i : 'IT"-. rrrT"--r -domestic jwakkkxj. :- 14 . July 7, 1877. MORNING EDITION. .New York, July 6 Evening! Financial. ;;. ;f : Money easy at H&2 per cent. Sterling exchange dull and firm at 488. Gold quiet at 105. Governments firm new fives J State bonds quiet, i Commercial. Cotton Exchange closed: consolidated Ji Y 1 Hi Li JiljiiAr.n. lllUe more doing and prices in instances a uaue stronger, particularly for medium; oupernue western and State ?5 75$ 25; Southern fiour a shade firmer and fairly active; common to lair extra $8 60 35; good to choice do. $9 4010 75. Wheat 23c higher, with a moderate export de- mana ana lair muling inquiry; business cnecKea oy advance; new amber Virginia ana Jjeiaware $3; .new red amber ana ueorgia supposed about fl 88. uorn si lc better and in fair demand; ungraded do 5660c. Oats without decided change. Coffee quiet, firm and unchanged. ) Sugar quiet ana aoout steady. Molasses, eroccrv grades quiet and unchanged. Rice steady, witn lair business. Tallow firm atioic Our Night Reports. j WASHINGTON. The Kecent Order of the President Iterative 'to Federal Officeholders Hour It Is to be Construed Iuereaae of Revenue from the Tobacco Tax, - . Washington, July 6. The revenue from the tobacco tax has in creased ' during the past eleven months $1,250,000. The Cabinet session to-day was mainly I for prime and choice. Rosin easier at 1 90 devoted to conversation and informal d is- 1 95. Spirits -turpentine firm at 313c. cussion concerning the President's recent Pork firm new mess $14 2514 SO. i Lard order prohibiting federal officers from par- ,Jlosed about steady. Whiskey dull and ucipaung m uiu management ui pumiuu yucini x 10. r reign is ami ana lower. committees and conventions,, with especial reference to the questions whether it should be. enforced against . certain officers who took part j in the Iowa convention, and whether Postmaster General Key correctly interpreted the purpose of the order in his .yesterday's letter to the Madison (Wis.) postmaster. No formal s action was; taken on the subject involved, but it was agreed that the letter of the Postmaster General was a correct and judicious statement of , the meaning of the order in regard to cases like the one presented from Wisconsin, and that while the order should be firmly maintained and impartially enforced, there is no occasion to apply it to the Iowaofflce- ; holders, who Were elected as members of the con ventioa before it -was issued, and who probably took their seats before jt reached them by mail. I ' In the Cabinet the letter accrediting Signor Malta as Minister from the Diaz go vernment was read, and was the subject of considerable discussion. It was a friendly and pleasant document, but the contents received no further attention than a respect ful listening, -as it was not intended at pre sent to take, any action beyond a reference to the State Department, by which it was presented to the Cabinet Foreign! appointments were discussed. but no conclusion reached. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. ' .Servian Neutrality to I e Respected No Important Action. Expected au di Rassla ! Fully Prepared Petl tlon for the Occupation of Bosnia by AaitrlanTroopi-Worlc on Prilfl : 'ittioiiTl,aOQ Person Perlsn from flonser Another Russian Defeat The Liverpool Cotton Trade dce . ; ' 'I London, July 6. A special dispatch from Vienna to the Daily. Telegraph says: "The Roumanian government; before sending troops across i lie Danube, inquired how Austria would regard such a step, and was informed that a3 long as the Roumanian army respected Servian neutrality, Austria would remain indifferent to its movements." The lime? Bucharest dispatch says no important action is expected until the Rus, sians nave esiaDiisnea depots or supplies oh the southern side of the Danube and , pre pared everything for an ndrauoo. The Ivnetf Belgrade dispatch says: 'The Greek and Roman Christians of Bosnia are -anxiously awaiting the result of their peti tion, asking for the occupation of Bosnia by Austrian troops. Part of the - Moham medan population also f avbr foreign occu pation." r i A special from Constantinople to the Daily News says: "Two thousand men have arrived from Smyrna to work on the fortifications." j; , j All the papers seem to confirm the news that the Turks are about to withdraws greater part of their forces from Montene- j Constantinople, July 6. . Fifteen hundred persons; who were flee ing from Adler to the Turkish, lines from fear of the Russians, perished from hunger. SnuiiLA, July 610 A. M, ) i Baltimore, July G. ' Flour firm, ia 'active inquiry and! un changed. Wheat irregular, unsettled and lower; Southern red, prime, $1 70L 75; amber $1 801 85; white $1 70I 75. Southern corn quiet and firm; Western strong and higher, with light offerings; Southern white 66 cents; yellow 6263 cents. Oats dull and lower; Southern prime 4546 cents. Rye nominal, i Pro visions steady. Coffee firm. Whiskey dull at f i is. ! augar quiet ana lower at life. - Cincinnati, July 6. Flonr easier old family $9 009 15; new $8 509 00. Wheat in good demand; new red to arrive $1 50. Corn stronger at 5053 cts. Pork quiet at $13 75. Lard quiet and firm; kettle 10j10i ents. Bulk meats quiet and firm shoulders 5 cents; ciear nos 7c; clear sides 7f cents. Bacon stronger; shoulders 56c; clear ribs 7 8c; clear sides 88 cents. Whiskey steady at $1 08. f J v -St. Louis, July 6.' Flour firm and unchanged. Wheat higher; No. 2 red fall $1 82;. No. 3 do $1 72. Corn higher; No. 2 mixed 46 cents. Whiskey quiet iat $1 08. i Bulk meats dull at 4 cents for shoulders, 6f cents for long clear middles, and 6: cents for clear rib sides. Bacon higher at 5J 5c for shoulders, 78c for short rib, and 8i8ic for short clear sides. Pork dull; job lots $13 25. Lard firmer at 8-ic for summer. i i COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. The official, or opening quotations below are posted at the Produce Exchange daily at 1 P. M., and refer to prices at that hour. . TAR OFFICE, July 61 P. M. . SPIRITS TURPENTINE. The mar ket opened firm at 28 cents per gallon bid for country packages, and later 225 casks changed hands at that price, beiDg a slight decline on yesterday's .quotations; alsb 17 casks city distilled at 28i cents. , ! . ROSIN. The market opened qujet at $1 35 Jqt Strained and $1 40 for Good Strained. 4 The sales reported during the day foot up as follows: 80 bbls (A) Black at $1 25,1 150 do Strained t $1 35, 1,320 do Good Straiued at $1 40, Sa.do (M) Pale at $2 50 and 56 do (Nx) Good Extra . Pale at $3 50 per bbl. 'Markerclosing steady at $1 3ol 40 for Strained and Good Strained. TAR. Market steady and unchanged, the receipts of the day selling at $1 80 per bbi. ' i ' : -y - 4- - I ' ; CRUDE TURPENTINE Market steady and unchanged at $2 10 for Yellow Dip and $2 30 for; Virgin; Hard nominal! The receipts ; of the day were j placed at the above quotations. . . j COTTON. The market for this article was quiet and unchanged, with sales re ported of 9 bales at the official quotations, which are as follows: i cents; 58 lb. l j i i. . - ; i , . AT- GilO O D.S ! 36 Market St. M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market St. GREAT B IR O W IsT : So KiO 45 MARKET STREET. DA SUMMER SILKS, GRENADINES, FIGURED. AND COLORED LAWNS, LINEN AND VICTORIA LAWNS, r STRIPED AND CORDED PIQUES, STRIPED SAND CHECKED VTHTORT A LAWNS AND CAMBRICS,1 "" '. ' ; j ' " IK LINENS FOR TRAVELLING SUITS, j HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, j ME'S AND BOYSV WEAR I i GREAT VARIETY" AND RARGATXTS TV nn m vwn it a nrnrv n I " - Ai-i yULUKJ LXVUj XinLllll.AULIi'' CHIEFS AND FANCY GOODS. SALE.. I OK, f Wo have determined id to oiler every thing in our Stock that pertains to Snrlntr Summer at a t t f u .,, j SWEEPING- ; KEJIDTJOTIOT Bargain Table. jc 17-tf Something New Daily at Ex- tremly Low Price. k a a? z , 36 Market Street. Ordinary Good Ordinary Low Middling. . Middling. . . ... . . . 10i . 10 . in quotations conform to the classifications of the American Cotton Exchange. TIMBER. Only 1 raft Common1 Mill changed hands yesterday, at $5 per M. Market quiet, except for fine grades. MARINE DIRECTORY. ' Every article will be found just as advertised. "..;."" We can only specify a few prices our ispce being too small to Dermit of iinUii; ened list. We simply intimate the advisability of calling at once to cmr ,,npnf tZ. STRIPED and FIGURED EIERNANI, 8c, worth 25c. r- :"" " -STRIPED and PLADD JAPANESE POPLINS, 12tc. worth'snc ' " 1 ' t ? GREY MIXED DeBEGE, 8c, worth 25c Y " :? ' r : ; WASH POPLINS, 8c, worth 12c. I - ; LADIES' j WHITE VICTORIA LAWN SUITS, $3 00. worih s 00 -. Do. ' do. do POLONATStt 41 nn k ""- ... . ' v FIGURED CAMBRIC SUITS, $1.75,r0a W; ; ; The above suits come in two and ' three pieces, and part trimmed with FTamV., Trimming and Ruffling. .Young Ladies, thinking of L.glS Dressed? or Cla2 Dy& sSSZeSI 1 W cannot imagine a fetter opportunityjto purchase a beautiful : BROCADE SILK SASHES, 2 yards long, with deej) fringe, $1.25 worUi $4 00 - All our PARASOLS and SUN-SHADES reduced about 25 per cent. - - o,JWe th 9N Firm " North or South, who sell the WAMSUTTA SHIRT 2100 Linen Bqsoms, for 75cents. . ; - " ' 1 fit guaranteed, at $18.00 per, dozen. Patronize home I BROWN & RODDIGK, i i ,f Market. Street. i MARINE. COTTON MARKETS. 1 i j Wkkklv Receipts Mobile, nominal at Hi cents net receiptB 120 bales; Savan nan, quiet at 11 cents net receipts 996 bales; New Orleans, quiet atlOf, 11 and 11 ueais nei receipts 1,117 Dates; Boston, quiet at 12f cts net receipts 826 bales; Baltimore, quiet at 12f cts net receipts 113 bales; Galveston, quiet at 11 f cents net receipts 203 bales; Philadelphia, quiet at 12i cts net receipts 851 bales; Augusta, quiet and firm at 11 cts net receipts 691 Daies; unariesion, quiet at llfllf cents Port Almanac-July 7. Sun Rises . . ....... .1 .... '. .... 4 -51 a. M Sun Sets. 7:18 P.' M. High Water (Smithville).. . . . . . 4:36 Eve'g. " ? (Wilmington).. .. 7:06Eve'g. Day's Length. 14:37 ARRIVED. ' Stmr : A P Hurt, Worth, Fayette ville. Worth & Worth. . Stmr Wave, ; Robeson, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison. Stmr North East, Paddison, Point Cas well, H M Foard. , SmTJ 8 Underbill, Piatt, Smithville, O G Parsley & Co. . ' j CLEARED. Stmr A P Hurt, Jones. Worth & Worth. r Stmr ; Wave, Robeson, Williams & Murchison. Stmr North East, Paddison, Point Cas well. II M Foard 1 J Fayetteville, Fayetteville, net receipts 860 bales; Norfolk, ouiet I .;lI?.r J 3 Undertiill, Piatt, Smithville. '!iry. 160 tons, Pendleton. 1,181 bales; Mem- I " i-arsicy co. . I Ai r JS-mglit, 204 toijs. Walker, at llf cts net receiDts phis, quiet at llf cts net receipts balei. - ; i i 'OBBIGH IHABKKT8.- ni 01 veateu in loe Fori of wif , mlneton, N. C., July 1811. i i.. : BARQUES. . Lubra(Nor.), 335 tons, Tetway, r J j. I 1 Vick & Mebane Speed (Nor.), 230 tops, Olsen, R E Heide Wester Norrland (Swe.), 318 tons,Norgren, ' I Vick & Mebane ! BRIGS. Georgia, 399 tons, Terhune, i i 1 Northrop & Cumming Little Harry (Br.), tons, Johansen, M , ! JHNeff Eva Pai ker (Br.), 350 tons, Slocumb, I Erchner & Calder Bros Annie W Goddard, 1358 tons, Lewis. ; I .1 i Alex Sprunt & Son Carlota (Sp.), 257 tons, Garcia, r H Williams & Murchison Cora Gieen, 243 tons, Collins, M I .Northrop & Cummine C C Van Horn (Br.)j 376 tons, Hooker, . r ; 1 A Sprunt & Son Nellie Unstcd, 340 tons, Brewster, ; i i 'r I Northrop & Cumming 1 SCHOONERS. J M Morales, 177 tons, Eldridge, l . . , 1 EKidder&Sons Mauei, 180 tons, Maloucy, ! ; j. E G Barker & Co Angola, 93 tons, Woostcr, J . " j EKidder&Sons Mary Onvcr, 149 tdns. Baker, I ,i J. I r EKidder&Sons St Hubert (Br.). 130 tons, Malone, IS Kidder & Sons J E Lippitt : MISCELLANEOUS. , HEADQUARTERS ! institution. J je 17-tf MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. choice: family grocbkies. choice family gkocek1ks. .SSRJSS FAMILY GROCERIES. CHOICE FAMILY GROCEKIES. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. ! Tiie Little Harry am Lamp," ODORLESS AND SAFE. myl&-tf CALL; AND SEE THEM AT. PARKER & TAYLOR'S, . j 19 Front Street Jelfr-tf TUB FINEST LIQTJOHS. TUB FINEST LIQUORS. THE FINEST LIQUORS. THE FINEST LIQUORS. ' AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS IL McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS U. McKOY'S ROCK BOTTOM PRU KS. ROOK BOTTOM Puinvu ROOK BOTTOM PRICKS. ROCK BOTTOM PRICKS AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT 1UOMAS H. McKOY'S AT THOMAS H. MCKOY'S AT THOMAS II. McKOY'S Choice Articles. .. B0XHS LEMONS. I Q BOXES SWEET ORANGES. , ' .; t Mortgagee's Sale oi Real Estate. XJndER ANii riy vm'PTTDi m m..n 1 I office in Book D.D.O., ut page 400 and folloiSt .demgned, as AttorefB of eaW mortSf' JrtH, on THURSDAY, the MTH DAY OFTuLY 187T, at 11 o'clock, A.M., cum to be acid, Br pub 1 S?-',8' the Court Houie"u toe City of Wilmington, in toe County of New HanS! i.AWJJ, witk the BaUdings ud Improvemenuthere on situate m toe aaid ttit-, f wii?"" ,.r?re ' 497 Stmr Gov Worth: Wnrth Worth Worth. J ' Nor barque Speed, Olsen, Rotterdam, Snhp farv -V. T1 '' ... .v 1 uiiuii, nayu, xu n.iuuer A; Sons. 1 1 alll,58rMIddling uplands, L c, I Schr Snow Storm. Beery, Baltimore July and Aurusi diiver, 6 7-32d ; AngUst Preston Gumming & Co. r ija,l,,nore and September delivery, c o5 I . !L 1 The sales of American cotton to-day I rxpokts. were o,iw uaiei 1 Worth &Wnrth JohH Sfrhuclte, 290 Ions, Hansen, .j J I 1 Navassa Guano Co vv onicu oc Ivans, 85 tons, Primrose, Master Com & Water Ground Meal. 3QQQBu8h.cpKN, , ' A.0( Bnk PRKSH WATER- ( , uROUNDMEAL, Jjrl-tr KERCHKKK A CALDER BROS. 1 Dozen Lemons with 1 Bottle Claret Wine for 75c. Try onr little Water Crackers something new. 10O Bbls Empire Flonr. light, white and sweet. p 49 per uui. . 5 Cases Table Peaches; 3 lbs each. $1. ISO Cases Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Butter. Lard, Cheese, Corned Beef, Extra Shore Lare Mackerel, Salmon, Pig Hams and Shoulders. Sweet Mash, the best in the State, only $3. GEORGE MYERS, . ,11 and 13 South Front Street. CHIPPED HAW! i-AND- Notick. If the Signal letters of any ves. sel in port are displayed by the U. 8. Sig nal vuicc, me vessel so designated should send: ashore for. telegram. : Kerosene . Oil, Malcta and Floor. Bbls KEROSENE OIL, 150 3r08? MATCHlS i 6QQ Phis FLOUR, all grades; ' t ' - J For sale Uy " Utt KERC'UNKK i CALDER BROS CHIPPED BEEF! THBSIA1L8, I . The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office as follows: . - CLOSE. . i : 1 ' : Northern through mails. ..... 4 :45 P. M. Northern through and way j -. "mails.................... 6:15 AI M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad, i ana routes supplied there from, at .............. Southern mails for all points 8outh, daily Western mails (C.C. R'y) daily VCAuepi, ounuayj...,4.., COAST WISK New iYoiiK Steamship Benefactor 93 bpinia turpentine. J. B. Lippincott & Co. bales cotton. 261 casks knirita t.min. I IIave jnsT pmu.TRrritn 3,626 bbls rosinIOS do crude turpentine, 3 I l o n I m t t V pkgs wax 45biles sheeting, 5 do warp. 10 ilUe 01 i QeilJ T. J, JackSOLl. dp yarn, JCbbls dried fruit, 24 bags aibes- ! j B.f ."Ll l ws, io imnaics leather. 4 Lhla nil w b a I i mdse. , ' . A battle was fought ' yesterday in the I Mj1 r ncraw & Darlington vicinity of Biela, which, lasted twelve hours. The Russians 1 were repulsed with considerable loss and fell back on Sistova. No details.; . i j -: : J Liverpool, July 6. The circular of the Cotton Brokers' As sociation says: Cotton was quiet through out the week, the tendency at the close slightly, favoring buyers. American cotton was in less general request and prices were reaucea paruauy l-ioa on higher grades. 6 :15 A. M. 5:00 P. M. 5 :00 P. M. 11:30 A. M. M. By Sarah Nicholas i Rakdolfh, anthor of "The BALT,MOKE-Schr Snow Storm-23,000 M&yZro fi.K IQ''Pgc engraving. Crown 8vo. Fine Molasses; and BacoD. 50 Hhdi UBA MOLASSKS, 100 fAR HOUSE MOLASSES O A Bbls A No 1 NE W ORLE ANS V f i tlnr iccm Boxes D S xinna ..oo, I AM PREPARED Ttt FURNISH TO PICNIGi AND EXCURSION PARTIES - . ; ANY QUANTITY" OF This ntngSonthwardlv with th. w. n5. ! teenth Street ailfT t. vV- Street asdesignatedoi TthTprano TsaidhX 'wardly with said linTof Mart Street 198 feet to the Beginning - ' ' ; ; ? . : : WKKiU-r A STEDMAN. I Wilmington, N. C.'Jane 11,1817. Aiftfi$i I ' s . ..T .. ., .;. . - i . r iMorws Sale of Real Matp. T ' - - - Snr81114 Wtathepro ?"MH.a' ?4e 131 andolFow "t d." aula to 'The Real Estate i.11-48"011 of Wilmington, North Carot IraV'thenBdersigned.as Attorneys or said w mVv'AT&lP&J-' ou SATURDAYTthe1 ZiTUEZJ " Conrt House, in ! J " "iuuiSiuu m uie jonntr orNtw H Sffi u08fe te,b80!d,. by Public AncLn$3 1 all the estate, right, title and interest fthesahieh sr,?. j o-iinii ui me said Cnsrlca h WSfiX S or '$jf "Hi bounded a8 . iT - "uiiiuig mi uk oouou at an onlr nr 'i SL0'0 "Pod. formerly Francis Kw f 'fri laencs running North (k) ipr wrif Tm chains, thence North SO de? East lhaiBTto stake above Mntt' r a EtwithdM ' r0ufnd J - tcenJo DeliglitfulRelisli! - uiouvu to saia mora s comer on the- cres, (part of said a Acres, to be lo ct, which the said Wilmington, N.'C, Juiie55th, 1877 , ieWtds WKIUUT.& STEDMAN e -td8 iU .. : s. . AtteraeyA. feet lumber. '"1U"- I lt lath nnni Ar.U.. - .v.w.-w.. . ROTTERDAM Nor baroue SnfPfl1 Soft teresting. The simple narrative of his lifa. 50 Jy l-tf - S. SIDES, i For sale by KBROHNEK A CALDER BROS. casks spirits turpentine, 150 bbls rosin. ' . M.v,,m, rouuujce. - uauunore (tozetu. Railroad... Mails for points between Flo rence and Charleston . .. . i . . 11:30 A Fayetteville.and offices on Cape ; x cai wicr, a uesuars , anq Fridays. t 1:00 P M Fayetteville by O. C. R'y, daily ' ' (excepr Sundays).....;.... 5-00 P. M. Onslow C. H. . and interme-; diate offices every Fridav.. 6:00 A M. Smithville mails, bv steam boat, daily (except Sundays) 8:00 A. M. Lirerpool & London & Glolie Ins. Com'y AuAfa' Tfiifw ir;il:- -r.i' . - . SSk:-: ME ATONEMENT Of LEAM tlllNn AS. iX'! r , -tuy uumuam. . j i T 7 I X nwnt T, .;"".l'.UJ,rA' HX THE (r of matedtobeVbourFon,Snlt.fl- i 8va I The following is a cod, ofTw881"1 collars 1 1 S?????"'8 Agents at St. Joints the HTrffi. ANSE DE HrNAUi-T. ITAVTT55ol.r Mam P I . A Novel. Olivfir lfinnn hv oooo ?r,""J- "ratrtcia lOfl nTVl 0hi A i7l vf. ,lu.otr- vm.W, paper.fl.pe. o jr.. o ?'. '.: oow Piicu, Mrs. Bv Mn R I.Vmi I.nn . I a.Kiuuau, etc. wna uiustrations. SANDWICHES, .;'.'. The particles being cut into Slices One-Fiftieth ef ; j an inch! in thickness. , Aitx 11 BV ALL MEANS. IT SAVES TROUBLE. IT IS CHEAP. IT IS GOOD. : For sale by Jas. C. Stevenson je 89-tf . f I ' ' .. Cowan Place, and also eTcepUng a5 a to be 1 cated on the back part of said Tract, which RECOMMENDED FOR vairiwrf' mrt.,TO iZnnZr Ma n,s wife conveyed o the late WU- . Portable Soda Fountains. rOKTABLE SODA WATEB oUNTAlitfH .u ready charged for nse,together with FINRkywttiSj T AM NOW PREPARED TO' FURNISH KXcnif JL sions. Picnics. Ohnh ..T.;.7J . i aAHJlf- VTkm 7 - "VHSITUIR. tV.f .USltk hand for the ensuing M, aYl "T? 00 S. tt. NORTH ROPs -Frmtand Confectionery Store je.lO-tf . . I Ihaflu. unl un o LUC flRV UTTfr I 2 do Utr, 2 do rosin, 36oars, 20 kegs white .ndaSK tWaUdwrUnK o-rW LOW Priced Mnir RnhVo lead, 1 case paint, 3 casks spirits lumen- 'earIeM,y. bt with renwrkTe XrM0? D, llars .fob the relief Spt1 U s jril0eU mUS1C -BOOKS. . n l a l fNLf mrsnn t luuffA tine, 2 kegs paint. .acumuu: wua m lair uemana at sieaay I ira;i fnr pm ir;u rrr., ' prices. In futures a fair ' with few fluctuations. ! Latest transactions show a decline of 3-32id. . , THE INDIAlTwAU. Trouble Amone the Reservation In dian IT. s. marshal and Indian A gentm Killed, &c. San Francisco, July 6. Trouble is reported among the reserva- nuu loaiana in soutneastern iNevaaa. au gnslus Ash, U.iS. Marshal, and Holland and Carter, Indian agents, were killed at r the reservation. One of the murdeters was captured at St. George, Utah. f . ; Portland, Oregon, July 6. The Malheur Indians, of Baker county, Oregon, are restless, and fears are enter- tained that they wuy effect a junction with me nosiiies. Creek. 8uDDlv.Shallotte anH Little River, every Friday at 6 :00 A. M. ARRIVE. : , Northern through mails. ..... 12:15 P M Northern through and way ' Southern mails.............. 7X) A. M. waroiina ventral itauroad. i . . 6:30 A: M Paris Cherrette Gloves. F OR GENTLEMEN TH R KT much eought after in the City of Paris. A few dozens from late importation, i myl3-tf i HBDRICK. Gent's L fi TTillr'fa A HE BEST LINE IN THE CITY. SUFFERERM "Tvio "f" "r OF THE s uia vajiiiiihii v i m ronmannti . - v4wih;uicu uure by LADIES DRESBiGOODS, Bargains offered ::Corsett8. Strined nnffi oi:? ? F Hamburg Trimmings. Just A FAMILY SECRET. The pages before us are a contribuUen to onr 11 rn7Sar.3 elJd be grateful, u iuD uunrj 01 every soutn- era household."-AWWWi Enquirer. An American Novel. By Fanny Andrews fElsev Hay), 8va Fine doth, T1W. p4rw$5oo!y jJ!1,0 aad Pleasant story."- GENTLEFOLKS iAND OTHERS jy i-iw JNO. W. GORDON A BRO., Gencrii Insurance Agents, .J ' 24 N. Water St - ITI A II If LAND. to Navl- Rcmoval of an Obairoetlon Cation, &e. i - :, Baltiiiore, July 6. The Merchants Exchange reading rooms tius a uunce posiea io-aay, stating that the wrech. oi uie xorwenan harnup Ainv sunk ;by a collision some time since and P. AL, and on Sundavs froms-antn Q.?m 'a w w v " .uv U, : ' - I ' '. ; --: ' Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 12 M.. and from 2 to 6 P M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp AT1 A A t- " Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. j Key Boxes accessible at ; all hours, day and night. . ; , Mails collected from street boxes everv day at 3.45 P. M. J The Carolina Farmer; The UNDERSIGNED WILL RESUME THE publication of the CAROLINA FARIMBR on the- FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER NEXT. with Mr. HAMILTON McMTT.t.av .. ..Lf. aoonuaig received and fmyl3 tf II ED RICK. TIE-TIE IFIIEIjID, A Jonrnal for tie Sportsmen of To-flay. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, t -AT 14 S. Canal St. Chicago. By JuuvpuB3iNo, author ol "Philosophers Fools." Crown 8vo. .Finn rlnfh 9fn , IT?eewCllen.(te and value ' these essays consist in their belne the results nf an. ting on life, in the spirit of philosephyjong matured ?nlly 8ledtB torot pleasingtauK lty which pervades them throughout. .i3orTOmmetreadlnS- aod especially for "reading aloud among people of refinement and colture.there LIFE'S PROMISE TO PAT. Iloep Iron, kails, Clue, &c 2 Tons HOOF IRON. . - 225Keg8!NAIL8- f Barrels GLUE. 25 Barre,a BUNQS. j . JQ 'Barrels SPANISH BROWN. JQ Barrels COPPERAS. Barrels KEROSENE OIL. r For sale by il7 tf ,v . ADRIAN & VOLLERS. je 17-tf Southeast corner Front and Dock fits. . a e - 5 Bellak's Method for Piano. Winnert "New Schoon" for Cabinet Organ, for Piano, for Melodeon, for Guitar, for Violin, for Flnte, for Accordeon, for Ger man Accordcon. for Fife, for Clarionet, for Flageolet; for Piccolo, for Banjo, and for Cornit - . ' a- Winner's "Perfect Guides" for part of above - ? Winner's "Easy Systems" for ,mrt ,,7. Winner s "Party Dances." TioUn and Piano! Winner's "Danes Music?' Flute and PiBn " liss.t iff.' J,eL B Cl I Conwat. ISmo. Fine TJiBMti OF & UJBSCliTPTTn M I A,5v.ff wore tew common mertt,with a great " ' T- ?rj,"iy.?ve portraiture, an is a Stail-Fed Beef, "CV)R SATURDAY, JUNE 30TH - J- . I i' ' !l ...... ' . .-. ,'; .;. ": at stall no. 6 . Cash orders respectfully solicited by je39-tf I - :.,-:! T. A. WATSON. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Fo8ale by ail Booksellers and Periodical Dea- Just Eeceived, S ?nnr, .'.Union CollecUon Violin & Piano r SlnBer 8 "Poets for Flute and Piano - Winner's "Melodeon Primer ' m , I Winner's "New Teacher tnr PTnto Clarke's $ Instructor for Reed Organ Clarke's I Instructor for Piano. . Clarke's $ Instructor for Violin 1 Winner's Duets for Violin and Flute. ' : Violin Amusements. Winner. Flute BoqueL Winner. Easy System for Piano. Winner Eaton's Method for Cornet Clarke's Short Voluntaries. , About 50 books are, here mentioned, all havW easy, pleasing, popular music, and the Instructors Methods. Schools, Ac-have plain instructions. tSHKIther book mailed,pest free, or retail price Oliver Ditson & Co., , ; BOSTON. ! J. E. DITSON . nt t I Successors to Lee it I I waisrcr.i'nuadelphia. CHAS. H. DITSON & CO til Broadway, N. Y. je27-dw2w Wed & Sal For.Eent; FROM THE FIRST DAY OF OCTO BER NEXT, that VALUABLE PRO- IPERTY, known aath& - Irbell House!" Thia HOTEL, with its great advantages, SO WEIX KNOWN TO THE PUBLIC, wai be rented upo exceedingly favorable terms. ' j - i . : ' Apply to' . r . -' ! L 3e 18-tf u ,,: , WRIGHT A STEDMAN. ; 10,000 Prime CORN. ! 373 Bbls. Choice Porto Rico Sugars. 1 283 Hhds. Porto Rico Molasses. !HA SPIRIT BARRELS, HCWJP IRON. .Yearly. $100: Half-yearly. Mno. v., ' V "Jl Z-JJ11?11 ""Pceby puaiTiwo mNES J PLAITING Mc'5i freel-Yearly lUs."-" J- rriJiUOI QO., PuolisherS. EXCELSIOR lPRRnS?r ' T Very Low. obstructing navigation in mid channel, off I Editor Chesapeake, has been entirely removal T I FARMER will be issued monthly, In maga. yearly 9s. . Single copies, 10 cents. hiSmp RingandTmting, AquaacU, I Billiards, and Genem SrwrHo7Kr- ii"-' ' Drama, i T " -" , aubic ana we aug4-U K'EROSRMR nTr T iimo'. 715 and 717 Market Street, : CWffiPs Needed? Sav Cost in rVtmM ! rouaasiDiiia. i "oawiu ruiiKS and TAmrT.w rr. w mv 17 tf I j GEO. A. PECK'S, myn-tf t No. aBRontb Front St, Quarantine Notice. The ROANOKE NEWS vhrrrvc? inTTnnr, MACKINAW :-STP aw THE FIELD will be found in Viunn ' I i iVilii U VJll JJ ii ' T mes.onallanhlvjir.rt;,ir,- I fT.nn j blasUng. The wreck was rTd by prT- eform.with handsome cover. and will coUin ; WEATHER I1EPOHT. - War Department, . ilHce Of Chiflf Riornol Cimrtow .Washington, July 6 7:30 b. Indications. I or the; South Atlantic- and East Gulf oiaiea, mgner pressure and temperature, variable winds, mostly from the northwest, partly cionay weather and occasional Comparative Cotton Statement. I ' New York. Julv 6. The following is the comparative, cotton statement iot we week ending thia date- f I : 1877. j; 1876. Net receipts at all United States ports daring . week. . 7,073 V' ! 8,278 Auiai receipts to tnis date... ... .. ...... .i . 3,931,156 4,069,043 Exports for week....!. 6,699 30535 xuiai exports . to mis 1 . date. .!.... . 4. . ', . 2,956,094 3,118.627 on;, in au u. o. pons. 248,349 259.451 Slock in all Interior . : i Stock in Liverpool . , .1. 1,( -amencan anoat for Great Britain. ...... . rne typographic excellence which fomiV I tfif. l2? Sporting Journal ( I otvoted to aifnngnianea it will be fully mM I wwtoixtew xork, and the recognized POLITTOa 1 LTTlfR ATTTDT? innTmr Terms of Subscription f Oae yw f 1 50 six I my amon? the "Potmen of the Westland i111. LI 1 JflKAT URE, AGRICUL- ?l15tn60ts!VThewUl! TTTRT? Xrvwo benoclubrates. SubscriDttSni. iSt.kin ie Ht I Pwnage, possesses superfor advlntaseas 1.1 . J. ;A UKB and lfEWS. id by I , . ' in the I Circulation LflTco on rl TtoilvTnAM.:. apr Sft-tf j I i .B-- uj casing HARRISON & ALLEN,1 NEW ORLEANS AND SUGAR HOUSE SYRUPS Flouy, Coffee ani Suffar ) . (ALL GRADES). ! BA( !ON."8MOKD AND : -L'V . DRY SALTED- Varslmirs Liverpool mul Lisbon ; S A L T , All vessels from I LakeGcorce will come to atttefwtorslisctto or aaleby iTT7 Je2l-tf Quarantine will be in force on the 1ST OF JUNE,' 1877, and will continue until fur- ther notice, as follows : jy 4-tf All vessels havinor had sickness durtof theToyr will J B.,ISve',wilont to theortfr Hatters. I whencethey saUea or first number. Theold friends orthe parmrr I jerasuig medium, which will be appreciate are requested to send in thelrnaies. FARMER desiring to make their buginess known j my S5-D&Wtf nac WM. H. BERNAT?T TT7I1 1 . 1 Value for the Honev. !w.o.wow, ' We aim to gi ve VALUE RECEIVED - v . . 3 , Large Stock. Great Va . riety of Style, 1 And Durable Gooda, at Low Prices for Cask, 'at Jyl-tf 89 N. Front St. qma enoutrer is published at mon St . 6 0UntteJ8 ot An8en. UtuonTxiesteV. field and Lancaster, and rnnhhao .V 1 RnflTS QtinrC bfmtelligentreadrs:'"-"u- nw DUU10 OJlUJbD, I So'SUHiIngton wul find it to be r I One of the best advprtlaintr tooiit,- " Una Central Railway, awe ntee as lareTa fwflu&aa,aflanypar betwlenChSott sent tT ! MRHAPs.one exception. NOW IS THE TIME fQ SSCRJBE. vlaBJ?h4y-tW0 Connties to Eastern and Middle North narnlin a ml lin.th OM.ni ADVERTISERS TOL TBEiaSMBER THIS ouuowipuon jrnce, in Advance, $3 per year. Send for sample copy to mhll-tf G BROS., Proprietors, I Wzldon. N. C. for the money paid for The Biblical Eecorder, - f PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Brouliton & Co. RALEIGH, N. a I Something New and Nice. THE UNIVERSAL FINE CUT & PLUG CiewiiToIiacco. And the COMPROMISE (FULL HAVANA) 50 CIGAR. Call and try them at H. BURKEMER'S, ; No. 6 Market Street i 1 I 1 Vessels not included in i ina proceed without detention. wm All Dersona intopoalrl will ni.o.. ". .. .' Quarantine will be'riiSrouslFerforced Taur ng the law for violation of the same . - ' i W. G. OTTRTTH ? Quarantine Physician mylO-eodtNovl Wilmington, N. C. 7 X SSSS ?.w?-Weekly Post publish nutil uuut cuongea or loroid. ' Notice. Schedule B Tax, WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Low to 'Close! I nqNSIGNMEOTS OF MERCHANDISE - V ? i WILL BE SOLD LOW TO CLOSK .Mcke"'l, gbls.'Half Bbls and Kits. North Carolina Bacon Hams. Sides and ! . nnonlnpra . West Bnlfe mXZ. h fi'-u . i ' ! - Large Hue of Soap, Feathers, 1 lbn gar, fears, PeaclIefH ' -F our and . Craikers. . r nine auu opini (jaska. Molasses and Rvrnn r Eggs. Chickens.. X MMriCtominission Merchants, J7i;tt : Next North Princess and Water Sts 1 1 5 jy4-tf 17,603 i.000 33,205 1.021,001) iaa. Scio,l, Hejane?illea H. C. HjSBSSION WILL BEGW ipHQF 77,000 54,000 ' tl.la Board and Tnition reduced jto flil 80. J . For information addresa T Ma, B. BJNGHAM' ! The Piedmont Press, r j HICKOKY IT. C, I TB ' ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN CA and is a deairabLe medium tl AT,ZZ,"?7r lcr"1 aiiowea on yearlv I an JiQVertlSlll MfidiTHnlinaTi mo eaaA I - i i v -r.w . JDito Mills and Apple Parers. Mallard & fCo. REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. REV. J. D. nUFHAM REV. W. T. WALTERS, D. D., Agricult'al Editor W HAVB ON, HAND A FULL " - " i ' I 1 8URPLY off r Orm of Horth Carolina flautists JsBSST SaS5SSS5?a!? I ffrucui ivur, I . . ... . wiiifia a MUKCHl! t - EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT. ' . ; A m , - ; i A ' J7 4-tf amine' c GILES & MURCnismsj's New Hardware Store. advertisr.mRnt. i Su&scriptioa 2 in advance. ah-.' .... . tf TTnrk1 iu auiuuui TOMLINSON . EdilraandProprietofs. mar'iB-tf Only $3.10 per Year. Address ' . BD3LICAL RECgRDER, Flour, t BblsGOOD FLOUR, Tn. i"Fm -iy meAium grades), ! ' 4 JA8l32.S?A,!r low by e ft-HAWfi HALL & PEABSALL. .r..vr.TL' . r"' uiaoe wumn tne State as wn as out of the State, (including timber, lumbe tur- Ste8 ttine, rosin and navaJsfwej Toi any kind and cotton v ah KjIiM,fr"w restaurants a,d eating 0 by uSf to pay a tax or one-bflf per cent, on ctJSs re?l$. tofjajuaiinm: U the B i'81 i? "I6 Payment of Schedule OnceTaV the lawiTbl sreXf at ie 30.eod6t S. TUj TH teVof ISedV 5 ; jj FEATUEK DUSTERS, at xur Wholesale rj, : J HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT -REPAIRING AT SnORT NOTICE7 Je''tf BOTTOM PRICES Bricks Bricks I. 100,000 GOODBRICK- l e !; J f i'iU'i f Foraaleby vi.-'i-i . i it . - ! WTLLARD BROS. t- .... uiviuDcwauui ml ijmw- . ei: Rates than anj crttver Weekly, jeS3-lw