the. noBinnftTiiD. .. - t I-1 kjltxs or BOTMcarpntat advutci : . Oacyear, (bymfl)poitopril,;...J t 00 Three month, , A ,iSr i . ... 4 f One month . . .if? ritr Fifteen Cents per week. - Our City Agent are .ot authorised to collect tar me rt thMt three moiths in advance. . 1 - u k i f OUTLINES. The Turkish Chamber has decided "b large majoritihaChe-VefikreMi MbW . . Det : is ; -unconstitutional, w-i -l Empef or William says the Situation ia serious butW still hopes for peace.. There is j very great activity in f the English shipyards. , Orders have Been seat to the Russian troops; to enter Cfenstantiiiople. ?-rH Ri ' sia giTes rioticethefleeu tiie ' Great Powers hate been - ordered to Coa; stantinople, that she feels compelled to aaoriimilar meaiweVfT'rf $rjglish fleet will go to Constantinople in spie hi Turkey' objection. --!iIJttuch-36citt"'" ment in EDgland over Turkey refusal fo grant a finnan for the passage of the British fleet through the Straits -T4-orjfe ing yPBst isveryeverejjob) Lprd f, The President has addressed) a i let to the Attorney ;:penerrf tt'b th trial ci AoaenoB. oenaie man ' 1 'committe' will report, against reducing :;:pa Idisttllfd"., punta..; The bUlf advocates-say they have two-thirds j and, one ovex." California . Senate "a on-'- gosed to a government subsidy who Texas J lotteTof Shermans slafhw bnotd'er sd 14 report le Majeni HaDCock at New Oi leans Capu'Merryinoa, has been ( Currituck jui.inaoe.hi9 report exoheri 4io the LUe.&igJelTkfrem ail blan e"i the mMter;ot;!te5i)fe EngUak'lroWc&&s haye been iierdered - Gibralter at'itonce.. ' -nRasaia infer ma :i Eogtand tbat X has noUiirig4 jb do the I "military Hoe of demarcation- ejgreed'upon between the benjgereota. v The Pope's bbseqniea wUFbe celerratedj pnTaiely! on the JGth,; I'fth isind lSlh, insli, in the Bia tine Tmpeir Koine. - JNew xork; Biarv kets?1 MonW i4tiHteuii i& jl02 i bottonall 10 15-16ail l-ltticts;1 flont ; steady i wheat, llio heUer at $1 81gM 35 'corn a snade nrtner at 4354xenta; aptntt turpentiae sqareely yofirift at 3232 cents' t jglandva'.plood tis getting boL She; f iat 5ro ilgbting' pbinf, and the Bear may look but if ib uoe not.wantvto geita. paw lnio the Lion's mouth.! When' the .news was heard that the British fleet iadt been ofderediEo Constantinople deaf euing cheers wentJajm the House of Commons. If war with the peopla oi jngianu is reaiiy popular rvassia may yet have J a lively time around Constantinople. ' ) i Prince Gprtschakoff : informs !tbe English Government that .the': Ruav sian Government j has not received positive information as to the, 4tajlsj of the armistice, ' and then , qnJiefly and eignificantly adds that ilt !d jno bu si ness of England's to jbebttiripg about the military inline 5ifJmiu,ca tion agreed upon between Russia and Turkey. So Beaconsfield rt can pint that in his pipe and smote 'ft." jlf Russia occupies Constantinople andh luraeyis willing, inenii. is no . cuu- cern of ILngland. lnatappearato thfcejjpngljsh2pf: tjie message. be jTbe nwsfimfErApe is certainly . serious, k England is- preparing for the worst, and -will send'herA fleet C6nta'ntinpleVi.iBu8s ?ffn tipCice tbit' she. will occupy Constap tinoplerand orders to that effect have been sent to tbeaTmy. - As the.Xop dqn sZToii j atatesi -evehrBgmay turtf brl-lhechajriler .''olTtn'e ?Ruih ,n occupation; It appears to be certa n taEnglandUi Jiot declareewar If the occupation ii similar to that or Germans at Pris"iff.l8Y0imBrtr if it is anccupatjonin foroe, with no apparent limit .as to time,. the;p- lancf must either declared ar r or re- lire from-' alt opbsitiott 'with wnap-i ever of grace abler to enln- -.- v .- . I I ... mand. ..;V-vW:1'iWKSTJs-'in r-i'S- ' Tresidettt'HsffiatfsVddie letter. to ihV.Attorney.nerai.iSr tive to the; triar-of; Andertbnf Thb letter is notyet jmadepWicti9i report. ed as lasting grouaa,nai inej prosectniod is political and . will not be sustained by the American peopl.! He intimates - that - the! Government may interfere, lie has, therefore submitted the subiect for tbe consid? a' t . i i'( . r , erauon oi ine nignesv jaw, Dmcer o the , Administration., ii We s-will i no comment unut we iseen tbe te: of the letter and have a clearer in- at - Si sight ipto tbe raatters at is tie. With the lights before us now we thinkthe siflpnt. tiaa nossiblv made ft Vravs V1 mistak'e-rohe that may land him safe Jy into the arms of the bulldozers ana change entirely the policy of bis Ad minifiUatienBtttwerwilllraJt fur- "ier nntorm ationj m-poQ f jpr in .f;:i )anbarv JSeoorteri Several ne-w wholare- arrived ftbtsweekTtoattend the' anDury female Institute. - The school ia! now in a jrery thriving condition .- I , wiaa ttorm passea ever a fktruoa tot i our county one higbt last week; Uprootiag 1 demolishing houses la Its course, We haveJieard of no oae being hurts ' i 1 yOL.XXi.-rrNO.121. Latest fiyMait!' I TVtriorrowoiLitlie Sraivatf 1 the foreign. Cbrdioalathe Sacred; College will permanently constitnte itself In' corisregation; A;riIliIeXt thjy Pius IX. l authorizes the Cardinals tq de viate from established procedure,! but does not prescribe anyspecial hew rules. The Ipublio wereadmitted to SPeteo yiWe remains of he Bop at half past 'sir tbia morning. Tb crowd was V. tremendous,': land many, women f ainted frbia .the prea aire. ? A company of . soldiers had to enter he Ohurpb. to regulate i the passage- of j the crowd. The body ofithe Pope arrayed in tPdbtifical - robes, lies bn a crimson bed, a; each corner of which . stands a member, of !the noble guard Awitb' l drawn ' sw4rd. The ; bed I, snrrorinded by twelve large candelebras," andAia-sO' plaoed tbar: the 'feet? of the 'deceased 1 are outside the altar Tailsiln' order thai', thje faithful mayv kiss them. The; faie t is ,'calm , an4 Jtnohanged Dy aeath. The J$forma states that edMeittiVAgaj tine: At enef of the. next congregations Mie Cardinals wiircohaider the Question of . . pernil tting : ab&ent Cardinals to leiegrapn ineir voteso rne Jitjornta also states that Mohsignbr : Lasagni, acung xrapai oecretary ot etate, pas sent a note to the Nuncjoa,iprotest 5gigain8t anyjpower exerpising khe vstoy and", : stating that -perfect tran quility and independence . ,are."assuared to ' ihe i Conolave ": in Rom-, , pbe Italian .GoverninehtV. bave iordered eight additionai battalions jm; Rojne. ' "The newspapers narrate, v circam stantiallv, a Btormy and i acrimonious scene at Friday's congregation of jthe Cardinals, Cardmal " Manning, at the. head of jthd extremists,' wishing he Conclave ia , meet at Malta. E' en the word acfnx. was uttered.' Lsjter . accounts - concur that the ministry agamsi uuiuiue uie iouoiavoat xvomt) ilnsignthcant. ; .;.; Www MDetIi I Wfetnt wmTtbf ntiniv iThe Rev. HenrynWard :'Beech;err r"H.. ".'.. CVBU"S Pw'tahl thatls alwayrohthe watch tower. the late Pope - aa - That dear and ebd. oldj rnaij;; Nyb bad just gbne j to HeaVea from the Pntifipaj1, chain lhen Pi uaIX!died'sai(iMr3eecli er'g that instant God'f angels bore him eently aa little . child 'in the arms of Its mother. Into'the presence o hie! Sayioun - It was' itibvt because J ne.waa jrppe,.oui. oecauae anew neari had been given hinu The nature of the Jrope waa all love." .. .. . - .c; - ,8a)aief con Miss autA an aiJver Bill. ;SpechUto Waahmgtpn Post ,'r : iJjswfYoitK, Fe. 10 id fferaid'a Washington Torres ponSdent says:! "Senator Cookhng w5H not speaa; on- ine i Biiver HPiik riis friends aay that lie 4 pes nov- think thai any speecb or speeches ' can pre- yeoi the passage of. thc1illjf but th'at ix if is vetoed, a then Mr. JUonkhng with the view of preventing ita abyreto' ' " f? ;1 "'. ' Oeatli f Sir. Ttastsre noo'eveitt .ISpficial t Washington Post.1 M::. tmiYojut, Feb. 10. Theodore ' Rooevelt diedi,at . hia i residence at 11:45 last ereningv aftM anj illness . . of several weeks. ;.;Jtus friends thought that he was but f danger -until - Frttyffaytifcjgjn mbre- unfayorabie-symptoma-jset ih. Has nomination by Presidebf Hay 4s td bet Collector of tlwTort of New oricis- yet ireso ia. iuol Ptttmo ixninu. fiaiSlasi4 lasTierti .f:W tv.::".:::.'sOAP Toior. Jan.:22. A eenerai ad vance was V'maae agaibst ;thej 'eperay..oxi Jannaryil, wbioh'was' completely unsuccessful. Ten Uiousnd cattle and 1 5,000 eheeb Jrere fapturedi;,aeKrailDst a,Ti TranP1' nnmpbatply l i. V U. ui. uuJ" i . . Carlbal41IBKreaalr HI-. ili.fl li U xolaFebi''lbJ Thmzltaliei yes Wrdayj and ou need that it had, received alarming' news Ve8tVcting 4he health of.: Ge. 'OiA- , ana iuu isvtniurtc cuuuruu iua -t that he is ilh'but1 fntelligendeF was cbftoayatAte. condf tioa fsMBbyiatJfnipTpyedr j' Pll Fire Insarance ctmpaay. rM 4g rn Raleigh News, Stitf b tor -of , tbi-itisnrution wjuLLneia av their officer vesterdar. The following i fter were eieapjjimiw serve ior tne ensuing yci . wuu Williams, president: W. H. CrowL vir.A.r.rMident:W. S. JPrimrose. sea-J retary anu treasurer jl uiasaa vuwr per, .ndiusteTt; ieavJoevthe ofiiceTDf the executcre committee-. J ' ! Mr. R- H.. Battle feesformei- president of th Qmpany, at the last meeting of the stockholders stated td thjalthat" hvuWdeJwe'o7t)ft.4 candidate for re-election. r HeTBom tirjuJe?lb;Cbf8y a3Ii Ji rector, njaoxirectors i the sambt aStlormerly iwitbi the ex- septkmaiaflf .Messrs G. WiUiatni :tKW var.ftncieB caused br the' resiffai XlOns 01 xaessra. ;;: i?aouaiier uut 11 was Tiot.' :,ujJi4eu,.t i-q; Auyf'j positor in tne uoncoru ouuiuuc,: -killed, but some one else. 'WW11-' Jo SDirits Turnentmei! .. y ' 1 1 r.i 1 j" 1 (! - - .. j "J1 Charlotte bandied 1,775 pales cnttnn lpt tppoV Whilst spring goods are ,ar rivine at Charlotte- the thermometer stood lasinignt n Wilmington at 83 degrees- Reidsville limes thns notioet the ' f emalelecturer : "Mrs. : Fletcher is .lecturing , at Batesyille; Gradually ; they axeau geuing aatHsepanta," (mix ul A maiLbY.tbe name of Wilson. living at Hickory, was thrown frora.hja. norse in uincoin county and wben round was buried in mud, his head only being nn r I rr innnn lunvma t -rm Oxford dBoecMiakiz There Murray's Shop, near Berea, in this coi sign-post of heart sassafras, which tridi-' tion says was put up by the coieniai authorities weh the road was cut by them from , Bath tp.the., Bwaratown settlement during the reign or dredrge'II loiig before the RevoluUolw'9iJ'4s' ; . j - Rd&gk Jtfeujsi - The GovefriW on yesteraay paraonea jnoran waiters, convicted of larceny at the spring term. 1375,, ot. Jttobeson Jpqperior Court, and (Sen tenced io' 'five Vean1 imprisonment in! the cenS? fhe pris oner had, already perved two and one-hal vears "ox ue 'Verin" ox confinement. The peUtron forpardotaWas signefdbythe Judge" -i j -Tf: The JVlinincr Uoard of JJharlotte f rial te OoresS' aaking for rheappoiBtrneat aecurea many signaiares 10 toe iujjuuw of a mining comnxjssion for the South Atr lantiigold belt.J The memorial willt .one be forwarded to- xwir represenutiTea in Congress, tpgelher. with letters frent Governors Vance Holfiday, of Ta., Coli quitt, or Ga.and Hampton, ox B. U. ilbe people of the South Atlantic . Stales are urged to unite in aecuring the appontipeht An Immigration posed of citizens of Hth'and North Oaf o- Una, .New xork, rennsylyaniaana Jttassa chusetts, whose object is to facilitate land encourage immlgratida44 the Sotith A0d, tic States from other aacons q the Tjiion and from Europe, has been formed at iC&. iumbiay C r The f oUoWlifeJtha pffln cers: irresident, uen. 'i nomas ir. iJrayton', of Charlotte; 1st Vice President, Cot Thoa. W. Woodward-. 2d dOJ.-Dr.i a K. Kine; Treasurer, R. Y., McAden.,, of Charlotte; solicitor ana-Becreiary, Maj. w. W.irl :mi ming, oLChariottei-T. ..jua t y v Rei.dayiUevi7lm:i. Again we" commend the Wilmington; Stab as the most useful is well as the mosffaithful pa per to its country exchanges ever printed in the State. "-The Stab has a vigilant mewhe'rebdut tyron'the wa! vr e speas.. fsn iwr99iT v mra. xacte May nard Leach, of Johnston county, N. vwr i m ia. - sr Tl-f- v., nas written several poems or macii CjlUett with glassy blue eyes, and a thin and lifer less sunburnt oatee.v pe is 40 years of age. His' wife was 44. He came to jthe aU door hoWIrig-a Bible in his hand.5 Mrs. General Pan,der has charge of the J"e-T male Academy at Tarboro. ! V1 We regret to have to 'announce the death, father of Willie L. Somen, a promising; young man whodid a few weeks ago, A. colored man named James GorrtlV fthefneighher hood of Moriah ChurcbVAhree Mitfes sotth of Greensboro.i -wilr. T. P. Bowman;' who was tried and. convicted in Guilford1 Superior ' Court at thr last term; for ' the ; murder of hiajwjf bad his case, carried tap to the Supreme Court of the State, on ap-: peal. The 1 3eaie-i wai argued some two weeks since, and Smith, C. J., a day lor two since filed the opinion of the Court; granting .the prisoner. acnem .trial na: the ground that it is not the province of an expert to draw inferences of fact from the evidence, bntaimnlv to declare bia oninibff nlace.' under thesubervision ef KevUr. ;feacklerthn janeUst ftmhidJdteiH Froiorgiar1'9 "stiSSDr., rnv- r , Charlotte ' Observer-. Mr. Wf J. Yate6,,p the,JA(:jwJtiahaai LSe iif on a visit to hia mother who-has been en te. ill in fay ettevilteV returned home las night;' jNigfttBeroreiast aTrerghvtrsan tnt the Air-Une Bal4ias&orauiac bin's cut new tteiejinfayel and Bmasuedip the engine considerably. Prof.'Ge.lHanna, of the United 8utea amy Offlw in this crtyi hai, written a nloajye.are'h'theli: Carolinaa which to pabli&hedin last week's issue ofthsNewJPctt MUitB6&r$.: Dr. J. H. Raerthe Superintendent pf the American BIetalInfgica;nVofkB,'at Pertb" AmhotNJ4. Tis e'xpecttAartyela thja pity within a few days. HeIs, xonf a, jtour : amonr the mines of the ' SothAtl&nlip,'' to snake' pvehases and fo ohtract fof ta- eeivinglhesulphuretgjjtbei imiiwalfpr? treatment at the works ia .eueition,, Rae's headqliartera' tfurinOis"sfajrihaie ' SoutK wttt Win Charlo424liint- rod, the 'representative ltif ? theyBrewster Smelting Wdrk of "New York; who hila ing works here, af gone to Atlanta. It js Place for the erectionjpf, I ference to any OjOifiiLPQint Lijitiiaiisit T TlUlLitl 'jl ' " " NEW jr&fixiSBnBlNT8. ! D. A. SMuTTifeCeiE'nrnilure. t j Cboitlt & Mokkb Auction sale. . I ,4 M?9fAWmflii I irfjCbroner HetettJwafcmttod ttointbtt" the-WiJminKna&MWen rail road, abddt four a'tfothiSit yea-1 terdavrite hold an inquest over toe oooy of j jUurphyv wno aieawaqenja . - ' . cunisMttceaiJP9nnaBa K.wiio-.w.u.ui w SrMpo8'-,"afJTi e learn tnat, mmeflciDji wim u earnhat, HKmmencing with this lba thenastor wills wnfnir Ra-"E A.ates. the pastor, wuia nelfcyeyeitfflgr ax rat -r rofli-cireBuiu dUUlAcOTe presuataubject fortfifri usslon is "The Temptations of Christ. w c .. .... ... . -.i. Il.'L.l.; SdatUeaIivetf-wairi learned, however, tnai ne pas wnuen toup c&ib'idtisin ih. seleclio ,1 Ihevworksjia prev . fTrrnrrRrTiii sTi-Nv G.; WEDNESDAY, FJSBRUARY- 1878 f" ' ' " '?? v : : - .t ... r, 8S degraaa- vesterdav-at-davlight. . 1 1 "J . .... . W J'JCil tMnnpsny wit isareaa paraue o- mprrow anernooa,iVi-i DV:tt 1 u WaTmerJ partly eloudy weather, ligiit utherrjr indihand itarmnaryl'dr' ' ft:l lower pressure; are the indfeatibns fdr this rsktiuli i ,!:l5-.'if JittV Aifi 1 (Jlf, (19 " .. ft J8tprdayt waacalmgi eoo pleasant day the isnn'a f ays reflected 'upon theuau&nally. plfecld besom f ihe Cape S Blackv in. this, citj,; will .be.bleased to JStlftWli! f tie qnpqtapc& that e ja growing imraepsely poplar In the city of iRaleigh, hi present field, Of lahorw the,' .chnfchi building , barely holding his large and constantly iaereisjjBg iCbDgregation&ui I.'s uitrj;! IlO-i u We;had lJcailjBste 'Johnson,1 of1 Virginia, '(he manufacVurof Jtiet;Bhjrincfi beep used with .such Mattering enccess in that Johnson, who 4 BOW n his tway. to-lioiSP aiana With the! vieKof introdacjnn tbe Belh Punch ;iato tht ; St ate, Ju atdpped jove'r beri Jfor? a brief i JteaeonJ iwithi his friend aadformtr pasted ReJj.iTsjloroJ the First BaptistChBTcb, had one of hese tettl. ',Xnk ifiwiA ! rirAYj exhibited ii to-usJ exolainine the ifodib hr Wdadiid use. in; registering the uiUlesM itloh p Tue inyeniloa' . Is af exeedmgty ingenioua one.lyet simple to those wbq 1'-' tiiii-. V"' .vi.i'i'.'iiiJi'' i ! derstand f tnougn gf weopsary; precau tions are taken to guard against , any ,popi- ble, tamjper ing, wjth t bat maide . ; w)tieut irfeiacnpinajjacietiBp,! wn,iqwasi ae mpnatrated tebur aajafactipn.1 .Aari ad ditional precaution againtfcfraudjevery bar keeper! where it is used 'ia i made a bonded ofliceVclbefetaiefi'worn io perform fcla dntv in regteteilBglWei rthink taken ia bia, 'BarVin thhl fe usually4 Sn .n'WpVst enca of the enstomer. i There ia also a heavy penalty for failing io register and thei uvi elear)&i proypfr wf?trpof5 1 fine inmosed. We learei jlhowever,' that iherei have been very few efforts' thus far to evWeJ(he W. ! he Bell "Punch' , xysters anj. number a dxinkatfroaa .one to one fady. llotf, and it id 'Vw good as arfehow" to see ite nianner & wbM"ft' accpmp&hedv ana wwjwesa tneyaripus aetaifs connroteu withJtbe rerationtf this noW famotti lin- 'atrorhent Mri hnsM8 predlcurttajt it Filtpe ux use ineyery, ciaio jn .ina iaf five years f rontthia day add weahall not ttm ururisou u u is uis vmc , .l-.ii'i 'uAta rearmeeank dk:,thU.WiMrto i.1uihi:lhfantry Companyi he)dd Mfloday night, the resignation of rirat' Laemenani James L McRee, and Junior Second Lieut ueo. Yy ueytwere preseniea aflv c cepted, and cpon motioh thay were enrolled as honorary members." Serid Lieuti Thioai CVanies' was' elected to the pwifip? 6t lEIrat.Lietenant, made vacant by Lieat'Mc Bee'a reaitnairorir and Private H.' McL jQreen wap elected ioth6 lposnbcma j ljieateoaDk, mtas Tacaai uy cumfuw) pro mgUqn Sergeant .T4t. (l PBBet as then? elected Junior Second - WeUtenaht, made vacant by Lieut. Baileys resign ati 6 n. e X ollowing civil bfilcera wer Elected Mr. T. u iJeKoasei, vnaormanv airt j p. Darby. Assistant Chairman; Mr. 'X. MundserytOTrr.y. Munasi 'ATeasnrer. . Crli mlsnoairt33'JiiiyU ;tn la the ease of Charted Hill, bhard,ith tojffcrhfclj r Jj, a numberj of assault, ud b&tf ery casesj peace, wrautscu braugbtiberori the Conrt yesterday, judgment aui'pended pamehttsr 3 m lUjkUe aiAeEaopA up caj j orjjae ciew y8fj Bicaard ; Hooper, Kolored, barged Miriih niiitay.ik pon noon tnef erson jjXyviUiam iticnare-- son.a whitejmanvea thi Jfght of the 19 th ot October last, in which fcase there was , xuistriat atjthalast term bf ihe Court, wps ealled foTaertnF4aln1d eu weleft- .-.-.l . .-v -rr v. : ;.. t ' Jtne uourt uouse anouv o ot:iock ub wu- heasei for the .dereneWweftf bifng med. . - ; Th rBll Bia SMU'lai nAjrcclarBcaitiBt' the present: lUtus b the Matter of 'the fiupertorCburt clerkshipof Pebdlrcounty -alluded to'some days ' altice, lai followki It: teansqno1 was appoipM if: Judge McKpy8ien.dere Us rbod) for flOH aoHit was accepted.: i Hatbereapon quali fied in dneiorm of law abademaBded'tlie of3c ol llr. - Galloway the! preAe'nracting Clerk-Whtferused Burrebd'em'iaaa Ifef is now unaerwooa vnat air. jijwjwwa,o the necesaalegal ahjpstpdisjpssessMl. aitowa.the.enicey hsim'J ybi j liter ASti liorrell, Judge tleora's rap point ee had iot' at last accounts' presented His bond. I Tbe Aoch; or the front door or au avoa. i Vhnt ITmniin' atnrWiwlhfl deotdf the i Sunday nignt last, tne 8torevnwno ne roooea or a-iewtioiiir irvux t0AwW'aMtTS'l pritate watcmpeA in tna imwuwinS"T borhood of the- store, th robbery was ha exceedingly bold and daring one. Fear making- it shin Jtnd sparkle ! likev a W;bf'tflyer;! V j?i ; .e.FPJi Jay- wf indulged In by the customers of the.various arfwhere Hhas ieen brauihteourli- sj j I t ;:; 70 It JI , I J .VV U j I li Oi f 9-: IflJ t ' . i ,. ....... ... . "'. . .. ... . , 5iJUJ .JtsMUraiaax t J FaeCIiit:a'iril Kxtra of Aid meeilng, tdelet an Alderman and-Tlijdr, tft filt the vacaceyi icanaed ibr the eefa'gha tion of the Hon.: John IJawsojg, whjch had been accepted to tae eflect las ejVenjng, xne mmuies oi the previous meeting: were. wad ana approved. " X:i t iAtdermia Tdliers moved td tecbUder the aecepunbeof MajarPAwsoa'itekfgni UoaiirJoyjia9i-''ill " oifsi ii;"'iid s f SFm Wk mr4 to 4wlhe;niotioq Mayor Tfawion asked leave to make a Taiementlnucmn4BtbirwvtbW U6 the'effeici that only1 thWlleihafada; if 'his , private business Jafiiira had cauaed hini -1 resign Bd Abat alough he regretted; teij B?,? TOM1 IJ!lW;ibe adhere to his original intention, and would insist on tne acceptance pf his resienitwn. t j Jim tin 'uLiiLUi XU 1 XAv4 f ft-. J X ' j. ue auviivu vv cm stvuiuiuAij wiuiuibwu bo Alde'rJnaW Myers offered the fendwiagre.' i aoIatioa!WhfcbwrmMimdn8Ty : ,fWBtBB7heifarChiUjjof.a city haying been made vacant by the re signation of the Hob. JohnDaWaoij; J -u That. jweilheembeni pi this Board, desire to exoresa our reereta at his f 4ear4hJJua and! to place! Upon record our hjgh apprecjauoii j or l piacial services: land his uniform Kindness and' courtesy to ne anemnera or- iih jjosju. ! r MbWDedjiThat we, apcept bia reignation unwillingly, feeling that we shall i miss bis unael and experience hi managing the at tain or our . , ; i . :a;That these resolutions be p rtnaongi rhejcity axededaj andthat I the City Clerk present a copy vtQ the retiring. Mayor. Alderman King moved that the Board how pbceed td0eleia Akeftiian. 'y-yn. tied: Jml J notiiaoqqoa odl uoqir 1 1 ojAlrter.myelbjra aodcMClias. tt y-a 1 1 j n . r Iia-l' H. Bob Chad bourn urn; Alderman Myers, Mr. .Owen blali ends Aldejrnaaa Hill, Edward Kfdder.1 Iifta",ooiia-.swi5?i !oUiioq la . ...: k. ,-ct ..- .t P1 wdJofltepKller n4 directed, tbet.B ar td prepwthetra)letSiit0j brrnu .r boarvqW. P(OIdhamS I c ' No one cahdiiatejna koa fe&f'M oafjbiift jdfr-' dared tbereJMd been HO- electien land fif- atructed Ihe lillera & Proceed tbani Vi .- iilq- iiiiia stl.! vd .aJ LiiJOiV- li an l.kBf seepjad jaHet rJteC:iItoWni.?, Oldham r. FishSlaaa l. KiddW 4. : No-'elecr. (, reparatJona.erA mfde, fur jthe third ballot and the following' resajt jan .nounced-vJ'iabblatB'Ji, IenneU lBobinaen ..jrpater.i-iiift aiti lo oota s:t Mi. S. H. Fishblate having received the necessary majority was declared elected an 'Alderman 6f the city of WThnuik'toii. J ing the hiatorrof his administration and3 compimtfnilng the eflcrals under him,; and after'aln , ihanklng, jdie members of iher, Board lot their jpeuorsaacMrtesy, with-- ..... . - - . . . i I ff. , Alderniajioarnwveelhat Ajldernlan Planner be made, temporary, .Chairman; fa aaS Af It..! JUJ I' ! 4 U-i:' Jltir- , I -i Xeaai ivUa . , a- f ' . - Aldermen Tollers and Lb wrey, on mo tioh? of thelatter;were appointed tfcommiU tee to escort the newly "elected . Alderman to his seat.. huftlvnimiiCr a nssiiio I to Alderman Fisbbiate, byr Justice, U, p. IfvrAVa aaviif n A 0a a AtiailfiaH 1 "xne unair announced me election o? a JMivWh&tllBferaerOTO' .nasd. Marijr'bexaioracr , The Board ot Aldermen met at the C4ty Halflastlghr; ai 'clocpursiaatte' motlda'made' by Alderman Bill at ihelait ifcnucn -fliucrmra uuwuen, nr. iff a?w kfjClAlderaanff Kmg omlnated Atdermkn Jlann.erj AernftYejlefS npftfinatfelaAl! derma Bxden, Alderman Lowery; soiaV nated'Aldermanishbialu and , Alderman Hill nbinmatecl Alderman Foster . I U6bv aivdwdw 'uibnlJa3 msii -v jTiireehailotawepfeheld.'aaffollowsf A at-hFjanneto a ; jFjahWate, 1 ; - Fdatdrf Alderman powden insisted that bU.narae "ia-shyfaVrFfiin fijSo r. . )Arrf--rjBlililate, ' Flanaer, S; BoW- 4 . Aldennan Fisbblatp was decjared elected i ." ... . w. Tn.iJL 'MyeisJ idgpijfjt wyjjt nojj T ,. On taking his ' jtSy neilyectd MayorDoke-toieflyirthankingr the gentle-. Aea foieiMfened.i.,.9 Ul rOn moirj pf Alderman Flarinerrthe Board then ad jourf ed iSabj-et; eau Abtfcla. Gibl.aasi Aallo. p k ThftBaltimerefavcf lttb5 aayf A'At'aCatbeflrai UlBaJtfciprBiief- .was splemnrf tnyestea -sn.e-Puia,. knof formahy ioStaeAeU)umopv W the MeropPluti1 ofiBlIAmore'andyPrlmate, of AmericaV Througu Kifpect for the orjipf the dexafedponti2)f;Pope Pioa the; cerf rrjeeajwera djltesAedidt iejif jexte vna ffixfejtoojpQ bys ttajjrnbrics 01 the church, out .notwitnstandine iney Were-bt a'highiy Wpdsin characier.''1 - j J j j ti o ir rirtiTi a 'Ot nr mm -nou i The following wijl show the state of ,tUe thermometer; at the'staiibnS mehtkhed,J U timMajyrtalnfdfrocrthg: dally bnltin issued from the Signal OfAej & thiSb city;: j Auanstai mm i . CO Kiobtlcrr. .... . . .61 Charleston..!.. .43 i Jlonteomery 4T...47 Cbrstcaiia::r.T KevrletvY. .53 Key West, 89 1 WUmlngtoa, . ... U instant, Ms : ?, 'i." Vf ;03 v. ;.u.f? tir,l rT T .T- - O nOI "WW.-'na I n rk' Art 1 r t - tw Lt. Col. Mabson, of the Fifth Battalion; j f d- Pj-'i colod has appoMted on his bulu. wiu loiiowin? omcers: uaniei isnxwwii' tain; !o7bln8anTpsep,-il4j&UntV;wft rank aai3jUtUUnaat tflevfli. WA.t f rnqilfl jBoxeaSoi Starch, Coffee, l '. ; it" avtM vl. Ann sxainirB msai as; smjj f iucu iiuiH rt" IPTd for thWtWrtbn'theS den f ronr this Dor ton the 28th nlt.'d I f-T-hflqai- qaadelioj cleared from Sorrt ifni Slstj ultt The C' C. Fan J3brr sailed Tnt&iden If Out thfe pott dU the eathuit.;; itj-awH-awf-aww u. Gra.yormrttbe Sf. -fHanotid1 -Tne-'iaNeM1 Glbelen, Vedlt1 f SpSfSitS eiJU-L-.-J. L .t ?r he during the six arrived at Phuadelphia from, this pqrt oo:! kur.i K TheAnnnai areeflniror tKfnttitnrfl"Jlvw,J& UJ lJ 1 itai liiwaeraot TheBaakcf New Haaever ' T ,-wp. -t'-i r f nti-iiikattaeirHaniunrHoTiieta Wllminetoa. JxWeilearnWm a telem9 Reived IY. the sisinbt:. at ll o'clock a atoriress-MPnro'laH'Wgbi Xhstekfeb . IStearaabip fiiSNa had(heendlBibre - andoweJnto(Haropbon, 8,y?aterdax.L.a fV . . I ; vrrv 1 jj t Don't ruin iour health, and beaideamake yourself tdisaereeable to Other Deoola Kv'l iAtiZA JIJuaJ I your continued coughing. A twenty-five I m-t.n&&.r? I.- Jtemkmrng in the City Post-Qffiee. Feb, A miss uiarrya Andrewj. .', ay : B Joshua Blizard. Robert BrvanL John Bryant;. Salem Bell, .Daniel Better, Qeey: Brooks;'- c'a" !"-,u-. CHMise: I?eggy CEbg'manimisaJfJi E Cook, miss Bertha Collins, messrs . Boykiol Carmer &: C6; ' tors Effle Clark.1 tars Kadiael 'i VornlSDf mrs reggie CJmgman, njra 'E C Carter.' ) h . . a.r D-Iisi ' Sarah Dentooi miss Ifiittje E Davis, miss Hester Dayia. J D Payis t yw, J ' eElkiriSi PatEyanii- siij-m . biui p.i .isdI Xi BUB Tf 111 J2i XJVUS. Ula AUQiC u juai uuiicuireitur. jbb! unseiuiKius. r J, . J, JohnWGallowav.'E Si Gause"Eawara Iavin,(miai luiaatJreerAfmlss: Annie UnrtU . , . i 1 - "tt!!kro JZ&X&rriJii&ySiiVA .Howe,- Mary LA Howard; S Marirf J Hewlett, . g rr - t- . ml aiaggie npwe. aary nausioa fniss-Jiiiiza r ppiuiww correnponomg rajenw wanted at ail beth;JHfghsmri&,'2; Elfetf LHarti8srLouis mJ0mtBi "homahBaral cdmpeneation HoilmswottbtEniaoael HiHyAlexrHarriss, TAppHaW for1 rates to clubsouidnly be Duncan Holmes," Q W: Hudgins, Bristow made to the Home Office m New Orleans. Harrisa'1' b --':itaJiuJ k:'.Tu A.Wrtte;.iBlearbr statue fall address, for full tofor hMBsf Mianie Jpbinz4ejrna7oh Iff-on : - son, Alice Jefferson, col: miss Mary J B8jZJ -:OiU ijii fcf;lgii , ' I f f LrrrOj MijLanier. 'Daytd tttane, 8s;Caleb Lqftin, miss- Lucia Lucos, miss Georgesna, Laifiivnioi6 vdi .uJui; Aufoj t .r frti ir. m, ,!iim.. r.if I I.. Alex E . Mahdles, David .Mitchell, Hannah - -MtHer,iiB McGfetts.y4ck Moore'.' miss V x li m -. - n It Miss Liizzie Kobbms. B-rMrs LuisaiSmUh, jnisa, Mary Stejw T Misa Lanra TylwiSmith-TtKna9, tt ttiL rebate trii'igf t xuusn vviiiiama. iucnaraj.N virara. 1 M William, Jaa II. WitBon.'ifto Webber, K 1 1 WetOAn trra MarvaMr rWnBAAt f . wm WatsonrnMMargaretrWjessot mra, K jof'ifrHYd' ! iC'-WebbV mrsl7ora Wnght,' col; inrsr'T'Ha "undersigned has reopened the OH aaj-WSB- V ayi t-llll rUIUVr TW O IV OIBipI Lxnold WsJker, m Maria WootencoL,,fT;i, . X(r 'Persons eaHIng for letters in the above list Will nteaae aavr' adertlfledro Tt not j m . 1 - . - . ... , . .Wiimington, ew Hanover, Co., fC 4 r V efe 5 1 Ait. CITTMTEns. ill f i 8ALLY1 ItNNOtie ituatt of flour, with thfee kull.V1W.twt.T.m P. , ...... Ml tl,'. it, lump jef butter su of a -hen,' gjr, three tea-J iTTiMi 1 rrn rn r trm n n r i. D - . . . 4? IWIUUdONUli 0HM1BJUIUUUI1J1B. . , S nawryra.U1;M,M USt 06116 laraquoglaaa bottler Goiu1 Olympiad CreaB;! oaaglass, does not hide, itself from examina- T t(ItaaxeoJagen(iad ance give assurance of excellence in the pertorm kneel Prlc U lare SotQes rodosed 'Je One Doli lar. -For sale by J. C. Monde. , - r ; ;.r I .dwmWf ilXg W aaf ?B 01 in TflA iwttiirn. rvu. lib .the nlzht; aobai aa. Ai had throneh the' house ia. the hours lot y ssxseeuve of dapget and death. ruet ana emre 11 with uaijc's uonxt or an ii9 Tab JDjher remedjea mar h ited tou. but this never fails. j je Toothache Drapp ;CTreJnaaf:mhmteiij i i iHMpy tidings' for nervous suff erera, - and' these ; who hive been dosed, dragged and quacked. , PoJ- Venaacher'o Electric Belts effectually cure; prema-t; wu iruornsnon wortn tBousaaas, mauea rree. , of .murder rmguisT aarxaeas uoquau Boothe, Address PuLVXRiiACHxa Qalyakic Co.. Clncinaati, I OBiatp , i.'li- IO liJilOO -tIJ alulnai I .!? .f'J-rj "GERMAN SYRUP" lfo6terineSSe world was ever givenBnchaiesfcjof its curative QTiaUtiUaTBoacHsi's GxaxAN Stbtjp. Two 1' Uou four hundred thousand smaU bottles, of this medicme were distribstei Uf OUW MWUHJ SV CUUIVHW WllfU WUDIUUlMVUi Asthma, Croup, severe .coughs, . PneBmoBrB and utaen aueanes m tne utroat ana iuukv. uruKgieM . .. . 1T1. Iu4k. n4..j fi..... .Ml cjr"fLT I TT NEWJ ' Al VBRTISx2MENTS'. ft -v7"r b ?:,iti 1 ii? 'JHAMBEB,' PARLOR u O-'J! ari j io ejfn 4 fifSfA VAMTYd?FUBf . . Just Received, ano for sale tow ay i a? tS-1! v , j o u 9ui).Ta.t gjOTH' 4 CO it JflOtL0OIlt - 03K tf iViufiii. --.tit CSiQico llorthe Carolina r. 1- j'iro:AT)-TQTnH .o"d py'a4 ll ll If I ajiaT vmwAXAAM cv-u-s'u r CAROLINA BACON. -r sale low by ' -BrrrwocBZLi. son. feb 13 : THE STOV TRADE- OF rWlIMflTON 1 We are aellinK our popular - . i i f ; .-?!;-nili Jo 'I IH'W itrv Trade a fact attestins! their H.1V19 M . . M. KING & QQ. 5 teal li coiib9fipSITI&Ij3&a' tae.rax j WARE HOUSE FOB OTIB? SAMS' MTJST 1 A A be near our Store. ' feblS tf F. M. KING st CO. HATC3 O? ADTCBTISING. t One gauare one dsy... f l oo l a so v a w 5 60 4 oe 6 60 8 50 io oo ; I twodaya 1- t " . threadiji, one week. : ' tio ik:': Two weeks....:.. w w Three weekiL : . ." .. " " " ; . One month....... . .ij... " ...........9........ . W Two mrmtli. tir nn . IFobtir; Three onths,i.. .......i... 84 00 au- Six months,. 40 00 o .t pt - waeyear.i...,..,... .v.. ....... mi UU ' tlnnatal km Mt .1, . . ' v.. ...-.... i. t 1 w mxo Krvavtv iwuiwui j ltv luaas vug auuoiCt :.i.:NEW: ADVERTISEMENTS. j ; ; j i it; ;-r r - . L s rnu Wi!a day exSteaiaahjBaistpfaLj wj ,S.V; ,i .w - BeT4uxi. Baraine. Green Pa. - Apple tsacce. Blackberries, b i, -bj iac a'ea,;Axtract JCeat, - s . ; ; - CtoiaeKHB,Tmons;4TV- ? l-ii6?-1?- ,i5airlirff ; J 3 - i AacUeneers. fr. LTMJJTttj BBMI-ANMUAl, DIVIDEND, auil A4-! ' The Bor4 e Directors of thel I monthsadlng Jaaaary 31. tjajjic nr Hannxrn the Stock- Will be held on THUKS- - ;'v;L1 !!' -! J ",; f ..' I'll ..HI . ' - ..i.-. . -. .. . . BrfcBND,D opOR"S,'DNiTir to ' WIN A FORT UN B.j THIRD- GRAND DISTRI- btjtion. ms. at sew Orleans r.nEsnv r A8PLBNDIO OPPORTDNITV TA -tonisiana State Lfltterv Cemiiaa?. ; ; Tais Jnatltntum was regnlarlrfaieorporated by the Legislature ot the State for Educational and Chari- B0TIONjv-iU take, place: monthly on the second aneada-y. R recalMor pqswes. Look at the CAPITAL PRIZE. 30.00ft.. . , JC0.0OO TICRBTa AT WO DOLLARS BACH. . HAl-TICKBTa, ONB DOLLAR. -TJ IlL flam An hdiotjo - TTJapital Prize.,., i......,.;'.$30,0C0 - CapltelPrlze.;.,...-r ..... 10,000 a II Capital Prizes ; . . 4 . . . 5,000 .3 Pnzeaof$2500.;,.;i;.... ............ 6,000 l ,6 Prise ef ,1000.... ..i.u. ..-..-irji... 5 coo I 0Priawof'-HW.ii.:.':;.V;:..V.....-'..' 10,000' Jr JOO PriseSjof 100...,; -...... .., 10.020 "wrj iJKw wi-r. W.7.V. ...-.Ti. . . . 1U.UUU "wrj iim iii iAPROxiMAON Pwzis':13'- i ifinn htikpi in in nnn 1 ASSiS 5552 2 W f2S2 I .. -rr...v .una. ui- .... .. , l,ouv - lcapiamdmaaon m. of 100-...-.. wo t tSKPnzes, amounting to;. . -;;f. ...tV.V.tuo.iOO I . . . . . ..... lv fJw - I ii- P.CBox92i New Orleans, Louisiana. -'Ail our 6wU Extraordinary BrawingB are under the superrisien and management ,t fiENERALS Oi TV BEAUREGARD and JUBAL1 A. EARLY. Tne next drawing pccHrs Tuesday, April 9th, 1878. feb J3-Daw4w&W w sat IX WIIL Bffi BT i WILMINQTON THURSDAY j NEXT.tho i4THrrasT withTHiRTT head of i xxnfc nuuxjjia, suiaoie ior ail -worn. ' w alt ana ""s examine my biock Deiore purcnasing, . h TTy 1 J TTn bnllo v I; . - y- 1 tii ifl,OJ3 I W -tm m m tm kT - I where the finest assortment of Wines. Liquors and I S"scau aiway. oe round, uxbtjuus in every 1 sivie. . reo iww - , 1 I, L. DOLBY. tvs .. ( to WHbM rr hay concern . The : Swedish Baraue "ERNST" has t arrived at Smithvllle, North Carolina, awaiting orders, fiease communicate WUh Bv & JELEIDE. Swedish and Nor- wegianVice Consul, at Wilmington, f nfrSf0 . : . . . . . JOUH- A, WUiUilSKUU, Master. lTULL-i JAlTpt QOMPLETE LINE 10 :,,Dlpa T-QJ? WHITE GOODS. . 1 3 11, A q inaid I " .-JonaTiaoPlali - ibdrStripd JaobBets, tad Stripe Nalnsoo, jj)-: 5;! Victoria Jjawns, Striped 4nd Plain,' alio') WMWriiues. Striped aid Flgtured, lli oi t;oTableDMaaBknttLrNakinS,'V iOr fi jy sNotttnirhtim Laca (JurtalBS,1 .. i t . 3 u In vStet I - ; I yea -o J dS '. ' vSkfedngfeaod Shhlmgs iei.Te fe ? 4 au we popuwr maxes. .TTTLTTTS SAMSON; to ilf 43 Market Stieet. u TTAldttBOe s' (tlffTlft rvf I, JllUlBCp UUniiU) Wtt. 1 H A Hhds New Crop MOLASbKb, -aiO'.'JLVvt-'' f'i ; jutt landed, ) A" A Bbla N. O. MOLASSES, gfiW OUU .t-JjflOU i In store and to arrive, - 7 A Ton. No. 1 Peruvian GUANO. 1 KAA Bhls Fresh LIME, I tAABbli Bbls Agricultural LIME, :v I n A A RKlc OA A Bbls Land PLASTER, OUU 'Si-.: v..i.-n.t Bush CORN,- , 31 ,.;' 'P.IOTir'.JO- OA A Bales HAY, i't -. t .' 1!CW .'.'.. ;U; For sale very low by ftblO-tf WORTH Jb WORTH. en-& Gerhardt. io V .a dM a PER SETT: rl rvilaa :o tiJjmNDrMAnsa 0:14 ic iri'iT s?.t?r " f NICKEL MOUNTED . BUGGY HARNESS. H feb JO U s I8d 8tetween Mar kt and Princess. irte aids ice Butter IN;8MALL fACKAGES.r , a -r w'fBLT. EDGJS BUTTERj flrkjas, tuVs and palls. . MOUNTAIN BUTTER, cans and pails. , MUST BE SOLD. iJifebiitt' ' 88 and 4C North Water street. 'rBAREELS 100 x NASTY AND PJXOT.BEEAD to bo dosed out. LEMON AND 80DA BISCUIT, OYSTER CRACK ".SR8 and GINGER BNAPPS. ' , IW lf! ! . . T;hA8. D. MYERS, feb lO tf . . 33 and 40 North. Water street. i. 'j 1 ATt B j q 4 vJ- -BARRELS i;Kc 1 K ft A vamI. ttf .ii'aipEa;. Largeeltock market and IX) WEST PRICES t - , - ; J: feblO tf CHA8. D. MYERS, 38 and 40 North Water street. 1 - 'ii-Jsr ort fel V 1 : mm

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