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Tributes cf Be Jiw"Sf.t.r.nbr aL. are ctanred for Tlji .jMrflaaniiinll .but OlllT HwVTn ad'vance. a this rate 60 tcents will pa for a simple announcement of Mar ri&sreor Jeato. : ' ' AdverOsemente to follow reading matter, or to occubt any (special place, will be caarged extra ac- c ordinz to the position desirea. iwwnato on which no specified nnmfeer: of . insertions U marked will be continued 'till forbid." at!the option of ttie publisher, and charted up to the date of discontinuance ? j til I u U u AdTertisements discontinned before the time con tracted for has expired, cnargea uranueni ruw tut . I the time actually published. . , Advertisements kept under the head of "New Ad vertisements" will be chargedfifty per cent extra. An extra charge will be made for double-column or triple column advertisements. ; All announcements aid recommendations of can didates for office, whether in the shape of commu nications or otherwise, will be charged as advertise ments. ' Amusement, Auction and Official advertisements one dollar per square for each msertiODi- Contract advertisers will net be allowed to exceed their space or advertise any thing foreign to their regular business without extra charge at transient rates, rtv I A ; i ; ' v i I. "J " I Payments for transient advertisements must be made in advance. Known parties, or utraugers with proper reference, may pay monthly .or quarterly, ac cording to contract. " j Advertisers should always specify iJie issue cr Is sues they desire to advertise in. Where no issue is named the advertisement ,will be inserted in the Xaily. Where an advertiser contracts- for- the paper to be sent to im during the time his advertisement is in, the proprietor will only be responsible for the mailing of the paper to his address.. r Eomittances must be made ly Check, Draft; Pos tal Money Order, Express, or iu Registered Letter. . Only such remittances will be at the risk or the publisher. ' ; .. Vtt-s. Communications, unless they contain important ' news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of real Interest, are not wanted; and, v acceptable in every jQther way, they will invariably be rejected if the real name of the author is withheld. . e . t Correspondents mast write on only oae side, of the paper, f , . flrnauj tar. Br waiiAia u. beknahd. WILMINGTON & C. : Saturday MoBNiKOTrJan. 12, 1878. ; THE PARDONING POWER, It is the part of good citizensbip to favor good lavs j and their r faithful! execution. -iney euouiu ue tuaue with exceeding care,11 and 'should be executed with fidelity and impartial-. ity. An old writer Anacharsis,says - 'These written laws are justjike spiders' j wens; the small and feeble may De cangnt . - and entangled in -them, - bet the rfch and; mighty force through and despise them." There is too much truth in this. When it can be said with, Jtruth that the goddess who' presides in courts of justice sits with bandaged eyes anddispenses the law with an even, and unbiased hand, then that country is indeed rich ,in ;;EUch possesion. But if the Judge holds the scales un evenly; if he jbe purchasable orjVin dictive;if he administers in the courts in obedience to the behests of arbitrary and usurping power, and makes him self the pliant instrument ot i a Jlagi tious and venal party, he becomes a curse' to society, and deserves to be, held in everlasting reproach. The; time wiU never come when the .cor- ruptioris of the immortal Bacon will; be forgotten, or when the crimes and! cruelties of Jeffreys will be condoned' or sof tenedJ - The great ; writers at least will not prostitute their t pens; that scoundrels may. be canonized! and crimes transformed into , yjrtuesj (jrood laws are absolutely essential to the well being Jof society. They should not, only punish ,vice, ; but, ae Goldsmith said of Chinese laws, they should reward virtue. Lord Claren don, one of the most' eloquent and splendid of English writers,"' says "the law is the standard and guardian of our liberty;' it circumscribes ana . defends it; but to imagine liberty! without a law, isj-toj f imagine , every man with his sword in his hand to destroy him wibb Is weaker than hlm-j self; and that would be no pleasant prospect to those who cry out most for liberty." " - . Good lawj IhenosirQj t ecessary f o "the good order, -and .preservation o society, and for the safety and perpe tuity of real liberty. rfBatjthey must be executed promptly, equitably and equally. They must not : be as .netsi to which they have been, icompaxedp Xhrongh which the .big jSshes break and the n little : fishes escape- onl J catching those of medium aizW They must be for alL offenders of1,' great and low degree They -mpst protec equally the rich man in a hw elegant home and the poor xmau ink tis cotj- tage. The chief, the important thinfr tXae A latu mforeei'l I i The Stab haa always stood bv ah honest, capabWaad faithful judiciar Without 'specially ; championingi the merits of men, it has beenVready- to advocate the prinoipleiTof jfuistice and T 2" flit t; -m" " - -i - t '. , 'anis mucn we nave said be- ; i ore;refernrig 'to matter: of very - great importance to the people of this country. We allude to the exercise and abuse of the pardoning power day, f i.w; wu u-j, l 4 no:' J . v , -i L . . : i -x. ..i-iciBulaei their ylnduatr v has ipcht the States. w?:,V iobeenraendable,o riolouaf we shall sav torial we shall no refer to .ihy-ar-ticular cxecutiveoffi, o4iny cial act, but shall consider the ques tion -upon" its merits.--That xtbere abuse .. should-- be fLabateduappears serious cmjurjruBB, iucci uwb y State by the. too j request usdi o the pardoning ower a ,spoe?;i far too great :to4e ertisted to any one wan, liovleilrf pute, conscien tio'us and feidic Witiffi, In i many: of. the ; Slates ctiuet. mors ernbf has ho pardonMgpoeEIri New Jerseyi loridaevaaa; pd. dozen 'Olbet sstates'tHS&TdbMfig power is entrujt(a4aibe:liovernor od'btBerperg wspectiie. ppnsislW the titelh0 ney Genetal andhalcjel doninff board. It Bppeaf8,!thatEthes,d States regarded the 'poweFte parderA i.:ilf-Ma I'J !;ir;A'jU.'.i iUai Wil l of too delicate and importarit char acter .to he giveu; to jQnejjjaOi-1 As the course o.f;; justice was. iQ m jnterfjereq with they .wiielyrregard poweifMo' 1CntgiyeiL.iKfclaiy reputation for -wisdom undHrairnl To pardon a criminal4 who bB 'been ddlv convicted by processor tawjs at ail times an aroitrary act, and one not to be used hastily or indiscreetly, but only-witlr great caution and after the fullest informations To pardoba criminal nas been well said' to be an extra or antbiudioTal actxiTo .reverse the solemni lodgment ofis lugh nuai ciaL tribunal i4o exercwoi very great and important" powerapaad we aoivot believo i t: is either prudeotpi wiseot presfiion ...of crjqie,lhat thiipo.vjr should jibe t ,oi,tftex.ej-eweanbyt any . a : - " "iVw-vV 'v;nibn t.i: train J bodv aniviinted..nd jTinrAj-rfwtnpftiiJrv) .. f. f i.'.ia't ,!ii'3iKv fWf' -K&iKiiJ .eu!!A l by any one Tha laDorioaauEe-'' suia.ot guaiciaioiQvesiigauonmiiave been often seUed8od-annulled the act of lo'dlSRi&S-SJSSw dash Mm'fm rit's'belorxaigr not done s its aaty-r-oi ihati.vthe evi dence wap wEollyawamcw atriiait new evidence haA; com ;ioJight,3 and that an lnnot manwaaeAVioted. If all tniSyior any. of .itj oreveste more haa been clone, aud a. great wrong m aiciea, men 4 tne4 power jtowpardon OU ven ;ti a IedKaLfc men! who have time to investigate, abililv to"3i8cerD, and fairneM o 'decide. sary aad iiiust ba rexerred.that.itj should be. eatro&ted -tors a leeailtbu-j naTcomposed olle-Uovernorof th btate, the SupremeL Court and the man . Or, if deemed advisable, to selected v to;' lBrvestigvte and ' decidej upon all supplicatioiis for pardon We will TP.nur tr t.ri snrii'pnt. 1 -., f i-j . S;iTj4 SUiicvl iil(fi?ri-TO i) . WHAT GOV. TAJSICJBU SlMiO As therehayejterjife tioiind &mmmmmi&& GroVr Vanedrfijrd colored militia on th(S :aivj9JfSArytot1 the Emihdpatidfttod print below, the cppy.as..jippears in the Raleigh Register the metropolis tan organ of the. Republicao ; pwty in Korth ; Carolina,- of whaV ktar&M purporU to ''be,jS&'.Hi'oIlM speech.. We r8e4::nothig n&Mt't condemn. It is man! v." trankf kind and just, and was heartily 9 approved words were 4 r,Qi Mt FMSm)s:I'.:BbtieaV in- $vtm i uiccnui; tu-uitv -suuury 'to ac&COWi ledge the tespeet Vou hate'showii tnq by inviting me as a Gowerribr of the State to visit your assemUageuoq cannot, or ..cottrseexpiect me to joir with yon fa celebrating this day, the anniversary . oL-that-, emaircipatior which I stiUfiJizled 48 lonwtb wevent and which 1 inwc6mmoh with almost jilihe ji&iA&MM fjace J"ht-th4 uyutu, regiirueu aa auiacfe ot-tUnCOn stitutionat violence to thtf otie.lri'tty nuu tut hu iujurjr'nj tue uier:ii i "But vou have- a-riffht to -eStl thitrJtafijig auoiffdjnipeof pie ui me enure, oouin. in (tne jesuiti established by the revolutio-B ' I snofild as Governor of Ndrth Carolina recoa- nize iyottv. as xititenaiaodi should rev mt& the rights with which thi' WWe8teir.-T .Liu, awaysoiaxu' euiae. served during." thi? past year of mf j administration; aha ii6W thawelare0 enterlnglup6n new year, I have nd-I thinstto dd :tORTtak!from mV:J tetm9enM - W f c . .It is. a matter : of concratnlatm that the; past" year has" been one df somer progress to the c6lore;diace-ih' Carolina, xne cause or edu- .iJHMTLa v? fJnrprnnm of i cation Ihaaffeeeived a "considerable I oil disortlerTy Violence among tberoi ha beln reported to rael and kind ffcfiling Hojv ard 'the white ;popJ has. manifestly, increased. The training of yoaf children to labor and honesty is how yonfgre"at this you ifca-fest other ternporar pleBsing in duetinie,,, 35,0' Assuring vou again that as a por tion of the people a jfcvt. whom I am -ampul toJrulev.ajidnWhoIard'prxiLeot aedibyUheaiawii JabavenBWom totnp poti;I;4raiisjncejselyyaxiouaii to sooter jsRcxwelf ricei ndb th an ki ag y m Put&to ca.u.rtefjfcyou Y.$ ho -W aiibft.jfiejeftlddaiS'iiip siiiT samtt ba 'Ulis remarkq iwerei frequently ift- Mrraited bylapplaaseill'ie aj4iii.yai -qaChttd parpoaetj of .'GQtt.Yaeiiei to pp'oint iflotfGebrgVDttvlsOtHUe WflTnrtciBrp7ff,df nirtfp' Court, u newQiild. accept,. it, is ,a sad .''iOMtad. i-ji.-iv -jticlug'.u &)ViiMk&V.4e ianipppftui -distiAr guisbedieilawtrcitiifen. Aa announced iw our lastj Mp; Davis would noVac cpt're dfitiiite TMs iieelffVaibr & yfo&rskwkAWW'k mini when lawyers of everv ;irjde. are Qjire,A placf pat,hei BeibufliTho salT aary b bertaiqlyiSfxifaliand i6oght!tO ttldri,T MayW&ljeaV lawyers nTik UtfraW ideSifoowpand, pay.o judgpf 6hip. . V-' : v t.A- The New Yorj ripqrol lon. tAajMiWIdeJi'A. Uctasa in tbat ity? omMofse.'BnsdManryiu dysrsrH istiiTho leetu dld ifet! WsitaifcO'' prtH aounce hitaiUaury) the Igceatest: Jbuhefac .tor o, commerce that everivedw -and, exr pressed'hiq regret at the efforts which have beetfttrtitle 6" belittle! 'Mk&ry'jf slttices and : ,torob hint" oMiigfanieJiMr.jWaddll paid tftlowiug tjhuteut1p4he;meQpy; pf ;itlisf 1 . X 1 l 1 l I - ? . f outer great AmericaD, ana cioseu uia lpte-i 1-lsiing ''rectute' ith'sT . b'eautiiful11 poetic j Bgflre' iflwhfeh U9 iiiustratexf'flfhe future B'im-fliifs-jc. muni a The New YoikMeraeld saysJ 'of ! Edwin"BoortIenTpT5rformauce of 1 Richard IK. iKTi wnfcTat tHIt j itkeifiratijlinaQi lAat. i.genius bM. been denied. to i4he grebti Amencam actor. 4But the- woid'thaPpays- toee sets' trionirtefcfiirJ. n - noJanvtj.- . JS!h "!.' . . . ,uyt ft I ...... ,i...V It is time IhUtRefWblicans recog JflorvtlktfBtetoJ?t-oleraeYh',Jk natural thirst for powerP-in-akeep the Southertf Mtes-tt)lidly 'attached tr4liel)emd6rati4' yarl-fof afeV yiarrf-lobger, btft thotimeii8Vtot iUr distant when the Republicaaj party will find valttabieni faithful allies among the conservative tAuxswbf tth 8ectidrtwholfoxviewBi,arB: repre antedJVt sdchimeatap Beoi-Hilb and r Alexander: j lli:BtepbexuLh-t-Cleveland, $Mmw) Jwma&icot9l: -.woiium-ca Can he push' that thing at the cost of- brealaiigAishold . upon the Senator reaesaai&.tbattuairTarey needs in defenseof- its honor ? He! ihyomi .orjfie ther Jhitridf to omse otwisdom and j.acusaftrfcttng; UbereaterumbjetpfviMiSenaa, ieei that it must not be doomed yo Pemo-j riendsl ban' waste no thought on minorJ i3sues until ,thfe Kpnbif cfjH&vtfiasnt beeni sacwdjy jmain.taiDd.j,Willt bii ample in such a cause be wanting Ztti JV: Yi. Tribune. Had. U;i$r(is,iRMlMiiibsBlinii(attilisui'f pj i Washington DispatttetfttelPhilailelpbja I ha roiriir o I r r tha a rt f s v inn at ri 1 JL ilW lilliai, WA VUU HCL1VUV1VU C proposea xesoiuwon 01 -inquiry inta tne wr'a&ances'ailendm thV eleW t!3ri'o iesHdient Hayes' lia agairi 4x4 cited comment here. 'l!ie 'President J to thQmrieahitdhirn,atates that he; faasnb J'lapprehenaiOQ.iOf ; any.i; results vat tend iogaach AinvesUgatiQp .which bargainijwe.criheautQ nothing of the kind; that his election1 "was by Repdbl!eaftV61eiana that hd ttf those wbplaeetl MiA.iti the offiee, The' Kepubliban Igaaeft now Mtarina. herearebeTib-'bpdrt'detetniined Work Thcr doDtestdwUV be, mora ibqtep than vernaudifhas iieachedi .that,' point I wbMTeiX)iiniUflfion . iwwljibft imnpssi jbihojttPierftbioiptegjaurreer! on 'f&fflhWffitiiW&r fcJb'aTlestda! News-M ! uouner.i . (j AtEdTTmlThirSouth- Carolina Railroad, a few Btf Sgbi'fdnt'bll. red BerstJn Were mbrdered lor iheir J WoWanihe tfbrafibttffiedsai rpicl'lepa; ; sons, Snd the Hagohd Dragoops yesteisday Sunday) 'puxspfid,tha flee- jail, andnlitmtJtb'Jiegit.hftiQi- ets, if 1 caught, may mafceirptoper tlesft vile murdeanoV lofilm p uanavi justice inuvi3uirei.enuugiy rteiantimair inttntrrat it shall be bjfaking1sba the future shall have a belter meaning- for nized the fact tharaefe'iraal'bf thWd SoutR!rhe:':habIt8 Of L death by votes on the side of mWc tepudiat mm WW f r!alt'6ve'iiitrle,!aa! td'feel'that theV F.a4Ment forleMitcAl'cttm., aloW tS7ieFinVMi ? &yerl?fflf ' meat; business they must fot ofcirtv tourousea'nev uiMLjiHi-a"' r ,u"-n ever'teumlhey maf feel abl to fitb. r Thelmmtdiatef eHectlof f js refornlvill benefit tKetnb!ic serrfceaud vtilf the efficiency of the Republican party. munds oJ&alne,daa;tQind toetaustai?itheifibj?MtiotA theWSgl?eSiiOt UjejmsidenUi Whyi4hePj who Aii0pe.a anjl aypwe3f RWff&yps Soutbern- poliey ltfjieja.tow thus voted eughtJito . bai OTha.ra.e4 o$ emz 8elveaiI9ijfrfid7vb9i'al luot 1fiflXa? f- 1i S!.,! fij i," t.O .lltH'fti U .eluiaa otiT rpyi'l e 9M 'jsf t1:a9 en6&aVieett? ektedJoyci Tahiti nntrMmt' ii -MS. '.Ii Slit VihVtt JO- -jsasuo J WSIfll 9(f Sjly.er s,aJ4uegabJfepars.,; .bondhoMera madethicdiaeoyery ft; jaax 9? two ago; ..iBut'nearJyi lBrertM:.p&e inlutbitaata of the.w.arldnj5a species df awiodle.tb peopkiPl fye. :Vw .in?rt M'JSJmaesjpoft.yia mimHPHS istrktioft'a New vYacoreaQlutUnbSmbpdi ani aggressive policy which wub Wrkolfe removalof alt-the. aneakingiilW?lf ike;Bpwrf boa sKepaWicaa ifflceh9W? twho,niare claodBstinery labotring jta ibreafc idAworif admibisirtrtion of weaJjentif.ha eypflf the peoplfcirrhere vittfaMmtep! oewappdiritmeatma withm etf.a$e Scpect f BupiwojUe fartiatiJDatya ilj m. sifi Ulaabfa 0 t.JS -fyjtVjij.iT iM, l.r "'!. Jkci htJ.'I-hl .;Vi 4-;illA fifiJi8A qaiiJThe tdrb p-curtain U ao called bs Wji'se .nts fgt obt fotf droy white' itts dowb.' MV.beauaer,Vf'!Ti gmavsg; -iaoik'Tfi! oppoTtnnity- 'to vseesothp grelfteA iragedienne Wthe ' Amefieatt stage , ifb,ald 'noi , txe' neglecflJ-ArfffTaor w-; 'tfft.1' "-b.s Miv-'i ' .miikta iw:i fB . Westfield.cigar malqer.aayere -f; -the J4iewimio-C4gar. ' llew mthlcgaly spotf ra oeaulwu-aUitewtorrmoe-ee-; ramte-cigaT8,'l--jBiBr-i' t s i- 1 ,ypu paVgeta jVfiyoidea of "natural selection" in itspzacticaj wprking3 uy viewing a ceiery glass alter it una uecu around the laWeBair&toh'S&wA plwb Gf ifife ine-grasi at tiia ny Newi -York nausea on JNeWtTC ear's iJUayl and; AOft Uhe question piricToi eVhf rait 19 httr to live a dyspeptic than to die a drunkardxj 1 -.! jiruDThe So'uthiJisT solid -abdufrone thing, at least. It will be, very careful ihow it casts another solid Democratic" vote for Inyd1toioi thfitfen Ydtk riii&i&io be ,rre8idQn9f! United Slatea.:rfl5Mr, Louisville Courier-Journal The' babkeV ralsWhU'smVea-ma'i1"013 "Not much. I'll rehypothedatii'-'ci sq iLr-BaUinxore papers teU pABird thatC3a,u3ed a Djvorc" Jx was ,a duck (of; a uuuuci; pruoauiy. 2.1. x. uvmmerciai. A QoOse (of a busoabd) imWd likely. riaownHcTaLd. AsMiaiw.j whiskey) TTorccsfer Press. A lark (of a fellow) posai- iiaai BotonfetirtGobdfBtjilbfafi 'Oiu tteac-JV onet or.blrlteapear7-iA.ca5d rjni mMcae(Yeqaiagawuncemept. vaulting amDition- liie compeution among the safeir 'uepbsit,;cbhlS8fiifea. ,J,fwndg,whpi;everybodyiwpuUlike If this sort of tbinor crdea UUUGt lb Will UO 111 -UlUCi lUt UO! raUroad 'base's re 'call - roaad -regiilarfy-at the banks,: LaauraDCfl -A offices, Excise De partment, , nnH iff-Ah" p'T to vocife rate lustily: "All aboardufatiMontreai. . Suspension, BridReYigo, jBjusael audRio I. ;! - , I'J YJ !! (' N li'.'d w ,11 VniiHiHl 1 .auiJaslnuiit ;j3--t John! JJorrbsey i; is at , Jackson C vilkijS,l-, where liU wife iiaa joiaed, him. seph Cdbk 12,000,006 yearjfbFiforl IV y eari," to take icar elof ; tha Indiananthei jnoatof tp fcill.tfif m, ...yujdUj.pot icofiB (less, to eyapgeuze inemr , , , j match down bv a keg of powder as ne eri-J tered his store M 'Davenport; -low,1 btttiXhe! maoneriu wntonnse came out4ivaavnSit all suggeatlvetha name, im ,dJ 1o s j J. B-l ?Jeis;cimaon,,.i,h.niele4 ODerator who was charged.. charged, .wilh un- a wf ulry ihboUng Edward T.' Webb iri DeH cember last, in Norfolk, Va,, waayesterday found not-guillyfWljlrtB lapidly recoverj i .hiLi Frederick? Douglass t United! gtatea Marshal jof Hue piatript .Columbia,' nsain Ttallimnre Mnadnv in Rnawer.ta A summons tphe present fit the death-bed 'of Mfs.'Jbhnli. Bears;' dadAeef hiaforaaeri master.'1 mv " j'M i t-jui &utiwui 10 viUL General Dfr the livelyr cente 4 nari&DV(does not agree i with Aacfamily rff Air, Thomas Lord ifl, the view they 'take of that genilemau'iiarrifige.'J 1 do not'fe-i gard Mr. 'ijoro as sncn 'aniaioi as peopia are trying' to make ihimi out Jf he. remarks. 4f as it was ,ppt ofteu that, a. man of hjis ag4 COL a cnapce 10 marry anne ioOKiDg woman Tike Mrs1. Hicks." 'i i-iij - Generenotnninye fore his death, "If, I had bad Stonewal Jackson at Qettys8u,riYi8hauId,av&,fw6r that battlel atid if had WOfttWgreat'J vic tory tberci i should hate establiahed th,e, ip 4epeodence of thef.outh.)(1 Uxr rGpvernor'fjlrpome are the principal,, candi dates sp'oken'ol in opposition' td" Mr.fcDeb4. bis, tb the United Btates Senate' froua MaYyf landillBeBnis'. recenfc vote with? Cok 4ipBitiepdncipai Objection ufd against IQriy-Bix yeaio uiu, uia graauiavum: was a Tcevdutionary-'aoldiefr at thebattleJf QeorbW ab'd: accbrdibif to Red field.0 "Gdr don baa a wafTetofd ibbT lots of it, so much so that a little raore'oufdhavelte'etf 'afl Tc66rd abd bo Crordbbi nonasla ed i' j hxts u tt - till - - ii m lirn iTC .l....ta i-i':iT I Rev. Dr. AUinao.nj fepojts tpa;yie amount of $50,000 for. an increase of endowment has eeaJra1sed. "xhisf suit says the Central Presbyterian. 1 xwetyn xvuiHcr, si. -4,, tr-fn-Ktw4 ftVmmg -last. -craiyrr-ll you aor The PreffaenThas conlerred greaji dib- i araanAe. the Sun- ,ffi-m fadeasays-thebrtb ?m inadbeauaer,'.',. i Jhe jRaftT mncQ. frratiuucttiyu. . inn result is bdra-of'ltB hinWaPresidrit. So J kiofit raajiVii!eaAdretau.V . . f JlentowrCPa.) Chronicle, 4th.l . 1 1 . , i -rx j ,j ,t-. :mJ.; nrai iesci, ;i.oK P.a i gle. f It wlI bo ememberedxthat-4 ahe Maltese cat,- from the effects of which ollowieg "her'"raaioa. . to-the. 3 Rl Jl iJJSUi D 01 Jtirrai o7 : " . -" "' . SK ,fli(5Td .fedJdom x!g tq1-7- .iriy -t Q; fg fi Jnfiiitac JT Mi ff yi barfgi'l'Jfrj!' B ro wnJ&Rb tf di c k 45 ImrKet St. BsrrfAirlB'ptJBLi 6pwrL- mlBRten and aarroundings for the VERY LIBB iii . b'XHv.iHi uia itsateitij- ii.,- JUMh atraga?ing piy pas year, and solicit a. continuance of tlie; 'sanJ tfCV'KP-POleTS'Oii ijnr Slrt wiftW spared tn tner to '4iia !tiS cVmfldence E.ijaoivU . tunil ai .j;nimji:iu-.Wt.-of ourpatrpni,itt4 py.amt pqnal .attwitlon; o imeWais,ka le jfecke farf . objctfor all te'k&ie v?Klf ,'is MUI 'seJP at 'th LOWB8T tlX O.-J'KJ JOP Miti lit til.t ' ' if LiyiNa.PRPFITS, thatlwing the. ONLY TRUE PWe ii alriairiesivbti mWepresientln? oar Goods ' - . .is lu-r in order to effecta sale, as we flcmly believe that -Ti 1 10 ,itij fittCil. . 4 ,iti , i ic - 4llla.taK4x?JW0,flSr ,0U o-jt UttU sa , n-fAikl yJ.titiiiln' lillV? '.Si riermss uasn : Xjrreat Olearing Sale.. ,aoi.! jiilrtnq boos e tud osej.'..-?'..l..los siii f Commences aF?Js!;18J& ? - v 'j-tasif ii'jat&lsnu-'j J4!!iVo'ilol JBd Pairs BIANKJy&isllebUy, daqiagedj,; $3 00, 15 'Pairt BLANksS i 09. i HO . SUCH .VAtttfi i .ri-ioj-Il lacwiiaVl AAimV ;i- ;..oK Job Lot of Cloaks 50 BLACK BBAVBft CfcOAK.ilBougni from last! .. .year's Hpc.; f 5 00 ,acb; jfqrmerljr sold, from $15 CO to ttt.OO,-', ",f .'V . , ' : r ; i Jttt received', ' an invoice or thtt latest; style : fa mADAs, uieiBaaM naviag ee aexataea over a -.a nonfia. by waaaing a way or.priasBv, ;s , ! .V .JI rouvrej ''o-aiU3ii?f A- io.Wi WvVJS -j-irts- t rr. r.T: A tor LAMBS' 'OPBRA-'LA'NNbTL ! PLRlTteD uisw&ur is cents loraaioiea. J: nxu-i . .:; , -BLACK dASHttBHES Mia 40 sats to CI C3. Toe. .lip. moss conqwtet'.icrunXi vc nored in (ius: . cny. , ,3.o BLACK, ALPACAS from 20 cents upward. h Wo have j net made A LA&QB porebaaa of i WORST- !o ..Jtu.pmstm uoojja, smaweior present wear, SO Dosien- QENTS1 STHiPSO SdOK'S 6 ' eenfe per- ! 31P8BAIBlAN.aOK sixts. cents, ni ittaatl ANT SATISFY). YODKSKLXa3. ' -oiKrt45i Market. Street?.-; ; .. . HILLSBQUO, N. Cf n ebraanLlst:' 18fT.v and loa 'Jdn 90th ftwootv) iil ii-r'TV; " .ilj -'Jj7' .5nii:iatt. Rr!?flSa .wtt.i r.uuiii J oujoi jjj-jv e:i an-iil o A brfelrt 4J snqTiCllectcrlof JJwrfiopga, BJJ laoa ana conga, wua uiorasesu ana wttn.Jano oi Keed Orna'accomnanlmentrA boolCnnlte Ameri can te character won-oar ovnrpop-lar oomposersj ama ue ciaaa or awgr-uiaE ars ica greatest ravor-j ites. Unifonn In a trie, bindinz and . orice with the "World of tene."',G5mB fgllsh Song," and others of tb "Llbrary". series, and cost in Boards $);'Clotliii3.O0; Pfn Gilt ftOO;1 - r sn.il. to ftiau sii udl'sanrteh .htl utfilsm s:oixlou"r- umiiia y.ll lo su.l,1' yocE-. u;:? ' l'fsS vaabfelwSeoffoir plftces bf a orpie difaca 'somei wnafad vancM -karadterasto Ity, and is suit -ed to toe tastea of ; diranced plawa, Tnerer are pages sneet jausnv ie andtna jtiecea. wnicor average abdnt five fia?6a eacTi. im bvLevfiaelt; Vori Balow, 8pfdlr,;LicDierV Habeas telnt Aseben Oei tea. ad iee velcsbrUit . a Unifonit in. style., oricd aaomavg.irunue."snanine'' oescrwea aoovei and witii the'St Other "bodlrjir tte fafnotts' "Llbraj 3aJtoaidB$lftJlotnfSJ00FmQUt$4Q0i:i j . For eal at aU, e principal Insic. .Stores. ' Will xau pnee. vnange may ov sent in postage stamps Oliver DitsoiiMfi Co. , ! 1 l.t .'J? ''U 1 "i ' Cook Stoves. J ! A -MONGST'THB TWBNTY VAKIETIKS : A,n!Wmn, ,4l 5,, !WHICH,Taay.SLL! 1?AIKU( 7TAr.I.piarva that,..! ,oaa Jfw piicei WAR-) at Botloin Prleesj Hat laggmg.'Tiesi-&c, - 31 .' (latJo, nrilafe '1' I IT VI - - - - " !Jq flti rtK T0tts.-HOOP:1RON lo e i-v aw--v Vaim ' OjliXEB0SIll0tfi,4ei:c2i -I 0 3?-LtT)6R8: TBAOddd ' 01U3W ti - wl Jo yiUAKS A PraUlALTI. - jffleclfljtT rf ,,Lf ADRIAN ,yOLLgR8. to r.erfl ,rtV,AWaMd-HaK BWPl04Jtti vrjwa 41 -Cil A'iJ Un&ilWiM.mXmtliiSVW9M ociasow : wnaieaaia uncara avxm. ma& i- rarrr TijEW" CROT3 FOR i&ni WSTRECETVim O Ellvlidda MiJi-.il -4-. UiU aUJ k'S3j : HbiCl 4 TTW O TT.I XT T HA8. H,iTaQN -fc CO, 1 J. B, DITSON CO 843 ,BroadwaiN- Y.', 1 ChestniU-si Philai 'dec-idwvrrea:!,8al iI1 v i rcr)atf 8 tf J -.J?? TIN j . - f d ?o jiit Bhi!jfosAsIsB3.' o i jana-tr' rutU. i WHOLESALE ? PRICES BACON yorU.Csu-.aina. .t llama, fc(new.... .1 1 1-1 ..15 ShoaldcrSJ 16-i ....J ..fc'.a.... 9 Drv Salted ' s f T Sides ,..Tr.Cr. . -t-dQ-tTOr ? BR&F Live weightii PCffite?, New New York.: eadr.-.. i 00 a 1 85 tl New CHji aes),'a MU1WHU .4" .......... CAlTOLEa-Spedri.: g biu;u'. Tallow, I.... t " ? Adamantine, B . . iu . . Jj li qHEESS-r-lfortneni ITactorj 9 ft J Dairvi cream Br.v.-'iiv.v.' 12JtfO 14 '15 'TJt-i6 afiScyiia vvir itjuS ii ava. ( a -K10i 5. il CU'iV.U.:IiU .. . . t Lagaayrft, :S4 ' CONliAL-9 ba$hej,tn sacks 00TTOKHB8-81 n . L:ii. ..a eq .sxaidrw 'JX 7- ' Xw'-es&I , -OO rja r, 20- , 16.003 SO 00" ; i4l 60? 18 60 , DOMESTICS 6 heednjj. 4-4. Jd tarnW Duncn..-V. ;..?.'. FISH Mackerel, No. 1.9 bbL.. ' No.-l, V3tf bblvw.IUf....'. -i,-..aucKerei,joi.a,wi syu(, iJ. N.t, 9 Jtf'bnlj:..f.,V;I 1Q 00 & . 14 60 1 T 00 7 60 I MackereL No.. bW..;...'.t:ii 00 ; O.ll 60 11 Mallets 8bbUJ.....,.v..i S 75 ,0 -800 -1 Ni. Herring fitouA 'S.iA 0 00 a1 5 60 eoo; so 8 75. 6i 7 x aiuu j , V vfkr& i :r, Cltv 4lUlnntr.. bbl..L. t -JSztra, S bbl...., biiiov.ty nj; yamUyr WAt i fe-ai T75 PCkf IU2RiW m . J-H PeraviflJitWanO,-' V SOtXI b' 'i Bangfc'a rUopnAte,;r ; y 3 ll Carolina PrtiSMr.'.- " OOM-a 00 tfQ 0 M' :5 00 Hi UWDLJke. 1 1, w :l OQejA 40 00 nri An 45 00 00 001 6T 00 66 CO ,65 00 i , Complete klanuxc , if a w"hann'sPnopiiata'jf c.'i JOf 031 TO 09 00 00 & 30 0Q ;m WandoPhosphate,? r, , Berfrer" fe Buti1 rtoefh 'StfDO" 0000 tiLUfi j a... .s.... i o is QfUJLN-i-Coni Jm stbrer in nags, 't.?0 'ftl 75 o jflom,CaiS !bn8keL..?r. : PrnmixiidTsf DasiieL - t n 01,f, 62 t PV KB DU BY-5iasern , 108 isiXt! 'lil.'ffl 20 I HOOP IKON S 3 norm uivci, iu ..... LA RPrtNottnera 9 North tJatolia',:i.V.i.tK 1.IMIU.DI, DIII,.L..l..lluI.l.i. ' J J Ship Staff, rdsawo, iin naif Wanna Jo goi O 08 S0,.50? litwia io rfr, ISfiO.i'i 18 00 L; ;Kongnsag aa westinai&t restlndiaCais.-SccJJri to aruilitT. 9 ilft.'iGU. - r u m UbUUUU. - ' l isii-a.iis -! I EJ.ft J Ptai5!('"f nfi-lli t&i$t9;l I fewingMachme is the easiest pjUng and beEtsatig li L 1)blv"l"("k 1 S I hyingln the mir-ket.' 'It has'a very large Bhutile: ft,.:" n4AJl-Z22T .Vfsar-' iiSfiSabti SmptSy1 J.i..fT; ii5 JLS OILS Kerosene, gal 1 1 Lard, 9 gal.. ....'. KOBinr gar.-'k..... u... .... . PQTTiPitlf-i-CBiicteenSi UTo.jj..i. r " 8pring...l Y POT ATO-of set. 9 - Bufltai I , I IrlsnV STottftW ,b'bl '. - .ff 1... 0ft., ' Lib Briaatiaoon it Mfflft;) UUl.i.'.44...,tl(i( B1CB Carolina, bMooill-w KAQBrTConntry,, ? tp.v SALT Almm, 9 snsher.V.1 American, fi sacX 8UGAE Cuba, 9 lb.. .......... n .S.f'aS 1 tniii inS mhmi ajiKrJ.i) .;:SiCv"Kw' n ma & U. V , V JU .. .i, SOAP Northern, jft SHINGLES Contract;1 'M M 1 1 alV:rv tut 6. s nfi v3 Is 00 .tCypressneartftS Mr... .... 1.-9 60 ., 00 la oo a jm oo "Ttor . H iif h nri . s u s orMiaioooa 08.5 00 tew)-' 0H9 TALLOW 9 TIMBBR Shipping, . V111 IMtMA MO tJ 1 fctk,8 5t) 6 00 J inferiw; to Ordinary T& jfcit.. WaSKBT-Northerni 8 gal r . - JToTih Carolina, gal.., ..... OOL 0nwsBea;? Tb . .t : ,.1.75 .JO: 8 I iVAah6lU :J LU iiUA.i yteiftLl3Q aMaMawaBBBwaaiiiiHaiiMiMaMBiBiHBiiinBiBnBiBMB tviLrnilVCfTON .TlbNEY laAUICEr ?!,. wi-.i.je . .. tja4mm,n-j,nit iw JiJ-a i JUL MM BxchangeBiitenNew-Tatk,.-;.t.i.v IsTAiso r t.,-. .'-j r,f . .nspw,... ......... m v i fiJa:.5d feBftt.Qiit?. i-.V.-Me J Bxchange 30 dayal Uaafciit utufi uii'ui if -i Bank of New Hanover loci........... 100 First National 3anw,.v...M,....,- 85 Dawson Bttfc.'TrTfWi.lr.V.aH,.. 70 Wilmington BaildicgHtK,.. 100 Mechanics',.;;', V r.:,?'. . , 86 NiavMsaGuanOCb.''r' r.V.V.'iW.'.V. i'MO f WiL CoL A Anff. S. K r..TT..3a Wilmington City Bond,f j iteRl. i.vitVS J " t NewfianovW Do. oonnty tsonas, s vc....su (uoidinc , ao-i Vc.,uQ(CwJnt rr w n wuiwu owva ; iioi,4 60 , "North- Carolina Ri . 1 , JJii 1 WiLGMUhtOCL,,f I,.a.oi.5T Wilminsrton Cotton Mills... . ttjJXAiUV M KTALLIC CARTRmaSU .MILITlAltTj HUNT- EXCEL ALL OTHBrVWAOUOJ? r i I RAQgtSTR FsiflTII AND ! No Premature Discliarge Ever Occurs Every Rifle warraut, good shooterV' Calibre jt' f'j; u.i '' ilomf ,Wi ;tQ poj. MUZZLE, iWNS IV i ' Tim wttvirri "WAf v-fi ttxpiir rr tin Wirirr'As! V i i WJ .1 Off J w jft.t Prices Ml . J i IrimnivinM .- - 4 Send for CatalogaantHf w K dec a DAWtf v:;mg,h5BrBd;Dok8',. sMOfKB.IRIS ANB . GOBDON BETTERS Jf-1haC2ioice2t Breed. wiAiaxaqfpedigHM. TflEr JBPBADX CfTRB- of Seminal. Weakr : ' nese. Lost Manhood, and all disorders-brought OS 6y- Indiscretion or -piceai. i Any - druggist has the ingredients. Address Dr. JAOUES & CO., Cin cinnati, Ohio. -'' 4 w f j i-lf feb 15-lyDAW A-M3offee,fjrti.,. ........ -IotjBiJ.-iaUii.iU.in iWJ J fDo. To-im'Taxr.XW4alft sJ r-jf. Do.,' to 2l.Cf. Railroads ...L, 48 .K.BoinlarcfGo?:il N--1 40, 44 and 50-100 Can inch, and of any desired length; sant to wear; gaaraateeA to-torn watery Sportsmen balla-rrSm t0 tt 648 'grains. Stock, plain; alse . , , - r 1 .WfW SrfW t!!8isit;iajn; tope an IiaO rtak the 81tftvle4 toS; Vst wlin sleeve r-'lrffftrr - -" 9iU tmnfj J. h Sights aad .Wind-gaugA Every . variety of'an Rales for measurement and samples sent upon .niunftion'fWfe "applteatlitttUtlfcv. j .l.ifefe Wfe gWtf;- RAfAN L3II1I L u ' r Ti-'T;vri?T7? T.7;7 Tl I 1 1 5 ' 3 . " ' i ..1 llyiadaptedtotevir1onTm'e tural nses than anv 6tfian theS IiS5?n: .mm&SmSlSmi Wore improvements accnmnlated from tweDtv Vm'31 nufacturme exDerience. with nnf.: J ' " ma TUBAL'STjBAMNGISKS. " 7, iumutJ1 : t ,WOOD, TABOR & MOBSP-! " -'A?twt&adj BatonMadigonco V -a i.v 31 S! i I. ;1:PQR. PARTICULARS ADDRESS WILSON SEWiHG MACHIHE COHP 839BreaaafVwYork Oltyf ! ini h Kti-tr L-9MpiiSlMW. Prkana, Lai;-' 4 . , j " Or San Francisco -ki A- GE .OtiPEB;, Pol,", HdlilD ATS' T.nwv nn,;r FOR CASH, er INSTALLMENTS, than ever Wfn offered a WAfMtBS -PIANOS the BEST MAD. warranted for five years traled Catalosnb Mailed. OrextTiSf "'?.8- Trad PlANOa, SHH5tava;.tlT-7X octave ti order! not naed avr Shf if Jeet 'li IVikiaOJjIi Ol ATH NflKV 4 M ri j4l-0itfO0CQj ilUKAUS WATERS & SONS,' -Manufacturers SS S 7 fW .SU 25 J t .PeaJerpfcSwt HtH-Street, New York, Tersa"d - A - airraaoriM i " ""jF Oi I 'sickhemaehfX hi- When I J ien Icavcnre I do .not. .mean -tnreiv tn ai,, them for a'time and then have them return aain i mean a, radical cpve.-4n a regular phyeiciau, a'ad i "u , '',SSi'?S?f i5BT IIom me. Sendto me at once for a TRKATIS E and a PHEK BOTTLE i ttytof6Mirledyv .GiTOepreteMdpMt6 J fiee-,i fSfM?1111 8 toial and 1 will cure Ton." Address Dt M. 4. - ROOT iaa pri k( 'ylfglu ronnlng, and almost noiseless. ' It is a.: I I most impossible for other mscaibea lo sell in diretl comBetition with the WH1TR -AGENTS WANT- CHINBPCO. , Cle velandOhia . ! .i'Hi'i rrr .'".it f rS-SWING 3MA- in their own localities, canvassing for the Flic' side Viaiiofj (enlarged-) Weekly and Monthly. ' Xarsest Paper iu the. World, Iwitk Mam aoth Chrotnoa Fred. SigComtaistiiloHsi to Aeents. Terms and Outfit Free,. Address 4. O. V1CK- ,jt( EXTRA EISS;MI?JE -'ARB itl crni-, TV IO cents., post-paid. U JOKES & CO.. Nas eaa. -TT A. fTl O Retail price.$900, only $560. Par VDot'Organi, price $34l) only Jij. aiJcrfre JAL; . BjiATir, WataJngton.N.J. the - ,ery Pcase4 f Magiq -Pn n 1n required.) Oat a. 5PSae of Agents Goods frfce. BUCKblYE NOVKI ?o.,oiuni.uu.phKK, : been and areL now being made by the use of MKS. JOH fefiRSOfN'S RBM.1SST for thf; lieease. Cure CERTAIN. SPEEDY and PERM A N FfTVTT ! Vt,r rM. abUftyeferbVrDiitBioBito tfifii"FiL 1,'et.TlinmM AUcinson, D.D., of North Carolina. Geo. A. Foote, It 1X1' Wanrob CaS. aMtf Bona - iTl J.ivia and C. M. I Cooke, of Franklin co . For certificates of cures. vu.uuD, tnuiBwwfiujiv&D iiauiy v JH.CVO. uv?a. PBRSONFranklinipn, N. fc ; . ; . - t 54 I rJsn;i OkUA'oWVc-lk -;uJ'nii..-" I L to. the , lOUf .ef JanHaiHe. Tbia .ImLiintinn efltfg- I onnAlAV o Jaronrnrr'na An .t,l . . TJ-. 4 1 1 PCtih5BpplyW jEiflJONES-P WILSON, Presf Board of Trustees. Jk. J. t ,-'Jr' A' Vlf "-W W VJLJUV7 A ICO. i 4,1 AM LOCOMOTIVE WORKS , iLanuactare all kinds oLoconrbjtive,' jand faavere cently purchased ' of the Amoskeag 41anufacturing iu. kii mp paueroa, natentiv an tne , good win tor the mantrfactarO of thelr'ceteD'r&ted Steam Fire En- fines; nd Fire Apparatna, and are now prepared to eceive and' executes ordars prdlnpjly.' bpn.aforde- sormuve cirayar. ... , AKiST as; BLOOD, Ageny, nov 25 D&Wiy 'VtlH - iTanchelteiflirvfl. ' SHOOTllSTG m GOAT. aj . has- ',-JDis f,fa$5W ?iff' "l-UH" Pleasant tgwear dnxable, and in thc eud tlu; thoqp est, HADE OF BSOWN VELVETEEN. , pockets and Lining made to take out, so that may be worn' for earJjr f atl and winter" ehootin?:' : t Horace SihlthJ tia iWfO'tf 4a' mV idea of a J shooting coat I have vprn them for several yeara, ana wuinave none otnerrvu" ;! - Price for KJoatillV1f6.5l5 s.'be best brown corduroy Pante, at $10 per pair. maSeon ly the one grades ia the eheapeet goods oo noj tarp briars and will not give . atisi action. Also, irl addition to tho above, ani makine; Waterprdbf Canvass Salt, eat same style as the l enfg 'REfIlRjrifNBLiOP. Av WADDILL, 1-'! jVStr-ij Vrt,-ut.viT,tt- .1..' ' r: :- EDINASNOX COONrT. MISSOUKL - --v. . ... ' A , i, , - -, : .;. - The Finest Strains of' SETTER PdtNER SA&EtsAjH) OTfa'W SlOltXliNG UOviS, , Bred from bott? fmporfe&nf Native Stoctjitmo aerate prices. - - i nto't'n: r.Qii:Tpitpbcd?ins . . . a . ...!liAWES;oM03flASINS,tJ f', mad rohiarafnSy selected atock, in the best " ner, at prices to tut the times., ;. w ... . , : . f: , pena roroircuiar ana rrice i.iti.3. ; ;r - - ' 1 ' IMARTIN S ' H 0TCHEN O j . v i-qiuli'i titt ..p!Oi BOX868, , QCtiT.DiWtfvvnii vltover.New HampaBU : i yvfl r ia . i uto mayo mc uiccacc ui ... ..1 " , , , J"' .-c iuusSTO J-warrant my remeay to cure tie ii a6& ,J,,Tn motTreniablfr-ctrelt SeRdPUtA ha''e

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