'.A-iJ.-r.-a ' THE IIOBITIITG, STAB. 15 y Wffir; H. XXEHNARD. i'lTIiMStlKly ..DAILY SICEPT MONDAYS. RAtTM O BUnSO&IPTIOKJjI DVAJIO : One year, (by mll portage paiV;.... $7 00 ,six months, . " ;.,....... 4 00 Three. montba, - . r : a 35 One month . ."-., -. ..-; ;m t 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered In any. part of the city. Fifteen CVnta per week. Oar City Agents are aot authorised to collect fee mere than three months m advance. e!s Ii Lll I I S - n i . lo at Servia requires of Russia a guarantee of independence andean extension oT territory before she takes a part in tterugjle. -i An earthquake felt at Geneva. "f - Turk ish blockade of tfi Black Sea to 1 be de clared insufflcientw -r The governmen t seized all English and Belgian: papers ar riving at Paris. --.-7 Forty-eigjit eases of yellow fever at Port Royal -? Senator - McDonald explains bis pairing off with Senator Morton. -' Washington Star states that the other Democratic candidates have formed a combination' against Ran dall; some one is to be selectudlobc put in the field against .hhB. I --MaeJaEflhon parly profess to be certain ibattbey Vill have twenty majority in the next AsseiQT-bjtf- I J The funeral' obsequies ?of tie lute Archbishop Bayley took place; in the Baltimore Cathedral in ; the presence of thousands. r- Ne w'w .York t markets : M oney active and off eicd at 5 per cen t. ; gold quiet at 102$; cotton firm at cents;' floor scarcely so firmy-with5' prices unchanged;1' -Southern unchanged; wheat unsetlled.openmg'iirm and closing at about yeBtertrsy's prices; spirits turpentine firm at 34 J cents; rosin firm at $1 701 80. The funeral obsequies of the lato Archbishop Bayley in the Baltimore Cathedral were of the moat imposing character. A large number of digni taries of "the Roman Catholic Church were present, and the assembly was immense. The Archbishop had made many, friends beyond his own denom ination, aud the papers of every grade lujve 1ial a kind Word to say. The news from Port Royal is most distressing. There are forty-eight yellow fever patients. Money, food, nurses are all needed. Think of it, there ace not enough well nurses to take care of the sick. This statement should be powerful enough to open the hearts and the purse-strings. Will not Wilmington respond to the ap peal? Let the Mayor take the matter in hand at once. Let Port Royal and Frnandina be helped. The rebellion in El Paso county, Texas, w not yet quelled. United Slates cavalry have started for the scene of violence. One hundred of the Mexicans are said to be from the Mexican side of the Rio Orande, the dividing river between the two coun tries. ! We have had tUioga aa to uiimt our Government Durposes, and the news tlius far is of fiuch an un saJisfactory character as to scarcely ustify any opinion as to what will be the end of the disturbance. If the reports are not greatly exaggerated, however, the United States will have to take such decisive action as .to pre vent a recurrence of such invasion or insurrection or mob, or by 'whatever term it may be rightfully designatefl. A report from the City of Mexico is to the effect that Sonora is so pleased with its contraband trade that it threatens to secede if interfered with latest By Mail. SECESSION IN MEXICO. The Mate of Sonora Xnreatena Leave the Units. 1 Cy Cable to the News and Courier.! 1 - J Havana. Oct. 9. i ! - - to The City of Merida brings the fol- lowintr, dated tJity oi mexico, oepi. 30: Both Houses of Congress are in session. Congress is divided into two cliques, headed respectively by Zea- macona and J usto Jienlez. isotn claim to be friends of Diaz, bat, ne vertheless, are increasing in inconve- ' ment opposition to each other. It is ofiicially'stated: that the contraband business on the Rio Grande is in- creasiner to a fearful extent. Geh. Maiiscal has been recognized as Go vernor of Sonora. The Xegislaturo of Sonora is diseossinz a lawpiwvi ding for tlin severance of that State from theUnion whenever the General Oovernment attempts to interfere with tne oiontv of the State. The National tjruard or ocmora have been organu bed. The Cboler, Inereaslne ln Cltinaand - Jvpan, IBy'Cabli to the News and Courier. 1 j . -an Francisco, Oct. 8. flplgio ft rrl Asiatic cholera gaining md way in China and Japan. Foreign so far exempt. Foreign ships ofar have all left the harbors to avoijthe disease. Affairs at Ka goshirare unchanged. A small band of reb still hold out. y.: ' jsm. j j.-" js Fsver at Feraanlna. " ; ; Jacksonville, Oct. 8. Nil uew cases of yellow, fever weTC" Jnrte at Fernandina on Sat urdajiftd tCree deaths' on Sdnday. To-djfive ney cases and one death. Dr.'l . VVeit, one of the physi cians ho ?nt0 Fernandina from this cV ieiieal aid was asked, was tket Bc lv"Hfll . 3 T inaUlStJ' w wm report eu uy- r.BoTne 5aker, o South arSnw,?noe R?reas80ciat editor ,flte-ptTe to Aextendtohim a com" Kotih Carolina. lherhood in- . 1 - " ! -t-n : '-Vll irr- i Tn. . , - ' , -' ' - - 1 - " f. ji . 1 -i ; . . ; -- , ! ; ' . ; " ., ' ' . . . , 1 . 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' . 1' 1 ' . . ' . ''' . ' j .' ; " ' 1 ril v ' ' 'r ' , " - ' ' VOL. XXI.-NO. 15, Spirits Tnrpentme.1 Henderson county have an Inferior Court I - is not I to S; Twenty - persons have recently uuincu wtui tui? xiapusiii at juonroiv " Boston Fendersbn, colored . was' arownea at Kewbem on last Friday, .i - Charlotte has a. town ordinance against merchants drumming for trade on me streets. -.; . . A revival of religion is progress ing at tne college under the charge ot Jttev. it. u. Abernetby, - Madame -Rente's Freneh Min strels were to have performed at Charlotte on juonaay nignt.. , ; ; ; ; There is no certainty about that big Welsh fortune Jno. G. Williams, of Kaieigb, is to get according to rumor. ' So says the ifcte. j , Diohtheria is Drevailin&r still in n-u... mv? v " i deaths recently among the children. The I He, Rev. Dr. Phillips, and .others. Dis disease is -abating. I tinguished Alumni have been invited to be T1 y ' " ,. , . . . Ike McLaughlin cat a man by th name of Crump in several places with? a knife, at Charlotte.- The wounds - are severe but not mortal One hundred and fifty students are at the University. This is a most en couraging exhibit. Roll on the. ball Let enemies and croakers get out of. the way. Danbury Reporter'. The Regis ter of Deeds had thirty-four chattel mort gages banded to him for registration last Monday, and all of them to secure debts to one man.- - Charlotte now ' communicates daily with Raleigh via Hamlet. Train leaves Hamlet for Raleigh at 2 p. m. Ar rives at Hamlet at 11 p. m. The trip from Charlotte to Raleigh occupies "fourteen hours. ; i: , Goldsboro Messenger: Mr. John Korneeay, son of our townsman, JameaF. Kornegav. Esq.. fell ; from a cart last Thursday and broke bis e near Ibe thigh. We are glad to learn that he U doing ex ceedingly well. - Tucker, of Raleigh, on "Strike," we copied from a Northern paper some time ago. CoL Buck had about as much to do with it as Edgar Poc had to .do with that i bogus pos thumous poem that went the rounds. - Hon. Josiah Turner's "History of the Holden-Eirk War" will be leady January 1. Price $3. Those -who have already subscribed will be supplied at $1 He has found it impossible to get it printed and bound so as to sell at $1, as first pub lished. Concord : Register : O n Tu esd ay week a girl by the name of Bradahaw gave birth to a child within j a few miles of this city, between midnight and morning, and before dayligut looK it to a pit.auout twen ty feet deep, and threw it in lu die. . The child was rescued. Oxford Torchlight : We leant that several of our farmers nave made a complete failure in curing this year, . With some it was the bad condition of the barns; and with others it was the bad weather This is to be regretted, for when a farmer makesa failure with hia tohacco, it ia a lok tai loss, Monroe Jinquirer: A gracious revival is now. being held at Giiboa Metho dist unurcn near iseaver uam. up to this writine there have been some fifteen or six teen conversions and fully thatmahy ac cessions, while some twenty or mere peni tents daily present themselves at the altar i for prayer;;. . --.; . j Reidsville News; Federal Conrt is now in session at Greensboro. We learn that a gentleman wbo has figured conspic uously in tne records of the criminal dockets of the Virginia courts is a principal witness against several of our citizens wbo stand charged with violations of the Internal Revenue laws. - j 1: .Noah luce, in his attempt to arrest the murderer, 1 Davis, in Madison I county, last week; was not mortally wound-1 ed as reported.' His wound says the Hen-1 dersonville Courier, wad a painful but nota I mortal one. At last accounts be was con-1 valescing. Davis died Sunday night: This I is the second man killed by Rice in at- I tempts to capture them.' - i . - v - xrA.t.n KT., W,.rr nn.(omnn 1U iicfTuctu uun iiuo ni tj au wi ua a-w vn up in time for the early bird and the indus trious squirrel. A profitable business is be ing carried on in tbat line. - We were in formed a day or two since, by a young man of this city, that he went out one day last week and killed nine squirrels in ' a short time. A farmer, living near Croaton. has already killed three fine deer this season Monroe Mepress: We V have been informed by gentlemen living near tttl ?. .1- s A . AM.HHW' . a l a I. Vf II lie if owrc, iu auehju tuuuty. i iua mo i 5rops of corn and cotton in that section wui uw luru uut mwie uuu tuiccijaMicis T 1 1 ..a aM ah M aba lk h - m mm A, tmm am a Smmtrrn m fln avnraiTR cTon. There am 105 I cases on the crirainal docket and 94 cases oa. lfck!iiorride our bumw vius Mm ui lira wui to. ' ,r. 0. Green. for neriury. is the most i important ' . . " 1 j . -, . . , ' 5 t . . I is com- on tne criminal uuc&et; ine uocavt posed principally of larceny cases. s ; Cnnrtnrd ' At thn.. aalo of 1 JVlra uatuarine ajong senecis, last weea, ner Dine which she bad smoked for forty: odd vears was bought by her son James for $7. : The Wilmineton - Star increases in brightness as its age advances.- it is now ten I "K" :f5SSi? twinkleliule ar.w Peter Cruse, of I Township No. 9, comes at the on tside world J with astaikoi sorgunm cane iwenty-tnree feet and seven inches high. Not only one. I feet and seven inches high. Not only one, butBeveral of that same height "grew in the same row. From One stalk nineteen I the same' row. ' From one stalk nineteen I leet men ne extractea one quart ana two gills oi pure juice i -n , . 11 . i..: . " . I Elizabeth City Carolinian i On last Fridav and nieht wo had a severe wind and raia storm. .It was the longest inu- mIia avnuriAnnoH In thia oapf inn fnpmanv ICIIIUU li.wiivijirvu .a. miv.Via. iy au,ij. years, wiiiie uie aamage irom tne gaie waa not so irreat as the storm of last SmZXI tember that from' the water ia much more AuUn Uf fm Wa rasf a MaAU'-AA f Most of the . bridges in this and adjoining counties were removed, - travel : was inter rupted, and nntifToesday morning" we had no mail. In the openine and widen ing of the Dismal Swamp canal the, people of the entire Albemarle country are deeply interested. , It would aid to a Jafgp extent in developing. one of the finest" regions of territory in the United States, v f . I Raleigh . Observer The people of Chapel Hid are earnestly interested in the proposed railroad from Haiversity Star' tion to the Hill, and ask the aid .of Presi dent Battle's influence and all others inter- estea m tne success oi ine university, -ine a . a 1 VUl 1T-!.J: ,f.' '' i-ma - ilintanrn is onlv seven miles. Ibe. roa1. has 1 a. a tti a' . ? I een surveyea, ana sou.uuu win nuiia iu i - RhArifT MnTW ilUn hrnncrht In lh Rtalft I . . . . . . . . jWU ISBk CTCUlUg KU VUUIIWt WUTIvlBU ah the late term of the Superior Court for that county. At Moneure station one' of the WIliMINGrTQN mnvo.ta. Hamr Johnson, sentenced to ten years for highway robbing, slipped, his manaToesnond regretthat Johtf Tapscbtt,Esq., ' an: ld gentleman, iar advanced in me, ana a ior- mer sheriff of Alamance in ante-bellum days, lost by firr yesterday morning a large double tobacco barn filled with tobacco just approaching completion; or the process or curing. . v , Raleigh News: We ' ate an English walnut yesterday from a tree in the yard of Mr. William Myatt. - We learn from passengers .who left , WeldQA on yesterday at '12 hi. that Roanoke' Elver is higher than It has been, for several ; years and that there touat be very great destruc tion to crops. All the crops near Weldon in the low grounds are now totally sub merged. We learn that hereafter 12lh October will be known in the University Calendar as "University day," and will be a College holiday by ordinance of the Trustees. On next Friday, being the 12th. I addresses on the early History of -the Unl - trAraitv ni h AMTeA hv PrMnt Rat. i present ana aaareaa iae siuaua utL t(si- I f Notoiartiu ..kvi h. I sided the damaeesby the freshet on the various streams in the country are being fully ascertained, and we are glad to' learn that these damages are not bo great as at nrst apprehended. !;- y, riX Milton Chroniclei 1 Hbg cholera rages on the Person and Caswell line near this town. An old-fashioned freshet, sweeping corn,1 tobacco, stock, houses, fences, pumpkins,: mills, mill-dams, &c.r is apprehended. It is very damaging to to bacco not boused. We snail need me chanics of different trades the boys that 'build up big towns. Put down your board; it Has been much too high ever ; -since tne war. here and everywhere else. You can afford it. ' Milton wants a few Jews to go into business here. We never saw a town wortll acent that didn't have Jews in it That is in a business point of view. - Several cases of this dreadful scourge, diphtheria, have occurred in our town with in the last week or ten days. So far our physicians have treated it successfully. - We regret to hear that tobacco is spotting rapidly and rotting in the hiJL We hear oiquanuues oeing rainea. vou Joun & Woodsdale, in Person, informs, us that the crop in that section has been ruined to a great extent.. - r, , . , '"'.. T- f i,,, ,M Lenoir Topic: John A. Cargyle, tne notea aavent minisie ana lamuy, or Alahama. nrn r.nminir to North Carolina to reside. r Tobacco 'crops are generally Ana AAne!nMi6a fha A waa'lHavMn norlu tJ fine, considering the dry4 weather in early spring. "Jim Justice,' of infamous Rutherford county memory; js dead. His nd-like that of nearly all the bitter spirits wbo maligned and persecuted Southern people in their . defeat was . tragic. County items: Last Saturday morniag Mr. J acob McCall met with . quite a serious accident, while engaged in grinding sugar cane. By some means or other bis hand was caught between the lever to which the horses were attached and the upper cap , of the mill, tearing one ear almost ' off, and severely bruising his band and breast. ' The nog cholera and cattle- distemper is doing fearful work among the hogs, and ; cattle in our neighborhood. t Several of ' our farmers have iloat: their 'killing hogs ('and many, of their finest milch cows and Alien Green, recently tried at Boone as art accomplice in tne muraer or juisoa-i nveti, has fled the - country. Miss Emma, daughter of M. C. Harman, bad the, mia- Tortune to fall and break her leg just above tne ankle, a tew days since. ' Raleigh Observer. A big fight took , place in . Durham- yesterday,. -sin ! which two negroes were the principals, 'which proved to be a very serious affair. iBryan Lunn and Dave Brooks had an al tercation, in which7 knives were used. -Brooks was seriously stabbed in the' abdo men, and at last accounts bis pnysicians thought jhis .case (opeless; )Lunn, Cn) at-; tempting to escape, alter nnaine mat ne I iuou luuiutcu m, uiurw wuuuu wb mis nuvcr- I :.n:.t..i 1 j i j 1 WA? manw me name or Oteveoiew- art severely in me arm, ana was in toe act of getting off when Mr; Blacknalf, the wellfcoot sport., known nruggist ox the town. jtaocxea nun idowa with a paling, and-thus seenred his jarresUj tio was sent to Uillaooro lail yes- wruayi evening. - two weeas ago there were six vacant stores on ; Wilmington street and four on .Fayette vine street Now there are numbers of applications, and not I laaroreisto oe naa on eitner Bireeu ; a store is to be had on either street : I Pnnluirl..1 .nnVt.. - . ., I of taxables sent to (be : Bute Auditor'; that I there is in that county $2,182,915 of taxable property, of which $3,209.24 is paid to th jgeneral Bute tax,i $3,274.87 speeial SUte tax; $4,360.72 for county school purposes, and $27,977.38 for county purposes. Carolina Parmer. The second, and A)ctober nnniber I La v- - a u--a-a ,; ; TS - rrf.-Ws r:. I III mm a SABIiaa-B- MM Uf S- I a - MM . IIH' ' III III BM1II am. - m ...v. n .. thin mftrinfl ennlftina vArv va nah a I bformatiqn, andfshoold "'be in the ? hands of every farming farnilylrTthe ! trTn.'J ; Z.mlt. Hik.lz--' .ISZti. XL il Pw.;i uoscpi..tMivriw u. at eta av $1,450 per year, or .$ I f or six months. Published by WaTL.H. Bernard, WiU ininirton. N. C.Netobetnianl ' -i.i. i NBW ADTfefa-rtSESlENTa. ! P-?ABhihgJes v ! -P?.1 -9? FlrstNatroQalBauk... , MdNsqn & Co.Business suits. '. 1.- jr r- V-i V' P. J. tioBR-i-Fof ienfc ot jleases t ,51 i . - m l w -AA JvcTTi i ZUxFlliTSZTpti::. i .f!.., j t 'IK CtMMiNQ:& Co. ilorteaee saje: H j P. Ctjjiuno:& Co. Mortgage sale: Mns. H. Bubb. Boarders wanted; BoAjwMQnT; &:, McKoy. Buckwheat, appl es,: potatoes,' &c. Thehiting Rifles were out ift forcftlast I night drilling on the streets, but for some5? USk .Sli;' U .4nnn Ki-.fr s a P sr reason tne their armory. of each company wil ' itten'd the drills I everv ni?ht s wfliona to hear a crood re- I port of ; our boys !, at the State. Fair- and practice makes perfect in driyingas well as. mt O J a .a in other matters. i : . .... I.! .-.A " ' PenderConstr. - - the Superior OdurLl pod Judgb.ajr. Probate, are now at Burgaw,' where" all the records ..,-x,-j,i,r... xrenuer uuuuty ubtc uu ."uut, i " ' i , a i - -a 11 1 Lawvers and otners navmg' Business witn i - . . ... t i : I tnese omcera wiu, wereiore,- can po w i address them at Burgaw in future, instead j of at'Sonth Washington, as formerly.' ' ? J1 WIVOV V1UW1V WU., ,liviv.v.wi- " 1 - Liigbt infantry did not leave I f u !lu. si uem wen. worm me "r.r;-?.x--rr 7-,' .; TTFolfr I We hope that every member price or aamission.. . ; ; : ;, v:s fff r. ".wv". I j N. C-vi WEDNESDAY. I fcaeal Data. j The Criminal Court adjourned ye8ieraBy 4 c,OCK Ior lDe Ieanf j J. . There were) no cases for trial be i xf-J h.mw0rmrt i1,imhrfl I-J.?!J7S?Kf B?,?S2STO ing. M ,.-4i .i- ; ''i-' The work tof trimming shade trees is now going on in various sections of the city. - The weather yesterday was ex ceedingly pleasant; and we would be glad to see many more just like it, except a lit- tle cooler. : - ;' : A i ' Mr. Wallace Styrou is opening a cigar and tobacco ' store at 29. Market street, in the building lately occupied by Colonel Hedrick. There is a good deal of- repair- 1 :Li ' s . .i.,. V" ; " MMa city just now, many dwellings, stores, &c., being pnt in good order. We learn that Mr: W. :H. Ger ken, of this city, baa. received the appoint-' ment of Vice Great Incohonee of the I. O of M. for the State of North Carolina. Warmer, clear or partly cloudy weather, variable winds, mostly from the southeast,' and stationary or higher pressure, are the indication's for this section to-day. " ' . . , ' , ';.:-.:.- r ..:'-) ! - -." The statement in reference to the peanut crop, referred to in yesterday's Star,; was crowded out of that issue,' but will be found under our Commercial head Ibis morning. v We learn that the cry of: fire had been heard for about fifteen minutes, yesterday - morning, before some 'of the bells . took up the alarm. It is important that the bells should be rung promptly. A trunk, belonging to Mr. Isaac . . ' . . . . . Rhodes, who boarded with Mr. Howard, waarohbed'of a oimntitv nf wearing aona- I ; . . . I rei, cc, yesterday morning, alter i u naa I heed removed from the burning building. I corner of Seventh and Dock streets. Th fire.alarm in the Bteeplo I I or tne nrst Baptist unurcnwiu De repaired I . Til i " r ''" il a. . m . V. . r - m m mm m m m, this forenoon, and will bo rung for a short time to test it. ' So don't ' get excited if you hear the bell, but take things coolly for once.' If It Bhould be a genuine alarm oth er bells' will be rung. " :. Michael Priest, a deserter from the army; who 'was arrested here ! a few weeks since and ' sent to Fort Johnson, Smith villc, passed through this city yester day, in charge of a sergeant and two men en route for Pittsburg, Pa., where his regi ment, the 18th Infantry, is now stationed uTT "'B .'"w wwu nianket upon tne, report that Jobs . VYil- lnm9 President of the Stale Nation al Bank of Raleigh, has had left to him hand1 his' brother's' heirs a large estate in (the statement probably premature. At all events Mr.-Williams has not received that $1,800 to pay his expenses to Wales. - . The . coot hunters are, now on the war path and hundreds of these tooth-' some birds are daily brought to bag. One of a brace of Nimrbds' who succeeded in ,baggrng : forty-twp; yesterday, said4 they (were mihtv eoad to eat. bnt that shootinc 1 r1 j o ' - " u.t;n ... vrft t.nl.h.n,: ! - A nJ K.-, tl..t..u "-v l"' ; " ; l!""" v"- -Criminal Coon. The following cases were disposed of yesterday in the Criminal i Court, 'Judge 'Meares presiding: State va MarvElizaNixonchareed with I pNauu WHWII, UUVU 1 11X3 UCIHUU Ul iMargaret Ann Clarrity. Defendant found I guilty and sentenced to twelve months in the County Work House. t State vs. James Everett, convicted of lar ceny., Defendant sentenced to six months in the County Work House. fitalAvt A nrlranf UnTtant 'Kntifrtntajl n $ , , . . . 1 . . wa.v. inwio, UIUUIUO IU - VUUUIV . Work House, 1 t 01.1. ri...in. T. .,i' " T- vUiCD uuuwu, vuuTiutcu via ment for six months in the County Work House. 8tate State vs. Emkpuel .tones, ' convicted of forcible trespass. Judgment suspended jipon tne defendant's giving security for the payment of theiBosta , j. f ?. I ! aMMnM1 i.il... '!.l 1 . a ' . oov ci hi uur trivial cases were uisposea of, continued, &c. I B a rrs Ocean leori. Those who were so -unfortunate as to be deprived of the privilege of witnessing the exhibition of tlie'so oeautiful paintings by I a native artist, which look blace some I mui0u.oi.iueso oeauuiui painungs oy r'Tft artist.; which look place isome mnnthamm w;n h'n .n n.. months ago, will have an opportunity to- I fnorrpw (Thursday) night, , at the Opera House, of having their memories refreshed j nd their recollections revived as to many 1 of the stirring" scenes connected with "the Uta:Wrte8j0iiiy,on our immedktecoast. These paintings have been pronounced by competent iudges as very striking and life- 1 T1! fa ;p secured at . Heinsberger's POk store and at the door. rid i , Tneraaometer Record. - I The following wiU show the state of the 1 thermometer, at the stations mentioned.- at I 4L85.jeer4ayt.e.Tenu mean time, as ascertaiaedfrom the daiiy bulletin, issued from the ttignal Offlce in this city: ,Austa;Vivi1:.v:74 Mobile,;, ;..'.;:.74 Montgomery :.r.;.72 New Orleans,.'.. :74 uuanoatua, .j. ... . ix fAHOtia as" Qfl ,." tiaivesion ...iO jjodianola, ... ,73 JxksOnvHle;Hf.!76 Key West, . . . . . . .85 . v. " vw ."uuu, . ..... f V I - 1 1 ri i. u tfinaa . ...75 ira ? I ra,.... 'o oavauutui,.., ... St. AlarkS, Wilmingto i r:i. aaa j :.La ..fii . . . i BFaonTi ii it Tfir Tin TTiriKiriH in i ii f on nmprffAn i i OCTOBER 10, 1877, The Fire Yesterday moraine The alarm of fire, which Is getting to be so frequent of late, was again ' sounded yesterday morning, about 4 o'clock, land; 1 wa" 1U1U,U wigiu m aucuen I 'duuAeA.l0lbe''iMls-a. WtnTla-mn' v- tt . a mo -um nyuo aou8e.Vi; cwner w Dereaui . . , . ... ' and Dock : streets, the property pt M: Mary Jane Hyde, now residing with her' uhcie," Dr. J.'Potter, at SmUhvilleJ . ; :,,,,-ifT ....it: j ,,u0 x.m,, c v wicbm. The kitchen was entirely destrbyed, and ! the dwelling badly damaged, the roof being: almost completely burned off, and both the uurvu fvuu duuiu aiuca ui uib uuuuiog oauiy injured, besides which tthe interior of the bouse was deluged with water to such an extent that Mt is feared all thef plastering wni have to be replaced.- - Mr. Thos. M. ITnwRrd. whn txnr$fiA ifm premises, lost about 300 in furniture, upon which there was no insurance: ' ' There was an insurance of $f,700 on the dwelling and $300 on the kitchen,-in the Phamix, of Hartford, represented in this city by Mi. Norwood Giles. ; ! ' " ! s We learn that there is no doubt that thelj fire was the work 6f an incendiary. The fire was firs discovered on the south side i rkf f Via trttithon onl'lfi. TT-too r1 5a Mr i.tn that there had been no fire in the building latnr Ihnn 7 A'fllntb ttm rFntriAnn nvAnw The fire department was . promptly oil! hand, and no doubt but for their efforts the; conflagration would have been much more - scnonR - . ! Tlie Colored. Edneatlonal Convention We have been furnished with another list of delegates, appointed by the meeting at the Court House, on Monday night, to- at tend the State Educational' Convention, at J Raleigh, on the 18th inst, and we are in-; formed by the Secretary that' this ' is the true one, there being some errors in the list I published in our last, which was furnished Kc ..v-L ' . , . - by one of the parties who was present at the meeting: Delegates. Geo. L. Mabson, George W. Price, Jr., Rev. D.'J. Sanders, J. A. Holt. AUeriusU.-T3oi. ', E.. Sampson, Jos. 0. Hill, Alfred Howe, James A. Lowrey. . ', , magistrate Coart -. -';'" - A young man by the name of Bryant Morse was arraigned before Justice Wag ner, yesterday afternoon,' on the charge of .making ah assault with a deadly weapon upon Mr. Robert Scarborough. He was j required to give a justified bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance at court.' '. The same defendant was arraigned on a peace warrant," sworn out -by Mr. Scarbo rough, and was .required to give a justified bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance at court and to keep the peace. s- - assault and batterv case. fTnaaallaaie Ejetten."-- - ' '- " " :. . The follow iog are the un mailable letters remaining in the city postofflce: : ! 1 Mrs. A. B. Burr, 318 Indiana Avenue,' Washington, D. ' C.-; Miss Nannie Dnrbamj Rocky Point,' N;: C. 'One white envelop with no address. ; "- ' , if M. '"a'i " ' - "SSisl KIVGR AND nARINB ITRIHS. H The ICIla jfwre sailed . from Swansea for this port on the 24th ult .''.': i .. . ( ; i .There was another very Mh tide yea- terdayf between 13 and 1 o'clock.; ; .;: ;. r 'The Ocean, "Weicbmano, sailed from PauiUacfor this port on the 24th in Ul v;'14-. r :'fi;Vi auo juurut aupfue, vv ut, ciearea irom Liverpool for this port on the 24th ult i The Either , and Sophie; Burmeiaterg arrived at Scilly from this port on the 21st ult, 'i .--'.-I . - w-n i-i iti'ii :.iiSti t The steamship Regulator. Doaae, ar rived at New, York frnm ihla 7th tnst j -The schooner Mattel trom San Dotnin go, six days out, bound to-'5 Boston,0 was spoken by the pilot-boat ' Uriah lUkaimt vnrA. ; RV.o h.. D!, l '.t i5ttii I j . u.uwu ,u. iu uuuur 1 iatuivA v itA, . youngest son oi uapt. nidward vjlle for provisions. : . . ::,;;Jdis months. t; . , ; i .-'' ' ; . , If ,'T&: funeral win take place this -afternoon at J ;. . ne cnr.. tvm. miater, from Baltimore, for this port, and the German barque I Pcpiia, from Richmond for Bio Grande do j Bui, collided off Cape Henry ou the morn- Ing of the 6th inst. The BJaier sUrboard aftersaii and the barque's flying jibbdom 1 and headgear were carried away. - -The steward of the schooner lann bottle floating in.the river, a few days ago, I which was , f?und to contain a note ;ad-1 dressed "To whom it may. concern,',', with j these words r . VShip Isaac Wright, lost off Cape Hatteras September 13thl877. MiN-1 hub Wbight." '. ',.'. ". , . . r- The river had fallen about eight or ten feet at Payelteville when the steamer Wdhe left that phvee Mqhdaj jnorning. rnilh, who was. in command of the Wine for the trip, informs us that very few of the ppw,"y w. aviuiinuuu .-aow. rrosv-s for the trip, informs us that very few of the j unna tnnnrrrnfnuA hvtn- tn-ms f landings can be' approached by the1 boats. At.some of the stopping' poinls'Wef onij' j p available landing places were. nearly. a mile-1 from the riven Only ithos onxthe high I hluffs 'cah;;be Teachediithout dc There isstilj.an jmme aiionni. iu iue uo w cr vspe jj ct aa ue uo&6- was comings e we w noticed hi 1. -. four cart loads, CWhUe many -others ra J swept down the rivewth'tfie-'resheie'l most pi wuicd, wjiq ans:w ooct,, nave been taken by the raddea tart the Cttf- J rtht into Brunswick.river Insurance upon bouses and nroperty is c3 jr.i demanded by every consideration of ecoa.-, , omy., :,jcmu iueau-u u auowea w.-insure at-, self, and by a waste, unpardonable in all . T a. . t la.ar'li t otter matters, tne constitution is bankrupt- Ttnrn : iir mill u Kinni- .1 . i.w . , n , i piles, some ot wniciv compnsea tnree or i -, powerful restorative influence, purifies and f'BIockMo; 118j tccarcing to-Taraa-'a plaalof the 1 Ofi? front tt eountrj sollell ETrfAhM ; ih ' HniW 1 Clljaf Witailngton. - 7 . I satisfaction guaranteed or money r h2iuh he- I JVvStllarket Streel.f neaun. .v.. "..t ostlft-St W,S5 r v oct S tf nac MRSL. H1WU, A.. a., lUVU . HI I al fctjll P.; JUT 1W :WHOLE-NO.J '-3,175 i ' ! '! LIST OP lBTtElis ,l'-s "-" ' v , Remaining in the Cityi Post-Office i Dot. A. Miss Eliza Alexander, col'd. , ' " B.-Misa Alice J Bowman, B P Bethea, I mrs uataanne i tsrowa.f .Jiagar.; Jjurnnett, Joseph Bryan, John Brown. J W Biddle.MJ 0 Brickhonse. miss MaWhk Brookai Reuben i TtZsu.----ut ii.u.ni v.n;ata rzi!7 " ujiuiuuHao, uiiisa inarm & xrcwKa, ieuuen Bryant, mrs Rebecca JBradJey. taniilurt ; . CHenry Craig, G D Cordy, miss Ma- tiMa CtopbeUV rss Mary Kaarlctte -. " . . - Ll- Alexander llnvlrl Anglii(-.pNslenn t)owh, PM C; mrs Ann M "Dougherty, B BHrnlevy,.mrs Mirabder B Davis, mrs DrR S 2fr9-:.PTM'-iWlllaBi.:' i m E. Miss Julia Evina. "'f i Porbes. qZq W GrleT "r ' - " ! j s H. Caleb Holsey, mrs flelena Hill, mis Hannah Hall Harrison Howe. John Hifeb- " " fM?? Wril J. Miss Lueinda Johnston, mrs 1 M A; Jones. . ! I-Mrs E H Lee; Joseph Leslie, Ool H! C Leonard.' .1 - M. Miss Aim E McPlierson. miss Emma Morgan, miss Henrietta Merrick, inrs Ha?-; riet ' MeniW; miss Jenniev Morgan, misar: Maggle Alclioy, mrs ;M: K MeKntee; mrs Sarah A McMillan, WtW'McAHsteri' i i ; -N. Miss Lidie Nelsos. mre Normarii ! ; ! P. Jupiter Pierce; H N 'Parker, miss Hi IfJf3 .1 f 1 AlFutl Mm. Q. Alfred Quartz. - .Mrs Eliza Red, mrs Emelina L i Rush. , - - i : S.-Miss Amitii;H Sheppard, "Jas filmmnm mra H W; Smith. -t'f '-in, t.i ! . i ?T. Mrs Adeline Taylor, mrs Lucy.-P Tracy. " ' ' ' " ' ; ' 1 1. V. Mrs Frances .V anlandingbamJ- - i i . W;. Archie Wright, , Benj P Waring, A miss Harriet vvnite, J h Weaver, J TWig-i gins, mrs Mary J Willis, ; miss; NaceyiB vyaru, mrs jsaran. wnght. w " V ' SHIP LETTER. ' ' ' William H Harriss, brig NeTtfo.' ; "" fJ; 'Persons calling-tor betters in' the above list, will please say . , advertised J'l If not 1 'called for within 80 "days they will be sent i to the Dftftrl Tetter OfrV 'H ? -H -4 i to the Dead Letter Office. .1.: . ...f f ED..R. Brtttk. P. M. . Wilmington, New Hanpver Co., N. C. j BleJnop Atkinson Apnolntmeau rr , tne Autumn of 1877. Reidsvflle i ;j. : ; . . . J.. . . .-. V:VJi .'.Nov!' " S Leaksyille, (2SVJ Sunday af. Trinity) Nov, 4 Mountain Ohapel. .....!;... ... . .Nov. 6 Germantoo lv v '": . . i ; ; 'J '. Nor: Winston Noy. . 9 Greensboro (24th Sunday af:'Trin.)Nov. 11 farintoch, Granville county. . L., Nov, 14 Flar-Kiver Chapel,- ". . , .V.;..NovV;i5 St Mary's. . ; ' ' .......Noy. 16 Hillsboro (35th Sunday af. Trinity)Nov..lB Hill,'..:. T N6v,; 20 fi:. THB PEARL OF BXCBLLENCB is Gourand's Olympian Cneant Thta nnrivalled preparation im parts to sallow, red or pimply complexions a beauty that conveys no ' suggestion of artificial , appliance. Price in large Bottles reduced to One Dollar, FUr ate S J.-C. atWriKV'' -1-''4 '' '" 'XIA.-x'ii. No one has known what perfect bread, biaenit. rolls, pasby, etc.. are, U .he has not eaten those eaten tnose This article raisea oy ijoomt's xxast Jfowsaa. is made from the purest compounds and bo strong that UUle mow than one half of the ordinary kinds is needed. It also aavea in flour.. ahnrtnninir. rrrL. PHYSICIAN AKB AMAZKD, Patients delight- u, anu ma woo- nave eyes u , eeo, art ears to near, more than satisfied by the absolute certainty with which Haix's -Hdwar; or . Hoekhouhd , ahd Tab euros Conghe, Golds; - Hoanenees, and every aff ec- uou i toe inags ana tnroat, tending to consumpi . .. r . ,!... :'-.'-.., r.-,. -VJ.i ... Pike's Toothache Drops cure In one ininnte.' -ill--J - -'I " 'mmm.:mmm mmii' ' -" ( ; -- f 1 . r . t . , Heiiabre;help for-weak and nervous Buiferers: Chronic,; painful and prostrating diseases- cured Without medicine.. oPnlvermacher' Bltri Relbi the grand dealderatnm. , Avoid imitaaons. -Book ana ioarnar.- witA run turHmiaH TnsfiT trait l a. ansa rrovawif tonus uaLVjuno Co-., laLVjuno 899 Vine Sti It'.U ii Hi. . There ia no case of Dyspepsia that flam's Au oust Fiowxb will not cure. ,Qo to any Drag Stpre and Inquire about it. K yett jBBiTer rom Costive-: aesa. Sick. Headache:! Boar atemail J f mi wiupoun, w any aerangemeni or tne Bto-machBr-Ltvertryit. Two orlhree doses vrtll re lieve you. Begular.slxe 75 eta. , . . ' ,. i i - '-j.yi,om4i TUiWNUTON. On thn armin& nf iVia aim t. i stant, f diphtheria, ' PaKDaaiCK' bTANHOPK .! .raj buu ui nuiuuu n. ua urace ii. xurunexon. ! aged 7 years 4. months and 80 days. .: r ; ; 'HJf Bnchla.the, KUigdim of Heaven." I ThofuneraIswnratii pUB thja afternoon, at 3 .o'clock,' from the resideace of his parents, on 4th, jbetweca Red Cress ancf Campbell Streets ' at which :time friends- and acquaintances, aro reepectf aUy in-' Li rvlted to attend. ,,- f.-j.f.M.iu SnoV'' USU muous o cioca. X1A.W- ,T& ru&eral will take place this Afternoon at 3 p'ciocK, from St. John's Chnrch, thence toOakdalo j letery. Friends and acquaintances are respect fulry ihvitedid attend T TAji ! -'. iTT A ir C T7JS K,;itlb' - 1 BMP' OCBanifiQ OP'ffir Oil Wfl Vfi.' U lbjTteAYlv& I f??.?.?!' Flf?07"8-. Tickets 60c; 1 beXSintdJ ChUdren ;6alh t Hemsberset's and at th donr - Bonders. Wanted::: ery soc. . , . , ,. . oct lO-lt TN A LOCATION BCIALLT'. DKfiTRABT.lE At Tor gentlemen g isuiacoara. - h'nSck i - V -. . MBS. H. BTTKR. . t.. t, between Front and Second. tariiias airrS a kitrr' T w t . - (vawj w lecuaiv j .t-.TfT- Vii.a.Wffa;a ar'Ulierillg fT8nlitri4a Witol 'wvItv J11 to USQiESHtosVBOTy KEADT- At lwetgfprarinlwni Lo.w; PEipisi i; - AOiHl A llll '1 11 M KAMIKK .'U'Cs'S: f0?kthfn--,.n..' ) V.. Corner range and South Water sts. 'JJU 'lf'l'1.Mi . il.il;i.l tr; .iiiiil I ... t. TTnrtcrao'Af SftiAvf n , JOZi; VURTUJI OF-i Aj;DXRDi ! OF ' MORTCTAGR ! - .t.t" aj '"' -1 e.eoalloJaiesFiO)BiiKary4a OaSUn, J;M; kJ.aavti,tlX i'.-;.,',m' rf' ' ' - andaTj J. LlUy,Jr., of the txmot PreStoa Co Aing A Co., recorded In Book JOLM., pp. 357-8, et s,tothoffleo;of the Keriater of Deeds, w3 will sell, at. Public AuctionTFOR CASH, at the Court Howe; 'on THURSDAY the 35TH OFOO-: - TOBBR, the HOUSB AND LOT described in above BHI OCreilUl) tMli ateuiaS BOTUOU OX IjOI AO. 1. IU faBunalesof Fifty, fornale LOW Fci cisH,by v ' ' V 7 , .f- . i ,.4f r i a a mi w m k m . ac w a aanrj t.v i a c .Mjaa vi va kw i 1 ' - j :Mi:'ii is s tu : i . . . - j uawa.i. . i .. . . . ..if.... -. r ftATfes OF ADVERTISING. One Square one day...... " ... two dayg,..., " .' ":' ... tnreedaya,... . .' four days,... . M ' , five day s,.... ' One week,... ... . Two weeks.. , .,. $1 Ofc 1 75 2 60 8 00. 8 60 4 00 6 60 8 60 10 00 17 00 S4 00 40 00 or 10 " ' ..' Three weeks,...":.. f- -one' month,.. ...... Two months,...-... - i ." Throe months,. . .. f ... ? , Six months,.,..,.. ;.'! ' . " .j One year,........, ?y,ow' - i, v - I Ten iium nlM nmiiumi tviM mud am Mnnw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Report of the Condition M-. . OF - " , T : - ' - : - " 4 ; : : HE FIRST NATIONAL RANK Of WJL- MiNfcfTON. at wflmineton,in the Bute or Uorth e Btate of North October 1st, 1877. vawiaaa, at ineewee or basinets, c KESOUECES. Xbana and diseoosts.. . .. tM,?61 St .. - - a.150 80 .. - 80.008 M Orerdrarta,v,i . . . .; . . . . TJ. 8. Bonds' to secure circolation.. .. Other stock, bonds and mortgagee. . . . Dae from approved reserve agents,. . Bme from other National Banks, ...... 40.16S 81 18,831 85 - 1,4S SO 1,884 84 81,785 15 5,039 83 11.675 00 19.446 00 1,374 69 Bae from State Banks and bankers. iteai estate, innutnreana nxtares, Current expenses and taxes paid,. xremiams pais. Fractional currency (Inclndlag nickels) .. Specie (including gold .Treasary certifl- . . - 4,698 8S - 30,000 00 " 1,600 09 t670,C45 88 Legal-tender notes,. . iscaerr Lemption fund with U.&Treuarav f9 pes ceatoi uirciumuotg.,. ...... .. TOtftit , . . . m.:n'i ne. r a. i i .i . LI ABILITIES.- Capital steck'pald In....... $0.000 CO 14.263 41 unaivuiea pronts. 89.322 22 National Bank notes outstanding, ..... 71,990 00 DirMends unpaid,.-.....,...,;. ........... - - 925 00 Individaal depoeiU subject to check,...' 185,325 63 Demand certificates ot deposit,. . -181,404 87 Dna to nthr Nslinnid Rjuitra . t Tfti. :Notes andhlljare diaconnted,. .....,19,880 63 . . . 5; ..1 iZ . . . - ............ . .v. - STATK OP NOBTH CAfiOUNA, . T. ' COtiNTY 07 NIW HANOVSR, ra. ;, -, I. A. K WALKER. Cashier of the abnre named Sank, do Mlemnly swear that, the .above statement is?trae to the best of my knowledge end belief. ;;v.;ivit -t A.BU WALK&R, Cashier, f; . Sabscribed and sworn to before mo-this 9th day of October, 1877. ...... ; , COSBKCT Attest :' ,,.2.i.'S-iv ? '-- - ' H. G. WORTII, ' t :?: ., . . ;) JAMBS SPRUNT, -Directors.' ' 1 ui ' ' ! B. B. BUKEU88, oct W-lt - . ' " - 1 : ' : ; - ' ' " '- -'-" . -' . ' . . . i t - :.y . ... .; v -. ! ,;. . -. ; - . For Rent or Ijiease, -TflE MOSTDK8TSABLB KKSIDENCB IN THB CITJ.-Th aew Nino Boom SBXU8B;luad1jrjT3I South Front be- tween Ann and Nub Streets, occupied by me as a ii . v.:-i;-45 fs?!-i,;isi. Family Reeidence. Centaina Bath Room, .with hot and coldNrater; two' Fire-place beaters, warming six rooms; Closets in every bed-room; Cistern in the yard. 1 ; , w : .: ' . . - . t ' ALSO, FOR RENT, . . it The FIVB-ROOM COTTAGE, with kttchea.'Ac., In basement, noxtorth of and adjoining the a be ve. oct 10-2t r : . F. 3. LORD. ; $250 RfeAiViarcl. i 1 I A WILL -PAY TWO BUNDRBD AND FIFTY DOLLARS- R3WARD for sufficient evidence to . . l .!;,., . ' .... -. .... . i r ... '.. . convict the r"rson who ' set fire to .iay House on -: ! VT'iV 1 f -:!-.'.-.ii-;v":", Si "''i.-' f ''"' Sunday Morninf;, the 7th instant. - .1 . The House wus situated on Fifth between Bruhs- wick and Haaovor Streets. ;r t , oet lo st - . ;f :'; W. P. CAN AD AY. J.' L BfliTWBIGHf. f.'I.Mflr BUCKWHEAT! ti''f '!''i"BBCKiv"ibr"''"H;: ' li t A Bbls NEW HULLED BUCK WHEAT, . , V:J,U i -,iil.'.: -'. : and" !'(' ...... fc Bbls FINEST ..- f ; :i 'Hi: l; -;e f YRU?,. . ; FIBST .OP THB 8 BASON. BbatWfilit & UcKby, V'b,'Taiid 8 NORTlt FHONT T. oet10-DAtf ; ?'n''; "-;'' M 7ir.u ,.' t: , 5 Barrels NORTHERN APPLES ri,;' : -" at low FiauBss: : ' ! . . . 1 . ; IBoatwrightt & JUclIby , S, T and 8 IfOBTII PRONT ST.' 1 octlODA Wtf ' j " J :1h? v y : 55;;;Barrel$ 1 JJO'rlmhWPOtbeSr. -W- f u; satjw: ; l P?twt & IIcKoy, i ii )tf ! ill'iV -iH--VIJ.,'OJ 1 ... d, T and8 Nortli Front 1st. octlO DAWtf '' " "" ' ' '-' ' :'.' 1 ... - 1 ITH TWO GARTS j ;ll , ,WE DELIVER PBOMPTCY f !VBRY-HALP HOUR TO ' ANY PART tlir'Trilc'' a- iifnv r-Call And examine otff Stock'' and Prices and ;. r:.;sl . buy your GROCERIES from-, s ' ;.-i.-i i lllinejy and Taney Goods.' ItTSS. L. FLANAGAN ' "vVI8HB TO " AN-' ' iiuuuco i me ijaaigs inat sne naa remrnea froai the Northern Cities, waere she liaToeeBM- fcaaclOT ' prepared to show her patrons a Very Attractive ana BeanSfal Stock Of a&The NKWE8T STYLBShi French Pattern Bonnete and Hata, Velvets, bilks. Feathers, Fkwera. Ribbons; JteTi J - ? "7,; 1 , ' .'' ' .'" Vv''..',' My motto la, as heretofore the BestOaoda, ae Latest Designs, the Lowest Price, and the koat 1 0rder from tho- country solicited, and perfect h rerunaea. S, i i- o'j 'I 'if.'?. MmmJL . I mi ; . ' : . i'AliL t-itt Willis -it 1 1 "i '-i .1 .1 V! rill ; nac, ; MRSL. FLANAGAN..: : - J1' - ! (. I :-'..? ';. i 5 -:. i ';- ! ii:; k' r- 14! -i:: mi , !' i;F'i;'- h ' ''- -'i'-. - '-1 1 ' -' i f .1' 1 "i,":4: ' J :::- ! :--1 'JiA 'i ".'

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