THE HOBnmgSTAL By WO. BEBMAIID ;? UnLISH-P DAILY KXCKPT MONDAYS. ' ar o STscrTK- a vio : Six months, . tt it " S 85 Three months, ..... 100 m advance Tbe Russians are about constructing a scries of railways in Bulgaria; the Danube will be crossed in ferry boats; they are talking in France of forming a qabinet of Conciliation.. Only two orthree mi ners have been rescued alive.,. -Rev. Dr. Munsey died suddenly at j Jwieaboro, Ten. Some discharged section bands in Missouri, threw a passenger train from the track, damaging the cars, iut the pas-j seugcrs escaped. Senator Morton's condition is not so favorable. Tbe House adjourned to attend the Baltimore. racei. It is tuoughkthe Louisiana Senatorial contest will be remitted to the Louisiana Legislature. 4 Blaine ia bet ter Blaine's daughter was shot in the race accidentally by a parlor pistol, but not dangerously. Senor Mats, with cre dentials from Diaz (veramenf, after being in Wasbingtoa for suaie time, returns be cause no4 recognized. English mis- cian iMidcred tu RimoD Cameron. I - One hundred and ninety-one Apache In dians surrendered in New Mexico. ; Morton wants' Hayes sustained. . Wood's Museum, Chicago, partially burned and animals suffocated. - New York markets: Monev fi ner etui. : sold dull 102f ; cotton quiet at cents; flour witboit change; wheat lljc better; corn active at 63 cents; spirits turpentine quiet . i f M . . .1 . . h " al o-igat cents; rosin Bieauy ai $ i oMu 1 M. The North Carolina members of Congress jjae allotted amonr themselves the' various objects which their people wish to be at- luiutu, uiu will wua uiiu w uv' upvu them the best organized and most effective labor, Ptter&urg Index-AppeaL . Glad to hear iu That looks like bustnesi. Now we will have better Kstal service and the Western Caro Una niatterswill be straightened. Sitting Bull is obdurate. He laughs to scorn the idea of his surrendering to Uncle Sam, whom he mightily dis trusts. It is well all the Indian chiefs ar&uoi Siltiug Bulla. Hie news of the surrender iu New Meiioo of 191. A baches has interest, because it has tens the day when there will be peace with all the red men, and the time for the. reduction of the army draws Higher. The Russians are very much in earnest. The Czar and his people are evidently fully bent on carrying their plans to a successful issue, if ptuck, diligence, and a heavy expen diture of time, money, labor and men will accomplish it. Tbey are about to have built a series of railroads in Bulgaria, and the American plan of ferry boats "will be adopted to trans port cars across the Dannbe. The sudden death of Rev. Dr. William E. Munsey, at Jonesboro, Tennessee, will be a surprise to many. His-health has been delicate for a long lime. He had the reputation of being a great orator. His death fol lowing so soon upon the demise of the Rev. Dr. Jas. A. Duncan, another, and, as we think, greater orator, will be a great loss to the Methodist de nomination and to the South. After a very arduous session of nearly eight days the House of Rep resentatives will adjourn to serve TEeir country at the Baltimore races. Verily, the laborer is worthy of his hire, and after excessive toil he should rest. No doubt the country will re ceive the announcement of the recess, and for what purpose, with high satis faction, and will say to each ot the "Honorables", "Well done thou good and faithful servant." Latest By Mail. Repabileaa Conference n the Presi dential Policy. - Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Washihgton, Oct. 21. A private conference of Honse Re publicans was held at the .residence of a cabinet officer a night or two since, to discuss their course in case Jjio President's policy came up for discussion in the House. It was said that the Democrats proposed to com pel the Republicans to place them selves on the record by submitting resolutions endorsing the President's Southern policy. It was developed that the sentiment of those present was very strongly against voting for any resolution of that character which should, come from the Demo cratic side, as they prefer to" select their own method of expressing their opinions. The gentlemen present all expressed their desire to preserve the nutty of the Republican party und uphold the President, but to do this iu their own way, and not at the bid ding of their political opponents. . It was ascertained that but one of those present heartily and unreserved ly favored the President's course in' the abstract, Representative Cox, of Ohio. Mr. Cor said 'the President had only carried out the principles laid down in the Cincinnati platform ad in his letter of acceptauoe. He was asked to name what plank of the platform called for the appointment to a Cabinet position of an ex-Con , ,-r.,. if ,--T'J?r' , I-! ,-. ,A .-.(.- a r , , It 1 "-'ivi-i'- ".'. V .-. :".-,;. r .....j : i. i i , - - ' T " 11 ' ' - ' ' VOL. XXi:-NO. 27. federate and Bonrbon Democrat. VV hue there was a disnosition ; to an cent whu the President had done as an accomplished fact, there were some u.wuui viutciBuis uiaui; upon diqi, dui no aisposition was shown to embar rass him in any way, and it was con ceaea on aii Aatids that noHs pot tne auspieiona time for a Quarrel in the nartv Tl wan nttoat iKat if the Demosraf8 bring forward a " reso lution inApatnn tkn cy the tableSconlcT belu rneoTon i?im by offering an amend men t dechring' that the titleibr the Presiderfc lo his omoe is valid and anassailed. r lit ThB.Ltatitaaa and SoniU Carollaa Senatoraalps-Vleweand DoIuk of vine Intereatea-A Doabtful Iaaue lor Hie (.'nurTttlTCi. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. THE CONTESTED SKNATORSHIFB. J iK Since Friday there has beon roach consultation among: both the : Re publican and Democratic: 8en4tbrs over the Louisiana aud ; South .Caro lina contested Senatorshipv , When Congress met ' on Monday -last the JJemocralic oenatots were quite con fident that enougb Republicans would vote with them to seat Messrs. Kustis, Spofford and Butler. In the light of the events of the past week this con fidence has measurably abated. - The Democratic Senators now admit that tbey look upon the result as qnite doubtful. The case of Mr. Eustis is complicated by the new pretensions put forward by Pinchback, whose action is understood to have been in spirea irom Washington, ine cre dentials on which Pinchback's case was tried in the Senate were de rived from his first election. While his case was still pending in the Senate the Kellogg .Legislature at a subsequent session went through the form of again electing him. and a second set of credentials were issued in his favor. He now bases his claim to a reopening of his case on this second set of credentials, and he will be here by Tuesday to advocate his claim in person. Republicans of the Radical stripe have gained in hope very much, and to-day they are not backward in expressing the belief that all the Re publican claimants to the contested Senatorial seats will be admitted, j It really seems a if two at least of the Senators whose votes have been regis tered as doubtful are now very much inclined to cast them for the Repub lican claimants. - ELLOGG'S CHANCES Mr. Kellogg says that he does hot intend to follow the example of some others and hang around the Senate chamber, but he consider his chances now at least even. Some of his friends said to-night that they believed he would receive the vote of every Re publican Senator with the possible exception of Jndgo Christiancy. 'In regard to the collectorship of the port of New Orleans, Mr. Packard will make no personal application for it, but under certain circumstances he will accept the position if tendered to him by the President. Wnen it was first determined by his friends to present his name for the position it was not thought that Kellogg stood any chance of admis sion. Some of the Louisiana Repub licans now aver that if Kellogg is ad mitted it will offer the opportunity for Packard to renew the contest for the possession of the State govern ment of .Louisiana. It is stated that the leading members of the Demo cratic party in New Orleans, who are dissatisfied with the course of Gov. Nicholls, havs intimated that' they would sympathize with such a move ment. Mr: Packard himseit has not given anycurrency to this idea, and i . 1 Ui . wcatever nis views are-on iue aunjeub he is not communicating them to others. It is absolutely impossible for any such movement to succeed. JEALOUSIES IN THE CONSERVATIVE . , '. ,- BANKS. In resard to the election of J ndee Spofford it is charged openly here by Louisiana : UepuWicana. that prooi will 1h forthcoming" ax. the Drooer time to show that eves if the Legis lature which elected, hinr were com petent to exercise that function, there were other irregularitie;attendiag the election sufficient to vitiate' iu There is no question that the jealous ies and dissensions which exist among the Louisiana conservatives are such that influences are at work not favor able to either Eustis or Spofford ' in spired from that quarter. The same condition of affairs exists so far. as South Carolina is concerned. Friends of Geo. M. C. Butler assert that some of the leading State officials of South Carolina do not want bins, admitted to the Senate, and are shaping their course so as to throw obstacles in the way. Wuhlailea News Special to Richmond -Dispatch. ; Washington; Oct. 22. ; ? A number of explosive resolutions are ready to be exploded in the House at the first opportunity. Judge Kelley has one repealing the resump tion act; Ewing of Ohio, has another, remonetizing the , old silver, dollar; Banning,' of Ohio, has a third, to make silver- legal tender . to any amount; and several endorsing the President's ! Southern ? policy 1 have been "drawn up. I t was , intended to force a vcrte on" severarof these to day, under a suspension of therules, which is in ; order .: ou Monday. The Republicans, however, were not ready to place themselves on record, especially in relation to the Presi- WILMINGTON,' dents Southern 'polioy, ' and evaded the' threatened danger by getting the hreatened dancer bv eettihe the rado ca9ebefo?eth( !H6i!eg..d ; up the whole 4 day', in speeches uoiorad using upon it. The case .was still pending when the House adiourned.;L ,"i i ; - . : . It is rather niorthan "probable that thef House.; will ultimately seat Patterson, the Democratic contestant truui VUlUraUU, aibUOUSU tua JAtiUUU- licans are making a strong fight for Belford. .-t iV :' :H' Chicago, Oct. 22'" 'L The Times special corresoondeut describes, Sitting. Bull as a swarthy, black-haired, beardless. pure-Tlooded savage, with art air of judicial gravity and intelligence. He continually fears treachery ' on the Dart of the nna. and distrusts " lils town tnbe when they I arb . ne5r, He re fused i to shake " hands with the com- Sitting broadlv t the words of surrender in General Terry's speech, telling him of the Irresident s desire that hostili ties should cease forever for the sak ot all parties; that -all hostues whd had surrendered to the United States had received no punishment, and that the same terms would be offered to Sitting Bull. The speech produced no effect, aud the offer of peace was rejected. The council broke up, and the Com missioners turned their faces home- ward. ::r::':JZ The Iar;eat Snake Yet. Bakersville Republican. A gentleman from Snow Creek towuship informs. us that a very large snake has been seen several times in that vicinity, and its , presence has created considerable alarm' among the inhabitants. It was first seen by Mr. John Keller, and was at the time crawling over the fence. He struck at it with a rail, and the snake turned to attack him, when he retreated and the monster made his escape into a laurel thicket. - Mr. Seller estimates that it was fifteen feet long add about two feet in circumference; its head was a bright yellow and about six - jA few days after Mr. Henry W. W I lis a r tKn onota hoqf (Via i unf it tiiin oan ku ouanw iivmi wuw a v v when it'took to the water and swam across to .the south bank and disap peared. 'Mr. Willis confirms the statement of Mr. -Heller as to its size. CTtrilsst Saturday it was again seen by.JMt. Jobnwb otnejr.and Keu- ben Woody, about three-fourths of a mile from the place where it was first I seen. They attacked it, when it I again escaped among' the cliffs i of I rocks. A reward of one hundred dollars has been' offered for the rep tile alive, or nttv dollars it it. is killed, and a company has , been formed who intend to make a hunt for it next Saturday, and if success ful to bring it to town.1 fc ' j Spirits Tiiipentinei State items very scarce "tCMlay. Cole's circus is said to be losing money in its trip through North Carolina. The Bingham Cadets won the highest praise at the Stale Fair. Gov. Hampton said they surpassed any drilling he had seen. , , . '. ; ( i- ' Concord . Sum . Mr.: tThos. . Martin, a practical farmer of Poplar Tent rownship, .too- to tbe otate air a can aged one year and fifteen days, tbat weighed 727 pounds. , 5 Raleih iV0: Gov. Vance yes terday issued a commission to R. H. Dil- lard, Esq.,- as director in the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal Company, in place of E. C.Yellowly, Esq., who declined to serve. Raleigh Observer: W. J. Bing ham, son of the lamented Col. Wm. Bing ham, is now living upon ' a . scholarship jat tbe University of Virginia, gained by, the best competitive examination of the cur rent session. , ' , ' - '- - . Concord Register: - Ir. Monroe Misenhimer. of Mount Pleasant.-had his right arm lacerated in a cotton gin at Kind ley and Miller's steam mill at that place on Thursday. rvAmputatien above the elbdw was necessary. " " . j Shelby Aurora: A rattlesnake crawled into a house occupied by a family in the lower part of this county, a few days aeo. and bit a little child which is now ex pected to die. Tbe snake was found coiled up in the child's lap after it bad bitten it in the face. The same sad thing occurred once before in the same family. J f , Goldsboro Messenger: Mai. Grant, ticket agent of the North Caroliaa Railroad at this nlace. sold nearly 900 Fair tickets last week.'realizingove 1,700 for tbe road. To be hanged at Washing ton, N. C, November 2nd, by bert Satchwell. N. P. Overton, (white), arid Noah Taylor, (colored), both for the mur der of young. Grimes In Edgecombe couaty, November 2, 1874. . j " Monroe Express: The fourpri soners sentenced to the penitentiary will be carried to r Raleigh sometime during tbe mL. - For the week ending October 19th, 587 bales of cotton were sold in this ( fl7U DeAHtn i BOAfld'4 mATs-CU s IUQ A-iVWJ VlfcV- AABowiis - tion held its twenty-third aqmlali sessioa ith iho Phiiiplnhia Church. Union coun ty, commencing on Thursday, tbellthinsti,; ' . . t O a t rtllrkmin9 A ' and emoracing iub , tpuuuaj . wuyniuj. arge attendance was preseni at,. me opea- J0jr -' l WO CUlureu uuiiuiou, age w- specllvely six and thre years, were burned to death at the house of George ! Hailey, colored, in this place, on last Monday morn ing, between 8 and 9 o'clock, by the explo sion of a can of kerosene oil with which the child" was attempting to start a fire, -as she had frequently seen ; the f grown persons about the house'do, 1 J nharlotte Observer: CapUv Vail naa hVfhA hnminff of his in bouse onFrl- Was no insurauug,,, tT'"w rir; " r which assembled ats -tatesville laatTues dsy. Judge Dick presiding, baa about com ka -nrb- Kpfnra if. havinir jnade 1 Mff tTia rrncrrpaq dnrlner the week. The i iit'.r.i. ua .it via t - - w . iliouaiw ,av'- ' missioners, and ; said he .wanted w;ntvyrioba a "T? 8iWere Hannah Roa . . . i ifii fifiri i rvfiri MirOAr siprnnniHL a i .iinrniL. a v i . , mem. lO Set OUt in IUll View I IM Rantlat Phnli &t IfAnm lh rMrUt of :-iiiiucu, tuuuweu by irEumwu uj wun jwuBrwo. miw and behind tables. Sitting Bull smiled afrerivaL .v-;v-t - i lJoha K Holmes, Esq., appearing for i . N. C, WEDNES D AYft docket was not large, and only a few of tie eases on h wete;contmued. Amiost Se $fS2ft 'SSSB&fS revenue law by the illegal saledniyu- facture of whiskey. There wre ijf all aDOUt -luuly persons convwie. -obbm r nam a a vara i rnro mttirkriTV - m.i were residents of the county o( B nnM iTipnii.nn in k man I comins away from a show of that kind ind I buubiujj lb iui iw iiuuiuiuuj. aud yMvyij) who went to the Opera House iast night saw girls without any clothes, ou ; they didn't expect to seo any clothes; tbey didn't want to seLny clothes. Whena girl came out with stress on the crowd got indigr nant and swore that it had been sold. ' On Friday night Rev. J. F, Butt, paster - 1 . t i t. 1 l ..i w? propriate services the series of meetli-s oi vivary xaissioo caurea, ciuaeq wuu which have been progressing there ft, nearly lour weeks: and wnicn bare accom- Dlished such marvelous results. ' The tpsss tor said at the closibe of the meetings Uu l over one nunared and iflity persons . &u made professions. Uinis. numDer aoori ; seventy-five have with his own church, and - thlrteea bavttj t s mat 2jzW3tr$ " NKfT A01?r'UTlaCWBWT. A. DATpPeahirls,' 'v "i- : Mcnsok & CoBusiness suits ; . . . J. W. Gordon & Bro Notice, ' ; J. A. SPRnrGER--Prices of coal. ;; .. N. H. Spruht Opening Thursdsy. ! i Meeting Wilmington Compress Co. . S3. Q. Northrop Oranges, pears, &c FEsnvAii Fifth street M. E. Church. Itoeal Dta. There was no session of ;the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. ' 1 The receipts of cotton at this port yesterday footed up 1,470 bales. There is an un'mailable Tetter 4n tbe post Marion C. LArioso -Club give their first 4Vlrvn !nf tli.uuinil t f A.tnn.iilj Tall to morrow (Thursday) rnght 1 1 T . " office addresse4toIrtC. Byrd; lHrabnarcum T"8 . H., 8. a vi.f5., r,.h, ' -y ,nd Ioueson ig JaUed to meet att v 1 L. bail storm at. Weldon 'on Sunday, which I qated to send delegates. Tbe repreaeu will account for the sudden change In tem-'l tatibn wiU - be double that of the' 'Grand perature nere tnat evening. J - . . -. . CoL J. R. Davis, who has been on a visit to his old home and friends this week, says he has determined to call his new hotel at Norfolk the Parcel! House, i Warmer, olear ortpartly cloudy weatber, ligbt variable'vrinds, mostly from the north, and nearly stationary pressure, are the indications for this section'; to-day. 'Were ela&eefcttrt,1 e street pavement on North Water, between Chesnut and Mulberry streets, which has been in a bad condition for some time past, is being suitably repaired by the city au thorities. A special meeting of the stock holders of tbe Wilmington Compress Com pany will be held at the Bank of New Han over to-morrow (Thursday) morning, for the purpose of considering tbe propriety of procuring an additional press. A Harmless bat Startllns; Explosion. That was a big excitement at the resi dence of Officer J. M. -King, on Castle, between Sixth and Seventh streets, jester day morning." ' It appears that an old rifle cartridge had been thrown about the house for a day or two, nd Monday' evening the little one got hold of itv and, baby like, crammed it into its mouth t far as it would go. when the mother took it away from the child and threw it into the fire-place, fear- I ing that tbe metal might have a bad effect. There was no fire in the fire-place at the time, and if there bad been Mrs. K. would not have hesitated to" dispose of the car tridge in tbe manner she did, as she' was under the impression that it was an old one, from which all dangerous properties had been removed. She changed - her ....... . i opinion, , bowever, yesterday morning, when, upon tbe - servant starting the fire,' she and her children 'Standing around ' the hearth, tbe cartridge sud denly exploded, making a deafening re port,' scattering wood, ashes and soot in every direction, knocking some of the bricks out of the chimney, and doing other slight damage. Fortunately nobody was hurt, but several were badly frightened, and the vote was unanhnoua in that family that no more cartridges should be thrown into the fire-place under any circumstances. FeotlTOl. A festival for the benefit of tbe Fifth Street M. E. Church will be given at Me- ginney's Ball, by the ladies of that coa gregat ion, on Friday evening next, the 26th inst. As this will be the first festival of the season, and the object being one which sbould enlist the sympathies and . good wishes of all, the ladies will no doubt meet with the success 'commensurate with their zealous efforts in behalf of their church. Tbey will dispense ice-cream, oysters, and other delicacies of the season to those who , may favor them w ith their patronage, and earnestly request their friends in particular and the jmblic generally to come and par take, promising all a good time.- . Th e Late A dam Emple. - At a meeting of the members of the Bar in attendance upon the Superior Court, now' in session, a committee was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the loss1 the profession has sustained, as well as the community generally, in the death of the late Adam Empie, which has occurred since the last session of tbe Court. The jpommittee werS instructed to report at an adjourned meeting of the members of the Bar, to be held on Monday next. " " ' OCTOBER 24. ' 1877. R aad Httrry Watklms. a WriSXl the theattloa! board Ro,. and Harry Watkins, wm commence; their two nights' engagement at the. Onera House this evening, in their ' new comedy drama,' "Marriage, or .Our Daisy," assisted by the juvenile artist, Miss Amy Lee. jThey have been' drawing full houses at Raleigh and elsewhere, and will no doubt begreet- e3 h a.V Iwirff ndinrfl herei hM iliin their I I ifcjtits aie known and abDreciated. i u.A" j' :U -I JJ : T : o r I ghefit ia Mn. at Hioaher'a I 7"? " 7 . 77. -7;. I jf''cna. musuiwore, ana is rapiuiy mi ine up.- V ' .f I Tfe Cn. 0f Bietanxd. Samper tr A with Oenelrjr Weapon. The case of Richard Hooper, the1 colored stevedore,-charged with making an; assault wtyu, a deadly weapon upon Mr. William Richardson, a white stevedore, on the even ng of Friday last, an account of which was forjiJlBUpre- lirnmuyneriog btfoi Justice Half yes- w pruuuoQ, ami jnarauea .n.y, Shepard, mrs Mary J Stement,' tars Rtbec Esq., for the defence, after which,' at a late I ca Spicer.R G Skipper., " I hour in the erearag, Tustice Hall rendered his oslC Which was to the effect that the defendant be required to give boodin tne sum or MXfor hiaaDDearaneeat thAl next tejm of the Criminal Court; j The bond was given, with W. H. Howe, as - . t security, aud Hooper was released I : ' Justice Hal! decided adversely as to tbe appucatioa or defendant a counsel lor a jury, made on Saturday, a fact which should have been stated at tbe outset1 Dletrlci meeting- of ilia 8 lit Dlstrie, I. o. c T. ;- f -fff ;c?.-:,r.;,r ;-"T We are requested by Wr W. McDiarmid, Esq,.,' Deputy :of that District, to state thai a meeting of the 8tli District, composed LaunnburgJKichmond .;conBtytk ,N. 1 Ci (of tbe CC. Railway, . about ninety 'miles from Wilmington,) on .Thursday, the 1st 1 -All th Tlw. In llIA ni.(riii .rA M- I .1 rta . . '1'lvA lvv n van nnrl . f MOnrla at Lodge. Tbe brethren and- friends at Lau- rinburg will prepare homes for all the del egates. ; The meeting will take place about, l r. AL, on Tbursday, or immediately after tne arrival or tne .evening train. Cnas. JS. Smith. Esq . of Laariabure. will deliver the address of welcome, responded to by tne presiding officer of tbe meeting. Rev. Measts. B. C. Phillips, J. H. -Coble and John Monroe, -have been-- Invited and-arcf expected to lecture on Tbursday and Fri-' day nigbta. et the friends of the order in the District bestir themselves, and let us nave a rousing meeting." ; ? - . . .... ; - Schedule B Taxes. , " From tbe report of the Register of Deeds of that portion of Schedule B taxes for the fiscal year ending October 31st, 7877, which j goes to the State, we get the following, items: Merchants' purchases, $2,892 45; Privilege tax, $1,003 72; liquor purchases, $1,080 24; commissions on sales, $528 46; notary public, $265 53; itinerants, gipsies and fortune tellers, $65; pedlers, $10; bowl ing alleys, $20; livery stables, $48; billiard tables, $40; auctioneers, $30 95; toll bridges, $3 90; hotels, $27 48; retail liquor licenses, $2,476; guano, $866; theatrical (musical)Der formances, $12; circus performances, $100. ToUl, $8,969 73.; Of the above, $2,506 95, comprising the tax derived from auction eers and holders of retail liquor licenses, has to be returned by the State Auditor for the benefit of the school fund of this coun ty, which "is , so much additional to the" amount heretofore - appropriated for tbat I purpose. Color. Good Mamoritoa Celebration. The members of Mt. Zion Lodge No 9, Good Samaritans and Daughters of Sa maria, celebrated their, second anniversSry last night by a grand march and levee at Lippitt 'a HalL ; They marched down Prin cess to Front, and down Front street to the hall, adorned 1n their regalia and beaded by the Rose Bud Band, making a very good appearance. ' j r A ' ; i- : - - S i " Superior Coart. The case of Kerchner & Calder Bros, vs. Alexanderand J. L. McRae occupiud the attention of the Superior Court yester day, and has not yet been disposed of. Ar gument in the case will probably cdmmerice at an early period of the session to day. j The Presbyterian Synod of North Caro lina meets at Charlotte this evening. Rev. Dr. Wilson and C. EL Robinson, Esq., are the delegates from the First Presbyterian Church, of this city. : r :; f UIVBR AND-ABINB ITBHS. -- The Condor Nicholson, ' sailed from . Cardiff for this port on the 10th inst f ; The British brig Aura sailed from Ber muda for this port on the 10th inst. ,r . The Norwegian barqMe Zynet sailed from Hull for this port on the 21st inst'J ' . . The AJbcOrou, Bakke, arrived at Deal on the 9th inst, from this port for London. The Esther and Sophia, Bergermeister, arrived at London from this port oh the 9th . - . ...... . . t . The Norwegian Barque Bertha, CapL Hanson, from London for this port, was re- ported ia below yesterday afternoon, ' Steamboatmen report only five feet of water on the shoals between this city and Fayetteville, a considerable of a fall within the last two or three weeks. - :- ,Mem. from Society JournaL .'Miss 8 aDoeare- to positive disadvantage because of cloudiness of complexion and must we write it T--Pimples spoiling an otherwise beautiful countenance."1 She 'should by aH means procure and use Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture. Rep J - . f . 1 . I of tbe counties of Bbtdeo. Brunswick J CoW I "r11 m ae npern remits yon evernse afty.tether I : c-- l.-.--e1 a. y j xt iu s. ai a.-iii vcri uuur. h - - w I . J . . --r f . WHOLE NO. 3,187 LIST OF LETTERS r i Remamt 22.1877 !A J W Kemaining In the 'City Post-Office, Oct. Aiken. Wm Allen! : ' I BAlfa Beattv. Edward Brvson. Ervm Blachman, mrs F G Blossom, Henry Bur ney, Noah Batland. i C Mrs Charlotte Casey, 2, J B Cooper, mrs M E Call. : ' . I D-Mrs Betty Douglass, b B Day, Jas Davis, Robert E Davis, miss Malt ie Davis. Jcj miss Mouie Li Errlin. ( PrrMra ' Hester Freeman. mrs iPennv I i l.i'TTttriy I uiim ;0u&m ,nwmeaj jjuary uau. . . ... 4 ,U'"V I M'? Jhnson,mi88 Sarah Jkmes,. Tbos James.. r K Mary'Jane Kornegay, TJiomas i nedy. -;-;-."-;. 1 en- ..I-JlwT ' 'xt 3 "T ico"" f ..uuj i. uun.B. m antm Alice moure, u xt aiuse, uonn McMillan, Harriet Merrick, Matilda Moore, Murlhey McKneal, Owen Matthews mrs Robert A Moore, Wm McCormick. O Frank O'Dounce. Grze Pitakx J Q Pollock. mrsAIne- KrrOeor A Xtoseillenry i Ilookj 'm ids, Joe Register, miss Millie .! 1. - .Till . Nellie Richards.' Robert F I ay, Kose JUty.Kicbardson.. , .: ... r , J D Sanders. Joseph Sloan, miss! Jane - -. T Henry Turner, (coloredj miss Clnrsey "Lir;:, iJJfJZ!. - W-Henry Wilts, Robert WaBacej misa isaiiie waiter. . , V , i. .;- h m n . . . li: Persons calling for letters in the above lisPWill please say "advertised." If ot called; tor within 30 days they will be to the Dead Letter Office. sent r v -Ed. R. Brink, P.M. ... Wilmington, JNew Hanover Co,, N. : CORAL MPS. LUSTROUS i ETESj- 'AUBURN IAH;&8. re merely accegsorr charma. A. lovely complexion, the chief component of beauty, puted in perfection by no preparation saveiGon- 18 im nu i uiympian uream. .race in j&rge Bottles re dused to One Dollar. For sale b j.J. C. Mridds. 1 . 3- M . THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT AM Irama- tapie. . x on don't need to go to metaphysics for iu i ry iwouy a ix ast rowMB, ana u alter i If yon have a Cough, a Cold, or any difficulty in the hoihtd d I. . Take it faithfully and yon are. I safe. The core is certain ana swift, the preparation tnroator iancs. sena ror -ai's uohxt or obs- pieasan u non i atsregara mese stx tines. - Pike's Toothache Drops core in one minute, j Renable help for weak and nervons sofferers. Chronic, .painful and prostrating diseases cured witnoat medicine, ifnivemiacner's juectxic tseits the grand desideratum. Avoid, imitations. . Book; ana journal, vntnTuiiparticaiars, maiiea free; Aa dressPirTKu3 6.vrk Co., B Vine SC . CincbinaU.-Ohto. iv ;n Batfri c." ! ' ' . " . .... i i "QEEHaN SYRUP." No other medicine ia the wrld was ever given-such a test of its curative qnalitt es asBoscast's Gmucah -Snnr.'' Two mil--lion font hundred; thousand small bottles of ; this medicine were dis tribatedr of, charge by druggists In this country to those afflicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup,- severe Ooughs, Pneumonia (an others diseases of the throat and Inngs. rnrugtists in every town and Tillage In theJnited tates are recommending tt to their custoete. .Regular. size initaA Gh.. aw. 75 cents. - "' ! - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A Festival, JJ OR THE BENEFIT OF FIFTH STREET M. K. CHURCH, will be held at MEG1NNEY'8 HALI on FRIDAY, the 26th instant, when the Ladies wii have Ice Cream, Oysters, and other delicacies of the season. The patronage of their friends and the public generally is earnestly solicited, oct 84-lt Oranges. Pears, &c. A FULL SUPPLY OF CHOICE FRUIT, CON sisting of - Catawba, Malaga and Delaware Grapes, Duchess and Bartlett Pears, large Ylelow Bananas, Sweet Oranges, Lemons, Cocoa-Nnts and choice Candies, received to-day at 1 . .. S. G. NORTHROP'S; ' oct 21 tf ' ' fruit and Confectionery Stores. Hotice. HAVING EMPLOYED CPT.; W. M. STE PHENSON in our Office, we respectfully com mend him to the public for a liberal share of pat ronage. JOHN W. GORDON & BRO.. j General Insurance Agents, I J4 North Water street, , octS4 tf .. . " -Wilmington, N. C. Prices of Coal, j THE FOLLOWING ARB BOTTOM CASH FIG URES. Better Coal cannot be foand in this market. Satisfaction guaranteed, . Quarter ton $1.75 1 One to five tons.. $C0 uair ton . ...... 3. riye to ten tons..: o.w Ten tons and over, $6.35. oetS4-tNov 14 . - r j r J. A. SPRINGER. Very Handsome j BUSINESS SUITS MADE TO ; ORDER BY US FOR $34, READY-MADE SUITS $6.50 and upward. MVJNSOrl &CO. i . and Merchant Tailors, oct 84 -It. MDitoi Coipress'S areons.iCo. x . - . WfLMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 23, 187T. A. 8PECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOL dersof this Company will be held at tie Hall of the Bank of New Hanover, at 11 o'clock, A. M., on THURSDAY, S5th instant, to take the steps neces sary to procure an additional press. x By order of the Board of Directors. W. L. DxROSSBT, cct li-St . Secretary and Treasurer J Pearl SMrts! oi.oo. ; The Nicest and cheaoest Shirt that rear, be found. : 3-PLY. ALLU NEa ttO-US. - - Call and see them . before buying 4 any other. For sale only by ; ; A. DAVID, Corner Front and. : Princess sts. ; octS4 tf - QQUie ! COUie ! COUie ! ;i-:.i.,."'-"-;.tu.1'" :. . , exchange corser. TfR. N. H.8PRUNT WISHES TO ANNOUNCE XT A tnat ne is nowreaay, arcer navmg receivea au i that he is now read v. after havin received all of the NEW.. UTiuca in liunerv Goods: the1 Latest In French Patterns ratVan Bonnets, Velvets,. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, and an tne KasonaDie iTunmings, to ne an exmoi tlon of the same. , There will, therefore, be an OPENING, A.T TOE EXCHANGE CORNER, ON yyyTBupwA? inst., , to continue until Saturday Evening. All must come aud See. Every thing new In the Fancy Line. oct2itf N.H.SPRUNT. axon f t II' II v Tl , "O- -J TT ttATES OP ADVBBT18ING. OtW BqnareoM flay, ...... " " v two day.... ' ' thretfday.,... ft 0(1 1 15 8 50 5 00 3 50 4 00 6 50 8 50 10 00 17 00 34 00 lonraays,. ... .... ' five 4jb,.. " Onewek,.....i.;,:.,,...j . TwOWWkl,,.,,.;,..;. , . " M Three weeks,... " " Oneinoi)th,.,,..k.... " ', Tvo montha, " Tkree inontliEXU .V - - ' 8lxiwmthB.....'2.. 40 00 " -:; " -Ono Tear......';rJ 60 M PContmct AdTertlMmentt taken at projr tionately low tatee. . - Ten lines eelld Nonpareil type make" one equate. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HQIJSE. TWO MIGHTS OITLY. eficesaay anil Ttarslai, Oct. 24 S 25. rpafi Vanagbb takbs great plfastjrr jl- in, annonnemg tnoae . Eminent Attists and Sonyjern Favoriteq,. : .. ... ., ,. , v. HABRI WATKIHS, nd the Jo ventle Act renn & Seneetreaa Miss;-AMY. V LEE ! . WEDNKSDAT KYBNING, Oct, 34, will be pre" seoted tne latest eaccees, . .. . PorfullparacularaBeeblllabr the day. AnUIUkD DUIV..'., 11 am ear. ADMISSION:.?:. O tr.d Sfi i:t.. nn extra charge, for Kcaerired Seats, to bo hid at Heinsbergct'a Book fetor. . . . . . ocll-Si M. CUONL.Y, Auctioneer. : BY CRONLT A'MORRIS. altialile Seal ? Estate A T A TTHTTn'M 1 I Kt commeaclnrat 10 o'clock, A. M., we Will aeU, I Exchange Comer . mh.f uiinav w imi . j . i n i - - muuvuiu fuu iiui, iiuuura uniuvug Mil ' Hide of Heeond Street, 66 feet Morih of Market Street, ranning Baatwardly parallel with Market Street 90 feet, making 83 feet upon geeond SUeet. and depth of 9 J feet. - :. . The VACANT LOT, North of aaA adjoining the abeve. S3xfl3 feet. - , The One fctory BRICK BulLDXNO end LOT". 46x86, npoa Kwth Water, between -Cheannt and MntberrybU, at present ocenpied byI. Oilliean. DWBLLLNO HOUSE and LOT, aeren Rooma, South side ef Market, netweea 8th and 9th Streeu. Lot 40 feet front, ISO feet deep, to Meadow Street. ' - HOUSE and LOT, six Rooms, npon Kaat aide of gixth.between Nan and Church Streets, 86x310 feet. HOUSE and LOT. upon West aide of Seventh, between Brunswick and Bladen 8treeta. Lot 30x 103 feet.v- - Terms at'sale. i: ' 16,31,93,24 octlMt lHnery aid Fancy Goods. MBS."!.." FLANAGAN "WISHBS" TO AN .nonnce to the Ladies (hat she has letnrnea from the Korthetn Cities, wfeere she Js been ma king her F4 poaefcaaes in MILLINJtRT and every deacrtptlon,-of FANCY ARTICLES, and is now prepared to show her patrons a Very Attractive and Beautiful Stock of afl the NEWEST STYLES in French Pattern Bonneti nd Hats. Velvets, bilks. Feathers, Flowers. Ribbons, Ac . 'My motto U, as. heretofore, the Beet Goods, thOr atest Designs, the Lowett Prices, and the Most .Honorable Dealing, v , y Orders from the conntr f solicited, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed or meney refunded. " Variety Store, 43 Market Street. " oct 3 f . . mac , MRS. L, FLANAGAN. , I .'" ?ll6 OOllf6 Ctiijllry, T WOULD RHSPBCTPULLY INFORM HI ,1 .friends and the citizen s eenerallv. that I have just opened an elegant assortment of Kresh Candies, nam, zruit, c., at no. z aurKei street, next door to Mr. N. H. Bprnnt'a Millinery where I will be pleased to receive a share of their patronage. Freeh Goods a specialty. ' . octSl-St.'r. Ji-v'W.; JTJNnjS Q.'LGVE. Iii Stock. I T) LANK BOOKS, LBTTKB COPYING BOOKS, I T invoice" Booii. Scran Rook, .limnnnm I . T" . n - ' and Pocket Books. - Legal Cap, Fools Cap, Bill Cap, Letter, Note and Billet Paper. ENVELOPES, Official, Letter and Note. Letter Press. : - - Ink Stands,' ' " - ; . " - .- Pe Racks, and - Paperweights, In great variety at the LIVE BOOK STORE. Musical Instruments of all kinds, for sale at -HBINSBERGBR oct 21-tf Nos. 89 and 41 MarVet st For Hardware Q ALL AT THE HARDWARE DEPOT. HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ' 5 AT THE LOWEST PRICES at JM. JACOBI'S Hardware Depot, oct21-tf ' No. 10 South Front street Country Hercliants, t ook; to.ypur interest j-j in butmo hardware, If you wish to get the . Lowest Cash Prices, and make your selections from the Largest and Most Complete Stor k in the city, call and examine goods and prices befrra buying at small stores. - - . JOHN DAWSON. octJltf 19, 23 21 Market street. Fasten Your Blinds WITH Tlx a PATENT BLIND LOCK , A Sure Thing to keep out Jurglais. A New Thing. Cheaper than PaWis: . j v i ",;;!Forse-by",:;'" GEO. A. PECK, octai-tf ' ' No. S5 South Front bt. " ' " . t i t ' i i.i i t t Mackerel and Herring. , Half BblsMACKBREL, i f iimE' do, t- 250 BozeHsaB,NG i- i-. Forssleky oct 21-tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS v Tie Liffle snap AronsI tie Ccrfsr : JS THE PLACE TO GET ' " -' " ' SADDLES, HARNESS, s - .; . . WHIPS and CLlv- Made or Repaired, Cheap for Cash. -ll Next to South erland's 8tablea.l ul .. . i r HAYDEN A OERHARDT, oct 81-tf Wilmington. N. C. 10 'Barrels NORTHERN APPLES - :UST lof, Jtndfor saloby ... t oct 18-tfDW B1NPORD. LO&B Sn CO. Butter and Cheese. ' 20 SHALO TUBS PBGOSHBN '., ,y ; ! ., Zys )vfi'- BUTTER, Fresh and Sweet JQQ BOXES CREAM CHEESE, ; -oct 19-DWtf HALL St PEARS ALL.' aterJai 400jb? BUSHELS JUST RECEIVED -' - . From Virginia M-to. , . ,T -orsaieoy. , . oct 19-DWtf .. HALL Sk PEARS ALL. Isugar, molasses lana uortee. O K ( HMS Porto BJco and Cuba OU , MOLASSES, ; ! 250 ck8COB'KBr s' ' - ' For sale iowby' '''- '' i; octll-tf WILLIAMS MURCHISON. "J , i i i i K .4 .4 i 1 ... .- f i i 4 J 'A i J 4 'A . ,4 - if '-