cvkning edition IK THE STO BIT TOLD. BLACKWOOD. fair lead meekly bowed, A 9hy glance coming after, Voices not over loud, And a low, sweet laughter; So is the story told Up in the cottage old Under the smoky rafter. a fair maid flashing red With aa unknown feeling, ' Rut ashamed to bow her head , , ; Wall lover's kneeling; . So is the story told Down 'mid the white and gold Under the painted ceiling. ! " piaestabltobment In Scotland. The Scotch correspondent of the Nonconformist gives a graphic de scription of the sittiu?.of the Free Church General Assembly; when the auestion of disestablishment of the Scottish Church was under discus sion" The-building in which the As sembly met is, he writes, a striking olace for a public meeting. It holds easily 2,000 people, and can admit at pitch a thousand more. Instead of cilleries of the ordinary sort, raised platforms raiji all around the audito rium, and these, on the occasion of the great debate, were crowded to the ceiling 'by. a throng of deeply in-; was attired, in gown and band, and; ,t, ontiauated Court dress knee breeches ana DUCKie snoes auu iue three clerks also wore gowns.; me speakers foE disestablishment were Principal Rajny.Sir Henry Moncrieff, and other representative men, and against it the venerable Dr. Begg, th a small following of lesser lights. ThW debate was long, ani mated, but gbod-tempered through out, and, at.its conclusion, the reso lution of Dr. Rainy, which' included the broad statement that "it is now the duty of the Legislature, 1 while making due! provision for life j inter ests, to terminate the connection of the State with the existing Estab lished Church, and to give facilities tor a banefieial adjustment of eccle siastical miners in Scotland," was adopted by the overwhelming vote of ICO'to 78. , ! Gee. Grant's Lftftt speech In England. Gen. Grant, in the course of his re ply to the iiddresiof the Mayor and Oorporatiqn of Foikstone, England, just before his departure yesterday tor the continent,' said: "I thank you for what-has been said in honor of my own great country. It has been a feeling , of mine for many years standing that tbe. United States and Great Britain should be the verv best of friends. You have kindly alluded to my efforts as Executive of the tuited States to settle the questions itat were existi nf between th'f"twr o countries,, and which were liable at any time to create disturbance. For tunately, however, , these difficulties 'were settled in a manner creditable to both nations. There w?s no desire oo my part, and I am sure there was none on tbe part of .the thinking peo ple of the United States, that Eng sind should be humiliated in any sense, and' there was certainly a de termination on our part that we ' should not be humiliated, but we wanted a settlement that should be honorable to both nations. That was mvdesirp. at all events. lortppe's-Saleof Real Estate. Bl VIKTUB OP THB PROVISIONS OP A wtiin indenture of mortgage, dated the 17th day September, 1873, and duly registered in the pro per office in Book 11 .H. II., at page 131 and follow is?, made by Charles 8. Kllia to "The Beal Estate uan association of Wilmington, nortn C'aro . tteuBdersigned, as Attorneys of said Asao SjjMVwiU, at 12 o'clock. M on SATURDAY, the m DAY OF JULY, 1877, at the Court House, in ueCity of Wilmington, in the County of New Ha- '.enselDT!esold, by Public Auction, for cash; w me estate, right, title and - interest (the same be gone undivided one-third) of the said Charles 8. S'S?Iid to tne following described TRACr or mcsi OP LAND, situate in the County of New r. oa the Sound, supposed to contain 820 .Si ,mortor less, and batted and bounded as LkZ1' : Beginning on the Sound at an oak, or "J one formerly stood, formerly Francis Brans' w .thence running North 60 deg. West 100 thence North 30 deg, Sast 23 chaiBS, to a 5"? 'Iwye B. Mott's corner, thence South 60 deg. "fta Bald Mott's line to a black gum in the edge m7,lnn-?f branch in a field, thence along the said branch to said Mott's corner on the JWt or near the month of said branch or , nd thence Snnthwrn-riiy inn the Bound to TTiiig-exeepting 1C0 Acres, (part of said siZ" y?Jed to John P. Burgwin by John '2S41ua wife Prances, lately known as the MtPH i' 80(1 ! excepting 35 Acres, to be lo a the back part of said Tract, which the said lias ?d his wUe conveyed to the late Wil- Wilfflington, U. C. , June 25th, 1877.' W1UGHT & STEDMAN, . Attorneys. tet's Sate ot Real "Estate. ??AR BY VIRTUE OF THE PRO VI the li acer1n Wdenture of mortgage, made by Sojn e?nl Smaw an his wffe Mary A. ??el i We8y. dated the 9th day of ofii Z Td' "nd duly registered in the proper 4eD-U-a' at P"" 100 and following, m SRfSS?'8 Attorneys of said mortgagee, 'WltiAY. the 1JTH DAY OF JULY, he Wttii c.lock A- M-t cause to be sold, by pub toit w?! tte dof the Court House, in the ver,forX ugton? County of New Hano- iMkcfollowing described PARCEL OF sitn'uo ? Buildings and Improvements there to myrL?6 Baid City ot Wilmington, that is Karkp?nuiS at the South-westernlnterction ton7hi wtth Sixteenth Street, thence run- SSS117 with the Western line of Six atiT .1. 33" teet to. the Northern line of Dock 'eetwtoii?11160011 016 Pn of saidCity.thence ""ac. i;yt?',th BaId line of Dock 8treet 198 feet, atreet3SWa,,dly and parallel with Sixteenth tieiu tBe Southern line of Market Street, fcttteT3J:a8t,md,y with said line of Market u we Beginning. WJUttHf Jk STEDMAN, Attorneys. Je 13 tds . v., a ane 11, in OFFICE OF "UK LIVING AMD OUtt DEAD, ' AWlk5 V SUPPLY OUB SUBSCRIBERS W"? dle them, we shall resume the 0,,!fi LIVING AND OUB DEAD on Qomm Jtu and comDletA th IVt.h Volnma in eptfof HTV No new subscribers will be taken feenL j ?Jd volumes three of which have Ai18 17111 wm 06 ready in June. We .7r. esieV o . """Bcnoers witn any oac Uleyiiee12.fptemDer and October, 1874, iWT1 to complete thfiirfilPi. ' - back nutn should lf cSr79fond Volames-In CI 1 58 each. Cloth 00 each; utuern Illstorteal Monlhlr. LrWOunnmber8, wtia kw been "aSr s-S2J tial namber, we ref tolar - TwTln.?? ?crtPtions are solicited . "US ti' Advance-ia months $4 00; febJiflKaN historical monthly, d srs CBT"Oar qnoiauons, it snoaid be understood, rep resent the wholesalo prices gonerallv. In making up small orders higher prices have to be chargoa. AHTICUSB. , l-aiCBB. BAGQINQ Gunny, .. Double Anchor. ...... "- Double Anchor A". . BACON North Carolina, lb (new) Shoulders, $1 lb ....... . Sides, N. C choice, $ lb . Western Smoked - Hams... Sides, ......... Shoulders, . .... . Dry Salted Sides K ...'. ... , oo a i2v 00 12jii 11 IS 9 a . io 10 & 11 , oo 44! 00 a 9 00 . .. 7 00. 00 e v 5 a 6 Shoulders...... BEEF On the Hoof. BARRELS Spirits Turpentlnn, SecondHand, each.......... . New Newt York, each . ...... New City, each BEESWAX a.:..... 1 75 O 2 00 1 90 a 00 1 80 a 1 93 37 & 28 tt 00 10 00 1 33 & 14 00 -15 a 21) 26 85 5 &' 43 14 15 00 a &x i3a i4x i6 a is is a 13 $4 35 20 a w 4)'a 25r ' 65 a 87W 3Ji 4 00 a 7 w a 5 ' 122k 15 16 00 30 00 8 50 a 00. 13 00 a 13 50 7 50 a 00 11 00 ail 60 ' 3 50 a 6 SO 6 00 a 850 7a BRICKS Wilmington, 0 M .... Northern..... , BUTTER North Carolina. lb. Northern, ... :......... CANDLES Sperm, . Tallow, lb... ........ ..... Adamantine. lb CHEESE Northern Factory ft . , uatrj, creamy s State. lb..-.. ;.v COFFEE Java. V S ...... Laguayra, Ib.t. CORN MEAL S bushel.iu sacks KJN JILJA1 COTTON TIES $ lb...... ... . uumjssx'kjs snceung.t-4, V yd Yarn. bnncn..... ....... FISH Mackerel, No. 1, bbL.. o. 1, v jtf bbi ....... Mackerel. No. t, & bat. .... No., Jtf bbl.... Mackerel, No. S, 9 bbl Mullets. bbl.... N. C. Herring, V bbl.. Drv Cod. .... FLOUR Fine, 9 bbl... 0 00 a 6 00 super. Kiortnern, y bDi Extra do. " 9 bbl...... Family " ! t bbl..... City Mills Super., V bbl.... Extra, bbl..... " Family, 9 bbl... Ex. Family. bbl .. 000 000 10 50 0 00 0 00 10 00 11 00 67 50 00 00 50 06 a a 8 50 9 50 a 11 50 a 8 50 950 a 10 50 a 1200 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, 30UO 9s Baugh's Phosphate, M " Carolina Ferdlteer, " " Ground Bone. " Bone Meal, ' " Flour, 1 M Navassa Guano,! " " Complete Manure : Wnann's Pbosphato ' " Wando Phosphate, 4 ' Berger & BuU's Phosph. " Excollenza Cotton fc"erulizcr 0 a & & & & & a a a a & a 63 60 60 00 65 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 : ; 65 00 7 00 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 SO 00 55 90 70 00 00 00 60 00 15 80 70 77V 70 . - i co 5 lOjtf 1 25 1 15 V 1 10 85 r 12 00 , GLUE 9 j. GRAIN Corn, in -etore, in oags, 9 77fa 71 a 00 a 75 a 6a 50 a 4 a 10 a 20 a Corn. Cargo. V ousnei Corn, YeL, ousheL. Corn, wholesale, In bage. . . . Oats, bushel Peas. Cow.' J bushel . HIDES Green, 9 - Dry, V ft , l: ' . -HAY Eastern, 100 lbs.... ... western, 7 iuu bs North River, tt 100 fta '12 00 a HOOP IRON ton.. " ... 75 00 00 I 35 18 00 00 00 14 00 13 00 s 13 00 ,00 00 00 CO LARD-Norlhern, X.. North Carolina, 9 LIME bbl..:. LUMBER City !TKJJiaAwm Ship Stuff, rceawea, V M Tt Rnifph Edee Plank. M ft. a 3000 a i5oo WeetIndiaCargoes,according to quality, m it Dresaea Flooring, seasoned.. Scantling and Boaraa, com- 18 00 35 00 16 00 50 53 muu. jn. ...... . . . . . . MOLASSES Cuba, hhds, gal.. Cuba, bbls m gai ...... PortoRico,hhds " bbls Sugar House, hhds, gal.. . . " " bbls. gal.... & & a a a a o a & & & a 55 58 33 ' 35 80 3 75 , 21 145 100 40 30 20 "100 00 00 40 3 00 Syrnp.bls. gal.... NA tTA-Cnt. 4d to SOd. keg. . . OILS Kerosene, gal 30 1 10 Unseed. gaT.".". "".."..!. Rosin. eal.. J 90 30 25 15 85 80 4 00 IS 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 0 00 60 POULTRY Chickens, live .. f " 1 Spring... PEANUTS bushel..... POTATOES Sweet, bushel.. . Dish, Northern, bbl PORK Northern . City Mess a & a a a a 100 450 19 00 00 00 16 00 16 00 7 00 75 - 75 87tf '- 85 - 13 12f '11 13 13X 6X 6 00 300 00 00 30 00 00 00 0000 00 13 00 9 09 1 00 6 00 4 00 500 3 50 30 83X Thin, bbl.. ..... Prime, bbl....... Rumo. U bbl. J RICE Carolina, S Bast India, B ...... Rough. bunh RAGS Country. City, 3 a ROPE SALT Alum, bushel 00 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 11 00 5 4 oc 5 50 6 50 9 50 18 00 00 00 00 00 08 11 00 8 00 6 50 5 90 0 00 1 00 1 75 18 38 a a & & a & a a a a Liverpool, r.u.B.. American. 9 sack SUGAR Cuba, Porto K1CO.-V i.. A. Coffee, B " lb... C ' S... Ex. C Crushed. .... SOAP Northern, ..; PHXNOUIS contract, M uommoB, y m ...... CvDressSaDB H M. Cypress Hearts B H. I STAVES W.O.Bbl.,M... .. a 0 a a a a 1 R. O. Hhd., M.. Cvnress. 9 M. TALLOW B ............ TIMBER Shipping, M. juurame, m Mill Fair, M Common Mill.... Inferior to Ordinarr. 9 M... WHISKEY Northern, gal. a a a - Mortit caronna, gai. ....... WOOL Unwashed, ft ...... Waaned. W WILiniNGTON fflONEY nABKET I BUTTKS. SZLLUie. Qbid ..... i.103 105 Exchange (sight) on New Yotk, X disct. oaiumore,.... j Boston, .'..X " ! Philadelphia, ........ X " Exchange 30 days 8 cent interest added ta aoove. Bank of New Hanover Stock; 100 First National Bank........ - nnwm'Rfmlr . - 85 80 100 95 140 Wilmington Building Stock,.. ....... Navassa Guano (to. . " U Ci. Bonds OldEx-CouDon '. 14 do. running looo.... ........ Do. " 1868.... i 6 Do. -New... 5 Do. . Special Tax. 1 TVn M tt n 'Rfl.llrmul 49 W. A. W. B.R.Bonda 7 c (Gold Int).100 Carolina Central 1L R. Sends, i C. .40 Wilmington City Bonds, 3 c .. . 65 " c...; w Old 6 C 60 " new 6 e....60(GoldInt) . aa 70 New Hanover County Bonds (10 years), m mn J T A. V C t Tnt .i.,80 W. W. Railroad Stock . ....70 ..i..40 ..,.57 .4. .10 . ....40 North Carolina R.R. " . WU. Gas Light Co. " . Wit. ASeab'd R.RV " . Wilmington Cotton Mills THE FIELD, A Journal for the ' Sportsmen of To-day. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. '.: j . vj y AT- '." -j. ".) 14 S. Canal St. Chicago. TkRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Vearlv. 9A 00: Half-vearlv. 2.00. Foreign and Canadian subscription, post free Yearly 18s.; Half. . yearly 9s. Single copies, 10 cents. THE FIELD is a complete weekly review of the higher branches of a sport Shooting. Fishing, Racing and Trottijjg, Aquatics, Base Ball, Cricket, Billiards, and General Sporting News, Music and the Drama.. i . I , : THE FIELD will be found in keeping with? tne times, on ail subjects pertaining to honorable sport, and will, under no circumstances, admit to its columns anything tending in any wise to demoralize or degrade public sentiment.; THE FIELD being the only Sporting Journal published West of New York, and the recognized authority among the sportsmen of the- West and South, among whom it enjoys a large and increasing patronage, possesses snperfrr advantage as an ad vertising medium, which will be appreciated by those desiring to make their business known in the United States. aprsw-w Obstacles to marriage Relieved. HAPPY RELIEF TO YOUNG MEN from the effects of Errors and Abuses in earlvfjlfe. MAN HOOD RESTORED. Impediments to Marriage re moved. New method of treatment. Books and circulars sent free ia sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 419 N. Ninth St., Phil adelphia. Pa. An Institution having a high reputa" tion for honorable conduct and professional skill. ; ; my 8-ly . S ; 1876, Postpaid. 81.60. j ' .,' TICS NUESEBY. , ; , , I A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOB YOUNGEST J. Readers.' Superbly Hlas&rateai Sep4 jn cents for a Sample Number. Subscribe Now, an9r get the iast two numbers of this year Feb I ' - JOHN L. SHOSSY, ' ' oct34-tf 1 -.. 36 Bromfield Street, Boston MISCELLANEOUS. I The KlomingStar PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Subscription Rates In kinni ; DAILY STAR.:Ono Year, postage paid;. ..;: 17" 00 Six Months . t ...:.U00 Three Months"- 3 35 One Month " 1 00 WEEKLY STAR. One, Year postage paid, $1 SO Six Months, " ' : 1 00 Three Months " " 50 Notices of the kPress: A first-class paper, liottleboro Aiitmcs. ' i i i Emphatically alive paper. Cfoldsboro New. , i The Stab is a live paper. Sumter OS. C) Newt ; One of our best exchanges. Aistue OovrUt. (SC. One of the best daily papers in the State. Weidon One ot the very best of our daily! exchanges.--South Carolinian. ' Ranks among the leading Dailies of the State. Christian Advocate. i - One of the best Dallies in the State. hiteMaencer. i -StatesvUle A valuable paper. -Pet Dei Courier We cheerfully recommend it. Ranks among the leading journals of tne South. Morion 09. C.) Star. One of the best and most desirable papers in North Carolina. Norfolk Yirqinian. i Full of general news, and a credit to Wilmington Elizabeth. City Norih Carolinian. One of the best daily papers published In the Southern States. .Sorry (& C.) Newt. One bf our best Southern journals. I As a newspa per not surpassed by my.JHend of Temperance. One of the best conducted in the State : bold, inde pendent and well informed. HUitbon Recorder. - Ably edited, and has a circulation .which sneaks volumes -of comment on its Influence. Magnolia Monitor. r . I Onward and npward it troes until now it has the largest circulation of any Daily in the 8tate. Pied mont Press. ' . - - r ; - ?; The Wilmington Stab, now very much improved. has the largest circulation of any paper in the State. The Stab stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise .and literary merit. vnester 0s. u.) JUporter. Unquestionably the best daily lournal in North Carolina, and has no superior in any other Southern state. Jtaraoro vs. u.) limes. For editorial ability, general news, correct market reports and fine literary selections the Stab has no superior. Rocky Mount Mail. . Is well corducted and has as much and great a va riety of good reading matter aa any Daily In the State. Warrmton Gazette. , This caper, thoueh not many years old. Is one of the best dailies in the State, and well merits the support it receives. Louisburo Courier. One of the best dally journals on I our exchange list. Belongs to no ring save that which encircles the good of the people. Savannah Mirror. - - '! The Wilmington Morhtko Stab is among the best newspapers in the South. Rich, rare; racy, always fresh and "on Umo."AtheviUe Expositor. A staunch and independent advocate of the peo ple's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first jour nals of the Southern couutry.-Rockinaham Observer. i The Stab is undoubtedly an enterprising sheet, beautifully printed and conducted with marked ability. Mr. Bernard deserves great credit for his esorts in journalism.--noma, aena-iet. Those of our readers desiring to take a daily or weekly paper from North Carolina cannot do better than take the Wilmington Stab. Cheram CS. C.) Democrat. , The Stab is one of bur most highly valued ex changes, and it affords us pleasure to recommend it as one of the most racy and reliable dailies in North Carolina K tnston uatetu. A live newspaper, and the best Daily n the State. The circulation is lareer than. that of any other Daily in the State, which proves X.--MUUm Chron icle. , .. 1 No paper evci started in North Carolina has grown so rapidly as has the stab, xnougn omy nve years old. it is now a fixed institution. enjoying an uuiu one in the State. enceanda ty Becona to none $uisbury ..-- i - The Wilmington Stab is In the front rank of our Southern dailies, well edited, full of. news and select reading matter, telegraph! exports, and in every res rject a first rate iournaU If we had many such papers our State would be the gainer Dy it. ureens. ATLANTIC HOTEL, BEAUFORT, C. rryiE UNDERSIGNED HATING J LEASED THE above popular Summer Resert ;for a term of . will thoroughly renovate and reDair the same. and will open JDLY 1ST, 1877, for the accommoda tion of such crnests as he may see fit to entertain. A Band of Music has been engaged for the season. Fast sailing Boats to be had at all times for Fish ing and Sailing Parties. I Bath Houses for both Ladles and Gentlemen. , Surf Bathing as fine as can be found on the At lantic Coast. The Table will be supplied with all the Luxuries of both land and water. In fact, the Proprietor is determined to give satisfaction to all Visitors. Terms $2.50 per day. Special rates with parties stopping more than ope week. I je 33-2m Da. G. K. BAGBY, Proprietor. A. APBIAH. ADRIAN & j E. VOIXXBS TOLLERS, . Corner Front and Dock Sts., WILMINGTON, N. C. WHOLESALE GROCERS j IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. ; Country merchants will do well by calling on us and examining our stock. novl9-tf Chaw the Best. B UY JAMES Y. WHITTED'S I CELEBRATED BHANJ3 UiC Harry Lee Chewing Tobacco, erS61d only in Wilmington by ADRIAN & VOL LERS; Wholesale Grocers and Tobacco, Cigar and Liquor Dealers, Southeast corner Dock and Front Streets. " i j ap 27-3m HEADQUARTE RS ! CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, r CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, i CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. AT THOMAS H. McKCY'S. AT THOMAS H. MoKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. THE FINEST LIQUORS. THE FINEST LIQUORS. THE FINEST LB1UORS. THE FINEST LIQUORS. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. MoKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. MoKOY'S. ROCK TTOM PRICES. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. AT THOMAS H. MoKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. MoKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. MCCOY'S. Je 16-tf ; O. HOWARD'S SliayiDg and Hair ;Dressiji2 ; Saloon r. North Front Street, "-' i NEXT DOOE SOUTH OP DAWSON, BANK'f WILMINGTON, , N . C?.- ; , ' HAIR CXTTTINQ ; 4ND Hi-MPOOINQ 25 CTS n . Pitt . '-...if- .. ' J -. . mr tf . ' ?-.:r rMISOELLANEOUS THE "STAR" My. STEAM JOB, .PRINTING- i BOOK BINDERY, -AND- BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM H. BERNAKD, PROPRIETOR, WILMINGTON, Nl C. ! C3FTHE ONLYJ ESTABLISHMENT IH THE CITY HAVING All of these Facilities Combined The Beat Aiiorimenl of i j TYPES, PAPER, CABDS and INKS. Skilled Workmen -IN Every Denartment. Not the Lowest Prices -BUT,- As Low Prices AS ANY Other Establishment FOR THE BEST QUALITY OF WORIi. mmMmmmtM- . - wt QD TUnfTWl . W TTT.TWf Ali J. Al A XA1 Vi s A V vs -AND jBXjsr id i isr a-, OF EVERY DESCEIPTION, EXECUTED Promptly and Skilfully. Improved Machinery -OF- . SINCE ADDING Steam Rower We arQ enabled to fill , I.' 1 1 . ... ,. . AD Orders win tientmiijL'lli MISCELLANEOUS. Baltimore Wilming ton, IT. C. SteamshiD Line. r i Tlie Steamer ; RALEIGH, Capt. OL1TER, WILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE OA SATURDAY, July 14. "Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING riven to and worn PHILADELPHIA, and PJROMPT DISPATCH -Guaranteed. . , . For Freight Engagements apply to A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, i WILMINGTON, N. C. L. S. BELDEN. Soliciting Agent. REUBEN FOSTER.General Agent, Comer Lee and Light Streets, ; Jy8-tf ' Baltimore. CLYDE'S New York and WilmiDgton Steamship Line; The Steamer BEIME FACTOR, Capt. JONES, WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK ON SATURDAY, July 14. "Shippers can rely npon the PROMPT SAILING of Steamers m advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to ; A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, WILMINGTON, N. C. i L. S. BELDEN, Soliciting Agent. . WM. P. CLYDE & CO., General Agents, ; 6 Bowling Green or Pier 13 N. K., jy S-tt New York. THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT " SIA1ESVILLE, IREDELL CO.. N. 0. IS THE I " Leading Newspaper in Western North Carolina, j It is the only Democratic Paper published in Iro- dell County one of the largest and wealthiest conn ties in the State and has attained a larger local circulation wan any paper ever neretoiore pablisned in ine county. Its circulation In Alexander. Wilkes. Ashe. Alle- gnany, xaaain, isavie ana xreaen, is larger tun that of any two papers in the State combined; and is rapidly acqnirug a strong footnold in Forsythe. Surry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg, It is the only paper in Western North Carolina that employs a KseBLAB Cakvassins AeEHT, and constantly Dcrore tne people, under thw system a rapidly increasing circulation is the result, TBE BEST ADVERTISING BIEDITJSl IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADBRSSS. LANDMARK," StatesvUle. N C. derSKf Forest and Stream, A Weekly Journal of Sixteen - Pages. DEVOTED TO , If IE ZD SjP OR TSt. PRACTICAL NATURAL HISTORY. FISH CUL TUKB, FKOTJEUTION OJf UAHJE, "itKSlK--VATION OF FORESTS, YACHTING, BOAT- 1MG AMi AiiLi , i flnt-Door Recreation anJ SMy. . : j . It is the only Journal In this Country that folly supplies the wants and meets he necessities of the Gentleman Sportsman. TERMS $1 00 A YEAR. : Liberal disconnt to Crabs. Send for a Specimen Copy Forest 4c Stream Pabllanlns Co., 103 FULTON STREET, New York Post Office Box 3831 . mar2&-tf j Spring Fashions. I TTAVraQ RECEIVED BY STEAMER BLOCKS I of the latest styles of Hats for Ladles and Chil- dren. Mrs. Virginia A. Orr Is prepared to alter, press and bleach work entrnsted to her. Old Bonnets and Gentlemen s Panama and Silk or Far Hats made to.; Look as Bright as New. White straw dyed black when so ordered and in beet tyle. . RESIDENCE One door east of Front, on Church Street ' mh87-tf Si SH Can't be made by every agent every rf 27 w 7 month in the basiness we furnish. irnisn, easily , - i bat those willing to work can easilv earn a dogen dollars a day right in their own local!- ties. Have no room to explain here. Business plea- tt . i T i. r sant and honorable. women, ana ooys ana giris aa as well as men. We will furnish yon a complete untat iree. Tne Dusiness pays Dettertnan anytning else. We will bear exoenses of starting too. Par ticnlars free. Write and see. Farmers and mecna nics, their sons and daughters, and all classes in need of paying work at home, should write to ns and learn ail about the work at" once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Address Tbu & Co., Augusta Maine. feb 6-Cm The Camden Journal. Published Every Thursday, at Camden, S. 0., IS THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER EN Kerehaw county, and has an extensive circulation among the Merchants, Farmers and all cjasaes- of basmess men" in the county. n - : 1 1 offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a desir able Medium for Advertising, the country in which AiMnlafaa lanlvirT itAnviura nrli-h 4-i4- Hw Kvarnom br on the Wateree River, and the Wilmington, Co lombia and AuguBta Hailroad. ! ' T.iKaiMil tflFmg vxHl 1 Ka marl arlfh 4VisiaA Asatrtnn 4-a advertise. Subscription price, f 3 SO per ansnm. Address. feb37-tf Editors and Proprietors ' r, .' . : Horry Weekly Hews PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNIUft AT CONWAYBORO, S. C.,' ' T. W. BEATY, SSlTOR:-Sr. - W. O. tMOTHY BUBLISHEB. Terms $2 Eer Annum. A DVERTISEMENTS - INSERTED AT 'row x. rates. The Horry News is the only paper pnb- uuiicu ux uxc ijuiuilj, uu uiivuur s large jSJICul'fil in una cuuuiy, anu a connaeraDie Circuiauon i lnmbns and Brunswick county, N. C;, xc"" desirable medium f or advertiseri." ':-h W. H. Bernard la onr : aathomei mington,N. C. ; Wevv Spring ahdSUmjriier Goods ! ;:' -RECEIVED-iiAILiY' BY-. -.V'--' JU L I TJ S SUCCESSOR TO 5 I AM NOW ! PREPARED TO SHOW THE v Finest. Stock of; DRY i&OODS in this City! CONSISTING OP Dress Goods in all the new styles and hades, ' Calicoes, Cambrics, Cretonnes dc Percaleis, ; ; I Bleached and Unbleached Shirt- lugs of the most v approved . makes, , , t Household Furnishing Ooods, The Best Assortment ever Exhibited in this Market. Also, some Job Lots of Notions &c, from the late firm's, stock, which I will offer at greater inducements than ever until ' - I- Respectfully, ' JULIUS SAMSON, ap 14-tf i 45 Market Street. RAILROAD LINES, &c. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. OFFIOX OT 6'L S UPK3IHT KNBKKT . t ; Wilmington, N. C., Jnne 9, 1ST7. 1 : rvs J lam. Passenger Trains on the Wilmington & Weldon Kailroadwiu ran aaroiiows: . j Dsty Blall and. ExpreRi Train, Dally Leave Wilminzton. Front St Depot, at 6:55 A. M Arrive at Weldon . 12:40 P. M. Leave Weldon. 1 1 :40 A. M Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot;, o:4J r. M Nlgat Mall and Express Train, Dally except Sunday. Leave Wilmfcrton. Front St. Depot, itt 5:35 P. hi Arrive at Weldon. ..... :u a. ol. Leave Weldon .'. 8:15 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 12:00 M. The II av Traiii makes close connection at Wel don for all points North via Bay Line, daily except annaay, ana aauy via menmona miu ku- rail ronte. - Nisht train makes close connections at wciaon for all points north via Richmond. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS at tached to all Night Trains, and ran through from Wilmington to menmona. Jel0-tf r General Snperintendent General Snp'ts Office, j WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA dc At3i GTJSTA R. B. CQBIPANir, WILMINGTON. N. C, June 1, 1K7- Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNUAX, J UJNifi 3KU, ia.B. following Schednle will be run on this Road: ; Day Express and trial I Train (Dally except 3uuunyj . - . i: . , Leave Wilmington..........;.-...-.- 12:15 P. au Arrive at Florence.... 5:00 r. M. Leave Florence. . .a. , . 12:30 P. M.; Arrive at Wilmington...; 5:20 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dally). Leave Wilmington................. ... 6:C2 P. M.. Leave Florence.. . ..;........ ...,..... 10:05 P..M. Arrive at Columbia...... 1:11 A. M. Arriv at AmniBta..... ....... .......... 4:32 A. M. Leave Augusta, ............. ........... 8:33 P. M.t Leave Celnmbia. trt m. Leave Florence 2:45 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington...... 6:39 AM. This Train will only stop at Flemington, White ville,FaIr Bluff, Marion, Florence, Timmonsville,, Sumter and Eastover, between Wilmington and Co lombia. . . - . 1 . Throngh Fretffhi TrainX Dally exeept - sanaaii.; i - v ' -. . . . - .- - i ' IaveWumington. ...... ............. 2:30 P. M. Leave Florence... . . ........ 2:85 P. M. Arrive atColumbia. . 10:10 A.M. LeaveColumbia.. , 5-iw r. M. Leave Florence....... ......... ... .. 4:30 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington.... .12:00 M. Passengers for Augusta, and beyond should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charles ton andMacon. -- - ' je 2-tf , . .;- , en'l Sup'U CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. ' : OjTICB GxiTSBAIi BUFXmKTEtODXNT, 577. f ; Wilmington, N.C., June. 1st, 1877. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, THE 4TH INST., Trains will run over this Road as follows: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : Leave , Wilmington at. ...k. ...... Arrive at Charlotte at........... Arrive at Shelby at . . ....... Leave Shelby at Leave Charlotte at. i i... ..: 6:00 P.M. ... 6:00 A.M. ..11:15 A.M. .. 1:30 P.M. ... 6:20 P.M. Arrive at Wilmington at . 6:20 AM. This Train leaves Wilmington and Shelbv. Dailv. except Sundays, with Sleeping Cars attached. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT TRAIN i Leave Wilmington at ........... Arrive at Laurinburg... . 6:40 A.M. t.t. Ta J- Leave Lanrinbnrg, going West. .... . 6.00 A M .... 5:00 P.M. ... 7:25 A. M. : Arrive at unariotte .... .... Leave Charlotte, going East.-. . Arrive at Laurinburg ...... .. 6:00 P. M. Leave Laurinburg..; 4:00 A. M. Arnve at Wilmington 4:30 P.M. ' This Train leaves Wilmington and ' Chanotte on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and leaves Las rinborg on Tuesdays, ThoiBdays and Saturdays. ; jel-tf . . f General Superintendent.- POWDER. POWDER. Kentucky Eifle Powder Blasting Powder. . Deer Powder., - . r- - -: A Iarge - Supply" lstatttly-' on Hand,;r' ' TtntSd by- . 4 ;ted. C33IPJY' S A M SON J. & II. SAMSON. Linen Lawns and Linen IMapers. Hosiery Ladles' and Gents' Cn 1 ) derwear, - Tweeds, Cassimeres and Cotton ades, h-- : 2'Af .l-- V.uAa and tf.eifrinwu an1 all klnVIa m t - jj- nun a ni I ... if: nf fimnll WftTO in er'fitkt vnrl. of Hourning Dress Goods they are sold out. r . " INSURANCE. Atkinson & manning's .. . Insurance llooma, 1 ' BANK OF NEW HAN OYER BUILDING, tWUmlngton. N. C FIRE. Queen Insurance Company, of England.' ftorthBritish & Mercantile Ins. Co., of England. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. National Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. . Continental Insurance Company, of New York. Phoenix Insurance Company, of New York. ' Springfield Insurance Co., of Springfield .Mass. Royal Canadian Insurance Company, of Canada. ' MARINE Mercantile Mutual Ins. Company, of New York. . Insurance Co. ef North America, of Philadelphia- LIFE.. Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. ot Hartf oral Total Assets Represented Over $100,006,600. jan 11-tf ... Fire '. and . Life Instance Agency c! J.;- A. BYRNE & CO. Kepresentlns ever $62,000,000 Asset. . - . . . ... -. . - - - OFFICE Commercial Exchange Building North Water Street. febS5-tf PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON Life Insurance Qompan v Of Richmond, Virginia Over 22,300 Policies Issued ' Annualjncome Over $l,500,0k ProOTiye ! Prosjerons ! Promt ! BMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES, SECT It r INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE - AND GOOD SURPLUS Premiums Cagh, Policies JLlberi, Annaal Dlvldion of Surplus. -' AETHTJE J. HILL, Jr., Agent. Office for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood, Med N cal Examiner, on Market street, two doers west o ' Green St Planner's drug store, Wilmington, N. C. eepiemoer a-u JNCeURAOE HOME INSTITUTIONS. SecHrity against Fire. ' THE NORTH CAROLINA DOME INSURANCE COSXPANV RALEIGH, N. C. This Cempanv continues to write Poliripji t fa. rates, on all classes of insurable property. - lOBueo are piompuy aajusted and paid. Tht HOME " is rapidly growing In pubUcIavor, ane ppeals, with confidence, to insurers of property in forth Carolina. Agents in all paxts efthe State. mMSi B. H. BATTLE, Jr., President. O.B. ROOT, Vice President v . BEATON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON A MANNING, Asnm, ang 1-tf Wilmington. N. C. Bank of Hew Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Cash Capital paid In $300,000 Surplus Fund fiSO.OOO. ". e.e- : DIREC1 ORS. '" . .. r. . t l- . . . . - . -.- - ----- I - JOHN DAWSON a M. STEDMA h B. GRAINGEK JAS. A. LEAK ' 3. F. LITTLE E B. BORDER M. WEDDELL. R. MURCHISON : DONALD MoRAB H. VOLLBKS -R. R. BRIDGEES W. ATKINSON ' L B. GRAINGER, President S. D. Waixacx. Cashier faugSO-tf To the Working Class. WE ARE NOW PREPARED . TO FURNISH all class 8 with constant employment at home. the whole ef the time, er for their spare moments " Business new, light and profitable. Persons of ei " ' ther sex easily earn frem 60 cents to f& ner evenin?. and. a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to tne easiness. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the bnsines& we make this - unparalleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar for the trouble of writing. Full particulars,, samples worth several dollars to ,: commence work on, and a copy of Home and'Fire- ' mae, one 01 tne largest ana nest illustrated iudu- cations, all sent free by maU. Reader, if you want permanentprofltableworkv address, tixonex Sim- son A Co.. rortiana, Maine. , ; feb 6-Sm The Bobesonian. PUBLISHED B VERY WEDNESDAY MORNINC . inLumberton, N. C, by W. Wallace McDiar-. mid, h as the largest circulation of any country paper in the State. . . It circulates eztensiveiy In the or an tics of Robeson, Richmond, Bladen. Coram!, as. ' Cumberland, Brunswick, and in the adjoining ceun ties of Marion, Marlboro and Darlington, ia Ecrr Carolina.: As a Local Newspaper it has ho sb It Is one of the few country papers whose Adit . and Publisher gives his whole time and attention to . its columns. - ' - ,r In Politics the ROBESONIAN will stotve to pro . Jnote the principles of the Dembcratic5onser' ive party, anais uncompromisingly in favor of T Supremacyi Ita Local columns will uliray jie latest ana nest news, wbimsii ui at and business-like manner. Its e short and lucid and upon -ve -' -. jer i f concern- onr people. As .i t -r i it is much seught after &r , , r --country p"-

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