OATE3 OF ADTBBTISXAO. Ons Bquars one 4ay,,',r;.."...'.:;v:.!.. $1 a t ' f I - !- r- . -- vlli , - - f i , , ,T , :.'f... M" r . ------ "tit---- T SI - . - mm - i r ' J I ,, '.' B I'lSTiIJ '."-, . I - - - - ui I sew II i vmrn. m M, fcj S 60 S 00 rT.IfflP DAILT gOPT MONDAYS. "T 0 imaiRM a adtajto : j - yeemonU u ; .1 00 On srtaeibew, dOiraei in any prt of the IX) 'y Met, oar vaty piu w Xbe roll of Clerk Adams will be cotiteated ihe Kepublicana. ; --f Butler win man L Darrell's case, from Louisiana j -Sator Morton has been removed , to Ma - DenioCrttic Senators will be Jiied by Senators' Spofford and Eustisvin ' SiirTotes upon the President's Louisiana nominations. --toa CeWoflUligb, "becn appointed .superintendent of the House folding room. , French Cham ber will consist of 314 Republicans and 201 HucMabonitea. , Russia islnakinfi jmple preparations for wintering the army; the military roads are in a terrible cpndi-lioo- Russians attacked the town of Siilina nd parHy destroyed it President's Message sent to Congress. Gen. Pope telegrapba that the difficulties at El Paso aid San Elizaro are entirely; between J citi zensof Texas; he has ordered Lieut. Rocker not to interfere -r-'Rainy and Cain, of South Carolina;; ere;w&rn in id the, fluuse; DureH, of Louisiana, also,was sworn jn; '; . House'of Bishops have' adopted a oajorilieorganizatioQofa sisterhood of uWonesses. In Senate a bjll to repeal the iron-clad '.oath was introduced. New York markets: aonej 6 per ceuL; gold 'quiet at cotton1 uet at 11 5-'l6ll 7-16 cents; flour 510c lower, SouUiern$5 758 50; wheat without de cided changei corn steady; spirits turpen- fine steady at SScenW; rosin Steady at;$l 70 . 1 80. . : ... ' " , .. i-:W j Hon. Samuel J. Randalf f: was born October 13, 1828, " in Philadelphia. He was elected a Democratic : Repre sentative from that citj in 1862 and has been in Congress, ever since, j It turna out that the difficulties at El Paso are confined entirely to. the .'citizens oTjTexas, j Americans and Mexicans. How they will be aettled is difficult to tell, aa the military will not interfere, and the s civil authori ties are powerless. : 1 t : The Housefof Bishops have adopt ed a canou for the organization -of a sisterhood of deaconesses, quite Birni Jar to the plan adopted by the Con vention. A resolution in regard to tiie separation of Church and State was disposed of in doable-quick time, a hundred voices demanding that it be laid on the table, which was ac cordingly done, j, ii j v Ten Democrats, Northern, we sup potKj, voted for Henry WardBeecher in the caucus for Chaplain. Beecher is a cantankerous Republican of the war stripe. Did those ten Democrats meau :to express their approval of Beeeher's politics, or of' his morals? Possibly, they meant only to secure the services of s chaplain whose morals' were representative of the Congress, and of whom it might be said that " he was the right man in the right place." Selah ! . The President's first message is a business, like document. He advances at once to the purposes for which the Congress was called in extra session. He asks for an appropriation for twenty-five thousand men in the army, leaving the question of increase' or decrease to be hereafter consid ered. He asks for immediate action, as the country is largely ia,arrearf i& its array payments. Ho wants $32,436,764.98 for the army and $2, 003,801.27 for the navy.' Other sums for the various branches of the ser vice are also solicited. He asks for an appropriation of $200,000 to enable the United States; to participate in the advantages of an Internaiional Exhibition in Paris. ' . We are pleased to see that' North Carolkia gets one office in the distri bution of favors by the Democratic House. Major Seaton Gales,. of Ra- ieigh, has been appointed Superin tendent of the Folding Room He is a genial, true-hearted,eloquent gen- tleman, and is besides an old editor. He is the son of the late Weston R. Gales, who so long time edited the ld Raleigh .Register,; and not the son of the late Joseph Gales,' of the Na tional Intelligencer, as the telegraph stales: Maj, Gales is nephew both of the late Joseph . Gales, referred Op and of Col. W. W. Seaton, Rafter ' whom be was named, ? and. who mar ried Maj. Galea's aunt. His .: grand father, the first Joseph - Gales, was eo-editor of the Sheffield IrU, Eng land, with the poet James Montgome ry. Mr. Gales, early in this century, established the Rafdgh'We..His son Weston succeeded him, and than his grasdsnr Seatonl - -r Rev. n:F, M; tJordanji tho weif . " uw very sacressi.B,i)apus( eTango will begin meeting with the Klnston rTUrch on the 23d Inst ; Can't be visit ulwiUWB . ueiore ne returns , to mat VOLVXXL-NO. 2lJj -f; LatstBy- ytail.ij S3 'Wmwm from WaafclBKtoa. ? 1 I Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.l pi ' 5.- ? THB LOUISIANA SKNaTORSHTPJ. - if- r Senator Eastis "6P Louisiana,' jhis arrived. , His credentials are stiU ou the, files of the committee on fnvjta leges and Elections. It is understbod: that if -;the committee does hot! take action in a reasonable :time a move ment will be made to bring hi8!case; dirwtlyi)efqre the Senate! f Th e merits of thB case are thoroughly' uq- derstood, as they ought to be artier, four Tears' discussion, arid:1 there loaa be no possible excuse for any delays la a short time the commission of Mr.v'C.fc:P. Ramsdefl; U. a-marshal for Virginia, will eipire. , Mr. Ed ward C. MarBhaH, the eldest ison of Chief J listice Marshall, is an appli cant for the positibri, and, in j com- pany witn Joi. Mosby, has baa a jper sonal (interview with the Preilent on LiiH inmnni. -. --1 ; TE VACANT JUDGESHIP. In reference tolhe prospeeti vej ap tbe pomtment xot Gen. Harlan to bench of the Supreme Court, doupt isf expressed by many for the reiison that the ; President r has in cDTiv4rBai tion Indicated-thatPhe "wohld appoiht no man who ' was not acceptable to the conservative sentiment , of ' the South. Gen. Harlan does - not: fill this bill. ' He is not supported by the congressional delegation from- Ken tucky, nor by any men of promioence who can be considered as proper: rep resentatives of the conservative ele ment of the South. Among his .re commendations, however," are some from those who have been termed "copperheads" in times past, and who may now be said to belong to what is called the Bourbon elemeut ;oE the1 democracy. It need not be a matter of surprise if General Harlan should receive the appointment even1 after what the President has said, fori the President . reserves to . himself the privilege which pertains to most1 men, of changing his mind occasion ally. It can, however,, be . repeated to-night on authority that no podftive determination has been reached (Con cerning this appointment, i Influen tial pressure from the South has been brought to bear in favor of Mr. Breckinridge, of Missouri. ; and! Miv Thomas Allen Clark,1 of' New leans. Or- ,H.,'' the Washington correspon dent of the Raleigh Observer, ves this interesting information: "There are several here from portly Carolina representing other j States. McKenzie, of Ky.,, moved from Ire dell county ; Turner, a venerable j and distinguished lawyer of Kentucky, moved from Rowan county. (He says he wants to see Zeb Vance worse than any man living.) J ones, of Ken tucky, is of a Rutherford county fam ily; Gause, of Arkansas, is from Co lumbus county; Cannon, of Illinois, is from Guilford -county: JNilson. of Iowa,' from Cleveland county;! and Riddle, of Tennessee, is from Iredsll county. His father lived in; Stat es- ville many years; and removed from that place to Tennessee. Forney, of Alabama, is of a Lincoln county ;fam ily; he is a cousin of Judge Shipb, of Charlotte, and of the Hokes,! of ? Lin coln county. i Spirits Txirpentiiip. Killing frosts is the pry j that comes up from our exchanges. ; j : V , Revenue collections -in the 4th District last week were flSStf ' Jamesoebram, aged eighteen, icked 416 pounds of cotton , in ofae day in ecklenburg. ; i - There have bee recently thirty five accessions to the M.i K Chttrch In Mt. Olive Circuit. ... j A revival of religion isl progress ing at Mount Pleasant, under the preachipg of Rev. A. D. Belts. ! :-': A wagon loaded with' goods was swamped in a creek . near the Btanly line. Almost a total loss. .....-. ': ' - Thirty persons have united with the Methodist K Church on Buck ! Horn -Tbe Cincinnati JEnquirer speaks la high terms of Maj, ITates speeches, and wanUhim Tor next year's campaign. Thank you, but North Carolina may : have a use for him.! - -; ' j; .: : . ; . li Rev. L. L. Nash:, writes the Advocate that 180 persons have united with the Methodist Church on Wiltiamstoh cir cuit during the year, and tnat verts will ; join, p rnof '' : : Concord Hegist 'er : f other con- The' reli- eious interest in the Methodist Church con- tinues unaDaiea. me eunon crjp this countv will be a lieht one.i Prof. Garvin, showed ns a handsome specimen of ore from tne Lttny mine, in townsnip xto. 9. on Wedhesday. The Professor says he has struck a lode that is six feet broad, of heaW aulphurets carrying gold, silver apd lead. 1 ' Hi -fMonroe JExpresai Mi.' Chapman Hill brought into our orace tne otner day the largest apple, we, have iyet seen. fIt measured fourteen Inches in circumfeiypxe and four and ' half In diameter. --Acf cording to announcement me x-asiortoi .pe Rantiat Chnrch resumed , services in his . r . - i 1j t ennrnn nn-iun nnmui UTeninr. uu una continued to iwotract the . meeting d&nsfcaTieiJhUifehi &ttmjyW-m$j "J7"' the week, three persons have united with -thehuich.r nAfu. Utfi'.'Mitit&rr.l , . -r- Concord vSttn; One or twJt cases of ; diphtheria are reported In town this week. One death occurred from it Wed netday night ; While the celebration of EnochTille Debatlns Society, , at theh hall at Enoch's, was being carried j on last TneoAnv. the floor save wav nadert some heaw orator and a panic immediately en sued. No ope wa serioosly injured, thonjjh, 11 "I ' 1 ' .l.i . ... . ! ' ' 11 ! ,i I i 11 ,) . i ' -f I .i I , f , ' iii. ' Vf LMINGTO erefal ladies receired .ftligbt (bmises and tber trifliag lji1ttiieaJH;jjj iudi iosic.5. 1 vh cord Sum On Tuesday ot Tasrwe'ekv therfe were' two deaths ih bttrvillairefr. Moses Bhimpoct and tMmh EUatU;;!MMGhprj (Tllll Hmaiill wam ijnlsiviil , at, .at ..1T!nl.n'i ' Mrs.Melchov was the mother of left ohildren. had thirty! fn'dchiMiten.t d:fonijteft greai-graaacniKirem.v.v-wuaja i a fivje , mile radius .f Jl(.,PJeas anL there are ifiht piace, to intetcnanee Shouchts and obiniont. ilt--rri Charlotte Qfaervee a a ii Aceording to the present arrangement QoVivHambtoo will not arrive at the Raleigh f air nalil next Thursday, ? .tTTTTohe.uifaji'i the cotton. ieemea:m yesteraynav flay nprcre made p upari, .,01, e rmerjnu)K -(sweif . viq ma bosom. :. -rrrn ifister'day'wM qutte, aliiryejy 4 up J.hmint,r .QQ$ in ihe cmdS' formj ppuraa in from piRea as far down' a$ XJpiqn county and as far west as RtheXford. The, total amount received will foot up full yj five pootods.'' The hntfwess of the mint is rapidly increasing;,; yjjiij hf: d a v Rev.; R;tu Abernetliy writes tb in the College is still JiricrettslDg, wideisg arid deepening. 1 Every student in thejCpl-j lege, excepT&tfehaSreither professed pr is a penitent &lrthira5fal. The altar is crowd ed each nights-By ten o'clock, my faettr foreclosing tbeserviceaiheariyiaU are bo-; verted, ft, On ,,ih9; nex nighl . .thejalt jit , $ again, mu-rano so tne worK goes on. Twen- 'tv.rin'- lasC'nfg!rt,an'd many 'of tnfe conveys; witt Uhiled WtthtWa M.:E. Church Sduth, t dldsbrO'fiAfr-Wdytte! October 22d; Judge Eure! 'wiD'preBidCi, There are in, all five capital capes to b de posed of,; and it is highly firohbje thai one; or more of these will becbm. caniiates for the gallows, , Besides Tboin'psbh, there' are two negroes charged: with burglary and attempt at rape, one other1 with burglary and attempt at arson. -Our informant who furnished,-qs , the particulars of the killing of Kader Ballard, in ..Job ostoh' county, made a mistake in the name of bis murderer. It was John Edwards aha not John Pearce, as we bad it' lasPweek. Edrt 1 - i i . . . ,T ' V warus is aooia mw aoeni ou years oiar and has a large family; Ballard also'tyaves a family. : The murder was without piovo- j t Monroe Vjo-uirer: MessrSiE. A. Armneld and John Btiute, having- an! idea 1 ot imorovme tneir stockJ ordered and re ceived, last wek, from Tennessee' tome 4t ' J -. - M m i m. m I line specimens oi . vouwoia sneep I ana Berkshire bogs, j r Mr,yR Q. Bythe reports the finding, of a native while rabbit, with pink eyes,, in the woods, in the Pleas ant Grove .neighborhood.,' ,- - Afler a great deal of trouble we have just. Bucjceed-1 w .U VU.D WUUVJi vuv .IfbOt AXUOblU d lUIIU called Long's Store, with John I. Long ' as postmaster, and the ! other ' a few1 jSiles northwest ot thero snear Love's1 Level with t James Li . Love ;!as i jobi master. Ail in fhlD Annfrv ' ftno naow Anatin'aJmlll - The criminal docket-nSilmbered 131 cases, of which about 31 were hew Jcases found by the present Grand Jury? none of much -importance. except-that-aiain St Samuel Alexander.- for the r piurder of Jeffdrsoi K Dunn, last iTaibary, Ha was arreaieu ana oroagnt iu juonroe on jast Tharsday night. The case was -taken oe-1 fore the Grand Jury. on .Friday, and a true hill of murder was returned. The fol lowing patties wyi shortly take -artyp to Raleicb: Randall Allen! eoti conietfed of larceny, and sentenced to one year in the Esnitentiary; Peter Manus, col., thred y'rs; anlel Helms, coL; assault 1 With intent to commit rape, ten, yeara.,. This last else is an insiauce oi epeeuy jasuce, aa uiu pnoio was only committed oh the 5th instant, his victim being a little girl only eighljearB old. . T JEE3T JEJ . O X T"5T. .".a..-1 ,. j ir, t a . j 4 , MB W ADVKRTISBIHBNTsi Hkiksbbkgbb Music. O. aiiafxr-ebiagles. .MmraoH & Co.t-Caa8. hnaineat aniti. J G.iK. Ekknch Sok Boou and shoes. f ar.'O. Sravmrsoir-Buckwheat, buttr,&a: The fish market was abundantly supplied jeaterday aftorjjdoB. j ' ' The New Rivfer'oystersislrej bf. ter than nsnat at this season or the yean i -. . -: .u - . i , ., Seven additional members of the Light Infantry company left fdr( iRa leigh on the train last evening. -vu tl&J$S&& iiiafconists Jailed upon another of the, fraternity, yesterday, to know if he could -loan him an Indian. He was referred to Gch. O. O. Howard. . Clear or partly oloudy weithr, winds mostly from theeast, stationary tem perature and stationary olower pressure, are the indications for this Section to-day. a ;i.'The 'excursion on the. steamer Jl S Underbill 46-day bidCfair to havp very pleasant ' Weather. The boat will leave Parleys Wharf at 8:30 o'clock... This will certainly be the last chance for the season. see a 5 Statement -going . the rounds of the papers to the(efEect that New TTunover Sunerior Court adiourned abhour to see Cole's circus islrel,."paradej Tha fact is that Cole's circus 'flas not been in this county, and the SuperiorCojart not been in sesaion since the term, commencing' on thethfa.yy " ' Ota hv a C.a r. ; X '1 driver of ' one oil jitie:f atreel. cars, a youngste -by1; tte Ma'me ;o 5!?oTner; while his Car was passing in the neighborhbod of Fourth and Red Cross streets .' yesterday morning, about ft o'lockk stooped 't? look Under the car to see if there was "not some thing: the. matter with, bif ! brakea when he mtsseri JHoftlfik"1 'toWtrack, the wheels of the ' car 'passlrig'otlr jone of t his legs. aFortsnatelyjilie had on a pair of 1 UUCK DOOIS. , U,U.,ii JVU. - ( suit ; in anything more serious than ja( ;f w, I miluan IrrlTll. e-----r-- i "The t! O... Tl.lit .- A if1lAWV under ftho Planner, comman Vtrti the'aSO tralh' last nigtit,! natipg; come from Wilmington via Hamlet. The coaa.- rAiA ntaribere'd 22 Vmen! ani two of&oers, h.Jn-nnlr a aectlon of .lhft. Jjalterv.l TWO - . . . . . . ... . . iL.. IWlLL were at once conducted to their'qoaTi ers'at fcw WEDNESDAY. r of tbe sospeid Tblef la : wtl- w!.(lldl..'S UtSU ..It; r, ' ,t'V "lx n '' 1 . - t - i ' . ' ' ' ' . On Saturday evening, last a eolored ex- curaloh party left Marion, 8v C, for this caqd'bout li ' o'clock i that nigh the poMcframhoritles here received a dispatch frdm a parly at Marion requesting them to e'eVfi look out for ohe Zylphia Blackman. 'colored1, who waaoni'1 the train. j It seems uie xauroaa agen. a. jtianon nag. peen robbed a. night or :two 'previously of about .and the .husband of this woman,! who jwasio .charge' of je pump, at that place', bad heea.su8pected of the robbery .'It was , kno,wh that the woman ;had . come to ViK imingion. on tne excursion train, and i was : thought probable that . if : her husband was guilty She would be likely to take the money, or a portion of it, .with-her, in order that isheimight spend it .where .there would e ho one io onestion how she came ' by such a -'lkr amount, j i A party was also sent on the1 same train from Marion to identify the Omanif it should become necessary, j Du rtn Shhday; it haying transpired j that Zylphia blackman and several others would hp fttur with "the excursion,Snnday night, the' niatW of " shadowing' Jthe' woman ness houses,: at one of which she had -pur chased quantity of clothmg, made, up of beaver clolh, for her: husband; at anbther some fine goods for dresses for herself ; at another an article of jewelry; and at still another a lot of furniture, altogether amounting in value to about $75. She was arrested Monday afternoon and placed in the guard house, and the articles she had purchased taken possession of by the! offi cers except the furniture, .which had not been delivered, A telegram was then sent to the parties at Marion from whom the dis patch had been received, announcing the fact of the detection of the woman in spend" jing, a large amount of money, and her sub-. sequent, arrest and. detention, ..to. which a reply was received, about 9 o'clock Mon day night, requesting that the woman' be held in custody until further orders, it be ing understood that as soon as a clue could be gotten upon the woman here her j hus band would be arrested by the authorities at Marion. . j When taken into, custody the woman still had between six and seven dol lars of unexpended money In her posses sion, and it was the opinion of the officers, from information elicited from her, that she liad received about $100 from her husband. Tbe Capital Cam from Hladco. - ; We were informed, - yesterday morning, that we had unintentionally given currency to an error in our statement in reference to the case of Mr. Robert . Smith, indicted at the present term of Bladen Court for the alleged killing of Mr. James Murphy, and had intended to correct it, but subsequent ly received the following from Mr. N.f A. Stedman; Jr., of counsel for defendant, which speaks or itself: V "In your issue of the 14th inst, you state that Mr. Smith's counsel had his case re moved. Your statement .was a mistake. The Stole of North Carolina, by affidavit of D., II. Sutton, one of the prosecutors, had the cause removed. Mr.' Smith courted a trial in his own county; that denied, he preferred Wilmington, where he and his counsel know he will be tried by an intelli gent and impartial jury. ; It is doe to Mr. Smith to say he awaited an indictment af ter his discharge by the Nagist rates." Tbe Blondes.. i - The 'Norfolk Virginian h&alhe following in reference to the troupe which are to fill an engagement at the Opera House in this city on Thursday and Friday evenings of the j present- week : . As was - anticipated Mme. Duclo's Blondes attracted 'to the Opera House last night a very large audi ence,1, composed entirely of members of the male sex, and those who attended . merely for. the purpose of witnessing an entertain- ing performance have no cause to codplain. Others who Were enticed to the show by the reputation acquired by the troupe and ; a desire.to pamper their love for the ob scene, were 8urely'not disappointed, as the' last portion of tbe performance was well calculated to satisfy them. : -! ' TJ. s. JDl.trie, court. ' The following is a list of the jiarbrs jlrawh , for the approaching term of the tJ. S. IJis trict Court, which opens in this cilyj oh "Wednesday the 31st of October: : ; - New Hanover County. James Sprunt, M, I. Heyer, George Sloan, Preston Cum ming, O: W. Williams, Owen Dove, C. H. Ward. . ' :': . . '-- I ' '. J1 1 Brvihswick County. Jl W. Woodsides, IL C. Guthrie,''Lojrenzoriiik, J..W.; Tay lor, John McKenzie. Thomas M. Williams. ' Duplin County.JohnX Bryan, Henry Grimes, A P. Wiliiams, tWr Farrier Geo. W. CarroU, jWeUs Taylor; ! Killed br a Fallins: Tree. A wrrespondent of the Stab, writing from Duplin Road, ander ' date of yester day, states that Mr; Jeff'Corbctt, son of M7moraf Black. River, j while coon hunting on the night of Monday, the 15th inst:. was caught under . a falling tree and crushed so badly that be died in; about two hours;i,v,u Vl'l WITH M Tnaafele. roonng a .smaii .jaoua uciuji. wovwu ott .between . Mulberry; ,-and Walnut streets,! yesterday morning,, the, frame or ; foundation suddenly aave way -and i the 'fi6te,J8trd PUange to say. the ftwo men escaped wi- i etrt to much as a scratch, i:- ' .v; 1 , Was placed in the ' liahds" 'of n6fflcerp -N. Carr' ind T O Bunting,' wo effectually parried but their instructionsi 'They .racked hei Monday to several of our leading hjusi- .XlilwiOjJ tl Y-5,l ilu.i tf-JiiJ . F'.'tiJ !! -'CJj f .OCrOBEfiilT. l;::; I , Tbe alpbnr Treatmeot f6 Olpb ;-f.talai: 'itor ncihitHtMl --htl Mn,o.tn4ifieaA:Pr,rewP Cure for Berley, reports one Of his cases of, dlphthe. ria rapidly disappearing under a treatment, or suipnur. lie says: The subject was ja infant and the case; .an unusually ; marked ope.; The previous treatment by the parents suggested the" iise 1 of 'sulphur,- and If de termined Co, give ,itt.av trial-J . t ; preactibed nothing but small quantities of , ,'flour'of given ,inree Times a qay; ; in iwenty-riour bouis the patient had been' so far relieve Asipniueria, tne r;omana4J3. u. ) correspond aeni oi me ewoerry Meraia, saysj. f 1f , highly esteemed physician,' j.-A apparentlyfto i experience not, ihe least iniAiQVn. usaaL UI commend- this td Jthe' f arora&ld notice1 of the profession';1 -'both -bedause of its results in this case, and-tbe :easej with which the remedy, (if . found such) can he applied. 1 think ah occasional dose will be found efflcacidus aa a preventiye of this dangerous disease.";' . ai Uit'::K' j tnls Thermometer Record . The following ; will showtte state Of the ! thermometer, at the station mentioned, at 4.35 yesterday evening, I Washington mean time asascertaraj daiiy bulletin issued from the bignai umce in this city; Augusta:viv::::v.79 tA6j::..a 9 Charleston; l ? '. J. . 75 Aionxgomsryrj. New QraiiSi. PuntaRassa',':. .Savannah iwi . 8Q Uorsicana, ....... 6U Oalveaton!:.. . r.f " lift TQ fndiahola, iuiui'tU Jacksonville, . . . ,.76 .at. Marks,. , ..82 Key west; 783 Wllmingtoh,. . I Z1Q . .1. 'V -.ji'-itr-i i mm . m UnmallaMe ljetter. v : : .r I The fbllowihg arethe unmailable letters remaining iri! ihe city post6fficei';s;i j ysi a Miss Mary 'McKeuria, -care MrP. Mc? Kenna,;Long Island City, Long Island,, Y. Rev.j Jos; Boysmore, 1 Weldgn, N. C. ; W, S. Cliapman, Polklon, Nv C. ; J. W. j. uiuic, it unc vatv, xw. KJ. Q'.ii :i '. III VKU . Alt D M f B I II K JTKJT1S -i The steamship- ;Raii Oliver, art rived ? at Baltimore from; this ; port, ioh the 14th inst., ?tW--':kF .,;.- The steatnsbip Jfonefactor, Jones, ar rived at New. York from tbia ;pbrt .on the 14th inst. . , ; . . I ;!, The German barque Kronnevitz. Burch ard, arrived at Antwerp from this port on the 15lh inst. -' . -r- The schooner Baffle Chursey, , Brap n in, Ibis port on cleared from Philadelphia fori this port on the ISth inst. -1 . ' tlu: '' " 'tin i Capt W. J. Potter, whp - H.r'rC-l i t.- .-I s was in c large of the steamer CblxriUe, reports hel safe arrival at ' Charleston, ' after a ' pleasant voyage, and that she Bailed for DarienL Ga., on the 15th.,. All well - .! .! , .. . . i - . The British barque Florence Matya?fe the British brig. Jkuy Bee and a sohooner, name not. known,. were in below y'eateVday. The former came up near the "Dram ree late last evening and dropped her ' ' ahchbri ' . LIST OF JLBTTEK8 ' Remaining in tbe City Post-OfficeJ Oct: 17. 1877r i-' .' , v A Spencer & Allen.- - Cii B Miss Nellie Bashford. Mrs Julia A Blanton, Primus Borgans. " ' i " C Miss Mary Conner. Miss Mary Cooke, William E, Charlotte... u , D Mrs If JS Uavis. James Durham. XJ Davis, Buck Davis, G B- Day, Ben j Del- laingoe.--- -,1.rrrr: - 1 JS Capt M..W JfiJlis. ; ,r , f ... P Cof Jno D Fahion. ' ' ' ' ' j G Miss Ella Groves. Miss Maeaie; Gal- lighan, Miss Spivy A Green, , Mrs Sarah A Green. -. " ' . H Mary Hollis, Mrs, Josephine Hblleyl Miss Fannie Hamilton, J C Hanes, Rev C Haues, coL ' ' -: ' j J Kobt Jackson. Richard , Jordan. J J Jackson.;. ,. t . K Mrs Kelley. Miss Heled Key. cot . ' LG LoveJ"Alt'y, Joseph Lucas-W A Lee. , ' " M Miss Louisa Mitchell, Miss Maud 'A Mooie. Miss Maria J Martin; Mrs Mary" A Mitchell, Mrs Viola D Murrell, Lewi Mc- Lean, William McUormick, A J Murtell, B iTMathes... 4 r - .r a N Miss Eliza Tfixoa. - ' - P-Mary Pickett. Miss Tillie Powe 1; Joe ratterson,- CFTrmnieyr- S Miss Jane Scull. Miss Rebecca Swain. Mrs Rebecca Sneeden. Mrs Annie E Smith, Jas D Strauss. Alex Samrjson. , i - ? T Mrs W L Tart, Mrs Martha Thorn ton, Mrs Elizabeth 'Tallie, Miss Jhanna Taylor, Wm Toft. ' U-'Am i -' - W Lewis Williams. , .Daniel , , Webster, col, Robt ? Willis.. . . .:, Persons calling lor letters in the tabbve list will, please ? say "advertised-'V ff .not called for w(hin;30 days they will b sent to the Dead Letter Office. - y . 'k ji i ; r. ;. - :;Ed. R. Bbtetk, P M. :Wflmingtoh, New.Hanover Co., Nl C- ' Whatever tendslto keer the blood pure i blood Burelv tends; to prolong life. -Dr. iBull's iilood Mixture, Dy its specmc action upon the blood, keerw it always in a condition of purity t ! The mails close and: arrive at .the City Post Office astfonqws:0iV CLOSB. Northern through maUs..".".V-"' :4:45;RjI1. Northern thrbugh;nd way i !j V j mails. :i U si' .'iiV, . . J 6:15 A. M, .Hails for.bejN.!U! -auroaauf,;ov -j !. ;fromnnCludingi A, &' N.'"C.? , '- j:,- 'Railroad, at:i'.T.' 4M PUU utherfi mails' fdi? all riomtsi t ; . Jina , ruuies isuuuiicu. , umwIyt.. . , - t - . . : -SontrudallVf uLl .. t.s. O.-OOif.'M. Western mails (C, C, Rdaily : I w h; (except. Sunday) i .......... 5:45iA...M Railroad 1 tfM.XiTA i IV 11 iSOUM.; Malls for points1 betweei,;Fh js ? i reach and Charleston .-. . . .llOAiM." Fayetteville,ud offices ou Cape v .. t , 1 .. Fear River, Tuesdays' ; and , f -i,;'Jv8fw..':iVii.;.i-liKkFJll. PaVettevnleby Warshw;aaOy' iq' -j u1 (except t Sundays). .U Ji xwti 6:15 A,, H. diate offices ejery; Friday . ;w a: m. SmithvUle 'mails, by- steam ' . 'hoaldaflvfexcetABuhdavsV ;8i00lA. M. MausforEasyJ'Hltlr Towatii o f it ureekj every JJTiaay a.; . nnmr.n.- Northern through mails. :15;P " Northerp wrouga and'way. " n mall -JhAVM v Sonthernmails. it-i'ri i '.v.:".!?:t "r Carolina Central Railroads. r i rJlalli deUTejedproja.'CO . P: H.,!andj pq Snnday f-' .'., i ,UI.I'. Jjt,t "id; , WHOLE NO. 3,481 It J-i.: fnlt CIXY-i ITEMS. rf 1,-1, Olympian Cream. ThiB mnivaUed prepratim tan-; Prts to' Hllow, red pimply oempfadon a beauty- hw; cuarvjn net roggei otartitcUl. appliance. r .: . ... . . . : . tt us inff uuunnuww ULJIH -Bj OVMT) 1 HHfu -oja f ) FlrsUy It U feadoniad fey tmu&ttk men ., ' W "'"-t-a.n: , Happy; tlflines tor neevtrnfliaaffcradrand tbehe; Who have been dosed, dragged and quacked, i Fnli TWBcuer iuucixic .jpoivi enecimijy cure; mach or Liver try It Two or three doses wjUl re- neve vo .- neniar Rizft .vera. : !i u-.; t rail i women aiBDUte about other matters, but all aeree on the meritf of Doouct'b Jxmbt Powiata is par Bjxeuemx me Dess oi ui. urocen xnrougnoat tne country keep it, and, find tt gives Basreme eat lb fac tion. By using It the housewife is sure f deiieiona. ffllsrfn mJOiXklxib "loth, iofti 'aip'hkeria,11 niRn. - i Auorui .(utuKuteE jdi iiames. tu anai jnary The frisndBJand aOjualntiiwe: wf. (he family are respectfully . umied stten.tbe faneral at Bt. James' Church, Wednesday; Dcto&er 17thJat ) o'clock; theneevtoOakdaia Oemttey. 1 Cass. Bus.' Suitsi ueuu), vnuerwe-ar, tcariec -".,.:. .f I ' : ' ' irjannei anirts and praters; at iriUNHOr.v& ro..--ri. 1.1 : Music lis; ud TNSTitUCTION. BOOKS JPOH ; i. ?' 1 THE PIANO AND ORGAJL uunien-s veieDraieainano-jrorto Hcneoi-. j Richardsqa's $e;Heth$a for thePiapOrFpri Bern's Piano-Forte Method., s Burrow's' Piano-PoW Primer1 ' ' 1 " ; ' Peters' Burrow's Primer, I or- the, use ef Schools .Clark's Celebrated School for the Reed Organ. ami, a rcaij Yaricbjr ui lUBbruuiiuu xhhikii ior amaiier,m8trumentsv' .ia v,ff A jiiJ All far sal ft at Oct 17 tf " T.ivn RnAk nnrl Vnli.Nln .' ( i i Ml ' '- - ' Buckwheat Potatdesi : Butter, &c j ..... . f NEWi, HULLED , BUCEWHEAT ' ' li! ji-; t anstixecelved, of best quality, :;j H CRUSHED t JSUQARDBD7S - -; - --c i vH' :ou.-.rtf.Mi. v-1;: .VtaiOMi'ni f na 4. la i it.f-AND ONIONSjJ V rJAETIH'SGILT ED0E ;7-.-':-BUTTER.-:; . t -s. . . , ..! t -. . A sieleeted Lot pf .e'Best. Quality Just'.'reeiyed. -I em guarantee thU lot as welCas all Sue-' ceeoineones STRICTLT PBIME,. I . u ; Jas. C. Steve hs o n oct 17 tf,' .ii'.rj . U ;r.d; hq-3 i ers ..and : ;wholDgBle ' i the'Greatesir- Induce ments in. the' way-of Stock, Assortmetit and Quality, tojbe fdend in the State.-1- yj:ii),Smil uOolaeaadBeflui -b'.fl ... :' J . t-.... .GEO.JR, FRENCH & SON, - ., i6cti7tr' ' 89N.Frontst.' SMngles. Slimgles. (XSJ i;r Yi-a niUjVVWat iiiiii ? -y Bundles Of Fiftyrfor Bale;L6WiF6S CABBVby - " --v. u-. -rAMiiKX,-4r.,-agent, oct 17 tf . Corner ramre and Beuth water ite. . .111 i... ISToticeri pO TAX PAYERS OF : BRUNSWICK I WHO 'I'JLIVB IN' WILMINGTON.- -. I wiHattendatB.i Bnrjamer' etore, oa the iStyh and 0thoctoberi, te receive Taxes dae. for 187.' . - After tnat aate i snail levy on ail aeiinqueats. juents. CLO&. oct 16-5t Sheriff, -fv Li. . . LOWEISTPRICES, i f).V)-1 Uii'.i ' iQjil MURCHISON'S ' ; OCt lG-tf , ..... New Hardware Store. . Attictipifof Good Olotlniig. Utility Uu'. piii'ii',1 f.i-1 ..: Hi ij-j4 Prices Lower than Ever SCHOOL SUITS FORBOYSbF ALt AGE, AND -. r . j i i , . i 5 'A cradial InvltatTon'W eiten'd'ed' W 'e Public Vo visit my. spacious Bates Rooms and examine ray NKVrANiTKLBGANT STYLES of TALL AND "WINTER GARMENTS, , and Original 3eaign& in BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS. - ' 1 - avrayooay u wracwiun wueuier uiqr wuu vo pux- ; oct la ti . , vomer front ana mncess jits. TTjTANTED Any Agent csamake$aOD v-' YV selling our Magnetic Instantanec Book and Xak. No presajr brash or w " stamp for circular or $3 for Ontfl MABUFACTURLNG OO.Vl' NEW YORK, r . . : Millinery f L. nottB'- froat ti ' kineJ- aiaeasesof ftcekin " Secondly, 1t is ftivioiiara' artide for toilet usar -.-TlnMlt: ifia WSMiire.J preauk-t urn ueuuiiy, weasneaB, ana aecay. uook ana jour ,aali thonnatwnworth tbxjusandmaile free. coo f-uj.vsKJLs.oasB uo., Vincmnau !iijti!-J-lM(3i'ioa cof Y-sJiiiJOy.-j 1 'hiere4 intf tain bf byspepsl'i wtfatxaaa's wubt jtlowxb wiu not cure, no to any Drag Store ad Inquire1 about it t -If yu taaffer fxom tiostiVe-, ness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,' Indigastiori, liver ComBlaint. fr -anv Atstaxsstatusat-f tine Sto m m t-a one week,..;. ..,..... ..i i4 00 Two weeka, M . 6 58 Threeweeka,'viv..'iv;;.;i...i. 8 60 One month.. .-. ....... ... , . . 10 00 , .Twoiaonth-,.w..i.i., IT 00 - Three montha,... 84 00 1,: JinMDtliin.',.,,.t,)i,f.., 40 00 . ' Oneyear,.:......;... 60 00 tycontract AdTertisementa taken at proyor. ttonately low rates. ; :r:v . Tea Ones Mlid KonpareQ type make one qoare." . 0 if m R M H Q IPS E . Two iglitspiily ! Mraysay dJ'ria Ocjlouid 19. " -':.-y .1.(1 'W.Jl-f.V! W-Sjifi- ... . - - The Card of the Season! T m)-i '4i:zk t 4j-;t; . ') '. ,v k;-. ..,,....-: r.- BllVaV lUNeH DDC I.Oa j. "'y' - 'fHitx.'tT- .il;ja- TROXTPH'OFi .rt -r'7'.' ' From the Central Park Garden Theatre, New York In the latest farssn,rien'sal,'-,:.'K The performarce t conclnde fth the mirth pro- voting Burlesque enifled ;! 'i.; ; Seven Beauties, or the Dizzy Blondes ! .... . .i ltl .l.i IOj. Mi , ij Steamer S. irnderhill, STEAVBR WILL LEAVE -O. G; PARSLEY A CO'S Wharf , foot of Orange street, PROMPTLY tS? A. returning before night. . Parq for round trip 75 eta: Children 60 eta. Theitallaa StrlBK Band has been engaged. The Manager will exclude any objectionable per- soa, and bo effort will be spared to make the excur- skm s pleasant and agreeable one.-!. 1:1 : 'Tickets to be had on fcoard. or front"" oct 14 3t J. W. LIPPlTTi Manager. . AMdiiriceineiit .4'.;, BRON .& EQDDICK, "45 Market stTeet!'- 4. HE FOJINaTSrA SYNOPSIS OF THE Great and Unusual Attractions which will be offered by ns this coming week. They deserve the CARE FUL AND IMMEDIATE of all. SILK DEPARTMENT. Black Gros Ciraln Uk, $1 75 quality will be sold i l for-$t45ifol 'sk:yh-: .,: t ; ; ' Biacfc8Ukfceyelvet,sultaWeforreaTrlmia rl Ja Benaetei;t 75 and $S 60; ,,';.. U'?? ; i&e lowest ertees ever qaefed foe such qaalltles. , ' :? DRESS' GodDS 'DEPARTlIElSrT. o; ii;l - .-. i. . ; ., . . . ' , Eognah CashmeresI 88 inches wide, ia all the lead f, f Ing color., $1 tents, worth 87Jtf eents; Kngath Serseiv in all' the aopolar hades, S5 cents, Oamaste Salting,' from S5 cents ; A full line of 1 the Newest Materials and Colors -- i-;. - :( .? t I-. ':" f--:. . ; M0TJ RBTOra pEPARTJIHST. Cashmere, Henriettas, Coburgs, Australian Crepes, 1 ' This Is a Hit of inducements which cannot fall to attract? the 'attention of BVEfiYrlady. Oar stocka ia every department are very Targe, and Include everything desirable tbe market affords. ' Apprecl ating the nature of the times and the disposition of customem toObtaIn ihe greateet possible return for the least possible -outlay,7 we have decided to offer THESE GREAT BARGAINS FOR THE COMING WEEK: :': 00 Pieces Linen Plaiting, with YalLace Edge, 50 Bilk Lisse Necluffling, ; JO icents worth 60 eents ; 750 samples ef Notgham1 Laos 'for Curtains, all I,,, . lengtha and patterns, choice (or :SS cents; -vn , Call early and score a seieettoa. . . 1 : BROWN M) UODDlCIi, - oct i4-tr ! 45 MARKET STREET. EdifBestQdods A' Nli'LOWEST PBICES,'1 ; "t ; i. "r Can at the Hard ware Depot i Extra Inducementa to Wholesale Buyers at N. JACOBl'S Hardware Depot, vi locli 14-tf ;1 1 :. ; f s o. 18 South Front street Ooal and Wood. 800 Tons Red Ash Grate COAL," 1 h . 400 t " " . Steve - . . .. "'-' 50 -u White M Nut ' 1 -., 400 Superior Soft M 10O Cords Oak, Asb and Pine WOOD. . 750,000 Best 6xaoSflINGLES. octl4-lm J. A. SPRINGER. .Tiiientine Scrapc- rpRUSS HOOPS, f JOINTERSvPC X . Howells and Crozes, Dowelllr sell. Runches, Horse Heads, r The largest assortment of t lowest prices, can. . be f our Hardware House of oe 14-tf . - - if I .- i 1 i - . 1