THE IIOBimia STAB. By WD. II. BEBNAROl . r.. U BLISHED DAILY . EXCEPT MONO A YB. rites or BXTBSCBIFTIOH IN ADVAHCX oaeyear, (by mail) postage pM.. J f7 00 One month To City Subseribcrs, delivered in any part of the -itv Fifteen Cents per week. Oar City Agents are act authorized to collect tor more than three months m advance - : OI'TL.lfeU. Gen. Machano aud several officers of Lerdo have gone to the Rio Grande to begin another revolution . Austria . forbids the exporting of torpedoes. A second detachment of troops has sailed from pom- bay amid great enthusiasm. - England will not make known its proposals concern ing the Eastern question until the Congress meet8 Five hundred thousand per sons attended the Paris Exhibition yester day; three hundred thousand foreigners are said to be in Paris. Prices in thei Lon don stock market have fallen; Russian securities suffer most. - Arms and am munition concealed in coffins have been discovered that were intended for 'the Mus sulman insurgents in Roumelia. ' Rus sians have purchased several steamers lying at Revel; three have already been purchased and have gone to get their armaments, to be provided by American firms. .-5 An other big failure in New X.rk J-The Committee on Commerce will report unani mously in favor of confirming SmiCh as Collector of New Orleans. The Lib erals, or Gladstone party, elect a majority of the members of. the Quebec Legislature. - The surrender of the Cuban leader, Macco, is reported. - Sir Wm. Mitchell is dead. New York markets: Money easy at 4 p-t cent; gold firm at lOOf ; cotton dull at 10 11-1610 13-16 cents; flour heavy a?ain aud 510 cents lower; wheat 1 J eta. lower, with a moderate export and some little milling enquiry; corn a shade easier at5li55i cents; spirits turpentine firm' at 29$39cenl8; fusin unchanged at $ 1 50 1 52. -Vrr" '' j ; Latest by Mail. '.'' - From Wasliliigiou. ' j; Special to Richmond Dispatch. - THE BANKRUPT QUESTION HIGHLY IMPORTANT ACTION OP THE SENATE.; VVashinton, May 1. The Senate consumed most of the day in discussing the bill repealing the bankrupt law and the amend; ments already indicated in my dis patches last night. -An amendment offered by Mr. Matthews, thai., thei repeal shall not go into effe&u until January 1, 1879, was agrgjo I ayes, 25; noes, 21. ;. . . ! " Christiancy'a amendment was then adopted ayes, 29; noes, 23. The following is the text of thia amendment: "And all rights and proceedings incident thereto or grow ing out of or dependent thereon, in cluding all., rights . of .debtors and creditors, and all rights of, aud . suits by and against, assignees, under any and all of said acts, in any . case here tofore or now gending." I asked a Kentucky, a Virginia and a Pennsylvania member of the House to night whether the House will Con cur in the Senate's amendments, and theyThought it would; but then the House, by an overwhelming; majority, rejected McMahon's substitute the other day extending the time for even voluntary bankruptcy to January 1st; andThls would seem to indicate a disagreement and a committee of con ference. . f . Senator Ransom's appeal in behalf of Matthews' amendment was the best speech made during the debate to-day. . ,.-' " , . ; THE TOBACCO QUESTION THE TARIFF. It has been determined to move a suspension of the rules next Monday so as to test the sense of the House in regard to the reduction of the to bacco lax. It has not, however, been yet determined whether tobacco will be separated from the income S tat and thtTsuspension of the sinking fond or not. This is a question still under consideration. ' : .-.. , The discussion of the tariff bill will be resumed this week, and General Banks and Mr. Tucker are the next speakers. Mr. Robbins, of North Carolina, has prepared . a speech in favor of the bill. ; 'X SOUTHERN 1 CONGRESSMEN IN NEW . ENGLAND. 1' ' Mr. Goode and others of the South ern (Congressmen who Vent to Bos ton have returned," and expressed ihemselves as highly pleased with the treatment they received. In their - speeches they were : perfectly frank, and told their New Eogland friends that while they had, given the North the best fight in their power during the war' their people now wanted permanent peace and friendship, be tween the sections. - When General Lee was alluded to there was hearty applause. The Boston Post, in "no jticing 'the i speeches at the banqust of "the Commercial ' Club, says: "Mr. .Goode is known as one of the most jeloquent and impassioned speakers in jCongress, and his remarks proved jhU reputation as well deserved. He jfairly thrilled the company with his i eloquence, and eat . down amid a storm i of- applause." Senator Gor-f i don made a splendid reputation. BRIEF ITEMS. " The bill appropriating nearly $4, 000,000 for strengthening the crevas ses, &c., of the Mississippi river was Reported to the Huse to-day and uiuerea to be printed. i - : The President1 goes to Gettysburg to the decoration.. . - : ; Several parties here have lately asked for greenbacks in payment of uieresi on Government bonds held jbythenx ' A delicate complexion is best compared s rio a blooming rose; but when the counted nance , is , disfigured with Blotches andf I nmpiea; like weeds in a rose bed, the Rt '",.6l.OQW i promptly use Dr. Bull's' B ood Mixture, which quickly and effectu-f. ;"y eradicates such unsightly evidences of impure blood. the VOL. XXII.-NO. 36. BrrluK Brother Key hat Never Be lieved tbat Hayea was Elected. E - LNtfwTork8un.l : . ; ; Judge Key showed perfect , readi-ness-io profit by the fraud which he admits. In an interview helaid down this creed:- p: "I have always believed," he said, "that' Florida and ; Louisiana !were counted for Hayes wrongfully, nd that the electoral votes of both States should properly have been counted for Tilden. I worked strenuonsly for Tilden, both before and after the elec tion, and,indeed, made a speech in the Senate daring the electoral debate, arguing as best as I knew how that Florida and Louisiana belonged to Til den.. It was t after that . that Mr. Hayes paid me the extraordinary compliment of inviting me into his Cabinet." I went into the Cabinet, believing that Tilden was "elected, and my views on that subject are not yet changed. I believe Mr. Hayes, however, to be an honest man. I know that he honestly thinks that he was fleeted, and whatever may have been the ) frauds ' practiced in the States above named, I have good reasons for knowing , that Mr. Hayes was no party to them. Therefore no matter what may be developed in the future, it shall not influence my ac tion. I shall remain in the Cabinet so long as Mr. Hayes is pleased to have me there." " tfurder by Polaon lb Tlrslula. 1 : Telegram to Baltimore Sun. J :VV"i P-J-- Wytheyixle, April 30. ; The particulars of a horrible mur der in Carroll county Thursday last have just reached here. On that day Mrs. Hudgins, a young woman, it is charged, killed her husband, a young man about twenty-eight years old, by mixing arsenic in the bread, which the man ate of heartily. He was made very ill, and died soon after ward. After committing the. deed the murderess endeavored to hide her guilt by dragging the body to a creek and throwing it in. She has made a full confession of the crime, and is in jail., , Meeting; of General Conference M. K. Church Soatb. Atlanta,' May 1. j The Eighth General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South met ' to-day Bishop Pierce presiding. There were present to--day 248 delegates from thirty-seven conferences. All the bishops are pre sent. The Conference was welcomed by Judge James fackson, of the Su preme uourt, ana responses were jrnade by Bishop Pierce and Bishop McTyeire. lhe standing committees Were then appointed. ' The Cnlveretty Normal School. The State Board of Education has just sent to the County Boards of Education, for distribution, circulars giving the programme of the U ni versity Normal School for 1878. The school begins June 18th, and con tlnues six weeks. It will be held in the University buildings at Chapel Hill. Prof. Ladd is Superintendent.; rof. Owens, Prof. Mclver, and: six or seven other instructors will assist. Pecuniary assistance will be given to those teachers who are unable to pay their way. Those desiring assistance should apply to President Battle, at Qiapel Hill, by lsl June next. He will lay the applications before the Board. The railroads will pass for half price. Females, aa well as males, are invited. This school offers most valuable privileges to teachers and those desiring to teach. i v : A Bloody Tnrk.f - t: - An i unfortunate shooting scrape took place at Sturgeon, Missouri, Sun day, between Geo. W. i&owiand ana W- J. Wade. They are brothers-in-law, and quarrelled about the division f their parental estate. They were tilso members of the Presbyterian Church, and they met r Sunday at pnion chttrch - to have theCmatter iiried by the church members7but be fore the trial began -Wade went into the church and shot Rowland in. the back while be aat upon a'seat.' Row land fell, mortally wounded, and those present tied when Wade began oriHhem, but without" effect, Although he fired five shotsr 1 He then .tnonnted his borBe and fled. ; I Spirits Tuipentine. The scarlet ever, is in Raleigh. One death from it. , A - writer in the Raleigh News sayt Wilson has- 2,700 inhabitants. ; : Davidson county sends four ; convicts and' Orange three to tbe peniten tiary, - i - j- i: During April in Wake county, there were 31 marriages, 22 of which were colored. - " . ' . - Lent being over balls, parties, "Germans," etc., appear to be tbe order of tbe day. - . . The receipts for Raleigh during the past year amounted to $42,621.95; dis bursements $35,680.82. ' ?U.Rev. D. GLyon, of Ala., will supply the Newbern Baptist church during the four months absence of the pastor. t- Some of' the Wayne county, farmer are experimenting with tobacco. Tbe Messenger says Mr. C. S. Woolen, of Lenoir, has set out 85,000 plants. L Raleigh Observer: The scar latina case at Chapel Hill has recovered. It was so slight that many doubt its ina t6re. No other case in the village or neigh brorbood. - Central .Protestant: Mr. W. S. 2Ball informs us that there were over one Aundred new cases of revenue violations Ibefore the recent term of the U. S. District WILMINGTON, N. FRIDAY. i Court at Statesville, upon which he was an attendant.' y ; I Bakersville Republican: A new town is to be laid off and built, in Grass v Creek township, and an effort will be made hereafter to move the county seat., XThe name of the new town is Need Morer ; Raleigh Register, Rep.: , Shot well has put another nail in the coffin of Schenck as prepared by P. B. M." by puDiismng a : second card. The entire sympathy of the whole community is with 8hOtW6ll. :-.Zti$-:i.i i .i.'V hsiL. ) j Clark Liles, a desperate charac ter, after being sentenced to five years in the penitentiary, struck the Wadesboro jailor with a bucket. He was then knocked down, and Judge Moore ordered him to be heavily : ironed, and , made his term ten years, says the Herald. j The following are the Demo cratic' nominations - at Fayetteville: For Mayor, W. E. Kyle; for Commissioners, B. G. Hollingsworth, 1st Ward ; A. B. Williams, 2d do.; W. S. Cook, 3d do.; M, Faulk, 4th do. ; James A.' Hearne, 5tb do. ; J. B. Starr, 6th dp. and David Jones, 7th do. j Maj. W, . B. Culick, who was assaulted at Raleigh recently -by two youths, has been presented .with a hand some set of solid silver spoons, op each ot which is engraved, VPresented to Maj. W. B. Gulick by the Rector and Sunday School of Christ Church, Easier, 1878." So we learn from the Newt. - - - , ; Rockingham South: It is said that the ghost of "Jerry Everett is occasion ally to be seen in the lane beyond Mr. W. B. Cole's, where the poor fellow wqs so horribly butchered last July. .We haven't seen the ghost ourself, but have conversed with those who claim to have seen it, and whose veracity is unquestionable. 4 Fayetteville . correspondent of Raleigh 'News writes: "Judge Schenck, I think, would do a wise thiog to withdraw entirely from the contest. This county will, I have no doubt, cast her : entire strength for that pure and polished gentle man, Hon.-W. N. H. Smith, believing him to be the one for the exalted position of Chief Justice." ; i Raleigh Observer-. Prof. W. C. Kerr, State Geologist, has received from a mine belonging to Gen. R. F. Hoke, on the summit of tb Blue : Ride, in Watauga county, some vAie specimens of iron ores. They are of-red' hematite, and are the same as tbe Marquette, ores, from Lake Superior. Prof. Kerr speaks in high terms of tbe value of the ore, and the working of the mice will doubtless prove very pro fitable. .. . . V( j j Washington Press says: Large quantities of. herrings are being caught over on tbe sound. We learn that some 400,000 were brought ? in at one haul last week. Gov. Vance will deliver his famous lecture on the "Scattered Nations,? in1 Greenville on tbe 28th of May. We learn that he has already been invited down here, and we hope to be able to an nounce in our next that he has consented to come.' .-; 1 - 1 ' ' ' ' I Fifteen colored prisoners jnade a violent attempt to break jail at Halifax Saturday night. They were only brought to terms by a guard armed , with double- barrelled shot-guns. A correspondent of the Raleigh News says they broke to pieces the glass in their windows, and with the pieces sawed., through tne;r shacsies; they then proceeded to- break -through a parti tion of four-inch -oak plank. Upon being discovered and ordered to desist, they re fused, and shouted at the idea of submis sion. ::V....;: .1 . - - ; -Wadesboro Herald: Judge Moore sleeps the nicest and nods the easiest if any Judge that has ever sat upon the Sup rior Court Bench of North Carolina. We learn that there was a severe bail storm in the! neighborhood of Cedar Hill last Friday afternoon. - Some ftf.the hail stones Were as large as hen eggs. Our young.towns man and friend, M. P. Leak, Esq., has a cow that gives twenty-eight quarts of milk daily, , and if milked closely would give more. One teat is left for the calf. -, j i Statesville Landmark: The com menceinent exercises of Frontis & Leazar's school will occur on June '6th. f Col. "R. F. Armfield will deliver the address. ' The Statesville Silver Cornet Band has been en gaged to furnish music on the occasion. - A Wilkes man, attending" Federal Court, got out of spirits last week. He elevated himself on a dry goods box, and, remarked that he "felt like the suffering cat fish that lies stranded on the blistering bottom of his late happy home, waiving his tail in tbe crisping breezes as a signal of distress." ' r-i'f-iPK - -' i- Charlotte Observer The num-j ber of deeds and mortgages mostly mort gages recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds during the month of April was 314. The total .number this year . is 864 ; recorded at the same time last year; 743 Two shad were recently caught with hooks in the river near: Rhyne's factory! The Isaac Waltons say this is something very wonderful. The bait used was salt mackerel. It really looks like the pro posed railroad from Danville, Va., to States ville or Moore9ville will certainly bo built at no distant dayr ' ' ; i- Raleigh News:- The uLee Lighi Infantry," of Chester, S. C, have asked and been granted ' permission to enter this State for the purpose of participating in a pic-nic at Gaston ia, Gaston county.. Some mention has been made of the estab lishment of a cotton compress in our city. The ' cotton business here is now of such magnitude as to render necessary the use of . a compress. . During the. month of April there were tegistered in the ofSce of the Register of Deeds instruments, includ ing lien bonds. Chattel" and other mort-f gages, deeds, etc., numbering. 328." r i Jerre Cox, a negro, in his ex? aminatioo as a witness in the trial of the murderers or Worley and wife, how pro gressing at Goldsboro, testified, according to a report in the Raleigh Observer, that Noah and Bob Thompson killed James Worley with an axe and stick, and told how Noah and Harris Atkinson killed Mrs. Worley. Mrs. Worley was also outraged by all three. He identified the clothes that Cherry had on that night. He gave as his reason why he did not tell4 all about the murder at the -coroner's inquest, that ' ha was afraid that he would be killed if he did as he had been threatened by Cherry. ,; j j At a meeting of the stockholders of the Western Railroad, held at Fayette ville recently, Creensboro was made the terminas. of the road. - L.i C. Jones was elected President- The following gentle-r men were unanimously elected Directors on the part of the private stockholders, viz: AJ A. McKethan, Jno.,D. Williams, E. J. Lilly, A P. Hurt and Dr. Jas. A McRae, of Fayetteville; - Col. Gilmer voted for and elected the following gentlemen Directors on the part of the Stateviji" L. J. Hangup ton; of Chatham; Dnt John M. Worth, of Randolph; C. F. MendenbaM and D. J1. Caldwell, of Greensboro.,. Wm. Huske and A M. Campbell were re-appointed by the Chair as Auditing Committee for the en suing year.' ' ; -: " i-' Morning THE GITY. NEW AOVKBTISEnENTS. '. 'Johk G. Nobwood For sheriff.;' m -t BrjrFoto, Loeb & CdLow figures.! St -I A. Di-viD Good and cheap' clothing; , ? Hall & Pkaksall Meats and butter. ! B. F, MITCHELI. & Son -Hay, corn, bats. Local Dots. .The police were paid off fori the month of April by City Treasurer Savage yesterday. ,i.-V" Falling barometer,warmer,sotttb: west winds and partly 'cloudy or clear fea ther, are the indications for this section .io- 4aT'i'l';-:?'(v.' ,;'t! lihPi-V -.i r : There was another sale of pro- perty for city taxes at the City Hall yester day at noon, and to-2ay at the same hour there, will be still another. s ; j , The U. S. District Court ad journed yesterday for the tarm.'- There was very little business for : the con aider a tion of the Court, and that little was push ed through without any unnecessary delay; The German' pic nic at the Wil mington Gardens on Wednesday evening, under the auspices of Germania Lodge No. 4, K. of P., was a very successful affair, the weather being ; propitious and the en joyment all that could be desired J - The streets were enlivened ast evening by the battalion drill, ; under the command of Lt. Col.. Gordon, the compa nies in line being the Light Infantry, Whit ing Rifles and Companies A and B of the Cadets of the Cape Fear Military Academy, altogether making quite a handsome and imposing display. , v v. : ,-(Jicl:f - Yesterday ' was paupers' ay, the vicinity of. the ' Court House ; being crowded with anxious inquirers .after 'ra tions." Dr. Wright, the cily phvsiciaowos present to discriminate bet weeu those who were sick and needy and those who ' were not. AboJt seventy-five or eighty' received orders for "rations.", . ' ; - I 5' TbeHIaaa neelins at Dure w. Pj ' A meeting in the interest of a. railroad from Burgaw, Pe nder county, la Jackson ville, Onslow county, . was ' held .'at j the former place on Wednesday last. I Dr.'S. 5. Satchwell presided, and Col. S. B. Tay lor and Dr. W. T. Ennett acted as secreta ries. Onslow, ' Duplin, ' New Hanover, Sampson aud Pender counties were repre sented, and tbe meeting was large and en thusiastic. Resolutions in regard, to the importance of tbe proposed , scheme,! not only to Onslow, Pender and other adjacent couolies, but to Wilmington, and also ap-j-proving of the proposed' Angola canal, the Duplin canal,' and of the proposed national work of an inland water route or ship canal along the coast of North Carolina, were passed, after which stirring addresses in' favor of the proposed schemes, &cj were delivered by J. Gr Scott, Esq.,' of Onslow; Rev. J. N. Stallings, of. the Wil mington Democrat Mr. John D. Stanford, of Duplin; Mr. F. W. Foster, of Wilming ton, and Major C. W. McClammy, of Pen der. il ' ' ' 1 " (' "v 'r'1! ' The festival in aid of the proposed Academy at Burgaw was also quite a sue cess, about $100 having, been' realized1 for that purpose over and above expenses. i t Xerpsleoreao. The closing exercises. of Prof. Agostini's Dancing School, on Wednesday evening last, passed off very successfully.; The en4 tertainment was given in the City HalLand the dancing was pronounced on all sides td be' excellent, 'the little ladies c6fdutlhg themselves in a manner becoming , oldej1 heads, and each andjevery, one going through her part wUh the utmost grace and precision. In fact there was no perceptible flaw throughout the entire entertainment the Professor being fully equal to the ppca sion in every i respect, i Sucbio fairy-like scenes as were there presented are both de lightful and entertamingtandjw hope" to see more of them daring the; coming sea- son, when, the Dancing Academy wll be reopened by. the present experienced, .in structor.! The music on the occasion I was rendered by one of the gifted musicians of our city. .-. ; . Mayor' Court, i ,) :. ::' The notorious, Annie Yancey; from-the classic precincts : of "Paddy's . Hollow,' was before Mayor Fishblate, yesterday morning, on the charge of being drunk and disorderly.' ' The Mayor gave her the alter native of contributing $15 to the city treas ury or being confined ; for1 fifteen days in the - city ' prison, v She' accepted- the latte and - retired": to that ' privacy which' will afford her, such ample opportunity for re flection for the next half a month upon the varied - experiences, trials and " vicissitudes of this checkered existence. ' ii ;j r . i Another . party, charged ; with drunken ness was discharged1 Upon the; payment of costs. Beatlne a Vomku, : James P.. Ulyssus, colored, was before Justice Hill, yesterday,1 on the charge, of assaulting and beating a colored -woman by the name of : Mary E., Thompson, on Wed nesday . night,: jealousy:: being . ascribed as the cause of the difficulty. The defendant was ordered to pay a fine of $5 and costs, in default of whichhe was committed to Jail. - i i ixarbor jnaster? JXeporc. mmma jj, FromCiP , JosephPrice, HaxboXMasteri we have the folbwing report of the arrival of vessels at this port, &c.',forthe month of ? Barques,. 17; brigv j8tu.ohooiierai.ill steamers, 10; fbtal, 10; Aggregate onnagei 16,940; foreign, 6,269. MAY 3, ;i878 Blectlnc of Blaelntrate. The ad journed meeting of Magistrates of New Hanover County was convened in the City Court jRoom; at 11 ;p'clockl yesterday morning. 4 . . ' : .- '. . ' ..The roll being balled by the Secretary, the followiog Justices answered to their -names i ' J -J 5 j - 'L 1 m u : n ' . ; 1 c a Wilmington ToWnship-John S. James, John C. MiUis, BoU Bear, E. D. Hall, C. D Myers, John Cowan, John . M; Henderson, O. G. Parsley, Jr., L. H. Bow den, Henry Schulken, John i L. 'Cantwell,- David G, Worth, W.' W.Harriss, Henry Nutt, Walker Meares, Anthony Howe, J. C. Hill. ' ; T t Cape Fear TownshipJl J. Grady, H E.. Scott. . , , .( Harnett Township Jno. N. Maffilt, Jno. A. Holt. j. . Masonboro Township 'John J. Beasley, John G. Wagner. - The minutes of the meeting of March 30th were read and approved." The" committee appointed at that: meeting "to take into copsideration and T investigate all ' matters pertaining to the duties of the magistrates of this county in accordance with the recent acts, . of the Legislature,", made a report through their Chairman, Justice J. N. Maf filt, which was received and placed on file. ' '! O.' G. Parsley, Jr.; Esq . offered the fol lowing resolution J which was adopted: : , Bewlved, Th a committee,' consisting of one Justice from each Ward of the city and Township of the county, be appointed to recommend at lheoext ' meeting of this Board suitable persons to act as registrars and judges of elections. . Also, in accord ance with the law to consider all applica tions for .a change of voting places, and re port On same to said meeting. . - The'Chairman announced the. following as the Committee under this resolution r First Ward John M. Henderson. -. Second Ward C. D. Myers. 1, Third Ward Li Hi Bowden. . Fourth Ward Q.G. Parsley, Jr. ' Fifth Ward j. C. Milljs. 4 J. N. Maffitt, Esq., offered the following resolutionvwbtchvas adopted C : Resolved, By the Board" of Magistrates of the county of New Hanover, in meeting assembled on the 2nd day of May, 1878, that it is both necessary and expedient that au entirely new registration of. the county of New Hanover should be announced to the public on the 30th day of June next: . Two resolutions, one offered by J. N. Maffitt, Esq., as folio W8: -( . ; X . Seaoived', By the Board of Magistrates of the county of New Hanover, In meeting as sembled on the 2nd day. of May, 1878, that in their judgment it ia -inexpedient at pre sent to abolish the office of. County Trea surer. : " ' I ' . " . ; The other, by A. J. Grady, Esq., as fol lows: -"f v' 1 - l In order to curtail the expenses of the county and relieve the tax-payers as much as possible, it ia .. : .!..,-.., Besolvedr By the Board of Justices of the Peace for New Hanover county, now in session, that tbe office of County Treasurer in said county be and the same is hereby abolished, to take j effect at the expiration of the term of the present incumbent, and that tbe duties pertaining, to said office de volve upon - the office of Sheriff of said county., . ; . . .. .. -. ; Jiesolved,' further, That the Secretary of this Board make due publication of this re- solve.- .- ;.;( . . .- T"i.. ? : Were, on motion . of L. H. Bowden, Esq., referred to a committee Of five, to re port at the T next meeting, to be appointed by the Chairman. : The folio wmg were an nounced as the committee: -- D, G; Worth,. CD. Myers, A 3. Grady; O. G. Parsley, Jr. aud SoL Bear. ; v :-t Oo motion', the Board adjourned to meet again June 15thJ ' . ' - YA ' ; J John S. James Chairman; j - John Cowan, Secretary. Ttoo Cattlnff Serape. . 1 . The ' case . of Alfred. Benton, colored,' charged With making a deadly assault with a knife upon George Cole, colored, on Sa turday night laat bad a hearing before J ustice Hall yesterday, at the conclusion of which ne was. ordered to give a justified bond in the sum of $50 for his appearance at the next- term of the Criminal Court. The defendant,; who was himself -badly wounded, is still in the custody of the city authorities, and we learo that his condition' is sachiaiHiepktonri&Sity physi- cian, tbat It has been deemed advisable to return him to the Cily Hospital for the pre senU., -. . w, , We were informed by ,Dr. .Wright,- the City , physician, yesterday t morping, that Geo. Cole, who - was so badly ; stabbed in the left, breast on Saturday night last, is imprpying very fast, being, able to sit up a little, aud may ndw- be considered out .of danger. : The news of bis convalescense is said to have had k very encouraging effect upon his late antagonist, Alfred Benton, whois ndw twilling to admit that he feels a heap better? than he did.' ' . -1..V.V -i--.. : '. m aai a '.i Camallable Lettera. ' , The following are- the unmailable letters remaining in the City Postoffice: - Joseph Rossell, care A B. Andrews, Ra leigh,' NJ. C. ;? Mrs. C. - Boyes Lynchburg, 8; C. ; Miss ? Caroline Lord, Bay Ridge postoffiee,' care W. S. Bergaw," Brooklyn , N. T. ; Messrs. Hinson & Cummlng, P. O. ::va rioxKlV AKB1VALS. 4'f P0RCELL Housb Cobb Bros., Pbop'bs; May 2 D D BarberrSquthJ Carolina; J R Bolton, South, Washington, N C; Emas Dougherty, Washingtoni N C; Capt Alex Bucban, Br Barque North Carolina; H B ;Short,r, Lake "Waccamaw;" Mrs Geo W Tuxbury, and two daughters, Boston, Mass; Miss K-C Armstrong, Miss C L Machie, Hampton,; Va; Miss Barkie, Orange, N J; C E Clark, New- York Geo B--Aiken, W H Aiken, Baltimore Md; L. T Hicks and wife, Faison's, N C- S BTolar, St Paul's, NCJ F A McGarahan, - St Louis, Mo; Hon Ged Howard, TarbororNI Cf B D Carry, Philadelphia,'Pa; Wm H Carryi Marion, S C: Gen Silas Casey, Wife and daughter, U S A; B F Meville, Chattanooga, Tenn. WHOLE. NO. 3,350 Coa-reatlon or the Democratic Partr In New Hanorir Coanty, ; A Convention of the Democratic Party in the County of New Hanover will be held at the Court House, in the city of Wilming ton, at 3 o'clock, on Ratnrr) May, to appoint Delegates to the State, Ju dicial and Congressional Conventions. Each Ward in the City and each Town snip in tne county will be entitled to vote in Baid Convention, according to tbe Dem ocratic vote cast in said Ward or Township for Governor in the last Gubernatorial elec tion. -.. '. ' :. ' - ;5; : By order of the Executive-Committee. C. H. ROBINSON, Chairman. ? ; Jas. Rkllly, Secretary. . d&wtf : THIBD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT , Executive Committee lHeetliiaV There will be a meeting of the Demo cratic Executive Committee of the Third Congressional District at the Purcell House iq Wilmington, on Saturday, May 4, at 10 o'clock A. M. ' ' Chas. M. Stkdman, ; : d&wlf Chairman. tub hhls. ! - ,J . The mails close and arrive &t th r,w Post Office as follows: a . cLosa. Northern through mails, 6 :00 P. M. Northern through and way mails....... . . ;. ..... .... 8:00 Al'M. Mails for the N. C Railroad, and routes supplied there- " from, including A. & N. C. ' " - : Railroad, at. ...... . .. . . . i fi-nn p m Southern mails for : all points 4 i South, daily. . . . . . . . . . . : . 6 :00 P. M. Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sunday). . . . . . . " 5:00 A.' M. Mail for Cheraw & Darlington -Railroad. r m-nn a it Mails for points between Flo- rence and Charleston . . . 10 KM) A' M. Fayetteyille,andomcesonCape - ; ear Kiver, Tuesdays- and, y: s Fridavs.. : i-nop m Fayetteville by Warsaw, daily r s , (exceDt Sundavsl. . . . :.- -J fi-nn A r Onslow C. H. and interme- -i diate offices everv Fridav. 1 fi?nft A M Smithville mails, by steam-. . r boat, daily (except Sundays) 2:00 P. M. Mails for Easy Hill, Town s v . ureeK, every Friday at. . . . : 3:00 P. M. Northern through mails .j. 1 A- 11 -nn a f Northern through and way . , . : mans........ ........... 7:30P.M. Southern mails 9:30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad. . . . 10:00 P. M; StamD Office onen from 8 A: M. to i&M r and from 2. to 5i.P M. c Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. " , . , Mails delivered from fi-nn A "M -. t.n nr .on P. M., and on Sundays from850to 9:30 A. M. - vr - j . .; ; StamDS for sale at cneral AeWwrv whpn stamp office is closed. - . ; iiey .Boxes accessible at all. hours, day and night . .. ..; . ... .. . ; 1TY ITEMS. AllsrvfiAiEA urn finnis n Tvn 8i vytwm miit.ii MVil u u . AJ ix. nave resisted the operation of ointments and wash es, nay be cleansed and healed by frequent and per sistent washing with Gum's Sulphtjii Soap. Hill's Inbtantahkoub Hxib Dye makes old folks young.,- .. - . . - . , Trinskb FKiNTms-lNKs.-InTalnAhlfT m rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer cuauia, maBuactarers ana otners. . ; They are en durinsr and changeless, and will fffliv eh urn and dear for an indefinite period of time. . Bavin? lant received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre (im w BiowueuruBiB jirumpuv ana at moaerate prices. . . ; all diseases of teething in children. It relieves the .kflJ I 3 1 1 1 . . . . uuiu. uuiu ymu, cures vfiuu couc, regulates tne Dow els, and, by giving relief aud. health to the child, gives rest to the mother. - Chronic, painful and prostrating diseases cured without medicine. Pulvermacher's Electric Belts the grand desideratum. Avoid imitations. Book and JnnrniLl. with fnll nnrf fonlara mailjjl f m. ' A A- dress Puxvebiiachbb Galvahio Co., 293 Viae St. AN ASTONISHING. FACT. A lartre nronortlon of the American people are to day dying from the tucuiB ui xrBpepua.wr oisoraerea liver, -rase tne advice of Druggists and your friends, and try one bottle of Green's August Flower. Your speedy re lief Is certain. Tou can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents to try. 'Three dotes will relieve the worst case. Positively sold by all Druggists on the West ern Continent. - . . . m i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, i OFFICE ' ' WttMmGTON GAS UGHT COMPANY, j rpBK ANNUAL MEETING OF THS STOCK JL holders of this Comnanv will be held at the Company's Office, on MONDAY NEXT. MAY 6th, at li o'clock, A. M. ' - :. . lilCilAltu J, JONKS,. Y I myM i 7-f-. ; i, ; . ; ta '. ; . ' Sec'y and Treas. : The Sea-side. THE NEW AND ELEGANT . i J ;i . HTEAMER PASSPORT Will make DALLY TRIPS to Smithville. Parties can visit the Fortifications and all points of Interest witneut extra cnarge. jtvery conuort guaranteed, i Aieaves ner oock at a. m; returns at p. m. : myStf GEO. MYERS, Agent. ! To tlie Voters of New Morer Connty. I ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CANDIDATE FOB SHERIFF OF NEW. HANOVER COUNTY subject to the approbation of the Republican Nom inating Convention. - , ' . ' ; f y ; ,.s.i-,EespectfalIy, j my 3-2l frl ea . V JOHN G. NORWOOD. ' ITotice. F YOU WANT TO DRESS NICELY FOR LITTLE MONEY, ..: ... GO TO il Jl.. X) A V I D ; Who has ' '. -r lyyU . -i THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF CLOTHINOJ . - . !; -- -' -1 . ' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOOOS IN THE '. .': -STATE. . ; I T.'l.-'-.- my 3 tf -'4 - .'" :.' : At Low Figures. 75 Boxes BACON,;. OKA Bbls MOLASSESTali'linds, mZ3J " t It,,;: gQQ Bbls FLOUR, all 'kinds, 'V 75 Bags COFFEE, : f'' ; ire'Bbls'sUGAR;"::'1" f Kj We also have on hand a consignment of COTTON YARN, which we will" sell at low figures. 1 - - I - .- : iJ. ' See us. " : -, ... ' B1NFORD.' LOEB CO.'.v my 8-tfDAW - . Wholesale Grocers.. Unquestionably ; : i WE HAVE ON HAND AT THIS TIME THE , LARGEST ANDJ3EST STOCK oti. .i Coekinf stoves In tbe State. . . Come and look at OUK BONNY. , ; - r - . Price SURE to suit,-; . ap28 tf - PARKER Sa TAYLOR. i i BATES OF ADVlittTlSING. One Square one day,. $1 00 , ": two days,. ............1 15 ' " : ; . . three day s... S SO " " . .. tour days, ......j...... 8 00 , " " " five days,. ... ........ .. . 8 60 one week,......,...,.....!.... 4 00 " ' ' Two weeks,.. 4.. . . 6 60 " Three weeks,, 8 50 ' One month, ............. j . i . . . 10 00 ' u Two months,.;.:....;; 17 00 ' " Three months,... ....... J...... 9400 i. " . - Six months,... .........;....- 40 00 " - One year... ...... ........... 60 CO ' t3 Con tract Advertisements t&ken at propo tlonately low rates. ' . . , . r i . Ten lines solid Nonpareil type make one square. . V NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Heat Meat. -r 75 Q00 LbS MBATS "store." , ' All Cuts and Qualities, . , i - i t For sale lew by my S-D&Wtf Z HALL' A PKAKSALL Butter. 20 K MOUNTAIN BUTTER, . .. Tubs MARYLAND ROLLS, . For sale low by my3-DiWtf HALL I'EARSALL. Hay! Hay! Corn! Corn! ; Oats ! Oats ! ' K A A Balei ChoicB TIMOTHY 1 ' 0JJ MIYBD HAY, 10,000 Bush. Choice VIRGINIA audN. C. COBN, Bush. Choice BLACK " - and WHITE OATS, In store-aad for sale by 2,000 B. P. Mitchell & Son. my s tr . Strictly Cash ! JO GOODS DELIVERED WITHOUT IT 1 i FELT AND STRAW HATS 1 ' ;. ! ' LADIES' HATS 1 ( , . HARRISON & ALLEN, m W Hattei s. Silk Umbrellas. . LUE FLANNEL; SUITS, $7 and upw ar d. , . .. BUSINESS SUITS, 3 50 and upward. WORSTED and DRESS 8UITS, at ' . myitt f : MUNSON'S. GRAND OPEN INU SPRip AND SUMMER MILLINERY MRS. E. A. LUMSDEN WILL H AVE A GRAND OPENING OF FRENCH PATTRRN HtM and BONNETS, on THURSDAY, MAY 8D. - x uo utaies are respectiuuy invited to cidl. ap ZO-it , , Jt. A. LUMSDEN. Cider! Cider! )URE APPLE VINEGABi - - Dried Apples and' Teaches, Beans and White Peas, Western and IT. C. Meats, ' " Lard, Batter, Cheese and Mackerel, -- - Candy, toap. Lye. Potash, &c. Canned Goods all descriptions, . Potatoes. Poultry, Begs, Ac. ' shingles. Shingles, Shinglee, . For iale by - -' PBTTEWAY & SCHULKEN, mjatf Brokers and Commission Merchants. v MACHINE, BLACKSMITH & COPPER Ana Agency ior . aiDOtt son a Jfingines '. Boilers, Saw Mills and Grist Mills. . THE UNDERSIGNED "ANNOUNCE TO THE public that they have taken the 8hop, formerly occupied by F. ' J . Lord, corner of Ann and Water , Streets, and are now prepared to do all work in the repair of MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, BOL LER WORK, BLAOKSMITHING, SHIP WOBK, &c. TURPENTINE STILL WORK and COPPKK SMITHING in all their branches. LKffif'T; SKIN8ER & LYONS. ap 19-3W- . r nac Spring & Summer Millinery. I WOULD INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE Ladles to my large and Elegant Stock of Milliner' and Fancy A rtlcles, Now opening, comprising all the Latest Novelties in HATS AND BONNETS,: i .' flowers; ribbons, silks, :iu--"-??" ; feathers, ornaments, u :", "; fancy goods, &c, &c. - An Endless assortment of Ruching, Kid and Berlin Gloves, Paris Silk Mitts, Linen and Lace Collars and Cuffs. Corsets, Bustles, Fans, Parasols. Zephyr Worsted .and Neck .Ties a specialty. In f ants' Robes, Bonnets and Caps, and a Beautiful Line Of Ladies' Undergarments. - - The most Fashionable and Latest Designs con stantly receiving during the seasons. LOWEST PRICES warranted. 42 Market Street apl4tf : - nac L. FLANAGAN. Shingles of all Kinds, QONTRACT AND COMMON,; - ,'"' ...V HEARTS AND SAPS. ; CHEAP FOR" CASH. ! ap26tf O. G. PARSLEY, Jr. Heats. 4 f- 1 n n Boxes D- 8. sides, , 1UU r and SHOULDERS, ; 3jQ' ;" Smoked 1 do. doj ; ,; -JQQ Bbls Standard MESS PORK, : 'r ' - For sale low by ap 28 tf D&W GORE & GORE. HEUTSBEBGER'S Iiiye Book and Mupic Ei Store, , y - ;V ?4 and 41 market Street Pianos and Organs SOLD FOR CASH, OR ON THE M9NTHLY ; INSTALMENT PLAN. ' myltr; ., : ,.- . , .. ... '" Grain Cradles. Feed cuttebs o? all kinds, fan mills, Corn Shellers, Grass Scythes. Grain Blades. Bush Knives, Briar Hooks, Ac. The largest assortment and lowest prices In town can be found at the Old Established Hardware House of JOHN DAWSON St CO., apS8tf 19, 31 and 23 Market street Compare,; Then Judge. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST! IMPBOVED PORCELAIN LINED PUMPS, for Wells and Cisterns: Sold only at the Hardware Depot -amfl lAtaui, ttur.,xwuura,e., c. Prices reduced at 1 ,i N.JACOBI'8 Hardware Depot, ap28tf - No. 10 South Front street Geo. A. Peck, GENTFOB- ' -" "t-"-' "HARRISON BROS. & CO. S . READY MIXED PAINT A laree stock of all shades on hand, and for aa'a cheap. Giye it a trial. - ap 28 1( it: I