HE NEVEU TOLD A lIB. I saw him standing in the crowd A- comely youth and fair ! ; There was a brightness in his eye, A, glory in his hair ! I saw his comrades gazing on him His comrades standing by I heard them whisper each to him: J'He never told a lie !" . I looked in wonder on that boy, As he stood there so young. To think that never an untruth Was ottered by his toneue. I thought of all the boys I'd known Myself among the fry . And knew of none that one could say, "He never told a lie !" ; I gazed upon that youth with-sawe That did enchain me long; I had not seen a boy before So perfect and so strong. And with a something of regret I wished that he was I, So they might look at me arid say, ; Ie never told a lie !" I thought of questions very hard ; For boys to answer right; ; "How did you tear those pantaloons t" "My son, what caused the fight r" - : "Who left the gate ajar last night ?" "Who bit ie pumpkin pie ' What boy could answer all of these And never tell a lie. I proudly took him by the hand- : L My words with praise were rife : I blessed that boy who never told r A falsehood in his life. I told him I was proud of him " ' A fellow standing by Informed me that that boy. was dumb Who never told a lie ! u. Boston Gazette. A Iiow Voice in Woman. v ; The following paragraph which has been' going the rounds' of the press, eommends itself to many: "Yep," we agree with that old poet who said that a low, soft voice was an excel lent thing in woman. Indeed, we feel inclined to go much farther than he has on the subject and call it one of her crowning charms- No matter what other attractions she' inay have, she may be as fair as. the 'Trojan Helen, and -as learned as the famous Hypatia of olden times: she may have all ac complishments .requisite at the pre sent day, and every advantage that wealth can produce, and yet if she lack a low, sweet -.voice, she can never be really fascinating. , How often the spell of beauty is rudely broken by course, loud talking. How often you are drawn to a plain, unas suming woman, "whose soft silvery tones render her positively attractive. Besides, we fancy we can judge of the character by the voice; the blank, smootbjfawning tone seems to betoken deceit and hypocrisy as invariably as the musical subdued voice ; tells of genuine refinement. In the social cir cle how pleasant it is to hear a woman talk in that low key which always characterizes the true -lady. In the soothes the fretful children and cheers the weary husband. ; How - sweet its cadence floats through the sick chamber around the dying bed; with what solemn melody does it breathe a prayer for the departing soul. Ah, yes, a low, soft voice is certainly 'an excellent thing in woman.' " ; llnmble Orlslo. Baltimore Sun. The late Senator Morton, of In diana, the greatest ' man of the Re publican party, was apprenticed to a hatter at the age of fifteen, and fol lowed the business for four years. Andrew.. Johnson was a tailor. Grant, though not a statesman, was a tanner. Abraham Lincoln was a rail-splitter. Millard Fillmore, when fifteen years of age, was apprenticed as a wodr- carder ana ciotn-aresser. vv eoster and how many others were farmer boys ? Numbers of the most noted jof our public men have risen from like stations to eminence, many 01 them Graving ieen mechanics' and others descendants of mechanics. Roger Sherman, of revolutionary fame, was a shoemaker, and the Sher mans of to-day and Mr. Evans are his descendants. Mr. Hayes said in one of his speeches that his grand father was a mechanic. It did not require any labor parties or labor or ganizations to bring these men to the front. Nothing obstructs the way of the mechanic or other laborer in this country to the highest positions if he has the capacity, the integrity ana industry requisite to tne per formance of the duties involved. Died of Joy. Fall River (Mass.) News. I , Last week a Mrs. Clinton, an Irish woman, about fifty years of age, ar rived in this city from England, in-, tending to pass her remaining years with her daughter, a married woman, living at Globe village. She had another daughter living in a neigh boring State", and the two had made up a purse to, pay their mother's pas sage to this country. Mrs. Clinton arrived here the first of the week and went directly to her daughter's house. A few days after her arrival -the second daughter came to visit her, bringing two grandchildren, whom the oldjady had never seen. Going to the door to meet $hem, the grand mother lifted the children from the carriage, and when.4 the daughter alighted embraced - her with, "Oh dear, I have so longed to see youfor the last time, and it is the last time," saying which she sank into a chair and expired before any aid could be given her. She was buried on Snn? day last. 1 n ' : i)t All speculation goes to rout, And this a question grave is "What proper course can we mark out To-day 'for David Davis .! Republican or Democrat? ' !f Pray tell ua which way leans the fat." Kentucky Yeoman. The question- true, is one of weight, But we think David DayL? ' , Can judge the best at any rate , - ' Abodt Judge David Davis. " He'd have, e'en workng all alone, ' A solid nartv of liia own.' - :, A Wesieru teamster calls his near mule Ann; says it is a scripture name Ann, a nigh ass. . . 1 WHOLttSAIiKfRICES. 2ffOar quouiuons, u should be understood, rep. roseu tuc wiiuicuiB prices guiiertuiy. in maJung up BHimi orders nigner prices nave to De cuargeo. ART1CLK8. 5, ..TIUCK8. JU " 1 BAGGING Gunny. ... ... ..... Double Anchor........ j . ... Doable Anchor " A". L. .. BACON North Carolina, j Hams, 9 Ib(new). ........ ... Shoulders, 9 tt a& .......... , Sides, N. C. choice, tt Western Smoked ., llama Sides, ltt Shoulders, . . . 1 Dry Salted , t Sides 9 ,...:., Shoulders ........ ........ ... BKBJf Live weight BAKKKLS Spintd Turpentine Second Hand, each ...... New New York, each. New City, each..v......... B RES WAX 9 B.-.;....j. " BRICKS Wilmington. V M Northern.. BUTTER North Carolina, 9 ft. Northern, 9 B CANDLES Sperm. $ Tallow, V .....! t Adamantine, 9 fit.. CHEESE Northern Factory 9 lb 00 fci v 00 a ia 10 & uairy, creamy to... State, i.i.. coffee Java. 9 a .. Rio, ft Laenayra. to i CO KN MEAL 9 bueheUu sacks COTTON TIES ft... .j.. DOMESTICS Sheeting.4-4, V yd vara, 9 butea.... EGGS FISH Mackerel, No. 1. 9 bbL No. 1, 9 bbl Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl. .. NcS, 9 bbl...... ...... Mackerel, No. 8, 9 bbl..... j&aiieta. vobi N.C. Herring, bbl... Dry cod, 9 PLOUK Fine, bbl...... Super. Northern. 9 bbl..... Extra da " 9 bbl..... v Family bbl City Milla Super., 9 bbl.... .7 251 Kitra, 9 DDI...; Family, 9 bbl..' Bx. Family. Vbbl.. FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, V 8000 ft a ' Carolina Fertilizer, M Ground Bone. Bone Meal, ' " Vlnn, Navassa Guano, , " . " Complete Manure Whann's Phosphate'! Wando Phosphate, " ! - Berger & Bute's Photph," Kicellenza Cotton Fertiliser GLUE 9 ft... ............. :.W GRAINCorn.in store, in nags, Corn, Cargo, 9 busheL , Corn, mixed? DuanaL Corn, wholesale, In bags. Oata, 9 bushel...... Peas, Cow, 9 bnshol t... HEDBS Green, 9 ft ... Dry, ft BAY Bag tern, 9 100 ....".;. Westerm. 9 100 ftsi... .... North Kiver, 9 100 fta . . HOOP IRON 9 ton.. ....i ... LARD Northern, 9 ft. ......... North Carolina, 9 ft...- .... . L1MK V bbl ... LUMBER Crrv StbakBatoto Ship Stun, reeawed, M ft. RonKh Edge Plank, ft M ft.. WestlndiaCargbe8,according to quality, 9 t .. Dressea Flooring, seasoned 14 00 18 00 13 00 40 42 00 00 00 00 40 2 90 00 1 10 90 SO 25 16 70 50 0 00 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 O 13 00 O 85 00 - Scantling and Boards, com mon, ft Mft........ ... MOLASSKS Cuba,hhd9,f gal. Cuba.bbls 9 gal .. Porto Rico,hhds bbls.... ..1...L.. Sugar House, khds, 9 gal. 16 00 43 45 45 4 as; 31 80 365 18 145 100 4 30' ; S5 65 75' 250 16 50 00 00 . 14 00 13 00 00 75; ' 2 2 S3 . 76 ' 90 K5 10 11V iok 10 coo 300 00r 00? 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dois.v gai... VJjyrap, yoia, v K"'. ......... . NAlES Cut, 4d to 20d, 9 keg.. . OILS Kerosene, fl gal - Lard, 9 gal....... Unseed, 9 gal Rosin, 9 Kl POULTRY Chickens, live :. " Spring... PANTJT8 bushel POTATOES Sweet, 9 bushel.. . Irish,. Northern, ft dm-... PORK Northern, City Mess. Thin.fl bbl.. ..... Prime, 9 bbl.... Rump, 9 bbl... R1CB Carolina, 9 - Bast India, flft. Rough, 9 bunh RAGS Country, f ft .., 60 City, 9 KOrl SALT Alum, f bushel Liverpool, 9 sack,eb F. O. B. . American, 9 sack.......... SUGAR Cuba, V ft.. ......... Porto Rico, 9 ft..... v..... A. Coffee, 9 ft ..... b fi c 9 ft- Ex. C 9 ft Crushed, 9 ft-- SOAP Northern, 9 ft- ...... SHINGLES Contract, i M...i o 00 & 00 00 00 & & 11 00 a 00 loa liia 15 0C 50 50 Common, fi M , Cypress Saps ft M. . . . Cypress Hearts ft M STAYED W. O. BbL, fl H ... 60 18 00 00 00 00 00 08 11 00 8 00 6 50 5 90 0 00 1 00 1 T5 18 38 R. O Hhd., ft M. Cwress. 9 ' Ml.... TALLOW ft .. TIMBER Shippin Mill Prime, ft ! Mill Fair, ft It ,M. 13 00 900 1 00 600 400 500 M 23 80 Common Mill ... Inferior to Ordinary, ft M..i. WHTSKir Northern, gal..M North Carolina, ft gal...... WOOL Unwashed, ffft .. Washed.lt ft.......... .. WIE.ffIlNCTON MONEY MARKET bitthto. KBUaNS. Goid Par. 103 Kxchange (sight) on New Totk, disct' Baltimore,.... X " Boston V " Philadelphia, ........ X Western Cities, ....... X Kxchange 30 days 1 fl cent. Bank of New Hanover Stock.... ...... 1 , First National Bank........... Dawson Bank Wilmington Building Stock,.. ........ i 1 100 ' 85 f 70 i 100 95 i 120 I i Beuiu - ........... Nav&ssa Guano Co. " ... N. C. Bonds OldBx-Coupon. Do. Funding 1866... . Do. '. 1868... Do. New .14 6 6 5 1 . Do. - Special Tax Do. to N. C. Railroad .49 f W. &. W. R.R. Bonds 7 ftc (Gold Int) . 100 Carolina Central is. R. itonds, 6 fic. Wil. Col. A Aug. S.R. " Wilmington City Bonds, Sftc....... " " 7 ftc....... : .-' " Old 6ftC;.. " " new 6 ftc. 8 fic 30 .30 .65 .90 .60 j ! .60 (Gold Int) .70 ( " " New Hanover County Bonds, 6 ftc 90 (Gold Int) Do. " do. W. A W. Railroad Stock 6 fic. ..60 (Cur. mi) 7U North Carolina R. R. " . ....40 Wil. Gas Light Co. ST' Wilmington Cotton Mills... . .......40 Have You Seen the Kew Wheeler & . , Wilson. Sewing Mackine ? ; Have You Eead their New Price List ? rpHB WHEELER A WILSON SEWING MA . J. CHINE has foro many years been the stand ard of excellence among Sewing Machines, that no thing need be said about the new Machine more than it is the BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE that the Company has ever made. Remember that it is not economy to buy an infe rior machine at any price. The Wheeler & Wilson IS NOW SOLD AT SUCH PRICES THAT EVE RY BODY MAY BUY. . Send for descriptive price list. We keep a full line of attachments and other goods to be found in a First Class Sewing Machine Establishment. j .' I - Repairing and putting on improvements on old Machines done by a thorough Machinist, as cheap as it can be done in the best shops North. ; A full line of E. Butterick A Co.'s reliable Paper Patterns constantly on hand. Send for catalogue. WUSKLKtt X WlLiSU IN Jft'lTfcMCU. No. 28 Market Street, f - - ' Wilmington, N.'O. oct5tf The Piedmont Press, ; HICKORY, N. C. i ! IS THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN CA tawba comity, and has an extensive circulation among merchants,-farmers,1 attd all classes of busi nessmen in the State. The PRESS is '- ' WIDE AWAKE DEMOCRATIC PAPER, I and is a desirable medium for advertising in Western North Carolina. Liberal terms allowed on yearly advertisements. . SttBscriptioa $2 i 'advance Address , u; i 1 : j - "MURRILL4 TOMLINSON, l-j mar 2fi-tf ' . Kdityrs and Proprietors. THE MOBNINO STAR BOOK BIND RRY isflomplete in ail all its appointments, and iaia charge of one of the most skilttul wbrkmen In the State. All kinds of Binding executed neatly, cheaply and eroMitlonslv , j MISCELLANEOUS, 1 BROWN & KODJDIOK, 4 MarRM' ilreet" r v;;i r. - SUBMIT TIlB5'jFbzb WING !.-! n.ni i ifi?ii.s;..'' Price ; iList la order to prove to our friends and the public that . WE SELL our Goods 011 a ; YERT SMALL margin fHom! cost, : 'f-o'i , ;; dcpenduigeatlrely ,. i . on the1 quantity sold tcj make up our returns, know ' i J. lug hy past experience that ;,. LOW PRICES! is THE ONLY sure method to ; . & . , " obtain our object. ' , ' i ' .' V 'US' J it f ." -M. ,; ). Black Gro Grain Silk, worth $ 1.75, now $1.25. Black Silk Velvet, $1.75 up', Buitable for; Bonnets . . . - ...... . .i ... j . . ; and Trimmings, . ! All col6rs in Alpaca Dress' Goods, 20c to 37ci All colors in Worsted Drees Goods, 20c upwards. Matelesse Dress Goods, 25c upwards, ; Knickerbocker Dress Goods, 20c upwards. I MotOedfiuitinss, wide, 25c; ' ' Black and Colored Cashneres, 50c up, ; j SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! A Beautiful Line NEW STYLES.! BLANKBTS, $1.75 a pair toflO.CO. CALICdES, 5c8Jad8c. V Tweeds, Cassimeres, Kentucky Jeansc, For Boys' Weari ; ; :- Our variety in this line is ;largo. -Our prices begin ' at i4 cents. , . Pelt and Balmoral Skirts from 5Cc up, . Hamburg EdgingB and Insertions from 5c up. They are acknowledged by ALL to be the Cheapest ever opened in the city. . ; : . Neck Ruffling in great variety from 10c up. . Neck Ruches 3 for 5c 1 . i .... Gears Wamsntta Shirts, Ture Linen Fronts, 75 cts, sold everywhere for $1.00. ' SPECIAL BABQ&INS. KENTUCKY JEANS, slightly spotted, 15c Re member it all washes out and 1 he former price was 35c: - '''' Remnants of Dress Goods closing out at 15c. Remnants of Nainsook Plaids and Stripes VERY LOW. BROWN & RODDICK, Oct28-tf 45 MARKET STREET. IMew Arrivals. . We w Arrivals. I SHALL OPEN , ; 1 I ' On Monday, October 15 A NEW ASSORTMENT OP t DlUiSS GOODS, UN GREAT VARIETY. i -, .' Extra Bargains in CnsunicrcB, ' ALL SHADES. j JULIUS SAMSON, oct li a 43 Market Street Parker & Taylor r ARB NOW RECEIVING THEIR ! FALL AND WINTER STOCK OP , . .. COOKING and HEATING STOVES, HOUSE PURNISHING GOODS,. ; , , WOOD and WILLOW WARE, No. 19 South yront St , ct ,27-tf WILMINGTON. N. C. Mallard & Co. ; Are receiving daily i rX HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, 1 Vnpirma-q and TRAVELING BAGS, all grades, and sell at astonishing low prices, wholesale or retail. 1 Manufacturing and repairing at snort notice. oct 14-tf . jno. a oouLa r ront ou StaU-Fed Beef, &c FINE STALL-FED BEEP K at 8 to 12V cents per pound PORK, LAMB and VENISON, for sale by T. P. 8IKES, "Citizens Market." on Market street, oct 26 tf between 2d and 3d. South Bide. Just Eeceived, TrfJWDKRBD SAGE. IT CAYENNE PEPPER, HORSE and CATTLE rOWOKKB Paints, OUs, Varnish, Window Glass. $c. Xoi sale &t GREEN & FLANNER'8, Druggists, nov 8 tf Market Street. The Lowest Prices ! FRESH GOODS! wVfi,OUR, $5 to $10 PER BARREL, 300 t-AncascsCANNKUOOODS, OUU CAKES and CRCKERS, bbls Kenned BUG Alts, - . . ; rjr bags Java, Lagnayra and Rio COKFEES, QQ cases WINKS and BRANDIES. j OA firkins and tubs best BUTT.tt.it in me worm. L v Price reduced to 35 cents per ponnd. HWI? Q A TTG A flT? on1 from the West airect. Large Beef Tongues at 93c. GEORGE MYERS, 11 and 13 South' Front Street. nov4 tf . ' i : . .. Guns and Pistols, ; CARTRIDGES , SHOT, POWDER for ferecch Ioadinsr Guns. Shells. Wads. Cleaning Rods, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Bags, Dog Calls, &c. A large stock and very fine assortment of the above Goods, and LOW PRICES,; can be found at the Old Established Hardware nouec or ' .. . . . JOHN DAWSON. ' V nov 4?tf 1 1 9, 2p & 81 Market street.-, r Tne Little Slop Aronnd tlie Corner JS THE PLACE TO GET ! ' ; I SADDLES, HARNESS. i ' WHIPS and COLLARS "fc "V. Made or Repaired. Cheap for Cash. ' N ext to Southerland's Stables. HAYDEN & GERHARDT, nov 4-tf ' Wilmington," N. C. wv--' Pall Fashions. MRS. VIRGINIA A. ORR HAS RECEIVED and is now using the LATEST SHAPES for : La ' dies and Misses' Hats and myites a call from those who have heretofore entrusted her .with their work. She is prepared to alter old styles and fashion them . into the most modern shapes., j ' v ' White straw tdyed black when so ordered and In: best style. ij t I -a RESIDENCE One door east of Front, on Church Street. oct 14-tf 1 MISCELLANEOUS i THE "STAR" ; ' ,- - ": ' ' ' ' .'- STEAM . ' . JOB PRINTING-! BOOK BINDERY, -AND- BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM H. BERNARD, PROPRIETOR, WILMINGTON, N. C. BSTTHE ONI.YJ ESTABLISHMENT 111 THE : CITY HAVING Ail of these Faculties Combined The Rent AMortment of TYPES, PAPER, CARDS and INKS. Skilled Workmen -IN Everv Department. Not the Lowest Prices BUT- As Low Prices AS ANY Other Establishment POB THE BEST QUALITY OF WOKIi. PRINTING, RULING -AND B 1 1ST 3D Z , OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. EXECUTED Promptly and Skilfully. Improved Machinery -OP- SINCE ADDING St earn P o we r . "We are enabled to fill All Orfters with Qe Utmost D s atcb mi'-. MISqELLANEOUSj H. T. Heimbold's Concentrated Fluid Extract B TJ O 'HTJJ The Great Tonic Diuretic ! . IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB " BRIGHT'S DISEASE, AND A POSITIVE REMEDY FOB Gout, Gravel, Strictures, Diabe tes, Dyspepsia, Nervous De- ;v: blllty, Dropsy, Female Complaints, w- ,v .; Non-Retention or Incontinence of Urine, Irrltationi 3 , Inflammation, or Ulceration 6f the : ,- Bladder or Kidneys, ' Spermatorrhoea, Leucorrhcea or .Whites, Irregular or Painful Mensea, Bearing Down, ' Chlorosis, Sterilitr, j And all Complaints Incidental toFemlea.l For Stone In the Bladder, ' Caleulns, Gravel Or Brick Dust Deposit, aijd Mucus or Milky Discharges, and Diseases Of the Prostrate Gland. ; ' OWING TO SPURIOUS ARTICLES ' R AIMED UPON THE . PUBLIC FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS, ON THE REPUTATION OF Mt PREP ARATIONS, I AM FORCED TO MAKE f RADt-r CAL CHANGE IN Ml Ji ABELS ANDjWRAP- FERS. THE GENUINE, FROM MY ORIGINAL RECIPE, IS PRINTED IN CARMINE INK, AND PREPARED BY THE H. T. HELMBOLD; MANU FACTURING CO., BROADWAY, CORNtR 17TH STREET, NEW YORK. . 1 j II. T. nELMBOLD. stspt lg-D&Wly GLENN'S SULPHUR $OAP. A Sterling Remedy for Diseases and Injuries op the Skin; A Healthful Beautifier of the Complexion ; A Reliable Means of Preventing and Relieving Rheumatism and Gout, and an Unequaled Disinfectant, Deodo rizer and Counter-Irritant. f . Glenn's Sulnliur Soar, besides eradi-: eating local diseases of the skin, banishes de-r fects of the complexion, and imparts to it grautymg clearness and smoothness, j Sulpliur Baths are celebrated for cnrinir eruptions and other diseases of the skin, as well as Rheumatism and Gout ttlenn S Sulphur Soap produces the same effects at -a most trining expense. Ihis admirable specific also speedily heals sores, bruises, scalds, burns, sprains and cuts. It removes dandruff and prevents the hair from falling out and turning gray. Clothing and linen used in the sick room is disinfected, and diseases communicable by contnet with the person,- prevented by it. The Medical Fraternity sanction its use. Prices -25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 CatM). 60c. and $1.20. . NJJ. Sent by Mail, Prepaid, -on receipt of price, and 5 cents extra for each Cake't- - t HILL'S HAIR AND WHISKER DIE," Black or Brown, SO Cents, j C. S. CBJTTESTOProp'r, 7 Sixth At.,I.Y. ang81-DAWly eow Fr ' c. WEST & SONS' ALADDIN SECURITY OIL, THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL IN USE. Warranted 150 Degrees Fire ; Test VATEK WHITE IN COLOR. , Polly Deoaorlzed ! v Will Not Explode. HIGHEST AWARD i AT . : : ; . ' Centennial Exposition, For Excellence of RIauufaelttre AND HIGH FIBB TEST.' Endorsed by the Insurance Companies SCAD THIS CBBTmCATX Om OT iLU(T. HOWABD FlBX IKBUBAHCK Co. OT BAIATJIOBS Baltimore, Dec 83d,-1874. Missus. C. Wxbt & Sons Gentlemen: Having nsed the various oils sold In this city for illuminating purposes, I take pleasure in recommending your "Aladdin Security Oil" as the satbst and best ever used in our house hold. Yours truly, (Signed) ANDKif W BEIEBI5, President. Manufactured by .'. ; '. V I - C. WEST & SONS, Eaitimore. Try it, and you will use no other. . sept 25-6 en - i . . i We Ofier BoxesC. B. SIDES, Ilarrels FLOUR, Bushels CORN, 100 1000 2000 500 500 . 300 250 100 50 200 500 500 500 5000 50 cet 31-tf Rolls and Half Rolls Standard , BAGGING, Bbls SUGAR, all grades, . Sacks Rio and Laguyra COFFEE, Hhds Porto Rico and Cuba i MOLASSES, Hhds and Bbls S. H. SYRUP, j Tons HOOP IKON, ' Bbls GLUE, . j New SPIRIT CASKS, 3d hand - do Kegs NAILS, ' 4 Sacks SALT, j Tons GUAN APE GUANO, - &C, &C-, &C. For sale low by WILLIAMS & murchison; Samuel " Sutherland's s !sonj . Importer, Manufacturer and Dealar la . t! - BREECH A MUZZLE LOADING GUNS, RIFLES & PISTOLS, POWDER, SHOT, CAPS, CARTRIDGES, GAME BAGS, ' ' And Every Requisite for a Sportman's oltflt. All orders from a distance will receive prompt and faithful attention. ' This Old House is known from the St. Lawrence to the Rio Grande rirers for First Class Goods and Fair Dealing. ,. Guns and small Arms raaue to oraer ana repaired by experienced workmen. . .... ttreecn-iioaaing Ammnnmon a specially. . BAM'L SUTHERLAND'S SON, t . - 1406 Mala Street, i oct tl tf V - ' Richmond, Va. f Prices of Coal; - THfi FOLLOWING ARE LOWEST CASH MAR ket Prices of CoaL Every ton guaranteed full weight, free of dirt, and of best quality, i . Quarter ton i ... (1.75 1 One to five tons j. $6 .8(1 Half ton . . , ; .... . - 3.85 1 Five to ten tons j. . 640 ' Ten tons and over, u noVil-tNov 14 .; , J. Af SPRINGER. - Jack Frost Flour. ' rpflE BEST IN THE WORLD, I , JL For sale by oct 31-tf ; WILLI Aiwa s anwuwu. t RAILjRO AD LINES, General Supts Office, WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA ;Jc AC ; ; :. OUST A R. B. COMPANY, WILMINGTON. N. C. August 4, 1877- ':. ji"f ..Si : Change of Schedule. o N AND AFTER SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, THE following bcbedale will be run on uus toaa: -. - ' r ; 1 Day Express and. Mall Tralu (Dally Leave Wllminston' . . ..... 1 . ;v . J.....' ' 13:00 M. Arrive at .Florence, o:uu r . ol. ,li:30 P. M. . 6:30 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington.. NIGHT BTlPBESS TRAIN (Dally). Leave WHmlngtaa ... I .; J Leave Florence.; ......... Arrive at Columbia...,. Leave Columbia.....'..;., Leave Florenoe..... Arrive at Wilmington 6:00 F. M 9:53 P. M. 1:11 A. V. 11:30 P. M. 3:30 A. M. 6:30 A M. -This Train will only stop at Fleniinglot, White ville. Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, TunmonBville, Sumter, and Acton, between Wilmington; and Columbia.'- a-;-. !.. t.-.-iai-ivj. .-(il v.X Tbroncb Frelctai rraln.(DaIly except Ieav Wi Immgton .... 3:30 P. M. Leave Florence. 3:35 P. M. Arrive at Columbia..... ........... 10:10A.M. Q.uu r. m. .-i. v.' S;50AJM. ..4,j- 10:30 A.M. Leave Florence...-. Arrive at Wilmington PassenGrers for Aususta. and bevond should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. ; - Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charles-. ton andnacon. r, , aug4-tf "" 1 " JOHN F. DIVINE. Oen'I Suo't. 1- Wilmington & eldou RAILROAD, CO. Omos or Ghni. Bupkhiktsndbnt, i Wilmington, N. C, August 4,1877. ( ON AND AFTER SLfNDAY, AUGUpT 5TH. ifm. Passeneor Trains en the Wiimineton & Weldon Railroad win run as follows : Day Mall and Express Train Dally Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 6:60 A. M. Arrive at Weldon J........ ... 130 P. M. Leave Weldon..,.. L... ......... 11:40 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Froht St. Depot, '5;40 P. M. Nlffnt Mall and Express Tralni Dally except Sunday. Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 5:85 P. M. Arrive at weiaoa ........ jwa.. LeaveWeldon.. , 3:15 A. M. Arrive at Wiimington, Frott St Depot, 11:45 A. M. Tne liay Train makes close connection at wei- don for all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and daily; via Richmond and all rail route. . . Night train makes close! connections at Weldon for all points north via Richmoad. . I ti uiin r. uivino, aug 4tf ; ' " General Superintendent. CAROLINA. CENTRAL RAILWAY CO, Omcz G: GEX2&A& BUFSBLNTENDEHT I Wilmington, N. C, Oct 4. 1877. f Change of Schedule. o N AND AFTER FRIDAY," 5TH INSTANT, Trains will run over this Koad as .follows: PASSENGER, MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN : Leave , Wilmington at Arrive at Charlotte at.. . Leave Charlotte at. . '. Arrive at Wilmington at. 5:55 A; M. 8 :00 P. M. 7:45 A.M. . 9:45 P. M. SHELBY DIVISION. Leave Charlotte . . Arrive at Shelby at . . Leave Shelby at Arrive at Charlotte. . . '".' 7:30 A. M. 11:45 A. M. ...J 12:45P.M. ... . ..... 5:00P.M. j. ncse a raui a wiu leave Wilmington. Charlotte ana sneiDy, uauy, except sunaays. Freight Train will leave Wilmington and Char lotte on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and leave Laurinburg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays, i No Passengers will be carried on any except the Passenger, Mail and Express Trains. . : . . I V. Q. JOHNSON, oct 4-tt General Superintendent. POWDER, j pbWDER. Kentucky Rifle Powder Blasting Powder. A Xargo Supply Constantly on Hand, Manufactured by . the Celebrated ' HAZARD POWDER COlttP'r. FOR SALE BY " . . ' j -; WILLABD BROS. dec 14-tf . AGENTS. WILMINGTON,' N. C. A. ABBIAH. . . '' ', j 5 .. . . H. VOLLKBS A RIA N : &, : V O LLERS, X j "' : i : Corner Front and Dock: Sts., WIIiMINTON, K. C. WHOLESALE GROCERS ' - ' ..; ;: XX ALL ITS BRANCHES. Country merchants will do well by calling on us and examining our etock. nov 19-tf CaU AT a H. WARD'S SHAVING ' and HAIR TRESSING SALOON, on North. Front Street, next door South of Daw son's Bank, where you can get your work done as good as you can anywhere in the city. . Shaving 10 cts. ; Hair Cutting and Shampooing 25 cts. each. I have the best Hair Dye in the city, and Can Dye cheaper than any body else. i oct 11 tf '" ' 'CHAPEL HILL,' Sept. 25,1877. npo THE TRUSTEES ALUMNI and FRIENDS L OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CARO LINA t ) -, . . j The increasing prosperity of the University has created a need for a medium through which its ob jects should be made known. To this end the two Literary Societies of the University have ; deter mined to reestablish, the UNIVERSITY MAGA ZINE, once an ornament to the University and State. I ; . - . . ' It is proposed, in' publishing the facts connected with the University, to make the Magazine the or gan through which the historical incidents of the Utate may be made known and perpetuated. At present there is in the 8tate.no periodical of this kind, and the need for one is patent to all. - The contributors of the Magazine will be some of the most prominent and talented gentlemen and la dies of the State. ..-,;.! i , --,! 7 ;:; . -. The Societies liave elected three editors each, and as soon as' a sufficient number of subscribers are obtained, th Magazine will be issued. The price of BubscriptixMkwill oe $2.50 per year. Trustees alumni and friends, the students of your University call upon you to contribute this small amount tev the support of an enterprise, the ends ef which are so beneficial Those who desire to aid us will please Inform us immediately by let ter or postal. - . - - . . - ; .--. For further particulars, address . v ' EDITORS UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE, v sept 37 tf i' Chapel Hill. N. C. TLe :SaLisbUfy Examiner, Establlsbed In 1 8 69. ' ' THOROUGHLY AND IlWAYS DEMOCRATIC. ", r..Printed Weekly and TrKWeekly at $2 and $5. ' J ' i Address 1 ; J. J. STEWART, Je23-t i Editor and Proprietor, Salisbury. N. C. WANTED Any Agemt can make;$300 per month selling oar Magnetic Instantaneous Copying- Book and Ink. Wo press, brush or water used. Send stamp for circular or $3 for Outfit STATIONERS' MANUFACTURING CO., 10 & 18 DEY STREET, laJINSURANCE. Atkinson & Manning's ; Insurance Rooms, 17 WllmlnKtou, N. C.l FIRE. , ij Queen Insurance Company, of England. NorthBritish & Mercantile Ins. Co., of England uv vasuMU , v ii.imvi X. V.K...1 DU. T n . . .M Continental Insurance Company, of New York. Phoenix Hisurance. Company, of New York. 1 Royal Canadian Insurance Company, of Canada "" ': MARINE. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Company, of New York. ; Insurance Co. f North America, of Philadelphia Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. of ilartforo, Total Assets Represented Over $100,000,000. jan 11-tf Fir ei ' llfe Insurance Apiicy of a r 7 7T BYRNE , & CO. Iteprcsentlue over $62,000,000 Asyem ;' C&"OFFJOB7Coinmeroial Exchange Building uri,a bust DUWU ' ' . feb 86-tl t PIEDMONT ft ARLINGTON Life Insurance Oompan Of Richmond, VtrinlH. Over 22,300 Policies lined Annual Income Ovw Sl.500,000 Progressiye ! ', Prosperous I Prompt SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES. SKOUKe nsrVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE ' AND GOOD SURPLUS ' Premiums Cash, Policies Llberm Annual Division of Surplus. ARTHUR f. HILL, Jr., Agent. Oflice for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood. Mea cul Ezaininer, on Market street, two doers west o Green & Planner's drug store, Wilmington, N. C. gltCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security againrt Fire. THE NORTH- CAROLINA IIOSIE INSURANCE COITIPAN1 RALEIGH, N. C This Oemoanv coatiiinea to write VnMrit.M t f. rates on all classes of insurabla property. rosses are promptly adjusted and paid. Th HOME " la raDidlv erowinir in nnhllr f vnr appeals, with. confidence, touisurers of property it .nertuittroiina . "Agents in all parte of the State, R. hT BATTLE, Jr., PrecadenL -C. B. ROOT, Vice President. . BEATON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON 4 MANNING, Aexxro, augl-tf s . , Wilmington. N. C. Bank of Sew Hanover. Authorized Capital - $l,OO0,O0O, Cash Capital paid In $300,000: Surplus Fund 050,000 D IRE C I O U S. JOHN DAWBON D. R. MURCHISON DONALD MoRAE 1 ' h. vollers ; r. r..bridger8 j. w. atkinson c. m. 8tedmak' l b. graingef Jas. a. leae i B. F. LITTLE E. B. BORDER M. WEDDELL L B. GRAINGER, President. S. D. Waixa.cs, Cashier laug SO-tf Morning News PRIZE STORIES! THE WEEKLY NEWS -- of Wednesday, September 19th, Will contain the first chapters of an Intensely inte resting and well written story,; xne Mara Die ifamily, BY 8. G. HILLYER, JR., , Of Cuthbert. Ga. To which was awarded the First Priae of ONfi HUNDRED DOLLARS, offered for the best story founded en incidents of the late war. Tbe Weekly News, in addition to the AGRICUL TURAL and LITERARY Departments recently in troduced, Btill maintains its distinctive features as a medium for STATE, POLITICAL and GENERAL NEWS, and every effort will be devoted to making it a comprehensive medium of information for the people. Its MARKET REPORTS are complete and reliable. PRICES. Weekly News, 6 months $1 .00; 1 year i?;PfkP0BtaSe free- Daily, 6 months $5.00; 1 year $10.00: postage free. i - Remittances can be made by Post Office Order, Registered Letter, or Express, at my risk. Letters should be addressed, -r ' ' t, J. H. ESTILL, sept 11-tf . Savannah, Geo. to Interest. The Kershaw Gazette OFFERS TO THE. MERCHANTS OF WIL mingtoh and elsewhere, superior Inducements to advertise their business in its columns. Having a a large and rapidly incxe&eing circulation throughout one of the wealthiest sections on the Wateree river. It Is considered a most Valuable Advertising Medium. , Advertisers who desire to reach purchasers should advertise in the GAZETTE. It Is published in Camden, Kershaw Co., S. C, at fTiA hAi3 nf nftTfrlHmi nn l-.hn WntATAA H,w af el a year, always in advance. For terms of advertisingrAc, address FRANK P. BEARD, Ed. Prop'r, r nov36-tf Camden. 8. C The Honfoe Enquirer, WOLFE, . THE ENQUIRER IS PUBLISHED AT MON roe. Union county, N. C, .every Tuesday, at $2 00 a year. - The Enqutrxb circulates extensively throughout the counties of Anson, Union, Chester neid ana ljancasier, ana reacnes a very large num ber of intelligent readers. . The merchants of Wilmington will find it to be one of the best advertising mediums on the Caro lina Central Railway, asfwe guarantee as large a bona fide circulation a&anyp aper between Charlott vnd Wilmington with FKBHArs.one exception. 1876. Postpaid. 81.60. :THE .NURSERY. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR YOUNGEST t ItaaAorm Rnnprhlv Tllaatrntwl Send 10 Mnbi for a Sample Number. ' Subscribe Now, and get liie luat twu uuiiiimiD wt uu.o ynu iuj i oct S4-tf 86 Bromfleld Street Boston. Ei Artis, FASHIONABLE BARBER, . : . Front Street, under Pur cell House, WILMINGTON, N.C TTefvJnfrtnff QVir4v r a-n A Oka m vwr4 ry rr nAtiA i-m 'ff'f'V111 ""51 uua v iu emu uiuuupwug the highest style of the art. Attennve ana polite Barbers always reaay to wai upon customers. feb 13-tf

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