lb: i r onunjg Star. THBOfc&jBEBfTEEMAN. WftTO WAS HARD TO PliEASK. '' 1876. - Old farmer Bices mostly sadly said. As eke he scratched his snow-white head, ' "My craps is mighty sum tins year , I'll starve to death 'fore spring, I fear. Why, wheat is worth its weight in gold, . And corn aint to be bought, I'm told. ; Its just my luck when grain is high To harvest craps in thin supply." ' 1877. "How's craps f Why, blast the cussed luckl As how I gets 'emin at all The harvest is so big this fall! More wheat, more corn, more oats, more rice, - Nor can we sell at any price, i . The market's full I know too well I'll starve because I cannot sell." ... NEW STYLE LITERATURE. The WasUlBKton nonneement of 'Capital's' Au New and Rare Books. Valuable books now on hand and ready for delivery: Heioitt on Djot- Corn, This is a very useful work, indeed, being dyspepsia in print. Evarts on Evarts in nine handred and ninety-two volumes and three sentences. This work is a library in itself that no public man should be without. It teaches him what to avoid. ' Conkling's Ado ice to the Almighty. Satin surface, gilt edge, hot pressed, and bound in calf. .. . A most extraordinary work. . Butler on Silverware. ' . Very costly. Hon. Pig-Iron Kelley on Inflation of the -Lungs. A very remarkable book and cheaD. Hon. Tom Eicing on Parliamentary Laic. Quite rare. Hon. Sam Randall on How to do it, This work has won two prizes at ag rieultural fairs. ' - Baxter's Call to the Unconverted. Tlrisnew edition of an old. classic shows how, if one asks, much t will be given, and is of immense value to sin ners, it proves. God's salvation reaches even the provost marshal's ofuce. Hon. John P. Jones "The Damned Dutch lramp ir : - CJomif illnatratoil wiiK na 7.i t -mr - . - w . 1. vwito - assays oy jucuieuan, marcy, in gal la, ana U. r. onMotb, Mold, Mildew. ...j nr.. ii. . ' . ' uuu wv aier n.epeiiania. Rich and rare. Hon. Dick Thompson on Navigation ot tne Komao bea and Church Mil itant with dissertation on canons of the church (principally smooth bores;, and a learned dissection of the rope's toe. Bound in calf. -I he Vaoderbllt WU1 Preparlno: ror a , ; Lng ConUit. . . On Friday -the taking of testimony for the contestants in the Vanderbilt will case was continued before Surro gate Cajvin. Pr.l wis A. Stimpson was t.hft nrinrtmal witnAm Wa toat!. r - r . ' . tnony related, entirely to tue post mortem examination of the remains of Commodore Vanderbilt, made by himself and other physicians. The immediate cause of death : was peri tonitis. Dr. Stimpson was a very un willing witness, and . tried to escape testifying by pleading professional privilege. The Court ruled that he was bound to testify' '"It was deci ded to aflionrn nntil Tnpnrlatr i.ha A.t.h ,i r -rv i j . bwuiuw) auu tu uiccii vtcij Tnesday, Wednesday and Friday for vm nctio iruui iiiai uaie. mr. Clinton at first suggested two weeks, bat Mr. Lord thought that the :Con testants might - need, at least that length of time to' introduce their tes ti mon y. Mr.dinton rem arked that his side might dot need to call any witnesses but Mr. Lord . shook his head ominouslv as he replied. 4Then von dnn't Trnnur what, tho fi. 9 .j . uw v,. i ITale Students on m Spree. -t New Haven Palladium. A large number of Yale students attended the dance at Tarn ball oa Monday night, and one of the results of their attendance was a disgraceful fight, in which the students came off second best. The trouble appears to have arisen from the refusal of a stu dent to removffliis hat while dancing, at the request of the manager. The manager tried to remove it, and a personal encounter followed. Very soon the fight became general. Seve ral students were ? badly beaten, and black eyes and broken heads were plenty on the campus yesterday. The police came io and arrested a number, utiu court yesterday the offending, parties could not be identified, and tne minds of all witnesses seemed mixed on the t subject The cases were continued and will probably be dropped. Those arrested do not ap pear tobethe ones who started the fight, but those who sailed in after ward. bOQj j ." 'mum t - - The Great Walkrnk'.JPeaCiV'-''-':?. The extraordinary -feat completed at London bn J Saturday night,- by Gale, the Cardiff pedestrian walk ing 4,000 quarter miles in 4,000 con secutive periods of ten minutes each is Without ; parallel in athletie an-i nals. 'Compared with" it Captain Barclay's historic 1,000 miles in 1, 000 hours a , feat -i frequently dupli cated, .since, and lately, we believe, even by an English .woman sinks into the grafdd of minor performances! Robert Skippper's 1,000 half miles" n 1,000 half hours was not nearly ai remarkable a performance as this of Gale's, because the length of : con tinuous sleep' possible at each restlns interval was-, much V greater. 4 Gale's Previous feiiV ot 1,500 miles Sn' 1,000 consecutive hours was also unprec-, dentedIrj aot0le is the real Car-; "in ianti "The Capital:' -A little boy spelt forei noes; go, go, go, go. Uless fcia little ?oul j WHOLESALE PHIOES. H-Our quotations, it saouid bonhiinmtjvui1 ,n reseat the wholesale prices generally. In maldng kp small orders higher prices have to be charged. BTICLXS. BAGGING-Gunny.. ....... .... I 00 e ux 00 6b IS I . ... :o 14 O 15 9 oo io WXO 15 '8k . 8X 1XO 8 2X(ti 8 00 O 1 80 -00 a 185 oo ; io 26 8 00 to 10 IK' ,M & 14 00 '15 O SO 35 O S3 t5 O 43 XO 14 13 14 - ' 13 O 14 15. . 16 . 15 O 13 33 80 18 O 33 17Q 81jtf 8!) O 82X 3 6a 7 - 00 It V5 A) 20 ; uoaDie Ancnor. DonWeAnc.hnr "A" BACON North Carolina, uubb.1I atnewj..'.....-..,.. Shoulders, ft J. ......v..... Sides, N. a choice,? 8. . - Western Smoked uams.. ..... Sides, tt.. Bhonldi lers..... Dry Baited Sides Shoulders .......... ...... BEEF Live welirht " BARRELS Spirit Turpentine. DtniDQ nana, eacn. . New New York, each. ...... New Citv. each " 10 . BRICKS Wilmington, " ii" 1'. Northern.. , . BUTTER North Carolina. V MWt bUVl U .......... C AND LBS Sperm. 9 B Tallow, Adamantine, tt t CHEESE Northern Factory V i vairy, creamy State. S COFFEE Java. lk ....... too, V ........ Lacnayra. B t CORN MEAL v bushel,)? sack COTTON TlES-3 B ... Yarn, 9 buncn BOGS.. i FISH Mackerel. No. J. bbL..i 18 00 8 50 13 00 T 10 8 53 3 75 00 00 0 00 650 700 8 00 7 CO 7. 00 7 75 8 50 & 80 00 & 10 50 Ho. l, y X bbl Mackerel, No. , 9 bbl. ... Nc, Whbl .. Mackerel, No: 8. 9 bbl Mullets. bbl..... N. C. Herring, 9 bbl DryOod.W 13 50 7 50 9 00 a 800 O 8 50 6 25 6 75 7 50 9 50 725: 7JJ5 8 00 875 FLOUR Fine, 9 bbl..., Super. Northern, y bbl..... Extra do. " y bbl Familr " " y bbl City Mills Unpr. , y bbl... Extra, y bbl.... Family, y bbl.. Bx. Family, v bbl . FERTILIZERS- Peruvian Guano, y 2Uiw t)a Baugh's Phosphate, 44 Carolina Fertlllaer. " 44 Ground Bone. u . Bone Meal, 44 44 Floor, 44 44 Navassa Guano, 44 Complete Manure 44 Whann's Phosphate 4 44 Wando Phosphate, ' Berger A Bute's Pbosph. " Bxcellenza Cotton Fertiliser 67 50 O 63 50 00 00 O 60 00 50 00 & 65 00 00 00 Q 40 00 00 00 4500 00 00 & 67 00 55 00 & 65 00 00 00 67 60 00 00 O 7000 00 00 7000 60 00 O 00 00 55 90 60 00 9 O 15 75 77 630 65 . 60 623tf 73 & 74 50 60 85 90 4 5 10 11 1 15 . 1 SO 1 12 1 15 1 00 1 10 75 80 GLUB y B GRAIN Corn, la store, in oags, Corn, cargo, w ousnei.. Corn.mixedS bushel. Corn, wholesale, la bags.... Oats, V bashel Peas. Cow. bushel.:.... . HTDBS Qroea, V HAY-astern, 100 ton.'.'.'. '.' Western, w lou ma , HOOP IRON ton ... LARD Northern, f ft North Carolina, V LIMB bbl. ..v... 10V U 00 12 00 1 25 i LUMBER Citt bTaaxSawao Ship Stuff, resawed, m M ft. Rough Bdge Plank, M ft.. 18 00 80 00 00 00 15 00 14 00 18 00 18 00 85 00 13 00 16 00 Westlndia Cargoes, according coauauiT. m n Dressea Flooring, seasoned.. Scantnng and Boards, com MOLASSES-Cubahhds,' gai ' 0 43. ffiMf1: ex : . M 00 00 00 40 3 90 17 1 10 .. 90 80 S5 16 60 50 000 45 44. 47 5 89 ; ' 31 , 80 ' 8 65 145 100 40 V 80 85 80 75 .1 - -44 bbla '. r t . i - auear uouse. uiaa. m eai. I : bMa. gal- l&F&JFhXm-xvzr I "S4r,4-1TO. OILS Kerosene, 9 gal i&rd, gal. Unseed, gal..... ' Rosin. eal.. POULTRY Chickens, live.... ' 44 Spring. PEANUTS bushel POTATOES Sweet, bushel. Irish. Northern. S bbl 3 50 PORK Northern. City Mess 16 00 16 50 00 00 0000 oo oo a 14 oo Tiiin. y DDI.. .... Prime, V bl Kumn. V DDI 00 00 13 00 R1CB Carolina, 9 6V 7 Kaatinoia, y m Rough, 9 bunh -r- 00 60 IX IX 6 00 80 00 00 00 wx .- P0 . DO 00 HX 5 4 OO, 3 60 6 50 00 ; 75 . 2 . s ; 3S 75 85 85 ! ii 101f 1 is RAGS Country, ft - City, ft ROPE SALT Alum, fl bushel... ....... Liverpool, Tsack,cb l-.O.H.. . j 8UGAR-uba, $ I PortoBleo, ......... American, sacs I a uonee, v C : . Kx.C SOAP Northern, 9 t SHINGLES Contract, 9 M... 6 6 00 800 uommoB, v M.... .......... Cypress Saps M. 00 00 .; Cypress Hearts M I 9 SO BTAVB3 W.O.BbL.M... . 18 00 O SO 00 00 00 O 00 00 00 00 o 0000 08 O 00 11 00 O 13 00 8 00 & 908 850 a 700 6 M & 6 00 0 00 O 400 1 00 O 500 1 75 O t M 18 & S3 S8 St 80 R. O Hhd.. X... Cvpress. V M TALLOW- TMB An. M. &M........ . . ... . . - VI aim rnme, w j muirair, w m... Common Mill. .'. I ' Inferkwo Ordinary. IK.... noisaai iNOixnerB, gal. wwluS. W:": I wasnea... WIL8I1R6TON 1SONEY flARKET 1UIUS. tniiiss. 103 . Xdisc'f' .H 44 X 44 X 44 Qoid ..... . .1. Par. , Exchange (sight) on New Yotk, ....... v . ituamore, Boston,. Philadelphia, Western Cities Exchanee 30 days 1 9 cent Bank of New Hanover Stock. ....... .. 100 ' 85 70 100 95 120 I "rst Nagonai Ban. LniwBonisanjr.. w; n Building Stock... M. Navassa Onano (io. N. C. Bonds Old Kx-Coupon .....14 Do. . Funding 1868.. 6 Do. 44 . - 1868. Do. : New...... 6 - Do. Special Tax 1 : Do. to N.C Railroad .s...49 W. A. W. R.R. Bonds 7 c (Gold Int) . 100 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 9c. .30 Wil. Col. A Ang. R. R. 44 . .. .80 Wilmington City Bonds, S e .65 44 44 7 c 90 i 44 44 ' olUe.....60 new 6 8c. nds, 6 60(QolInt 70f 44 44 New Hanover County Bonds, 6 We. ...90 (Gold Int) Do.- do. c....60(Cur. Int W. A W. Railroad Stock 70 North Carolina R. R. 44 . WU. Gas Light Co. 44 . Wilmington Cotton MUls .40 .57 .40 Have You Seen the Hew Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine ! Have Yon Read their New Price List ? THE WHEELER A WILSON SEWING MA CHINE has for so many years been the stand ard of .excellence among Sewing Machines, that no thing need ee said about the new Machine more than it la the BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE that the Company has ever made. : i Remember that it 1 not economy to bny an Infe rior machine at any price. The wheeler A Wilson IS NOW SOLD AT SUCH PRICES THAT EVE RY BODY MAY BUY. Send for descriptive price list. We keep a full line of attachments and other goods to be found in a First Class Sewing Machine Establishment. - , . Repairing and putting on Improvements on old Machines done by a-thorough Machinist, as cheap as it can be done in the best shops North. A fall line of B. Batterick A Co.'s reliable Paper patterns cotmanriy on nana, eena ror catalogue. . V;- WHEELER A WILSON M'FG CO. - , No. SS Market Street v ' oct S tf ' ' ' ' : ' Wilmington. N. C. THeM Jieonfc Press,: HICKOKY, N. C, T8 THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN CA X tawba county, and baa an extensive circulation among merchants; farmers, and all classes of busi- t av. u . mi DDVaa i A v uwin ill nw OLaic. - j. ua i lunoa w m WIDE AWAKE DEMOCRATIC PAPER, and is a desirable medium for advertising in Western North Carolina. Liberal terms allowed on yearly advertisements.-w; sA . SuBScrlptUMl (3 in advanced Address ' - MURRILL A TOMLINSON, i mert-tf4! Editors and Proprietors. THE MORNING STAB BOOS BINW- A ERY is eomplete In -all all its appointments. ana is m enarge oi one ox tne meat skuiiui workmen in the State. All kinds ef Binding executed neatly, cheaply and expeditiously. MISCELLANEOUS. I BROWN & RODDICK. ;- "T- -. .--r-.V;:: -rfi-.-it "J... v'.V''' $-' jjj OWING TO TUB : SUCCESS AND SALKS CON- , . SEQUENT UPOKTHK., ; ". LARGE REDUCTI01IS we havo made upon very, many special lines pf uwud, w Daw aeciaea to " p add the following , wrtorspeitaiBantata which excel In attractiveness and cheapness any thing we have yet offered: -n: r t ( v. NO. 1; A varied lot of DRBSS GOODS, in Serge, Eepp and Alpaca Mixtures, 15 cents per-yard. : (Every one away below anything we ever offered before.) ' OUR DRESS GOODS DEPART- - - 2IENT - " " is replete with all the Novelties, and at prices that cannot fall to meet the approbation of alL - Black Cashmeres from 0 cents to $1 50; Worsted Fringes in all the p pular shades ; , ; -" Black Silk Fringes both cheap and handsome; ! f Galoons, Braids, Ac, &c; s BLAJNKBTS from $1 75 to $12 OO; . ?V j Flannels in White and Colored, Twilled and Plata; also full line of Opera in Plain and Plaid; i FELT SKIRTS from 75 cents; Balmoral Skirts from 50 cents; rii Caaslmercs for Men and Boys' Wear cheap; Kentucky Jeans from 12 cents; i j LADIES' S BUTTONKID GLOVES 15 cenU 0n j Black, Dark Colors, White and Opera Colors); GENTS' "WHITE KIDS 75 cents; ' " '" Gents' Black Kids $1 00; ! Ladies' Guipure Lace Scarfs 3 00 and $4 00; ! 8panish Luce Lace Scarfs $150; ' :.' 1 ' Also a full line by the yard; . .t , , ; . Neck Raffing from 10 cents to $100; '','( Neck Ruffs from 1 cent to 5 cents; 1 CALICO ES.5 to 8 ce ' BLEACHED COTTONS. I Amoskeatr Bleached Cotton. 8 cents: i 4-4 Fruit of the Loom Cotton, 10 cents; . j 4-4 Androscoggan L Cotton, IO cents; - .' ' l; " 4-4 Wamsutta,l3X cents; , - . , , ;. Pride of the West, 14 cents. ' : 1 A full line of Unbleachings from 5 cents.' - BROWN & RODDICK, j novll-tf " 45 MARKET STREET. ; TT A ATT7'T7'T'0 I ; .. -ii 2Q0 PB" 1 BLANBETS, . 200 PR BILyK QRAY do. ! CLOAKS, l1 ALL THE HEW and FASHION ABLE SHAPES, ; Cloths and Casslmercs, 1 j A COMPLETE STOCK, WHICH WILL BE SOLTJj ' AT POPULAR PRICES. . .-, V r JULIUS SAMSON, oct 14 tf 48 Market Street. Crockery. CRATES ASSORTED CROCKERY 60 - ; On Consignment and for sale low. ' Also, a full line of GLASSWARE, LAMPS, Ac.- Examine before nurchasing elsewhere at J. STERN BERUBR A OO.'S i ectll-3m Auction Store. 11 Market 8t ! We w Arrivals. New Arrivals. I SHALL OPEN On Honday, October 15 A NEW ASSORTMENT OF DE E S S f GO O p riN GREAT VARIETY. L Extra Bargains in Cashmeres, ALL SHADES. julius samson,' ' 1 oct 14 tf ' 43 Market 8treet ' i i i Cheese. Hams, &c. JEDFCHATEL, PINE APPLE, EDAM, YOUNG America, English Cream and Dairy and Extra Cream Cheese, fresh this week. IXL Hams, Beef Tongues and Smoked Beef. ' SHELL BARKS AND A FULL ASSORT MENT OP NUTS. " l Try the Delmonico Club Whiskey at $4 00. . - . " . : . . Sweet Mash Whiskey at $3 00. j For sale only by ' ' ; ........ . , GEORGE MYERS, 11 and 13 Sonth Pront Street ' novll tf ' -; t . , ' i - : - ' : ' ' :' : Bagging, Ties, Hoop Iron,oYcy ' 100 Hol,B and Halr RollB cl BAGGING, ' -' ' 300 BandleBOf 00TTN TIES, : ' ! " HOOP IRON, ' 00 Kegs NAILS,- ; '" . : B4rel,0, QUJ, ' 0 r 'rlOOrJ I -a jv ta DTTarna 1 : 1U , A ' 10 ' " SAM1BU BEOWN.i.UL i ; 0 44 copperas, y . -? ' -K .j 50 , , " kerosene oit; , 300 B&,eBef R'' oct 28-tf &outheast comer Front and Dock sta. ; .... ... ... ... t . , '..,.. -ii 'I'jj , .... OFFICE REGISTER OF DEEDS, -y NEW HANOVER CO.; N.C, ; v WILMINGTON, Oct. S), 1977. Eene7 at Onco. ttf' ETAIL LIQUOR ".DEALERS', 1 "WHOSE LI- censes expire on the 81st of October, are heteftty .. .., ..... . , .- s notilledthat they must RENEW THB SAME AT qNCE."-- ' t: JOS. E. SAMPSON, oct 81 tf . , Register of Deeds. MISCELLANEOUS; T'HEf STAR J I ! i I 1 r j . ij i . 1.11 1 t JOB PRINTING- .. i.f i I vt :. r.n-..:-. .. ' .,.w.. i !''Lw - ''U,i'i t o r r tt tkt t tj tt . UVVA. JJ XXX X Jil X X -AND- BLANK- BOOK iriANiFAcrroRY. - i WILLIAM H. BERNARD, PROPRIETOR, I " yrfll'flIN QTON N C tSTTHE ONLYgl 1 ESTABLISHMENT . IN THE CITY HAYING All of these Facilities Combined Tea Beet Aeeortmeut of TYPES; PAPERt CARDS and INKS. Skilled IVorkmen -IN Every Department. . ( Not the Lowest Prices BUT As Low Prices AS ANY Other Establishment FOR THE BEST, QUALITY OF WORU. PRIlITIlIGs RULING -AND OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. KXBCOTBD Promptly and Skilfully i ' ? i i v, ( j,t I Improved Machinery 1 t . i t -OF- - I. ' t a '' tzjtfbS ADDING - " : ; r Steam;Ro7e r '. 1S. Hi2-hj1 i .tt. ,T Jif -. ;, i,- ,i..ii'.iHij.'u-'...Mii , ,: -t j All ; Oriers t iti tie Utmost D.scatci ' 'I v.! s.l - MISCELLANEOUS,'. H.;T. Helmboldfo Coacentraffed Fluid Extract i " TO t IB,. TJ"; C XT ! Itr.- The Great Tonic Diuretib ! s -r - 1 - -J V ' ' i IS THB ONLY KNOWN' SBMBDT FOEi , ?f . ... ,....,: a . t BRIGHT'SDISEASE, , I AND A POSITIVB KEMBDV FOB Gout, GraTeIt'Slrlcttirc8, i tiale- tes. Dyspepsia, i Nervous De-j , blllty, Dropsy Female ' Complaints' : Non-Retention or Incentinehee of Urine, Irritation,' . iimammauon, or ulceration or jne Bladder or Kidneys, Spermatorrhoaa, Leucorrho or Whites, Irregtfat or. Painful Menses, Bearing Down, ; ; : " Chloroais, Sterility, ' , 9And all Complaints Incidental to Females. For Stone in the Bladder, .. t-rR Caleulus, Gravel or Brick , Dust Deposit, and Mains ; . i r Milky Discharges, and Diseases of t ; , " . . . , thq Prostrate Gland. :!- .' . ;. OWING TO SPURIOUS ARTICLES PALMtD UPON THE PUBLIO FOR THE PAST FIYK YEARS, ON THE REPUTATION OF MY PREP ARATIONS, I AM FORCED TO MAKE A RADI CAL CHANGE IN MY LABELS AND WRAP PERS. THE GENUINE, FROM MY ORIGINAL RECIPE, 18 PRJNTBD IN CARMINE INK,' AND PREPARED BY THE JL T. HELM BOLD MANU FACTURING CO., BROADWAY, CORNER 17tH STREET, NEW YOHK. ;1'; ' . ' 1 H,T.UELlXBOLD.i 8ptia-UAWly SULPHUR SOAP. A Sterling Rehedy for Diseases ajj ' INJURIES OF THE SlUN; A, HEALTHFUL BEAUTIFIER OF THE COMPLEXIOW ; ' A i Reliable Means of Preventing an Reueving Rheumatism and Gout, and . an Unequaled Disinfectant, Deqdo. rizer'and Counter-Irritant. : i ' Glenn's Sulphur Soap, besides' eradil eating local diseases of the skin, banishes del lects oi tne complexion, and imparts to it gratifying clearness and Bm'oothness. ' f : Sulphur Botha are celebrated for curing eruptions and other diseases of the skin, as well as Rheumatism and Gout Glenn's Sulphur Spop produces the same effects; at a most trifling expense. This admirably specific also speedily heals sores, bruises, scalds! burns, sprains and cuts. , ;It removes dandruff , and prevents the hair from falling out andj " turning gray. j Qotlnng and linen used' In the sick room is disinfected, and diseases communicable bvi contact with the person, prevented by if - -'; J The Medical Fraternity sanction its use. Prich -25 and 50 Cents per Cake r pen r t-iv "i n.-it,-.r. ann at o r DOX-liS 0.?-??), 0iJ. and $7.20. - - N.B. Sent by Mad, Prepaid on receipt of price, and 5 cents extra for each Cake. HILLS HAIR AHD WHISKER DTEi Black -Bmvm, Cents. . II C I. (imtaj Sixth 1y.,I.Y. aug 31-DAWly eow Fr C. WEST : & SONS' ALADDIN SECURITY OIL, THB BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL IN USE. . Warranted 150 .'Degrees . Fire ': Testi WATBB WHITE IS COLOR. ; i Fully DeederizeJ! ; sjt. Will Not Explode. : HIGHEST AWARD : Centennial Exposition, For Excellence ot Blennfaetnre AND HIGH FIRE TJSST. Endorsed by the Insurance Companies RKAD THIS ClBTIPICATB ORB OP MAHT. Howakd Frax Iksubamcb Co. oof Balttjcobb H.Hmwi 1W Q-l A -tarn rt in a .mmuauiv, MU, loa USUB. nIBT ce dons Gentlemen: Having nsed the various oils ma in mis aty ror illuminating purposes, I take eleaaure in recommending, your "Aladdin Security U" as the samst Airo bbst ever nsed in our house hold. . ,- Yours truly, (Signed) ' ANDREW REESE, President. , .' ' Mannfactnred by '','' ?f t C. WEST & SONS, Baltimore ' Try it, and you will use no other. . , -eept85-m'- - - ' . ' Samuel . Sutherland's 'Son, Importer, Manufacturer and Deatr In ' . ' BREECH & MUZZLE LOADING GUNS, RIFLES & PISTOLS, POWDER,' SHOTv CAPS, 4 i : : PAPTffmnvg nivvnind ii if- 'ii And Every Requisite, for a Sportman'a Outfit. All orders from a distance will receiva nrnrnnt and faithful attention , s-s j $, This Old House is known from the Rt Lawranr: to the Rio Grande riyere for First Class Goods and Fair Dealing. ,: ' ..,. -.-X-i-..-. . Guns and Small Arm made to order and repaired by experienced workmen. J" :- - . Breech-Loadlnv Ammnnltlon h imerialt"'" " . .- HAH'L HITTHHRr.A-NflVM M1N .-' -! octiltf Richmond, ya.. f FallPaBliiOM ! i T . -vU-ti , 1!al -l !!-.: dill .Hi'-" .J.i ! TITRS. VIRGINIA A. ORR HAS RECEIVED and ;iU is now ualag the LATEST-- SHAPES- for La dies and Misses Hats, and invites a call from those who have heretofore entrusted her with their work. She Is ore oared to alter old atvlea and faahion them Into the moat modern ebinrie ir - n ' ;- wnwesiraw ayea eiaccwnea o ceoerea ana w liEsilENCKnedobreartof Front, on Church eireei. . - s oct i-tr 1 Sundries A T A BARGAIN TN BTORB AND TO ARRIVE. XA. We will sell to close sundry invoices con signed: - t 85 boxes TOBACCO, 9, 10, 1 .and 1 inoS, I :'. i ..? choice brands--' .v f; v. i 1 0.000 lbs. BACON and BULK MEATS; Hams, j 110 boxes Soap and OLndle4' - ! 70 bbla. Fork, Mackerel, Herring, and Mul i lets. ' ( .vi.-'v'?'--V t-'f.i -Mf-i- ) ! ' 4S bbla. FLOUR. Fatapeeees. ! SO boxes Soda and" Lemon CRACKERS. 0pexauWTrKaandLAM; Jr7 . ; ; , Consignments are closed out without reserve. : . y We execute, order ;aU deacripUons of Xerchandlee PSSMZ. - - - ii-' urti Bii Brokers and Commlaeioa Merchants, nov 18 U i Next North Princesa and Water sts. - BriclM ! ; Bricho f ij n-tf LARD BROS. jk j - ' ! i PRESCRIPTION FREE. T7IOR THE SPEADY CURB of Seminal Weak JC ness,Lost Manhood, and all disorders brought on by Indiscretion or excess. Any druggist has the Ingredients. Address Dr. JAQUES A CO.. Cin cinnati, Ohio. feblWyDAW MISGEIiliANEOW. General' Sup'to Qfilce, " HJtTAj R Ri COMPANY ' ,i MVlUllNGtON. N. C Nov. 10. 1877. Change of Schedule! rN AND AFTER SUNDAY. NOVEMBKR 11. VJ the following Schedule' will be taa on 'this Koad: J,'.i.i", -. - ' ..... - .: ; . ..-..! i Day Express . and Mall. Train (sallT Leave WUmlnh...'i:.. , 10:44 A M Arrive at Florehce i. t ;C. . J . . . i : i . 3 :17 Pi M. LeaveFlorence.. ..',. ..ii-.... 1:30P.M. Arrive at Wilmington..... ..a.. . 6:40 Pi M. lISHT EXPRESS T B. A IN (Dally. Leave Wilmington .....i. ... 7:35 P, M. Leave Florence.. ............ 11:20 P. M. Arrive at Columbia.... n .. . .-.....- 3:50 AJ M. Leave Columbia. . I. ...... .... ...... .12:50 AJ M. Arrive at Wilmington. ..,.;..'... . . . . .8:45 A M. This Train will only atop at Flemington, White- vme. jr air ciun, jn.anon, Florence, 'iimmonsvuie, Sumter, and Actoa, between Wilmington and Co- Throush Frelsbt Traln.(DaUr except sanaays.) 8:10 A.iM, 1 feaveColumbia.'..'.... ' 1J:15 A. M. LeaveXloreneeti.ii'.i-j..,!i'.i;w:.'.'j- ii " 8:00 A.M Arrive at Wilmington..... -.. 4:00 P 'M rassengers ror Augusta, ana oeyona enouia take Night Express Train from Wilmington . Through Bleeping Cars on night trains 1 Bight trains for Charfea- A. rOFKLG. P. At JOHN F. DIVINE. f4e'l Sup't. nov : 11-U - Wilmiton RAILROAD CO. . k ....... i. i . 1 .; .; '.ill ' ' ojroa oy em sWKaarrtjroBHT, li i w t . j i s WilmlngWB, N. M tfeT'. 10, lfst7. fj ail tXtli.lf. fcUUOJ fH AND AFTER SUNDAYJ NOVEMBER 11 VJ 1877, at 12:45 P. M., Passenger Trains ente wnmmgion a w eicoc nauroaa win run as roiiowe: Day JTIall and Express Tralu, Dally Leave Wilmington, Front St Depet, at 9:05 A. M. Arrive ai weiaon 4 : 3:io r. m. Leave Weldon....:... -....i....-, 11:45 P. M. Arrive at Wilmington, Front St. Depot, 7:C5 P. M. Nlcbt lllall and Express Train, Dally ' excepfe snnday. - -"-v : i , Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 7:05 P. M. Arrive at Weldon.... ; ;.V.i 3:90A. M. Leave Weldon.. y- . .... ' 8:35 Ai M. Arrive at Wilmington. Frott St DeDOt. 10:25 A. M. '; The Day Train makes close connectfon at Wel don for all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all- ran route. ..- . . j Night train makes close connections at Weldon All A t. I - TI T 3 ' Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains. ' -' ' A. POPE, a. P. A. i JOHN F. DIVINE, Oeneral Superintendent novll-tf x - CAROLINA CENTRA RAILWAY COi t . r '. ' Wu,hingt K. C., Oct. 4,1877. Change of Scheduled IN AND AFTER FRIDAY, 5TH INSTANT iTaina wiu run over this Koad as follows; PAS8ENQER, . MAIL: AND EXPRESS TRAIN: 1 1 Leave iWIlnungton at 5:55 A. Mi I f,$iSs?2e .-.VaVsrc I Leave Charlotte;--..7: j ArrlveatWllmlngtonat........,:.. 9: :45 A.M4 'SHELBY DIVISION. "I Stm eShelbyat.i.i.Aii.A..;.-....... 12:45P.MJ T rt l.-ii. ... 7:50 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte!. . 5:00 P.M. These Trains will leave Wilmimrtnn. nhariottW: ana oaeiov, iauy, except Sundays. - Freight Train will leave Wilmington and Char lotte on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and leave Laurinburg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. ' -1 - ' . j No Passengers will be carried on any except the' Paesenger, Mail and Tlsf mis -Trains, , .-.'i - u V: Qj JOHNSON. General Superintendent j oct4-tf POWDER. J Kentucky Bifie Powder Blasting powder. JDeer Powder. A Large Supply Constantly on Hand, Manufactured by ; 2 ;-! : :: the Cclcbraied ' K HAZARD POWDER JO!IIP'Y. ' 5""FOR SALE Bt ;k ;: WILLaRD BEOS. dec 14-tf AQBNTS. WILMINGTON. N. C, . . .. Mrito- -e ;&. A. aSBIAK. . ' H. TOLLZBB AD R'I'i? SA t O L Lt!RS, . Corner Front and. Dbefc Sts;, . WIIiMINGTON, N. C. ' Country merchants will do well by calling on us mq wauniaa our eye. . - : nov la-tr ! A T C; H. WARD'S SHAVING ii- UJL .vt J -U- wandHAIR DRESSING SALOON: ion North Front' Street, next door South of Daw- I have the best Hair Dye In the city, and can Dye cheaper, than any body else. : .. . , ; ,: i: opt 11 tf ; Iftitice ! ift Notice ! IVING JJST A.. . I t Mil ' a - k? COMPLETE 4 LINE OF iosieiry & IJnderwear, I INVITE THE. ATTENTION : xi OF OUR PATRONS TO THE STOCK, AND ASK AN EXAMINATION BRffORE PUR. ! CHASING EtiSEWHERB. :J DAILY .j BECEIVIN&t NEW i! GOODS OF THE I - ' ; : MOST SELECT S j JULIUS septlM v 'UJiW , io H'l :4n MARKET ST. Jl h(ll U'm Otlrtl l.MiWi-. t , II aiiic "J bAA: Bbls,ani:Ha& Bbis W.OUR, :";" :f ; " t9A3oxpa BACON, nj'-V); 7V BiisBubAR,'i ,,, u,.;;f ! -U i CA Bags COFFEE,. i :I .iCA BpxesTOBACCt); i : ! : W)iy .itK'if. -iiSdiiRS' r'T.i-'r m : Byrup, Butter, Cbeese, Lard, Shot, Snuff, Candy. Soda, Ac, for sale at Lowest Cash Prices, by GORE GORE, Wholesale Grocers and Com . Merchants, nov IS D&Wtf : Nos. 2 and 3 South Water et I -'ill : t nl-uJ '-"-".WJl' son s rank, wuere you can get your, work done as Igood as you can anywhere in the 'city.: Shaving 19 eta. : Hair Cuttinir and Shampooins 25 cts. each. S INSURANCE. Atkinson & Ilanning's ; : . Insurance Rooms, Ro i BANK OF NEW HAN OYER BUILDING. ; f WllmlngtonN. C, A FIRE. Queen Insurance Company, of England. N orthiBritiBh A Mercantile Ins. Co , of England . Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. - National Fir Insurance Company,' of Hartford' Continental Insurance Company, of New York. Phoenix Insurance Company, of New York. Springfield Insurance Co., of Springfield, Mass. Rojal Canadian Insurance Compacy, of Canada B1AR1NK. , , , Mercantile Mutual Ins. Company, of New York, lasuranee Co. of North America, of Philadelphia ,' . LI-E. . ' , . Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. of Hartferd. Total Assets Represented Over $100,000,000. Fire' and Lif& Insurance ; Agency cl ' J. A. BYRNE & C0.7. .? Uepreseutlns over $62,000,000 Aaaeu ISOFFICE Commercial Exchaige," Building North. Water Street. - : ;, j . A , S ;,febs.vtr ' PIEDMOKT J SL AEinTGTOH t v'. tuviiuiuRa, virainiH- L. ' T i it ' :-JH 5 - , ; t? :' -3 if " t r ., tii :' Ji.ti v Over 21,300 Pdticierlssmed ' .Annual Income 0vr $l,500,(Xk to -X Iw i ProgressiTe ! . Frcsperoas ! Prompt " !; i . -i5,5 j. ..i i.- ..sill' . SMALL EXPEN8BS, f. SMALL LOSSES. SBOU U k INVBSTMENTS, AMPLE KSSBRVfc , r, . AND GOOD ! SURPLUS Premiums Cash, Policies Mbcrm Annual Division of Surplus. - AETHTJE I. HILL, Jr., Agent Office fox the present with Dr. T. F. Wood. Meo cal Examiner., cm Market street two doers went c JGreen A Planner's dru store, Wilmington, N. C. jgNCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTION 8.!. . . . SHrity against Jira. ;: THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME IKSUHAMCE COM FAN 1 ' ' . ' ". '" RAl.BTftH. n1C..' ';:.'" .' ' ' This Cemnanv costintiM tn wnto VniiM - rates- onaUcaaseesof msulepreperty7V '. rapidly growing: to pubUe ?avor, aaf talnillnutorth. bi.k. m R. H. BATTLK. Jr.. PmmdMit v, BEATON SALES, Secretary, c r. A PULASKI mwpin uu - ; ' Wilmlncten. H.c ' Bank Authortzecl Capital Si ,000 L OOO. Cash ; Capital paid In $300,000 us, Fond . 'aso.imm . V ; a- direci ans. JOHN DAWSON -D. R. MURCHISON DONALD McRAE ' H. VOLLERS - i R. R. BRIDGERS . J. W. ATKINSON ; C. M. STEDMAh ' . L; B, RAINQBJ JAS- A. LEAK t!: i.F.UTTLE ;,' i. JO j: E. B. JBOEDEK M, WKDDELL. , i L B. ORAINGER PresideBt S. D. WAiiaca, Cashier . :; j .U augS0-tf i Eoii"; i CLYDE'S 'Ut.!ii! :" r New York and Wilmington SteaiTiship Line. Steamer g:jE:-Ul:AvT:qR; ,8412; iOJf JKffTf FOiJiT Oft - SATURDAY, November 24. , . ; :.i-...-- ' 'j. -. . x- -. larShippers can rely upon the PROMPT S AILING I -tl" 9 Steamers as i advertieed.; ;- - For Freight Engagements apply to ' : ' ' , A. D. CAZ AUX Agent, ' :'.-,; ' : rv-.v-; wrLMDiGTQN" k; tr." L. 8. BKLDEN, Soliciting Agent. : . i WM.P. CLYDE & CJatlaeieral Agents, ' ':; ;' ' Bowling Green or Pier 13 . R., ' novl8-tf :; ; ' : New York.'. '' Baltimore & Wilming- Steamship U The Steamer - -. "4 Capt. PRICE. WItL 'SAlL FROM OA i , , V BDN BSOa r, H oviabtr 31, - 8AX1JIIDAT, November 24." -Shippers can rely upon the PROMPT SAILING . of Steamers as advertised.l t THROUGH ' BELLS OF LADING riren to and from PHILADELPHIA, and PROMPT DISPATCH Guaranteed. : - : : For Freight Engagements apply to 3 i..:::t- jA. D. CAZAUX; Agent," wniaNTON; a L. 8. BELDBN.1 Soliciting Agent, h' l-'i- ' ' j REUBEN FOSTER, General Agent, - k , .; " Corner Lee and Light Streets, . nov 18-tf Baltimore. FISH. Mullets, Mackerel. Herring, Codfiah, Sar dines, Canned Oysters, Lobsters and Salmon. oct 28 tf ADRIAN A VOLLERS. Tie