Friday, JiTouNiNGj Nov. 23, 1877- BY TELEGRAPH. Alt ernoon Reports. WASHINGTON. The Louisiana Senatorial -Conflietmer Keprta-?rhe Contest President and the Silver BUI. 7 ' " Washington, Nov. 23 The committee of Privileges and Elec- tious voted this morning, 6 to 3, a strict par ty vote, instructing the Chairman to report to-morrow to seat Kellogg as Senator from Louisiana for the Ions term. The committee on Post Offices of : the t Senate have had Wickersham. Postmaster for Mobile; under fire for two days. No results ' The House is considering private bills. Washington. Nov. 23 I P. M. It now appears that a decisive vote in the Privileges and Elections committee was not taken. The vote, however, is considered indicative that Spofford and Kellogg are each to be allowed a half hour for argu ment this afternoon, when there will be two elaborate reports requiring several days for preparation. " - 1 The New York PosCs special says the President,' conversation with a prominent officer, within forty-eight hours, declared unhesitatingly that he. would veto any Sil ver bill which does not expressly except the public debt from its operations, tie will not approve any measure - whicn lias tne slightest tendency to impair the national credit or to cause holders of national secu rities to think that they will be paid in cur- - rency of less value than gold. After some discussion Mr. Thurman withdrew his motion to amend the journal Mr. Wmslow, ' irom the committee on Appropriations, reported with amendments House joint resolution in relation to the Paris Exhibition. Placed on the calendar. The Senate then, .by a vote of yeas 29, nays 33, refused to lay on the table the resolution "of Mr. " Thurman : to discharge the committee on Privileges and Elections from the further consideration of the cre dentials of M. C. Butler, as Senator from South Carolina. . . . ; MessrsA Davi&Loiilllnioi&r -Coaover of Florida, and Patterson, of South Carolina, voted with the Democrats in, thejnegative, the question" then being on the adoption of iheresomtion. ' ..'gvi-ui-v MTr-Edmunds, or VermonVmoved to amend the resolution, so aa to - discharge the committee from the further considera tion of -the credentials of wr. - Jtellogg, as Senator . from . Louisiana,, instead of Mr. Butler? as Senator from South Carolina. Upon.thia motion debate f ollowed. ,? FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Kntranee Into , Kari of Grand Duke Mlebael Typbold Fever Spreadlaz In tne Town Tne Tnrlcs Ttareaten an AttacK on tne Czarewiten's irar for Relief of Plevna Tne Pope Ex- tremelv Feeble. '&c. ; London, November 22. urana uuKe. jaicnaei enterea.-ii.ars on Monday" and. received the homage of the fWl 1 . 1 J . lnnauiianis. lyppoia. ievcr is spreaamg in tne town. QpexaUona, near' Rutsehok, reported by Russian55 and Turkish bulletins, indicate a disposition on the part of the Turks to at tempt a repetition of JtlehemetvAli'a tactics f or 'relievina' Plevna: "by threatening the Czarewitch's army and the Danube cross ings, 'ine l urks have repeatedly asserted that he Czarewitch's force has been mate rially weakened in order to strengthen other positions. Suleiman Pasha seems to be still in command on the Lorn. A special to!the limes, dated Rome, 21st, says : -4The Pope received some -French pilgrims yesterday. He spoke a few words with great difficulty. The feebleness of his voice, and his suffering, which was ap parent, ruaae a melancholy impression, He was carried by four chairmen. The 'Oldham strike is ended, the masters withdrawing the notices of a reduction of wages. The statement indicates that the stockholders will be the only losers. PERNSTLTAaiA. . Tne Shamokla Blotcr-Twa Pound Cinllty, ana ttvo Plead Guilty. pi$$iHu-i V; STjHBTmx,lirov. 22. The jury in Ihe cas& of the Shamokin rioters tried here this week, this ' morning rendered a Verdict of -guilty' against Goss and Neely, and acquitted Finitv and Ebright. Richards and Campbell pleaded guilty oeiore tne jury retired. : Our NigHt:Beports. XlVTH conguess-extba SKS- Tne 'sotfciift Carolina and Loolslana Question Itlr. Waddell's Amend ment to tne rueilelesrer BUI Pae ease of tne Bill Fast Ida II Service Tne Bill to Bepeal tne Beiumption . Washington, Nov. 22. SENATE. iir. Edmunds' motion to in sert the name of Kellogg instead of Butler. in the pending resolution to discharge the committee on Privileges and Elections , f rom the.nrthex consideration of the case was defeated yeas SO, nays 31. : Mr. Conkling then submitted an amend ment that the committee on Privileges and Elections be directed to report in the mat ter of Kellogg and Spofford, and in the meantime the South Carolina case be post . pone&rRejected by a vote of 30 to 32. Mrv Edmunds then submitted - a motion to dlshatgeVtbekiemmiltee fr'orri the- con sideration ot Kellogg and Spofford. Re jected by a vote oi.SOtftSJ iOa Mr. Edmunds then mpved that further consideratioa be poftpHEdrt6 Monday;' Mr. Edmunds moved that the Senate ad journ to Monday, the vote, on which was 61 to 31, Mrljdriorer in this instance voting with the Republicans, and the Sen ate adjourned to Monday by the vote of Vice President Wheeler..,--. -; HOUSE A motion - toreconsider the vote of yesterdaydef:::ir:-; : the' amend ment of Mr. Waddeil, of ; orth Carolina, to appropriate $900,000J for ' a mail route other than, on railroad and teamboat lines, - '-tf; and lh6deficiency bill passed rovisipo.;. u . ' v ""Ced by MfJHunton, of "lent of the full value "ury officials after Trnce,'of North rvice, between '--"n cities.. -frong -s WASHINGTON,, Tremendoni Preiiare on the Sen .: . torlal Question The Seating or But ler and AXellbg-ar tnought Probable Washington, Nov. 23.; - - The pressure is tremendous in the Sena torial question. An' impression prevails that should the question be forced early, next week the result will be the seating of .s-PMMVik ItVUl IJVUbU VHiUUUI UUV4 AkbllVgg) from Louisiana. " It is known that Senator Conover, of Florida, will vote throughout for seating Butler, from South Carolina, and as at present advised will vote for seat ing Kellogg. Conover'a friends say of him that his action in these cases is entirely of his own volition and, mast not be construed that he is going over to the Democrats. They claim for him that he has maintained a consistent record and,will be firm not withstanding the pressure brought to bear upon him, and, while a Republican, he has the honesty and courage to do that ; which his own judgment dictates it right. He her lieves Gen. Butler is entitled to his seat as duly elected, and will therefore -vote for him as persistently as he did for Pinch back. , " " ' ' -1 ann)- FOKKIGN INTELLIGENCE. The French Crisis Tne Demand ot Gambetta'a Organ New cabinet Dif ficulties Reported Arrival ofAmer lean Arma and Ammunition for the Turks at Constantinople, See. Paris, Nov. 23. The Republiaue Francaise (Gambetta's or gan) demands that; President MacMahoa summon a Congress of the Senate and De puties to put an end to the crisis.' : x Difficulties are reported this morning to have arisen, in the formation of the new Cabinet, relative to the Minister of the In-: tenor and the Minister of Justice, for which M. Demelch and M. Depeyer are . respec tively proposed, and other appointments in their stead must be made. ;- " ? ? .."' . CONSTANTINOPiaC, Nov. 23. The steamer J.1 B Walker, from New Haven, with a cargo of arms and ammuni tion for the Turkish government, arrived here yesterday. . WKlTItKU KKfUUl. Wak Dktabtiucmt. Office Chipf Signal Officer, Washington, Nov. 23 7:30 P, K M. : - : lndieationi. - ;- For the, South. Atlantic and East Gulf States, , rising barometer, cooler northeast to northwest - winds and partly cloudy weather, excepting rain areas in the Caro linas to-night. ' i ELECTB1G SPARKS. PhilliDS& Co.. bankers of Georgetown. Ohio, have failed for $85,000. - : , y 'i A Matamoras (Mexico) dispatch says fif teen prominent citizens have been - impri soned for alleged comDlicitv with Esco- oeao. - , . , . - . ; POMECTIC IB4KKEf. " " New Youk, November 22 Noon.. . Financial. , Stocks strong: Mone 5 per cent Gold opened at 103 and closed at 103. Sterling exchange long 431, short 485. State bonds steady. Governments steady. Flour , favors buyers. Wheat without decided change. Corn a shade lower. Pork dull at $14. Lard quiet steam $8 47. Spirits turpentine quiet. at 33a34 cents. Rosin steady at $1 75 for strained. Freights steady. : Uotton steady middling uplands 11 j- cts. middling Orleans 111 cts: sales 1.278 bales. Futures opened a shade firmer, as follows: November 11.1911.21 cents. December 11.18ail.20 cts. January 11.24ail.26 cts. February 11.3711.39 cts, March 11.50 11.52 cts. Nkw York, Nov. 22 Evening. Financial. Money 5 per cent Sterling .exchange quiet at 481. Gold quiet at 102f . Govern ments strong new fives 106. State bonds steady. Commercial Cotton steady middling uplands 111 cts, Orleans llf cents; sales 1,555 bales; consolidated net receipts 161,193 bales; ex ports to Great Britain 50,891 bales; to the continent 14,403 bales; to France 10,459 bales. Flour without decided change, with a little more doing for export and home use : superfine Western and State $4 755 25, market closing quiet; Southern flour heavv : common to fair extra $5 75G 25; good to choice do t $6 308 50. Wheat dull and prices generally without change, closing slightly in buyers' favor. Corn ic lower and less doing. Oats ilc better and active. Coffee Rio quiet and firm. Sugar quiet and firm at 710174 for fair to good refining; refined steady, with a fair trade, at 9f cts for standard A; 910 cts for granulated; 10 cts for powdered; lUiOlUicts for crushed.' Molasses for eign grades quiet; 4055 cents for new crop New Orleans; 3545 cents for old do. Rice steady and in fair inquiry at 5i6i cents for Louisiana; 5?a7 cents for Uarolina." Tallow steady at 7 11-16 cents. Rosin unchanged. Spirits turpentine firm at So cents. Fork dull and lower mess $14 00. Lard lower and active prime steam $8 37. Whiskey steady at $1 10 for fancy; $1 11 asked. Freiehts. a shade firmer.': ,i ; - Cotton net receipts 131 bales: cross 4.373 bales. Futures closed stead v. with sales of 69,000 bales as follows: November 11.24 11.25 cents, December 11.2211.23 cts, January 11.2811.29 cents. February 11.41 11.43 cents, March 11.5511.56 cts; April 11.6811.69 cents; May 11.8111.82 cts; Jane 11.941I.95 cents, July 11.9812.00 cents ; August 12.0412.06 cts. - Baltiicosb, Nov. 22. , - Flour dull, heavy and unchanged. South- era wheat steady: Western ouiet and steady Southern red, good to prime, $1 35 1 47, amber $1 501 55, No. 2 Western wibter red, on spot and November delivery, $1;43 bid ; December delivery $1 44. South- era corn fairly active and steady: Western active and steady Southern white and yellow;1 5556 ' cents. Oats quiet. Rye steady. :; Provisions round . lots nominal; order trade quiet. Mess pork $14 50. Bacon shoulders 8i8 cents; clear rib sides 9f 0i cents; hams 1314 cents. Refined lard 9 cents. - Coffee unchanged, t Whis key dull at $1 9. . Sugar firmer and higher at9J cents.- , ' .' St.. Louis, Nov. 22. Flour in fair demand for low extras. other grades inactive. "Wheat .dull, And lower Jfall, $1.331 23; No 4 do. $1 10 1 10i; No. 2 sprine $1 08. r Corn firm- No, 2 mixed 4444 cents." Pork dull at $13 25. Lard firm at $7 85 asked. Bulk meats easier shoulders 5J cents; clear rib sides, 6 cents; clear sides 6 cents. Bacon onlysmall peddling,- - ; - - Cincinnati, Nov. 22. ' Flour firm and unchanged. Wheat attiet and firm.2Corn strong new 42 cents. Lard quiet steam $7 90; kettle do. at '$8 50 ,75. Bulk meats quiet shoulders 4 i, clear rib 66ic, clear sides Ci6ic. 'skey dull and unchanged. - r, OTTOIf BIABKBTS. ' a, ; firm at 10f10i cents net 'es; Baltimore, firm at 10J ;pl3l81 bales; Philadel nts net. receipts 273 "aiuf cents net i.sflrm at 10 Norfolk, jTles; cts net receipts 225 hales; Mobile," active and firmer at 10$ eta net receipts 2,415; bales. . - v- J 4 ' fOltKION 'KIARKKTS. . Livkbpool, November 22 Noon. : j Cotton bp'ened active-Hmiddling uplands! 6di middling- Orleans 6d; sales of 18,000' hales, including' 3,000 hales for export and ! speculation; receipts 14,000 bales, 6,150 of, which were American. Futures opened : 1-S2d better, than last night's closing prices, as follows: middling uplands, I. m. c., .No vember delivery 6d; December delivery 6 5-16d; November and December delivery 6 5-166 ll-SSdDeccmbier .and January delivery, 6 9-82d: January and February delivery 6 9-324; March and April' delivery 6d; new crop, shipped October ; and No vember, per sail, 6516d; do November and December .6 S-ied?? ; j- ?: tix i P:' - '- LATER. - f h - t ': j : Middling uplands, 1. .rrt, c. i '.November delivery, 6 13-lGd; February and March delivery 65-1 ed.. --- ' Liverpool, Nov, 23 Evening. Cotton futures closed, quiet and steady middling uplands. 1. m. c, March and April delivery, 6 5-16d; shipped February and March, per sail, 6d. , - , . The sales of cotton to-day iuclude 10. C00 bales of American. . ; r - Boatwright & HcKoy, EVER ALIVE TO THE WANTS OF THE COMMUNITY,' PRESENT. THIS WEEK lUnusual : Attractions ! IN THEIR LINE. JVetv Hulled " Duckivheat, The Finest Creamy & GUt-Edffed i The Choicest Syrup, V: together with the Finest Collection of Teas and CoXTees 'to-be found In ttie'cItyV They think o one will boat a loae to supy a good . Their celebrated fXIlf AM S.Vith every variety : ' i f of CANN t P rs t J VBGBTIBLES 'j - -1 : and FRUIT, Will asaist KreaUy io tbe get ap .of I '- ; ..LT8T : - r :i' a GOOD DIHHEB. And their large atock of Finest Freeh CRiCKERS, PRESERVES, JUL- i ' . . .' I : : . : : ; LIKS, &c, A-C, f WILL NOT BB OUT OF PLACE ON TUB! ' TEA TABLE. I Whenever at a loss what to send home, call upon them, and you will be supplied at the VERY LOW EST FIGURES. Boatwright & HcKoy, ! 5, 7 and 8 NORTH FRONT ST. nov 18-DAWtf To the Trade. 2g FIRKINS OF CHOICE WESTERN I r ; BUTTH-Low Figures. Call and examine, " Boatwright & HcKoy, : 5, 7 and 8 NORTH FRONT ST. nov 18 DA Wtf . Hade to Order, BUSINESS SUITS, ' DKESS BUTTS, " J WEDDING SUITS. -have Just received a well selected stock of FRENCH CLOTHS, CASSDIERES, BEAVER and TRICE DIAGONAL PIECE GOODS, ENTIRELY NEW STYLES, which I am prepared 'to make up .to order in the BEST and LATEST S'lTTLES, and as low In price as any House North or South. I A. DAVID, Merchant Tailor and Clothier, nov 2 J tf . . Corner Front and Princess. t Always in Stock, A COMPLETE STOCK OF . " , y Standard and Miscellaneous Books. Bibles, Prayer, Books and Hymn Books, all sizes. Albums and Pocket Books of every description, j Cromos,Engravings and Mottoes, : Pianos, Organs and Musical' Instruments of all iinaa,ai - wi,-i. ; : -' nov SS tf - i ; HEINSBERGER'S Live Book and Music Store.1 Fresh Celery i CHOICELOT OF . NICE FRESH CELERY, and ' ecelved by Steamer Regulater, and lor sale at -4UB1 nbvI7tf Fruit and ConfuUnnA Rtna 1 Hi Sundries. 1 ! . . CVOAR, Coffee Lard, Floor, Teas, Cheese Crick PJ??convRice ?atter etarch. Boap, Papers Bas, Twine. Cigars, Tobacco, an? every thtogi Heutt Grocer or consumer needs In onr line - - - oct28-tf Son theaet cornerFropQd Dock" ts. ' i . ; J. i . .J . i" . t'. All i 4 umuncMCt SXtMu FULL LINE OF BUILDERS? HARDWARE. asa. Blinds and Doors; Faints, Oils 'and Glass; Lamps, Burners and Chimseysv For sale lew by. : GEO. A. PECK, nov 18 tf . - Ncv Bontb Front HtJ ; For X? SESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, SPONGES, COMBSi BRUSHES. &o Goto BLBBANR'R PHARRXACT cor. Front and Princess atreetoL Finest brands of Cigars and Tobacco, - nol8-tf- L Tift SallRmlfV nTflTTllTJAT I v s ; j ..- i- iivjj I TFROUGHLY AND" ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC. '-ted Weeklj'and Trt-Weeklyat $3 and $v- $2f1'?. f'. STEWART;'? 1 tnd Proprietor, Salisbury, ST, CL '' 1 COMMERCIAL,. WILMINGTON MARKE Tv V The'offlcial or opening quotations below are posted at the Product Exchange daily at 1 P, M.. and refer to prices at that hour. r STAR OFFICE. Nov. 22. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. The market? . was '.firm at 30 cents per gallon for country packages, about 75 casks changing hands; during the day at that price. ; ROSINhejma!rket was quiet and firm at $1 40 for Strained and" $1 45 for Good Strained. Sales reported : of 1,200 bbla Strained and Good Strained at qaotalions. TAR Market steady and unchanged at $1 50 per bbl, the receipts of the day being disposed of at that price, t CRUDE TURPENTINE The market was unsettled, the last sales, as, reported yesterday, being at $ 1 85 for Hard and $3 15 for Virgin and Yellow Dip, the best bid to-day being $1 303 10,' as to quality. COTTON The market for this article was firm and' demand fair at yesterday's quotations. We . hear of, sales .of about 800 bales at the following official quota' tions: , Ordinary Good Ordinary;,.... 8trict Good Ordinary. Low Middling...... Middling.... ........ Good Middling. , ...ii cents i - , V lb. , , i V 10 10. 10i . Quotations conform to the classifications !of the Amencan Cotton Exchange. ; RECEIPTS. j DAILY BECEIPT8. Cotton ......... Spirits tumentine. to W 605 bales. 281 casks. 1,354 bbla. 64 " 419 " Rosin............ Tar......... jCrude turpentine. j Turpentine Lands. rpaiT aTTINTION iOFTirainiXEluiT aKO A. ouiers interested In tne mannfactore of Tnrpen- tiae is called to the advantages offered by the conn wj aiong tne line or ue .Brunswick and Albany Railroad. This road extends from Brunswick, on the seacoast, to Albany, in Southwestern Georgia It distance of one hundred and seventy-one miles through f The Gfeaf Pitch Fine Beit ; iV In the State, which It traveraeafrom one aide to the ether. 1 Fine, opsn, well Umbered land. lying immediately along the line of the road, can be bought for about j. One Dollar and a Half an Acre, and the same kind of land, situated about fire miles from the road, can be bought as low as Twenty-Five Cents an Acre. j These Lands are generally free from undergrowth, the timber being tall and thick, and, with toe excep tion of the pines having more heart, they resemble Very closely those of North and Sooth Carolina. As line a quality of rosin can be made here as in the Carolina) a large proportion of that manufac tured early In the BDrinz eradincr W i The rates of freight from stations under one hun dred miles from Brunswick axe forty cents per bbl. on rosin and seventy cents per cask on spirits tur pentine, and from stations over one hundred miles, forty-flve cents en rosin and seventy-five cents on spirits. There is a weekly line of steamers from Brunswick to Mew York, the rates being fifty cents on rosin and seventy-five cento oa spirits. Naval Stores can be sold promptly in Brunswick, however, at Mew York quotations, less freight and caarges, &na frequently at even better prices. To bona fide intending settlers a free pass over the road, good for two weeks, will be given in order to afford them ample time to see the country and ae cure a location. . - ' For further information apply to J. D. Sprout, Shipping and Commission Merchant, Brunswick.Ua. CHA8. sept 25-dw3nt L. SCli LATTER, Gen'l Sup't. Morning News PRIZE STORIES! THE WEEKLY NEWS - OF Wednesday, September 19tli, Will contain the first chapters of an intensely inte resting and well written story,; The Harable Family, BY S. G. HILLYER, JR., 5 . , i - Of Cuthbert. Ga. To which was awarded the First Prize ot ON HUNDRED DOLLARS, offered for the best story founded on incidents of the late war. Te Weekly News, In addition to the AGRICUL TUBAL and LITERARY Departments recently in troduced, still maintains its distinctive features as a medium for STATE. POLITICAL and GENERAL VI WITT a j rm . . " " " " "no, ana every en on win oe aevoted to making tt a comprehensive medium of information for the people. Its MARKET REPORTS are complete and reliable. f PRICES -Weekly News, 6 months tl .00; l year 100; postage free. Daily, 6 months $5.00: X year 10.00: postage free. 3 Remittaaces can be made by Post Office Order. KfStered Letter, m Express, at my risk, Letters should be addressed, . ' . : . J. H. ESTILL. eptn-tf Savannah, Geo. CHAPEL HILL, Sept S5, 1ST7. TH) THE TRUSTEES, ALUMNI and FRIENDS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTHCARO- The Increasing prosperity of the University has created a need lor a medium through which its ob jects should be made known. To this end the two wierary societies or the University have t deters I uiuieu iw roeBtauuBU ine UmvJtKSITr HAD. Z1NE, once an ornament to the University uui SUte. state may be made known and perpetuated. At praseni inere l In the State no periodical of-thus uu, .nu tun unu iw uoe is patent to ail. i -. contributors of the Magazine will be some of ""Dk irwuuina ana uuentea gentlemen and la dies of the State. The Societies have elected three editors each, and as soon as a sufficient number of subscribers are obtained, the Masrazlne win h an ti,- subscription wUl be $2.60 per year" y , Trustees, alumni and friends, the students of I..UnlTersJt7 HPn Ton to contribute this small amount to the support of an enterprise, the f nl? ?re B. oeneflciaL Those who desire to aid us will please inform us immediately by let ter .or postal, -v t-1, i. , ... sept 87 tf Chapel Hill. N. C. Forest and Stream, - AND i ROD AND GVN. AMERICAN SPORTSMAN'S JOURNAL. r A- WEEKLXf PAPERiJKVfJTBD TO IS t : ; ILD SPORTS PHACTICAL WATTrRAt.TTTS-' lrTpRY, FISH CULTURE, PROTECTION OF JAMS, PRESERVATION OF FORESTS, . PRACTICE, AND ALL . JUT-DOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. Is is the onlv Joarnal In the Cenntrv that fall 7 pues the wants ana necessities of the ju, .x . J Gentleman Sportsman. TEI 00 a Year. Send for Specimen Copy. I 111 FULTON ST., (Old No. 103.) &k . -New York. Post Office Box j ' sept 87-tf The Central Protestant A -WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMILY NEW S ' paper and the Organ of the Methodist Protes tant Church in North Carolina, is published at Greensboro, N, C. y - Terms. t3 00 per annum. In advance. -" The eligibility of its location, the number and ae "vity of Its sgsnta, and the constantly increasing de- manaioi f orit amensr the more solid classes of rearinra in various sections, rive the CENTRAL tteenlt claims upon the patronage ef the advertising public. Terms very favorable. Consult your business inter ests, and address the editor, " . - J It. MICHATJX. ' vnrlltf - Greensboro. nTc. ' A PPLES, PoUtoes, Turnip and Cabbage - i'.'.i ADRIAN A VOLLERS,;t It Is proposed, in publishing the facts connected with the University, to make the Magazine the or gan throueh which the historical inrfrimita t ; 1 II 1 MARINE. ?Iort Aluanao NoVember 23. ! Sun Rises . . . . . .". . . ,T. . . l6.45 A. M,i Sun Seta..... ...... 4.48 P. M..' High Watei (Smithville). . . . . . . 9.03 Morn. ' " " (Wilmington).. .. 11.33 Morn.! Day's Length ......10.03 . J ARRIVED. Stmr North State, ' Green," Fayetteville, 7 Worth & Worth. - - ' Stmr J 8 Underhill, Harper, Smithville, O G Parsley & Co. Schr AW Ellis, 176 tons, Bartlelt, Phila delphia, with coal to O G Parsley & Co. Nor barque Fensale, 294 tons, Finckel sen, Dundee, R E Heide. Nor barque Marie, 364 tons, Tolajsen, Grimsby, Vick & Mebane. , , CLEARED. Stmr North State, Green, Fayetteville, Worth & Worth. . Stmr J S Underhill, Harper, Smithville,, O G Parsley & Co. - Ger'; barqne Sirene, Calliess,-' Havre, France, A Pope, Geri Freight Agent, W, C &ARR.; Nor barque Zephyr, Jensen, Bristol, Alex Sprunt & Son. , - -: , . RXFORTS. COASTWISE. New Yobe Steamship Benefactor 50 bbls crude turpt, 100 pkgs shooks, 28 bbls peanuts, 57 bushels peanuts, 2 empty crates, 28 bales yarn, 20 bbls empty bottles, 25 casks spirits turpt, 17 pkgs mdse, 71 bags dried fruit, 21 bbls do, 2 bags roots, 3 bbls asbestos, 14 bags do, 40 bales sheeting, 1,238 bales cotton. , FOREIGN. Havbk, France Ger barque Sirene 1,780 bales cotton. ' ; , , , Bristol Nor barque Zephyr 2,250 bbls rosin. ' ' ' ; ITIA11INE DIRECTORY. i ' JltUt of Vessels In Ine Kort r W tnlnfeton, N. C, Nor, 23, 1871. I BARQUES. iFrovidentia (Ger.), 234 tons, Lampc, I iUaria Sophia (Ger), 327 tons, Witt ill i'escnau s W estermann I ; .' RE Heide Arnon (Nor.), 243 tons, Grundersen, RE Heide Haabet (Nor ), 273 tons, Olsent K E Heide Primus (Nor.), 384 tons, Evefseo, v KE Heide Solyst (Nor.), 357 tons. Job nsen, 1 - i RE Heide Hjemmct (Nor.), 374 tons, Ingermundsen, . Yick & Mebane iA-Uguste Teitge (Ger.), 358 tons, Drews, ! E Pescbau & Westermann Alexandra (Nor. ),v 311 tons, Adamsen, ! RE Heide Brage (Nor.), 320 tons, Christiansen, ' . R E Heide Lubra (Nor.), 352 tons, Natvig, R E Heide Btar of Hope (Ger.), 299 tons, Harmano, v ' E Peschaa & Westermann Preidrich (Ger.), 393 tons, Lau, . E Pescbau & Westermann Henreich Rodburtus Qer. 362 tons, hep ! prin, Vick& Mebane Knudavtig (Nor), 3G0 tons, Evesen, ! i - v Vick & ilebano Torth Carolina (Br.), 570 tons, Buchan, i , , r. : .r Vick&Mebano Zephyr (Nor.), 238 ton9, Jensen, ; ' ! , - . . RE IL-iHfi Vbrwarts (Ger,), 363 tons, Lobse. Vick & Mebane Bertha (Nor,), 220 tons, Hansen, ; - , ; REHeide Julie Uayne (Ger), 332 tons, Schroder, E Peschau & Westermann Arizona (Nor.), 520 tons, Gabrielsen, Vick & Mebane Asta (Nor.) 369 tons, Danilsen, . Vick & Mebane Armal (Nor.), 260 tons, Sandvid, REHeide Minna (Ger.), 498 tons, Buese, E Pescbau & Westermann Cito (Nor.), 35G tons, Neilsen, rep'g, REHeide Sirene (Ger.), 497 tons, Calliess, E Peschau & Westermann Van Haydec Cartlow (Ger.),26C tons.Specht E Pescbau & Westermann Speed (Nor.), 210 Ions, Olsen, R E Heide Valkyrien (Nor.), 249 tons, . Olsen, Vick & Mebane Claudia (Ger.), 400 tons, Dinse, ' : E Peschau & Westermann Frederick Weyer (Ger.), 880 tons, Kriegel, ; E Peschau & Westermann Lud wig (Ger.), 368 tons, buger, . . , E Peschau & Westermann Lydia Peschau (Ger.), 403 ton9, Bremer, ? n E Peschau & Westermann Staubo (Nor.), 320 tons, Gundersen, REHeide Sostrene (Nor.), 476 tons, Foyn, f REHeide J ' BRIGS. Clara (Ger.), 232 tons, Rothbart, ? 1 E Peschau & Westermann Burgermeister(Ger.X tons, Broathering, J r E Pescbau & Westermann Argus (Nor.), 272 tons, Petersen, . REHeide Sjlphide (Swed.X 240 tons, Lindholm, 1 ' R E Heide Victor (Nor), 2ol tons, Petersen. i , . , REHeide Alha (Nor.), 304 tons, Hauger, R E Heide Thor (Swed.), 232 tons, Sjostrand, ' i !fl , i Vick & Mebane Aaeone (Ger.,) 215 tons, Wertmann, - j - ' E Peschau & Westermann Ainie(Br.), 194 tons, Alexander, : - ' , :; .. Vick & Meban e I 4 SCHOONERS. Ctiaa E Page, 362 tons,; Grace, j fit.i . i Harriss&HoWell H4ttie, 170 tons,-, White, Worth & Worth Belle Brown, 148 tons, Hunt, j -v. V , Worth & Worth Monte Christo, 147 tons,1 Smith, Master IiUola Murchison, 443 tons, Jones, ( Williams & Murchison Miry W Hupper, 277tonsJ Gilchrist, Worth & Worth Sidney C Tyler, tons, Barrett, ' Harriss& Howell i NoT,iCE.i-I the Signal letters of any ves, sel ia port re displayed by the U. S. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should .send ashore for telegram. ' The South Attantic, , A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO UT XX. ERATUEB, SCIENCE and ART, will be Issaed In WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, OCTO BER 15th, 1877. s . f - i , , ( . , t .... The CORPS OF CONTRIBUTORS wVl in'clade several of the MOST DISTINGUISH rt Arrmnna of the present day. A serial story, poems, sketches, reviews, scientinc and historical articles will amear In,?yer7,number- The Magazine will contaiffonly original literature, - - . . The 1 south Atlantic States will be thoroughly can vaesed by an energetic agent, - rr sunsenpoon ene year f3r Single copy 25 cents. - ADVERTISING Ti M page one year ERMS. : $130 1 page one insertion : 75 " -15 60 fctsub receWedat thl mnU "ubscripttoris BTd JoPrSte.0, ' Me8Mf JiM5k8on Al communlcatJons should be addressed to - f 2 sentrtf : MMC1SKRO W.HARRIS, . Editor and Proprietor, The Ilonroe Enquirer, ? , rwr.,o. WOLFE, - ! Editor and Proprietor: npHB ENQUIRER IS PUBLISHED AT MON X roe. Uninn Knnnf. w A 1" tt - m.jt J'.Sf1 JHf7' B8we guarantee as largei bonaflde flrcuUUonas anyp aper between Chaflott C3- Sj JL 1ST FALL AND. w 3 6 R K BLACK AND COLOR.Eb SlLKs Cheaper than they havebeen for twenty years. ' DRESS . (SOODS. ' . . AH of the LATEST NOVELTIES Casl i meres. Kara, Knickerbocker Prismatic, Valencia and Fribourgh Cloth, . '. Henriettas, Bombazines, Taffetas, Alpaccas, Mohairs, Brilhantines, lle'psPoplina; &c. Silk and Worsted Fringe8,Galoonsf tn- ' CLOAKS. - Waterproofs; Cloakinga.and Suitings in all of thVnew Shades. Single and Double, col'd, bi'k and'clothshades; Silk Velvet and Vel FULL LINES OE. STAPLE DRY' GO - All the Best Brands, so popular all over the United States. ;EXTRA BARGAINS in Flan" Blaukete. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS i t the best stock ever brought to this city. ' ' jDirect Importation of Towels and WHITE :Jaconets,S wisses, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Cambric, Tarletans, Linens & ; My usual good assortment, also, - ' ! :. I E M B R ; 0 I I) E R I E S jFrom one of the largest Importer's Auction Sales. Ladies iV von a u, ; .- ! ,' - . " ' are able to pass them, considering qdahty and prices, it is more. than I coald do i' i, REAL AND ITALIAN Valenciennes Edgings and Insertingg ' : Torchon and Brussels Lacus. . ! HANDKERCIIIEFS--One.Thousknd Dozen at almost .any ,,ricc I t Hosiery, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Ties and Ribbons ; : CORSETS. J - 1 r .; Thompson's Bridal Comet, and Mrs. Moody's Genuine. Ladies' and Misses' VESTS; Ruchiugs, Skirts, Parasols &c j MEN AND BOYS' WEAR; -' ! HONEYS-COMB AND MARSEILLES SPREADS. ! . : In short any thing you can ask for, AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION. I tSAMOI(Q'SUCH,AN ASSORTMENT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO uiiu x 4vxvjj.o. xj? iuu vvilii UJNLil' JfiXAMINE YOU NOT LOOK ELSEWHERE BEFORE YOU BUY. oct 7 tf MISCELLANEOUS. f 1878. The Four Quarterly Reviews -ANI : Blackwood's Magazine, THE LEONARD SCOTT PUB- LISHING CO.; - BARCLAY STREET, NEW YORK Coatinne their AtiTHOBiSKD Reprints of the RDINBURQU REVIEW, (Whig.) LON I DON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Con- vrmtiwl WESTMINSTER RE VIEW, (Liberal) BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW lEkangeScaiyJ' , ; . v- and . . j Blaciwood's EWnrgi Magazine. psThese Reprints are hot SErjecTiOHs; they ai. 1 . . - ..... J s't" m ungiuuM in ruix, ana at aooacom ihibj) ine price or tneisnsiiBh Kditions. . The latest advances and discoveries in the arts and sciences, the recent additions to knowledge in every department of literature, and all the new pmb lications as they Issne front the prscs, are fully re ported and discossed In the pages of these perledi- vbib, iii lunsasgc ac once ciear, iorcioie ana compre hensive. The articles are mmmnnW mnr mn. densed and full of matter than the average books of j .. . . 1 . i . . I Terms for; 1878, ln$lddlpg Postage,) - PATABUt STMOTLT IN AJDVANCK. For any one Review. ... : . . . . . . $ 4 00 per anntus. jt ui ouy two neviews.. 7 00 Foi any three Reviews.:......... 10 00 or all fomr Reviews.;;.;..'. ..... li 00 ' For Blackwood's Magazine:. . r.T." 4 00 " Fr Blackwood and 1 Review.".-... 7 00 For Blackwood and 8 Reviews.!. 10 00 For Blackwood and 8 Reviews.... 13 00 " For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews. 15 00 A discount of twenty percent will be aUowed t clnbs of four or more persons. Thus: four eont ed at Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to onead-r aTvss 1 or ia.tsof lour copies or the four Reviews tat A RWVvncxI tnx o A T -. .- . v To clubs of ten or more. In addition to the above uiamuuk, copy graiia wiu ee allowed to the cretter up of the dnb. - -' ?3i. PRKMIUMS: .V i ew subscribers (applying early) for the year 1878 uj uid, Hiiuum cuorgv, tae numoer lor the last quarter of 1877 of such periodicals as they may sub scribe for. . , , t . t. . s . . .. . ' Or instead, hew subscribers to any two, three, or IPS' ot the above periodicals, may have one of the "Four Reviews", for 1877; subscribers to all five Siay have twoof the Four Keyiews.or one set of lackwood?s Magazine for 1877., Neither premiums to subscriber nor dieceunt to cluDB can be allowed unless the money Is remitted directto the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs To secure premiums it will be necessary to make early application, as the stock available for that purpose Is limited. ' i . : j , . . ... ..... . THB LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., nov 20-tf , , 41 Barclay st New Yorlu ; Fiumhed Saturdays at Idneolnton, N O. ' IS the only paper published In Lincoln county and has an extensive circulation among the Mer chants, Farmers and all classes ef business -men in the State. - . .. -' ' i ' - ;V--i ' : f.--:v.!it It offers to. the Merchants of Wilmington a de sirable medium- for advertising s their business throughout Western North Carolina '1 Liberal terms -will be aHowed on yearly adver tisements. ; , Subscription price, $ 00 per annum in advance. ... s - , Address ; 1 . . . 4 F. H. DkLANB, ,itCUr-..-:..r S Editor and Proprietor. v 1 The Htllsboro Recorder, - j THB OLDEST PAPER IN THB STATS. .. CIR culates extensively in Orange and adjoining counties. Subscription price t3 GO per annum. Published weekly. - . JOHN D. CAMERON, t V. .- - 1 ... Proprietor. EN I -OF- WINTER -AT- K AT 2 ' S E,t S f R EET in? all the NEW SHADES and Coi lorg. Alerinoes;v Snowflabes. . ahd Matlasee Suiting andBretoos Braids to match anyf above Table Damasks, good and hw priced. GOODS. WILL ; J 36Market Street. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW STORE and NEW GOODS ! EDRICZ HAS REMOVED To Hie Gomer Fmt M MM Slmts , Where can be found an entirely New - Stock of Goods, EMBRACING THE MOST EXTENSIVE AND varied assortment of Medium u.d Low Priced DBES3 GOODS ever opened in this city. Also, a large stock ef STAPLE AND DOMESTIC DSY OO0D8, purchased in New York within the last ten days at a decline of Thirty Per Cent, from price ruling a month ago, and will be sold at a very slight advance on the cost. Respectfully, HEDRICK. Bleached Cottons. 600 PIECES BLEACHED COTTONS, 4 cents up. The best UX cents Bieacnoi Cotton in the city. IIKDRIt'K. ; Prints. O A A PIECES PRINT A T WHOLESALE AM OUU Retail. No Prints sold at Retail butthoe we warrant. HEDRICK' Blankets and Shawls. MOST DESIRABLE STOCK, CHEAP. . IIEDBICK Hen and Boys' Wear. 5 - , ':.'" . ' .ii n n TT1 M SALEM, JV.- C, CASSIMEBES, Vu""" andMaiyland Kerseys and Csseimeres. uu is the Headquarters for the production si buuui.- Industry.. HEDBICK. IHosiery. FOR LADIES, GIRLS, - MEN Jt Aisoa Good Stock of Ladies and Genu u derwear. : HBDBicK. Housekeeping Goods. rpABLE LINWKTOWELS, DOXL&w'- JLt kins. Sheetings, etc. . ... w The Entire Public ARE INVITED TO AN, INSPECTION g the most complete stock of Dry Gooflf cit; ty. Remember that I deal in ''t fnrc&8li Jy; that I have butoneprice:.thatI bn havers d seUfor cash, and that every class or w on will receive the most respectful attention. am HEDBICK- BOVrdEWlt For BenC THAT 'LARGE AND CE3IBABI' STORE, corner Chesnut and Water formerly occupied by P. Newmin . Terms reasonable. '- i i ';&" Apply to ' v JULIUS SADiov- 1 16 U I '5:! ; WM Market Stre no (ailaUaia C6. L--lapsobks;horse BLANKBps, FuU assortment SADUIkY TRUNKS and TRAVELING BAGS. . . - fSTManafaeturiag and Repairing done Vwuir ly. Bottom Prices. . ; 0 ,kirrontSt. nov 48-tf No. 8 South Fron p O IB i f

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