0rmn0 Star. EVENING EDITION. From the Philadelphia Press. rilB DEAD BIRD IN THE HOUSE. There is a curious eloquence iii a bird ; -It sings bo rhvmo and speaks no word ; Yet, in a human house it is a voice That often makes the human soul rejoice; It is a living and a thrilling token Of things untold and of hopes unbroken. And now our little songster yellow Has calmly fluttered out its little day; It was such a sweet and winsome little fellow, ; -: And passed, so like a golden cloud away, That we do miss it like some holy thing; AimJ mm its silenced power to sing Will not let its image from our house de part, " ' . Anil so we shrine it in the memory of the' heart ! General Field, of Fredericks burg, Va., has. recently returned home from Egypt, where he held a high position in the army of the Khedive. His with drawal. from that army grew out of the Turko-Russian complications, in which Egypt, through her vassalage to the Sultan, has been forced to take part. The Ameri can officer could not conscientiously take llic field for the Crescent against the Cross, and so resigned. . f Render tne Liver Active When that important secretive gland requires arous ing, at is only requisite to report to Uostcttcr's Sto inacn timers, ine nauonai remeuy ior inactivity ui the bilious organ, for constipation, and for dyspep- tia, besides those malarious disorders to which tor pidity of the liyer predisposes a person.! Far more ..' surely docs this celebrated anti-bilious cordial ac complish a curative result than mercury or any oth er mineral drug used to cure liyer disorders. In fact, such medicaments cannot fairly be called rem edies, since, although they may have a temporary effect, they eventually fail to influence the systom remedially, but often do it serious injury! The Bit ters, on the contrary, are a specific of the most sal "utiuxjmlurc, and are likewise a reliable and agreea ble tonic, appetizer and nervine. 1877. I The Quarterly Reviews -AND- Blackwood's Magazine. ill E LEONARD SCOTT PUB- I i i- ; : II CAROL AY STREET, NEW YORK, Omtiuae their authorised Reprints of the FOUR LEADING QUA.RTEKLY REVIEWS. KDUVJlfRGIl REVIEW, ( Whtg.) LOS DON QUARTERLY REVIEW Con .,ii WESTMINSTER RE VIEW, (Luxral.) BRIT1SJS . Q UARTERL Y REVJE W, j (Emngelieal.) -. - : AND ' Blackwood's MMmh Magazine. The ISrili.-h Quarterlies give to the reader well dl geoted information upon the great events in con temporaneous history, and contain masterly criti cisms on all that is fresh and valuable in literature, as well as a snmnH9y"of the triumphs of science and art. The wars likely to convulse all Europe will form topics for discussion, that will be treated with a thoroughness and ability nowhere else to be found. Blackwood's Magaine is famous for, sto ries, essays, and sketches of tb.3" highest literary merit. ' " TERMS '(INCLUDING POSTAGE): Payable Strictly is Advance. For any one Review 1 For any two Reviews For any three Reviews. ........ For all four Reviews For Blackwood's Magazine Fr Blackwood and i Review. . . For Blackwood and 2 Reviews. .$ 4 00 per annum. . 7 00 " " . lfl 00 " " . 12 00 " " . 4 00 " " . 7 BO " " .10 00 " " for Blackwood and 3 Reviews.. 13 00 For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews. 15 00 " " . CLUBS: i A discount of twenty per cent will be allowed te clubs of f our.or more persons. Thus : f Our copies of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one ad dress for $12.80; four copies of the fonr Reviews and Btnekwood for $48, and so on. PREMIUMS: Now subscribers (applying' early) for the year 1877 may have, without charge, the last volume for 1876 of such periodicals as they may subscribe for. . Neither premiums to subscriber, nor discennt to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. Circulars with farther particulars may be had en application. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., ,declO-tf. 41 Barclay at. New York. The ROANOKE HEWS. PRICE REDUCED FOR TILE CENTENNIAL YEAR. intiepcMeni scm-w eooy Newspaper. , DEVOTED TO j POLITICS, LITERATURE, AGRICUL TURE and NEWS, Circulation Large and Daily Increasing NOW IS TILE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. It circulates in Thirty-two Counties in Eastern and Middle North Carolina and South-Side Virginia. ADVERTISERS WILL REMEMBER THIS. . Subscription Price, in Advance, $3 per year. Send for sample copy to 1 MANNING BROS., Proprietors, mhll-tf " Wiumn, N. C. The Biblical Recorder, PUBLISHED BY ! ; dwarU, Brouguton & Co.; ,1 RALEIGH, N. c! REV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor, I KEV. J. D. HUPHAM, Associate Editor, REV. W. T. WALTERS, D. D., Agricult'al Editor. Organ of Korth Carolina Baptists In Its Fortieth Year. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT. As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed Only $2.10 per Year. Address BIBLICAL RECORDER. inn 30-tf Raleigh, N. C. Portable Soda Fountains. 1AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EXCUH sions, Picnics. Church Festivals, - 4c., with PORTABLE SODA WATER FOUNTAINS, all ready charged for nsc,together with FINE SYRUPS. Sight largeibunches CHOICE BANANAS also on hand for the ensuing week, at - i 8. G. NORTHROF'S J jelOtf Fruit and Confectionery Stores. Freehold Institute; ; Freehold, New Jereey. j BOARDING SCHOOL ' FOR BOYS.' REV A. S. CHAMBERS, : jy25-lm " Principal. WHOLESALE PRICES. rdronr iim.LMi.ion4. it should be understood, ren resent the whotenale prices generally, iu making ap small orders mgncr prices nave to dc cnargea AUT10LK8. riuojce.; BAGGING Gunny.:, . .. ; Doable Anchor. Double Anchor "A". ... BACON North Carolina," Hams, 9 S(uew.: . Shoulders, 9 lb Sides, N. C. choice, to Western Smoked Hams Sides, to.... , Shoulders,... .; . . ' Dry Salted . Sides 9 a..... ' Shoulders . BEEF On the Hoof BARRELS Spirits TurpenUn. 00 & 12X 14 10 : 8: ' 9 , m Q, 00 00 tui 00 175 Q, 1 90: 1 SO. 12 9 10 14 9 Second Hand, each I 1 80 a 00 190 26; New New York,- each New City, each.. ... , , BEESWAX $1 35) i ..... BRICKS WiUiiiiigU.il, 9 M Northern.. ... BUTTER North Carolina, V . Northern, 9 B. CANDLKS-Sperm, 9 ... Tallow, 9 U... .. .. il.. .j ' Adamantine, &.... . . . CHEESE Northern Factory V Dairy, creamy to............ State, to COFFEE Java. to . . Rio, to.. . .......... . Laguayra, V B... CORN MEAL luihet,iii sacki COTTON TIES V to DOMESTICS Sheeting, i 4, Xi yd arn, ybuncn 00 ' 15 ; m . 14 00 ;4 10 00: 14 00 : SO 35 43 15 X 12f 13 .. ' 16 0 13 M .19 e 00 a 14 18 ; 13 85 . 82f 25 90 00 00 16 00 S SO 13 00 7 50 II 00 3 50 8 00 a. t5 jsuus : FISH Mackend, No. 1. V bbi. . . No. 1, bbl Mackerel, No. 8, V bbl. .... No. S, 9 ii bbl.. ... BCackerei, No. 3. V bbl;. .. .. . Mullets. bbl. ....... ....... N. C. Herring, 9 bbl.. . .... . Dry Cod, 9 -- FLOUR Fine, V bbl Super. Northern. 9 bbl...... Kxtrado. . B bbl..... Familv 9 bbl....... City Mills 8apr., 9 bbl.... Extra. 9 bbl..... " , Family, J bbl... Kr. Family. S bbl ... 30 uo 9 00 13 50 00 11 50 6 5fr 850 600 7 00 8 00 10-60 " 000 825 900 9 75 63 50 60 00 65 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 65 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 60 00 15 77X s 1 W) & 0 00 000: 7 60i 9 00 .0 00 .0 00 00 00 00 00 & FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, 9 Bangh's Phosphate, -Carolina Fertilizer, " " Ground BOae. " " 57 50 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 55 90 & & & & & Bone Meal, " Flour, " Navassa Guano, " " Complete Manure " ' Whann's Phosphate ' f Wando Phosphate, " '-. Berger A ButaV Phosph. " Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer or.TTR a to... 9 GRAIN Corn, In store, in oags. S2) 75 00 f . Corn, Cargo, w DUKnei... Corn, mixed bushel. .... Corn, wholesale, In bags Oats, 9 bushel.. ...... Peas, Cow, Vbnshel...... .. HIDES Green, 1 to ... . .. Dry, 9 HAY Eastern, 9 100 tos........ Wester, 9 100 lbs.... North River, 9 100 tos. . . HOOP IRON ton ... LARD Northern, 9 North Carolina. 9 S ...... . . UMK 9 bbl.... LUMBER City !stkamSaweu Ship Staff, reeawod, fi Mft.. Rough Edge Plank, 9 M ft... WeHlIndiaCarraeB.according to quality, K M f t. 1 Dressea Flooring, seasoned.. Scantling and Boaros, com mon, 9 Mft MOLASSES -Cuba, hhds. 9 Kl. - Cuba, bbls 9 gal ........ Porto Rico.hhds. ..... .... " bbls Sogai-House, hhds, ggai. . ? . bbls. gal.... Syrap, bls, 9 gal NAILS Cut, 4d to S0d. 9 keg.. . OILS Kerosene, 9 gal Lard, gal.. . i........ Linseed. 9 Kl Rosin, gal. POULTRY Chickens, live. ... . . " Spring... PEANUTS bushel POTATOES Sweet, bnshel.. . Irish, Northern, bbl PORK Northern, City Mess... . . Thin, bbl.. .... Prime, bbl..... Rump, O bbl RICE Carolina, to Kastlndia, .. Rough, bunh KAGS Country, to City, to ROPE ... SALT Alum, baeho!. Liverpool, saok,eh F.O.B.. j American, sack SUGAR Cuba, to . . Porto Rico, to... ..;T. A Coffee, to....... ...... B to.............. C 4 to Ex. C to......... . .. Crashed, to SOAP Northern, to ....... SHINGLES Contract, Common, M CrDressSaps M... ........ . 55 00 4 10 5 JO 1 20, 115 . 1 10 80 uu 15 12V 00 Off. 041 y : 19 00- 00 00 so 00 15D0 14 00 18 00 15 00 35 00 13 00 4i (XT - CO , 110 00 00 40 3 00 ; 20 16 00 45 43 50 53 93 31 80 3 75 81 145 100 40 25 15 100 100 4 50 . 19 00 00 00 16 00 16 00 IX 00 75 IS T5 87X 85 8 V 10 12 12 10X 11 13 6 ft 00 3 00 00 00 20 00 0000 0000 00 1300 9 00 7 00 6 60 400 560 t SO 20 SO I 10 90. 3ft - 2(1 10 4 00 IS 0(1 00 00 15 00 00 on 0 00 - m a a xn ft Ch 00 'S5 00 (HI 10 00 & CO 00 00 5 Of. 50 50 SB Cypress Hearts M. ....... I STAVES W. O. Ebl., M... .. R.O Hnd., M .J.. Cypress, M TALLOW ft................. TIMBER Shipping. M.. ....... HillPrime,M MillFair, M.... Common Mill....'.. ... Inferior to Ordinary, M. ... WHISKEY Northern, gal.... North Carolina, gal ....... WOOL Unwashed, Tto ...... Washed. to...... 18 00 00 00 00 00 ' 08 It 00 3 00 fi 50 5 90 .0 00 1 00 1 75 18 28 WILIRINGTON MONEY ITS Alt K EX BTTTms. Goid .........103 Exchange (sight) on New Yotk, : Baltimore, j .. Boston,... Philadelphia. .' DXLkMS, 105 X disc't. X "i . . .X Western Cuies,.- Exchange 30 days 8 cent interest added to above. , Bank of New Hanover Stock.. 100 First National Bank,. ... Dawson Bank Wilmington Building Stock,.. Mechanics' " " .... Navassa Guano (k. " .... N. C. Bonds OldEx-Conpon.. 85 80 100 . 95 140 . I. .;14 f6 .1 6 .. 5- . . 1 Do. . Funding 1866... Do. " 1868... Do. New Do. Special Tax ....-, Do. to N. C. Railroad.. .49 W. . W. B.R. Bonds 7 c (Gold Int) .100 Carolina central ic re. uonas, e c. .4U Wilmington City Bonds, 8 c. 65 " " 7c.........lK) I old 6 c 60 ' ; " - " new6c 60 (Gold Int.) " ' " 8C.........70( ') New Hanover County Bonds (10 years), , 6 c (Go.d Int.) 80 W. W. Railroad Stock .70 North Carolina R. R. " ....40 s WiL Gas Light Co. " ,.57 WiL&Seab'd R.K. " 10 i Wilmington Cotton Mills... 40 ,. THE PEE DEE HERALD PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, at Wades boro'.N. C, Only one dollar per year. . I . Bright, cheerful, progressive, always up to the ad vancing thoughts of the times, the Herald takes rank with the leading journals of the day. It is on the side of Christianity. The Hkbalp is devoted to the family circle. It contains original and select stories, wit, humor, fec. ; every family in the land should subscribe for it.. Its low- price (only one dollar) places It within the reach of every one is the land, we pay all postage. . , . READ WHAT THE PRESS THINKS OF US. The Herald ia a First Class Family Paper. Having some of the ablest writers in North Carolina 'at tached to its staff. There is enough hamorou s reading in it to make one laugh for a week enough to keep you jolly till the next comes. Kockmar, (Oa.) News. We refer to the publisher of this paper Subscribe at once. Address, HERALD, Wades. boro'.N. C. ' r jnly!5-tj The Camden Journal. Published Every Thursday, at Camden, S. 0., IS THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER IN Kershaw county, and has an extensive circulation among the Merchants, Farmers and all classes, of business men in the county. " It offers to the Merchants of Wilmington a desir able Medium for Advertising, the country in which it circulates, being connected with that city by steam, eronthe Watcree River, and the Wilmington, Co lombia and Augusta Railroad. Liberal terms will be made with those desiring to advertise. - Subscription price, $2 50 per annum. ! Address, , FRANTHAM & HAY, i fb7-tf ' Editors and Proprietors 1876. Postpaid. 81.60- THE NURSERY. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR YOUNGEST Readers. Superbly Illmstrated. : Send 10 cents for a Sample Number. Subscribe Now, and get the last two numbers of this year Fbvb I 1 ; JOHN L. SHORKY, ! oct24-tf ; 36 Bromfleld Street. Boston. TlffK mORNINO STAR ROOK BIND ERY is complete in all all its appointments, and is in charge of one of the most sfeillf n 1 workmen in tho State. All kinds f Binding exnted neatly, theaplv and aTPiHtion!lv. . : MISCELLANEOUS. The morning Star x PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY Sfluscripdott Rates-la. Atoec ; . DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid,.. .v.7 M " Six Months " ' " . ' 4 00 Three Monthi One Month i ' i 2 25 ''A. too WEEKLY STAR. ; One, Year postage paid, fl 50 . - f ... - J - . . . i ! !. i " . " ' Six Months ' " 100 - . . ... i Thre MoBlhb ' " 50 Notices of the Press: A Orat-cUss paper. BatUebnro Aitmnct. Emphatically a live iper. Goldsboro Ntii. The Star is a Uv paper. amfer OS, C Nev y One of our best exchanges. -Keowee Oouriei . (S C. One of the best daily papers la the State.-iW5sMo Newt. One ot the very best of our daily exchanges. -South Vmxt&nian. . Raaks among the leading Dailies of the State. -Christian Advocate. One of the best Dallies In tho State. XfJtiarville Jnteiiioencer. ..i. : A valuable paper. Wo cheerfully recommend it. Vee De Courier Ranks among the leailing Journals of tne Sontb. ifarion (. C.) Star. nni fit th heat and moot desirable narkirsin North Carolina.iVorW Virginian. '' oral riAnH. arid a credit to Wilmunsrton ElisabfUi City Norik Carotitiia., ' ..i i , . fitm r the nest dailv Barters tinblirthod In the Southern States. Horry (H. G.) Newt. one of onr best Southern Journals. As a newspa per not surpassed by any.-i'lridnd of Temperance. r.r tho knot Mtiwliir.tii In t.hn 8tate: bold. indt- pendent and well informed. HUlsbaro Recorder. iM.ifut ul kaa rlrt-nlatlnn which anealcs JWiJ v-v.., volumes of comment on its infln enccMaanolia Monitor. vnwara ana upwRru uruco uuui . uud u largest circalation of any Dally in the State. Pterf tnont Press. . . . - . .nt.l - ... kua VtA has tho lareest circulation of any paper in the Stat e. Efjldd Times. The Star stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point of enterprise and literary merit. VAester us. v.) jceporier. Unanestionablv the iieat daily journal in North Carolfaa, and has no superior in any other Southern State. Marlboro (ST. C.) Time. - reports and fine literary selections the Htar has na superior Jioctu Mount MaiL fa mall T Hll ft till .nil tiftB AA milPh atlH fm f ft VII . nety of good reading matter as any Daily in tho State. Warrenten Gazette. This uancr. thoucu not roanv veare old. is one of the best dailies in the State, and well merits tlie support It receives. Louisburct Courier. list. Belongs to no ring save that which encircles the good of the people. Savannah Mirror. The Wilmington Morkiko Stab Is among the best newspapers in the South. Rich, rare, racy, always fresh and "on time." Atheville Expositor. A staunch and independent advocate of the peo ple's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first jour nals of the Southern covaitty.-EocHngham Observer. The Star is undoubtedly an enterprising sheet. beautifully printed and conducted with marked ability. Mr. Bernard deserves great credit for his efforts in journalism.- -Ealeiqh SentiteL Those ot our readers desiring to take a dailv or weekly paper from North Carolina cannot do better than take the Wilmington Star. Cher aw (Sf. C.) Democrat. The Star is one or onr most -hietrry faraett-ex changes; and it affords ns pleasure to recommend it as one or tne most racy ana rename dames m Mono Carolina Kins ton Gazette. . A live newspaper, and the best Daily n the State. The circulation is larger than that of any other Daily m tne state, wnica proves t.Mtiion vnron icle. 1 No naner ever Btartedln North Carolina has prown so rapidly as has the Stab. Though only five years old, ft is now a fixed institution, enjoying an Influ ence and a prosperity second to none in the State. SaUsoury Watchman. The Wilmington Star is In the front rank1 of onr Southern dailies, well edited, full of news and select reading matter, telegraphicreports, and in every res pect a nQst rate journal. If we had many such papers oar Statevonld be the gainer by t.--Oreens. Patriot. ATLANTIC HOTEL, " BEAUFOllT, IV. C. TUB UNDERSIGNED HAVING LEASED THE above popular Summer Resort ;for a term of years, will thoroughly renovate and repair the same, and will open JULY 1ST, 1877, for the accommoda tion of such guests as he may see fit to entertain. a liana or music nas Deen engaged ror tne season. Fast sailing Boats to be had at all times for Fish ing and Sailing Parties. tsatn nouses ror ootn Ladies and Uentiemen. Surf Bathine as fine as can be found on the At lantic Coast. The Table will be supplied with- all the Luxuries of both land and water. In fact, the Proprietor is determined to give satisfaction to all Visitors. Terms $2 o per day. special rates witn parties stopping more than one week. Je sw-2m . Dr. G. K. BAGBY, .Proprietor. . APRIAH. E. VOLU1M ADRIAN & V O ll I, E It S, Corner Front and Dock St., WILMINGTON, N. V. WHOLESALE GROCERS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Country merchants will do well bv calling on ns and examining oar stock. nov 19-tf HEADQUARTERS! .' :v . ... : CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. CHOICE- FAMILY GROCERIES. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. AT THOMAS n. McKOY'S. t AT THOMAS H. MoKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H, McKOY'S. , THE FINEST LIQUORS. THE FINEST LIQUORS. THE FINEST LIQUORS. ' THE FINEST LIQUORS. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S: AT THOMAS H. MoKOY'S. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. AT THOMAS H. McKOY'S. jel6-tf The WestemExpositor, ASHEVILLE, 1ST. C. W. H.Malone, - - -: Ed. & Prop'r CIRCULATION fN AS THE LARGEST Western Northern Carolina. It is the paper for business men. in which to ad vertise, s Specimen copies mailed on application. : Address EXPOSITOR OFFICE.! nov29-tf t ...... . , Asheville.N. v. E. Artis, tj'ASniONABLE BARBER, ' . - JO J Front Street, under Purcell House, f ' WILMINGTON, N. C-i the highest style of the art. Attennve ana polite uarDers always ready to wait upon customers. feb!2-tf i .i:vMISCELLANEOTJS j THE. "STAR" STEAM J.OB: PRINTING B O OK BINDE R Y, -AND- B LA NK BOOK I.. WILLIAM H. BERNARD, PUOPIIIIiTOR, WILMINGTON, JST. V. t-THE ONLYEB ESTABLISHMENT IU THE CITY OAVTNG i All of these racllllies Continue 1 r - f The Bout Afcortment ol TYPES, PAPER, CARDS and INKS J Skilled Workmen -IN Everv Deuartment. Not the Lowest Prices BUT. As Low Prices AS ANY Other Establishment FOR THE BEST QUALITY Ol' WOItla, PRINTING, RULING -AND OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED Promptly and Skilfully. Improved Machinery -OF- SINCE ADDING St e a m P o wer ' We are enabled to fill All Orflers with bb Utmost Dis atcli MISCELLANEOUS. J.'B. Lippihcott & po. HAVE JUST PUBLISHED J 1 ' ' Life of Gen. T. J, Jackson; S - f-("STONEWALL JACKSON,") j By Sasah i Nicholas Kantwlpu, author of. "The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson," etc Hand somely illustrated with Portrait from Steel, and Eight full page wood engravings. Crown 8vo: Fine ClOth- $3.U0. j "It is the record of a career In' the highest degree interesting. The simple narrative of his life, has all the charm of romance." Baltimore Gazette. THE ATONEMENT Of LEAH DUNDAS. "A Novel By Mrs. E. Ltntt Lrurow, author of "Patricia Kemball ," etc. With iUustrations.! 8vo. Cloth, $1.50; paper, $1.09. . , ' "Mrs. Lynn Linton' is one of the most original and acute thinkers of the day, and writes not only fearlessly, bnt with remarkable vigor, Chicago Inter-Ocean.- : "That very engrossing novel." Philadelphia lnq. "An exceedingly interesting novel." Boston Gas. "Her vigorously written tale." jV. Y. JSve. Mail. A FAMILY SECRET. "The pages before ns are a contribution to our U terature for which all Virginians should be grateful, and which should be in the library of every South ern household." Richmond Emqyirg.. An American Novel. ' By Fanny Andrews, (Elsey Hay), 8vo. Fine cloth, $1.50. Paper cover, $1.00. "It Is a vigorous, incisive and pleasant story." Chicago Evening journal. , . , -' GENTLEFOLKSND; OTHERS By Julia DUhbino, author oi "Philosophers and Fools," Crown 8vo. Fine cloth, $2.00. , The excellence and value of these essays consist in their being the results of a strong mind opera ting on life, in the spirit of philosophy .long matured and carefully sifted, and the air of pleasing tranquil-1 ity which pervades them throughout. , , i "For summer reading, and especially for reading aloud among people of refinement and colture.there are few more desirable books than this." Philadel phia Evening Bulletin. LIFE'S PROMISE TO PAY. A NoveL By Clara L. , Conwat. limo. Fine ciotn, 1 1.50. . : A novel of more than common merit,with a great deal of admirably distinctive portraiture, and is a story of thrilling Interest. For sale by all Booksellers and Periodical Dea lers, or will be sent by mail on receipt af the price by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., Publishers, ' 715 and 717 Market Street, uug 4-tf Philadelphia. Christian Advocate; V RALEIGH, N.C. Rev. J. R Bobbitt, Editor & Publisher ESTABLISHED IN 1855. : Has the . Largest Ctrenlatton . f u ttte state. Devoted to Religion, Literature, " Science Ar. News, and General Intelligence. ! ; Tho Oran of the N. C. Confereneo ot tlie SOL, E. Cliarcn, Soutb. It has its support, and the continued aid of its Ministers, (all of whom are agents) towards increas ing its circulation. : We offer no premiums. The Advocate stands upon its intrinsic merits. . i . While it is Methodistic in doctrine, it will contain news from all Churches, so as to make it a welcome visitor to the intelligent readers of all denominations. Its wide and increasing circulation makes, it a Most Excellent Medium for Business Men Generally. : fW. Terms,$2 00 per annum, in advance; $100 for six months -,: - f eb 14-tf THE LANDMARK, PUBLISHED AT J:M 81 A1E8VILLE, IREDELL CO., N. C. ' IS THE '"- Leading Newspaper in Western North i Carolina. It is the only Democratic Paper published in Ire dell County one of the largest and wealthiest coon ties in the State and has attained a larger local circalation than any paper ever heretofore published in tne county. y v I Its circulation in Alexander, Wilkes, Ashe, Alle- gnany, xaojun, xiavie ana ireaeu, is larger t&an that of any two papers in the State combined: and is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold in Foreythe, ourry, www aiiu wuBwru jneciueiiuurg. It is the only ' paper iu Western North Carolina that employs a Rboular Canvassing Asknt, and thus kept constantly before the people. Under this system a rapidly increasing circulation is the result. malting tne ajlndmabk TIlRBESTADVEKTlNlNCBIEDirJIlI IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ! ADDRESS, de 9-tf "LANDMARK," Statesville. N C. Horry Weekly News, PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING AT t'ONWAYBOKO, S. C. T. W. BEATT, EDITOR; J. W. O. 8MITIIY PUBLISHED "'; Termg-tJ Per Annnm. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED AT LOW XV. rates. The Uorrv News is the onlv paper pub lished in the county, and haring a large circulation in this county, and a considerable circulation in Co lumbus and ttrunswiCK county. N. C. makes it a aesirame incaium ior advertisers. W. U. Bernard is our authorized Agent in Wil mington, N. O. . decl8-t.f The Monroe Enquirer, .W. C. WOLFE, Editor and Proprietor. rpHE ENQUIRER IS, PUBLISHED AT MON A roe, Union county, N. C, every Tuesday, at $3 00 a year. The Enuuxber circulates extensively throBghout the counties of Anson, Union, Chester field and Lancaster, and reaches a very largo nam- oeroi intelligent re&aers. . The merchants of Wilmineton- will find it to be one of the best advertising mediums on the Caro lina central Railway, a si we guarantee as large a bona fide circulation as anyp aper between Charlott nd Wilmington with PBBHArs.one exception. - sept st-ir . The Central Protestant A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEWS paper and tho Organ of the Methodist Protes tant Church in North Carolina. Is published at Greensboro, N. C. f Terms, xz uu per annum, in advance. - The eligibility of its location, the hnmbcr and ac tivity of its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand forit among the more solid classes of readers in various sections, give the CENTRAL peculiar claims upon the patronage ef the advertising public Terms very favorable. Consult your business inter ests, and address the editor. J U MlCUAUi., mrlltf Greensboro, N. C Look to Your Interest. The Kershaw Gazette OFFERS TO THE MERCHANTS OF WIL mington and elsewhere, superior inducements to advertise their business in its columns. Having a a large and rapidly increasing circulation throughout one of the wealthiest sections on the Wateree river, it is considered a most : Valuable Advertising Medium. Advertisers who desire to reach purchasers should advertise in the GAZETTE. '-f - - It Is published in Camden, Kershaw Co., S. C, at the head of navigation on the Wateree river, at $3 year, always in advance. For terms of advertising; Ac, address FRANK, r. liiCAKD, Ed. & Prop'r, nov 36-tf - i -.. Camden.S.C The Piedmont Pressi HICKORY, K G, ; S THE ONLY TAPER PUBLISHED Ifl CA . tawba county, and has an extensive circalation among merchants, farmers, and all classes oi busi ness men in the State. The PRESS is a . WIDEAWAKE DEMOCRATIC PAPER, i and is a desirable medium for advertising in Western North Carolina. Liberal terms allowed on yearly advertisements, t Subscnptioa $3 in advance. Address - ; MURRILL & TOMLINSON,: mar 36-tf . Editors and Proprietors. The Illllsboro Recorder, " s THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE. CIR cnlates extensively in Orange and adioinin? counties. Subscription price $2 50 per annum. Published weekly., . . . JOHN D. CAMERON, octW Editor and Proprietor. Wew Spring andnBummer0Cdods I , I : KECEiVED UAIL.Y BIT tf jJ X i: tj s s im: s o nsr . . ' ' r s zrc cess oh to j. & r: sa ms on. . V , , ! I A.M NOW PREPARED TO SIIOW .THE . " . Finest tock of; DBl i in this City ! : ! ' ,. ' CONSISTING OP - . Dress Goods it 'all tlie new styles and sliadcs, ' ' " ' Calicoes, Cambrics, Cretonnes & Percales,- ; Bleaclicd and Unbleached hbirt- Ings of . the makes, ; most . . approved Household Furnishing Goods, The Best Assortment of Mourning Dress Goods 1 "ever Exhibited in this Market Also, some Job Lois of Motions, &c., from the iate firm's stw;U, which I will offer at greater inducements than ever until they are sold out. - . c v . Respectfully, 7- : t--- i JULLUS SAMSON, : . ap 14-tf ' 15;:''-;'." :i :': -V''-'' "3: Market street. IIAILIIOAD .. LINES, &e General Sup'ts OfSce, WILMINGTON, !OLlNllA H OlISTA lt: IL COltlPAN l', ' i ; WJMWINOTON. N O.. August 4 iM7.". it. Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY. AUGUST 5, THE following Schedule will he run on this Road: Day Express and trjall Train (Oa II y sxcepi Sunday.) ? Leave Wilmington.'. . . .: .. . ... . .'. ... . 12:00 M. Arrive at Florence 5:00P.M. LeavePlorence........ . ........ . 12:30P.M. Arrive at Wilmington ... - 5:20 P.M. NIGHT EXritESS TBAJN (Daily). Leave WUmington ..i. J.. .......... ... ' 6.00 P. M. Leave Florence.... ....,........,. 9:53 P. M. Arrive at Columbia 1:11 A. M. Leave Columbia 11:30 P. M. Leave Florence ... 2:30 M. Arrive at Wilmington 0:30 A N. This Train will only stop at Flemington, White viUc, Fair Ulnff, Marion, Florence, Timmonsville, Snmter and Acton, between Wilmington and Co lumbia, i Thronsh frrelcu rraIn.Dally except sundajK.) j Leave Wilmington .. " 2:30 t. K. Leave Florence 2:35 P.; M. Arrive at Columbia.... . .- 10:10 A.M. Leare Colombia : 5:00 P. M. Leave Florence. . 2:50 A.M. Arrive at Wilmington.... i .......... 10.20 A. M Passengers for Angneta, and beyond should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. i Through Sleeping uara on night trains ror unnries- ton and;Macon. ; ' duriN jr. uivmi, ang 4-tf en'l SnuX Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO.1 . Otfio Gek'i. 8rnrBBitNiBr, Wilmington, N. C, AugUKt 4, 187T. . , ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, AUGUST 6TH, 1877, Passenger Trains on the Wilmington & weldon uaiiroaa wui run as rouows : Day mall and Express Train, Daily Leave Wilmington, Front St- Depot, at 6:50 A. M. Arrive at Weldoa.... .............. ... 12:30 P.M. Leave Weldon : 11:40A. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 5:40 P.-M. Nig:lit ITlall audEipron8 Train, Dally except Sunday. v . Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 5:35 P. M. Arrive at Weldon.... 2:20 A. M Leave Weldon... i :. . ; 3:15 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington. Froi.t St Depot. 11:45 A. M. The Day Train makes close connection at Wel don for all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, ana daily via Richmond ana ail rail route. Night train makes close connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmond. , JOHN F. DIVINE, fang 4-tf General Superintendent. CAROLINA-CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. .;..-. Ornoi Gbkxoai. Supkkintkndent, Wilmington, N. C, July 24 , 1877. Change of Schedule. rN AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, 25TH INST., Trams wui run over tnis Koaa as rouows:. PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN Leave ,Wilmington at. . Arrive at Charlotte at. . Arrive at Shelby at Leave Shelby at Leave Charlotte at. . . . . .. 7:30 P.M. .. 8:00 A.M. ..12:50 P.M. .. 1:15 P.M. .. 6:00P.M. Arrive at Wilmington at . 6:00 A. M. This Train leaves Wilmington and Shelby. Daily. except Sundays, with Sleeping Cars attached, j , PASSENGER AND FREIGHT TRAIN : ' Leave Wilmington at ..... i. 6:40 A. M. Arrive at Lannnburg. . . ...... 6:00 P. M, Leave Laurinburg, going West. .... ... . . 6 00 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte ..... 5:00 P.M. Leave Charlotte, going East... ......... 8:10 A.M. Arrive at Laurinbnrg .... . . ... ... 6:00 P.M. Leave Laurinbnrg i . 4:00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington ........ ..-.. 4:30 P. M. This Train leaves Wilmington and Charlotte on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and leaves Lau rinbnrg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. ' V. Q. JOHNSON. General Superintendent. jy25-tf RQWDER. Kentucky Rifle Powder Blasting Powder, j Deer Powder. ! A ,L,arse Supply Constantly on Hand, Blannfaclnred by , the Celebrated ; IIAZAttO POWDER COMPY. FOR SALE BY WILLARD BROS. dec 14-tf AGENTS. WILMINGTON. N. C. The Salisbury Examiner, Established In 1869. THOROUGHLY AND ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC. Printed Weekly and Tri-Wtekly at $2 and $5. Address J.J. STEWART, je33-t Editor and Proprietor, Salisbury, N. C- . i -9i V J I WF Linen JLawns and Linen UlaperN. IlosieryV Ladles' and Gents! Un derwear,. ..', Tweeds, Casslmeres and Cotln - ades, . . JLaccs and Edgings, and all kinds ; ' . of Small Ware' In great varl-, IHSUKANCK. Atkinson & Manning's 'insurance Koonis, BANK OF NEW n AN OVER BUILDING, : - Wilmington. N. (V ; , KIRK. '.- Queen Insurance Company, of England. Morth;BritiBh & Mercantile Ins. Co , of England Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. National Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. . Continental Insurance Company, of New York. Phoenix Insurance Company, of New York. Springfield Insurance Co., of Springfield, Mass. Royal Canadian Insurance company, of Cantida . 1DARINK. ( - Mercantile Mutual Ins. Company of New York. Insurance Co. f North America, Of Phiiadclphin : ' LIFE. 'W..'.:V Connecticut Mutual life Ins. Co. of HarHoid. Total Assets Represented Over $100,OOb.t4o. jan 11-tf . . ;. Fire and Life Insurauce Apucy (i J A. BYKNK & CO. tecprcsentlu over 62UOO,OUU tarOFPICK Commercial Exchange isuildlnt Hi-' North Water Street. " fi-,b 25-tl ' ; PIEDMONT & ARLINGtOK Life Insurance Com pan or Itielinibvid, . Virgin i ' Over 22,300 Policies Issued Animal Income Over $1,600.0 PpflffPOPPivn ! DrnPTifitinnti I Qnnmnl t. i tugiDuoui . i luoyoiuu ; i lumui . SMALL EXPENSES, SMA1.L USSKs Maim ' INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RiiSKK V K ;i AND " GOOD SUUPMIIH Premiums Cash, I'olfeleM Mbn .., Annua! Division ol' Surplus. AKTHUK J. HILL, Jr., Agent. s. Office for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood.' Med- cal Examiner, on Market street, two doers west o Green & Planner's dmi; store, Wilmington, N. :, September 8-tf . . JgNCGURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS SecHrity againat Fire. V THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME lXSUUAiV i; COIPA!M RALEIGH, N. C. This Company continues to write Policies, at ru rates, on all classes of insurable property. All losses arc piomptly adjusted and paid. Tin i8 raDidlv PTOWine In nnhlin fnvnt u. appeals, with confidence, to insurers of propert y i North Carolina ' Agents in all ts ef the Slate. li H. BATTLE, Jr.. President. O. B. ROOT, Vice President. SEA TON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. atkinson manning, AeanTh. auel-tf Wilminjrton. N. C. Bank of New Hanover. Authorized Capital $l,0OO,O4o Cash Capital paid in tSOO,0(Xt Surplus Fund $54;oOft. DIRE a 7 O li X JOHN DAWSON C M. STBDMAH 1. U. URAiNtllcl IAS. A. LEAK . P. LITTLE E. B. BORDEN M. WKDDELL D. If MURCHISON DONALD McRAB H. VOLLERS R. R. BRIDGERS J. W. ATKINSON I. B. GRAINGER, President S. D Waixacr. Cashier - aug 2Mt THE FIELD, A Jonnial for the Sportsmen of To-day. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. AT ' - ' 14 S. Canal St. Chicago. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Yearly. S4.G0: Half-yearly. 2.00. Foreiim and Canadian subscription, post free Yearly 18a.; Half yearly Da. Single copies, 10 cents. t . . THE FIELD is a complete weekly review of the higher branches of a sport Shooting. Fishlnc. Racing and Trotting, Aquatics, Base Ball, Cricket, Billiards, and General Sportine News. Mnslc and the Drama. THE FIELD win be found in keeping with tne times, on all subjects pertaining to honorable sport, and will, under no circumstance, admit to its columns anything tending in any wise to demoralize or degrade public sentiment.; THE FIELD being the only Sporting Journal published West of New York, and the recognized authority among the sportsmen of the West and South, among whom It enjoys a large and incrcaaiBC natron are. Dossesees sunenor advantage as an ad' vertising medium, which will be appreciated by those desiring to mase ineir duswcss Known in tne United States. apr22-tf .3- C. H. "WARD'S Stating ana Hair Dressing Saloon North Front street, : NEXT DOOB SOUTH OF DAWSON BANK, : WILMINGTON, C. : 1 ; HAIR CUTTING AND SHAMPOOING 25 CTS EACH. - ap 1-XX