airisLISHSP DAIIiY lCKrT MOMDAY8, - mim M 8lrtS0IUPTIO IS ADVAHOB : -oneyear, (bymall)po.ttgPa, MnntBl. i i- 0c '"-unhseribert, flclivcred in any part or vne T0Wfn(ntgpS week. Our City Ageata are citttSrtAto collect fer more than three months -T- bi)T.iiK. , . Tbe Grand Dakc Michael entered Ears on Monday and received the homage of the people; typhoid fever ia-apreading inXhe town; the Turks are threatening to attack .he czarewitc'h'a army ia order to ! relieve plevna. The Pope received " some French pilgrims, but is extremely feeble. The committee on .Privileges and Elections will report to-morrow to seat Kellogg- The President saya he will reto any Silver bill that does not expressly except the public debt from its operations. It is believed; In r "Wasbington that the cbances are that Butler, of South Carolina, and Kellogg, of Louisiana, will be seated, as Convers, of Florida, will, vote for both, it U thought. 7-The organ of Gambetta demands that President MacMahon assem ble a Congress composed of the Senate and Deputies to end the crisis; a hitch has taken place in forming the new Cabinet. r New York markets : Money 5' per cent.; gtJd quiet at 102f; cotton steady at cents; Southern flour heavy at j5 758 50; wheat dull and in buyers' fa- Wr; corn flower; , spirits turpentine firm at 34 cents; rosin Bteady at $t 75. Fifty-two barques, ; brigs and schooners in port, at one time speak well for tho commerce of Wilming ton. Such was the case oii Thursday the 22nd. .: ..' ..' . .V, ' Rev. W. W. Bennett, D.. IX, se nior editor of the Rtchmoud Chris tian Advocate, 11 has been eleeted President of Randolph Macon jCol-; lege. An excellent selection, 'i ii. ' -j The Senatorial Balldozers have been foiled. - President Hayes stands firm. ' He will 'take no step back wards. Stand aside for the present the brigade of fI told yoa So.n r The friends of the Silver Bill "will probably feel discouraged at the de claration of the jdVrit t Ihattfae will veto any bill - that does not ex pressly except the4 public debt from it operations. This' will be good iters to the "bloated b6ndtiblders., The main . body .of s,the Russian Army in Asia Minor are how march-' ing on Erzeroujn, oftKars is no longer "m the way. . The fair 'of the former most soon follow. ' It ia not to be wondered at tbat the Porte i willing to entertain peace, proposals. It will be loo swift, however to conclude that the end of the . war is at hand. It may be continued thresh the win ter and far into tbe coming year The lines which the Wilmington Stab Utribnted tofthe Earl of Derby were writ ten by Phillip Stanhope Wortley, and sent o Gen. Lee, under , the f circumstances wrongly applied to 4he noble Lord, whom we hear of now for the first time in this connection. Fetertburg Index-Appeal. Mistaken- again, brother Index-Appeal. The Stab copied from an ex , change. The article, was not credited,. aud so we coold not give cre.; In fact, we have seen it in several ex changes. , : It is doubtful if theT celebrated race horse Ten Broeck will be able to make the race with Lorillard's Parole in the Spring) The Kentucky Live Stock Recdrtf 6rthlf'7d inst.rsas of him: "We went from the house to the stable to inspect Ten Broeck, and1 when he was led oat we confess that he looked a mere wreck of tbe grand horse he was last Bpriog. He looks weak and dull out of the ejes, his coat is staring, and he is, extreme ly low in flesh, his -neck as thin as a year ling filly's. - One can count every no in bis . v, and his quarters are deeply creased nd muscles wasted away. We account for. his defeat at Baltimore from cold and ex treme lowness of fle&b, and It wilt take him some months to get back in form for a spring i i Latest By J Mail.1 ; rjv ' 4 rrecpondenee Wblcfc will. Ex. plain Iielf.-''- Special Dtepalch tQ Journal of Commerce.! TOLUMbia, Noy. ,21. J; .: The following jtsfegtlphio cores-': pondence occurred yesterday: ct W. E. I Cathcart,' Columbia: Z The inneit 5ent of the Richmond company, at Humbia. is terrible. -tWn sorry I ad anvthirxr trt An With 1i r ' '. ' i 1 E.' CUTUBEET. . . I p. ' Columbia, S, C. Nov. 20. GuthbertichmondfJ Jhere : is general regret, chagrin, fn.J even indignation here at the aare in courtesy to the visiting mil tary but the reflections on the mm are unjust. 'Tbey were tJni . States officers, Vnd gentlemen,' and lmpaniaUy. : 2, iBr- W. R. 3athcaet. CrBi imbrorthe Swindled Depoaliors , Washington, Nov. .21,, ; 80j C0Daequence. of the great pres Frn n Cooimissioners of ; the di?ej Baqk to declare another S lnd,iti understood. that they cla! nng the winter, yield, and ie hanS ,dlviend of- the - funds on "0, which will not be lower than 10 Cent and may be 15 per cent. -: in; nn i . ., ......... . j . ;. r ..-II it i . m w i i -m w - i j - . i i - - ii L- vi v u ! . -f ' :. r-.' j;i ' w . : k .? i i i .1 . .i - t!:.. v-..c - ; .. i .,. VOL. XXI. NO. 53. .BDHCNDil ON HATES. A New Opinion of tbe Preeident a.lue of Aeilon Deelalona Reached f Radical Caucus. , v-; t- Special to Philadelphia Preset ; tyVSBm&oxi Noir; 18. v Ihe report of Senator Edmunds to the Republican .Senatorial caucus, yesterday, of the result of the con ference of himself and other Senators with the President on the,' political situation, has greatly aggravated the feeling of hostility which has been manifesting itself against the Presi dent since ' the assembling of Con gress. t The Senator made a detailed statement of the conference as it ac tually occurred. He said, in effect, that the points taken by the Presi dent in defence of his - course were more suggestive of the wild fancies of apolitical dreamer than the safer sense of a statesman. : He said that the President claimed that one of the beneficial results of his policy would be the carrying of eight of the South ern y States " for ir. the - Republicans in the Presidential ; contest of 1880..; In propounding this , de claration the y President ; stated that in the first place there was an evidenttendehcy on the part bf the religions element of the South to sup port the Administration and its poli cy, and he anticipated the first results would be tangibly evident about two years hence, when it would be suffi ciently cfystalized to make itself felt in the next Presidential campaign. The President based his expectation of religions support upon the letters and Ti professions of . the Methodist Church, South...: The Senator said that the. next point made was that the President claimed that his policy is being received with great cordiality by the Old Line Whigs of the South, and that he anticipated large support from that quarter. The case of Fitz simmons, the Democrat nominated for the Georgia Marshalship, was re ferred to specifically in connection with the general policy of appointing Democrats to office in any part of the country. The President intimated that he proposed to select good men for, office, and if the Republican party did not furnish one he would take one from the Democratic party. The Senator then i . remarked that; he stated to the- (President that" he did not agree with him in : the appoint ment of .Democrats to office, and Would never give his sanction to the confirmation of any Democrat unless he would formally subscribe to a declaration, to be published in the public prints of his State, that he firmly believed in the Constitution and its amendments, and that they were right, and that he would carry them out in their spirit and letter. He said that the President replied to this that he did not regard such a declaration as necessary; that he took it for granted that the oath of office would coverall of the points men tioned, i In regard to. the general question of appointments, the Sena tor stated that the President as much as said that he proposed to follow his dwnr views on this subject. , .. Seuaier Ben HllPa IHalden Speech In ' : the Seaate. 1 Cktrrespondence Richmond Dispatch, j j ' 'v ;WASHHfGTOir, Nov. 21. Senator Ben. Hill made his maiden speech in the Senate to-day in sup port of Senator Thurman's resolution to discharge the committee on Privi leges and Elections from further con sideration of the Butler-Corbin con tested case from Sonth Carolina. The first sound f his voice aroused the Senate, which had been listlessly en during, as patiently as it might, one of Mitchell's long-winded and tedious harangues. Senators quickly deserted the cloak-rooms, where they had been enjoying a quiet smoke, and the va cant chairs tilled up rapidly. . j Senator Hill's maiden effort was a f iost successful one. His manner was ignified,; his speech forcible, 'and his argument logical. He presented very clearly the ' exact status of the con tested cases; how Spofford and Kel logg presented their case first to the c6mmittee because they were . invited first by the committee; 5how, he and his Democratio colleagues on the committee had acquiesced because they supposed the Senate' would not s far violate all judicial i precedents al to reopen a. difficulty which; had been settled by the parties to the dif ficulty; how he (Hill) had introduced a resolution affirming that the ; com-' mittee ; wenld accept the - deci sions, of ; the ;; people : of liouisiana; how that resolution was lost and another substituted by Senator Hoar, which re-opened the whole Loni siana controversy; how - he and -his Democratic oolleagaes opposed such; a 're-opening; arid how, when Hoar's resolution " was adopted ; by ' the Repnblicans on ; the committee he moved to take up the case of Eustis, in which'case ..there were no ' other credentials before-the committee than. thbseTtof AIjvJ EustiSiS Senator Hill's speech drew out labored replies from VVadleigh and Hoar and , : : 4 f , ? : ' X STBONG PLKA FOE FAIE DEALING - and .; statesmanship) from Bayard, while vThrirmarii ' arid ; Conklingv in dulged in some : sharp: sparring -over a motion which Hoar made to tabl Thurman's Tesolation.-."!. ' ' E0MOE3 OF THE ' OEGANIEATION' jOFA'', ' , ;' V Vbw j paety. ' . ( r There have been quiet rumors for a: day or two past- that; several impor tant conferences have recently beea held by prominent politicians 4 with the view of f forming a new party or ganization. - The ' rumor ' is A of - such vague shape that there is ,' !n o ;wa;y ' pf ascertaining if the proposed iriew'pr; ganization is under Democratio or Repablican management; bat it' is be lieved that straight-put, .Republicans who oppose Hayes contemplate, mak ing one final effort to rally the party and divfde the'-sheepvfrom the goatsL and that in a fvv days ' an' important political address to the country i wiU be issued under, several -a prominent Renuhlican irmat.nrps. '' . is, Tbe Famone San Domingo Debate. Special to the'BaTlimoje, Gazette. WASHnroToir, Nov. 20. t In the executive session, of the Sen ate to-day a motion was made to re move the ban of secrecy from the re cord of the ' proceedings of the' Sen ate while engaged in the consideration1 of the San Domingo treaty several! years ago, the object being the vindi cation of Senator Sumner in obnheo tion with the allegations made by-ex-) Secretary Fish. The Senators who spoke upon the subject all expressed a willingness to alio w. these , records to be laid before the public, and it is proDaDie tney win oe puDiisnea in a tew days. - . i The si all Party majorities In Each House of Cencreae.- 1 - -' The admission of Mr. Metcarfe, of Misspuri, Saturday, reduces the De mocratic majority of the House of Representatives to thirteen. There are now 291 members, of which 152 are Democrats and 139 Republicans, with ope Congressional district un representedthat pf Colorado.' The Senate now stands, with the new De mocratic SenatQ.from -Indiana: Re publicans 38, Democrats 34, Indepen dent, (Mr. Davis, of Illinois,) 1, with three vacancies, 2 from Louisiana and :1 from South Carolina. With Mr Sharon, of Nevada, absent, and count ing Mr. Davis with the Democrats,' with whom he has voted on some questions, the Republicans, have but two majority The Senate has not been .so. closely divided i for .forty years. Granting the. Republicans a majority of four, or even five, it will; be noticed that . three , votes are only required to destroy their vote on almost any question that1 may arise. . i -aHa-s1- j 1 How the Circuit Judges Fare before j the Supreme Court. ; .. , ." . : LRaleighlews.i, , '.. In looking over the .volume. (77th N. C. Reports) it is interesting to note the number of times each Judge was overruled x or affirmed; : Judge Eure was 6 cases aifSfre yersed in 4. ', J udge Moore . affirmed m 4, reversed in 6. Judge Seymour affirmed in 5, reversed -in 3. Judge McKoy affirmed in ,10, reversed in 3 j Judge Buxton' raffirmed in 4 1 Sre:-! versed in 13. Judge Cox was affirmed in 5 and reversed in 4.1 Judge Cloud affirmed in 10, reversed in 2. . Judge Kerr affirmed in 12, reversed in 6. Judge Schenckaffirmedin6, reversed in 8. Judge Furches affirmed in 9, re versed in 3. J udge Henry- had . only two appeals from him and, was re versed in both.: :'Judge .Cannon suf fered the same' fate, two' appeals and reversed in both. " Judge Mearesi (of the Wilmington Criminal Court,) af firmed in 1 and reversed in 1. Judge Watts affirmed in 1 and reversed in 1. Judge Mitchell had one jappeal only) U..hh' ho ws , affirm Arf rJn Clarke had up one appeal only, and w in that he was reversed. t a be cases of the last three Judges were decided by them some time since, but have been pnssed upon .pyrtne supreme Court since they went but ! of office! Altogether there were 145 appeals, at the June term, 1877, from the deci sions of .16 Judges,, the Supreme Court affirming 85 decisions versingGO. . ; tivvt:x The Carolina JFaifheri orfNovem ber is upon our table, And 1 from a hasty glance at its contents we ' do not hesitate to say that Jt is an Jm provemerit on all preceding numbers. It weli'deserves the support of the farming community, and we com mend it to their consideration. 4 Price $1 50 per annum; W. H. Bernard, Editor and Proprietor, Wilming ton, N. p. Rockingham Spirit of)the South. " Y Spirits Tuientiney r J Fourteen .-. persons recently pro fessed faith at Ko. 10 School House , in ChOWan. : ''.;; - '. f The Raleigh papert ' hajlong reports ofthe trial of Andrew'Mooningham fo rthe killing of Mr. Seawell on Sept. l$thj Murfreesboro-jwirer t 3 Mr James Warren, who lives lour miles Aom town, killed a black bear on his farm last week. . , t v . ' ". t:&-i'-t i- aJ '. Wilev and Mary Jones, colored, are now in Robeson ?jaiL on a charge 76f causing the death of amulatto named Peir- der Jones. " ' - r:; ' Jlnhenonian The , present crop Of cotton is nearly all housed, and after felt tbe conflicting reports concerning u, it is bi least a good average crop. . : 1 . Tlie Jtobedohian pays -a 1 fitting tribute to the merits of Rey. IraT. Wyche, upon his completing his four years' term' as minister in charge of that station.' ; i f r k 4 Mt. Airy Watchman: J1 seve ral days this week we have noticed a con siderable fee raging iu the Blue-Ridge, In tbe direction of Fisher's Peak.' It present ed a beautiful appearance iathe night.' '; Southern Howe: A,v little negro cirl, about thrjeeyearaoldonithe- planta tion of Mr. Charles McGinnis,, in Provi dence township, was- burned . to death on the 10th iosb, by her clothes .takiag flre, ; - v Newborn Nut i Shell: A yonrxg man from ;the neighborhood of Swift Creek was selling squirrels on our -streets lastweek; at,lQ cents, a , piecelle stated, that he killed one hundred in one dav. and from' the" large quantity then' fn' his pos session tfle Statemenv was oeueveu' 10 oo ' : f r a convention of 'delegates from theiLodees of Good. Templars in the coun-i ties pf Chatham, Franklioi Granville, Har netL Johnston. Wake and Warren was to have been held ' at Clayton on 'Thursday ahdTriday; the 2Sd "and SSd1. : " ' ' bf cotton shiDDcd. and on hand ready for 8hipment, lrom the port of Washington, up. to' the lvth of the! present anonmr is JJ,oa7 bales. , it . is estimated that , this ; is l.wu bales in. exeess ot the, amount that went forward for the corresponding .'period of last year; and that not over one-half of the crop Has been - moved. ' o " . k". u'.n ; -i Tarboro Southerner'. Luke ' Sta ton colored, while running the cotton eint of Mr Wt Ji. Btaton. ; about three mues from Tarboxo. on Tuesday, had his left arm caught in the saws and horribly man- glad.up, to .the anouiaer. adoui a ' Quarter of an hour to sunset, on Tuesday, many of .pur citizens witnessed a brilliant meteoric shower in the Quarter ox. the nea- veds a little south of west. : A few minutes thereafter , a detonating .crash , resounded for many miles around. , i .f i -.- i Statesville - Landmark: v Only three persons all colored were sentenced ;to the Penitentiary by Judge Cloud at the (Fall teimof Iredell Superior Court. ! James Laxton, couTicted of raping Nancy ,Jiarlow, at tbe Spring term or ireueii vu Derior Court, is now confined in Jail at this place. . Judge Cox sentenced six col ored and one white person : to the Peniten tiary in Raleigh, from Rowan county, last week." Tney were convicted or larceny- except one attempted rape case -during the .Fall term ox superior court lor that county i Oxford Orphan's Friend r If ou intend to make a contribution, make it ow. 'Delays are daneerous. We knew a man who was anxious to 1 helD a eood Work, i but never : felt that he could spare the : cash. Bat .a neighbor borrowed ten thousand (greenback.) dollars or nun, and paid him with a : bankrupt notice. Then, when it was too late, he looked back and saw how much good he might have jione 'With that money. - Mr. M. V. Lanier's poem, entitled "HUM and Sadi," in he South Atlantic, has ne sure sign of merit, the of tener you read it the better 4r0u like it;4 When ! a man's pen is full of life and his heart is full of love for his (subject, an interesting article is the certain result. For ao illustration read President Battle's sketch of the University in the THEOITY. NBW ADYKKTISBirSBN-rK. Attention Light. Infantry. . ; ,T. P. Sixes Stall-fed beef. Munsok & Co.. Piece goods. r f ; W. P. OiJjnAM Dissolution. '"' " 1 D. A. Sitrnr Furniture, &c. ' ' OEEKN'&FilAJTNKii Sundries. : . Everett & CANADA.Y-r-Beef market IiOCal lOt.. , ; i , .' The. storm-flag was again dis played from the Signal Station yesterday. - Wednesday . night was very stormy and disagreeable,' .especially the lat ter part of it. . .". , ' '. ' -I Tho disagreeable weather yes terday had the' effect to materially check business on the wharves. j There was an anxious crowd at the City Hall yesterday morning to witness a trial. that did not come off.' . , ; , ; I The festival and ball, which was to have taken place at Temperance Hall Wednesday night, was postponed. j Cautionary signals; are ordered continued for the Atlantic coast, including Smithvillc and Wilmington, for to day. ': ' i; t:: i tlv t ."IUB u.wuic, east to northwest winds and partly cloudy weather; kre the indications for this section f I -f-.! beautiful, and well defined rrilnbow was visible in the northwestern heavens yesterday morning, between 9 and 1U0 C10CK. , , ..; ..; ., f . 1 -7 The n. Magistrates were , very 'xivir? yesterday. r In fact;' we could hear of their doing but very, little, if, anything. oa !;crimmaJ'iturej,? r. , -I There is an unmailable lettei remaining in the city postoQce ' ior Good yar Rubber Co., E.L. Janney, agent, 11 North Charles street,1 Baltimore. :'" -! The, meteor alluded to as having been seen here bn Tuesday afternoon last was seen in Richmond at 4.40 P. M., near the same time it was witnessed at this place. ! -r- The receipts of . cotton at this port yesterday; amounted to, 605 bales, the sales to 300 bales, and the exports (foreign) tojl.TSO bales,; weighing' 857,916 !pounds-- Mn , Josh . T. ; James, . of the DaayBaaewt of this city, gives ; notice that the publication of '''theyfurAa. as a weekly, will be .resumed by him on the first Thursday in December." ' ., ' . 1 ; ,. j .The flock of stray geese alluded . to in Wednesday's paper, belonging to Mr. Herpian Heiutze , were., sub3equentlyl re covered ia" .the jneighborhobd .of : Messrs Parsley & -Wiggins' mill, near Hilton, i Hjyjhn. Cowan,; was. yester day appointed by the Clerk ofthe Superior Court a Justice of the Peace for Wilming- ton Township to fill' ' the ' vacahcy ; peca- h I The fence or wall around the Sourt' ltouse park is in heed of repairs. As stada'.npwit'preseptajV tatiopitOi all theistrayrjeows swine, etc.; that may choose to ayaiij theraselues of ; the pleasant retreat. t, t i-lHeyVoodl Brothers? Minstrel Combination have gaged f the' -'Opera House1 for Jf Oneway fand' Tuesiflay;of nex weeki.rJij James- Hey wood Agent .for tbe troupej was' here-yesterday, making the necessary arrangements forthe appearance of the company. An Attempt to "Throw a Train Off the Track. f 1 en, . i i.'.:- '.v f j.The passenger train on the , Wilmington & Weldon . Railroad came near ;. being wrecKea, w eancsaay morning, aoont tnir-j teen miles above this city, through an iron rail having been f placed across the' track The engineer and conductor discovered tbef obstruction, rbut. before the train ;could . be' stopped the rail. had. come in , contact , w Uh the cow-catcher, by wiich it was s brokenj in pieces and the train passed safely on its! course. Had ? the aceident ocenrred ' a night and the train been going at full speed tbe result would in all probability have been a fearful one. The rail was,; no . doubt,' placed on the track by some designing vil-; lain with the view of wrecking the train, as. u was, we learn, aciuauy cnainea to the cross-ties, and no effort should be' spared by the authorities to feTet out. the: scoun-' drel who could thus . lend himself to a' scheme which might have, eventuated in. a wholesale destruction of life and DroDertv.i This is the second attempt to throw a train. 'off the track, on roads connecting with this city; during the past week or two. ' j J Died of ialarle.. ' I "e icaiu iiulu a leuer receiveu irom Mr. . John F. Pugh; bf this city,' now in Clinton, Sampson cbniity, that Mr. John D. Lamb, a, resident ot that place, alluded te in our last issue as being considered in a dying condition from wounds received from a hatchet In the hands of -one of his em ploy eesi died from his injuries 'on Tuesday Jast, at one o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Pus:h, who was summoned to his bedside, having reached there after his decease. : At ithe time of writing (Wednesday at 12 o'clock) an inquest was being held over the body bf the unfortunate gentleman, and his interment was to have taken place on the same day at three o'clock. " The party who inflicted the blow that caused his death was arrested and committed to jail, as stated in our lasl... .... , -J A Peralatent .MPur.M J V j A gentleman of this city was recounting yesterday - the . difficulties i he had experi enced in the effort to get rid of a cat which bethought too much of to lay violent hanHs upon. He first had , him sent to a distant part of the city, and turned loose, but he soon found his way back to his bid home. After various other efforts to dis pose of him, but without success, he final ly had him placed in a covered basket and taken to the opposite side of, the river, and now he was sure that he had seen . the last of poor "Tom," especially after an entire year had passed since the last attempt to "lose" him.: Judge of bis surprise,1' there fore, when, one day this .week; "Tommy" once more put in his appearance at his bid quarters. The question now is, how did pussy get across the river ? , ! The Herd sailed from Dublin for' this port on the 2d inst. . : ., .,., ! The Hero, Erikson, sailed from Oporto for this port on the 29th ult. f . -. , j The l)r, Ztuker, DeBoer, arrived at Bristol from this port on the 3d inst. I The Freyt Halversen, arrived at Ham-. burg from this port on the 4th inst. I. ---The Malvina Schutt, Kroger, , cleared from London 'for this port on the 3d inst. j The schooner E. 8. Powell sailed from Gravesend for this port on the 5th inst. t i i .1-: , The steamship ' D. J. Foley, Price, ar rived at 'Baltimore from this port on the 20th inst. . -; i- ' 'f-'- I The ;: British brig Eleanor, Partelow, arrived at Glasgow from this port on the 19th inst. '11. ' '" : ' '' x' ;" -1 ,'' The British barquentine Nancy Soli, Trlnt, arrived at Greenock on the 5th inst irom thi8 port. , ...... 4i , -,4 -r,;.- The schooner Grace 'TT(66fer,Toung, hound for this place,- was iff port at Navas- 4 on thb 20th insU ! - " j : The schooner J31 PSCutMng, Parker, from ; Weymouth, , for . this port, : which sprung a leak last week off Cape,Cd, and put into Vineyard Haven, arrived , at New Bedford on the 18th for repairs. The mails close and . arrive at the City Post Office as follows: -J j .' ;.CX08-t., Northern through mails, . . . . . 6.00 P. M. 8.-00 A. M. Northern through ? and way1 : mails. , Mails for the N. .C. Railroad, land ' routes supplied 1 there from, including A. & N CL; Railroad, at.. 6KJ0 P. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily. t.. .V. .... ..-o.-OO P. Ja. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily 4 i ., (excenti Sunday). .".W... .'..! 5:00 A. M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington ' .. , 1 . Railroad. . . ;" V;:..... . . . . 10HXI A. M. Mails for points between Flo- i : ' . rence and unariesion ...... iu.-w a. ju. Fayetteville,audofflcesonCape ' j , year Kiver, Tiesaaysj anas -1 ; xixuajro. . . .. ...... ... .. .wv a.-aka,.' Payetteville by Warsaw, daily .-. f . - (except Sundays). ; ; , . . ' 6:00 A. - M, Onslow ' O' H.s and 'interme- 5 . diate offices every Friday. . 6:00 A M. Smithville mails, by ;, steam- v a itt ; boat daily (except Sundays) , 2:00 P. M. Mails fbtf Easy Hill, Town ' ' 4 - Creek, every Friday at. . . . r. M Northern through mailsw . .'J llKKX A; M. Northern through an way - M mails. . . . . -,. .1. .,....... 750. P M. Southern maila 1 -JL;J: . : . If. 9 :30 A: M Carelina Central Railroad. ; 1000 Pi W Mails delivered from 6:00 A. M. to' 7:00 P.' M., and on Sundays from 80 to 950 A. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.. and from 2 to 5iP M.- Money order and Register Department open same ?as ' stamp Stamps for sole at general deliver? when ' stamp office Is closed. .- . , i t.-,Ji&- Key Boxes accessible at all'r.ho"1'?? and night 'f " v . ',-iv "r;j. : fliaus coueciea irom sxreet day at 3.30 P. M. Thermometer Beeora. ' s ' f-The following- will show the state of I the thermometer, at the stations mentioned,' at 4.35 yesteriday eyOTingj; Washington ' mean time, as ascertained from the .daiij- bulletin' iooucu iinui iuc oiguai wuiub iix uu cuy: Auitusta. 59 Mobile. :,62 Charleston, L ....6& Cor'sicana,, . . GO Galvestdn,'. . .1...64 Indianola,u . i ;.64 Jacksonville,. . . . . Key West, 74 Montgomery . -X 61 New. Orleans,.... 63 Puhta Rassa.-v .'. .7i Savannah,.!.:., v. .63 St.. Marks, ...... ...69 Wilmingtori,'. 64 Btitaop Aiklmon'i Appointment. . uauici xxiij, uev, t ; yy aaesoorougn, Juiec. 9; Monroe; Dec ll! ' ! -:; vrrx items. The attention of sportsmen Is invited to the sd vertisement ot M. 8. HntchihSB,'td be foand In tbe 8tam . His Oil Tanned Moccasins, Boot Moccasins Bnoe Fades, &c , are of excellent quality and a great comfort tai the sportsman.' Write for circular giving fall particalars; v ' :''.:v - -, TO TJ8K IS -TO RBCOMMKNB. Qouraad'S Olympian Cream, unique in appearance and id ac tion upon me sain, narmiess, ana or singular deli cacy, conveys no idea of artificial appliance. Price in large Bottles reduced to One lKllar. ' For sale dj v. Annas. , . . . Book BnrDEBT. Thb jsobhiks Stab Book Biud ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable oricea.: Mar Chants and ethers needing Beceipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness lathe execution of tneir oraeiw 'i' isi sat i !ji " :f-'iv.i- Safxlt akd CxbtaIkIiX. that' CTeat external rem edy, Glxkh's Sulfhu Soap, removes cutaneous empusns oy opening tne pores wnose oDstracnon was the eanse of the difficulty. Test and yon will endorse it. -? ai.-ifc -..--..r. . BiAUTirnL Shades or Black ob Bbown are pro duced by HH.L'8 IHSTASTAMXOVS BLUB DtB. Happy tidings for nervous sufferers, and these who have been dosed, dragged and quacked. ' Pul vermacher's Electric Belts effectually core, prema ture debility, weakness, and decay. Book ana Jour-' naL with information wrth thousands, mailed free Address .Pulvkrmachkb Galvanic Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. : - ; - -, -,, .. . y ;, "r Tbahsfkb I'BiSTiNa-lNKa. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, mannfactarers and others. They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and dear for an indefinite period of time. . Havinz inst received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre- parea w execnteoraers prompuy ana -at moaerate pnees... -. , . - : - y . .. : "GERMAN SYRUP." No other medicine in the werld was ever given, such a test of its curative Qualities as Bos cube's Gkbican Stbup. . Two mil lion four hundred thousand small bottles of this medicine were distributedraj of charge by druggists in this country to those afflicted with Consumption. Asthma, Croup, . severe. Coughs, Pneumonia and others diseases of the throat and lanes Drnsraists In every town and village In the United -States are fcvpiii imiiw hik it vo uieir customers, Aenjar size S5 cents. . . i -j ;i,..v. ,, . ; uautiujm to tuji jruiiiiic. We understand there are unprincipled grocers and dealers who palm off on unwary purchasers Yeast Powder in bulk, or loose, forthe genuine Doolbt'b Tbast Pqwdbb. iror tne protection ot housekeepers and the public generally, we are authorized to state that the genu ine Doounr's Ybast Powdbb is sold only in cans. Always refuse to take it except in cans, securely labeled. The f ac-simile signature of Doolbt & Bbothbb. the manufacturers, is plainly printed bn eacniaoci. "-' - i LORD. At half past 13 o'clock,' on theSid inst; at his father's residence in this city, WILLIAM C. LORD, aged 30 years and 6 months..-;, Lt, , , Funeral from SU , James Church this afternoon, at 3 o'clock. . . :, i-J . ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'In ia Few. Days "YyB SHALL HAVE ANOTHER iv i.STOCK OF PIECE GOODS T0 MAKE TO ORDER. , ! ' MUNSON & CO. 1 nov S3-lt j jt Second , Street, gETWEBN JTJtEB3TD""PRIKCBSS. , ' ' CHEAPEST BEEF MARKET in the city. ' Fine Mountain Beef, New River Oysters, IWild Ducks and other Game constantly on hand, and for sale low by EVERETT & CANADA Y , t 1 nov 23 tf 3d, between Market and Princess. !; i - " . I -FT Dissolution of Copartnerslip. THE FIRM. OF OLDHAM & KOCH WAS Dis solved on the 18th isstant by the death of Mr; John C. Koch. ' The business of the late firm will be conducted as heretofore under the name of W. P. OLDHAM & CO., who return thanks for past patronage, and respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. - . .WM. P.OLDHAM. .: ;Nov. 83,1877. ' nov23-3t . Attention WiliiiiBtoii Liglit Infantry. YOU ARB HEREBY ORDERED TO lAPPEAR at your Armory, THIS EVENING, at 3 o'clock, to attend the Funeral of our deceased' comrade. Sergeant W. C. Lord, in f ulUuniform, crape en left arm. By order of Capt Coney, - " i- . JAS. G. BRADLEY, nov 23-lt ; - 'Acting Orderly Sergeant. Fnrnitnre and Carpets. 1877i ! 'B. A. SMITH & CO 1878, '' -i-i-fij-w r;v?ifi:y iiior: FB FALL AND WINTER TRADE, A LARGE and complete stock now in .Warerooms, for sale low. Call and examine and send for catalogues. BOV 33-tf - - -I - ,i . : Just Beceived. POWDERED SAGE, . r' . . t-.uciu CAYENNE PEPPERv -oZi.n. ?UU ,'n ; i HORSE and CATTLE POWDERS ' f PatotsOils, Varnish. Window Glass. Ac. - I . For sale at ... i -, 5 GREEN FLANNER'S, Druggists, " ' hov83tf - Markets troet. .! j StaltEdBerf At tyuk. cts.; lamb jlismrrokiim 13k ctaT, Sausage lex ets., Porkie cts per pound.' Also, Veal and Venison.; For sale by ' ? iziZ'.ca j -' - "CithsenB' Market." on Market street,"'' ' ' nov33tf - ibetweenad andSd. South side.'- Woodfdsa TfONG OR CUT.UP; - ti,f i -Li v , ON WHARF OR DELIVER I , " a.a wav! va o i rns vAJlu), ! OR IN LARGE QUANTITIES, ' " : For sale as cheap or cheaper than any where la the nov 83-tf . O. G. PARSLEY, Jr., Agent. Stiff and Soft Hats J riHILDREN'S ,TURBANa L: J flj : WJ?E3' STRkVR AST T HATS X- ft i v L:i FLANAGAN. ' WKTrr nOUhCe to the Ilina that- from the Northern Cities, where king her Fall purchases in MT' description 'of. FANCY 1 prepared to show her ri-, Beaulifiil Stock ot,71' 'WvrnfY DnffnM WP' 4a jl aticill rj f CATES Otf' JaDVEUTISiSG;"" One Square one day; r.'.i ;-.!T.; a ,V "i.t ti 00 . -t.wn riflv . : . . t fK ' " - ii three day sV.'.II'.:!::!i!-.:!!:!:;1 S 50 S 50. Two weeks '.'.', M K "I " -. Three weeks,.. ; .. 4 0C 6 SO i O . Eft . Ta inonin,, .ev:.w . m - .... w;: l0 Ot! " '.Three months,;.; .. Sixmonths,1..;. 40 0C One year,.. 60 Of ' Contract Advertisements : taken at proper tionately low rates, s ' - , Ten lines Mild Nonpareil type make one Bquare. 7" MISCELLANEOUS. 1 1 , pipes: T llAVE JUS RECEIVED A FINE LOT OF uiSBP'AHPIPES,;--S - 'S- APPII WOOD PIPES is "IMITATION' MKKRSCH A UM PIPES, V :i CIGARETTE PAPER,- -v:- , - which I am prepared to sell low. I have also on hand some very fine.. ; . , ....j . ...... ,,.'.(.. ... .. -, , a CHEWING, AND SMOKING TOBACCO, ' which I offer to the public at VERY LOW PRICKS, all of which can bo had at the o:d stand of - y H.BURKHIMER8, -Market Street. ,.novl8-U Staiid IIolacHes , 1000 1 " MarenaU'8 Hwn d ' Sbls SUGA HOUSE SYRUP.' , 1QQ Hhds and Bbla Baker's 8YRUP,' ; . Bhds'and BblsCUBA MOLSSES, y Forsaleby nov 18-tf t KERCHNEK & CALUKR BROS. Potasli, ' : 5Q Cases POTASH, ' ; ?; ' 30 CMe IYB-;'';'is- yrHM:-7:' " : B0168 SOAP, V :: ... : . . .,,75 Boxes STARCH, ..,.'.v,.-..' ';if'35'Bce I and 3 lh OYSTERS,: . For sale iv . .. UU M-M ,. KERCfliSKS A CALUKR BR68 ffst Bagging and Tie&, T 500 HaU BoUa Standard BAGGING, . . . TonsX)TTON TIES, 'fy: h- -: :- For sale by ;v '':'.''"" hov 18-tf" KEBCHNER & CALDER '.BROS. lPpwde; Q Q Kegs Rifle , Sporting and Blasting J IMVif, ;, .and Falcon Sporting POWDER, r ;. For sale low by nov 18-tf KERCHNER CALDER BROS. weiiowHavelt 25Q Bales CHOICE EASTERN HAY I . Z The yery Best hi the Market. '...ALSO..' ; v.-..':--. -. y -- Prime 1 Seed Eyo ! ; jWesterh oM JJ:Y.Wxy. Just received and for sale low by nov 17 tf ' B. F. MITCHELL A SON. THE liyerpol 1 lonion & 61a M,Coi'f . . . , r .. .. . OF. ENGLAND,:. OFFERS THE MOST UNDOUBTED SECURI tyagainBt loss or damage by fire, . -j l VoaMAd hiin'n' milTDlMV VTT V rW . -aw a -tan " V W1UW JL AAt,C4 A. A ' f fi 1i Vf JJT ' Iff flrtlft WIT ASSETS IN GOLD, its Stockholders are personal ly responsible for all esgagements of the Company Dnrlos the fortv-one vearn of Us ezltitietLlt hum : paid SEVENTY MILLION DOLLARS of LOSSES. : . . . " i "til ' : . . Its losses are AT.f. miM nn rarolnt nf inwf mnA WITHOUT DISCOUNT.- i Juan w. uuiuiom oi isuu.. ? '. , ; General Insurance Agents,'.' ' f nov 18-tf M norm water street, WflmlagtOB,N. C - Still At It. 44 Vin'i i r' WestUljooniiiuie .to ;5iSaittie3EST.:J: IN THE CITY, - ; i-r :- -'-- i and at prices LOWER , than elsewhere for the same grade of goods.. - Come and see how we do it . ; htu - GEO.-B. FRENCH & SON. jnov S tf, .-: f;::. .j ;t-89N. Front st. 640a00a iniHaxwar N HAND ALL THE TIME ! . f , - , j f" t k ' Those desirineto' make their selections from a Large and Well Assorted Stock and get LOW' PRICES, will find it their interest to call and examine Goods and Prices before bavins? f from any of the SO PALLED large stocks about WWn. !, t , v JUHflUAWBOH,. nov 18 tf ' : 19, 30 31 Market street. Tiiiware at hWholeale. ! . HAVE ON HAND ' AND ' ARHTVTMO. large and well assorted stack of TINWARE, which we are oreoared to sell at Wholeaabs ab the tery Lowest Prices, and can duplicate Baltimore or' New York prices, freight and charges added. A call wijl at once convince yoa of this fact . .. ., -; U1USS MUKUHISON, : tor 18-tf - 88 North Front st . i - Cigars. iCigairo; 4 aUlV " A large stock of many brahd&i at different prteea vunnui , o. ciu uui yiz asa. f 1 - i ... . : ::."" : . . - iahpisowicz; 11UT AO U . -V Ji 1S3-' Hit- i r . 9 North Front Street..! '' Deniticitry. g i. CALL ATTENTION TO 'btjkiiv cial - i -TH, whereby the most ; v I ase and comfort, Bpeeial nains taken. wf.n'tU." , ! operations, and Gas riven when doa?wj -' : I ft. ..V .'. ' 5 -V'