4-4fei9,.t.- WILMING TON, JV. C: .TUESDAY. . i: :Jul7 10, 1877. I MORNING EDITION. ! BY TELEGRAPH. ; v Our Night Reports. TIIBINU1AN WAR. An Importaat Telegram C r o sal n s t tbe Bio Grande A Fisht wllh the " Indians-Horses ! Captured SSI o e menta of Itae Savages In Other Di rections, &:c. ,?.,,J - " 'Washington, July 9. Gen. Osborne. Minister to Chili, sails to morrow. '. -.: f i . s GenV ComJv. Minister to the Sandwich Islands, sails from San Francisco in the ! f -AtinnRt stnamfir. . Dr. Godding accepts the Superintendency or the insane Asylum vice amcuous. 'Thfe followiniTi important- telegram was - received here yesterday, and copies fur nished to the President and Secretary of State:- . -i Til .1? ' -- "- San Antonio, July 7th. E. O. lownsend. : Adjutant Generah Washington. D. C : The following has iast been received. It ac cords with -my reply to Trevino's letter,' telegraphed to headquarters yesterday. I teleeranhed Shafter that there was no ne cessity of following the trail of the Indians to where they had already Deen punisnea by 3ullisi but to look close for that made . by the party. that raiaea on me .nueces. (Signed) Okd, J " Brigadier General. Fort Clark, Texas' Jidy 7th. Gen. Ord, &in Antonio: 'Had all ready to cross to morrow ' fn support of Bullis and Hunt. This morning, at twoo'clocfc, liullis came alone, having ridden 140 miles in thirty-six v hours. tfullis. in comme down irom uavis, struck the trail of the Indians from Gilles- - . . . . . 1 T I pie county nau.way Deiween ine recoa uu Rio Grande, iust before night on the 29th vif June.' and only three or four " hours behind! them. He followed them - to the Bio Grande .and crossed the river, drowning two of his horses, and - on the third day came on them while they were resting. He attacked them at once The Indians retreated to a mountain, fight ing, ind after an engagement of one hour thev all managed to escape, none of them . wounded. Bullis got all of the horsed but two. . The. fifty reported by Gen. Clitz as . passing Point Rock Spring are all account ; ed for, eight left on the trail and six killed while the rangers were on tne trail ana nine while Bullis was oh the trail, two taken by an Indian, and twenty-three cap tured by Bullis. Me alsoiouna at tne camp part of the harness taken from J phnson, on the Mercer, showing that part of the .band had scattered after that officer, and 'got with i the party raiding in Gillespie county, and probably loined them in Mexico. as thev; went out about tea days j first. Bullis reports the Indians as Ljpans, and that he saw no sign to indicate that , they were near their vil " lage. iThis-is likely near some of their towns. . I have ordered the companies to stop as they have until your orders are re ceived. The trail followed by Bullis is the only plain track that we know; has lately been crossed, and as the Indians who made iit have been caught I will go on without further orders, as Lieut. Bullis reports that it is impossible to follow the trail where he struck them, and scouting on the other side 'would have to be for the Indian camp or anything that mightturn up. .Signed Shafter, Lieutenant Commanding. Portland, Oregon, July 9. A dispatch from Lewiston.fdated the 6th, via Walla Walla to-day, says a courier just from Col. Perry; en route for Gen., fiow ' ard, with a pack train and an eseort of thirty men, says that '.he was attacked on the 4th, and ten soldiers and two citizens were killed. ' Capt. Whipplein' command at Cottonwood, came to the rescue and re pulsed the Indians. The Indians are in force around Col.: Perry and Capt. . Whip ple, who have . only force, enough for defence. The' route is unsafe to Cottonwood. : It is a bold stroke of Joseph and his band, ' andit . is re ported by signal to the Indians North and East and will stir, them up to offensive measures. Parties just f rota the Spakane country report that all; the settlers except five men between Spakane, the lower bridge and Pelouze landing, have left their homes and fled to Walla Walla. The In dians have destroyed some fields and gar dens..' '. i . : - ! . . FOREIGN IRTKLLIGENCE. surprise and Capture of a farlclsla tamp-Tlie Position or Benmania W'eaknen of the Russian Navy Tprklsli and; Russian Army Move mentsDefeat of a Russian Column Austria and tbe Province of 1 Ros. nla Tne Russian Retreat In Asia, &c, &e.-- ' I . '. - , J - London, July 9. : A Reuter telegram from St. Petersburg says the following is a dispatch from the Czarwitch, dated yesterday: " i "A body of cavalry, with one battery, surprised Tirnoya on Saturday and cap tured a Turkish camp; with ammunition and baggage. The artillery are approach iug Tirnova." ; .. . . . The Times' Bucharest correspondent, un der date of 4th of July, savs: "Indications are observa'ble that Russia's efforts to dis suade Roumania from taking an active part - .i i . in me campaign are mereiy aesignea to al lay Austria's apprehensions." i The correspondent thin ks it probable that the advance guard of the Roumanians mav cross at Siminitza, and work up the south ern bank of the Danube until they secure a crossing place -where they can be "joined by . tne main oody. The Bremen Weser Zeitung, which is not unfriendly to Russia, says: "On. the eve of war it was discovered that only thirty per cent, oi tne itussian navy was seaworthy. Kemtorcemenis i tor the uaucassian army are much delayed. Decan9e only five out of ten steamers of the Caspian flotilla are in a serviceable condition. . . ... j; Kkognjevatz, July 9. The reply of Skuptschina to Prince Mir- lan's speech is guarded and pacific in tone. i ; - (", '';;..v'; EitzBROxm, July 9. Turkish official news" says: "The Rus sians have forty battalions on the north side or liars-Bulk. Their army and heavy ar- AiJiery have withdrawn jn the direction of Alexandrople. ' . .i.. v; :' The line between Mukhtaf Pasha's head-' quarters and Jlars was completely free from Russians on the 4th mst ' , Mustapha PasLa, the new Governor of Jiars, has left Mukhtar' Pasha with a rein forcement of 40,000 for the garrison of : itussian column lias Deen defeated in a . attempt to enter '; Ardametsch, and iveo back; on Ardahan, where a great uremration Of Kassiantroops 19 proceed- Three battalions '-have been dispatched fr i Dsliaba: to reinforce Mukhtar Pasha. London. commentin art th l4!adv at 101. - II "30rtS Of movements rkf tha . A n. - l'.r Jopaf saysi'VTheMastfianspnn r f 7-aeiay nach ioE;rthe!-inevitaB; Ion of Boer:?, and there is ev' '"' believe tlt viiie; Turks -ir: :ra V . protlrcb -- table to the Caucassian rising; which is vir tually suppressed, but to the fact that the Russians were too weak to overcome the Turkish forces, whose strength had been underrated." -i j ' Mme.Tietien8' condition is again critical. C i' ? .. Pabis, July 9. Republique Francaise intends to prosecute the editor of th : official Bulletin des Com mune for libelling the Iiepublique Fran caise, and M. Gatnbetta's Journal des Debate intends to bring an action against the go vernment for violating the rights of the press. ' , I . : Teheran, July 9. : The Russian expedition against Turco mans is 'retreating from Kazilar towards Krasnovodsk. i , , Tne Comlnsr r Procession of Orahsei men Indications of a Hostile ITIeei- s ' Boston, July 9. A Montreal dispatch to the Journal says there is every prospect of an exciting time there Thursday, when the Orangemen have weir customary annual paraae. orange- men are to come down from Canada West in large numbers to take part in the pro-r cession, which the 'Montreal Orangemen nave aeciaea on having at all hazards; Nightly drills are going on, and have been for weeks past in different parts of . i . i , . ... iue cuy, ana nrearms are oemg put in or der Dy the opposite party. ; 1 lie indications are that a hostile meet ing will occur between the two bodies, arid there will be bloodshed, notwithstanding tne admonitions and advise given both par- lies uy me auuionues ana ciergy. " WEATHEIt KKfUHT, WakDepaktmbnt, IIM1P nf (Ihifif Siirnal Hffixiir kllHI VLUVl t. j Washington, July 9 7:30 V "' . i Indications. .M. For the South Atlantic and East Gulf states, stationary or Higher pressure,' sta tionary temperature, winds mostly from the southwest, and clear or partly cloudy weather, with possibly occasional showers. 1 KLBGTBIC SPARKS. The Rotunda Theatre, in LiverpooT. was destroyed by nre Sunday night. A fire in Del Norte, Colorado, consumed two blocks, including the postoffice and oan juan oanK. ouudings. and other Dro- pcrty valued at W,000. Col. J. WJ Woodruff, the oldest officer on the New York division of the Pennsvl- vania Kanroaa, died m Elizabeth City; N. J., yesterday, or paralysis. - ; - . The Merchants' Loan and Trust Com pany, of Patterson, N. J., has suspended. The depositors are probably safe. The stockholders will lose heavily. . A whirlwind struck the town of Pen-1 sauker, Wisconsin, Sunday, leaving but three houses. Six persons were known to be killed. Twenty were wounded, and five are missing, r . - l The steamer 1 City of Vera Cruz, from Havana for New York, when fifty miles outbroke her shaft, and returned to the former city yesterday morning. She will be delayed ten days for repairs. A New York dispatch states that the threatened discbarges, reductions of sala-j ries, and reorganization of the department,! in the Board of City Works, Brooklyn,! which has been long talked about, were made by the Commissioner, yesterday morning, lneir action has created great excitement among tne politicians. . , i DOITIESTIC IOTAKKETK. ) " New Yobk, July 9 Evening. , ! I Financial. Money abundant.; Sterling exchange heavy at 487i. Gold very dull at 107$, Gov ernments firm new fives 111. State bonds steady. ; (jommerewL Cotton quiet middling uplands 12 3-16 cents; middling Orleans 12 5-16 cents; sales zoo pales; consolidated net receipts 1,682 bales; exports to Great Britain 10,843 bales; w me conuneni. i.ooa uaies, xiour iwaaa cents X better, with less doing; superfine Western and State So 90(&6 40: Southern flour firmer; common to fair extra $8 75 a vo; gooa to cnoicc do sy auio 75. Wheat about lc better, with a moderate export and fair milling demand ; new amber and white Southern $1 75l'97i; : soft amber Southern SI 62; old winter .amber Western S2 00 Corn ic better, with an active trade in export and home use: un graded Western mixed 5860ic; yellow western eaic. uats about aic better. vonce quiet, sieauy ana uncnansed. "r. i i . ,. Sugar dull and nominal at 99fc for fair to good renning; refined steady and fairlv active at UMailfc for standard A. Mo lasses dull and nominally unchanged. Rice in moderate inquiry. Tallow firm at 8 8ic. Rosin quiet and unchanged Spirits turpentine easier at 31c. Pork active; new mess s 14 zoom 3U. .bard opened firm and closed dull, heavy and lower; prime steam fa U5y iu; old do fa Z5. Whiskey nom inal at $1 12il 12f . Freights a shade firmer. ---if Cotton net receipts 14 bales; gross re ceipts 283 Dales, jp uiures closed barely steady, with sales of 31,000 bales, as fol lows: July 12.0712.08 cts, August 12.10 12.11 cts, September 11.85 cts,' October ll.47aii.48 cents, November 11.2811.29 cts, December. 11.291 1.30 cents; January 11.4a11.43 cts, u eDruary ii.04ii.oocts, March 11.6811.70 cents. H Balti&ioiie, July 9. Flour quiet at 50 cents off for Baltimore high grades; Howard street and Western superfine $5 25; extra $6 507 50; family $8 259 50; City Mills superfine $4 50 0 uu; exir u uutajo uu; tao Dranas fa UU; family $10. Wheat lower and demand good; Southern red, prime,- $1 651 68; amber $1 70; white $1 501 75. Southern corn quiet and firm; Western 'firm and higher for spot., and July, but easier for August and September. Southern' white 6465 cents; yellow 64 cents. Oats dull and steady. Rye steady. Provisions quiet mess 14i15c. . Bacon shoulders 6jc; clear rib 88fc;hams, sugar cured 1213 oents. Lard 10luic. Coffee firm; job lota 1722 cents. Whiskey held at 1 12. Sugar steady at life. . ! ; CmcitrarATi, July 9. 1 Flour easier; family $8 809 00. Wheat; in active demand; new red $1 50. Corn ' at 5052 cts. Pork quiet and firm at $14. Lard prime steam nominal; current make in good demand at 8ic; kettle 9Jc10Jc, Bulk meats in fair demand and firm; shoul ders 5 cents; clear ribs $7 10: clear sides1 -$73747 SO. Bacon nominally unchanged; TTtt - . 1 ! a. j ..jaL Af-h. v niSKeyjuiei ana sieaay ai f 1 vo. I .-. :;. fv, T v j St. Lopis, July 9. : ; Flour ' firm and 'unchanged. Wheat Unsettled and generally lower; No. 2 red fall $1 80 iCorh . unsettled; No. 2 mixed 48 cents. Whiskey quiet at $1 08J. Pork quiet; ohypts:gf. 13 i 25, r Lard nominally unchanged, corro' Mobile, nothing cehts-net receipts 49 bales; cehts nei receipts l M at llf ff - r,e9 tuilpe- 'M CANADA; - - LivEBPOOii, July 9.-j-Night. f-p The ' hales of,'; American; cotton ,-to-day -were7,350balesr " - f w . , Futures easier middling uplands . m. c, August and September delivery; 6 ll-32d ; September and October .delivery,, C -13 33. State Gleanings; j The' Narrow Gauge Railroad be tween Newtown and Lincolntonj is to-be surveyed soon. .'. . , I r Four thieves.r who have been stealing horses and mules nn Burke, are now in Alarion jail. . . David Patterson, Esq., one of 'Caswell's oldest and best" citizens,' died j at Milton on July 1st, aged 72 I j i Raleigh is to have an excursion to Beaufort, Round trip, $3. Two days at tbe sea shore. Cheap enough: ' i . Statesville American: An infaiit died in this place, Thursday morning, of cholera infantum, caused by imbibing the mother's milk, who . had eaten green ap ples. -Caution. - . I :.; Durham Plant'. The ease of Crews vs. Reams is still progressing at Ox ford, and is. likely to continue several weeks longer. - The meeting " contin ues at the Methodist Church. J)r. Rosser is preaching some very fine sermons, and the church is crowded every night. A correspondent from Illinois writes to the Asheville Citizen: ("We have spent several weeks in your vicinity, and hope to induce parties here tp emigrate. thither. ;vve : are deeply interested 10 th e prosperity of your State, and believe its resources will make it foremost in the near future among the States of the Union." i aaieign uoserver: 1 he resi i 1 . s- y - m b dence of Mr. J. O. AYhitaket destroyed by fire' yesterday morning, was insured for $1,200. The clerk of the market re ports that' for the week ending yesterday at 10 o'clock p: m., there were sold 42 beeves, 169 lambs, 24 hogs and 742 fish. I Since the announcement that Windy Billy Hen- uerson is 10 succees kjoi. w instead as Col lector of the 5th District of North Carolina, there are Only three Hayes men to be found in Kaleigh. The colored woman Maria Harrison, the same who - fell from the window of the; colored Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute, Thursday night, is im proving. 5 -.. ..-.;! - ! i Raleigh JVetos: Durius: the six mouths ending ; June 30,' 1877, the Jfem steam job office and bindery - printed and bound over 7,000 volumes, of which nearly 3,000 were bound in full calf, 2250 in half cair, and balance in cloth, besides printing and binding over 10,000 pamphlets. This is in addition to the blank books, ledgers. &c. manufactured, and the bill-heads, let terheads,, posters, and cards printed, anJ the regular run of .job work. - The Star" of Wake i Forest vs. "The Fleet- foot," of Louisburg. played a matcli game on tne grounds ot the latter on the 5th iast,. resulting in a score of 35 to 15J the "Star'' being the winner. Yesterday com misr sions were issued by Eis Excellency, Gov. Vance, to the following gentlemen as State Directors in the North Carolina Railroad: Col. J. L. Morehead and Capt.A. Burwell,' of Charlotte; Captain Kerr Craig, of Salis bury ; John A. Gray, Esq., of Greensboro ; Major J.' W. Graham, of Hillaborb; Gen. R. F. Hoke, of Raleigh; W.F. Kornegay.Esq., of Goldsboro, and Donald MacRae, Esq.. of Wilmington. Major John A. Gilmer, of ureensDoro, is appointed: State's proxy to the stockholders' meeting at Salisbury, next lnursaay, ine latn insLn j Quarterly meetings. M I Third' round of appointments, as made by Rev. W. S. Black, Presiding Elder for the Wilmington District Methodist Eois. c-nurcn esoum : , - Kenansville. at Richlands... July July July Elizabeth, at Bladen Springs. Smith ville, at Smithvillej. . .. 19-20 28-29 4-5 11-12 1&-19 Cokesbury and Coharie Mis sion, at liiacK s UliaDel . Aug. . Aug. Clinton ' at Hope well. ... Wilmington, at Front Street. Aug. Topsail,: at Rocky Point, (DiS inci (jonierence;. ...... .4. Aug. 23-2G I Appointments by BIsnop Atkinson. for nls Snmmer Visitation. G winu's Chapel, Wilkes county. . . .July 10 Elkin. . . , ...July 11 11 lurauuiuuiiu. ....July 12 . .. .July 14 . . . .July 15 ....July 17 ....July 19 ....July 21 ..:.July 22 . , . .July 24 Ore Knob. Ashe county! . . . Jefferson. . . ...... ...... Dobbins Statiojj ....... Boone ........ J ..... J .. ., Banner's Elk..w.' ValleCrucis Patterson .............. Lenoir. Hickory . . ... . .1. . . . Morgan ton. . . . Old Fort. ,L'. ... .July 25 ....July 27 ....July 29 . ...Aug.l Collections in behalf of Diocesan Mis- sions will be made at each' place. Cease Backing tbe System With drastic cathartics and hurtful stimulants, and use that rational and genial recupsrant, Hoetetter's Stomach Bitten, the (successor which in the eradi cation of disease and the building up of feeble con stitutions has utterly confuted the preposterous me dical theorists who insisted on the rationality of de pleting the framejin order" to restore it to health. Appetite, easy digestion, regular evacuations, a nat ural flow of bile, are as sure a result of the finest of America's inyigorants as increased loss of power and irritation of the system were of the old exhaus ting method. The new era of jmedical treatment inaugurated by the Bittera is indeed a happy one for the sick and feeble, for it has not only placed health within their reach, but saved them from the hurtful consequences of an absurd fallacy Lager.: Lager. KOTffEJl JOT OF THAT SUPERIOR CHAMPAGNE IAQER JU8T IN FROM THE BREWERY, THE FINEST LAGER SOLD. Jy 7-tfDAW BINFORD, CROW & CO. T Paris Cherrette Gloves. For i GENTLEMEN THE KID GLOVE SO jnnph sought after : in- the Cit; of Paris. A few dozens from lata importation. - ' u . " . - -- HEDRICK. TIANOS, ORGANS ant MELODEOHS, ; A T MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, FOR CASH, JA. or on the Instalment Plan. ? . NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT' an TnRfrtimnntai are selling at Reasonable Prices and on Reasonable Terms. " - V i A Fine Assortment of PfAJOH n roams ami MitLOD EONS, from all the Celebrated Manufactu rers caa be found at the 1-? " LdVlfi HOOK AND MUSIC STORE. Books; r THJS LATEST NOVELS. &c. 4c., ''K- -- -iVsri;. Forsaleat . 'r-;... r-.' ;. HEINSBERGES'S f ' ,X Lrre Book and Mnric Storel - -rFeniale College 1377- 'WILL - 00 ( 'A 36 Market St. M. Mi SUMMER SILKS, GRENADINES, FIGURED AND 'COLORED LAWNS, LINEN AND VICTORIA LAWNS, ' STRIPED AND CORDED PIQUES, STRIPED AND , CHECKED VICTORIA 1 1,1 jLAWNS ? AND1 CAMBRICS, DARK LINENS FOR TRAVELLING SUITS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, MEN'S AND .BOYS' WEAR. GREAT VARIETY AND BARGAINS IN DOMESTICS, HANDKEH- jcHDiFS AND FANC GOODS. ;! Bargain Table. tremljr JML ; 1 je 17-tf COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE, July 96 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE -The market opened unsettled, wilii 28V cents per gallon bid for' country packages, but later there were sales of 500 casks at 28j cents; closiifg quiet and steady. 1 . i . -to ROSIN. The market was firm' at $1 35 for Strained and dull! at $l 40 for Good Strained. We hear of sales of 1,000 bbls Strained at $1 35 perjbbl. j TAR.' The market is officially quoted on .'CuaDge as steady at $1 80 per bbl, though we hear of sales of a small lot at $1 75, the receipls'being very light. CRUDE TURPENTINE The , market was steady at 11 20 for Hard, $2 00 foi Yeilow Dip aud $2 20 for Virgin, at which the" receipts of the day were! sold COTTON. The market for this article opened firm, with a slight advance on yes terdav's quotations, but closed easier. We hear of sales of only 1 bale at lOf cents and 3 do at 11 cents per lb. The following are the official quotations Ordinary. . ... ..... .. Good Ordinary 10 cents lb 10i " V 11 " 11 " " Liow Middling Middling. . .... ..... , Quotations conform to the classifications of the American Cotton Exchange. PEANUTS. Market steady, with sales reported of about 2,000 bushels at 80 cents per bushel. ; .. " j , ': ; ; . receipts f For the week ending July 9. 1877. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude, 138 3,353 8,673 175 2,085 EXPORTS j For tite week ending July 9, 1877. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude Domes'c, 275 , 327 4,787 Foreign, 1,309 11,440 122 107 Total. 275 1,636 16,227 124 107 RECEIPTS For first Week Juty, 1876. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. 60 3,173 10,703; 214 EXPORTS J For first toeekin July, 1877. Crude. : 2,492 Uotton. spirits. Kosin. Tar. Crude Domestic, Foreign. . Total.. 156 290 8,138 366 2,850 1,500 156 3,140 9,638 366 QUOTATIONS, : July 5. July 10. Cotton. Spirits. . Rosin. . . Tar.... Crude : , .. I 10 00 -- .'j 27 i V- 27 .. $1 SO $1 30 1 60 1.60 1 85 1 85 ' STOCKS Ashore and Afloat July 9, 1877. Ashore Afloat. Total, Cotton .1,112 Spirits.?1.. 3,745 Rosin..... 30,054 M 12 i 1,645. 1,124 5,390 ;i,7i7 31,771 1,337 Tar... 1,337 Crude..., 1,036 : STOCKS 1,026 Asliore and Afloat July 10, 1876. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 518 7,959 42,082 342 1,913 new xora nani stores market .for tne week, ending Saturday Evening July 7. , Chater & King's Commercial Circular, Spirits of Turpentine The market has been quiet this week, and .the "bears" have availed tliemselyes of the arrival of three scnooners irom Ueorgetown to denresa it. by offering to sell spirits controlled by them on mose vessels, at 31c, wnue sales were oeingmaae atc niguer. ine price subse quently declined to 31icjand has since re- mainea steady at that hgure. The London stock on the 25th ult. was 19,265 bbls., in cluding l.oou men in tne course of landine. The price cabled from that market to-dav i . rvrt u 1 . -it is equal 10 ooc goiu Same time 3m 25,324 3,314 1,069 356 Bbls. 24,998 3,396 1,284 - 88 Receipts since April 1st. Receipts since our last. . Domestic consumption. . Exports Stock in yard tor-day. . 2,903 4,098 i kosin meaiums nave met with an im proved demand this, week, and not being plentiful are bringing rather better prices. The higher grades have ruled- quiet but firm. Common is lower; and isfreelvfof 1 jerea at quotations. Same time last year. Bbla. Bbs. 96,615 $4,497 14,663 16,870 10,891: i 7,693 28,081 52,484 Receipts sinpe April st. Receipts since our last. . Exports . ; i ..... . Stock in yard tb-day . . : i Tati (Innttnnes firm and unchanged. Stock in yard 2,299 bbls, against 920 last year. Cbarleston Naval Stores market ; i- Jnly 7. j Thereceins were g6! casks spirits tur pentine, and 1,737 borrels rosin . There was quite a lively .demand in the market for rosins, which resulted in sales of about 1,500 barrels, at $1 55 for (C) strained and D) common strained; $1 60 for (E) No. 2; $1 65 for (F extra No. S; $1 70 for (G) low No. 1 ; 1 80 for B) No. 1; ft 90 for (I) extra No. 1; $2 25 for (K) low pale; 2 75 for (M) pale; $3 25 for (N) extra pale, and $4 for (W G) window glass. Spirits turpen tine was in moderate demand, about 300 pasks having been disposed of at 26 Jc for whiskeys, 27c tor 011s. ana 28e for regular acL'tps, Crude turpentine is valued at -1 3 pey bbl for virgin, $1 40 for yellow M ft SO for scrape. ..W r a. i ' '. -AT- K ATZ'S, 36 Market St. Something New Daily at Ex- Low Price. lS. k: j. a? z 36 market Street. MARINE. i iort Aluanac-Jnly 10. 4:53 A. Sun Rises . . ........ Sun Sets. .......... . . . . . High Water (Smith ville).. " - " (Wilmington). Day's Length. ........... Mi 7:18 P. Mi 79 Eve'g. 10:09 Eve'g.' 14:25 ! ARRIVED Stenmer Colville, Henry, Bannerman's Bridge, A H YanBokkclen. Stmr North State, Green, Fayetteville, worm worth. Stmr North East, Paddisou, Point Cas well, HM Foard. StmrJ 8 Underbill, Piatt, Smithville,: yj y irarsiey kjo. i Nor Barque, Stau bo, 321 tons, Gundersen, New York, R E Heide. 1 Ger Barque Esthet & Sophia, 270 tons, Burmeister, Liverpool, E Peschau & West ermann, with salt to Vick & Mebane. j Brig William Mason, Adam9, Philadel phia, with iron for tbe W. & W. Railroad Company. " ! Schr Wyoming, 197 tons, Foss, Point Peter, Gaudaloupe, E Kidder & sons. Schr Leviathan, Williams, Shallotte, naval stores to A Martin. Schr Ray, Dennis, New River, naval stores to Wilder & Morton. ; I CLEARED. Steamer Colville, Henry, Bannerman's .bridge, A 11 vaniiokkelen. Steamer North. State, etteville. Worth & Worth. Green, Fay- Stmr North East, Paddison, Point Cas- well, 1 ai a oard. ; Stmr J S Underhill, Piatt, Smithville. O G Patsley & Co. Schr' Angola, i Wooster, Mirragoane, Hayti, E Kidder & Sons. Schr Leviathan, Williams, Shallotte, A Martin. Schr Ray, 'Depuis, New River, Hall & Pearsall. - EXPORT.1. i COASTWISE. Baltimore Steamship Raleigh bbls rosin, 5 do crude turpentine, tar, 66 do spirits turpentine, . 20 do -1,161 121 do pitch. 562 bags peanuts, 1 bale.wool, 44 bales cot ton, 14J do yarn, 10 do cotton goods, 7,612 feet lumber, 82 pkgs mdsefcl bale roots and herbs, 7,000 lbs old iron. 1 ' FOREIGN. Mirraqoaue, Hatti. Schr Angola 77,829 feet yellow pine lumber, 6,665 : feet dressed yellow pine tongue and g.-ooved flooring. j , ! MARINE DIRECTORY. List or Vessels In tne Port of H mlnaton, 0V. C, July 10, 1877. I BARQUES. Lubra (Nor.), 335 tons, Tetway, j f Vick & Mebane Wester Norrland (Swe.), 318 tons,Norgren, ,3 Vick & Mebane f BRIGS. ' ! Georgia, 399 tons, Terhune, -'t Northrop & Cumming Little Harry (Br.), 380 tons, Johansen.J ' : M ' . ' J H Neff Eva Parker (Br.), 350 tons, Slocumb, 'I : I J Kerchner & Calder Bros Cora Green, 248 tons, Collins, ! ! . 1 JJorthron Sr. flnmmi nrr C C Van Horn (Br.), 376 tons, Hooker, ,T . j . A Sprunt & Son Nellie Hnsted, 840 tons, Brewster, .1 uuuiuu vyumminT SCHOONERS- - J M Morales, 177 tons, Eldridge, i , r) i E Hidder&Sons Mabel, 186 tons, Maloney. 1 ! 1 K Ci TWlror Hn Angola, 98 tons, Wooster, f T , t E Kidder & Sons St Hubert (Br.), 130 tons, Malone, 1 1 ' 1 E Kidder & Sons Mary. 160 tons. Pendleton. J E T jirvnitt L P Knight, 204 tons, Walker, r T ; i Worth & Worth John Schuette, 290 tons, Hansen, ! Navassa Guano Co Robert H Mitchell, 102 tons, Mitchell,' I ; Harriss Sr. TTowpII Pandora, 79 tons, Chilcutt, j - vyilliams & Murchison Notice. If the Sienal letters of nnir vaq sel in port are displayed by the TJ. S. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should send ashore for telegram. Alpaoca & Mackinaw HARRISON & ALLEN, jy 8-tf Hatters. Corn, Bacon, Spirit Barrels, TA A A Bush CORN, ; 500 Bnh MEAL, v KQ Boxes D. S. and Smoked BACON, - - JQQQ SPIfRIT BARRELS, to arrive. ; 200 Hhf 8 ai"1 BWS MOLASSKS and SYRUP 1 ((( BW FRESH LIMB, 1 1VUV i PLASTER and CEMENT. JQA, Bags COFFEE, KA Bbls 8UqAR, , Hv. Tobacco, Snuff, Soap, Matches, &c. - ' . WORTH A WORTH. jy l-tf Spirit Casks. 300 SPIRIT CASKS, i - ' . '7- ' S For sale by : KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. jy 8-tf Gsain Blades. REAP BOOKS. SNATHS, SCYTHES, GRASS Hooka. Sovthe Stones. Bush Bladen. Rrinr Hooks. Feed Cuttersv Fan Mills, Cora Shellers, Ac A Full Assortment of the above Goods and at the Lowest Cash Prices can be found at the Old Estab lished Hardware House of JOHN DAWSON, ' 19. SO and 31 Market St . "Jy-t Wilmington, N. C. ' GREAT CLEARING GALE. : r-r-.-- , , ' 45 MARKET STREET. We have determined to offer every Summer at a . . Every article will be We can OBly specify a few prices, our space being too small to permit of anv 1 I list. We simply intimate the advisability of calling at once to secure bnp rJe!1l'i' ened STRIPED and FIGURED HERNANI, 8c, worth 25cl .- " ' : BTKif nil ana triiAiu JAf AJMJioJi WitBiX Ml JLmj UetSXMMi, C, worm aDC. vcmafaiKiii ; ' r WASH POPLINS, 8c, worth 12ic. : . ... . , .. . , LADIES' WHITE VICTORiA LAWN SUlTS,"f3.06; worthTf 8.00 Do. do. -do, j POLONAISE, $1.50, worth $5.00 FIGCTRED CAMBRIC SUITS, $ 1.7 worth $5 06V to? 4 , ;! , The above suits come' in two and three piecesand part trimmed with Ha k n- a r ra " " "'"n.o iaS3 Uav V hibition Days, &c, &c, we cannot imagine a better opportunity la purchase a hi Summer Dress. - ) '-v ; uiifiij BROCADE SILK SASHES, J-yards long, wilh'deep fringe f 125, worth 4 m All our PARASOLS and SUN-HADES'reduceahoyt 25 per cent! . JtWe are the ONLY Firm, North or South, who sell the WAMSUTTA em. 2100 Linen Bosoms, for 75 cents. - r , RT E"Shirts made to order, and lit guaranteed, 'at $18.00 per dozen; Patroni7? 1 institution. . - i i I - ' ' ' uoine je 17-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Tiie Little Harry jiiiM Lamp,'' o DORLESS AND SAFE. -;- CALL AND SEE THEM AT PAKKER & TAYLbE'S, my 16-tf 19 Front Street. j -r. Choice Articles. 50 0XES LEM0NS I 50 BOXES SWKttT OKA-NGK3. 1 Dozen Lemons witli 1 Bottle Claret Wine tor 75c! Try our little Water Crackers something new. lpOBbls Empire Flour, light, white and sweet, 5 Cases Table Peaches, 3 lbs each, $1. 150 Cases Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Butter, Lard, Cheese, Corned Beef, Extra Shore Large Macfeerel, Salmon, Pig Dams and Shoulders. Sweet Aiasn, tne Dest in tne state, only $3. ; GEORGE MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front Street je 17-tf r . . ... , . ; CHIPPED HAM! -AND- CHIPPED BEEF! I AM TRSPARED TiS i FURBISH TO J PICNIC AND EIGDRSIOH PARTIES "- : ANY QUANTITY OF ThisDeUghtfulEelish! RECOMMENDED FOR MAKING THE FINEST SANDWICHES, The particles being cut into Slices One-Fiftieth of an inch in thictmcss. TRY IT BY ALL MEANS. IT SAVES TROUBLE. IT IS CHEAP. IT IS GOOD. ; . ' ' For sale by ' J as . C . S t e v en son je 29-tf ' . Shingles ! Shingles CONTRACT ' . and COMMON, For faje by jy 7-tf O. G. PARSLEY & CO. Notice. Schedule B Tax. ALL WHOLESALE and EET AIL MERCHANTS are hereby notified that a privilege tax was levied by the last Legislature of Five Dollars, (the same levied by county), in addition to the Schedule taxes proper. Wholesale dealers are also notified tbat in giving in their purchases the law now compels Day- tucub vu ait ytLXMUUBVB , 1UUQC W1L11II1 LIIU State aS Well as out of the State, (including timber, lumber, tur pentine, spirits turpentine, rosin and naval stores of any kind and cotton.) All hotels, boarding bouses, restaurants and .eating bouses are required by law n pajr a uu. ui uuc-uau per ceni. on grass receipts. The tax will be due July let, and payable within the first ten days thereafter, onf all purchases since tbe 1st of January, 18TT. i A! parties interested in the payment of Schedule B Taxes will save costs by attending to the -same at uuce, as ine law will De strictly enforced. - - ;',, J. K. SAMPSON,' . je30 eod6t Sa TuTh l Register of Deeds Corn! Corn! Corn! 20,000 Bushels Prime COEN. 1400 Bdls(a11 B'e8) noop iron, Bbls GLUE, 50 Bbls BUNGS 1100 SaCfe9 MARStHALL'3 SALT, 4000 Sacba LIVERPOOL SALT, 3050 Saoli8 L1SB0N salt. Molasses, Flour, Bacon, Sugar, AND A FINE ASSORTMENT of CASE GOODS ' For sale low by ' Jy 8-tf WILL.IAM8 MURCHISON. Bacon, Molasses and Salt. Boxes D. S. SIDES, 150 Dbd8 and Bbls CUBA MOLASSES, " ; 200 BWS SUGARHOUSB! MOLASSESj ' ' 1000 SackB SAlLT " ' ' PcMT Bftle ' JyS-tf ; "KERCHNER A CALDER BIJQ8 - : Flour, Rice, Soap, Lye, &c. 500 BblsFL?)R' u padefl. " 7 'J 2j Bbls RICE. - - 100 Boxe8 BOAP! - ' " " : 50 aSea LYK aBd TASH, n . " , P u -55RCBNER OALDEB BKOS. thing in our Stock .1 ' that pertains to Spring and found just as advertised.7' - t ruriji-,- izte, worttt 37icw .t BRO?P7N & RODDICK, I i , ' t - 45 Market StriM ' MISCELLANEOUS. - Portable Soda Fountains. T AM NOW PSEPARED TO FUBNISH Ynn PORTABLE . SODA WATER. ?6iJNTaTn9 ready charged for nse.together with FINE 8 YfifiiN1 - r Sight large.bunches CHOICE BANANAS . 7 hand for the ensuing week, at f A 8l a je.lO-tf V Fruit and Confectionery u,L For Rent, FROM THE FIRST nv BER .NEXT, that VALUABLE- rR0- JPfyiTT, known as tbe Purcell House.". This HOTELS with its' great advantages, SO WELL ;KO .?nB PtJBLIC, wUl be rented upon exceedingly favorable terms. - Apply tO ; WRIGHT A STRmmr -jel9-tf' Mallard & Co. - LAJiQB LOT LADIES' AKn TRUNKS. SATCHELS At iFKATHElt DUSTERS,7t Wholes :.'; HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT f I .-REPAIRINU AT SHORT NOTTCE ' je24-tf . ... BOTTOM PRICES Bricks! Bricks! - ioo5ooo,GOOD brick For sale by WILLARD BROS. je n-tf Hoop Iron, Nails, Glue, &c 25 Ton8 HOOP IRON. : ' , 225 Ke28NAiriS" - r Barrels GLUE. . v . :- ' 25 Bajrre8 BUNQ3 j ' Barrels SPANISH BROWN. ' . -JQ BartelB COPPERAa. ; ' Qf Barrels KEROSENE OIL. For sale by ADRIAN & VOLLEBS, Southeast corner Front and Dock fits. ja n-tr Stall-Fed Beef, " iJOR SATURDAY, JUNE 3STH, , ' .. . . . ... AT STALL NO. 6 Cash orders respectfully solicited by je 29-tf T. A. WATSON. ! Just Received, PLAITING MACHINES ! PLAITING MACHINES 1 Price Very Low. EXCELSIOR KEROSENE OIL XAMPS 1 No Chimneys Needed. Save Cost in Chimneys. FISHING POLES and TACKLE, Cheap, at; i , , eau. a. rawa, my 17-tf : No. 25 South Front St. Something New arid Nice. ;; THE . UNIVERSAL FINE CUT & TLV6 ' And the COMPROMISB (FULL HAVANA) 50 CIGAR. . Call and try ttcm 1 II. BURKIMBR'S. No. Market Steely jy4-tf : Flonr, Sngar, Meat anl i o oo Barrels FiorR f vraionB brandB' 20 Barrels SUGAR sundry grides. K A Boxes MEAT Hams. Sides, Shonld lOU and Bellies. : JgQ Barrels MOLASSES. r' g Q Hhds Cuba & Sugar.Houge MOLASSES. ADRIAN & VOLLKBS. Southeast comer Front tnd Bocke. je 16-tf Turnip Seed ! J"EW CROP, JUST RECEIVED, j , . . , AND FU" ', WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, by " i jy 6-tf GREEN FLANNER. Brngg, ; THe Little Slop Aronna tne Csrier, JS THE PLACE TO GET . SADDLES. HARNESS, Q v . WHIPS and COLLARS Made nr Rnnairp1 Cbpunfor Cash. KZ " . . . .. jv.l.n HAYDEN & GERHAEDT, jy8-U . Wilmingtonri- Apple Parers, Corers anil Sl. - FULL SUPPLY OF APPLE PAKJf 1. CORBRS and SLICE RS, of the vfVL ion terns, ou the way, which will be sold st ery Figures. CIDER MDLL3 always on haad. Don't buy without giviBg usa call. ' nS . r GILES MURCHISpS, . f jy 8-tf New Harawarj- Parties Wishing Choice north Carolina hams. Sides and Shoulders, ' Canvassed Hams and Shoulders, Lard, in Tubs and Fancy Bucket. tara, in tudb ana rancy okci. Mackerel and Herring, fa bbls. bait JU6 Soaps, all grades, ; ' Heavy Bulk Meats, Bikfast Strips, Ac , Molasses. Salt, Ftous, c?n, Hay, Ponltry, Eggs, Peaches, &c ' GIe, Spirit Casks, c. . . At Unprecedented Low Prices. ' ' PETTEWAY & SCHJOLKSN v . Brokers and Commission Mercpsj , MM t:V:T--tA:.;-. jy 8-tf , Next North Princfissaaa w

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