4 r MISCELLANEOUS. ornnt0 SO. TIE SODTIIKBN POHfllS. :;,; . No. 18. - Norf Ik Virginian , , iTbe following touching van4 beautiful Jes were wrUtenquite fifty years ngo, by he elder St. GerfeTucker, stepfather: to jabo Randolph, VBanoke:I ; - ; ruvs of my youfttfye have glided away; iTiirsof my yobtU, you are frosted and! erav: fi-ps of my youin, your neen sight is uo 3 . more: i )H V 7' -?i VI , M it T ?. Cheeks ofmy yodthL you are farrowed all o'er:- it - , i.Wi Strength of myydula, all your vigor is gone; Thnusrots oi my yuym, your eay visions Lave flown ! n.vq of my youthL I: wish not your' recall Hairs of my youU) I'm content ye shouldf Eyes of my seen; youth, you much evil havei f youth, ! batb'd in tears youf rujTycpihi you taveTJed mef Cheeks of my ybii have been:F Thouabts of myjyc(uih; you navVTJed astray Sin-ceth of my youth ' I: 'a I viky lament your de -cay?; J Dav's of my age, ye m ill shortly be pas! ; Pains of my age, yet awhile ye can last; joys of my age, ih true wisdom delichjt; Eves 01 my age, ue reiigtun your ugai: , Thoughts or mygej preaa jre. oqt tne coldj Hopes of my flge',1 tegeTjuud 'oh "your God Washington! Gossip had Mews. jSpecial to IUchnio&dJplspatcB Feb. 18. DIAZ TO M RECOGNIZED. ortttoUtee on 1 Foreier Affairs, which ayf been, considering the Mexican question for some, daysi wilLnoi De re;aay iq report QQ(Qr$ Wednesday orl Thursday. It look! as if their report will be in favor ofi the immediate recognition of the. Diaz! irovernmenW r 1 1 -ix f' , ' THE POLE ISf ESTIGAt ION. ; The testimohy elicited to-day be tore me . commutee : inyestigatin uoorseeper roue; fwaa ... again aama rmsr. jvir. x aynei f oiainsr-TOom cierK salary f l,8d0 feWeCbatiibttwitbl alacrity,' that Be was assessed at thef rate of $200 a ! vean and he suDnosed; this went to Daffy.to aid ' in makiog his 1,200.. salary $1,600. The othe MOO, it is alleged, was to be paid b Mr. Bacon, clerkii in V the Vi document room. air. rayne saio. ue paia..lOE two months toMr.- Daffy 116.65 2-3 per month,' and topped : when Mr. Polk told hin iot to pay the damned Irishman a cent I Mr. Bacon will bJ exammea to-morrow. .. i . - a ATULNncf COAST MATTERS. T The House, Committee on Canal will on Wednesday again conaadec the Dismal Swamp canal question! when Col. Parks mll reply Uo tbi speech of Mr. jNewton. To-morrov i he House Committee on Commercl will take up the proposition for Jieht houses on Currituck and Albemarlef sounds. The interest in the projects tor improving the inland navigatiod so as to avoia tne aangersor naiie-i ras in stormy - weather is increasin among Congressmen, : i SOUTJBEEJT M AIL CLAlilS. Hie House, by a decided voteJ agreed to day itorefnnd JLp : "rexajs mail contractor a sum improperly paid by him. . . - . Mr. Watraell, or North; Carolina J of the House Committee on irost-Uf ficea. &c. ,ia of th& .iOplnkinlhAt'th bill providing for,; the f paying,, of Southern postmasters and mail ' con 4 -'-it''-"- jf-'i'J tractors tne amounts aue inem Dei or the war will certainly pass the Hons when it is reached. Mr. Waddell "te'ad1 to the Senate Committee on Post-Offices' to-day; report in favor of establishinsf a mail a - - w line to CraziL : " ' - ; - - A Very Gentlemianly Dreaa. , "f , i a8hipston8tar.If ;; One of the "nobby" dresses of the style which several young ladies have imported from England appeared atf Mrs. Haves reception and attracted I great attention. It-awa8 ' worn "by a stylish Hew; iYorfe girtfTbis; costume consists of a ; bfack silk: 'train, richly trimmed, over which is .wont a-swatr low tailed dress 'coat literally that style. The back in nowise differs from a gentleman s -dress' 'coat; the front is a . short'1 iaclcet '1 buttoning In two places over a crimson silk, vest, which is cut away hka a gentleman 8 vest, to show the - black silt .scart, just 8uchas men wear ,Epyer, the shirt i. ... ! t ' J uosom, wnn a.goia., crescenfc pin tuu. a linen collar af terthe pattern of those worn-by -the daintiest male ex quisites. Gentlemen-' will - observe that the ladies have made a vast im provement upon their attire. Uy4r0pbll Cored. Prom the Country Gentleman.! , Mr. R. C Shoemaker writes, that he has cured liaWy ' cases' bf . hydro- rt.NU: : T -1 J a 1.1. A- Ik. I.r.m fuuuiam men ana uaiaie uy iuo nse of elecampaBei ecampai jThe rst dose1 fbr a man lfTTbunces of elecanitntne ' Toot bruised; put! iii a pint I of nfw milk and reduced o one half. .by. Jboiiing to be taken at'oneMose in the tnorn- ng,' fasting j until afternoon.; The . 1 Ounces of 31 .. I lUar inan-: I second dose shoolff tbi two elecampane treated ; in a similar jnan-f -'auiuaiiB bruttLcu ,xu b diwmbi ner, aiidlla;iirai second, to bet tikefevery other day. This remedv. fatLrj Shoemaker ' : savsj has heen used inHtfa abotrt Pbiladel phia for over forty years with- great "access, f , ' . Talae of 9oiieiy flews.' . ' f Cvurier-JournaLj .1( ,(. Amid aiV trie rlaah iitnd viaberle -o financial cbntrovef the worrv 4of Civil Service reiqfm, andthe roar of : Louisiana faffaitj,f :J $hef newspaper reader can standjstul turn to the rstii cietyM c6lumn and pleasant :tt$k to 'nbw tiiat:Mrs.TpoH fypootsyi vieitin? theMisses Pipsi W1psy,afad that MrvB$ddletydaddle ly of Ltiee1tJorpTs8ej if Jthai jwne, ii" ahortljf toMead " o the altar .Miss Jerusha Owendoline Mbntgor-geonaUrrgle,;- 'J :JyjiM?X 0n0, hundred lind' fifty people were killed in Kentucky last year, and only -4 - Her Own Words. Li' u."-.! Baltmobb, Mb., Feb 13, 1877. - iMor ir, since several year I have got a sore aa very painfull foot. . I bad some phyBictana, bat they couldn't cure me. Now 1 have beard of VQHt Vkgktik from a lady who was sick for a longtime and became all well from your VEaarrai, and I wcui. buu uuugat tats uua uuiuc ui VEQZTINK: and after I had need one bottle the pains left me, and it begaa to heal, and then I boapht oe athep hntru and so I take It yet, a thank. 40d tor this remed t juiueui , uiu nuuuig cyerj Buuerer may Day attention to it. It is a blessing for health. - , jm y.KAJESJs,6aa west Baltimore Street it;' '. Of Ma. H H&riTtss,''"'-: 5 . ' - ISTS yonr Vboitini was recommended to me, M, yielding tathe persuasion of a friend. I con sented to try it. At the time I was Buffering from general debility and nervous., prostration, Isuperin--daced by overwork and Brregiuar hablta. Ita wf aerfnl strengthening and curative properties seemed to affect my debilitated ay stem from the first dose; and ander tiU jriateBH nse I rapidly recovered, eainingtoore than--Hsnal-health and good feeling. 8ince then I have not hesitated to giveVxexTiKs my most unqualified endorsement as being a safe aura, -andowerf ul agent In promoting health and restoring the wasted system to new life and energy. V xexriHX Is the only medicine I nse, and as lone as I live I never expect to find a better ; ' Yours truly , s ' wTfe CLARK' 1 130 Monterey Street. AUeehanv. Pa. 1 tu. v is dj? t Sprlug 'l'lie nest medicine. ' CHAKT.l 8TOWH. ! Dear Sir, This Is to certify that I have used year "Blood Preparation" to my family lor several years, and think that for Scrofula or Cankerous Humors or Rheumatic affections it cannot be excelled; and as a blood purifier and spring mediciae itla the best thing I 'have ever ased, and 1 -hava. aiei.. almoat every thing, i I can cheerfully recommend it to any one in need of auch a medicine. u'i' Yours reeoectrnllr. Mas. A- A, piNSMOBX. lit Rusaall Street, VEGETINE. Bostoh, Feb. 13, 1871. -r n a -n y-JMor Sir, About one year smca I found myself in a feeble condition from general debility. I Yxai- Ton was strongly recommtJIided to me by- a friend who had been much benefitted by its use. I pro cured the article, and, after using several bottles, was restored to health and discontinued its use. 1 fel quke confident that there la no medicine supe rior to it ior tuose complaints xor wmcn it is especi- S prepared, and would cheerfully reoommend It to oae who feel that they need something to restore them to perfect health. : - - -- KeapectfuHi youra, L U. L. PETTESrQILL. W J , - , Firm of S. M. Pettingell ft Co. A ,;M No. 10 State ht, Boston. A 1 1-IIaTe Obtained Relief; - f " South Bnawicit, Ma., Jan 17, 1872. H. E. Stkvkns, Esq.. ' Dear Sir, I have had dyspepsia in its worst form for the last tea years, and have taken hundreds of dollars worth of medicines without obtaining any relief. In SeDtember last I commenced takinir the VxsxTDra, since which time my health has steadUy improved. My food digests well, and I have gained fifteen pounds of flesh. There are several ethers in this place taking YcoxrnrK, and all have obtaine relief, s . Years truly. - 5 THOMAS J. MOORS, J Oveerseer Card Room, Portsmouth Co's Mills. 11. R STEVENS, Boston, Mass. " 1 Vege" "old by all Druggist. febl DftWly Have Yon Seen the Hew Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine ? Have Yon Bead their Hew Price List 1 : THE WHEELER ft WILSON SKWUTQ MA- CHINE haa for so many years been the stand ard of excellence among Sewing Machines, that no thing need Be said about the new Machine more than it a the BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE that the Company has ever made.- - - iu fiemomber that it ia not economy to buy an infe rior machine at any price. The wheeler ft Wilson IS NOW SOLD AT SUCH PRICES THAT EVE RY BODY MAY BUY. Send for descriptive price list. We keep a full line of attachments and other goods to be found ia a first Class Sewing Machine Establishment -,r--4 si- ' ' Repairing and putting on improvements on old Machines done by a thorough Machinist, as cheap as It can be don In the best shops North. - 'A fall line of K. Batterick ft Co.'s reliable Paper Patterns constantly on hand. Send for catalogue. . WHEELER ft WILSON M'EG CO. iir i - , No. 38 Market Street, , sactStf - Wilmington. N. C. JVB. LiiDTiincotit Sc Co. : . HAVE JUST PUBLISHED .Life of G-en. T. J. Jackson. Ii ftf. 1. ! CTONB WALt "JACKSON,") BySlaxH Nicholas Kindouh, author of "The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson," etc Hand somely illustrated with Portrait from Steel, and Eight full page wood engravings. Crown 8 to. Fine cloth, as.ua. , : . , -.- 1 kIt Id the record of a career in the highest degree teres ting. The simple narrative of his life has all the charm of romance. "Baltimore Gazette, rrhe Atonement oiLeam 4Janaas A Novel. " By Mrs. E. Ltkh Liktok, author of Patricia Kemball," etc With illustrations, evo. oth, fL60; paper, fi.oa. . 'Mrst Lynn Linton ia one of the most original id iits thinkers of the dav. aad writes not only- leariesaly, bat with remaraaDio vigor. viucage jm- 1 ant Terr engrossing outbi. - i7HKHyu Aa exceedingly interesting aovel." oto Oaz. Her vigorously written tale.' N. T. Eve. Maii. ' - i i A Family Secret, a "" ni rami Hofira tin sra & feontrlbntiaii to our II , IteVature for which all Virginians should be grateful,' and which should be m tne iiDrary or every sown em household. Richmond Enquirer. An American NoveL By Fanny Andrews, (Elsey Hay), 8vo. Fine cloth, $1.50. Paper cover, $1.00. ' "It Is1 a vigorous, incisive and pleasant story." Meaty Evening Journal. i .. . . . Ocntio Folks andlother. Bv Jvlia Duhbihs,' author oi JPbllosophera and Fools." Crown 8vo. Fine cloth, $2.00. The exeeUenee and Value of these essay la theis being the results of a strong min tlnrn life. Si the spirit of philosophy Jong s consist being tne results or a strong nuno opera . tinremure, in tne spirit or pnuoBopaycmg maiurcu jror auBuner xeaoing. win seywuuij iui ivmxuis aloud among people of refinement and eulture,there are few mora desirable books than Wa-PMladel-oUa Evening Bulletin. " , . ,, Lire's Promise to Pay. v . , - iU.ii if. US'! iJ .Hi ,f ' A Novel. By Claba L. Cokwat. 13mo. Fine cloth, $1.50. . : aasif'.''--'" A novel of more than common merit, with a great deal of admirably distinctive portraiture, and is a story of thrilling interest. -tFor sale by all Booksellers and Periodical Dea lers, or wDl be sent by mail on receipt of the price by J. LTPFUTCOtl &-CkU blisliers, . i I . 715 and TIT Market Streat, ;-v--- , ! Philadelphia." The lcoln PrdfjrC3S, - i V -' 1, ' 1' ' ' j IFSt i ' - f Isfthe only paper published to Lincoln county and haa an extensive circulation among the Mer chants. Farmers and all claasps fl basineaa. men to .It offers 'WfHwbaiscf V?tooa.a; airahle meaiom.ior nuvefuauiK vuBw?m throughout Western North Carohna. r .-,r . . . : , Liberal tenris will b allowed , on yearly . advert tisemeuta. ' Subcriptioi price, $3 00 per annum to advance. -jA.i ': ts ' L .m - - Address F. H. DaLANE, - Editor and Proprietor, cf: Personal Pmperly eier Hort - - j.. -- ' ; . " ,, -,;. . . . ' - 1 ' t I . '-us ; - . - - . '- -" ' i' 1 V II J II U ; r f- - W-fc I V w"., ;.'1 - ' bV -- f 7 J3Y VIRTUE AND IN EXECUTION OF THE ppwerof sale contained fat a certain indenture lf w JPl mde by DuncaniJ?MsMimr- and John WatkiTjB tO MftSBTH TTart HlflnAAl.. u K xi Ij .' 4 anly registered in the Office of the Acgio wr bi me county or Pender, in Book B.B.. at Sage 158 and following, (default having been made, l the i payments required under 'the provisions of said indenture),' the -undersigned Mortgagees as aforesaid, will, at 12 nViopt T n winNfanir the 37TH OF , FEBRUAHVj 1R7S.,..ll h. ikZ. k Aaction. for one half cash, unit th Vioiann. n . ' creuitoi lour montas, with interest at 8 per cent,'! jTOiumuiH irou aayoi saie, at tee Plantation of John Watkins, on the West side of the.jNortneast ers branch of the Cape Fear river, in the county of, Penaef. St Pem'l Talnnil- ttlA fnllnnHnir ilnaoKAHr' PERSON AL PROPERTY, being the same con- ? mmeBturaji mat is to. sayi a BAW, MILL and GKI8T MILL, and .the Engineai Boilers,, Machtoery, Bands, Apparatus, Tools and Fixtures, ' and the Appurtenances thereto belonging or in any way connected or used therewith. . ,f .; v u. -,- - - " r.HART, BAILEY: ft CO u Wilmington, Feb'y Bth, 187a . feb 6-tds J Real Estate -for Sale. JDY "jTIRTUE OF THE POWERS. CONFERRED! upon me in a certato Indenture of Mortgege from O..Gt Parsley,-Jf.j aad wUehichaiil mortgage ia registered in the refcords of Branswick County, t" o i-ia -s-si t i t.s ( v j. ;JLlus jnlallible remedy is composed of the pp. 325sto328, Jshall.cxpose for ,fj. aLHpNY of the plant Horehound, in chemical ... .. J .- - : ' T nninn! ttritt TiBiTlATiLr ' OTfrhriwI (mm Public Auction, on THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 28th. 1878, on the premises, in Smithville. LOTS designa ted on the plan of the Town as Lot 29. and part of Lot 21, together with all the improvements thereon, and all the right, title and interest of the said par ties therein. !,.s.' -f t--i; !i; Sale to take place at 12 o'clock M. Terms cash.. feb 16-I0t W. OI CURTIS. j rx- i . Jl yi.'i s ' il Cuba - . I .-:;urffii',."i.-. ,:. i s. '. .: .' , FROM FIRST CA.UQO, nr. 1 For sale by VU.. i - feb T-tf -v WILLIAMS ft MURCHISON. 31 1 Just Received AN ELEGANT LINE OF SOLID COLORS s Trimming, Silks, K ' ALL SHADES, which I ami enabled to offer a - ! Very Low Prices. I would also announce to my patrons that I have i replenished my stock of Guinet Black Sills ! iFROM MY NEW YORK DEPOT, aad can offer a FULL LINE -'Tlii hmvever will be the last chance to get these Elegant Fabrics at the Extremely Low Prices I am now selling them at as I hae closed out the remaiader to a large West- ern retailer. j JULIUS SAMSON, . Successor to J. ft H. SAMSON,. -i-i i 43 Market Street. HA . feb 10 tf I By Express just Received to-day a full line of ' 1 "LOTUS CLUB" i I- ' 1 'j f ! r ' r . IN ALL THE NEW SHADES. ALSO.j IN WHITE AND OPERA: SHADES i JULIUS SAMSON 43 MARKET STREET, . i WilmiagtonJ NC.T t feblO-tf GEORGE MYERS, ;fill and 13 Sonih Front Street ASH RETAIL SALES AT r . . i. 'WHOLESALE PRICES, have increased our sales ONE HUNDRED PER CT. OA A Bbla EX. FAMILY FLOUR, ' OUU '-i Our Own Brands; very low. Kfif -Lbs IXL HAMS, Shoulders, . OUUU-iT .. Strips and Dry Salt, , KA Baskets Genuine HklDSIECK, - i I OU $4 PinU, $23 Quarta, Jirf raxes unoico cailks ana ; fcSiWi cauvs. ; . - , !i. K-vrv Cases CAN FRUITS. OUU - Vegetables and Preserves, If von desire CHOICE COFFEE, our Parched u the choiceettathe markets Only try Pft t A VUX PUulVJlIvV VJ&U i.ALUUOC DIUu uiar0 u&iU Sweet Mash and Smoky Hollow WHISKEYS stand n.1a.LUk.llh nMa - DlNi. naa' flowi - unrivalled in this market to quality and price, i We defy competition. uooos w eii ispogut are tiau ssoia. . - i i.s Jag86tfi 9, 11 and 19. South Front Btf Special Inducmteti . . '. '.' ". . 'I 1 '.' :' 1 SHALL COMMENCE ON MONDAY. FEBRU ART 11th, to offer the balance of my FALL AND WINTER JjTOeg aliir&HEiTLY.EgDUCEU. PRfCKS, 1b order to make room for Spring Goods, -: KRv.; juLmsoV,-i ' .' - . :vr . f - ' Successor to J. & H. Samson, feb 10 rij Ji-1isPf i43Market,Btreet;U: popartnershipyMce T , HAVE THIS DAY nrms v" WTLLIAM .E.' kpRTVaWR &n : . interest in tnv. HARDWARE BUSINESS. The style of the firm , will Jhereafter be JOHN DAWSON CO- TV ilIUUlgWiI A1 V. t WSV , J . 1... Oft -w , . .-i.1-- ? , i 'i - j ' ' - -Ui 5- 'J-M' i i . r i. n Tthla Tff 0 MOLASiS. OUU ,.ilfT.rt- to store and arrive? 3 .. -in A; TouS Na 1 Peruvian GUANOS ; 1 ftAA BblsJErcshMME' JJ A lifHsi 1MVV I . " . iXn nws AfiTicnltural LIME. Kli a TKii V y. quu D onn Bbi Land-piaster, 5000 BuBaC0RN'' i ? feblO-tfV ' f't WORTH WORTH.',-. 1 1: iObffe Sugary f&cv O A Backs COFFEE, i AU k,3Q0 Bba B.TJlAR, of sundry grades. ! j V'-,- . ' J-1J7-' tT'3 1.1' '.f.S' t 100 Bbls.MOLASSE3.tfi.-. - 'I ..-t.-.v - 1200 Bbla FLOURi., jj - f ... r ii-j ! I 1C JD018 A.HiXWOXJ.'HJIs mJ ' r " v. " j OAA BQxes'lCRAT, i i w.i rTvn r 1 n'r'J'ii! ..l , A A Hhds New Crop MOL ASSES, i? iff XUU ji'wVi m-.s-j Jus landed, a iiii V 'it HOSET'OFiHOREHODHD,' AND TAt Coug as, Colds, : Influenza, Hoarseness. Difficult JBreatting, and all Affections of the. Throat, " ,. EnmcMal Tubes, and Lungs, leading' V -wi-jiv? .io Oonsuiaptlon. ,;T;xul;'-fr.v This infallible remedy is composed of the unionj -with. Tar-BalM. extracted from the Life Principle of the forest tree Abeis; Balsamea, or Balm of Gilead. -. ; , ; u " , Th Honey of Horehound soothes and ScAttJers all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-bajra cleanses and heals the throat and air passages leading to the lungs, Fiy, additional ingredients keep the organs cool,'' : moist! and in healthful action.- - Let no-pre judice keep you from trying this great medy 1 cmeoi alamous doctor -who has saved thouu r ir-cTsjof lives by it in his large private practices i i.B. The Tar-Balm has no bad taste Qjfi oaellj . ; . , ... . 1 ...;M,iJ; jleES j0 CENTS AND $1 PER BOTTLEiOU W , f ' -; Great saving to buy large size- r j--rj Tiii A -Pike's Tppthache, Drops " : Cure iv,') Sold by all Drucfli'sts. . , jHITTENTOIT, Prop.,. N.x. . augSl-D&Wly eow ! - . i Samuel Sutherland's ' Son, i-,j .... ... . . . , . . Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in f i j BREECH ft MUZZLE LOADING GUNS, RIFLES PISTOLS, POWDER. SHOT, CAPS,' CARTRIDGES, UAMEBAjSSv ; - And Every Requisite for a' Sportman's Ouiflt,' . All orders from a disUnce will 'receive prompt and faithful attention. : ; ; ' :i ; -: u , : , . . This Old House ia known from the St. Lawrence to the Rio Grande rivers for First Class Goods and Fair Dealing. . Guns and Small Arms made to order and repaired by experienced workmen. : , Breech-Loading Ammunition a specialty. - . i SAM'L SUTHERLAND'S SON, '.!' " r 1406 Main Street. ' octsltf :' h - ' i - , Richmond, VA 1878: , ,5 i'i 1 The Four Quarterly Beviews n .t -AND- Blackwood's Magazine. ' THE LEONARD -'dCOTT ' ! - LISI1ING CO. PUB i.:". "I 41 BARCLAY STREET, NEW YORK ; I -Continue their autborissd Reprints of the 1 ' EDINBURGH REVIEW, (Whig.) LON DON QVAR navttiive). : . WESTMINSTER RE : ' ' v j VIEW, (IAberaL) BRITISH I'. : QUARTERLY WVIBW, 'AND U" JJkJJjJ,! Biacli iff iiinfi Inii. t33Theso Reprints are hot hbijictioks; they give the originals rx toxl, and at about on third the price of the English Editions. .-' . The latest advances and discoveries in the arts and sciences," the recent additions to knbwledge in every department of literature, and all the new pab licatioas as they issue from the prsss, are fully re ported and discussed to the pages of these periodi cals, iq language at once clear, forcible and compre hensive. ' The articles . are commonly more con densed and full of matter than the average books of -the period. Terms for 1878, (incladlns Poatase,) Patablk btkiotlt Ih advaitci. 3 - ' For any one Review. . . For any two Reviews . . For any three Reviews : 4 00 per annum. ... 7 00 " " 10 00 For allf oar Reviews. U 00 ; " " . , For Blackwood's Magazmev. ;4 OCT - , Fer Blackwood and 1 tteview. ..... 7 00 For Blackwood and S Reviews.. 10 00 For Blackwood and 3 Reviews... . 13 00 For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews. 15 00 " CLUBS: ; A didcount of twentv oer cent will be allowed to Clubs osT four or more persons. , Thus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Review; will be .sent to one d dress tr $12.80; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $43, and so on. To chaos of ten or more, in addition to the above diaoeaat, a copy gratis will be allowed to the setter- H'!f e. iU U III Hi aa Uii no 1 I, - I'i '4 la iJ PREMIUMS:'' Uii I J ''ft . -i! .' t A '.' New subscribors (applying early) for the year 1878 may have. Without charge,- the numberlor the last ouarte of. lWl of such periodicals as they may. sub- uiiin nr '.' '.. -' - - scribe lorv f Or Instead, hew subscribers to any two; three, or four of the above periodicals, ' may have one of the 'Four Reviews' for -1877; subscribers -to all five may have two of the "Four ReviewB," or one setof JWackwood's Magazine for 1877.-3 ,; ! Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted; dlrectto the publishers. No premiums iriven to Clubs - rVo secure premiums it wiB be- necessary to make early application, as 'the stock .available for that pu arposi THE ee is limited. - - ' : ' - ' . 3f s. noVS 41jltZNVt i cif' yu ire diaUsfled with the Paper, .?nd to u f tf nilft?ffMtrtTTtf0ltwawmr CHAPEL HlLJ; epU 1&77.' ' ;rd THE TRUSTEES, ALUMNI and FRIENDS X OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CARO LINA t - - V ii b:h-; 'K1 UiUiv:i 's- "; : The increasing prosperity of the University has created a need lor a medium through which its ob jects should be made known. To this end the two Xiterary Societies of the University have deter mined fto reestablish the, UNIVERSITY. MAGA ggeH once anrnarient Uuivirsityjad It is proposed, to publishing Oie. facts connected with the University, to make The Magazine the or gan through which the historical incidents of the' estate may be made known jaa perpetuated. At present there is to the. State no periodical of this kind, and the need for one is patent to alL; M The contributors of the Magazine will be some of the most promiaent and talented gentlemen and la diea ofL the State'" jTni ' i t TAfi Societies have elected three editors each, and asaoomaa a sumcient .nampor or sapscrioers are ends of which are so beneficial. Those who 'desire to aid Us will please inform ms immediately by let ter or postal. -'.v'U of YJ TWcU ijU-'l' '.CAW -For furtnerparucaiars, aaarcsa t L ' EDITORS UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE, : ffseptS7jtrr4frrri Chapel EmitC. . t"" THE PEE BEMAIEHHAI. 'A irst Class Wefekly- ITewspaper j , , Published at DARLINGTON C. H.; S. a TTIS A LARGE PAPER-S4x40 INCHES AUYB ' -l- IA lAal Ulaf At.1 MMM.A1 nrltK BnMil1 l,;Aa nhlrh 1 nil hi It circulates to DarHngton, Sumter Mariouand Marlboro, and hence 14 a most valuable frr&ftm3 medium. Circulation specially largei at Florence. V .. i ;f ! Kption OTlf ! WW POLITICS, LITERATURE QRIOT r Trustees,! alumnt iand frieaids.ftho stadentspf ;;'"p TURE and NEWS. ? ;t your University ;call pon you' to; eontribata this; .., I . . . o - " ... . small amoont to the ; support -of an enterprise, th? .w - j. .-i; ij-W JDili j, v a liTwii- A. A. ft IT. A. UlLrJlini-, - Oarlington.C. H., S. C. sept 18 tf Jhe iVIomin PUBLISHED D AHY A2JD ' WEEKLY :j, Siscriptioii MesIfls Airanec ? ;ri DAILY BTAK. tJo Year, postage paid. $7 W -"-.-' i . Six Months -.'M "' J tyOua;Moithk-"- I f lr--yv... v airf-;4: '&1 f.r, '- A arst-class paper. BaUlebortuLCtvanot. , KmphaacaJiy anvepaper.-eiWdaoora i?aw. - . The Stab is a live paper. Sumter VS. C) New. ; i , :.'... . .i , )iti. i.i: i it, i'- , one of the beef daily papers to the State. Weldon NeWS.l '::l'y 'W'-'- Ouabf the ery best of om ' daily rexchangea.- -AwA QaroUnian. ',u -tos il't Ranks among the leading Dailies of tho State. ChrUtkak Adwocat -. .s.iwiwsfi. --Ui-it it --?-.ft'l -f -,.,-. .-.i.vi ,'" -, -'. i One pf the bestDaQiea- In tha.tate. tfswiia lntelUaeneer.'; . ' 1 -u ' -i -- ' -'y i , J.f Vii',H Oa:K!M-:Tilj -111!''. A valuable paper. 1 We cheerfully recoBunend it. 'Pei pee Courier . , Ranks among the leadmg Journals of the Bouth. Ulone br the Wt and most desirable papers In North iGaroMiiit. JTeyrW Ursinisii.'- u l.;,o ,v.r Full of general news, and a credit to Wilmington T-KUxabetk City Nor & CarOOnidn.' 'X: ' One kf tbe best dailv MM rn the Sonthern States. Barry IS- U. Newt. . One of our best Southern journals. As a newspa per no surpassed by any. JTrteK T Temperance. ! :. ' i ' . .... , .. ..- f -. ..- k ' One of the best conducted In thd State ; bold, inde pendent and well informed. HiiUbore Eeeorder. J. ' Ably5 edited, and has a ch-culatien which speaks voluBft'js of comment oh its influence. uaanelia Monitor. , , .-, t"':''rV--"' : " , - Onward and upward It goes until now it haa the largest circulation of any Daily to the State. Fle- mont Press, Thn tcumlutrtoa ss. now verv much improved. The Stab, stands among the first of North Caromai! papers in point of enterprise ana uterary nieru, VMSter vs. o.i Jteponer. , , ; . , , ' 'Unquestionably the best daily journal to North Carolina, and haa no superior in any other Southern State. Marlboro CffC.) Jnee... ti . ...,,- For editorial ability, general hews. Correct market reports and fine literary selections tho 8TAJ haa w aupcrior -oci Mount MaiL -: ,it -. ' .. ... ." Is wall cor ducted and baa as much aad great a Ta nety of good reading matter .as any Daily in tho. BttM-Warrentm Qaaette.a- - 4j.ria .n'-u'iLi Thia'papet", though not isaay years old, la en of the best dailies in the State, and well merits the support it rectaves. 0MWMrw Cbwri4r., . , : .s . One of the best daily journals on our exchange list. Belongs to no ring save that which encircles the good of the people. Amunnak. Mirror.; u -u xi.; . ' ' ' . .i r r r t - - ' v - The Wilmington Mobhutb Stab is among the best newspapers to the South. Rich, rarer racy, always fresh and JSm VmAshttmExfoeme. i:j.:.u:.u A staunch and Independent advocate of the pec-' pie's rights. Deservedly ranks among tha first jour-.' Mais of the Southern eoonUy.fioiaUivteM Observer. ThflKTAuia mdouhtedlv an enterprising Bh Knt!tniiT nrintetl nd ' condncted with mark ability, Mr. Bernard deserves great credit for bis efforts to ournalhmit-aff jSentieL, , . " "Those of oui readers desiring to take a- dairy or weekly papa from North Carolina cannot do better than take the , Wilmington Stab. Cher aw (9. C.) Democrat. ' .. ' " ' ' The Btab is one of our most highly valued ex changes, and it afords aa pleasure to recommend tt as onetof the naoat racy and reliable dailies to North Carolims.JE'iMM. &atett; ..vj-; -A live newspaper, and the best Daily a the State. The circulation is larger than : that of any other Daily to the State, which., provef it- Milton Chron- -'blli nr. J;'i?4 vf.ii..iidfc'i.-a ; m paper evel started to North Carolina has grown so rapidly as has the Stab. Though only five years old, ft (snow a fixed institution, enjoying an Influ ence aad a jHweperity second to none to the State. salisburg Watchman. a ;n ,s&a ..The WilminirtonSTABUto the front laak of our l Southern dailies, well edited, fnUof.news and select reading matter, teJMgrapnu-repona, ana m every res-, pect a ant rate journat If we had many suchpapers our State would be the gainer by lt.Green. Patriot. , SUCCESS UNPRECEDENTED , to the history of similar enterprises nas attended tne - A 14 U AAU UVU VAT 1U PrTTT.AT)EPHlA . PubliCiUOH of the iV ..sr"- ' . W BEKLV TIMES, L THE LARGESTy CHEAPEST AND BRIGHTEST T WEEKLY IN THE UNION. 66 COLUMNS OF THE CSOlCESTREADING, embracing all that goes to make a FIEBT 43LA6S LIVE WEEKLY PAPER. . The Grand and Distincttva f eatura of THE to u.H'rt't.V TTH K5 that haa nroved so noDularto the past, will be continued throughout ihe year.viai A scries ei jnapters-oi tne unwritten History p. '-?! :,'.:! i v:' Of the Late '1 From Leading Actors in the Cabinet, to the - j m tne Jtrorum, norm ana oouta. 'm.tfMMir th lniLADBLPHIA TIKK8 alone -will make one of thftmost entertain-1 lug and tostruettve Volumes on the UNWRITTEN RECORDS OF THE LATE WAS that has ever beea given to the nation. While these contributions will bd free from, all sectional rparttsan tone, they will ba written Tram tha various standpoint of the respective autuors aud over their proper names, j; ,- V TEjRMS PER ANNUM POSTAGE FREE. One Copy, $3. ' Five Copies, $8. ; Ten Copies $ia. copies, $8. u'i en copies vlll be sent FREE'to'anype: Dlub'or Tensor $35 for a clu wTfteS ! Twenty Cepies $25. ?hnm 1. 7f AB A&l 1 Will uc icuiciwa w iw, son sending $15 for a Club- of a-wenty. . TRY THE i By uniting with a few-friendsiiad making up a Club at Twenty, you will each get the, WE SULK TIMES for one year,"poetage-pald- by; Mf for th low rttiuji 01 ub If at any time- during the : A First Class Independent Morning Newspaper,, universally quoted by the Press and the" People hsj the BeSt Newspaper ever published toPhUadelpnia. Terms Postage Paid. Six Dollars a year, or Fifty Cental month. TwCento a ,C0PJa; r4?458A f 1 I Hirvvi iwrimn r - Wn-t . tfJTT A ni?T Mff 4 - 58 WKRLyWAR;?rOne;iYeai'pB8t!agepald7$l ff 3tis 'nndair)' ,J'.:' 7 .j Wis, f wrMm.thiLi'' ? . . 1HI feave w i imington .............. .. , iu.w.m. i i i , . - ,'. JL-MA.iWfW-W- f w I irrivetat ColumbU., . w.s. 8'W P. M. 1 -'1-t tnireeMoBthfu,f t.j. . 50 LeayeColumbiaat....,,. . .11:40P.M. It uy t -ftjr- t-SyieJ f-ls rfmij Leave Florence JjAA. A'.-Lkk :8P. M. Mil' j aF(RTHE CENIAJ,.:! ; Mejeiitieiii : seii-weDiiFOT mwi Circt(Uuoa LargA and Daily Increasins 'n6Wj is TxjEsj? Ib&SSS !It.cSrcnlat in Thirty-two Counties to-Eastern, and Middle North Caroaaaa Boa th-SidVirginia ADVERTISERS WILL REMEMBER THIS. T , ..: w8trbption-Price, to Advance, $3 per tost.1 ( Send for sample copy to . - , , ' . -i n MANNING BROSPSolprietors, 4 ; mhl-tf-52.fI40c A 4 v rnd TrrDLTWTA A rtljto Rh la nrenared to alter old styles and fashion' them I toto the nvst modern ahapea..ff f,, .; -j : White stwwdyaajPacKwncnijBaerea ana is ENCE-nedooreaAof't'ro'nt; on Churcn Street. - . - , . . . oct 14-tf . ! I , v: ; - jimiiii mrv f Hix i lic III General Sup'to Ohlce WltMINOTON, .COL.UIJI1I1A AB' GIISTAIU.B.CODPaN V, c .ft p WILMINGTON. N. C. Nov. 10. urn ; 1 i -t J ON AND AFTER SUNDAY,' NOYBMBUR 11, the following Schedule will be ' run on this Road:; ?- ' ' c.h. :j '..js. 1: ts. Arrivaat Wilmington 8:00 P. M. hfflJttTEXPRKSSTKAtrMDaaiy Leave Wilmington I.. 11:30 P. M. S.50A. M. Lieave Florence, j ... 4. . . Arrive at Columbia..;. . 4. Leave .Olumbia. .... , .i. t .'; . i . .12:60 A. M.- j avei jriorenoe a ....... . 4U8-l.. M.i Arrrveiat Wilmtofiton.i 8:45 A M. . Thia Train will only stop at Flemlngton; White ville, Fair Bluff, Marion, Florence, Timmonsville, Sumter and Actoa, between, Wilmington and. Co lumbia. ; 7tl:U .... -. '-.U ; ' tii'I;.! Tbroasrb jProlslav rralp (Dally except ' iw fk, 3iU r .,r c:: t, Leave Wiimihgtou ;., -. - -. . - H :00 A. M. LeaveFlorence."..... K:00-P; M; Arrive at Columbia.!.!...1; 8U0A.M Leave Columbian. e: jfi-s-i:;r;lS:15 A Mf Leave JlotMra-4iiv-Ji -Lfiffi Jf-i Arrtro at Wilmington. ... ! .-i. 4:00 P.M. Passengers for -Augusta, and- beyond should take fihjht Express Tram from Wilmington.' - j-i i i . Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charles ton andlacon. ; r- I. j- . ;,i.Tiv a; POPE. G. P. A. ' ,: JOHN F. DIVlNEi Genl Sup't.- nov ll-tf WUmington &;,Weldon railroad co: ; ; Urndl OT UJS L BOTIBOITHUI", . I . WDmtogton,-N. C.; iov; 10, ihtt. 1 - ON (AND AFTER BUND AX, NOVEMBER 11, ; 1877, St l:43 P. M., Passenger Trains en the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad will runjuoUows; Day Jttnll and Express Train, Daily Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 9.-05 AV M. Arrive at Weldoa... ............. ... 8:10 ?, M. Leave Weldon. , . ...i. . . . 1S:45 P., M . Arme at. Wilmihgton, Front St. Depot, 7:C5 P. M.. Nlffbjt jflall and Express Train, lIiy :7('''- -,' J.-',-.fEceps 8ondafy';.'.:".j;r'' J; Leave - Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 8:20 P, M. Arrive at Weldon..., ,. .. 3:25 A. M. Leare Weldon : 8:30Ai it. Arrivaat Wi imington, jrroi.t w uepot, ukw ji. ii. The Day Train makes close connection at, Wel don for all. points North, via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all rail route, i-- ' 'i..,. i : r. ,. ')i . Night train makes close connections, at WldPS for ail points north via. Richmond. - . . . (.,-., Sleeping Cars attached to all Night Trains . ' " .jr..r f - ' A. VOPB, G. P. Avr JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. -'hovll-tf . J.; - . Wmi CENTRffifiAILf if CO. 1 ' l -;,witoukton,. C" Oct. 4, : 11 ClidhgiB of Schedule. ,1! . ON iAND AFTER FRIDAY", 5TH INSTANT, Trains will run over this Road as follows: ' - s'. ') f . ' . ! . : i:-: if.-- PASSENGER,; : MAIL -AND EXPRESS TRAIN ! 1; & i ueaviiL vw iiiuiukuju ait. ....... .m: ... AmvQ at i;nariotteat......ji..i.......iouw xvm. LeaVe'Charlotte at,.,.......... 745 A. M. Arrivd at Wilmington at..f,.J,.. 9:45 P. M. I ;'-r :-.:..; :: Leave Charlotte. .. . ... . a t ) -i. ni.iu. a. 7;30 A. M, AtTiVH X.L nntuur ell - ................. i....-.. aa a ail AeavaBlbTaS-.Vv.-lIlv::'''. r.'.1- i .1 JS6-Pi M. Anlvdat Cnarlottei: . i . .il . i ati fi:00 PiJnvj These Trains will leave Wilmington, Charlotte and Shelby, Dafly, except Sundays. r. Freight Train will leave Wilniington anrCnar iotte on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and leave Laurinburg on Tuesdays, Thursdaya. and Satr. nrdav a. . . r : .. tf . HO rassengers wiu oe carnea n any except tne Passenger, Mail ana- Express Trains.' - : i! " -- V O. JOHNSON. kf Ha'js ; . Geherai Supertotedenfc df t NaYprk and;Wilmiiioii SteamshiD Line. aTHeSte ..si'idt'h) .u.;i . -iii.i :3V6a DJ i GtJU!F Cant. WINMETTrfT f:.mi.cJ3 WILL SAIL FROM WldMLXGlONdA Satarday ' morning:, Vebrnarj 0. ft- Mpponcan rely upon, the PROMPT SAILING of Bteamers as advertised. v;.'. J F6r Freight Engagements oi Passage apply to J e d 'TbO5 A" v Awn " iv, r l i WILMINGTON, N. Cra "tL.Vii bvft. BELDfeVSoliciitog'Agent..: - BowltogJJreenorHerl3 feb 8-tf -4. eWew York. .A K 4 MX Jif Itiltimore ;v&?-Wilmingr toh,NC.1 Steamship Line. ..(it . : : . .- . .! .- iff V THe Steamer ; V; flFLi -,-MfT BALTIMORE OA dip.:. ' ii '"?Jrs .-lHloff-r.'t.i ill Capt. OaUiyKR ' -1 i.it. rb jrd.be folio wedbj the t,t paK! iai. CapC VP. on -37 in sir wi vt-eea ra;aaviS4: , l8hippertan rely upon )he PROMPT BAILING X s -Htf Steamers as i?uiverttBe.tisa5 1'V;" THROUGH BILLS' OF, rJtADlNGgiven tor ani 4rom PHILADELPHIA; and PROMPT DISPATCH, euaranteed.' . -f- ' Far "reight Engagements apply to ; ,f . .y ' a. . camcxt Ammt,- 1 ivr Jv r.wPM L- iT - .- t r '"'':",i't-.i- 1 . 1 uii 1 ' ' . r rCSrTt: : WDmtogtOn, N. C.; JMOV; 10, 1HTT. 1 - tii ; i .: I -.' :'. I -. i ') '. .'i 1 . aiiler .- h!ti,,;-.v,:. ; liA '.ST U O UMA41SJ4Sa. WUUWWWfc ; - , . ' REUBEN FOSTER, General Ageht, ;. i ' Corner Lee and Light Streets, febH-U i Baltimore. ... f ' ''. 'I V, .... lusurnuvv uvuiua ;i 5i!RANK OF HE W . HAH OVER BUILD! NO. - - H Qjueen tosuranoeConipaHy, of EBglana.- v 1 1 J i 'JiNorthv British 5 Mercantile Ins. Co, of England:' h Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford. - National Fir. Inanranoe Company, of Hartford, j. Continental Insurance Company, of New York. Phcenix Insurance Compaay, ot N ew York, , t ... , t , ,n t f 1 1 HpringSeldlasurance Co., of Springfield, Mass.' ' . Royal Canadian insuraSee Oompt.y,of Canadu' " ' MeBca9VlHhtterrJa. Osmpaiyt WNew Yora. s: ' : y Insaranaa Cte. Pi Itorth. Aaswrtaa, ot Pkiladclplua. ; : - h I 's-'-iliB--;srV''f '?' !-fi-; . Connecticut Mataa4Lif faaj ofc Uattfuoi.. r Total-AssetS Represented Over illOO00.ttOO. Jan1-" . j 8iiy ?..:.. '," .', v'v.-r.;...:.::.) ... ; HifMVW Mi ws -' TT It I 11 1 V A VM LiiV Insurance 6 omnan v or Richmond, -trtriiila i is Sa Over! 22,800 Polkiei litned :: : Annual Income. Ovinr Sl.500,000 Erigft-uiTfil Prcsperoiii Prompt r . BM A LL, EXPENSES, , BMA1 J. LOSS EH, s tili ;l i fe iNYESTMESTTS. AMPLE KBStCteVK. .it. . ; AND GOOD SURPLUti ; 2 i V ... . Prcmlams Cash Policies L.tberAi, Annual Division brSurplnsi :' f frcii b . ! -&s ' -. v . A&TRTIR ji &aX fc Agent. isl J.f ypffide for the present with Dr. T, P. Wood. Med cal Examiner, 'an Market street, two doers west e Green ft Planner's drug stors. Wilmington, N. C -, . September Stf Ofiai. uj f it-in,. i: .;-' ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. againit fire. Lift: THE NORTH C AROLIN A , I-AIJ5IGH. N. C. , : .. " rhis'( Cemnanv eontinaea to write PolicW at ; rates, On all classes of insurable property. " All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. Th' is wioiy growing Tn pnoue ravor. & 3.11 apneas, wimconadence. to insurers of sroBertvi. .... . thCaroltoa. . .: ' - ' ,' .- ",'-r .UP 1 AirRnta In all nutji jif ttu flt at-a - i .. r'' ' R. H. BATTLE, Jr., President. i' , . s , . ... i!:O.B: ROOT, Vice President. - . .' ' ' , bkaxojn walks, secretary. . . -. , PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. u ATKINSON & MANNING, Aenrm, -Sag MX ' ' '- Wilmington, N. C. ' ' ' Bank of eiHanqver: Anthorlicd Cajtf .S 000,00 1.: basil Capital paid IN 1 $300,000 is las Fond 50,000, ;;.: JOHN DAWSON . : . : a M. 8TEDXAK " L B. GRAIN GEE ' JAS.' r A. LEAK p"' v B. F; LITTLE E. B. BORDEN . MJ WEDDELL-- , D. R. 'MURCHISON DONALD MoRAE. H. VLLERS ; iC' R. R. ;BRUlGERSr r J. wJ ATKINSON . ,. :; 1 ; ' ;: ;.:'L B. GRAINGER, President S. J. Waixacx, Cashier angSO-tf i3-.il IilVi PaiVOER. ..8ll(WW nstr i i.. V:'H Kentucky BiflePowder 3! ' 'Jtli Sili FSi f i ll-i -ePoSer MS Oil (Hand, llahufactnped try the Celebrated .1 ! .,l0VsE.Blt COMPY, FOR SALE BY A j WILIi&EI) BBOSi ; . AGENTS. WILMINGTON. N. C. a. voixxbs ADRIAN & VOLLER8, (Corner Front andBockSti., r WII.BUN6TON, N. C.r 0'V'.S. HOLES ALE GROCERS i -,.:'. i u.; ..1N ALL ITS .BRANCHES.' tiiBtrv merchants will de well bv calling on bc ind examining purtock. , , .;....' novlS-tf " , ''if .WEST ..)- AtADDLN .iOKft, fi SEGUMTY OIX, tlHE BEST BUSEHOLDCOIiiN USB. : Wartantedl50 jDegrees Pire Test WATKH WHITIi.IIV COLOI. T ; . -ii.UFajjy Deodorised. ..JJcV- 19 j t''; HIGHEST AWAR Qentennial7 Rs$6gition, iaii AND DIG IJ, EmiS TKST. t 9;il Iiorseiby th4 tnsurance'Companies PbVVPER 'l RKAD TnTsCMTmCATJH-Oiraor Maht Howaxd Frax IssrntAHca Co. or BALrrnons rj.--Baltimore,' Dec 83d, 1874. Mnssas., C. Wxsr & . Boss Gentlemen: Having used the various oils. , sold to this City for illununatlng purposes, 1 take ' '; pleasure to- Recommending your '"Aladdin Secariy - . OU" aa the sapks Ann best ever ased in oar house-I bold. I '' " Yours truly, (Signed) ; -ANDREW REESE. President. ' . ta-;v Try it, aad yon wlU use no other, 7dT , i septK-frnj ' ,. . . r ; . DR. RICORDS' ESSENCE OP " LIFE'' restores ' ; manhood and the- vigor of youth to the most shattered'constitntion to foul weekav FAILURE .1 IMPOSSIBLE This life sestoring remedy should -be taken brail about to1 marry ot who may have, becoms weakened from excess or any-other cause.-' Success to. every case Is as certain- a that water tiT-f aaenches thirst. $3 per esse. Sole Asrent. Dr. JOS. - -. r J ACQUEST University Place. New, York. . DRUG- . . GISTS SUPPLIED: ; -;J"augfllrly -v a ; u-.iJPPBLjSHESi -jiUiV 1j;-v;j j.i;;,:i 1 VeffisjeBtSJPeriAfiVMaak Js-.swiiiijij A DVERITSEMENTS 1 INSEETED i AT.' C LOW - i.U-i J. rateav ,ThefibrTW P iathe.only paper pub- ej nsnea m.ine county ,anq navwg a urge sircuiauon, In this cotmtv.'and a considerable circulation in on In Co- . j ikes- -iJ-au:fl ,.; "i-t 1 i ".. f t to Wll- . ' 1 immsns and Brunswick oetmty makes : desirable medioju lor advernsera. ' -.'' -" W. H. Bernard is our authorized Agent mington.N. C. - dee 8-tf i i Hi ii " " wuruerers naneeav ? J i ii , ; anS7tf ADRIAN TOLLERS-

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