..... North Carolina, S ft..-. r.nwH a bbl 80 00 85 70 1 00 00 90 6 10 20 I 10 I 00 80 00 00 I 50 7 10X 125 1 15 1 10 90 n 12 OU LUMBER City StsahSawkd 18 00 00 00 to so 00 to 1500 Ship Stiur, resawuu, ah.. Rr.nrh Edge Plank, M ft... WestDidiaCargpes.according to quality, M ft " Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. Scantling and Boaraa, com mon, 9 Mft. ... -MOLASSKt-Cuba,hhda,"i gal.. Cuba, bbls 9 gal. Sugar Ecuse, hhds, 9 gal. . bbls.9 gal Hvnt-n. IblB. 9 gal 14 00 18 00 13 00 00 CO 00 OG 40 3 25 30 1 10 a is oo & 35 00 9 1G00 46 49 34 36 80 400 21 to to to to to to & & to & to NAILS Cut, 4d to S0d, 9 kog. . OILS Keroaene, 9 gal Lard, gal... Unseed, 9 Z&1 Rota,9RaI-- POULTRY Chickens, live ' Spring... PSAIJUTS 9 bushel. ... ........ POT AfTOES Sweet, 9 bushel.. . Irish, Northern, 9 bbl PORK Northern, City Mess. Thin, 9 bbl Prime, 9 obi Rump, 9- bbL.j. RICE Carolina, 9 East India, 9ft Rough, 9 to -i- RAGS Country, 9 ft City, 9 ROPE SALT Alum , 9 bushel Liverpool, 99ack,cb F.O.B.. 145 100 40 35 90 30 30 15 75 80 4 00 18 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 8 00 60 20 90 1 00 4 ft) to a 19 oo oqoo a i6oo 16 00 6X 00 ES 75 2 2? 23 75 87 85 ! 12 12 11 11 12X 7 2a 3 6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 00 5 oc 50 ; 50 to to to to to to to to to to to American. W sacx BUGAR Cuba, 9ft Porto Rico, 9ft -Coffee, 9 ft . B- " 9 ft- C- 9ft Ex.C 9ft Crushed, 9ft SOAP Northern, 9ft.. .. PKINGLES Contract, 9 M Common, 9 M Cypress Saps 9 M, Cypress Hearts 9 M STAVES W. O. Bbl., 9 M. R. O Hhd., 9 M Cypress, 9 M 6 00 300 00 00 9 60 18 00 00 00 00 00 OS It 00 8 00 0 SO 5 90 0 00 1 00 1 75 18 28 20 00 00 00 00 00 to 00 a 1.300 TALLOW w 10 TIMBER Shipping, 9 M to 9 09 7 00 Mili Mime, w m. Mill Fair, 9 M Common Mill ... Inferior to Ordinary, $ M WHISKEY Northern, 9 gal.... North Carolina, 9 gal WOOL Unwashed, 9 Washed. 9 3 6 4 a to ch nriiiHriNCTON otcwkv makk.kt BUYISfl. 8KIXIMS. Qoi1 105 107 Exchange'(sisht) on New Yotk Baltimore, 3 Boston X Philadelphia X ' Western CUies X Exchange 30 days 8 9 cent interest added to D 100 Bank of New nanover suki. . First National Bank, Dawson Bank Wilmington Building Stock,. . Mechanics' " " Navasea Guano Co. " ... N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon. Do. Funding 1866 . . . 85 80 100 95 140 Do. ltioo. .. Do. New. 5 Do. S TV, to Ti Special Tax to N. C. Railroad W. &. W. R.R. Bonds 7 c (Gold Int).100 10U .40 .65 .90 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 9c Wilmington City Bonds, $9c old 6 C 60 new 6 c....60(GoldInt) .70 ( via, nnr nnnntv Bor.ds (10 vears). 6"c(Go.d Lit)..... 80 en- W. & W. Kaiiroaa duj North Carolina R. R. Wil. Gas Light Co. Wil. & Seah'd R. R. ..: 40 57 -.10 Is 40 x auu The Lincoln Progress, PuMshed Saturdays at Lincdnton, N. 0. IS the only paper published in Lincoln county, and has an extensive circulation among the Mer chants, Farmers and all classes of business men in Toffers to the Merchants of Wilmington a de finable medium for advertising their business ttonenoutWestern North Carolfna. ; Tlhfrs.1 terms will be allowed on yearly adver tisements. Subscription price, $2 00 per annum mfTa?i?- F. H. DbLANE, Address Editor and Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. N. A. STEDMAN, Jr., Attorney & Counsellor at Law, ELIZABBTHTON, BLADEN COUNTY, N. C. Office TJp Stairs, in Brick Building occupied by RInaldi & Oo. Special attention to Claims. Collections on sums of $1J)0 and upwards made for Five Per Cent, n without suit. Drawing Deeds, Mortgages, specialty. P 5-DSWtf FRANK H. DARBY, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. (Office in Journal Building, Princess street,) apl5-2m Wilmington N. C. A. A15BIAN. AID B1A a. voLi-sas & VOLLERS, (orcev ?rout and Dock St., WHOLESALE GROCERS ma m ALL ITS BRANCHES. Country mercnanis win qo wan iy wus ."" nov 19-tf and examining our stock Iron Cotton Ties. Down with Monopoly ! Important Special Notice ! The American Cotton Tie Company. Limitefl, 1 HROUGH THEIR UNEQUALLED FACILI ties for procuring their supply in the most econom ical way, are enabled to offer the CELEBRATED Arrow Cotton Ties at the price of $2.50 PER BUNDLE, less 2 Per Cent. Discount for Cash, and the General Agents, R. W. RAYNE & CO., New Orleans, are author ized to sell, through their Sub-Agencies in this city, either for immediate delivery, or upon con tracts Cor future delivery up to August, to Factors and Country Merchants, on the above-named terms, in quantities, from time to time, as may be re quired, settlements being made on delivery. A LARGE STOCK NOW ON HAND, and having additionally contracted for an abundant supply to meet the ENTIRE DE MAND FOR COTTON TIES throughout the Cot tonTstatea, the celebrated ARROW TIE will be placed upon the Market generally, and sold through their Agents, at LESS THAN PLAIN HOOP IKON is worth, it being the purpose of the Compa ny not only to merit tha continued patronage of the Planting Community, but to MEET COMPE TITION IN ANVT FORM in which it may arise. AMERICAN COTTON TIE COMPANY.L1MITED. J. J. McCOMB, Director. To Dealers COTTON TIES. IN HS UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OF THE AMERICAN COTTON TIE COMPANY, foe the salei of the well known ARROW TIE, are prepared to contract on above terms for delivery of Ties. DeROSSET & CO., ap 27-lm AGENTS. POWDER. POWDER. Kentucky Rifle Powder Blasting Powder. Deer Powder. A Large Supply Constantly on Hand, Manufactured by the Celebrated HAZARD POWDER COMP'Y. FOR SALE BY WILL&RD BROS. dec 14-tf AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N. C. Metropolitan Works, Canal Street from Sixth to Seventh, RICHMOND, VA. ENGINES, Portable and Stationary; Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Boilers, Castings of Brass and Iron; Forgings, &c. Machinery for Gold and Coal Mines, Blast Furnaces, &c. We call special attention to our "IMPROVED PORTABLE ENGINE, for agricultural and other Surposcs. Also, to our new style SMALL LOCO LOTIVES, for hauling lumber and other articles npon tramways and narrow gauge railways . A number of second-hand Engines and Boilers of various patterns, in first-rate order, on hand. 1 Repair work solicited and promptly done, i Send for illustrated Catalogue, my 5-ly-D&W WM. E. TANNER & CO. High-Bred Dogs. Ei ENGLISH. IRISH AND GORDON SETTERS 00 00 500 so 20 32X of the Choicest Blood, with guaranteed pedigrees For sale by E. P. WELSH, York, Penn. uov7-D&Wtf OFFICE OF OUR GIVING AND OCKDE4D, Raueioh, N. C, Feb. 15, 1877. TN ORDER TO SUPPLY OUR SUBSCRIBERS I with numbers due them, we shall resume the Tiubiication of OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD on March 15th, and complete the IVth Volume in monthly parts. No new subscribers will be taken except for the bound volumes three of which have been issued, and the IVth will be ready in June. We old anhscribers with anv back num - bers, except September and October, 18 ?4, should they need any to complete their files . Prices ror uouna v uiamco iu uuw wam., Half Calf $2 50 each. n outlier n Historical Monthly. This Magazine, two numbers ef which have been printed, will occupy the same relation to the entire South that OUR LIVING AND OUR DEAD did to North Carolina, and, in all respects, will be as wor thy of confidence and support. For detailed de scription of this Monthly, and for the opinions of those who have the initial number, we refer to lar ger circular. Subscriptions are solicited. Terms, Invariably in Advance 12 months $4 00; 6 menths $2 00. Address, SOUTHERN HISTORICAL MONTHLY, ) feb 24-tf Raleigh, N. C. Chaw the Best. gUY JAMES Y WHITTED'S CELEBRATED BRAND Harry !ec Chewing Tohacco, ESold oaly in Wilmington by ADRIAN & VOL LERS, Wholesale Grocers and Tobacco, Cigar asd Liquor Dealere, ooutneasL corner iuc. win r Streets ap 27-3m BIICTIDIEIDsrO-. rrVCTK ltloeiNirtO STAR BOOK BIND- X KRY is complete in all all its appointments, ana is in charge of one of the west ski If ul workmen m the State. All kinds of Binding executed neatly. cheaplvauc expeditions!. v. MISCELLANEOUS. CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer BENEFACTOR, Capt. JONES, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK ON SATURDAY, May 26. -Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to i A. I). CAZAl'X, Agent, WILMINGTON, N. C. f. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. WE E. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, 6 Bowling Green or Pier 13 N. R., New York. my Baltimore & Wilming ton, N. C. Steamship Line. The Steamer ID. J". FOLEY, Capt PRICE, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE ON SATURDAY, May 26. "Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised.j THROUGH BILLS OF LADING given to and from PHILADELPHIA, and PROMPT DISPATCH Guaranteed. For Freight Engagements apply to A. I. CAZAUX, Agent, WILMINGTON, N. C. L. S. BELDEN. Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent, Corner Lee and Light Streets. my22-tf Baltimore. Headquarters Choice Family Groceries. "I ALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. T. II. McKOY'S LARGE AND VARIED STOCK EXTRA LARGfS TABLE RAISINS, - 6B1WLESS RAISINS. LEGHORN CITRON CURKAWTB, SHELLED ALMONDS, EXTRACTS. POW'D SUGAR, ORANGES, LEMONS, APPLES, CRANBERRIES, PRUNES, ASSORTED NUTS. ANY QUANTITY, FROM A TON DOWN. DELIVER GOODS PROMPTLY TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. THOS. H. McKOV. dec 16-tf 1877. The Quarterly Keviews -AND Blackwood s Magazine, THE LEONARD SCOTT PUB LISHING CO. 41 BARCLAY STREET, NEW YORK., Continue their authohiskd Reprints of the FOUR LEADING QUARTERLY REVIEWS. EDINBURGH REVIEW, Whtg.) LON DON QUARTERLY REVIEW Con nermtivc). WESTMINSTER RE VIEW, Liberal.) BRITISH QUARTER! Y RE VIEW, Evangelical.) AND LMwooi's Edison Magazine. The British Quarterlies give to the reader well di gested information upon the great events in con temporaneous history, and contain masterly criti cisms on all that is fresh and valuable In literature, as well as a summary of the triumphs of science and art. The wars likely to convulse all Europe will form topics for discussion, that will be treated with a thoroughness and ability nowhere else to be found. Blackwood's magazine is imnuus jui ova ries, essays, and sketches of the highest literary merit. TERMS (INCLUDING POSTAGE): Payable Strictlt in advakcs. For any one Review $ 4 00 per annum. For any two Reviews 7 00 wr., onv tirfi Reviews 10 00 For all four Reviews. 13 00 ". " For Blackwood's Magazine 4 00 For Blackwood and 1 Review 7 00 " For Blackwood and 2 Reviews.. . 10 00 " For Blackwood and 3 Reviews 13 00 " For Blackwood and the 4Review. 15 00 " CLUBS: A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus : four copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one ad dress for $12.80; four copies of the tour Reviews and Blackwood for $48, and so on. PREMIUMS: mavhave, without charge, the last volume for oiiucapenwuw"0 -"j ""jt """" . , Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on , -ota aooirim xjttrt . rsTTTTJfl nn OF dec 19-tf 41 Barclay st. New York. $999; Can't be made by every agent every month in the business we furnish, tint those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day right in their own locali ties Have no room to explain here. Business plea sant and hotorable. Women, and boys and girls do as well as men. We will furnish you a complete Outfit free The business payB better than anytWng else We will bear expenses of starting you. Par ticuiars f ree. Write and see. Farmers and mecha nics, their sons and daughters, and all classes in need of paying work at home, should write to us and learn all about the work at once. Now is tne KeD0 delay. Address Tbtjb & Co., Augusta rum feb 6-6m Maine. MISCELLANEOUS. The Morning Star PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Subscription Rates -In Aaranec : DAILY STAR, One Tear, postage paid, $7 00 Six Months ' Three Months' One Month ' 4 00 2 35 1 00 WBRKLY STAR. One, Year postage paid, $1 50 Six Months, ' Three Month6 1 1 00 SO Notices of the Press: A first-class paper. BatUeboro Advance ' "' Emphatically alive paper. CUdsbw-o Newt. The Stab is a live paper. Sumter (5. C.) News One of our bet exchanges.-JEOM Courier. .SC. ) One of the best daily papers in the State. -Newt. Weidon One ol the very South Carolinian. best ef our daily exchanges.- Ranks among the leading Christian Advocate. Dallies of the State.- One of the best InteUiaencer. Dailies in the State. Xtate&AUe A valuable paper. -Pee Dei Cov.rier WecheerfuUjr recommend it. Ranks among the leading Journals of the South. - Marion (S. C.) Star One of the best and moat desirable papers hi North Carolina. Norfolk Virginian. Full of general news, and a credit to Wilmington Elizabeth, City Norih Carolinian. One of the best daily Southern States. Horry , papers published In the r. C.) Newt, One of our best Southern Journals. As a newspa per not surpassed by any. Friend of Temperance. One of the best conducted hi the State ; bold, inde pendent and wfcll informed. HUtiboro Recorder. Ably edited, and has a circulation which speaks volumes of comment on its influence. Magnolia Monitor. rtnnrnrri nmvflxri It POCS Until HOW it haB the iriwt circulation of any Daily in the State. Pied mont Press. ti Wilmlnortnn Star, now very much improved, has the largest circulation of any paper in the State. -Enfield Times. The Stab stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise ana literary merit. -Chester (S. C.) Reporter. Unquestionably the best daily journal in North Carolina, and has no superior in any other Southern State. narxoro v. u.) lvnes. Fnr tfttaafa) ahilitv. eenerol news, correct market rpnorta and fine literary selections the Stab has no superior. Rocky Mount Mail. ia wnii rvYrrinrtMl anri h&R ss mnch and ereat a va riety of pood reading matter as any Dsflv in the " V' r K ... State. warrenitrn wazeue. This paper. though not many years old, Is one of a in the State, and well merits the the best dailies support it receives. Louisburg Courier. One of the best dally journals en oar exchange list Belongs to no ring save that which encircles the good or the people. aavanntui. mwrur. The Wilmington MoRirae Stab is among the best .,.. ; tho Smth THrh rare. r-' J fresh sal "on time." Ashevil ""eMor- ependent advocate of the peo- rnSSaSr Deservedly rants among tueijy nals of the Southern onntry.-RocHnaham Observer. The Stab is undoubtedly an enterprising sheet K.tifniiw -intPft and conducted with marked ability. Mr. Bernard tteseryeB efforts in Journalism.- -Raleigh x credit forms -iel. Thoufi of our readers desiring to take a daily or wpp VI v turner from North Carotin a cannot do better than take Stab. Cherow C8. ft) tne wumingwu Democrat. mho um.T, is nnr nf nnr mnit hiehlv valued ez- Chang- and it affords ns pleagure to naend it as one or tne most racy anu rename ujuxicd ui j., w- Carolina. Kinston wxzette. a io nooininKr and the beat Dailv n the State. The circulation is larger than that of any other Daily in the State, which proves it Milton oiron- toe. No paper evci started in Nortn Carolina nas grown so rapidly as has the Stab. Though only five years old, ft is now a fixed institution, enjoying an influ ence and a prosperity second to none in the State. Salisbury Watchman. The Wilmington Stab is in the front rank of pur Southern dailies, well edited, full of news and select reading matter, telegraphiceports, and in every res pect a first rate journal, li we nan many wwrnro. our State would be the gainer by it. weens, racrux. KINGSFORD'S Oswego Starch ! isthe best. most economical Is perfectly PURE free from acids and other foreign substances that injure lanen. Is STR0NGEB, than any other requi ring much less quantity in using. Is UNIFORM stiffens & finishes work always the same. uiuerafard'a OuXVBBO Corn Siarcli ! Is the most delicious of all preparations for Pnrlrlin?!. Blanc-Manee. Cakes, &c , rr ,J ' " - my 15-lm THE SNEIDER BREECH-LOADIHG SHOT O-TJIsT. Prices, 5 OO to 250 OO. MUZZLE LOADING GUm ALTERED TO BREECH-LOADING, Prices, $49 00 to $100 00. Clark & Sneider, MANUFACTURERS. 214 West Pratt Street, Baltimore. Hrni) for Oatloffui. dec 22-D&Wtf Sporting Dogs. J3REEDING . KENNEL OP A. C. WADDELL, (Formerly of New Jersey), EDINA, KNOX COUNTY. MISSOURI. The Finest Strains of SETTERS, POINTERS, SPANIELS AND OTHER SPORTING DOGS, Bred from both Imported and Native Stock, at mo derate prices. f " " PRESCRIPTION FREE. FOR THE SfEBDY CURE of Seminal Weakness, Lost Manhood, and all disorders brought on by Indiscretion or excess. Any druggist has the ingre dients. Address Dr. JAQUES & CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. feb 15-lyD&W Obstacles to Marriage Relieved; 1876 TTAPPY RELIEF TO YOUNG MEN from the XX effects of Errors and Abuses in early life. MAN HOOD RESTORED. Impediments to Marriage re moved. New method of treatment Books and circulars sent free ia sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 419 N. Ninth St., Phil adelphia, Pa. An Institution having a high reputa tion for honorable conduct and professional skill, my 8-ly Spring Fashions. TTAV1NG RECEIVED BY STEAMER BLOCKS JLl of the latest styles of Hats for Ladles and Chil dren, Mrs. Virginia A. Orr is prepared to alter, press and bleach work entrusted to her. Old Bonnets and Gentlemen's Panama and Silk or Fur Hats made to Look as Bright as New. White straw dyed black when so ordered and best style. RESIDENCE One door east of Front, on Church Street. mn n-w New Spring and RECEIVED JTTLITJS.SA IM: S O IsT SZTC CESS OB TO J. & H. SAMSON. I AM NOW PREPARED TO SHOW THE Finest Stock of DRY GOODS in this City ! CONSISTING OF Dress Goods in all the new styles and shades, Calicoes, Cambrics, Cretonnes & Percales, Bleached and Unbleached Shirt ings of the most approved makes, Household Furnishing Woods, The Best Assortment of ever Exhibited Also, some Job Lots of Notions, &c, from the late firm's stock, which offer at greater inducements than ever until Sip 14-tf RAILROAD LINES, &c. General Sup'ts Office, WILMINGTON, COLOMBIA & At- GUST A R. K. COMPASS, WILMINGTON. H. C May 5. !8'.7. Change of Schedule, AN AND AFTER SUNUAY, MAX CTH. TUE following Schedule wiil be run on this .Road: Day Express and "3 all Train (Dally except Sunday.) Leave Wilmington - - if :J5 P. M. Arrive at. TTlornce 5:00 Jr. ML. Leave Florence SIMf" Arrive at Wilmington o.u x-. jii. NIGHT EXPKESS TUAIN (S&ily). Leave Wilmington J-fJ ?. J. T.tiave 3?lorenco 12:10 M. arrive at Colnmb-a 3-45A- Arrive at Augusta, 7:40 A. M. Leave Augusta, f- Leave Columbia 12:10 A. W. Leave Florence 4:12 A. Jft. Arrive at Wilmington o This Train will only stop at jnemingion, iiue- ville, Fair Bluff , Marion, Florence, Timmonsville, Sumter and isasiover, oeiweeu vrumiugiuu miu j- lumbia. Through Frelffhi s?raln.(Enily except saaasys,) Leave W llnungton .. . Leave Florence .0 a m Arrive at Columbia - - - -. , .Vm t ' m" Leave Columbia Leave wSS&Ezzi mm S Arrive at WiiminKvou.- A nnnala artr? hAVAtll sllftTll'l t.n.l?P Ht Express Train from Wilmington. Through Bleeping vara on mgni iruuia ioi umiot- ton and Augusta. Parlor Car on iay .Express ana ja.au ior tOn. ' . ,TTM.Tlt-r..T 0 AaiJ3.il UXVBtK,BJjX, my 6 -tf en'l Sup't. Wilmington & Weidon RAILROAD CO. Owion or Gxh'i. Suvbsintbmdzkt, t Wilmington, N. C, May 5, 1877. i -w. . r U t -T fJTTI ON AND AFTER SUNOAX , ibtt Pftsaen(?er Trains on the Wilmington & Weidon iKallroaa win run as ioiiowb . Day Mail and Express Train. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 8:4o A. Arrive at Weidon 8:1b P. Leave Weidon daily 1 1 -oo M. M, ft. M Arrive at Wilmington, rrom oi. uepoi, i .uj j- . mrht mall and Express Train, Dally except Sunday. rooa Wilmincrtrm Wrrttlt. St.. DeDOt. at 5:40 r. Bl. Arrive at Weidon 2:80 A. M. 1,,-avff Waldon. dailv 4:80 A. EL Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 12:00 is.. The Dav Train makes close connecuon at Wel- don for all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond ail rAntp and aii- Night train makes close connections ai weiuou for all points north via Richmond. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS at tached to all Night Trains, and run through from Wilmington to Milford Station, on Richmond, r re- deriCKsourg as rowjmac muiusu. jutiis jr. wivJiMii, my5.tf General Superintendent CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. Wilmington. N. C, Sept 16, 1376. 1 Change of Schedule. On and after SUNDAY, the 17th inst, trains will run flver this Railway as follows: Passenger au$ RIail Express. Leave Wilmington at 6:30 A. M. Arrive in Charlotte at 8:30 P. M Leave Charlotte at 6:30 A. M. Arrive at. Wilmintrton at B:du r. m. jiiaiiy except sunuays . IV. O. JOHNSON. nov 10-tf General Superintendent The Biblical Eecorder, PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Broughton &. Co. RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor, hrv I. D. HUFHAM. Associate Editor, REV. W. T. WALTERS, D. D., Agricult'al Editor. Organ of Nortu Carolina Baptists In its Fortieth Year. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT. As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed Only $2.10 per Tear. Address BIBLICAL RECORDER. Ian 80-tf Raleigh, N. C. The Monroe Enquirer, ROTLTN & WOLFE Editors and Proprietors. THE ENQUIRER IS PUBLISHED AT MON roe, Union county, N. C, every Tuesday, at $2 00 a year. The Enqthber circulates extensively throughout the counties of Anson, Union, Chester Held and Lancaster, and reaches a very large num ber of intelligent readers. The merchants of Wilmington will find It to be one of the best advertising mediums on the Caro lina Central Railway, aBlwe guarantee as large a bona fide circulation as anyp aper between Charlott md Wilmington with perhaps one exception, sept 2-tf . E. Artis, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Front Street, under Purcell House, WILMINGTON, N. C Hair-Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing done in the highest style of the art. Attentive and polite Barbers always ready to wait npon customers. feb 12-tf in Summer Goods ! DAILY BIT Linen Lawns and Linen Diapers. Hosiery, Ladies' and Gents' Un derwear, Tweeds, Cassimcres and Cotton- ades, Laces and Edgings and all kinds of Small Ware 1 great vari ety. Mourning Dress Goods in this Market. I will they are sold out. Respectfully, JULIUS SAMSON, 43 market Street. INSURANCE. Atkinson & Manning's Insurance Rooms, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, Wilmington. c. FIRE. Queen Insurance Company, of England. North; British & Mercantile Ins. Co., of England. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. National Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. Continental Insurance Company, of New Xork Phoenix Insurance Company, of New York Springfield Insurance Co., of Springfield, Mass. Royal Canadian Insurance Compapyt of Canada. MARINE. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Company, of New York. Insuranse Co. of North America, of Philadelphia LIFE. Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Hartford. Total Assets Represented Over $100,006,000. jan 11-tf Fire aM Life Insurance Apncy cl J. A. BYHWE CO. Represent!? over $62,000,000 Asei OFFICBlCommerclaI Exchange Buildiup North Water Street. feb 25-tf VZSH3TSOJS1 & AP.LINGT0K Life Insurance Oonipan t 4H' Ricnmond, Vfrg-jhiis.. Offer 22,300 Policies Issued Animal Income Over S1,500,0W FroiresEiye! Prcsperou ! Prompt SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES. SECl'Kfc, INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE. AND GOOD SURPLUS PremiufBis Casb, PoHefes JLlhernt Annual Division of Surplus. ARTHUR J. FILL, Jr., Agent. Office for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood. Med. cal Examiner, on Market street, two doors west of Green & Planner's drug store, Wilmington, N. C. September 2-tf ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS Security against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOBE SMSUSANCE COMPAQ EALEIGH, N. C. This Company continues to write Policies, at in rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are piompuy adjusted and paid. 1 hi 'HOME" is rapidlv growing in public favor, am; appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property t North Carolina i in all m R. H. BATTLE, Jr., President. C. B. BOOT, Vice President SEATON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON & MANNING, Asbhts, aog 1-tf Wilmington. N. C. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000 $300,000 $50,000. Cash Capita! paid in Surplus Fund DIRMC1 ORS. JOHN DAWSON D. K. MURCHISON C. M. STBDMAh t B. URAINOB JAB. A. LEAK B. F. IJTTLB E. B. BORDER M. WEDDELL DONALD McRAE H. VOLLERS R. R. BBIDGERS J. W. ATKINSON L 3. ORAINGER, President. Wallace, Cashier aug 20-tf S. D. To the Working Glass. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH all class b with constant employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments Business new, light and profitable. Persons of ei ther sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening. ana a proportional sum oy devoting tneir wHOie time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as -much as men. That all whe see this notice may send their address, and test the business, we make this unparalleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy ef Home andlFire side, one of the largest and best Illustrated Publi cations, all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address, George S Tuc son & Co., Portland, Maine. feb 6-6m The Bohesonian. PUBLISHED E VERY WEDNESDAY MORNING inLumberton, N. C, by W. Wallace McDiar mid, has the largest circulation of any country paper in the State. It circulates extensively in the conn- Cumberland, Brunswick, and in the adjoining conn ties of Marion, Marlboro' and Darlington, In South Carolina." As a Local Newspaper it has no superior. It is one of the few country papers whose Editor and Publisher gives his whole time and attention to lt In Pottttcs the ROBESONIAN will strive to pro-" mote the principles of the Democratic-Conservative nartv. and is uncompromisingly in favor of White Supremacy. Its Local columns will always teem with the latest and best news, written In a brief, in telligent and business-like manner. Its editorials will be short and lucid and npon subjects which directly concern our people. As an advertising medium it is mueh sought after and has a patronage second to no other country paper. Established in 1S70 it has ever since been increasing in influence and popularity until it has reached and occupied the very front rank of North Carolina journalism. RATES Cash ik Advance One year, $2.00: Six Months $1 00; Three Months, GO cents. Send a three-cent stamp for specimen copy. Advertising rates furnr.ihed on application. Address tee Pnb Ushers. t lfctf