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Twice a - week, two thirds of. daily rate. Notices of Marriage or "Death, Tributes of Ke epect, Resolutions of Thanks, &c are charged for as ordinary advertisements, but only half rates when paid for strictly in advance. At this rate 60 cents will pay for a simple announcement of Mar riage or Death. - ' Advertisements to follow reading matter; or to occupy any special place, will be charged extra aor cordingtotke position desired tOillli 1. " Wlverttsements on which no specified number of insertions is marked will be con tinned mH forbid," at the option of the publisher, and charted up to the date of discontinuance.- v-.1 - ' ' ' " Advertisements discontinued before the time con-, tr acted for has expired, charged transient rates for the time actually published. ., v ,. A:j ., Advertisements kept under the head of "New Ad vertisements" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. An extra charge will be made for donble-column or triple column advertisements. - V All announcements and recommendations of can didates for office, whether in the shape of commu nications or otherwise, will be charged as advertise ments. .. - Amassment, Auction and Official advertisements one dollar per square for each insertion. . - Contract advertisers will net be allowed to exceed their space or advertise any thing foreign to their regular business without extra cnargn at transient rates ; Payments for transient advertisements must ba made in advance. Known parties, or strangers with proper reference, may pay monthly w quarterly, ac cording to contract. - Advertisers should always specify the issue or Is sues they desire to advertise in. Where no issue is named the advertisement ,will be?, inserted in the Dailv Where an advertiser eontrcta -for the paper' to be tent to himrdaring the time bis advertisement f is in, the proprietor will only oe responsioie lor tne mailing of the paper to his address. Remittances must be made by Check, Draft, Pos tal Money Order, Express, or in Registered Letter. Only such, remittances will be at the risk of the publisher,' '' ;-vtu -- . - Communications, unless they contain important news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of real interest, are not wanted; and, if acceptable in every otherway, they will invariably Jte rejected; if tie . real name of the author is withheld. s ' Correspondents mast write on only one side of the paper. '' ' " i firman i?far; r By WI 11.1 AM a. BEBNABS. WILMINGTON; iV? (7.: WedkbsdatMoeni5tg, Jan. 1 6, 1 8 7 8. THE CRT OF, TUB MONET CHANG v -yj JSSS The bankers, insurance men, money lords anSThondholders of 'the ' North are moving heaven and earth , to in flaence the-Congress not to undo the grand rascality that was perpetraled when the silver 4ollar was demone tized. Bat this is to be expected. What care they what becomes of the cortntry so their own pockets are'wetf lined ? Men who could deliberately connive at one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated in the lighiiotddky, are none too good to rejoice - in the v defeat of the wishes of the: country, and simply because they are ; con sumed by selfishness, and are to be personally benefitted whilst nine out of ten men must suffer. -. iJ ;' Senator Edmunds, fs affair example of the represenlktlvjemen wo stand by the bondholders. In his place in the Senate only a few years- ago he insisted that ,i7yr and gold were the two standards; - and that the bonds were to be paid in eitheri Bufwhat does he care for consistency;;; orjusj tice? He knows all about tho fraud when in 1873 by a sort of snap judg ment Congress passed the act de-moneti-ingsilyr.ri r eturps.up his eyes now inindfpfois" ecfetlcy, and in snivelling accents swears that it would be a great crime (against the bondhceatioilLMe) Jf exlhe bill of ; Senator . Matthews ;.to pass which declaTesHhe right f of the. go vernment to pay -its i bonds in silver.! - The bill ;wpulck only restore what had been fouUy.taken, z way- wo old give ,4to the coaHry wWVtrghteioBgs tothej36intryr10ST HXUC? But whilst Edmunds i is moving, and the bankers'and bondholders are moving to cdm'pass;-a '' s'econl iniqui ty, the people are QooSn'gon not without - interest aiSena&iiaDavisi ot IlUnois, in wtrpucxillpetition signed by four hundredaalkrs and business 'men of- vChicago favoring gold as the one standard, and oppos ing the restoraiionfa'fjnii5llar to the place it neMj Wforeit'wts de monetized stated that the; opinion of . these four hundred;; Was; ynotthe opinion of people generally, but. was "entertained by ja. very small per&ent age" of the "potMayoWifiitijity, which numbers soirie 450i000' a 1 Al The -plan' now bf ' ihe Northern , bankers, in order that " they may checkmate if possible :;the:rpbpular V movement in regard to the "dollar of our daddies," is to put all their future dealings on a gold basis; It is believed by the advocates of the gold basis that such a step will: givea decided check to what SiHtfe!64!! clhe silver, 5lanaticMm.jeribajk)f .New York hay, ( alrjyolvc4! upon'ucha m gold. Iisthus, acJoydipg respectable a paper as the New Tor Journal of ' Commerce, ifthe silver plagn ia to bTstayed.iC - ; f . ADVERTISING KATK3 (DAIL.-Une squar. clay, l.uu; two uj, ' -;CiViv.- It is certainly very singular when honest men can thus .view a matter of so much irnportancfftThejalk of 'honest money ;of jjfair dealing," of "the. silver plagiie,' eonAut have nothing to say aooaririe gfeaT swindle upon the cojajitjy nothing about the kind of money "m which th'mVesia)iprlict4)wir7tobe merpe hasafttW t'o1 HAe it ajf pear that the bonds were paya.biein golds, pnhl T ' whep1-ithyr(wjer;e J Wue. whole'thihg: deceptive. . :j ainA In this' Whnectum it 14 prtibtint X$ HonV Joseph J. Davis,' the memben from hc4th.Dictlp tn eiRaLeightiilTewar, aad i aksritt bism upon slame.Ujtemo'J-' peared in the Journal ioT ' Conmikrof.( We consider the. subject of ,yjeieiftE imprtrtanoe, and MKiDaAHsVreraarli-. Of such point and force as (o reutfej, the:rebrodnctioivxif a parCff hitfad1 "When the fiFe-twenties were'issUea If vaa ru mi I ale a vv m overomenv maiTjre interest should be paid ta eoibMwl-in-oW but coi'a and both gold dollars and filMf dollars -were Ihtnf legal cofi but the print dpdtol the flve-tweoties vl:byl the-yeon' has 4heigB,noW; id paV atl dndsiB:excep4 thdee that specify on their' faoe tb arc to be Daid in coin, in gold, i greenirackst rbm iVBQot, wiUWUAAAw eftoti of XaUh I pay ;thq ew fear v per cenUiboada in anything btttfoin Vofitbb atajtidM-dvitaloe: of the coin ot in ua neon K&weaj era the tUth davn of m'JuIv. -1870." the date ;f rlh& FaqUmg; lAw: TUe3Q,iiitnW rier cent, bonds -SCiciis. Jn-1"" their face that they are to be.pulvnitniQ gsWpJaati in nin of the standard value., of Jhe eaiu of de ltnSed "States, "si it was'orf the Uth day 1 1 of 'July,' 1870. ft Silver J1dbftara rei,thiBh:,f,1 lesal coin oftb Unltea latestBe aM4 koto. .fxKits oXinejiisijw ioohw-.wm ' J J- L. I... ; v .i jn ld grains, anu upuu luw iacu ;c t ,vmp; "f. verhroent is gairty'f it breaob -ef fltb,,-i if riays these bonds, according tc- the'cW' ttact, (gold or silver,) kStkhp standard- rattrt? of Uuly 14tn,' 1B70? I6ay -HOUiing'OIin rnotives of those nronnW-procured the Dassasre of the Aot 6T'Fbrnry;l873. de- njonetizing the silyer, but-do, aayit m& .. gfoss roag.lap!ne,;Dv cqmiirj, ,hu,iv tbat ooeht to he xeoaired atTonoe- i- Kiaa j Commeatmg:,.upoiS.tsoeaoirn'tne i strictures ana staLetaeaiLQi ourJNew IK I I T- 111 i aiy Dona, isiatin? in.a single pice,.-,,jjqaj, jfc iss payable In golajojilbKdishonest in Congress to p93.an.act to make it payabJ id annhin&e-wt without th&cessent of the bondboldeff but the iruth is ttmt nor one of oriaMMjiiacj,ithat it ia-p-y-bJe- in gold'' btt in coin; and silver W(Woin. in whicn they were legally payat'h-a issued; ana) the BIahja)riU pojy proposes to mal&i itles gal coin again.' asii V a- t;jiv I'The" same-paper' 'Savs: ernf4 standinzhaa beeaUhai the ouilic" debiira- payable, principals and cjnUrstei4B Rbk.'1 This statement neither ' arjfjof di "wfth'Jlie8 law uut fciic iavt. iiic luicicsb. uu muat Ol tne nonas is. ov tne iawrtvabia id. coin--. that Uipld or iiVf r the, prwiap! of jnoaV or, tnem ispayanio'iaiega) tendertlrar'l gold; 1 sUrer grwuback'.11,! JjooSrpbk one of your CTee.bJa i-hct' vou" wU-Taaii thia solemn (endorsetneat, put -there by .th government of -ther Uttedt teK i J1 note is a feyaf tendett iP&i&tiW&i& ueuis, jjuuuc aau ntxiiff, except aeoiftOD irqpofto and twtowi on the publie debt blp in cdin'laor sUverlnpriSi hx lerat tender.. The funding act ot Jaly 1 auredJbiondsitCbejlOTtfl atit6il four and a half and .Jfour per jpfin, ,.au4 thfese bonds.' vrineirtil ' Ak w.n da. intnVpai ' are payable in com -a 01 go2dbtnMaTO4 cqin eituer gold or silver a -ftey W'etejtf tbM day; -:iyto4W$. ' " Here is one' i-OTfe'.n btlf or. thgjtd vb? 'The Journal of Commerce seems to have a hdlT horro'of 'JaVi-, Ihe Bdndg' ifa i fle-' prtecwjd4iurEeucyliiTh bonds ny ,09 tajti they -tare appreciatedinp-rckasiBgpower; wiileneitfy every otheispecies df prdperty has depreciated. If the government pays thfem accordnff 1 the; fraottiheycfel- tauiiy nave no legal rgtrt to tpiamr "If it bays them jp. cuj-roocy worth f son SO to 4(X Der cent-:inor than- waTaM'-fe 'tlie holders of tKe, fds,'!tneyciirtaihry'h nd moral. ;riehr to cotnrjJaui: VTieh the Dobds were issaed lhey-i-wte "paid fer4ff f currency greatly depreciated worth ! l fait, upon an average, not more than sixty 0rsixty-five cepbjirbrlaxmreld. If paid now in ift&&)of 4y will get payment in cupteBcy -jWOrth rtdeaatJO H.P0;.1-?16 thaQ tsh-t which they loaned 1 to thdVerme-?' I the truth hi theargtaofcts urged b the' adrocateslpf tbe bondbottl gqssamef s oritfJe as glassy We , 1 .unfit r.i.i ou.w.u r.ur.iA JJK hafve seen no argument that will bear analysis r the toucn-stone of truth The whote' thing originated in crime, wis-carried but in - rascality. "HB: MATH PENaiiTT CMRITh -:fraa ,-.-MI ,-:d. - ai .till i55f w rsi.';yar 'iatibaui p tTheRaleigb iVenMlstales't reasons why Gov. Vance commuted thfe sepUnce oiiThadaeaDayiSisicon victed of burttlaTTjj to nmpritownBat v iii.c, :we cuuiaeujUf7Moniy tfiif. dnK. -i,ij: - ..is t0 m3&WmM eeptencevsecond, mi ate to 4m.hf ;m $mmm ffv&Sffl&tf&h burglary couldt xommitted j third, because the evi' keface was Bl-9-iiatjl3burth. refer to n ftbleilsttfir M t&?.dt.-t-f ii ri li ana is 04 .fcaaar a. aR, w -.w rii aajr4flH6. 0f ws fer-ibAjpaipa1 Trli ;-n;a-ii'f3Lfed coinmuted:1 ? Tbe" "Wr,',Wrf-.' teaced.bini, jnhSi attorneys wh9, mmended the corarnu- tation of rkeuce. The leading -- M 1$tnty askedVfor lis rcit.lenl ex VciseiSxeotive cleme4yf Mf colled what thWay ettevilT(?3efe sa"and give the above in uStfce to Gov. Vance. We think Ju this in- stahcei,h e"CTovern or di wellT" jury wereciMjy jnoumn'Biwing i. j i - M been $i &iWfi'Vt. the; evi- mwew&W ftaono.iftSAi.Uo.i, jdeRjDr pMBeutlawJiej--V'tiie:paw4 tpatdowy3Heiddt,rit wS-18fttai,'i . ... ... iH. I. . . m&m w wtff com thicdraai!ionuaf Ubo tttettb mf arfy defectrve, 6r our courts are sin- , , . 5? rPrtFVeru .uPMiajpftipauue! jthS lattr,th&w J9hoJd3heimpii ve rhrttVBarieraXrsnTOe .DirontH'efU pupppe. t.baaodi? x!,l lfii Wie 9dj add. tvati V tiusrj tifafall I Z . -rr " . " . . a MoJt-ey,i;ba Jiflyi9ai3reU.fortifid Lwith eood and sufficients Ri-soTiSri njountea nrrarnntriate ur. measvc, the ApTe editor. TeFt enp.u2h copy to liPpmpiete tne usual aroouojjmair, iiBpppIied by btTnrFrRtttmoTe Sun t l Mrs. jaeniCK. wno was associaiea.wiiu, hefath'Mir.yasi(Mltfthe'66trdtifet,br taisnpwioteal;i9iia JladyfieraftrkaljlA say inat 7he Southern Review will puffer uo aio-'toWhe'rnperfisibn ' " iifunlirili tiiiii-ur lull to !.,. ueierioian -n 94 C DRBMUlCMflf BIBi-i 9inUOil 1 aiidw- 08d t .oJJTrrilwCI .coijiiui V7 picture to make ond,weiepx.t8 "iiie fiuBtL times now turns from the .White UOuse portico witn the f gmanc (feat there. is too .much conciliaudnv As b u he remarks that the 0W1 Credit 'Mdi- b lteH Wbiskeyi Rio-ChTistian fctatesman 0f:i873'b6tonrer,rests bi3 hfcels upon the marble man tort and peetorates-tobaooo 1 jj died x0 the I1reaidenUalmdiK)ni?Aud 1 he knows t-tflat he can measure the Slifeof ithe luhjicianlsthorijoiniat-UU.'Jiule; Z I The transfer of Federal jtob dlers.f torn noiflU,where,j4berv- were djipfiipjeUaJ.ivorJi,to uwro, impor tant service, and the nomination olar jry as well aa tne necessity of , things :ta policy wDicnjpojLnis time has been promotive of unmixed , cood. tHeBhbwf 'miKtary'upbb m irithaAw'ib'far fhi iJrovIng'th,atJ idee .fa$tfliWsfa'wJarigbtyarlf odirtit ik bye ber Jmade perpetual aHowx that H' was 1 always a deceDtiver eijppoTt andfMalto ifiy'seirnpfect-' inland ndeperde-it!polAieil lifeiiIt umvHbialo-tJtiine bsfiordi thai ideas Ho? ipciWdctveauAlitFPrefaiUnff. in) uMasiachxtsettaibeame,i oredomi-, pint at ; the,'.Soutb:,Jbut the force xf, Baccessiui exampi?i(Snftne pjessijije, ftfl Bftlf.intorABt nlrjadr jyClnnlnr tO thje mistaken methods-practiced since 1tlfeiibdfedN-i5&ftJ Aektertitir; ik 1 5J Ik -iil-I-iiSlJR'lJlv Jflaiai9-. kt-Vii"kr4 . r: m. Btafl-r-r,-mfa r . gagePini xwidow raMesute-ere,tHimv agait)it,tbt'wo5XtoTea1il no bsbaum HMa-BirL-dd bs ivreaLJiyeoenterari HaSi4n fcoSgftilajyjftfc, thj CharchTrCfttiPSb Bdadon. Never doatw brain-work, after Gtom& W fussfawlth1 the ..rSfliiW A jjako xaoejjiejaintewwiH b;foti a ty neM,fi5foma wJU, rpeyei M Wx.bropc.as a mento.ol the??!- 3 ien.yictprJnuerbeaame Sovereign pT Sardinia In 849 his TerrTtdry hail'afl afeal of -28 i;76 firjuartf miles4 "and" ' pobUlstlen fo 5U653;olBei hasl left ja m.es. with a DODUlation of 25.801.154. r A 'Boston .paper, publisfies. an. account of "M'yfif tfiififir r1"'' Idiot of Rotterdam, whoamokedsourtqna sf Itonaccn Jinn .irftnk.500.000 .nurta of. . . 1 " rT fli-i 11 1 1 ri f T -.'f " 1 5 r -T-.TL.7 - .aid. -,t;i3 ji.ow twoiyearSTQde'.theTooi-wnf alt tls W JwUjearstnthetool.kllf' irattfeiredldiMa'bYeelbtis JDhth61n.ir3lV, i j I f UJ ii it fl Bill WJ Tn: iToJuiuili Y oil! &in3i il The marriage of Editii Lone leiiaw ana. icn am h. .ua0rTnuro tday evening, called Lwth'r tone of; the inosi'triuia-x assemmageviiYerisen ia' f the; day were present fhlu..IoceiioBther I wilE'ihl) Haryard Professors and nunvjeni-J lr fT? J,em9iiere UpAtiinr thqllowrngMf c ffi om. i?r.jsuangteijw from mdur: Dr. Hopkins; J8 k4retoirftlp6fiai Ton Jv6'rat' MthdrleV Tor eitlbirthat I'a Iter Iv rwidra rarfsMfeWffeUa Bodt thfselraffdiiihfr endes.i aawnev'1bfej itt'iv'ftww m Bifcafist'eifk Wartv oy. da-iM. 4t bn'4 gaged, it is Baid, upon tbereaditeraryjL, iijpn 01 nis od that they ?m read soi-OwsMiBMi Trido the-snm Iriigthte3tale! vi ineign iieani ji pr-i peau3ultQlj-;ai: dki jthe oni parasnEuy lmptrprly;iimtofctleglectd ppportftnitie8!" Courier JwrncAiUHi e ta i prosecuted .reap the se oSr th m deneiHWffietefftt)lcltt9 W oumstantiar, tnen of' course no rjf arAAffliihipejLitlonsia aaking Jof The fact that. the Republican party in. jteWipom tb'e' contest ' 'the ! mom eb ts OCR STATE COSITBiaPOUAItlB. j Tho great mass of the .people : of North 'Caroia he Inllcrenflu tbeifhro. M tfr: old'A-ielo &xtH loviif la orMl tKey rfgnrdlihe dgh' of irlal WMi t,?" .M i liMlmaal 4nril .mnnimeQi i VOl tDS&iBU i tribunals as among their most auiemn wwc-- cmrd! thev havft no ffCmDatbV With Crime, land, wh41e thyrareciat4beauJ r:: rr J. mnra than IfnM'sandlheJ Will hbt Htia-edfl'fte iui. 'uircwuw uvvw. . , i -T;jiWjlwniBfF tiwvlrf iPWbfcuw ih.oti orjagofdiwing the,ftripaM flq(ay,tswR, till Chandler. ;ot, iNftW.,1HWsPShWftyl jSflmjti aadera tnav mistake) aatlT anoinesLtOnQr dkerif amd. Zachi .(Tber r ar9,-,4l I wlike t-et pofevthe ;samiw bWoxalfri like-rtph-JSix ally.-Bnima. JUOlli warm gaHim-imia imonjrhrjiHndjBt-ikat (PiwHrtedHh Louisiana - Wd-l(d e4eraT-leoui Both then and now weaTingbloodylfihirts.- PhvsicaTlth'erb?fkch'iv an Vevolution'Vsnjoiffea-.he-rJ-UU'frdui. weasel. mVihMmf an 4ndgar4ib'i,l'dTra1d,W(4 nort intervals between wrrwiey sxrirt. i i Both mcU.-rfilwtetb Qitu,mmhroK -'ill JiiUiUJU-wi! rTl U'-Ji,! A.Ui .aloU la-j r--; No.harm. will come.to.. tperAa- t ministration from these v'apid'projeslsTroni IF II. n mniliini man f JU'.tsviIJ?WAJ72W j4i Ph e raid ef i the ;rin zs! n pon-Cari 1 Schurz s likq)yLta baCfBtjouedbecse Ine will go on with his good works. Ctn clntaii (wnto&ciaId&pAir.in ilil Oil L-"- iThjOjiRe pubJ ioa patty ti jibtii satisoed witn tisyesi but is 1 it anv.utter saf1s5?ditn'C6allinV an'd'BetfBatleV ? The" Jibc4h.Bati t Enquirer w m intarwefl ,tbe menwrwl of womgouiery piair ab loUowyr rliJereaSi;Tliel6ctdfarCom nliteioniitkiob' to created efegafoBt97 iperroi-ek Ecspivj&q, iqm;o KtCl aie ibai, The list of commercial failnre daily appearing in Ihe qewpnpcrs furbishes jab'arletnnetrt In la vdf or siivertemtfnetiza- t.thAtjOUfisotvei iaotbiatrysIfcli unaau ,Br-,aLr:ffi fin&smafKr no;3! ti The New yorkjaWty--W lfgton correspondent mentions a prdposi- tMttdettbeHgkr6Bs-, rheasre iwowJdinake John aermaOi;week)aJiou bDnd3 in paper moaey.'Quher-Jburndt, l em .icifd .j fci,ua l:iJ uo ad feui; -ayy) KisiJ iltll a'-jivm'J lis epaico.'gaiilsia Tr Grumsbv savs his wifcia. eo.-hot l wm. j. (jame simuers are nice: but there are inseparable obstablisv .ybu-'cobw. Id, ,-oudsM 9. r-r J ust the:tna?gi jojpgopia fvMt Xh ro w cold , v cutUpg, J g)a nces-ey eiaklegi Vw JtorA; uommerclal Advertiser. .. . bugse8tion to the stove dealers .H-Tarkeyla geoke hi about being ooV orr 'the Balkan angeifgJTofj Qdnfpffai fy7AtW fast ' ' : 1 J .14 the construJtn of an pdir nary wooden Vessel,' it 3s 'salea forty difr fdrent trades teJ represented. jW4NIhety'-five per cent, ot the 'total cost is f or. -labor: jj j .'('I)oesthis raQr,tak"e bold wel.l?n; i - ; . 1 -. II .IJ s IP. . IJ 1M. . ' . '3 A i-j ... u rt: In the last thirty jyarsj iMexico- 1 . 1 ' MiAA AAA AAA nas proauMq;.yow,vu49i,goia1jM rih., yer, anu inis country naa raised $i,4UU, 600,000 in the sarnfdWni territory aoouired from Mexico. ."-' WMg i-FiRd it ftiahiwno,!Ka 'iusi' seen' liijs girt waHaiDC with 1 aiotber feilowv "abd n, e-e.!yasf you wiUidlwaver.ihini tob. an ardent admirer, or Jirs.i General ,, Sber.- ' L ai TT J - .' ' ;'i 1 1.1 U -"l mnn r Ait 011 J A fsr10 - v Tl i 1 . . k.. .t I Ul JJVU boimv -. U M. the rope and elang'to tt desperatelriayfne bib ltfe, but .having 8Krysl pftHicl,of, Saa j airippeu irom nis nanus. ,r ' T. , j iLvery lierman soldier carries 10 J nip ieit trousers pocset tne plasteiv Jipt and bandage he'cesSirV for a'MstdressWff of ' wfcund, 46 that in so iamergecy leacb canT neip nimse or1ft:CMarAfl& ni6iaiJla Ja DaAb JUunng i.the ilastU twentyeiglife dars fOlSj;, pf frulUon .Javf, hen, handled by the Operative officers of, the three 6oinai nfluts mT thTa' doUtitf."Wli' actaaiiwaatacaiiioi voniy 1763.43S.m9p1 Si oftirrfe,?' &SjwaJB ailpw,ed b$,f Jak r.; i" . T.k j i.iv;, uoF.-im J 'f . 1 i lsJl .IlilU -wa.f man walks through a bospiUrhe" k a saint; j line spends a-tfiiriietn'TXrt ormsracotneh )6ri charities he is arpSTaoh 6T HbefaBTy. If hii wife haunts places of w6f3i'p,T mfieV trorfliwat w otnerocdapsndtftlraiS 1 devo tion,,! fbe 9 ;:sueh !rligis wpo-taaxl? ?vt$f mfMSfm kt9R- couveoieoue iu gu w cnurcn. .pernaps once a week,1 We 'thought eglecferii or iheauV'of ' awn uikli ji.jdiu9. flij 5J Xl'il jtg jUCglO iU" BO JMflO UFbuf b ndreil n 'sfeVfebty'-Veyeri tieraoaaMBetttledsiianiTenndssee uhddr.ithe pis of the Iomigratiott J3ueaa 4lurioc a i-T..Oqe roaaji'iittWifiriHBfc tbof Nlawiij ibfena (La.) twgar JXflol ana lbffVefriiuHqpMf viBe Cown JJoli. - Hnstn iMrta taste of a I peculiar kind in the coinage oft-tcUei.a'iMYii jWt79 f9 ,Wii8aipRi ot .yie eMonu- m4nr 'Association.- -T af terl k traded illness i died of DUlmooat fed Sutnter county, Florida, a few days ago, hplPnTnbecf Marh knd Gas. 'Carotliertf Caxdthers fittd!twr'8h6Vs'fff0hl a guirl kHrf intf Marsh. He thenrpjeabout halfV jaile, fell from his hQXffi pnfl &plie-9t, amll Hit. J, a ..Clarke Jthe.GeneraL , Manag.erf,Qt ; Orleans' tb CMcagoy j theHde'bf immi ina nnn nr muruau ikkiiiiiix inim i,hw irrttidii frdrrllliobWest to tatfSo'uibuis.aet-.; tirir in, in reai.earnesi..,ie ininKaiiioaaanaa vtill'lseek bomes bere during tne cdmfng VariJ':'AllMwHtr ctjmtfrtf welcome.'5" M J m - ( JJ J v J 1 , , I b.vndiQ .atofaa .that T?dn8feha7rreat Jd'tbS'lTnl Calbdlid CfiUrclf, abd' .' DT.Priedi Idfi'sHl tOiy of tbe .Vati.cajLPuqfijLJtayebeetf piacea on movxuuc vu&iyMittU-r hefcMrfoaorttimaio dMWMtp, 1 2 lit I iL. m nAitnuthnl amm . iL ... win, ikhii Li. o uuva nui uuu iuah ucz- una I eivtBfUffflieai inro Haraaa "nature navT' - jio&bul:iibeikeerj(totUftMriId4dftrlua mibp.Nev 0nim?i6Cia.r a avtvuj J.il mercv. mev gam re luom-o 1 a3ed tne amuibg oayber.. "jtes," .replied, 'tlie Unhappy yictiftfi" -rt-'takds hold' Wtli; bab it don't -! let gb;; woi th i a 1 cent . Z7ihVr -1 A Nevada paper My s that a man 1" riowtf a mine1 280 fet'deepimtseizea' I Stil jiiiwiswr! A na jioutfy saira J 11. . .Anyinn a.,o atafAa I h ni M. Kenan's DooK.-Lies vanaeiis;" tJianoD !i?;i78-- i -5 . -i' J - I F tegidaw 4nrtomnyRT.aMrfi Juvl p4rHto.- cl'oTbJi-We7 N?fi fiMTslbdr, f dontinuance ;ol .jsvjjifc xnoiivae( of oar patrons, and bsUict.rr ft4jt,eni.lQA to' oar business,' we boy to iKncerT'm' object for all tL traiiWlq -ill lil ar-Oifix MVING PROFITS, that, beliMJ the ONLY ,TR" BOLlCYof increasing oar business p.,, 1; ft r"a6od-,Hi&kearJmi aemi One ?ri,& l 'jTermB 'Oashr! ; .in' 'il? Je freat i ClearingiHale: I Pairs BU-ifcRS $9 OdJ JJO &QVO 'VAAm ever seen wv tnis market. .50 BLACK: BiyR CLQlKJ. I b.jWgitfabtilUst ;Teaf's,toet'-fi j Kjh fornjorly:f9l4jh:om Zl5 tO to f 15 00. r,.-- . ... Jkst received, an invoice of the latest styles- iaJ fPJAiAJSS, tBjoiams havlogeen dataltuid over a WDtith'bT tne washtne awav of bridsea. " Is CaiE&iCALIi-priWw, aoeT-X Ire at odB arga i rtsl; paMhhtoX9BiQjeS& PANNSL, J PLfiATBD e-liave 4sst made LA RGB purchase of WORST ;bu Jiia uogu, taitaoiejor present, wear, i " ".11- rnsir.-rr JAIJ)i01Vi OOeCUUg,!-. V JU i 1 order to effect a itti9(Wflriaiev that lJ-yA'"1'-..ioiJ-ili.ioaaH l oS ' -lSki-Wa;4f I I ......... ., , . L pna Bk.da. J. . ,. I BLACX'APAnAarromOeenU iiim-art.'',1J -' I ' ! . -if-bb DoaeaGSNT 3' STRIPD SOCKS, 5 ceaiail Wttkt'z. 3 . ill T r .a XT Tx u-Tio dv. ttvtt rs nr vna " .Xl Vr-Wri1? dM. .atnv -c-Uol !'IW:bV -tiO Ki ifr.iL-U-uiii. -jj. ujci uy, .J 11 Una miiqfxsJ ,k 3 uqacror:aiedivy ! 13 Jta a iMtsaeldew aocatedT- Whe 'Beaver MaTOlacturlng uompa-,'' registered la boo. No. JL Dasre fll. in the Ofilce ol the Register of DeWafdrLSimrland'Cgfahtyt rWai, as Kxectitbr ijosepn ui ,&Uio"j-jit. ,bsli 1 . aoi2ioi ii ami in siauw .su;i-i 0 ir J - il. ul - ti.i innsv sil AT 11 O'CLOCK, It 4 oo" eaail ;Ac tfte TOnrr .Bonsa xwor, in FA"tbTTEyILLk, eAoMtesato'by WhoAnetWOI CA8H,the -. i Three. Tracts of Land. elthatedi on Beaver and. Kockfish Creeks, distant ,abut" seven miles from FayeVtevilie. containing' .abbattM &CBB8, tasting?' .Vis.T'u. 3UJ i-ii jn;U!-"j;!:iTKJ 2TU'Uiu.i -am ITwpiiJFactIfti,a3ja.i. . s knbw"i2ai AVKfi CKiai: FiOBT4 and "HLtJB? FACTORY." toeether with all BaUdunrs. tqi raBcmgiLs jixwrssy KC-mennq oeionguig. ThatwFactdi1ete Jab.- aMTorlaaiag. jtrcamsv it the waters power ia abundant. At present they aDous.six tnooeano, (Ojuoo.epinttifis,na one Sred and thfrtyfiTe (135 lobtns, ' and can ttrrh T"ifl J'JT 11 Li-'y fi.r,, ,i;ii I UlB---.erosene, ki. ...... Li3jtfa'.riBRi( L T jtiV;.gaL...-.4j..-.,..i( 1 .11 .t&is Jit il iuk!Oiciull.' JiSa .V'l) Ti..i.l m I 3 I . .1.1 roii B"f!f"i 1 ill T T a XT Tx unio dv. ttvtt rs nr vna I cJnt abtrntioo yards cf aheettag p daitu-wui:LBxphaBtooiiw Xolk,. K awejt, 4fbeftMM ttolaafcWt'rWifveDweIliBrt?l The.8la will .be mada. snh'ect ta.nriornnrt. 'ttey -S' JJO! llfffc. ,Vr!l UVJ Pfil It'" IH ; JX93 TSui i uJOit ' 1 ,aeia loliObljCQi ,lAo na uoqa ooii y!oo aiil ni S'q i;w Jisd .oa xlao LiiWB01JreAlA4N&lflrFAfc MEB . CSANTa are herebr nottOedthat m PriTiten: Tak . was lsvied, bj4Ue last iLi stature.. of; Five Deilars (the same levied by countvl.in addition to the Schedule Taxes nrowsr.' -'"' Wholesale Dealers are also notified that In nvins? In their1 oarcbiases the law now comDelfc navtnent on iolbnrchaMamadwltMBthei8tat as well as bnt,JW4 w. Blroad StOCT.TTT, 77760, - lue Bute. OncUdinii timber. lumber..UirDentln.. tacladiBg timber, Jumber-uirpenttne: ttoV;rosWand naval stores an,' nvaIsWwobTandtdal1deaiers)li Saardiiiff) fionaMoSestaatuU and. itattirDentli iifcdeotfen lhilotela.vSaarding) fionaesSeStaaTUU a4. atina uonsesrerroa aired bv lav ta sar a tax of -tn Half . Per Cent;. pn,gr088 receipts., ,,", .r. b Tax "wnl' be' floe' arfdarr 1st.' 'ana" 'naVaTrfte rwilhto the first M dayVtliertevaaii pdrcasiea lia j aiesHi !u - .ifc.tSAMPaONv. vl aeaaeoum M rrsq' i bnfi H7 ti liiw .Lo ilsCHBfl-jill .To wjI I. piUlpili:H 'fyS'OOT 4 pU&w ift,ChoTUseaHand Tvith! Piano 6b' yanlmenfe ifbooltaftitelmerl! A bright and sun lads and Songs Wit BeedXmtan aocDmpanimenU J X1 book anite'Arherl can" inharacter; witfc our own popular compoaerBi and ths class of so: I ne sEreaesii . Tavorj I'ttes. TJniforn9uln and nrice with the f wowa -or set others ot . the f. ei and costs In Boards ? . in IT Wiy M i . rt- 5! f a some- a'fid Is an it. ed to the tastes of advanced nlavera. Thar ar SSOpages Sheet Hnsc Size. sd the pieces, which average aDoamvp pages acn, are oy iieyrmcn,- v on BUlow, Bplndlaiv Mchner,BobnBteIns Asoher,Oe8. wm uauuiei ceieonaeL . unirorm in r ana amamgwiui the "Bans tun witte the 37 other boobs rj" . 1 ntVtrtHil Cffliol Hi! i timet vr.lic uo-anr address: forUiero' .13 iii, V J.1 fir vcr-Ditcon aTo 4 Ja iiasqsJAj'a.44 .a-wl. iav ,0 . j -VI o a iol All parties latereatod ia ike .payment e schedule T . . raxes win save-costs, oy a, vena in g to tne lament i ' dnJe; a Bie law will ' StHotly f orced.' u i QuUto im ;tiiiTH,fw rtT,MiA if.iA rffL.-". what advanced tharactet as to difflctfltv: is aoaraa xxso; uwtn Sl.oo; Fine Gilt 4.00.,. , l a t , ,Jte lale( , ajr the" ririhcipaT Muslc'Stores. , fffl T " ibo ae- mail a. post Tree J;i, iPly.r inrf -3a4MHa(dj ftl.kw'PT.TOf M ini n .r f-yS!?;.tjf I 1 . r a. 1 . i I i Tltl 1 aw r mm mr -&,m v -w " n w n I is .u.uiwibv. " oaiat ( H;ud l'-'l , tl Ahti ii eilUVO LoiiffOwtl. bit. .fit wtftl.:. iolie' Wrttio-iT , :lil iLhWILLASD BaOTHEK8.i i V"rheangri jroar qnutaubna,' 11 saonia Do understood, rep fea9Ct Ui8rJiole8al9 prices generally, in making RI EiailraerB wgncr pnce qstc w 00 ciiareu -2; uT(.CUf4 00 a 00 , 14 4)OMlAnch -1H . . . ... 4 BACON North Oarolmi. Hams, $ B)(i:ev)... ... Shoaiderv 51 n.. L. 8ldes,Nr3: Choicei ft i4 a 15 ...6a.. : - 10- Ham8l..i.-l.i.-flr.-!..I..l 7H nniiniiiBrn, ury oaiiea- , 4 1 :. . f -?New Nw e?'-?Bi!6i 6'" , on f iwi-:;;?!- ;SS BJlUl!WIUsU)n 9 K-U iUK 09 i lO loCiaV . Nortoerj m - d i'i . iu .-'ta f t'i 41 la-2-1! 1 ,Nfi fiS Bp 11 , (Hi . 49 j --..aHmmntiMTia 1h. 1. if..... OH-BSK-NortheniTactpQ' I 3 Dairy, remViK.ijJ.-J... 14, eial?.u.'t43l. l.V -a.--rf--. a v S3 6" 84 -8ft-"flW b;'l!CO COTTON TIBS , Ibl li'o i 8 60-Ot 10 9 i) 10 QQ iW50 J3 k:'tW .84 3 il L a.Hexring,lboiaJ.l.w.f!'08 i&i SK' 3 '? -ft 75 Ch 1 25 ieds 00 f ..1 , uua va-a a s ,vh u i y : oi li:'l?JlTJ bbl.. JiS9t I T"!5 r x 1 a V. -.1 I o l O CUE 7J 725 FaLljij?:rl nPerfeTiaciM, sow. a nr Babsh's PhoBDh-te. w I 00 w a ouuu .Carolina FerflteeE, WHYM 0" eronadSoms.,,,;!, 7, f7(M-,- jXk.-O 40 00,. SfTKana'a PlioDhaU'v.f x'-I ! wando Phosphate " , J 0G 00 , 4& iBfewre sBc auia f 1 vw uu r) IU IHI i 4rts rujt CO &J uora,vargo, r,onsnei..i, rwiuLj Oats, w B9anei..J t nw u r w , Pea CoiW bsuApl I.- v. Ogoi: aOL t . f w-. i-v. t v'J - a.-"J f 1" ti ' e ,HAX-8ter8,9 100 Smi I v f western. luo a.. I Jforti HireK 109 to. stti V.l-4.1i tse orv LiAtUJ JNO; TJT4 Ta-.Wmm m JVJ IlUIUlHUo fV VMiit UV K2 1U .J 1 North C 0reanaw i...Jwvi.p MO0C - I ume- jb.bi,r.4.-,..-,..i;ji oo..ai 5t iJTiRTefAr S'rii.A-wirn-r'''--- ! r.Wp8tasresivei Mtti f Rough Edge Plank, 9 M ft... iaeojo,sao9 no no l15 oo tdno-Utf. M ft...,.,..! 14 OD '18 W... nratmeri Flooring, seasoned.-. I 18 00 e 85 00 8eant2 fanilJoiBV eonu Unii j j i monv, Aii., ...s. jij.Wt k40 00,,,. '"40' ; ,43 , oo a, 4s iiA'l.u...ilH oo-'a1 4rJ Sugar Hose, thda, V gal, f t f00 ; 6V fJ , 29 nyrmt,-B, v s-i.jf.u.-ju..vf a i . ecj f- w vi iiwi. An JWywpXTctefH n-e.. POTATOES Swaet, S bnahel..iL rl f - Sri AA - 1 Srn W L 3 50 jf 1 Irlsn.-Nortnenr, w; ddi v.. .a-PORK-ortheTB. Cy Meaa., so 18 0Q . 18 59 e ' i Thin, 9 hbi . j i s I Prime, 9 bbl....4.i i ; i Rm&B C bnt,,. 00 00 00 Si9 oo oo a nfOO maa! TO ,8,,.;,, Llitjtf if 6 33. 00 78 ' ! 80 86 i Rnn S b rdir 'ff ikiOa-oirntiT.1 & ? ? ? i ROPB SALT Alum. bushel... , . T B...lr .k V H Pbrto Ric6;.i.;: 1 I fill ' ' VU' 9 UiU. 1 S!?8- in I. J n.i.j""Aih3 Crushed, . t lh:.. I... ...... I f If lsVj!UJjivJ.:? PifmGLKSVConU-CtrS QX,'., .i. no Common, v Ji;.., 4-V........ 3 soue 1 -.4 Kft.i I (1 Jlfl - 1 J Cypress Dearte M"T MAY 'WO.WL!m !T?.4 7.1 9 oft r 00 rl1. 10 00,, Ct, 00 OOuf f uypress, TALLOWY TlMBKK-rS: I Cypress, .O r ALLOWS 1 I ou. .... ..... .... . .1 00 vt 90 ii rDtTj ai,b,i.. aa tj- bl00Or WOO lrT ' 8 59 i-onrp auiiiu,a us. . . ..... . . . Mill Fidr. WMui.JJi.MJ.i Common5 Mill. ....A,,.,!).:.!. 5 90. Inferior to OrcflnarvL IT A1.-1 ! 0 TO J A on , j NdrthTJarouna, Veal ........ .i, .1 16 . -8 60 WpOUhw fSiL1. ..?aif O ii'I ill j a-Jied. lJb,v;,;4..jla..U'1f 38 ,,30 3lrIOTlWCifNIWia-r, AUilSTf -ij.Ii .Tl1. oi frroTT ri f.H! ill I'R fni j i . ' BTTIHe. BXLLuUli - , .SKZT?l?;f 7,V.r; . ho Bank ofNewBanaverStock... ....... . 100 FirstNonalBaiv'ii. J..lC.lv'-',1P '85,6 wamoigton ' Inn: ...... ,wr TJ . . . i Jii .) Ill 1IU il MB I 5. U1Pafln'Ibr3 Wi 4,'W JtBo4a e.(Gid InQL2lMKr.3t .-It Carolina Central R. . Bonds, 6 CUQ , i , New Hanover County Bonds, 8 V.'IL 0 Gid Int) no. -i jc putunr.mti WJ W. Railroad StOcr.f.?fff760 : I NottJi (Jarolliis KIt " ".'...'!. i .".i! .4fl - North CarolinaK F "IA H.!.a WB. QaaLihtCpj -a jTj . ?wamington Cotton Ifflls... ...Stf ' 1 i'"." 'j1 1 j 'im 'I In v u A vfiTT A-tDimCl ra nxJl t v nil riiiir o-. JVAOTAJ;iJCCABTBIDGlB;lirjJTARYHIJNT- '.nS-SP? V v,iavtVInlw4rraj.w I'oo Eootei:". Calibre' w.jMwwiowHtajninn.'anaorawaeffllMieii 'KaisiA . T b ' JTi1. .)nlttK.ivj ChJeiwaiar frein W't6.iB5'gins.y Weight ol Pistol grin ancheckefX!iJ?ists: plali Otobend wS? , "d, Wind-gauga. Byery .Tiurlty ofi . l'ttXWi,y;.Ha.iiLill.i' Ul BTgnrs ana; wma-gug9f ery f9ffi f? mtmitloiffor abovV eucs. constantlv on "hank: 1 cettaiA mim dT ?.septagtwtj tt v 1 Brfdgqfjort.leoiii.f i ihe:; id 1 tojootr ; muzzlM 7 zd&tiiNQ fifth ALTEBED TBl Prlees, $4Qac$100. iU ". 1 I l9il;a 9T3W jif4t.1titx,ate4:eiil iii ! ' . ' . 1 . kO Off! ui J-ic. '1'JL11J 11-111 ril IIIIM r liliNftfJaIBTflH Altri 60ROON; BETTEBB j 'ili TSSSPBASTi CUBE of Seminal -Weak-J ness, iiost Mannisoa, ana air fltsoraers orongnr 1 nroahtfl !by tndiscretioa .excess. 1 iuy,.drugglst, -fias .4 eaieniA;-Aaaressur. jauuh-3 v;uuini I einaaU, OhioitJiiitl.j fi Jj ettl51yDAWl ngines. . &ilr adaDted toth - ukiuijux eipenence, witn reDiitation n,...!". antl ewscees eBtahlishe 'Send for Circatos IcnptiTe. and containing testimonialBnrSn?6" Our PORTABLE STATION AKY" AND AQH??mg (TUBAL STBA-t-ENGINBS, f "WCDL- r WOOD, TABOR & Mmtov u... Baton, Madison eg, n7t. 1 V- FOR PAETICOXARS ADDBEB8 ! - IIS0H35EINe M4CHIHE COHP 29 Broadway; ?ew York City " . i ' . jr iChfeagolU.; New Orleans, La; j ; i. Of San Francisco, Ca! 4 GREAT flFER ,F0R..lLlDATS! Lt" y J;"."'"'1 we -J J, ms and ihe no tll AYS dispose. of lOONBW PIANOS and n CANS, ef Ftoat Claal Makers at LOWBK PRIok; FOR .CASH, orlNSTALLMKNTS, than evfr b ?nr pffered . ! -WATERS'4 PIANOS and ORGans the BEgT :MADB..warranted for fiveyV iCe trated Catalogue If ailed. Great Indneem Pna klnnd' brder, not nseda'year., Sheet MuBic at Half PrW gORACS WATERS &-SONSV MaBUfacturew 5S naiPTu iinRooiuth xt " """fere and I , . TO HAVE GrtoD, I RXtTTI THE LTVT .....MUST pji JiKPT INO0kJV1;R 1 w mm w h-wv 1 . L" W T WXt t 5ICKH iqacheX a BJLI0USKES8,S DTSEEPS1A.7S CLEARS THE ( S For Pamphlera address Da. Sanfor'd, New York. I i I GXJBE a-PITS ! i Tiri t . - - . 1 . JifKXl. Lt. . ! ',--. , ! a life long study . I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases.. .Because others have failed is no rea son for not now receiving a cure from me. i Send to me at once for a TREATISE and a FREB BOTTLE of my inallihle remedy. Give express and poet of- flee. , Jt costs yen nothlne for a trial and I Will m yon: Address T3r H. Gt ROOT, 183 Pearl Stre.t ISewYork. " - ' . . 'iu. :.' ;--'- r5C?.7;a:i?i3 Sewing Machine Ja the easiest selling and best satis fying in -the mtakefc It has a very large : shuttle ; TMfllrdl IK 1-L- otitV. . a Dlm1A I : . . : very Mght tnnnirievana almost TibiHeles lit is al- lt w- I rarln : PI I . v i1'"! ''"! octave fif,n EG AN 8, 2 stops. 48: 4 stole. 5Si :7 w-'S I ., I fhom fnr s timo anil 111., h... IV. . C icif 1 1 j.iusi uu uui uiciu merely 10 grrm .. J - ( t M 1 a 1 M , 1 uaiu uioui iciuru again. 1 u..qil meaflaieal eiwajs Iam ari-3nirTihv5niu !- 1A. Is .i7rr vAf.!im"-ll"1H' w jia- r uuiaii uw., vieveiana. unio. ! ' WORK.' FOR MA. ia their own localities, canvassing for the Fire wide Visitor, (enlarged) Weekly and Monthly. -K"' a-jfc.JH .1 u e o t lja. wufl tiam moth Chromos Free. - Big Oomruissioas tol AgentB 'Terms and Jut8l , Free. , .-Agdress t. . VI CK 'EKY, A ogUKla, Walne' 11 i A 'KPTRX FUSE HtXBD CARDS, with name 10 cents., post-paid. L. JUNKS & X., Kas 8au,N.Y.' ..r-...i i...t - . - . t j;... : TT r-r p- 1 "DT fl IT A Q-JB'taa prfce;tSW(H only $QC0. Par Hull liO lor Organs, price $:i4 J only f 95. Paperireej i.lAL'li Jti BKAT1' Yy Washington, N.J. $20U PaRO'NTrf rHft'de selling the Ivrcos- COBC-or Planetarv Tnn. Rnr-lrovp Stofinn. er jracKBge, oiagic ren ino lnK reanired. Cain. vb i lutne oi Aeenisfooa8 rree.;iiuuKKY k k vk . I . . ' . . . . ' f TX'tt).', cfecbiiatt Ohii."- i SCEOEUXA. JThe moet remarkable cure a of snRownil.A hA been; and arnow blnr&ri hv th nflnf min VTOE PERSON'S REMKDY for that riiasi nnm I "Tti 7 1B,cro "Jf fernusBion to ine JKt. Kev. inomss fuo"Ui u.ir.fvi on uaroima, uea: a; Fooie, I - V-' " Fien vov .ana lions, J. j. Davis and U; 4L Cooke. Of Prftnklil ICO. , i rirr jhertirujatetf nf rnrpa circuJare, terms, Ac., enclose stamp to MRS. JOE . J fSPNi.FranklmSim.N.ia "rt -1 " . . ' i ' , : IirE GOL'LEG-E ' The Sprfig Session o? 4873 wUl begip on j day,' the iOtfi of; January. fl This lnstitutio Thurs- nslitntion effers f P"K?51&8?Wy T.-M; jONES,Pres. N. H. 1). WILSON PresJBoard prTrnsteea. , . , , LOCOHOUVE WORKS ' EsiABLISHED IN 1853. t Manul actdre 'iOi fefcds4jf tccorndtrves aiid have re- cently purchased pf, thq Amoskeag Mannfacturing Co. ail the patterns', patents,1 and the good will for . the manufacture of . their celebrated Steam. Fire En gines and Rire Appatatns, an(L afe now prepared to ; ! -?.r i- '1 i IfJif. i,' I., al. Class in every particular Pleasant Jto wear pr&Je, and .in, the ead tho cheap-' f Pockets., and Lining may bfc tvorrl f or'fearlj to. take Dut. ed that ; fill and printer shooting. f fiacS'iBniith Esa.f'sati ii i , i . If fa my idea of a .1,.. tv :.v i i - I J.'"e,18a.' " I I : W'lat?tVsia5X,Alsotiie best I Waterproof Cantassfctfil,'catsjrme styleas the Vel I! ICIWU. tLUOUOt UUUBLlli aUiU. IliUlL. DHL BOJ b BUU W'W Sportsmen who have seen it say it is Tho Pest Yet. Coat $6. Far fail Suit, $14.00; ' j I1' ' f 1 1 also malti tho' Sfcoveles Cqa4iVest with sleeves f desired. , , r '- - if- i iioLnod. HI lr?l:lyyX 'ttvU !, . Rules for measurement and samples seiiL upon application;" .- ,-i-H;" U 4ct25 D&tf 3J Jti V ' EAHWAY, N. J. i ! ,.-ii'ii-xj .Luiu" - i iSPOIlTINGr. .iii4loT t Hii il : - - 5EEEDINQ nt't Farmeriyof; Nw Jersej"), .i , SDINAC KNOX COUNTY, MISSOURI. Ths Finesr Btjatps or j ... SETTERS. P9INTEKS, SPANIELS ND OTBKB Bred froin both Imported ana1' mttVe'S'Wcx.' at mo derate prices a ji s W'J Xj t P W J&Wtf 1 ii!' .'if 3 : n SPORTSMEN'S ...... .1 .-v.f . (.-..-i!.t:.t -; Oil-TaimedMoccasiiis 'M 1 13UOT MOUCASIWS, J snoEPAcarg, . LADIESVlMQOGASINS; 5 , , : I - aia e fronr careToll 11ected2stock,, lif tfie best man neri at prteestosttitaha tiBie- ii i txno. Stnd for lrrnlftr and Frine IJetir ' - ! , , MARTIN B HUTCHfN.QS, . , i J- i,-';",r u. noiam, ... I' ioctlT 1

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