THE IIOMHHQ ST AR , By WH. P. BERNARD. ; PUBLISHED DAILY gXCKPT MONDAYS, ltiBa 0 BUBSCBIPTIOa W ADVAHCU ! One year, (by mall) portage paji,.-. $ Six months, " .: - 2 Three months, " " ' Z 1 00 00 i S5 I 00 To City Sabeeribera, delivered U any part of the CI 17, c uieeu wain i - not authorised to collect for mere than three months i are in advance. 6en. Todleben takes command of the en tire general staff of the Russian army; the Hungarians are on the war-path; it ia said that the Russians cannot winter m Buiga ria unless Ruslchnk or some other force surrenders; a Turkish steamer, has been destroyed in the Danube by torpedoes; any Russian soldier may be now promoted to commissioned officer, for distinguished ser vices, after standing the usual examination Hon E. Pierrepont has resigned ai Minister to England, j N. Y. Parker, cx-SUte-Trwsuref of South Carolina, has been arrested in New York upon a requisi tion from' Got. f&pntpn, and . has been jailed. ; - AnotbeViase of yellow fever at quarantine, New York. Public ex citement rapidly increasing in Paris; Mac- Mahon's manifesto is commented on with severity. Proposition to shorten the Praver Book was rejected. f --New York markets: Money 4 per' cent; gold strong at lOOJ.LUlfbn eaaierat 11 746Cai-16 centr; at " 1 ' aw V . ft 1? - Jav A nour aoiiana m&ivc jower, ooouern $o 40 8 75; wheat, spring ile lower, winter grades better; corn a shade firmer; spirits . InmAnTlfUl ftllMrlv m - Vi 1 ,AnB. MwUii IUI UV4UV u. vwu J M WlW lUM, UM $1 700180. . ' . . . - RANDALL FOB SPBAKBH. The Democratic caucus - at Wash ingtah, last " night,' nominated the Hon. Samuel J. Randall for Speaker on the first ballot. He received .107 oat of 142 votes cast. As is kno wn to its readers the Star has favored the nomination of Mr. Randall, and it is needless, therefore, to say that we are .gratified at the result. Mr. Randall has made a good Speaker, and was entitled to a renomination at the hands of the party he has so faithfully nerved. His nomination in caucus is, of course, equivalent to an election. IK SOUTH-ATLANTIC." Late yesterday we received tfce first number- of this . new "Monthly Magazine of Litefature, Science and Art," and edited by our gifted towns woman, Mrs. Cicero W. Harris. We have only had time to turn over its pages and glance here and there. The number contains eight papers and poems, besides editorials. Among the contributors are such well-known authors as Capt. J. N. Maffitt, Paul II. Hay ne and John Eaten Cooke. Kemp P. Battle, W. II. Babcock and Mrs. V. L. W est are the other prose contributors. The poetry is by M. ,V. Lanier, J. ' H. Boner and Paul H. Hayne, the best living Southern poet. The bill; of fare is inviting. We need not ssiy that this candidate for public favor, and spe- - - . . cially for North Carolina': favor, has oar heartiest wishes for its success. Let it bewell sustained with . many, contributions in the way of subscrip tion and advertising, and it will be admirably sustained in its literary contents.' It will bo for sale at the Vtrirtlr c t AVO.Q o fi rwm r - Pwiaa 0 wvva ovwao va luuimajfa jl 1 iwv cat year or. 30 cents a number. "One more unfortunate has been captured and jailed. This time it is ex-State Treasurer N. G. Parker, of SoutlrCarolina, who has been arrest ed in Jersey City and jailed, upon a requisition of Governor Hampton. He is one of the "roguesiaccording to his confession, which we published some weeks ago. ; He expresses him- self as willing to turn State's evi dence. "He can a tale unfold" that will be highly interesting to South Carolinians and very distressing to his "pals," including that arch-villain, the inevitable ex-Gov. Chamber lam. One by one the precious scamps are coming to grief. The grinding of the mills of God. goes on contin ually. .We trust the last one of the rascals will be ground to powder. The Russian armies have not been well commanded. This is evidently felt by the Czar, and, hence, it is re ported thai the great Russian engi neer, Gen. Todleben, will be placed at th hparl nf t.hfl nntirn cp.nnral o staff.- This may turn out to be a judicious change, j The Democratic cancus at Wash ington, last night, concluded its la bors by the nomination of Mr. Adams for Clerk of the House, Mr. s Thomp son for Sergeant-at-Arms, Mr. Polk, of Missouri, for Doorkeeper, and Mr. Stewart for Postmaster. . Minister Pierrepont has resigned. What is up ? v He long ago disgusted decent Englishmen by his foolish speeches, v There is a "true inward ness" of this resignation, but it is not known as yet. ' ; - A new Episcopal Diocese will he formed out of West Virginia. It has passed the General Convention, and the House of Bishbps has concurred. I HE MORNIMCl YOL; XXI.-r-NO. -19r : EOITY. NBW ADVKBTISBIIIBNTK. N. Ia.C0BiBe8t goods. . BaxbisokA AxxxR-rHata. ' ! : : ; ; . it. 1 J. Hahk Dress gbods,-&c.o V i , ATKimoN---Lischt Infantry. J onus Samson New arrivals. ' -1; ' -:' i MB8. V. A. Oaa Pall fashions. , X A. Spbihger Ckal and wobd. Jona DA.WSON Turpentine tooht! Mottsoh & CJo. Wamsutta shirtslaK Hkinsbeboxb Books, musie, &c. , I Botobd, Loeb & Ca Cotton ties. Z M : Pbttewat & ScBULKBir Bargains. ; Adbiaji& YoiXEBS.--Oroceriea, &c Ofesa. Housb Sensational Blondes. I GUiBKxt & Northrop New bakery. I Obaht, Hinton & Co. Choice flour, j Haydkk & GitRHARDT Saddlery, l&c. Bbowh & Rodpick: Great attraction MAM.AKTI & Co Baraesa, saddles, &c BoATWRieHT&McKoT Family 'supplies B. P. Mjtchkll & Son Choice flour, &c ' Kkrchkkr Causb Bros. Corn, ker osene,' bagging, nails, &c j , . - There were no interments in Bel- levue Cemetery during the past week. No cases ready for trial before me Mayor a uourt yesterday mornine. t Miss Kate Claxton will : not visit us this season, having cancelled her engagement . The interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery .during the past -week numbered six, three adults and three chil dren. I t JThe Register of Deeds issued only two marnage liceoses during the past week, one for white and one . for colored couples. Superior Court , for" New Han over county, Judge W. A. Moore presid ing, will convene in this city ono week from to-morrow. . - -. Miss Anderson, who is now play ing a successful engagement in Philadel phia, has engaged dates for this oily early in January. : ' - . " : - The seveutbj : annual . session of the Kenansville Eastern Association will be held with the First (colored) Baptist Church of this city on Thursday, the 18th inst. ' A white man, name unknown, was arrested yesterday afternoon and sent to the guard house, the charge against him being daunkenness and disorderly conduct. Warmer, clear or partly; cloudy weather, light variable winds, mostly from the southeast, and stationary or lower pres sure, are the indications for this section to A lady at Laurinburg, writing! to a friend in this city, says there is a col ored child at that place, three years old, who has a well matured set of side whis kers and a moustache.' ' j j The case of Sarah Hall, colored, arrested Friday afternoon on the charge of disorderly conduct, has been continued un til Monday, the prisoner-in the meantime to remain in the guard bouse. The members of the Cape Fear Light Artillery are requested to meet at their armory to-morrow (Monday) morningt promptly at 5 o'clock, as the company will certainly move at twenty minutes past 6. Mr. John McCollough, the emi nent tragedian, has engaged the Opera House in this city for Monday and Tuesday evenings, the 22d and 23d insts., when he will appear under the management of Mr. John T. Ford. J ; ; r - The market was abundantly sup plied with fish yesterday; the different va rieties embracing trout, rockfish, mullets, blue fish, skipjacks and flounders. It has been a long time since there' have beeri so many fish in market " : ' Every member of the Wilming ton Light Infantry is expected to appear at their armory to-morrow (Monday) evening, at 4 o'clock, in full uniform, with plumes. They are also required to carry pom-pons, and have blankets and baggage at the .armo ry by 12 o'clock. I ; j ; A protracted meeting has been in progress at Hallsville, Duplin . county, during the past week, under the ministra tions of Rev; XL M. Croom, of the Baptist Church, assisted by the Rev. J. G. Dukes, of this city, and at last accounts twenty-two persons had joined tne cnurcn. There were six interments in Oakdale Cemetery during the weekending yesterday, the ages of the parties being, re spectively, 15 months, 7 years,' 7 years and 7 months, 45 years, 51 years and 53 years; and the disease's malarial fever, jaundice, consumption, Brigbt's disease and diphthe- ria. two cnuaren aiea wim me laiier anu one with Bright's disease. ; : Tlie Yellow Ferer aofferera. The following donations have been re ceived at this office for the yellow fever sufferers at Port Royal and Fernandina:; KKidder& Sons.... .$50 0 B. F. Hall..... ........ 50 00 Cash........ ....... 15 00 .Mrs. E t . l po - Exeairaln t SaattbYllle. Positively the last excursion to Smithville for this season will be given on Wednesday next, the 17th Inst., weather permitting, un der the management of Capt J.- W. Lip pit L Here Is the last chance for those who want to en joy one more sight,; or "old Ocean" and get one more whiff of its invig orating breezes ere the "winter of our dls-r content" shall set in.". The excursion will take place on the steamer J. 8. UnderhiiL ) ! . ; ' WILMINGTON, The State PaJr-rPreyaraitiaaa mg (lie " military to Attend-Pall Baaks law .' -' slrea, e. There is considerable Of a stir in military circles just now. -The boys are all on the gut tite in regard to the proposed trip: to Raleigh to attend the State' Fair We ;do not know how many will go, but it is very important that each 'company 'should ;go. 'with full ranks in order' that Wilmington may be able to make as good a showing,: at least, as otner towns and cities in the Btate From every-' indication,, at present, there will be an immense gathering at Kaielgh this week. r Hampton and Vance will 4raw If nothing else wilt The military will form an important feature or tne . occasion.:, and we should have sufficient pride to wish: our companies to make a favorable - impression upon the large numbers who .will be pre-1 sent from every section of ' our! pat riotic,- good old State. The strength 'of the different companies will be able to show will depend . In a great .measure upon the will of our tnerchants and other business our military are employed. '$b the language of the Charlotte 0awrer, in making an ap peal in behalf of, he young; men of that cKy, we say, "many of them who are anx ioua to go have declined to ask permission to do so from; their employers on account of the heavy ; business just at this seasob . We make an appeal in then behalf. -This is the first time they have been called bat; and it is important that there should be; a good representation,' ' If allowed to enjoy themselves for a few days they will return with lighter hearts, and' better prepared for their work. Let the boys goby all means, and tell them they can dq so, and we. venture, to sayinai you win .not re-r gretit";; r-'.V Z -: i'l ., -Zlij The military.' companies have been or dered to appear at Raleigh on Tuesday of the Fair, at 10 o'clock, A. M.; for an en campment of three days. The Cape Fear Light Artillery, under command of Capt H. G. Flanner, with a section of their bat tery, will leave this city Monday, morning on the Carolina Central Railway via Ham let and will arrive at Raleigh about 9 o'clock (hat night - : The Wilmington, Light Infantry, under Capt Walter Coney, and' the Whiting Rifles, under Capt J. W. Gordon, will leave Monday afternoon, on the 5.40 traitj, via Weldon, and wUl arrive at Raleigh on Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock. , ,. j On Tuesday morning, the day upon which the Fair opens, ail the military of the three different battalions, will escort . Governors Hampton and .Vance to the Fair Grounds. Assault with a Deadly Weapon. John Minn is, colored, was arrested yes terday morning, about 11 o'clock, on the charge of committing an assault on Henry Wilkes, colored, by striking him over the head with an instrument used in shovelling ballast The difficulty occurred on the West side of the river, about half past 10 o'clock. The wound, which is on the back of the head, was examinedby the city physician, who is of the opinion that it is not likely to prove serious. Minnis says Wilkes bad been persistently teasing and worrying him, making insulting references; to his family, clucking at his horse, &e. i that he had warned him time, and again to stop it, but without effect, and finally, in a moment of passion, he gave him the 'blow.1 Minnis, who was arrested by Officer Lewis Gordon, was lodged in the guard house to await a hearing before the Mayor's Court on Monday morning. 7 FIrat Boataao 1ft- C 8. O. - ' Lieut. CoL Taylor, of the Second Battal ion N. C. S. G., has received a letter from: Capt . W. A, Liles, of Wadesboro, stating that the Anson Veterans have organized, elected officers and sent forward certificates to the Adjutant General.: The officers ex pected to receive their commissions imme diately, and the company will have a proxy present at Raleigh this week. This makes the complement of ten companies necessary to constitute the ; Second Battalion a full regiment, entitling it to a Colonel, Lieuten ant Colonel and Major, and making it the First Regiment of N. C. State Guard.- The election of officers for the regiment is ex pected to take place at Raleigh this week, and we hope to see Lieut Col. Taylor come home a full-fledged Colonel. A Burnlna; Bale...,:..:;... Considerable excitement was created in the neighborhood of the W. '& W. R R. depot, yesterday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, by a young man's trying the experiment of applying a lighted match to a. hole in a bale of cotton, . which had. been cut for sampling purposes. , The cotton blazed up, and " the more he tried to put it out the more it burnt the faster." The bale, was thrown upon the ground, which Only served to give new impetus to the flames, but by this time a large crowd had gathered and the spiteful little conflagration was "nipped in the bud." , The young man says it happened acci- dpntallv. ," ' - 'i' ''- ' ' w ml . - DIaposed Of.'".'" --- . The cases against Messrs. W. P. Canaday and J. j; .Caasidey,' Qf the Wilmington JW, charged with libelling the Commis sioners of . Robeson coil n ty, was ,' heard at Bladen , SnprlDr vC6urt dqring : the ' paat week. The case against Mr. Canaday was dismissed. ;Mr. Cassidey;. submitted' and waa required to pay one penny 'andj costa. gg gp- .... Presentation Ceremony. -. i-t We learn that an interesting ceremonyia expected to take place'ori the eve of the de parture of the infaatry companieaifr JUi leigh to-morrow afternoon, teing ba pre tentati'on of a handsome sword aod, belt to Lt Col. M. P. Taylor, 2nd Battalion If. C. State Guard, by the Light Infantry Com pany, of which he waa formerly Captains N. C.,; SUN DAY. OdTOBER 14; 1877. "t iOn Thursday and Friday evenings of the presentKweek,-Mme.Nmon Duclos' famous troupe of Blondes and statuary .artists will appear at the Opera House. ; The company numbers between twenty and thirty, and their performances, the Norfolk Yirginian says, have been greeted everywhere with largean'd enthusiastic audiences, it paving been necessary frequently to open the doors from fifteen to thirty minutes before the advertised time to avoid the' great rush on the ticket office. ' Of their performance in Washington the papers of that .city say Standing room here this week 1b the ex ception. The performance is a bright and spicy one, and the "Dizzy Blondes" create a sensation. nasU7igton Juvenrng alar. wM'me Dados' "Dizzy Blondes" are the leading attraction this week, and they draw unusually large crowds nightly. Wathing- ton Hepubiican. According to the Richmond Enquirer it is not a "strictly mora) show." A Capital Oaae for the Superior-Court. ' TfiA rBRA nf Hi a RtntA n ' Rnhort Smith pby, which occurred In occurred in Bladen cexiaty some months since,- has been removed to this 'county for trial. . The case will come up on Wednesday of the second week of the term of the Superior Court, which con venes in this city one week from to-morrow, Judge Moore presiding. It will be remem bered that Mr. , Smith had a preliminary examination before a T magistrate shortly after the sad occurrence, and the caso was dismissed. . During the present term of Bladen Superior Court, however, the grand Jary , found', an indictment against him. when, through his counsel, he ' succeeded in haying the case removed, as be fore! stated. ' - ' i Mr. N. A. Stedman. Jr.. appears for the defence. Mr. Smith was committed to jail at Etiza- Detntown on weanesday last. U 8. Commissioner Court.' Peter Evans, a colored stevedore, was ar raigned before U. ' S. Commissioner Mc- Quigg, on Friday afternoon, charged 'with Tiolating the Internal Revenue laws by sell ing intoxicating liquors to h'is brother steve dores, while engaged in loading a vessel some months since, without having fjrst ob tained the necessary license. - The evidence was conclusive as to his guilt, and he was i ordered to give boqd in the sum of $1Q0 ror nis appearance at the next term or tne U. S. District Court, which convenes in this city on the 31st inst, in default of , which ne was committed to jail. Ladlea' Benevolent Society. The Visitors of the Ladies' Benevolent Society: will meet at Hook and Ladder Hall on Tuesday afternoon, October 16th, at 4i o'clock. ' . I uiVKB a'nd naniNE itbsis. The Norwegian barque Henrick Ibsen, Basmussen, arrived at a port in the United Kingdom from this port on the 9th inst. A cable dispatch from Queenstown announces that the schooner Ihuile, from this' norL had arrived there leakinV flnH with a lost radder. . CITY ITEMS. THE PEARL OF EXCELLENCE !is Gourand'a OlvmDian Cream. This unrivalled preparation im parts u sallow, red or pimply complexions a beauty tnat conveya no suggestion or aruaciai appuance. Price in large Bottle, urednced to One Dollar. For sale byJ. C. Munds. t WIVES KNOW THAT THE BROW OF CARE la often soothed by a delicious supper, to which per fect bread, rolls, biscuit, etc., are so important. To have these delicate products of baking always reliv nie. me use or uoolxt's xzast rownis is very important. Thia article Is among the most valuable or tne aay in us Marmgaon neaitn. it is put up in cans always xuu in weigut. , y1 Im What abb thk CnxsKKTLiu ei Guunr's 8m.- fhttb Soap t Firstly it is endorsed by medical men as a aifiiniectant, oeodonxer, ana remedy ror local diseaaesof the asm. Secondly, it is an admirable article for toilet use. Tbiralv. it is InexDensive. Beautify without risk with Hill's Ixstaxtaot- ous HaisvDt. There is na case of DvsneDsisthat Qim't Av oubt Flo wan will not cure. Go to any Drug Store and inquire about it. If you I suffer from Cosnve- neaa, suck ueaaacne, bout utomacn, inaigestion. Liver Complaint, or any derangement of the Sto mach or Liver try it. Two or three doses will re lieve you. Regular sue 75 eta. Latx PAPaas. To Harris' News Stand. ' south side Front Street, we are indebted for comes of the new xorx jjtagtr, fnmey vomer ana jrrtuut LetUe'i Htuttrated xinommer for the current week. The Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock this morning. Happy tidings far nervous sufferers, and those wno nave oeen aesea, arageea ana quacKea. nu- vermacher'a JDectne Belts effectually cure prema ture debilitv. weakness, and decay. Book and Jour nal, with Information worth thousands, mailed free. Aaaress ruLTXBiuoKH ualvanio uo., uncinnau, otuo. 1IIABBIED, ty. nesday, the 10th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, S. D. Wallace. Esq.. by Rev. James E. Mann. Mr. EDWIN BORDEN and Miss NEPPIE WALLACE. . DIED. : TUBNEB. in this city, on Saturday evening, tne. istn met.: JsuiADSTu jamje tukhsk. asea 14 years a montns ana n aays, ' . The funeral will take place this (Sunday) after noon, at 8 o'clock, at St. Thomas' (Catholic) church. thence to Oakdale Cemetery. . NEW; ADVERTISEMENTS. Attention, Wilmingtoa LiM Infantry. yOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO APPEAR X at the ArmorV. in full uniform, with plumes. Monday evening, at 4 o'clock. You are also ordered to carry Pom Pons, and have blankata and baggage at tne Armory oy is o ciock. tsr order captain. -oct 14-lt , t , W.C. LORD, O.S. ;T: ; Coal and , Wood. , 800 Tons Red Ash Grate COAL, '' 400. "i." " Steve - v o so White Nut -1 ,, v 400 " Superior Soft " , '10O Cords Oak, Ash and Pine WOOD, 50,000 Best Sz3U SHINGLES. -oct 14-lm J. A. SPRINGER. rlew Mery ani Confectumery. . QN WEDNESDAY, THE 17TH, THE UNDER algned will open a Bakery and Confectionery Store at the eld and well known stand so long kept by Mr. F. M. Agostini, whore we will keep the best of everything in our line H. D. GILBERT, 8. G. NORrHROP. cct 14-tf ; Another Shipment Of I euR : justly chlbbratbd , wam- 8UTTA8MIRTS, decidedly the best Shirt made. expected daily, roaly fl 15, C. O. D. ' .--f .oct 14-lt ' ' MUNSOff & CO.' 5. .-...-v.' 't i Atr ''. . 4 ",. " - e. -. w-. .. S-yv NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. TitYl ftly ftTlfl TmpnTtflTlt j , - . . 4 Announcement . - t-'-j it J -rT -vxiTXT Q t fXTXTVtrvtr , I AJXVW t L Ob IXJIJVJl ." 45 Elarket Street t " , r. iivl , t . . - .-''.- HK TOLLOWINU IS A SYNOPSIS OF T&S Great and Unosoal AttraeOona which will ba offered by ns this coming week. : They deserva the CARK FUL AND 1MKXDIATB attention of all. SILK DEPAHTIIE3T. Black Gros Grain Silk, $1 75 quality will be sold for $186; 1 4 ' Black 80k face Velvet, suitable for Dreas.TrlmminK fa Bonnets, $1 75 aad $3 60; , - 5. ." j The lowest prices ever quoted for such qualities. , - ' ' J - DRESS GOODS DEPARTHEBT. Xnelish Cashmeres, S8 inches wide, la all the lead- tag colors, SW cents, worth 87Ji cents; - ; . English Serges, in all the popular shades, 15 cents, wort! 873t cents; . Oamasaa Suiting, from 15 cents ; . ,) A full line of all the Newest Materials aad Colors in the Market. MOTJEliTHQ DEPARTMENT. Cashmeres, Henriettas, Coburgs, Australian Crepes, , Delaines, Tamise Cloths. Crapes, Ac., Ac i -1 Specials, This is a list of inducements which cannot fair to attract the attention of EVERY lady. Oar stocks In every department' are very large, and include everything de&rable the market affords. Apprecl- ..... t . aUng the natora of 4he times and the dleposltion of customers to obtain the greatest possible return for . ... t the least possible oatlay, we have decided to offer THESE GREAT BARGAINS FOB THE COMING WEEK: 500 Pieces Linen Platting,' with Yal Lace Edge, SO cents a piece, worth $4 60; ;.. J Silk Lisse Neck Baffling, 10 cents, worth 60 cento; 790 samples of Nottingham Lace for Curtains, all lengths and patterns, choice for 35 cents; ' ' ;" ' . ? " i : Call early and secure a selection. P . BROWN 6c RODDICK, oct 14-tr 45 MARKET STREET. I "RYmirsinTi tn Smitri'inllo I f AJAOUTBlOn .10 OlUltnyllie ! I on Steamer J. SUnderliill, - . Wednesday, October 17. STKAMBR WILL LEAVE O. G. PAB8LVY A GO'S Wharf, foat of Onnra tttrat PnnirpTT.V &. nuuninf! oeiore nignt. jrare ror roan a tnp 70 eta; Children 60 eta. The Italian String Band has been engaged . The Manager will exclude ut ahfonOnnaiilA twtr. on. and no effort will bo soand to mb th mri-Tir. sion a pieaaaat ana agreeable one. iicaetsio oenaaon aoara. orrrom - oct 13-8t , J. W. L1PP1TT, Manager, Cotton Ties. ' rpHE HOOK A EYE TIE. THE HOOK A EYE TIE, " ' THE HOOK A EYE TIB Is the most simple and eaafly adjusted Tio In use. Cheap as the cheapest., j Send your orders to ; BINFORD. LOEB A CO., oct 14-tfDAW Gen. Agents Cotton Statea. ; fj FLOUR. FLOIJR. ; Choice FamilT Floiir, Warrantei, $8 25. A FRESH LOT WILL BE RKCBIVKD TO.: Jt. morrow, direct from the Western mills no. middle men to pay profit to. We give our cus tomers the benefit of DIRECT PURCHASES IN LO W PRICES.! - : A faU line of CHOICE GROCERIES always on t band at BOTTOM PRICES. : GRANT. HINTON A CO., ; - ' Commission Merchants and Grocers. oct 14-ltDAW . The : Live Book Store HAS IN STOCK A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of Standard and MiseeUaneona Works. School Books, Blank Books,. Stationery of every descrip tion, Gold and Steel Pens, Penholders, Lead Pen cils, in as, inkstands, and everything In the Book Aid Stationery line. ., - , ,, . The Nuslcal Department Has Pianos, Organs, Melodeons, Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Flutes, Fifes, Harmonicas, Accordeons, xirsius, xauDonnea, muaicai iioxes, sc. Chromos and Steel nirravinea. Frames. Ifata. Cards, Ac, at tUELNSlSBilCUXKt), ' oct 14 tf- Nos. 89 and 41 Market st. Consignments IN ST0EE AND TO ABBI7E ! ' -y ILL BE SOLD FOB A COMMISSION ONLY: New Mullets In large packages; -Family Mess Pork and Breakfast Strips; Table and Cooking Butter and Lard; .: Bacon. Shoulders and Canvassed Hams; Sugar .Coffee, Molasses and Flour; - Peas, Bice, Potatoes and Apples. - - - Onions, Cabbage, Turnips aad Beets; Soap, Lye, Potash and Tobacco; -Glue. Spirit Casks. Poultry. Eees. Ac - - Remember, commissions onlv win not ' Icstlf r time consumed running after bills. 1 , raTTJtW&I A BCUULUM, " Brokers and Commission Merchants. oct 14-tf Next North Princess and Water sta, Review copy. - Ilallard & Co. , - Are receiving daily - -r"" HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES,' L TRUNKS and TRAITBl.TNU KAHH. all iFradea.aedaellataiitnnlahnirtnwTtma I wholesaieorretailo ;r. .iu:,i, l mF Manufaclurlnff and reDalrlnar at short notice. I oct 14-tf . :Hoi8SenthFrmtau WHOLE NO. : 3,179 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dress Goods. rpHS CHEAPEST LOT OF DRSS ? . ' GOODS ever sold !n tae City, n Jut racelvetat J. HAHN8, .i 4th8treet: :' Black pacas;; j , JUST EKCEIVKD, THE SECOND LOT J , . of 'those Cheap- ALPACAS and are selling them Lower than eTer at . , J. HAHN'S; oetX4-U ' -r i, . .4th Street 'Flannels. - ASS 8XLLINQ VTHITB aad BKD FZANNXL8 , Tweaty-Fiye Per Cent., Cheaper -. than any Hooae la the City. Call and examine at - ; - ! . HAHN'S, 4th Street letl4-Jt' II Hxuubxirg Edgingsj I Iff HATE EKCKIVED A LAHGK -- I l' i - aasaftment of HAMBTBG EOSlNps, f mm auction, and are selling them - at Half the Begnlar Price at ,i , f t. octl4-lt i . to 4tn street. ; Wev Airrivars; .f niev Arrivals. j .i ' I SHALL OPEN - Oil IIoiiday9VOctober 15 T i , A NEW ASSORTMENT O? '?i i ... f - - - . DRBSSfGOODy . . v JIN GBSAT VARIETY. - A . Extra BargtUns in . Cashmeres, ALL SHADES. ; " , ' JULIUS SAMSON, oct 14 tf , .43 Market Streei , BLANKETS ! :: . 200 WHITE BLANS STS, : ; 200 SILVER GRAT do. ! : CliOAKS, ' ALL THE NEW, and FASHIONABLE SHAPES. ; ;u Cloths and Casslmeros, ' A COMPLETE STOCK, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT POPULAR PRICES. f JULIUS SAMSON", oct!4tf 48 Market Street - J U S T; R E.CT2 1 .V E D 150 Pieces More of thoso 7-8 and 4-4 FOULORD CAMBRICS. - , TART.1E Tl AVAR IT Wkifa anil CbxnA NAPKINS, TOWELS, and a Fun Line of WHITE - . i GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, Italian . and Torchon JLACES. f .' - ; Also, A Full lane of Silk. Galoon and Worsted Fringes ... JULIUS SAMSON, . cttttf. -j-ei k , :4S Market Street. AH Day Long ! FROM SUNRISE to SUNSET j .......... .... j WE SEND OUT Family Groceries TO All Parts of ,the-f City. Our DELIVEEY WAGONS Leave our Stores PBOMPTLY! EVERY THIRTY MINUTES. LEAVE your ORDERS FOR Family SlIDpHeS WITH US. WE GUARANTEE L .'I A . ' - ' ' THE ' " ' ' v THE Irge3t Stookl. : AND THE i . TT ' '. 1 ' - ; - -y.' I VeiV. XjOW6SL PriCfiS ." f - ' jr ; f y u.. J. A lyOO : . I i. i Boalvrijjht & I : IlcIJoy, 1 ' v f"': ri -iiy."---i r u i 9.7 & &fiartl Front '. u. r oct 14-DAWtf AOTBRTISIRG. : $100 " ! twodaya,.,..;,,... 1 10 t 60 S 00 8 50 4 00 inreeaays,... lour days,.... " - " -five days..... - . , one week,.... ' . Two weeks.. .. 6 50 8 50 10 B " . Three weeks,..,,.,. " " One month, . .U.... " . Two months,.;. ...i ......... 17 00 a :s Three months.. i.r ;....... S4 00 ' Six months...... 40 00 " . .... One year,.... 60 00 f3PCon tract Advertisements taken at propor tlonately low rates - i - Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' OPERA HOUSE. Two Thursday and Friday Oct 18 and 19. TheCardttheBoason u s . . - TROTJPK OF " ' SENSATI0FAL BI0NDES ' and Living Ar Fletarea I From the Central Park Garden Theatre, New York SO Baaauital BIae SO : In the latest Parisian Sensation, LA MINUET I ... The Performance to conclude with the mirth pro voking Burlesque, entitled Seven Beauties, or the Dizzy Blondes ! octl4-4t i , - v., . Corn. Corn. Corn. QftAA Bosh, CORN. Prime. : OUUV White and Mixed. For aala bv octl4tf KBRCRNJBit AjCALDRB BROS. Eif osene Oil.- 15 Ebl K30&E5B4IL, - . " . octl4-tf r KXRCHNER C'ALDKR BROS. Jagging; 5and Hour.v 400 Rolls and Half Rolls BA6C :3G, K A Tons TIES, av - .... ..r '500 BaneIaFUUBa,1srad For sale bv octl4-tf KERCHNEH A CALDER BROS. .Kails, SoaplieafiiPctasL -QQ Kegs NAILS, , V ? 2QQ Boxes SOAP, . - - K( SasaPOTAHHr v " octl4-tf KERCHNKR CALDER BROS , v llinovi)l:7atere A FULL SUPPLY, OF APPOLLTNARIS1 AND J. HUNYAJDI JANOS BITTER WATER, highly recomm ended by Physicians, kept constantly on handandforileby v r ..v ADRIAN A YOLL3RS. oct lirVt f k otheast corner Front and Sock Bto. , ;: Ficmr. v A LARGE STOCK. ON HAND, 1 : Yartons Grades and Bran, a, jyEATS Hams, Sides, Shoulders, i Strips, Bellies, Pork and Beef. ' MOLASSES. -New Crop Cuba, " , , ::s"-i-:"r Suear House. Ac. SUGARS. A, C, Extra C, : -" , Powdered aad Crushed. GRACKERS. Frosted and Lemon Cream, . Lemon Picnic, Corn Hill. Oyster, Soda, uuigur oiwiiisauu vases, in iiarreia and coxes. - CASE AND CANNED GOODS. A large, ample and varied stock on hand. SUNDRIES. Tubs, Measures ,: Washboards, Cheese Safes, Cloths Pins. Twine, . Uses, Paper and Flour Bags, Paper, Blacking Brushes, Oil Cans, Ac, Ac. .ADRIAN A vOLLERS, - Wholesale Grocers, w,t A-tft Duuuicwii corner jrruiiw ua uock bib. Fall Fashions. MRS. VIRGINIA A. ORR HAS RECEIVED and is now usinz the LATEST SHAPES for La. dies and Misses Hats, and invitee a call from those who have heretofore entrusted her with their work. She is DreDared to alter old stvles and fashion them . into the most modern shapes. White straw dyed black when so ordered and In best style. RESIDENCE One door east of Front, on Church Street oct 14-tf For Best Goods ND LOWEST PRICES, ' 1 Call at the Hardware Depot -Extra Inducements to Wholesale Buyers at ' N. JinARl'fl HtnlwiM Unvit octl4tf No. 10 South Front street. The little S&op AronM M Corner JS THE PLACE TO GET SADDLES, HARNESS. V WHIPS and COLLARS. W Made or Repaired, Cheap for. Cash. rr-v,l next to souuier land's "tiTrltts. f'i HAYDEN A GERHARDT, oct 14-tf .... .... L-. .,- WllmlngtonN. C. Turpentine Scrapers, sels. Bunches. Horse He . Tne largest assortment of the above goods, and lamua, vrmwmg auuvea, 4iC mt of the above goods, mm oand at the Old Rstablishei lowest prices, can be found at the Old i&thnahi Hardware iiouse or jvan DAWSON. . : 19. W A M MARKET STREET, oc 14-tf Wilmington, N.O. Fine ITutria Fur Hats ! gILK, STIFF AND SOFT HATS I . ' ' SILK and CASSIMERB CAPS ! HARRISON & ALLEN, oct 14-tf -V 29 Front Street Seed Wheat! ; eed OatsT - Choice Flonrl WE OFFER Superior Fresh Ground Extra Family, Family, and , ; . Extra Superfine FLOUR. "". Very Choice White and Red SEED WHEAT. ,T Frime Lot of SEED RYE. Prime Lot of BLACK SEED OATS. ' For gj JeLowto suit purchasers by octUtf -, . d, n janvuKLrfj bum. Cheap Wrapping Paper A LARGE LOT OF OLD - NBW8PAPERS, suitable for Wrapping Paper, wUl -he sold cheap in quantities of 500 or more. Apply at the i ' ' oetU-8t nac s' ; STAR OFFICE. HiUineiy and Fapqj Goods. MRS. L. FLANAGAN WISHES ' TO , AN nounce to the Ladies that She has retarnaa irom tne nonnem vuies, wueio sne nas neen ma- king her Fall purchases in MILLINERY and every description of FANCY ARTICLES, and la now prep, to Bnow her patrons a Very Attractive and Beautiful Stock of au the NEWEST STYLES in French Pattern Bonn eta and Hsts, Velvets, bilks. jreatners, jriowers. lUDoana, .. i. Mv motto is.' as heretofore, the Beet Goods, the Honraiteeaui Latest Designs, the Lowest Prices, and the Most Honorable Dealing. .s .,'- -. Orders from the counbr solicited.1 and perfect satisfaction guaranteed or money refanded. Variety Store. 42 Market Street. 1 oct tf nac - MRS. L, FLANAGAN. - BATES OF One Saoare one dav.