TgE IIOEIJIITGf DTAE. EXCEPT MONDAYS. tt Of BUBSCBIPTIOH ADYAHO : 0h .rilpoW $Z 88 &nth8, , .. , . 3 25 monUia,u , " , ....100 One'Snbseribett, delivered In any part of the &7i?Ctsper week. Our City Agents are at, feedi wcollect fermore than three month 'r OUTLINES. , Sine steamships sailed for Europe on the takings 400,000, bushels of grain Archbishop Bayley is at the point of pi- Lieut Bnllis, with 100 men, has tered Mexico and striick the Indians and Leans at Searaa. -The Indians f ve been tolithat they must come to the Missouri river to receive winter supplies; ,iis darn" them, as they fear if it is done -hey will not be allowed-to return; they n0t yet agreed,and another council will le bold in Washington on Monday, t -German surgeons haye gone to Russian quarters. - The Turks have orders io hurl any Russiau Generals lest ; they be displaced and others substituted the campaign is thought to be nearly ended; yje London limes considers it a drawn Tweed is again under exam t (slion. The Nez Perces attacked telve soldiers and four citizens who were reached but were driven off; lliey ,! t landing. Two cases of yellow feTerpna barque at Boston. ' - New Yak markets: Money 45 per cent; gold jqB at I03f; cotton easier at 11 .5-16 11 7-i6c; flour still strongly in buyers' fa Tar, Southern; $6 008 75; wheat feverish, flcited and unsettled; corn a shade stronger ,i 57Q58ic; spirits turpentine steady at gibsin at $1 651 70. ; The "speck (of war" with Mexioo seems to be growing. Oar telegrams report that Mexican soil has been in vaded by Lieut. Bullis. lie has one hundred men in his command, and has attacked some Indians and Mex icans at the town of Searagossa, which it is thought has been cap mred. If the news j, is true, serious trouble may come of it, and a back down or a fight follow j The cotton, crop of 1 876-7 amounts to 4,44,069 bales. The crop ; of 1815-C was ereater by 154,244 bales, amounting to 4,632,313 bales. . . Of ihe last crop 126,197 bales were con sumed in the South. The receipts at Wilmington were 113,348 - bales. New Orleans heads the list largely, the receipt being 1,190,386 bales. Total - exports 3,028,136 bales, of which England received 1,994,418. The total Sea Island cotton raised was 18.352 bales The States north of Virginia consumed 1,429,005 bales. There have been but three large crops, that of 1875-6, that of 1861-2, when 4,800,000 bales were made, and that of 1 859-'60, when the crop was 4,669,770 bales. The smallest crop aince the war was in 1866-7, when it amounted to 1,951,988 bales. With these figures it is not hard to tell why cotton is low. . . - ' : I Some of! the Maryland Judges have got themselves in-hot water. The grand jury of Baltimore have found true bills of indictment against Judges Grason and Yellott for mis behavior in office, and also a present ment against Judge Yellott for drunkenness. The presentments upon which the indictments 'were framed were found by the grand jury at the May term, of which Gen. John S. Berry was foreman. . . - 5 ? The Baltimore tun regards the ac tion of the grand jury as presenting a very grave spectacle before the community, and will require the most serious judicial consideration. ! The people everywhere . demand a pure and incorruptible judiciary. - They can respect no other, and will not be satisfied to place the decision of legal cases in the hands of men of doubt ful characters. . The people mean pu-J "ty and reform, whatever politicians raaysayor tbintiU y4:,, : it l.H Latest By Mail. "enter Couover on the Situation, i Special to Baltimore Sun. " . , Washington, Sept. 27. I Senator Conover, of Florida, has arrived in Washington;- fin view of Jhe nearly equal representation of. nf two parties in the ' Senate the probable course of Senator Conover I looked upon with much interest.! ln conversation, with your corres pondent to-night he said that he was tor Florida first and Conover next. He was a Republican in his convic tions, and he should stand by the Principles of that church as he under stood them, but he was not a tail to one s Kite, and he should pursue ai independent course in the Senate, aa would vote on all questions as . e7 came up according to his dividual ideas of what was right a?d proper. He said he had an inter view with the President, and had as sared him of his beUef in the justice ?nd wisdom of his Southern policy, his opinion it was just the policy ? DQ1W up an honest and reputable publican party in the South, and J a comparatively short' time the ath would be more solid for Re publicanism than for Democracy. ; Senator Conover said that in the "ght at present before him he was in clined to vote for ' the admission of Pofford and Butler, but he was will- if I J l. VOL. XXI. NO. 7. ing, bef ore finally coming to a con clusion, to hear the arguments to be advanced in. favor of Kelloggjand Corbin. In regard to any change in the officers of the' Senate, he was willing, to give his support tof any movement which would be fori the benefit of Florida. . 1 . Mr. Curtis DUne to $my AuyUalng In!Reeard to General Grants Late Statement. i Rochestee, Sept. 26. i George William Curtis was ques tioned to-day in regard to. ex-president Grant's reported statement that he had asked the General, . when President, to have Mr. Sumner re stored to his place as Chairman bf the committee on Foreign Relations, and that General Grant replied that he never interfered in the Senate, and that he charged Mr. Sumner with not telling the truth, saying that he oould prove it. While Mr. Curtis evident ly felt strongly upon the subject, he said that he preferred to say nothing; Mr. Sumner is dead, and for him' no explanations are possible; the inter views with General Grant were pri vate, ho that he did not feel he could speak of them." - : - ; PMtmaner General Key's apeSeu mt f At the banquet at Lynchburg, Va., on Monday evening, given in honor of the Presidential party, Postmaster General Key made a speech, which was very much in the vein f of his Chattanooga speech, but less serious. Referring to the criticisms upon him for the use of the term 'jerring brethren,? he said that whjsn he took np arms he expected the South to succeed, but' instead of that it got badly whipped. He made a great error at the start and found it out. Now, perhaps, bfe said, those who were so sensitive abbut his speech at Bennington did no make that error. Perhaps t$ey expected to be whipped when they went into the war, or may be they did not go at all. At the close of his remarks Gen. Key said that whether he was called a Democrat or not, he was a Hayes-administration man. He had probably, attended more Cabinet meetings than any other memKer, and no secrets of the administration were kept back from him. At none of these meetings had he heard an unkind word spoken about the South J Beeeners Wanlns Popularltj. i Boston Herald i The waning popularity of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher is seen in the fact that on Tuesday at an auction sale of the effects of his bankrupt pub lishers, the stereotype platbs and copyright of his ten-volume edition of his sermons, covering the period be tween 1869 and,lS73, sold for $475, or abbut what the plates were wprth for old type metal.' At the same sale more than a thousand copies of thefprinted series, unbound, were sold for seven and a half cents a copy, which was very much less than the cosi of the white paper on which they were print ed. The plates and the copyright of the new series of sermons frobi 1873 to 1875, which have not been Publish ed, sold for $230. Comment p unne cessary. I :' - - jr The PennaylTanla Eleetlen. , Judge Kelley, of Philadelphia, says one can tell where the light-1 ning win sense in ine xrennsyivama election. He says that the independ ent vole may be twenty thousand or eighty thousand, and until fthe day of election it .will not be! known which party will be the more! in j ured. NBW A VVKRTISEnETX. ; J. Hahn To the Ladies, v Maksdek Beliamt Card. ; John Dawson Hardware. Make, buggy, &c., for sale. : Sou Bsab & Bro. Carpets. l , Mdsson & Co. Take a look. 8 H. Nvtt Notice of agency, t . N. Jacobi Anvils, vises, &c.l - A. David Merchant tailoring Military order N. C. S. Guanl. A. C. Penton Notice to public. ' I Grant, HrnToir & Co. Sundries, ; Db. Cari. F. Bdbkhardt Card. ; RevI tt.' D. Bernoeim tSemioary. CAxmoir notice crew barque Sfrene. I Cronly & Morris Auction notice. ' : Opera House Spiritualism exposed, y Military notice Cape Fear Artillery. -'. Harrison & Allen SomethEng new. . Gerby Barker & Co. Fresh lime. . H. K Scott Hog cholera compound. -1 Haydek & Gerhardt Saddlery, &c. Hall & Pearsall Pork, mullets, &c. : Williams & MmiCHisoN-For sale low. " 1 Gir&MmiCTisdN-Sbovels; tonga, &c. M. M. Kat Dry goods. See 4th page. ) Kebchner t&3 Caldeb Bbos. Bacon, fbaggin, powder, &c. . pjortU Carolina Medical Journal ' Drs. M. J. DeRosset and Thos; F. Wood, of this city, '; have issued their prospectua for Ibe North Carolina Mediedl Journal which will be revived under their auspices, the first number to make its appearance in January next. It will be a moniblf publi cation and its departments 'will embrace "original papers, hospital and clinical re ports, foreign and domestic correspondence, book reviews, translations and (selections, reports of progress in the various Special ties, and in sanitary science, an4 whatever else is necessary to -enable our dreaders to i' keep themselves aueourant witfi the most advanced thought and latest discoveries in medicine and surgery." : Subscription price $3 per annum, v - ! WILMINGTON, Local Dots. - - . It was quite stormy yesterday, bnt not much rain fell. " s. ; ' rl The -various public schools of this city will open to-morrow. ...i The Mayor hadojlpa'sea'.fQr in vestigation yesterday morning. " The i Board of Aldermen will meet to-morrow in regular session. ' ' . ' The Board of County Commis sioners meet in regular session to-morrow, Cautionary signals are ordered continued for Wilmington and Smithville to-day. j : ; ; . To-day is known in the reli gious calendar as the eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. . The sun set clear yesterday evening, which is said to be an indication of good weather. - Mayor Dawson has returned, and will enter upon the discbarge of bis duties to-morrow. Rev, C. M. Payne has returned to the city ind will fill his. pulpit . to-day, morning and night. Mr. D. C. Davis, Standard keeper, has removed his office to the room occupied by the Register of Deeds. - y There are ' twenty-one s cases in the county jail awaiting the action of the grand jury, of the Criminal Court this week. " Judge Moore was in the city yesterday, ' having adjourned Robeson Court until Monday, on account of indis position. j The Rev. Dr. Wilson having .returned, there will be services at the First Presbyterian Church to-day at 11 a. m. No services at night.' ... Northerly winds, clear or partly cloudy weather, light rains and stationary temperature and pressure, are the indica tions for this section to day. ,1 II' I We learn from the signal office in this city that the rainfall here from 6.45 A. M. of the 27th to 7.30 A. M. of the 29th inst, amounted to 7.19 inches. 1 - During the past week Health Officer James condemned and sent out of the various markets 145 pounds of beef, 195 pounds of ; bacon and 25 bunches of fish. ; Marsden Bellamy, Esq., has re7 moved bis law office to the building oppo site the Court House, formerly occupied by Justice McQuigg and the Standard Keeper. ! . ; ::. - The two colored military compa nies will have battalion drill on Monday night and Tuesdsy nights, preparatory to their parade and review on Wednesday after-noon. . . - : There was an unusually small number of carts in market yesterday, ow ing, no doubt, to the bad weather of the past two' or three days, and the terrible condition of the roads. - " J In the general abstract of taxes in New Hanover county for the year.,1877, published in our last, there was an error ia the total poll lax of the county, which should have been $2,263.29. V " j Mrl P. Newman, an old stager On the harf, moves to-morrow to the corner of Second and Market streets, in the store formerly occupied by Mi. Fred. Heyer, the latter taking the store lately occupied by Mr. Reuben Jones. : Wo examined yesterday two or three specimens of petrified muscles, taken from a depth of twenty feet beneath the surface of the earth at the. rock quarry near tins' city. They contain a liquid of some sort, which is plainly perceptible. ; i We are requested to state that there will be a camp meeting at Teachey's, on the W. & W. R. R., about 39 miles from Wilmington, commencing on Friday next, and lasting until the Monday ensuing. - A special train will be run from this city on 8unday. a The Register of Deeds issued nine marriage licenses during the past week, of which five were for white and four for colored couples. Taken altogether, it was a pretty good week for marrisges and some think the matrimonial fever may become contagebus. ! Easterly winds prevail so. gen erally here lately that fish is getting to be, a scarce article in this market. Usually at this season of theyear our people are feast ing on the luscious September mullets, but they have found precious few in market this month. ' ' : There are two ponds of water standing between feixth and Eighth .streets and Orange and' Ann streets, and a medical friend, Who is fearful that they may prove unhealthy, suggests that they could readily be drained in two or three hours by em ploying the steam fire engines for that purpose. : - Battalion Drill. There will be battalion drill of Compa nies "Q" andi ,4DM, on Monday evening and we are requested by iLt 1. Taylor to say that he will accept of no excuse forjon attendance except in cases of Bickness or absence from the city. -1 y. t , 1 Commerce of tlie Port. " 1 V, , The a statement of the tran sactions at the. Custom House, in this city dgV'themonth of September, which closes with Wday : 4 " Value of exports.. -$251,803 00 Duties on imports, payable in ... ir.old.. ....',...'.'.. "'Of2?0 75 Tonnages dues, payablei in cur-. , HospiUl dues. . . i , . : : ... i 2Q -72 N.. C.V SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1877. Tbe Moutb . Atlantic. ; - ; , . We learn that the Table of Contents for the first - issue of this , magazine is about made up, and that it will appear promptly on the 15th, the day advertised. , The ar ticles are; , "A Biography of Raphael Semmea," by his friend and comrade, Capt. J. N4 Maffltt; A Sketch of the History of the University of North Carolina," by Hon. Kemn P. Battle: "Evelyn's Choice" three chapters a novel, by John Esten Cooke; A Critique on Lowell's Earlier Poems," by W. H. Babcock, and perhaps a scienti fic article by Professor Hassel. Delay in receiving the MS. makes its appearance in the first number doubtful. Poems from Paul Hayne, John H. Boner and M. V. La nier will also appear in this number. . ,j . Mrs Margaret J. Preston will contribute an exquisite poem to the second number. The opening chapter of a second novel, by a lady an experienced writer of Alex andria, Va., will add to the interest of the second number, while Capt. Maffitt's second paper on Semmes will contain important and before unpublished exposures that will concern the characters of Seward and , Welles. Capt. Maffltt obtained his infor mation from Admiral Porter. A sketch historical of the University . of Virginia, written by a member of the ! Faculty, is expected for the December number. . . ' v . The magazine will be printed on fine book oaDer. with handsome new type. If the succeeding numbers are as good as the first promises to be, the enterprise will de serve encouragement from the entire South. ! - ' " - ;' : : ; ; Pror. Cooke' Expoinrei of Spiritual "iem. Prof. Cooke, the "Exposer of Spiritual ism," who will appear at the Opera House in this city on the evenings of the 4th and 5th of October, duplicates, it is claimed, the unhappy Dr. blade's notorious slate ! writing, reproduces the feats of the Daven port brothers, and performs many other Wonders, and then shows his audience ex actly how he does each and all of these, at first' sights unaccountable things. He is assisted by Miss Lora Cooke, i As an evidence of the interest manifested in Prof. Cooke's performances in other cities, we give the following from the Mem phis Appeal : ' i "In nnint rtt intfillitrpnnn And esneClftllv as regards numbers, such an audience as attended the second appearance of Prof. jUooke last night is seldom witnessed in the Memphis Theatre. Long before the hour or opening the doors every seal was taaen, and before 8 o'clock the aisles were crowd ed to suffocation. Hundreds even were turned away from the door. There could of Lhe deeD interest which prevails in this community on the subject of spiritualism, rroi. uooko Biaieu that, in view of the immense number who failed to gain 'admittance last night, he would remain one day longer in the city.'' In introducing its comments upon the performance ' the Appeal says: "He tho roughly exposes the material tests upon Which mediums and believers in Spiritual ism rely for' the so-called truth of their Claims, and proves that false in one, tbey are liable' and likely to be false in all." Inquest. : 4-T Coroner Hewlett held an inquest yester day morning over the body of a colored in fant, in the southwestern section of the city. It appears that circumstances led to the belief that the child had been foully dealt with, and rumors to this effect were fife in the neighborhood and finally reach ed the ears of the coroner, who determined to investigate the matter. With this object in view the remains of the infant, which had been interred, were exhnmed and ex amined by the city physician in the pres ence of the coroner and his jury. The ver dict of the jury, founded upon the report of the physician, was to the effect that the child came to its death from natural causes. Co tly Guide. Mr. G. H. McAllister, a stranger in Wil mington, hailing from Benneltsville, S. C, hired a couple of colored men on Friday to show him around the city. Arriving at a point somewhere in the neighborhood of Eighth and gChesnut streets his guides sud denly deserted him, and upon examination shortly afterwards he was pained to dis cover that they had relieved him of his pocket bo6k containing $15 in greenbacks. Mr. A. is now a wiser, man than when he came to Wilmington,tbough he is under the impression that he had to pay a trifle too much' for his experience. . . : Orlnilnal Court. : :. .. r . " The Criminal Court for New Hanover county. Judge 0. P. Meares presiding, con enes in this city to morrow morning: We larn from Solicitor Moore that the docket is quite heavy, there being , as much hard work in prospect as at any previous term of the CoUrt,' though not as many cases as at the first one. There is one capital case to be tried, that of Elijah Keeter, charged with the murder of Peter Robinson, in this city, on the night of Saturday, the 19th of August last. - v-v. ; i ' -1 ' . Pound Dead, v . . ' I A colored woman by the name of Louisa' Walker' residing on Princess; between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, was : found dead in her bed yesterday morning. De ceased was about 70 years of age and had made no unusual complaints previous " to retiring on Friday night.' "-; Coroner Hewlett was notified and expected to hold an in quest yesterday evening or this, mornings i 1 1 '' i .i " ; . - Cbaneelu Bella., x . v, j.-.:. :i We are requested by the Chief bf Po lice to ' state that, commencing" with: to morrow, the 1st of October, the market house bell will be rung at 7J o'clock for breakfast and 8i o'clock for turn-ont, and that the ringing of the 7 . o'clock' P. M. bell far !,tbe; convenience of merchants will ease. . - - . -" ; Kyi OPEBA BOrJSE. Calleuder Geercla, Bllustrels . This troupe played at the Opera, House last night to a very good house, in point of numbers, and to an as enthusiastic a crowd as they conld ' have possibly ' desired 1"' We were not overly; pleased with the ballad singing, though : we must admit having beard, a great deal worse, but the glees, plantation songs, &c. , were very good, and wero duly appreciated by the audience. Of the performers, Kertands is par excellence the star, and next to him we would class that "'Utlej nigger"-i. e. the "infant' who, as "Pete" in "Uncle Jasper's Home," played his part to .perfection. There is a novelty in the actors being negroes that takes, but; we ' must confess having seen performances of the same description that were more enjoyable, Bob Mack, as the "Shanghai rooster," was capital, his costume, cackling, crow ing and other imitations of the voice and habits of that bird being life-like and very amusing. Before closing this brief notice we must certainly mention the parade of the "Ginger Bines," under command of Gen. Kersands, Which was very ludicrous. ' The troupe in some respects 'is superior to many of ''the white minstrel organizations, and is sur passed by few. Thermometer fteeord. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.85 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued froth' the Signal Office in this city: f Augusta. . . .'. 85 Charleston, 83 Cor8icana;. ..... .90 GalveatonrLV. . , . .82 Indianola, .......84 Jacksonville,. . . , .78 Key West, ..82 Mobile,..........! Montgomery . . i . .84 JNew Urleans,....82 funta Kassa, Savannah,... . . . . .81 8L Marks, . . .. .;. .80 Wilmington,...: 7S ItlVEIt AND 0IARINE ITEMS. The German barque Onkef, Taachej sailed from Bremen for this port on the 26th instant The Dutch brig Lizzie M. Hassell, Has sell, cleared from New York for this port on the 27th inst. The schooner O, H.. Maamber, Goo ging, arrived at Port-au-Prince from this port on the 31st August. The steamer A. P. Hurt has taken the place of the steamer North State for a brief season, while the latter undergoes some necessary repairs. : ; We learn from a party who came down on the steamer A. P. Hurt, which arrived here last night, that there is no danger of an overflow from the rain of the past two or three days. There had been a rise of about ten feet, but when the boat left Fay- etteville yesterday morning it was at a Stand-still, and lHs probable that the water is now falling. ' The multiplication of poison germs in diseases of the blood is exceedingly rapid, and if unchecked vitiates all the blood of the body. Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture by its peculiar influence kills these germs, and purifying the blood, removes all possible chance of disease establishing itself. . : f . crrir itkitjs. Mkdioatkb Baths abb Bxpkksiy. Notso,how ever, writh Glknn'b Suuphub Soap, a cheap and ef ficient substitute, which annwers the same purpose as far as local diseases ot the skin, rheumatism and gout are concerned. , Hill's Isstartansocb Haib Dtk prodncea nat ural effects and is safe. Happy tidings fer nervous sufferers, and these who have been dosed, d reeved and a nicked. ; Pnl- vennacher's Electric Belts effectually cure prema ture debility, weakness, and decay. Book and Jour nal, with information worth thousands, mailed free. Address Pxtlvkkxachkb Galvanic Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. 1 Latm PAnus. To Harris' NewB Stand, ?.eouth side Front Street, we are indebted for conies of thn New York ledger. Chimney Corner and Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper for the current week. The Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock this morning. U : MANY" BEAUTIFUL WDMENira InAebtpA tar the major portion of their charms to Gouraud'e uiympian weam. to tbeiaulty complexion it lends a delicacy the yery counterpart of nature. - Price in large Bottles reduced to One Dollar. For sale by J. C. Monde. BOMB OF THE QEEATKST BASCALTTIES of the world are achieved bv the nse of imnnre and poisonous materials in articles of current use. It has been the noble aim of the manufacturers of Doolxt's Yxabt Powdzb to make an absolutely Sure article, which should be a boon te every house eld. Little more than half the usual quantity, and makes the most delicious bread and pastry. RIARRIBDt . ' DARHTS ATnHWTtr.r Tn thta ntv .f thn rtu tholic Church, by Rev. M. S. Gross, on Wednesday. 26th inst., at;4 o'clock, Mr. FRANK H. DARBJ, of inis aijf ana juss ao&jujs v. baixjmwjsIaU, daughter of Dr. S. , Batch well, of Pender county, j ' DARBY PRICE. At the same time and olace aa the above, bv Kev. M. a. tGross. Mr. THOMAS A. DARBY, of Boltensville, Florida, and Miss BALLY M. PRICE, daughter of the late A. L. Price, of this eity. -. ,. Review coey. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ITotice. LfTER THIS DATB THE UNBEE8IQNZD wiU caitr on the COAL and WOOD YARD, corner of South Water aadOiange streets. Mr. 6. G.: PaRSLSY. Jr.. is my Aeent to coa duct the nme. ' ----- septSOtf - v ' - i,- ' H. BUTT; Snndries; JUST SECSIVSD FRB8H THIS DAY ; . j ; Cabbages. Onions, Potatoes, Tornlpg," r i.t Lemon Cakes, Gingtr Snaps, 8oda Crackers. 1:1 :.::t;:1"6EANT..Hnrroii co Wholesale Grocers and Com. Merchants. ... eeptSO-DAWlt; - . , . ; - - - QOTTOn BAGGING AND TIES,- - For sale by--' sept 10-DAWtf 1 1 ' HALL A PEARS ALL ; Fine Merchant Tailoring. MY FACILITIES FOR. FINK MERCHANT Tailoring are superior to aav in the State. . Shits Made to Order at Very ghort Notice, in style and fit comparing favorably with any hoce norm. a.j BjiecuuMiai 1U jniecs UOOOS COIS Seasc consist in a complete assortment of French jEngnan Broadcloths, Doeskins, Tricots. G- a, FascvandPlaia Worsted. Black and F - Beaver, Mixed aod Fancy Saltings, Ac - 1 ' 1 Corner Front and IV m Pearls Sti1 sept 30-tf - ' ", il; w " i: ' tr' ;-i ,i , fSriu j IMS-1- j-!"- WHOLE NO. 3,167 m NEW i ADVERTISEMENTS:- X4adies,vTake Notice Y0TJ CAN BUY. ALPACAS AHD V.-; !;'!' ' .V'MfiVj H 1 i CASfTMERTCR 35 PER CENT REAPER at my 8tore thairany bouse In the city. -i spt3ft-tt:;j-o ii.i-i-.i Fourth Street; Waterproofs,' 'V" rpHB LATEST, 8HADES4 WARRANTED ; ' 'A8 TO COLOR AND OtJALITY, . .,; 4 , t : At Prices to suit all. . J.--.., . - ;:. v Respectfully, ,, , , u. J. HAHN, 500 Pair Blankets I : FROM AUCTION, AT ' V i ""' ' . V . ."'.. STARTLING "LOW PRICES, f i. . W AA ttllAl KJm septao-at" 'r ' ' -Fourth St' -1000 Corsets! A T HALF THE REGULAR PRICES 1 At sept 30-lt " J. HAHN'S, . -i ...... Fourth st Flannels p:.. LL COLORS AND QUALITIES, -!. ' - AT TWENTY PER CENT Less than ever offered in this market. r I v Respectfaliy, sept 80-2t IJ. HAHN, -a Fourth st St. Paul's Female Seminary. r i '. ALSO, A Grammar and Elementary School for Mew ., tririf ana ijeys. t . , (. .REV. D BBRNHEIM, D. D., PHauxvAb HpHIS INSTITUTION WILL BB REOPENED .a. lor me aamission or pupils TO-MORROW, OCTOBER 1ST, under the same management and a wo Biuuv iiucb vi iiuuuii tus jubi year. I Bovs admitted nnlv In Ihn Prim a nr anil nmn, Departments.! ? : ... .- i . For further particulars see circular Or apply to the PvitiAtnal 0ept3O-lt 19,33, 80 - BSC -' -, Something Hew TIT STYLISH Jf ALL HATS .' ; ' FOB LADIES AND GENTLEM EN . , HARRISON & ALLEN, ' -sept 30-tf . . ' BATTERS.; Dr. Carl Burkhardtl One ef the Physicians to Charleston City HospitaV) ' Office Prin Rtroat ! ih. Tnnnl 14lJt Rooms recently occupied by the late Adam Emple. RosWence, corner Ninth and Chesnnt, Wilmington", Hon"-8 o 10 A.; M., 3 to 5P1I., 8 to 8 Takft a -T.nnlr jA-T OUR MERCHANT TAILORING STOCK. ' f The prices will patisfy that we oJler inducement? !te PROMPT PAYING CUSTOMERS. . , , . MUNSON & CO. sept. 30-1 1 , t Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. IIAKSDEN BELIAHY, 4. ATTOMTEY AT LAW,' " ? Has removed his LAW' OFFICE to the Buadine opposite the Court House-. ' ' -sept 30-It " U0Q BBLS'SUPERIQR QUALITY w',-. jt if un recta you ana ioi sue at iteauced Figures. - .. i ...... . CEMENT. PLASTER and HAIR always en Joand aept30-lt ,a J - E. GERRY BARKER ft 0.L! "Notice. ' ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY warned' hot to trust or harbor any of the -Crew of the German Barque "81 RENB," Capt Collsiess, as no debts Of their COntrlU-tinor will lunai1 d. Iha n E. PESCHAU & westerMann; '-' ; 30 21 . . : Consignees. sept Notice. All persons having claims or bills against the Schooner 'Sarah Virginia,' are hereby .notified to present them to Joseph H. Ne on or before Thnrn . day, October 4, 1877, or this notice will i oe pieaa in D&r or their recovery. I , A. C. PENTON, f Jsept80-2t " nac" suwe Owner. Heafidfl'ers Cape Fear lidt Artillery. ; WILMINGTON, N. C., Sept 29 1877. . SPECIAL ORDER, No. . . - The Officers and Members nf this Battery:are hereby ordered to assemble in full dress uniform, at the ' Armory; on Princess Street at 1 o'clock, Tuesday Afternoon, for Inspection and Re view. No excuse will be taken for absence. I - - uy order or the Captain. . -.septSO-lt - -I W. B. KING. O. a : . " HEADQUARTERS N", C S. GUARD, 1 ! 1 ' W'liorojr, W.'C., Sept 2T, 1877. J Qkkkral Obdibb No. 1. IN OBEDIENCE TO SPECIAL ORDERS N(i. 11. lrom the Adjutant General of the State, Command. ! : U ' ' . . ' -. . : ... . . ,. . . ants of the Cape rear and' Hanover Light Infantry Companies will order their respective commands to parade for Review and Inspection, on Wednesday, Oct 8d,18TZ, at IX o'clock P,M- , , ,. By eider'of 8. W. Nash. Senior Captam In com mand of Battalion N. C. a Guard. cs si 1 To Adjutant h'. - 1 ' ' septSO-lt j ALEXANDER SAMPSON HOG CHOLERA'. 'A CURE DISGOVEBED AT LASf. FARMERS' AND1 OTHERS ' RAKING ' HOGS, so to JOHN C. HEYER. Wholesale and Retail Grocer, and Agont of the Manufacturer, and get a package, a dozen packages, or a case of ( ; . ,rl . , ; r . SCOTT'S HOG CHOLERA. QOJIP.QLTND, and remember 4haia-eJl esee -wherensed In ac cordance with directionB. it i n nre prevot?ve an- certain eure of HikCv- t- of sw1iMV" .iT - "i - i - .; Agent ' Cpmp in e : OATES OP aDTERTISlKG. One ftonara tma 1av. ..-..-'71 r-- -r--"-' $1 00 1 75 3 50 8 00 5 50 4 00 6 50 8 50 iwo cays,... ...... s . . three days,. . loureays,... five days,... Una WMk. . Two wenkR ...... .w. Three wwkn One month,..,..'. .... . - r. -............... ... .v w '"".-. Two months in nn . 10 00 , , Three months, 24 00 V , . Six months,.,, ... 40 00 ; . v' Onoyear.i... .......... 60 00 ..3BTCon tract Advertisements taken at prover Uonately low rates. . . - ' Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. " OPEEA HOUSE. 1 TWO NIQHl'S ONLY ! Tboreday and Friday, Oct. Stta & 6th. rpBE FAMOUS ORIGINAL PROF COOKE.. - SFIBITUALIS2I EXPOSED. Prof. COOKE will perform and explain all the tests ef the most famous Mediums, Including the Materialization Seance of Mrs. Miller, of Memphis in which THE SPIRIT BRIDE will appear upon the open Btage In foil view of the audience. Admission 75, SQ and 85 cents. Scats can be secured without extra charge at Heinsberger's Book and Mus!e Store. sep 30 4t Auction ITotice. THE FURNITURE '(OF SUPERIOR MAKE and finish), of a Gentleman declining .House keeping, will be sold at Residence during the week. Special notice hereafter. " " . CRONLY & MORRIS, " sept 80-lt - . - Auctieneers. - SboYels ani Mis, AniiroBS. A FULL SUPPLY OF Andirons, Shovels and Tongs, , Coal Hods, Coal Shovels, -Saucepans, Ovens, Solders, Pots, Skillets, Ac, &c. in stock and on the way, which will be sold at very low figures by GILES A MURCHISON, : septso-tf , . 88N. Frontst. Carpets. Carpets. TT7& RESPECTFULLY BEG LEAVE TO OF iv. fer a very Handsome and Large stock of 1,2 nt S-PIy Carpeie. : KnKllslt Brueaele Carpets, Which we offer at VERY REDUCED PRICES. sept 30-lm . BOL. BEAK BRO. Jolm Dawson HAS THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED stock of Hardware ln this city. Country mer chants and close buyers generally will find it to their ihtkbbst to call and Uixm goods and prices be fore baying at bxaixxb hocbcs. - THE OLD STAND, V sept 30 tf -19, 20 and SI Market street The little S&op ironsi tie Corner p THE PLACE TO GET" ' SADDLES. HARNESS, rV WHIPS and COLLARS Madeor Repaired, Cheap for Cash. . . next to Boutneriana'B BtaDies.-'i it - -.. HAYDEN A GERHARDT, sept 30-tf : ' WUmington. N. C- For Sale. NUMBER ONE MARE," ' Young, handsome and well broken. ALSO, A FINE TOP BUGGY. . i; ' ):.- , ! AND SET OF HARNESS Apply at " sept SO tf ' : THIS OFFICE. Bacon and Hams; rj Boxes & C. and O. R. SIDES, . ' 25 BaMcd SIDES, . ' ' 25 D 8 Bm0ked SHOULDERS, ' C -Tierces HAMS, - ' ' ' For sale iy ' '- aeptjSO-tf KERCHNER CALDEB BR9B ; ; ; HorsM's Breai Preparation.' KA Cases Horsford's BREAD i .. OU ' PREPARATION , For sale by sept SO tf KERCHNER CALDEB BROS. Bagging, Ties & Twine TOO 60118 KOUa BAGGING, 1 . . Tons TIES, IQQQ Lbs TWINE. For sale by sept 30-tf KERCHNER C ALDER BROB. : Oriental Powder. 5Q0 Kegs Rifle and Blasting POWDER, Q AA X kegs Falcon Sporting and Duckine POWDER. For sale by KERCHNER CALDER BROS. ! sept S3-tf r For Sale Low. 00 BMs SUGAR, all grades, Sacks COFFEE, OCA Boxes Dry Salted and Smoked aOV - . SIDES AND SHOULDERS. 5,000 8ackfl8ALT 1 lrrel" iuuua, ail grouts, ' ' 9An HhdB Porto Rico' and Cuba '"'OUU MOLASSES, g0 Hhds S, H. SYRUP, ; 150 M w- 300 8elec(ed Cream chsbsb - -i t(fi New end Second-Hand ' l.UUU SPIRIT BARRELS. 3Q0 Bb,s gluk 00 Rolls and Half Rolls BAGGING, . ' T5 TonsTIES' ! 500 Kegs NAILS, ' j 500Bag.SHOT. ' . OKA Boxes CANDLES. ; Candles, Soap. Lye. -Tobacco, Snuff, Ac, Ac; Ac. " For sale low by ti sept 30-tf WILLIAMS MUyCHISO:,'. JTEW RIVEB MULLETS. ' , - A Fine Lot For sale br BeptSO-D&Wtf -