I: TWIWIS.MWC3S. -f 'HSCELT.ANEOUS., WaOIalSSAlaB fitters. PCBL1SUEBS ANNOCflCEItlBNT.: tinn. Bnt then this wonla be y It cost the OTertfnent s.ivi to run iub rueme at Jfr c ;araadJK'Ve iere ie somq tfOar qau tions, t saoald be understood, rep ret Uwraoiesale ,-lces generally. In making ap aiall o I era higher . rices naye to be ehargea. THE MORNING 8TAR, the ld e daily JW,P" death to most of.ttbeninetyrtonr thousand ministerswhd areanx Jously awaiting that igreat h'ouvr when they will receive the Tecclesias iical plaister that is to' stiffen their TO ?!I:iM,'??I,r W" T b, W. -T'-X" t cirt Hates better Sot in North 'Carolina, is puDiisiwa aujr. -Yr londay, at $7 00 per year. $4 00 (f or f.mn"I t'i io for three months, $1 0J foroiiaoth, to m&u subscribers, k Delivered to ty Mbewat Uie raw 15 cents per week f or( say .period from one, nrMt tit nti TPflr. i li iUfu4: o- 'i Sec VirurfrMi llAI.'T. W u" a lu7.i,: J C30- .i a&Tioijes. r t n f -1- F KICKS. T custom no es and a BA IGINC 4-Gunny; I i ... f Donbl Anchor.. J. A.. -JhOontilJnchof-,lAr-t. BACON North Carolina. Hams, fj (new) 00 ca&Mdfr rnaKUauuicu uetwr "W"ymb -CwBgresV. Brovii CRoddlcL1 ! 00 IS THE WEEKLY STAB is Plf!?!18 than the above. By the way what sionaT scruple. BoitonFott. morning at $1 60 per year, ai w iw "-7- - antafnthMamnnt.hfL -f ! r 3 10 o s-a -e- ei- ii spinarcolumns and make them equal tolthefask fyf Jteueivjog PMej honors h as -bMaVPSml: lF5.Al!ltISIP.fcnBEAD vvura xva vtuw . aoaldera...yiti. make a goiaen " Sides."N. CrxrjolcevV- Onfaay .Wrwo$leg0 four $fc.0O4 ; twSMJ&S Is it dead that may-4ehelda;eafervation f thft IaUX it ia indeed "deatha conn-t''F)ea8e, mi88, because he hadnC gom' -w i i. Y f dlnfftO lie). 10 Rprce ' St. . opposite the Tribnne Eullding, enou&a ridTsse a cow, HHsWVniI r p- 4 a Be?-f Jourier fournai. Zf) Four' landed ad .twelve balf eritnalun't seem teAmaLe a. ,YmM 4iareUtvmaWq.uare. All aaaomenti'ox il'FSSLaiS 5l sat N advertisements inserted! ia Lwal CrfMW anyprice. N . L'-." J,- . ?- !, ii - i r- v.ii rrf thm" aa cents Bar iXOUCOS uuucc iron " " - : -u line for tlrst insertion, and 15 cents per. line for eatA anhaeanent Insertion., ' ; '-"j- t 1 4 im. tm ln3erttdonea-week In Da8y Willi be cbarsed 1 1 00 P SQuarf f or el ch Insertion, . lfvThree foartis of'dialy rate. Twice weeki two jtniidnof dailjrata.s h . '-J' th-1 w.rriaim nr rteathk Tributes of Be 5SLitaHT.FThAnk. Ac are charged for aTordiBary adTertisemento, bo onfr haH ratea when paid Jot strictly in 4vdvantf.f At this rate $0 cents will pay for a simple announcement of Mar riage or Death, i jl : iuf"'f -i- - I Advertisements to follow reading matter, orpa occupy any special place, will be charged extra -cordu tojthe position desiredj fj- I ' AdvejjUseAent"owBch!ao tMOMj !,uttibf insertions tomartodlwfll bODtanHl ttil forbid," at the' option of the publisherf and charted up ;to the date 01. oueconunuance.- ;. , , .- a XUttaknaTita inamn(lMMli haf ora the time can tracted fas has expired, charged .transient, raes tor taeniae actually published, ifb,;" c -J 1 a rtprdsemeata keut under the head of 'New Ad vertisements" will be charged fifty per cent, extr An.' extra charge will be made for double-colnim or triple column aorersenvenis. All 41 jJmfiiSlknd relAmSina jftH of xan didates for offlcerwhether in toe shape of comrau nicattona jr otherwise; wffl-be fharged as advertise- AAiiif4mat.;AnCtIoa and Omcial advertisemi onejdoilar per square f each insertion. . , i rAr.U-.-t silmrMiiflra will nat be allowed to exci their space radverttse anything facets to their regular easiness without extra cnarge at transient rateaJ i - ----- l-H---4 r-Hf - " j- pJmaii&tdFkiiSitSl adrCienUrm'uBt b3 mada inao. IsoM partiesi or-trager1th proper reference, may pay loathly or quarterly sac- coKUBgJO-conixact. sues they desire to advertise in. Where no issue is T.atnAd the advertuemeat wfll lM inserted in ithe Dally. Where as advertiser contracts for the paper to befeat talumuamg tMtiuiJua aateruseiaeai is u, the proprietor will only'be responsible f of the mailmsrof th paper to his address. rn A -r s ?i hiittances must be made bv Check. Draft, fos-. tal Money- Order, Express; or Q Jlegietered Letter, ortlV sacfc remitteaees wiltse tue nsK-oe tne nimunicatioiis ey contain impoztaat nfwi nrdlBcnaabriafiv andtorooerlT subjects of real interest, are not wanted and, if acceptable in Ivery other wa they will invariably be rejected if the. real bame of ;tSe audior is .withheld. . . 1 bdrrespondents must I write on only only one side of tue paper. I i M I i iiiwiLMiNdTom mcl ii r, i ... r i Jt DEFBECI ATE D CUR BEN OF. We have bnt- little donbt that the oflarWI- mt fajthers will again be wdrth! 100'jent$. liiereare eve- i at causes why is worth only come pd di? 1)2 cents flow. The'tjhief cause I iiwas ine act oi loia, juei it,.Detnaae- !ialegat tender and itwill riseiq- lalue jdespite the conspiracy in the Horth 4&eep aB&lijiaU 1 trie. MexicaB dollar, that weigh! 416 I grams and is of greater fineness than either the old dollar, or trade dollar. worth; a! Idollair ? lit is worth btt 92 trade dollar tnat weigos 4Z0 grains, or li grains' more' than the old dollar. is only quoted at 96r So it isall feam j mon when the bondholders say they would beTOtTsfierJ if they were id in sil ver dotiarst weighing enough to make Lhat operate to keefp thertf ads' jrollar dcwn to- 96 ' teniJo'rieatef ) wltf. to keep down the yalue M of iiUm old 4 dollar! Whea thosaVAnses fli re moved, we havano. doubi, the tJ-ade the "dorfa'ofourfaadtn at .soiv .wm be- wprth more than than greeobariks were in 1865, Iwhei ieotnpelled iW his h "tbtreceife I tBdm in con j payment. I j But if yOu had aclaV like itnat or 1873 to tavor a cia8si ;po. op ' press f the cbu'nf tf it iarge,l the dojlar.eighd AOm, ii'iwluid soon become depreciated, b3cause it WohfeeUadaO a pgal te"ndek01The fc&yrn&of Commerce! a vigorbus 'Ijondholders organ, says: f ' ! lI1letas8Sge, f tnrf siIverViawlll five tlie Effect to apnrecUte. itll curreacy. Tiie trade dollar will mount up probably aboye par, as it cwtafng grains imore; sil ver than the monetized'tJoliar.i .Tlie. reason tbatthe trade dollar has been sellrb balow par is not because of aijy want jof imetal about it, but because if has not 'been a le 'gal tender, and cannot be disposer! b in as large quantities as desired, fience they fell Jbelow par. . The same tjiiniatrui lrre Igitrd ta tlw Mexican dollar, but Utsvalue has been fixed by the United SUteaTrea sury DepartmenL, s The , .Mexican Mollar contains, by actaal weight, 416 grains of Iquiredto prejsent essays and works in Spe cial departments, and th degrees will be bqnf erred only on the' recommendation of jxamining committees.lEBefta, . . . ;, . Vebreatlie fre .fAt lasA bnl in4 laitutionastalteTl thIniai4 in! tie reform feo?entl3Rt heped ef eryj otherj; relpectible col- leie'n 'the TJmd'n;wiIl lIow;th ex; orBrown mv'rsityorje'of ' thp oldest a'od best asVthat ; lJrly er-; Aiiy has followed the Sample ol the cohtmentalyUnive fs the eaiUme8ttaa$it7iaser' world to betow a degree withSmt : qaa tinsia th4e, repipien,V s iHowcaolsucE' quilificatopsbe aseralne sae by ptoplt.t4ts?;BFp'wq i&Xtfli$ftbtil&&&A' fiigh enOQgh; No maa shpnd: deceive a degreluhtil ne Has nnaergone a n?id examina- til? j BfowaefsiM6nW iftare confer the degree of A, B.. D., -p.' and tLL. yhe clerical prpfessiop that the P.Dfin J of whom , have uo ha,man .- leaWifnfeii Hie fact is American Honors n si Qspe- come ilreadfatly cheap.- - ( . We write-in the lutereatsi of ; trae: learning? aad J genuine nwprtJ,: t W6 would like to see it come, to pa&ethfti really-were a guarantee .of merij Ane wiae-spreaa mana, t,l,4CBr n" So aire to General, .including! I conrs 'Trofessor and 1?Hooor4$$2 is Bomethiug distressing,, and rfore- UaUUWV lus biuic wucu piaiu xuPbsj Will no longer be heard; iri the lAbd, and when new fonts TAlta?4 to be kept inJetfery ; nfrttrspaperlolaCD 8Q IiUftb Hie uiivtsieai , jiue, marijj. f stack on" to eVerj fellow's sameJac I - mm : hi The Sooth Carolinians had $ graQ time at Charleston on f the J.22d ftf i : -.jih.ba i ? Hit.' I3jul -,rfi il February. . The : jjebbraUoii irwftsu great BucCess,1 and theJbratloni unusually I fine. i yen J rfcp wau oration was elaborate, quent. The speeches are. published in full in the ; ynarieston papers or paturday. GoveKswnpW was pre sent, and delivered 1 an excellent ad dress. The display of th6:rtiUta Was fine. , The yirginians wfe'Wpst; jiospitably ehtertained. o;It was appropriate TceleTfr at! Qpt, lhe bijth- jday. of the great Washington h rWIbll IkUUClk J7, ATCC, , I IOCO' BUUT5 OH his fellows, in the symmetryy gtaaa deqr and perfection oftiis chacter. Those t wOj .Washingloji and Lee' are! jthe greatest- Americans yetW os jthe Western Cojjtneqt Of lhertw6 Xee was the most- lovabta There ,was more or goiq ana iess or lronn 'his ' composition -He! isi the sweets 1 .'...ii, ,3fjtoia f'M4j aU'lS'liJ"kV est, most lovable hero to oar Valhalla another Sir GaairIt will b. a good sign when! the : celebratjp ! of the 22d of Febroary becomeClgaJl) 'genieial ini the oatK: i:.90a Whig justly -.coxapjaiua-that, it was 'celebrated InTqther Statwj;bu rh "VjUPginia 'which; aIr4s,ini4gJ, most Mustridoi sbr A bill is on its way throueb IheKentucky Liegklature, . having already" passedlPftA, nouse to reduce the salaries or uommoa Pleas and Circuit Jadges. in that . State 10 $3,500 They now receive :ZW. Economy V is a - good brsIagci-iUliCL nousenoia or government. xutiaerer is such a thing as, being peony, wise and pound foolish. ' We have no. doubt bjtiflfiQisIgg revise to pay fair salaries for services rendered A. Judge should have as good a salary as be could malea..thje!!baFjQ.rdi& nary .... practice He r should have enough to liyeoa crnforably, free from carkmg cares., and :tbeK fetnal qaestioa of wherewithal shall J yan mine be fed and be clothed- Th& $3,000 salaryJs small enough?. ip.ajl conscience, and Kentucky should be" asaanled o Jblerslf flii proolintb) cut it down. ta ThilaArifiaV plastself upon the minds of reader who have not learned that in its opinion the newspaper press in power and nsef tilnesa to' the -State is above any public, man. and that the press or the paper which is attached to the skirts of any one of th public men of the State is the occupant of. a -denraded , ncsition. Bcdeigh Observer bui, y&if- ' " iWe are pleased to seeor tespe'efcedj Raleigh contemporary - takingfhis position 1 jf gruegge-the manly, independent, self-respecting one. The Stab has alwav-S rears ne course maicatea in ine avov paragraph, ftggjergr been th. organ of any public man. It never advocates.. the? claims of individuals for office,'but iiT supports the nomi nees of the Democratic party and does what it can to advance the best interests of the public. mmMmi&pmwn. ap- pear to teaiaeceasVonT StateQecaK sions rand in vmtrodacing ; speakers. mouiioDy di xeecner notoriety, maae a speech at-a Dairymen's Convention atdpeiitijlxitj arose to irrtrdace Moalloo -whosafc ast in his rear. . Here is the way thl thing was done He struck auSejmflL attitude and then lifted up hia .yoice: "Ladies and .gentlemen, I am" asked "to introduce M. .Frank -.M cjHere the ex ecutive paused, lookedwfldly about for a moment, and then leaned . over and; whis-! pered ia a Knox eOttnty voice, which eulid be heard all over the room, "WhaVS'yottr1 name?" "'"Moulton," replied tho mutaal friend. "Ahl" escaped from the Gover nor's Hps, as he tried again: - "Ladies 'and gentlemen, allow me to introduce; M Frank Hottlteror-' WarriefJ-ofrer-. something of that sort.' ; -it i t-ii ! : ' ' ' ''''''' "'v " " . "rs' " - The , Mississippi . Senate, .voiejClw favor, of ? the Jolfett bell-phiuc ayes 21, nays 15. MrAHaves VwakaD. , , BittiatfWfeo ol bssgqpcaa tA la OB WllV CVAJtX uM.lMW lM.? VAV j 4; rz rrn 7t7 1 . . .: 1-. . 1 1 - What has become ot itr it ? 4 'i I .rtaa. asmi ' riv&in .- r . t lippn nrommed -J - - m'i u . ' w . . itt irpiu viuio to muo Ckiei Magistrate a palpitating constituency :iadaJttt ihem-see'whal -wilp 6ard4?Een John ttSlVi.y-riafVi'fi .rJIaWI-ioCoTii T ,reiit,-M.irTYf? hrrrrra mmdot, .T iervative, writing from,K-tfWai9vi ii cemetery thewdhfiiyei wRi HHB 48WWOOIWlflUgyvatI CJSB-i fedeatVaTmy,''aid fasrGovernor of LouisiatinathSfd jHrnelBdli irrrirftEdwata oninP, VU.P92V1 kD3d?e4flne City btMetlcoIlgtiV, :JL he discoveryof k JfQlar Seas FSVrJraoP 8ETtVcti9meXce each the entrancing, region: What ;ood would a North west passage, dp .heantim'e sw6rld Wkre""onlf tble loksatherc'emWSio he maritime w6rld bff we'kre "onl V NorthHhTdogrj ;a,ftyi5temnbf "crJIoTiria ti6nulfiHho name fIP that Is nwefr km 1d jTwhar oa the: Hyperbotearj regions inrirjg'na except ieei and 4labui per? There is no trade to be .astabw lshed,! nobody lo b&civilized, cnobody ba robbed. W.h aiea .bTassj i act Whet her. the . North ,Pftlei,reci oo, as a Plsatipff rinkpf an OMn,aea.IKMAJ -T!iSvAevBtMdiat bj-QOghti JtO he test. Governor,, Haf9DliQik ;,ftf; outh Carolinaygi o wow -evidence f his determination to let'b'gbnes' Trf4soW8l.ita togdatfrex. remu cieraenoyia tniugaiing'-uie mnisbmtfjastly'tnetedou't to the jraen- who blmideredthfcSlato otthei Iday tf Jbet adCaity' hapirdan o jL. Cass Carpenter is a notablft vand W hjc iastjfiaWa, exejroaftff dkfee WMsprerogay a Aaqllectp; (to make money honestly, and., as a, member ;pf Congress he rwe?edran' income that oh'ght to , have! satisfied ttf c'ujidityl 4bl4a,hisfe- ispcubauie andeccaents aua uis ,excep. tional intelligence and edqeatiori'he jomeor dtfe1 Jof stheprtfndefitfefitfgs ahd&redlnlheponsofrraiHis ruhishtoiitfiwas, thertfot, Archly deserved, bat his failing health;'fais depndehtfatnlh'ivd bhrUbparett coatritrotf jiIf)resdntsppahaor7 mercy thabalaa heart eopJd' sist. Htauaiuoia tnifaiuiir" urged bv members of BgisUtWW otneiy ias'anra'he'Mtiliy gtatotfi8oMoff! epease'the 'sioflIaUoa f f, babfei' D'6'ScU-r We publish elsewtieTelhe caMof Jndca KerrJHls! iAtLUJbK! iia1iftttLiSrIe oi cruel ana unusuarpxrnishment in Driver's caK rf clar antf trtumebori? Ths -iivare who SPaldcpmwattoh, Judge Kerr describes, should have been hanged to the most convenient limb inihe vicinity oltiwrontrige haMn,Hrated.TThe hearineppialiA the case from the Judge presiding, 4stS && POLITICAL POlNTiJsM f8 trim its saila for ttormy'weatheF durinffthe" Yesf of this year at least Jf. F. 2ribunJ,Iba wwh wggw ,wwA3 wfioocfM iiT And, likewise, Lucius Q. C. krll9'1' :ttT,Ex-JorexriOXJHendrcksisp,eecl3 to the Democrats of Indiana the other -das was an able and carefully prepared effort. IB hid a goi-Unean lvctlcg spdiit. -as - The Democratic parJau sr sani? v'tfastrve hcrsrieldfcvetriarjlitt JtepoW lican catacombs. Wagtgjj ei) tioq fol his biU through, the Senate restoring the 'rankmPrmietfff't'odrlt TdkM The Democratic House-'TsaoGJ qdietty ail upon this nmoii vtTjfafifrQfrn ptf An nhtdXts anrmcaai3recentlv succeeded in ingrafting- some new brains onldbe-BOitEasfBt ooce-ia wjjtoa,!3i aUTCTtijdejQtthefpreas4,it.Wftiird givjea sfenseofreliai fferihgUt&JlsajidL-f Bizn. thouc!l the Shvlcsks wkoonand. tear. atai.a gtM ; wafSgtofeffyj A A jL .'r..J,fJ 8?,lR3u!iili .EKmcnaO 11 VassarX)olleaaa!eetcplaca JVTbeiftie a&iScl5PTiaitSxEa teemed fkbhTktnOtJU hskei'iaasa tha-wTStei PcketOy2ry'4 XIiab?oiasIi tow Jem'JM TSad u'alLeocalp fatd the observatory and sing, Treacle, triaeU little strf" ff. T. Herald. , , . I I saw, in the WpMngtp fc beauutui toonamentioa,,v irginian, m as hTs'Ifre mttStiaf HdeeWleB a . ,-r- lhe KeDnbho jnav.aa . well tTheailver bfllir:rilsW'tb AiwUC Ul T UU1 Olv 1 LIaAj l HI BLFlih UKirikMrr rl Ann tAna BMnniMMlA iml ft m l. . I . Irooklya A.if3TJioiW b,tfWL VVC&iitf: ttent irilKl hni til it w thT fe.vu&y.S i3Jt;.ys' isf ihWorld, costtfiir 485TQ00,i a9orjrks L MJticia last nuiuuiu ui isy ; T-. . . . j ; : . M.a 1 nv. inn na Binon neen usea ia vsnuus uuh A4iitJi talWtasiB2,4iiAl.v for a I . rat t . 1,1 . A .Bb -- ill. onn mi uru1 l 11 1 1 nun I i i wot wMisa;fjiR'a-.jjii7TCiX';riT7":n At shan'r'fcairhini lut-ihS trhta 'sb'e caTla'nie Blll'fouB.1' ': 3'j i04 s.J.t5v . ji: A New YoHthlid-drankero ienj Aeptherriavfcand.hUAmother,rbeing :I Iff andtased 1 ion. ran a wick aown bins that :btght urwtead temMfflJfiMW-lo iioJ e WdfYmos fcraa) what's tthe; price feffchkOa8ked;9d?afscJd lady. "Se ven ahl linss." was the rcolV. "sevcnieen ihiffirSih.wittclafttedr8heanTiiWKytfa tb-iiiteen," ,Jfleyen,sl)iUipgs, ma'am. Js the E5i.,OI,Jiei -r 1- ..,r- ri cou flvft ...... y 1 sMiBMa-i'iiaa i , . 9hMs in'J tiSerOnRV 104 minister order t)V uooxl Tentp wrs- 3-Mrw Lovd!4marka Low sharper ban a serpent's tooth it is to have a un- 1 trateful sten-child. Washinaton Put. ffis,c61Iekge;,ftli,.ISHermao', en lerea ISenate a poor manrami iertilta taaioirefter Qfteea yjeara o.seryice!-l I Kio-htopn million dollars in ludgmenu are down to Tweed's accbuntln 1 decretary.Raft?,!? seiijfig some,,, pnajvelously fat oxen from the stoek of, his. oy new cases for a week. WauanwJtva tlAfirJn the palace lofcthapuke r,a.,Yllf ermoaa. , aj Madrid, .destroyed . iaoy fine examples' of early ancr later art, gethfer 'with the library the work or three mturfcatoCcollectlOni which -wm tauwu for its many rare and early. editions. , . Dr. Hiden is requested by a good sisltr io Grtne his "poVr erf nl field elass" to ibear anoa the word thudv. mThe sister savs Jhaf, ana off bad the misfortune to, hear it awicejiately from the pulpit, and thought It Sbelonged to Josh Billinga' vocabulary only. Tell her about it, DocUjr-iEiMaai foamier. irrrrtAa corresoondeut of,v4,ha Paris IFkmto. who with several other Ftencbmen kecn tiV had4 aV'alid MO1 of Uh Ktneof jgpsJnV states tftrat thKlng1 small Jin is,-: Sand thpt wAM,thcre y pi .bis, aascept beard. ;ana rngu8iachetifl PffCt .Jaia cneets nave prominent. Like Napoleon ILL. belBClioes jhia haA jnuspeaktoajtTiWwyoMngaeen, jstaoding,by his 'side in a a;ray silk robe, js'mlled id unisbri ' with :'ber husbands affa. bltf remafcktisitfi)Ji isi oitJVi-.l's i n . in Om j i iq?b SOVXflCIIN XTEMSu .-,,i u . . .sn.-jfl lad Dr. James Waoathairs new book. "The Epoch otlbsvMaBiBDthi' Daivt jiiajiedv Dyi'lnibnerA r, London, is out, ao,wuioon ne m the hands.ol the book- seIler8.7JF! l "J is repurieu tuai. voi. xvaisLon,. an officer uoder Attorney General Devens daring tUe 'war;' and ''who h'asi -' lately i been annointed Denntv TJ. A 'Marshal ' lor Aha, cede Marshal Gray when, the Jalters time expires. Ai&int'j m.wi am kIasfl?orrffiWitr&r young son of Sebatoi' It Wither .Waa attldeot4iy rnikA?n, the head Sfith.a base ball bat, while playing the game,. nearr Cok ross last evening, and knocked' senseless: He wa tarried to a neighboring house, and afterwards removed torais homei on aJitten UA WMnncqpscius for longtime, and it is feared that his injuries are serious. I Alexandria Qazettf.Vtxt. aiThe ttnaerHbV-D,ifrverSr.y oi Virginia neia a mass meeting 'lnursaay ntViaa.paasodeio4iilonaJthaiiiUBg.i?r, reference fiimo'tl etTnestJaidinlted endsavorj at tbKude.nt towatdSiraiaiBg the amount necessary, o a .? via;,'.; io v irff.iiiifiiniS kji mwr ftfn:(odistsyln6faa lilitelpaiaEssfl!! baa iUbiVI lo Loodwti doli3vjSgHiBe -Bishopi-'Sagdiiii-ot tft3TWOtHirch if Englaa d, h& goae ayes wvfr-AhaJoalUrxiQfa RpjifereAee jOthfl Thtfflsgtd'atpi-Hdgiitoof pj 9 me 0 -miuiWhateliayJvijeaid: 6f nbe dactiiteiigMetoodianliw fcUia,oripweves thodism is stronger ROw dniaJar citiea thari it has ever-bcenr dia sutaotlv growing. Richmond ChristiamAdvoeoie ; 1 4 1 s if. 1 " 'i 11 1 1 . . ' " 11 1 i no Xte?2AniaznhW&l t,A:,d 8dl lu fOfil JX9ijK$&J$QQtpi$ JTi Tfte VaBT JJESITTKB made; AJwMii'glad tserre tHosewlJO-wanlft I S4 DAWtf t 88 and 40 North Water street s ' .. iui g; ij.-?.,'ril f aw . , BARittLsjijBJS ssao POTA, "aftTJln re.inii tlfcwaWStevo lo sdf 9if u 10 situ fitJJ La- ...Aa& .1:1... 1 ira i v J N. JACOBT'S HlnliraM nnni' vl fee 84-tf . No. 10 South Front street wef.pjasrSmc8iyajmeraiiiy in to tbereat Telescope offered Ty iBtJinversltvl' add nXt&iiint th iCTfllPfZJBfPHtatea, it has no afc pDpation to. Virginia cine antf larger to WEB.' Ther4 i a constant in'ctenaefy Me wooi "y5rr .If'' d ; 57 jOn the Wharf, tw feb WD&Wtf J:. 88 ana4C ortS WafetttreeL fell tL ; i, ' - .I.1UW. li 1 Si ... ' ...7 i JS .THB BESTAiracSlpi'ST. ETerrFarmer As should aare one. price A3.60: ' 3 ti.-'ijclir Siluw iittouif.ri cw.a kX3i fill -eniaeJ. ia ,'cbjcidl ".ferrfl' 'iif-,ifo,LfiW re-ja vtV? , f-vari. raatm x.-J xTnnn.i.i a r 1 nil i.a Ta a ?u ni m iy. a . m m:i :a.aif w . ' 1 vvmiuja .a -: iffla. nttaowoia - t J r. P . , , - t tniil-J. .i3moig Jqm'i..nir no an Gents'-BRlCBf!95c a atr tormeC ptiatt 50cs iilc m 1 .v-MlJuma.irL4i.aj .AiiLoaH .jra!A :L Iktms, TCe; $uf th4?eam as sVaa )att twsr n,'n iuj m M-rnv dim ev t3t3orb wood 1 HUB fttZtiXSTii . aU-iVU kib -tol feiint wa imtli io'o.wj em aiio Bugg ,tmaaatb-jali, asaaesl ssjsfc'vl ( i .A-.-- .wa, -n a They are made with, Adjdstable Double' Clasps bf L J ' V , r ill V? rii . SftJ,. cj -Jjii I feueie aieei juucu, wuicn jf t vent m c; from 1tiKi 3B'.t i Sal reaklng. aal are' so arab?ed that thpyasf bearer- '? t1Pj 'I "i! ' 4"Hf ff r,f'J c.r ' f neved at the option, or 'the." wearer whenevet tlte Ait;Uto.be3amdrtsd sknplr bj.iIiKtU- ai-t. - .ixau vk ;3 tb M CSosUg oat 163 pair or OsB JKTa al 75c; fotmet , . ... - 1 ... .... . tealaiibo of LADIBS' CLOAKS closing out twUlv boi m regard to 46' : ; ; 'A LOT of DRESS GOODS, taroeriy sold t 80c, kOc and 50c: now Sic. '":"t!fl S-Bnttoa jD GLOVHSWCj, san oods as sold for St. MY. -.it eiauw Ls'i acil e io-sfe w . 4 Browa Cotton 4 nee irard . xu l BO' -.a Jf3&l feo S' i .--j ,;,! std 1iiiiJl S1M.K iJt. i. . i .Mil niitf if . mf ! Bratfiirclriy Vivo .iXViriJ'BiSy iJil aWfiiift.iigjr?3rj DaUyeslidSaliMii Wail iit J tu et.-Fa-a yu.is e t:n:J liiclfeiiii a a? aat w Ba ia. stm IV a . , - - . Tnat oa aiHVame n the 2ra - T-SSiiald tojisJsiakes occurs as VGodiarI jnjt-.VJ jr it b7i- r .-t pB! ( Teh ices, th are not nly willing but aiudoa-to' make reparation. jitsolo st. Y9 lrheyreTiifn thanks Wthetr fxfondaforthelr P -sSci-.i'. lt. &til io .xoadaiM .y'.I. v aftnii tf;aoin3f Oilr ro ftti tsr;p- i -U3IX r. ya3 iiaBoti .era ,fiWY0 caiiuscj utta bonsai i. PatIot Sxulx- ClllanberSlutfcIQUBev 1)1 al3.1i Wai4 ,WiiCi(. OQi ii faiU v HarH' and '7od-T ?iuua'uiuauuirarY Common Bedstes.sMteor JalauJ Stoads, Walltistiuiai alia BilWalta, Cuhiibuu CuaU'B aud .3atoe5iLfI &55lriS.TE? in great varietyFSattiSes, Otfoeta; and everv thing usually f ouriiln a nrstcassFurnlfar Estah- Ushmeat. ..t-.m jaUSfitf Ilerchants and Others. NKA3.WC twjill -th?.u' !9wsll0,m.eet four VieWS. m a .ita 1-11. i '-We hate at alL times Ai full ,llnolf . SAMPLES Coffee, , Sugar, . Molasses-Meats, Lard, Butter, Cheese. Flour. Crackers; CandrCasdles.t'oaD. Ltl Mj,uwiiflonuni anavesiein. jaarKeu,, , aiso, maiiy Goods on conslenfflent. - " a-""-' vjPBr KeeueHd0M all-4escription,o JCetj handise in this and Other markets. - " We receive and sellall deipOoaaeCCTOi table returns. ether you wuu W quj ur pell. CVX4U41UH h to- huror aell. communicate with us. feSStf Brokers and Commission Merchants. .mianai 4 DVyXl u axBvavn. , ,BMord"OT-?r at tLKuUl vdft!CTWr!r?0WGl fit;c BINFQRp, iOKB CO.,'t feb 81-tfDAW b tgWholasala Grocers. ataua. o T.Til )' f BUaChH HARNESS,, inm j oitjV' feb 54 tf 3d St between Mark.t ana Princess! ' I :v 'will Accoxmstf art'fajDr Ui'1.!' io in jli ha, U 9d2i' on? c-u w 4 Y Ima " " limcKS-iiiTibLfitaa 19 Wit BOTTKB-North CSiroilii. W ill 1M15"0 IS .949 u t-'.JCn'i Tallow, -tB - ..Ki .iV.V.. . C 1 W3tfJf' M . qafiK3a--Northera Factory tt.it AaasaatHiaiea su-.t.iiuii rDairy;cramai..UJ.!i n .t. QOyFltS JaTi Kio, . a ai w Tia, DUJUksuuB saeei 441 dr . siiffi mv - I wus,n ;. B,i .,i iox! r: 11 I8fl--Mackerei;Nd; lbt.?li 00- & U 90 no. bbl fiaii S6Sj o in ef MackereirNo.S, bbtrt!;.! 16 &ti 60 l.TJ 0 T6O 11 00 li 60 Mackerel, No. S, tt bbl ! Malletj .bblrt.J.k 1. a. . f N. CVflerrlhg, tt bbl.. ........ r -550- "4 60 DHnui iiiyiiuuUi 9 uuitset OBxtrsdAV ;. ttbbi.t; D.i.n. . a. UVM a 7 n .91 F 'O 00 '0:CJ r raiBuy, ddi.. - rermrlafl flnJJfu. V X0UI"BS - Baogks FhoHphaiai f SiH Ground Bone.41" c'im so ootaieoot 00 00 45 00 00 00 57 00 ,K00..a50O Rnna IfnaJ " Flour, .Jai fiKtvafMeaaafiQittf , - WaaPhpkatar set Hr W303W .wanoo raospnate, r . -if Bergef BuWli a6sph: 4 iltoelleaaa CottflK FeiUhser; oe 00 1 .7000 9000 U 0000 JQ 70 GLUa tt 1 SKAIN Corn, In store, la oaga. Corn, mixed I bushel.3 .... Corn, wholesale, la bags 68', ,60 suk HJJI-GceeBijSlJk W.4it I ury, V I HAY Eastern, tt 100 ls. ...... 11 n. - w eawfrn. y "' T en ai North Rlvertt 100 fcs. US t on X ia LA KD-Nyrthrn4 tt td, . Vim 10 r -bv w. f u.b (in North Carolina, tt 00 O 1PS H ' Hnh Stuff, iweawed. W &oush,de flank. ttXltai aivi oo uo a uki OA OA A KM, - WMtlhdCrgoeB.accordhifi;; 't it alf H M ft . i . . I t' Dreesea Flooring, sesoae4.tJ aeaninxf ' and 'BoeMa,1 .M kuLASSSS-New ep Cuba.thds a?-W.lJ 40 New crop cuoa, ddis y gai.. Porto ' bhla sugar HoM?iitdSiVriF. 00 3i AA 69t JO ij S6 a 27 u o pu S.0 V 1 365 toS0d,:ttJceai. vis RAain ,80 fa 1 40 (POULTit ckeiM.-Uye. rfttblSaeft SOTATOKSweW1aaaL4 1 nOj ..JriahjNorthera, tt, blb;.... KK Nbrthetti. City ltea...-: t D nr O0 0O ,3 W 00 . WOtf fhU09 .'I PO OO M il ?B Daroliaa. fti'cn'iaf it tt..Ui.Ijilxiaa3i'aI .U.rfA'y'Xit iJSP iOviiVtjt urerpooi, fisaok,ai i-.u.ij.. . IoKah SO aa t nV :943SSa S6 r 8a? r?uiV 4X0 lOT iiVi&umiHt c i tt ii..i"!nn.! Crashed! l ' .'Hi k JiA E7 r-l ' aa & I . O n. -jCwna.osf, ttMv.u7.T.J;UPi50 ;00L n.. . O i Mi v 5 00. ar 6Sl f ' 80.4 ! yre." acaam ja. STAvaa i W o. Bhi!.- .1 W t 00 BO' W 8lis oo1 ll nniiv emutlinif. a.. I KKR Bhfnnlni an If To' HaiRi C.u.A4to a 8 50 Mill.Falfc.w5lj. ; Common1 laiir. r.!!!!1! . .1 IMS T Ttn rnllsass irnsftiiia. I ft fTfl n 4 00 WB38KSY Northern, tt gaU. 1 00 O ? 00 Washed. nrrr:-.....! SS a 80 wiianriNGTON BIONlSY Bzchange (sight) on NewltMhJU&.X'';4iBd ' 4 --. ". ' t t waa- - - - . aa aoJsoiW lo tjPfaelpUaaai.4Jt'iMai KScaalrgiitMayif 017 nana oi new aanover biock. loa, .uBtaaMuuuPwa. 75 "vSoTd1ni:n.. U aTl-iaM. -' - " . . ..iiillDaV t4uifptsJaaJaK;kvi!vX.-',-fi Wilmington City Bonds, 3 c. . . ; . . . . .70 J tb A wiastWiatafiiuittKataa ii T a-M aW tauuv W Svo a. . av. Ul . WUaiinstoa Cotton: Kiurl .CXK.nllL . lllfrisJ ?a1l MUZZLE1LrOADI&QiW Z7W3 ili A.xaAxw xv oavuiiVn'lA'4-L'tnu. , uax jwaraacem, ua 9 lljttrf u&ri- Clark & Sneiaer, f &7 :UarikUinaFAbmaisdoii i"j ,aosin0 Jil H llftrtdTEattatret, wj 'Send for C,tatoe; u 'MecaaDAWtf v:;, 3, igsn t ifci tjiis FiiHujiimai 1IXX ilMH ?na 5dJ bjsw Is ldJ sdl lo WiisriZ. :WOiioi 24 i-ia98s00ti l;w yiivr 'r&WSSi' DKSIWN8 BENT BY MAILv WORK J oil! Sf SUAaJATmif s9fW ? li.dx ,tir;l.kurife)!jliitifi Torsr. .fUr2nm9aul gna,Ta hook form Jor rTrade. ' ' .F-eo Y DAWtf sale to th I'iiiifl 1 niliif ul .11 TH lJrWrtTTTTjTJITI Vrf 'titWi. .ritMi' V. rt-W.M. ( 1. Union COUntV. N. C. evrr -TinaA- at ' tt pOayear .The EijTrrweircuateaaen8lvely i iroBghout-the counties of Anson, IJnion, "Chester : aw iiuwMiwri-ua nmciw a very aaruw niua- 1 tool IntoaJgentiw-'-'s.r-'-djsf jj't c ! mtJ.loi ! . The mefchants ef . i?wmotoTv will Sad. it to be avin nf t fi hpt atvprrla TnA,;?rlTtia Vin'triA iTani Laa Central BaLwavz-aoawe' tr&ranteeias lar?e a ! -bona fid drealaUoa asaoyp apef.tetweeu Cbaikt 1 SWEET- I WrteO 111 Y 1 mmm'-f -m-. m w - w nui 1 sr . s . 1 . . w aa. A war vA!a ria at Centennial Expotition fo, 0lf V motttavii majkmoHg, The best tobacco THEn7HlTEV 3V lying in theTnarket-1' It has a Terj large shMti fthelock-stitch: la, simple In constrncboa: tery light, running, and almost nolseleso. it is i ' . most im possible lor other machines to sell in diZ't kpmpetiUon with the WHITE. AGENTS Want ED.'Applyf for terms to WHITfi 8KWIKH wi' CHINK C., Cleveland, Ohio. , , " y.vi Jl j j UfV333CEA NK JOXlCD.CAEDa, with L1D1P PtV IO cent poBt;paid. L. JONES & CO JOtlBlAJf 8CB0iTJLA. K Fif Ttt avvvjtZsvvZW.'''- Wire fe1!-ok."- f JWin cq. For certificate, lof cures, circulars,' terms; enclose stamrTtft ptBJ5. IP FO Fra1ldhitm, N, c. ' P Dr.Harchiai'B Uterine will positively cure Female'Weakneas. such m tiii of bWnmft. Whites. 3iraiiin TnflUrrJf-'lfug 1 iitaT feaf M CkTUnilnnu inavFaanMaimresMd and IrregTilar HeiLatrnation. JLi biam- SendSdS HOWABTH A B ffiw-u0 per bottle. 11 Jo jjfcJi tsf j. Yeb 33-4wDAW Biii fjt V il li ) IXtaT 1 -id W FITS CURED. Drf Brown's great jirescrlptlon for Epilepsy hay. be ... 0 Lii.ub uiceuiDuu. ifir k ri i innnn i Jlli-r I iiiir LLi z "1u H yaae ine lngre- iuremeamnra w m euuerers free 01 CBaTW Ad- dress Dr;O..PflXP8 BBOWW. ai nr. c; V." n ev7 plug. Sold V all dealers. 8endforMiiS punuiimmuuiij uy ennisBion to tbe Kt Bpv S?10,11"" 4ft82!i? "j.9 North Carolina. Geo wr uuu-.' aa. JJ.. w atren Ja.. asa haiii j j IT A T ' T7C I ': M I YJL V Usf ukJ Ag?f WaPted to Bell Popular Book UUiiU and all the best seBinnv.in Witt' W.BBCRGJBSa, Sloffltt Mills, 16 MttaiJftaaaatMfMwIey.C1.11-J- " - ; - -feb5-4wDiw " iLOCOnOTIvE W0EKS i-'j 1 1 6 1 i KsraaLiajiBa. m ia , iraaufacture all kinds of JLocomotiTC. and have re cently purchased of the Amoskeag Manufacturing Co. ail ine pattat patents, and the ood will tot the manor acture of their, celebrated Steam Fire Ha giiHW and Fire ApparalTUi aad are now prepared to receive and execute ordars promptly, bend for de scriptive circular ARKTA8 BLOOD, Agent. 4na2i$&Wi7: fine Ki- --JlaneheBter,N. fl. saro AT. A8TYIJSII, UANDSOMB COAT, I P'e&fMit to wear, durable, and in the end tbe cheap tij I est, JtADB OF,BROWNsVKLVaTBBN. f l "iffI ..llpcketa andiining made to take .out so that' I b wora for Oas-ly rati and winter shooting. I HoVaee-Sraitni-3Ssd:i? Hays tt la mv Idea of 1 shooting coat I have worn them for several year, I sid-wilfnavenonOsrtiaeri." I Jrnco JOT, wmk f; vest,-. 18.51 ' Ajsoj llic besi I own corduroy j'ants, at $ lfl per pair. I make on I irtheone gtdeas-thocheapesti goods do not turn . I Mom ... 7JI1 . . I -. : Also, in .addition to. the above, l am maklns I veteeni goods, not stiff an hi it same style as the Vet hard, hat Hnft anil nlon I t8 ean gaaranteed to turn Water. 8port8mun I who have seen it say it is Tho Hest Yet. Coat itL5o. - ' I j . j"-13 wuyoieeveioas tosr? vest With Sieevet 1 I i-Wrto jaai .uM Io kv- i application. Muaco ioi uicasunsuiuui ana B&mDie Bent auoa F. In SHKLnON. ok t a. TIT.' " BAH WAY, N. J. Fbest and' "Stream. TBW -AatSBJCAN : 8PJt!T8MAH,S : UOURNAL FIELD StORTS. PRA-frrrnaf. wiTTTUii. nf I 1(TOTrJ,-laSH CDtfTJRg,HOTECTION OF iT4i5iMiTOBOOMFLBB "VJUT-UOOR RECREATIONS AND STUDY. This is the only Journal In the Canntrv that fall tkft Wajsts neeames pi the . T3aaS A-n :asAn.. f RMStSI SO; Tear, y Bead for Specmea' Copy i stbrifc Birwastf Pa blUhinr Co., cr. - Hew York. OOF .OffOl i4!l.Ui- -H?i vrr;;;' lUBTALLIC CARTRTUOR Ttrn.TTARY. HUNT- uii r 1NU AND "CEBEOMOOR" HIFLK3 10 twfiEACYi8TItENi3TH AND, - 8AFKTX-. T!vat llccnra aiwj au warnutfcCl a kTOOU SXlOOtcr. viauw 0, 44 amdjSOlfJSjprlnblaad of any desired length. I W'W'1 to W8 grains; 'Stock;1 plain; else ristoi gaaa ielwealSlgttsrplaia; Qiooeano aighta and y In.d-gaageZ Eyery variety .of n munitj4i2j8 IMs iQpjM$ on huii- Prices rYom 30 to $125. . r. WAilr rnmfLf oosIPany. sept J7D AWtl j pnmjb ;J I IWdgeport, Conn. II. A. ';BTED1IAH. Jr., fci j4$ey aJGo.uawUor at Law. UaABtEtKPONtJ r BLADEN, ' COUNT Y, N. C Leerrpetfs,H Brlc Building, occupied 1T - aBpeelal atteattdhtd Clatmalo Col 'ectiom on inm . of 100 and upwards .made for Five Per jDest. u without suit. Drawing Deeds', Mortgages, pclaly, .j, tt.'il siiJ Itss -;p-iAWtf -1.1 r 1 01 rni-UlgnlCaOgS.;'-- English, ieish and cordon setters. of the Choicest Breed, with guaranteed pedigrees. K. K WELSH. nVDatWtf r,;t Yora. rean. 'PiiEsjbatiiHrio ; :: H'VA A UOJi swa Jaaaa a wasjs v- yv"' .a. i srnoa rnotlsQi.V.iwi iml all frprfl brOQD fl& TallBt tte Ingredients. Address Dr.; JAQUES at OO.SO y.)8lx8h,anciiinapalr feblMyMW;. am InlaflaHrkti Aa- ATAaoa A nw iimOVIHL 1? 4f. HE iriOaNING STAB BOok ;BIN" Jb ERY ia oompietsi ia all ail IU a dials charge of one of the meets ful workmen la tie State. 1AII kinds f Biadina exeeuted neatlv. laBly and eiDodiUouslv. . ; v r f , 1 i ffc3j LIVER OIL,' VEGSTINE,. KXTRACTS

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