THE nOBIOTQjTAR. BLISHBP DAILY -EXCEPT MONDAYS. raws or imoiiRioi nr adtajkw : p Oncyear, (himtlOPpWP, J oo six months, . .""" a 25 Three months," . ;. . M - ' 1 00 To "ciS ttbeeribers, delivered In any part of the J?m555& week. Our City Agent, arc cot authorised to coV mere than three month in advance. " - OtTLlKIW. Edwin Adams, the actor, is dead, -i A panic occurred at Niblo's Garden, N.T.y on cry of fire; several ladies fainted; noone was injured. , A collision between two steamers occurred at San Francisco, and one was sunk, and one life was lost A bill was introduced into the Senate to change the time of the meeting of Congress to first Monday in November. . - Addi tional nominations were sent to the Senate, Grant and MacMahon have met. : -' President leaves for Richmond to-morrow., . Two hundred and fifty persons per-.7 ished Ju the English colliery explosion - Alfonso, of Spain, will v marry jtbc Princess Mercedes on January 23. S- A second ballot in France shows nine Mac- ' Mabunites . and two Republicans elected. ... A Pole has .been appointed Chief of Staff to Suleiman Pasha, and a Belgian .Las vision. Kara is completely Invested. Gen. Fergarhasaoff has occupied Bay-nztdL- . Freaett papers insist ipon the resignation of the Ministry! - The second ballot efaaages the strength of par ties ia the French Chambers; it will atnd 320 . Republicans to 210 , MacMaTiobitea Morton is m-better. - Russutns carried Turkish position at Tciische, west of -Plevna jjone Pasha, several officers, seven companies and three i cannon werecaplured.' New Yorkjnarketsr Money 4 per cent ; gold steady at 102; cotton steady at 11 3 1611 5-10 cents; flour 510 fcts lower, Southern 5 750,6 25; wheat I lc lower; spirits turpentine steady at S4 cents; rosin firm at $1 701 80. , Suaior Morton ia' in a very preca rious condition. - He can retain, no solid food, or, indeed, ailyj'noarisli- ment. : v! . Edwin Adams, to actor, is f dead He has passed from the mimetic stage into the . eternal silence.' We - trust that after life's fitful , fever he sleeps well. r--f: ' . . . ' The Mayor of. Fernandina appeals to the .Mayor of New York: for hoi p. Heax-yo 4be cry ot the distressed a afHictcd. Head the telegram and put yonr hands in your pockets and cive The two men-on-horseback have at last ;pet, Grt nt, - the American bull-doner, and MacMahon, the friend ' . ... of Imperialism. No particulars of the interview have yet come to hand. The Mayor of Fernandina ealls strongly for help; His appeal so far has only secured partial help. Ho telegraphed on the 27th to the Mayor of New Orleans for immediate aid. Do unto others as ye would be done by, was tho injunction of the Master. It is thought that the extra session will not adjourn before the middle of November. TheDemocrals are de termined 'to vote no moneys unless they know- where all the money has gone. They mean, if possible, to learn what Robeson did before they pay his bills. . - . , The Russians have gained another victory that may be more important than appears from the magnitude of the achievement itself. They have carried the Turkish position at Te lishe, west of Plevna, capturing a Pasha, sundry officers, seven compa nies and three cannon. V, w i 1 he President was snubbed the other day by the Radical Senate. His private secretary' was at the door with a bundle of Presidential norai- nations to commanicatr,' When that body adjourned.' When a Republi can Senator was asked when the Sen ate would act upon the nominations, he replied tartly that it would do so when it bad plenty of time. j President Hayes-visits Richmond, Va.,The former capital of the South ern Confederacy, when his own for tunes are threatened with an ebbing. lio will be met with a sincere cordi ality by the Virginians, and will no doubt be strengthened in his purpose to dare do right in tire face of all op position. The people of Virginia showed their wisdom; in 18G9, and in 1877 eni HakV no' stock ift the movemeut of 'Conkling and Co. against the President's policy of con ciliation and reform. , . ' I Raleigh lievos: The' students 'of Davidson College are organizing a military company. Sixty students have become members. Application was. made to the Adjutant General for the accessary accou trements yesterday. , As Ann Jeffreys,' colored woman, was walking alODg Salis bury street, near the city lot, she was taken with hemorrhage of the lungs, and stepping into the house of another colored woman,; 'ell and died in about twenty minutes. ; The first representative bf the aborig-S inal redman, admitted to tke State prisoo.i was-Drought down by 8beriff ; Colvard, rrom Graham county, and delivered to the authorities yesterday. His name Is Eslah loionaheska, and he was sentenced to three' J'tars at hard labor for larceny, at the fall' lerm of Graham Superior Court. ... J. .i VOL-XXI.KO.32. , SYNOD OP flOUTU C&KOLiriA LOharloUe Observer , Report Condensed v . r I'tBST DAY. . Tbe Sixty-fourth Annual Session of the bynod of the Presbyterian Church oi jNortn , Carolina, began in the Second Presbyteriaus Church, of this city,jWedriesday evening at 7:30. 1 A large cobgregatioti, composed; of all denominations, .. wa& present to wit ness theTopening exercises. v After the. usual preliminary , per-, vices,' Rev. 'M.' McQueen, Moderator ot the last Synod, proceeded to preacl v "". . THE OPENING SERMON.' : I ',. He selected a text from Act XX :28 : t After prayer and ! benedrctiou, the flioaerator called the Synod to order, and the stated clerk, Rev. Jacob Doll, proceeded to call the roll.- ( We give the delegates from Pay etteville Mf Wilmington Presby teries who answered to their names); r;. ' , " MINISTERS. FayetteoiUe??-VLtloi Motban, 1 J. P. McPherson, Neil McKay, D. D., A. McMillan, "Martin .McQueen, James McQueen, H. G. Hill, W . S. Ijacy::'r f 1 - f I -rr . i u w Wilmington 3. 1i; Wilson, D. D., K. McDonald. ; . , ; I.ELDKKS.K j 1 ' Fayetteville-AI. A. Hodgin, J. M. McKay, Malcolm MeNeill, ; M. Fer guson, D. C. Mclnlyre, Milton Mcin tosh, II. McEactiern. , ' Wilmington J. H. ;. Max well, W. N. Campbell, C. H. Robinson. At the conclusion of the roil call, Rev E. H. Harding nominated Rev. John Dougla8S,of Steel Creek church, for Moderator of , the Synod, and lie was unanimously elected. ; ;. Rev. Jacob Doll nominated as Sec retaries Revs. S. H. Chester and W. S. Lacy, who were also elected. SECOND DAT, 25'IH OCT. Synod met in the Second Presbyte fian Chnrcu" at 9.15. f y? - Opened with prayer bp the Mode rator, Rev. John Douglass. 7 : ; , Aq: inqairy having been made by Rev. J. R. "Vllson, as-to whether jtbere was any method f ea,,nS with members wb-"ere habitually ateeni irom the meetings of Synod, a committee, consisting, of Revs. D. E. Jordan, J. R. Wilson, and G. D. Parks and two elders, was appointed iff Investigate the matter and reporv to Synod. The Moderator then announced tbe committees for. this meeting as fol lows: " ; On Bills and Overtures Revs. M. McQueen and T. N. Paxion, and EI der R. W. Allisou. .. ; Judiciary Committee Revs. J. R. Wilson, D. D., and Hector McLean, and .Elder A. li. JMeal. On the Records of Presbyteries Orange Revs. R. B. Anderson and James McQueen, and Elder J.. H. Greenlee: Coucord Revs. Walter W. Pharr and A. McMillan, and El derC. L. Hunter; Fayetleville--Revs. G. D. Peaks and J. N. Vyharey, and Elder R. Sterlinp-; Wilmington Revs. F. U. Johnston and W.iEiiMc- Hwaine, and Elder Milton Mcintosh; Mecklenburg Revs.- Roger Martin and b. M. bmith, and Elder E. B. Stimson. . . . To Prepare' an Address tor the Church on State of Religion in the Synod Revs. J. F.N Latimer and S. 1. Martin and Elder C H. Robinson. On Devotional Exercises Rev. E. H. Harding and Elders R. X Mc Dowell and C. Scott. 1 On tbe Treasurer's Account Rev. H. G. Hill and Elder H. C. Hamil-; ton. . On the Minutes of the General As semblyRevs. L. C. Vass and W. H. Uavis, and JLIder T. 11. Robinson. j On tbe Report of the Trustees of Synod Revs. D. E. Jordan and P. r i7: 3 tut a t itr t . . J... x. h iuut aim joiner a. v. Jveia. On Leave of Absence Revs. R. Z. Johnston and J. P. McPherson, and Elder H. A. Gray., :, ' ! i On Statistical; RepoTtsRevsP. H. Dalton and S. C. Alexander. and KEIder John Wolfe. The statistical reports from each PresCytery were-then read by the Se cretary r . The reports generally i indf cated a healthy state of religion in the Synod. Sunday schools- were well sustained in almost all ' the churches, and .the contributions for benevolent and other purposes were about the same as heretofore. ' It was quite noticeable that nearly -all the Presbyteries complained that family worship was not kept up as it should Tho committee on Union Theofo gical Seminary made a full report of its condition financially and other wise, mentioning among other things that: there' were sixty-two students there last year, the library embraced over 15,000 volumes, . certificates of graduation were issued ' to eleven young men last year, several valuable donations in the way of scholarships in the institutiqm. had been recently madei - - . ;-' ' i From Rev. J. Rumples report, ii being from the oomrailtee on the ag- gres8ivenes8 or; the fresDytenan Church, in"7 North darolinaV we take t t .. . .- r: -.. . ; the, following statistics: .: To-day they number 1,514 com municants in 214 churches, with 113 ministers." The number of members has been doubled about every thirty five or forty r yearajtand at this time the coramunicantstin the Synod of North Carolina number about one" in every seventy, of the population. The bynodical Treasurer's reports, T ......... i ?: 1 1 ... i ..A 'f for the years 1876 and 1877, were T . WILMINGTON, rea"d and referred to the committed on the Treasurer's Accounts Rev L. C; Vass, Svnodieal - Agent' of Sunday schools, made a statistical report of the Sunday school work in the Synod, showing an improvement in the same, and, recommending the adoption ? of f the four Resolutions passed by the General Assembly on the subject of Sunday schools, with a slight alteration of the second resolu tion. The reDort . was . approved , .- and adopted, and ordered to be placed in the hands of the editor of the North Carolina, Presbyterian f or . publica tion. The next Synod will meet . in , Wfl- mingtoh. ' Rev. H. G. Hill's report on Susten- tation was adopted. l We are . compelled to dieter tne third day's proceedings for want of county about ten miles beyona Asneyme. n..iA r. ; . ' ',.wVivi4X)einoejatic.-editor ia.We8tern..NqrUi What North Carellna U WsnhJ ' . IRaleigh News. J ; . Mr. A. Jv.Partin, the excellent and courteous clerk in the Auditors of fice, has just finished ud his recapitu lation of tax returns for the. fiscal vear: iendino Sentember aotb.sriRVfl. from which we get the" following Val - ues ot real and personal property in L. C1.1. f . .. i . Value of land. .. . . 74f22I,898.00 - V town property. ..... 17,458,628.00 " .horses, mules, cat- . tie, &c............ ...... 16,130,858 00 value or rarming utensils, money on hand, or on de- posit, credits, Aor ..... 40, 753,781.00 Total. ..... .. ........ .$148,564,55X00 We give below the totals of taxa ble property in. . the State for the years 1872, '73, '74and '75, by which may be seen the fluctuations in those years, which, no doubt, are owing more to vagaries of assessors than; to changes in value:, y . ' ., . In 1872 $124,821,456.00 1873 143,723,813.00 1874 139,953,361.00 - . 1875 152,546,023.00 y f :.i t TftZABLB POLLS. White 99,417. Colored 50.755. 1876, " 103,807. 62.599. The aggregate of the value of Teal and personal property of the State ror 1877, has not yet been completed. Spirits Turpentine.; f A lCis Old Fort and Danburv a few d'iys ago. . J ,. diphtheria prewar e fi0o lions of Richmond county. - "" . " The Dr. McKee property in Ra- leigu laieiy soiu ior f 10,UUU. Revenue collections ia Fourth District, last week, amounted to $19,524 11. xewoern Acaaemy wants : a Principal. Apply to F. C. Roberts, Secre tary, oy jNovember 1. Newbern is threatened with' a frog pestilence. 1 Some of the streets are impassable for females. ; Next Friday is the day appoint ed for the hanging of HUlman Morgan for uie murder or Urudup, at Louisburg. ' Adjutant General Jones has issued an order of congratulation ' to Hbe oiaie uuara mat attended the late fair. . We are glad to note from the long list of new subscribers published In t.n 17:.1. 71 .1.. a' - 1 uw u.iu&.uijr jrrcau mat 11 is uourisning. lCaleigh Observer: A band of Gypsies passed through this city yesterday en route Boum. l uey were a very bard looking set. . The Charlotte Observer saysia negro from the country went to see Coles' circus, got bored and left. Possibly it was mean enough to bore even a negro. Keidsville JVews:' The frost last Tuesday morning was verv larere and destructive in its effects. Fortunately very nearly an me louacco naa been cut' and boused. ' " -i'v - Grreenville Mnpress: We learn tbat the water in Tar river is so low that the boats cannot go to Tarboro. Bat two weeks ago everything in its reach Was per- iecuy immersea. v . S. E. Ward, Register of Deeds, iiooeson county, reports: Total valuation of taxable property :$1,975,447, on which the general State tax is $2,909 82; spe'eial tax $2,962 17; school tax $4,756 09; county tax ior an purposes f i4,uio 47. Before the war. says tho Char lotte Home, the county of Mecklenbure gave more man f i.wu to tne oiole cause eacn year; tne sum now raised is less than $100 per year. ' This is owing not to the indisposition oi tne people to give, but to ineir inability. . - - - , . T - Rockingham Spirit: A revival meeting commenced . in . the Methodist church at ibis place on Sunday night last, and has continued -'Without -.abatement throuehoat the week.. We understand that great Interest is manifested, and that seve ral have made profession of religion. ' , 1 Charlotte Observer: Post of ficesEstablished ; Kirk's MjlL Narrows andCrowell Mine," all' in Stanly; Long's Store, Love's Level and Adams Mills, all in Union; Pleasant Home, in Lincoln, and Estatoe. in Transylvania. Discontinued Thompson villey Rockingham county, y; ' Warrenton Gazette i- A little foiir year old son of Mr., Robert Ford fell from a tree last Friday; and in his descent struck the paling around the yard and broke bis thigh,' the bone "being pushed through the flesh and skin. - The little fel low is bearing bis' Bufferings courageously. The Charlotte Observer tells of a murderous affray between two negroes at a corn-ahucking in Gaston county. It says: A crowd gathered around with clubs and sticks and prevented any one from inter-; feriog, and the fight lasted for some time; Finally Holland got Neely dow and choked him till he fliedLK '1 G tt Newbern Nut -Shell . The Dis- trict Court flnlsbea its labors for the Uclo- f Uer ierui, lull. nnniHuai umuwu, uiu I ad1ournedi Wo tare i informed XUat there was not a single case tried oy jury, most or the time of the Court being consumed by the consideration! of cases of a civil na ture, such as bankruptcy Causes, etc : " The Charlotte Observer goes for Prof. Cooke. It says.'la'the matter of the exoose of sDiritualism and the clairvoy ance trick, he did not even offer an apolo- '" - . .'. - ., i....-.. - ... . j . VftVRN-lT( w N. ,C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30; 1877. gy for ni explanation.- Claiming, as he does, takiae his advertisements throughout ihe country and his bills as our guide, to be able to. make a satisiactory exposition oi : these so-called mediumistic tests, and his entire failure to do bo, induces us to write him down a clever performer of sleigho'- band tricks, and nothing more." " ' .. The Newbernian, referring to Mrs. Mary Bayard Clarke, of that place, quotes the following frbm Current Ihought, a Chicago periodical: ."The Honorable Miss Murrawljady-in-WaiUng to Queen Vic-' toria. said she was the only woman she had met in America who, without a blue-stock- j ing, was yet thoroughly educated. 'She has not an accomplishment, said that lady, beyond her highly cultivated conversation al powers, but they, with, her. beauty and graceful manners, would renderher an or nament to any circle in which - she might move."" ;, , -vff '.-';V:V 1 .,- Piedmont Press .' The negro boy Qua poweii, who killed Rich Whiten- I burg in this place last week, was caught I last Saturday by ,tae snenff or Jtrancombe rA JJemocraticeditor inuW eatern JSorth I jh churches, and eathedrals . in. which be CSsSriia taavbe jad ErskiBt Hayeap---''--.'V'-','?SwJ'''' "r"-'. - - T , mesBaee toSConrress tea- times We budJ preached tberoom Jawhich , he labored pose he was searching for the word appro- r i A'j ... couuty passed down tbe road Tuesday en routs for Texas. If they had read the Texas letter we publish this week tbey would doubtless have remained in Western Caro lina. Star at home, young .man; plant apple trees, grow tobacco, raise fine stock, 1 and jou will be appy. I . Ashevillo Citizen: In the west- era, portion of the coqnty, Friday night, a serious if not fatal affair occurred between a man by the, name of Muse, and Mr. lieorge Snarpe. u sccms'tnat a sister t or Mttse had married that day, and that night a crowd assembled at .the residence of the widow Young's for a wedding frolic. Among ''the guests were v Mr. and ' Mrs. Sharpe. 0 Late in the evening Muse com phfBnted' Mrs. Sharpe by calling her. a liar, which was jese"nted by Sharpe, when Muse whipped out his knife and forthwith relieved Mr.' Sharpest his supper by open ing his stomach.' AC this2 writing Sharpe still lives, but no hopes are entertained , of his recovering. Muse escaped; THE O ; .: NBV ADyuBTIIEIdBNTS. ; H. C. Urock Notice - 'v Mtmso & Co Overcoata i H. Q. NiklskK Ship notice. . Heinsbebger New novels, &c. : -- Giles & Mubchi60N Axes and nails.; .. . N. H. Spbunt Now is your chance. O. G. Parsley, Jb. Steamer Underbill. Loeal Dolt, ' - . ' C -"Nothing but civil cases before tbe magistrates yesterday. - -r The receipts ol cotton at this port yesterday footed up 970 bales, and the- sales some 325 bales. . -.The almanacs hit it exactly in proUctiaa rau rrtr ywyur missetf it as to Uie'bold weather. y i .. The rainy weather, and the Su perior Court again interfered with business on the wharf yesterday. j President Hayes has issued his proclamation naming Thursday, the 29th of November, as a day of National Thanks giving. . , Increasing cloudiness, southerly J winds, rain areas, stationary tomperature I and stationary or lower pressure, are the I indications for this section to day. ; I - There were three trifling casea for trial before Mayor Dawson yesterday morning, the parties being sentenced to pay a fine of $3 each or be confined in a cell. " ' '' Snpertor Court. i i The case of the Bank of New Ilanover against Williams, Black & Co. was closed late yesterday evening, and at this present writing the jury is still out. , This is a meet interesting case to our commercial commu nity, as has been evinced by the large at tendance upon the Court during the trial.; The display of legal learning and forensic. talent was such as has net been witnessed in our Superior Court for years. Maj. D. J. Devane opened for the plaintiff in a le gal argument of decided merit. He was .followed by Hon. George Davis, with his usual ability, in behalf of. the defendants, and Major C. M. Stedman closed the argu ment for the plaintiff in a speech of great power, both upon tho law and the facts of the case, in which be added greatly to his reputation as a lawyer.' The principle involved is the right of the Bank, as payee of a bill of exchange, to follow the proceeds of the shipment against which the bill was drawn in the hands of a creditor of the drawer on general balance. Au Kmotlonal Tramp.. A party of young men were taking a walk in the woods near this city, on Sun day afternoon, when they encountered a tramp, barefooted, and with a small bundle suspended upon a slick which he carried upon his shoulder. The tramD took a -oe repeatea ior nis special uenent Ihe 1 . . . . .. ... I young men complied .with his : wishes, and during the : singing of the piece, which seemed to awaken some forgotten memories in the mind of the poor outcast, the latter seemed to be very much affected,' and at its close he urgently appealed to the young. sters to pray with and for him. The re quest, we are sorry to say, (be young men did not consider themselves able to com- ply with, and the poor fellow, hungry and footsore, v trudged on in his' wearisome. journey. Tbe RIeecins ot the Bar. The adjourned meeUog to hear the re- ... . . . Port of lho committee appointed by the week, in reference to tho lamented Adam! Empie, which was to have been held yes terday, was postponed until this morning at 10 t'nlrvnlr1 Tkn i r m ""v""- w order yesterday. Hon. Georee Davis! ore- I siding, but immediately adjourned pnauon - -inreeyoungTrjOT irompuraeMAngnager TXi: Dr. Bernbelm'a E,eetnre. j ".; ; - - St. Paul's Evangelical Lutherqp "Church was crowded to its utmost capacity on Sun day evening' to hear the lecture of Bey. Dr. Bernheim, which, was '.announced through the papers. Every available seat was lied, including extra chairs and benches placed m the aisles, while many, stood during the entire eerTiaeC and .many Imore -had to leave for lack of even standing .room. The lecture, which was descriptive of the, lo calities intimately associated withf the life of Dr. Martia Luther and the reat Refor mation which he wrought in the religious world, was intensely interesting. Dn Bern- hMffl hl 11 lv B M noma nf Ihn onnto sacred . to tbo , memorv of : the ' vreat . - Reformer, and . therefore spoke.' from personal knowledge and experience. He visited the home of Luther's early youth; the Monastery of the Aucjustines, in which fpr a season he immured himself as a novice, idiile transhtttoglhe BiWa laid the Gerrian IL . .. . r .. -T--- Melancthon tion which be publicly burnt the Pope's bull of excommunication ia : the presence of an immense assembly and other places and scenes of historic .interest connected with' the life and-kbors of the great Reform er, all of which were fully and comprehen sively described to . his largd and deeply attentive audience. ' 'f ; w ' ' The muslcio tlie accompanying services, a combination of . vocal and ' inBtrnmantal, was very fine, and added largely to the in terest o.' tbe occasion." r.1" , In compliaace with the earnest and special request" of 'Sa lae number of our citizens, tbe Rev. Dr. Bernheim will repeat the lecture on "The Localities of lbe.Re formation" above alluded to on tb-morrow (Wednesday) evening; at 71 o'clock, in the Lutheran church. The musical part of the service will also be repeated, and Dr Bern- helm will give some additional facts in his lecture and further - description of such localities as came under nls 'own personal observation, illustrating them by photo- graphic views immediately after the con clusion of the lecture and services for the evening. As Wednesday is the true He formation day, 31st of October, it will be the more appropriate to have the lecture and services repeated on that day. ? The seats will be free, as on Sunday night, but a collection wiU be taken (tip, Dr. Bernheim being desirous, through this means, of accomplishing something for the pecuniary welfare of his church. - 1 : not obtain seats, or, even standing room, on Sunday evening, to licar the lecture, this arrangement will afford them an op portunity to do so. The Dlplitlierla. The South Carolina papers, or some bf i them, continue to call attention to the use of sulphur as a remedy for that terrible and seemingly unmanageable disease, dipbthe- xia. Here is whatDrBerley, a physician that State, says of one particular case: The subject was an infant, and the - case ftn unusually marked onci The previous Umenl W lents suggested the uje lriftl j pre8cribcd noUlinebut am anai. -. -v" T tuies 01 -nour or suipuur,' ipumately mixed with sugar,- and given three : times a day. in twenty-four hours the patient - had been so far relieved as apparently to experience not the least inconvenience, and ; was. play ing about as usual. I commend this to the favorable notice of tbe profession, both be cause of its results in this case, and the ease with which the remedy (if found such) 6an be applied. I think an occasional dose will be found efficacioas as a preventive of this dangerous disease." ' . ; Frol. Cooke Ontdeue. j The Richmond Dispatch says that the day I ter Prof. Cooke, the exnoaer of aniritn.t: I after ism, left Richmond, DrJ Taylor professdr of chemistry at the Richmond High School, explained Cooke's wine and water trick-r which the Professor didn't explain and: then exhibited a number of other interest ing experimenta .lr. Taylor, turned water into wine and wind into water with all ease. He then wrought out bis black bottle that he carries to camp meetings in order to be spiritualized, and from it poured brandy, wine, soda-water, milk, &c., aodf wound up with a bowl of VDevil PaBeh," which he finally made to disappear in blaze of fire. TnemoMtur Boesrd, : ' The following will show the state of the thermometer, at tbe stations mentioned, at 4.85 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascerUinedf ron the daily bulletin issued from tbe Signal Office in this cityi I Mobile.;.... ...,.74 Montgomery. . . . . 7f i New Orleans,.... 75 Galveston,..;. '.;; 80 Indianola. .:. . ; ; . .80 . .7 3 - : - iruntaKaasa,.....84 Savannah,... .... -.78 St: Mar k a........ 7 .Wilmington,...;; 67 Jackfionville . . . .78 Key .West... 82 .TbeBeaaiiralBaealTV"" . r ' The beautiful eucalyptus tree at Oakdale Cemetery, ' now ' in the neighborhood of twenty feet high, haar ; gone into winter quarters, having been boxed op to protect it from the cold. t It is now the largest and tallest specimen of vthe tree that we have seen or heard of in thia-section. ' Slcht aad Faint. -' A poor unfortunate tramp was picked up in a sick and fainting cpndit.ion at the cor ner of Front and Princess streets, on 8un- day afternoon, about ! o'clock, by a mex; W of the police force, and the poor fellow was subsequently sent to, the City HospitaLi -.4 -l ai i , ' The srhoonpr Mhni XV ' " "7 " T;'v V . ' man, - cleared from Philadelphia for this I port on the 26th inst. . 1 . his coadlutor in the ReforAa- El??? 55&f , resiaea, tne? spot in -.Wittenberg on woraaia b j oSSSm?' ' u w Tf k . ' .. - i w- - i I TalA UAA.a.l . J? WHOLE NO:; 3 192 TJ. 8. DLatrlt rtonrt. ma iriounai convened at nhe TJ. S. Court Room yesterday morning Hon. Geo. W. UrooHs presiding. No business, how eyer, was; transacted, the court adjourning lin!il 1ft nVlvnb- Tiio: - .. "f uiuiuiujr uwing 10 me uuu anivai oi lsirics AtlornejJLJadgcr. T ill VVtt AND 0IAR1NB STKITlsi :, -'The steamsuip lArfdandr DongUty,: ar rived at Few York from this port on Sun day, tbe 28th. - :-'''- v L AH!t;i ii.i : : - ' ... . - . uire uret 01 ioreign vessels seven in number, and all "square riceers." ar- I . ' - , r Ti I learn-that five 'more' were, off "the "bar, and one the German barque Der Pommer--was . ' inside, bdund up. ' - j I JUST RKCMVED - ' ;.- j, , ; i SJLKand WOBSTKD tfBIKaES." The mopt complete asortmmt in to cftv. beet acquit themseiveal by thnsT? 1U B& ATiKALTIVK IS A TITTTV nf tEh1h at- Qaspy tidings far nervous sufferers, and those rno have been dosed, drugged and quacked. Fn)- ermacher'a Electric Belts effectnaljj cure prenU-k whol Termacnera iciectnc Belta effectnaljj cure prenU-k tare debility, weakaess. and deear. aaok afiS Jnn. aaL with information worth tfaonaanda. ifiaild fL I UI1UI, ,.. ... , . i ..s PETTY V&kXiDS AND 8WINDLIM. Bevfare of Baking Powders which are nt up short wei Hebta. manufacturer Who awlndlea knowingly in weigh. I wui uvi ucoiuue iu mou. Kiln iuirn.iui nHinna nnwuOT i it rowjjia naa woria-wiae repata- uwu lur jnsnect purny ana aiwayaneing JUll weight. 1 Tesek ia Nothiko Mtstibious about 'tiie dicapr :s"i wnnw iiuu us sain oi eruptions, Duma, ecaida, brnlsea. ulcers ad aorea thrnno-h th infl Guhx'b SuLPHuay Boat. balntanr is a sotentmri- Her and he!c of the skin, and is most beneficially I To axxxw topb Totjth use Hn.i.'s ItfeTXjrrijrs- vam .aui.ana 1 ;iV'.w.i;! ' w A8TONI8HINQ SUCX7BSS It is the SntT of ev ery penoa.wnonasasea uoscbbs 'iuxbiuk Srarp to let its wonderful quauties be known to their Mends- in caring - Consunptioa, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact all threat ana inng aieeases. no person can use it without Immediate relief. Three doses will relieve idtus Bach a medicine as the Gxbxajc Stkcp canaet be too widejmown. 1 Ask par Drnggbtt about it. Kegoiar size 75 oents : " ... i - CONSUMPTION CAN BB CUBS.-Schshck's PuutoKio . Stbwp, KcHBNca'a Ska Waxs Tohic, Schhsok's Mamdbakb JfiLUS, are the on) "medi cines that will cure Pulmonary Consumption. -) Jftequentiy medicines that will stop a congti. will occasum the death of .the patient; they Jock up the liver, atop the circulation of the blood, hemorrhage luuuwB, ana in iact mey cieg tne action or tne very uigwu uiu causea uie cougn. - - - , liver Complaint and Dyspepsia are the causes of two-thirds of the cases or Cona amotion. Manv persons complain of a dull pain in tbe side, const i patloa, coated tongue, pain in tb shoulder blade, feelings .of drowsiness and restlessness, the food lying heavily on the stomach.' accompanied with aciaiiy ana ocicning up oi wina. , i ,- These symptoms usually originate from a disor dered condition of the stomach or a torpid liver .j -Persons so affected, if they take one or two heavy corns, ana ir ineceuga in inese cases De suddenly checked, will find the stomach and liver clogged, re- are aware the lungs are a mass of sores, and ulccra- ku, wo nauit mi .wiucu is aeatn. - i -Schenck's Pulmonic.. Syrup is an expectorant which does notcntain opium or any thinv calcula ted to check a cough suddenly. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic dissolves the food, mixes with the gastric juices of the stomach, aids digestion, and creates a ravenous appetite. When the bowels are costive, skin sallow, or the symptoms otherwise of a bilious tendency.Schenck's iiunnpfua are reqmreu.: These medicines are prepared only by , J. H. 8CHBNCK & SON. T - . ' ' . . N.K corner Sixth and Arch streets. Phila. And for sale by all druggists and dealers. . , - , , DIED... . . 1 o SPSIfl stoy,)ctop1l3, at neuoaus w. u. u., iTrovince Hanover aged 21 years 10 monthand 21 days. . NEW i ADVERTISEMENTS. Now is Your Chance. 1 K(( YDS. HAMBURG EDGINGS V AND 1NSEBTINGS, to be sold at Exchange Corner, Prices will insure sales. All must come and buy a few yards. If you are not ia Immediate need yon. soon will be. ' oct8Q.lw . N. H. SPKPNT. Ship Notice. ; ! ALL ' PERSONS ARE HEREBY cautioned not to . trust or harbor any of the crew of the Norwegian Bardae '"CTrO ." as no dehta of thJirSZ: trading will be paid by the Master or oct 30 8t - h-' " r H. G.'NIELSXN,.Master. j r w w v v. j N AND AFTEB MONDAY, : NOVEMBER 6th, the Ordinance prohibiting CATTLE from run ning at large,' will be enforced. . ; v . H-.-tJ: BROCK. oct83-6t ; Chief of Police. ! - Steamer J. S Underhillfe ON AND AFTER NOVEMBER 2ND, WILL leave every day (except Sandays). ' - r Wilmington. Smith ville... ....JatllSP. M. 7.00 A.M. oetS0-tf O. G. PARSLEY, Jr., Agent. Axes. Hails. ! COLLrNS' AXES, '(EVERY AX WARRANT ED), and PARKER MILLS NAILS, the' best Nafl mu u airui, ior sale at DOttom prices at GILES MUROHiSOK'S oct 90-tf. New Hardware Store. .i . OvernnrLta' ; Full link light and heavy weights; from H and upward, at . , . i '. ' ..-' ".. . . -. .. ... t ; IttCNSON & Cll'S . . oct 3Mt . Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. Hew. Hovels. Tom's wif: AND HOW HB MANAGED A HER. By Bachelor. "Needles and pins, needles and pins, -' When a man marries his trouble begins." T. i f - iM-L- r- - -HAT HORRID GIRL. , : . .. "O wad some power the girtie gie us ' ? To see oorsels as others see us." Busks. . ! Just received at the :' . ; .:. i; LIVE BOOK STORE. PIANOS, ORGANS AND '' ' ' " 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS For sale at , s . .. , -oct30tf - ,r-.. HEINSBERGER'S - Lfve Bock and Music 8tore. trproopnp RlOP ail'fl Mfl pItpVpI Ar0SCne, iilCG anQ ixiaCKerei 20 Bb,a KKBOSBNB oa ?. ' -I i Tienwa RTfTH : .ii inn Balf aad Kits MACKBRSL, 1UU octsa-tf Kor sale by KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. " BATES OJ'JADVKttTISING. Una Square one dayf .!." . . ... two daya,. . ' thrwdivk: : 91 (x. 1 ?s v60 SHI 8 50 lour dava.' aw a V ve days,...,... one weeic,....;. ...a- 4 tO . . ". 6 EC -8 .. .. 10 (H. ..... 17 i , , wrwo weets...... f Thte wee kg,... One month,; ; . . . Twomontha,.:. Three montha.. i 8lx mcntha,...,. 40 00 one year. p-' 'MISCELLANEOtrs. For Sale. 'tWS' jNOVKMBSK '80TU, I wlU offer fir Me, on the waai SSSii? "AncUonto taThSV bidder, one ihird cash, balance terms ling attached, eituatsd on the wuttwert ZotZer of' Fourth and liaraett Streeta ia tWs citir Oct 28-2t U a GAY. Ship Notice! ALL PKBSONS AkiC HBIiSBV ..uiuwiiui tioxuwrisir or trust ing any of the Crew of the Swedish Barque "FRAlf AT a Jl St their contracting; will be paid by. the roctS73S P. O. NYLANDSR. Master. Ship Notice ALL PEHSONS ARE JLETtKBV Warned Hot to tninar harhnp nv of the Crew of the Norwegian Bainne AST A. as no debla of iluir ..n trictingwtli be paid by tbe Master or Conaignee. - - , j i , f D. DAHlfOSKSr, JTastar. ' S.S.EVEEITT, f J" '-CtJJnry Rooms on Front Sbeet, -. ' Opposite Southern Express Office. I -' I . -TKRMS CASH." oct 38-St W. L Gobs. ' D, L. Gore. GORE & GORE. . rpHK UKDKESIGNtO WILL OPBN A- - , A: .- - VIUST CIaAH HiHir.K ( nnhttpisjr at Nos. and S Strata Water street, this week. Prices as low as the lowest. . call and examine before pur chasing elsewhere.- - . go KB A OOKJC. octastr . ; s and38. Water strceu s :,VYliplsaIo Buyers. pR YOUB BABOWASB, CUTLSBY, Ac ' ;.. - - GO -TO THB HABDWAKS DBPOT. Stoca: ljaje and wen selected, and lowest prices at .22. JACOBPS Bacdwai Detrnt. octaatr No. W boutu Front street Girana Iff inter OpeniiitT: MBBJE. A.IJUJH8DBN ' . - 1 wiU haa GRAND OPENING ot PINS' FRENCH S11LUNJCBY, V. , .t . OaWDNKSliAY, October 81, Consisting of FRENCH PATTBBN - . , HATS, BONNBTS. PLO WKBS. 4c The Ladles are rwpetfnUv. Jnvitod to attend. Tile Little SioB Arowid tie Corner - -f .y ms :r v-" av ' i j JS TUB PIiACa TO GBT j. . . ;.y .';,,.- - SADDLES. HABNEHS, ! J WHIPS and COi.I. AHA V- Made or'Kcpaired, Cheap for Cash, j , .Vt-t ext io Boutnew ana's w oct 2S-tf H ,.HAXli&N A GKBUAKDT, Wilmington. N. C Goxmtty Mercliaiits, T-OOK TO YOUR INTEREST Xa . - - re Rimvn ninnwiui? If you wish to get the Lowest Cash Prices, and make your selections from the Largest and Most Complete Stock in the city, call And examine goods and prices before buylag at small stores. . . ' - ' JOHN DAWSON, . octaatf 19. 2Q A 21 Market ttreet. Broadway Hats, - g ILK AND STIFP HATS I ;-. V : i HARRISON & ALLEN, : octS8-tf v" , Hatteis Call! Call! Call! i'i AT i : .- V; EXCU1NGK COHNBR.? tance wUl also find it greatly to their advantage to eend their orders. " ' I A handsome line of (imAa J,n v.-j , 's nouuMraueu, .vottea veiimgs. Zephyr Worsteds, Crepe Lisse Huching, Tuck Combs. Kid Gloves, Collars, and Cuffs, Hamburg Edgings, and a handsome line of Ladies' and Chil dren's Lace Bibs, and other articles, just received. oct 28 tf N. H. 8PRUNT: Bagging, Tie's, Hoop Iron.&c. 100 Ho-18 alt Bo'a' ot baqging ' 300 aDdIeB ' COTT0N TIES, 400 ' HOOP IKON, ' 5QQ Kegs NAILS, 2g Barrels Of GLUE, . 10 " BUNQ8,' . . ' " spanish brown. , . ' copperas, . " . 50 " .kierosene'oil, , QQ Bales ef HAY, For sale by . ' ADRIAN 4 VOLLER8, oct23-tf Southeast corner Front and Dock sts. T7ilSH.-Munels, Mackefel. Herring, Codfish. 8ar J dines, Canned Oysters. LobstersaVd 8imo OCt88tf ADRIAN VOLLERS. APPLES, Potatoes, Turnip and Cabbage -, . ADRIAN Si VOLLERS. Sundries. Retail Grocer or consumer needs in our line yj ADRIAN ' VOLLERS, t . Wholesale Grocers, .- oct28-tf Sontheast corner Front and Dock Sts.- Millinery aiid Fancy Goods. HfRS. . L. , FLANAGAN WI8HSS ' Tr . or. if A nounce to the Ladies that she has re turn ea from the Northern Cities, where she has been ma king her Fall purchases in MILLINERY and every description of FANCY ARTICLES, and is now prepared to show her patrons a Very Attractive and : Beautiful Stock of all the NEWEST STYLES-in French Pattern Bonnets and Hats, Velvets, .bilks. My motto U, as heretofore, the Best Goods; the latest Designs,' the Lowest Prices, and the Most Honorable Dealing. . r , .. . Orders from the country solicited, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. I VarietyStdre, Market Street. - j t i octStf nac MRS. L. FLanaOATT ' t ' rr-. : i For Planting. Black Seed Oats ! ' Choice BeeS: EyeJ White andSed Wheat! Ordered expressly for Planting purposes - 1 - 017 , born la I I , .r.r j"". " . WA "1HJL rliN1J 11 iv I T" AnTffB fV TTTV I Mum frrrr v -ra , Germany, I Tif-JXu """W to cau at Jtxcnange Corner for ? " i' I all Millinery and Fancv GaaAa. ni tSnaB . STJGA, Coffee, Lard, Floor, Teas, Cheese.Crack erSjBacon, Rice, .Butter, ttarch. Soap, Paper, Bairs: Twine. Ci?ara. Tnhiuw an?MM. . Try our . , . Family Flour ! - Fresh ground from selected North Carolina' Wheat, oct 28 tf B. F. MITCHELL & SON. Corn. ; Corn; i Corn. 'A(( ft Ba8a- CORN, Prime, itUUU White and Mixed, For sale by oct 38 tf KERCHNER & CALDER-BROS.