orrottg Btet i r WILMWGTONt N. C.r Tuesdays Morning, TOct. 30, 1877. BY TELEGRAPH. Sunday's Dispatches. A LUM POOR TTO RICK.. - Deaib of Edwin Adimi, the Actor HI Lail moment V Philadelphia, OcL 28, hp nntor: died this morn inff at the residence of Don Gardner, and in the latter a arms. , iie was cuusuiu" "u t-.i within n linnr nf hia demise, when he called his wife to his bedside and bade her good bye. The obsequies will be herd in . St. James' Episcopal Church on Thursday next, ana tne interment win tane pmcc u the Mouut Moriah Cemetery. NEW YOKK. Punic at (he Nlblo's Garden TUeatre on the Cry of Fire. . . V , New Tons, Oct 28. - a nnio ag nnpnKinnfid in Niblo's Gar den last night-by some one in the gallery crying, fire. The house was packed and a mill was made for the doors. As far as - nnulri hn nsrartftined nonftrson was iniurcd Slmmrol lamina WAK fnTTf fftintillf? intO the vestibule. It is probable that the alarm tunny to wotk. j y M; tMJ-.I " ;i"CAilFOBflIA. . .. . . 1 . Collllou between steamer s O ii e fl-iLJ SKtOB Mfo ItOSt. ; ; imn i tgANFKAKcisco; Oct. 2a A collision occurred this evening between thti steames Clinton and Pelaluma, half way between Aicataaz ana oanecmo. iue rMininnfliTnlf tThfi Plihma reached here in a sinking condition. , The engineer; of the Clinton, oamect Manny, was arowneu. .No other lives lost.- -. ? ldnday's'Dispatclids. FORTT'Fi FIH COSGU KSS-EXTtt A T i ' f f -! SESSION. Bill for Chance of Time of Meeting of - ;?ngre Nominations. . j . -LLLJl. Washington, Oct. 29. -,- SENATE. Mr. Ingalls, "of Kansas, In troduced a bill to fix the date of meeting of the first regular session of the 45th Con gress upon the first Monday of November. Referred to the committee on Privileges and Elections. : ' '; ! , Tho following nominations were present ed: New York Custom House, as tele graphed Jouth;Oglesby, Lewis and McMil lan for theii respective offices in New Or- i leans; "Wilson, James and Forbes for Vir ginia postmasters; A. W. Stoughton, Min ister to Russia; John Baxter, of Tennessee, Circuit Judge of the 6th District; Parsons, District Attorney of Alabama; Wm. Henry Smith, Collector of Customs ; at Chicago; James D. Brady, Collector of the Second Virginia District Fitzsimmons, Marshal.for Georgia; Wells, Consul General to China;- Wajdron, Marshal for Western District or Tannesseet .--."-.-.. -j ' HOUSE. A call of States is progressing slowly; Many bills have been introduced. WASHINGTON. ' special Cabinet Meeting President' Visit to Rlebmend Slim Cbaneee for Legislation until after Novem ber Election Permission by Presi dent of Jllexieo for Vessels to carry Coin under Certain Conditions. Washington, Oct 29. A special meeting of the Cabinet was held to-day.: I The President leaves on a special car for Richmond early to-morrow. An effort will be made to day to secure an adjournment before the November elec tion. Should it fail the prospects are un favorable for legislation until after that event I Information has been received from Mex ico that, taking into consideration the ne cessity which exists of giving an impulse to the exportation of agricultural and in . dustrial products, the President has ordered that it be permitted to foreign steam and sail vessels to carry silver and gold coins from one part of the republic to another, so there may be no want of hard cash on ' board the same. To prevent the realization of mercantile transactions relative to the exportation of national products, and to - avoid the abuses which may be attempted, the custom houses, on issuing the corres ponding permits, and extending the respect . ive pass, of which the return pass shall be permitted, shall require a bond to his satis faction from whomsoever it may belong, that he may prove, within" a prudent period indicated, that the amount remitted was destined to the object for which it was sent, with the understanding that the want of this proof in its due time win aione oe a sufficient cause for proceeding immediately to require the payment of the duties per taining to the amount sent " j . . . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. , Loss of Life In tne Colliery Kxploslon EmlnenTSculptor Dead-Kins Al- ' fonso's - Marrla.se The Esyptlan ' obelisk In the Admiralty Court Ko- ' suit of tbe Second Ballots in France : Taralsli Appointments, &e. , ' London, Oct 29. i Two hundred and Jfifty persons perished - in the High Bianton colliery explosion. JoscdIi Durham, the seulDtor. is dead. : itfejaitid that the? marriage It King Alfonso, of Spain, to tho Princess Mer-j- ee4ea. -daughter of the; Duke de Montpen- sier,- nasijeerf filed for the 23d of January ... ucxt. xSt rr. t-. v--;- n- v It is said that the obelisk ship Cleopatra, : and the caisson containing the E?vntian - obelisk, will remain at Ferral all of the win ter, pending the determination of the ques tion ot salvage on tne Admiralty court the owneis of the" steamer Fitz Maurice, which recovered the caisson, after it was aban doned in the gale by the steamer Olga, and toweu it into i erral, Having refused tbe con tractor's offer for that service.- - V i-.;-..y "'"'V.t ;; ' 'i'pARis'Oct 29. A second ballot, yesterday, resulted in the election of th&Goverament candidates mPau and Chateaureux'Tbd Republican members of the former Chamber were beaten in both cases. ' The results of the second ballots, y ester- uay, so iar as Known, snow nine govern ment " candidates and two Republican s eiectea. in tnree arrondissements the Re- ,puuncan canuiaaies, claiming tney were v. elected on the 14th inst.. did not stand, in tending to submit their claims to the Cham. ber of Deputies. The Republicans, how ever, did not attach much imDortance to these supplemental elections, because, ex- uuuing mree uncontested arrondissements, " two ballots were rendered necessary Sim ply by the division of the Conservative vote between opposing Royalist and Bona partist candidates, one of themlhavieg with drawn, rendering the result certain. Compte d'Espenillea, Bonapartist, defeated M. Gu din, Moderate Republican, and a mem- ber of the last Chamber, for the Chateau " Chinon, Department of Nievre, whose can didature Gambetta went to Chateau Chinon to support Constantinople, Oct 29. '' Gen. Bielowski, a Pole, known in the Turkish army as Gen. Mehiad, has been appointed "Suleiman Pasha's Chief of Staff ; and Gen. Mina, a Belgian, to command tbe cavalry division at liasgrad. f 11 London, Oct 29. Gen. Zimmerman, commanding tbe army of the Dodrudscha. is bringing heavy siege guns against Silistna. . GEN. GRANT. J " Some. of bis Callers Italian Opera In bis Ilouor. ' . ,;. New York, Oct 28. - A Paris dispatch says among the callers on Gen. Grant yesterday were Count de Paris andM. de MacMahon. The General will attend a special representation of ! the Italian Opera, given in his honor, n No vember tho 8th. .' i : " A' Our Night Reports. WASHINGTON, ' I Nominations and Confirmations Cansresslonal A Laree Number of ' Bills Introduced Tbelr Classifies tlon Announcement of Committees In tbe House, &c. ' 1 j Washington, Oct. 29. SENATE. The Senate met and after a short executive session adiourned. I HOUSE. The call of the States for Mills for reference occupied the House for five hours, and the consequence was the intro duction of the largest number of bills that were ever presented in one day in the his tory of Congress, i They reached 45. lney might be classed into some half dozen pro minent subjects: the repeal ot the resump tion act, the lemonetization ot "saver, tne repeal of the bankruptcy law, the abolition of taxes en the sale of tobacco by producers. the extension of tbe pension laws to (he South, the repeal of the test path, and ap propriations for works of internal improve-; ment Among tbe latter were bills appro priating 3,000,000 Tortbe Mississippi levees and $1,000,000 for the Missouri river. , The committees were announced as fol lows (the more important in full and the chairmen and Southern members on others): ElecUonaHarris,rCoudler,r Williams, Ellis, Thornburg. - I Ways and Means Wood, Tucker, Say ler, Robbins, Harris of Georgia, Gibson, Phelps, Kelley, Garfield, Burchard, Banks. Appropriations Atkins, Blount, Single ton, Clymer, Hewitt, Sparks, - Durham, Hale, Foster, Smith, Baker. ... ! Banking and Currency Buckner, - Lub rals, Cox, Yeates, Bell. I Pacific Railroad Potter, Throckmorton, Morrison, House, Latterell, Landers, Chal mers, Elam, O'Neil, Blair, Coswell, Co)e, Rice. . i -: j . Claims Bright,! Davi?, ' Henry all ;tjie rest North, exciting some surprise. ! Commerce Reagan, Felton, Rea, Kenna. Publio Lands Morrison, (formerly of Ways and Means),! Gause, Clark, Hewitt bf Ala,, Smith of Ga.t . i Postofficeand Post Rossis Waddeli bf N. C, Slemons, Caldwell, Garcb. i District df Columbia Williams of Mich., nunton, Blackburn, Hinklc. j Judiciary Knott Harris of Virginia. Hartridge, Culberson. ; ' War Claims Edson of Illinois. Cabell. Schelley, CaldwelL , Public Expenditures Hatcher of Mis souri, Pridemore, Davidson, Manning. ' Private Land Claims Gunter of Arkan sas, Caldwell, Giddings, Turner, Cain. Manufacturers Wright, Dibrcll. Wil son. Ligon, Davidson. I Agriculture Cutter or ? New . Jersey. Pridemore, Aiken, i . r , Indian Affaire Scales of North Carolina. Hooker, Throckmorton, Gunter. . f Military Affairs Banning, Dibrell, Earns. Militia Miho, Ross. Naval Aff aira Whitehorne, Mills,Goode. Foreign Affairs Swann, ScbJeicher.For- ney, Wilson, btores, Franklin. Revolutionary Pensions Mockey. Invalid Pensions Rice. ! Railways and Canals -Schleicber. Cab ell, Crittenden, Schelley, McKenzie. Mines and Mining Beebe. . Education and Labor Goode. Revision of Laws Walsh. Coinage, Weights and Measures Ste phens.- : Patents Vance, j . Public Building and Grounds Cook, of Ga. Accounts Roberts, Chalmers. Expenditures of tho War Department- Blackburn. ' - i Expenditures of the Postoffice Depart ment Williams, of Ala. . Mississippi Levees Robertson of lia., Harper, Hony, Knapp, Landers, Martin, Everett, Robinson,' Beebe. Rule3 The Speaker, Stephens, baylef, Banks, Garfield. ' I Printing Singleton. Adjourned to Wednesday. The following nominations were made to-day: Defrees, for Public Printer; E. Piatt Stratum, inspector or bteamooats lor the Second District; Hugh I. Campbell, of Louisiana, Attorney for Dakota. Post masters: Wickersham for Mobile, Thomp son for Memphis, Jones for Nashville, Thompson for Louisville. " - . ' I Confirmations Upton, Second. Comp troller; Gilfillan, U S Treasurer; Bates, of N. Y., Examiner-in Chief of the Pateqt Office. Postmasters Wofford " for Cor intb, Miss. ; Greene, for Jackson JMissj; Waddeli, for Okolona, Miss. ; The committee on Privileges and Elec tions bf the Senate met, but adjourned, the matter not having been printed. . ; The President proclaims the 29th of Nof vember as a day of National Thanksgiving;. . The Cabinet session to day was devoted to clearing up several matters of minor im portance. I i j The President leaves at 10- o'clock to-morrow. - Messrs. Evarts, Scburz, Devenp ana onerman swell tne fresiaent s train FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE.: V Kars Completely Invested-Reslsna- nation of Rlacpiabon or tbe ministry Necessary Tbat of tbe Latter Said to be Determined Upon strenetb oir tbe Parties In tbe Cbamber A notbe Russian Success, dee. - ? ., ; ' St. j Petekhbueg, Oci.29; A special dispatch from Alexandrinopl to the Galos, under date of Oct. 27, gives no later information about Ears than: that the place was completely invested. Tbfc dispatch says Gen. Tergacliasoff has occu-j-pied Bayazid. I ; . . i Fabis, Oct 29. The Soldi again to-day insists that either President MacMahon or the Ministry must resign. There is nother way out of the crisis, the bdeU says, and it naturally pre fers that, the , ministry should resign,, A conservative paper,; HAmmbUe National, declares it can confirm the statement of the Pays that the resignation of the Minister! has already been determined upon in prin-j ciple.- .; j " " London, Oct 29. Later intelligence from Paris shows that fifteen second ballots were held yesterday; resulting in the election of eleven Conserva tives and four Republicans. By this re sult the Chamber will stand 820 Republic cans and 210 Conservatives. ; (Note. The result of yesterday's ballot-4 ings,- reported in : this dispatch, do not ad mit the claim of i three Republicans! that iney were elected on tbe 14th mst., as men-; iionea in a previous dispatch). the barQUe Annift from Ppnsar.olfl. fnr Liverpool, lost her deck load and sustained; damage in a gale J A Reuter telegram from Bucharest,,1 dated to-day, says: Yesterday a body of xkusaiauu uairiea ine Turkish position at leiisene, west of Plevna. Orfe Pasha,! everai omcers ana seven companies of; i urKisn troops were taken prisoners and three cannon captured. GEOBGIA. . .. Fatal Leap of a Soutb' Carollua Offl clal-Flre at Augusta Visit ofHall road, men dec. ::rf:. - - ' , ' Ji- V ij.ti;'. ' Augusta; Oct 29 - Winchester Grsesam, clerk in the Comp troller's, office at Columbia, S. C, jumped from the rear platform of a railroad car two miles from Augusta, and was killed. 1 M-A fire this morning destroyed, a large tenement house and injured other property. Loss $12,000. . - ; rJf The members of the Railroad Conduc tors' Life Insurance Association, numbering about 150, spent Sunday in Augusta and left for Charleston. '. f'".;iv;;; 'FEKItANOINA.. 1 r ! An Appeal for Aid Seven Tbousaud Oollars Required to Keep tbe Peo ple from Starvation. ' -m4NewYoobk. Oct. 29 Mayor Ely to-day received an appeal for aid from the . Mayor of Fernandina, Fla. The appeal says: "Eight hundred families have to bo supported ' before business can be resumed." . They hail on hand $300 and required $7,000 to keep the well from starving and to supply the sick with neces saries, r 4' -' - senator Morton's Condition. s-r ;x:- Indianapolis, Oct 29. Senator Morton's condition at one o'clock this afternoon was about tbe same as re ported last night. ' His stomach refuses' to retain nourishment ' ; WKi rilBK KKI'UH'I ' , , . VV A It 1) KP AUTM K N T , '. Office Chief Signal Officer, Washington, Oct 29 -7:30 P. M ; .... ....:. , . Indication. ' .. For the South Atlantic States, increasing cloudiness, rain areas, southerly winds, sta tionary temperature andstationary orlowcr t - A Memphis dispatch says. Gen. Forest was unconscious during the afternoon and was thought to be dying. s-n" WOU KSTIC niAHKETh. ' New Yobk; October 29 Noon. , Financial. . ' " Stocks Iower . Money 6 per cent Gold opened, at 102f and closed at 102f . Sterling exchange long 481,; short 4854 State bonds higher. Governments steady. 4 . r- VommercuU. - .Flour dull and declining..'; Wheat i(&lc lower. Corn a shade, firmer.' Pork firm at $14 50. Lard steady steam $8 90. Spirits turpentine steady at 34 cents. Rosin firm at $1 701 80 for strained. Freights steady. Cotton steady middling uplands 11 3-1G cts; middling Orleans 11 5-16 cts; sales 1,876 bales. Futures opened weak, as follows: November 10.9C10.99 "cents, December ll,93ll.S3 centSi January 10.981L00 cents, February 11.1111.14 cents; March 11 2311.24 cents. ; . : - ; . . ' New Yohk, Oct. 29 Evening.: . Financial. ),-. Money 4 per cent , Sterling exchange heavy.'- Gold steady at 102$. Govern ments steady uew fives 107. State bonds firm. Commercial. , Cotton steady middling uplands 11 3-16 cts, Orleans 11 5-16 cents; sales 1,094 bales; consolidated net receipts 61,312 bales; ex ports to Great Britain 24.374 bales: to France 4,500 bales. Flour 510c lower. marnlyon low and medium grades: super fine western and State $4 805 35, closing ami; oomnern nour: common to fair extra $3 75a0 25; good to choice do $6 ZOShS 50. New Jersey and Pennsylvania wheat about lc lower, with a light trade for export and local milling, and a fair speculative busi ness. Corn opened a shade firmer and closed about steady, with a moderate export and homn Iwaa , aDgrili em mixed 61i62i cents; No. 2. Clfca cents; high mixed 622 cents; No. 2 in store 61 cents. Oats without decided change and moderately active. Pork stronger mess $1450. Lard heavy and lower steam $8 809 00, closing at $877 1. Coffee Rio quiet and steady. Sugar dull and nominally unchanged: refined quiet and heavy at 9 cents for standard A. Molasses steady and moderate at 6070 cents for new crop New Orleans. Kice quiet and unchanged. Petroleum dull and nominal at 14 cents. Tallow steady.1 Spirits tur pentine steady. ' Rosin unchanged. Whis key dull and field at si 1J and ft 10 bid. Freights without decided change. 4 .'Cotton net receipts 1U bales; gross 8,919 bales. Futures closed barely steady, with sales of 56,000 bales as follows: Oc tober ll.03Cftll.O4 cents. .November 10.96 10.97 cents, December 10.9310.94 cents, January 10. 99ll.00 cents, February 11.12 11.13 cents, 'March 11.2511.26 cents; April 11.3811.39 cents. May 11.5211.53 cents, June 11.6411.66 cents. . Baltimore, Oct 29. Flour dull Howard street and western superfine $4 254 75; extra $5 006 00; family $0 Z58 00; city mills super $4 00 4 50; extra $5 506 60; Rio brands $7 257 37; Pa tupsco family $850. South ern wheat dull and 35c lower; western dull and easier Southern red, good to prime, $1 301 49. amber $1 451 53, era western winter red on spot $1 82, Oc tober and November $1 33, December $1 40. Southern corn quiet but steady; western firm and higher southern white 6263 cts, yellow 61 G3 cents.- j : , ' ; : v V ' St, Loura Oct. 29. Flour dull and drooping; double extra fall $5 405 60. 5, Wheat unsettled ; No. 3 red fall $1 26J1 27. Corn quiet. Whis key quiet at $1 08. Pork ouiet and firm; jobbing lots $14. " Lard dull and nominal. Bulk meats quiet at 6J7 , and 8 cents for shoulders, clear rib and clear sides. Bacon firm at'.? , 9J and 9 cents ' for' shoulders, clear, ribs and clear sides. . a. Cincinnati, Oct 29. ; " Flour dull-family $C6 10. Wheat dull red $1 201 28. Corn quiet and steady. Pofk in good demand at $13 7514. Lard quiet and firm. , Bulk , meats nominally un changed. Bacon strong short rib 9t9 cents; short clear rib 9 cents. ' Whiskey steady at $1 07.i . s COTTON MARKETS. Savannah,' dull at 10 9-16 cents net re eipts 4,662 bales; Baltimdre, dull at 10jfll cents-r-net receipts 8 bales; Philadelphia, steady at 1H cts net receipts 52 bales; Au gusta, easier at 10J10f cents net receipts 1,753 bales; Charleston, quiet at 10 cts net receipts 4,609 bales; Norfolk, dull at 10 cents net receipts 4,997 bales; Galveston, easier at 10 cents net receipts 4100 bales; Mempms, "easier-nd lower to Bell at 10 cts net receipts 6,899 .bales; N aw . Orleans; in good demand at 10 cts net receipts 1,-r 064 bales Boston flail at 11 cents net receipts 473 bales; Mobile, easier at 10 10 cts net receipts 3,603 bales. ' irOHEIGN 0IARkttT&. , . . . LivEBPOOL,. October 29 Noon. . Cotton dull ana easier; middling uplands 6 Id; middling Orleans 6d; sales of 8,000 bales, including 1,000 bales for export and speculation; receipts 6,900 bales, of which 2,850 were American. Futures opened 1-lGd cheaper t middling uplands, ,L;m.c., Octo ber delivery C 13-326fd; November deliv ery 6516d; November and December de livery 6 9-326d; January and February delivery 6d; February and March delivery 6d; new crop, Bhipped October and No vember, per sail, 6d November and De cember, per- sail, 6d. -. . LATER.". ' Middling uplands, 1. m. c, December and January delivery, 6J6 732d. COMMERCIAL: VV ILMINGTON M ARKET. " The official or opening quotations below are posted at the Produce Exchange daily at 1 P. M., and refer to prices at that hour. STAR OFFICE. Oct. 29. ' SPIRITS TURPENTINK The market was firm at 31 cents per gallon for coun try packages. Sales reported of 52 casks at that price. ' ROSIN The market j,opeued firrt' at $1 45 for Strained and $1 50 for Good Strained, but without any reported transac tions. . .;. .rj'-i-: i'.: -'V . TAR Market steady and unchanged,the receipts of the day being disposed of at $1 CO perbbl. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market steady and unchanged, the receipts of the day be ing placed at $1 45 for Hard and $2 45 for Virgin and Yellow Dip.; COTTON The market lor this article wassteady, with sales reported of 7 bales at 10 cents, 6 do at 10 cents, 14 do at 10 cents arid 300 do at the following official quota tions: ' I " v ' Ordinary .......... .Nominal. Good Ordinary;.... 9 cents $ lb Strict Good Ordinary. -10 Low Middling.- 10 " Middling ... 10 Good Middling...... "" " Quotations conform to the classifications of the American Cotton Exchange. RECEIPTS. DAILY IIECE1PT8. . Cotton. ................... 970 bales. Spirits turpentine Rosin.1 Tar .... Crude turpentine. ... ....... - 252 casks. 1,190 bbls. 190 ' 335 " COTTON AND 4 NAVAL STORKS WltEKLY statement; HECkrPTS ; .; For the week ending Oct. 29, 1877. - Cotton. Snirita. Rosin. Tnr. Cnidi 6,453 1,511 11,165 545 2,2823 RECEIPTS ' ' For Hut fourth week in October, 1876. : Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. 7,722 2.208 10,435 1.025 3,291 . . EXPOKTS v ' ! For Vie week ending Oct. 29,1877. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude Domestic. 2,699 656 579 468 25 Foreign... 5,764 Total. . . 2,699 650' ; 6,343 468: 25 EXPORTS For the fourth week in October, 1870. Cotton. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude. Domes'c,' 5,923 , 827 703 325 140 Foreign, 8,570 ' Total.. 5,923 , 827 9,273 325 140 The following is the stock of naval stores and eotton in yard and afloat at this port October 29: - , STOCKS. - . Cotton, in yard. " alloat,... Total...... 9,570 bales. 3,508 " .13.078 " ...6,577 casks ...1,100 " Spirits Turentine, in yard,. in yard,., atioat,.. . Total, Rosin, in vaid " alloat,.... Total....... Tar, in yard,. . ..alloat,.... .. .. .....7,677 " ...61,747 bbls. .... 5,788 " .... 67.535 " 94t bbls. . ... 70 " Total .....I 1,01 J " Crude Turpentine, in yard,.... 1,483 bbls. ' afloat....... 000 " Total.......... 1,482 " STOCKS Astore and AJloai OcJobcr 30, 1876. Cotion. Spirits. Rosin. Tar. Crude '12,203 Ti,142 82,062 959 456 QUOTATIONS. October 24. October 30. Cotton 9 10 Spirits 32 32 Rosin $1 501 55 $1 551 60 Tar $1 05 $1 70 Crude ... .$2 20 $2 80 Rosion Root, Sboeand Leather Iflar kei, Oct. 2G. Boston Commercial .Bulletin, 27th. ' The market presents an extremely quiet appearance. The number of buyers has dwindled to almost nothing. In the boot towns manufacturers of heavy goods are. still filling orders, though many of them have already finished, and all will shortly complete their fall work. Some manufac turers have already begun on samples for the spring trade. Prices show no change. The market for stock shows little anima tion, and prices favor the buyer. Rough leather has had another inacthn week, and prices are easy. ; ' Turpentine Lands. ; THE ATTENTION OF DISTILLERS AND others interested in the manufacture of Turpen tine is called to the advantages offered bt the conn try along the line of the Brunswick and Albany Railroad. This road extends from Brunswick, on the seaco&st, to Albany, in Southwestern Georgia s distance of one hundred aqd seventy-one miles through ' The Great Pilch Pine Belt in the State, which it traverses from one side to the ether. Fine, open, well timbered lands, lying immediately along the line of the road, can be bought for abeut One Dollar and a Half an Acre, and the same kind ofland, situated about five miles from the road, ean he beught as low as . Twenty-Five Cents an Acre. These Lands are generally free from undergrowth, the timber being tall and thick, and , with the excep tion of the pines having more heart, they resemble very closely those of North and South Carolina. . As fine a quality of rosin caa be made here as in the Carolinaa a large proportion of t&at manufac tured early in the spring grading W. The rates of freight from stations under one hun dred miles from Brunswick ate forty ctnts per bbL on rosin and seventy cents per cask on spirits tur pentine, and from stations over one hundred miles, forty-five cents en rosin and seventy-five cents on spirits. There is a weekly line of steamers from Brunswick te New York, the rates being fifty cents on rosin and seventy-five cents OA spirits. Naval Stores can be sold promptly in Brunswick, however, at New York quotations, less freight and charges, and frequently at even better prices. . To bona fide intending settlers a free pass over the road, good for two weeks, will be given in order to afford them ample time to see the country andse cure a location. For further information apply to J. D. Sfbunt, JS hipping and Commission Merchant, Brunswick, ti a. CHAS. L. SCHLATTER, Gen'l Sup't. ; sept 25-dJbw3m . .. . - JAS. T. PETTKWAY. C. II. SCHULKEN, Petteway & Schnlkenj BROKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. IN MERCHANDISE and' PRODUCE, WIL MINGTON, N. C. . . Execute orders for all descriptions of Merchan dise in this and other markets. Constantly receiving consignments and full line -Samples Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Meats, FUh.Lard. . " T - w . 1 . . 1 - Peas. Onions, Potatoes, Apples, Ac. HANDLE COTTON NAVAL STORES, CLAY' peas, rurs, uides, Jfeatners, Tallow, Poultry, Eggs, fcc, with prompt and profitable returns. ' Orders and Consignments solicited. Cash advances made on con slgnmcnts. octS8 tf . i MARINE. Pore Alnsanae October 30. Sun Rises ; .......... 6-31 M. Sun Sets... 5??- , High Watei (Smilhville). . . , . . . 2.00 Eve g. (Wilmington).: .. 4.30Eve'g. Day's Length. . . .,,:flV. . . . .'. V10.45 - ' ARRIVED.' Btmr North State, Green, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. 'n . 8tmr North" East, Alderman, Point Cas well, H M Foard.s i - . "Stmr J S Underbill, Harper, Smithville, O G Parsley & Co. Nor barque Speed, 219 tons, Olsen, Rot terdam, R E Heide. " ' Nor barqbe Valkyricn, 249 tons, Olsen, Liverpool, R E Heide. Ger Barque Claudia, 400 tons, Dinse, Bristol, E PeschauSb Westermann. - Ger 0arqe Frederick Weyer, 380 tons, Kriegel, Bordeaux, E Pescbau & Wester- mannu :, " , - -c.-.- ' ' Ger barque Lud wig, 368 tons, Suger, Gloucester, E Peschau & Westermann. Ger barquo Lydia Peschau, 403 tons, Bremer, Cettinje, France, E Peschau & Westermann. ' Nor barque Slaubo, 320 tons, Gunder sen, Bristol, England, RE Heide. Schr Sally Coursey, 179 tons, Brauin, Philadelphia, Harriss & Howell. CLEARED. ; Steamship Regulator, Doane, New York, A D Cazanx. - - .. . . Stmr North' Slate, Green, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. Stmr J 8 Underbill, Harper, Smithville, 6 G Parsley & Co. " - i :. ' '.; KXPORTK. ' . ., '' ; COASTWISE. "'Baltimore Steamship Raleigh 215 bales cotton, 112 casks spirits turpentine, 537 bbls rosin, 283 do tar, 76 bales cotton goods, 99 bales warp,- 447 bags, 17 bbls peanuts, 31 pgs mdse, 1 lot furniture. . New York Steamship Regulator 1 ,223 bales cotton, 14 bales colten goods, 77 casks spirits turpentine, 15 bbls rosin, 25 do crude turpentine, 1 bale hides, ,100 pkgs shocks, 11 pkgs roots, 300 sacks flour, 9 bbls wax. MARINE DIRECTORY. List of Vessels In tbe Port of Wil mington, N. C, Oct. 28. 1817. BARQUES. . i Arizona (Nor.), 520 tons, Gabrielsen, :v - Vick & Mebane Framat (Swed.), 311 tons, Nylander, ' REHekle Asta (Nor.) 369 tons, Danilsen, - Vick & Mebane Armal (Nor.), 260 tons, Sandvid, i RE Heide August (Ger ), 895 tons, Lonnies, - ." Vick & Mebane Minna (Ger.), 498 tons, Buese, E Peschau & Westermann Florence Margaret (Br.), 293 tons, Nerves, Vick &. Mebane Kosmas (Ger.), ' 403 tons, Brans, E Peschau & Westermann Cilo (Nor. ), 350 tons, Neilsen, rep'g, , - R E Heide Success (Nor.), 356 tons, Heberg, , EG Barker & Co Prima (Swe.), 507 tons, Krook, Vick & Mebane Sirene (Ger.), 497 tous, Calliess, E Peschau & Westermann Van Haydec Cartlow (Ger.),266 tons.Specht E Peschau & Westermann BRIGS. Eva Parker(Br.), 355 tons, Slocum, Alex Sprunt sn Aura (BrA 256 tons, Wcnxh ' o Ptenion, Downing & Co Busy Bee (Br . 836 tons Thompson, Patcrson, Downing & Co Ana (Nor ), 304 tons, Hauger, RE Heide Antzee (Nor.), 226 tons, Ohlsco, RE Heide Hilding (Nor.), 273 tons, Jorgensen, RE Heide Adeonc (Ger.,)215 tons, Wertmann, E Peschau & Westermann Gazellen (Nor ), 262 tons, Weibye, - RE Heide SCHOONERS. Eva Adell, 171 tons, Ellis. Master Notice. If the Signal letters of any.ves. sel in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should send ashore for telegram. Pearl SMrts ! S1.00. lhe Nicest and cheapest Shirt that Dciounav 3-PLY.ALLU- NEN BOSOMS. Call and see them before buying , any other. For sale only by A. DAVID, Corner Front and Princess eta. i oct 34 tf Potatoes, Onions, Turnips. Cabbage, and For sale low by I - ' oct 33-DAWtf HALL A PSABSALL. Salt. Salt. Salt. 5 AAA Sacks .Liverpool. .UUU Marshall's Fine, and . T Lisbon SALT, . For sale low by " oct ll-tf WILLIAMf & MURCH1SON. Black Seed Oats. 1000 BaBhel9 BLACK fcKD OATi. . - For sale iy OCt33-tf KERCDNElt A CALDEK BRG8 Salt. Salt Salt. 2000 SackB Liverpool SALT, . ' jqqq Marshall's 20 BbtaS,bmket--" ; For sale by - : OCtS8-tf KKRCHNEK A CALDEK BROS. Sugar.'Mplasses and Coffee; Bbls SUGAR, all grades, 'r OKA Hhds Porto Rico and Cuba ZOf . , MOLASSES, Hhds S. H. SYRUP, : OKA Sacks COFFEE, For sale low by : WIf.LIAMrl SB MURCHISON. octu-tr. r The Marion Star. rpHE OLDEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN X the Pee Dee section, one of the wealthiest and mostprosperous ia the State, offers to Commission and Wholesale Merchants and Manufacturers, and to those who have adopted the plan of selling by sample, an excellent .-mcowm of communication with a large and influential class of merchants, me chanics, planters and naval store men, whose pat ronage is worth solicitation. Advertisements and Business Cards inserted on liberal terms. ' - Address TUB STAR, - sept 33 tf Marion, S. C, FALlT Uwb WINTER GOODS - .1 ra r.i . kat 2 ' s , 3 6 r1;;A. R K E Y S T R E E T . BL AC.K A 'NO COLORED SILKs. Cheaper than Lhey ha vo been for 'twenty yea rC l All of the LATEST NOVELTIES in .-alf I he NfiW.! UtiADES and'. Color s Ca8hmereHf Merinoeji, Snowllakos, Kar, Kniekerboekei aul JVlai t.w Siutintfs: " ".. . ; Priraaiii ValeiicU -aiKl'' Fribourf. C?iotli '''"' .' '' Henriettas, Bombazines, Taffetas, A Jpaceaa, s , .. . ' Molmirs, BrilliautineH, Uepn, Poplins, Ac &a. . o?ii 1 nr . .1 in ? . . si 1 r- n .' ' . uniw rtu.i . uioicu Mgca,Maiuuiia uuu orwious ir.)itjs to malcli tiuj ol. above Waterproofs, Cloakings and Suitings in ..if tlui ikjw hadi Single and Double, coPd, bl'k and cloth shades; Silk Velvtid Veveteen8, FULL LINES OF STAPLK!: DRY1 GOODs! All the Best Brands, so popular all over the United Statesi EXTRA BARGAINS in Flannels, Blaukets. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS t n Vait n am . n .1. a a L "? - a ' T uue ucdu obvu& ,vi ci Direct Importation of Towels and Table Damasks,- tjood and low priced . . V WHITE GOODS.. ;, ' J aconets,S wisses, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Cambric, Tarletans,' Linn8,ifei-.. ' My usual good assortment, also, "' ' ' E M B it O I D E It I K S, From one of the largest Importer's Auction Sales. - Ladies, if you are iihle to pass 'them, considering quality and prices, it in more than I coftld do. REAL AND ITALIAN Valerciennes Edging and Iii.sertiiigs. Torchon and Brussels Laces. . . HANDKERCHIEFS One Thouaaod Dozqq i almost any priek Hosiery, Gloves, Collars, Cuff, Ties and Ribbons. ' ' ' yv -rv -w- ran -s r, ; ; , . J. t i . - - J Thompson's Bridal Comet, and Mrs. Moody's Genuine. ' Ladies' and Misses' VESTS'; Ruch ings, Skirts, Parasols, &c. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR; . HONEY-COMB AND MARSEILLES SPREADS. In short any thing you can ask for, ' ' ' . AT PRICES WHICH DEFY GOMPETITC). 2 AMONG SUCH AN ASSORTMENT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO NAME PRICES. IF YOU WILL ONLY EXAMINE YOU WILL NOT LOOK ELSEWHERE BEFORE YOU BUY. , . : ill. Kli icatz : oct 7 tf . . MISCELLANEOUS. EZJSTOW All Men by These Presents, THAT WE, f- Boatwright & HcKoy, HAVE JQSX RECEIVED A I.urgc uppl of Elegant r k Creamy Butter,.fresh, . ; i New Buckwheat Flour, Extra Fine N. O. Syrup, 4 : Fresh Crackers, all grades, , : 25 Bbls. Cut Loaf, Granulated, Powdered, ' ... . - s Standard A and C Sugars. Fruits. ' 15 Boxes Lemons, 1 : 10 Boxes Oranges, 15 Bbls. Apples, 5 Bbla elegant Malaga Grapes,' 500 Pouuds Layer Figs, -1000 Cocoa Njats, 50 Boxes Raisins. 40 Bags Java, Laguyra and Rio 'Coffees. '. We are receiving Fresh Pavched Coffeo every day. . Wtf do our own grinding. ' ' JfeWe will stand a wager tf an oyster treat, (and fixings included,) that we ean show the ' Largest and Finest Stock of ft -: i- FANCY GROCERIES Of any House, in the State. Don't take our word for it. Come and examine for yourselves. Boatwright & HcKoy, 5, t and 8 NORTn PUONT ST. oct28-D&Wtf - i! 10 Barrels NORTHERN APPLES JUST IN, And for sate by opt lHfnW v R1NFORD, LOEB & CO. ; -AT jJiuuiiL lu hlllS CUV. . . 36 Market Street MISCELLANEOUS. CLYDE'S New York and Wilmington Steamship Line. The Steamer BENE FACTO R. ' ' ' C'apt.' JOWES.'; . 4 . WILL SAJL, fROM XEW YORK 02i SATURDAY, Novembers. Z lr Shippers can rely upon tbe PROMPT SAILING of Steamers as advertised. For Freight Engagements apply to A. I. CAZAUX, Affcnl, WrLMINQTON, N. C. L. S. BELDEN. Soliciting Agent: r WM. R CLYDE & CO., Ueneral Agents, Bowling Ureen or Pier 13 N. R., ' oct28-tf 1 ' ' : - " New Tork. Baltimore & ; Wflming ; s ton, H; C. Steamsh i p Line. The.Steamer;- J X4 IE3 I Gr JEL, Capt. OLIVER. KILL SAIL FROM BALTIMORE OA fid WEDNESDAY, October 31,10 To be followed by the ZD. j."folby, Cupt.. PRICE. SATCllIlAYtNovemkerS. 8hipDrs can rely upon tbe PROMPT SAIUNO of Steamers as ad vertised THROUGH BILLS OP LADING given' lojwil from PHILADELPHIA, and PROMPT DISPATCd Qnaranteed. , .. t.f- I . . ',. " For Freight Engagements apply to '. '" wniNQTOiNii L. S. BELDEN. Soliciting Agent. . REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent, ' Corner Lee and Light Streets, oct28-tf Baltimore. Notice. AVING EMPLOYED CAPTr W. M. STt VBNSON In oar Office, we lespectfnlly com mend him to the public for a liberal share ct patronage,- f!;1 1 ' ' L 1 . - s JOHN W.GORDON A BKO.. , . . : . r:. , General Ineurance Agents, ,,w. - r 34 North Water street, oct24 tf ' 'WilmiH8lonN-c- 1

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