THE nOBimiO'STAE. By Wffl. H. BERNARD. PUBLISHED DAILY" BXCBTT MONDAYS. BATK w - f r 00 .i.. vear, (by maO) I8 ' V" I 00 Six months, u " 3 35 f Three monU,M u 1 60 I 2f iinwribere. delivered In any prt of "the i &thortSsd to'SJBSrt for more than three mentis in advance. m " ; , OUTL.1NES. r . ; The King of Abyituia is threaieplo'g to invade Egypt witb an army of 130,000 meb. . From 25,000 lo 80,000 troops are to be sent at once from Constantinople to relive Osman Pasha. TheRnssiana are fe - ported as preparing an army of 70,000 men' for an attack upon Adrianople. The Porte saysTIevna is immensely proYision- C(J . Overton and Taylor were hanged at Washington.;!. .01. tot the , murder of Wm. Grimes, two years a?a . Secre tary Thonipsqri and Attorney : Goaeral Devens have gone to attend Morton's fu neral. - No probability of an early ad journment f Congress. - No progress m adewith the bill to repeal Lh resnmptien .,. - - The bill to recoin allVer was referred to the committee on Weights and Moa8urea; ' HacMahoa ia disposed jto' compromise if 'possible, ; r M. Panyfer Querlier is reported to have been asked to form a Caetf vthIUgl-lAv mother andvRf a at MecnanicsTlrle, N. Tp, tLrew herself and four children into W deep stream; the eldest child got out, and the mother and one child were rescued. ; - . Fighting conlinnes on Orchanic and PleT na roads. New York markets; Money 7 per cent r gold steady at 102; cotton quiet at lHUi cents; flour dull and without change,' southern $5 758 50; wheat lc better; corn iic better; spirits turpentine quiet at 33434 cents; rosin steady at $1 701.77i.. Tlie Russians have been repulsed in an attack upon the position of the Turks at the junction of the Orcba nio and Plevna roads, At last ac -counts reinforcements were arriving rapidly and lighting continuous. j The telegraph informs us of the ex ecution of Nathan P. Overton, white, and Noah Taylor, colored, at : Wash ington, N. C., j fof thq murder of Wra. Grime? . -young man of abont tft'entyjearrtage, who kept a stpre TTlCdgecombe county. The two mur derers went to the store at night and knocked Grimes on the bead, killing him, as they supposed. He was afife however, to make a statement next day. He lived bat two days. The law has done its work here, and. the two villains have gone to stand at another judgment bar. The only war uews of importance is a reported, threatened invasion of Egypt by an Abyssinian army of 130,000 men. and the formation of a Russian army of 70,000 men to cross the Balkan mountains and to make an attack upon Adrianople without waiting for the fall of Plevna. We doubt the correctness of the latter, as 70,000 men is not force enough to make such attack '' so far from the base of operations. Plevna is very largely provisioned and can stand a long siege, if .wefiay trust an official statement of the Porte. , . One of those terrible affairs has juBt occurred that sends a thrill of horror through any sympathetic reader. .An unhappy or insane mother, Mrs. Ste phen May, of Mechanicsville, N.' Y., attempted to drown herself and four of her children. Fortnnately only' two of the children , fell victims, as she aad one chil4 are rescued through the exertions of the eldest, nine years, who escaped from the stream into which he had been thrown and then gave the alarm. She must have either been driven to despair or her. mind was deranged , to have perpetrated such a crime. TheJTrench outlook is .still wrapt in doubt. One account represents MacMahon as willing to compromise. A leading Republican paper says it is impossible for the President to form . a ministry that, will be acceptable to tlie Republicans, - becaose such a ministry to satisfy the majority must go counter to the President's policy daring the past four years.. The difficulties are confessedly great, but possibly not insuperable, as long as the President and M. Grevy are really willing to enter upon a policy of reconciliation and compromise; The aspect of affairs, at any rate, is not so complicated or threatening as it was a few weeks ago. j WashlnaTtoa Rates... Mr. A.R. Apperman, acting Treas urer of the Union Republican Con gressional Executive Committee, has addressed a circular to delinquent subscribers to- the presidential cam paign' fund, all office-holders, ( re questing them to pay up, and threat ening them with a visit from the collector of the committee. CoL S. S. Smith, a prominent citi zen of Noftfi Carolina, is in the eiiy as an applicant for the position of United, States Commissioner to the Paris, exposition, , r - CoL Robert T. Lincoln, son of ex-President Lincoln, has declined the ppoiniment of Third Asaistanl Secre tary of State. I . i y.-' 'r : 1 . I'll.".. '. ,i l " ' i. , ,mm i 1 1 i j i i ii i i ,,.nHm"mtmmM9ammmmmm. . .' VOL. XXI.--NO.37. BaoIpli Cmnty Fair. LSpecial telegram to the Observer. 1 i AsiiboeOjN. C, via High Point, :; . November 2, 1877 t -V; There were onelmndred and thirty erght more entries than there' were rast year. But for the storm to-day, the attendance would have been much larger than usual. ; Col. L., pork, (mmi89ionerfgrioaltiirrft present, and delivered his n address under many difSoolties. . The speeches on the occasion of the President's reception ,were -all. taken down in short-hand by the Rev,. Mr. Lafferty as , a labor .of love, and as written but by him were telegraphed all over the country, and certainly if any man deserves well of Richmond and of the Agricultural Society it is Brother JLafferty. He has done well, and should! not be forgotten. There was no other stenographer on, the ground to dojAa work. oca. ? TIES aiT-3F. HEW AUVKRTISBMBNTN. H. B. Gay For sale. W. H. Sttbon Died. ; Jambs Anderson Notice. T N. Jacow Hardware depot. T. 8. Burbank Drugs, &c. Hsnnino & Tkkl Hard ware. Heinsbergbr They are here. F. M.-Eino & Co New store. Munson & Co Choice suitings. Geo. Myers The lowest prices. Giles & Muhchison Guns, &c. . Gore & Gore Flour, meal, &a A. David Notice extraordinary. . John Dawson Guns and pistols ; J. L. Boatwriqht Mortgage sale. H. Kasprowicz Cigar emporium. P. Commtng & Co Postponement. Geo. R. French & Son Still at it; J. Hahn Popular dry goods house'. Boatwriqht & McKoy Groceries. , Harrison & Allen Knox's silk hak Hedrick New store and new goods. Hayoen & Gerhardt Saddlery, &c. John B. Marshall New River oysters. S. G. Northrop California, pears, &c. Kebchner & Calder Bros Bagging, bacon, flour, corn, &c. Local Doll. - The almanacs predict cold weather, with showers, for to day. Annual pew renting at St. James' Church to-morrow at 10 A. M. ' ; There were ' no interments in Bellevue Cemetery during the past week. The Superior Coort of Onslow, Judge Moore presiding, convenes to-morrow. To-day is known in the religious calendar as the Twenty-third Sunday after Trinitv. - . .- The Board of County Commis sioners will meet in regular monthly ses sion to morrow. The receipts of cotton at this port yesterday footed up 1,434 bales and the sales to about 300 bales. Mr. J. D. Brooks, of the States ville Landmark, is on a brief visit to bis many friends in Wilmington. There was only one interment in Oakdale Cemetery during the. week closing yesterday an adult male. ;: There will be the usual services 'for the first Sabbath in the month at the Front Street M. E. Church to-day. Messrs. F. M. King& Co., have opened a house furnishing store at No. 2d Market street, next to CoL Hedrick. Superior Court adjourned for the term yesterday about 1 o'clock. The forenoon was consumed in hearing motions, &c. ... : Kate Merrick, a well known colored woman of this city, died last night at the advanced age of 98 years, 7 months and 6 days. Monthly meeting of, visitors of the Ladies' Be.nevolent Society at Hook and Ladder Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 6th, at 4f o'clock P. M. ' The Register of Deeds issued five marriage licenses during the past week, of which one was for white arid four were for colored couples. -The interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery during the past week numbered seven, of which three were adults and four children. Clear or partly cloudy weather,, northwesterly winds, stationary tempera ture and higher pressure, are the . indica tions for this section to-day. ; I - Two small colored boys were arrested and lodged in the guard house, yesterdsy . afternoon, for fighting - in the neighborhood of the Dawson Bank. ; The Cape Fear Steaci Fire En gine Company No. 8, colored, will celebrate their sixth anniversary on Tuesday next, by a grand parade during the afternoon. ' ' That was rather a , cool bath l a gentleman took at the foot of Market street yesterday afternoon. He accidentally fell overboard and was rescued by a colored man standing by. - - - We learn that the interest in the nightly meetings at the Fifth Street M. K Church issteadUy increasing, ' and1 that up to this time there have been some five or ajxcopvewooa.1 ;'ffiv ,f --'' There were onl y tbreeT oises tried by the 'Soperior Court during its late t term of two weeks, two civil and one JSTILMINGTONv criminal, but all of them were very tedious r.r.iii - There will be joint services in; the First and SecoBd Presbyterian chureheai tq-day, at the former in, the,, morning and at the latr in the evening. Rev.' Dr.-Wfl- son witi preacn on ootnoccasioos. - Thp health inspectors, by; order ot ine superintendent , oi ueaitti, . coa- demned and sent out of the market, during the week: ending yesterday, 880 pounds of No. 2 bacon, 105 pounds of beef, 30 pound? of mutton, and 28 bunches of fish. ; As you sit in your comfortable parlers, by your .warm fires, these i , mornings, let your sympathies go out after the poor and destitute of our community, who have not ' sufficient fuel and clothing to keep them warm, and then ' send your contributions to Mrs. C. G. Kennedy, Pres ident of the Ladies' Benevolent Society, 5 I who wilt see that they relieve ' the distress canes Growing Out of ibe Colored Laborer's Union. !:'" A colored man by . the , name of Isaac Stocks was arraigned before Justice Wag ner, yesterday, on a peace warrant sworn out by Joshua Telfair, colored. The evi dence wient to show that Slocks, who is a memberjof the Laborer's Union, met the complainant several days ago and wanted to know who he was working for. Telfair gave the name of his employer, when Stocks asked him if he didn'tnow that by working for the parly in question ho was injuring the cause of the organization al luded to. Telfair replied to the effect that he didn't know anything about it; that he was ready to work for anybody or do any thing whereby he could make an honest living. Stocks urged him to join the Union, but Telfair refused, and one word brought on another untilfinally Stocks remarked to Telfair that if he didn't mind he would be found "dead some night, and ' no one would be the .wiser. Telfair replied that ifVhe - shouid' be, there would some one who would know " a,bout . it; to which the other rejoined that "dead men tell no tales," &c. Shortly after this the two'men parted. On Friday evening, however, they met. again, in a certain gro cery, Stocks having several friends with him, and the subject was renewed, during the discussion of which Telfair came to the decided conclusion that mischief was meant him . He left the shop, and had proceeded but a abort distance is the direction of h(S home, when one of the men he had just parted from' passed him with a large club in his ha nd. Telfair hailed him, but the man paid no attention to him. He then became thoroughly alarmed, thinking the fellow was seeking an opportunity to waylay him, and he therefore took the necessary steps to keep out of his way," until yesterday morning; when he made complaint to Justice Wagner and bad the warrant issued for the arrest of Stocks. Defendant was ordered to give bond in the sum of $100 far his -appearance at the next term ot the Criminal Court, whereupon the security was furnished and Stocks was released. , . . ,, Joshua Telfair was next arrested on a peace, warrant sworn out by Isaac Stocks, which was dismissed at the cost of the prosecutor. , j 1 KiyGtt ANDflARlNB 1T!SS. ' The late rains have caused a consider able rise in the river.-, J The steamship I&ffulator, Doane, ar rived at New York from this port on the 1st inst. , There are now thirty-ono square rigged foreign vessels in' this port, inclu ding eleven Norwegian barques, eight Ger man barques, two British barques, two Swedish barques, four Norwegian brigs, two German brigs, one British' brig, and one Swedish brig; in addition to which there are several American steamships and schooners, to'say nothing of small craft.; Capt. Howard, of the schooner Fannie J. Vaughn, hailing from Charleston, and boundjfrom that port for New, York, with a cargo of old copper and iron, who arrived here and took quarters at the Seaman's Home, reports that on the night of the 24th of October, while oft Cape Henry, the schooner Ira Z. SturgU, also supposed to be from Charleston, collided with his ves sel, .striking her on lh6 slarbord quarter and sinking her in ten .minutes. Capt Howard and his crew saved themselves with ; nothing but what they had on, the watch below having to jump out of their berths and make their escape in the clothes in which they were sleeping, being barely able to get into the vessel's boat and shove oS before the ill-fated schooner went down. In the meantime the vessel that had caused the .mischief kept steadily on in . her course and proffered no assistance whatever, though it is thought probable that those on board of her had no idea of the extent of the damage they had caused. The shipwrecked seamen landed on the beach five miles south brCape Hen-, ry. From there they made their way to. Edenton, from whence the crew took pas sage to Norfolk, and Captain Howard came to Wilmington by the way of Welddn, be ing assisted on his journey by the kindness of thetpeople he encountered and' arriving here in aa entirely destitute condition. Capt Divine, Superintendent df the W. C&A.&R, furnlshod him transport- tion as far as Florence, and he is doubless ere this with his family at his home in Georgetown, Soath Carolina. .The schooner Ida L 8turgi8 is represented by Captain Howard to bVa vessel registering some 'five1 hundred tons and hailing from . Bath, Me. fie read' her 'name on her quarter board 1 aa she passed by. Ni C, SNUDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1877. ePEBA M0178E. The final performance in this . city of 'The Phoahix" jwas' given at the Opera House last night to an appreciative audi ence; who reluctantly left at its close well jpleascd wlth the manner in which they had been entertained. - VI i :Mote$ Solomons, as oil the night previous, was evidently the favorite of the house, his every , appearance belng hailed with ap plause", which he certaihly merited. Last night's performance was fully as enjoyable as jhat of the night previous, although the play came near being seriously interrupted by a disturbance created in the gallery by several disorderly persons, and care should he taken to prevent the occurrence of the hl. . .L' - v."'.. ' ' ' ' .'.. ' : '. into again. t. Obtaining Honer Coder False Pre- 1 Adam Chavis, coloredhad a bearing be- f ore' i Jastice lJIanua yesterday, 'Hhff charge of obtaining money under false pretences. It appears that the defendant was recently committed to jail for costs in some case, which amounted to something over $0. Hearing one of the white prison era remark thai he would like to have cof fee for his breakfast, Chavis approached him and stated that he was the proprietor of an eating saloon on the wharf, and if he (the white prisoner) would pay his costs he (Chavis) would furnish him a good break fast, including coffee, at ten cents for each meal until the amount was naid. The proposition was agreed to, the costs paid, and ' Chavis was released. Hc forgot his contract with his white friend, however, the fact being that he had- nothing to do with any saloon, and hence the suit The defendant was ordered to give a justified bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at Court Mavor DawBon had no cases for the consideration of his court yesterday morning. CITY ITEM ft. AVOID DANGEROUS COSMETICS 'concealed In opaque glass bottles. Gooraad's Olympian Cream ir nasi Its exceeding delicacy and beauty of appearance me assurance or excellence in tne performance. Price in large Bottles reduced to One Dollar. For sale by J. C. Monde. DooLrrt YbabtPowsxb Is prepared on sdenU- nc principles, ana rrom lngreoients mat are we moBt effective sad wholesome. It has received the highest encomiums for these merits from eminent chemists, scores of oar best physicians, and thou sands of Intelligent cooks and housewives. The genome can be had only in tin cans. 1 ' Un P jure so. To Harrls2Tews Stand, .sontk side Front Street, we are indebted for copies of the new xotk imager, cammmv vomer ana jrranx LetiWi IUutlrated Newmtoer for the current week. The Stand will remain open until It o'clock this rnirlTMllgi ..... i BeUsMWrllBtV' Chranlc, painful and dk niwsns corea without medicine.- - PaTveraiacher's Electric Belts the grand desideratum. Avoid imitations. Book sad Journal, with fall particulars, mailed free. Ad dress PuxiYXBMAOun Galvahio Co., "293 Vine St.. Cincinnati. Ohio. . HEAVEN DESIGNED THE JUICE of the Hore hound plant, the Tar of the Balm of Gilead Tree, and hesilag Honey, for the reliei f lrriuiied longs. These three specifics are combined in Halx'b lio- mrr or Eobehoukd aso Tab, will core a Cough or Cold, however violent, with unerring certainty. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute. "GERMAN 8YRUP." No other medicine in the world was ever given such a test of its curative qualities as BoecHaa's GxBKAH BTBtrp. Two mil lion four hundred thousand small bottles of . this medicine were distributed frt of charge by druggists In this country to those afflicted with Consumption. Anthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and others diseases of the throat and lungs . Druggists in every town and village In the United States are recommending it to their customers. Regular size 75 cents. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale. ON FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 30TH. next. I will offer for sale, on the premi nasi Mill ses, at Public Auction, to the highest bidder, one third cash, balance terms leaaT. that fine BTORB. witn larce Dwel is a si ling attached, situ ated on the seathwest corner of jroorth and Harnett streets, in tnis city. nov4-2aw Su&To H. B. GAY. Breech-Loading Shot Guns. A GOOD ASSORTMENT F English Breech-Loading Shot Guns, Sheila, Loaders, Game Bags, Cartridges, Belts, Shot Peaches, Caps, Ac. on nana and for sale at Dottom prices at i GILES A Ml CRCHISON'S noy 4-tf New Hardware Store. Burbank's Pharmacy, QORNEB FRONT AND PRINCESS Streets, Mebano's old stand. Fresh fctock of Drugs, Medicines, Fancy Articles, Sponges. Cigars,' Ac, always on hind, nov 4 tf Pied, RECENTLY, at Cambridge, Mass., GEORGE L. FOX, better known as ''Hnmpty Dumpty 'for whom the popular brand of HUMPT IT DUMPTY CIGARS, price five cents, were named. The Brand still flourishes, andean be had of W. H. STYRON, Market street, Pigott'a old. stand, where yoocaa also find the Largest Assortment of Popular Brands of CHEWING TOBACCO ever offered In Wil mington. ,iwt,4-1w,,. ' .California Pears, Ctetnnts, k - gWRET ORANGES, MALAGA GRAPES, Ban at as. New Chestnuts, King Apples, Califemla Pears, Delaware and Catawba Grapes, Ac., at S. Q. MOKTUKOfB Fruit and Confectionery Stores. nov.4 tf Hew Eiver Oysters. HEREBY INFORM MY CUSTOMERS OF T TTTTRRBT INFORM MY CUSTOMERS X last season and the people generally, that I have reopened ray Oyster Business at the old stand. No. 40 Market street, and respectfully solicit your patronage. I shall deal In the best that the market affords. Special attention given to shipping. De- .jiyerea in tne city rree or extra cnt Mm - . f- .. . . Enox'sSilk Hat ! LATEST PALL STYLfST . ; NOBBY 8TIFP and SOFT HAT8 I ; - ;' HARRISON & ALLEN, " : nov 4-tf ' V--- City Hatters Our Choice Suit! 00 CALL AND SUPPLY YOURSELF. : GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, a snperb line, at Low Figures. : ; .v . . . .. nov4-lt - Olothlatr aad Mrcbant Tailors. . NEW; ADVERTISEMENTS. ! 1TEW BTOEE and Wm fiat- CrOODs r; V HAS REMOVED ..-.I To tile ciner Front M Martet Streets "'"'-pnieWcaa&ereaBd'anOTtirelv Hew Stock; of Goods IMBRAC1NQ THE MOST BXTSNSIVB AND J2i varied assortment of Medium acd Low Priced DRESS d O 01)8 ever ODened in thia city. Alto, a large stock ef STAPLE AND DOMESTIC BBY GOODS,-porcliAsea. in New York witiin the last ten days at a decline of Thirty Per Cent, from prices ruling a month ago, and will be sold at a vsry slight savsnce on me cost. -Jtespectinuy, i s'' ' -- ' '.. Bleached Cottons. ? A A PIECES BLEACHED COTTONS. 4 DUU cents up. The beef ltv cents Bleached Cotton In the city. UBDR1VB. Prints. QAA PIECES PRINT A T WHOLESALE AND JVU Retail. No Prints sold at Retail bnt those we warrant. HEDRICKf Blankets and Shawls. MOST DESIRABLE STOCK, CHEAP. fS w ;- - ' HEDRICK.. Hozrcd Boys' Wear.; CtALEM. N."C. CASSIMESES. VIRGINIA O and Maj viand Kerseys and Casslmeres. Ours is the Headquarters for the production of Southern Industry. H3DRICK.' Men. iHosiery. ? J? Aiso a Good Stock of Ladies and Gents' Un derwear. - HEDRICK. . " -i. . - . - - J Housekeeping Goods; rpABLE UNWNiTOWELS, DOTLERS, NAP- jl ains, sneenngs, etc., in iou stocK. HKDRICK. The Entire PubUc ; A BE INVITED TO AN INSPECTION OF jtxthe most complete stock of Dry Goods in the city. Remember that I deal la First Class Goods only; that I hare but one price that I boy for cash and sell for cash, and that every class of buyers wui receive tne most respeetroi anennoa. nov4tf . HBDHICK. aaaJmVER SHOW YQUBi- HAND! " a - ; Fellow Grocerymen, UNLESS YOU ARE SURE OP A POINT ! Take the advico of Boat wright & HcKoy, and your customers WILL NEVER BE DECEIVED I WE PROPOSE TO SHOW OUR HAND, and leave the Public J TO JUDGE AS TO THE POINT. We have on hand, which we are sell ing at LOW PRICES : i 2i000 lbs of those IXL HAMS, 200 bbls High Grades ILOUR, j 10,000 lbs Clear itib and Long Clear .' sides, ; 75 bbls Early Rose POTATOES, 20 bbis apples: -; 1 ' " T -'. In fact, we have everything-you can name in the 1 GROCERY LINE. Again wo repeat, - Don't take our word for it. Come. and examine fpr yourselves. ; , Boatwright & IIcKoy, 5, T sal 8 NORTBTsTKONT ST. nov4-DAWtf . , i ' i - . - ' Guns and Pistols, nAKTMDGKS.SHOT, TOWDltror wgsca- V JjOaaiUK UOIIB, SUOII, vmmilg Powder Flasks,- Shot Pouches, Game Bags, Dog Calls, Ac A large stock sad vw toe assortment of the above Goods, and LOW rBICES, can be found at the Old Established Hardware House of nov4tf . : ' Market street;. me little Slop Jrouiii tie Center j rs THE PLACE TO.CaTBj : f SADDLN, HABNESS. bvl ' ;ui j ' . j WHII S and COLlABSa Made or Repaired. Ches f or-Cash. L- t Q! i Cl ext vo du - -aa s owning . I I ! HAW GERHABOT. nov4tf IWttmlngtanilf. C; : WHOLE) NO. 3,197 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ar ; Dry Goods HOUSE, r FOURTH STREET, Is Still Ahead ! 'We are; Selling. Goods jLeifer; than Ever, and are Bound i -not to be Undersold, j , In order to show how low onr Prices are, weivo BARGAINS to lie M at OUR STORE ! All colors fine Dress Good?, 11 to ; 30c s b Splendid quality Black Cashmeres at 37c ., . ; . An elegant assortment Black Alpa- cas, 25 to 50c. All colors of Alpaca's as low as 18 to 25c. All-Wool Flannels from 20 to 35o.i Waterproof, all shades, from 70c to .'A. $1.00. v Corsets as low as 45c. Neck Ruches, four for 5c. Wamsutta Shirting,' 13c. "Fruit of the'Loorn Shirting," lie Androscoggin Shirting, 10cu ' Unbleached Shirting, 5 to 8c; - ; Canton Flannel, 8c. ! Balmoral Skirts, 50c. v ;. ; Blankets per pair from $1.25 to $G; , Pants' Goods as low as 12c. 500 dozy Ladies' Hose, slightly soiled, 10c, worth 25c. All we ask is a Trial, and we are sure our Customers will come again, j nov4-lt 4tta Street; The-Celebrated Garden City Cigar Emporium of the Clfy of Wilmington for First-Class Cigars Si. Tobacco!! "I7E DKPr COMPETITION ON OUB WELL t snows brands of Five Cent Clears. XLNT. Die. Key West and Cabinet We have also the celebrated Garden -City Model, and DeAls, Ac, c. All the popular brands of Smoking- xuubwu, uppR navans, jrenque, ucconeecnee. Tar Heel, BlackwelL Pride and Eareka Dorhams, Dianora, Ward, Gravely, Matchless and other brands of Plug Tobacco. The celebrated Chesa peake jnne cut. we aave also on hand the finest assortment ox j&eerscnanm tapes, Cigar and Cigar- ette Holders, and a fall line of Smokers' Articles generally, b ui?e as a trial and we can convince yon. KASPROWICZ. i nov4-lt at (he Old Stand, No. 0 Front st. Bagging and Ties. jgQQ BoUs and Hair Rolls BAGGING, ' V , 25 Tons T118, '" 1000 TWINB For sale b . ; r nov4tr KERCH NER A CALDER BROS. Bacon. Bacon. i ij Boxes D.8. SIDES ,i i ' .' r K rt : Smoked 8IDKS and ' OU . SHODLDEBS, iforssieay no? 4-tf KBRCHNUB & CALDER BBSS' Flour. Flour : 200 BW B0B WHrrjs flous 300 ." DBLL FLOUR, : i . rorBaleby I nov 4-tf KBRCHNEB A CALDER BROS. Corn. Oats Meal. OAnA'BMkCORN, Prime, ZUUU - White and Mixed, 1 0 0 0 Bn 0 -BLACK SBD OATd. ' iAA Bash. FRESH WATER- ' GROUND MEAL For sale bv nov 4-tf KBRCHNEB A CALDER BROS. The Lowest Prices ! FRESH GOODS V 3QQ bbjs. FLOUR, $5 to $10 PER BARREL, , fif A A cases CANNED GOODS, ' ' i OUU CAKES and CRACKERS, g0 bbls Refined SUGARS, i ij hags Java', Laguayra aad Rio COFFEES, : . g00 cases WINES and BRANDIES .' V- ' . OA firkins and tubs best BUTTER in the world, i Kf . Price reduced to 35 cents per pound. . BEEF SAUSAGE and BOLOGNA, fresh to-dav from the West olrect'. Large Beef Tongues at 93c GEORGE-MYERS,- 11 and 13 South Front Street nov4tf - . - I . ITdticef Extraordinary. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO MY t large and yarled assortment of . , . j 0 V E E. C 0 A T 8 , all the very latest styles fa Goods and Cut how ex- ' lublteu lit my spaciuus ayartiuents. A eordlal invitation' is extended to' everyiody to all and examine my stock. . before, baying else where.' ?,.. - - ' J - j Everything New. Stylish and Reasonable In my store. ' i A. DAVID, t , Jlerchaat Tailor and dottuer, nov4tf i-'-'-' Corner Front and Princess. pwu nunu oi xiomesuc, luwana, ixey West, and Imported Clears. All kinds of Cigarettes and Cigarette Pacers. Gambler. Honoradez.1 rAMSFJtDTaTBTlEIWO. - . $1 00 . l 60 i S 00 . 8 50 :. t t two days,......,....; " " , three dayi....... " ' fonrdays,.... .... ... -, " , , live days,......,.., ' :, " , . One week,... . . - Two weeks.. .. 4 t-0-6 50 " " -Three weeks,... " One month, ; . '.-.- . - Twomonths,........ M. Three months?... .... .... 8 60 . .. 10 00 .... 17 00 S4 00 .... 40 00 .... 60 CO ... six menus,. uneyear,. - vb Contract Advertisements taken at proper Uonately low rates, i 1 . ; ..",. i :, Ten lines sslld Nonpareil type make one square. nSW ;ADVERTISEMENT& L'..'H I I. tjj I ji i , ,i . . I, mm- . No.. 9 iTXarkev Street, near tfc Wkarf, offer aLsrga and Welt Selected Stock of : ' - - .. . ..'v.-: :. . -4-.-...,. . ' IBON, NAILS, TOOLS,' AGRICULTURAL IISPLEnENTR, at prices to satisfy all. who want Cheap Goods to salt the times, . , . '! COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to exam ine onr Stock and satisfy themselves before making their purchases. - - 4 v ' - nov 4 It -'"'!. ' '" ' ' " . ' ' ' . " - ' ' Notices . , 1 HB ANNUAL RENTING OF THE PBW8 IS ST. JAMBS' CHURCH, nnderilhe coatrol of the . : , Vestry will take placo on MONDAY Kr, the . 5TH INST., at 10 oclock, Al M, at,th ,Church. -miderthadlrccB'olhJwJnntw ' TreasnTer, Mr. Robert B Calder. . The following Pews being in arrears for Taxes, will be offered for sale, via : No. 83, 8onth Aisle; Nob. 4, 10 and 13, North Gallery; and No. 8, South Gallery. . .!.;,- . , - -v ; JAMBS ANDERSON, nov4 It ; Secretary. Foreclosure of Mortgage. ' ' By virtue and in pursuance of tub power contained In a certain mortgage deed, exe cuted to the nndersigoed and C. D. Myers, consti tuting the late firm of C. D. Myers A Co., by Ed ward L. Hall, bearing date the 25th day of August, 1878 , and registered in the Register's Office of New Han over county, in- Book M.M.M., pas IwOl. as the surviviag partner ef the said . on SAT URDAY. the Slth dav of November instant, at 11 n aaj o'clock, A. M., at Exchange corner. In the city of Wilmington, expose to sale to the highest bidder, at Public Auction, for cash, all the .interest (being one undivided eleventh part) of the said Edward L. Hall in that HOUSE and LOT in said city, on Prin cess street, between Front and Second streets, beins partofLot I In block 165. and adjoining on the west the Journal office building, and in a TRACT OF LAND in Pender county, on the northeast branch of the Cape Fear river and Clark's Creek, and adjoining the "Vats" Plantation, formerly be longing to ine late ieyin uuie. - UUxlxi Li. BOATWKlutiT. nov4-eodtds SuWAFr Postflonfiient of Mortoe Sale: ' The SALE OF PROPERTY HERETOFORE announced in the Stab, to take place .on the 35th ultimo, has been POSTPONED to MONDAY, the 5TH INSTANT, at 13 o'clock, M. The HOUSE and LOT Is situated on Ann, between 6th and 1th Sts., was formerly occupied by Miles F. Cos tin, and is a part of Lot No. 1 and Block No. 118, according to Turner's plan of the City of Wilmington. Place of Sale-Court House door. . Time 13 o'clock. Terms Cash, nov 4 It PRESTON CUMMING ft CO. " Store. House furnishing goods, stoves and Fittings,' Wood and Willow Ware, Portable Ranges, Tin Ware, Jto, Ac, A. The subscribers beg to respectfully announce that they are receiving by every steamer, and will open la a few days at No. 23 Market street, next door, to CoL Hedrick's, a fall and entirely new line of useful and necessary arti cles for the household. Tin Ware, Wood and Wil low Ware, Heating and Cooking Stoves, Portable Ranges, (something new, cheap and last the thing.) which they would respectfully invite the public to call and examine. i ; f5& Orders for Roofing, Repairing, c, will re ceive the personal attention ef our air. W. K. KING. , ' - nov4-lt ' V; F. M. KING CO. Flour, ileal, &c. 200 Bbls FI?0U' $ eaeBV j i fJ0 Boxes MEAT,- ' f g0 Bags COFFEE, ' j i." . ijpy Bbls SUGAR, : ;;;;,' i i; : g0 Boxes TOBACCO, , . J00 Boxes BOAP, V. ; :, . -.,. 25 Tubs BUTTER, , . Cheese, Lard, Candy. Lye Nails, Snuff, c., for sale at Bottom Prices, by : GORE ft GORE, : nov4tf Bos. 8 and 8 South Water st. stm At it. We still continue to V sell' the BEST' BOOTS & SHOES IN THE CITY, and at ;prices LOWER than elsewhere for the same grade of goods. Come and see how we do tt , .-, GEO. R. FRENCH ft SON, 89 Ni Front st. They are Here. COME ANu SEE, AND SELECT FROM THE Finest Assortment ever brought to this city. CHROMOS, 'STEEL ENGRAVINGS. LITHOGRAPHS, PHOTOS, MOTTOES, t FRAMES, all sixes and new styles, at the LIVE BOOK STORE. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MELODEONS . : Sold on the Instalment Flan at HETNSBBBGEB'S nov 4 tf Live Book and Music Store. Hardware Buyers "TTTTLL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE ILL FIND by selecting IT by selecting their HARD WARJ their HARDWARE, CUTLERY, WARB DEPOT. Stock ILaree Ac. at the HARDWARE DEPOT. and Lowest Prices. - Call and examine and you will certainly buy at - 'JR. JACOBI'S Hardware Depot, nev 4 tf . ' No. 10 South Frontjstreet. low is Your Chance. 1 FCnn YDS- HAMBURG EDGINGS lOUU r . AND INSERTTNGS, to be sold at Exchange Comer. Prices will insure sales, i All must come and bay a few yards. If yea are not la immediate need you soon will be. OCT W-1W - ' M, JbU BrlWHT. Millinery and Ficy Goods. MRS. L. FLANAGAN WISHES TO AN nottflce ta the Ladies that she has return ea from the Northern Cities, where she has been ma- King ner jrau purcuases in auLUNJBKx aad every description of FANCY ARTICLES, and ia bow prepared to show her patrons a Very Attractive and Beautiful Stock of ail the NEWEST STYLES In French Pattern Bonnets and Hats, Velvets, bilks. Feathers, Flowers. Ribbons, Ac Mv motto Is. as heretofore, the Best Goods, the Latest Designs, the Lowest Prices, aad, the Most uonoraoie ueaung. . Orders from theiioantrv solicited, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. . , Variety Store, 43 Market Street, r octStf . nac - MRS. L. FLANAGAN. 4aWP V -ri 3 - - "A i !