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Where an advertiser contracts for the paper to be sent to him during the time his advertisement - lain, the proprietor will only be responsible fur tHe mailing of the paper to nis address. , r I ' ' 1 Remittances must be made' by Check, Draft, Poi- tal Money Order, jopress, or in iteglaterea luer. Unly such remittances will be at e risk of the pub er. Communications, unless they contain im news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of real interest, aire not wanted: and. if acceotable in everv other way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name oi the author is withheld. Correspondents must write on only one side df the paper. . i ; , v . I t:j xxungi wtm By . ait jbt. bbhnardT WILMINGTON N. C.: A Sattjbdat . MoMdt6 ' Oc6l'itiil "DOCTORS WILL DIFFER." ( It is a matter blf wisdom and judgl ment among Democratic papers to what extent they will support the present Administration in impolicy of reconciliation and reform" Papers that are equally loyal to the Soath and the Democratic parly will view! the question differently, and the con- duet of papers depends upon the tem- per and judgment of the editors.! Some minds lean natnrally to extreme views, whilst others are temperate and conservative in structure. The papers of -ach will reflect more Or less this difference, this antagonism. It would be a sad thing for society and good government if all men were supposed to be-dishonest and design ing who did not think as we think and act as we act. We are clearly of opinion that it is the part of wis dom, judgment, justice and fairness to sjistaifTrttie President, and to sus tain him heartily, in all acts that tend . to the purification of the public ser vice and -the pacification and re conciliation of all sections of the country ir-if wV ' do. this sincerely, it strikes us we should do so without endeavoring to break him " down, by objurgatory epithets and personal abuse. If we aid in destroying the effects of his policy by continued as saults upon his character and .all he may dd;iJriiiay,iwe are - eeriainly strengthening at the same time every hostile element in the Norths' A de feat of Hayes as President in his efforts to enforce the laws according to Democratic ppjicyj is a victory for Blaine, Butler, Chandler, the two Camerons, Conkling, and all the Re publican recalcitrants. Sueh papers as the New York Sun, and Memphis Appeal have no par tiality whatever for the President's policy and they, " 'theref orei" never cease to refer to him in disrespectful and cutting terms. -1, Papers that ; are really disposed to give him "full credit" for. what Jie has done for the boutn cannot very consistently do so whilst hurling insulting terms of. re proach at his devoted head. Whilst - we-have no sympathy or respect for the mariner of Mr. Hayess induction - into v ofilce, and regard? thecourse j of the Republican par ty . in "jthej Jjouisiaua?? and ? Floridar electoral : vote as infamous . be yond description, we , are. disposed to treat .the President with 1 that courtesy that belongs to his high of fice, nd to support him1 in all mea sures that are calculated to elevate the civil service, and to bring harmo- ny peace and ppsjerity to the cpu.nl try - tn donsg tnis we condone n.a crime, apologize for no wrong, peti- tion foruifavori; " The ipeople of the ijcountty- areVtirSd of turmoiitfd bickerings aad outrages. -They craTe mSxi. Mmfi- Justice and they aro: dUposed to - try. Hayea by what he does.,.. When he aots consti tutionally and wisely when he pur- sues a course in harmony with Dera- j ocratic usage and policy they will sustain him. , - A , p IMA IlDRRY , 1 Some of the Southern Jemcratio papers are opposed -to ' the maxim "make haste slowly," or to that other sage and striking political axiom, used by Mr: Calhftlr b?t ;Aot origi- I fa with him "maStexIsLinafiMVlty, - :."'' f m ressinr boldly to the; front and deuiaiiiinps "equal rightsJ by which they mean an ''isrjaaf hafe in everythirig with the North. , In diera should, recejve pesios fjcoj the U. SjjGoyernmenti,: It asks: 'J'iw : "Don't jlhe 8outbern tax pajfer coBtritraie his portwa o; tne money. : to pay., penaons to Northern, soldiers ana Ujeic .wiaowf anp orchans. while? Ihe Confederate iotdiets and their widows s and orphans re ittd- lected f : . Southern member of CoBgreas hpiipvft as firmlv in the iustice of the Con federate cause as the Northern' members believe in the justice of 1 the Union, and they sink their manhood and eat dirt when thev vote aDDroDriations to pension Fedexil Boldiera and their widows and oirphana to .. i ; - - m . v . r t. A 'x - ' A ' w n a ine exciusiua oi mo vuuiuuciaic. uik; nanimoua Grovern ment should rjeaahan allj ? It is just such talk as thistthatn- lures me ouutu suu gun iviw .u poini to me propneuiea ui jujijjwi 3 and others as to the demands j th will ., be i made by the "unhanged rebels.?- The next thing will Wtj It pay the" ' Corrfed erate war : debt "an ior emancipating ine staves. The Ctotoosa? Gntrier' thinks that North Georgia is ,'solid,? .for; the ; re-election of Gen. Gordon-ialhSftte, and thinks can didates for the Legislature sbovld f' be pledged to his support, 4&cfyanff. )!i We are too remote ' td '.bave ' arly knowled ge of Georgia sentiment ' !io regara to senator uoraon,otner tnaq we gainer xrom a . je w . exenangea .in that State. Gen. Gordon, was .an &d' mirable soldier. He grew rapidly in reputation afferthetreatb of Jack son knd Pender and : Rodes. and at the close of the war none of theLien tenants had probably as much, of the) confidence of the., soldiers . as th ijeorgia lienerai nau. in peace ca has been a decided 'suoceRS.' As UJ m n ... 4 Anil msf m .1 J li n n m n n v.- uiuuciaic auu juokj .auu uaa tuauu iin enviable name for himself. He is one of the men who deserve reeleo-4 tion. , He haaTBeen Talthf u to , everyj duty and true to ; himself. His eer-i vices 1 in behalf of the South have! been invaluable. The Mobile (Ala.) Register pays an eloquent tribute to his worth. We copy a paragraph be cause of its reminiscence : . : ; "He is the foremost man in Georgia, in the eyes of her sister States." His Old army comrades appreciate his inestimable ser vices to his country in those dark . and bloody years when he and spirits like him poured out their blood in defense of oar cause when his brilliant military trenhis gave the splendor of departing day to our downfall.: Nor can the 8outh forget when Gordon led a forlorn hope in civil life as he had done in battle; when as the standard bearer of the Georgia Democracy he met,1 defeated, the enemy, and was cheated out of the victory, in those days of carpet-bag usurpation and outrage.. No man bore - himself -more proudly 'and; defiantly. .His -intrepidity gave courage auu enwu&iBsni mo nia supporters. i n uiie others, who would now push him from his seat, were silent as: death, ' mourning over disfranchisement, querulous over personal grievances, and waiting for time to light tneir pathway, there was no uncertainty in the course of Gordon, no hesitation in his language, and no halting in his action. He met the enemy, panoplied, in all the pride' of power, and rung out his defiance of wrong from every hill and yalley of Geor gia. Where, then, were many f of those who are now ambitious to iracceed him as Senator?" " ' - ; -f Some of the Republican papers in the Northern cities 1 : would : have ,-, a large standing army ia, order to pro-l tect the people and -property against the mobs that do sometimes gathef in the great centres. But the sense of the country is against any such dangerous experiments To put down a mob or suppress a strike it is a ra ther dangerous resort to place. "forty ,or fifty thousand men at the dbposai of one man, and he a man, it might ,be, after the mann'er ofthe late great nationaP bul Woier;: jiTJJyssei ::iy !name.; Besides it is extremely costiyi a matter not to Jbeoverldokedi'Tie Baltimore Sun, which is a.; welWbiill janced paper that is apt to take a prui- dent and judicious view, remarks: f l' "The police ofndoaaxe , drilled and officered like soldiers in the remilar armvc but they are not permitted to carry' armaij yur main reliance, iiKe Tuat or .xingiaod, must be upon a well . disciplined v volunteer force and well drilled police -If -London'1 the richest city m the world, having a pbpuy lation of nearly three and a half millions, can be , kept in order : by such agencies', with the comparatively.small jtandiDg army Of Great Britain tdtall back uponin, time of need,: (only between eight thousand and nine thousand soldiers being in the various barracks of the city), ' holr preposterous ia it ; for American ciueg" to be demanding large standing armies fot their protection f L ' , ., ... . . ',;-.l-r ! Within thelast thirty yeartmoney enough hat been spent by legislative bodies in Arm kansas discussing the State debt to pay the interest, according to the -pfdposed settle-'' ment for the-nextflyeryears, What 'we L want to do is to .settle it, and it get out of: pouues ana away xrom legislatures. i North CaroUnaRasrhadt. an 'K rience of its ownJ, , If kab wOulci have paid pur State jJehi clean Ibalajce'' sheet cculd nw be;.ex!iibited. 1 Jtoke out of politics and away -roni -Lefeisf r ut stance, ipsUts JkliAfXv-?:? urea."" i 1 . , t i j A war with Mexico would not be hhpopjda'r insome sections Indeed, Uome fcf bur-southern exchanges are Ff T . .- : & : .Lu .Ti4eitfjpot averse to? a Ugiij.w i emote tne ast causes rv ajronoaai division or. strife, and at the same jtime be of material -benefit to the jwhole coB4. jfVei Javerpad expressed oar opposition to a war that can be waced for any. .existirtg ,l;i , V'- . : i i Jnanaaa jjni wa Irrmt. t hnt. WlSHnmaiUl I jcauUon, srHl assertJ their ioflnence in ItoJri'-w0";! . . . . . . . .1 . ;. jMpbUe(Ala.) Jgis viKifih ; posed to favoriai wari-' ) oii'-n- I t4.i!TMsldeh?HaVes-'wouldbt1ltatd to J inaeetYPias rhalf.i wayi f sAi foreign iiwar ;wouiQ-nnisn uiworis. 4;o eppmswiJHiuu. iruuJ iruiu iuc iwiu. .uu jjuu.u.. the same, last! neiu" wiiu reiereuu f v - uF"u,"js on ine oounierii ijuestiuu ee&iug tenloWtiea witll "Sfexicd! "We ip the support of Democrats an 'SouTh ftBeilpwtpaSg people, e wilifind it atimore Every President desires' toBignalize , his Wirf relying upon the South ' for aid and mlhtetratirjntrratt increase of tbrritbl. hif & lVXUa TY trTSt tr tJohnsontgave-Aask mtra no Sun J lAmmiTfi , anrt Samoa i i ll laves the S6tttheVuPaClfie''road,1"caree"rin dose wua great -justre. i-ue:wut nave ennr take steps to erect 1 monument over 1 v v . ,,i inexnsn voiunieers who Jieir "iu'nie SeminoltfndConfederate wars. 'The as that beautiful; isle ftf the r&a era .whose oame 'we t cannot i now enumeraie-T'-men wua were ine ieaa-i . - it r 1 ..... j IJl . 1 . ' a ! era in the'if dsiy andam6h the Tore4 It if. .i ,.;.':, -'TP. '.!( moat men of modern times" were born; I : ... -. .1 r".r.. f s r t. ,rf. iii - 11 in tlio avnniaif n nom (dil !n i :ilu op ;j:i - iJ"i ' . ! ' - -v v . .1.1 sea, x - - v.-. t v s yydnil . Hie"Ea8t'ern War progresses with 'i Vi!' : f"- .:!? ' ir'r i. : ' ''j4!1' 5L.1 1 lmW mmd.r&2WMmWl OI S Blto-Ul, victory 011 Hie pari, ..nre 1 - - ' , . ' 1 it . . r I T i i. : "1 : 4 1,-1 .U1.Li I Pasha alr aionshis lines. The key; to the Turkish posiiion k was secu re3 j a?r..?b.arP-LH5l;X,nS.i,VH1 ,a'- It is expected that the battle will be resumed. The Turks have also aban doned their position" at 'Kalavach s as the ; Russians were approaching in force,' A . telegram tinope reports a defeat of, the. Rus sians under Grand Duke Michael, be tween Ami and liars. - It needs con- firmation. M The Forte1 has agreed, J fnr hnmanitv'a sake, to allow' timber . " t Y 1 - -W - - , to ue Drougui across me panuue, ior the building of huts for the Hussian sick.' Ibis ia better than 1 was ex pected of the "bloody Turks." 5 1 rresident Hayes will soon visit Maryland.- lie will be treated kindly; 1 " (i -rl,.1 i I TonnonTininr ann n nam tqiiiu ann win 1 m. w v a.j v ma wvr vm v a j can xjb vv a a a. make friends no doubt. The Balti more , Gazette, ;i .ordinarily '...bitter towards him. is pleased to. express itself in the followino- r.omnar&tivelv liseii in tne ioiiowmg comparatively; moderate and courteous terms: I "We believe we speak the sentiments of the majority of-wropic when we say that thev desire to render to the President equal auu eittui, juauce; io wiuinoia no n 1 . j . ; . ! . l 1 1 j . I: uauaaa w utiaasw . w uvu uv auva ill) ; Itt HUU I . n ho onnailv- nyionorlnrf mkoiiM v, I there ia i.ion hnt n timea to treat Mm with the courtesy due ,to Jus official position. 11 mr. nayes ezpecis more man ii this he wilr he disappointed. ' Jiq stroke of jBiatesmansnip cap ever pioi one tne mem- 1 ory 01 me returning-ooara irauas, ana our People will never condone the crime which deprived the' lawfully elected President of in. .. to-voiMffv 1K0 I UO VU1IVU (JWtVO Ul UlO OVB( iWtUli- I J llctoral "Commission, and acknowledging Itha legal ; force of its decision, : lley are. ready to support tne' rresiaent in -every tneasure-Uhat deserves tneir support ana treat, him personaUywithcoming re j BpecL the Rrmy is wise innhtlefis. iir an tins Can do niore- for his country than any i . "I bther, Wbetherx-or -not" he r'has- genius fori field operktibns-for com- friAnriinrr an Armtr -wa ata tint hlA I r I -i ;-.2.uh.. Tr;n -T WfcPW -warirhe:.wpn fmmortal, honor: by his splendid de-. fence of Sebastopol, the fortifidatioris of which-ivere a triumph of liis' great njeeritfg Bkilf. ' He " 18 now m his uin year, xnus iar me great wane . ' --tm SfS - f TJ.naaia find rtflpn a man nf orpnina spnie aoldiar with a great, brain,: who Iddireoti the- anovetoents of all j- oe,:ai hit great Capt'airi;VoTj' Moltke, did 'thtf Gerfnan armies in vi. TWakAti'iU2ii'i ' u?rt : i - 1 1 1 - " - j i j It is n'dtunitif active rea'dinl 10 mark the coremnation of Senator Con ' . amjj. uj . uwjjiy v4kcijuuin;an iurnais i; whifeh, at the hegmning of r this year, went viartherthanhe ln.tbeadvQcacy of -the ma-.f a chme and rc( ?J&aD5 . 4Sti-uaion-eav aeernsJOMbe a frantic desire j area. There hlhpVtdfthese organs '.to wriggle over T 'Z-rAM I ; :-': ' -s.' ,i. . ! nned IO tnat Deit OI piny WOUtla mat lies in Vinarantinewiu De ngoroasly enforced, during the to develop uto ft BJPtieiAiemp-,:., -t . v ." l.t c .; - - -"-t the immediate viclnitv of the citV t eomlHghotaeaaoniiinder'ttie panaltleirpmtd'by - 7" - ' We believe the Visit of Mr.' Hiiyestothl r" - " " I lr toryiofattpn of. tf ?iri f Tfie'Irl8n'tiien8lof (Jharlton,. South wiUiresnlt inUurrgood.u He ha If cnlmeM be.ieed;;akin Jo : - : dnuui q k..vM:.-i t.,jii-.....!i''( seen Qr-bimseif, that ihe. Southern peopje godliness, New yprkmusbea yeryGodf .- ,iv. , , , , port wuminAo C. are, about v to iPOlaajmeeUngio are .entirely capable of governing, them- like iclty. lor since the ,8th of t June. when, 'fmyi-eodtNovi " SaTuTh ?rTTO- hiari m 1i.nuiu trt h anm aaihanwAann 1 i 1 1 1 iff. m e A ac i iin rKm piih a kh km. -nti"t-'"iJ:.Vli .their liberties- All this must be cratifvitis I8" mu a, ftt WtM. to him. beineasJt iaan exnerimcnt.and.S f"c JT'i SSKf and have shown themselves as brave .io .be "bUll dozed" by his political ? I one syllable, and'Conatan and dashing in the5 field aW they fiavi intQanhahaHdonment tf, .course 'fSJ,';, iKv i ') .it"'" '5j!'v 1 which has proved so beneficial to the whole : An..i ag,ricuitua"al t correspondent been eloquent In deliberative assernj country and especially to the despised,! wrifea tq corbel .what he thoughtto be ad biies'gifted in Bone, anij conspfcupus neglected -and oppressed e South. Bobei erroneous aUtement that recently appeared! ,v -:i . ,'.', F?a,- .if' ' vi..? adi ul f. !! .ih-thit column relative Jo jcows givine ibnt- iatatesmanship.,,, Tp cpuntryJ,hd j)TScnal. (inkling-acems deternliried, to5 !S&Wp.&dhw.i our, cilaahstatH same area in modern times a probably raise a row in Republican New York. Dis-I meht. .We never 'saw. a cow -.give anything ' j Mw,...i i.p.ia; appointedl,'andireckle8S,'Te seems deter-H clse Dut milk- Savkeya. - , ever produced so many menfVeafi !nd ,ih. 1fl4 :. 1 ati'nouaense ioftc as th J rinrts withiff the same' lentftrr of timd i ruin with himself. , ro thu we do not Ireland. , Burke, hendawkine' the war can- again berevived to disgracej 8p fail pf brains already that the eating of stock w Flam rocr; it rii -t.:-. 1 -i . --j.-ti: ..-- il . . --.-m i Swift. VVellinfiton and a hosibfrothJ .t; iBW? ' , , ,i i . P a wpgle sardihe.would.cause.her.to Soplt f ..im Hlii-. ii4r ---nrianri-? OWUt,iemnglpn,,aaa,a UQSiqijoin learns that , the good men pf both parties, I -TjmimJaJi3ius t-. ,-lL ept Mf. f ;: I 6EO.-1HTEK& 'V -77: . iV Washington andiliayes are the oily Ii FprtohwiartiarWadAresr V ! - fThecallin'Of J Gen. Todleben to presidents who, hsTe,; Ti8.jQ,?orgia;. J fn- voiifSahn UAQAzms. 1 command "of ' the15 Ronmanian momoe ana cgson ootn visited the stita ; unapei hlu. n. o. douDtless. Of all KaS'J I .i,,T.. m .'nJo.:..'. iii r 1 oiona tdis aKlo mui flOAnmnlishan man I la fliuinrihnsl as . i;Tn;ni4 a-V .J I,.. I i A T. bossiblv Abe; ereatesteneineer .livingi. W8?.,0.1 H ' He ia wellbredj roi, hand. AtSrSiS -..-.- w. . uuk ckuusuu. auu. wane no 19 or a rnnrrvpn whM P.AW4i.nn a. r ., m- :.,vri u 'r.- .rt."Haiit..rrT;T."."-"'r.v.?'r!.'"J'i!-.. 1.1 ;.i ,ta CCHRBNT COITIRIBNT. Mr. Schurz' can do more to oaiabUsh hs reputation as a retormer Lv lavmcr bare all the secret sorine g U(offloe rg00 lh4l gy- ftrtv nmoiint nf firie erjeakiner and uro nvulgation tSf ordfers.-' Thefailore to discover the criminal will be i regard ed by the country as a survival of ITlrnntiom an) oil T7 r O fa AAnnOAt.Oll wjtri. itnfeiQaparcmenif ,wnere iw pov ..rrP hft imlped tint leniantlyJ py tne jftmericanpeopiewno are now, thnrrtrMrhlv awakfi to . SUSnicion. . . i . t j i awake to " S3 J , T azette,i f kiti The . Springfield iSepwlican. .President. "has, done s-JaervacoeforrairHlHij wa-indebted to .patriotic . .Democrats f or the. mainte nance of his independence io the ae- Jection of .hl fCabinet;,he will? have 4 ,Q eek. them in jmaintaioing his -inde npndpnop in the I HH"'" - r" "J . o , ""M ."J ihe friend n . .. -t, j- irtiiiiil Bems,. ana.m mere is more real peaoej t proBpenty anuj uappiness in luoac oiaiea i man, mere ever(couia nave been under uicw ie, ejaa .inw au ciaaees DO i WTWt r t North and South, have dele ined to stand by President1 int1 Hayes yes in the constitutional administration of our government, the Lsooner - .wm. he command that respect to wuicu uis ihwuiud vnuucii uim. .xuereare soreheads.1 to be aontf9 who cftdorse fin o- I'tbinir; and who. like thov Quaker, are nre parexj, to protest all tbnga. , But these are but a small folk in numbers, and all their 't1Tiiria tfi Itin .Anf iivtr urllf vtt cf Q Ik. tMn T of good reetings and ami-sectionaltem that ia sweeDinir over our broad land.if The nea- pie era equally tired of the bloodyirtcrv xr . 1 - t ;- . : jl.';T iuc uurui, auu iuu uuyuuui, ruie siocau iknfiAnil.. liryr r , -t..i ii " .wum. ircwii, f . Li u. i. fpLlTICAl, POINTS. The Herald predicts, that Conk f Ml t. -t -"rL.t..' ' 1 !: i 1 ling will ttnd the only Rubicon he 'crossed was Salt River. Little Mao, is awakemng an immense enthusiasm in Ncv( Jersey. 4 Thir ty thousand people turned oat to greet him at Newark. L It begins to look very much as though the gubernatorial campaign will oe a waiK over ior McUlellan. BaUimcrn (Jaeetle ' . . .-;.-. '. .,; a; . ,i -.,.: r r--ll is. enoup-h now to know that the Republican Convention of the. Empire state nas emulated the etalwartcesa" of Maine and Iowa, and refused to hoist the 'Slftra nnH ' Tiara" ; ahmn thu' Am n W Union to ."conciliate'. the gentlemanly leagues ana nneciUDS OI. Uie aouth, JMTigor (Maine) Whig, liad. PERONAK.( J. Proctor Knott is eettinsr to be a formidable candidate for ! United States Senator in Kentucky. . .. . ; Gen. Ben. F. , Butler : has , en dorsed the policy. - He goes at least one I eve on i.Avmuta ChrmidA. i I - . . Gen, Custer's funeral' will take i place at West Point on' the 10th Insi; in stead 6f the 8rd as heretofore reported. ' R. J Hayes Green," the ' oldest fiason, wun one exception, in. new ji iandt ded & ilxe of u a few daya , Mason, with one exception, in : New Eng land, died at the age of 94 a few dava &en. Th r.mmn p,;nMa t i'many says that Eneland is the onlv conn-: I 1- I try in which .her son can learn to be a gen- tlOTri ATI ' '. ". ' .;.'.'." .... . . 1 tJ . v, V;Va of thfi New Yrirlc ' Isarlv in . . -mt - - . . - - bpeclOTB OI me CQSlOmS in eW X OTK. WQO wero removed ' a month ago, have been re- 1UBl - i .;. . ' isummcrctai avertiser: , . We'ye had a fight, " . says Howard. ;"tho I've not yet learned our losses. jThey're heavy. But ; we killed one squaw ' ; And cantered seven horses: bJ'- i -a. Uii w j-nnw jrvato VUSOIUS .-ma . .uv.Ji f T 'way ww uiuoucu- 111- uexiuEion. n.v.. W comPe Iea Bee a Uome in Uluo, Ior espousing the cause of the oppressed negro,, and now he has been forced to kill a nesro 10 protect nia own lire. f The 'Atlanta Constitution shows vait. v.j OA.at. a,' ,T-.r. -.a jti - ; r r - r- .- - - - 1 1 1 - 1 - . 1 . r , a. ; . : a lhat Dr. Miller was mistaken in suppOsing'll?-"?0 "1" immediatolrbylet?! ji., . 1 uurioi; meir term or omce. ' ' ' - 1 1 during 1 a:J: W. De1 ForresttHe 'novellst,' and retiring nature, ia a genial arid charm- I . . .; . . . f8wowWm SjOUTHEItN ITEMS, i L, . . . . 7" Kichmond is to have anew pa- her called Th6 Sentinel:' : 'li The kbriok Tmyin-' stales that the defalcation id the Norfolk'ttiiatrim Ilouae amonnts to A28.000. i-. .- - . sllie Atlanta 'Constitution re ports that all the Congressmen from Georgia will vote for. Randall for Speaker., u.h , I 'T The jYicksburff (Miss.Vi tfsruld i says: There are 953 convicts in, this SiUte, I and tne crv is. Still thpv mmn What I niagmnceni lorce this would bewith which to iuild railways and leveea.i: oy..-.l i A .Misa Newtont was' outraged by.twonegroes near RoancL Hill. abont L twelve miles from T.flf.ahiirff Tirt wuuijr, v ., uo oaiaraay last, une or tua Pn! arrested, and hlyhfehlhg T ,!exPecled - ' '-',;'!K -';'-- -"-i' ? r-:& ucgiw preavuer iu nousiOD county; Ga.. beat his little eiri to death with horsewhip because she could not find J . Key, ahd carried the body off in the woods I and bqrierj it.- He was arrested tn the nnlf a pitsand,wiU probably he hung; as. was d pUr-J a TWINKLINGS Kew Orleans of ids fof theMof feti register , " ' . ; 4- Misr Kellogg says she is an en thpiaston. -Wagner. t ' pi- 'The RebelyelP 'JHurrah for: Hayes P-Augusta Chronicle. ' !v?" Buffalo has raised $7,000 to dis tribute among its policemen for service du ring the railway riots., f , , , " ; .. " x Spaking6f-the late Saratoga oateaaialr why not Bargoynes-oq- Bur- gpynesrr-TjCicflyo 'limea,- ,. f-f-ji SnoWH on Mount : Washington ahd yellow 1 fever at "Fernandina. Vot ;a countre,"vot a' beeples ! N. Y. Commercial "4dverUaet; r (l ..;;.. 'l. i s y i A boarding house, mistress like the rest of us, has her l weak and strong points, the weak point being her coffee, and her strong point - the builtr. Philadelphia Bulletin. , -T' Tickle the public and make it grin I , . .The more you tickle the more you'll winl ' 'But teach the public you'll . neyer rgrpr rich, , . . tJ,4, .But Jive like a beggar and die in a ditch f I j ; : ?- Richard -Grant White, vin b is 'jEvery day English," says a man inay make 'Itia Awn otAMmnr Kill iiAC hianum nrnnrtni. f atloait--F or wstancehe-can saynhem l.1!!11 1101 10086' te-"-r mil-- Htl.tl riJir - Li twenty thouaand people. . . The country. which produces these naval,, storea is conr liwe.puouo uamawere openeo ,io,o j menvwomeu auu. cu.uiren nave : avauea I tnemseiyes or the privileges of the bath. r SeltzerwaterrsaysHhei Hdtck4 which ia aoM in tnany tf 'the temper-'' towns ior an agueeure, , tastes so much I t.-rn;'t V TX.re K., D(i. ...i f luui kj nuc uuea.uuuuDe ui.uie son. .i nnais Have You Seea . the . Sew "Wheeled & Wilson Sewing Machine 'it H Have You Read their Hew Price List 1 rpHB WHEELER WILSON 8EWINa MA . X CHINK has for so many years been the stand ard of excellence among Sewing Machines, that no thing need M said about the new Machine more than it la the BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE uuii ine (Company nas ever made. . Remember I mat it is 1 at any pi LD AT t CAT BUI 1 not economy to buy an lnfe- nur maciuno any pnee. TUB wneeierA Wilson iVJJLSP03 kices that eve- RY BODY MAY BUY. Send for descriptive price rcEa 'or d ir.hm hat We keep a full line of attachments and other goods to be found in a First Class Sewing Machine Establishment -i -1 .Rnpairing and putting on improvements on old jnacmnes none oy a inorougn Jlachiniat, as cheap as tt can be done In the best shops North. v A fall line of rsutterick A Co.'s reliable Paper Patterns conetanuT on hand. 1 Send for catalogue. WHEELBB WILSON M'FQ CO. i : ; No. 88 Market Street . octStf- y - Wilmington. N. C. Forest and Stream, .-. I and i ROD AND GUN. THE AMERICAN . SPORTSMAN'S , JOURNAL. I A WEEKLY PAPER DEYQTED TO - FIELD SPORTS, PRACTICAL NATURAL HIS- .ivl,ru VULTURE, PROTECTION OF ; i uajbjs, r-KlElKVAT10N OF FORESTS. rrt&VX'XCE, AND ALL OUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. l? th onl7 Jeurnai in the country that fully supplies the Wants and necessities of the . : i, . Gentleman. Sportsman, TERMS $1 00 a Year. . Send for Specimen Copt. t - Forest & Stream Pa bllahinC Co., Ill FULTON ST.: fOu No. ins i . -i . . " " ""ir 7 SnVarV, ' Post Offlc BOX tSSS. - -' tent 87-tf ' CHAPEL HILL, Sept. 25.1ST7. ' TJ S1 . THU8TEES, ALUMNI and FRIENDS A OF THK UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CARO LINA : '): ,. : ,: . , - . , .. . The Increasing prosperity ot the University has created a need for a medium through which its ob jects should be made known. To thia end the two Literary Societies of the University have deter mined to reestablish the UNIVERSITY MAGA ZINE, once an ornament to the University and itia I Ppent there u in the State periodical of this l:k.ft?eed,f:?Jta'Ft U. txno conoiDararaoi ine magazine will be some of the moat prominent and talented rentlemen and la dies of the State. 1,' y t,,:, ' - . The Societies have elected three editors each, and as soon a a sufficient number of subscribers are obtained, the Magazine will be issued. The price of snbBCriptloa willbe $S.50 per year. TruBtees, alumni and.friend, the atodeats of your University call, upon yoa to contribute this enT further Sewing Machined fnriulho. KrtT!rTr " I all nvapienaid wttot." Aiao, oae Home shuttle? in I nerf eo.t nrrlnr. with tnhlo Dft.nk . n. I 5nly Ten " 7 c? eTjevens! rer : aant lfl.lml Di Jl A J . I . : ou mTiij mwy norm or Maricet. v? I 'Market ; For Sale. NUMBER CHS If U,i 1 H J j.! i. nj-i'i Ypung, handiome and. well broken. H '.; ;-.( " jALSO, ? ; A TINE TOP: BUQOV '" - ijHA l.- 'i 1. AND SET OF HARNESS ' Apply at :'u ' & r; THIS OFFICE. ! sept 3Q tf Inotructed to SellJ TK ublk n.. molasses," .l MlTi-' IelnT6lee Hbhwass and 8yrup8, all grades' iInToloaOoflee4ud Sugar, . , .' . s .T-? Soapa and Candles, all grades; 't 5 - - SOOBpirit Casks, K 85 Bbla Glue, - V' i - - l Inyeice Onions, Sweet Potatoes. ) rT WoioeGutteV ' ' MaMttJwiwai ei-.Tf!.?:,. StaP-.. for profit, but seU, " BrOkeriiand OnnimflAn wZI?tZ.L ept 95 tf Next Nortk Prloceaft t&4 Water 1 MISCELLANEOUS.- tSQf superior ENGLISH manufa ture, and justly celebrated for Elastic!' ty, Durability and Evenness of Point. In-15 Numbers. ; : - The Spencerian S T EEL P- E N .B VARIETIES SUITED TO EVERY STYljB Off WRITING. .' FOR SALTS "JY THBl TRllMC INQ ONE EACH OP THE FIFTEBN BY MAIErO BECffrPT OF zoc 1V1SONBIjAEEMAN. TAYLJR . i .. i'.A il88 and 140 Grand eftSr)i y8-oaw86t tiat . Sp CO. r York. K11V & Brbthexv S:: COTTON A 8PBOiaLT.,',- ; i ' ents for the LX1. COTTON UI; the old Sam nel Grlawold Gin under a new name, and- with latett Improvements. -. Also, the McBtt ttE - CUTTO T raisao. eena ior urcaiarB. 4 n. aug ll-eod3m Sa Tu Th .i'n ill :.. On n ran tin a "Mnti r ,& VJUARAMTINi WILL BE IN FOKCK JONTlfE 1ST OF JUNE, 1877, and will continue -Bhtit-'lu ther notice, aa follows ; t'1 ' AH vessels from ports Soath of fba Cape Fa .wUl come to at the Visiting Station To ithrpecan All TMUtfll TiflVno1 ofolnlattB An&vfo1l'.H.A.'nW had sickness daring the voyage, will a,wait Inspec tion as ' above, without regara to the port frofe whence they sailed. .' ifUS t u i j , Vessels not included in the above, classes, will proceed without detention. . " '- , lu. persons mteresiea wm please take notice thai 'Evening Review and WeeUr; Post publish untl 1 xbl, or anuicnaagea or lorpiau ,ji ti V-H JJ jl J 1TA JL U ll, k J .11 find 13 gouth QntSteeetu ! WE EAVE ' SECtlSED ' CONTROL. Off THE I "III u k - V i Wf inviteiattenlieit la CHOICE PDB3 EVE if WpiSKBYat4 60peailu4'r I ! j : r J t f . . ; : . . . - " : .'Notice l Bofleei HAVING JUST RECEIVED A FULL AND 1 . L?NE OF., iK.sSt,-ft tf;;ii ? Y?TK THE aTTENXIOH.' vn OF OUtt PATRONS TO THE STOCKAND A,tEl U! U AN EXAM IN ATION ; BEFORE ptf R-' .-1 '' .'"" enkmo iisKwaiREl1 'iaa,il I DAILY RECEIVING NEW GOODS jOF.THBi MOST SELECT STYLES ; sept!6-tf 43 M ARKET ST. T--T- -1 i -r-. -v w . - . I JEL MtlLD W U A H. TK KSf I r4-" .J-, 4- J - FOR Groceries and Liquors ! Fine - Family Groceries I . AND Choice Imported4 -. ,', Domestic' . , ' 4 Liqnbra! " AT THOS. M.i MOY'S. septl3-tf i? or sale iow. s g Q Q Bbla -SUQAR att gradea ; . , : 250 b,COBii " 4' ' OKA Boxes Dry Salted and Smoked iOJ SIDES AND SHOULDERS. 0QQ SackaSAtD, ;' gQQ Barrete FLOUR, all grades, ' ' . - OnA Hhda Porto Rico and Cuba '- u ,.j iu - molasses: ' 1.1 I 11 . T g... . 1 . SgQ-Bbia L do: 1kAA New and Second-Hand -' .- . - i . WU- ; SPIRIT BARRELS. 300 Bbl8QLra- .... . , v 500 p0830. ij Tons TIES, j-!r 500 NAIlLS''v : v ' ' 'iHtl UUV -'-;; i--'JC , . f. ft ? !'. f 250 60x68 CANDLSS ' ' -"- bskfe '.r: Candles, Soap: Lye, itiHiiJi sept 30-tf WILLIAMS ia MURCHISON, Fine; MerchatrTailpripg. tlXa - jTailorinir are aunerler to ear is the fctau ; j PiXi Made .id Order at Very ShoH.Notfce i . ,,'- . '" I '' J ..... btyiedflcep'favVwia - trv1ib MJvarf - k XJ -MAtiiA. I ru . . . . . , Mv BDecialtiea in Piar.Aiirta thi. u.. consist in a complete assortment of .Preach and EntliahBdclothayDeeslriaay-TncotB. Oranltes. 1 ii..; Comer Front and Prhfbeas Streeta;'' i Pearls StiU in the&ea'd- j ept 80-tf i .autj..;fH!?)t! , A. iSBIABC A OU I A N t o Ij ILE IIS, Comer Front and Dock; WuttLt& 4 W HOLESALB GROCERS IN- ALTj tm RTJawferva- ..onr HHAwiwik. wiu wvii oy on D A First Class Weekly Newspaper- First Pablisl : j. j Pablished at'DARUKOTOS GrHJ, ii 67 ItflS ALAfeQE PkPERS4x40 iyc-ALTVE with news, local. State and cteneral. with mpriai paiiiste the departmeBM.forrimuV. TPfflla.ilf' awinn ua iiuirco u s most vainaDM adVertleini? lr ri. i . . ' . . .' I S. C, y. t.,.L i ..; v,Addres8.;. ... ,. , J,;i ,, I feeptlStf ' :. " ' 1 Oarlington.C.3B.,S.C. I LftAWflWIffitWaflgEy ii ii'rtM T' . v . .... . , ... .. J.a itlotuer who fe their JUarlliie Idberatinn of m a t. ' it t the disorder of children. 7 pt Jh)w;t;h't ''' 'hum 1 ;nl,ii!H trWAtilr- 5h tn $9flrer dav at home. Samples worth 1 ;JU IttsjiAU fceeiuTBaeir a; eo.rPdrtlaafl-jMaiiiV f-'s il, R Y,1 - - 4 ... ... . . . .MB . til. " w , w , s J For Kc3i Ag Clabs, for Am item' Thtatricals Tern It tlona. tfarley' ai Worki )Whrr. -Beards and MnZ.' ..'!' 3li;T""flitr.: . l,iij J.llihC-t H t I it !'1-i( v-. t' :n:t.J ; 301 tn.i' h, ; 1 j- ')! i 1 1 1 r 1 1 a week ia yonr own Terms and 1 5 atflt'freer -t '' H. WA T.F.RTT rfn PnrtlanJ Usliin C u rat 1 ve - Pad s ! , ; A Sure care f ? TORTO LIVER hll5 arising therefrom JLiing Kidney, t-pine. Bladder Womb 'athJ-'air'Htoa tiwa?es,peinLtS sfS OOSUS LIVF ,TJNG and AGUB PAD. 2. KTHNRr. iKINli PA-tSv Pad fe FEMALE WEAKNres, I S3, we eei.d Them by mail free on tkkM nt nt r,;X '-AdoHsl E 'F. SNYDJea & 'C,5.,.Ciricmnatl, To! . v. 71D A ni?ic o i t ttt jL-mVXAV4ca.OJCJ .0::CIAj Sit, ' . in their . own ktcalitiei.fcan.vaaain. foe the -fsre-1de Vlkr;'( nJargedf Weekly and Monthly. iirsi! roiMir tih iDe,;weri;Kb Mam moth Chromos i?ree. Big Commiesioas to Agents. Terms apd tttibfre.w ift'dd'ress ; .. VI CK EKY, A Mguia, fflwlMey, : . A1 A A IAY AT HOME. Agents wan ted.,. Out vl(6 JLftadJtfirms free. - ... - . TKUg a; 00.,-AHgnsta, Maiae. JfrtEyflttfetfcXRbs1, wither Darat- ARNT8 WANTED tif9fefelipUm&s Awarded lor HOLIH iN's DTnUlflDT .T TITTIT.TICI fjw5iMj'.rM.riijiniftii,ininiiT.rt'' 3000 lllntrat foii Address for new circa lars. A. VP. HOLM AN 4 CO., 939 ARCBt st?; Phlla: TECH!'iOiEiiE;SW''Ki1EiH fKEET:-" lAad Early Beatiioe,' AmeeAin and Alexander' Lou ise, with other old and new kinds nf Hph.s pinm Teeejion Peach rttttck, enfted to Southern growth. avu nnwi ui jcauiiii.' siuu iof earjy mantel anaiale fceepln;.i-8?niuir-VrBit Planta in variety. Twelve yeara experience at growing frnkf for market. ,- j i Address 1. r MXEK. BridzeTillel Delaware occ 6 4wl)&W . SHARP'S ' Metallic 'cartridge; military, htjnt- . IN ANO "yREKDMOOR" MKLhS ihJti KL A'I JOTHEKS IN AOCU KA or, STRENGTH ANP . .-" " '. i fcAFhTT v.' ' ' Ho Frematnre Diseiiarge Ever Occura Every Kifle warraaUd a, gopd( shwpter. Calibre 40. 44 and 5fM00 of.an inch, and of apy desired length. Charge f powdtsr from 50 to 105 grains.' 5 Weight bl ifctfta fcvm 4W to 54 grains. Stock,' plain; alsr Pistol grip and checked. Sights: plain; Globe and Peep Sfefcts: Vernier with ' interchangeaWe from aigaw and Wind-gange.'r Byery Tariety'of ' ani manlrlon for above guna, constantly on hand. -. ; IrIco flrom" $3d to $125. ; ' SHARP'S RIFLE COMPANY, sent il-BATTtf " --Bridgeport. Conn. SPORTING DO(5S., HI 1 iVrt". X REEDING KENNEL OF A. .G. WADDELL. P1 KOX CpUNMISSqURI,;f , . '- . '.'.-'-', itJfitH '"S'i's ' w xineai fleams 91 :$? SETTERS, POINTERS, SPANIELS AND OTHEB Bred from both Imported and Native Stock, at mo derate prices. ' ap 18 D&M'tf "SPORTSMEN'S QnTanhed Moccasins ? 1 boot moccasins; 1 'u ' ' SHOE PACKS, ij'1T; ; '' " . .'-' LADIES MOCCASINS, , and ; f - -.f :i -(.;.,;.'. CAMP SLlRPERS, " made from carefnUy selected etockln the best man ner, at prices to suit tHSTlnfe'a. " . bend for circular ana race Lists. ' , !. '1 j . MARTCT SlUTClriNQS, ' . , ' V.O. Box36i,. -..! octlT D&Wtf ' -Dover, New Hampshire. fflE' SMEIDE6 : BREECH:LOADING -tr- - ' - -i V - ; - 7 . . r Shot- Qifh '0 ;i ; Prices, jiSO OOjlo 250 00. r jClark Sneiaer;; :; ' ' MANUFACTURERS, if'?'i:7! ,fsil41ilPrattfStreet;jn -i' Send for t:ataiote&(W ,Shn gSKKi ! For aale by E. P. WALSH, ; nun i uajY u f ? . i : ""i i: i i PBBiCRIPTIO!H,FRRR. TTlfeR" f efE 'SPB AD V 'CURE' of" Seminal Weak- i? : . .neaa; Lost Manhood, and hi! disorders brought en by Indiscretion or excess. Any druggist as Aeingiedientn. -Addreea. D AQUES AX Chv auau uuio, . ieD15-lylfcW i' ,.' ; i ... - 1 11 Li t .' ' I . - I L' I I. I I f- ' Obstacle, to .Slarrlase Relieved. HAPPY-BETBP'TO TfOUNGlrEN from the HOOD H'teTOttKO. Impediments to Marriage re-- nloved. New method of treatment. Books snd1 circa! ara sent rnt i i aeilad . enalepos Addrefe UOWaRi.' AaatMJiATiON. Kinth k Phil adelphia, Pa - An iBMitoOon havfnga high rcputa- wu iwc uuauraoie conduct ana prpressio&al Saul. , !mf -S-ly W ,T.-r . . ; .i? ! r -t -i t i '!). ii v i nr TK4CpV!'ESSEj?C,.OILIJEr manbOOd and the Tfc-or r.Y vnnth in fh moat shattered ooharilni'dnn h csusoariaiBir. f .haora tmpseaibteiiiBeware ad- rrrM3o wif aer h caiiea rree Jrescriptiona was- uwicw, aiiuiy prove ruinously expensive. W hatever has merltfmurt cost a fair nnea 3 Der case., i Sent bv exorefa nTOtpi.'uiinia iWnt Ur.. JOS. JACQUES, 7 Univgrsiti,Pl5Bt, Kw.York. DruiFjciau auppliedx ; . Mgll7lx vf;ii i;ii