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Notices unier head er 'City Items" 93 cents per line lor nrst msernen , ana i cents per una iur ; subsequent Insertion, i w f Advertisements inserted once & week in Daily will be charged $1 00 per square for each insertions Kv ery other day, three fourths of daily rate. . Twice a week, two thirds of daily rate. ' 5 f i NeUces of Marriage or Death , Tributes of Re spect, Resolutions of Thanks, Ac are charged for as ordinary advertisements, but only half ; rates when paid for strictly in advance, t At this rate 60 cents will pay lor a Bimpie tuuiuuuceintuik riageor Deatn. . ,. .- i ' Advertisements to follow reading matter, or to occupy any special place, will be charged extra ac cording to the position oeairea. Advertisements on which no specified number of insertions is marked will be continued till forbid," at .the option of the publisher, and charged up to tne date or discontinuance, . v .( ; - Advertisements' disci tinued before the time! con tracted for hae expired, charged transient rates for the time actually puonsneo. . Advertisements kept under the head of "New Ad' verUsementa" will be charged fifty percent, extra. An extra charge win be made for jiouble-co&rmn or triple comma advertisements. j Ail announcements and recommendations of can didates for office, whether in the shape of commu nications or otherwise, will be char sea as advertise ments.': ."" . -' -- I Amusement, Auction and Official advertisements : one dollar per square roreacn insertion. Contract advertisers wDl net be allowed to exfceed their space or advertise any thing foreign to their regular MUUMBiflOtneas. extra cnarge at iranaieni 'ate8- --y - t Payments for transient advertisements musjt be made in advance. Known parties, oc strangers With proper reference, may pay monthly r quarterly, ac cording i cuumck ; . ; ; ,, 'I Advertisers should always specify fta issue cf Is sues they desire to advertise in. - Where no issiie is named the advertisement ,will be Inserted in the Daily. Where an advertiser contratla for the paper to be sent tohim during the time hi advertisement is in, tne proprietor wui amy De responsioie ioctne jnouuig wi tusv fjsai w mib inrai vbsj. - t Reaaittanees must .be maae by Check, Draft, Foe tal Money order, jsxpresa, or in itegisterea lester. Only sooh remittances will be at tne risk of the publisher. ' - - nrnnmimiMHi, unless ther contain impoi news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of interest, are not wasted; and, if acceptable in every other way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name oi tne autnor is wnnneia. . 4 : , . Cbrrespondents must write on only one eidd of tne paper. 1 By WIlLUII JI. BEBNARD. ,r. ... PROGRESS, The policy ,-4 of conciliation arid peace set jnr motion, an JLST2 wuqn A . & m a. m tS k a - 2. i I IIOTC 4 CrHeff -'vas taken up by tHe Norlieta. fijeje-oilers jjad ;ahoHtioA- to bear'itf proper fruil in due seasorl. -The policy purWeot by the Presiderjt in regard to the' Sooth is the legilij- across the ldjrf-6ha8m.,aIf " thp ' gooof work of pacification and cordial feeling had not iiad a, beginning five years ago the Northern '.--people in would not have-been prepared pruuauiy lur tue &iuuiy auu wudu ''V-l.'-i b:'-'.l A V i -V I inuonai acts oi.xne present, .aaminis-i . . . . ., 1 r.u'i' ' . .. tration, ?itui:--'i it- - - . ,eri( i8 a 7 fresh' evidence .- of pro- cress in the right direction. It wil be remembWedr wbat ii stoim of per- sonal abuse and harsh criticism-burst! upoaChsrles Sumner when he moved, in the United $t$es? Sejiatej ijoC 1872, that the' names of the -battles 6f the1 civil war should "emoired Irdm the regimental colors of te Regular, arniy. He was abused and dHoirftced iwith terrible bitterness. in his own State, Massachusetts, and for awhile he was J actually odious to tnousands ot un- compromising and jpraise . ,hlm4,. feut the physio, first, administetedvcPil872, j has had aY:gooJ&e'Xq Masaacliusetts ,' sustain the President ir convention . aaseoibled -or at Jbfi polls, expf eBd their disapproval of viai'''e"h3'-ilo1ne.t'-.': " IfMri'Satffnerwere now living he would be- much gratified, no doubt, at theg&gqiiisjpry attdevp)Efas' sachuse tts .Ilepublicans ; to-day, and wouldbfr rgre.atly'Jeated at; recent' order ; of the Secretary .oiWt llereafter all . mention of thelattles 'U ' ..... - , ... , . of the war are to "be omitted in future issues of The Army Register. This is an importa?retSfto5-wiil have a good effect.1; Systhe Jbons? rVative BaltimoreJinto senmenJhijthitill boast-, f ol emblazonmentof "the late'f ratii cidat strife-should be effaced." : ;. gS3! William Pitt was once asked what was- the 'ideraiurii ; f ri "llteture. His reply was an exacts copy .of one of Lord Bolingbrokj'au speeches! It. is aB'trt $.fx&Wt deitemi tumrt American porrfics"s " an able financietefl8h6Sae Sfi in America who has anenlarged and ac curate ununxlbaaMial matters his name is, pt known. f3M& $Ah& rPaPHfrv or recQida., of speeches, tr leading periodicars r assertions of wriieisj antagonizing Willi etch oerhepbelieve,, if you can, that any of themSve ouna the truth.- i!Every,!man leflfai ,ir T&ue1dat Morning, Nov. 22, . r - : y- - iZ: N partisans -in that seer m his constitutional and reformatery pC3JMiestera jmbliSrn, abiltty4rffl4rirfinirlBla1-tlW8. EVfiry man in Congress probably, has some financial scheme m soak or ready for the usual msrfmerpof venilatior t is very certMSLWfjl have4osHamiIlH among us in.4hesl lattCf days. It simply iSpcsiblenorriye Irra satis factory conclusion by examining the views haveiraae fifcaKe) I pVeialty. Each 1 TliiriPr IB tfarfl"fHJtT-TT ebWafeu duestiou. appeats .to write" from .itx own aiyoreitiexiai Wnd-poinUfii Mr: SteDhehs has Introduced al which has been referred to rtnmmi ttees. He nronoses to redeem the treasury notes in excheq uer bitf that shall be fundable in r. three per pent- gbdJloSuflrj he;PhTladelfchia TirneSy which is usually twiae andnn- dependent referring d Mr. Steph "There are some trood Doints Id his pill, as there are In some dozens of ' olher bills' Dresented in one or the other branches of CooerMts: the.dlfflculty Is td i ged all i the good points combined and all the bad paints excluded and then to get me measure adoDted. In anv other country it would be the business of ihe finance minister .to preDare and oerfect such, legislation as! he found from his experience to be required, and te submit it for discussion;! but here it is nobody's business in particular, jbut everybody 3 ib general,; not oniy to suggpss, hnt tn intrrtilnre'and 'tiree anv kind) of financial measure that suits his fancy, j It may be sensible or it may be revolutionary; that does not matter much.". . . ... - v r THE PENITENTUBY,, " .Judge Kerr is quoted as -declaring diat the penitentiary is not reformatory. (lie states a fact that la beyond question. If is a robber of the gallows and of the rod, ind an oppressor, of the tax-payer. If taa jod is barbarous, the penitentiary is inefficient. The dread of . being confined within tits walls does not amount to a determent irpm theft and robbery, r Such minds as ire pos sessed by those who go to the penitentiary after the inevitable delays of the law, can not be operated on in such way. owirt and sharp is what is needed. It costs too much money for so weak and inefficient in agent of reformation. Exchange. f We clipped the above from one of our State exchanges some weeks ai ;o I Dut neglected to write the name bf ine paper on ine margin. v e ue- lieve the views of Judge Kerr are correct. Ihe great mass ot tne. con victs do not regard the fone, fiye, ir more years spent in the,, penitentiary as a punishment. . They rathe? enjoy it, as they have . tteraquarters, aad better fare than they get outside. They do not' work' any harder,, than honest men work outside, and w wheb tney are, sick tne piaie pays. i ior; n medicine and the medical attendance v e neara a genueman irom rvooeso county say recently that he heard h- negro who had served his term in tne penitentiarylexpress himself;1 weU satisfied with his experience, thought it a "spendid place1 and -! but Tor seeing his wife and t children' would ike to remain there always. t , M, , As to feeling the disgrace or degraj dation that attaches to & copyicti TRt the scoundrels are as lpnocent of it ai i they are of honesty or remorse. 1 o: many of the crimes committed ndwja days, the whipping-post, "without re gard to race," color,w &cT7 will b bund more effective than good board and moderate work under an oyer- There is an extreme view from the! Southern stand point , that .is; too ex treme even "tor that liiasarot papers tnat nave never oeen aoie to see now anything that is good should ever' be able to come Out of the Republican Nazareth. ,It really appears' that) there are some half dozen grades off papers in'theDemoatro'Toldwhen ! measured by the intensity of exptes- j sion and breadth "or narrowness of views. "The Baltimore Gazette is a paper of marked ability, but it . has often borne -hard pon ..Mr. Hayes when there was-a good opportunity for leniency. It has hot, however, found all evil in. what he has done, but has now and then had an encour aging to say for him. - The fol- lowing is taken from its -issue of the 1 1 th, and it will be seen that there are "Bourbons'' among Southern edi tors, la the eyes of a ; highly respect able paper we have been in the habit of regarding & extreme : o ' of the ancient and Unchangeable Bourbon v says: -ll Air; Memmon bad 'Shaped .'his repealing bill to abolish all the seetionff of jthe law which pension the soldiers who, sought in the .Federal army in the cm) War, be would have done, what pride, demands pf a Southern Senator, and what a-delicate sense of honor in a Northern Senator would. approve." - , y ' "' " ' 1 theeequestriari Statue were so, horrible that tne deeisiorr has been postponed fJ nje-Sir7 loii por-. trait is-, preferableaox aoptjtir: stataef 4 The,.cojthmittee," it is proper t6tatef egar d the models as exhibiting' reSt1 ommi88iojrsri ttoev ffefaijqt al low the tunAd1 mfieirfei pliedlo the exeontiott of 'anv of thrf , odels seufcjuWe wwtrageif i libun lenei&'ionieaerateoote the are right... - arrr - We wrote, hHtff ien, inat ine - DUTfi. JSUwquld not reacu ine senate. : 1 .f lAK.iHi.ii'I 'it K i Hll'lll n.1 1 mcTVuTS "I" TB6 Uemocrals are on the remonetization of the "dollar of thr daddies" and on" the - repeal ofTppnM from ths thpistrict, made Linn off - fcihArarpjrrinvVa n allvTeffpUivefpeecIi inavorjof feingprfpew in thiNortbJ )u (fa6r ofithese XJls than tLire arj IKmo- cratT?Tpapers. ;The JN ew x or k woria XT' and Baltimore ae.3re.olh-in. mregff Tn f HT says U m i8Sorlhf:MthTf k- f -V wi ifaa lands ttidftttbn'nowtt&ritflni?' in both itfanehes.8liiliawo,be8Bi?3i8rseS of. , Blare's, MifaltillHvjrNfax&MVW-. throQgh the Hpuee , in denancerOf palia faerittry pAccfee'tttitf thiriog toe abafence of ftl&flZB' nmher'(of''ilsl' memtiteW the I elections. Ja still locked p up i -tbe.-Sefaate UUUIUilUCC, iWU flKUlUCI9V nflU.U oik tnowdloMiQ favor of ii in its present form, and EwiOff's bill for the repeal of the fesumntion act is still under debate- in! the TTnnsfi. where there seems to be no t diaDO- 8ition to force a vote en it. Both "of - these; measures ire 'pernicious in themselves nd calculated to seriously injure -the busi faess interests.of the couBtry4';, ,;j 4 The regular work of the extra ses sion is about dotie.' arid it would rrb- bably be a wise act if the urliecid ed bilis were at'loweot toi sleep. until khe regular session, and ii the meantime Jet,Congress,adjourn. iThiis far St pas done, but-little goodi and some 1 '-eb il. : A American consul ft has given la most gloomy accobnt of ' Liberia and its disad van tagesV ! The . 5 , Am eriean Colonisation S,ociety seeks tp;11 rebut the testimony ,by iyingwh.a;Bisliop Gitiaveiitand -others, have to sW: But the extracts ' from therri 'do' not set aside the testimony of llie consul w h a ' h aM se i e n Ifo r hi m set f .' X I n " , f ac t, when Bishop Haven. Jprst returned jlie advised the colored people: to let alone Liberia, and we published what Jio said in the Stab. ' , l(The Gpvernor.of; Georgia, Col quilt, nas issued a proclamation in viting the people of that State to ob serve Thursday the 29th inst-i as a dayj'of thanksgiving. Two Southern States hay w)ieefea into line, Geojr- gia and North.tiCarolinat ..iThe sol- niore. pootfd.ence intieaoa othdr In fighting times than in any others,and il is wf JfiltSf the twa States should pray together in time of peace " i ; opjillleury? '.Watterson, of vthe ! 1 i maqequiev a ysuccessiiu. several ciues itf which he has delivered his DriUiant' lectqre.pn tPD.r, v mmsipatiues, uonj icalitiesN n ! Realities "of Southern Life." He ia a man of. unusual clev erness,.writes Tdashingly i - and. elo quently, arid speaks weU,and is, thera-,)teli'etupi'-ju A . lecturer .Hii taienu ara eunquesuonea. f nia judgment is hot always sound u u ; expose the bidden life of ' the fatheij is very shameful, affair. It is an Other; commentary u pon the rotten hess,: of ;lforthern.r-8ocicty wouldl have beenbatLer Jor the old Commoj dores, memory if : he had died a bank rupUt'iHis 'children would ( not then, have exposed theitlown baseness, and j would not have covered their lather's i memory wit ooioquy. : ; ; DOGS AND SHEEP - A correspondent from Columbus county, of the date of 19th instant, writes usatolfows; ,i , ",iT i two articles recently in your valua ble, paper, On f 'Dogs and: Sheep," are the subject. beoreihe people. Let ns have dog ;la wj and let the , law be pressed in.to 'execution. - I '' could havd a: flockof tyro, httudred,badof Bheepi at thia place, at a profit of at than useless ds of the county, pre vent tae;purclPg ''OBJ TJie tax on dogs and the; profits', of sheep 'grow: Ihg ;ehpu tire expense of the gospel and of; tho common!; 'schools pEA the-'State.. If I am correcUy ih f dmfedthiejjgif pettse; of dogs is more than the entire cler gy of the hpnitedU S$jiM-X!pray; I bope1t$-refad tnof e i!edit6ilals,.ih your paper and jn condemnation of tnemiaeraoie, qogf ,jtni8.qounAry. ...' .ai.ii.1 iiif i- .1 1 15 feiK- 4 .-.:ii. 1 wouldn't tnlpd f i. Rut wliat iritamais teeiao1 them en i jhu;, Mali Ataana ri aafc aMiWAn ian 1 ttjiuEiBUi ijiu: aoi !-.rfu 3ia i t- f M(gLP9fci.yiiM-naiiI" i-gooa Bobfcy jtaiJOOlhkWJ lejtt.1nitettltioBrfr' tifev want a reBt from tariff extortions i:!liutj las been piled on 'IcrWdrraQuslj tLat, i ieayTOT oifioj4nri2 rkmksraiatiwr-ha"fcrf rW' deSertiCm tkiflialb kuuiftnlv oi KttWllate,?'iiWHlh and Jollies which the Democratawa pretty Jr mira ta aamniji w.wiimb una wiuturrtng Hepuhlican pi e in good 'maUey, Rep. J shape by anotheiU - Senator Thuimat mself unqualifiedly etization of silrfiuiiixTeaY uTJhe readiness with which;Vandet4 bolt's children - rush 'into co,utt ;aria inatL ueClarea f months fnr nwlnrllinir in in favor or the remon-1 the'UATiSsana1 fi-TrwMrfciyr' Aijaartni-ptrrtn i " on Cbiuenden Hon. Joseph J. JJavis, meinoer or- theH-epe;alf Uie Ruyptich ActJn the'! HtErfust.! Hi sail some god . , V , JU V t . things and made some jr is "" !' ' .. i . t rppm -tor Tml: -- f mea-ion-the -other pi4e) nant 3pM' will f-.nmp. wit mipds" of :pDeo,tQ,e ofthe. Greek' phil6s6ph'e.ri:One. Was anxious iu teaui uio,aoo ,n (" ten So ltis here, at J.feo, twe when our peopje are suffering under, poverr-, ty, crushing poverty aiid bankruptcy,! we are told we are juRt within he reach of "prosprityiiXlogUn-',;'f', iljil say to the gentleman "that when he. comes to me with ,4 a bond, I Will look at it and seo.what is. nominated in the bond. No time is fixed jfor its payment. And as it is payable ip: either coin; or legal tenders I will ay to him,"I will pay you in coin, but if there be one coin cheaper than an other I prefer to pay it Jn thatj it being my legal right."" If he demaqds that I pay him in gold I will sayto him, "here Shylock, here is your pound of flesh .."but if you take one. drop of blooil. by the laws of Venice confiscation and death is the penalty." That I shall say to the gentleman whoi endeavors to exercise terroism over u thrbugh - the? press and his.half--million men. iThegep tleman; from New- York made a re mark iii a spirit which I can hardly think he meaut, when he said: , ? "Why this frantic haste? I am as sured by those who served here whfen the gentlemen who- now .control the House and' the country were on tpe other side of the Potomac , with their gnhs, that no such hurried proceed ings were tolerated." r ,j ' -a; "What is the meaning of that, sir?'' Mr. Chittenden. ' I meant it ad l a compliment. , ; ; J - Mr. Davi8..of North Carolina. 1 1 Bin glad ' to hear ,i t. ; I am'gladj that he meant i$';as!'afCQmpIim glad that he did1 not mean to 4 tirMn old, strife; -that' ho did not- meap,' hyena-like,; to. dig into ! the grave anjd bring dtp the :.dead body, jauasgioat upon its .stench, t I am glad f that the gentleman meant it as a compliment, and not as intimidation. . , . j Mr.1 Chittenderi. ' 1 T used the wrong word;? allow1 me to- correct '-itv X meant to say that I used that as' a bit' of pleasantry; ' u -1 ii! Mr. Davis, of North Carolina. Well, I am glad the gentleman used it as a bit 'of pleasantry,,, Perhapa if he had been over ; here, at; Bull, "Rn4 he would haye'sen something'' more ,ittfv., -''' 1 i ja 'mi af ' '! v' "s,:'f current cannaRT.1 i 'v The' New York 2Hbn?ie. in reply to 'An Old Reader," 'says thai not a single bond is1- no wH outBlandi ing and bearing : interest fort which coin ;is not ?expredy stipulated.1 Then .who ia it that j has right tol talk about "dishonesty" and ."repu-j diatiou," &c.j whentjs proposed toj pay them in MinX as wasBexpres8- ly stipulated?", T Tbe'enemies of 2the Silver bill ' are ' evidently ! robbers ot the most ' colossal and unscrupulous cuaracter. -incinnan . nffujrer,' Dcm; .-.v-"! ;' )(;f' ; ; ; : t v '.T There is every indication that some of our friends think ot issuing a new edition of the Psalin of the Democracy for 1880. It will be Sam. Randall ' instead of Sam. . Tildeh. It is worthy of remark that,1so far as developed at this stage, the four lead ing candidates for the Presidential nomination from the Democracy hail, from within a short hundred miles of each other on the. Atlantic; Seaboard ,t Tilden, Hancock, McClellan, Ran dall, and Randall stands to-day the strongest of them all. t, , He represents the South, Even a blind man ; could see that in the recent distribution, of committees Speaker JBandall was not constituting working, . commissions bnt shuffling the cards, ready for, the great deal in I the National Demo cratic Convention of,l1880.-r-ito-. delphid Fress, Rep. ,.? ... ... ... ;i s .! .1, TWINKLINGS , Boston Advertiser; Best .thing With which to open a dead lock A. skele ton key. ; " " v ' ' - Jjomsville . Courier Joum lence1 way be golden, "but In Congress speech! is silver. : .;- ! ' Philadelphia Times'. The 1 Ras- ; sians havev taken Kara for Constantinople' juy way yi j.sia-iAinor.;-r . ; . New York Commercial Adver tiser: The Japanese aJE Uie. first inhabitant of this world was a woman.. but really we uuu i ueue-xuyQ 11: . , . . : r The 4i:qnght in Brazil has'kille4 eiehty thousand 'catUe 'in ' one nrovince alone, and fifty thousand people are on the t,i- Detroiti.uJff.aii JPreki: Statistics 1 bhow.Xbat the. .number idiots is ibcreas-i CKA JfPW V WVMW .pontyme.ioi bfake War 'on qlack .doctors. What is a htfsaottor forntte kfiiiff tTiii tstik RHiBiy-areBbea-imaBr1 is ' tnirsry in Iticn-lVnd.aDd&river.ofjmud- flowaelWeen! ii oe 'caeemir neais ' or in e iiar-iroi n sf ajUng to tst reshauent'i aqwt y.;v-.ioU aua Buriinfftorii tTatAdV: " 'If? gely remnrks ttitt-Moj. hrothcr of the ew York Herald. If voalickfiboBtsa jnaaui maaespeniaMv if chrpttrJ&ear fe$4s sJtomtd i. Jf . .7 . i . 1 La-ti. v?' 'aklqmoU .v.J-el iiol!oo sit baCiH l jau.iquHK' . .v,r. j uvwiu t)f their sofcrarrrirKfa: f tabic dertfedifcuP4ifitMlJ3i'iatee of ' v. "W.MI .I.IKUU illmg .'Asssociatfon ot We ffive two or three. paragrarihsLnaBBiejuiavi im 9DQ. me saioonr on tne annnmin. atria nf e BtreetL'lt tf'tery exasb'eratine to hear Del n-X' rAvjr tU i i . . . ... I Ik)ttdbn;!uu!i hail ml OUR STATE : CONTEHIPOHAKIBS" Whoevetiha8 succeeded In losing his leaa in if miasi,oi me ieriuieAtireiuvu. . fthahd- f Mr Randall has always Kfipt (Jooi Thoroughly informed in the politi- ai ever amy oi me uauuu, .s l.tandV theSprinciples of tbef Coastituton ! ?nd ther abutfes of misrule, rand trme.fed -Thgart and soul ' by an ardent Democratic spirit, he has kept a nrm rein upon u. fiifl ill unite ineixe forts and orphzei tpei feeonfldent that irrfeted'and section opened froo3It,;:Airy: r -Qfefens- Doro to .yv wningroDj c vuc v mv best paying roads that penetrates IWihninRf ton. ML Airy VmcrfJ ''? ; V)i If. -. r. V':: ll7n8nWli: .;.. 1 1 -f- An Edinburgh clergy man, rRev., Alexander ' Webster, . .thinks daqciog less objectionable than Presbyterian quarrels. - j . Baron . Blanc; Italian Minister at Washington, reached New York btt Fri day, wi the steamship Bothnia, from Liver pool., I : Brown, of "bronchial "; troches' 'notoriety, is the oldest druggist in Boston' He is now .eighty-seven, aud is s hale ami hearty.. . ... '- : du rr- Just forty years! ago the an cient William Allen defeated Tom Ewlng the elder for - Senator, and rnow there Is a chance that be will do the, same for .ihe I-, Miss Mary B. ; G. Tannery ai .di rect descendant of King lledry VIII. , died atLPjerrepont, NYt a ;few days agoj at the age of one bundled and one years and eleven months, t ! t The -'.marriage of' Jonas , 1 1. Lamb to, Mary'Brpwn is: announced in an exchange. A year or or two hence Ihe favorite' lullaliy " in ' that, family may be, "Mary has a little lamb. "Norruitown ller ald. , ' ;'. v ,i', ' " ; Don Piatt says that the Hon. Wm. M. Evarts is the most terrible egoist God ever made to. afflict humanity.- lie will bold yon all the evening on one sen tence and one subject the subject being the Hon. .Wm. M. Evarts. " lt.. L ' Mrs. ' Frances Alexander, the' young and pretty wife of a Michigan far mer, eloped with a circus performer named Dale. After traveling some distance with him she was overcome-with remorse, and committed suicide.by taking. poisun, -, i ' v.?-- Mn John H:: Ingram,'-the bipg raDber of !P6ei is. said fo liiave secured Doh- sessioa of a hitherto Unknown -'romance Bv Poe, 'entitled J4The Journal of Jtiljus Kod man.'i It is descriptive or an imaginary Boatwrifflit &3Xe$m EVEit-'ALIVE Td :I,,L 'V;. yUE. WAKTS OF. ;THE iCOMMUNITX, .it . !U- .viivUi -i.iJ i! r': v' :. a .i ui 'PRESENT' THIS WEEK ' IV 1 i! Unusual Attractions I :r-., j v IN THEIR UNE. : v 1 ' WITH Bfewr Hailed Bnjck Wheat, ' tae finest Creamy &.CiUt-Edged it . Batter, and j if. '-;-' a ' . ti.i Hi yhe Cliofee&i yrupt Aw'w.' i jiVWi,s .o 4 together with the Finest Collectlbn of 1 J Bill '-:lr.i "n Ifc'as and Coffees to h c round in 3.. UK i -koi .--the cltTJ hi .V 111.. ;i si :: -They think bo one will be at a loss to supply a good 4.... .!- i'trii,- j.. ' i- Iff! BREAKFAST. i ... ! Their cejebrated 1 XL KWf A Jtl R. with every variety '.: f . ; of ANN BD - TEGBTABLBS ; : and FIHTIT, . Will asalit greatly , iq the get apiof a GOOD . And their large stock of Finest Fresh PBRSERVKS, JUL- Wltla NOTr I1B OUT OP tLACK ON THB TEA TABLE. .1 ' 1 Whenever at a toes what to Bend home, call npon i. them, and you will be sopplie j at the VERY LOW- B8T FIGURES. H w 5, 7iand 8 NORTH PkoKt T. '1; .nov 18-DAWtfj. vr :i;',w. i 25 FIRKINS OF CHOICE WESTERN J j$&--f;j ; I? J f ouinip-uw rigures. ? (.'H.' , .: ; - fall and er amine If! Bofttwriglit: & EIcKoy; , and 8 NO'ttlrit pttOrlT T. I. ... i.mn xa:- W4ways..-SdffiiBthiDg,r Fowl nCfE W IHCTTINQ, for Scarfs and Veiling j8eouia- th latest Styles in Children'B Fancy Hobo; Shetland' . PTrjwi.jnow ouKxiesjiniie uiacx ana wmto juice' Baarf a and. Tieat Kid -Qleves; , Hamburg Cdginga -kDdznBertingB; porsetB, .Huching; Handkerchiels: Lao Bibs 8panlsh et;and other Fanay Articles., -uu Kuiuoaun oast vaiue in we'ciiy. ' New Goods alwavabainir rerelArf In hn Wiilina. Hay2:Sh.i iiiLffr'i&ittj;:'a.i ' '.'list t:U 1 aiumunuaouueui ointw, ana r ell UOOOB. iTiOW- NFeatIer, tluahAc.'.alwayson blind. " ' i, J CojalJal!" .1iliAUfjicu1aa U' J;t yiii'ts wwlv Hiw :Siiti:fl .tlT A A TnitilCniUiniTIE miT. .m9liU'U. . Try jftaMjywtwtlrwautmoreeloniisJrJ 1 innnn.nii Nefinnt)rrun.7i. UC. Wl -U1D UJuwuv. that if all who are interested in the MkAiry bd OA Ai j'ii)! COAL.. .acfeHljiii Mrty.fy&UlWi&U flyeslngraicSI 4 t . i. Utl3-tf - - i Wl ira wbfiT.'1 '4' e. t1tN WKIK'pOAY, TH1 aiax lite resident J on the corner of Fourth ami. Queen Ut. "t liLv.lflck. noon, the underslgnei Ad- miBistrators of Elizabeth Haulsey, will offe :tbi , , . , .-TrarrjamoLD and v .HO PBfH'fT.ibelo: het c'alcl Elizabeth Baulsey, " ci 111 5 t ,nnii ri-nv . . . Mm mn 1.111 1 .jh a vt. . nil 1 i!OV.StfJ strawrf. ' low w Sale" of "J Tiv VTOTTTK AND IIaUKlJaNC3i.9f, km power contained in a certain MortgageJJeed, ekech reisiereu iu iuo iw""-" . . -. - .T..u sell 4o thftshtehest ;biddCT,4atJ,ubUtma6 for 5iiTt,inHtire on Market .wreetpcenpid by , Administrator's jSaleJ 5 'Siiit?. IT., at 10 o'clock, ON Tuesday; the zttb imhi-., ai ioo-cfx;s, A. Jtf at the Store on Market Streetj where my intMUiA fnrmwlr di4 bnainesB. I. will -selfc ta the owww irnciv juj Wshestbidder. at Public Anctioa. for cash, alB the Administrators' Sal i ' ' ' ' ' """"" CLOCKS,. JEWELKX, Bi4.vPn?nnjl,';.1T . , 1. S f rS . , l eavens and ! GOODS PLATED WA11JS, SC new m paiu, ciuiic, naiimnworai miu oniier-n wurai, UdailieB, Whim- and conveyed by BatdMort?agaJ- VJ1liiJ i- J J eical, Strange Curioeitie, Witches and Witchcraft ana conwyea py bhui m j s nUGGISi 1 V - j PreanTs, SuptrsmiohfiTl.bfmrditteB, Fabalons En , . iirt'i. t - i Trt Tn "' 'Morteaeee. , , 1 chantment. &c .In order that all WATCHES, JEWELEY, SILVBBtd PLATED I aide Visitor, (enlarged) Weekly and Monthly WARE; CLOCKS, &c. belonging to, tbeKstafe of I LareesI Paper n the Wrld. with Mam' iiv intestate, the lata Thomas W.-Bwwn. i 1 i:!lmoth8tfdHtcFiev Big'CommiBsloas to AmmuT , . ., . : . ,.. , , . j - 'A 1 T THE' SAME TIME AND PIACE WILTJ IF J. desired, RENT TttE fSTORE,;with or .without Fixtares. until October 1, 1878, or same cam be I oatuvi for a term f var nnon fttinJicatioa to CKOMLY & MOKK13.ft.nctTSJ t-tock and Real Estate Broke. t. poy.S0 eodU ; u h SaT.c Th iV.Lt WATCHES. JEWiLRtf'iNtt OTHEB AR tlcles left for' Repairg with 1rtet'utfeSrsign'ed', inot called for by December, 3d, 18i7,' wul W Bold jfor IU1U J Ul !ON. ' r- repairs. T.W. BROW! ONS nov 20-eod2w - .TaThSa ADMINISTRATOR'S-NOTICE ;"THE UNDtR signed having this day qualified as Administra tor upon the estate of T. H.Lafria,dec'd., hereby notifies all persona having claims against the estfate of his said intestate to Dresent the' same ta him Ion or before the 10th day of October, AJ. 1878, or ibis' notice will be plead in bar or tlielr recovery. AH persona indebted to. said1 inteetate ;are fiiereby re quired to make immediate payment. , j - ,- ci i - JOHN 11AAR; JATAmlntstratbrl ' uctoDer lutn.r,, .oct il oawuv TtT7.i. FRESH f-ti -jummTT T3L.W1-.-. I FfiESH '' CELEBT M"GA.BBi(iES. lU.EUsEITEi'SOaiHEE Bunker Hill" Fickle: IN PAILS, tP sbPERlro'R WltlTY. . . ...-. - ..i Ji v !; i .1 Pat np expressly for FamUg ConveaieBet andcijn ire SflTTV rwiil'',f'';' i . -v EXTRA LAYER FiaS.'&'all stie boxes, it I ; V 3 lb Can8 FISH CHOWDER, , '! FRESH ASPARAQCB in Can's, ; il 1 s- EDAM and CREAM CHEESE, and" A;?all Line. of CANNED GOODS, t . Tl;--ll 'X ' ft h ttx"-"1'-" fM" , w v? w vuwvu w aoy.ssi t M , jj ... .i y I - ,.' M , 1' -tl ill Apples..;,;; Apples. 1AA BARRELS THE FINEST A)l w sil uA-i -Yt k'M BATmOAPPLEsj The celebrated . j.i-j,!)'.!;. id :! ia 2 1 , : "1 -..i t,, ii7mAfiiH WTa Hflvf a4im I . I . V A - iavM(5 -vna. 1 iuiliDf l Pailt! ErkcTEl) ; j; ,: ; ! u noy l-trfi&WL ej t BEIIFORD; LOBB CO'.t: i ITT: Jl TI T T5 1 rtT.T UTIT uuucrmacr uuu mnwuroa maacr, , (Next door to Schatte's Farnitite Store,) XT AS CONSTANTLY dN ttANli 5A:'FINE JJ. Bortment of COFFINS. CASKETS, and everv ; thing pertaining to his line of business. tFurnitare J cieanea, varmanea ana repaired.- novll-tr For Hardware Specialties r(OTO JARORT'S- VX - For Household Hardware. Uilr.U .5 flo tftJmRPH I - f For Hardware d evert describtion,- OOtoaACOBi'H 41 T A. T- . . ' N. JACOBI'S Hardware Depot, ... ,nov20tf ' - . r- - XV. IU DUUIU IlVUb BIXU SpCCESS UNPRECEDENTED 1 ln: the 'history' of Kiiuuitr enierpnees aas aLcenaeu ine , Publication of the . : - s ! PHIL ADE JiPHIA ! WE E S,;M.ME S, THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST AND BRioHTEST vWillUSi.Y.,lN TUB ONION 6 COLUMNS OF THE CHOICEST READING, embracing all that goes to make a FIRST iCLASS LIVE WEEKLY PAPER.- ' ' ' ' 5 tar-Tlie Urand and. Distinctive feature of TBB WEEKLY TIMES, that has Droved ao nonnlar in tue pira, win uts conunuea mrougnout ine year, Viz A Series f Chapters of the unwritten History Of the LatCi ar u From Leading Actors in the GasieUtld Field, - in T.na n nrnm rannn nnn Knnrn - Th 1 H fptn f th pniT.anitT.pitTA. amtrirt.-c-- : riMa aione wm make one oi the most "entertain-. ing ana instructive voin trier on the UN w KITTEN . KKi;oituoi tuk iiATK'WAK that Batr ever these contribution twill be written from the varioaa standpoints of lh . Irsapefcave authors and over their riroper nani'es.' 1 . One Cony. $2. JiveCODiesi. TeiiCaates ;i!L wen ly copies zxo... ...-,.. , Suft :t,..i:. 1 AsBXTRACWPYwnibetBentFiraE to anvner- pan sending $15 fot adttb of Ten.'er for a Club pf. Twenty,, t;y bti i;liffi;Kiii. till itU awiK.i .,ii TRY,THH, WEEKLY TIMESVti? By uniting with a few ' MeBdSnd . Adkiife up ' I lub of Twentv. vou will- each pet tha WKKl-Y. J mica rpr one year. Dostag4paUL by pa,. lor the; , tOW- PRICE of - $1,157 ITat anyHmiurng thej , f ear.yod are distatislleo' with vhe Prfper; senff t6 US' 1 ind we will return yoqr tioney.iU vaf uo at1"1"' Xa inl! i - " : .!- Sill lliil -it-l PaUyATimesrf A First42lasB andebefcdt'-lfom Uhlhrtln dniversaUyfluoteby tM. Vnm odluireepie a' Geaiafe ntetata;- wirent a oeHAddreli i inms fuauu-n ruu.DLi iJuiiarH vuar. or l.wannooa aawe.r vi;cyoaHi,taMunoti B 1 1 1 I . m . BUttiireatoiiBUiuuonin wnxwefB,iroja.waiev,r cause arisiirg. FaihirelTntbe8lbIi5'Beverad vtrtisert 4lttoJteiacsSedTe4!PttdBtmt are useless, and. AnaUVrivMe.ralnfeucdvMixfieiiaaM- m natever nas merit must eost,a lair price, per icaaqaiAni pyjxpress aayweerr. BoLavBeirt, o ate Wyffly1 Br. 1. A PPJjESf BolaftltB T4iralpnd-X!aS8ai?9. I M'i' J Jl I il. ;.J1 LJjI "-vlU Curative; Pads ! - A anre cure forTORPlD LIVEB and all diseasM ariaing therefrnt, Lnng Kidney, pine, Bladder Womb. and. all female. irtaeases, CHILLS and' FEVBK, Ooativencsa, DYSPEPSIA. Headache Our LI VEKLUNQ and AGUE PAD, p. KIDNEY and SPINAL PAD, $3. Pad for FEMALE WKAENBSnsd j We Bpnd them bv mad freeoarftpcintf.f-.. ' ffdfoe8S-B.y,SNYD O. ' a week ia your own town. :Tnns ami ; ALLETT, CO.. Portland.Maj V7AWTED ? it e. FOR PAU'tfCTitAR E COMP. 8oa TtrnnrIwT. New Vork.OitT? " - cnicaga, 111.; wew Orleans, La.; : ,,;.;n.rrX3ySan:Francigco. Cal. . , WONDER VPOKiUblVDEH. , Given, Away A atrange. myt-te lone and moet e traordinary b6k, entitled THB BOOK OF WON- rious book, the nnbliahera have resolvnri away t all who desire to see it AddresB by Doetai 3AJ)DRI Mil card, V. ULEASON &i CO., 38 Washington btreet! i Bdsion, Mass. - ' t - w' m m-c u MCI - I I I i ..: V41VA.VJ-Vu4- i XxXJ J I in' their own localities, canvasains Tor th' u EKr, Angu.ln, Maine. "lK ' &1 O A PAY AT a0M1-, Afiente wanted. Oni ftt aad. terms tree.-' A 1 1 n i.0 fXTRAFINE MIXED OARD8, with name U I O eents.y poet-paid. L. JONES & CO. Nas- $55. Pianos only $130. cot $650, Cir. Free, D.F. ueauy.w HHningtnn, w.., fi td 9ft day' -Horner -samples worth 5 (PU IU g)4U freq tSTiNSOH fc Co., Portland, Maine: .cksQXi's Best, SWEET HAVWHBWI-NG TOBACCO ! was awarded tlie highest piUe. atentennial Expo sition for its fine chewing qunlitie?( ihe excellence and lasting Character of its sweetening and flavor-' ing. If you want the best tobacco ever made ask your grocer for this, and see that each plug bears onr blue strip trade mark with the Words, "Jackson's ,Best,"odlt. -bold wholesale' fcy Sal! jobbew. Send for sample to C. A. JACKSON & CO.. Mamifrtn- rfra, Petersbarg, Va.i Ji 'i1-1 ' novs-4wi&w -r- : " . ui 1 1 I j - .! I i ii ... . . , TT A TrtTraTa The advertisers would give W AJjI X X!JJthe Sole Apencvof their . lebrated Old Stock Ales and Porter, in the wood oniy, iq a good responstMes Wnoieaale' -Grocery or Liquor Jd on se in Wilmington, We to consign to them ad they ta toll at - a price . to cover invoice cost and expenses. Preference wiven to hnnsa tht have cmBtomere who deal in Ale and Porter. First uanuuuicuiuucii x wru. wny .reierences reqmred as to the responsibility -of applicant 1 Our Ales have an excellent reputation at the North, and .wish to nave ioem muroancea fcontn. Aytdytn person or by letter to X. c. IaYITlAN Al rn. i Brewers and MaUters, 518 to 539 West - oct 21-lml)&W 33d St. New York Citv New Xork j - . SHOOTING-1' GOAT. nU .1. ... ij STYLISH, .HANDSOMR pA?J ; L - , , t , - f i "First plass in every particalar. Pleasant to wear, durable, and in the end the cheap est MADE OF BROWN TETVETEEN. Pockets ana Linine made to take ont. so that it may be worn for early fall and winter shooting. Horace Smith. Esa.. savs : "It U mridea of a Shooting coat. I have worn them for several years. and will have none other, "j i, -i "iceior coat, f 25; vest, $6.5X5 Also. V I y the one grade, as the cheapest goods d ? briars and will not give satisfaction. Price for Coat. $25; Vest, t6.51i Also, the best l mase on i do not torn 'Also, in addition to the abdvfc. Iain matins a Waterprosf Canvass Suit, cut same style as the Vel veteens goods, not stiff and hard, bat soft and plea sant to wear: guaranteed to turn water. Hoortsmen who have seen it Bay it is The Pest Yet Coat $6.50. For full Suit, $14.00. .i - u i i , .7 - I also make the Sleeveless foa1; Vest with sleeves If desired. - . '; -nRnles for measurement and samples; sent upon application. t . . P.1 X. SHELDON, I. ct25-D&Wtf jRAHWAY, N. J.: SHARP'S- :-'i M ETALLIC CARTRIDQBf, MILITARY, H0NT- liNUAND "CliSEDMOUR" ItllTLKS iXGEL ALL OTHERS III ACCU- ' . KACJf. STRENGTH AND. .. .i H"o Premature Diroliargai vsr 'Occnn- Every Rifle warranted ,af good, shooter Calibre 4d, 44 and 50-100 b'fian inch, and of any desired length. Charge ef powder from 50 to 105gralhsls'Weightot balls" from 220 to. 549. grains, Stock,,, plain j also Pistol grip and checked. Sights: plain; jQlobe and Peep Sights; Vernier with teterehangeable from eights . and Wind-gauge.. , Every variaty of am munition for above gunB, constantly oa hand. t s,'. Prfcca TtbiTk - $30 to $125. sept jil-D&Wtt .. .. Bridgeport, Conn. SPORTING DOGS. AJREEDINQ KENNEL OF tA, C. W ADD ELL. ; (Formeily of Newjersej), ','.,.;.. c, "ED IN A, KNOX COUNTY, MISSOURI. ; . ' L : ' 4 ' ' ' '.' : -: " - u j i t J. i The Finest Strains of .--v f SETTERS POINTERS, SPANIELS AND OTHER .j,, ,,,, SPpRTIN DOGS, : ; Bred from both Imported and Native Stock, at mo derate prices. ap 10 D&Wtf 'SPORTSMEN'S Oil-Tanned Moccasins ! v boot MobdASife 1 shoe1 packs; v1i ,l -; laADIES' MOCCASINS, CAMP SLIPPERS, , ; made from carefully selected stock, in the best man ner, at price to-amt the times. . . , 1 , send for circular and Price Lists. I S f I i v o. 'Doiatii,' 1 . octlT D&Wtf TT f "Tv wv r S Dover, New Hampshire. 1 Shot-Guh." t r TTm nr -r r. . -r t-xti . TTATQ k-Vj ALTERkH T'feRECftAbiNG. :i? 01ariif& Sitefdar, f KM 214 Wejt PratC Street,, , . ; Sendfp Catalogue . .dee 22 DftWtf I lj'.? llNQLJSH,,IRISH AND;-aOBBOit'6ETTER8, - ' J.- -f t if the Choicet Breed. wi& guarantied itedlgreeB. For sale by . . tf.l ulttt I.WWMf, nov 7 D&Wtf fYoTk,JPeBn. -1- N. A TEDEIAN, Jr., iuEkBETHTOr, 1 BL1ADEN COUlTY, W. C.. lofilao-Ui BtalrL' ta Brick BulldWg, eccupfed hf Illnaldl & Co. , , , .... . .MT- -YJiJ. 1-. , Ibpeci&i Attention to Claims. uorecuooB w 'nf um in ii nnwonlfi' marta 1B" triVB rw'i- - rwtthout suit Drawing Deedsj Vi' 'li-.fi Hi 'i - y t j.i a h ap o-u XTJ A KOHV. itt II tit vou I M trUSld 0?iifl f J JioTl ffl 1

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