THE nOEimiG STAB. .: By WH. H. BERNARD. VUBL1SHED DAILY BCKPtf MONDAYS. V KATKSOV SUBSCMPTIOK IH ADYAMOI r One yearr (by mail) portage pald,i ..ti...i f7 00 uoaths, , k , .,.., . .. 400 Six Bioa Three months, f . One month w ... ........ v O QJC To City Subscribers, delivered In auy part of the city. Fifteen Cents per week. . Our City Agents are uui. uumuiLscu w coueci tor mere inaa tnree months in advance. w j - OUTL1KES. Col. Tom Scott will keep house in Wash ington this.wiater.''-'.''---.: The Russian com manders acknowledge that they ha ve been beaten as much by their own errors as by the bravery of Ihe Turks. - - Keyport, N. j:, loses $200,000 by a fire, 'j-U Fifty thousand dollar Are at Lawler, Illinois. -The ..unemployed workingmea! of. San "Francisco are making things lively. Secretary Sherman says he will not be a candidate for U. S. Senate. Phila delphia is excited ovej, an over-issue, of street car- stock. '! ;. Spanish "- steamer Diego burned at sea.'.' Eastern war news continues favorable to Turks. -Grand Lodge Odd Fellows willnneet at Austin, Texas, next, time.. The pros ecution of Gambetta continues. " '".'- A. later telegram denies that Tom Scott will keep house in Washington. The Pres idential party arrived t Atlanta 'yesterday and were .welcomed by . Gov. Colquitt in presence of 10,000 spectators. . New York markets: Gold dull at 103; cotton quiet at 11 5-lGll 7-16; strained rosin i 701 SO. spirits turpentine steady at 84ic.i The Presidential party were at At lanta yesterday. They were wel comed in a formal address by Gov. Colqnilt in the presence of ten thou sand ; people. As a Confederate sol dier and a Southern Democrat, Gov.1 Colquitt lias a splendid record, and, we trust he "will not" be criticized too sharply by those who do not agree with him on questions of propriety. We regret to learn that the build ing, presses,' type and everything be longing . to. the office of the North Caroliniant:at Elizabeth. City, were burned-Wednesday morninc about 3 o'clock -The publication i of the paper -will bo resumed as soon as new material can be procured. Softly, dear brother of the Index Appeal. Had you only awaited the arrival of our issue of yesterday, yon would have discovered that we gave vou. the credit unintentionally omit ted the day before. THK KKTCRN OP BRISK TllltES. Unwonted Jlolaaiion In ibe Bail. Mt reenter Hew York. ' . New York Bulletin, Wednesday. I . It may be doubted whether at auy period since the close of the war that part of the city known as the dry goods district has exhibited so much real animation . as at present. ' Yes terday it was no easy matter for pe destrians to move along Broadway and the streets on either side, on the way from Broome down to Cham: hers, owing to the transfer of mer chandise to the trucks, consigned to almost all parts "of the country, par ticularly the West and Southwest. Many houses are at work by gas light to fill orders. Another proof ;of com mercial activity is the frequent block ades of drays in Hudson street, at the New York Central and Hudson Railroad freight depot, as well as at and along the wharves of the coast wise steamers. Nor are these signs of reviving commercial activity con iiued to the lower part of the city. The, hotels are receiving large acces sions to their list of guests, the ma jority of whom are merchants from ihe country, come to effect purchases. Large numbers of our citizens mer chants, bankers and other business men -who have been spending ; the summer in Europe, are also returning by every steamer, and the presence of these, within the past few days, is a noticeable , feature of the "street" and the commercial exchanges. j Dimiee Done br tbe Cyclone. .Houston, Tkx., Sept. 20. The following is the estimated damage by the laic cyclone aronnd Galveston : The government works in Bolivar channel, including a por tion ofthe fleet, $75,000; the Galveston,- Houston and Henderson rail road,' loss of : track and the bay bridge, $20,000 ; the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe railroad, loss of track and bridge, $20,080 ; cotton -presses, $18,500 ; incompleted buildings in the city, $9,500 ; bath houses on the boach, $3,500 ; twenty small schoo ners capsized, loss $5,000 ; 1 private buildings and property, $10,000. i '.' m m -' Ntreet Plstat In Kentnekr. : Louisyiixs, Sept. 20. A dispatch from Richmond, Ky., says: A year ago Jasper AJaupin shot John Barnura at Kingston, wounding him. .Afaupin was indicted' and his trial was set for . to-day, but the case was not reached. This evening the parties met in the street in Richmond, each accompanied by friends, when tiring hdgan. Jasper Maupin, John Burnurn, Chrfs. Ballard and Win. A. Cornehson were killed. The survi vors were arrested. " The beauty of the ladies of Baltimore has become tbe standard of comparison the - world over. They maintain that peculiar clearness and richness of complexion by the occasional use (as required) of Dr. Bull's Wood Mixture - -It- u ( f CbincaorSchedole, - ! . Commencing with to-morrow (Monday) the passenger train? oo t'be Carolina Cen tral Railway will leave, Wilmington at ,6.82 A. M. and arrive at Charlotte at8,80 P.' M., leave Charlotte at .00 A. M. and arrive at Wilmington at 9.00 P. M. No passengers will be permitted on any other trains. - - TliE;:AI:()RNISO-; STAR,. : 1 VOL. XXI;NO. 1: NEW ADViCRTISEVIBNTK. N. Jacobi Hardware. 4 B. R. MooKE For rent, r Rogeb Moore For rent , " ' A; David New store, &c. . - John Dawson Hardware. ' : R. W. Chadwick Boarding. Ghant, Hinton & Co Card. S. H. FisHBLATE Dry goods. ; " ' , Harbison & Aixen Fall hats. MtJNSON & Co-7-Wamsutta shirts. Munrob & Kisq Stall-fed beef Giles & Mubchison Plows, &c ! Rbt. D. Morrbixb School notice: Bakery, 32 Market streetFor rent. Mozart SaiiOOn Vienna lazen beer. C. C. RAH.WAT Change of Schedule. HElNSBKRGKa Books and statiaaery. Henry Savage Notice to tax-payers. -Hayden "& Gkrhardt Saddlery, &c. Annuai. Statement County Treasurer. J. L. Boatwright Ham8rnew fruit, &c Ret. G. D. Bernhem'- Female seminary J. W. Gordon &Bro Marine insurance. Geo. W. Bornemann Family groceries. Kerchner .& Caxder. Bros Cheese, bagging, flour,' salt, &c. Lofal Dot. ; i ' -.. , The sun "crossed the 'liiMj" yes- temay. v" Not much doing in magisterial circles lately. : i r Kriday night was almost cool enough for frost - The , Criminal Court meets a week from to-morrow, r i i . The thermometer was down to 70 in our office last night No iutermentsin Believue Cem etery during the past week.. v - - Very fine sweet potatoes aTe now selling at 80 cents per bushel, i To--day is known in the religious calendar as the 17th Sunday after Trinity. Mr. Carl Mugge, who has been ou a visit to Europe, returned a day or two ago. , .j ; : . ' There were no cases for irial before the Mayor's Courtyeslerday morn ing. .::-,:... f:: . i , ' No services at the First Pres byterian Church this morning. There will be prayer meeting at 5 P. M. j The State news, which general ly appears on our first pagewill be found on the second page of this issue. - Tax-payers are requested by the City Treasurer and Collector to "walk up to tbe Captain's office and settle." . . . We ihall miss our usual supply of September mullets this season on' ac count of the prevailing easterly winds.; i The Xjittle Minnis, owned and sailed by Mr. John Higosmith, came out best in the skiff race yesterday .afternoon. Mr. J. J. Cassidey, formerly ed itor of the Pott, who has been absent for the past five months in Illinois,- was on our streets yesterday. , i - 1 J The interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery during the past week numbered four, of which two were adults and two children. ' ... Rev. Mr. Taylor, of the First Baptist Church, has returned from his visit to Virginia, and will occupy his pulpit at the usual hours to-day. ; i - - - The Register of Deeds , issued three-'-tparriage licenses during the past week, of which one was for white and two were for colored couples. Messrs. W. M. Monroe and Isaac W.King have opened a meat store in the Carrie building, on Second, between Market and Princess streets. ' ;. : The street force, under the su pervision of Superintendent McGarrigle, are hard at work getting the various tho roughfares in order, opening ditches . and drains, &c. " .. .. . ' .r ' - There were only two interments in Oakdale Cemetery during the week clos ing yesterday. Of these, one was brought here from Clinton and the other was a child ten months old. V't J j Messrs. J. H. Carrie and G,-J. Boney, who have been rusticating among the mountains in the western part of 'the State, have, returned,, both looking as 'hearty as bucks." f " - ' j vS , For the first tune during its ex istence the Star suffered the misfortune of having one of its forms ''knocked into pi" yesterday. We doi't like that kind of "pi," even as a birthdty present. . Mr. Daniel Frohman, advance agent of Callender's Georgia Minstrel Troupe, which are to appear at the Opera House in this; city on Saturday evening next, was in the city yesterday. . Stationary or higher pressure and temperature, northeasterly winds, pos sibly veering to southerly, , and ' areas . of light rains, followed by clearing weather, are the indications for this section - to-day. We learn that the eolored ''"com-, binatton" alluded to in our last, composed of VDn George Thomas" and ;the banjo- picker, have gone to Jjumberton instead of Columbia,' where they will commence the fall campaign. a, Yesterday was - what iff known as an "off day" ui rosin and apiriU turpen tine, and at IcasV. one o' Uie brokers be came so desperate at th inactivity j of the trade that he took his gun and deliberately shot at the hull's eye. u WILMINGTON, COUNTY COllinmiONBHS. ; Abstract of ProeeedlMC. The Board of County ' Commissioners met in special session yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock; present, J. G. Wagner, Chair man, and Commissioners B. G.-Worth, IK 8. Sandersand Duncan Holmes. ; .' ' It was ordered that C. W. Oldham be granted until the next regular meeting to give, his bopd as constable of Federal Point township. ! , It was ordered that the school claim in the hands of Samuel UeaT be referred to the Countv i Attorney, to collect the same from the school funds of Caswell township. Pender county. ,, t.. : i On motion it was ordered that the Stan dard Keeper be allowed to store his weights and measures in the office of the Register On motion of Commissioner Worth the tax books of Cape Fear, Federal Point, Harnett and Masonboro towBships were received and ordered to be turned over to the Sheriff, with instructions to proceed to collect tbe same. . . . t: : It was ordered that the clerk of the Board draw off a duplicate list from the' jury list already made, for the use of the -Commis sioners.-" ' ' ' ' i . ... j On motion of Commissioner Sanders a committee of one carpenter was ordered appointed to examine Smith Creek bridge and submit a report to the next meeting of the Board. - . '. ' . Ordered that the Clerk furnish the Board with a list of the Overseers of Public Roads in the County of New Hanover at their next meeting. , , A communication having been received from the Township School Committee with regard to the, Peabody Fund, it was or dered that the late School Committee -fur nish the Board of County Education with an - itemized statement - of the Peabody Fund during their term of office. Oa motion, the Bo aid adjourned. Painful Accident. Mr. Alexander Kan n aire, in the employ of Messrs. Altaffer & Hill, in the capacity of a glazier, met with a very severe jacci dent at the factory of those gentlemen yes terday mcrning, about 7f o'clock just after work bad commenced. . It appears that Mr. Kaunaire mounted what is known aaa trestle, a peculiar kind of bench, with the view of reaching something on a shelf, and while extending his hand for the same, (here being several boxes of glass in close proximity to the trestle, the'latter suddenly gave way, and Mr. K. was precipitated opoa one of the boxes of Rlass from which one large pane was projecting, a corner of which came in contact with the calf of his right leg, cutting a gash in it about three inches in length and three-quar ters of an inch id depth,' from which tbe blood flowed in . a copious stream. He-was removed to a comfortable lounge and the wound bandaged as nicely as pos sible, in order to stop the flow of blood, while a messenger was dispatched in all haste for a physician, who, upon his arrival, dressed the wound, and the sufferer j was then taken to his residence. The injury was an exceedingly painful one,, and the wound presented a very ugly appearance. i - fc -fcr- ..ii-.iiii. StlSmilh RunelK . The inimitable SoL Smith Russell, with bis talented concert . eompany, will give one of bis splendid entertainments at tbe Opera ' House on Tuesday evening next. The Boston IrawUer, alluding to his! ap pearance in that city, says of Mr.' Russell and bis performances; 'The applause was hearty and long-continued, and the efforts of Mr. Rassell to please were as successful as ever. He is an original, immensely and deservedly popular wherever ' he appears, for his imitations ate unsurpassed, and be never allows himself to descend to anything that could give offence to fhe most particu lar of his auditors." ,v The box sheet will open at Heinsberger's bookstore to-morrow morniag. j . Disorder ly tondact. ' ;.s We ire informed that two young while men entered the store of Mr. Moody, on Fourth, between Church and Castle streets, yester day afternoon,: about 1 o'clock, while in a state of partial intoxication, the store be ing in the care of a youth during the tem porary absence of the proprietor) and help ed themselves to whatever they- took a fan cy to, including cigars, tobacco, and seve ral other articles, and finally went iate the back room and bad a fight between them selves over some trivial matter of dispute. The youth who was attending to the store sent after a policeman, r when they took their departure. V' , f Look Out forVbcm. : : j There are said to be about six hundred employes at the Rock Quarry, is Bruns wick, getting out rock for the government works, and it is estimated by one oC our magistrates that at least one-third of: this number are professional thieves j who have congregated there from various sections of the State, and.who will be let loose oa the " 4 community as soon as the cold weather sets in and the work stops. If this statement is correct our police authorities, magistrate's,' and others will have.their .hands full ddring the winter, and citizens generally will have to bft on the qui tivey - ! . . . v - ' ' ' ' . f. Danjeeron Sport; j f f J A colored boy, who gave bis name as George Poisson, called upon the city pbysi :cian yesterday to dress a wound -behind' his ear, which tbe boy said was caused by a knife thrown at him by another boy hi play. Tbe wound was not : a serious jone, but sutflcently so to. serve as a warning to his friend to be more, careful with his knife hereafter.1 1 i ' . ' , .This Mobninq , Star was years old yesterday. ' rt.s? w,- ten N. C, SUNDAY, SEFTEMBElR 23 1877. TJte School Cenoao, dec. ' ... Messrs. S. N., Cannon and W. M. Hayel. who were appointed by the School Conl- mYtteemen of Wilmington ' Township t take-the census of the children in sail township between' the a8 of six an twenty-one yeirs, will enter upon the dis-j charge of that duty to-morrow. We lear that it is their intention, as it will be bui little additional trouble, to take tbe censuj of tbe entire population of the place while they are at it. By doing this they will perl form a service which will bo of 'no little im portance to the city. . - , I Iajaredlon tbe Railroad. - ' Henry Malone, a colored fireman in the; employ of the Carolina Central Railway, got his foot badly crushed yesterday morn ing. It seems that he was in the act of stepping from the train to the ground, when his foot slippcd'and was caught undetbe wheel of a car, which passed over it. Tho physician who was called to examine the wound and give it the proper attention states that it is not likely that amputation will be necessary. Malone Was formerly one of Capt. Howland's brakesmen. ; Robbery..;;' , The residence of Mr. Robert Morrison, near the corner of Front and Walnut streets, was entered on Friday morning last and 'robbed of several articles of clothing. Entrance was effected by prizing open a window. Robberies are getting to be fre quent again. : RIVER AND 1TIARINK ITEMS. . " . ; The schooner Albert Maton, Rose, cleared from Baltimore for this port on the 20th insL . - : ; We learn from- Capt. Green, of the steamer North State, wbicb arrived here .last night, that the river had risen thirty- five feet at Fayetteville when he left that place Friday morning, and was still grad ually rising. The freshet was just entering the lowlands along the line of the river as the steamer came down, and Capt, Green is under the impression that many of the fields will be considerably overflowed and the crops aamagea. j . . JIT t't'KlTl. i .' THE WITCHERY OF WOMAN. The proodest conqueror, the lowliest serf. r rudest savage suc cumb auke to beauty's eoarmd. no ata to oeaaty is so potent as Oonraud's Olympian Cream. Conveys no idea of aitMcial anDliance. Price In larce Bot tles reduced to One OoUarr For sale by J. C. Mnnds.-.H'tyjte :2 ;p. Fovdib j ou pet tie ia tbe world. The cans are lwya fuiiwtisrht, the article itself the nurest and atronirest noMihle. ao that smaller quaatity than ustuU snSIces K vea want your baking always perfect. J, X)on''t fall then to JJOOUET'S X JSAST rOWDEB. .C s-r jj. ' There is no ewe uf Dyspepsia tbat Gam'i An oust Flowxs will not cure. Go to any Drug Store and inquire about it. If yen suffer from Costlve- ness. Sick Headache. Sour Stomach. Indigestion, Liver Complaint, or any derangement of the Sto mach or Uver try it. Two or three doses wui re lieveyoa. Regular size 75 eta.- . DELIBERATE SUICIDE. Not for a single day can a Ceugh be safely neglected in this climate. wunout aeiay resort to jualk a txoKmror uosm hodhd us Tab. This balsamic vegetable Drenara tion extinguishes a Cough, or cures a Cold, with unexampled rapuuty. ' ; Jtoke'a Tootnacae urops cure in one minuie. Book Bimdbst. Thx mokhiss Stab Book Bind ery doea ail kinds of Binding and Ruling in a work' manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Met chants and ethers needing Receipt Books, or other wote, may reiy on promptness in me execution pi tneiroraers. , . .,, TBAHsvxa ' Fmmtins-Ihxs. Invaluable to rail road companies. Bteamship oompaniefl, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en- curing anacaangeiees, ana wui copy snarp ana clear for an indefinite period of time. Having ust received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to axecu te orders promptly ana at moaaraia prices. . . - - - Latu Pxpuaa. To Harris News Stand, south side Front Street,' we are indebted for copies of the New York Ledaer. CTiimnev Corner and - Frank lAtlWi Illustrated JTmamaoer for the current week. The Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock; this morning. VaHsIiIa 'lialn fnr WAftllr M.nA Tinrvnti BnfFp.ra Chronic, painful and prostrating diseases cured without medicine. Pulvermacher'a Electric Belts the srand desideratum. Avoid imitations. Book and Journal, with full particulars, mailed free. Ad- dress PoxviButaoBn Galvanic Co., 29s Vine 8t umcinnau. unio. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Bent, - FOUR VERY CONVENIENT AND rssss desirable Rooms, Second, between Dock nit jsisit land Orange streets. Also Stables, Ac Inquire at Bakery 33 Market street. sep 22-8t For Bent, ; FROM OCTOBER 1st, A DESIRABLE !!!! Residence on Red Croze, near Third III! street, at' present occupied .by Judge Meares. Apply to B. R. MOORE. sept 23 3t ' Houses for Bent, j Awht FOR RENT ON REASONABLE TERMS : N ne House corner Second and Mulberry. Issaa L containing four Rooms and Kitchen; lis Si i ne House on Red Cross, between 4th w Jawirl K4 Antnnlnf K sAan m anil lMt.sAm One House on Oranee. between 4th and 6th streets. OttlU VlrUf WHMIIU lUfi V AWKU BJ1U lslV"' " Containing seven Rooms and Kitchen. Possession given immediately. Apply to sept S3 2t ROGER MOORK. Books and Stationery. J- COMPLETE STOCK OF STANDARD AND . Miscellaneous Works, School Books, Blank , Books,' of ev-ry alte and style. Legal Cap, Fcsols Cap, Bill Cap, Letter and Note Paper, all grades; Box Papeteries in great , variety; Official Letter, Note, -;:; ' ' Drug and Dim Envelopes. ' For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, sept 23-tf, 39 and 41 Market street. PIANOSORGANS AND MELODEONS Marine Insurance. ; Wk ARE NOW PREPARED TO EFFECT Marine Insurance on cargo on steamers to Balti more, Philadelphia, New York and Boston in the Commercial Mutual Insurance Com " pany of New York, -, one of the strongest and most reliable Marine Insurance Companies in America. Patronage re spectfully solicited. - ' ' JOHN W.GORDON A BRO..' ,...i!r,j-.v-.... General Insurance Agents, v' .o. septSS U 'i j, , M North Water street,- Isrrt T 1 IlLS ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Annual Statement -y For Fiscal Tear endingr Aagast ill, 1877, of theCounty KeTC nue and Charges," and Amount Audited on every Account, and tho Permanent Debt of the ; County, v . : Treasarer's Statement. GENERAL FUND. County of Hew Hanover, In account with Elijah Hewlett, County Tresgurer, from September 1st, 1876, to August 21st, 1877: Dr. Toamonnt paid Warrants. ........... ... 16,501 08 i Do. do. court Tickets S.1&7 i . Bo. do. Treasurer's Commission 498 66 $20,156 64 Or. By Balance on hand August 31st, 1876 24 30 By am't roe'd from 8. H. Manning. Sheriff. lax on neai ssiate, htio.. (lz.WMl 1U Sched. B Tax. 1876, 649 75 Tw iik. . ion I fto ua Am -a ..i. a.. By am'tree'd from Delinqsent Taxes.... soi 94 . . do. - qo. , . w. uoraeaux, Ben -1 138 1 Do. . do. J. X. Sampson. KegTr 67 00. Do.- do. Cronly & Morris, sale harse 67 45 By balance doe County Treasurer........ w 49 99 V f.155 04 B. HEWLETT, County Treasurer. SPECIAL FUND, New Hanover County, In account with Elijah Hewlett, County Treasurer, from Sep tember 1st, 1876V to August 81st 1877: 1876. - . , J)T. . Sept. 1. Balance due Treasurer.'.. - .- Paid Coupons (gold; and premlam this year... ; Paid Warrant, No. 106. W. 8. A D. J. Devane Paid Warranty No. 841, D. L. Kussell . Paid for four County Bonds, each . $500, one Coupon past due at tacbed. ................ , , Paid Treasurer's Commissions.. .Balance. . 87 86 t 3.793 29 350 00 1,800 00 198 10 . 3,868 31 $9,751 t6 1876. O. Sept. By am't ree'd from 8.H.Manuing. Nn m Oct Do. do. Black Manning ' 8,600 00 4o. 8. H. Manninar.. . s.nna m Nov. Bee. Do oo. Do, do. A. K Black .... 603 79 ! Oo. p. Dellnqa'ntTaxe. 81 58 do. t 8. H. Manning.. . 2,984 43 . do. Deliaqa'nt Taxes 13 45 do. do. . , t.. 6 76 do.- do.' v 65 61 1877. Jan. Do. March Do. May Do. July Do. $9,758 56 Balance brought down August B. HEWLETT, 81,1877... 3,368 81 County Treasurer. - BOARD OF EDUCATION, Hew Hanover County, in account with Elijah Hewlett. County Treasu rer, from September JSTB. to August 31, 187T: To amount paid Towuships for support of Bcnooia, as per mommy numenu ren dered To amount paid Treasurer'a Commissions To Balance ; 7,188 68 190 26 4,517 65 $11,896 59 Or. By Balasce brought forward. . ...... . . . 8,403 99 jjy am ircc a irom o. u. Manning, Sheriff 6 828 OS iDcLfr.. do B'dXducat'n, Baleigh 179 86 -Do- : t. a. Jfannlmt. onset - - ; fccKt B 1,079 SO Do.-" do., 'sundry . ala . . 2aes 408 49 EaTnre bmc-lt down 4J17 65 a.. ,. a,-it, Ma-.yr Treasarer. DIbBuSSEMFNCTS FPO'I KlTrMlR. lST. 1876, to PKCic., f. jm.caTjaau -r ! Orocerles,ClothlBg Ss Wsod (Out-door Pooi) 2,081 41 Medicines. dw T26 70 ! Medical attendance, Colons and Burial, Poor House.: Hospital and Insane. Incidentals... do. do. 134 83 331 00 . 9,587 60 . 1,5119 95 155 65 . 270 f8 . 651 70 67 83 ., 1,008 75 . ' 19 63 496 25 I 327 021 . 33 15 I . 177 851 Public BuUdinc Roads andtBr Jail Tax List.......... Advertising and Printing Tax Remitted ..... Stationery and Books . Elections. , Medical Attendance on Jail. Jurors Witnesses Sheriff Fees.. County Commissioners. ... Coroner Medical Expert at Coroner's Inquests. . . Clerk Superior Court ..i Register Constables . 1.188 65 . 1,643 75 . 742 05 . 855 301 30 00 . 457 22 879 60 47 54 Justices of the Peace 566 25 Attorneys . 300 00 Solicitor............... 156 00 Work House 10 00 Interest.. ..........i '5010 $18,246 99 DISBURSEMENTS FROM -JANUARY 1ST, 1877, TO AUGUST 318T, 1877. , Transportation for Paupers (Out-door Poor) 106 49 urocenea,uieuung wooa, do. Medicines, do. - -' Medical Attendance, " do. 818 04 649 90 . 134 65 388 50 1,873 86 9,630 40 : 495 45 666 79 950 00 75 00 comns ana Burials, do. foot uouse Hospital and Insane Incidental 8. Van Amringe, Clerical Service W. L. DeRosset,. - do. .. C.S.Ellis, do. Janitor, . da Public Buildings 160 00 186 70 .143 M 1,831 67 146 60 ; 617 95 Roads and Bridges Jail.... Tax List.... Advertising and Printing. .. Stationery and Books.... Medical Attendance on Jail Jurors, Superior Court Witnesses, Superior Court... Sheriff's Fees.... . Co an ty Commissioners.. . Coroner . Medical Experts .. Clerk Superior Court. ; Register of Deeds.... Constables. . Justices of the Peace.. .. Attorneys ... .... Solicitor, Super.'or Court Interest Judge, Superior Court............. Deaf and Dumb Asylum. Incidental, Criminal Court Clerk, - - do. Judge do. ,.l . Solicitor,- do.. Witnesses. . do. ......... 168 35 70 40 I 988 90 1,659 95 M09 85 433 85 . 611 70 97 00 50 00 m 65 130 68 607 70 100 00 45 00 311 09 600 00 87 75 , 904 85 745 99 5 00 375 74 1,877 35 1,631 95 183 60 Jurors, - do ......... Stationery and Books... i f 83.810 97 DISBURSEMENTS (GENERAL FUND) FOR THK' lSatt JLHDLNU AUGUST 31, 1877. Groceriea.Clothlng A Wood (Out door Poor) 8,899 45 Trani asportation or Paupers do. 106 49 Medii Haines and Med. Attendance, do. 1,637 88 719 60 ... 1,996 08 ... 6,318 00 ... 3,445 40 ... 666 78 ... 950 00 75 00 ..1 160 00 ... 843 85 Coffins and Burials, da foor uouse Hospital and Insane. Incidentals 8. Van Amringe, Clerical Service. w . u. uesosset, - oo. C. S. Bills. ; doJ Janitor,. do. .. ..i... Public Buildings... Roads and Bridges. I. Sherht Fees.... .. Tax List j Advertising and Printing ; . . . Stationery and Books................. Medical Attendance on Jail . . 413 84 ... 1,883 87 813 83 .1 1,636 00 ... 064 60 ... . 103 65 Jurors and Witnesses, Superior Court .. 3,315 15 ... 8,558 10 .1,1(4 80 Bnens. jreeaing rnsoners County Commissioners coroner HOT tlO Medical Experts..... '127 00 Clerk (Superior Court . 507 28' Register oi weeoa..... Constables ...... Justice of the Peace .. Attorneys, i ........ j ........ ... Solicitor. Suuerior Co art 1,141 05 178 23 1,073 95 400 00 , 801 00 600 00 Judge, Superior Court. ........ Interest. : "01 1 I Deaf and Dumb Asylum. ....... Work House. Elections...... ..... TA SI .... 10 00 .... 88708 .... 804 85 .... 685 00 ..... 876 74 ..... 745 99 1,877 85 1531 95 .... 183 60 19963 Incidental. Criminal Court... . Judge, . do. solicitor, oo. , : Clerk, ' do.: Witnesses. - dO-:- Jurors, do.-. ,.,,. 9INTUajMOU.OOi Taxes remitted & . : -..ti'.'-.- j f t49rfB7JB6 The Permanent Debt of the County consists of WHOLE NO. 3,161 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Sixty-Six (66) Bonds of tbe denomination or $5C0, each lraued March let, 1869, and are due March 1st, 1879. and were issued Drior to the adooUon of the present ConBtitution."' These Bonds bear six per cent, gold Interest, payable semi annually. Amount . Permanent Debt now $33,009. The Floating Debt of the County, prior to Janua ry 1, 187T, as approved by the Special Board of Au dit, la about $33,000. which amount is now being bended.; The said Bonds are te draw interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, and payable in ten jeari- - - - - The Floating Debt, created since the 1st of Janu ary, 1877, amounts to $16,083 07, which amount will be liquidated with the Special Tax now being col lected for that purpose by authority t the Legisla tore. . sept23r-lt Wamsutta "Shirts, . $1.B5 CASH V M UN SON & CO. ' Clothiers. sept 23-lt Powder, Shot and Gaps A T RETAIL. "'SHKIX 'f' ALL V SIZES AT LOWEbT PRICES. GILES A MURCHISONS sept 23-tf New Hardware Store. A Hew Thing on Ice ! . ON MONDAY ; ! The Mozart Saloon ! . i-. . Will furnish the Celebrated Vienna Harzen Beer ! . MADE -.-!;: FROM THK BEST MATERIAL IN TUB WORLD tecThey keep up with the times. sep.t 23-lt iTust Eeceived, SOME OF THE LATEST AND . . MOST DESIRABLE SHAPES IN Fall and Winter Hats and Umbrellas. Harrison & allen; sept 23-tf CITY HAT STORE. . . THE it 77 1 HUMTI-DUMTI ' and . : KEY WEST ' ) r - c i o a a s , -I By D. PIGOTT, nae Tobacconist. aug 16-lf St Paul's Female Seminary; ALSO, I A Grammar and Elementary School for Girls and Beys. REV. a. D. B&RNHKIM, D. D., Frihcip rraiSINSTlTDTION WILL BE REOPENED M. for tho admission of uudIIs on MONDAY. OC TOBER 1ST, 1877. under the same management and at the same rates of tuition as last year. Boys admitted onhr in the Primary and Grammar Department. - i . ' For farther particulars see circular or apply to the Principal. . sept 19-3t 19,23,30 nac ? BEV. DANIEL MOREELLE'3 Z . English and Classical School, Corner of Orange and Fifth streets. Xhb NINETEENTH ANNUAL SESSION will a- - . r begin (O. V.) Thursday. Oct. 4th. eept 23-tf B. H. GRANT. J. X. HINTON. B. W. WABD. G-rant. Hinton & Co., Commission Merchants and Grocers, -UPTAKE LIBBBAL ADVANCES ON CONSIGN .. mcnts of Naval Stores, Country Produce, Cotton, Peaauts, &c. Keep constantly on hand a full line of CHOICE GROCERIES, which they offer to the trade at very lowest wholesale prices. sept 23-lt daw Notice. rrHB LARGE " WEST" HOUSE, ONE DOOR ' X north of the City Hall, having been rented by the .undersigned, seme -six or eight permanent uoaraers can oe accommodated on reasoname terms from October l.v R. W. CHAD WICK, sept 83-lt - ' Wilmington, N. C. John Dawson HAS THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED stock of Hardware in this city. Country mer chants and close buyers generally will find it ta their intxrkst to call and xxaxikk goods and prices be- iore ouymg at bxaixbb housbs. - - . i THE OLD 8T AND.- sept 23 tf - 19, 20 and 21 Market street. Hew Store ! New Goods ! New Prices ! Everything Nxw, Sttlish and ChkapI TIJ'Y STOCK OF MEN'S, YOUTHS' & Children's , . CLOTHING . , i For Fall and Winter wear is now complete in every respect. -AJi 'ine recent Biyies in uress ana Business Suits, Overcoats, etc., are now ex hibited in my new Btore, and I am dispo -tlngot them at very attractive prices . - Our Pearl Shirts are still In the ascendancy. Every one guaranteed to be f the very, best material ana lit perfect. Only one dollar each. I now have them open front, and also in boys' sizes. : " . 1 ' " . A DAVID.- " '. Merchant Tailor and Clothier, eept 23-tf Corner Front and Princess Streets. It is Certainly True A HAT WE ARE KEEPING THE FINEST STALL EED BEEF ; that has been Drought to this market, and we do not intend keeping anything but The Very Best! . CaUouto morrow morniag and see for yourselves, ' MONROE & KING, , sept 23-lt . j ,, Currie's Block. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED. FORMERLY CONNECT ed with G. H. W. Runge, has opened a First Class Fjjuit Uboccbt, corner Church and Fifth streets, where he will be pleased to see his old friends and any new ones that may favor him with . ..11 Vmwf Klni, . Iia AwiMW Un. Mnn l.A V.J nt ),, at hlnvpjt nrlcp.a. rA at Yuat nnalttv ! ' ' ' ." ' GEO. W; BORNEMANN, sept 3d-li ;r . . vomer jniin-aaaunurcUBte. j Anvils, Vises, gLACKSMITHS' ' , DRILLS. . ' FILES, AXES, , Horse and Mule Shoes, Grindstones, Ac. '.Patent Decoy Rat and Mouse Traps, going oft with a rushat N. JACOBIN Hardware Depot, sept 33 tf, No, 10 South Front street RATES OP ADVERTISING. One Square one day,........,.........;; $i oo , " two days,. 175 ' -4 " threedays,. ...... 6(1 " v " 'our days,.... .... ....i..'..;..;. 3 00 -"' " five days i... L. 3 50 " One week.............. ..,. 4 oo ' Two weeks......... . .' c 50 " " ; Three weeks, 8 50 " " One month,.... 10 00. " 1 Two months,.... ..v... . ........ 17 0 , . " Three months,... 4 00 , .. " Six months,. ............... ... 40 00 - " Cjicyear, CO 10 Contract Advertisements taken at proper tionately low rates. Ten lines selid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA-HOUSE. One Evening Only Tnesday. Seypt. 25. CHARLES H. PRATT...... v... MANAGER The Most Finlbhed Entertainment of America. - The Marvellous Living Wonder in Comedy, Sol, Smith Russell,- And his GREAT CONCERT COMPANY. Juus O. , Lcxbabd, Musical Direetrir. Comprising the following Artists: . Miss DORA WILEY, Soprano. , Miss ANNA HOLBKOOK, Contralto. Miss ANNIE L'ESTBLLB, Pianist. - Miss HELEN MARZ, Mezzo Soprano. Mr. JULES O. LUMBARD, Prof undo Basso. -; Mr. L.M. PACKARD. Tenor. Mr. WALTER POND, Baritone. -And the inimitable SOL. SJTIITU Ra7tlSEItI All the Late Musical Novelties of the Day wffl be presented. - , Doors eten at 7: Concert commences at 8 o'clock ' Scale of Prices Parquette and Dress Circle, 75c; Parquette Circle 50c; Gallery 25c. Seats can be secured in advance- at P. 11EINS BEKUEK'S Book Store without extra charge. sept 18-6t . THOS. W. BROWN, Agent Notice. OFFICE TREASURER & COLLECTOR, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C. September 23d, 1877. The tax book for ist7 is now in my hands for collection. : - ' A'll parties interested will please take notice. - HENRY SAVAGE, sept 23-lt Treasurer and.Collector. - Expected Daily ! ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF THOSE CELEBRATED IXL NAKED HAMS ! .- Acknowledged by All who have tried them THE BEST in the mafliet. From four to ten pounds in weight Owned and sold only by ft, JNO. L B0 AT WBIGHT. 5 and 7 NORTH FKONT ST. sept 28-DAWtf , NEW FU IT! .Malaga Grapes, Choice Sweet Oranges. . : AND ' - . Baisins. The la'ter In Boxes, Halves and Quarters. A 11 new and.of this year's make. - f ' First of lie Season in fflrajton. JH0 L. BOATWBIGHT, 5 Jk 7 TVorth Front St. sept S3-D&Wtf . GUARANTEED ! My GOODS I GUARANTEE TO BE OF THE VERY BEST, and MY PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST in uur city. EBKeep fully up to the times, and allow no one to undersell me. Respectfully, ' John L. Boatwright, FAMn.Y GROCER, 5 and 7 NORTH FRONT ST. sept23DWtf S. H. FISHBLATE . 25 MARKET STREET, DEALER IN IDJEiTZ: GOODS, Ready-Hade Clothing Boots. Shoes, Hats, &c. G-oods Sold at New York Prices. PERFECT SATISFACTION 7 GUARANTEED Both: in Prices sept 16-oaw4t - Su and Quality! Cheese. Cheese. -Q Q Boxes No. 1 Factory CHEESE, For sale by . sept 23-tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS Bagging, Ties & Twine 7Q0 Rolls and Half Rolls BAGGING," 0 Tons TIES,' r ' 000 Lbs TWINE, - " For sale by sept 23-tf KERCHNER Jc CALDER BROS. Flour. Flour. J?AA Bbls BOB WHITE and OUU .- BELL MILL9 FLOUR. - rnr ale tt-r sept 23-tf KERCHNER CALDER BROS. Salt, Kerosene and Bice. 5000 EmM Uyerp001 SALT. ' 1000 8ack Marshill'a Blow SALT, J0 Bbls KERO&BME OIL, 1 C Ti erces RICE. ' - Vow aala Kv ep 29 iU.,; KERCHNER CALDES BROS,