fa tnins 1 hnwed. AS is the story told ttd in the cottage old, - rndcr the smoky rafter. fair maid flushing red AWitIi an unknown fee ing Jhamedtobowherhead BFor all her lover's kneeling; a is the story told - Down 'mid the white and gold, T'nderthe painted ceiling. lna LmadcvioocCi Magasine. T.ake Charles (La.) of July reClWQ1 lui.iv rt,nrAfl a lit- tleabSish A young lady nained 5ienPr 3 eloped with a young man eBS Her father and.brother aJfiSuSmto the residence of a Pafi&-magistrate, where a few rKiAwnnB . d b mamed. r entered the house at one ,TIie Tnd the son at anotner, ana Stately the former discharged a '""n Sled gun loaded with bucb5 ,nortally wounded, returned K !tin effect in the elder Gun h a Sh parties fell to the ttJ i vnon" Gunter plunged a fl kni e repeatedly into Bass fie The latter died instantly. & Gunter thento6k up his father 1 likely to recover from the pia 'thots in his head, as they were SJ'Soto) and kfled. Being pur- 7nn his pursuers with his revol-. ffibv the posse, dying his voundsa day or two after 5?elder Gunter is in the custody of (lie sheriff. I Victoria and Her Dautoier-ln-tw I remember once of having a long a I with tie Marchioness of Ely, the 5 Jen's favorite lady, and I did not Sher, with all the honot of the posi- that the wife of a lady m wait- iris exactly to be cpniparea wun he bliss of paradise, though the keen of England is a kindly, and S able monarch. Her Majesty, by the waviad oire little difference with her imperial daughter-in-law, the Dutchess of Edinburgh The) Russian Princess, when visiting the Queen, own The Queen construed jthis care ts attire into a want of respect for the lady of the castle, and spoke to .k. nni,Ao unnn thp subieGt with a -liiother-in-lawish promptitude. Her Majesty uresseu ior uichmooi, hpr daughters have always been ac customed to appear at that meal in becoming attire. As a rulej English Wl"! HI till .iw mnrft nrpttilv fbr break fszfrihan for any other-uu?al. The Dutchess accepted the Queers rebuke with becoming grace.and, as. I have said before,' Her Majesty onceiyed a real lore for the Russian Princess. WUac iWeerneliaiini and Amber Are. N. Y. Journal of Comnierce. -Meerschaum is a silicated lAagnesian mineral, usually describeii as an earthy carbonate of magnesia, found inGreece,Turkey,and,fewolj hercoun- irws. in lue tnmea meerscuaum clay forms a stratum about! two feet thick beneath a much thiScker stra tum of marl. It is soft wheik first dug, lat hardens on exposure tp the air. The name is a compound of two Ger , kan words signifying sea foam, i Amber, although like coal it has a vegetable parentage, is sj, carbona ceous niineral occurring in beds of lignite, in Greenland,Prussla,France, Switzerland, and some other coun tries. It is.a species of fossil rosin, 1 :l 11 J 1 n 1 auu ii resemoies tne nner qualities oi the rosin of commerce. Scientific in vestigations prove it to be an indu rated vegetable juice, probably from o ucc ui me ceuar or pine genus, ii is made into; ornaments, land is an ffi?rtdient in the best coah varnish. ibere is a nipff nf nm'hAi' i?n tho Rnv. al Cabinet of Berli n wpinrhino' thir teen pounds.' Ben. Hill on Woman Writers. "What do you think of (kail Hamil ton as a public writer?" was the next question. "Well. sir. I regard her as a wonderful writer wonderful in the. .nynnj, ui worus sne uses, ana tqnally as waaderf ul in the abscene of thought. II think that female po etical writers are a great! humbug." ne continued: "There Is another woman Grace Greenwood who has been slinging words at me. She . mnksthat Lamar, Gordon, and my ir are most dangerous I men, 5 and particularly myself. Shb describes f,M reiactant.' I don't know of any Stpolicy I have. I am always Srf ready to say wtat 1 think. tnt!uendsJthink that 1 anx too free w talk and express my opinion; that it is not politip to do so. ,Ll -mk that aman ought' not to till- i , o. tuiti; ue is atrttiu -w A Remarkable Boole. j LNewYork Sun. remarkable book hdts appeared thu " "J """en Dvi one vuuuansen. entitle ..rf r. a Tiue" tu 1 loung Maidens upon based n metbod recommended Is Kom10116 been discovered at mZs TKrgnesse ntlquary' ii'P . Abe inscription -runs. diusHl -piusand Health, L. Glo- aiirt ripus, who lived 115 years V lllll'ii 4-1 1 . . . . youn - j turougn xne Dreain oi Her.n;aJdenserecli thid monument." tPiV.KZ1" seems to nave been a Ijutpi i . 1 zlTis "i Kome, who attri Wth rSf Y?sual lengthlof life to the W;i. VL "lose with wboin lift was y.JJ Ociated. An A Jnow Tiia liv- eturie iS reviv6d after the lapse of st and Stream, 7 Journal of Sixteen Paget DEVOTED TjO ijbld sr bn TS. Px, . . ' ! Wk CiuAI2?AL HISTORY, FISH CUL yAvrWECTION OF GAME. PRESBR- w AND ALL iutal8' JfACaTINO, BOAT- Jut-Door Recreation ail mi: thlny.f?arnaJ 5n tm" iceuntry that fully tae wants and meets he necessities ofthe eiuieman, Spoptsman. J" TERMS $4 00 A-YEAR. discount to Clubs. . ... " I Send for" a Specimen Copy 'real . -, .kmu runiuaiOE CO.( j - 103 FULTON STREET. Pm Office Rrj-iA i " New York WHOI.ES A LB FBICBS. resent the wholesale prices generally.- In making U.V bmuui uiuctb uiKiiur priceii nave w De cuargea. AKT10LB8. raicK?. BAGGING Gunny. . : . Doable Anchor . J. . . Doable Anchor "A". BACON North Carolina, - Hams. 9 B(ncw) i Shoaldera, V .. Sides, N. a choice, ft Western Smoked Hams Sides, 9 8 .. ! . , Shoulders.. 00 (ijk 12K 10 8 12 9 10 9 oo a 00 42 J . 00 J , : oo e Ji 00 tfi i 5i 14 9 . Dry Saliea Sides B ... Shoulders BKBLK On the Hoof. ... . BARRELS SIrltd TurpcnUn a, j Second Hand, each. .......... 175 1 90 1 80 26 8 00 M 15 28 25 14 a la 00 wewnflw jLOrK, each. ; NewClty, each.... ....... BEESWAX Ifc..... BRICKS Wilmington , fi M .... Northern... BUTTER North Carolina, IB. (li S2 00 a i 1 o I! 27 30 00 Vfi 21 UU 20 Northern, 9 B 35 42 CANDLES Sperm, S 5........ Tauow, H.i.-..i. ... ..... Adamantine. to ' 1i 15 K 00, 12f CD BESS Northern Factory 9 & is n 12 & 34 20 a iairy,creamv id State. tt...j ............. 18 13 35 23 COKFEE-Java. to. . ... . Klo,v to:..... Lamiayra. to 25 CORN MEAL 9 bushel.iu sacks 90 4 COTTON TIES to. DOMESTICS Sheeting. 4-4, V yd 00 & Yarn, v nuncn.. ...... ...... EGGS.. ...................I... 'i .00 00 16 00 8 50 13 00 7 60 11 00 3 50 86 i i S5 12 FIStI Mackerel, No. 1.9 bbL. 30 00 6i 9 00 13 50 tar 00 It 60 dH M6 5A U50 o. i,v X &D1 Mackerel, No. S, bbl. ... Nc.S.9 bbl......... Mackerel, No. S, V bbl. .... . toilets. i bbl N. C. Herring, 9 bbl Dry Cod. to;....... 8 00 7e" FLOUR Fine, tt bbl.. 0 00 000 750 ; 6 00 super. Ncrtflern, 9 bbl Extra do. " bbl..... Family H bbl City Mills upr bbl... i Extra, tt bbl.:.. I " Family, 8 bbl.. Ex. Family. V bbl.. 7 00 !8 00 a 10 50 i 0 00 9 GO 0 00 0 00 la 18 50 00 00 ;925 CO 00 10.00 FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, 8 3000 to a Baugh's Phosphate, " Carolina Fertiliser, " Ground Bone, , M " 67 50 C2 50 J60 00 65 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 65 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 OOVOO 65 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 60 00 55 90 Bone Meal, i " Flonr, I Navasaa Onano, Complete Manure " Whann's Phoephato ' " ' Wando Phosphate, :" . Berger & Bote's Phosph. " ' Excellensa Cotton Fertilizer 00 00 60 00 O.! 15 GLUE to. ... GRAIN Corn, in 8 tore, in oags, 9 82Ji' 85: Corn.uargo, w Dusnei Corn, YeL, Dnshel. ........ Corn, wholesale, in bags 73? 75 00 80. 72 82 70 1 eo 5 10 1 20 1 15 oats, v B-jsnei. ....... Peas. Cow. 8 bushel .. 60 50 4 10 15 ! .!: HIDES Green, to .i.... Dry. to.............. . ct in inn m ; Western, y iw s North River, 100 tos 00 75 00 00 35 Hi 10 HOOP IRON ton..; ..... .. LARD Northern, 8 to . North Carolina, 8 to LIME 8 bbl.... ;. 85 11 12 UU , i t m LUMBER Cm StsamSawed Ship Stuff, reeawefl, 8 M ft Roueh Edze Plank. 9 M ft. IS 00 00 00 14 00 18 00 11 00 00 00 CO CO 00 00 40 3 00 30 1 10 90 30 25 15 85 80 4 00 15 00 00 00 15 00 00 00 0 00 : co 2000 1500 13 OA I 35 00 16 00 if 45 WestIndiaCar0es,accordlng to quality, V m rc Dressed Floorinir. seasoned Hwitnnir and Boaras. com mon, 9 mi MOLASSE8Cuba,hhd,9 cal.. Cuba, bbls 9 gal.--. :. Porto Rk,hhds....: . " bbls. ............. Sagar House, hhds, 9 gal. . . " ibbls.9 gal.... Hrran'MtlB. 9 gal... ! 48 mi . t 1 m s &t & i 50 5:i 33 25 80 3 75 21 1 45 100 40 30 SO 100 100 450 NAILS Cut, 4d to 0d. 9 keg. . OILS Kerosene. 9 gal.. Lard. W gal... Unseed. 9 f1 Rosin. 8 eal.L.j. ........... POULTRY Chickens, live.. Spring... PEANUTS 9 bushel... POTATOES Sweet, 9 bushel. . . Irish, Northern, 9 bbl PORK Northern. City Mess.... . -19 00 00 00 16 00 16 00 Thin, 9 bbl.' Prime, 9 bbl....... Rums. 9 bbl...... . RICE Carolina, 9 7 East India, 9 B. Roneh. 9 bonh.L 00 75 2 S3 75 87 85 8 13 12 11 12 13 6 6 00 3 00 HAGS Country, 8 to City. 9 to......... .. 2 ROPE SALT Alum, 9 bushel 6 00 00 00 00 11 00 .00 00 11 00 5 oc 50 50 50 Liverpool, 9 uacK.cn r.o.o.. American. 9 sack........... 9 SUGAR Cuba , 9 : . Porto Rico, 9 A. Coffee, 9 to...; B " 9 to. i C ' 9 S... Bx.C 8 Crnshod, 9 to J..i. ........ SOAP Northern, 9 SHINGLES Contract, 9 ...... ttommon. 9 M.... nrresaSaM 8 M.. ......... . (.- 00 h 00 20 00 00 00 . 00 00 : 00 13 00 9 09 Ovoress Hearts 8 M ..I STAVES W.O.Bbl.,9M... .. IS 00 00 00 00 00 08 It 00 8 00 6 50 5 90 0 00 1 00 1 75 18 28 It. O Hhd.,9 M...... ...... Cypress, 9 M.....;. TALLOW 9 to i. TIMBER Shipping, 9 M. ; Mill Prime, 9 M. ............ 1 MiUFalr, ?.. 7 00 6 00 ' 00 500 J60 20 32 Common Mill....; Inferior to Ordinarv. 8 M.... WHISKEY Northern, 9 gal.... North Carolina, 9 gat WOOL Unwashed, 9 to Washed. 9 to..... WILIfllNGTON BWNKY: MARKET - - '. i Btmne. l Bxuuwa. G0.d ..... .....I..;.. -.-103 105 Exchange (sight) on New Yotk, ...... .Vdisc't. naiumore,;... ... Boston,......; " Fhiiadeipnia, iyx - Exchange 30 days 8 9 cent interest added to above. Bank of New Hanover Stock. 100 First National Bans, ........ navotn Rftnlr . .J ... 85 80 100 95 140 Wilmington Building Stock, j&ecnanicB- t . . Hmm fn inn I W ' . N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Coupon .14 t6 .6 . 5 . 1 .49 100 . .40 Do. Funding 1866 Do. Do. Do. I 1HMJ New... Special Tax.... . ... ... Do. isvr. w a., ........ W. A. W. R.R. Bonds 7 9c (Gold Int) . , n T. ii a o ma Uaroiina tencrat xu xv. suuuit. u v- ...65 ...90 c. Old 6 9C...W new 6 9c...60(GolInt) n A ... ... I O ........ New Hanover County Bonds (10 years). .80 u vc ivrv.u nui ....... w Jk W. Railroad Stock . :;.::::::SN 4Q North Carolina R. R. " . WiL Gas Light oo. . WU. ASeab'd R.R. " . Wilmington Cotton Hills The Carolina F armer. Heer I J HE undersigned will resume the e Art I . i - '. '!.i.rt ponging Life till li5 Years by Plication of the Carolina fahitier on the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER NEXT, with Mr. HAMILTON McMTLLAN as Associate A lltS F n IV mi, WUX UK 1DO.I.U zine form, with handsome cover, and ;will contain thirty two pages of reading matter, adapted to the wants of the Farmers and Planters of the two Caro linaa. The typographic excellence which formerly distinguished it will be fully maintained. i m nATJwu n..ll fA 1 a an on mAiiTniv in Til M irH-. Terms of Subscription : One year, $1.50 ; six months. $1.00 1 three months, 50 cents, There will he no ciuo rates. Duocripiiwu ij"rauuip of first number. The old friends of ,the FARMER are requesiea t,o kuu m -"li. . my25-D&Wtf nac . Wilmington, N.C. Exchanges will confer a favor by copying above For Bent, FROM THE FIRST DAY OF OCTO BER NEXT, that VALUABLE PRO- i- - f ; - j? ' . IPERTY, known as the i . f " - 4i Purcell House." This HOTEL, with its great advantages, SO WELL KNOWN TO THE PUBLIC, will be"; rented upon exceedingly favorable terms. u : Apply to i ' . ' jel9-tf , .f ; WRIGHT BTEDMAN. 111! Hit 1 O. H, WARD'S. Slaying ani Hair Dressing 'Saloon ; North Front street, NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF DAWSON BANK, ! W. C.l HAIR CUTTING AND SHAMPOOING $5 CTS EACH. , apjf7-tf " " . - r MISCELLANEOUS. The r1ornihgStar PTJELISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Sfllscrir'tioii Rates--In Aiyanec :. uaiux bi AK. one Year, postage paid, .$7 00 aix Months " " . 4 00 rnreeMonthe" " 2 S5 one Month " 100 WEEKLY STAR. One, Year postage paid, $1 50 " " Six Months, " ! l GO ; ; Three Months " " I 50 Notices of the Press i A first-class paper. BatOeboro Advanct. Emphatically a live paper. (Mdsboro New$. The Stab is a live paper. Sumter VS. C.) Newt. One of our" best exchanges.-A"wo Courier. (SC. Onoc. S5 best dailv Daners in the State. Wthitm. One ot the very best of our daily exchanees.- 8outh Ccwolinlan. Ranks amone the leadinr Dailies of the State. Christian Advocate. One of the best Dailies in the State. StaiegvWe Intelligencer. 1 . A valuable paper. We cheerfully recommend it. Pee Dee Courier Ranks amone the lcadine iournala of the South. Marion (S. C.) Star. One of the best and most desirable natters in North! Carolina. Norfolk Virginian. Full of general news, and a credit to Wilmington -Elizabeth City Norih Carolinian. j One of the best daily papers published in the Southern States. Horry (5. C.) New. i One of our best Southern iournala As a newspa per .not surpassed by any. Jfriend of Temperance. One of the best conducted in the State ; bold, inde pendent and Wll informed. H'Ultboro Recorder. Ably edited, and has a circulation which speaks- volumes of comment on its influence Magnolia Monitor. ; Onward and nDward it troes until now it has the largest circulation of any Daily In the State. Pied mont Press. The Wilmington Star, now very much improved, has the largest circulation of any paper in the State. Enfield Times. The Stab stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise and literary merit Cluster (X. V.) lieporter. Unanestionably the best daily journal in North Carolina, and has no superior in any other Southern State. Marlboro (S. C.i Times. 17a Aitvwtal oVkfl mtnnMl ituro rmur tti O T mTft a. vrx u.Abvaact nvuiiij) av-ttva e uvnoi .vu ww him v reports and fine literary selections the Star has no superior. Rocky Movnt MdiL Is well corducted and has as much and great a va riety of good reading matter as any Daily in the State. Warrentm Gazette. This naner. thous-h not many years old. is one of the best dailies in the State, and well merits the support it receives. Louislntru Courier. One of the best dailv journals n oar exchange list. Belongs to no ring save that which encircles the good of the people. Savannah Mirror. The Wilmimrton Morkims Stab is among the best newspapers in the South. Rich, rare, racy, always fresh and "on time." Asheville Expositor. A et&nnch and indenendent advocate of the peo ple's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first jour nals of the Southern country. --fftaeiintf form Observer. The Stab is undoubtedly an enterprising sheet. beautifully printed and conducted with marked ability. Mr. Bernard deserves great credit for his efforts in journalism.- -Raleigh Sentiul. Those of onr readers desirinsr to take a dailv or weekly paper from North Carolina cannot do better than take the Wilmington Stab. Cher aw (& C.) Democrat. j The Stab is one of our most highly valued ex changes, and it affords as pleasure to recommend it as one or the most racy ana rename aauies in norm Carolina. Kins ton Gazette. A live newsnaoer. and the best Daily n the State. The circulation is larger than that of any other Daily in the State, which proves it Milton Chron icle. No Dancr evci started in North Carolina has grown eo rapidly as has the Stab. Though only five years old, it is now a fixed institation, enjoying an influ pnrfi and a nroeneritv second to none In the State. Salisbury Watchman. i r The Wiimincton Stab is in the front rank of our Southern dailies, well edited, full of. news and select reading matter, telegraphicreports, and in every res-1 pect a first rate journal. If we had many such papers onr State would be the gainer by it Greens. Patriot. ATLANTIC HOTEL, BCAUFOKT, IV. C. ! i - THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING LEASED THE above popular Summer Resort Ifor a term of years, will tboronghly renovate and repair the same, and will open JULY 1ST, 1877, for the accommoda tion of such guests as he may see fit to entertain. A Band or Music has Deen engaged ior me Bcason. Fast sailing Boats to be had at all times for Fish ing and Sailing Parties. ' ! Bath Houses ior Dotn Aaaies ana uenuemcn. Surf Bathing as fine as can be found on the At lantic Coast. J .' . L , The Table will he supplied wiui an we Lniuncn of both land and water. In fact the Proprietor is determined to give satisfaction to all Visitors . Terms fa. 50 per aay. special rates ; witu puriieu stopping more than one week. 1 A. ADKIAN. jo. VOIJjIBB ADRIAN & VOLLEBS, Corner Front and Dock Sts., WILKIINGTON, N. C. WHOLESALE GROCERS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Country merchants will do well Dy calling on us and examining our stock, nov l-tr Chaw the Best. B UY JAMES Y. WHITTED'S 1 CELEBRATED BRAND OF Harry L,ce Chewing Tobacco, e"Sold only in Wilmington by ADRIAN & VOL- T tfDU . UTknliiBnl. flmMM an Prtl ia.rft Pit (IT .ITU I Liquor Dealers, Southeast corner Dock and Front Streets; -ap i-om HEADQUARTERS ! CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. AT THOMAS H.! McKOY'S. - AT THOMAS II. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS HJ McKOY'S. AT THOMAS IL McKOY'S. THE FINEST LIQUORS. THE FINEST LIQUORS. THE FINEST LIQUORS. THE FINEST LIQUORS. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS IL McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS IL McKOY'S. ROCK BOTTOM PRICKS. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS 11. MOIWX'9. je 16-tf t r Can't be made by every agent every (KQUU month in the business we furnish, t w but those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a- day right in their own locali- W M -mloln km RnRinpflfl Til pa. ties, djblto uu iuu(H v cajmmm . - 7 r . sant and hotorablo. Women, and boys and girls do as well as men. we win inrnyju cuuipieio Outfit free. The business pays letter than anything else. We will bear expenses of starting you. Par ticulars free. Write and see. Farmers and mecha nics, their sons and daughters, and ail classes in and learn all about the work at once. Now Is the time. Don't delay. Address Tbtjb & Co., AugnsU MISCELLANEOUS - ! THE "STAR?? STEAM JOB PRINT-IlSra SOTJSB, BOOK BINDERY, -AND- BLANK BO OK MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM H. BERNARD, PRO Pit I ETO It, WILMINGTON, N. C 1- ' ' ESTABLISHMENT IH THE CITY HAVING All of lliesc Facilities Combined The Rest Assortment of TYPES, PAPER, CARDS and INKS Skilled Workmen -IN- Everv Deuartment. Not the Lowest Prices BUT.- As Low Prices AS ANY Other Establishment FOR the: BEST QUALITY OF WORK PRINTING, RULING -AND BINlBIN; OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED Promptly and SEilfully. Improved Machinery -OK- ALL IKZIHSriDS. SINCE ADDING Steam Power ' We are enabled to fill ! S c All Orders witi tUentmostPte MISCELLANEOUS. Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate (Y VISTnE OP THE PROVISIONS 07 A. certain indenture of mortfraffe. dated the 17tll day or September, 1873, and duly registered, in tne pro tter office in Rook H.H.n.. at nasa 131 and follow lBir. made bv Charles S. Ellis to "The Real Estate and Loan Association of Wilmington, North Caro lina, ' tne nadersignea, as Attorneys or saia Asso ciation, will, at 12 o'clock, M., on SATURDAY; the S8TH DAY OF JULY, 1877, at the Court House, in the City of t Wilmington, in the County of New Ha nover, cause to be sold, by Public Auction, for cash, ail tne estate, ngnt, uue ana interest line same De in? one undivided one-third) of the said Charles S. EUis in and to the following - described TfiACX or .PAKCJUj OP IjAMU, situate in tne county 01 JNew Hanover, ou the Sound, i supposed o contain 320 ACRES, more or less, and butted and bounded as follows, viz : Beginning on the Sound at an oak, or where one formerly stood, formerly Francis Evans' corner, thence running North 60 deg. West 100 chains, thence North 80 deg. East 20 chains, to a staite aooye a. Mott's corner, tnence Boutncu aeg. East with said Mott's line to a black gum in the edge of the run of a branch in a field, thence along the run of said branch to said Mott's corner j on the Sound, at or near the mouth of said branch or creek, and thence Southwardly alone; the Sound to tne Jtteginning excepting iuo Acres, (parq or saia Tract), conveyed to John F. Burgwin by John Swannandhls wife Frances, lately known as the Cowan Place, and also excepting 3b Acres, to be lo cated on the back part of said Tract, which the said John Swarm and his wife conveyed to the late Wil liam Hill, w i i i ; Wilmington, N. C. , June 85th, 1877. M ! WRIGHT & STEDMAN, je 26-td8 Attorneys. r Just Received, TILAITINQ MACHINES ! PLAITING -L MACHINES ! Price Viry Low EXCELSIOR K'EROSENE OIL LAMPS H i I No Chimneys Needed. Save Cost in Chimneys FISHING POLES and TACKLE, Cheap, atj i i GEO. A. PECK'S, my!7-tf h 1 No. 85 Sonth Front St. J. B. Lippincott & HAVE JUST PUBLISHED '. Co. i 1 Life of Gren. T. J. Jackson, r ("STONEWALL JACKSON.") By Saeah Nicholas Kahbolfh, author jof "The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson," etcl ; Hand somely UlUBtrated with Portrait from 'Steel, and Eight fun page wood engravings. Crown gvo.j Fine cloth. $2.00. i j j I ,.. . "It is the record of a career in the highest degree interesting. The simple narrative of his life has all the charm of romance. ' 'Baltimore Gazette. THE ATONEMENT of LEAH DUNDAS. A Novel. By Mrs. Ei Ltkh Linton, author of "Patricia Kemball," etc With illustrations.! 8vo. Cloth, $1.50; paper, $1.09. ii "Mrs. Lynn Linton is one of the most original and acute thinkers of the day, and writes not only fearlessly, bat with remarkable vigor. Chicago Inter-Ocean, i i : 'That very engrossing novel." Philadelphia lnq. ; "An exceedingly interesting novel." Boston Gaz. iter vigorously written tale." j. r. we. jaau. j : jA FAMILY SECRET. "The pases before us are a contribution! to bur li teratnre for which all Virginians should be grateful. and which should be in the library of every South ern uousenoia. xuenmona jsngutrer. An American Novel. Bv Fannv Andrews. (Elsev Hay), 8vo. Fine cloth, $1.50. Paper cover, $1.00, "It Is a vigorous, incisive and pleasant story." Chicago Evening Journal. -ill ; GEHTLEFOLKSAND OTHERS By Juixa Duhrins, author oi "Philosophers and Fools." Crown 8vo. Fine cloth, $2.00. i The excellence and value of these essays consist in their being the results of a strong mind opera ting on life, in the spirit Of philosophy ,long matured and carefully sifted, and the air of pleasing tranquil ity which pervades them throughout. 1:1 "For summer reading, and especially for reading aloud among people of refinement acd culture,there are few more desirable books than this. ' '--PhUeKiet-vhia Evetting Bulletin, j j i LIFE'S PROMISE TO PAT ' A Novel. By Clara L. Conway. 12m0.1 Fine cloth, $1.50. ! I . i . A novel of more than common merit, with a great deal of admirably distinctive portraitnrel and is a story or tnriiiing interest. f ; i For sale bv all Booksellers and Periodical Dea lers, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the price by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., Publishers, ! 715 and 717 Market Street, ' aug 4-tf j Philadelphia. Christian Advocate, ! RALEIGH, N. C. Rev. J. R Bobbitt, Editor & Publisher ESTABLISHED IN 18i55j I . ! Has the ' ; . Largest Circulation In tne State. Devoted to Religion,! Literature, Science, Ar. : I News, and General Intelligent v j Tne Orean of tne N. c. Conference of , tne Bl K. Church, South. ; It has its support, and the continued ! aid ; ut Its Ministers, (ail of whom are agents) towards increas ing its circulation. i 1 i ! We offer no premiums. The Advocatx tanda upon its intrinsic merits. i . . While it is Methodistic in doctrine. It will contain news from all Churches, so as to make ill a welcome visitor to the intelligentreaders of all denominations. Its wide and increasing circulation fnakes it a Most Excellent Medium for Business, Men ! I -: Generally. V Tcrms,$2 00 per annum, in advance; $100 for six months feb 14-tf Horry Weekly Nj PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING AT CONWAYBORO, S, c.,i SMITHY TV W. BEATY, EDITOR; J. W. Gi j ; , PUBLISHES. Xerms $2 Per Annum. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED SAT I LOW rates. The Horry Neios is the only paper pnb- lished in the county, and havine a It eircuiauuu ation in Co- in this county, and a considerable circi lumbus ana ttrunswicK county, in. v. desirable medium for advertisers. makes it a W. H. Bernard is our authorized Al ent fn WU dec 18-tf mington, N. C. ' P' - The Monroe Enquirer. j ' ;W. C. WOLFB, , - Editor and Proprietor. . ri-HE ENQUIRER IS PUBLISHED; AT sMON X roe, Union countyj N. C, every Tuesday, at $2 00 a year. The Enquibeb circulate extensively throughout the counties of AnBon, Unibn, Chester field and Lancaster, and reaches a very! large num ber of intelligent readere. ' S The merchants of Wilmington will find It to be one of the best advertising mediums on the Caro lina Central Railway, asfwe guarantee as large a bona fide circulation as anyp aper between Charlott tmd Wilmington with pKBHAPB.one exception. sept a-tr 1 1 The Central Protestant A ' WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEW S LrL paper and the Organ of the Methodist Protes tant Church in North Carolina, is published at Greensboro, N. C. ! ' H . Terms, $2 00 per annum, in advance. r The eligibility of its location, the number and ac tivity ef fts agents, and theconstantly increasing de mand for it among the more solid classes of readers in various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage of the advertising public Terms very favorable. Consult your business inter ARt.fl. and addrcs the editor. ' J L. MICHADA, inrlltf Greensboro. N. C. Fashions J Spring HAVING RECEIVED BY STEAMER BLOCKS of the latest styles of Hats for Ladies and Chil dren, Mrs. Virginia A. Orr is prepared to alter, press and bleach work entruBted to her. Old Bonnets and Gentlemen's Panamaand Silk or Fur Hats made to ' 'I --"-U-:; Look as Bright as Newi White straw dyed black when so ordered land In best style. - f '. 1 - RESIDENCE One door east of Front, on Church Street. ; 1 mh87-tf.; PRESCRIPTION FREE. F)RTHE SPEEDY CURE of Seminal Weakness, Lost Manhood, and all disorders Drought on by indiscretion or excess. Any ttruggist n&s tne dimts. Addresa Dr. JAODE3 h CO.i Clnr Ohio."- ,;.,--y.v:-- ?: , : "afeb lS-l-L sWBoSQin lUiev Spring and' Summer Goods ! J! , , , , RECEIVED DAILY BY J" TT Xi LIT S S A M S O 3ST , SUCCESSOR TO J. &H. SAMSON. V I AM NOW PREPARED TO SHOW THE ' Finest Stock of 1 DRY G-OODS in' this City ! . - CONSISTING OP Dress Goods in all the new styles and shades, Calicoes, Cambrics, Cretonnes Jk Percales, W - Bleached and Unbleached Shirt- ings of the most approved makes,' . ' - i -. - ': ' . : . .1 -i , Household Furnishing Goods, : The Best Assortment of Mourning Dress Goods ever Exhibited in this Market. Also, some Job-Lots of Notions, &c, from the late firm'a stock, which Twill offer at greater inducements than ever until1 they are sold out. , - ,' ' Respectfully, ; ' ... j v ; : ; v; JULIUS SAMSON, ap 14-tf RAILROAD LINES, &c. Wilniingtoiir& Weldon RAILROAD CO. . Oman oy Gxh'i. Supkkintbkdent, h Wilminsrton, N. C, June 9, 1877. , HBasiaiasI mMSBai ON AND APTBK 1 SUNxJAx, J Uxhis lvxa, 1877. Paasensrer Trains on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad will run as follows : , -j i Day Mall and Express Train, Dally Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 6:55 A. M. Arrlveat Weldon.........!..... 12:40 P. M. Leave Weldon..'..........;.:. -11:40 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 5:40 P. M. , i i . - Nlgnt Wall and Express Train, Dally except Sunday. Leave Wflmington, Front St. Depot, at 5:35 Jf. M. irrliait Mrinn : - 2:20 A. li. InvflWeWnn.., ' . T . - 3:15A. M.' Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 12:00 M. The Day Train mates close connection at Wel drai tnr nil nninta North : via Bav Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all- Night train makes close connections at Weldor for all points norm via iucumou. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS at tached to all Night Trains, and run through from Wilmington to Richmond. je 10-tf ' ' General Superintendent. General Sup'tsiOfiice, WIIilTtlNGTON, COtinnCBlA & AB- GTJSTA R. B.:COMPANir, ( WILMINGTON.' N. C June 1. lSIt Change of Schedule. N AND AFTER SUNDAY, JUNE 3RD, TUB O IOllowmg sscneuBie iu ire iiui . Day Express and mall Train (Dally except sauuio Leave Wilmington.......:..........- 12:15P.M. Arrive at Florence.. ," 5r Txivnlflnrence i . lai.au sr. m. Arrive at Wilmington.... ....'5:20 P.M. NIGHT EXPRESS TBAIH (Dally). Leave Wilmington.... ............. ... .6:02 P. M. Leave Florence 51 Arrive at Columbia - l:A1A- Arrive at Augusta,. - A. . Leave Auguata, i,- Leave CTumhia.'... ........ f- JJ Leave Florence... i...... 8- A. M. Arriveat Wilmington.. ..i... ........... 6-3?j This Train will only stop at Flemmgton, White ville,Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Timmonsville, Sumter and Eastover, between Wilmington and Co lumbia, i H Throueh Frolffht rraln.(Da!ly except Sundays. j i XieaveWUmington... 2 S' 55 Leave Florence. ......j,........ ,:V ArriveatColumbia.......; 1-J0A Leave Columbia.. .......... 5:00 P. M. Leave Florence. - 4:30 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington.... . ........... 12:00 M. Pasaeneera for Augusta, and beyond Bhouldtake Night Express Train from Wilmington. ' rphmnah Sleenln? Cars on nieht trains f or Charles ton andlMacon. je2-tf fi I Gen'l Sup't CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. rail Office Gknbbal Supeein tbndknt, i : Wilmington, N. C, June 1st, 1877, f Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, THE 4TH JNST., Trains will run over this Road as follows: PASSENGER, MAIL; AND EXPRESS TRAIN : T.fiRve .Wilminsrton at. . . 6:001P.M. 6l00 A.M. 11:15 A. M. 1:30P.M. 6:20 P.M. Arrive at Charlotte at. . . Arrive at Shelby at ..... . Leave Shelby at Leave Charlotte at Arrive at Wilmington at. .i. 6:20 A.M. This Train leaves Wilmington and Shelby. Daily. except Sundays, with Sleeping Cars attached. PASSENGER AND FRE IGHT TRAIN : Leave Wilmington at .... J Arrive at Launnburg. . . ... Leave Laurinburg, going West. Arrive at Charlotte Leave Charlotte, going East. . . Arrive at Laurinburg Leave Laurinburg. . . .......... .... 6:40 A.M. .... 6:00 P.M. .... 6:00 A.M. .... 5:00 P.M. .... 7:25 A. M. 6:00 P.M. ... 4:00 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington 4:30 P. M. This Tram leaves Wilmington and Charlotte on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and leaves Lau rinburg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I i V. Q. JOHNSON, je 1-tf General Superintendent. POWDER. POWDER. Kentucky Rifle Powder : Blasting j Powder. Deer Powder. i "... . . ,t..-: ..-.,iv... , . -. -r X Large SuppljCJpingtattIj oil Linen Lawns and Linen Diapers. Hosiery, Ladles' and Gents' Un derwear, y ' Tweeds, Casslmeres and Cotton- ades, . .-i . - ; -t . . Laces and Edsingsand all kinds : of Small Ware In great vari- 't Cty. ' : . '" ' ? k '- V:,i iff i ' ' 43 market Street. INSURANCE. Atkinson & Manning's Insurance Rooms, ' BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, Wilmington, N. O, :V FIRE. Queen Insurance Company, of England. ' NorthtBritish & Mercantile Ins. Co., of England. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. National Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. - Continental Insurance Company, of New York. Phoenix Insurance Company, of New York. Springfield Insurance Co., of Springfield, Mass. Royal Canadian Insurance Company, of Canada. MARINE. ; ' : ' Mercantile Mutual Ins. Company, of New YorJt. Insurance Co. ef North America, of Philadelphia ; ' life. ll Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Hartford. Total Assets Represented Over $ 1 00,000,600. . janll-tf .: ; Fire and Life Insurance Agency of J. A. BYRNE & CO. i Reprcaehtlns over $62,000000 Ael -tOFFICE Commercial Exchange Building North Water Street. feb S5-tf PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON Life Insurance Oompan v r Of Richmond, Vlrf,Jita Over 22,300 Policies Issued ; Annual Income Ovar $1,500,GG( Progressiye ! Prosnerons ! Prompt SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES. SEClUk 11 INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE AND GOOD SURPLUS Premiums Cash, Policies Liberal Annual Division of Surplus. , : t ARTHUR J. HXLL, Jr., Agent, Office for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood, Med cal Examiner, on Market street, two doers west o Green & Planner's dru? store, Wilmington, N. C. September 3-tf - ., NCOUSAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. SecHiity against Hrei THE NORTH CAROLINA HOITSE INSURANCE COSIPAJV1 RALEIGH. N. C. J This Company continues to write Policies, at fa t rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses are piomptly adjusted and paid. Th "HOME" is rapidly growing in public favor, aBU appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property ii;. North Carolina. HT Agents In all paita ef the atata. mc K. IL BATTLE, Jr., President. O. B. ROOT, Vice President 8 EATON GALES, Secretary. . PULASgi COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON A MANNING, ABjrr, augl-tf Wilmington. N.C Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Casta Capital paid In $300,000 Surplus Fund o $50,000., r - nt ";: ' i DIRECT ORS. . , JOHN DAWSON : C. mJ STEDMAS D. R. MURCHISON L B. GRAINGEfc DONALD McRAB JAS. A. LEAS H. VOLLERS B. F, LITTLE . R. R. BRIDGERS E. B. BORDEN J.W.ATKINSON M. WEDDELL. , . ;i ' L B. GRAINGER, President S. D. Waixack, Cashier J augSO-tf To the Working Class. WE ARB NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH all class b with constant employment at home, the whole ef the time, or f ot their spare moments -Business new, light and profitable. Persons of ei ther sex easily earn from 60 cents to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all whe see this notice may send " their address, and test the business, we make this ' Unparalleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied we will Bend one dollar for the trouble of writing., r Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to , commence work on, and a copy of Home andriTire- . side, one of the largest and best Illustrated Pubii-. cations, all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want, permanent, profitable work, addresa, Gxq.Be Stib- -boh & Co., Portland, Maine. . -. feb 6-m y-- i The Be Sl inLumberton, N. C, by W. Wallace McZ , ! IfllHTII II" : . . - S ties of Robeson. Kchmond. Bladen. Columb.' , Cumberland, Brunswick, and in the adjoinfc;' ties of Marion, Marlboro' and Darlin f, Carolina? Asa Local Newspaper It isene of the few country y,T- and Publisher gives hla wr 8ujre7 j f bggt neyTt j-a J St-.,