THE IIOBimift STAR. Br JJ, HV BERNARD. I'lJBLISHED DAILT: EXCEPT MONDAYS. KATtt F WW1WWI Ml AiAna . oneyear, (by mail) portage paid. .... s.xmoH&s, Three HHmthB,. 17 00 4 00 3 25 1 00 ToaSmbMrfbers, vered ln wypt of the in advance. ' : OUTUNES. . ; The Bussians hare made a, general ad vance on Kara; Ismail Pasha : has retired into Turkish territory, followed by General : Tergukasoff.V The Czar's family will : . remain with the army in Bulgaria. -T-Large reinforcements have left Erzeroum and Batoum to reinforce Mukhtar Pasha. Turkish deserters report the army at PleTna at 130,000, and say they are very scarce or provisions. There appear to be an organized system of forgery and swindling in the West, in which banks, at torneys and real estate agents are involved. The forger Oilman's wife has become iusane agdjjjs children scattered. An entire square of buildings were burned in U Portland, N. B. . McVeaecb is booked : as Minister to England. -Collector Ar j thur. of frew York, declines GeneraV Con- aniate:? Parish fr-f Thef McLean" local ; authorities at Matamoras released four raid ers from' jail in the face of the fact that Diaz had ordered them to be surrendered to the United -States aathortties. - - Presbyte rian Synod of '.New Jersey voted against womenpfeachers by 100 to 16. New York! markets : Money 56 per cent. ; gold quiet at 1021; cotton firmer at 115-16 11 7-16 cents; flour very quiet and with out decided change;; wheat 12 cents bet ter; corn 1 cent better; spirits turpentine quiet at cents; rosin easier at $1 65 1 75 A new complication springs up in regard to Mexico. The local author ities at Matamoras have released four raiders from jail although the ! Diaz government had ordered them to be delivered7 to the authorities of the United Slates. It appears that pub lic sentiment was so decided against the surrenderor" the raiders that Gen. Canales resigned rather than execute the order ofbis government. So it remains to be 6een whether Diaz will execute his own order or yield to the clamor of the multitude. Our go vernment awaits intelligence as to what the Mexican authorities will do before talcing further steps. It appears that the great swindling opexaiiana referred to in our last is sue are wide-spread, involving banks, attorneys, real estate dealers, and others in Chicago Pittsburg, Cleve land, Cincinnati -and other places. It is stated, also, .that for eight or nine years -these-; swindlers and forgers have been carrying jon tbfcjr. worfc Every day but reveals ttie litter rot tenness of : yie ! country. Whilst we are learning of -new robberies and Xreshvillainies, we are told that the wife of the forger Gilman has broken down under the disgrace of her un worthy husband, and will have to be taken to a lunatic asylum for treat ment, whilst her three innocent- chil ' dren are to be separated from each other to find homes among tho friends of the family. A. sad, sad commen tary upon the villainy of one scoun drel. Thejiews from Asiais interesting. The Russians are moving on Kars, and siege gaus will soon be in place. Ismail Pasha has retreated into Turk ish territory, and is fpllowedtby Gen. Tergnkasoff. Reinforcements for Mukhtar Pasha are on the way in large numbers, both from Efzerum and Batoum. They may have to fight before they accomplish their design, as a column of Russians have been sent to guard the road leading 1 f rorn. .Erzeroum to Kars, in which Mukhtar Pasha is confined. ' The forces hitherto kept necessarily at Ardahan and Rion have been ordered to unite with the advance -on Kars. From Europe we receive intelligence that the Turkish army at Plevna numbers 130,000. men, and that tbey are actually suffering from scarcity of bread. Forty Turkish deserters have come to Russian headquarters with ibis news. They deserted on account of food. Each soldier is only allowed one pound of bread for twenty-four hours. Famished men Will fight desperately. Plevna; can never be taken by assault.- " ; "Notes on the State Fair. j : tlUleigh Newa.1 One of the principal, features of the Fair was the excellent exhibit of paintings, drawings, &c, by the dif ferent female institutes competing for the handsome organ premium. The following were represented each by mostlhigbly meritorious displays; The Salem Female Academy, Chowan Female Institute, the Raleigh Female Seminary and Peace Institute. The judges were- nine in number and cast their vote by ballot, result ing inthe awarcTof the premium to Peaee Institute.1 i i Mrs. McElhenny, of Wilmington, makes a handsome display of rich em broidery; Mrs. Ward, of Henderson, a very large display of fancy articles, crochet work, dried grasses, &ol The splendid display of articles by the pupils of Salem Female Academy 1.1. "f XT- ffl i .1 "-.. is t - 0 ?7 VOIlXXIl-NO. 25i 1 jroruiy OI ipeal s mention. . . We append a aynopsis: 19;drawincs and - . paintings; 21 pieces worsted emhrpii aenng9; z pieces hair frame; a pieces wax work, in frames: 2 pieces feather flowers, in frames: 4 pieces spatter work; 17 pieces rustio wors;- 14 mottoes On f perforated board ; 35 pieces . chroohet i work; 24 pieces . worked on perforated ooara; si pieces board work 13 pieces j zephyr work; 0 , pieces plain bow lug amr urawmg; i- piece sneu work; 6 pieces miscellaneocra articles; 20 pieces (4 sets) hnen embroidery; 26 specimens of , penmanship, j Total number 302. ; . ;;;.;; Mrs. Dossey Battle, of Tarboro, famishes to the fine arts department several portraits from life, in erayon, and other pictures, among them a water jilly and a calla I illy, beautiful, fresh and life-like. - 5 " :-' One of the prettiest pieces of patch-w6rk in the Hall was a block quilt exhibited by Miss , Sophia Par tridge, of Raleigh. The same ' lady exhibited twelve beautiful oil paint ings and a number of pencil draw ings of high merit. Mr. Fries had on exhibition, several bolts of cassimeres of superior; quali ty, from the Salem Factory ; also a quantity of wool rolls from the same establishment. ' - j The crayon pictures of Governors Vance and IIampton,and some others, executed from photographs by Mr. Eugene L. Harris, of Sassafras Fork, Granville county, elicited universal admiration for. their correctness and beauty of finish. ' I h The space for jellies, preserves, cakes, bread &c, was not very full, but what was on hand was very good. In this, as well as in several other de partments, Mr 8. Wilson, of Granville, occupied considerable space aud took many premiums. This lady has taken premiums enough at fairs for the last ten or twelve years to buy a finej farm. Among the many beautiful ; speci mens of ladies' handiwork, we no ticed a frame of the most beautiful tatting we ever saw; if fairies 'ever engage in such useful and ornamental work as weaving tatting setts, we think they would not exceed this. It is the work of Mrs. J. M. Atkinson1, of this city, and was admired by all who appreciate this sort of work. In the line of home manufacture's the display of turn-out and top bug gies by Mn N. S. Harp, of Raleigh, was noted for the beautiful shape and fine finish of his vehicles. . The; track wagon contributed by Mr. Harp as a special premium at the Fair was also on exhibition.- - 1 - Tyson fc JJones, of Carthage, had on exhibition a number of very fine opeln buggies and rockawaysr that were very much admired. . t Washington Notes. ! Baltimore $un. ? . Several of the members of the Mis souri delegation called on the Presi dent, to-day, and in conversation as sured him of their support in all pro per measures. ; : -4 U Senator fJhristiancy was t entered the vacant judgeship of the sixth cir cuit, but dectined. r The position of Third Assistant Secretary of State, now held by Mr. John A. CampbelF, who is to be given a Enropean consulate, was offered by the President to Mr. Robert Lincoln, the eldest son of the late President Lincoln. Mr: Xincoln has declined Spirits Turpentine. Father Evans "says Tip Carson killed a peck of tobbaco worms by torching the tobacco with"gympson weed blossoms. j A merghant. at Charlotte came near being shot whilst entering the window of his own store. -- It is better to go in at the door. A ." . -i:r Ths Wilson Advance warns the public against an imposter calling himself John p. Weigand, and claiming to be an agent or bteiBwayaciJo:, or Kew xork. Gen. Miles should give ,Gen: Howard an introduction to Uhiel Joseph. Star. Qen. IIowbkI doubtless prefers Josey to be kept "miles" distant. Milton Chronicle. The Grand Lodge (colored) No. 2, 6 the Independent Order of Good Sa maritans and Daughters of Samaria, of America, meet in Kaleigh (fourth annual session) on tue 23th of October... Rev. John . D. Brooks, one of the most scholarly ministers of the North OaroUaa Conference, and one of lhe: best writers too, has recently 'delivered an ex cellent series of sermons on the "lieligious Training of Children" at Newbern. These sermons have been published in the New bernian. : . . . "-. Reidsville.2Vwe; Seme of our citizens are buyipg coal for their winter use. They say it is cheaper than' wood at $3 per cord. Mr. w. ILs-Wash, of this coun ty, brought us tbia week a bunch, of 11 Ger man millet Six feet two inches- high. He sayhe seeded one and a half acres and the yield was three and a half tons to the acre. Raleigh New&i The target shoot: ing for the third prize, a military rifle 'pre sented by the Whiting Arms Company,' and for the fourth prize, a black plume, was continued yesterday by those who, on the day before, bad made the shots. Ser geant J. C. Vann, of Company A, 2d Bat talion, won the rifle, and private J. Y.. Pa ris, of Company F, 1st Battalion,- won the plume. T. Fayetteville Gazette:. Mr. J.J W. Pearce drove down to the Baptist Church, last Tuesday nieht. and while in the church some malicious, cowardly scoundrel cut his harness all to pieces. Mr. A. A. Mc- Kethan. Sr.. was thrown from , a buegy, a short time since, and badly injured, though we are glad to know that he is able to aeup anri nhonf. Ha wu considersblv bruised and. had hia collar bone dislocated. ' , j i Elizabeth' City JSconomuti The D. S. canal improvement has bright pro-; pects of success. Its accomplishment will V . . . . . , . 1 bring into use ior agricultural purposes iuc WILMINGTON, rich , lands of the . Diemal Swamp. - -r- This is the , week of the Federal Court. Judge Brooks presidins;. v It adjourned on Tuead av tnorhiDtf. ' We are nleased to Jearn. ay authority, that the Chowan Bap ut - reinuju ADBiuuie, ,aw , murirecBuwu, commenced its ne w session last week; with encouraging prospects and an increase of ? Spme time ago Hill & Skinker,' ville county, N. C., fine tobacco. Although tobacco is very low the prices ' ranged, lor lots of from .1,000 to 2,500 pounds, at from S29 to 140 Der hundred. ' We mention only a few of the, sales: JI.' L. Winston got $611.83 for 1,523 pounds;' R.' A. Lyon got $732.81 for 2,047 pounds: W.' D. Pleasante got $561-59 for 1,663 pounda. Three years ago they would have received double this. There are almost daily sales at from $30 to $75 per hundred. . , ; Newbern Nut Shell: Only small lota of corn changed hands yesterday. Market firm at 80 "cents per bushel. The schools at th&$fewbexn Academy, we. re uappy io learn, are progressing nneiy. Jtuere are about j.20 scnoiara in attendance so far, and the number is increasing. Remember girls, there are thirty-three thousand nine hundred and .fifty-three more women than nien in North, Carolina, and improve, your time that you may hot be one of the nearly thirty thousand Who are destined to die old maids. . i " Salisbury Watchmam heard of one man bringing thirty-eight pounds of this year's tobacco to town and selling it for enough money to pay for one circus ticket. Small change was something to that man.' ., watching the street procession of the circus last Saturday, declared that it was a moral circus because one ; of ' the cages had a picture of "Daniel in the lion's den," and another had a picture of ''David pulling the lion's mouth open." ! The Methodist congregation worshipped In their newly constructed and enlarged church last Sunday. : , .. Milton Chronicle'. Selling1 out the only male academy in to wn. Belter ad vertise for a first-class teacher with a thrash ing machine and a gallows combined, to "amuse'Mhe hoy-men Tobacco safe from frost and crop and quality cood. The people of this entire county will hear with profound sorrow of the death of Gen. Thomas W. Graves, who breathed his last on Monday, and whose remains were in terred Tuesday with. Masonic honors. ' He died in the 87th year of his age, and had been one of our most useful and prominent citizens. - - i r S NEW ADVKBTISEnBNTH. Box 284 For sale. i :! N. Jacobi Hardware. ' " ' '. John Dawson--Hardware. Mukson & Co Underwear. J. W. Cobb Money found 5 Graht, HrJTTON & Co Flour, i R. J. Scarborough Oysters. ' Gbo. Mters Choice whiskey. Harrison & Aixkh Fall hats. : Hkessberger Blank books, &c. Cronly & Morris Furniture sale. ; Junius G. Lovk The confectionery. QkoNiiT $ Morris Real estate sale. ; Cronlt & Morris Flour at auction. 1 N. GnxfCAN Administrator's notice. Cronlt & Morris Engravings, &c. . . HavdBn & Gerhardt Saddlery, &c. Samuel Sutherland's BoN-Gans, &c. G. R. French & Son Boots and shoes. .) Opera House Rose and Harry Watkins Petteway & Schulken Consignments. Boatwrmht & McKoT-f-Freah. groceries Kerchner & Calber Bros A'fackerel, corn, bagging, bungs, &c. , ' Local Dots. Full moon at J5 minutes after 2 o'clock to-morrow morning. , To-day is known in the religious calendar aa the Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity ; "' ' 7 The fish carts were not so nu merous in market yesterday as they were on Saturday lasL- j , . " . The Fall terra of the Superior Court, 'Tudge W. "A.1 Moore presiding; meets in this city to-morrow,. , " . ' - There were three Interments in Bellevue Cemetery during the .past fweek, one adult and two children:1 i ' ; . , ' . McCullottgh, the tragedfanwho was to have, been here , this week, ia sup posed to "have given us lheg6-by after alli: j " The. thermometer was at 78 de grees in this office last night. The highest it attained during the dayi was 79 degrees; -Mr. T. S. Burbank is about open ing a drug store at the corner of Front and Princess streets, lately occupied by Capt. J.: W. Lippitt. ; The Register of Deeds issued six marriage licenses during the past Week, of, which two were for. while and four for colored couples.. . i(. J , . : ' . The intermenis) ir Pipe : Forest (colored) Cemetery during the past .week numbered ten, of which two were adults and eight children. j J( -Cloqdyah4.rainy. weather, varaii southerly,' veering to colder wesrlyjWindB, ("and ftationary or ibigher pressure are the indications for .this section to-day.- 1 .-wit is Mr.! ijnnius ; G.' Love: ;who has opened a confectionery and fruit 'store next to Exchange Corner, instead of A.. D. Love, as slated in yesterda'.STAR;r Health Officer James ; has .: con demned and sent but of the market, during the past week, 205 bunches ! of ., fish, 25 pounds of beef and S gallons of oysters. - Three seamen, belonging to ves sels now in port, were sent to the Marine Hospital for, treatment during the past week. They are said to be .guffering with chills and fever. v ; -Sv;'yv The Cape Light Artillery; ar rived home on, the. Carolina CeatraL Itau- on Friday night, and the members express themselves as havlag een delighted wlthr their trip. N. C, ;SUNDAY. OQTOBER 21, 1877. A Citizen Waylaid and Aasaalted wtik a Deadly weapon. ,f, On Friday evenmg, between o and.7 o'clock, as Mr. William Richardson, a white tevedoreCi was passing through; the alley just uuuu u iw luuvauwu v ui. street, on his way home, he was suddenly approached from behind and received a blow on the back of the head from ; some ti no Ann nrlvnMHra nrifnli Tt?m trt truO unseen adversary, which felled him ta the ground, and for a minute or so rendered him unconscious. . Coming to his senses he attempted to rise, when he was struck a se cond blpw,: which fell upon one of his shoulders, and his assailant then fled, think ing, probably, that he bad. finished . him ,The last blow, however, did not have the effect which was doubtless intended, and Mr w imm.fw r,,i hotiriff imnrder," ,lhleyeB,,r &c., .at the top of hi, w!,hk-MW-lw nM&rt .1,- ,u tutuu luiuuga uio aiicjr tu i'uuiiu duso, tmt noon haarinW th ria of hia intended inlim andi fftarinir instant nnranit. ha jumped an intervening fence and slid down the railroad embankment to the track.' Mr. C. M. Yopp.and a colored man named . . i - . j .- i - . . Ellis White,. hearing the cries of Mr. Rich- ardson, and the former having also heard the blows as they were stricken, were howl in hot pursuit of the rapidly fleeing etran- j ger, who made his way np the south em- t 1 . j . mLi.J 1 uanKmeni oi me rouu inio iuuu Hircetaou through a lot, coming out on Fourth street, where he was captured as he was in the act of jumping a fence. The individual, who proved to be a colored stevedore; by the name of Richard Hooper, was taken to the guard house and locked up. ' j Testerday morning Hooper was taken before Mayor Dawson's Court, when His Honor, upon hearing the statement of Mr. Richardson, who swore to the identity of A man on.l alar, tA thft fil tiao1 - in f llA the man and also to the slick used in the assault upon him, which was exhibiled in Court, announced that the offence appeared to be pf such a grave and serious nature, requiring its reference to higher ; Court, that he should turn it over lo a Magistrate for investigation.' The case was thereupon turned over to Justice E. D. Halt Shortly after 11 o'clock the case came up. before Justice Hall in the Court House, a large ; number of colored stevedores and other friends of the prisoner being amone the spectators. Upon the case being called, Mr. Marsden Bellamy, counsel for the defendant, demanded a jury for his client, which was objected to by John L. Holmes, Esq., for the prosecu tion, on the ground that such a proceeding would be manifestly illegal, as the offence was of anch a character, a deadly weapon having- been Used, that His Worship1 could not nave final. Jurisdiction in the matter. and read from Battle's Revisal to sustain his position. Mr. Bellamy, however, still insisted upon bis point, and, after consider able argument on both sides, the case was finally postponed until Tuesday morning next, in order to give the presiding justice an opportunity of securing legal advice as to the question at issue. ' 'The prisoner was required to give bond in the sum of $500 for bis appearance at the time specified, in default of which he was committed to jaiL . The stick exhibited in court was a pieco of fire wood,about four feet in length and give or six inches in circumference. It will be remembered that the house in which Mr. Richardson resided was set fire lo and destroyed only' a week or two ago : 1 an itoee and Harry Walklne. ' These ever popular artists and favorites, with Miss Amy Lee, will appear at the Opera House in this city on Wednesday and Thursday evenings next. They have been playing in Raleigh during the past week . to immense houses. The New of Friday says: "Harry Watkins' new come dy drama, 'Marriage, or Our Daisy,' is one of the most, interesting of modern plays, with a well defined plot interpreted in lan guage sparkling with humor, and forcible in sentiment. , 'Our Daisy' possesses a vi tality which ensures it a long life as a stand ard drama. Mr. Watkins,' as Miles, wins new honors in a new character, an honest Yorkshire lad, whose brotherly devotion in defending a sister's honor, commands the full sympathies of an audience. To night, however, Mr. Watkins appears in his great character as Fergus McCarthy, in 'Trodden Down, or Under Two Flags.' Miss Amy Lee also has a part in the play. She has grown up in sight, as it were, of the South ern people, who have seen her emerge from a precious childhood to a graceful and ac complished young lady,' with a future be fore her as bright as she chooses to make it by the application necessary to insure suc cess.' She certainly has our best wishes." , AlllUary. " . ...,.' -; ; The failure to form the Second Battalion, N. C. S. G., into a regiment and elect offi- j cersfor the same, which was expected to take place during the presence of the Bat talion in Raleigh, was owing to the fact that both the First and Second Battalions claim to have the requisite number of. companies to form a regiment, and the question as tp which is to be the First Regiment is now under advisement by the Adjutant General. -r-' Several fine showers fell in this city apd vicinity yesterday morning. Y -7- Abram Williamson was the name of the gentleman whose house, near Wrightsville Sound, was broken open and i-AMwrf nn WA(.Kilivl WillUn,. I Awwv. y. 1 1 i as it was incorrectly reported. .There is no clue to the thief as vet. j ....... ; f There were four interments in Oakdale Cemetery during the week closing yesterday, all , children, ; their respective ages being 8, J and 14 years, and the dis eases coDgestlfon xt theJra!ntT ' malarial fe ver and diphtheria.' One was still-born. . VsJ :" l DT n "Tl " A' J "trSL ' " I 1 ' ' " V ;'7' ' li ?i T X : , t ! " . mm akMUas otm Prlaar. j? Weleamfrom a party from Florence, S. c.. that iGflbert Telfairi forBaeriy, a .well known colored iblastererTW thto ciiyT ' acting ; very, disorderly in f4hat,Tlaeeon 1MrMaj aitemoon last, wnen a policeman f W the name of Fields attemnted to arreatl : Telfair; who is a "powerful !man, as many of ou mlie offlcers here have occar ji ' i sion to know, resisted the officer, knocking him down twice, w hen the latter drew his pistol and shot him in the thigh, by which he was disabled and then taken to the guard house.1 The officer took deliberate aim at his legs, not wishing to kill him. The l.aet Perjory Case The case of J. ' W. Whitney,' coloied ! charged with perjury, came up for. a hear - wg.bef ore Justice arriss, yesterday nrn- - Ifltlie -,affl.davlt;r ThbmasBrown. The evidence was not of i - t character to warrant the magistrate in umcuuaui, over ior inaj, ana tue case was tnereiore aismissea.? t I cmmailable Lettera . i I - , t I . The following are the unmailable letters j remaining in the city postoffice; - 1 Aaron 1 Brown, 917 Atlantic, avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.; J. D. Butler, Pireway Ferryi N. C. ; Rev. Joseph Boysmore, Wel- I don, N. C; Mrs. Mary Robinson,' care Mr. I TT ' rvt' . . . fm- . w i jxeeuaaoy vuarier. Bireei, ooaion, aiasa; 1 Messrs. Shipley, Hoover & Co,;iThere is a I small black valise in the office uamailable. A. iMorwegian barque atia two isritish brigs, names unknown, were reported in below yesterday afternoon," bound pp. a- aw I . Thistles require radical treatment to re move them, and so do Boils and PimDlea. Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture is a radical blood ' searcher curing all akin eruptions, j f ; I i v . : f " ' J '," A VOLUMK IN SIX LINES. This Terr honr. if yon have a Cough, a Cold, or say difficulty ia the turoaior longs, seaaior UAi.e s uoHiT or ho&z houjtd amd Tab. Take it faithfully and you are safe. The care ia certain and swift, the orouaritiun , luwuui. ixni wurtgara mem jiz ttnes. ruse s Toothache Dropa core in one mtnnte. CORAL LIPS. LUSTROUS ETK3. AUBURN LOCKS, are merely aeeesaorr eharma. - A IotoIt complexion, the chief component of beauty, is im- panea in pen ecuoa oy no preperauoii save uoa raad's Olympian Cream. Price In large Bottles re- aacea 10 one uauar. . ror sale dtj. v. JLonas. THB FKACB OF A HOUSEHOLD Is often de- endent on the callnarr and domestic skill of the boose wife. Ladies know this, and dt vsine Doo- lst's Txast Powsaa iuare themselTee the most perfect Read and pastry possible. Its nse is econ omy also, for erery can is absolutely fall weizht. and it is so strenff and Dora as ta demand the naa or a mncn smauer qoanuty thiui usual., r There is no case of DTBDeneii that Osxkh's Au- ausT Fiawu will not care. Oo to any Drag Store aad Inquire about it. If ju isaffer from Uosttre aess. hick Headache. Boor Stomach, lndieesticm- Liver Complaint, or any derangement of the Hto- mach or Lirer try it -Two or three doses will re- uere yon. Kcgeiar siae to eta,;,.v 4 t-rr Lan PAPKaa To Harrla' Newa BtanA. nonth ' a-a-a side Front Street, we are indebted for copies of the 1 tvuysr, uwfWf WWT UU f raw LetUe i JUutlntttd Newtpaper tor the current week. The Stand will remain open, until It o'clock this dp 1 Chronic painful and prostrating diseases cored without medicine. PalTermacher's Electric Belts the grand desideratum. Areid imitations; Book and Journal, with fall particulars, mailed free. Ad- areas ruiTiwucHiB Ualyakio Co., 393 Viae 8U. TRIBUTE OP RESPECT. j ' Castlx Hall, Qxkkania Loihjs No. 4. K. oP., i WHXBKAS. It havinir nleased onr ITaiivptiIt Father to again Yisit us and lar nt)on na the hand 01 imicoan, oj removing irom our nuast our well oeisvea uroiuer jr. v., A. v il. r J-NUiHtM; ana, whereas our duty calls UDon us to strain nar thin last tribute of rsspect to his memory; therefore. ire 1 , . : j Resolved, That in the death of our Brother this Lodge has again lost one of its most useful aad cealona members. j , Betototd, That in his sadden death we are again ivuiuuni vi utu ubwi uiuiiijr vi uid ana uie cer tainty of death. tVln .1. Tt i, V.T 1 endearored by his action to exemplify, and live op w, uw luimcipicB cu our neioyea uraer, and ever Induce our members to se lire as they would wish w uy tuux uvea wnen tney snail come to die. Besolvtd, That a blank page In our Record Book be inscribed with the name, age, and date of death of ear Brother, and that oar Castle Hall he Arwvi. and the Brethren wear the usual badge of mourn- uiKiut uu space 01 winy aays. ItetOliMd. That a codt of the above resolntlann he 1 forwarded to the family of our deceased Brother wua we assurance or our sincere sympathy in this uueir uour ex aeep aistress, ana to oar aaiiy paper. .mV W((uy Ab VIUUiVBbMIi, W1M1 o re JOHN MEYXBJ JUtUM haar,jb.: W. H. GERKKN, ' J. D. 8TELJES, f JOHN W. GERDTS. oc21-lt DIED, J MCPHERSON. In Pender cenntr. on Ihe iRth of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. McPherson. acred 1 vear I V vnutvi uuuuuu, uii&uii, uuant aauguter and 1 day. This is a sad blow to .these . beloved 1 parents, who have been anxiously watching over iucu wuuug uuio treasure ior so - many weeKS. They will have the sympathies and prayers of their, many Christian friends and nelehhora tt in s blessed icomfortta knew that troubles spring not from the ground, and that it is whom the Lord lovein laai ae cnasteneu. () ; K , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.; f Money Found; ? ! L WO SUMS OF MONEY HAVE BEEN. FOUND, and, several, weeks since, a Watch Chain Compass which the proper owners may obtain on description' of the same, and application to , ' I t s oct 21-lt J. W.COBB, at Purcell.HobsB. .. Hatsv Hats. ; Hats. TTtASHlONABLB FALL . SHAPES I : LADIES1 TRIMMED HATS I HARRISON & AtLid i i :., ;...,fl,HattBiaii-1 oct 21-tf The Confectionery. T WOULD RESPECTFULLY . INFORM ' MY X friends and the citizens generally, that I have just opened an elegant assortmentof Freeh Candies, Nuts, Fruit, AC., at No. 24 Market street, next door te mt. n. a. Bprant's Miiune 1 1 win he pleased to receive a share of their patronage. Fresh uaoos a BDcciaiLv.- : j .ii t OClM-at ' , , , . JUfUUB U. LOVJE. U , . -O--J In Stocks TLANK BOOKS, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, -'-' i t scrap bomm, MemoraaaKm , lemoraadam ana ocaet hooks. iere5"??rool"cP.Bm Cap, Letter, Note and Billet Pa ; Paper. VSLOI EN PES, Official,, Letter and Note. it inciter rresa. i - r . j Inkstands, . -. v- ; Pea Hacks, aad " 'r . s- rt -f t jvjft raper.weigats. UT&eaos STORE. : , ' . ,t:'i..-- rti iHii. 1 1 VMftal InKtrammtfa nf 11 Hnih 1 fViv !, af f t r ' t , i - i .: . JiaUiHltSitUKK'a oct 21-tf Noa, 89 and 41 Market st WHOLE.NO.'' 3,185 . : ; . .... . NEW-ADVERTISEMENTS. lift , i, II, CB0HLT, f Auctioneer Vf f , By CBONLT & MOEKIS., . pl "Poofn 4- A .Hi.46iU XiState Gb B.UCU0I1. ()N,WBDNKSDA.Y r0' WC ; A TRACT I ftBXT, 34THIN8T.. AT 10 will sell at Exchange Corner, LAND, 3 9io ACRES1 r ; ; troating 197 feet en W. & T. Plank Eoad,' and run ning through 728 feet to Green's Hill-pond. v - HOUSB and LOT, upon North Bide of Church, between 5th and 6th. Streets; and y, s ;J ' ' Weit half -of LOTS 2 and 4. Blork S2S: Hnnniled by Swaon, Tay,lor, fith and 9th Streetft ' KitWJCiUX MUBK1S, i. ocisi-w; ' . j Attcneneers. Flour at Auction. ; J nN PA7,N I Sales uxms. for ncconnt of whom it nu poneem BBLS. SUPKKFKB FW CRONLY & MORRIS, t -. Anctioneers. Oct 21-U Engrarags, Cliromos, &c, at Anction. yv w tit wan a v tctvoi 2 3D INSTANT, AT '10 O'clock, we Will MIL Htonr Sales Hnnmn for account of the Underwriters and all cacemed. " 75 ENGRAVINGS, CHEOMOS, &c, c ' hi? ;i i CRONLY i& MOREIS. . oct 21-lt Auctioneers. . . '.' 1 ' . : ; . 1 ' 1 i ' '"' .-'.. Furniture, Sundries, i&c. . QUE; UfifDAL ASSORTMENT AT ' j ' " AUCTION, at our Sales Rooms, : TUESDAY, October S3d, at 10 o'clock; A. M. i CRONLY & MORRIS, - ' - 'i Auctioneers. ' oct 21-lt For Hardware . Q ALL: AT THE. HARDWARE DEPOT. v i a i HARDWARE Q? EVERY DfiSCEIPTION I- AT TUB LOWEST PRICES at - N. J ACOBI'S Hardware Depot, octSlrtf: Ji-jv 'So. 10 South Front) street C Flannel Draweri QNLY. ,W CENTS PEE JPAia I . ;y Merino Shirts only 60 cents each, I t Elegant Silk Bows only 10 cenlp, 1 ' ' Clothing yery low at ' :.t! : 1 ; ! Cpiniry Merchants, T OOK TQ.YOUR INTEREST - i .-.;:.:. ia&WfiKaS Complete Stock in.tbe city, call and examine goods and prices before bnyiag at small stores. - - oct H tf ' 19. 20 A 21 Market street. For ' Sale, FOR CASH OR PART CASH, THREE Ouarters(X)of a Lot, with three Hoases thereupon, which rent for $250 per year, ntaated North of Market, on Fifth street. sa III! twithin.tea minnte' walk of th Vsrkpt House . ; ... -" . . ... Address . .. . ; .oct.JH-Ufc:. HOT ITotice. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE"; .AND THE BEST IN THE CITY. Call at theSC A KIlOROmil nOTTNRanil. try them. South Water street, between llarket anrl oct 21 It : B. 3. SCARBOROUGH The Staff of Life. ANOTHER INVOICE CHOICE : ? : : t FAMILY FT.OTTR received to-day direct from the Mills of the Great West. We can't be undersold in Flour. ... GRANT. HINTON & CO., Commissien Merchants and Grnrani. oct 21-ltDAW .. . Fasten Tour Blinds -T7ITH THE PATENT BLIND LOCE-4 :. A Sure Thine to keer out Bnrarlars. A New Thing. Cheaper thaq Padlocks. , " For sale by ' GEO.'A. PECK, No. 25 South Front St. oct21-tf Mackerel and Herring. - fJQ Half Bble MACKEREL;' ii; il 100 ' ' ' 250 Boxei! hering, - For sale . oct21-lf KERCHNER & CALDER BROS Corn. Corn. Corn; 000 Bash. CORN, Prime,. Juvv, White and Mixed, - " For sale hv Oct 21-tf KERCHNER ft CALDER BROS. andfTies. .,' 9A AAA Yards BAGGING. JJJJJ ia Rolls and Half Rolls, 50 Tons TIES, ,i Fof salel)y"" t oct 21-U ... KEKOHNEK & CALDER BROS. s. Qfi Bbls BUNGS, all sizes, For sale by , . . KERCHNER & CALDER BSOS.B I oct 21-tf They AU Do It. - All. Persons wbe look for Style, Beauty of i , Finish; and! Durability of. Wear in their T unfiJnc7 v on nvti I jDUUIu a unUbn I --Jjerchase them: :C- 'pif-v'5.Jii'ti? GEO, FRENCH A SON,1 jiocta if,: 39 N. Front st. V.' - OTJR OWN 1C" Unrivaled . Brands of WHISKEY. PONET, BLUE GRASS, DELMO- NICO CLtJBUOtrSE, SWEET, UK. . , MASH, SMOKY; HQLLO W. i .1' .Ij.ii- . . ., it' t.! i". The above are warranted the Purest and Choicest in the State, and at our usually Low Prices. : t A H it.- ! i - y.i;- -.tu -j i;.m H ! GEORGE. MYERS, l l and 13 South Front Street ! - oct 21 tf HATES OF AOVcnTtSIHG. Ods Sonars one day. '. ... two dayt" ..... . ' .... five days,...,..... ........ ' " " . One weei,..:.r..I".":i fl oo 1 76 3 50 3 00 5 60 4 00 6 50 8 50 10 00 17 00 24 00 l wo weeES, . . , " Tkree wtnei,. ' ' Ose month... . " Two BsoBtha, - aa - aa ' " . . . " " Onejear?. 40 00 60 ( 0 I Ten lineB Mlid Kc BSOootract AdTertfaenenU taken at proer voniw; iun mint - Ten lines eelld Nonpareil type make one square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. W0 HIGHTS 0HLT. ffeteiai piMatr0ct.:24t 25. nHB MANAGER TAKES QTnt AT PT.VAerrnw ir-tC111 S0 tb0lw -?mtoent ArtiBle and Tsonthem FaTOrites, : ROSE ; H AplJ WATKIHS, aud i he Javealla Aetreea SaaKMreee IIIS AMY LEE ! : WBDNBSDAY VSVBNING, Oct.' 4wlll be pre seated the latest gnecceB. . . J, For fall particulars see bUle of the day. ANDREW BQYJJ.. .v. ..... ...Manatrer. AUMISSIOW: ; 75, SO and oM.. No extea charge JKeeerred Seato be bad. at nniunigcriogocBwre.'. ..-,", ', : OCJ124 Samuei - Sutherland's v Son, : Importer, Hantifactnrcr and Dealsr in BSESCn & MUZZLK I-OADINa GUNS, RIPLBH ; & PISTOL, POWDBB. JSHOT, CAPS, CARTKUMiBS. eAMB HA8, And Bveryitco.ullto for a BportmanV Outfit. ' All orders from a distance will receive prompt and faitbfal attention. This Old House Is known from the 8t Lawrence io the Rio Grande riyers for First Class Goods and Fair Dealing. ' . ' . Guns and Small Anas made to order and repaired by experienced workmen. . E iM'L SUTHERLAND'S SON, - -. s : 1406 Maim Street. -b. . -f- . ,i i .. Richmond, Va. oct SI tt Attention! CLOSE BUYERS ! - - We can give yon HoreGood - Fresh 1 Goods ! , itf tlie . CHocery Line, THE SAME MONISY, r - than any : HHUl I0IDI II iHE STATE ! COME AND SEE US and -' I U ;. I EXAMINE for , YO TTRSEL VES I - v E X AM IN E O LT B N I C E BUTTER, ' HAM, FLOUR, LARD, ' SUGAli,:, . COFFEES, TEAS, CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, , ' ; . . &ct &c. - :. . Wo are Receiving Daily by Steamers aud Railroads, FRESH 'SUPPLIES ! Cfe We are sure there's no such Stock in the. State as we can show. Boatwright & HcKoy, 1 6, 7 and 8 NORTH FKON1 ST. oct 21-D&Wtf " Consignments in Store. yyiLL BE CLOSED OUT ' ; Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Chotto Ooshen Mountain Butter, ; Lard, iu Tabs and Buckets,' J . ; , ' Choice Canvassed Bacen Hams, Rice, Potatoes, Turnips and Apples, Soap, Lye, Cheese and Tobacco, Poultry, Epgs, Crackers, &c Cash advances made on Consignments of Produce. ' " PETTEWAY SCHULKEN, Brokers and Commission Merchants, oct 21 -tf Next North Princess and Water sts. - j r-M- . v. 1 - Millinery and Fancy Goods. TifK3- l.1 flanagan ; wishes to an- nounce to the Ladies that she has returned ..WM. HIV " V. TT V.. V. PUT XXttO UOOll UM kine her Fall purchases ia MILLINERY and everv deecripUon of FANCY ARTICLES, and is now i prepared to show her patrons a Very Attractive and 1 Beautiful Stock of afi the NEWEST STYLES in French Pattern Bonnets and Hats. Velvets. Ml ks. Feathers, Flowers. Ribbons, &c. - - My motto Is, as: heretofore, the Best Goods, the Latest- Designs, -the Lowest Prices, aad. the Most Honorable Dealing. ,. - :,, Ordert from the country solicitedl and Mrfect .saajjfactkm guaranteed or money refunded. VarietyStoi 42 Market Street oct2tt ; -aac a r MRS. L. FLANAGAN. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. THE UNDER- signed having this day qualified as Adminis trator noon the estate of Isaiah Smith Hardin c. da- ceased, hereby notifies ail persoas haviBf claims against the estate of his said intestate to present the same to me on or before the 28tn dav of Octo ber, A. D., 1878, or this notice will be plead la bar of their recovery, aad all persona rodebted to said Intestate are hereby required to atake taamedlata payment. N. GILUCAN.Adm'r. ' October 20, X8T7. : ' 1 , 8a oc2l-oaw6w :- The little SloHroii tte Comer .TS lX rL&CX TO GET. v'.'' .'.V'--'.- : ' ' " ' '8ADDLKS', RARNXS8. ' s : V ':., WHIPS and COLL&SSA o Made or Repaired, Cheap for Cash. . ; ten to Boutneriand'i staples. n ii oct 21-tf WUmington,1 N. C,