nf i -i I in ,i ih..i..r .i. i, r.i i ,., ,. .. in,.,, ..i,, ,i, - . - - - - -- - . t .... . . , -.... ma m a t j - - t " - i . - - . -mmm : . t . - - . j - H CsiJ. - " LI :( I ' .s 'w a ' I f TnuESDAiY Moening! Feb." 2ir 1878. i , 1 " . . . - f.. . BY 'PELE GRAPH. Atternoon; Bepprts;- l ""'!'- 1 i ' i ; : CardlnalGIiachlnoIPeccI elected Pope lie takes (he flame of Ieo XIII. Prince BUmarcIc Explain (be Post Hon of CJermany Tlie PIUnnt EugliDd and' Baaala DlCUnltlea relative to the Conference Cliaiise In TurltUh Foreign Portfolio, &e. I The Conclave's second ballot was begun lit 5 o'clock this afternoon.; The smoke of the burnineballot in this case was not bb served ufitil6:45 P. ML, showingjthat fthe votes were much scattered, n r; Hi?! i Fanfma states that Germany has pn- structed flohenlokel to declare that ,the election of an irreconcilable Pope wcnild nhli government to take repressive steps immediately, whereas ; a moderate Pontiff cobld speedily ; terminate existing difflcultiesi f;S fvf ii-'' - '-. I Fanfuua also says that tne a rencn uarai- nals. contrary to the first declarations, have jultimately I determined to unite with ijUw Snanish. Austrian and German Cardinals i in supporting a moderate candidate, i i ij Rome, Feb: 205. 1 1 i Cardinal Gisachino Pecci, Ponliical Camerlingd, has been elected Pope. ' Car dinal Pecei is an Italian. He takes fthe name of Leo XIII. : s 1 j; Berlin, Feb . 20. i Tn the. Prince Bismarck also Stated that the Russian official communica tion made it certain lhat the chief . interest of Germany namely, the freedom of the waterways, $uch as the Straits and the Danube, fori commerce, would ; bo ; main tained. He? believed it was Russia's inte rest to come to an understanding,, and? not have a fear of complications with Austria! or England! constancy impending, jne supposition that Russia might forcibly com pel the otherfPowers to accept a settlement to which they objected, seemed entirely out of the question. .He denied that the Rus sians had Dushed forward their tr6ops un der the cloakf negotiations V He believed. that all of thei Powers honorably desired to send representatives speedily to the Confer ence. He energetically repudiated lhe;idca of Germany engaging In war relative to the Eastern question. Nothing should induce him to a rupture with any power. ; Relative to the questions in which Germany bad no direct interest no government,? at leas$ nei ther of those principally interested, had pro posed that Germany should enter npoa any sach course. jThe Chancellor'aspeech was loudly cheered. '''' f s ,.IioinaiFeb!2(). I The Pogfii leader, relative to the possible advance of the Russians on Gallipolif says the Russians bow affect to consider that the advance of. our fleet turned f their?posit tion.l They1' ar-apparently disposed to occupy Gallipbii, unless wo agree to give them guarantees against our further .ad vance . Sueh""guarantees would be found in the Russian occupation of the forts on theBosphorus, or in the promise by England not to enter th .Black Sea. i j. - : The lelegraph's Vienna correspondent says ! a difficulty has arisen relative Ito the date of the convocation of Congress.' Prince Gortschakoff considers that the preliminary treaty of peace should be first signedi Aus tria objects to Russia being able to present a treaty as a fait accqmpU. , . The Channel squadron, consisting of four iironclads, will proceed eastward I from Gibraltar to-day. ' r I I! - London, Feb20. A special from Pera to the limea says Server Pasha has ceased to be Minister of Foreign Affairs. 1 Renter's give the1 same as unimproved xeporL Sabri Pasha! will probably act in Server's place until he re turn of Safret Pasha, who is now is Adriao ople on a peace mission, 1 who will then take the Foreign, portfolio. Our Night Reports. Inqalrr. Into jHpg.CJtelera xUe; t,ife savings service-tr no irmniierreai Navy Department Reealatlne tn Compensailon of 'Poetna.atera-Con4 tested EIectl6nvtTae' Decided. ice. Washington, Feb.l20'.' i - j I SElTATE..-rMr. ,1 CpekrelV of Missouri, submitted a fesoluCbh' Instructing' th Com i missioner of Agriculture Jto furnish o hp l Senate such information and facts a may be in bis possession relative to the -.disease 1 of hoes 'commonly called bos cholera! with such suggestions as hi? may deem pertinent. Agreed to. - . I Mr. Sargent, of California, from the committee oajjTSl Affairs; reported with amendment Sehatfe biil to organize'thfe Life jSavings and Coast Guard Servicer ' Placed pn the calendar. It provides for the trans fer of the service from tne Treasury o the Navy Department J? i'C if v. The bill to regulate the compensadon jof Postmasters J"with 'an ;' ktnndment restoring the franking privilege- passed by a vdte of thirty-three to two. , -r , s , -1 iHOUSE.-rMr. Price is seeakin in favor v ofDarrell in Acklen vs.-Darren, fioni Lou- isiana.! At the conc!usion of Mri' Price's , , speech the Speaker wjlt recognize Mii,Ste lyens.' who will fctfovV to postpone an'pro t ceed to tho buaiaosRofUae Speaker's able;, by which means jthe Silver Ibill wilbcocae ' hp.f nrp. t.hfl TTnnap VVThe elecfioii esie of Ackleb ftfDerreir I - occupied the-"Cay 'and resulted iA seating f yos. M. Acklen, the cdBtestant. t Mr Dar nell, who has, beea-oustedi' hai jerved bis pafty and CoristnAedtS faithful; arid feayes . many warm menas la ine UOuse acq its corridors. . . fi t noIMgafSBf'teiii A Reeolntlone of the . Exporters' Con- ventiOQ-Adjbarnnieiit J Sine5 " pDIe-1 Tne Dismal flwimp Canki,:&e,? ' ' ' . ;..".. - WJErorG-rbsr, Feb.fsO. i Ttei Exporters Convention ad jbure to day vine diet after adopting, the -foils wing resobi.tionsjx- tty no r-.y.w i -i lad That all interests- In the 1 country ' de mand, the maitttenahceand establishment of ocean . steamship - lines between the United States and all places that- can offer a market for our products, because tfce pro i ducts of our forests, of the soil, of fbmine and ofthe mill demand the largest .Outlet, that can be obtained for them. : 2nd. That public policy, no less thin na tional pride, demand that such - lines! shall be, as far as i may be, American built, Amer ican owned and American, sailed. ,;..s . 3rd. .-That a Whenever j.a discriminating charges are made'Bgainst exports from the - United States,' o aatost American vessels,? efforts should be made speedily .to remove all such discrinainfttions: 'ri 't-. i?" -u -. 4th. That for the promotion of American: steamship lines to foreign countries $ gen eral law ought taybe passed by Congress, providing TindjEflpropeti6pitionsM! mileage compensation Tor sea carriage of, the mails between the' United "States and1 foreign ports jjx American: i steam: vssseujs first, because such a policy is id harmony with the practice of the United States in its internal postal service; seeotfd, because the experience ef alliiforeigncannienmli na tions has proved theipoiicy of Jiberai mail pay to be effective in the creation of new lines, and of ten' ito-be necessary fir ; the ' maintepancejof old jonesftnO, third;:',ber. cause such nations still adher tothe same f '"-',':-' " -'' Sfsi.-'-j ilicvhesevernrrtonditlofirialllcli their lines are placed call for iifa ) contin uance.. - -v- - ' - ' -' ' " v 4The Agricultural Congress ? tcrd ay disr cussed agricultural colleges ana sneep uus bandry. 7 . . The House" committee" on Railways and Canals to day heard the closing arguments on the pending bill providing for an , ap propriation of one million dollars for the Eurpose of widening and deepening the Hsmal Swamp Canal, so as"-to make it a ship canal, in the States of Virginia and North Carolina. The bill waareferred to a -sob-committee. The Pacific Railroad committee beard re ports of its sub-committee and ordered them to be printed., '. ' " The Military committee of the House heard Adjutant General Townsend, for two hours reeardinir his department: in the line' of investigation looking to a reduction of the army, , . , . u-inuia . it POPE LEO XIII. -V. . . . ,. '.:'-J.:-':tJ' A SKetcn oCHU Life and Hervlc Jn v: m uuurcu, etc. j;t!rrtn"v (.(;'' Rome, Feb. 20. ; Giovacchine Pecci was born on the 2nd of March, 1810, at Carpinete, near Anagni," of an old natrician familv. He was in fa vor with Pope , Gregory '3CVL, . in whose household he was for some time as a prelate and riferendary, and who employed him as bis delegate first vat Benevenli, then at Spolito and Perugia, where he did good work in ridding some of those districts of; the prevailing scourge of brigandage. Pecci was subsequently sent as Nuncio to Jjrussais, created a rich isishop of f erugia, and was one of the candidates, for. whom the old Pope reserved the honor . of the. purple when he died in 184ft Pecci re mained, however, a Cardinal in Petto, in spite of the good offices of the King of the. Belgians, who solicited the new Pope Pius IX to fulfil the benevolent intentions pf his predecessor. Seven years elapsed be fore Pius IX. came to the resolution to .do justice to the candidate of Gregory'sfchofce,' and this delay. was owing to the ill will of Cardinal Antonelli, . who dreaded the inflii-' ence bf an able man over the Pope's mind. At last, on the 19th of December, 1853, Pecci received the Hat, but for many years he was left in the cold at his see of Perugia," the Cardinal Secretary of State standing in" the way of any preferment which would bring a dreaded rival too near the Vatican. Jn 1874, we are told, upon the death of Cardinal Barnab, Prefect of the Propagaa- da, an English prelate suggested Pecci to the Pope as a man competent to fill the va-: cant places 4Pecci, pleaded the English man.; is so learned a man and so good a Bishop ' Must so", broke "In the Pope; an : excellent Bishop, and we will leave;him to take care of his diocese.' More recently another opening occurred, upon the office, of Pro Datario. becoming vacant by the death! of Cardinal Vaunicell Casoni. Pecci relied on his appointment, and, leaving' Perugia, he took up his quarters in Rome in the Falconiere Palace, but he was again unsuccessful, the place being given to Car dinal Sacconi, and it is only now, since the removal of Antonelli by death, that Pecci obtained free access to the Pope, who chose him -as Cardinal Gamerlingo. . 1 i . : '. London, Feb. 25. J A Rome correspondent of the limet. in a letter to that journal, under date of the- 14th of the present month, spoke as follows of Cardinal Pecci, who was to-day elected Pope' and assumed the title of Leo XTH:'t "Cardinal Pecci is tall, with a fine head. high forehead, narrowing at the temples, long face and straight features. He has a largel mouth, prominent .chin, cheerful, -open jcountenance, -and large, well shaped ? ears. His face reminds one of Consalvi. . the renowned Minister of Pius VH. He has a fine!, sonorous voice, great dignity, even austerity ol manners in public life; butpris vately is affectionate, unassuming, so ciable and witty. .As Camerlengo -he has been i at the head of that moderate par-i . . . ? . i . r it .... . . . . I iy waicu, wiiuuui iormaiiy renouncing the irights of the Holy : . See, i; acknow ledges the wisdom of submitting to the decrees; of Providence, accepting what seems to be irrevocably accomplished facts. The general opinion is that for learning; tact, ener&v. diffnitv. amiabilitv. real moral worth and sincere piety, the . Sacred Col lege could not find a more deserving Pope than Cardinal Pecci.- t . ...'U.U" "At Perugia, he followed the same. doI- icy recommended by the late Cardinal Ria-r rio Sponsea. At Naples he advised good Catholics to fulfil their duties as citizens. At municipal and provincial elections.even when the clerical pressi.proressing totnter pret (he mind of the Vatican; enjoined the pohcV of abstention, Cardinal Pecci spoke witn great effect against the proposal for the removal of' the Conclave from Rome and other measures advocated by the reac tionaty party, j t ifcg; ? Jit C of the Liberals, or at least a reasonable ma jority, of them, in the Sacred 'College', and piaysj me same pan as was sustained by Cardinal Gezziinthe Conclave of 1846. Cardinal Pecci's private life, at all periods is' above reproach. He has conside rable! literary talent, - and" has written poetrv. He neverhas had intsreourse with the functionaries of the present 'Italian government, but. is esteemed by them alV ana inosewiur witn wnom the necessity of his duty brings him into, contact are per fectly charmed with him. ; " xne uimeaoi uciODer autii, imi, bad a etterifrom Rome, under-date of October 27th, saying: "Cardinal Pecci, a Roman,; born o 1810. has onlv latelv settled in Rpme, behaving, as I said, been kept away at , his archdiocese of Perugia by the jeal ausy t Antonelli. He is a man of blame- ess character, ;: sincerely religious, well versed in church matters, and pf moderate opinions. His appointment was one'of the wisest acts of Pius the Ninth's Pontificate. unless it was suggested by a wish to exclude him as a liberal from the Papacy, a Camer- -r t - . . . logoj as as x nave expiamea in. previous ctters. hardly ever having a chance of securing the votes of the Conclave INDIANA. mi Detnocraile tate Conrentloa Indianapolis, VaVt on ' -'The Democratic State Convenfidn met 1 F . ' " . f ? I to day. Ex Gov. Hendricks .was elected. irresideaO .The resolutions strongly f avoiv tne retirement of National Hank notes,and literally denounce what thev allege as the electoral fraud by which a free people: were cheated of their choice. ' " WEATHER RBPOKT. : ;'. f War Depabtmbnt, AK DKPAKTMKNT, . .JJ. I i Chief Signal Officer, r " t on, Feb,.2O-7:30 P, M. ... - Office Washington, ! Indications. Foil thd South Atlantic Btates. raoidlv failing baromfiter, southerly wmas, rising temperature, jamy a,nq stormy weather. ' - 'i or (I j COTCTPN ffI,AKB:BT8;;s; vri:4 Savannah, quiet at 10 cts net receipts ,542 bales; Philadelphiasteady fit' 11 cts rr-fnet; receipts 817 balejsr Memphis, -quiet ana easy at lOf -cebts net receipte 1,871 paiesExnew uneans, steady,,at Si.9i(ml0i Cts-rnet receipts 6,944 'bales Mobile, quiet ana nnn ai iu cents-rnew receipt ltttJM bales i Galveston, steady at-40 cts net re ceipts; 1,453 balespBostoilj dull at 11 cents r-net receipts 640 bales Norfolk, steady nt 10 cts net receipts 1,602 bales; Baltimore, Suiet at lOff cebts-net receipts 63 ;balesy .ugusta, quiet at 10i10j cts net receipts' 490 bales; Charleston, steady at 10 cents nei receipts bsa Dales. - ' jo-.-. ,t Every certificate fre publish reVardlno- Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is genuine, and we "Will pay a reward of $1,000 anypn; proving the contrary in a single case ypgelpr, Meyer &, Co., Baltimore, Mdr f 5 : jummv -a w - i a k, n . rv is . m j , i . i i a a a. a aj a. a. a I'lf s - i . a i . . . ii . I i ?. . .- v . F. R" Chapman, of Holyoke, Mass., cut- I iery manutactyrers, nave iaijeu- ".""'"J . .nnff 5c Aisieuer.. macumiuis, ui um iltou; Ohio, have failed. Liabilities $142,- 000; assets 5ominaUy:f29Q,QpO,;.(i can :i The Somersworth Savings Bank, of Great Falls, N. TU' hMiuspended-i The trusses, believe the depositors win sustain no uui "mate loss. ; t Desmarteau. Lamoureux & Crever. lard speculators of Montreal, have failed. Lia bilities 1500,000; the assets consist of real estate, of which there is a great shrinkage (Silvester Nafew,. of Jersey City, yester day, after placing all of bis real estate in other' hands, overdrew his bank .account $iri000, contracted,, debts ito the amount of Slj.,000 more, and aoscooaea. " A fire at Waco, Texas',, yesterday, de stroyed $50,000 worth of property. Antfong thasttfferers are the Waco National Jiank, Wv McMillan & Co., H. Kenck, Flint & Gtaham, Siegel, ACCarrebe, Levine, Bros,. iUW pallet xjaiia. Vi.ii J iMtMESTIO NAKKKTM. V,-i). I New ijQBX February, 20 Koon St .financial. J:! Stocks firm and prices advanced . Money 5"" per 4 cent. Gold" 'opened at 101J : and closed at 101. - Sterling exchange long 482, short 484. w State bonds steady : ov- erments weak and lower, a .i h ; , . - , OommercuU. Fldur dull and declining.. 'Wheat i quiet 8;nd' declming. Corn iic lower, pork steady at $11 2oH 50. Lard quiet steam $7 571. . Spirits turpentine steady at 33 cents.1 Rosin firm at $1 67?1 60 for strain ed. Freights steady. . ' Cotton saieadyr at lOtVcents for uplands. and 1,1 cents for Orleans; sales ooo Dales. Futures opened a shade easier, as follows February 10.8710.89 cts, March 10,89 10.91! cts. April lL03ai0.06 cents. May 11.1611.18 cents, "June ll.29ll.Sl ts,' iujy ii.uuii.ira uia. i .. Nkw YoRot'Feb.'SO Evening. f Money easy at .45. per, cent. Sterling exenange steaay. at 4?a. . uoia quiet at 10ll0ll. Governments active and low- , . ' jL..- i - rrm " , a a . sk ... J . ? ..,..-' err-new nves owie Donas quiet. ' f4 (jommerciaL 11 Cotton steady .middling uplands 101 cts. middling Orleans 11 cents: sales 438 bales: consolidated net 'receipts 75,040 bales; ex ports , to Great Britain 47,414 bales, to Fraoce 17,549 the continent 13,920 balesJ to the channel-10,747 bales. - H lout dull, and without decided change in price,' thought with less pressure o selL low grades .of extra closing dull: Southern flour aeiive anduhebanged. Wheat dull and 'without decided change in prices, but transactions however show a better tone, 1 Corn No. 2 i cent i better; other grades heavy' at 50 54Y cts for ungraded western mixed. Oats are wathourdecided changed. Coffee Kio quiet cargoes 1417i cents gold, ' job lots 14i19i cents gold, -i Sugars'rong and in fair demand at 7i7t cents for fair to good jrefining; refined firm at 99i cents for standard A. ( Molasses foreign grades have ! a little more -inquiry; New .Orleans quiet; and unchanged." Rice quiet and un cnangedriTallow a, shade easier Allien, 7916 cents. ; .Rosin ; firm at $15711 621. Spirits turpentine steady. Pork dull and steady at f 1L 1U1140. Lard about steady and fairly, active prime steam - $7 57 62i. Whiskey doll t $1 09. Freights dulL Cotton net , receipts 712. bales, .gross receipts 5,188 bales.- . Futures closed 'easy. With Sales of oo.UUU bales, s folio wa ; reb- rary 10.8310.83 cents, March 10.89 1U. SO! cents. Llpril 1L03I1.03 cts., May 11.1511.16 cents, June 11.2811.29 cts. July ! 11.55 cents; - August 'li.4111.43 cents: September 11 501 1.21 cents; Octo ber 11.021 1.04 ceote: November 10.91 10.H3 cts; December 10. 9310.96 cents, t x , Baltdcokk, Feb. 20. m Fljor i atead'yV with a better; inquiry but not euotably higher Howard street and western superfine $3 754 25, extra $4 75 5 25, family ,$5 756 50, city mills 60- er $3 754- 25, -extra $5' 506. Rio brands 5 5U6 75. ataD8CO family 18. Southern wheat steady; southern red $1 30. jttnber $1 88; Pennsylvania red $t 80,No; 2 we8tarniwinter red on spot 11 29. March delivery ,$1- ;31.;: Corn steady; southern white 5354 cents, yellow 54 cents. Oats firmerr Southern 3437 cts. Rye dull at 6062c. a Pork very dtfl And nnchaflged mess pprK f ii . pia. 7: r jjotree in better inqui.. ;nWhiskey5duil.At.$l 07.. ngat steady. " - . - - - i Sr'j tK ..-ii vjbOTFeb:' 20: " x Wheat No. 3red $T, ,2Q, .25; No. 2 -fiprfng dull at $1..04f JtiidLCorn strong at 42 cents. WhUkeywsteady at $1 04Pork strong, closing higher at $10 65. Dry salted meats dull. fwith onlvj an oraer business. uacoa quiet; snouiaers4t cts, ciearTio o cts, clear sides 48: 40. Lard dull at $7 20. "IT irvEitppoL, February1 20 Noon. ' Cotton firm--Middling uplands 6id:mid- dliag Orleans 6fd ; sales to-dSy of 15,000 balesJ including 1,000 bales for export and speculation; receipts l54WXbalel jUof which 14,50d were, .American Futures sellers at la4t "HighW ptWj.wJth4ailOJ,3 fpt-j lUWi; ,JM.IUUtlUK UU1SUU9, I, 1U. jccu- ruaryj and - March . delivery : 6 ' ; S-82d ; March and. .April delivery ,6 3-82d; April and' f ay' delivetyL fr 3-32d 1 May and Ju delivery j 6id;i Jane and July delivery June sry . 6 5-1 6di 1,0 '' iJf'U-JliW li'SAJ i-ifil :u i;.; Middling, uplands, . m i e- .May ; and June delivery ff &-ffi4dfjawand Jtfly 3 de livery, 6 3-1 6d; August ard"September de- - 7Th sales of coUon to day. include 10,700 oalesjof American.,, . . . rr .; -;. ; ". , BirdT8eed. ;i OT LtVBR OIL. VEaBTINE-, EXTRACTS; H Gombi, Brashes, Ac., &c., at , . 04tf ,., GEKJKN A FLANNBR'S.DrnggUtfl. BUIST GARDKN SKBD t UiW. CROP,' 1878. I" For sale at-:; fbl04tf GREKJT fc PLANNER'S. " H ( (Y TIcrcee and T-absXAKl7,'v 1 B LOO 'J-'i 1U ,T ! 7T r Y t.3 ' oatis?rj6fiilaa mwM " ' 20Oa3Iufil33"l:2 ! -v T t Tn t rrr . m .. fiOQ Bash Freeh Water. Ocooad MEAL, 150 ForialeW'' f Tfb l,7-tf; . KBRCflNKKjfcC ALDER BROS t 2UU - n a Airrin " "feblg-tff ,H.gKRC: rxaBio. at CALDBR BRQ8.n ptatocaaogfefertqej Vnr lAht',-f',! infKW 3?. ia an fc.,ri A MM!t ?Fm and Ooca 1 ltvf.'? - t-t . .,, . ,-- . , . .. .. .. . ' JVjJ IiMINGTON' M A R KET. 4i The official or nnnmng. Quotations below are pbsted. at the Produce Exchange daily at J, p. M., and refer to prices at mainour. ! STAR OFFICE. Feb.20. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Tho market opened weak at 31 cents" per gallon for country packages, and later in the day 125 casks' changed hand s at 31" cents, closing quiet at that figure. -. - t ROSIN The market Opened steady and closed quiet at $1 35 for Strained jand 1 371 for Oood Btrained." with sales re ported of C00 bbls Strained at". 11 35, and 500 do Good Strained at $l- 87i per bbl. TAR Market 'steady and -unchanged. the receipts of the day being disposed of t 1 155 ner hht3 V , T e X f . CRUDE TURPENTINE--The market i - i; : ".'. II. J . was firm $1 30 for Hard and $3 10 for Vir gin add Yellow Dip, with sales1 reported at 1 COTTON-The' mar)tt:for tbis aftidc continues firm, .and .holders as a general lhiqg;demand, better figures, though smal lots changed hands during the day at pre vious j quotations. The sales comprise 41 bales as follows: 3 bales at 9 cents, 7 do at 9 cents,.54,do at 9 cts, and 26 do at 10 cents per lb.; The following weie the offi cial quotations: " ; " ' Ordinary, , 8 cents .lb". Good Ordinary. . , . . . Strict Good Ordinary. Low Middling. . , . ... .. 9 Middling. 10 , Good jMiddling. ...... it ; Quotations conform tn the classifications of the American' Cotton Exchange. PEANUTS The market was quiet' and steady, with sales reported of 300 bushels at 'from 40 to 60 cents per bushel, as in quality. ! RECEIPTS, f. DAILT RECEIPTS. Colloh : '435 bales. Spirits turpentine Rosin. 4 . 204 casks 1,471 bbls. Tar. .i . . . . 638 " 2,074 " Crudd turpentine ... .... . New! York Naval Slorea . .uarlcei. c . : February 18. 4 The general market is very slow at the moment. In spirits turpentine trading is confined to small lots, but prices scarcely changed and eleadily held ; merchantable order quoted at 33c. Sales of 300 barrels late on Saturday at 33c. Rosins While prices are not changed materially, yet they are somewhat stronger, with a little better Inquiry from exporters. Quotations: oood strained, $1 62; common do $1 57 1 60;-. xj at $1 70; F at $1 75; O at $1 85; H at $2 00; I at $2 12J2 25; K at $2 502 621 ; Mat $3. 123 50; N at $3 754; W at $4 504 75. Tar Wil mington quoted at $2 252 37; Wasb- Ingtoa and Newbern at $2 12i2 : 25; city pitch at $22 121, f. o. b. Charleston Naval Storea market . February 18. . The receipts were 88 casks spirits turpen tine and 673 bbls rosin, lhe market for rosins was dull. Previous sales at $1 45 for (Cto E) strained to No. 2; $1 50 for (F) extra strained No. 2; $1 60 for(G) low No. il ; $1 70 for (H) No. 1 ; $1 85 for (I) extra No. 1; $2 12i for (K) low pale; $2 50 for (M) pale and 3 for (N) extra pale, The tone of the market for spirits turpen tine was firm,, while no transactions were announced. The last sales were at 30c for regular packages. Crude turpentine is val ued at $1 50 for virgin and yellow dip, and $1 for scrape. . . . j . Additional IPJDUCEr.lENTS ! i'l j TO TRADE WITH - . - Jas, C. Stevenson I RETAIL MESSINA LEMONS AT 15 Cts rer Dozen.- NOW FOR LEMON PIES. ' XX SjDA CRACKERS. Perfectly Fresh, three I f v., : poonda for25 Cents. ' '. 1 MILK CRACKERS, 11 . eta. . i t COUNTRY BUTTER, 20 eta. q'WSBT MOUNTAIN BUTTER, 25 cU. . OLD GOV'T JAVA,' LAGUAYRA AND, IO t, COFFEE ROASTED EVERY DAY. : . - I- ' Pore Roasted and Grouad RIO, 25 cents per pound. 9. ,1 ... Green RIO COFFEE, 20;cta per pound. James C. Stevenson. fet) 15 tf Herchants and Others. klCES STAND IN THE WAY OF BUSI ESSwe will cat them down to meet jour - .7 See Us Before Purchasing ! We save at all times a full line of SAMPLES Coffeei Sugar, Moiaases, Meats, Lard, Batter, Cneeue, Flour, Crackers, Candy, Candles, hoap. Lye, sc., irom orui era ana w esietn Marjceu Also, many uooaa on consignment. chandiee in thi. and other markets. . . : i juecute uruo lur uu aescnDuons 01 J&er- W;WB receive and sell all degciiDtlona of PRO- DUCEi making prompt and profitable returns. w newer y on wun 10 ouyor sen, communicate with us. Brokers and Commission Merchants. '" Tliting Machine. NQTHER INVOICE OF. , . . ,,-f r. . . PLAITING MACHINES Just received and for sale by ' l .' ' l :f .. j.' ; i t --! ..y.-t, . . . . . ,r i' GEO. A. PECK, - . .. a, --.: NO. S5 Sonth Front alt. u V iebl7 tf vs.T Tlie Jacbbi Plow.: rvSffB BEST AND CHEAPEST PT.OW FOR THB l.""Mney..-Price t3.50...... . , j The Jacobl Axes' -' are warranted to excel all .others In shape and qual ity. :1 . . . ...Sold at- - - - ;. ,r - - t . f,,p rt. 4a.vxjxi s iiaraware uepot; . ... . . feVlj-tt ' f No. 10 South Front street. . tf H Tl AviTk W'- st A ft Ir i'CS 4-:A'vv A HEi NEWEST AND BEST THING OUT, with a' PATENT PLATE WARMER.' la the "BONNY.'. Only 15.00 comnleta. Other COOK STOVES low for Cash. v . . : GUNS St COSt tO Close Ottt. X . . n t ; U -L . ii e TTN IWAKR THB LOWRST TW TftWTT .:sft feb 17-tf ; . PARKER TAYLOR. OaltJ"fori Agricultural l '.'T-- . . ... 1 .EurpofcesIIl!) i I nil 100 tUjBAip, -1 f r :o . For sale cheap by1 - feb 14 tf Wli.t.rt tin KUa. AMEBANE. 1 Les. BliinBlea. 40000.-8HIN --I". i For sale 6y t' -V ( .v ...... ;.,febf 17-tf KEKCUNJCK AC ALDER BROS. lining i. anac February 21 High Watei (Smitliville)..;. 10.31 Morn (Wilmington).. 12.31 Morn Day's Length..:. .v.V.llJOS. " . . , . - v ARRIVED, ; Stmr D Murcbison .Garrason,,sFayelte ville, Williams & Murx:hison.; -v -Stmr J S Underhill, , 'Harper; 'Smithyille O G Parsley & Co. . . . 11derBleeve. Hill. Elizabetli City, with 4,250 bushels corn to B F Mitchell j& Son. ! i . ,i' v- i-'r.- Scbr J W Hmton, Simmots iElizabetb City, with 3,500 bushels corn 'to a jr jjuitcn fill & Son. , . '.. . '. ' ' 'r v'-i ' '?r Scbr BFj;F TUtOD, 3iiton,; Elizabeth City, with 2,000 bushels. corn to B F.MitCh Pll tf: Ron. :.V ' '':. . . " V Schr Mystery, Jones, lieaufort, awitl!l,r-! uuu Dusneiscorn io, ii iuppivi . Stmr D'Marcnisbn"Gaw3on;j?ayeke ville. Williams & Murcuison. Stmr Passport, Pugb, Smilhville, George Myers. tlv. i.,rz-. i-. MARINE DIRECTORY. Eilat of Veiteli in the Port of WII - . tulneton, N. C, Feb. 21.' 1878. , , v BARQUES; ... jm Normand (Nor:), 215 tons, Sorensen, ','.;jii Meteor (Nor.). 330 tons. Jhun.. :.: - i Willard Bros & Mebane Prima (SwedA 507 tons, Kfdok, - - H E Heide Gertrude (BrA 396 tons. Dauncev. ! - Alex Spxunt fe Son Amelia (Swed ). 323 tons. Cbristiansen, RE Heide Kronnerwilch (Ger.), 2S9 tons. Burchard, E Peschau & Wester maun Melvina Schutt (Ger.), 339 tons, Kroger , E Pc8Chaa '& Wesermun Atlantic (Ger.). 389 tons, Sobering, ' E Peschau & Westermann BRIGS. Gem (Br.). 281 tons. Kichardson. Patersbn; Downing & Co Kate Upuam (iir.), tons, I'erkinson, Alex Spruut & Son Dr Lasker (Ger.), 206 tons, HeBoer, ! E Peschau & Westermann , . : .SCHOONERSi . J LoretlaFish, 316 tons. Watts, . J H Chad bourn & Co J L Cotter, 139 tons, Thurber, E Kidder & Sons L T Knight. 203 tons. Watei man, i Worth & Worlh Wm H Boardman, 150 tons, Richardson, , , i. EG Barker & Co aallv Mair. 257 tons, Powell, - v . t, . it -Harriss & HdweU H M Buell. 291 tons. Ireland.. , . " Harriss & Howell 12 R Powell. 577 ton&V Williams. -, -... , ; . Williams & Mnrcuison Menewa. 241 tons. Fairchilds, Master David V Streaker, 186 tons, Garrison.reP'g .. ... s ,f-. 4 Master Mattie E Uilcs. Smith. Elizabeth City, B F Mitchell 4& Son - i Notice. If the Signal letters of any ves, set in port are displayed by the U. S. Sig nal Office, the vessel so designated should send ashore for telegram. ' H ' Just Opened, -- FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF WmTE GOODS Plaid and Stripe Jaconets, '.- ' Flaid and Stripe Nainsooks, -. 1 Victoria Lawns, Striped and Plain, White Jflqnea, Striped and Figured, ; s - Table Damaak and Napkins, i i Nottinghsm Lace Curtains, Sheetings and Shirtings is. fr ail the popular makes. a JULIUS SAMSON, , .. , - . j . i' t., , ." Late of J. & H. Samson, . 43 Market Street. feb 10 tf Sundries. Bbls ONIONS. ' Bbls BEETS, . 25 Bbla TURNIPS, : Boxes LEMONS, I A AAA ORANQeK ' r -:. i a jan 27 tf ADRIAN & VOLLERS. Just Received. S-v' v -f 11 have just received A f 4 lot of FINE CIGARS wuitu i uuer, w me public for sale. ;. ii . The geat CENTEN NIAL, s eta. straight. The celebrated HEN RY.CLAX, 6c straight i i?" and mi ThdFXOR JMI CU BA., 10 cents, three for So cents. i - H. BURKHIM ERy ' ; No. 6 Market Si. - reou u - . yi The Testern Expositor .-jl3-''U; W. H. Malone, . - - Ed.5 & Prbp'r CIRCULATION IN TTAS THE - LARGEST MJL Western Northern Carolina. . rr.T., , It la the paper for JJQaUess.meh. ilu. which JiAj adJ rertlse. Specimen copies mailed on application. Address . EXPOSITOR OFFICE. ! nov9-tf ...... t ,,, ,:, Aahjvjlle,lfl.: THE LANDMARK,. ; PUBLISHED AT , 81 A 1 E8 VILLE, IREDELL CO., K C. IS THE Leading Newspaper in Western North V : j j . , . - Carolina.; f r , . . ; f. It is the onlv Democratic Paner nnfeHnhpd In Trn. fell Connty one of the largest ana wealthiest coon.-' ties in the State and has attained a- larger local circulation than an v paper ever heretofore nnblishfiri iri the county. . - - J- - " ' Its clrculatioa In Alexander, Wilkes, "Ashe Xile-' lany, Yadkin, Davie and -Iredell, is larger than tat of anv two papers In the State combined and I is rapidly acquiring a strong foothold la Forsythe, Sorry, Rowan I ana western Meuaenbanr.v " vi It is .the onlv Paper in Western North naroiirn liha that employs a Reoflah- Caxtabbuis Aokht, and . vomm jLcpi wiuwuujr uexuru aa people, unaer unn system a rapidly j : circa aianDUM I the rei fib mazmguiej THEBES'f ADVERTISING MEDfTJirj; f IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA ' i i . . . . . hi 'ADDRESS, LANiI?iAUltiH de-tf . Statesville. N, C. V i -, - 00 The Camden Journal 0 S THE OLDEST-ESTABLISHED PAPER 'IN . Kershaw county, and hasaa exteasi vecireaiatUin among the Merchants, Farmers, and all classes of business men in the county." . . ( . It oilers to the Merchants of Wilmington a desir able Medium for Advertisine. the eountrr in which 4 otaAnlnAa ttnlvtft AAtimiwitaJ nr4-l ttiA ti 1. A. . 9 1 uutuiuawiu ucui( bUMuuuwu tt iuu btiati uj BW?HHI er cm we w aieroe xuver, ana me w ununeto&ai CO himbia and Augusta Railroad. TU feb37-tf Editors and Proprietory (ff --Por A I Bun Rises V, Sun 8ets. .'i.'. i itr . " " " """"E Ht t 4-ayiori non . a. it. v an soKKeien; vapt l. u. jtu-qwSv,h- . w .. . I T taw.Gi J. Boney, Esq., 8, H: Fisholate,'Esq.,'nd: . MS? Uon 9 ' PtSJJ?? " i "l' many ladies and gentlemen too numeroas tomen ', Address, . FRANTHAM & HAY.S- I Hon ; .uia. -a f L , ... . . j iphrtw ATCSirr .a CSREAT SEDUCTION PRICES i As asuat at' this sasonIwill.loso out the balance of - '.".' Winter DressJi Godds 'Bargains' &i iBRGiViNS ! . IBXRGfA'iNs i But also to offer. torrnynkrHCltrmtrons au ENTIRELY NEW ASSORT ,-JV' - u iiu.Ji4. f . JVIENT .. ' t.. i 'y, Also,: constantly ion baud t fttpI.'aniiFa White 1 Goods, iZ ! 'BwBvrtfEm Totibns;"" u" 1 ' Mn.aud BoysWeara " jThe;: lime given to rayWatron ai' the 6mYfce'''(6)r-'t'Aeir accom. m rA .linn A.i.iAiinta m not 1 Q 1 .1 mi l nf of tr. . k I : "w ' jan 27 tf r,; .mscKtLANEous.',;..;; ;.; NOTWITHSTANDING ft:-: V'.'v THE V'Ji f-i i ! . Hany Advertiments ! 1 REDUCED PRICES ! I 'i. .M..0,0, Family Supplies, BY t. The Several Grocery. Housesof j f.,t'"i tit CUy, ' . i-t Boatwright &!, HcKoy ' ' j Still maintain their position as pioisr2iiHas ! tThey alway f keep every thing; needed; -7 t3Thcir Goods are always of the. Freshest and Best Qiality.; .and,, t . , . ' - . . .:'-. ; pgBest of alli'th.?y always SELL SO3 LOW. as l '(:; ......... vT ni - ,....- ttSl ..Jil..'.. to indub all other noiires',in the city 10 REDUCE THEIR PRICES. ' ! ' ; - - ; - f v- k"e invite all to call and be convinced.--1 fioaitwright & i HcKoy, ATos. 5- 7 Jfc 8 Io: Frotit st. eb: Boatwright ' & f tlcKoy i OFFER ,TO.T,aEnt CUSTOMERS AND; TUB 'PUBLIC ! taENERALLTEiVt.-3 ilOiUW AN NTlRB:NEVr ST0CE : . ' RECeMeD THIS WEEK, I: Lbs-JQILT EDGE BtrTTER, 1 A A A ibs.TA8LE BUTTER, (Mejiiam,X X 3 U 0 0 ???9K1NO BUTTER, Y.UUU 'OKA Lbs. Seperlor Settle RendereaTjARDr" ifcls, FlSuR, froaiateaiam toPfiaT ter"s Bxtrsi .:i7v vvw. i-vj - 1 ft AAA .'Lbs. DRY SALT SIDES, 1 OA Bbls- EARLY ROSE PQTATORS..ij xvj f c ; j ,-r.u-. -a .'on it it si: Wa bare m stock the largest assortment pf oj . ,, . j ... .. . . 'j. ... '. . . j ' . . . . . ' ' BRANblES.lNsl o1t,sh SHERRY, ANGELICA, and .,i "4 iii Ji .; t' ;.Tf.-. CHAMPAON.E WJNES, EVER JOFFERED IN, TCITY. All of which we will sell at Baltimore Prices. r COME r AND SEE US. gj Boatwright & llbKoy, 5, 7 and 8 NORTH FRONT ST. t -febl DA Wtf 'r ?T' Umbrellas A N INVOICE OF GENTS' BILK ; JL ANDirNQHAT"irJJJIBREL Also, a Sample Lot of jiADlES' 1 si f q ! t PARASOLS, a few verv handsOme. HBDRlCK.'- JaCOO VXUUUQ LjAAjttlMlfi itut HKAVY.WASU ut,,.' 4 POPLINS, at 10 ceritsjpe'i yat, Fdrftarealns' in BLEACHED -V' '. i: - v .. ,-r, GO?DS caU on , HEDRI9K, :; For! Boysl1" f 1 V! A -. GREATRtoUpNaJU 'SiK AUU SXNDS. Oif. UOODB FOR MEN and BOYS' WEAR. ,2 ? ; HEDRiCK.1 1 i .v . l4! '-fi S ;.H .O . . - . if . . - - 3-1 1 - "i" ; 1 ALL SUE WHITE COTTON .jjjj'jj ..7,.,; vHOSB.FOR.XjHjJuDRElf. i,-i uq ouiujat. wc;-.(iua ieic Tajue. jj,, .-, -t j iJ 15k- ,a-.;c - ... -v , O, ers .Lj.!.SJiiSl. .nsi,', f H"TILL ALWAYS FIND SOMETHTNO 1 . i- IW. CUKAf AND ATTRACTIVE, as onr Increased Bales justify us '1 ,oi.i t - i i. m-.' .' si!. ' r-'.' t rtut fia.i; ri r 1o i . I ... .. rxi .)HT1T1TVTli.mnro niTTtn feb 17 tf ,- ;- iy' f. - (( HEDRICK.. 7. J'5 HaT:onBtantlTt onr hand a large and pi varied.a88rtmentof SADDLERY GOODS; K. xrnnaa.and Traveling. Jaga, and can .S v I comnetA with but hnnu In th Af-ttf a f-t2PerIor Gooda and Prices,. ij-vrri T South Front Street.- feblO-tf . 4 . . rpo THE LADIES AND. GENTLEMEN. , A.- j J Ifyou are troubled with DandruH nse J. FURMANSKI'8 CELEBRATED HAIR IN VIGORATOH1 It will free TOttentirehrSafter arfew! applications, and render the hair soft and pliable. ' xneii leave respecnwiy to rerer-w lien. ai. r.-- feb7,tf .r, Under First National Bank, y Shawls :and ; Blankets 1 t f r.-wHr.!n .! i 7,)". r- NEXT FALL. j -jV. :l U -tti T Y-4 a cotiiplete assoriraent of ' i ' .-Jit-,. fB & m M M ; ii.-wlyiv ! i;i:v s:.:i 36 Market Street. 1 MISCELLANEOUS - Sincd tt'change!n''tne?proptietor8hip (which t2H.pfe?Maj'1'. a876H hak become the brifchtestj epjightliest, most scholarly and poo ular journal m-the metro'polis;''' -it is enteruin ing, interesting, bright, deWt,.fii and Uuthf al It does(wjong wittingly to no man, no creed, no in. terest and no party:. S It treats all subjects of imDor. tance earnestly and , with. respect. It seeks to make itselfl an agreeable' companion, as well as a faithful guide and teacher. This Would regirds the recent -nctoriesof the party with which it by preference acta not as mere partisan triumphs gained by Darti an contrivances, but as pie aamistakable expres sion of ,a deep and genuine popular demand for new methods In gdvernment, for a thorough purification of he public service, and for a rectification of the aims of our party organizations. Wherever and twhaunmr tto ! Utelf loyal to thispopular demand THIS WORLD will riasonabhi uphold tt) oehtrever and -whenever it falls short ofor WOULD wiU as resolutely oppose and' denounce tt. Inn word, THE WOBCD believes the Democra ttc party to exist for the good of the public service It does not believe thepvMic service to exist for the aood of tAeBemocratiaparty. .,. . 'World, contaus aTlhfl news of the week, presented inla concise; and attractive manner; the best of the mauy excellent letters sent by able correspondents from all parta of the world; bright and entertaining edi torials jn all matters of interest to the public. ' Short storiesand stories Continued from week ti week, written xpressrj for Ths Woblb hy the best authors. JEull reports of all the principal markets of the united States and. foreign countries: a grange de partment, &c. &c. A It is m ery essential a paper for the family. D. DJ T. MOORE, Esq , th founder and for ma ny years the'edltor of ''o- . - MOOtettAtr'M.'JORKEE, 8 . 1 ll heftaftei edit'the Farmers' Page of V No paper' ti- the1 country will have a better FAK- The Qrangc. Department will also be under the charae Of 4. D-'TiiMoorC, fisq. ' ' "- j noijtvi tr f-H.i4i. One year (52 numbers), postage-free (less than 2centsperweek)..v.'.'.V;::.' .... . .. $1.00 TO CLUB AGENTS An extra aim forchib often. -separately addressed. The SemT-Weeklv World ffor club of twenty, separately -addressed. The Msauvi woblo ior ioo or nrtv. senarateiv an- jdreesed. ' ' , - t I 1 . ttt i.i t r 1 n oemi- weeKiy w ona. One year tl04 riftmbers) poslasre free. . t - . . . . . . ...... ! , . ... . $2 CO TO CLUB AGENTS An extra copy for club of ten, separately addressed. The Daily World for club of twenty -five, separately addressed.; HTHe Daily . World, Wrrft STTHBaTEDrrrb, 1 year, postage free; $10 00 'With Sukdax BsxxiOitJ 6 mos pestage free, 5 50 With Suss at Edition," ffmos.. postage free, WiTHOTJTi Smrur. Edition, t year, postage (WJTHotj"T StrDAT ED(rnos,to08 , 'postage '.'free. J.. . . . -. ..i.l.i.. j Without Suitdat Edition, J3 mos., postage Strfroxj Wopfi i year, postage free. . MowdaV WoBii,contaming Literary Reviews and College chronicle, 1 year, postage free. 2 75 8 00 4 35 2 25 2 CO 1 53 - TERilS -Cash in advance. Send Post Office mo jaiey order, bank draft or registered letter. Bills sent by mail will be at risk of sender'. - Adoifions to clotr lists nuymaaefat 'any time in the feat at the above raxes; ,..s... i We have no travelling afffints. Soecimen copies, -posters! &Cv sent free, wherever hnd wheaever de sired. 1 'l - . A Fair J Field and vno Favor. is yd mfH '-i'.'if ii .!. rJAfeTT ' PP'RMTTTMS T To tiJeoereon from -whom THE WORLD shall re ceive, drevious to March 31, 1878, tne money for the largest imrtnber of subscribers for one year te the vvtfiiia,it .vywituu w wiu give a nrst pri!te oi $300,00. .Jir. ,. JVqx tpe next largest number,. fiecond prize of 1 S9AA AA - j j For t hef Jwo neif largest ilBts' pf . subf . subscribers "For the(twa nfexe-iafgest lists of subscribers, two pnaea or . 31 til Cis$Tfc-eachv'.' v: For tteeix'faeil farsestltsts; r pirzesf 1 i i io tiljX&a ameli .1-;1 . - ' nlMvnn Wnart UivmI liatd , ttlpven nrizes of. . . I y 18 y " ' 'I - ' r ,-a'AU persons desirous of competing for these pri ses wmch are offered In addition to the regular crab premiums), will please signify their Intention of so doing, and send to ufrtorTttlF'tatrnctions werii not award any of tDeaijM2esi fo any per son Burjplvine THE WORLD to aubseribers at lest than reeular rates ; Tiz t 1 " in ) j -AddresSjaU orders and; letter 8 to -. raB WOLD,' 35,par Boh. N. j j.jwi uusB-imj ! 1 - . N j BJ Those snhscrihrjie before Jaauary 1 wit wocWoithe. -,, ...... : . ; (HitUlJanuary.l.i&Tfor " . . . , , Ifiislil'af r'feecorderV 'I ptosriEDf -. " 1 REV. J n HUB-HAM A aanct nij Ml tor. REV. W. T. WALTERS; D.D:,' Agricult'al Editor Ofpn J .Iwttrlrfcv; Baptists.. In Its FortlfclH Year. HA an Aclvertisiiil: Wifi TJnsurpasaed if TM VrK 1 - BtettfcitL" RECORDER. ' " JanaO-iti;...; ;-s.f.ji t ;D v Rftleigh. N.C. . 1 , .i...;. ,! ..1,,. ,1 1876.!. Postpaid. Cl.60 THE NTJRSERT. . ; 'M MQNTH1 MAGAZINE FOR """""r' A. Readers. Superbly Illastrated.-Send for 0' Sample Number. .. Sabscriba and get the-iast two numbers of. thii svearnsai -. eftf f, , ; W JBromield Street. Boston, 1-

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