'7 ' :, J BATES OF ADVEttTlSIRA. vmc uqnsre one ot..; ' : - tonrdays,:;.. . a a -.- .-.-ft-r' .. i tm i ! i ri.irp-.- - " J t-ti- r I 1 ' '- --n 'Tinvii)frii.ii-,i iiiiii-iiwtii i ij ii i ii i ! i t- ' - ' S-'-? ., i - nnnnnnWatSBn ; . - . '- . . W " . '- - . 1 . . i . -i . -1 ' ': ; . V. i . r- f f' J " ' - - - -. . : f- I . - . . : " 7 "Hp'"l','i"1' frfW V'L:l 12, til-Hi 4iM..'VV,'H.-;Wt. ft - s"7 .Tin? TTflT TTTTTIi KT1 A W I T hfAj?:-:: - ' ' ; 7 ' .7 . a , ...,., ,.,..,...77 .... ' ' , gywimu w rf-w iobm7 una or aoMcupnoa ih advaitc : ; - Oseyear, (bynuIDpoaUge paW,. .'... W Six months, , 59 1 uu Three months. One month To Citr SnlMcrlbera. aelivcred in any part of city, Fifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than three months in advance. ; ' " ' ; One week.. Two weeks...,. Three weeks,. f,. . I 4rp"4irtBsio in the Senate; Mr. verssUidri was suspended and heknw- - -iurougnoui -me 100 1? watcbeiTF Edmands first assailod Patterson and the I that awful from 9 oclockuns- Democrats; Senator fofdoo pWedythjBQ I til TVlterdaMorritngMrnijbkQ Mr. Hoar pitched into the DemocraU and I ciung 10 tne branobes of the tree, the was replied to by Senator Ransom. i I water Tisingoearly . to huf arm-uits The Marshal-President and the Lett are uu " wnoie irame DennmbecTwith bent Bpo fa liBidiDgHo eacU other; til cold. Shortly after daylight his cries depeada upon the Senate; the Chamber will ?ttrf f persons to the bank, , and, decide, Thnrsdaj. wbelher it will Vote the fana"y rter. lng hoars of tearfpl budget, unless the President takes a Be- wa,iS ? w rescued and brought . tn annua aliuaanil I - X UUIIvu .vwmv a. vacrai anu ws,i.a MMi TW 0 paperaare discussing 'whether the army will nstara MacMahon or the ; Republic; placards insulting and threatening the President haTtj appeared 'm Paris. t Bisbhp Marvin; of the Metbodist Church L1 1 1 1 ill li I 11 II I 1 '' " .;.-r,f . 1 J- r Tea tines sUd Nonpareil type make one sqnare. its entine. iura. oaran ifirmneiti, ot KowaoJ agedSC; died auddealy last Saturday. : ; k aF Ift A Bah a tn . ft Ft aw rtnn ilan . 4K h. aaC I tLX - f a . , . uw muruer or uock uunsuckcr. - i . -r-, J udge ikern has sentenced, !, in Mecklenburg ; Court, Dick Smith , to be. hanged on December 14th for the murder of the Senate; after one day the ma can advance Butler otc . Kellogg, Decabse both are questions of . the highest pritilege.: -New York markets i 'Money -6 - per cent.; gold firm at 102; cotton quiet at "11 5,16U 7-16c; flow dull and heavy. , wusm iigmu wcr; wru uiui; spinwiurpen sicsuj at yi (WUI qUKt M f UUt Ow of Sam Ross. Both colored." OBiTH OR BISHOP 91 AK VIN. . I t i uai i Aja louq ; negro gtri m 14 n coln c&iDJy burnt m tawtymt oUbey uuu , oecauae, ne tola about Her taking some molasses, -j. She is now in jail. ' Steps are about to be taken ' to erect a Methodist Protestant house of, wor- The telegraph brings the painful been appointed to consider the subject ws of the death of Bishop' Marvin. The Linculntoo Progress tells of a Catawba county man who took his cot ton to the gin not knowing it was Sunday! Send a missionary in the shape of an alma nac. ''- ; . : i tUTA toanaa mvaha .!aJ X . . a'M!?; fi,vrix.,.raoeipta,f Cotton t this. Tersely by Judge Cloud,8 and appeals takenil ,or yesterday amounted: to 765 bales; a oe ruling was that the Bask and Its' as sets were part and parcel of Mr. Simonton's cautie, me provisions or the charter , never "--ia,'e 'hio Mt. i: j . t.-..vy.:.i fi. i Tlio Htw Br. CoaaktaattonL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOTEL AKRIVAI.S. ,1; 5 i ! e'1 "' f PfrBCfcLtr nbTJSIOBB BBoa.; pBoVBS. , ; ;Z?!cy?l50 a Foreclosure of Moriiaffe reet I by this troupe last night to a.fair audience-1 Clark. St Louis: A W sVxinn. Kw Hr& l T A -Ui"u trvaitoebfr nexrTuesda I fairly al Th6f ladies of then-Front 1 Stre COmnanv laof thm VirtlAM .j i. 1 A.Boney. Dunlin J2oads;; Cant A Rnlii I.-1 ""uji au is ripTjANCB OF TOE having been comnlied with to. mnVA u w I 'n.:-.j'' iJt-. i 1 fi-t..-. .t.. , , . - . . I Baraue North Carolina? J R Rperi Phho. 1 nnw ivt?n n'L-.L'; 1 1hiorpbrati0n. We liarn bfTg " rV itn JT vS : -T ' uwciung nonses in oiaiesviiie j , v;,7-? yppu iVfeorge, .pioan , nas oeen 1 Tr"rT'"' r r Ar.i ""Hr r, tv uson, v; J no ii arown, 1 tT T" "?ir re cpnsu-.- . T""w locaw in tne piace- J elected Secretary and Treasurer of lhe WiU VM ?r "Jt u wecorneipiayinr I "wvti-ui varuiiua; jyH ja uarneu, I ratiBgth& late arm of C.WVjete ft Ca b Hd- ifl?? rented. df -SSSSISS I of Cresrilleare its Wadtae AttraeiionaW L rStanbury. Baltimore; L:U t ' , i'i. ; 4rf ' d ! ,!""u wuu wenfisvzor more. , ; r i .tr Kaleigh. Observer: John Mor t?n waa. tried before j His -Honor, . Mayor Manly, yesterday.1 for shooting Obadiah Hollan and Sid. nittutin in Wm lurch's bar-room Saturday night' ' 5"ae otiusug was anmcient 10 mnq over to court, and in default of 500 bail her wan sent to jail, t -The most interestiB ra- T TTr'T' f this seaaoa and a ehange would be ap. weather; are the indications for this section today. V'iil"-- ht-k i-iMtj: f Mer.. .The 'stables of the ' Street rail- M Mfh vrii itDuu!... i l I -tJ?" ' UHH ; uiaaen ; county; ouaae I T . "w ugasi. - ; .w ;"tij, ccuuu, ciMl tronpe8 ""wuj, ycaiqgnam Jt f I HfJ T SS?1' iools -MJC. page 384, 1 will, IW ALBinoBIAn,' 2S? A V d7 of November instant, at 11 o'clock. A. M.. t Exriiuimt imdVfr7z:;i ay or ckani ge jeorner.ta the city of n UBUinilll.' emu trt !. tltni . . ... ... i rl r ii f i ir mnriAM v n w . . . . . 'i-- !i '-' i ' I . A"xmwuoa or integrity ia any man need not t one nnriivi .w-.i." !S .v ,fS'w -rt t m - asm an lava . - . : - r - wv wuav avaa si n - a un Baun m nwoMi . The following will show the of th wTSiXeTwiSi fkOlS: HOUSBUWln ldcTtf,-i PruT. aa.B- : 1 ks4. a. V B bwhb. M3bOT3U ITinC IM Waflnn a n a. I : I a-w : - - - .-, i a vjuiiw nun' dxtie in a hamaiM hnt. .a tival of reUaion mr kaaTTH: liv nare :'h-Wri .n.h. Af" i BIlri a ine ataucma mentioned, iat I ynd 9nae?5rhen it pasaes awavtt is theiab- boring townof Henderson is now in M.rtrf .n RressatthaBapUst Church in thatlai. J iu IA W. a"-Pettrirrew; of ihWaVfKrli.-lT'r Tiwjvht -.v T 1 ?-Ugnata.,.t,,.?,64 1 otute...t.4.rf .U.I ia3Z4ZiSiW..P'W --o part of;Lot 1 in Wk ldsinFrinl west the JoanntinfflM i T!: j i ? 'H5 is also rendering valuable assistance to his' Baptist brethren.i and his able appeals 'and 1 . 'A white, man and his . wife had I ?SDrM' S 2w. .Wt stabbed Andrew Catron at AfthTiii hnthi I borbood nuisance.' : They were reauired aua. tsom are white ineni and fromr Rent. I to tive a bond of 50 for their nnfitnnxk ....... w i wMpaasry i.vi.i-W Hi PunUIUsaa. emiiet ??n endtr coonty, on the northeast branch of tha Caie i;! j roi!?" Azzzzr and adjoining the -Vats" PlaBtaUonforVerlVbel longing to the late Levin Lane T-s - 7 novwt -Un U WATWIUQHT- a4.w I . 4," w hciiobaw reapept. v 1 i i i Trn iTn - tit a j-. . - r viu p aiw. n n luvtui ann nrtYirkrswi mm fA a a .4.'... m-iatAia ruaTinnan n r ... mi wa isaw j ika t. i i . j JacksoatiUeiiJi firZ7m7CTl Jk.ey,esL, TO I WllmlnatoBi.. 3 ZJLZT' "i?-.15?0?nn i" Bis anues at court A 8botl"ai a Pn jr. A party of gentlemen ekpect to I nim ran f mi hbi nmMrtit. . , : . j I was that hia nam hoithniiM .nt .....v. ujTT1 spend a f tongas helivei T -' -r T f ksgiTirig I SMHLttJr2S2M .j j US With CAflfUranfirMia Knf nnAaaM4-Aj- Ahtf'lr cEL ongnf to vaine, the good toinlon pf his officers aad comrades, bnt most ank- news lie . was a wise, profoundly pious - Christian, and no doubt the greatest pulpit orator in the Methodist Epis copal Church in this country. His powers were wonderful, and be at tracted thousands to hear him where ever he went. People of allxlenomi--natiotnrerowded to listen to his won-' Mleifnl discourses and his entrancing oratory.; It is a singular dispensation! that removes in such quick succession from the sncn ; princes Munsey and Marvin poNaibly the three ; most eloquent - of American Me.thodistdivine3. Another very em itMrrt ani able Methodist divine isill of paralysis, Rev. Dr. Bledsoe. , derson county' Barnwell ia in fair. Whii. key and women cause of the affravj ,, -1 Judtra Watta will deliver higWlnmnn thn I ..-The pvmt nf , tha q ftornnAn 1 Dortion of (ha jlm in.mnrr m.nt:':.: J- I Weoweitto onrsel - - - wiaaw vh -mm w . . . . ' w wawv .-v f . t w , Bi uuuli. - w w stvuava iuw i i uaiinnr' w 1 1 mxM m ava. . . insect world at Tucker Hall this evenine. I I t.U.- .u . .. A I dv in i-t u will J .r? i,SLi f5-. . a? a man, .ae was noted for m me wsi&a or oar common '5 v- ' iiiorganton jJtaae: lh& last of 1 the n.n.Tivr uriiifar a.m I mark forturkeva &- nn.RnriA'a Toi lerfl1 conunandpf.M.j.Purgess. whose skillful opposilthia.city From whit. can where they will foin the others of their manaverings (considering their t ezperi- "nderataria l,Bere wil be apma rare sport on company. - - Mr. Harry Whisenbtinti ence) attracted much atteution.i7 - , ' tue occasiod,;, as the caBtain of pne of the - Mr. S.G. Blood, late of MassaC was tai ihe" other ftttSZ&t Capt Doahe, of the: stesmship Tfe- portexpacts to show what cbusetts, but now of Burke, was endeavor V7e saw three weighed, which -pulled viator, mho arrived here from New York' I MU!!3 ,conJPaar iug 10 raise ma residence, wben it. came oown ineoeamat eighteen ' pounds. He veaterdav rnnrfa hntrin . aa,;T, t. crashing to the ground, doing considerable 5 e has gathered Snd meaWedp 275 ZT rla ;6XeTce damage. . . j bushels off of a two acre patch; and is sat- W rough passage. The steamships Gtrf Warren ton - r7a2ee Rhv Mr- isfiedthat he will reach 325 bushels, besides; 'Sfw,.!from New York; and the D. Eborn preached his farewell sermon in the I uTSi o?811"3 or i1 - W, whrcb were expected yesterday, had ffJia IIS M SO j 43 Haet St HAVING PDRCHASBD tively unknown in these' parts. ) h Episcepal Church here Sunday morning. Church met her? lS? w J arS ?i,i5rSl 00t put heir appearance at last accounts,: rnrmrmnit? esteem of our was alarge aUendance of the ministry, and ther. V ( community. : Charlotte Observer: The sad in- preaching was bad tt their own church as well as in the Courthouse and in the Pres- AniocraphlO; Documents of RoyoIUf ' ' tlonary statesmea. 4 ::: ii AOL 'lavldr. Clerk of lhtt flnrWrinr Oniirt r a wwarwatawak V has received Jetter, JromMrj James Ai Edgerly, of Great Falls. New . Hampshire who is very anxious to get autographic let-4 I Sjrgeant Wia.-C, Lord, whom we so recently metto ters or documents signed by Hon, WmJ Kwto the HobDer. a sicnor of the HArlara i tn a rAJ I I5??7.0t our 4?ab that a blank page to onr . . : r ! I ?"iie8 oe atcnoea to Ms memory, with see and exemplary i"f- A iioldJer, he engaged in his duties with an ardor which was the earnest of future excellence Sr-8 KM5e8 and reward; and this ardor did not ' 5nt Srew deeper and stronger as long as he 1:7 i1! 861186 of auy to this command prompted Er?to,i5te28e application and unceasing industry inite behalf. He Las left ns, bat with the gift of i ?.a?pI? whlch wo wiU regard as a legacy. and Will aim to nrnMhilir ftt J 35?Si5r.w8J10 BO'he. memory of his virtues will ua me paw or nuty, oota as soldiers and as men. . , .... ... . .-. ; . .. , ' He filled a snRi-.i Within t Ui.A ' ..ii'J ues, and now that the grve has closed over his """HMiyiiwuB, wo wy onxnat grave this b though unworthy to his honored memory. WKSJJ ,U;I-mISSMANUPACTURB. erpeddeath of our late fellow member, First I ' ': - Consisting of ' AT BSNKAfiDT 'A HUTTON'S LABGK SALS OK Fine Foreign Dress Goods, same body, of Christians, telligenee has been received here that Dr. byter.an Church, both day and night' The J -If V . I'ael as Duncan,; ?? w!i &PW&Oto& 1 iSS"" dependence, and Cen. Robert Howe! of S! 21st insL. bv takimra faul doi -f n? ence. which was , acrrftd and, rinrt. I A :-t' a ' I teroluuonaryiame, for the StoteHistorM I ?r&tojB$anptntgtmih DUM 1)V mi.Dtllto inalu.i) .,r nr;n;n. . I Snnililv anJ finni) .1,1 -.J.ll f ., . . r , W v v. UllJlUU naments.an editor who had been in attend. ance on one at Reidsville, returning home r1 NEW . ADVERTISEMENTS. -w vmm,j t vuv wa uiauy Quite a spirited debate came off in the Senate on the contested elections. EdmundSjOf Vermout,who is the lead er of the Radicals now that ' Morton is dead, "pitched into" Patterson, charging that he had secured his seat, by bribery, according.. to newspaper rumor.- Esenaior ttordou informed him, in reply, that it might be retali ated that a Judge had been ! invoked r,er3r8lrangetht me, will yet, after all they b, Bam0J1aV. rid. to hoW a d,Mioo S& in a criminal prosecution - over the Pfces and let the scoundrels rob them. . , e c . j u- v There were sums lost of from five to forty head of a Senator to induce him to dollars, and the man that loses money in vote with them. Senator Ransom "0bW Pes g no sympatny. Ifonralncr frxr thfrrw l ' ; cal collection of Revoldtionarv Statesmen.- xPJ i t , r . . , . i wi. eHYaEenioi uc ktatl incntfirt on .i - i , -t iUi iicbi scimuua iruw uumeiu meir aoiest I . j . . - j . ; " sa Another Pender Prisoner. " ' r f An officer, arrived . here from -Pender county, veaterdav. havinc nnilct hia riiam Mr. Blood is the enterprising I f,Tl-on.3i(ower..noor;antt mo I a colored prisoaerby the name of William ..up-wur i nei tire. .4wa first .ttis I James Simpson., who is committed hv Asheville Citizen-, On Tuesday I ?OTcre,d, in roa on the second floor, the I Justice Aimstrong, in default of security in V filiAriPP T?ih vent nn tn Rvanitanna I (Wnnimla hninir huin of Ilia lim. .) I . m . - " ' . .. ' - TT- -r -rr . I iuo sum oi xiuu. ior liis aDDearanre at th . A Wobl and Silk Wool Tafnise, Black and Colored Cashmeres,, ouuUjr ana Dunaay nigni was crowaed I nrt a L .i.- il...,' r.. a . I to near sermons from some of their ahlMt I "fir . -V4"!. vvlw B .V.T vo. aneyi- divinea, Tha , Yankee itTlement nr the' corner bf Eighth and Market f streets. uCu, oi uemonuizing :eiiects of Tour-1 Park Hill h 0,;T;T;; I tka U 't . .'J ' office known as ,Park,H&l, with Mr. G: house by a number oi colored 'neonle. threo sleDt oast his destination and h.H iVv r .looa, . tormeriy or Massacnusetts, as I m-miW ' - - -.. .. . . i nosuriAfiter. ST " ThanksglTlns Pi-oclamatlon, f f. . : HanilaHAniiilli. ,S . - 1 1 r are .tXZ: depiitj sheriff Rich went up to Swannanoa George Weaver's little daterf Ml rVW Creek, near Columbus, -Polk county, last wcc.. xne nine creatute, only twenty months of age, had wandered from the house, and in her efforts to cross a creek. near me nouse, rell in and was drowned. : Concord. .Register: Several of our Cabarrus county citizens were swindled out of considerable sums of money by a cheat who accompanied the show. It i some offense. He found Hill, and was and communicated to a bed in the room; The flames spread through the building with great rapidity, and it was a mass of flames. coming back ' with him in. a bu, when they were near the mill of Mrs. Young. Hill began to stanm his feet on the : noise." me! lok aromd dfi3 S the main buUding, which' was mat ne had something like a fit, but before I piieea i or twenty reet distant in front, ue coma i assistance Droves : through cents per Txrand on " the hoof. Rev. Mr. Atkins, pastor of the Methodist Church. returned last . week, having been returned Dy uonierence ror -another year;,xo , work. next term of Pender Superior Court to ah- owcr u me cnarge oi larceny, lie was lodged in the county jaiLb oiun .? .1 i 3-nankaglTlnc ay. . . i; .. I Mayor Dawson has . issued his proclama- j .;' f ' MATCH'S OF3FICB, WnjiiKOTOK, N. C, Nov. Tth, 1877. 7 A HK PIIKSIDEKT jOV TILS DNITED STATES and the Governor of our State, as respectively re quired by law, in the exercise of their sound ais cretton ' hare concurred to the ' appointment of THURSDAY, THE 89TH INST., as a "Day of sol- and public Thanksgiving to Almighty God for aair noia oi mm to renaei . nun and a, building, on i the adjoining premises 1 4"r- "u c,usscn8 OI . wwmngroii i past blessings and ef supplication for his continued Hill fell over and expired. I j ki ... i .f t to "forbear their nmal hnciinAaa VafiAnB I r ' u" of hoga from Tennessee are nassine i . "? UireB!irani ure en' .- .J7I .ITI: TT I Wainess and care over us asa State and kon " here Tdailv. The enmmnd r? I nes could get their streams upon it. The IU "'"'fis coniorm to ;ineyerypret - j . - - i niuiin macaraAnc.fi with thA mrto.io : ui.vit.i.. j - Cape Fear,- manned by colored firemen,1! reque8ls of 11x0 hi&l official feot the m8tream UpoW ;toe'reV1!a-,e, QoraneBte, h; h ! v j i.Ja y.' jJI i . l . I morrow. Thankseivin? Dav. s per requests of the highest officials of our on' to- f Mdeat8B Md parUcnlar when I fomwriy filled the office of Mayor of this City, I most earnestly ask that all citizens of Wilinuigtoawia ion I said annual in this part of ... the moral vineyard. I Phd withbut "dispafagement 'to th'e wellJ'oiauble Letters. The following are Deputy Marshals ! earned reputation fbr nromntness on the I ! The following , th, commented upon the fact that Gen. n.1 Marshall DouglasVWrRYo0 T., K I of me cr fire the city postoffice November rvocaUons, And in a&: thinV8 ..... i Aflernoldt. Jffla.. last November aowprl nna I rt..: w T4t. tt -o j I iA anrtnu ... ....m v..- . I - Merinos, Henrietta Cloth?; Australian Crepes, Black Dress Silks, ' Matelasse Cloths. ; f , ! r ; and a Large Stock of Diagonal and Basket Patterns Mohair Dress Goods, in all the new .: , and fashionable' ; ; ;; ' ; shades, -;: ' : ".; i v - i . . . . ! . . . Black Silk and Wool Fringes, Gal : loons, Sequino Buttons. ... t ,i ----- -7 . i wuuuiuk, fUHj., iaa xuvemoer sowed one I Uavis t . tt iiiiuuuwi i uu winr-ivuiia acres uutum. linn nn were examined in his case, and had I aver Dam, in wheat, reaped 50 bushels r. iii aw Harvest, men planted it in corn and raised no means of cross-examining them, over one hundred bushels, and on the 19th whilsi Corbin; th0: cobtesUnV bad i0"0 i!inff il ,n wneat aln- . .' - r-Mr. George Reep gave. us a radish: these same witnesses with bim two this week, which weighed four and three- ot juassacnnsetts, wno "went for' the I teen incnes ia length South and the : gross ou t rages cbm- W. A. Patterson. Henry Ednev. I two engines were subjected to an unavoid-1 27th tTTOTTw'S we J.tte Little BiMt's .horae. MdE aiw. Ma.Ba,' Rob6n conoty N C a- aiwHaiUf v if iiwncu, AtnaciBTUiw l V . " , ! ; ' w"rpi'",-- v vf u.a o vvuiMlUfg f AtJurillC. " u. I . Axiey, Murphy; Ii. k, Whitley, Old I waft for some time after being fired up and nenaerson county. fseveral persons nave I tiisciirou nwa ue Aunan, oy woicn sne conform to the very proper requests of the highest officials of onr state and General Government" , . 7 . j.-'P- . novS8St X18T OP LSTTBBS f . J V T v . john Dawson, ' i;:; , . &Mayor. ras temporarily . disabled. ; When the Remaining in the fhtu- PvotJ-UrW --nr-J' a ism ttiAJv.-i'- lWi,"j ri t1 1 corner Bom. Gen, Ransom replied maBharb 1 imposing: ceremonies. 1 A emd m aiivrw that'IIoar' will not S.o,t?,U Sonp0 forget soon.; t He told that Senator tion 00 and i.W F. Evans & Co 'a that when he desired 16 be instructed Shl . .. .. I ., : - iwa isauna ua uisi as to linnonrn Aim- 'l'noula l.. l. i ansr m rem.mmpnneri. Thtm nthiii Antra ""- u.oui jiaab butt 7 : . - . . " . - .. -e.- i i aton of PtAthAi -..WoTiv M.K....k I were auieu last wees near tne city.' i Oar milea. fmm tnun :waa l-.i I ' I ! : 1 Alementioe Allen, Prank M AgostinL J Ii Autry, mrs Rebecca AlexanderVr,..-, T yTHB ATLANTIC COAST LINE ;': 1ASSENGEB DEPAHTataNT. V i WILMINGTON Nov. 87, 1677. n -Mi :? "04 'sii J-) v&Ji0 . . .'I : been bitten by rabid dogs. There is great -1. .j . . T . . . . . iariu mm, mu, KenBraiBUgnier ?oij tne I -iMama did ermunets nlo.ino- th fl I . . rJ --O " . - 1 i T T v..-, .. m , see how I j Ali- irW? n. " a. x . - . . . s . i . i iriiniriv ina n simAa anAAnmhAi a .- Kaleifffa etc: Uur marketmen f r --wuuWu u uio jw-r -'uaKim. . . ; required last week to accommodate their, f Inl 8ency brought to bear against them, Augnstua Cobb, 1M Currie, Charlie customers, 68 beeves, 160 . hogs. 16 sheep I and it was not many .minutes before the I r'.tf ' mra Mary Corbett, mrs JaneCbest- uuubuu vi uh . . i no uuu i in nurr Md mnnnMHui i.th.'mn.. I n - . . . ..a ia.'juui lrmai tha A.n.t. . j ... ttt., . there has been, during the past week; I Tn" - r!Sa6, aw8onVniiS8 Bettie Douglas 1 win be miuoKwssTa meeting of considerable irrtereitiii the First J Te Company were igTrGrfenT G1?cOf. J J Grigga, Lucinda I SfTrJb7Qvnl" Presbytenan clrurch of mia city, which will! n,ot idle, though there was not much occa-1 Green. mrsLlzzie reen. . I gJj tkiSSSbJt teoke J.iiTiA8J!e 51" PASSENGERS AND " mnvaa lud miHimr. tit., . ur.u 1"A11 we ask Is the Customers to Call and Examine for Them- !- ... . .. JUUiUS SAR2SOI,'! 311 ': 5 :' 43 MARKET-STREET. ' '. ;!.. .... : . ::- . . ' t neyg8-tf , , . , . . ,WUmiKkm,N,c. ; ; a-ata Kn a aWA.aaw ' B . a J B Win nn fl BPMna r u . .a I . a - a wnii. wM.uewmiu?, ue brusieu l "-ej viw nuuiuwavu jeowna? wnue I no continued dnrimr Una week, and that Kitr' I ttm. t.ni.. a .,:.w.nj . : . I f. S.i .-.-. w I .ni.. rl i "S. I . - . . w.W r. m 'UWLft.T VI UtCU Hill BUU UIUWCSiL I he shoTrtd have the nood aenfto to HPfik "IT xTTV. wwu I ,.-uwaliie,. t. ojsp- nfpeetea I M 1t fhrtnnativ im ! V u ' . I tw . :n h i . P." r T""' , "tv- j rams, xne reponiacits con- to assist ue pastor, iJr. vaughsu, aud will f "777"'; n;i r .,-,:, . i -fy J not8 It Bevlew copy It A. POPE. Qen'l Pass. Agent. l j." . . . - - - I 1 " - J - K f t, "."'.i i i iitir .muiib nn n a tti r. rv tha u n . . . . t . . . ....... ..i . ihao the Senator from Masaaohunetu. t mi. ..hM.3 .m. iTr..S;' Sr.".?-L'"" ".e"-"'' - iwiouaaii, mocn. or itmcu wu and that nothing bat the proprietie 1'ALa'tfi. S"c!rIiSa r.. . ' . 1 1.- r s hundred people were in town Wednesday tropolitan Hall on Monday mernimr. Judee I WhseueAt inventory proyeil, that ; several of the bepate prevented him from de- to see the circus. -Wednesday ; nteht BrooksTreVidiufc Jutodiseim t aHicles. of more or less value, were missing jaayorBrown. issued, a warrant for the to reach the city on Wednesday. Theses- rte estimates his loafAbSuTf 100 Much arrest of the circus manager on account of sion of the. court will probably Occupy T .! MP9VilIf bja refusal to pay the corporation tax; three weeks. We understand that ,ff 4116 iture was ? removed i from the fsa was paid. number of charitable v, persons, oa . yea- kitchen, but several of the; occupants lost T" t - trt - I taPiotr MiaaH sat nr.nabiaaK1a n m I .a.J-;l''""' I xvaieign jcvei: wo learn- from I i J,u "loc" .T-a- -jur .ir J wuBiqerapie.; ..;.s.;;;nf 1 VI j ME AMEBICAH CflATTEBBOi. H FINEST JtjyENILE fOB, " Jl-T' nouncing in seyere language the state ment of the Senator.. ..The reply throughout is spirited and indignant. Gen. Ransom is ordinarily very seyere and - forbearing, and , the occasion !H Mra MarjTH Hinea, mrs 1 Josephine Mall wmSm sT1.1f . TT a . . i uiiBB vycuav nanaeD, miss iuuza Holmes. -Mlaa MNellie i Jnnps mn a tms- Jones. - .nm i jK-RichardttraiiiJ&i ;TA T.trKilrI m;o. 17l.-. T . UMSW MrSepheTI heice in thS world IT.8: tJ1? J"30 Mor- i iN-Jff Nixon. i jsm iP Mrs Jumter Pierce. Gaa Porkina Q Mrs James Qui nn. ; xv -iniHB jrannie Kowell. mrs s Lizzie WE CALL ATTENTroisr 1Y riTTl 5ew.a?ih?i'of Inserting ABTIFI CIAL TEETH, wherebi the most ease and comf art htT. i"tT. I operations, and Gas ri vn when dhSlrld ,U kovil tf " ! BALDWIN. n0T" tf .r -; - : 8S Markets ria ! Sno tshn suin--.A1 l.i. .A " r ':rr ' .r ""ilJC" "lc.y?0lrry eTen- after he wan d .hnr,md : from . .tndw7 HE irutu uie counLrv. mat me rtrinaa t tha i r - - d . - - j ITalla nt Wanui ..J .la. ik. I !j.fi I li&Sb . 1 t 11 rm . I irolla ftf Uah&a n n .1.. . 1 I ? . must nave oeen unusually ouensive to I . uriute nown i oclock a -- v - awM wm Ma-afV o;irja have drawn 'from him so pointed and personal a reply. ; - - . " - WATEBY GBAVE9). ,SDUg A Boat , Capslzeal , and Two ITIen Drowned. Charlotte Observer. Following close upon the heels of the appalling J disasters . of Friday, comes the intelligence of an occur- - "A- - f m . -ir-ai . - though greatly impaired. The Rogers bridge, near the Oil Mills, on the Louisburg road, had the three middle spans- washed away, leaving the abutment and one span at each end standine. -Information was received in the city, yesterday, that the man Mooningham, acquitted here last oaiuraay oi tne cnarge of murdering Harry oeaweii, came near peine drowned on re turning home on Saturday night. He walked over the Neuse river bridge -to the luruier euu, ana, tne aouiment being gone, oivHpw wii iuiu iut rirer.". - tie noated tne - man. Andrew ' Moonintrham. 1 ., nLLi.iil':-j.'L'L':: ... ,a 1 . M -uuuuiuk uesiroyeu waauie new UUVUOIgCU 41UUI VUDHMJ.. 4"T i. """ ' "-' ' mVh( . kolnuiii . I.n , an4 .T.n.n I OI Ml. Lu . V OllerS.' ftnd WHfl VAlllAd shooting affair occurred on Wil- which .was . covered by insurance: ia the 'Q a " f DT,etfi' Pharp, .treet,, by which . Obie Holland srinfleid FteAnd Martha 'and Ph.i ItrV ' 2 T " - 7s; 7" - --- 1 T-7 eJ rwimn i nomas. Brooklyn, represented by Messrs. 'Atkinson I ? V Geo O TanAmringe. s .Manning.! , The dwelling was insured for $3,000 in the same companies.- i aiinstrattonB ar. .ii -.i.T.i.kj ..i .:..t i i a oojria Twti Atm mrr. dren. '. ,777 . j" r".?? -aaww.WL-. IMSesS sitW to lb! UtS Kl Royal, mrs Martha Rm RelSf EW'' property 1 Robinson, i'- ? 1 - : " , , 1 which reads as follows : . vvl"il 8 poncy, at $500. i Skipper, miss Annie Swinaon . EdV li I : " "f 7, "Pr i; t S.?l?Fe,ror which . . w B m A aa U W"W V naa r T ..JL. . 1 .- - HIA'UlJnililTPiil. H aov s ir . , mington street, was shot through the thigh, and Sid. Dun ston in the foot. The shooting was said to have been done by a negro named John Morgan, who ran off in the dark, but was afterwards captured. - It is probable, that a great deal of damage has resulted from the heavy rains of Friday and Friday night. A passenger by the N. C. Railroad HKrKfHRnrRantKU j Liva Book and Music Store.? ;!.. awu ill u ill nna a h aaan auuu 11111 u m.m h a. mm mm , . i .... ...ui.rr : -. r,:. ' rrm'-'irr!? -T"""" l'J I of the bridees over Walnut fcreelr-were t Juutwi iuis vis ooauy a- Uv ......ouu uun,. . u.mu. .minu jyiug luscuaioie UD lO I .oK,1 a .t sn j ail... H... tmD 'T) Mi. ri-o men of the town, were cross- lovelock yesterday. v: jTOKr.? aVa' n-koV' : hi.li .a . 4rtat v.r I L j nk-.i. m.. . o , i o ntiies; mence to narreu s Btore rostoince, 1 reduced to One 'Dollar. For sale bT jTA iu,wnT. I ! esvnie Postofflcei 1 X- .7:"' 'm-m 7 ; ' "'.- ' I1 'i 1 Scofield. of Davidson College, who was in jured last Tuesday in .attempting to .jump upuu a uioviug irain on tne otatesvllle Kailroad, is rapidly recovenng from his in- rence near JJncolnton, Friday highV iZhtSSlSSll .friK-ghi?K.S which it hardly less distressine in its ;;,"iLll"ri4L"ni?? . n""".8 since 1878. and Crabtree Wifter than it has CnaMMjar ' Mocara Miohdot t-tnh-a It-i.. "rrr. . . J --, J acob young ing CI) the outskirts, and which runs between the town and ' jPhiferV factory, the waters bclntr very hich,' when the boat whih Jhey- oooufied .addenly irSST capsized. Young G rice sank beneath murrain is prevailing to some extent among the watei'fraiy.fte the! cattle in Gaston couaty. rvlt Jut also in- Mr. Hoke lodged Jiigh up among Jfded Mecklenburg -and several cows in ,h. i , -ar a & Steel Creek have died of it. Rev.; Dr the branches, Mr . Strmner -below him, j. mu the reyivahst, who recentiyeid a ana m .this- penlous situation they protracted meeting at Matthews' Station, in hung suspended by the arms, calling this county,, has been, by the Presbytery of for help which f .did Hioti tranbf and Macon, Ga., elected a trustee of .Davidson talkini? with ar-h other ' ahoat rhir llee' . : Mr. B. N. Smith: has pre Z ' 7i.ef'0Wl ,ttt?ir:- sensed ua with a specimen of the second pern and the probabilities of escape crop of apples boroe by one of his trees this rom their frightful surroundings. At season. The first crop ripened in August, the end (of an, hburMrr ' Sumner said and then the tree bloomed, . apples formed to his eombanton that he eon Id hold nd have now Aecomen ripe; . They aw Oflt nfti i f PPlea. u is true, but f hey are apples: out no longer iiatr he. was growing jct8t!tbesamer and ripe ones, too. ; , 7afrd, eW would hayo States. iliwn; Much ltlleiHpjM.flimbli wbeat has been seeded in this and adjacent a ake, care of yourself,? w.er tha last eouaties, and much more is yet to be put in words be ittereL; and then he sanjk the s ground; -The Statesville Silver swid the waves closed verbis already Cornet Band, mounted on their, car drawn lmoi lifeleS form.' Uis eOtrmaS by four fine fteeds, gave a paradejeobcert did mSJ??-- fiMJ!P!to-. through our principal streets, last Saturday aid not iun! when he disappeared eveni5g, witKa Effect, r-At the late aor the night was dark, but their con- J tertn of the Superior Court for this county. Postal Route. We examlp'cd yesterday a .very neat. skill- informed us last night that Haw river was I fiUy, executed and. tastily arranged map or very high as were other streams on that I diagram of; the 'semi-weekly mail route road. Passengers by the R. & G. Railroad nAtiUnnAfi fUr h k' f h- ru.nn. nt t. j.- say - that Tar river was over the county I rP ' J r: ' bridge near where the railroad . crosses it, county,drawn by Mr.:H.AColvin,Saryeyor,- wbicbjs as follows: From Wilmington, per steamer,, to Still Bluff and Point Caswell,1 35 Bridge Postoffice W D R iWillitinfi HkMa. IT.mIii.. ' John Webber,, miss Mary Waddell, miss Nsnnle Wilkins, Robt Webb, col; Roh't Washington, coL ', c . ;.r.. : Y Major W L Young, D W Yates. n j. ciouua iwung ior JiBMerA4tt-4Jie -ADOVe list will please say " advertised." iriot cauew ror witnm 80 days they wul be sent - Yau jueuer umce. :mqmr;K! n ' LI. '' . Ed. 11. Bbstk, P. M, ' Wilmington, iSTeW Hanover Co., N. p. ; i A LOVELY GOMPT.Rvrnw t-k. Pt of , nature without raggesUon or artiAciat ap- gIMMONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND, ifliii 548 HAIR RENBWER; toi dnlT Vm..v.'? Ji e ie.on be- be paid withouTnM.,!i??lI . count." ' , mT ' wiwiout a is- ; ? RAD WAY'S RELIEP, ' j 1; ':ISilSli.'!KB'8 RITTERS. 7 7 , ; BOCHER'8 OERMAN HvwriD - ' - .PAIN EIIJjEBi: ' ? !-""-- c t-FAMILY DYAMci,. ;- iQ.RH; RTf' 'a; ' wt; . uvran ' " nniwai..- There Is no sixty day clause in that poller j J0lfNW.G01irJoN4BItO.! riov 25-tf 7i: : General Insnranee.am.nt. 4 North Water street. .'!'. . Wilmington, N. C. nov28tr Hiindred -. .W N W AbTBTISEiriENTa. i A. Pope Railroad notice ,f ; t i ? r Munson tfc Co New goods, ,'r; s ;;-...'. Julitjs Samson New goods.- ' - s ; I Mayor's Thanksgiving notice. ;,. HETJirSBEBOKKj-rChristo 16 i t Green & Flanner Medicines. . . ,. Gore & Gore Flour, sugar, $c.' 7;'.; i 6 miles; thence to Herrin a"1! B'niilos: and thence to2 Lisbon Pttofflen'.- Sampson county, 8 inilesV It is 'claimed SaTBLT AIR Ok rnrATWlr trial miai oV.'il '"iilLUl' ' eflv c.-.- ".73- i - u vr, imnn cinaneons eruptions by opening the poros whose obstruction that this route ia notTTahle tointPrmnHnn XT ul r- -xeaa ana you will by freshets. , The distance from WUniine- J US?.?! ton to Point Caswell by land is' set down on I , ; ' 'is an ani " ' ' ' 1 this, map at m m.7-. siw'l H farSSr! i without, medicine. Pulyermaeher'a Alectric Blra the mnd deaideralmi. AmM inH.H... n - J T -- -J.I. -MTV ., ,- BUW ' 7: :V 1 -TIPFBRENT STYLES CASSIMBRES.' 1 FT3 ; :iw ! M i: "wwaui and CHEVIOTS. Loidon, Paris and American msntxsxture, ;i T fi ! io ,?,ke J Measure, opened yesterdarl Plour, Bacon; Syrup; j SS8,84;8?? Bbls FLOUR,; ! 'if J.A Boxes BACON, v,, , For sale by 1 I 40,000 Shingles, f 4, 5 and 6 Inch HEARTS, 4, 5 and inch SAPS, ' In Rundles of Pifty, f ' v FOR SALE LOW FOR CASHi. y. . rAitsusY, Jr., Agent, . , Cor. Orange and S. Water sts. nov 27-tf -f- MhanT: Gents', ITeck Wear. nov S5 DAWtf GORE A GORE. .Coffee,, Tobacco. TOBACCO, !. . Two Colored' men;4 Wmr i UTboxW twWoi":i ?: 1 - ; 3 i rntiAWinati nuu ..... ;v- t- tu 1WT "c 7 i i 7 f .tii.-.jtu. luiitr.-w -! 'i:v i l 'For sale by k aKUaiDim slrvvWwnwt.-'Ui:- i WTiBWir . u-..... GORE 4 GORE. most wholesome and delicious Vienna roila. tSbtrH I mTT rniro naai wn.BJika jb . 1 - ffIayor court. uwua uoar, are always possiiHa to I fuuuuoiv uuu A aiiUV AJUUUOi I VMI ""csa, nutcan saWUiABTa. isinr Doourrw YbamT i PownaT I HP ' V -t t Full assortment SADDLERY GOOT1A. jBakins? Powder Visa mtnnA ih.'t,t 1 1 "RS T. Vr.AWnW wtontpa ntn i I TRITWKH ind THAVEMMa maa , . r. , f - . ... wujwt i - . iui i . , .... . ..... . v. v.. - - hoasekeepers and the 5onaumlng poblic "T"" weuiy years, it is aDso- j nounce to the Ladies that h tui'Mhinuyi from the NortheraiOiUes, where she bu been mt- oumal, with full Henry White,' were arrested oy OlHce son of. !the 'jlicbVforVC .yesterday ';afferr twnh i Aitf A rrt 1 rtrt Ir aw t Via n 9 am UWU DWUV 7 V vlvvni. VIA U4V vUBltlu Ul DU- I ...'aA- -W mm "" ovmsp. mm WmJO . nvvi. w na HW I CaKUlK Itt a UaUVVU-UCOl tUCVUHJCIUlXIUIll I irietwini Mftvor hurt n tarA tni- v..o ;r..Aoi;. I i j i-mi1 ' ilwl. '. rrn ' I tahlo by 1 - uu nv iu iu,,uo- i auu jjAiMo-ck succiBh ,! ja McjT,; will--, pw9uaojy I :'i.'ui celebrated tion .yesterday morning. t.HTO a hearjngbeforo.the.Mayor thismora- SS,1 ripnrv i-iai i"rirmir ; a. Ma iii. -a t- .. , - -V ,""a -l wwito, '.VMaiKCU - W1UI IDE. ... l.oN AITaira at Weldon. It is croccted that Anabtrcmcnts for the traAsftrpasteni" the RoAno&e rlyer,;WdbV hwSiSL VZgZ finmmirarf rrLiiav onrT 1 1 yesterday; morniogabput: 3 bclocki Was1 IZr..: " . ....... r. . .iniiTiurR l fir inn I iHHHMin iii I rn 1 1 1 c nvNr I iih i nrn.M ' itf . n a .v.. . ji t . - . . . . . i .. .. ... . I - . . . - . w- w-wv. i mw w ut7 uuubi ina I ii n i r. irriiinnai. ... . - t ted Statical rA I siiutwM w uiuuey reiuuutxi. regular slae I Variety Store. 43 Market Street. oct tf nac MRS. L. FLANAGAN. .IfOST RECEIVED. ANOTHER LARGE ) ' ' and ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF LONDON, .BUCKINGHAM, ! V, , t ''"BnRT.TN'O'rnra l tufvwn' ; j '", ' . REVOLVING SCARFS, la Beantl'rui and Taatcf ul Patterns, - - - ' k 1 V Wtth Prices to suit aJl4 . '71 ' ' Call and examine at 5 . :M : . ,-.v.ri .-. . 7., :; ' ' I - A. DAVID'S, Merchant Tailor and Clothier.' ' Corner Front aad Princeas. nova7tf Ilallard & Co. NEWLOT SECOND-HAND W V;'- VArtT nr a- .- j disorderly conduct, was ordered ta"pay t fine of $5,.defendant to be committed until the fine is paid.. ' " '' '" y v - v Joseph Miller, M little colored youth, who was j found wandering about the streets s f ., yr.-fi v -..(; ..:-; ; t rirf t!' fu wja u umunn jnreagtav- Tbo I k ner au purcnases in MILLINER Y and every mm t-., ... . genuine is put up in cans, Most all grt grocers I 4eacriptton of FANCY ARTICLES, and is noi , . , t?tii ,:. i wuu, a:ttii v ..r, i-. tt.iie, prepared to show her patrons a Very Attractive and . m nntnunii marr air mt v aja n ic war vui. utvi tto .k ERMAN SYRUP."--NoollaOr medleiiw FraBChFaUera BonneU and Hats, VelvetsTbilks. the- Beet Goods,' the ordered to be kept iuthe station house until 52rf a Boanote StTeo called for by his parents. : inK thrS SJfe road wi b0 erected mmendln it toUi cnmer.. ; SBManHfaelnrlncr anrl RAnalrintr ainna nnM.' ly. Bottom Prices. , " H nov 25-tf . ' .7 No.SSrawFrbntSt. ' 7 'i " ' . i " 1 1 Fall PasMoiiW UTRS. VIRGINIA A. ORR HAS HSTTRTTitn aA XU. ia now asing the LATEST SHAPES for La dies and Misses Hats, and Invit. a .n a,na. who have heretofore entrnxtAri ho ih k.; tr She is prepared to alter old styles and fashion them aiavrtai, luvucrn snapes. a. WHetraw yed .black when so ordered and in best style. RESIDENCES Ctee door east of Front, on Church Street, oet 14-tf - J; f - ft ?! ! .4 4: f:' fl I?

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