THE HORlTinG STAR. By Wfl. H. BERNARD. U BT.ISHKO DAILT JSXCKPT MONDAYS RATES or BUSaCKTPTIOS IH ASVAHCK : one year, (by mail) postage paid,.. . ft six monthB, - - Three months - "" . "-.... .." ..nth . . - - ' 1 WllC ........ - To City Sabseribera, delivered in any part of -toe city, Jfuteen uenw per woes. . jhs" " not authorized to collect for more than three months in advance. , . - , OITL1MJS. . President Hayes is represented as bciDg datermiaed not to bo defied by office-hold ers in New York; Evarts regrets a Repub lican division in New York. 1 . Sick ness is on the increase in the Russian army. Roumanians were repulsed in their effort to capture Idgrivilza redoubt; they suffered severely but displayed grea aallautry. No confirmation of there- port that the Turks had crossed the Danube, - Morton is improving rapidly. -The Sioux will have another talk with Che Pres-. ident. ; - -A three-year old ynlty, Ryl- stono, won the .New. Market .handicap. - Mehemct Ali retires behind theJKara Loin, which appears to indicate Ibat the Turks witl-be content to maintain their po sition without offensive warfare; another account says that want of supplies, as well us the Russian force, compelled the retire ment; Russians are not sanguine of being able to force the line of the Kara Loni. -rrr NejwJYorii jMajkots Jlonxjy of- ''l'erbd at 4 per cenl;.goId quiet at 103; cot- Ion quiet at 11 5 1611 7-16c; I flour dull and . in buyers' favor, Southern $6 008 75; wheat a-shade stronger; corn llc belter, rG58ic; spinls turpentine steady at 33Jc; , rosin easier at $1 G5l 70. I There is , good, news for house keepers.:' Coal has tumbled, and it is believed in "New York that it will sell for less this winter thau ever be fore. The following is the 'now scieiliile for Waljiesbarre coal in New York, published on the 26th. Steamer $2 45, grate 3 45, stove $3 70, chestnut $3 20. i ! ' This is a time of political wondeis. Hayes is running the great govern mental machine according to Demo cratic schedule and upon a Demo cratic highway; whilst the Washing ton Republican eulogizes Judge H. V. Johnson, of Georgia, favors him for the Ui S. Supreme Court, and thinks he will be appointed. ' The war news i interesting. The 'Pni-l'O qrn rnfttH nil 'f A i fYTflitt .... ...v ,vr.,vu ...... the Danube I at' SHistria, but it needs confirmation. Such a movement ia thought to be altogether j probable, and it may happen at an early day. Sickness is playing havoc among the Russians, and is"rapidly" increasing. Mehcmet Ali has evidently been so impressed with the meaning of the heavy massing or Russian troops in front of his army as to -find it alto gether safe to retire behind - the line of the Kara Lorn. The' Russians will probably attempt to force that line, but it is reported they are not confident of success, although re inforced by the Imperial Guard, a magnificent body of soldiers The Roumanians have been repulsed in an assault to capture Idgrivitz re doubt. Their gallantry was admira ble and their loss heavy. I : ine young men, ot tne Diaie uni versity have issued an appeal "to the Trustees, Alumni and Friends of the University of North Carolina," to aid them in their efforts "to re-establish the University Magazine once an ornament to the University and State." i It was a useful publication : . i - L. t i j I in uie past, auu its uuuuu vuiuiuco contain a good deal of very valuable matter not to be found elsewhere. We hope the new project will be I - 1 1 I " r i mi 1 -. uigiiiy successiui. ine prospectus states: : ij " "It is proposed in publishing the facts connected with the University to make the Magazine the organ through which the his torical incidents of the Slate may be made known and perpetuated. At present there is in the Stale no periodical of this kind, und Ihe need for one is patent to all. The contributors of the Magazine will be some of the most prominent and talented gentle men and ladies of the State. The Societies have elected three editors each, and as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers are obtained the Magazine will be issued. The price of subscription will be $3.50 a year." Latest By Mail. Democratic Apathy la Ohio. Washington Special to Baltimore Sun. Washington, Sept. 26. A letter received here to day front a member of the Ohio State Republi can Committee asserts that, the Re publican prospects have picked . up wonderfully in the past few days, and that the Republicans will elect the Governor and a majority of the Legislature. The reasons given by the writer are the unusual apathy shown by the Democratic voters in neglecting to register, and the with drawal from the ticket of some of their leading legislative candidates. j The Speakership. : L Washington Special to Baltimore Sun. Mr. Alexander II. Stephens, who haa arived here, states that he pro poses to vote for Mr. Randall for Speaker, and that in his opinion he will be elected. This is the opinion which is mostly held by well-informed people here. : There was a rumor to -day thaU-Colonel Scott, who it is said will make his headquarters here for most of the coming session, is JOLdild abQat to come out openly against Mr; itanaau, unless the s latter will t defi nitely state his position in regard to the Texas-Pacific subsidy. The pro- oaDiiity is, however, that. Colonel Scott is possessed of too much saga city to ao anything of the kind. . Important Order In ihe .Cai or Ai Klua . Brother v. ibe Pclerkburs , Uallroad Company. " ; Raleigh Observer. ;; U pon the application of R. G. Pegram, receiver of said railroad, in the above case, stating, that3 Col. L. Edwards, li. U. Peebles and Jaar. G. Jordan, attorneys, and L. F. Lar- kins, Sheriff of Halifax, and James VY, JNewsom, Sheriff of Northamp ton, ere interferine with the property of the said road in the hands of the said receiver, and. attempting to sell the same under judgments, heretofore. the Railroad Corapany.lit is ordered by Judge Bond thi jUhiit-f Vrliei bow cause before the Circuit Court at Raleigh, on the 10th day of Octor J oer next., .wny iney suouia . not oe hned and imprisoned for contempt of court for such interference. - ; : llonorn to an Ex-Confederate General I Baltimore Sun. A grand fete was given Saturday at Indian Hill farm, near Newbury port, Massachusetts, the home of Ben. Perley Poore, on the occasion of the visit of Gen. Harry HethJof Vir ginia, an ex -Confederate , general; len. linrnside and Senator Anthony, about two hundred members of the Grand Army of the Republic,-officers of the militia and prominent citizens of the neighborhood being invited to meet him. Ihe grounds were very brilliantly illuminated, speeches, ban- qnet, &c The total loss by yesterday's fire at Pro- idencc was $675,000; insurance $548,000. Spirits Turpentine - i The total tax of Halifax is $36,- 86G 61. 1 i Tweuty-nine prisoners in Meck lenburg jail. , J ; Charlotte has a cucumber that measures three feet in length --T In Surry county fifteen persons have recently united with the Baptists. In Washington county thirteen persons have united with the Baptists. , On North Guilford Circuit twen ty-two additional conversions are reported. There are two circuses making for North Carolina Coles's and O'Brien's. Mr. Everett Joyuer, aged 93 years, died in Ooldsboro ou Sunday even ing. - ' I ivi i5rooK.e s dcnooi tiouse, in Hertford couaty, eighteen . professed faith in Christ. L In the - Methodist Church, at Goldsboro, there 4iave been twenty-one accessions. : In Harnett county, under Bap tist preaching, there have been 1 recently 59 conversions and 27 baptisms. In Camden county fifty-two converts have joined three Baptist churches uader charge of Rev. K. R. Overby. In Warren county under the preaching of. Rev. W. R. furnell, 28 pro fessed faith, 26 of whom United with the Baptists. ; f The largest man in North Caro lina is Captain James F. Jones, of Greene county. He is six feet one inch high i and weighs 647 pounds. ; Mrs. Jennette P., wife' of Ro bert Johnson, formerly of Fayetteville, ' N, C, died in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sep tember 15th, in her 48th year. . The Raleigh Observer el aims td have information that there are now iu op--eration eighty-one gold miles in North Car: olina, some of which are operated on a very extensive scale. "-' : Mr. William Burney. a young man of Davidson College, who graduated about two years ago at that institution,and then went to Heidleberg, Germany, where he has been ever since, is taking a splen did stand in this world-famed University. Murf reesboro Enquirer: The lion. Jesse J. Yeales left this morning, upon the invitation of Hon. " John G. Thompson, the Chairman of the Demo cratic Executive Committee of Ohio, to aid in the canvass of that State in. behalf of the party. Superintendent Mills, with a chapter of orpbaus from the Oxford Asy lum, .will give tree entertainments at the following times and places: LUlington, Thursday, October 4; Haywood, Friday, October 0; Holly Springs, Saturday, Octo ber 6; MOrrisvule, Monday, October if.- - - Delegates to the convention of the colored peole of the State of North Carolina, to be held in Raleigh pn the 18th day of October, 1877, will be passed over the various railroads in the State for one and a half cent per mile each way, by pur chasing State Fair tickets. This is less than half fair rates. - . Here are some recent sales of fine Granville county tobacco in the leaf: Miss Mary A. Dean, $40, $59; Rev. J. T. Gibbs, $40; Stephen Satterwbile, $80; Jas. A. Grissom, $57.50; H. II.1 Ellington, $39.50; C. F. Currin, $43; J; R. Stewart, $38.50. $59; S. W. Knott, $36, $37.85, $63; F. Knott, $39, $39.75, $60; E.j G. Brodie, $45. .. : ...VT; ' : : Vf V Goldsboro Messenger: We are glad to learu that the county of Pitt will lose nothing by the defalcation of Sheriff Wilson. We understand that before leav ing Sheriff Wilson surrendered all his pro perty to one of bub6ndsmen, f and that: it will very nearly cover the deficiency. At any rale, the bondsmen will not suffer very heavily. - ' . .. Fayetteville Gazette: The Vic toria Fire Company, and "the Raleigh Blues," colored organizations of Raleigh, paid Fayetteville a visit on Thursday last, and, together with the two j Fayetteville colored companies, had a public parade. Mr.'M. J. Blue, of Moore' county, was out deer hunting a few days ago, and when near Bynum he killed, at one shot,; three deer a doe, a fawn and a yearling, j . Charlotte Observer ; Coll John L. Morehead has just sold a tract of gold bearing land on tho northern; outskirts of f r ,'f J."1- Wm&l WILMINGTON ; N the city, to L. Stewart & Co colored men or wasmngton viiy; ihmiihhi -tail trade is as yet light with our merchants, the jobbing trade is so very excellent' that they find no cause f6r complaint. - -The Greensboro Female College is suc ceeding admirably, and is doing a - good work. J Samnle & . Wetmore. shoe 1 manufacturers, have called in their drum mers, naving now on iueir uou&s wuwo 4000 pairs of ' shoes from every ' quarter. This firm sells goods in all directions ' and at great distances from Charlotte in , this and other States. - NKW ADVKttTISBIHBNTS. Heinsbkrger- School books. Munson & Co. About uoilorms. Proclamation for escaped convicts. GeoJMyebs Club house whiekey. -Caution notice crew barque Prima. '. GRKBFtNiraB MVeral waters.; purBoESaTA-LOEirSchool cotice. J' i l-K: IillKrTO lie wardjforstoku mare. itiBattalioD drilld:Baturday,rr:nd mm. ' ri'l' 'l.Vl t ioauy ihruw, weuiuer peruiito. -- Yesterday was the anniversary of a big storm in 1824 and another in 1874 - - 'i . ' - There were, no cases for trial before ihe Mayor's Court yesterday morn- ing. f ' . .. The Friends of Temperance pro pose having a big time at Temperance Hall on or about the 15th of October We have remarked as a notice able fact that not a single person baa com plained that his well was "dried up" during the present season. Cautionary signals are ordered continued to-day at all the signal stations on 'the Atlantic coast, including Wilming. ton and Smithville. ,' Whenever our German friends advertise a pic-nic, get your umbrellas, rubbers, &c., ready, for latterly it seems a sure indication of rain. ;i . We regret to learn of the death at Wadesboro1, on Thursday night, of Mrs. James; wife of Capt W. H. James, of this city. !Her disease was diphtheria. High easterly, backing to north west winds, rising or stationary barometer and temperature, and rainy weather, are the indications for this section to-day. i -'''A well in the eastern part of the city caved in, yesterday morning, in consequence of the heavy rains, and swal lowed, up a large slice of territory adjacent ; -si: . . . ' One of the school census takers, in going Ins rounds, was a&ked oy some oia colored women, wnen ne. enquired the ages of their children, if it was for the purpose of putting them back into slavery again. That prominent pomohortiagrt- cullurologist, D. McRae, Esq., has "laid on our table" a pear of the Bartlelt variety. It is the 'smallest, meanest, scrawniest, scrag giest, ; knottiest, roughest, sourest pear we have Been this season. A man who served an apprenticeship fn fruit culture under Horace Greeley, as Mr. McRae did, ought to do better than this. -if f :;A gentleman purchased two acd a half dozens of eggs from an enterprising colored, ind ividual on Thursday,,. evening, for which bs paid fifty centstnd thought he was getting tbem .cheap,' which would have been the case, according to the mar ketable value of the article, but for the fact that here was not a tingle sound egg in the whole lot. Be careful of ' whom you buy jouriegga. , j-4 If one of our Front street mer- i 1 chants had not been, piously inclined we do not know what- invocations be might have poured upon the heads of our "City Fathers" last evening, when he tried to cross Hard wick's creek,' on Second street, and put his foot, low-quartered shoes, stock ings' and all down into the turbulent stream. He had thought it was not such a difficult matter to cross from one bank to the other,' but J"there was where be made the . mis take." Our Colored JHUItarr. In accordance with special orders No. 11, issued from the office of the Adjutant Genera, the New Hanover Light Infantry and the Cape Fear Light Infantry will pa tade for inspection and review on Wednes day next, at 31 P. M. The. battalion wilt be under command of the Senior Captain.' Ilewarda for Escaped. Convict. ; His Excellency, Governor Vance, Tias issued his proclamation offering a reward of one hundred dollars for the apprehen sion of Thomas Johnson, and fifty dollars for Jerry Jforoes, two escaped convicts from the penitentiary, and their delivery to the; superintendent of that institution. The parties are both from this county, and were sentenced for larceny, the term of Thomas Johnson alias Alonzo Elvi being .for ten years. . ine prociamaiion"or. ine uovernor appears in our advertising columns. KIVEK AND fftARINB ITKMHI. 4- The Arnai, Band vid, sailed from1 Ab erdeen for thia port on the 13th inst. -t The Star of Hope, Hanson, sailed from Marseilles for this port on the 11th inst. -j-.The steamship Regulator, Doane.clear ed from New Tork for this port on the 26th insi. ' - ' " ' ; '. l ' The British barque Canada, rived at Liverpool from this port on-the 25th inst.,,, ....; ' ; 4-The steamship p. J. IMey, Price, ar rived at Baltimore from this port on the 26th inst, and cleared for the return trip on the same day. mm C, SATURDAY. SFJIEMm 29; i877. On traces In Brooklyn", Tnnmday v On Thursday evening last, about eight o'clocVas Mr. Charles Murphy was sitting in 'his' -store over the railroad, conversing with his wife, some scoundrel from the street threw .' a rok into the store, which struck Mr; M.,' inflicting a severe blow and bruising him considerably. Mr. Murphy immediately ran to the door, and was just in time to see the retreating form of a man escaping in the dark. He blew a whistle about twenty minutes to summon the po lice before any of them came to his relief, but they stated afterwards that they heard the whistle for some time before they could locate the direction from whence the sound proceeded. - ' A short time subsequent to' the - above occurrence, as Mrs. Smith, wife of Mlf.--B, I SMSRh'i'wfco'has a grocery store at tle ccr ner of'.Kialh'&uJ L'Sa t'tzz'X-cczr where s oldUaici it ci c. the night,she was suddenly assaulted by an nnanovrn mao.whq seized her by the throat and was proceeding to choke her, when she sci earned, for help. Two or three coloredj men, who were passing in that direction, ran to her assistance, wbep the.fellow, hear ing them approaching, got frightened and relinauished his purpose. The rescuers commenced a search and finally discovered the form of a man up a tree, near the scene of the outrage, and one of the party fired upon him, but unfortunately missed his mark, when the scoundrel managed to ef fect his escape. From the description Mrs. Smith gives of the fellow, ho was either a white man or a very bright mulatto. - -, The frequency of such outrages as the above shows the necessity of keeping an adequate police force in the suburbs of. the city for the protection of the people. ' The storm. The rain storm which commenced here Thursday morning has continued with one or two slight intermissions up to the hour of going to press this morning, at which time it was still raging, accompanied by a gale of wind from the northwest, which set in last night and blew with considera ble severity. The storm signal was raised at an early hour yesterday morning, and is continued for to-day. An immense amount of rain has fallen during the past two days, and parties from below report the roads all flooded and barely passable, the streams of all descriptions swollen to a great extent, and it is feared much damage will result The centre of the cyclone, which is more fully described in bur telegraphic columns, is at Cape Hallcras, where the velocity of the wind was at last accounts over mty miles per hour. v In this immediate locali ty, tin tn WMfint mntiu inrt dm not been extremely severe. ... Lim of 1876-T7. The Raleigh News, under the above head, copies an item from our paper in ref lation to a second edition of the laws etH- acted at the laBt session of the General As sembly, and says: ' si' "The Star, usually correct, does us. and probably tun Secretary of State by im plication, very .great injustice in ine anore statement.' The facta are-that the public printer was directed and is now engaged in pxtmrag a tnouaana copies 01 ine raws 01 1876-77, to supply the deficiency created by the increase, in the number of magis trates appointed by the Legislature, and not because of grave errors in the print of the first edition regarding the new -election law. , ' "There are about one thousand newly appointed magistrates in the State who have not as yet been supplied with copies of the laws of 1876-77. These copies will be out in a short time, and will be prompt ly forwarded by the efficient Secretary -of State to the proper county officers for disT iribution to the magistrates." The Ceoriela minatrele. - - - ' Callender's Georgia Minstrels appear at the Opera House, in this city, this evening, and judging from the comments of the press elsewhere they mast be hard to beat The Boston Daily Advertiser, alluding to their performances in that city, says: ; , "Moreover, a company that can boast of four end men, must indeed be a talented one, and such ends are seldom seen ; it is a lively scene both on and off the stage. The troupe is undoubtedly the best that haa ever performed in this city. Four thou sand people attended their four weeks' per formances here. Possibly a desire to. wit ness negro minstrelsy by original darkies as in davs eone bv together with a tho roughly enjoyable performance, from which everything objectionable is elimina ted, drew together the audiences ; which completely filled the hall.. TBcy are at tbe head of the minstrel business in this coun try." . , . ' m r- Splrltnallam Exposed. , . : -: . Ptot. R. Cooke, the "Exposor of Spirit- ualism," has , made an engagement to ap pear at the Opera House: in this city on Thursday and Friday evenings, the 4th and 5th of October.; He has been - per forming to large audiences in Memphis and other cities recently, and his exposures have attracted wide-epread interest; He per-; forms the same tricks that spiritualists do I and then shows how they are done. : Mr. F.' H. Bard well, Agent, of the Troupe, which consists of five performers, is now in the city making his arrangements for their appear-1 ance. . TTno Carolina. Farmer. 1 The October number of tbe CkroUna Futr mer is out to-dav. It contains about 75 ar ticles, embracing almost every subject of interest to the farmer and pUnter. In the editorial department are twokrtlcles, "The Marl Region of the Cape Fesfr? and "The .Valley of the. Lower Cape jFear,'.which will be toiind of special' interest in this sec tion. 'The typographical appearance of the October number, is, better even than that of the September . number. ; Terms, $1.50 per year, or $1.00 for 6 months. Address the Carolina Faraer; lmington, N. C. 44- .11 ueneral Abstract of Taxes In Nanr .: HisoTcr County for tne Year 181X7. The work of fisting, 'computing, ad just-' ing and. -general arranging of the. Stitte", County and City Taxes : tor this year,- on Real Estate and Personal Property, basbeeq done under the 'supervision of Messrs Cronly & Morris. Their general abstract, is as follows: "'" ;- i "''--.; '. Wilmington Township: Tow n .. , .". j lots, not including tax on , . lteal Estate valuations, paid direct to the State Treasurer $3,552,357; 00 273 Horses 22,9351 00 56 Mules...., - 57 Goats .... 208 Cattle..... 3,803 00 85'00 3,128 00 450 00 34 00 232 Hogs.... i 27 -Sheep Household and Kitchen Fur KUrey 'Farming v Utensils, ..'" r.sVTola, Arms for .... . "J;-- V. , -.'.3 4 177,7! C 04 prt ...... Lnco; mtions. . 203, 04 A!l other ?ersonar-rr6perty dh,.,!. 00 $4,967,C89 00 Franchise .......... ... . , 2,100 00 Income .A ......... . ... . . . . 926 White and 1,113 Colored polls, at $1 14; 89 cts gen eral and 25 cts School: . . . State Tax. 14 cts on $100 valuation; 89 cts on each poU; per cent on Franchise and one per cent on Income............... Deaf and Dumb Asylum,Insti tution for Insane, &c. 9 cts on $100 valuation.. . ....... Penitentiary, cts on $100 valuation. . . .. . . . . ... ... School Tax, 8 cents on $100 valuation and 25 cts on poll 61 ,760 i 00 2,324:46 0,725 68 4,469 j 03 2,979,35 4,647;74 $31,821 80 !243 65 Delinquent. Total Tax Wil. Township $22,065:45 Cane FearTownsh'iD Tax listed....... 895 61 ' Delinquent . . . . . . 43 80 ' Federal Point Tax listed 227 30 Delinquent....... 18 51 Harnett Tax listed....... 44 23 Delinquent...... 114 21 Masonboro Tax listed. 37185 Delinquent....... 21 47 245181 958 44 - ? 393 2 Total State Tax......... f - -if - V COUNTY TAX- Wilmington Township Valua tion Real Estates Personal, as enurwefated for State Tax $24,601 3 3,806,432 00 1,414,732 00 : j . . $5,221,164 00 Counly Taxoue per eentuxn and $1 U on each poll as follows: i To aaeet deficiency for the - current fiscal year, Sept. 1, , . 1877, 31 cis on $100 valua - - lion and 44 eta on the poll. 17,083 OT Interest on Bonds, funded il. , - 5 cts on $100 valuation ant) 7 cts on each polt........ To pay interest and raise ing fund for pri bonded debt jjta'utraeted t prior.tolgactt on $100 11,486 56 PrJr "the necessary expenses of tbe uountf $3 cts on f luo : valu&Uoa, 60 cts on the poll . and pee per cent, on" . in come .. . .. .... ... ........ 23.769 89 $55,093 53 641 20 Delinquent. .. .. Cape Fear Township Lax listed. Delinquent... . Federal Point : Tax listed..... Delinquent. ... Harnett Tax listed..... Delinquent...; Masonboro Tax listed . 2,128 115 -t v : 59 70 494 18 41 14 1,836 lis 164 46 818 02 27 26 2,187 88 v ' S , t 535 32 i 2,000 57 V ' 1 844 28 De inquent. Total Cou nty Tax. ! , CITY TAX. i i Valuation of Real Estate. . Personal property. . ....... Stock in trade. . . . ........ $61,301 78 3,800,830 00 376,412 00 502,636 00 $4,679,878 00 Tax as abovo 2 per cent .... Tax on Income, $61,760, at 2 ' i per cent.. . , Professional. . . . . . ... . . ...... Polls.:. 93,597 56 f,235 20 1,575 00 2,034 00 Total City Tax aa listed: . ... Delinquent valuation $32,060, Tax Total City Tax .ir..iv.i.V, Of City delinquent, valuation There is property claimed non taxable $98,441 7$ 1,282 40 $99,724 16 ..... .... . . 32,060 00 24,600 -7,460 00 I 4,820 09 Owned by estates no executor nor administrator. - . . I- ' .; , : :- $2,640 (Hi $2,640 00 out of $3,832,890 not listed, all though owners have been advised by postal cards and in person.1 .i The valuations of Real Estate are those of 1875, except where revised by the Board of County : Commissioners." i ' " ; j Total State Tax ; 24,601 43 Total County Tax, .... 61,801 Total City Tax, .. . Vr. . -.u 99,724 Total Tax. $185,627 37 iTOTAJj COUNTY OF NEW HANOVKB. ' Town Lots.4? ; . . . 8,806,432 OQ, 91,748 Acres Land . . 397.405 0Q .1.2,262,263 29 . i . 35,150 OO ;. ;v 13,453 00 ;.: , 161 0 ... ' 18.848 CO 2,039 FoJWi. 477 Horses.'l 216 Mules.':. 103 Goats... 2,334 CalWe. . . 3,049 Hogs.'. '.-. . t7 5,499 oa 362 Sheep..... .V. . . v .J. .' Farming Implements,- Furni-: ture. &c. .rr.??-.Tf. 5ff7. 192,889 Money . . i. . , . . vi r . Ssi ,682 00 Solvent Credits 826,567 00 Stocks in CorporatioBSriSanks, .' - &o. ....., 203.598, 00. All other Personal Property, f goods, wares and mdse. . . ; 679,996 00? Income. 62.100 00 Franchise. 2,10Q OOl ;..'tvi:j'-r.-vt'ii. Total..,.. ..$5,801,369 00 i .. If; 4 -i , t J 1, ' ! ) r.t Hitt i Mr. Joo. J). Sprant,' of Brans-1 wick,' Ga.t is on a Visit to his; relatives and 1 friends in this city. .w.du "i sun I r.i';pb:iin.J!"i -'rivi I ''Vt1 -df :"-' ft ., h.fvin-tmi., .,1 ' -- : " . . !! Jij-Jff Dir. In, Goldsboro. Teeterdar Ijp A bent $45, OQO Origin Unknown ilj 1-1 ' ; il Jtitl W t t i The Rain a Oood Snbatltnte for fin- tfl: i I Klnea,&e. . :, , . UN i.l'.l 144 'HUT Hi , , We( are indebted to tha-klnclness of Mr. fdr the follow itiK particulars of5 a ha? annened in our sister town of Goldiuoro yesterday morningt i ! ',. .;,t; . Th hardware storeof i Cam obeli &i ' in the business jcenire jpf ..this; 6wn ivas discovered to be on fire a little before 7 o'clock this morning, and was totally de- slroyed: tccclhcr "with the' stock of "goods. j' Afou'e time the 'lire thraatened to devbur Uio 'lara iron- iroafcytsvwo-ui ; eu a Eros., and also the store buildings occupied 1 r J' in H.Powell & Sons, J. C Eason .. l r . rr .irr...:t c. T cais Giddens, but tb- heavy rain, -a was pouring down fn' tcVcnts aMbe hcaej furnished an abundant supply of wa ter, and by the extraordinary exertions of out .white and colored, citizens, Ihe Weil, Giddena, and even the Powell's stores were aave&The last, however, is seriously damaged by fire; the others more or less. The total loss and damage to goods will not fall ahort of $45,000, estimated as fol lows; fTwo buildings occupied by Camp bell & Cort and Powell & Sons, owned. by H. Weil &Bro8., loss about $6,000, covered by insurance in the Underwriters'.; f Weil's iron-front store damage to goods estimated at $20,000, damage to store , -at from $3,000 to $4,000. Insurance-on building $8,000, on goods $18,000; divided among the following companies, viz: Li verpool, London and Globe; Home, of New Tork; Franklin, of Philadelphia; Hamburg and Bremen; Insurance of North 'America; Niagara; Virginia Home; Westchester, -of New York; and the Phmnix.' ;' ' . Campbell & Co., loss of stock $5,000; in surance $2,000 in the, Liverpool, .London and Globe Company. , . . . ; , ;i .. J. H. Powell & Sons, damage to stock $7,500 ; insurance $&,000 -int the UndeV writers. : i: '' !': ' ' ; ' 'J. C Eason (Grange store), damage to stock, . $2,500 ; insured in Underwriters' and Old Nortbftate Companies. Charles D. Whftaker, job printing office, loss about $300. : r i L. D. Giddens, damage to building about $300; insured. . 'Vr v.'---y. -:c' j It is not known how the fire originated; opinion is divided. r some think it, was caused by rats; others that it was the work of an incendiarv nr hurirlnrv. Rut for thfl j 0 j . raia the destruction would have,, beeu jit greater. " 1 4 - : f ; -' Tberoaometer ilocc rc. k . j V.rmometer'tfifo stions mentioned," at time, as ascertained from the daily .bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city:f Augusta: :.....;. 82 Charleston, L .....80 Corsicana, ....... 03 Galveston, . . . . : . . 86 Indianola, . ..."...86 J ackson ville, . .... 82 Key West,'....... 82 Mobile........... 84 Montgomery .v:.. 83 New Orleans,,,. , 86 Punta Rassa, .... .77 Savannah,:.. .... .82 St Marks........ 84 Wilmington,.... 68 s If it be true that hardship is a good school for development, then from a physical standpoint Babies should have a growth as symmetrical as it is surprising,-. fit .would be so were they kept free from the disor ders of Babyhood ' by safe and ' judicious treatment. Every one who has used it pro nounces Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup the best remedy known for the complaints of early childhood. 25 cents per bottle, . f t CITY ITEIlS, YOU CAN SAVE HONEY by using Doolky'b Yxabt PowDXK, for less butter, flour, eggs, etc, are required to accomplish satisfactory results. This is not a needless hap-hazard statement, but a fact vorified by the experience of many thousand families. Try it and prove the claim. , Mkdioatkd Baths am EznKsrvK. Not ever, with Guam's Sulphub Soap, a cheap and ef tcient substitute, which answers the same purpose as far as local diseases of the skin, rheumatism and goat ar. concerned. ... , s Hill's Inbtaktaitboub Haib Dtb produces nat ural effects and Is safe. , i . THE WITCHERY OF WOMAN. The proudest conqueror, the lowliest serf, or rudest savage suo cumo alike to beauty's charms. No aid to beauty is so potent as Gouraud's Olympian Cream. Conveys no idea of artificial appliance. - Price in large Bot tles reduced to One. Hollar. For sale by J. C. Mnnda.. . .-. 'I - ' ' - Reliable Ihelp for weak and nervous Batterers; Chronic, painful and prostrating diseases cured without medicine. Pulvermacher's Electric Belts the grand desideratum. Avoid imitations. . Book and Journal, with fall particulars, mailed free. Ad- .areas rm.vMAOHXB ualtanio uo 292 Viae St. Cincinnati, Ohio. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. No people in the world anffer as much with Dyspepsia as Americans. Although yean of experience in medicine had failed to accomplish a certain and sure remedy for this disease and its effects, such as Soar-Stomach, Heart burn, Water-brash, Hick Headache, CoBtiveneee. Liver Complaint, Vet . since the Introduction of Gun's August Plowbb we believe there Is no case of Dyspepsia that cannot be immediately re 1 laved.' Two doses will relieve yon. : Kegular size 7a cents 1 ,-. . OAIInIn7)fl 'DTtT.imKTTrt qvuiio ' CCBX OP CON8UHPTION. COTJOHS AND COLDS. Tfl great virtae of thia medicine is that It ripens the matter and throws it out of the system, purifies the blood and thus effects a cure. : . : j ScHxncK'a Bka Wnm Toiwr. roa thh Cobb or Dtsfefsia, Ikdiokstiok, Ac. The Tonic produces a healthy action of, tne etomach, creating an ppeJ lite, forming chyle, and caring the mott obstinate cases of Indigeatien. ,. 1 n H .!.-. ; ; Schbhok's Makdbakk Pills,, pob ths Ctmx orf Letkb CoxpuLnrr, fcc The Pills are alterative; and produce a healthy action of the liver without the least danger; aa they are free from calomel, and yet more efficacious in restoring a healthy action of -ithenVer.uuH ,i. ri t - -fr - - - These remedies are a certain cure, for Censump-i tioa, as the Pulmonic Syrup ripens the matter and Brines the blood. The Mandrake Pills act upon the. ver, create a healthy bile, and remove all diseases; of the liver, often a cause of Consumption.; The Sea Weed Tonic gives tone and strength to the to-' mach,tmakea a good digestion, and enable the or gans to form good blood. The combined action of these medicines, as tons .explained, will cor every: case of Consumption, If taken fn time, and the use of the medicines persevered la, j ,,r ,:-;: f.3 . j - Dr. Schenck is professionally at his principal of-: flee, corner of Sixth and Area Streets, Philadelphia,! every Monday, where all letters for advice mnst be ddreseed;:' tichenck-'s medicines, for. sale by aU l.lU te 2 Hi ISTi??;" HUMTl'-DrjMTI f. y : tv.KBY'WBST f -'CI 6 A! R S ' -Ai. if f,n l''..t ..1 auglft-tf nae".- TobaeconiBt: One Bqnare one day..................... ... fi 00 r v three day g 60 ' M w y. - - - a oo flye days,..-. .... s 60 ; One week,... 4 Oft ' ' Two weeks.... a 50 i.- 1 44 Three weeks,,........ 8 no ' One month,.. .. io 00 " Two month, 17 00 " " Three months,... 24 oo , - . .! Six months, 40 00 " : Onoyear . 60 00 "Oontract Ad verti era en U taken at nmnnr tfonately tow rates. ' Ten lines eelid Nonpareil type make one square. - -NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ppmmended by P. T. Barnnm, Clara Looiae KellosK, me i iuohb, i ames x. jneias ana omers T T7 T A TT A TT O - 1 J JL JJj JX J. XL J J O III . 94T17BDAT...... September 29tb Reappearance after foor years' abaence of GEOfiHA THE QRBAT OEf- ' MINSTRELS MINSTRELS UINA1. ftPflDfT k SOUTHKRN COM- ULUllUin 1 ANT' GEORGIA op -0S5SB?.M?-. MINSTRELS GEORGIA4 ls&Sd MINSTRELS I uproariods plantation minstrelsy i I Billy Kxesabds, Dick Lmtijs, J. Ukacs, &c. I mp,f,MtHiuli,,3I J "M; "ey are abaolntely the beet in America'."- 1 J - Y. Graphic. inn isah. aljj tub ulu jtavokitkh. Prices 50c and 75c. Heeerved scata 25c extra, to be had at Heinsbcrger'a Book Store. 8eptX7 at A Proclamation by the Governor. $150 REWARD. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, .... .: , RALEIGH, Sept. S7th, 1877. TTJHBRB&S, OFFICIAL INFORMATION HAS V V been received at this Department that THOMAS JOHNSON and JERRT FORBES, late of the County of New Hanover.stand convicted with the crime of Larceny, and were duly sentenced to the Penitentiary; And whereas it appears that the said THOMAS JOHNSON and JERRY FORBES have eacaped the Penitentiary, and ao conceal themselves that the ordinary process or at cannot oe tervea upon to em ; Now, therefore, I, ZEBTJLON B. VANCE, Gov ernor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of I proclamation, offcrine a reward of ONE HUNDRBIj DOLLARS for THOMAS JOHNSON.'and FIFTY DOLLARS for JERRT FORBES, for their appre hension and delivery to the Superintendent of the Penitentiary, in Raleigh, and 1 do enjoin all.officera . of the State, and all good citizens to insist in bring ing said criminals te joatice. : . Done at our City of Raleigh, thia 27th day of Sep tember. 1877, and In the one nnnarea ana nrst year of American Independence. Z. B. VANCE. By the Governor : ' L ayid m. . Private Secretary. DBSCKIPTION. Thomas Jhnson Is about S3 years of age. is 5 feet nine. Inches high, weighs 168 pounds, color black. Jerry Forbes Is SO years of age, is 5 feet 4 inches high, weight 143 pounds, color black. - sept 29-30d' a i. - t , i $50 Reward. Stolen from my stable, near jack sonville, Onslow coanty, on tbe night of the 37th Instant, a SORREL" MARE,' with three white feet, white star in forehead, short tall: has a colt five months old, which the thief left behind. The Mare is nine years old, and is very spirited. The thief la supposed to be a white man, dark complexion, tall, well built, dressed in blue clothes . I will pay Twenty-Five Dollars for the recovery Of the Mare, and Twentv-Viva TJollara for arreat aa4.convicUoa of (be ttueX. , . B. l. KFLLTJM, ; Caro Kerchoar CaUar aept - . J m-vT i . o.. CTL U B. HOUCE- -AT- GEORGE MYERS', .11 and 13 South Pront Street WE HAVE SECURED CONTROL OF THE CELEBRATED Delmonico Club House WMstey. . We Invite attention to this CHOICE PURE RYE : : : WHISKEY, at f 4 00 per Gallon. WINES, TEAS, LIQUORS, FLOUR, 8UGAR. THE LARGEST, BEST and CHEAPEST STOCK of FAMILY GROCERIES in the STATE, sept 89-tf - GEO. MYERS. School Books. 'J'HE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF SCHOOL BOOKS IN THE CITY . IS AT THE LIVE BOOK STORE. Slates, School Bags, Straps, Ac Ink, Pens, Pencils, Penholders, and every thing , " . In the Book and Stationery Line, at HBINSBERGBR'S, 31 and 41 Market street. eept 56 tf Mineral ? Wat ers . -rjUNYADI JAW OS (BITTER WATER). AIOLLINARIS WATER. A fresh supply for sale by GREEN PLANNER, Druggists, . Market Street sept 39 tf We are Authorized BY MAJ. BURGESS, TO SAY THE CLOTH we have for making Uniforms for the "Can Fear Mititary Academy" and Vu best in mm. We or scloctad bv Utauelf. We propose to furnish to order. In the best workmanship, at a little less than regu lar prices, we nave au material on nana, ana can make npat once. MUNSON A CO. sept29-lt . - Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. Miss Roberta Lord H OPES TO RESUME HER SCHOOL FOR BEGINNERS, ON MONDAY, 15TH OCTOBER. sept29-3t Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ABB HEREBY cautioned against harboring or trust ing any of the Crew of the Swedish 'Barqne "PRIMA, Captain Krook, ms no debts of their contracting will be paid by tbe Captain or Consignees. VICK A MEBANE, Consigaeas. sept 29 2t A. Ship Notice. ALL' PERSONS ARE HEREBY warned not to truster harbor any of the Crew of the British Bark "KATE k-BOUSFIBLD ." W. Williams. Maater.- 2 as no debts of their contracting will ., . be paid -by the Captain or Conaignees. se-98 2t . VICK & MEBANE, Consignees. Ship Notice. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY cautioned not to trust or harbor any 11 or tne crew or tne Briusn turz -uui-DING STAR," F. Weymouth, Master, ' j as no cents or tneir coniaacong win Via n.lH hv lAntAin nrfinnilDllM 1 ' septS8-2t v VICK A MEBANE, Consignees. i; .. .