i ..... 1 -.... ... j xi. j TTa... 1. 1, .. , , " ,, ,. .... i THE IIOBUZITG GTAR IXATE3 OF -"A DVEUT1SIRO. On Squre on dy,...........v..,... ",it, " g.two day , tHthreodajrs,.....,..........;. j JJ :V lotirday8,.... five dAys. P . , " , One week, ..(-,........ - Two week,. i,4i..i.t..4, ... fl 00 H5 it 60 8 00 3 50 4 f'O 6 50 8 56 in (Mi By TTE3. n. nzinr' Jdbubhbp pah.t xxcapT moxdays, . . u.wv .v..1. , ........ . nh.mA.lli - ' n25u: ::::::::::: tiS Twomontha,.'.. 17 00 Three months....' V........ 24 00 3 25 1 00 One muuu . iHE . MOBNING STAR. ootiuthortaed I OUTL1NESI. . i i Failarea, bank suspensions and. bank ruptcy are the order of the day; four Urge inures reported. , - Congress met; full attendance in both ' Houses. - The in - surrection in Crete has begun. - The. ice on the Danube i thawing; transportation is rendered more difficult. A terrible i condition of aain exists along the Dan- ul,e. A fearful : disease ;. has broken , out among the Turkish prisoners in Fra- , Iisbi; it is thought to be the plague. ; f The Russians have gained a grand victbry( at the Schipka Pass, capluriog ,the entire Turkish armyi) ? r A six weeks armistice iq reported, lut it is probably premature, ... J A greenbacker was elected Speaker of 7 the Wisconsin ; House J-rTwo;' forged drafts for $1,000 each, on - the Pirst Na tional Bank of Charleston, were discovered at due of the New.YorkTanks, f- Judge Ttarson wa buried at Raleigh. -A con flict between Got. Yanee and.the Supreme Court.as to his right to appdintra piriej Jus- jjpel.rTr! XUhim Ana noiten ucensea by T the Suprenlie iponjof North Carolina. -4-- A n anhliealfon for -an armistice has bien ; riade by iJrQ Trirks. X Rer.r "DfkEfxke stou declines .the Episcopate offered ion. -i NewTTork markets Money !easy j at G per ceoti gidflrmerXOSi cotton ' 8 23;rwbeatiesaitj ; corn dull at Ki56.ceBls; spltVti t turpen tine quiet at 3232i cents; rosjn quiet ! at Victor Emanuel IL, King of Italy, whose, death was announced in onrv Idst, was ifao soq ot Ubaiies Albert, ; King of Sterdiaia, and was born in 1820. Ite was therefore, in his 58th . year at the ttrwo olf his death. - lie was a gallant soldier: and" jwom his spurs j thu campaign with Austria, which terminated disastrously arid ' caused the abdication of 'bis father, lit 1849 he ascended the throne of Sar dinia under very unfavorable circum stances.' lie had just been .defeated bv a powerful foe that stooHl ready o ..' : ioiiuce upon . him. Throagtwthe as " siHtance of that great statesman ? and , diplomatist.Connt Cavour.be isuoueed- ir ' . ....... -. . f- ; -' ed in making favorable terms ( wjth " Austria. He soon after unJertoo z 1 the complete rtKrganizatkmofthe finances, the army, and the system 'cf education. In 1859 be formed, 8flf a 5 Iiance with Jb ranee, and engaged m a - second war with Austria, iu which the! latter was signally defeated, abai do'ningLtbardy loathe Italians. In 1861 he was proclaimed Kiotj; of Italy. In l866, as the ally orinsaU against Austria: he snffered. ,a ind and naval defeat, tttit the snccess b the Prussians at Sadj)wa restored '3Ce nfiia to Jtalyaod ended 4n the unifi 4aiien feft all ihelltalniStalesrlwitb Itome as theveatHiah' His character is Easily Cammed up Brave to fault, of very 5easy. vt ine," fond of life, and ititha.&i hommie which made him very popn Jar with! all classes. he .an weeded : wberVeven abler -tirerr; - might hate lailed..;; He leaves. four children, wej believe,' Dre': b f. 'whom, ia Amadensj For ihQrl"ilno;King of Spain. Hi twd daughters are . married . one tc Prince Napoleon, : the other to the King of PortogaU Hi death will probably c'lifse rfo' change in Italiare Jaffairal at, his Vptiftidbt of Piedmout, has been declared Kingi he being , the beir .apparent to Jhej kuruue. , i . .. . . .. . The Russians have again ' achieved! a signal victory The offibiai ' report has been .telegraphed, ab; we ; i?tay credit it " without disconut. : 6en. Radetsky, after defperate fighting, has captured the entire, Turkish army that was in position at Sohipka'Pass, consisting of fifty one battalions.' u So the Pass is now heM bf thW Russians. This will opeh the way Tor"! the : 'easy advance of the Rnssian army, . of . in vasion, and will be an. additional powerful reason why Turkey J should seek peace as soon s poraibleJibi armistice is "already reported . but prematurely " doubtless. - There is, however, every Vindication ' thai rone will be speedily 'granted by the Rus sians.; The condition of affairs along the Danube is represented as being extremely distressing.: Supplies are getting short, and it is impossible for transportation to continue p wing to the terrible condition of the roads A Professor Carder, of New York, has performed tbedifScbU eet" of waltzing twelve consecutive hours. He pirouettediwith sundry girls,-land his legs held on until the, last whirl was made. He toed the mark to the !ast. NezU - - , - - : ? : j ' Trie name of the hew peper- noticed onr last n,v77ie Carthaginian." We so-wrote.. it, but ' the printer- wouid have bis way.' ; r ' 7-...t Xl, VOL. XXI. NO." 93. News comes by telegraph that there is a conflict between, the Gov ernor and .the " Justices i of .Vthe Su preme tJourt arto whd has. the right to appoint; a; aacoessonto .the ;late of North; Carolina vacancies, and the ! way theywerefilled we should say that the appointing powgrv lair uiilli ikn1 TJ';' A.tT conflict who is tixjetermina? t If tjie Asioate:Jotices?deidiiha have the right to appoint, will' it , dot be usurpation on their, part? ' At the last session of the North. Carolina Medical Association, .Misa .Dimmock, of Washington. N. 0.. was admitted to mem. berahip in that learned body.-r-Fetersbqrg Index -Appeal . ."A:)-," j Bliss'i Diramoct . was admitted to inembefship as staled, but she has been dead severafyearsi We; think ahe wM lost arsea "btti her .ay Europe! She was"the daughter thef late j Henry Dimmbck, Who abiy edited fof many years . the -brfA State Whig, published at; ' Washing tori, N. C. 4 ' 5 .... ..jiii.. The South at last has one delegake in tihb Female.. Ballot-Stuffing! Cob- vention. : She is , a "cullud ; pnssoii'l' from Mississippi. Her nameViis hbt given!. We wonder ifit can be'Eli: ;a Pinkstohlj IBut" no,' for-- she is the Louisiana heroine of the great outrage miiir. iVsK-ri-?s r it ; Alecklenbart: Slav Is Dlnsr an4 lii a Done. " . '- f r Charlotte Observer. , .f A gentleman of this county is en ploying his spare time in constructin j a flying machine, whose capacity sha I be great enoogh to carry a man c f the weight of one hundred and 'fift j pounds. ' The manner by which th 3 plan for the machine was obtainec , is ais follows: Having shot a hawt, he measured its wings and then asj certained the fweight of .the '', biro! With these data he calculated the proportions of 'the machine,', or. airj boat, as you please, allowing for the weight of the man a hundred and fifty pounds. This makes the wing! aboat thirty feet long. His plan fo working it 'is . by ' means of . treadles , be .material of wbicb it is to be conf struetea, oeing very iigu ne tnmKi It can be worked without mnch iaiign to the operator or arohaut. " ' , ? The Commissioner of Internal Rev enue thia morning received : the; fol lowing' dispatch - from a Charlotte -N C; Governor Uamptoh has directec the Sheriff of 'Union , county. tatBeej the Uir enforced!, and? proposes to) remove the trial iasticd' andldisbandl the militia bomany implicated iri thej rescue oi :,r eaerat , prisoners.; , vv ei shall call on the Sheriff ' for' atis'se, o4-beireve- weHsball-be-ablo to avoid all trouble.' Full'partlCuIai'rfbymifl. Am.on4JDV wav to see Collector Mott, but will. ref urn) tot SpartanburgJ to-mgnt. ,v au " j ..'-...-u jRoenue Agent." a :U H ' - . t '-" : ' ( tj .-yr j i!.A voung lady of Raleigh. ibadeall her prepaiatieS toirecbiveTie!W;,f ears calls. ?vnea me aay came, carnage after carriage droyeiup thel! door and the'ri 'drove jswa-ftittt thebell being pnlle'anMU wailoearlyUigKt before the lady of tbb hotfs'e diepx ered thatlier. husband had ' left" the market basket. the front door, and ii1-. :' ill . m j i. inac 1& COUlSUOeu auout a yijur iting cardsC: J Tntttshand'lifj now bald-headed- and oroomsticKS" nave risen 90 "per cent, in-tneRaleigh mar- . r ; .,..,.., ..-.tyM .so4.f)fi'. aMTlflUMHW Spirits1 $ diiitine -bodMfhifitbudge Pearson was interred atOakdale Cemetery, i Raleigh . ; -m ' '. tjt iVj&itM lee house at Oxf drd s wre filled on Monday laaLTbc icc waff three incites, thicks ft;; ;t;i;fiW- s f -! Charlotte r! isvin' cobd' humon Mrs. Chanfran and Dan 'Bryant' arc to visit the 'future London." y " -: : - A hardware ' drnmmer ' lost all of bis "kit" it large one in, a creek , Jn Cabarrus wWch was at fld '.t : Mu Airv' Visitor: Snow on the mninitain.' in sieht of Mt. .'Airy, twelve inches deepon Sunday, Decth. ' WCaptJCHEvanbeTOnies able' editor and proprietor 40 thf Beidsville Times, a Itve paper run 01 goou uiiuga. A liUle son of Sidney Powell's, at Morganton, badfliui (eetb knocked out and one arm badly crushed by an iron safe that tell partly; on Mnv '' i' '" : , " " - ine JilCKOry XTeBr?nas entereu nnan its eiehth jrolume.. We hopejt will long flourish) and .make brother omlinson bushels of the J'dollars of our dad." ; Charlotte ,Observer: From some unknown cause it was decided, after the remains of-Cbief Justice Pearson bad been carried toBtatesvtlle 'Mfiodiy Hhat they should be buried rn'Raleigirr' .s.t r rWttkeatibtd fWitnessi We teard that a few day" aince, white some boys la the eastern part of tjhe county were band line a, leaded gun very carelessly, it went onVsahooting a little boyof MrV. Beverly. Coleman tbronghAb ibody, UJingtbptle J2QOesonianiSl.be largest freshet which' has been in oar1 river since1 1867; was seen last'week.' " " '-' We ' learn that fil. LlWJUL'MiNCTpNrjN.tG the store of Messrs. Cobb 2 ub;taeaf . .Shoe jfleel, was robbed vuring the Christmas holidayal.-t-r MrU Xa7illiv of Shoe iHeeU succeeded durnig flbe teced't term of our court in obtaining I jndgmenl aftaiasttbe aeencv of 4 ihe iermanim. afcd M AnAVaP limiuiiiiU..if. N,,Vnrk, rZ.Zr'iZ" Oxford TTdreMight: Mr. E. IG. PltnTOB v tnllA 1nf Iktn -1.A MMMM fttMM .Mj;Mt uw icifc bins uiace buuio iiuia oiutx 10 sees: nis rortune in the west, returned. I'lippeiirTburjdaTjaai irhbmeihatVwhatiwe . - telling the boys all the time. n Mt; G. Renn, of this county, killed a three-year old bog, on Tuesday last, which weighed ou Pi1dS'v1it." like' in' hiterS NU it umu k buy looir. uoe uunareu sna sixty-five courjlesMmbeea toiled in witd. lock4athe yitaavhas- pasfe- - bAu.- - Reidsville 7W. . A talMnkn T- there it au.pnmaaole jetter in t ai iu ii mat measured six weighed pounds. villeaYi that once belonged t0 Alexander Cunning nam, the recent Person ed one, pointed in age. feetndaeTniBcheaajd oal I .Tii.vnn AS wn.iBrbdklvii:.' 2 ' I arrived here Wednesday from Sateni: Mads.. I rx3t- coida. , -r..r! r"".-: , ' " r-v' " ii j x, i 1 wim oiksiui,,ci..wmiw: uveiuuuru 1 ujj luuueuce, iikb 102 T -i---CapUItt ilcJtfnsey.'or D4n-1 Diaitoaaxy whdk uaruuuafr, im ': . '. V . .V J. i; f ,J Pike'a Toothache D ahadA abort bil 4inceaveiarl AiWliUA'iat -'tiaftliiikii Utiift.-.WH f'. . wno a iea many- years aeo. ana -was I rr r .-.v, W1 . df-tance aonth of Haiteraa. :a aevenr Ai i ir."rrr! iameroii voi.,uonQ .vunningnanii.. we -omw wm-rr'.',',,'":.f T m nr.nifit. is-. ..j -KaI I durimr and chaaelesa. . UIUMUI.MIUUVU KhJIMBLW UVIMIUI 4,4 VIU - - w WJT TOinTllI IB? C. I fUll.1.1111 . HI. I II I H s. - - . 1 MWM V Ml utvBmw miiitr- ThA .KlirtWnkiid ei uiift"it"r3-p?";-w K8uClcea UTerboarct y;. tteaTT aea. ErerT I recelTed a freaU aapplyof at both enda and was seveatv narirh Wwttri.9fet:dLt6f;hlcb,J82 I A-SiLilk'-fir- v " i YiBB'Vfl M.'"N R:' f ;ilIiiiJU.iiLi7iii;r..sL;!,.''';lJi i.l .-Jtn.-i, r.ir.- aj.itiri. niTTT'T BelUble beta for weak . 7 i i t-,-7. . j r' r a - i ooflioi f i n . n m tuc uuiui LiiiiaLn iiinii i aai i a. i c - ..iif"H:u" - fiwy., ,lf without avail: Hf: ;Tracir was a vonhir I ChiMle. patofnl and. . Concordir:flu!rha .Mettttl-- W.,-P6? dist and Lutheran festivals Christmas wee,, about forty, and Jtbe latter fifty dollarsi, we tnans Mr. 11. Jj. uroner for a present of a stalk of celery, it was as thick as a chair dosL 83 inches lone, and ka crisp, as-a retfdfaS . -4nieM baH Aefcn countyTtfidf- several commitments Tothe county jail d rinffthepaatrtwpieeUf ,fTi were fbr wifebeatrhgftiadAht rest tot ' tarceny and! ZZr-JTZ. f " -"T: irire was dm lflflt batnpjav KfAnm.lhat h. Kaan M-ioiA - . k. T 't IflHIIfH IAJW.nHll o sweep 1 He nrepiace, uaa oeen lata iir iaet closet unnoticed; nre in tne wbisk caus the igmuon. .Va-hara'... ' WibtAlf , t A..-N-AT xi i . &rhterUriJVJ edUltoCityyfefiftrday of tbe death Ml reacnea rStw t 1A nVWIr 1 T Tr 'Hill rnila. number of years bad business connections "j . -ma. r. r.u in .Newborn, and was well Enown and big Ir esteemed bv many of bur citizens. ' 'I'h. fn na nit ia thj. Maw Uia.il I ItkA ahw luiivniuK isHMi nn ii I n .n-ivtiwf Inn of Ihn Nntinnkl Hnfc "nf TfAwhorH UVVlgU U.X1VU, 4W. UWIJV II jIVlBJIIVWIV,- Esq.;-Jtfbief Johnugaaa,i. HUTneker, bf. Kaieun. U. wtndley.. JSsa. . Tbe lol - lowing officers . trere elected :jn For Presf-- j . it 'T-t' "ri''i. j' Wi. .n - . k ueni, jaajordona nagussvieeirresiaeni, ueorge Anen, issqrf v8111 : Jonn "A. Quion; Teller.: George; Huberts.: Esq aoarry-on vVMneadaf 'inT last' week, anti Bookkeenei. Jodji Hi Bell. Ean heinir tha I . -W. , i . n 1l A j v incumbents ot the pasFyear" " ' " - tj i t. at n vr L yesterday commuted tbe sentences of Rut- us Ii0caic4 sjiJiichardaBaib; of:3hai- lotte, who wete to have been hanged toi dav. at that't)laee5 tet imprisonment for Ufa in the State Denitentlart; J Their sentences were. BO commuted at the Solicitation Of tbe Judge and the 8olIc1tbr,1he jury who, con - victed, and , number of tbe,. 4est -JiUaenk of the countyrr-rTe leaniT4hat privatt) teieixtTamawereseDtTreSterdavbVlJentlemea insthis Citopn, rgeTDayts, Hm ""u"iu"ii iSrSKLS appointment' of Justice of 'tae'.Supremd Court oMiorth Carotina, Abould M be ten4 deteuV Jtfm tftf Mflje8eLJU.ihesj telegrams, Mr. Davis stated that he would tioVaC desbf the iftrtaiBtsBeot nA4-Uoha R Green erected the first tobacco -factory it Darham,Jhjanw8riol';18S3.For several Years he ran the business with marked suci cess. At bis death bis administrators sold js. At his death his administrators sold 1 1 'tSrflfSI in outs himself on a leval :wlth i nerrc out to W man pats himself en. a Jevi. with Binegrq be thereby forfeits all claim to "color line protection The haliit' of some negroes about here of trying to getup.aicoloriiiaej muss, in every diniculty, between a white! man anda darky," mSr cost them dearly if Jlbey per&isjL.: We learn that a Scotcb gentleman of capital has been reconnoiler ing Dan River, oppositexMittonl 1 with the view of erecting a, factory tPimanufacturei coarse woolen cloths. We are pleased to learfrhe left favorably impressed. Asj Mr. J, J. UQVuijEtQn and bis son-in-UW. W. Link, were passing on tbe highway near! Bethel Hill.- n Farsoacounty. affjwigbtsi aeo.Aheyiwre JiiUftliKlwltti white oy-itarev w me.e. ?5 jesses iu 1116 ui iuc. juiu&, auu, utauuug mw with aitBnrriernar knife, cut him danger ously and would rotWhrtf J murdered himhad, not Muoviflgton interfered. . - JbdgeK Tdttruree appeared J counsel before the SupremejCeurt of Miss Tabitha Ann HQ1Wd,T1 Wuilford. The point was, whether tbe law of tbe State would admit women to prattled atthe'baf. Tbeny8:;.VJaJter,tha?heariBy the cfljM 'the Court decided to oermit the ex amination of tbe lady applicant,' and this at once began. Her.aoswers tojaliithgaajies- tions propounded ; were satisiactpry ana were given in such a matfrteras'tobowher annnaintanca with the law. .JX0ai8inzie question was unanswered, and it is stated not better than any of the, masculine appli cants. License to practice law in this state was then krabtetf her- -"Miss liolton,' who 1 has now the distinctidnof being the' first I ji . 1 jk.!ttXJ Unit in tuis Slate.nras- onrmn-uxinioTa cuuuiy, and istbe dsatCTot ambeyarfJamas-1 Ukwa. Hef ea Is'aboat twenty-two yesTi.' . - . r . i w a a a a j a r i - a "7 . ... . . ....i.-ji.iuiujj sue is peuie. -r- e! ffiK raS feel the a n slnvt m awsaVp rrTr'r-r-nrT;,! --ir j a 4 .. . A a.k AST VamA WaaVS wUitewatehrttoymf Oaairiei4rxnaetJtaTrfiaKi-n . ' Li IV . 41.1 1. ...oil ... ' t. 3, ! m ' tfitrvA sifwi V"" t n j Rev, Ia,.Vaneqrrw. JlA, rwaiaing Elder, has madeaae to meow '"rKxrwi UMlffi--"6. "I trit . . .. .. . ;., ... - -. Wilmineton. ar Fifth Htreerr " 4b.( i is i Uuplin, at j4.enansvuioia ? I .. w . . . . t in an Whiteville and Waccamaw fil OA OT I Mission, at Whitevme ' Smithville, at Sbalotitef) rJ . :8iiPe , 2. 3 Cokesbury and Cobarie Mission,' at Bethany, -ajs dfWl? !$ l.TT - Onslow, at Mt. Lebanon,- x egftiJo Elizabeth, at Elizabethtown, . - Fe!.483 24 Bladen, at 8oulerChaei; Mar 2 - 8 Topsail, atPrcpATJ 10 Clinton' at31intoii. MMi."10 17 District. Stewards', mpeUMi tbejront Street Darsonase at .11 .o elock, . A. M., oa Tnxuxilai. -R'ahrnarv fith- 01SD an ties not tossy it is the best remedy I have-ever I used in mj LfanUly::; W?11 1 Pastor MJBJ ChurcbYGeorgetown, V. C t 1 opportunity to test the, excellent 3 rTf H tu s r .i uui m b ri rsi ii isi ' m v w s - Ay I I a C Unll'a lltftnri :ffrln UflHlBlaaia-l UMVbBtvtitvswws.svv r- ' . i ' .- r - rt i mjlihci . ui interest., tu , cuuneclion I -.'".NEW-iAVJL .3bibnti. ' ;. with 1 1 purchase of the1 organ for St. ysXSDkiwQitl iab..' - ' ' ! panra'scopal chnrchwe'gtvehereiithi '.'ij. ii;jites8- iq c : grocers. - - i ine niniMnr tbA vnnn rMiiiamii:inm-i f t ! " r- I. . 1 . ' .'a r t i . I PMi ;i v I . I T. Tlnuu u l imni VobiCCfli ni rirnra. C. L. BuRKHntEK- BrjRKHTiantVobacca and cigars, i&FJr'--!.;. r-T'l-V tteaiiitt. i 4 .t s,orr r T - - - - - I " ii U iiiHlfeWitiUqis.. liit i.f orI . ."i .J i , j i ? " I played from the 8igMlJ3atfaq in this citj I tdrAiLr s.;W''jv--Ji; -S j! nM. i r-.in iivAMA 4n- tnts CHVi ami :vtcinitv nil I oj- t . reMteaiTte1 Wftl - 'tiii'-'i' ' "J-'1' 1 ker, colored, .WM fp: usivce vvagner, Vesterdfty'm4lMcbritmoltandbiti4 I .i. aa - A A-mJ aA - rTUlw-rt lu J khnnnaii Vftisvrid-ni: tflwritals Vlno . t.W I irvT;"ii . f iiu' .t: 5 L ; lI owning or rrway,i the 4tBlB8tant,' ft 8h6rt 1 htat ' ruur Jir nan i v riniiii w iramLuirr.arn 11m iruii 1 , . , t , - . i i ia wnnirta . .kw. a i dcom-m iMxmvm ibud.baK It ia iy 4klj tbat our city redriWllflMf tfefatwt8fill we will r fagain remind tbenTof & that JanauscheW f tb!QTien dr'TrageyVrtl ippesr in Catk( ib&ti !Kt' WOoefl ' Houae 6- I lklrllt .-f . - 1 V..: U. j ii .' it here 1 I "tlJ;ii proancUOD.;. .KPL :OS, ienoru tnaitnere was" no moicef I'lbe: Mass'sxhuseds Wnn.Blortt mi lAe...lMcnuseM I.T i V-T!.1, x".'. Vi l ii h,! 'iVM'l 1 arui a- .jj f jcu vi r ... -.-..-- -., , : r.ru"w T not and Uulberry .andghth; and iiintb streets, and some of, Ihe territory ad jaceatl theietf aijeedavy r .Wednesday nigbt jindibe forraer rendered. impassablsor iWMnwbsing: AtarsnWaddcItjt r toe colored wha ra-sA1ia.dlv inlured: at Rnik mat: i trWiTJ Wied ny Ar. iane, att;ue uoepitai in wis v g- 0 - O . - j ; ;e. Vboogbt me "ha imiA thb necessary arran 18 to secure informs- I tion for this issue ot iUe result of ine eled - I tion for officera f the vf3eeond Keffiment 1 " 1 ' w 7 IroWb1jCiwina State ,Gard, which came f off ..WadeBbpfoVf atesferday, nut we :werev I Jiaannmnrnd .Vhm lallnM ia an dnuht at 'w&fo W th. ttle ii the telegraphic v- wk -u: ! station from the depot.y!7 Ii urn SJlL i:.ii : i jQH y U. I steamer Finfy mi hh(&ot UnUei. . BUtei (oimoeCatv .yerdayi n th affidavit of thi cantaia-or Ollot of the boat' - . s f barged with ii6Utfng section 4,435, bf lb Revised 8liiufes ot the United Sta.es, id refusing to erbibitble license. ' He was re ?WTW fWfP his appeaancB at; thf ptxi Aerm of the S.pistrwtCoftrWi MmM '.tU TUm Fira.'tievliay m.rnimk. HI ;a(!YeJrdaj6niypfttjaKMit,..haltiM o'clock, in tbaa4d?jof a i severe "gale"b -wsadLlaBd whrlaiL)'rJtio was pobribgdow ln torrs'nts;' oggj3stirI3 the idea to such 6 ieo ma, aappeueq ip ue iwfte , tua ,r.., :. i . .i jj'l .. i there wu ? ik, rible. 4nEer of beinfli conflagration, the reflection being brought AOJt yjipldxelief day wiieif intense darkness -thatbtlietWispfevaU-.a. ' The supposition .1 ,wasA covon SSJW, though, that! lyhaUhJulWukl borb! -with rsacli Tipparent eaie and ofe-wftb sbch a delugel ....i.vati..1.. n t propeny ,or rE'U."Bmiiu. t aire; i Heins first dTsyeftBiw and nave the i li . 1 i 1 i JS. I . EL , i H - I i ,-- - ibat nptbingcoqkl Wdong V checkrit, and I th jettehait ind .it;MMtMit were entirely a.i in. uui aa. at am, 14 ama. lsiucu bukjU uihsu nui """" v I destroyed. TheheasS caught fire several .i Jaaidiviul thrn ft bVertions bTtflaF t - ai. IVinnil VI B IIH If IIITIIHBr Villi Van It 11X1 1. 11.11 IbI I nquse, . . . - I ' -sTi.w-i rti.Jl aiL -W i auareuw. a-r5 o ?uru.ti. ntf .Beina, aU pi which were ao8pwj ; Smiths, loss mI'IIm: kitchenu WAS I i . i aboot f300j upon which .there was no "wu- I rance;uind lh estiifia1 i insurance. sented by Mr. 8amnelK. Cannon, .ct.ii i 1 f . j i.. : . -. .v it . i thermometer. atthB stations mentioned, at I Apsta.i.it Wobile50 ChwrjeatOBj. .Xo3tilonrironery,4.uMi KeCeais;;Uc60 PuntaRassa,;, J59 L ""-. , m "dt- SSET'-m St. Marks' :.i54 Wilmington..... 48 Key West,.,. Ung. th.e aiwm jolfijf aiwa1onnded.v,Atf Arst gppeafaneftrsbas atlk'HiisUnc,! -ufftSfft, ".jipgiJoSiJJoe Wlboted alatefele'fJfeVair'agLug; -uoa cd ol iki JoWqArEiai: P by Itbej ,oW;iUah1gldMo&Laan. l0tht ItTtoiid bnrnWK)f doablekitcba.il)etoflng Soattrdsfi . Jp. .?A .SWW Ml. . HTOM f..i.f Mattioy. Oheraw Dargtogn ..0 1 jyja.eaowelBQiivarmaujxanu'ue 1 jvuruau.........i,,...rt4y.j. nan mfnixB.n nio ixx ixrinx. ' ihua t . x. x.m.n. w ... r -'and- his goods' and chattels I -mails.-, .v.'.. ... .... .... u,x-? sa. i " 'J i jobs onxne uaase, wnica, was Register Depart ment open same; tas axamp ted taDdutflOO wai coyeredby 1 office, , t rf 1o If a htn hit Mti WDnifhiEtott-liniasLrepr f mps tor saw rai ivery. 435feerday evenii;, Washington; mean I i:.. ai3 pvabm,-j,pWJ r"i." tinted as ascertaiiied frqni the aantiii fiteyUL? lmt f mm 4WttmiaiaViUi4 thk'-'cdtv: u I ar, 'ilWlihKnM 'TTrti'ikffJr'how; tU 1878. PrOK,Uie iew,.Bboir4aThey:,Bang St. irae. I anil oora Ihn nuiminilanr mm.... and were the recipients of - many cop pit- ' 'JalijjBradleyfiffpranb v :;-V, Wrtwtf-lfAfi y IMAtLlU'le. lO m.i -mm it iruu. aiw I j h TfcAk. i.. !, V v t ?- Thomas, tenor. ..ol J v Vnpley, .tenor, j ; i;m; .,k " I Rankin. basa: t o ? .di , i,wto.TI'Priwgnil;il director. I l - -....) wi.wip j i r-i- I. 9ljtffW ; Arfi.i-pt iTsna. -ii Uiunu ytr-rr.mp'at 1 , Wrl(Memll D. .Tracy, first male of the imAn,1,Abdtrt23 years Of Sge, and a residebtf I r -ij.i !' i t. iJj.ii . . ..w T J .1X1 t . J . . I I w ., TCcp.l;drePDt.vaAiM Oalvamo Co(., 893 Vine au tner.jroufiaiatfrt, and v brother t, , mdurn I rels. of turpentine, and jwQnty els of turpentine and twenty-four bates bf cotton was swampedln the middle of tie Verppsit-.,l2,;vHaVt's ti 1 about three inilesIow "this 'cityV ne'yarpV iirtriiiff i. 16 the severe stonvlwfnd Anriidrbont 0 I v'nlAiil traal ttIAu tMnktnit . . , r I p'elocRye8teruayttiorniog;aiTlie men sut. ceeded in getting tftat wb j8.;4Bej accident, at Which COUO e w i 1 r ' , . .j.-ii , :.r i vera lvinr -whAra nhrf l." -.-r " '.T-'.-T-rr-r.-nri-irr I ""V moored. Tbe Steamer Tim. Jft I . ,y . a f .vv.uw pivu "I. miion anil tiwt fcnlW nf ihi tnrtunt Im illJ. I ... -m .;- t. . . ..' . most Ol WUKU HSU OrUtCU SBiMirB ouoiue beach, ,,Tbe, remaiadr pf .be turpentine 1 -UiW.broniht no on the flat:, which'- wJa being bailed out for the purpose, tbe cdt j u.a .i a is: iw : -al- ir tuta4iM;u iMi. Duvrft'iitutr tu lira wnirr. buu m I t he tUrneotloe aaflered rrilitUer damitJ. I any. rrfbe itun aiurrnrpcmine was oe- I ine brought here frpov BrUdswiclc ednnty, nf?TR!SS?S I RusseH and Sheriff Taylor, and the-latter O.i Wn I P . , - . . . - - . . - t, . x It f M- Bi-m9?j?f e Transactions of the Royal Society Cof nhairen?Whicb'hffliricted( the notldeti j ue 1 nphhaen. wbfnh ha aUracted the noilceof I pa9 x-'wiirW-V.fer- 1 " " T he translates a passagii "oi you iaforniaj- tionwas npWl imine, wciUen. by i ProC, n.r,. ..li.Di.ii. hnih..m.i.Aniritxiul fU? FrehfiH ianuagl, .11 paners,owembragore5ttan seventy volumes, which have. .been pubUsbed an nnallv slnfcel82i bv that' vert learned Boi ciely bor does thegtatenietftif tWor&insi IxaettbBKwt df-NoaWfiSbl 1 prior to Uieyfi, depd Upon the ani I -inorny .oi Tn sttresponsTOiw iu arcnaniio-t 1 M . mrii H 18 J lii iJJJZ -J: k i V 1 int mm'm 'iiu. ; r , I TM mat n worcesy 4ft laror matron upon thia'aubJeiAtawedhMkiife liirr4biit 'b: Erie the id,WThoAnuWlse,a1ti( these narrAUoger Nw4toers; ; wil be found uulleulua In A - tVi4-k: written! by Professes r JUfa tUIi ibo fffar 1837 Dublisbcd at Copenhaeeo in the Latin lan4 guage, entitled. ArOiquitatetAmpricanm tea ticrintofei i&Btentnontuet lierum. anteiMum Mtirimin Atnei4jtiV. 203. 203tl.' 448, 451: and by Ahai Uerajauj writer wuneiniiJ in ;a wprt ntmeW a" i lWj jtnmhS, oiiem tnanaland.' &c.. sections vo-air r .,,, inn iwinp.HL or iub xccumuiauGU euiucu uu thkbti&-nn&'I:havJktMi3a4 BaberJ ipitii i irur aa inuowi! . -r . r iJonber. through ttfcailM'A V 600 P. M r.noTni 'oJ : 'maU9,'W..v.V...K nr MQtlktM. Mails for the It p,VBMlroad Vv v and routes sttbblied there-' v xwmruau . . . ....... 4 rri-lJS& T rTi v.tij:a ti iiE ZTZZmZ h JU o JBIVJHWt."'fW'."'-r" w w . kam auimi. -a wmm i -; mb. i . 1 1 , . ri&-rj.T j .. i. - ,Art'p M lfCdV "yr5l!wbraiA s aJ " I SiCBdI - DQIHlaTlr. . . ... fcQ.-WA. Hi OaAtowTcH. -ak&lattWmevt lnn , diateofflceseveryT?ridAy7 AJUt. iiUe, maitoaV rnitnvuie maua, nji Tfpaj'il 'J Wl dailv (exeeol SundavsU 2.-6t P. M. v iCreeky every rrtaay-at.;... saw.r. m n-nnlina fVmtr&h RaQvoexdi . MtOiOO P. . r Mai8 deUYe.fromiK0.A3Ma toTAD RM-and on anoiromju wa M. , , t; t n.L j. yun j-j-i 1 1. ...j o a .Jir' . , W-p, If UUAa.viii' and imp otace is ciosea. . , 9t . Key Boxes accessibW at aff hoars, day and night. Mails co. f r,6tn streel xboxej every ..... . . , i Dni 1 lo -"MawT asV'a CfiarOf i w"v y , L ' JTrTrZC' " yaiWm .BiBab I lina; .WUliam McjucBiiOr taj.uwi I Hf Wardwell and Wife.'-New YorIf : Edward ( Carter,' Albany: O H Allen.KenSnsyiUe, N I ',0;' John Bull, Jr, Iowa City, Ioa. ' i rsoumern mans jv- w. i x - 1. i WHOLE NO. 3,253 mrilttarr. EletIoa. v At the meeting of orBcers of the . First Regiment of N C, S. QI held ' at Golds boro yesterday, Captain Henry Q: Flanner .the Capo Pear Light - Attillery, - of this city, was elected.Major of the .First; Artil lery Btalibiirnd-)aptain-K. D. Han-; cock, of Newbern? was CaptaohnW.fMtoaof. - Colonel. and Lienlj H. Pi -elected Colonel,' Tarboro, Lieut; Jones, of t Hills- boroijijajor.of jthe First. Reg. meat .JjTonh Carolina State' Guard. . ,.,. j II juj w :imiis f(J f.l J ! it J MAHY" BE AUTlrtrt. WOMEN am TiidehtMt 1 f nr the mala portion; of their charms to Gouraad'a 4Jtympiaof'tireaall To the -faulty complex Ion it lends a delicacy the very connteroart of natnre. Srio 4 teree Bottles redased to One lll(ir Pnr ale by J. U. Monda. , ; , ,'jPrOTHXNQ LIKE IT I (IT STANDS ALONE ! 'suctt la the verdict ot the medical world and the HOKXT OI HORKHOOKB AND Innaenza, all irritations of pa reaplratlon, vanish under a oeiore tne aanngnfc. . . ; . s rops care in one minate. . .. . cttiaisinifiai banks, -mec-tKherai, - Thuv are en- and will' copy .aharp and I of time.1 flavin Jnst theee inks, weare pre- arouptly and as moderate y;J ... and i nervons sailer or a. prostratins diseases eased. the rindXdeideratutiv Avoid Unitatlona. nook I andJonrn. with, fnll narticnl&ra. mailed (pee. Ad. 1 r ffn , I - r ; , CAUTION. TO THE. PUBLIC. We Bf derstaiid I'tSS'sSS" lcStJor J uootxr a Ax . a v w vautv c w vug ptuicwvu vi uuusua.tci' 3 DTOt era and the pnblle generally', we are authorized to state mat tne genuine Doeucr'Sr xxast rownsKia sold only ia cana.- Always ref nee to take it ezcent cans, secareiy laoeiea ,i ne isc-eimiie aignaiare 1 OI' 1WOUT & Bbothsb. the mannfactnrers. lis plainly printed on eacn laoeL , , ..I I f komrioX J, i ery peraon who has need Bobcbis'b Umuca Stbot I SI", ..""l, ttT" r kuu, . wiuis ... ifuwu, .y"HS"i t Craarn. AitUi. iHeumonlA.. ant m lact all threat I and lnne diaeaiea. Mo.Denon can nee it withott. 1 tmmediate reUaf. Thre. Idoaee will relieve any case Snch a medicine aa the Gibxak SxBuecannot be I tnn wUnIi bnan AjOr; vrvnr nr7crlt about It. I Besnlar sise 75 cenU.i , .. - ,1 I ' m ' ' I wTdWaaHer riveiJ suaTtertflw curiae 1t1?JK 2f:- sedUe(werdistribiitedqf-rgr by druggists village la the Unite Btafaa lie.l a their cnstomerai?Regalar,ai2e f fijeoajmeidiiiicttto Beceivedl TMs Day,1 FULt SUPPLY OF THE- CELEBEATBD GRAVELY,' PLUG Alrt) FIG .. liing Tobacco.. I -ji . V ' ( I ie i.;';'!: Fs.yor!ite jarrajn)ed,vfoiLaiM I J'r ; . t Three if or ten ceaiv I ' fJt.M5. :'. J "'''' f SafSST 1 I jaolt-lt '-'--On ' r.mpl vfc. BURKHIMER; . - - ir r r r - GREAT BARGAINS 1 WVAJAli xiJ WU All OJ aoiJf Lo'tqoi j: by fly; Lid It clothing! ft liiV Vili GENERALLY, AT iciiabuyjil o:u ut ACID'S; .... i t 'ill U f-il ' ' ' 1 ana-itunce yuiurNrjii'JxNi a piick'BurtER,! BFBRR CHERRY - J 1Ji' f tEAjfi! riRESlRVES, LltWaHMa bdekebrery cvtfafebt an- Aaefa j ?n aioiso jjackaB, and very 'cn!liKaai-UJ 1 " . . .ii . . ' '. .. T ..i ..! ...... il "i"- "'.", . yiia-iLui.j i FEB BIS HAMS. BEEF TONGUES. . . . ia oa ill BBEEF.,x8TRIPSANDi i usis.na.ii pa Shoulders iNffPior0RK : t ,Tj73Oti ,5:1 JI iUjtl IV ,?SIQjx;: f. J-. ij iV-x j.poBtUpe te itkje.feat iq thDrket,.; ' ' UJ1 uiuiiJ yi.i i j . . ex. 4j.e - i -3fl ia yw '-'TULL' tJTOCK. GKOCERIES, Icil.' in vavot '.a w ti m- shj ioi jjju-i.w To be aold BMij. ERICSEftaiin ' ;t f 5 K KOTTO 65 UNDERSOLD. &!i bfe"9ictfi4 S.m.a-l bm , Jao C. Stevenson sail iTTAVB OTf COMMiaSION LINES OF GOODS MAT VnfTTTHK S - 1 II. ,1 ' L il ' i V M U i v.-i AND CAN ! GIVE ; YPU ;8HIPFERSVPKICES, FREIGHT ONLF ADDED. , BUTTER, LARD, CHEESE, FlI -flourJ crackers; Vl- HAVANA ORANGES.; Y APPLES, LEMONS, . ,. . , caxs gelatine; citron, k Vi-. ;' ;( bweethewArkjCidEbV i-' OLD CIDER VtNBQAB, Ac. a:vs.isi.rT. n i 11 n.11 n n . cava. . . j x. rjrCont down , pa ,the, Waarf and, ; e.xamine Goods aad Pricea. JJf ' J . -'Msrray 00 jv. uuam owre - janlltf I and 40 North Water street. fiil.fi -c - '3., 'i n i- -3 q All iilLCO f , .-".' f C.f! OOK; STORE AND PHC ROOMS you J can alwavs ftmd- uii V; rays Amo-n -hi a i-;U BBO-n til-i k and Memori Bchool BlanK and Memorandum Books, fcj; Offloeifi 1 and Fancy staUooerT.j , .; tsyff Gold re 'ens. Photo' Frames. Mouldings. &e. r EST PHOTOi sQALLKRYliUi eomiecdonwiUl BOOKSTORE. n , Janlltf . i ..' .-i i.ii.K'i -i 'spaiii'.niiWK- ui. -j .jj " .r f 80 ees, ;"EDWAR el, Master., ar- nvea in port uu uw 01 januarv. A Will ! ready to receive? careo to4 a morrow, tne in instant. ; ViimiEgton,'N.c.,8ef Jannarj, V, ' "... . . ... u J F. OKGRIJMAs'ter , 10xV , . ,. ""ij.l i; f, r-ZF - - 'Six months, 40 00 ,. 1 Oneyear,..ij;..,.i:..w.i...... 60 (0 Contract AdTertieementa taken at propor- tionately low rates. , ' : ' Tea lines lid JNonpareil type make one aqaare. , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPEEA; IJOU:S.E. Friday E venlns;, ; Saturday ETenlngr, Jail, lllh Jan 12th -4 JAWAIJSCHEK, i' fic vu: i:r' Sapported by ' . t Hr. JamesHff ; " ; TH S EMINENT TKi.GKDIAN, V: ' AND A S T A It C l ii PrA N V FBIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 11TH, the New and Pnwnrfni Mm .: " Catherine of Russia. Cathkeikb IL EmprcsB of Russia, JANAUSCHEK - SATURDAY EVENING. JANl'AKY iTII, lady macbeth:; JANAUSCHEK GENERAL ADMISSION. . . '. . . "1 . ON B. DOLLAR. ;i. SEATS SECURED WITHOUT CHARGE. Bx?"The sale of Seats will commefaca en TITES. j AY Morning, January 8th, at HBILSWBEEGER'S 1 Bookstore. -" j jnn 4 tf. TOT oiidav Bv'ae ETAHGELlKj. ... ' Engagement 'of . RICE'S' BXTRAVAQANZ A s COMBINATION. "Qpnslng Fifty IrtiaU, di- t jrom their recent remer- Tuesday Et'ne r ljAe- engagement of eieht weesa at uaiys mnn Ave nne Theatre, New York, se ven weeks at Boston Mase um, and two weeks at Acade my of Music, New Orleans. - Jan. 15, CONRAD, the ;r'CoraaJr.VV; ... 1 ON DAY EVENING.: JANUARY 14. the deliahU .a. .icai mravagaCza, . i : r-V. ' A ' N '. (T K - J ! Grand Chorus and Sineiiiff Ballet. Sn&rklin? And l or(Mn.l u.;. r,lHi . i xV7x." l " r " v"a. .r,"""i.yr"!2J,rt I ""S"?1! W ? AiUona,.lthe f TTe--r-: r - . - y .w I , . , - TUE8PAT EVENING, JAN0ABT 15, tbc Great Masical Sensation, ; OCh ' riae..i u r TepulaiThrlces General 'Aanilson5 i$i ot" No extra charge ter Reserved 8eats.' I Gallery 50 tents. sate er beats commence Friday Morning, January 11, at Heinsberger's Bookstore. J r. ' ' : J4n 10-5 1 2000 Pounds .Li IQAR LIGHTER3, J; 11:, -r'r.- jvi...iia OP" ALj COLORS AND SIZES. " such as are used for makinz Fancy Frames,' Wall Pockets, (Card Receivers, Hanging Baskets, &c, for sale cheap at, r VU. - -': HEINSBERUER'S. ;; .'.5 "f . - , V.--'iH PIANOS AND' ORGANS forCab, ,;, ) - 4."' f. la ti 3oior on. "y. yxf f.4't r - . jaiEINSBBRGER'S,' ' Live Book and Music Store. jan 10-tf j ... Special Announcement r ,r'. i i ior- ijshJ rirj'i SILKS BLACK Anteine Garnet & do., .yons, France. ., . BEG TO INFORM TBE CITIZENS OFrWIL minjtoa anil vicinity, tbat I have purcbaeed FOR CASH, at the lale GREAT AUCTION SALE la . A aPLEN DID ASSORTMENT of. thia .rsoei ex- cellept marjpfafslnre o . LyonsrBlack: 1 Silks, PRICES LOWER THAN THESE GOODS UAVB ' 'SOLD FOR THE tkST FIFTEEN TEaSs' 'i: m-o'J ir-ii : : ."; t- ' Oil i I, f'-ff f tabbenl. fa most respect lVfJ r??: , r Ml .-r- -t) vsW . JULIAS SAMS02I, , i .iji.- .Successor to J. & H. SAMSON,- If . v- - ' jan8tftt 43 Market Street. Axes and Hardware! ' JOXING AXES, BDIIKg'hARDWARE, ''. ,. ( HARDWARE OF EVERT MSCRIFTIOnI For tbe BiST GOODS and' LOWEST PRICES goto - N. JACOBrS Hardware Depot, Jan8-tf No. 18 8onta Frost street 3...;,. ,iti" ";-r.1rta.-I':iff In" Store, y j ' x. 1. . C:".A tAA Boxes C. R. Smoked and - srOUU'U Mi, i , Dry Malted SlDEsJ Jaaa Sacks Liverpool and Lisbon SALT. -nO.KWl) vii . i;. c;.v i:;.,-. .. r nn Bls SUGAR, all .grades. v, ;UUU.! i vi-; - t..ilv4 M l? ! -i.J -1000 .irTjIl 9 Kfi Bbls Sugar House and N. p. 8IRDP s ioo HM "orto EJco mola?8(ks' ' r ' 7 A A Bbta FLOUR,' all gradeer US l UU i'lt J l.ii.JU "' 9AA' Boxes Adamantine CANDLES, .3 lOOrDi 1Jn I "'.-1 AH Boxes and Bbla CRACKKRa, . , 1 A A Boxes TOBACCO JLV V . . Hi- fit pr f naot anf Srrrnd-TTTirl iivV i O'- t jas SPIRIT CA8SX -j C 11 liDis uisuuers' UL.UJS j! Jr.'!- .X ALSO BAQGINO 3INt3, TIES, HOOP IRON, 8M UF(, Sxi -J ' For ale at low prices bv . , . t. v.-:. " .. - n..xtr. ;:-. r-f .n.-...,rtiJ. )an 8 tf " WILLIAMS MURCHISmSn! r-r. r , ,,..,,..,.; t ; .' I . 1 Ti. . 1 x:. . X .. .V..4-1.-' - - . . . J ..... j V -." dJiv ?w tailj 't;'f -ri J. 4 CiatnrfSTC''' ' ' HoUoed: Toilet Boati SOUL L ;.'U,i272W V .3 fDSTRECfiyjBPi.B ..iiH: 9:11 .'-f(slir..i8'A Att'.Lidiihht !M' j Late of J. n. Sameoh,' JanStf ' 43 Market SUettJ f " V !