Iporninrj iax. EVENING EDITION. New York Sun. "IK REV.. HENRY WARD . UBECUER. Would your sermons be as long, - Ot would you cut them Bhorter, If your liTinff was cut down To simple bread and water ? Why teach true inwardness, Most great and lush exhorter And then reduce our rations down To cheerless bread and water? " - - i ..... : Don't forget the rich man's fate, - He lived a jolly sporter ' But after death it has been said lie only wanted water. Enoch., Killed by a Maid who Had Been Slandered. --Q-rr Tuesday evening' Gale Hol- i;nfswortb, of White Pigeon, Keoknk county, Iowa, was snot and killed by Miss White for. alleged slander. She met4IoUinp:swoi th, , and gave , him a written statement confessing that he hid causelessly slandered her, de manding that he sign it. j lie denied t ho oh aro-e. and refused to sign the i.Wrrunon which she drew a revol vnrnnfl shot him. uot fatally. He r Vml rIir mirsued. firing a second hinh took effect, i He climbed a fence, but, overcome by jhis wounds, fVll to the a round. Miss Whitethen ran trprplaeerl tne mazz9 f ner pis? tol to his head, and u red a third time, killing him instafitly. Hollings.worth was a middle-aged, well-td do farmer, and leaves a wife and family. Miss White is a niaider. of good family, who has always borne a good repu- tation. At last been arrested. accounts she had not A lEemedlaJ A seat of Docommou Power. j . It is a fact which became patent years ago to the people of the United States, that Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters ,is a remedial agent of uncommon power. As a consequence of this recognition, its sales have increased immensely at home and abroad.and it has risen to a foremost rank among the proprietary me dicines of the day. Chemical analysis, after sub- ltiiuiBS it to the closest scrutiny, pronounce it abso- l....lntLnM a i'i rl ab-ilfnl anil itAnaAlanHAna Tva I ticmers recommend its use. A wide range or disor ders talis witnin me scope 01 its curative operation Arnon them may be (enumerated dyspepsia, liver complaint, constipation, nervous ailments, urinary and uterine affections, rheumatism and gout. It is a supremely efficacious tonic.hastcns convalescence, cheers the mind, imparts appetite, and promotes sound Bleep. j I Flour. A L1K6K STOCK 'ON HAND GRADES AND BRANDS. . . fmW A OF VARIOUS meats. HAMS, SIDES. SHOULDERS, BELLI KS. j STRIPS AND Molasses: JEW CROP CBBAi SUGAR-HOUSE and NEW IN oRLKANS. Sugars. AO. EXTRA C, CRUSHED AND POWDERED , SUGARS. j Crackers. : 17KOSTED and LEMON CREAM, LEMON, PIC I1 NIC, CORN HILL, OYSTER, SODA, GINGER SNAPS and CAKES, j , : Case and Canned Goods LARGE, AMPLE i AND VARIED STOCK N HAND. Sundries. T7 ATKR-GROUND MEAL, CORN, HAY, TEA, V Coffee, soap, stared, nans, uoop iron, uiae, Bungs, and every thing a Retail Grocer needs. CIGARS. TOBACCO & LIQUORS A SPECIALTY. t ADRIAN & VOLLERS, v I Wholesale Grocers, Sontheast corner Front and Dock Sts. Jy 15 tf ; Office Board Commissioners : NEW HANOVER COUNTY, j July 21, 1877. In ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 17 OF THE Machinery Act, the Board of Commissioners will ..t ot llisir ClfRro on MflWnV IhffiTn DAT OP AUGUST, 1877, at 3 o'clock, Pi M., for the pur pose of revising the Tax Lists and Valuations re ported to them by the Assessors . At the same time they will hear all persons objecting to the valuation of their property, or to the amount of tax charged asrainet them. They will sit for one day at least, or until the revision is complete. I 1 JOHN u, w Aunaii, i Chairman. WHY PAY YOUR GROCER 16 and 17 Cents For Hams, when you CAN GET SUGAR-CURED For 13 Cts. At GEORGE MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front Street. jy23-tf ! i l Bagging and Ties. 1000 50 Rolls and Half Rolls BAGGING, -Tens TIES, ,.- - i For sale bv an" 2-tf KKKOHNEK ACALDKR BROS. Spirit Casks. innn spirit casks. 1UUU . For sale by ang2-tf KERCHNBR & (J ALDER BROS. Hams. Sides and Shoulders i . i ..... .- . -1 j Tierces Choices. C. HAMS, OK Boxes Smoked SIDES, f 20 r i' ang 2-tf . SHOULDERS, For sale by I KERCHNEK & CALDKR BROS. " Hoop IroiH'Nails, Glue, &c. 10 100 Tonsil inch, 1 Winch and 1)4 inch i I ' i HOOP IRON, Kegs NAILS, ...... i - ; rjfi Bbls A No. 1 GLUE. I I BUNGS; RIVETS. Ac. For sale Vr l; ; ang 2-tf KERCaNKR & CALDKR BROS The Piedmont Press. ! HICKORY, N. C, TS THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN CA- x. tawba county, and has an extensive circulation among merchants, farmers, and all classes of busi ness men in the State; The PRESS is a WIDS AWAKB DBM OfJRATin PiPHB. and is a desirable medium for advertising in Western Nerth Carolina; Liberal terms allowed on yearly Kuoscnpuoa J2 la advance. Address l VIIRRII.r. . wiUTmanw mar26-tf J Editors and Prnnrietora. WHOLESALE PRICES. PPOur qnoiauons, u saould bo understood', rep resent the wholesale prices generally. In making up email orders higher prices have to be charged. ARTICLES. ruicKs. BAGGING Gunny . . Double Anchor. Double Anchor A". BACON North Carolina, , Hams, 9 lb (new) Shoulders, 9 lb ,. Sides, N. C choice, B...... Western Smoked Hams . , . Sides, tf- Shoulders,. . ; . . . Dry Salted Sides 8 ... Shoulders 00 00 d 10 8 9 00 00 00 00 00 12 9 10 14 a BEEF On the Hoof . b BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, . j Second Hand, each........... ! New New York, each New City, each.... ..... .... BEESWAX 9 ... BRICKS Wilmington, 9 M..... ! Northern...., us a 2 00 2 00 90 80 190 26 35 00 15 2S 35 14 4S SS 10 00 43 14 00 BOTTER North Carolina, V S. 20 35 CANDLES Sperm, ...., 42 Tallow, 9 Adamantine. 15 12 14K 00 CHEESE Northern Vac tory V Jb 13X 16 O 12 0 34 20 fi nurj. cream wt ...... State. 18 13 S5 23 COFFEE Java. 8 BIO, B Lagnayra, V t... . 24Jtf 2?X CORN MEAL 9 bushel.iu sacks COTTON TIHS at . 90 Ul92Vf 3Jtf 4 DOMBSTICS-Sheeang.ii', W "yd WW 7 uu, ouncn.. ...... EGGS.. . 00 eh 5 00 16 00 8 50 13 00 7 60 11 00 3 50 6 00 FISH Mackerel, No. 1, 9 bbL,. KB 8U UU & 9 00 0 13 50 is 00 011 50 th 6 50 . i, y x DDI ...v Mackerel, No. 2, 9 hta. ..J. No.2, bbl ... Mackerel, No. S, 9 bbl MnUets. bbl.!.T. N. C. Herring, 9 bbl .. Dry Cod. 8 50 7J,'0 FLOUR Fine, bbl 6 00 8 00 super. Nortners, ft bbl Extra do. 9 bbl Family "1 bbl...... City MiHs Bupr. , 9 bbl.... 000 T50 9 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 & & 10 60 a o oo t - Kitra. bbl...i. Family, 9 bbl... ' Bx.Famllv. bbl 8 50 9 25 (A 10.00 FERTILIZERS - Peruvian Guano, 9 2000 fee Baugh'8 PhosDhate, " " Carolina Fertilizer, " ; . Ground Bone. Bone Meal, " "f Flour, " j Navaasa Guano, j ' in complete Manure " Whann's Phosphate " Wando Phosphate, " Berger & Butz's Phosph. " Excellensa Cotton Fertiliser 67 50 00 00 50 00 00 00. 00 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 55 90 62 50 60 00 & 65 00 & 40 00 4S00 67 00 65 00 e 67 00 70 CO 70 00 00 00 60 00 t 15 GLUE t....... .J...' 9 GRAIN Corn, In store, in oags. 82j 83X v. Corn, Cargo, Dusnel... 75 00 81 55 00 4 10 1 15 Corn, YeL,y bushel. Corn, wholesale, In bags. . . . . Oats, 9 bashel.. . Peas. Cow. V bushel ..... .. 70 65 I CO 5 HIDES Green, V lb , .. Dryi 9 ....... ....... HAY Eastern, 100 lbs........ Western, V luu s.... .... North River, 100 lbs... ... 12i 1 15 00 75 00 00 - 1 10 HOOP IRON ton.. ..... ... 80 LARD Northern, 9 North Carolina, n n... ... . LIMB 9 bbl ....... 12 00 LUMBER City StkaxSawxd Ship Stuff, rcsawed, 9 M ft.. Rough Edge Plank, M ft. .. WestlndiaCargoes.accordinc to quality, 9 M ft. ....... . . Dressed Floorine. seasoned.'. Scantling and Boards, com. 18 00 00 00 14 00 18 00 13 00 41 00 00 DO - 00. 00 40 3 00 20 1 10 90 30 20 10 85 80- 4 00 18 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 d SO 00 15 00 18 00 35 00 16 00 uiuiij ip . ... .... ..... MOLASSES Cuba, hhds, tf gal.. .45 Cuba, bbls gal Porto Rico.hhd s i" bbls ! Sugar House, hhds, tf gal. . . i 48 50 53 . 30 33 80 3 75 21 145 1 00 40 25 15 1 00 1 00 450 t ddis.w gal. tjj l uyr ruio. v few.. ....... , ; i OILS Kerosene, tf gal...'...., Lard, tf gal....... Linseed, tf gal.... , Rosin. gal , POULTRY-Chickens, live.... Bprine PEANUTS tf bushel POTATOES Sweet, tf bushel. Irish. Northern, tf bbl .... FORK Northern, City Mesa.., 19 00 00 00 1600 Thin, tf bbl.. ., Prime, tf bbl , Rnmn. W bbl.... 16 00 RICE Carolina, tf fi. 7 Bastlndia, tf Roueh. tf bnnh... TO 60 00 75 2X X 23 75 13 IS 13 13 6 6 00 300 00 00 KAGS Country, tf a City, tf 4 a 6 ROPE. SALT Alum. 9 bushel 00 Liverpool, tf saoK,cn ir.o.ii. American. V sack......... 85 ! . . - 00 00 11 00 00 00 .11 00 6 4 0C 2 50 6 50 9 50 18 CO 00 00 00 00 08 11 00 8 00 6 50 5 90 0 00 1 00 1 75 18 28 SUGAR Cuba, tf lb PortaKico, tf A Coffee, tf ft B " tf ft. C V tfft... Bx.C tf ft Crushed, tf ft. SOAP Northern, tf ft SHINGLES Contract, tf X... uommoB, tf m Cypress Saps tf M, Cvoress Hearts W M. . . . . .! ... I STAVES W.O.BbL.tfM. 20 00 : 00 00 00 00 00 13 00 9 00 K.O HM., tf M CvDress. W M TALLOW tf ft TIltBER Shipping, tf M... MUirame, tf to. Mill Fair, tf M. 700 600 4 00 500 3 50 20 32X Common Mill..... Inferior to Ordinary, tf M. . . . WHISKEY Northern, tf gal.... North Carolina, tf gal ..... ... WOOL Unwashed, tfrft ...... Washed. V ft... wilhiington honev diakeet BTTTTHa. 8KUJMQ. GOid ........................10.5 ' 105 Exchange (sight) on New Yotk, .' x disc't. . Baltimore, x Boston................ " Philadelphia, ........ X " Western Cities... itf " Exchange 30 days 8 tf cent interest added to above. Bank of New Hanover Stock..; , 100 First National Bank, 85 Dawson Bank ...... 80 Wilmington Building Stock,.. ....... 100 Mechanics ' 95 Navassa Guano Co. . ........... 140 N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Con pon ..,.14 Do. Fundingl866........... b Do. " 18C8 6 Do. New... 5 Do. Special Tax.... 1 Do. to N. C. Railroad ...49 i W. .W. B.R. Bonds 7 tfc (Gold Int). 100 , Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 tfc. .40 Wilmington City Bonds, 8 tfc... 65 i c .o " old 6 tfc 60 new 6tfc,...60(GoldInU " - 8tfc..i.....70( " " ) New Hanover County Bonds (10 years), 6 c(Go.d int.) vu W.AW. Railroad Stock 70 North Carolina R. R. " 40 WiL Gas Light Co. " ..............57 WiL&Seab'd R.R. " 10 Wilmington Cotton Mills... 40 Look to Your Interest. The Kershaw Gazette "YFFERS TO THE MERCHANTS OF WIL- mineton and elsewhere, sunerior Inducements to adverbs their business In its columns. Having a a large and rapidly increasing circulation throughout one of the wealthiest sections on the Wateree river, it is considered a most : v Valuable Advertising Medium. Advertisers who desire to reach purchasers should advertise in the GAZETTE. i It Is published in Camden, Kershaw Co., S. C, at the head of navigation on the Wateree river, at $2 year, always in advance. j For terms of advertising, &c, address 1 FRANK P. BKARD. Ed. &Prop'r, nov26-tf Camdea. S. Ci Ditson & o.'s J usical Klonthly For inly, 187T. $2 per Tear, or 25 Cent per Nnmber, . i ; - . I i- A brilliant number, containing twenty pages of well selected Music - : THE OLD GATS ON THE HILL. By Will 8. Hays. In his best style. Sells for 35 eta. DOWN AMONG THE DAISIES. By C. H. Whi ting. A charming song. Sells for 30 cts,; MT FATHER'S HOUSE. By F.3umbert. !a beau tiful German Gem about the "Vaterhans." Sells for 30 cts. . j .;. , - . OLD MASS A'S ; DEAD . By J. E. Stewart, In po pular "minstrel" style. Sells for 30cts. THE FLASH. Galop de Concert. By Carl! Mora. Perfectly blazes with brightness . Sells fot 50 cts. TIME'S UP QUICKSTEP. Br Kinkle. : Easy and pleasing, seus for 4U ctAj, . Bat these fine pieces are all included in this nnmber of the Musical juontmy, wnicn sens ror jesc. order oi-any ews ieaier, Oliver Ditson & Cq., B OSTO JN. CHAS. H. DITSON & CO 711 Broadway, N. Y. J. E, DITSON & CO. Successors to Lee & Walker, Philadelphia, Jy25-daw2w Wed A Sat MISCELLANEOUS. The RlorningStar T H E 12X 12X PUBLISHED DAILY A WD WEEKLY Suliscription Rates In Adranoc : DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid....... $7 00 9 7 Six Months. " Three Months" One Month " 4 00 1 1 2 25 1 00 WSEKLY STAR. One, Year postage paid, ft 50 " fr Six Months, " ' ,108 - Three Months" ' 50 Notice of the Press : A firstclaes paper. liattleboro Advance. Emphatically a live paper. Goldsboro News. The Stab is a live paper. Svmtcr V5. C.) Newt. . One of our best cxchan2es.-AM Courier .- (SC.' One of the best daily papers in the State. Wcldon News. : One ot the very best of our daily exchanges. - South CcmXuijan. ' Ranks among the lcadiii? Dailies of the State. Christian Advocate. One of the best Dailies; In the State. Statesvtile Jntellioencer. A valuable paper. We cheerfully recommend it. 14 Dee Courier Ranks anions the leading journals of the Soath.- siarton cs. v.y star. One of the best and most desirable papers la North Carolina. Norroilc Vtrginwau Full of general news, and a credit to Wilmington isitzatKiii aty Norm carouiuan. one of the best daily papers published in the Southern States. Horry iS. C.) New. . One of cur best Southern journals. As a newspa per not surpassed by any. nrxena or Temperance. One of the best conducted in the State : bold, inde pendent and well informed. UMtoore aecoraer. Ably edited, and has a circulation which speaks volumes of comment on its influence. Magnotta Monitor. Onward and upward it coes until now it has the largest circulation of any Daily in the State. Fled- mont Prtst. The Wilmington Star, now very much improved. has the largest circulation or any paper in me state. -KnJUia Times. The Stab stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise ana literary merit. Vuster fit. u.y jieporier. Unauestlonablv the best daily lournal In North Carolina, and naa no superior in any outer Bonmera State Mar&oro a. u.) 'iwxs. Va AffAto1 nKlltftT mMiaal tma haiwai tnorbat reports and fine literary selecUons the Stab has no superior nocxy Mount mou. Is well corductcd and has as much and ereat a va riety of eood reading matter as any Daily in tho 8tate. Warrenten Gazette. This paper, thouffh not man v years old. is one of the best dailies In the State, and well merits the support it receives Zouisbura Courier. One of the best dailv lonrnals en our exchange list. Belongs to no ring save that which encircles the gooa oi tne people. tsavannaa Mirror. "The Wilmington Mokntho Stab Is among the best newspapers in the south, men, rare, racy, always fresh and "on tune." Asieville Maaotiior. A staunch and independent advocate of the peo ple's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first jour nals of the Southern country.-j?oatiA0Aais Observer. The Stab is Undoubtedly an enterprising sheet, beautifully printed and conducted with marked ability. Mr. Bernard deserves exeat credit for his efforts in journalism. BalAqh Sentiiel. Those of our readers desiring to take a daily or ooklv nvwT fmm North (1mHi. 'vr" J" V Aiy paper from Nwtb "vr- Star. Cheraw (3. C.) tnan ta&e tne w iuiulkiuu Democrat.- Tbe Stab is one of our- most hiehly valued ex changes, and, it affords as pleasure to recommend it as one of the most racy and reliable dailies in North Carolina. K tnston uazeue. . . A live newspaper, and the be6t Daily n the State. The circulation is lareer than that of any- other Daily in the State, which proves it. Milton Chron icle. No naner evei started in North Carolina has grown so rapidly as has tne tar. Tnongn oniy nve years old. it is now a fixed institution, enjoying an influ ence ana a prosperity second to none in me suius. Salisbury Watchman. Tha Wilmington Stab is in the front rank of oar Southern dailies, well edited,' full of, news and select reading matter, telegraphiSreports, and in every res pect a first rate journal. 11 we naa many eucu papers pur State would be the gainer by It Green. Patriot. ATLANTIC HOTEL, BEAUFOKT, IV. C. . TUB UNDERSIGNED HAVING LEASED THE above popular Summer Resort ;for a term of years, will thoroughly renovate and repair the same, and will open J01.Y 1ST, 1877, for the accommoda tion of such guests as he may see fit to entertain. A Band of Music has been engaged for the season. Fast sailing Boats to be had at all times for Fish ing and Sailing Parties. ! Bath Houses for both Ladles and Gentlemen. Surf Bathing as fine as can be found on the At lantic Coast. , The Table will be supplied with all the Luxuries of both land and water. In fact, the Proprietor is determined to give satisfaction to all Visitors. Terms $2 50 per day. Special rates with parties stopping more than one week. je33-2m Dr, G. K. BAGBY, Proprietor. A. ASBJAN. ADRIAN a. voixsbs & VOLLERS, Corner Front and Dock Sts., WILMINGTON, N. C. WHOLESALE GROCERS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Country merchants will do well by calling on us and examining onr stock. , nov 19-tf HEADQUARTERS! CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. AT THOMAS H. AT THOMAS H. AT THOMAS H. AT THOMAS H. MoKOY'S. McKOY'S. MoKOY'S.' McKOY'S. THE FINEST LIQUORS. THE FINEST LIQUORS. . THE FINEST LIQUORS. THE FINEST LIQUORS. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S, ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ROCK BOTTOM PRICKS. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. je 16-tf j f f f Can't be made by every agent every H vf Vi M month In the business we furnish. If 7 .T . . but those willing to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day right in their own locali ties. Have no room to explain here. Business plea sant and honorable. Women, and boys and girls do as well as men. We will furnish you a complete Outfit free. The business pays better than anything else. We will bear expenses of starting you. Par tlculars free. Write and see. Farmers and mecha nics, their sons and daughters, and all classes in need of paying work at home, should write, to us and learn all about the work at once. - Now is the time. Don't delay. Address Tbtjk & Co., Augusta Maine. . - fob 6-6m E. Artis, FASHIONABLE BARBER, . I - Front Street, under Purecll House, WILMINGTON, N. C i Hair-Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing done In the highest style of the art. '' . Attentive and polite Barbers always ready to wait npon customers. febl3-tf MISCELLANEOUS S TAR" STEAM JOB PRINTING- BOOK BINDERY, -AND- BLAI K BOOK WILLIAM H. BERNAKD, PKOI'lllKTOBS, WILMINGTON. N. C. ONLYH ESTABLISHMENT IB, THE CITY ilAVINQ All of these Facilities Combine d TIio BeatS Assortment of TYPES PAPcR. CARDS and INKS. Skilled Workmen -IN I - "TTOl'TT llo'OCX'tiXXlOut . I .1 , Not the lio west Prices -BUT.- As Low Prices aa any Other Establishment FOR THE BEST CfcUAijlTl' P WORK. PEINTIN0, RULING AIJD B 1 1ST LO I H G OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED Promptly and Skilfullyj Improved Machinery -OF- SINGE ADDING Ste a m P o w e r "flfe are! enabled to fill; All Orders witi trie litest Disnatcli miscellaneous, j G RISTADORO'S Is tbe safest and the best, is instantaneons i its action, and it produces tbe most natural shades of black or brown, does not stain the skin, and is easily applied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorite upon every well-appointed toilet for lady or gentleman.. For sale iy all Drnpirists and Hair Dressers. JOSEPH CRISTADORO. Proprietor. P. O. box fit 12, New York. my 22-oawlyi Sa hoc J. B. Lippincott & Co. HAVE JUST PUBLISHED ! ) Life of 'Gen. T. J. Jackson, ("STONEWALL JACKSON,") By Sarah Nicholas Randolph, author of "The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson," etc. Hand somely illustrated with Portrait from Steel, and Eight f nil page wood engravings. Crown 8 vo. fine cloth. f2.u0. i - . - "It is the record of a career in the highest degree interesting. The simple narrative or ms me nas ail tne cnarm or romance, jjcunmore uazeue. THE ATONEMENT Of LEAH DUNDAS. A Novel. By Mrs. K. Ltnh Ltnton, .author of Patricia Jlemball." etc. with Illustrations, svo. Cloth, $1.50; paper, $1.08. , j "Mrs. Lvnn Linton is one of the most original and acute thinkers of the day, and writes not only fearlessly, but with remarkable vigor. Chicago In- Kr-ucean. i . r "That very engrossing novel." Philadelphia lnq. "An exceedingly interesting novel." jsoston uaz. "tier vigorously written tale," jy. x. jeve. Uau. A PAMILT SECRET, ; "The pages before ns are a contribution to our 11 torature for which all Virginians should be grateful, ana wnicn snouia De in tne liDrarv or every soutn- ern nousenoia." jeicnmona Minqutrer. An American Novel. By Fanny Andrews. (Elsey tidy), svo. Fine cloth, $1.50. Paper cover, $1.00. "It is a vigorous. Incisive and pleasant story. "- Chicago Evening Journal. . GENTLEFOLKS AND OTHERS. Bv Julia Duhbino. author ot "PhilosoDbers and Pools." Crown 8vo. Fine cloth. 2.00. : The excellence and valne of these essavs consist in tneir Deing tne results or a strong mind opera tins on life, in tbe spirit of philosoDhv.lone matured and carefully sifted, and the air of pleasing tranquil ity wiucn pervaaea mem inrougnont. . ' "For summer reading, and esDeciallv for reading aload among people of refinement and culture,thcre are iew more aesiraDie books tnan tnis." fMiaaet- vtiia Jmemng isuuetxn. LIFE'S FROM SE TO PAY. A Novel. Ev CnABA U Conwat. Hmo. Fine cloth, SLC0. - A novel of more than common merit, with a great acai oi aamiraoiy distinctive portraiture, ana is a story-of thrilling Interest, i For sale bv all Booksellers and Periodical Dea lers, or will be sent by mail on receipt er the price by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., Publishers, . 715 and 717 Market Street, ' aug4-tf . Philadelphia. r : ' i : ' : Christian Advocate, RALEIGH N C. Be- 3- B- Bobbitt, Editor & Publisher m 1 J.Liljldll2AlJ 1JN IB55. Has the "j ... Iarseot Circulation In tne State. Devoted to Religion, Literature, Science, Ar4 News, and General Intelligence. The Organ of tne N. C. Conference ot tne m. J. Chnrcn, sontn. It has Its support, and the continued aid cf its Ministers, (all of whom are agents) towards increas ing lis circulation. i . i . We offer no nrcmiums. The Advocate stands npon its intrinsic merits. J m While it is Methodistic In doctrine, It will contain news from all Churches, so as to make it a welcome visitor to the in telligentreadere of all denominations. Its wide and increasing circulation makes it a Most mcceuent Medium for Jfusinesa Men Uenerauy. VST" Terms, R2 00 per annum, in advance: tl 00 ror six montns - icd 14-tr PUBLISHED AT j 81 A1ESVILLE, IREDELL CO., N. G. IS THE Leading Newspaper in Western North Carolina- it is the only Democratic Paper published in Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest coun ties in the State and has attained a larger local circulation than any paper ever heretofore published in me county. . j Its circujation in Alexander. Wilkes. Ashe. Alle ghany. Yadkin, Davie and Iredell, is larger than that of any two papers in the State combined; and is rapiuiy acquiring a strong iootnoid in iforsythe, surry, nowan ana western jueciuenDurg. It is the oniv naner in Western North rhtrnltTm that employs a Reoitlar Canvassing Agent, and . thus kept constantly before the people. Under this system a rapidly increasing1 circulation is the result, Til K REST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ADDRESS, DH1ARK." de -tf SUtesville. N C. Horry Weekly News, PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING AT CONWAYBORO, S. C... T. W. BEATT, EDITOR: J. W. G. SMITHY v ! : PUBLISHES Terms $2 Per Annum. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED AT ! LOW rates.: The Horry News is the onlv Darter Dnb- lished in the county, and having a large circulation in tnis county, ana a considerable circulation m Co lumbus and Brunswick county, N. C, makes it a desirable medium for advertisers. W. H. Bernard is our authorized Agent in Wil- mington.M. v, i ; dec la-tf ; The Monroe Enquirer, I W. C. WOLFE, : Editor and Proprietor. rpHS ENQUIRER IS PUBLISHED AT MON :JL roe, Union cOnnty, N. C, every Tuesday, at 2 00 a year. The EuauiSsR circulates extensively throughout the counties of Anson. Union. Chester field and Lancaster, and reaches a very large num- uer 01 uiieuigeni reaaera. The merchants of Wilmington will find it to be one of the best advertising mediums on the Caro lina central itauway, asiwe guarantee as large a bona fide circulation as anyp aper between Charlott vnd Wilmington with, pkbhaps one exception. -sent 2-tf F 1 The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS- u a. paper ana uie urgan 01 roe jnetnoaist Protes tant Church in North Carolina, is published at Greensboro, N. C. Terms, fa 00 per annum, in advance. : - . The eligibility of its location, the number and ac tivity of its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand forit amone the more solid classes of readers in various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims npon the patronage ef the advertising public Terms very favorable. Consult your business inter ests, and address the editor. . J JU1UHAUA, mrlltf j Greensboro, N. C. j The iSalisbuy Examiner, ; EstaDlIaliea In 1869. - THOROUGHLY AND ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC. ).--. ..... Printed Weekly and Trl-Weekly at $3 and $5. Address 1 j. J. STEWART. jo 23-t . Editor and Proprietor, Salisbury, N. C. The Western Expositor, ASIIEVTLLE,' C. W. H-Malone, - - Ed. &Prop'r CIRCULATION IN IT rAS THE LARGEST Western Northern Carolina. It is the paper lor Business men, in wnicn to ad vertise. i Specimen copies maiiea on application. Address . EXPOSITOR OFFICE, nov 39-tf - I Ashevtlle. N. C. TI10 Ulllsboro Recorder, nHE OLDEST PAPER m THE STATE. CIR counties. Subscription price $2 50 per snnsBt. ruDlisnea wvewj. - - JUtUI UAJUIJtUM, - oct9-tf IWitor and Preprietor. Re w Sbritig and " IIECEiyCD HA1XY BY - j TJ III I XT SfS jL S O IsT . SUC CESS OH TO -. I AM NOW PREPARED-TO SHOW THE Finest Stock of DRY CONSISTING OP Dress Goods in all the new styles . -and shades, : Calicoes, Cambrics', Cretonnes &, Percales, ' Bleached and Unblcaclied Shirt ings of the most approved makes, . , Household Furnishing Goods, The Best Assortment ever ExhiMted Also, some Job Lots, of Notions, offer at greater inducements than ever until Respectfully, ap 14-tf RAILROAD LINES, &c. Wilmington Weldon RAILEOAD CO. Oitrot o Qkk'i. StrPBnikrsKBSMT, , WUmington, N. C, June-9, 1S77. f rN AND ! AFTER SUNDAY, JUNE 16TH, J 1877, Passenger Trains en the Wilmington Weldon Railroad will run as follows: - & Day Mail and Express Train, Dally Leave Wilmington. Front St. Denot. at 6:55 A. M Arrive at Weldon ...J...... 12:40 P-M. .Leave Weldon. 11:40 A. $S Arrive at Wilmington, Front at. iepor, o:vj r. m Nftat Mall and Express Tralnt Dally except' Sunday. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 5:35 P. M. Arrive at Weldon.. ..t.. . 2:20A.M. .Leave Weldon I. ... .... 3:15A.M. Arrive at Wiimlnerton. Froi.t St. uenot. at i:uo m. The Dav Train makes close connection at Wel don ror ail noinis norm via xay Aiuie, uaiiv except Sunday, and daily via xticnmona ana au- rail route. -. ; Nieht train makes Close connections at Wcldon lor au points nortn via lucnmona. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CAR3 at tached to all Night Trains, and run through from Wilmington to Richmond. , j JOHN F. DIVINB, je 10-tf lj. general Superintendent. General Sup'ts Office, WILMINGTON, COIiUMBiA & AD' GUST A R. EL COMPANY, . . WILMINOTON. N. C. June 1. lfi7. Chancre of Schedule. J following Schedule will be run on this Road: j Hay Express and Mall Train (Dally except Sunday,) .A Tava Wllmlntrton...! 1 12:15 P, Arrive at Florence...! 5:00 P. M. Leave Florence.......; 12:30 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington.... ...... ... O:0P.M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dally). Leave wamlngton.. G:C2 P. M. 10:05 P. M. Leave Florence Arrive at Columbia 1:11 A. M. Arrive at Augusta,. . 4:32 A. M. Leave Aueueta, 8:23 P. M. 11:39 P. M. 2:45 A. M. Leave Columbia... Leave Florence.. A rrivp at Wilminctnn 6:39 A M. This Train will only stop at Fleminirton, White- ville, Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence. TimmonsvUie, Sumter and Eastover, between Wilmington and Co lombia. - ; j I . t j Through Freisnt rraln.(ally except Sundays.) . ! Leave Wilmington..,.;....- 2:30 P.M. Leave Florence x:x 1. m. . 10:10 A. M. ............ 5:00 P.M. ... .. 4:30 A. M. '18:03 M. Arrive at Columbia. . . Leave Columbia. ..... Leave Florence. . . Arrive at Wilmington Fasseneers for Angnsta, and beyond should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. i Througn sleeping, cars onnigmtrainsiorv;naries- ton and;Macon.. j" j I . . . . iiuun xiivxniii. Je2-tf j ) Oen'l Snp't. -j; CAROLINA CENTRA! RAILWAY CO, j Office Gbnkrai. Sdtbeintkkdkht, . , i Wilmington, N. C, July 24 , 1S77. Change of Schedule. liN AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, 25TH INST., Trains will run over this Road as follows: .1, PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN: Leave .Wilmington atj . ., 7:30 P.M. 8 .00 A M. . 12:S0P.M. . 1:15 P.M. Arrive at Charlotte at.. Arrive at Shelby at .... Leave Shelby at. . Leave Charlotte at 6:00 P.M. 0:00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington at . . . This Train leaves Wilmington and Shelby. Daily. except Sundays, with Sleeping Cars attached. . i ' PASSENGER AND , FREIGHT TRAIN : f Leave Wilmington at ... 6:40 A. M. Arrive at Laurinbarg. i. i 6:00 P.M. Leave Laurinburg, going West. 6:00 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte :. 5:00 P. M. Leave Charlotte, going East... 8:10 A. M. Arrive at Laurinbarg 6:00 P.M. Leave Laurinbarg... i.i... 4:00 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington . i. . '. 4:30 P.M. This Train leaves Wilmington and Charlotte on MOBdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and leaves L-au nnburg on Tuesdays, Tharsdays and Saturdays. f V. Q- JOHNSON, General Superintendent. jy25-tf E Kentucky Rifle Powder Blasting Powder. Deer Powder. A Large Supply Constantly on Iland, Manufactured by the Celebrated DAZiRD POWDER CQSIPT. . , FOR SALE BY, WILLAED BEOS. dec 14-tf ; r f AGENTS. WILMINGTON, N. C THE MORNING STAR BOOK RINI ERY is complete in all, all its appointments, and lain chuvAnf nnnf dismiMtslrlllhilwnFlmm in thn State. - All kinjin of RInHino eT-nrativl nnatlw cheaply and expedition siv. Summer Goods ! J. fi 11. SAMSON. G-QODS in this Gity ! Linen Lawns and Linen Diapers. Hosiery, Ladies' and Gents Un derwear, Tweeds, Casshaeres and Cotton '. ' v ales, Laces and Edgings, and all kinds or Small Ware in great vari ety. of Mourning Drt3ss Goods in this Market. &e., from the late firm's stock, which I will they are sold out. JULIUS SAMSON, 43 Market Street. INSURANCE. Atkinson & Manning's Insurance Rooms, BANK OF NEW HANOVER BUILDING, Wllmlneion. N. C. FIRE. Queen Insurance Company, of England. . NorthfBritish & Mercantile Ins. Co., of England . Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. National Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. Continental Insurance Company, of New York, Phoenix Insurance Company, of New York. Springfield Insurance Co., of Springfield, Massi Royal Canadian Insurance Company, of Canada. j. nARiNS. ; ,( c. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Company, of New' York. - Insurance Co. ef North America, of Philadelphia LIFE. . Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Hartford. Total Assets Represented Over $100,000,600. jau 11-tf . , Fire and Life Inspnce Apncy cf : J. A. BYRNE & CO. Representlne over $62,000,000 Aci "OFFICE Commercial Exchange Bnildint " North Water Street. f eb 25-tf PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON Lifelnsurance Oompan Of Richmond, Virgin in Over 22,300 Policies Issued Annual Income Over $1,500,MK ProgressiyeS Prosperous! Prompt ! BMAI.t- INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE. AND GOOD SURI'LUS Premiums Cash, Policies flberw Annual Division ol Surp I u s. AETHUR J. HILL, Jr., Agenu Office for-the prescnt with Dr. T. F. Wood, Med cal Examiner, on Market street, two doors west o Green & Planner's druse store, Wilmington, N. C, septemDer a-tr . "C N COURAGE HOME INSTITUnONB. SecBiity against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA IIOR3E IKSIJRANCE COMPAN1 RALEIGH, N. C. This Com nan v continues to write Policies, at fa -. ' rates, on all classes of insurable property. "v All losses arepiomptly adjusted and paid. Thi HOME" is raDidlv trrowin? in nnhlir favnr au. appeals, with confidence, to Sisurersof property n North Carolina. Aerents in all n&ita of t h Rtt. E. 11. BATTLE, Jr., President l B. ROOT, Vice President. 8EATON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. - ATKINSON & MANNING, AaxHTS, wg 1-tf Wllmlneton. N. C. Bank of New Hanover. Autliorizcd Capital $1,000,000 Cash Capital paid in 300,000 Surplus Fund $5O,0O0, D IRE C 2 OES. JOHN DAWSON C. M. STEDMA L B. GRAINGER JA3. A. LEAK : a. F. LITTLE E. B. BORDEN M. WEDDELL. D. R. MURCHISON DONALD McRAE H. VOLLERS R. R. BRZDGSRS J. W. ATKINSON L B. GRAINGER, President. S. D. Walice, Cashier . - ... aug 30-tf To the Working Class. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH all class s with constant emnlovment at home. the whole of the time, or for their spare moments Business new, light and profitable. Persons of el ther sex easily earn frem 50 cents to $5 per evening. ana a proporuonai sum oy - aevoting tneir wnoie time to the business. Bovs and eirls earn nearlv as much as men. That all whe see this notice may send their address, and test the business, we make this unparalleled offer : To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar lor tne trouble or writing. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and fire side, one of the largest and best Illustrated Publi cations, all rent free by mail. Reader, if yon want permanent, profitable work, address, Gzoboe Stih son & Co., Portland, Maine. . f eb 6-toi The Eobesonian. "PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY HORNING I tn T nn.Lnw.nM XT Cf V TIT TXT. 11 "W -TAI ' mid, has the largest circulation of any country paper in the State. It circulates extensively in the conn ties of Robeson, Richmond, Bladen, Columbus, Cumberland, Brunswick, and in the adjoining coun ties of Marion, Marlboro' and Darlington, in South Carolina. As a Local Newspaper it has no superior. It is one of the few country papers whose Editor and Publisher gives his whole time and attention to its columns. In Politics the ROBESONIAN will strive to pro mote the principles of the Democratic-Conservative party, and is uncompromisingly in favor of White Supremacy. Its Local columns will always teem with the latest and best news, written in a brief, in telligent and business-like manner. - Its editorials will be short and lucid and upon subjects whick. directhv concern onr people. As an advertlaina medium it is much sought after and has a patronage second to na otner country paper. sstaDiisnea in 1870, it has ever since been increasing in influence and popularity until it has reached and occupied the very front rank of North Carolina Journalism. SATES Cash m Adtahob One year, $2.00; fu-r Months Si 00: Three Months. 50 cents. Send a thrMuwnt fft&mn for unerimen eonv. Advertisin B rates furnr.ihed on application. Address tee Pub lishers, ortifct

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