i;IJtlsUlD DAILY EXCEP IcONnli . ma vtf a Tkv & mam RiTES or Bnnscin"- - UU 85 dtcem'M m m i w Ornbseribers, delivered to any pan or we wffintaperweek. Our City Agents are titr, dw collect for mere than three mouth .Hnce. - 2jJil Tbe argument in Hie, Pattersou habeas as conUnes; Jiddeciaioa yet as to fe Mobfle postmastership; t it v is thought fickersham's appointment .will be con-. . ed. House is discussing the repeal of L Resumption ct;T committee' oo.Privi-. and Elections voted 6 for seating andSagalnst' Di'has is ed an order for Mexican; troops to repel vasion; Gen. Trevino has been ordered to JJeBio Grand with 2,500 men to carry out Reorder; Gen. Ord asks for another. regt 't of cavalry. The Pope has susl .11.:.. onrltona ' Violent 1 ca.lea pendea ms - , . . tevsil in the English channel . Fire in Philadelphia; Io3s$l20,0p0. ,H-Auolher defaulter at Cincinnati for $14,000. - ? jockeys wenMiipelled from Jerome; Park course on account of fraud. ; - A great lire is ragig t Bahia. The English Government is greaUy excited over Russian successes ; it is believed in Lond onlhat they Soon capture Plevna; England is alin ibrtttening to take sides with Turkey: -r5 A new-French Ministry has beep f ormed iih GenJ Grimand de Rochebouet as Pre sident of Council and Minister of ; War. jeW York markets : t Money 6 , per cent; goldquietat 1021; cotton steady at jlj'llf cents; Southern (flour;,dulI and ttochanged ; wheat without decided change; joni jc better; spirits turpentine steady at 31 cents; rosin steady at $1701 75. ; r.'. It is officially announced that there is no longer any yellow fever at Jack-' Seville, Fla. - - ... ; t lasUt new. French Cabinet has been formed with Gen. Grimand de Rochebouet as President of 'Council n,i Minister of War. Geo. Irving, of Ohio, is reported to have made a, very able speech in the House on the Special Resumption Art. He spoke for three hours, and wrapt attention was paid him during the whole time. It is admitted on all sides to havebeen t the ablest speech thus far made on tbe subject. It is now reported that a , compro mise of tbe Vanderbilt scandal is probable. It is said the contest of Mrs. Labon has been discontinued. The relatives have interceded and it is believed that .legal ; proceedings till not be resumed. It will be well for all concerned if the filth is no firflher stirred. Let the curtain fall upon the indecent and unnatural per fnrmance. . . The recent contest in the Senate over the contested election cases was ,i l : .. i t?z J i. Hguruuo aim uveij. JMiwuiiuaBuun cu great shrewdness in the management, and very adroitly availed himself of many dodges. If Conover had not broken down at last under the pres sure of the bull-dozers," 'Butler,! of South Carolina, would have probably been seated., , On the motion to post pone the vote stood 30 to 31, Davis and Patterson voting with tbe Dem ocrats. It required the Vice Presi dent's vote to give the Republicans the majority. Affairs are becoming more serious on the Rio Grande."" President Diaz is putting on the war paint. He has ordered General Trevinoj tQ the fRio Grande with 2,500 men,wilh orders to .repel with force any; invasion 5 of Mexican soil. .' Gene ral Ord has telegraphed to President Hayes ask ing for another regiment of ; cavalry. So whilst we are watching the. war in tie East and trying to get an insight into French matters, the war cload is thickening on oar extreme Southern border and some "imprudence may bring oh a collision that mayfifinally nd In a war between the United States and Mexico.! &n& then what? England has begun its old game of threatening to become 'an ally of Turfy- Russia's success in capturing rs, the probable speedy fall of Er "froum, andjiritmPsfe Irtkintyf of 6 taking ot Plevna at an early day, ,tir8 np the Disraeli Ministry, and are again talking of war Much excitement over the' matter . prevails The t)stutr that are for w waa mm m zm m a' aai a n n darkey are yehemently .demanding v"b active intervention ot England. air is filled with rumors, among lhem one to the effect that ; the Pre- 'w has Informedllussla ttittlf Cot- slantinople is threatenedor rianc PIe is occupied it maybe that the war jg will run so high as ' to force thecoantry lnto war..'. It w 'not by' y means certain that the people of giand will agree , to so unwise a J.ar' . It is admitted there" !s. great ?18l0n of sentiment. It is not cerT t that Russia will .not have an lly wland Kns Turkey;' It lis; be QPl!J Dy many that the Emperor-of lntI2any,wiU Bee thatl Russia is' riot' ,nierfered with. : , : . - . i ; : ' . - ' 1 i.i , j J I 1 ' . i i 1 1 1 i i. "'.- VOL. XXI.--NO. 54. Latest By Mail. , y Fra WaahlMgiou. ISpecial Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. j ? Washington, November 22. j BFFECT OP THE LOUISIANA CASS. : Should Mr. Butler be admitted it will inevitably lead to . the admission of Eustis and Spofford. This is tho roughly understood, and it accounts for a remarkable scene witnessed in the Senate chamber after the ad journment.' f Senator Conk ling was the centre piece of a group consisting of himself. Senators Anthony,. Howe, Mitchell and others. In his band he held a tally list, and, with the others looking over his shoulders, scanned eagerly one by one the yeas and nays. All that could be made out was that if every absentee had been present the majority of one would still have been .on the same side. It was demonstrated that the two carpet baggers, Conover and Patter son, have it in their power to turn the Senate one way or the other. The situation is looked upon as so grave that; a telegram was sent to Mr. Blaine "to-night urging him if possibles to return. - His pair with Mr. Grover would hold until ; the re turn of the latter, but his presence and counsel and assistance in debate is desired. For it is a big stake that the Democrats and the Republicans are now. playing for; no less than the control of the Senate. If three De mocrats can be put into the three contested seats no one questions that the Democrats wonld then control the Senate, and immediately. This is so well understood that the battle between the contending sides will be fierce and protracted. The object of the Republicans will be to delay a vote on the case either of Butler or Eastis until the case of Kellogg is decided. With this point in view they will.if the motion to discharge the committee from the further consideration of Butler's case be carried, debate the question of his admission until the committee is ready to report on tbe case of, Kellogg, and then it is their expectation that Conover and Patter son will vote for Kellogg. With Kellogg in,' the cases of Kustis and Spofford could be managed, as they think, by the present majority of the Senate. v Florida Republicans to-night ex press their confidence that on the final vote Senator Conover will uot sepa rate from his party. They say that he is only coquetting with the JDemo crats for purposes ; of , his own with reference' to the federal patronage in Florida. ! ' AFP1IBS IN MEXICO. ' Dlaferfeitees la tbe Cblie teronal lamt r iufclliou in Congrei , Ferof Hrarwll tbe Called State. : ' Havana, Nov. 21, The steamship City of Vera Cruz arrived this morning from Vera Cruz, bringing; advices from the City of Mexico to the 12th inst. Differences among the members of the Cabinet have resulted in ministe rial changes. ; Gen.: Manuel Gonzales is to be Secretary of War. Senor Zanacona will remain in Mexico at present, and it is said will be Secre tary of Foreign Relations. Divisions have also arisen tip Congress. The friends of Senor Vallarta proposed a resolution in the" Senate approv ing his diplomatic course on the Ameri can' question. ; It was .voted down. Fears are eutertained that the per fidious course of Vallarta will force war upon the United States. : A law has passed the Senate pro hibiting tfte election of a President to a second term. It is expected to pass the House also. . . t Congress continues to show deadly hostility to the English company owning the Vera Cruz railway. Gen. Trevino was about to leave the capital with .2,500 men for .the Rio Grande. Trevino will then have over 4,000 regular troops. All State troops have, been ordered to disband and. air irregularly armed bodies to disarm. ; . A suggestion has been made that the Mexican and United States gov ernments combine their forces on the frontier to drive ; out the Lipan In dians, who are considered the. sole cause of the border difficulties. The clerical journals are : very : violent agaibst Diaz. The church party urges war with the United States. A jour nal called the Bandera, National de nounces the Americans as enemies of God. Blatterlac mt War. A MATAafokafli MBxico;Nov. 22. - Daring Tuesday night and Wed nesday morning, about fifteen promi nent citizens, who , are supposed to sympathize 'with Lardi, were arrested and confined in the military prison. This is anderstood to have been insti gated by the discovery1 of a conspi racy in connection with Escobedo, who, it is alleged, is organizing a force- in Texas to cross, and it is asked that the United States Govern ment cause the neutrality laws to be enforced against those who rare un doubtedly asingi' iheK territory " of Texai to organize 4 a t revolutionary movement in Mexico. 2: - f i . 5Vin8ton" Sentinel Thaddeas (Vknvir.ted at the sDrine lerm 61 our Superior Court for burglary on the lewelry esUblishment of Messrs.; Wel fare & Yates, in Balem, and sentenced to be hnn ind the case carried to the Supreme Court, where the verdict, was confirmed, was re sentenced on last Thursday by J udge Cox, to be hung on December 14th. WILMINGTON, . TUB UEATH PENALTY. ,, A Negro Convicted of murder In North . Carolina. r 1' (.Special telegram to the Dispatch .1 ' ): x v Portsmouth, Va.,'Nov. 22. ; Nelson Arden, colored, aliss Wil liam Moore, was tried and convicted yesterday in the County Court " of Bertie county, N. C, Of the murder of John Webb, a storekeeper, and was sentenced to be hung in Decem ber. Seven negroes and five whites composed the jury. The murder w as a most brutal and revolting one, and was done for the purpose of robbery i Spirits Tiirpentine. Many of our State exchanges refer to the brilliant meteoric display of last Tuesday evening. i - u , -i There are seven horses at Char lotte that will be entered at the approach- log races at that place. V ; - Charlotte is to have one of the best race tracks in the South. " Mr. S. P. Smith'has the matter ia hand. 1 Latterly the Charlotte Observer conies two at a time, the Italeigh Neva one day behind time, and the Reidsville lima semi-monthly. Other papers are very ir regular. ! A collision without injury to any one took place three or four, nights since ou the Charlotte, Columbia and Au gusta railroad. The engines were much damaged. -The Annual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church concluded their labors on last Tuesday night and ad journed. Their next Conference will be held at Yadkin College. : . .. During the week ending No vember 3d, the following postofficea were established in this State: Elm Grove, Chatham county; Cedar Cliff, Alamance county; Archer Lodge, Johnston county. Goldsboro Messenger : No ap peal has been taken in behalf of either Hilliard More an or SteDhen Darden. con fined in the jail in this place, and condemn ed to be executed on tne gist day or De cember next. Raleigh Observer: We learn that Governor Vance has been prevailed upon to deliver a lecture for the benefit of the Second Presbyterian Church, ou the evening of Thanksgiving Day. The lec ture will be delivered in Tucker Hall. The names of tbe committee of arrangements, and other matters of detail, will be com municated to the public in a few days. The subject of the lecture will be "The Demagogue." - The Charlotte Observer says the "Davenport Preserving Process," of which so much was hoped, has proved a failure. A patent was sold at Charlotte. The money in . every instance has been promptly returned. The preserving quali ties were proven beyond question, but in surmountable difficulties were encountered in the effort to extricate the taste and smell of the gas. Col. Baskerville writes that Professor Leibig and the President of the Patapsco Chemical Works at Baltimore, have the matter in charge and think they can remedy the defect Salisbury Watchman: Two of the negroes sentenced at the last term of Rowan Superior Court were killed last Thursday, at the head of the Western N. C. R. R., whither they had been sent to work out the sentences of the Court. Travis Haley and Rufus Young are the names of the convicts killed. Mr. John Lingle, four miles west, has produced the largest sweet . potato of the season. Weight ten pounds when first dug. -We notice that some of our people have been trapping and netting birds this season. Better be careful, or some one will be caught breaking the law, and "will miss from their pockets the amount of a nice little fine. Every case should be reported and prosecuted. Greensboro Patriot: The direc tors of the Western Railroad met in Fay etteville on the 16th inst., and ' made ar rangements to relieve the company of a judgment recently obtained against it There are now two other suits pending against the company. One has no merit and is a black mailing scheme; the other to secure bonds of the company fraudu lently Issued by the late railroad President, Andrew J. Jones. This suit has been twice decided in favor of the company, and is now pending by appeal in the Supreme Court of the Slate of New York, and every confidence is expressed by able counsel, both in this State and New York, that it will be decided by the first of July next in favor of the company. A i - Durham Plant: The citizens of Southeast precinct, Patterson township, in Orange county.assembled at tbe free school house, near Tyler Barbee's, last Saturday night, and organized an Agricultural So ciety. In four days no less than 510,- 669 pounds of leaf tobacco were sold by our four warehouses. In this Parrish took the lead, selling 229,893 pounds. WUkeraon, at Planters' Warehouse, sold 1147,277 pounds. Walker, Lyon & Co. sold 103,000 pounds and Reams sold 81,000 pounds. Dr. Pritchard, of Raleigh, and R. E. Lyon, of this place, hunted a day and a half last week and bagged 107 birds. It is now definitely understood among the members of the M. E. Church, at this place, that they will erect a new church edifice during 1878. A ; v ? j f ... r Salem .Press: Judge Cox is Jiven up to be as true a gentleman and as ust a judge as has ever held Forsyth County Superior Court. ' The mem bers of the Baptist Church netted veay near $75 at their recent fair in Tise's Hall. Some fine cabbage were shown us by.one o our farmers the other day, weighing over seven pounds a piece. A strata of lime, the genuine article, was found in dig ging the well for the water supply company, east of town. Mr. Jas. R. Dodge and lady arrived here on Monday evening, accompanied by their , son, CoL Richard Dodge of . the ,U. 8. Army. ; :Mr.i J. R.: Dodge, and lady will remain several months. New' brandy can be bought for $lper f'allon. Sandy sArmfield, colored, iviue in Winston, was found dead in his roomabout 3 P. M.,' last Thursday.; -On Saturday morning the 10th inst, In th. barn-yard of Mr. Robertson, near Fulton, Davie county, a horse belonging to a Reve nue officer, was found dead, .having ;been literally disemboweled ,-by ? a i large boar, running at large in the yard. One of Mr, Robertson's fine young horses was also badly hurt in a similar, manner. We are often shown specimens of lEplian arrow heads, hatchets, etc., picked up in the old field armories of tte..tbprtoeft7fiMt of townJ and along the Yadkin River; j ,r a Charlotte Observer ( ' The' all races still continue to be the. , uppermost topic. The skating rink is largely at tended every night when it is kept open. The charge that a United States ofll- N.' C;, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1 1877; 'cer cannot eret a fair trial in a ' State Court: was disproved yesterday when one of these .was acquitted in Mecklenburg Superior ; Court of j a trespass., alleged to. Jnave been committed by him io ' the discharge of. his official' ' duties -Dr.: Jones ' leaves' this morni n ct for Pittsboro. Chatham' county, having been summoned itoi the bed-side of . , his-, brother-in-law , Ex-rGpvernor Rencher' who is Critically ill. . The most'lnterestinc event ' in the" tbeatri- ai1me-:duriBr this winter,4' will ! be thecomin? of "Fannie; Denvenpbrt. The remains pf Mr. Zaqk j Pae , formerly a well known and popular, locomotive ; engi neer on the North Carolina itauroaa, passed through this ' city yesterday morning for burial at uompany fcsnops. : -uenj. it. Trimble.- the noted Confederate commands er, was in the city night before last and a part of yesterday. xeateraay after noon, at five o'clock.' Mr. Charles N. Price, of Salisbury, was united in marriage to Miss Helen, daughter of Mr. M. Murpny, at tne residence of the bride's father, in this city.. :i The Swannanoa tunnel, on the West em North Carolina ' Railroad, is two-thirds completed. ' ' ;:' ; ; Charlotte Observer: Prof. Kerr gathered several specimens from the leopar dite quarry, near the city, said to be the only place in the State where the rock is found. It will be many a day before the people of this community forget Judge Uloud, and longer still, proDamy, Deiore thbvi will ever encounter another person who combines within himself all the quali ties of judge, jury, sheriff, lawyer, witness ana piaintui or aeienaant, jusi as me no tion takes him.' ' Mr. J ames L. Wal lace comes forward with the champion sow of the world. She is ten years old, and during her existence on this earth has been the mother of one hundred and forty-nine pigs, all of which have been raised. Their average weight when converted into pork, was a hundred and fifty pounds, making a total of 22.850 pounds, which, being sold at the rate of ten cents, makes4he neat lit tle sum of $2,235 as the result of one hog's labors in ten years. The annual con ference of the Colored Methodist Church of North Carolina meets in Salisbury next week. It so happens, or probably has been so arranged, that the meeting occurs at ex actly the same time as. that or tne mate Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. On this account there wilt be the largest collection or. preacners in Salisbury on the occasion referred to that ever assembled in any one place in North Carolina. It is estimated the total number of clerical and lay delegates will exceed four hundred. Bishop Hood will preside over the colored Methodists. . THE CITY. NBW ADVKRTISBnBNTN. Jomr Meter Imported coal. ; Munson & Co. Business suits. . ' ,'DdBkutz Cctiar Pew for rent. Heinsbebgeb Books, pianos, &c. Heywood Combination Monday night. Local Dots. , The rainy weather again inter fered materially with business on the wharves yesterday. Some improvement is . being made in the sidewalks onChesnut, between Sixth and Seventh streets. ; ; , -i Cautionary signals are contin ued for the Atlantic coast, including Smith ville and Wilmington, for to-day. ' It is clear, calm and serene as we go to press, but the storm signal is still displayed from the weather observatory. , The receipts of cotton at this port yesterday amounted to 729 bales, and the sales,' as reported, about to 400 bales. We have never known such a dearth of news in police and magisterial circles in this city as within the past week or two. ' Mr. D. C. Davis has been depu tized by Sheriff Manning to collect all un paid taxes on polls and pcrsonnl property in this county. The fourth and last quarterly meeting for the Fifth Street M. E. Church, for the present Conference year, will com mence to-day. . ;' - -4 Col. A. Pope was a few days since elected to fill a vacancy in the Direc torship of the Wilmington Compress and Warehouse Company. r i i 1 A little sand mixed with the clay on the sidewalk in front of the Com mercial Exchange would improve it, espe cially in rainy weather. .': Mr. W. Berkhimer, of this city, has a second crop of apples coining on. He exhibited .specimens yesterday, which were as large as hickory nuts. . Rising 'or stationary barometer, southwest ' to s northwest winds,: nearly stationary temperature and partly cloudy weather, are the indications for this section to-day. " . ,,; . ; ;Vi .. -;: ,v... n . . The coon hunt on the beach, at Masonboro Sound, ' on . the night before Thanksgiving, promises to bo an interest ing affair,. if the weather , should prove all right.; -.y -.? l-,:Ui :;'f ',r; ;; :;- ! jThe weather indications" have Keen at fault for two days in succession in predicting cooler weather. .Vindications'.' don't seem to be altogether as reliable as "Old Probs." used to be . The weather has Tieen very stormy, as. weir as rainy ana disagreeanie generally, for, the past two days, but the latest arrivals" from below report that no' tidings of disasters on 'the Coast 'have thus far been received , ; Houora to tbo.Dea d;-.-.,u':; ,i. , .'ihe Wilmington .Light Infantry- Com pany,; of which he was 'Orderljr ; Sergeant, followed1 the ''remains of , ! the ; jate W. C. Lord to their last resting place -in Oak dale; Cemetery yesterday afternoon. . The fune ral services' took place at St. James' Chureh and were largely' 'attended np'twithstaiid iag the very ipclement; weatherl ..'.' J'i'.''' y The armory ot lue Xiignt inianiry uomr pany was draped in mourning( during the day, as a tok en of ' respect to the memory, of the deceased. ilt . COUIITT COmniSSlONEKS. j The Board of County Commissioners met in ' special ' session yesterday afternoon present, J. Wagner,: Esq., Chairman, and Commissioners"!:' "BT'Graineer, B G. Worth, and Duhran HMmes: f The Board, upon being called ,' to order. proceeded to act upon the matter of delin quent poll-taxj-' ;- -'.t 1 Upon motion of Commissioner Grainger the following older ' was 'unanimously passed : : ! -i M " Whereas,,. There is reason . to believe that the Justices of the Peace, in the city of 'Wilmington; are "proposing to - institute Drosecutions aeainst a laree number of oer sons for failure to list their poll-tax ; and. whereas, it is the opinion of this Board that such prosecutions will mainly , result in the accumulation of a vast amount of costs,. imposing an intolerable'1 burden' on - the county; and, whereas.it is the desire of this Board to have the taxes collected . with the least possible expenses; therefore, be it Resolved, That the Justices of the Peace of this county are hereby requested not to institute prosecutions in any case, 1 except with the distinct understanding that they must look to the defendants, and not to the county, for the costs of such proceedings, Resolved, That it la the duty of the Sheriff to make thorough exertions to collect the poll tax by distress In every case wnere he cannot otherwise collect, and where any property can be found to seize it; aud that in his settlement this Board will not allow him for insolvents, except in cases where it ful ly appears that after due diligence the tax cannot be collected.. , Resolved, That the Finance committee of this Board aie hereby appointed a special Committee to consult with-tft magistrates as to tbe poll tax prosecutions. Resolved. That the Finance committee be instructed to advertise, , requesting parties who have not listed their poll tax to list at once with the oberlnT and pay tne tax, and save costs to themselves. Oa application of John Carroll, be was granted license to retail . spirituous liquors in the city of Wilmington for three months. The application of C. E. Burr, ia regard to tax assessment in Harnett Township, was not granted. . 4 On motion the application of United States officers was referred to the chairman with power to act. On motion the Board adjourned. Aitaebuieui AffMlnat a Vessel In Port. An attachment was issued by Col. John D. Taylor, Clerk of the Superior Court, on Wednesday afternoon, against the German barque Sirene, Capt. Calliess, on the eve of sailing for Havre, France, with a cargo of cotton shipped by Col. A Pope, as agent for the W., C. & A. Railroad Company. The attachment was issued upon the affida vit of Capt. E J. Penny packer. President of the Wilmington Compress and Ware house Company, which was to the effect that Capt. Callieaa, as part owner of the vessel, was indebted to the Compress Com pany in the sum of $1,252.25, for com pressing 1,646 bales of cotton. The refusa of Capt. Calliess to pay the amount being based ou the fact that he, as agent and part owner of the vessel, claimed demur rage as an offset for having been detained about thirty days in consequence of some derangement in the machinery of the Com press, while the Compress Company, it is -understood, claim that as they are not the charter party it is not propter that they should be made responsible, and the char ter party (the W., C. & A. R. R.) insist that as they had already delivered the cotton to the Compress they were uot to blame for the detention of the vessel, especially as they had not obligated to deliver compress ed cotton, that being a matter of choice on the part of the agent and owners of the vessel. The attachment was served on the ves sel about 6 o'clock on Wednesday evening, by Sheriff Manning, who left a deputy in charge of her until yesterday morning, when Messrs. E. Peschau & Westermann entered into bond in the sum of $2,504.40 for the defendant's appearance at the Jan uary term of the Superior Court for, the county, whereupon tbe vessel was released. magistrate's court' Duncan Holmes, Superintendent of the County Work House, was arraigned before Justice Hall, yesterday morning, on a peace warrant sworn out by Harriet Hop kins, one of the colored . prisoners under his charge. The case was dismissed at the cost of the plaintiff. ; - The same defendant was subsequently arraigned before Justice Anthony Howe, on the affidavit of Harriet Hopkins, charged with assault, and battery. In ' this case he was found guilty, but took an appeal to the Criminal Court. ' " j ; ' ' ; ' ' Richard Hopkins, the husband of the complainant, represented her in the cases referred to. '' ;- ' '; '-".': ;'" ' ' Thermometer Reor. ":'i' The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.35 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city : Augasta;....V...83 Charleston, ..63 Corsicana, . . . . ; . GalveatoD,.,... .".65 Indianola. .... . . . 66 Mobile.'.., ...... 63 Montgomery . . . . .57 New Orleans, : v. ;63 FuntaRassa,. . .. .69 Savannah,. , . , . .65 St. Marks, ....,,.64 Wilmington,.; ..68 Jacksonville,... , .64 ft.ey West,'. 7 1 The annual meeting ot the Ladies' Be nevolent, Society has , been postponed, on account of the bad weather, until Tuesday next, the 27th insL,; at 11 o'elock, when it will take place at Hook: and Ladder Hall. ' HI FEB lANlTlriiriNB'lTKMs The BletLm&fRegulator Doane, arrived at New York, from this port on the 21st inst. The Norwegian barque Malvthq; SchuU, Koger, from London for this port,' sailed from Peal on the 21st inst.' niahop Atklaaoafa AppatBtmrra! ; Laurel Hill, Dec. 7; Wadesborf- 9; Monroe, Dec. 11. : ' . WHOLE NO: 3,214 : HOTEL AHRIVALS. I Novl. 22 J F Taylor, i .Wm Naumberg, .8 Steinfield,L W Yick,New York; David S Bowman.Loais Leopold, Harry Fernberger, Philadelphia, Pa; James Rackliff e;- Roches ter, N Y; WO Conghenour, North Caro lina; D E! Boneyi Duplin Roads; E T Bangs, Smith ville, N C; Leon Rhinesturn, Cincinnati,' Ohio; S A Feldman, Allen town, Pa; JM Fairley, Monroe, NO.- s Nov. 23 TW Sterling, Columbia, S C; John H Hayer,iiCharlesion, -S C; F W SmUh,5 J H C Nevins,.T Fallet Ware, S ; N Talbot, G A Seaner,: New York; James C Wheeler, Washington; D C; Capt Buchan, .Barque North Carolina; J H'Cojurs, Vir ginia; R G Clark, Philadelphia, Pa; J-C iiigntnouse, Rochester, N Y ; w M Prentiss, Kicnmond, Va. . t ; -:-. :'a i .CITY-lTBBli PURITY, STRENGTH, ECONOMY These three requeues are comomea in uoouct's well known YaasT Powdkb. A few trials will convince yon mat is not osiy me Dein, dqc aiso ue cneapest. , TO USE as . TO RECOMMEND. Qouraud'B Olympian Cream, unique in appearance and in ac tion upon the skin, harmless, and of singular deli cacy, conveys no idea of artificial appliance. Price in large Bottles reduced to One Dollar For sale Book BihDkut. I'hs MoEsisa Stab Book Biad ery does ail kinds of Binding and Ruling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable Drices. Mer chants and ethers needing Receipt Books, or other wors, may reiy on promptness in tne execution or weir orders. Sam.T and CXBTAINI.T that great external rem - euy, uLisN B bulphus coap, removes cutaneoas eruptiens by opening the pores, whose obstruction was the cause of the difficulty. Test and you will endorse it. .-w . ; Buoiim. Shades or Black ob Bbowh are pro- aooea oy nia a xhsxaktanbous iiaik iitx Happy tidings for nervous sufferers, and these who have been dosed, drugged and quacked. Pul vermacher's Electric Belts effectually care, prema ture debility, weakness, and decay. Book and Jotm- Hal, wita information worth thousands, mailed free. Address Pulvxrhacbkb Galvanic Co., Cincinnati, VOIO. - Tbansme FKiNTiKs-lNKS. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer. enants, manufacturers and outers. Tncy are en during and changeless, and will copy shan and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received s fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. ASTONISHING SUCCESS. It is the duty of ev ery person who has used Boschxb's Gxbkan Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their rnenas in caring uonsnmptlon, severe uougns, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact all threat and lung diseases. No person can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case. Snch a medicine as the German Syhup canaot be too widely known. Ask your DrnggUt about it Keguiar size 75 cents. . Schkhck's Pulmonic Stbvp. ros thb cube of Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The great vir tue of this medicine is that it ripens the matter and throws it out of the sjstem, purifies the blood, and thus effects a euro. 8chknc.'s Ska Weed Tonic, fob the cubs of Dyspepsia. Indigestion. &c. This Tonic nrodu- ces a healthy action of the stomach, creating an ap petite, forming chyle, and curing the most obstinate cases of indigestion. - Sghehck's Mandrake Pills, fob the cube of Ltveb Complaint, fcc. Thee Pills are alterative, and produce a healthy action of the liver, without the least danger, as they are free from calomel, aud yet more efficacious in restoring a healthy action of the aver. These remedies are a certain cure for ConsumD- tion, as the Pulmonic Syrup ripens the 'matter and lunnes tne dioocl Tne Mandrake fills act upon the iver, create a healthy bile, and remove all diseases of the liver, often a cause of Consumption. The Sea Weed Tonic gives tone and strength to the sto mach, makes a good digestisn, and enables the or gans to form good blood, and thus creates a health v circulation of healthy blood. The combined action of these medicines, as thus explained, will cure ev ery case or consumption, u ta&en in time, ana the Use of the medicines persevered in. Dr. Schenck is professionally at his principal of fice, corner Sixth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all letters for advice must be addressed. . DIED, SKIPPER. In this city, "on the night of the 32d inst., of diphtheria, ROSA LaK, daughter of W. R. and Leanora Skipper, aged 3 years 10 months and S3 days. "And then her spirit quickly fled To God by whom 'twas given; - .; Her body in the ground is dead. 5 . , But Rosa lives in Heaven." ' ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Monday ana Tuesiay mM. 26, 27. HEYWOOD BROS. COMBINATION. Organ ized in 186. Fine Vocalists. Charmins Melo dies, Superb Dancing. A Scintillation of Freshness, Brightness and Artistic Excellence.- Prices as usual. Reserved seats secured at Heinsberger's. d AMISS HEX WOOD, nov21-3t' Business Manager. Pew for Rent. EW NO. ST. JAMES'. CHURCH, i till 1st November, 1878. ' nac ' DuBRUTZ CUTLAR. nov 24-2t ti Der Onkel" S NOW DISCHARGING A CARGO O? VERY SUPERIOR COAL. direct importation from Bremen, Germany, which will be sold at low figures, delivered in any part of the city. This Coal is free of smelling gasses. Call, see, examine, ana give your oraers 10 dutui mjsx mi. Agent, nov94-3t N. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. i Business Suits QPKNKD , YESTERDAY. . DRESS SUITS, OVERCOATS, ; At . - MUNSON & GO'S. not 94-1 1 4 iMways in rtock. A COMPLETE STOCK OF Standard and Miscellaneous Books, Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymn Books, alj sizes. Albums and Pocket Books of every description, " ' Chromos, Engravings and Mottoes, , .. Pianos, Organs and Musical 1 Instruments of all kinds, at - ) ; 1 - " ' : i ' . nov24 tf HEINSBERGER'S Live Book and Music Store. - i- c Dissolution of Copartnership, TIB FIRM OF OLDHAM St KOCH WAS Dis solved on the 18th iastant by the death of Mr; John C. Koch. The ibnsiness of the late firm will be conducted as heretofore under the name of W. P. OLDHAM & CO., who return thanks for past patronage, and respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. - WM. P.OLDHAM. Kov,Ss,18n -rivi h a -! -.. -Jt i novS3-8t Iffillinery. and IiGpb MRS. ' ti. FLANAGAN WISHES ' noanca to the Ladies that she ?- from the Northern Cities, where sb king her Fall purchases ia MILLT descripUon of FANCY ART prepared to show her patrons Beautiful Stack of afi tFtfl French Pattern Boi Feathers, Flowers. 1 -My mot-is, f . BATES OF ADVERTISING. ; Ona Square one day, tl 06 two aaya,. ....... ......v.. ...... i is thraedairB, ...... S 50 four days, t. . 3 00 ts days,.... ......... S 50 One week,...,....... 4 00 Two weeks .....!... ... 6 60 Tlureeweekis,.. 8 50 One month, 1 0 00 Twomontha.......... j n 00 Three monthi, . ......... 94 00 tsixmonins,.. ..s woo One year.......... .60 OF , y Contract AdTertieemenU taken at prosor tloaately low rates. . i t : ; Ten Uses seiid Nonpareil type make one eqnare. T7; MISCELLANEOUS. PIPES. J HAYS JUST RECEIVED A KINK LOT OF 1 j BE1AR PIPES, ':' ', APPIjS WOOD PIPES, . J IMITATION MEERSCHAUM TlPES, ; " . CIGARETTE PAPER, , ' , ' wbich lam prepared to eell low. I have also on handsome very fine ' j CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, ' ' which I offer to the public at VERY LOWPEIOK8, all of which can be had at the o.d stand of H. BDRKJIIMKR'8, . No. 6 Market Street. nov 18-tf j Salt and llssea.- ! gQQQ Sacks Liverpool SALT, ' j IQQQ; " Marshall's Blown do .: V 125 Bbl8 SUaAH UOU8B SVRUP, 100 Hbi38 4114 Bbl8 taker's SYRUP, ! . Hhds and Bbia CUBA MOUSSES, ' I For sale by " ; jiov 18-tf KERCHNEU & C ALDER BROS. Potasii, Lye, Soap, Starcb and Ojsters, 1 fQ Cases POTASH, ' Cases LYE, . ' . 125 Bxea 80AP' I Boxes STARCH, ; ' l , 35 80X08 1 and S lb OYSTERS, For sale iv tiov 18-tf KERCtiNER C ALDER BROS vBagging and Ties. S 500 H&U Bolls &Undard BAGGING, . Tons COTTON TIES, ' For sale by ..... aov 18-tf KERCflNER A C ALDER BROS. ; Powder. - Powder.- 300 Kess E1Ie, 8porting KrtiDSrTI i K A H and K kegs No. S Duckta0 , X JVf and Falcon Sporting POWDER, For sale low by nov 18-tf KERCHNSR A C ALDER BROS. 1 We How Have It ! 2gQ Bales CHOICE EASTERN HAY. I , The Very Best in the Market. ; - ALSO. 1 ' " Black Seed Oats ! Prime Seed Eye! Western and IT. iY. Hay, : Just received and for sale low by ' 1 ;: : ndv 17 tf B. P. MITCHELL A SON. THE Limpool & London & ttlolie Ins. Coi'y OF ENGLAND, ' " rFFERS THE MOST UNDOUBTED 8ECURI- lyi against loss or damage by fire. Besides having THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS ASSETS IN GOLD, its Stockholders an mnnniL ly responsible for all engagements of the Company. During the fortv-one vears of its existence it haa paid SEVENTY MILLION DOLLARS of LOSSES. Its losses are ALL taid OB recetnt nt anwtfa anil WITHOUT DISCOUNT. JOHN W..GORDON & BRO.. : General Insurance Agents, a4 North Water street, nov 18-tf Wilmington, N.C. Still At It. We still continue to v sell the BEST ' BOOTS & SHOES r IN THE CITY, and at prices LOWER than elsewhere for the same grade of goods. ! Come and see how we do it. ,. . 1 .. GEO. B. FRENCH & SON, nov 9 tf -; "! 39 N. Front st 340,000 in Hardware ! ON HAND ALL THE TIME ! Those desiring to make their selections from a Large and Well Assorted Stock and get LOW PRICES, will find it their interest to call and examine Goods and Prices before baying from any of the SO CALLED large stocks about town.' JOHN DAWSON. nov 18 tf 19, 20 & 31 Market street. Tinware at. Wholesale. WE HAVE ON HAND AND ARRIVING, a large and well assorted stock of TTNWARK. , which we are prepared to sell at Wholesale at the very Lowest Prices and can duplicate Baltimore or New York prices, freight and charges added, A call wm at once convince yen or una fact. . t--k 44ILE8 MURCHISON, noy 18-tf . 88 North Front st. Cigarsi. . Cigars. anv 1 A large stock of many brands at different prices offered, A call is all we ask. , - KASPBOW1CZ," nov 18 tf 9 North Front Street. : Bontifltiy. NWS CALL ATTENTION TO UtTB . new method Of inaertincr ABTIUI. CIAL TEETH, , whereby the most difficult month can tut llttnt with ease and comfort. Special pains taken with all operations, and Gas given when desired. . . : FREEMAN ft BALDWIN, V nor 11 tf c : ; 88 Market Bt; Bagging and' v ' ')() Kollaandja" nov tr

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