1 A HEiEIOEIIinQ START ByWHii. Bernard!. ' V BLISHED- 1J A.II.T JtXCKPT. JtOHD AYS. v rates ainescitrpTioM iw ; t .B yer, (by mall) postage paid,,:; Three months, " '.'-' ' ' One month ' ' ! . -u .85. .... L 100 To Cftv SuBseribera. delivered in hit Dart of the city, fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect foe more than three months MORNING EDITION. JBS. ry h. .r. -H The colored sdgaf 'question ia giving - much trouble to the Treasury Department j ; i the importers wilj meet, the I issue' in'the . ' courts,' if necessary. -7 The organization of the new jTufcishrmmaijlhas been completed. A politicar meeting has been held in Dublin; the two Irish mem-, bera ; ofTarlfament "were enthusiastically re-, ; ! cciveiL I A .'petition Mrt the5 Chinese,' complaining of the persecution of Spanish " planters in Cuba, hasjreached England, At Anoka, Minnesota, there was a destruc tive firtu.. loss $75,000. : r-' Democratic State Convention hi session at Harrisjburg, Perm. , Independent Greenback party of Massachusetts will bold a State Conven tion in -Boston on September 5lh, to npmi Joseph. New York markets : Money easy at U3 per ceiiif, 'gold lower at 04i; ' cotton weaktpHJ(ajicVBour flrmef and low gmdea.l015c better at $3 90(4 50 for superfine Western land State, and fo 75 G 50 fee common to fair extra Southern, and $6 607.75 for" good to choice South- erh; wheat quiel, closing heavy and. lower Wat $1301 41 for ungraded red and amber .Western ; corn opened fairly active,' and ilic better, closing heavy "at 5456c for : ungraded Western mixed; spirits turpentine steady; rosin scarcely, so firm at $ 1 i85 Latest By Mail. j , tTbreo ffleu Killed In GreenTllleCsnii j- , y 0urlns a Revenue Raid. - SpecIal Dispatch to Charleston Journal ot f , Is I Commerce.! J, rv ) . ' SpAirrANBuiw, Aug. .21.. s Another revenue' tragedj occuf red at the footof the mountains in Green-. Ville county, eight miles from Land ruin's Station. From the best; in ' formation to be'. obtained, it -appears . that William Durham, a revenue officer, attempted to arrest one Ilar- . rison, for illicit distilling. Harrisod icoihicu itiiu wia Biiub uy lUIUUIII. . A .roan named Howard and one . named Gosling, "vvere . the ou,ly ones presen t with Harrison. ' After Jl arri son had been shot, they .fired ' upon aud killed Durham, .when : Durham's brother came up and shot HoWard. Durham was instantly killed. fW. Harrison ami .Howard, died yester day. Harrison and Durham are re lated'. No further particulars are to - be obtained as yet. P.. Revenue Collector Doolllllc Plred Cpon.bjr BuRhivbaeker. . LSpccial telegram to the Dispatch. , II into N, W. V., August 21. Deputy Revenue Collector L. Doo Jittle, with a squad of four men, while "' in the mountains, about six miles' from here, ferreting out illicit distil lers, was fired upon by bushwhackers about 2 o'clock P. M., yesterday. Mr. Doolittle was shot twice once in the left arm at the elbow, and once in the right leg just below the knee. . 'He was brought '"'here' to-day on a stretcher, and will go , to Charleston on the night train. The other four men escaped uninjured. I . liemendons Gathering; of Colored . ' i a. J lJ People, '. j' i .; I Charlotte Observer. The conductors of the North Carb 1 in a Railroad have had their hands full during the last two days in phll- . ing: colored people to the camp -meeting'ali Hillsboro. Capt. VVaitt, who arrived yesterday; emptied put ' thirteen car loads at that place, and they were wedged so closely together that it was almost impossible to col lect the tickets. He thinks that! at least fi vjuthonsand persons are already on the ground. Several hundred left j Raleigh pn : one train. J j ' i h !' ' There was pretty much the same state of affairs up the Carolina Cen tral Railroad Sunday. There was a , big darkey camp-meeting near Bre vard's Station and another near Lin colnton, aud from the river to Lin colntonjjreat crowds of colored peo ple coold be seen all along the rail road, making their way to these gathering, not to speak of tbecrowds who besieged the stations and got on ' the train. : ' j I Jadse irioore lndleted. j , IRaleiirh News. ; -1 ! V We understand a little flare-up oc curred at Carteret Superior Court between Judge Moore and the Sheriff in regard to the subject of colored jurors. It seeins there were none of the colored brethren on feitber the grand or petty juries. The Judge wanted to know why" this was so. The Sheriff told ' him it was because there were only twelve negroes in the county who had paid their taxes, and that the .names of . six. of these had been thrown out, with the names of two ; hundreVi ;white8,as unfit for jurors;'; The Judge s had I the County Commissioners before him, who eor roboroted the Sheriff's statement. ' He then ordered the Sheriff to sum mon colored jurors from those pre senLj Tha Sheriff lokid, round and told the Judge he saw none present fit to' serve! as jurorsThe .JuHge then, pointed out jeertain negroes in the Icourtlliouse and "ordered the Sheriff lo snmraon bera. ; ' '' This affair ' 'gave umbrage ; to ibb. community 'and was considered a an unjustifiable interference with the duties of the Commissioners and" the'. Sheriff, and the Grapd Jury indicted the Judge for malfeasance in office, j :, .' Fonn hundred: guests ; sat Warm Springs, Madison county. the tVj- .-.ml' .- ioji, g, ii k- Alt hitj y. . . . " , i- i ; : v i. ... , '. r i ,iU i.t y ? r ' ,m .VOBV X3j;--NO,.!r31! Xbe Metatbera VnaerwritArs Aocltt The trial of Shaw versus the above has been going on inllaleighi before Justice Magnn. ; Armistead Jones, the i first President, i testified, as re ported in- the ' Raleigh Observer, that the Association was. organized in Ita leigh in Febraary, JS77: 1 - : That but. one of. the-: incorporators named in tha act of incorporation (chap. 02, laws 1874 '75,) was present Little, That he, Geo. Little, had the proxies- and resignations of all the original incorporators except ' oel D. 'WhitaTcer.' t That the meeting was or ganized by electing Geo. Little chair man,' and Armistead Jones 'secretarv, I and the following other persons were PWUPeoW, Ulacknall, J. 11., the chahrman, Geo. Little,wift8 adthor- ized to onen books for Subscription ol jThat.the;'8tock''was subscribed for a8 IOILOWS. a .... , M, Geo. fW, sIlacknall .:. . Armistead J ones .... J. It. II. Gartner . . . . . R. J. Harris .... . . . . Geo. Little. ....... . 1,4 94. shares' J tf I"1;: I I ' 1,500 shares At $100 each'. ...... A , . .'.$150,000 - That the following perioris were elected officers of the company: Ar mistead Jones, Presidents R. 1 W. Best, Secretary, G. W. 4Blaoknall, treasurer. s i..-. u--..:!-i?:''fJ: 'j Jt,;' That these ; officers continued until January 4tb, 1877, when A. Tbnes was succeeded as President by R W. Best, he, Jones, declining to be Re-elected, and Eugene Gray succeeded Best as Secretary,' and Dr. BJacihall con tinued as Treasurer." A'shbft time afn terwardsMr.Gray resigned 4 s Secreta ry and was succeeded by J. l. H. Car mer; that the witness, A. Jones'j ; as President of the Company, was j as sured by Dr. Blacknall, te Treas urer, that the entire stock; bad been ) paid up in money. That on the f 5 th of May, 1876,' upon demaifd of the, Secretary of State, a statement wa made up showing the assets nnd liabilities of the .Company ; i that the statementiwas madeby the witness and sworn to bv him. 'Tha. in mak ing up the statement the Secretary of State was present, ; and also (the Treasurer, who brought; wili him; the securities and other : assefs of 4 the, company. That the securif iesl of the company were examined by the wit ness and Secretary of htatei and con sisted of sixty United States bonds of f 1,000 each; 120,000-worth; of;. North Carolina Railroad- bonds, land some other securities that the wiiness qo&and Mr. Twitty thirty-three. This we:on- not recollect. -- That these blonds were in the hands' of " the Treasurer,' J)r. Blacknall, the 'first and tast time!the witness saw them. , j ' r - J And at the continuance pit Mon day the Justice had - two! questions propounded by the plaintiff which are objected to by the defondnntf on the ground of irrelevancy,?. viz: ( . What became of -the bnds after the Secretary of State made the px- examination on the 5h of Mayj 1876? And .:;', t: V:M X Do you know now from; whom the U. S. bonds were to have been pur chased, and at what price? jj -1 . : 1 At the re-opening of te ; casef in September Justice Magnirl will rule; upon the admissibility of the answers to these questions. - i i ! . Spirits Turpeiitme. " ' ' . - .'. -' . . J I i' Nash sends up to the , Peniten tiary eight convicts, all colored. - j 'Ik : Alamance Gleaner holds in its hand a tomato that weighs 25 ounces. Next.- . . . ! . '. ! ;; : ' If you wish to see' what trans-j pires in 'North Carolina subscribe .to jthe Stak. Only$7ayear.' ; j - . Charlotte, not ; to. be out done by Washington; has a horse Bitffering f fata. symptoms of. hydrophobia.; : j ' : The corn crop in Grarivillo' is large. The tobacco crop is'umjsually large, and promises to be a good one as to quality- - f: ... i The Southern Homq says: Jo Ohio there are 46 sheep to every -dog, and the Ohio farmers annually pocket" twelve million of dollars for their wpol and mut ton. In North Carolina there; are 40 ours to every sheep, and our farmers pay but of their pockets twelve millions for clothing. andmeav sf!:K-: :;,J: J. '.;;-s:";; f - llobesonian: 1. The annual meet ing of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion, embracing the Coanties of . Richmond, Robeson and Cumberland, rnt at the Mc Pherson church; on the first Saturday in this month. - - Quite a number, of the prisoners confined In our jail we're removed to Fayetteville jail yesterday Busij ness is beginning to brighter. ip a little. : Macon :, Advance: . There ; has been quite an Interesting" revival in the Methodist Church in. this plade for the past week, conducted by the paslof; Rer. M. P. Swain-. -? We were shown some sam pies of very fine mica by Prof.-Smith, the other day. that -"cat" about . IQ to 1Q clear; The crystalization is extraordinary, v Prof, Smith informs Us that' his bands, dog out one .block of this which will probably cut one hundred pounds of the1 Very finest mica, 9 by 10 inches. ,,,Tbatl mica ' is not controlled by a "company." j . Statesville American: Prof. jj. Henry Hill, of the Statesville Male Acade my, and Miss Grace J.MartJn, late of the Simontoa."FemaJej College, Jot this place,: were united ia thftioly bonds of marriage, at the residence of the Rev.'! Alex. 1 MajrtiD, Danville, Va., last Monday; f M6nday last, we; learn, a married, daughter of the I late Dr. Smedes, ) passed om the train by is'placein ' Charge oi rriendsfc. a; raving 'mahiao.i: She had been, t the Warm SprjDg ia the-lYesnarl alibis State, was in; feeble health, and .her unfortunate afllictiOri" came .upon.; her:, . while at Uhe Springs WltlMIN 'A maD of .'.Uhe!:ba8v..; world?; such", is th, )tf ORimia;jSxAK,v publvsed.at' m i . f am . V li! " "I tue.iow.rate oft A. ,or,pne!yeR. .wiuu jh less' than. 58 cents a month, of ' 13 cents' weeK,'pr a iraction over two cents; aay, Suxelv. what a creat . comfort a! live, 'newsytfustfuTf conscientious daify pa ner.isUHaw mucB Durirrandf athers missed Governor Tryon could not tell what hap pened.in the next county the day succeed.-? mg the event, mucu iess;wua,i ransinreu iq the world atlargei, j Governor Vance keeps much better posted, for lie'rfeadB'dailyjlhfe Stab. Heostbto-uovemorr ' " m -r Raleigh JVeics; Order were-is sued from the "Adjutant General's toffice yesterday, .. assigning r .the;. Mecklenburg Rifles, designated as ComDanV II. add the Polk Rifles, desieoatcd as Company I, to th' second battalion; IN; OJ Si G.r anl the Hamilton Guards,; ! designated, as CQr4paay II in thn fint Viotfd1irn i , 1 . Atlfill T!ar teri sentenced at the, spring tienn' 1877 or Kichmond county Superior, Jourt fo nel hung on Friday the Ist ofahe present months fotthemttrder of IJuShrod W Lilly wasrayesterday; repnevea vj ' tavernor ' Hon. Jps.iaUJ.'urner proposes to publish a history of the Holden-Kirkfwar,' during which 'he Was4 deprived' of hi lib erty! and otherwise I infamously treated. Price, one dollar when : the book is deliv ered. , Let all subscribe, for, the author has done much service in the past to the btatc and the Democratic party He. says: J VIn America me ngut wui oe wnicu intrvyssuau rule and, as in.- this; .Holdeu Kirkr war-, the sword will , be appealed to, -to jlecide the question ; hence, the necessity ot itiic people reartinir nhiV understanding the 'history of this first war, not "upon government alone- but upon humaa society and civilization itself, to win a political triumph; and carry tne ejection.' , .,,(, 4 Charlotte Southern Home t Con cord Presbytery will convene at Moores- ville, Iredell county at 7 M.;, on lotn of i SeDtembert Mecklenbursr Presbvterv will convene at .Davidson's mver unarcn, -km . m t . a r. 1 l on ine in 01 esepiemDer; .urange rresoy tervj at Milton. September 13th. Gen. D. II, Hill -i? ; no,w .visiting : -liia , daughter. Mrs. Arnolds at, Beverly. West V irginia. Next week he will go West, to take charge or tne Indnstnal' College at l' ayetteyuie, Arkansas.? - The editor of the 'Ashe ville Citizen Went fishing in the mountains, and though he didn't get a Vbite" he killed a fqurtecn-foot rattlesnake, which is the next thing td it. ' 1 ' ' ' ;, . .. ' , ' I ; il ; wr Alamance trteariei;:t,:e . learn that a general meeting of the Friends of unusual interest lias been going on at vane Creek Churchy iust on the Chatham line. They. have, been, ha vine: a regular revival season, ami qite-a Hmber-kve professed. Iha preachings we hear was warm and ef fectived i--i A negro girl gave birth, in the night time, ton child, and then, fit, is .1 i i i a . m i i.ii i ' ' . niuugm, i ! muruereu , us" i uo , uuiiu jwas found in the "garden very imperfectly' bu ried.! The vonnc ladies of Com nan v Shops will, on Priday niffht. the 24th. hold. a dime festival in the .Grangers HalL. iThe, proceeds are to te applied, to the pronerjy, placing oc the. uelL m Liuion Church, i i Warrenton -. .frazctiev On Fri day last Mr, B. E. Cook and liobL Twitty, of Manson, went out "on a bird hunt oxi the farm or Capt. :B. M. Collins, near 1 Kidge- way. I i?rom three coyies that wercsraiBed, these gentlemen , bagged thirty-one lijird sider as pretty good' marksmanship- - Dr. Willis Le wis.. themost celebrated Nim- rod Granville ever had, once went to Vir ginia to hunt with a famous sportsman.' The result was, Lewis shot 61 J times ind missed once; his, competitor: C9 times hnd missed twice. ;f How is that for high ? pri Lewis still lives, aged about 55,, but caUnot shoot on account of his eyhs.i His brother Charles is but little inferior to him, aadjhas easily ;beaten Northern and Virginia erfek shots. ' " : ' , ; , ,. .. j . - ; ..,. ' : ' Wadpsboro .Heralds A colored' man of Wilmington, named Taylor, byjthe appointmentiOf Hayes and Key, succeeds Col. Sinclair as- mail agent on the C. CL Railway. Oliver D., where are you ? 4-nd what do you suppose your several friends to Whom you promised the position UiinU of you and nis Praudulcney now. -tt Crhw ford, Crowder & Co. will fit up the . second story of their brick building as an. opera house. j.Jt.will be .about the size and style of the one in Charlotte, . We vac-informed that i:thei. southern fpWti of this eo'unfy there is,' since the first of January, an increase - ia the human crop of ! qine children,' all bo n of M four, women,1 tnd within a radius of on4 mile.. J r:--: If the the fruit crop of Anson county were saved it would bring in 'a revenue of 'Over : fifty, thousand dollars.. "..fJut the farmers, we are; sorry to say, think' the fruit is top insignifi cant lo bother with, .'rj There are about forty " students at the. Anson Slpstitutc: in this placed . "..-.'.Vi'.V -. . -.r..; j : Oxford .Torchlight : r;We are very much pleased to learn, ' from ' reliable authority, that the health of Mr. James, II.' Horner has very much improved. He noW weighs 236 pounds,; ,; With his wife,' hQ is Spending the summer - in - Western North Carolina. Since writing the above; Mr. II.: has returned home. , A correspondfent informs us that a severe and destructive hail storm viBited the Flat River section! in Orange connty last Wednesday, doing much' damage, to tobacco and corn;. - - Mr.! J. T. Cheatham; one of Oubest citizens and finest .tobacco- growers, sold his two, best qualities of tobacco' on the Richmond mar ket last week at an average of $47 per hn-' dred weight - Since January 1st, 1877,' one hundred 'and three marriage licenses' have been issued in Granville county. 4 Diphtheria is raging in the Knap of Redds 1 section, v Kight tobacco factories ;in successful .operation; in Oxford.andricinity. Quid -a nUrhfeerbf ; out VrominJnt farmers are sailing around Beaufort. I , . p-r, Charlotte Observer;K AACittzbn wants to know if the people are. going crazy. j3unday he was invited by a meip ber of a'church in the city to go down and hear the latter's preacher. He went and was very much ing he met the gen be is a fine man the Other enthusiastically. low, a splendid bOy; and just thick of . ft, ier is only two hours old !" At a chambers, court held yesterday in.; Greensboro, Judge Dick refused to grant 'the petition of bank ruptcy of the Bank of ; Statesville, ou two grounds. First, that there : was .no- proof that '-" any '' corporation '.had : . "existed; and second, that had there been proof of this fact,; the proper proceedings had hot been taken. 11 !!- ' 4- pjouple of oung men. from. Iredell, passed through, this city yesterday afternoon bri their way'i to;; Dallas,! Texas, which they expect to make their future' home. Aud yet the Texas papers aracon JinuaU aayingVoiacr.!" tqithose lfio; are turning their faces that way. i , : .' : ;s i " 'T.j . Ktytufaa.s-ua I i . No one can develop, the . grace of . meek ness by listening to k 'crying l3aby.' ' Stop its fretfulness by curing the Colic with Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup:' Price 25 cents. ? 1 U . tslnaoaii i! voolflrrtfiw tnnrti I mnund T rnm tln ninlilinnp fn TlAnlr otrahf : llemah and said, ''Well, formerly the Freedme"n,SaviniBank.ad ; ain't lie V Yesr- said vr - r : ' .' : ," . . i""i'M "'in!.' A'UGUST -23.; 1877. : ' ' ' Ul' 5? K W .;. pVEBTI SEItlliN TS'. , , A. , DAyufe-Great. bargains. , , ,t. 1 . Hakrison & AlLENT-:lOS!ng out, I .iT.G.iH-vHBTHrrTSellingput to closej '-' vnlTJNSflir;Co Cloths ftncji cassimeres, ; j Gr R-jFjrbncb; 6f SojSergebutton boots, Eociil DoiN. I'll X; 'Thcl'exco rsi ori : season" will It jSodn be over. ,i jxew couon win soon commence ,13.. J.t-. ii t. -'.i -li . . - joining fn. 9,v'; ?c- .,.,! o-.M ; )v The ' u i gh ts '" a r e n o w ' ' coo I and pleasahV for sleeping; 'sj P' :' !,U!M' ' I : : A M o again ; being talked .about. . n -Ti l lin lwftltn lnciiPi'lnra inmrm no f. m ....... . . f i i T . rr" fhat'lBeCity:as aireneral thine:'' is- a very cleanly condition. f ; iir t . v ery few fresh fish arearnving in market just now, in consequence of the prevailing easterly winds. . , ! . ; ,ij .--tt All the Wilmingtoniant absent in Europe are expected to sail for borne du ring the next: week" or two. ',:'..: 1U I ' ' W. il. Taylor, colored,' was'sent to' jail ye'sprday afternoon for non-payment QlcOsts iii Justice Hill's court,. ' " : :A good, many, of our business men, are painting up and . preparing 'for a vigorous fall and winter campaign. Th e excursion' barge Modoh,1 in tow - of a -steamer, "took a 'small pary: of excursiouials dowivthe;river. j'esterday. l i v Thq edict has gone forth. iThe police' have orders to allow no more! base bal playing within the limitspf the pity..; Capt. J. R,: ThigpeivoLEdgeJ combe ne of the most successful farmers in the eastern' section of the State, is -pn -a visit td k cf. ' i r-i- Jie ;i house rentpig seasoh is ciose ar nana, and iroin , present appear ances there will be a great, many Changes of residences this year. - v'sVl 1 alung ibarometer, southeast winds, clouds and rainy folio-wed by1 'cooler westerly winds aud rising barometer are the indications for tins section to-day.! Colonel Pennington, lately in charge of the garrison at . Smiihviliej but now Rationed, with his command, at Fitte- burg PjijHjarriyed hcro.ycsterdy pa a brief Visit. f Vr i. . M nV..': ', - M r. i 1 lamil ton i McKl il Ian,' asso ciate editor of the Carolina F.m'ner, is ialsO connected with the Stak, find is aulhonzed to-receipts for subscriptions or- advertise ments I ..'-"'tffi ti '"f.-,V:!2i'.'l.4 ' Tliere was a rumor, yesterday afternoonlo the. effect that Keeter had es caped from the county jail; . There s isj not much. chance, for "him to do, that, a4, ie is confined, in a cell.:- fr s'i t ;; A little colored boy was arrjest- ed and taken to fhe guard .house' yester-' day afternoon, by Officer 'Nelson, on -the charge 'of injuring, shade trees, but was subsequently released on ,the. promise that ue wuuiu never ue guiuy ei uie. uko again. .:. '"" -' " - -';- " ? . j We have from Is. T.' Harden a stalk of Corn grown on the plantation of Mri I: M. rowell ' Mayor bf Fair Bluff land Register' bf- T)elds ".'of Cblumbus couhty!1 wuiuu cuuiuuis aeyeu ears, aitis uiiue species known as the Tipton Prolific, and matures much earlier than ordinary cOrn. The Raleigh'iVetts says: Charles Ilaigh, Lieutenant-Colonel of the Second BattalionNi; A ,S. G., haying resigned.lthe " r . .1 m . - r . t t...i ! uuiuuiisaiuucu uiucura in mat uaiiiiiiou are called to appear at Charlotte, the. 30th ilist to supply . the vacancy. . Each commissioned officer, is ; entitled to one vote which may be cast in person or by proxy. J rno Kxcnmion To-Ntsbt. The? grand moonlight excursion of the season, under, the auspices of the Connet Concert Clubr; which takes place on jthe excursion barge Modde, this evening, bids lair ia pe ,a. great success. s juveryDoay is fond of moonlight and music; under the most ordinary circumstances, but when taken in connection with a ride upon the waters of our beautiful river, with all the pleasant accompaniments and surround ings, which the committee of arrangements will providej it will.be too tempting for the average seeker after., pleasure and comfort tq, resist.'. 'there will be nothing lacking1 to make this excursion all that can be desired, and we bespeak tor, our musical , f riffnds a pleasant and profitable trip. . :Thie.boat has been chartered for the night,-and the ex crirsiottists wiirprobably extend t heir voy age to Smithyille.;: rs ) X I our Colored military. i The armory of the Hanover Light In fantry; Capt.5 Geollj. Mabsonhas been fe- tended, we are informed, to malce this talce rank as 'One of the"'' first colored' 'military companies of the' State and it'. will be'' we jendeavor of theoffieers to t bring it to that standard of excellence ' that will command tne respect or doii me wintc ana . coiorea peopl of ouf qityV Tliey ' aye a fine hall, which they intend flt upln good style for Vital ontnAiin '. " ' ' ' -- - - - jEcllpse orilie ivioon; IT i' There wilf be,, a. partial .eclipse; Of the Ah .uiyyO; vul3:Pveuu&- j.uc iuuuu i;wii cuiui . tehlQw. a24,nu . leave I. it at 4,minutes after .8, being in the Middle of the eclipse at 14 minutes after 6 o'clock.'' ,The exhibition' commences too earJy in the' .eveuiog 10 prpv& mucn 01 a success. a Very fine iel- 'PP111 3 nan, on uront sweet. it is ln- .f v. .1 .1J r . i tf ' iy , r . ! 1 r vur jirie.HUj jvw- iv.' oouHCUi,!xq., the noted Nimroid of BJaden county, , hon- l'A .'V ., ' . ;-,' .vi eu us wuu nyisiiyeuieroay. ( veiiaieneu vitV 'V-.' '-;' i ' . - m giEat lutctcot w, a ucwiiuuui Ui mis great interest to, a description ejrnfirienrPa niilli t(ara rntmmint' Xrj'J and then we tried to convince' him of the superiority of .breech-loading shot-guns over muzzle-loaders. He kept.very quiet during our enthusiastic recital, of the advantages of the former; but we saw from the twinkle oi uis eye inai ne .was .putting up ,a urst class job ori us." ' VheriWe finished bur re marks he said some ' people might' prefer the new-fangled : guns, - but as tor him he j where wpuldn loader, so we immediately remarked that it was a warm day.L ' . . . : ; ' ' ' . ! 2 j " : - . - - s I'll lauoe Ktee, i i -hi n i; - j. Sme of the boys on Mtsonbore Soiind, emulating, the example of their elders,; have arranged a canoe -race to take place at Ma - sonboro some day .next week. A champion flag is being made for the winning boat, and they intend to have everything arranged in the best style arid the race run according to the latest rules. ; of yacht racing,- The boats arc fitted w ith mainsails alone and steered with oars, as the captains will be ; put -on their honor not to give a shove every' now. and then " with their steering apparatus, We presume everything ' will be conducted satisfactorily.; The following are the names of the boats and captains:. Stormyetrel-sailed by Capt. Henry R. Savage, k,hipoken sailed by Capt. W. M. Pars-: , 'Skip Jack" sailed by Capt1 Victor Grainger..;.,, i ;,:-, ; ,,; .-. .: i "Lucyy sailed by, Cap. Ed. Daniel " Offielal Information. - ' - ' . Sherift Manning has .official, information from the State Penitentiary authorities of the escape of Thomas Johnson aSos Alonzo wauieu iiispowuer auu suoi. ui cuoie out. i kw w vcuif u?aer jirompi ino pfacfsie it was: put ' ini"si-We saw- that this J "T' f . ..m . ,. r. . 't be entirely: idesirable in a breech- 1 ook,bihdebt. 'i-hb nouniie STAB'BookBiod Eln, mentioned in our paper a few .days Uainabie bjxahtlea For debility arising front sick ago, " The only reward now offered for his I ness, ov exertion, or from any cause whatever, W recapture is $10, with 1 all actual necessary I wineglassfnl of Sea Weed Tonic taken after tncala expenses, which is the general; rewardi pd'willTBtrengtheii the stomaca'and create an Wpetife '-., - : I for wholesome food '. ;Va nil nhii iw 'aWinf Isn by the; authorities for the apprehension of esciipcu pii3iuei3. j.u eouaiuerawou ui uie desperate character of this convictj it is ii , , I 1 1 . t i .1. g- : hoped that the Governor will increase the reward. U . . ' ' ' 'n rii ermometer Keeard,.. ' The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.05 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal. Office in this cityU: AuKnsta.. ... . 79 Montgomery 82 Ubarleston, ..... .84 Corsicana ..i: i83 New. Orleans,, j. . 85 worroik. t .8i Gal vesloo,.;. . . . .486 Punta liassa, . . J . ,89 Savannah .80 Indianola, . . . . . . .00 Jacksonville, !. .76 St 'Marks,:... -.73 Wilmington,:,. 82 jKey West, 93 , RioDiie......:..,., KIVEIt AND m AKIN ITKMS. 4-- The Norwegian Barquev . Erey arrived m oejow yesieraay at 8u a..; m: i f . , j . c ; The Schr. Joseph &wtfier, Capt. Watts, which was cleared from this port for Bath, Me., yesterday, by Messrs. Jas. H. Chad- bourh & Co., took out the largest cargo "of : f I V Fourth round of appointments, 'as made bv Rev. ; W.; S. Black. Preaidine Elder for the Wilmington jpistrict Methodist Jspis. Uhurch South: I 4 ' 1 v. . Magnolia, at iProvidence i . . i . SepL t ! 1-2 Coharie Mission..'.... SeDL ;8-9 iClintOn' I iW . i Q. 'i V. : i v J .'. I. Sept. 15-16 Cokeshury. . . . , . . .......... ,. Sept; .29-30 Wilmington, at Front Street. Oct ;6-7 Smithville, at Concord. ; Oct. - Onslow; at "Queen's Creek. . . Oct. lH Elizabeth; at Elizabeth town .' . Oct. 27-23 liladen, at Windsor.... ;.jjg. Nov. -" :3-4 Topsail, at Wesleyan Ghap.-. Nov. Kenansyille, Wesley Chapel . f Nov..- 10-11 17-18 Wilmington, Fiub atreet. . . . Nov. 24-25 i. i v.: v ' ; tub ai ails: ; s''';i 'xi ; ( The mails -close and -arrive at the City bst OtUcc as follows: - , . . CLOSE. . . ' - t Northern through mails. 4:45 P. M. 'C:15 AjM. Northern through and wav mails. . . . J :'.'.'. . : .-. Mails for'the N.-" C Railroad, and routes supplied there--,'1' " from. at....... -l ......... 6:15 A. M. Southern mails for -all points ' J ,, South, daily. -... 5:00 F. Jtt. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily, .: . . - (except Sunday). ...... . . . .' 6:30 P. M. Mail for i.Cheraw & Darlington-i - ' Railroad 11:30 A. Mi Mails for points between Flo- ' 5 , rence and Charleston ...... 11 :a A. M. Fayetteyille,andidfBces6nCape f Fear mver, xuesaays ana ., Fridays;..............:.;.. 1KP M. Fayetteville by Warsaw, daily : ? Aivpu uuuajo. ....... ... . f,AVA., Jix. Onslow C. J Hi :andinterme- ,i7' :' t ' diate offices every Friday. . 6:00 A. M.' Smithville v mails, j by , steam- r yij boat, daily (except Sundays) 8:00 A. sIL Mails fori Easy1 Hill, Town : 11 ; . Creek, every rnaay at. . ; i vjuu tf. jml. '"( :-., " 'ARRIVE I I ' Northern through' mails. . ... . 12:15 P. M. Nottbertr through ' and way " " i mails. . .'..'. .'. . . 1 oaOP. M. x. JU. I Southern mails, , i :UO A. Jftl. I Carolina Central Railroad Mtlavliiverfid from TOO A: M. to 730 - ---- - ; -a r xi t P. M.; and oti Sunday s front 80 to 9:80 A. M.i .-.'aiuftji'. : vi v in : ! Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12M.V and .from 2 to 6 P M. Money order and I Resister Department open same as' stamp 1 - . .... . -. 1 1 titamps iqr sale, at general delivery wnen Key Boxes accessible" all hours,;;day i ana Dignt. i 1 ,-- -v t j S!i Mails collected from Street boxes, every 1 AnvAtSim M . i ' 1 --r: v.:. ' 1 11 f "'" V . ' ' ,- V NEW ' ADVERTISEMENTS. ' 1 ' i . . ''I- f.-- :,, .1 i - -V . ! I I ii-'fi-.t'.. ft !); ( vOiso nvmh' f'.i ALL THE MOST DESIRABLE r . . . ' " ;' STYLES OF MACKINAW. OAOTONRMABRAm,, t naaiaJJi-ao Biaaw n&s, r . ,'At HARmsoALtEN'sy 1 - aug Si-t? ' ! 1 ' : 1 v ClTY HAT'STOEB. j r I :,! : WHOLE NO:1 3,iS i lTv ITEMSi i I i - a.' LOVELY COMPLSXIOTr. Tae very counter f I PH? ntate'T,tho,I,i 8seBtin of artiociai P- plication, ia bestowed by that unique cosmetic, Goa- I raua e uiympian tjream. rice an large tsotuea ' r "Wn4 to One- Uollsror sale 6y J.'O. 'Mauds I - - - n :. i r PL1CASE BEAR IN MIND that jf your ! groeer does not baTe, arid will not get, Doolky'b sast Povdxb for you, yoa can send 20 cents for qnarter, 35 cents for half, or'65 cents for one poond cair; di rect toDoolev'& Brother. New York, and toH will 1 receive it by return of mail. Always nee it for the delicious Vienna tolls. " TB.HfTEfti,PBnwiHO-TjtKS. Invalnabie to rail road companies, steamship compamtesbaaki, met chants, manof actmrera and others. , Taoy (ure en duing and changeless, - and will copy Sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time, , Uaviig jost receivea a Cresn supply or these mks, we are pre- ery does all kinds of Binding and Ruling in a work manlike., manner, and at reasonable prices, Mer chants and 6 there needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on . promptness in the execution of their order's. ' . ' ' . , , ; ILiBpr dUnn"fw aerM who have been dosed, drogeea and aaacked. Pnl- 1 tare debility; weakness, and decay. Book and Jour nal, with information worth thousands, mailed free. Address Pdivxrkachbb Galvanic: Co.. Cincinnati. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. No beoble in the world suffer as much with Dveoeosia as Americans. Although yean of experience in medicine had failed to accomplish a certain and sure remedy for this disease and its effects, such as Sour-Stomaeh,Heart-burn, Water-brash, Hick Headache, . Costivenese, Liver Complaint, yet since the introduction of Qbbbh's August Flowzb we believe there is no case of DrsDeDHia that cannot be fmmrtititlT ret. iibvcu. i wo uuees wiu reuevQ you. xsegmar Bize MANY WHO ARE SUFFERING ftom the effects of the warm weather and are debilitated,' are ad- (uD tl. V,1,naiMana 4-v tab. wJli8ke- & OT ree um during the dayj m a little whle taose who adopt this advice freqneritly increase the number ot "drinks, and in fime be come confirmed inebriates. . A beverage which will not create thirst for intoxicating liquors, and which is intended especially for the benefit of debilitated persons,whether at home or abroad, is.Dr.Schjmck's Sea Weed Tonic. Containing the juices of; many medicinal herbs, this preparation does not craateraiy appetite for the intoxicating cnpw- The' nomjening and the life supporting properties otmany valuable natural productions contained in it and well tnown to medical men have a most strengthening influence. A single bottle of the Tonic will demonstrate its their homes, we desire to ,v that th-iU J. i fectfl of Dr. Schenck's seasonable remedies. Sea I ffil raji?e';1J,? are P.arucniariy 1 ciucm WUCU LttlLCU UJ UlUBe WOO I tr . i 1 .i . . . r in ill rirm al affected by a change of . water and diet No person Duuuiu icave iiuiuc wiuioui laamg a supply oritfiese safeguards along. For sale by all druggists, f DIED. J BLOJfME.-L0n vesterdaV. the 92d IhRtjinx: tt A o'clock, A. M., ETEB AUGUST, son of Peter and Caroline cjomme, agea nye years one month ana one day. , . . . , ; . , r. . , . "Suffer little children to come ntitn m and forbid them not, for ot .such lathe Kingdom of Heaven. " The funeral win. take. place this Thursday) morn ing, at 9 o'clsck, f rom the residence of "the parents. corner Fifth and. Campbell; etreeta, thehca to SU Paul's Evangelical Church, thence to 6akdale;Cem- etery. The friends and acquaintances of the fajnlly are respectfully invited to attend. i ' ! WAEREN. In SSmithville. iT.-O. Jon Wadmiav August 22d, at haU past 10 o'clock, JOHN,WAK- w, ugeaoa years. - .v. i j , xtaiiamore sun ana Wilson papers please.copy. 5 NEW! . ADVERTISEMENTS. yTE EXPECT TO OPEpUR If KRflHATJT TTTrnriu,a invinir , . , LMJJWESTIO AND LUPORTED. .1 . y Id&AVJl, UUKK KARL-Tr- !' - s . aug23-lt , . , , , RKUNSON. & CO L Selling Out to Close. MY WHOLE STOCK, CONSISTING of BOOKS, Card Boards, Mottoes, Plain and Fancy Candies. ITVlluMA . 1 CJ-, ... - - muu i- mu w 0UUUUU5. i n.Liiriix. I- r JU!l- Lamps, G.ass Jars. &c. If not disnosed of othr. lurawi. w. -jaiou, ourer jnoouEea SHOW v-ases. wise -will pe sold at auction, September 1st. ' j H..')v.'iv ic;tli. Ki -i 24 Market fct REAT.BABGAINS .Ai.'-.i -IN- SummerClothiiig - . AT r . X 24 Market St i '. Stock must be disposed of before Moving Hug Few Hore. .Al.ti'f X. We haye stiU a' sqiall l : lot of those' Tine SERGE BUTTON boots'" On Hand," 'for Ladies Wear,? which we con-, tinue to sell at the Low Price of. $1. 75. j , Don't lAlnv . luiin now to regret it afterwards. - f ' GEO. R. FRENCH A SON.I ;t 39 N. Front Si., ,aug23-tf ; Mortgage Sale. Y VIRTUE OF 'AND , IN. ACCORD A nV"!K with the provisions of a certain Mortgage deed, Ex ecuted on the 3d day or November, 1874, 07' Jaihes Deans and his wife Ellen, to Edward Kidder, George W "KiAfornnA nflnort T 1T!J.. . i.rijj' .'' ' .vi Z- ,' . ' i . fJff J!S WWBW 1 ruoiio auction, on me lifm uax oir ajJr- . I TEMBER NEXT, at .t is o'clock, M.at the Market 1?onse. J ityof Wilmington, the following vS T AniM.VVAJffiSSTaSS-. lying, being and situate iu the City of Wllmingtenl en. ?8tide of J?31 street, beginning at a ieei eet North of the Intersection of Fifth, and Ann Streets, running North along Eastern line of Fifth Street sixty-six feet; thenee Eastward!? at right an-; WIJ wardly one hundred and aixty-flve feet totheBe- ginning, being the Western half of Lot 5, Block 130,1 n "eemciaipianor saiaycityv :vHifnnn r 1 n. -1 xerms maae Known at saie: .lf.: ;i:.v E. St MARTIN.' ng83 tds Attorney for Mortgagee . (. ' -".1 r-ir-i .THE 7 I HrjMTI-DUMTI , , if sr.',jf 1THV . . U 1 A B S r-.. i , ang 16-tf .1 I 'CPIOOTT. i nac'.r . Tobacconisi .la A' '15roaya,.v.'..i:iv.. .... 9 60 , v on,y4-"i .... v.... s oo 1 dy...j.H..-.-...w..,.' ... s so Vl1.,,T One'week,.ir;..;.wj.;wv.,.,1.1,? 4 00 "- 'Two weeks,. i:. . 6 50 " Tee weeks,.-.. i.iv.-J..i... 8 50 ! i' !.v:imv tk.W;inv'.,. W OO ' I.'1' Syojaonta8r-' ..(....- H 00 " . Taree months,..,, 24 00 . .Six months,,..,.....,,..,,. ... 4000 a '"-' Oneyear,. .t 60 CO '; tS?Contract' Advertisement Uken 'at propor tionatelylQwrata.itn.r ltJ , . ' ' Tea lines Mid Nonpareil type make one square. '.i MISCELLANEOUS. Grands Mdoriiiglit Excursion .prbiB'H lrifiif, THE ' I . .V ,t'. i- V . ) ir.-- If SS-rtUetS, Hi Vl3-13l. fl: ii;.;.:..-.nyV v , A HE CORNET CONCERT CLDB WILL G1VK a Grand Moonlight Excursion dewn the river. THURSDAY? NEXT; 33d -inst on the elegant Ex cursion Barge: MODOC. - Every: arrangement will be made for the accommodation of the guests, and the jatrlctesjj or der wW fe enforced. , ; . ; The Italian Band will farniah music, for dancing. Refreshments to be had at city prices. ?, ' The Barge will leave wliarf. foot of Princess St . promptly at 8 o'clock, returning at an early hour. The Managers reserve .the riirtit of cxcbidin oh- jectionabje poisons. j iiat :!is-.w . . : yKrfm Y n A (lb RA ila J-v Ibe had at the Bookstores, and of the Committee. . t. -ry . uaxAD, . (i, -d f!; ; iX J.--MITCHKLL, , - , : JAS. K. W1LLHWN, aug ?l-3t , .? .... . ..I-.-.,: v. Committee. FLOUR. FLOUR. T It Y ; - OUR ! POPULAR : BRANDS 1 1 i,95f.i,jii;a r'-rCtB'-f-;. I-i -pi;.:- r; PJEVFLO:UR, vli: KYMRX DA It A TO UK MILLS : - -. -. and ;"" , -. B.F.miTpHLL&S0N . - -. v.,it7 t . m 1 m 200 BALESAY 1ST FIGURES. . j ONLY .75c per cwt. at Cool arid Wood Yard, aug 19-lw, -f- ASPETNGEK ; AMERICAN BRANCH LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE J ?j 1NS0RANCK OOMPANY, . . r , 45 WlIilAM Strskt, Z&J iiJifi Niw Yowtj Aug,6, 1877. -.-(rj--.r - The taeeUt deastrDus f re at St. John. N. B . has furnished another iUnstration of the strength of this Company- and ot the ample se curity it affords. The fire occurred on the 30-31 of Jane; and all the claim b-j-128 ia number, amounting to $46551 .33 were all adjusted and paid In fall on or oerore me auin oi iujy, . . w .ri j! This large sum was paid, in addition to all the or ' dmary losses and expenses, out of the. surplus pre miums of the first half of ike present year.. J The Company's Assets, as reported on the 1st of January last, so far from being reduced, have been increased by our whole interest income,' and by the surplus premiums remaining after the .-payment of all ordinary and extraordinary losses and expenses; thus affording striking evidence of the important advantage enjoyed: bj a company whose operations are not restricted to one country, but extend all over the, world -disaster and loss in one branch or district being more than met and comrjenHatad hv success and gain in others, n t i; ij :i i , i am greauy pieasea on neing aDle to congratulate yoa on par contribution to. this highly isaUefactory result, the Fire Premiums of this Branch for the first half of the present year having yielded a net surplus over all losses and expenses of $316,135.63. iws. V.T JAKES b. PQLSFOBD, Resident Manager. JNO. Wi GORDON & KRO-, Agents, u-u ' - 34 North Water Street, anglfrtt..,: . :( f;)VO -Wilmington, Bf . C Salt. ;;;:Salt.;;: Salt. ,2500 S"-.,., i Now landipg ex-Brig Alf. direct from LiierpooL :?J..T fill t' , t't . . For sale Sy ang l9-tf KERCHNER, A C ALDER BROS Baggifi and Ties. Fifill A Yards Standard BAGGING, wUUU , . ,, in Rolls and Half Rolls, Km Tens TIES, ''. pV. , : ' ,f , ! For sale by augiitf 4 KERCHNER : A d ALDER BROS. Corn. Corn. Corn. QAAA BttBl- CORN, Prime,' . ' f' ; i OU lU, s 1 ' t , - While and Mixed, ; . Forsalet)y, 4-, -' ang 19-tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Oriental Powder. ? :500 KegBBift?il4B,a8tiD8 POWDER, v v- u I v fl ; 1 .::?? ? hy-J'ivi' 4 : ' j ' ; I i -4 ; KERCHNER CALDER BROS. . ang 19-tf . t , Agents for Oriental Powder Mills. - Mallard '& Co. SADDLES, HARNESS,' BRIDLES, Ih, JiJTRTJHKB. Ac: 3 li " Large stock. ' ' low priced.' . rbpairing at short nottcr. . - anglf-tf No. 8 Seuth Front St. Portable Soda Fountains. AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EXCTJR- I H1VUB A 1VUIVD) V1IUIVU S7 VDwl V UlDa Ut AlMA PORTABLE SODA WATER FOUNTAINS, all I erfMl IHin(AB' VirlMh OnaHtrala" Mr wriK ready charged for use.together with FINE SYRUPS, j Sight largeibnnches CUQICB BANANAS also on hand for the ensuing' week, at i: . B- li. JNURTHaUITB Jc 10-tf . , - Fruit and Confectioaerv Stores. Bricks ! Bricks! 100,000 GOOD BRICK, , t . .. . i t- For sale by , : : . WTLLARD BROS. Tke Little iSfipironiit tlia Coriier, a i -SADDLES. ItASNKSS,- ' ' - f 1 . WHIPS and COLLARS - Made or, .Repaired, Cheap for Cash. , , . . .rvl& ' :1 " ; ' Next to SoutherlantTs Stables. iM il : HAYDKN A GBRHARDT. ausl9-tf-t !toT -f v Jt -i" wumington, j. . H it-.. .! ,.'. ljnu ,.,-;! TTILMINGTON GROUNJD; I -"lj Ii ; , 1,, jl uc uiiBBi I41U ouok tsier uiiercu im. . . 1 s angw-sri ADRIAN A VOLLERS. Llolasses. i.Wnii' EW AND OLD CROP CVBAl SUGAR-HOUSE .3' -a.r rairr -4-vair n .vn r " yyvi NBWjjOR LEANS, 1 r J u 1 arT3Jtff & yOLLKRS, r 't ' -r. I