' tL'BHSHERS ANNOUNCEMENT.) TliS MOUNINQ STAR, the oldoat dallr newapa pet ia NocUt-Carolina, U pbliaed daily, except Adiiday.ac $700 per year, $4 00 tor lU mimU. i 5 for Umsc month8$l 0ter one monta, to iuU u&acriler. ielivered, to city BbcrHrB . mfc rte of 15 cents per. ,wl tor4uy perio irom ovp wfe topHOyear.- '. . -iT ' tHS WaSKLY STAtt UpabUsiied every b ridajf mig at $1 50 per year, $1 MO Xor six moatlw, J 6eew for tiirMmoaua.Rf4 A. - " : JaJVESTIiSiNli KA.TSS (DAILY).-Onoqua&i owe day, $1.0J; two days, tnrve day. U 80, fwr days, $3.00; Jle days, 3 60; one ee, 4 08, Mki$S.oVhrJ weeks, 8.60; 10,00; twa month, .00j Ihr mons, 4-li, six months, $40.00; twelve months, fW.00. 1p lines of solid Nonpareil type mate vne square. J . L-aanoancementsr of r'alirs,. Festivals, Uo7rtc-Nics, i4)cietr Meetings, rHUacai Me iags, Ac., will be chiirgod regular, advertwmjf rat. . fjfo advertisement 'inserted in Local Colamnit ally price.; fotices nnder head of "City Items" j cents per JUie for first insertion, and 1 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. 4 , u J M -f S I t Ac vertisenients inserted once a week la Dally will be charged $1 00 per square for each insertion. Jv cry other day, three fourths of daily rate. Twitti a week, two thirds ot daily rate - t. f ; i . If Notices of Marriage or Death, Tribates of e spoct, Kesoiutiaci of Thanks, &c- are charged lor -as ordinary advertisements, - bav only naif rates when paid for strictly in advance At this raw 50 cents will parloTasunple announcement of riageorDeaUi.'fr-U.H;;.';- ' ' Advertisements to follow reading matter, or to occupy any special place, will be cunrged extra ac cording to the position desired. ; ; - j I Advertisements on which no epecined numbcr of insertions is marked will be continued "Oil forbid, at the option of the publisher, and charxed to the date of discontinuance. . . ? - , i Advertisements discontinued before the time Con tracted for has expired, charged' transient rateajfur fhe time actually published. . " J Advertisements kept under the head of "KewjKd erUsemsnts" will be charged fifty per cent, extjra. f An extra chance will be made for double-coliiuiu or triple column advertisements. y J . 1 All announcemenu acd recoinmendaiLna of jtjau Uidates for office, whether in the shape of cotania uications or otherwise, will be charged as adveriise- i AiauacuwiBi auvtwu ? ong dollar per square for each insertion. ' - ; Contrsct advertisers will not be allowed to exceed i..;. an. r9 mAwttati nv t hiritT forum trt their regular business without extra cuarge at ranaient rates. ; q s - Paymentslfor transient advertisements muit be 1 made m'aavance. Known parties, or strangers with i proper reference, may pay monthly or quarterlt.ac ! cording to contract , f : j j ; " 'Advertisers should always' specify the issue or is sues they desire to advertise in. Where no issue is named ins advertisement will be inserted in the Daily. Where an advertiser contracts for the paper to be sent to him during the time his advertisement is in, the proprietor will only be responsible fX the mailing of the paper to his address. : Remittances must be made by Check, Draft, Pos tal Money Order, Kxpresa, or in Registered Letter. Only such remittances will be at the risk of the publisher. - - .... v . . S Communications, unless they contain important news, or discuss briefly, and properly subjects of real interest, are not wanted; and, if acceptable in every othtr way, they will, invariably be rejected tf the real n&mje of the author is withheld. .. . . - Corregpondenta must write on only one eide of the paper. .. . . ' -.. U i Br William ii. Bernard; j WILMINGTON, N. G. .J Tuesday Moksikg, May 7, 18781 THE COUNTRY'S PHODCCTS. The growth of the coantry is every remarkable. It is somewhat ?on derful to read the statistics published by the Commissioner of Agriculture. We suppose they are correct, and, if correct, are very puzzling. Tbi cen sus of 1870 gives the figures foi that year, whilst the Department o Ag riculture furnishes those for 1878. ; 1870. . r. 1878. i Acres' cultiva- ted Horses.... Mules......... Milch Cows. .. Cattle ........ Sheep ........ 1 90,771,608 121,350,000 10,329,700 1,637,500 11,300.100 19,223,300 35,740,500 32.282,500 360,000,000 1,340,000.000 7,145,50 1,125,415 8,935,333 14,885,276- .. 28,477,951' i. . 55.134,569 235,884,700 Swine.... Wheat,bus Corn, bus ..1,094,255,000 Oats, bus. 247,277,400 405,200,000 Barley.bus. . Rye, bus...... Tobacco, lbs. . Hay, tons..... 26,295,400 - 35,600,000 -15,473,600 22,100,000 250,628,000 1 480,000,000 24,525,000 31,500,000 m With) such a tremendous increase . in production we have possibly one of the causes of the dnll times. Pro duction is greatly in excess of con suraptiorjrf , The Petersburg Po& asks the pertinent question, "how, then,: is It that hundreds of thousands ' are sufferings for bread, " clothing and sheffter?" " It makes some remarks that are worth copying. It says: i (- ' ' : , . . IS t - . "Another cause for. the anomaly pre sented ini the .facts of abundant harvests, and a starving people, is doubtless the .. I facility of production by the ' aid of ma- . Ichinery. Fewer men ate necessary o pro (duce -.a-given amount of produce, and ' j especially of manufactures; and tha result is that there is a surplus of population not necessary to these ends, who are unem ployed and destitute. So it unfortunately happens that the 'greatest poverty is found side by side with the greatest wealth: and the' deepest wretchedness and destitution are never seen except in juxtaposition with the most affluent luxury. ' How to rectify f thi3 dreadful result of modem civilization ; is the problem- of the age. If tbef world were really Christian in life and spirit, such disparities of forlane, could not exist; but in tne actual con anion or. things tne most that can be hoped from that source is the alleviation of suffering." j - . J: I i ne wona pas .progressed doubt I less, t This is a time of rapid travel j and of startling transmission of j news. I Every thing moves "at railroad 'or , iiguining speea. maenmery otj every description fills the country, people live faster. There are. a hundred new forms of dissipation. But with all this feverish excitement, fast living, gorgeous display and rapid accoma latum of wealth, is there more IvirtueV more intelligence, more happiness ? - "A "' , " ' - ' . . . "ne oi xneDest edited and most readable , papers . in, the ' Sdutf is the Richmorid lGhH8ian kdocaUl: It is a' scholarly lively highly Enjoya ble paper, and the strangest thing about it is, that it is edited b'y plain J -?f Hej8 a man if sense, of education and modesty.1- 5 ' The beauties of the i nrvl RVfttnm ofteri 'illusirated.-vThe lltftRt v-The latest we have met witfi was in the! Emma ' Territory;- Ooe man locked khe iurv for eighteen1 bonrsV :He was; for the plaintiff.' jHe j stated in open - court k th at he w as offered $10,000- for his vote. i THEPOTENCYOFPRINTER'SINK. ' We have long known that tVic type setter and the proof reader were the greatest friends thi newspaper- vor ? respondent ever had. It i the great- ' est possible mialake to suppise when you read a letter or a political article in a newspaper that you- have before you the document as: it came-'froitt the bungling hand of the wniert'Thb truth isfc ii ot one man in ten w ho boast that thev are educated can i ?rite twenty lines lor the, press correctly. Most of the admiring friend a ; of vil lage or city Solomons would be fairly astonished if they were to read in print an cac i copy of , hef produc tions of '.heir great men, . Wbea the crude and illiterate productions have been "doctored" by 'the editor;' and put into shape by 4.hecomp6sitof,and diligently corrected by the proof reader, it conies out. a very different production from that which was sent for publication, i& c jtaua T It ' is because of the immense changes wrought in the printing office that so many incompetent persons are consumed by vanity and are dying with flatulency. They write, and when "thev read their productions as they appear in print,. they come to the conclusion that they "are .mighty, men with the "gray goose quill," and that the world is losing a vast deal daily because, their lucubrations ' are not illumining the benighted and delight ing the truly cultivated. j.vw fi ; !. j-.-Vj In , the last Christian Observer, published in Louisville, Ky.i. there is a communication published precisely1 as it was written, and then as it was corrected by the printer and -editor. It is a letter written by a little girl foi her still smaller . brother. It is quite equal in any and all respects to hundreds of communications that are sent annually to -editors by children of larger growth. j. We copy first the letter of the dear little boy as be dictated it and as his little sister wrote it: . - j ApriMbe. 10th ; Dear Editors r : " 178 AS I niver have wrote you I thought I would Write. I Will get my SiSler Flora to write far me. I Coot write yet. My Granpa murray haS went to Greenville- S. a and my SiSler Floro Stayes With Gran ma I have two little Calves ones . name is dixie and the ethers manes , Bailie I , Want to work them if papa doot Sell them, i I have A Slede, mama has a hold hen with three Chick ens 1 nave A little rat . tarry named Josie. I think so much of her. ,. P. 8. Please dont for get to publish my letters AS It iS the firSt one-1 will be Soo proud to See my name in print-: v i The editor of the Observer correct- ly say 8: , t . "Many a popular writer's article would appear no better but for the kindly unices of the type-setter and proof-reader.", f Here is the letter as it appeared in ship shape" style: , i j . DIXIE ASD BJLLLXB.; : .'. Dear Editors 1 will get my sister Flora to write for me; I can't write yet ; My Grandpa Murray has gone ta Greenville, Or. U., and my sister Jflora stays witn grand ma. I have two little calves. - One of them is named Dixie and the other Bailie. 1 1 want to work them if papa don't sell them. I have a sled. - Mamma has ; an old hen with three' chickens.- I have a- little rat terrier named Josie. ' I think' so much of her.-. We will supplement the above with just rone ' remark.'; - The newspaper men of this country have never really appreciated their power. Great as is the power of the press, it is yet far greater than men generally have been disposed to believed... The men of the pen and scissors have to a very great eTtent 'manufactured the politicians of our times.' Men of mediocre parts have . been lauded'into intellectual giants, and the printer's ink has givn fame and pap to h undreds of wind blowers who had neither solid parts to sustain ; them nor the virtue of gratitude to adorn tbem. Bqt f Pigmies are pigmies stilt 'though perched on Alps,JsaE - - v i And pyramids are pyramids in vales.." j H CBA HPS CAREER ; ItEVI BIT ED. ; General D, H. Maury, of Itich- mond.Va., in the Southern Historical Society JPaper8iyix upon Gebl Grant.'., He views him first; as a soldier and then as a civilian.- He regards him: as the most extraordi nary puppet or.fortune. ever known in our country We have not seen the article, but from the " extracts,. We have seen, we take it that GenHau ry has. given, him .all he Is entitled to. The Augusta ' . .Chronicle gives a synopsis., tIt fiays: . , vv "His chief distinction At West Point was horsemanship; no such darinir eauestrian ever having appeared before or since at the Academy. in tne Mexican, war be was ouiet, self-reliant and sober,7 After the war he became' .intemperate, ' lost his commis sion, literally fell -into the gutter, from which another and a vaster war lifted him from one honor to another until he had no thing mWe to win. Such a : retrieval of destiny. Gen. Maurv lustlv thinks, is with out parallel." . - j He points otit his many .blunders, and his great 4 enacityi f Twiil and bull-dog courage. . The ' Chronicle say8:;t:5.:vB "General Maury scouts the idea that Grant was led to "victory by other men's brain,s ftnd proves that he formed and -executed his own plans, often in contradiction of advice he had asked for. He had armies beaten under him, but they never left the The shining virtue accorded Grant ia'bis freedom of personal insult or cruelty to prisoners of waf, from General Leo down to the humuieei private soiaier, v v Fur Granl'd political career Geu. -Maury has only con tempt. He allied himself, with theeueraies or the Bepubltc'i' surr.uhded himself with yehsl panderers. hefiaide chief liirt-laker of the land, and -'Systematically Droceeded to feather his nest, so- i hit he could never be poor Jmymore.V Connecticut lis'a jjoojl dog InSX6Jitu.dJ.7lhjirewi;riJft deaths from-hydrpp rppHobia. pDurlhg the present year there have been' wo. Some leading citizens were among the unfortunate yiotirris. tf Each year from $12,00a to ilS.OOOj-have ibeen.iVaia annually for -: sheep ikilleid -by tlogt?. The Legislature, buivf recently83 ad- 1ourined,enacied a laW which we 6bpy, and hope our bolons that -are to be will give it a closec,examinaLioi ,aid then get a good.plaste ri to . stiffen u p the spinal ool u mn. ; Here, i t he la w;: "Every dug kept must be regntered on or before May l8t,: f each year,1 and $ 215 paid therefor-, to the Town . Cleik for ;each male dog, and $0 15 for each femule ilog. Every dog must comtanUy 'vitit an uad the neck a collar - distinctly marked-with the renisier1 number and;, .Ihu - owner'. Maine. Every dog not so licensed aud, coliared in to he killed, ami $1 bouuy is pa:d lor the killing. Any peraou keeping-an r uniegis tered dog may be lined 4?. or imprisoued SO, days, or both; and it is made thedu'y of Grand Jurors aud all other prosecuting of ficers to prosecute any violation otl hid act. All damages done by 'dogs in - sheep, or lambs,. or cattle; are to be paia, for, bythe town, and collected in full from '.be uwuers of the dogs. Any person killing a legistered dog, unless such killing be jastiflable for the protection of life or property, ii 4hle for the value of the dog, as. e&tabliahed by competent evidence, aud to a fine not ex ceeding $7,; or imprisonment not exceeding 80 days, or botli." H 'i;- rAn:c.xji ' isProbably Mr.iHayea.haas been a greater failure in his appointments to office than iu any other particular. It is certain that many of his selec tions have been singularly unfortu nate. He Bent Mr. Noyes , as Minis ter to France, and Mr. Kassoti as Minister to Austria. It 19 noW abso lutely, certain that these worthies were active agents in the -Florida frauds. It is a reflection upon the country to send such men .abroad to represent it. : They might represent an administration that went into office through fraud, but they, could not represent a people who were sick of fraud to the utmost. Is there- no way to dispense witHMitiisteTs Noyes1 and Ivasson s services? : : Rev. Elias Dodson writes a letter from Nashville, Tenri., to the Biblical Recorder that contaiis several inter esting historical facts. He roentious that Nashville was named after Brig adier Gen. Francis Nash, of North Carolina, who was killed in the battle of Germantown, near Philadelphia, in 1777. - The county wa named v after Col. Davidson, ' of North : Carolina; who was killed on the banks' of 'the Catawba, while the British were cross ing in February, 1781. About 1780 Nashville was called Robinson Sta tion. ' : l ' : H -There- appears to u be one. thing about' which: all of the late John Mornssey's eulogists agree that he was an honest man. Said Alexander "An honest man is the noblest .. work of God. 1 The' colleges of the Reformed Pres byterian Church in the United States do not confer the title of D. D. on any f one. , Such , colleges . are real blesBingB-u t a CUHKKNT COMMEHT V,1 - In view of -all this clamor; jet Mr. Hayes demand 4 of the Congress of the united States aoommission on election:: frauds, : composed of fair, candid, and just men of both politi. cal partiesslothed"-with full power. t,o .compel the atttendahce rof;wit n esses, the' proc u re men t o f-d ociimenf tary ' evidence relating' to the cah vasses, and to :fully investigate Hhe Presidential -elections 4n 1876 in the States of North and Sotith Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi; Louisiana, Flo rida,' Georgia, .New ; York, New Jir-! sey and Indiana,, with a. iyiew to un earthing all frauds, intimidations, outrages, and assassinations that had affected the results in either and all of those States In that . way: the bottom facts , could be , reached, and the Inst' results ' discovered." Wa$h. MepuUiccinBact. ' ?f j The Democratic party asserts that, the .Republican party stole , the vote oCFJojrtda-.That "itblen vote gave the Republican jtPresident and administration place and power. The; Republican partjj. the Republican ad: ministration, the Republican Presi dent, te- Republican press ' unite in aenying ana qenouncing vemocrauo assertions jot 1 fraud. J' Gen.' Garfield has publicly called ' the McLin" ' con fession a "roarbaclc." Now 'either Gen?4 Garfield and f he- Republican party,'. or the Democratio party must, be utterly ' wrong If the ' RepabliT cans' are right the charges of the De-t mocrats are simply infamous, ij If the Democrats are right :lhft cause of the Republicans is infamous.- Either the Republicans ot the Dembfcratl"havi rWo'tpfirillrti'lfii'- -PKj loan r oniC.Z I clear and inevitable. " If' the Demo erats ' will; not; do their; duty,- and s through an' inyestig;atiorjf7 settle this question, they must forever after hold . . ... . T;: r J .. . w - .... -.r . reensDoro jsew estate, ltadicU Smith and Schenck marched up the hill' .- Seeking judicial ermine; ' ? Chief Justice Smith, he got his fill,' r -: But Schenck backed down a-figulrmin'. otrn IV Jm. m at. inn m BM lib B mm m t mjr t W ua iw - r WhvAfelha law vers so reticent upon. iLe cniuiitu Suoretaei' Court oomloafioiia 7-i .f Tnr ; it certaiuly f no :platof s...iiui ti jude ff the quallticauoiis or uigu, ju n-v i1 officer. . Are thss . afraid lkmr ..HlV lion nriirht endaucer their inHUfnce U-fore thweoutt of iai resort ? If , Una iuc uTshea an 4UdHiuat reajon w n y j h; .el i tiou .ought to be; taken out or the people s hka&$.i-outhtm!ilome.t VJ i , liy Uw wa8fWVery,doubttuLigoH)i even Id the debtor; a.d if-wt l unn, u win oe t'alherU ifflfiult tai A oJ) wbei e. it vm i f i all. The repeal ttfctba law is the best thing bou l it, It , was a r Paudora'a box from which emanated couulles moral evils which will remaiu for years to' vex" the pebplej The devilould hardly desire a; belief de' vied foe sowing discord, . among? brethren; aud -turning the heart of. man against .his fellow. Salisbury Watchman: . 'v - -J i - m m m . ! .. ' I'OLITU'lL POl2VI , I : fThe Uichraond, (Va.) Dispatch says that all thought, ot bringing Mr. Til leu foiward'any tnore is 'iionsnas that "iiohody wiil touch him with - ieri foot !.!! : i ,u -... j . t5 -i--.The independent. ? candidate J is t he culmiuutiou of the gieed for ofllce.-For tins reason-, if, for ,uq other; he should be voted duwu wherever he ahows his head. Al'anla Constitution,- Dem: ; -"; ';.;;. The Piesideiit, I think, Is a liii lle wort it d bj these Florida MorieH, It lnUs't to utipleasant for any iau,,ot a Vil- liiinV to tlni'iK it Hssible thti'lt - got- bis liiih olHce iy fraud h Springfield liepub tcn, '"tt 'l b3 'great" work' of; the Uepubli- cau parly lu (he t ie tiuu in Uhlo uext Jali is to tesloie the National lloue of Kepre- bentatives to the control of the people who uie loyal to the natiou, aiuJ who arc identi fied with the undivided lepublic.-n(7in- nau Uazettet Hep. ; ': Delirium tremens is wtiat s 1 1. matter with Buchu Helm bold this time, i "Queen Isabella sports a beard.' God shave the Queen. -Kevo York World, f - The new Earl of Leitrim offers a reward of $50,000 for his uncle's mur derers. . :. -;. - - Some startling stories have re cently been set .afloat that General Fremont and his family, were in actual destitution , Prince . GortsohakoiFs illness is typhoid rever, the seeds of which be ga thered at the Czar's headquarters in Turkey last autumn. , j Miss Ransom, who painted a life size portrait of General Thomas, which she nas been unable to sell to Congress, is now engaged on one or General Kobeit K. Lee. Prol. Henry, of the Smithsonian Institute, has been presented with a purse of $40,000 by bis friends. The Professor bas devoted bis whole , life to science, and is Poor- . . , ; . Alexander H. Stephens got lost in the United states senate chamber a few aays ago. Alter a long Eearcn, be was found seated io David Davis' chair. New Or lean limes. .- ! , .Oakes Ames was . supposed to be worth $15,000,000 when he died, but the estate will not pan out over $2d,000. The ureait ' Mooiiier ouismess cost him over $10,000,000. , . . William Shakespeare, the great est - writer of England, and Miguel Cer vantes, llie f author ot "Don Quixote," the most popular writer of Spain, died on the same dsy April 23d, 1616. ' j At the funeral of - Mr. John N, Genin, a beautiful feature of the services, and one that attracted much : comment by the lovers of music, was the voluntary ren dition by. Mrs' W. L. Miller, one of the best of our amateur contraltos, and Mrs. George Park r, of the familiar hy mn, "Near er My God to Thee." ,i There was not a dry eye in tne auaience. Mew iotk Herald. TWINKLINGS: -...:t iiugland has eight- newspapers founded over a century ago. ., . u, , i(1 v t . A whistling girl and a "mutual friend" always come to a bad end. . ,1s .. The manufacture of base . balls employs 300 workmen at Natick, Mass. ' The subscriptions in Russia for a fleet of privateers are making rapid pro gress.'':; ' ; 1 7- The parlor is the graveyard of the house," cries Xhe Rural New Yorker. At least, it is as expensive as a funeral, Vourier- Journal. . , i ? : v . , :. .,,7- The German, and .Austrian Al pine Club has . nearly 7,000 members, and an income 'of $10,000. It is producing splendidmapsr " " ' . 'tllK'fXiPl .One good, hones'hard-workihg . man., is equal to six communists any day,' either for peace or war. Com Adv. ma-h. t.; ! J "Ye." said a man last evening; as he -bent his elbow' to raise the twentieth glass of .beer, v "it is over-work"ihat lulls.'' JV; J, IIerald.. .ujJ j' i'l TrriThe prayer acrostic: i fj Ask, and it shall be given.ye; r;V(t4 ". jt ?r 8eek, and ye shall find; r . ,' - - . i Knock, and it shall be opened uuto'you. " '' Greece was"a province of the Turkish Empire' up to the' insurrection ofr 1821, which resulted In lis Independence February 3, 1830, un.der the joint, protec tion of Great Britain, France and Russia. A Northern paper is complain ing of a Southern one .for writing a very common word: "nigger.: " Tne Liaun orig inal has but oneg(ny?er),and is pronounced very much as we would pronounce the double g in English; and therefore the Southron may be nearer the mark than bis Northern -ctiit.Riehmond! Whiff?"; j m ;;-c:-.'A fashion ijournal says: 'No thing will be worn this silmmer by the fair sex, except . longitudinal striped hose." Good bye I We are off to the Fiji Islands, where the women, in ' addition to a red s trine around the left ankle, wear bracelets of sharks' teeth around, the waist and a fish bone in the n osa Jyorrtstown ueraui. DKlMiTICTNOTES. Kignoldlhe'-actogbtinto a roW vvith the ' leader of the" orchestra! at Wheelingbe other night, and swore at hinit in front , of the. footlights in the, pre sence of the audience. . , . v yi VL1 Among i jbolpreil ineti jwhom MrHenry C. Jarrett has engaged' to ap Dear in'Uncle Tom's Cabin, in England.is James Freemaov at: one time; Speaker of. the Assembly. of, Soqlh Carolina. .A : Miss Courtney Barne8,daughter. of Rose Ey tinge by her first husband, the founder ,91 tne cneaper press tn Aiuaujr, plays Wagff,'lh6 English groom, in Rowe's version of "Exiles.V io.: theinterior places.. jfiss, Eytinge, atarred . Jasl week iq Iouis-v Vllie,4i.y. '.: ., . j; , ... ; ;. f ' Miss Clara Louise Kellogg,M He. Mane Rozei Miss ' Annie Louise Caryl Sig nor Frapoh, Mr.1 Verdi aBd Mr. Kauffman Mil assist at a grand concert Jn New. York, i the: .benefit. of Miss? Marie , Tuck, a young lady of much musical promise, who needs the means of pursuing her musical ed ucation. SOUTH EUIU ITEMS. 1- t , 4r MiKxouri i has inorej' honorary com misii mers at Paris i ban - any St;aie in 4he Uio)im l -Mot a single exhibitor.; - tln;f Ce, of Phil-t Jelplua the. geologist. hts"t'iind hi wci meuut -verie bralts -in Norttifrn Fi x is heretofore un- r Atlaota Constitution : tofCFlOrii 4 Mtlet aurewdet cari DeniUH, rpet-bfigiger that ever aided iu niunderitio; a Southern State " lie know &ft u si" vvlien' to conf ess"""?" the pipneers ojtexaa-ujied it his residence laHtlftmbys'on ibe ',11th wuIC I Judge Dewees.was. born in Kentucky .in 1199, and immigrated tot Texas .in 1822, with the fiist three hu pd red of Austra'a coloiiy C; j yii-'f lieh Wst Virginia: Sapreme Court affirms the verd ict of $8,000 damages for libel against -"the. Wheeling Register com pany in favor of Maj.ir Ames VW-Sweeney. The Vtbelous'.arlicles Wer ptlblisliedTrarTng Jhe political campaign fouryears'ago; ' , ; -' M rg.- Page,-- the: wife, of TD ri Charles Page, U.: S : A., ?fortnelyiof Alexf andria, died in Ouialia, a lew o ays . since, and her remaius were brou.4hv ibeie Tuesy day,forJittermVjit.'f.-The'deceased was' for, fflerlyaMisA'OrmtchielofFn-drickf u rg; :Va.- ' '': np ! Xjk ai.'y Foreclosnre. Sab oi: Laid. . VIRIUK AND IN PUKSUAJSCE OP TflE p-jwers c-M.taincd in an lndeotUiC of M j:tiage, ex- ecottd 10 the undersigiud by the oVun E. Pal and . arollcc A. bid wie, bearing data the 17th lay of JuH;,l A. 1. 87), and reglstersd in tha Keiater' Office of New Hanover Oonntv. ia BookZ.Z.. pases 479 eteeq., 1 will proceed to foreclose said mort gage, by a sle of the premises tbereiu conveyed at the Court House door ' in tne city or wilmins (on. on SATURDAY, the I6TH bar UK MAY MKXT, at 11 o'clock. A. M., for $5.0 caeh. and the balance In equal installments payable reepeetlvely on tne 1st days or January, ion. ihso. issi and 1882, with 8 per cent.' interest' (The said premises are tne same wnereon tne said Avon ts. ta.n lately rest ded, add are situated in Pender county, on the road leading from Northeast Bridge to Lotig CreeK; and adjoining tha lands belonging, or formerly belong ing, to t avid B. Banting and Joseph K. Banting, a-d others. ; ; - -. -.- DAVID G. WORTH, Gaardlan, ap 37 2tawd - j t - satu ; Mortgagee. Great Reciuctibh IN PfilCE OVi - LEA & PERRINS' CKLBBRATfiD . PROKOUNCSD Bt r EXTRACT ' 'I I..- nf I.RTTirnfnnn t i - CONNOISSEURS . : t I TO BE THE . I J i t "ONLY GOODv A a MEDICAL GENTLEMAN at ; . Madras to Ma brother at : VTORCK8TER,! , May. 1851. i SAUCE " And applicable to EVERY VARIETY ! OP DISH. "TellljAAPra bins that their sauce i highly esteemed in India, and is, in my opinion, the most palatable as well as the most wholesome ; Sauce that is made." r 0.'U.l -Slit-' . . i-K ,iV-4 ::s:U i Worcestershire Sauce, THUS GIVnfG THE CONSUMER NOT ONLY ' ' THB BEST, BUT TBE MOST ECO NOMICAL SAUCE. Signature on every bottle. " JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, 29 Murray Street and 1 Union Square, New York jan 8-oaly .....Ta ... .. , -. , , y s FAIRBANK8' o' St a n da rd Scales , MADE WITH TUB Latest & Most Valuable Improvements. P'.S'C'A'tE FOR SALE ALSO, ' ! I . PATENT ALaRM MOiy RiWEljs ' ' ' COFFEE MILLS, SPICE MILLS, AND STORE FIXTURES GENERALLY. , .IMPROYBD TYPE WRITER, ,f , THE OSCILLATING PUMP COMPANY'S PUMPS, JFoir banks MGo. i t "i -. 311 BKOlDWlV. jKBW; YORK. FOR SALE by LEADING HARDWARE DEALERS ma. 5 -3m D2taw&W tu fr Zeb. Vance Cook Stove. IT IS THE LAEGEST COOK STOVE ! IT IS THE BEST COOK STOVE i 1 IT IS THE HEAVIEST COOK ST0VE4 IT IS THE CHEAPEST COOK STOVE! .. . . IT IS BOLD BY JACOB I, AVllmingtoii, , Manufactuied for the trade by Thomai, Bobertt, Slerenion & Co. apS4-7m philadklphia:-- i : - Fall Fashions. MRS. VIRGINIA A ORR HAS RECEIVED and Is now using the LATEST SHAPES lor La dies and Misses Hats, and invites a call from those who nave heretofore entrusted her with their work. She is prepared to alter old stvles and fashion them Into the most modern shapes. . : .-.-,' White straw dyed black whoa- so ordered and In feest style. ; 3. vu, .;s-r ; RESIDENCE One door east of Front, oa Church Street.-' ,..-:- t 'M-. .t-ri.ti'-aet'-l-tf.-- Low ! Low ! i n 'os we? 6fFer BOOTS SHOES at LOWER PRICES inan . they -have" beea sold for yeats " Buyers will make a mistake If they fail to call on us" ; before purchasing. Mi FRENCH A SONsl i;1 Front st.t Wilmington. GEO. R. 39 N ap S3 tf a ....... I ' . i i i - i i . .i . in . i -i - . . flTOoi iUuuuuq, 11 8 too id D i Dscitsl eiooo. rey resent the wholesale prices generally : !n msKms a: sAail orders higher pnr.es txar to Ims chargea BAUfcllNv. ouuu . ' I 1 00 Q, Donbi- AliChui - ; J - 4. BACON iNor.r.Oar-..iir. ; -sttaaB...f.'.-;.. . 4. -.h - " 4rtr- - la;!-..- ''-' 1 f - it :. Shoulder ; . . ; n sj i. i i --jt ij U If 1 ... . v.. BARRKTS Spirit Tarpe"iitu" 'C" New New Yatk: c-h ' GO a-i BJtKSW AJt J B k .BRICKS WilmmgtonrV M ..1-85 38 BCTTERNorthCioVma. S a. Northern '9 - . . . j. CANDLESperm., . Taliow, 9 2...;.. ...... l! Vf-Adamantine, 9 SkU. CHSfiSB Northern Factory $ ft - a Dairy, cream St . 15 . S5i 15 . . ska 0! i83i ,43? - .a - 13 15 s li - S8 3 15 1,31 1 -so if jsutte, 51 - - -1 . COKFEB Java. . .. . ;tv ioS Bi-. -ii. "pLaguayra .9 to.i.,... CORN MEAL bwtoel wrru vus jl:-B;i;!Vn c-U DOMBhTICs--tiii,titi 4-4 9 yd '' tarn. V buncn; -.lii ; i 90 KGUS.. ....... . FTSJi M&ciert-l. No. 1. V bbL I 16 00 I 8 50 il4 00 -90 00 - J No. 1, 9 Js bbi-vA.V.i.; ; Mackerel. Na. 4. 9 Dbl. t ;i4 - Nc. u a ucj.. . ; ... Mackerel, No; ft. 0W4. i..t . Mullets. bbi...... ......... N.C.Uemng. V bbt.. J.. ...... Dry Cod, i.VJ , FLOUU Fiae, bm; ... .' Super. Nwihera.; V bbl.:u.. .Family -!?. v bbl.....; ul CityMUla 8upr f bbl.... Kara. V bbl..... 1 ; - - - Kamlly, 9 bbl;.. ;, - - i - Kx.Faraily, bbl FBBTIL1ZBRS - - . f - Peruvian Guaiu, 9 Sow ' a 10 a 14 T CO 11 00 8 75 B0 a 7 50 0 11 & 8 -8 50 00 5 00 S50. 6 25 7 25 0 to 7 60 7 50 8 00 j 8 i 67 60 O 63 50 & 60 00 65 00 M 40 00 & 45 00 67 00 65 00 uaugn-s v uosohate, Carolina Fertiliser, i Ground Bone. ,. , s . j Bone Meal,, " .: Fioor Navassa Guano, , Complete Manure ' l" ; ; Whann'B Phosphate f . Wando Phosphate. 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 n oa GO 00 eooo 56 90 9 . 68 I: 58" 00 -.' 61 50 ' 83 .4 10 0 00 67 00 7900 70 00 00 00 Benrer A Bute's Phosrh. ' .- - Excellenza Cotttt Fertilizer glue t. i,.'. 60 00 GRAIN Corn , in store. In osgs. 0 4jorn. uargo, y Dusneju.... Corn, mixed V bushel. Corn, wholesale, in bags. . f 62 - - oats, v Mgnei ,., " J Peas, Cow, V bushel f" tLLUJSS ireen, y k i :. 5 i HI ,y" v - - - HAY Bas tern, 9 100 1.8....... . Westers, 100 s;..i ' " " North River, V 100 ..,-. . HOOP IRON V ton..; ... 11 0 00 1 isx l w t 1 10 75 00 83 00 . . 9 .'10 LARD Northern. B.. - North Carolina, 9 LIMB 9 bbl..... . .... i... -'00 - 11 !,';. XI 1 LUMB5B Cur hnujfSAwas - snip Stuff, resawea, 9 M ft:. Dnrrnn Q'Hr.A Pl..k li U ft IS 00 00 00 14 00 18 00 13 CO 00 - 00 00 00 S3 16 40 a 60 16 1 10 90, SO . 25 15 -70 00 i 25 13 50 00 00 00 00 SO 00 16 00 Weetlndia Cargoes, according 1 toquauty, VMrt.........i Dressea flooring, season ad.. Scantnng and Boarcs. com - mon, fJ M ft. .. . MOLASSES New cp Cuba.hhds New crop Cuba, bbls 9 gal. . Porto Rico,hhd8. ....... .... .. bbls . Sugar House, . kids, V gal. . 18 00 89 00 16 00 . " .... ODis.11 gal 27 . 80 365 NAILS Cut, 4d to SOd. 9 keg.. . ulls Kerosene, y gal... . Lard, 9 gal....... ......... v Linseed,. gal. ...... Rosin. 9 gal.. .... .!. POULTRY Chickens, live - Spring... 18 145 fS40 : ; 30 18 ?90: 50 8 75 nan u 10 uuauoi.... ........ POTATOES Sweet, 9 bushel.. . . Irisb, Northem, 9 bbl . PORE Northern. City Mess. .. . . .Thin, V bbl ...i........ Prime, 9 bbl J..:; ... Rump, tt bbl .....j......... RICE Carolina, 9 J. r Rough, 9 bufth.....i.... - KAGS Country,, 9 ......,.... City, I...........!........ ROPE ... SALT Alum, 9 bushel i 13 00 00 00 12 00 : 00 00 13 00 6V 93 IX 1 uu 2 2 , 23 6 00 80 oo ' Liverpool, f)saeic,c& F.O.B. " : : 1 isbon, 9 eack....-i... American, fl sack......... SUGAR Cubs, 9 Porto Rico. 9 f i 75 ' 85 so oo -J 8 A Coffee. 9 t lOifQ O ; i 9 ............. i 9 : 9 a : 9 - KX. C-. ' 9 - Crushed. 9 it oo 5 oc 50 50 SOAP Northern . ft ?HWGLKS Contract, 9 M Common, a M.w...J....i.. . : 8 UU 3 00 . Cypress Saps SM,'..j.....;..j '- 5 00 00 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 8 08 6 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 2 60 22 S 80 o-vTreesiiearts .... 1 50 8TAVJS3 W. O. BbL. V M.. 12 00 10 00 00 00 08 10 00 7 00 5 00 4 50 3 5) 1 1 00 175 .18 28 R. o m. M ' Cypress, M. I TALLOW 9 T m1?!":::::: juiijrair, w M......4........ Common Mill......,i... . ... - Inferior to Ordinarv. M.I. . WHI8KBY Northern, gal.. North Carohna, 9 gal........ WOOL Unwashed, :... .J wasued.w a ..... .ii WIK.ITT1NGTON JSIONBV At ARRET ''i5 5;!-: 5 i'i'W vriM.;.nEuaiia.' Go4 .s......... ... '1.... Par. ' 101V Exchange f sight) on New Tort, ; . V. i . : yc disc't' ; ; ,sz Baltimore,. ... - - Boston,..,...,..... Philadelphia, i.... 5 .-;.-..! ! Western Cities..":.. .. m -: " 100 ' . - ; 75 . 65 - 100 95 Exchange 30 days 1 9 cent." Bank of New Hanover' Stock.?. : . .. . 1? '- First National Bank,.. uawsoaBanK l... , Wilmington Btdlding Stock,.; ..i Kavassa RnitnnfVt a'A a 120 N. C. Bonds Old Sz-Cbupon ..'.. 14 5 5 5 1 v . uo.. , funding 1866.. 'Do. 1868... JL .- do. Su.Hew...i.uirf Do. j Special Tax..,, " Do. to N. C. Railroad 49 W. . W. RR.Bonds 7c (Gold Int), J97 uarouna uentrai n. xc joonds. 6 wc.. .30 Wil: Col. Aug. R. B. ; " ;U;..,,30 WibnlngtoaClrBonda S 9c... .10 , " -, , i 7 we-. ..90 "Si;.;; M new e...70 (Gold Inti -7 - a we , ih t New Hanover County Bonds, 6 9c.;;.S0 (Goldlnt) - it, itr. - uu..,: .9 WC....7U iuur. inti n. n. riiiuvwiswcK 43 North Carolina R. R.:-'Mr-'"U-:.V;....-..40 WlLGaaLiahtCo.": i v.....;.....57 .'-: s WMmSnstrtn Ootton Mills...-. .55 r.ioiiu 3: AND . - Crave: es. FIRST-LASS WOR K' AT LOWEST NEW YORK IKIU1. DESIGNS BBNT BY MAIL. WORK si U PACKED AND SHIPPED, AT OUR RISK,! TO ANY PART OF THB SOUTH, r j , RICHARD WAT-HAN & CO, ' i - Si Lafayette Place, New "Xork.! 1 Wathan's Monumental Desisns. in boob form, for i ale to ther Trade. ' dec 4 D&Wtf THE SSEIDEBj'BREECH-LOiBIHG Shot-Gun. ! s Prices, $50 OO to $230 OO. ,..4 MUZZLL iLOABING- V. &UN8 '. ALTERED TO BREECH-LOADING, i t iI Pleef $40 to $100. - ; v Clark i;' Sneid-er, i ivf ' . MANUFACTURERS, , - j ' :. ' 214 West Pratt Street: :":H:t, i ' Baltimore. Send for Catalogues! dee22DAWtf ' High-BredDogs. E NGLISH, IRISH AND . GORDON SETTERS, ot the Choice-t Breed.'wita guaranteed pedigrees. ,, . , ' Forsaleby . uS ;pj it ".i Vso;,--. . ,j! j j -. E;-J.? WELSHi ov7D&WU ; - -, ? YortPean rrttTtICORDS ESSENCE OF -LIFE restores XJ manhood aad the vigor of youth to the most snatterea consuiuuua m iuut weeas. . rnaxiuius IMPOSSIBLE. -This life restoring remedy should fee taken br all about ta marry or who may have become weakened from excess or ani other cause.-' Success in every case is. as certain as that watei quenches thirst. $3 per case. Sole Atrent, Dr. JOS. ACOUES.i7 University Place. New York. DR1TG GISTS SUPPLIED.- ' aug U-ly IlEWT ADVERTISEMENTS. I 4 .', i " i venienmai exposition f-. r acta- of nmeUnwg tad JUaorinn. Tha best tolSf" vsrer made. As onr bine strip trade-mark hVTI0 t toitate1 fcrfor roods, re? thai &"tt? i every plufr. Sold br til ZZaJ" fa io ! . . fcao. to C. A. jAsxsntt Jk fn vZ. r BefoTe Buyius or Keiitiiiea Cabinet or Parlor Oran Be sere to tend for onr LATEST Catalogs ,h ClKCpXABS With MW STTMS, BSZjUCED PE1CB8 11 muchinforiBalior.. Sentfree. MAbON Havi ii2 ORGAN CO., Boston. New York or Chicago. UN . . i .FOWLER & FUI.TON, - . General Agents for the UNITED TaTBH OARTB 1 DGE o ' ' Manufacturers of the- . - Solid Head, I Beioading, Military and :-. Sporting, Central Fire C ARTRID GERi - 15 ; t0f 26 1 a 00 1 16 i IS , 80 ! '- 0 33 .72 ; . 7 ' Also Rim Fire Ammunition for Pistols and T)i Cartridge Cas o, Swaged and Patched BuileVpii ere. Re lodin?ToolB, c..ic. Ker.d for ll!n.f Catalogue. BUO BHOADW A Y.NEWlOHK C T V SAW MILL' MEN. If you need a -ood haw GUMMKRor KAUSTCn5 T writetoJ.W. M1XTKM 5- SAW 'l-trfil i .1 . Wanted.) TEMFLKTO. mass ! 12K SO 50 TO nA VEGOon, EALTH TTi'! n,. HI Hli ikEPT IN OHDKi ' ' JJKARTC 50 00 6 dimbheavIpP 550 6 50 IS 9 50 - COKSTM10 sickheadachea fSUlUiEBC&HPlAWn oto 725 f OR DISEASES OFs (uiuausNEss.s .4. DYSPEPSIA. iS CLEARS THE : S 1T75 25 For Pamphlet. address Dr, Sanfokd, New York. J4xEn STuMAGrJ7 crXT a. cnwci a THE CO-OPERATIVE NEWSPAPERS. " It has been asserted that oce-hnif nf uii paid by New York advertisers for advertiBlne out side of that city coes to the Co Opkhative New. PAPERS. ' 4 ' .. If this statement is true.there ino occasion fo surprise that prominent pap0 which are etill char ging war prices for advertising fesl called upon to abuse a rival with which they find themselves una- 15 uo ux? w uinuiituu a competition. . . Pull particulars about the Co-ODerative Nfiwano. ' . S3 Tiers, together with catalogues and ndvnrMcinrrMt, SO mailed free on application to BRALS & POSTER' General Agents Axehicas NEWfPAi-EE Dnion. 10 Spruce Street, New York. 115 40 MIXED CARDS, with name 10c Agents' outfit 10c. L.' JONES & CO., Naesau, N. Y. ClTtn AWC retail price $280 only $65. UJ&UTXilS O PIANOS retail torice $sin 25 . only $135. Great bargains. BBATTT; Wash- ENSTON, N. J OK PANCT CARDS, 8NOWFLAKE DAMA&p Assorted in 25 styles, with name, JO cts. Nas sau Card Co., Nassau, N. Y. - : 40 43 P L A NT E R S Fifty tons partly decomposed Hoe Hair, used ith 35 28 124 success on Tobacco. Corn and Qraxs. Price ia r.r ton, in bags. Shell Lime, in bags $49 bushels io the ton 12 cents per bnsheL BOWKN & MKR CER, 72 Exchange Place, Baltimore. 100: PIANO & ORG-ANi War Over.- hold the field and compete I with t be world. 1,0:0 Superb Instruments from Reliable Makera at Facto ry Rates. Ever man his own agent. Bottom prices to ail.. New Pianos. 8135. 8150. 8 1 5ft. New Oreans. S4D. iAO. T. sir tmn guarantee. Fifteen days' trial. Makers names on all Instruments.: Sauare dealincr. the honest truth. and best barcrains in the U.S. From $50 to f 100 actually saved in buying from LDDDEN BATES' SOUTHERN WHOLESALE ass ORGAN UKPOT, SAVANNAH, GA. - timii.Tw HkMarchisi's 75 Uterine .. CATHDLICOH 85 , Will DOsifivplv mrc. Fpmaln WVtioqq snh u Vniiin atlon of the Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or Flood tag. Painful, Suppressed and Irregular Menstruation, etc An Old and reliable nsnalr. Rpnrl nnstjil nard for a pamphlet, with treatment, cures, and certificates from physicians and patients, to HOWARTH & BALLARD, UTICA.N.Y. Bold by all Dmggist-fL50 per bottle. HEARING RESTORED 9 11X GREAT INVENTION hv one whn won DRATf for 20 Year a. Send stamn for nartionlarg JOHN GARMORB, Lock Bex 80, Madison, Ind. CONSOaiPTION CAir be cubed i Try PUL MONA. AtkyonrdruggiEt for it. . ap20-wD&W v - r. . , . CI AKCIISTJC K LOCOMOTIVJ; W0EKS ESTABUSaED IN 1853, Manufacture all kinds of Locomotives, and have re cently purchased of the Amiutemr M Co. all the patterns. DatentfL and tmnA will fnt the manufacture of their celebrated Steam Fire En gines knd Fire Apparatus, and are now prepared to receive and execute orders promptly, bend for de scriptive circular. - ARETAS BLOOD. Agent. nov fc5 D&wiy v ;i Manchester, N. fl. SHOOTING1 ; COAT. j.,-.- . ...... f . STYLISH, HANDSOME COAT. . " tHJ4 ; : . - First Class in every particular Pleasant to wear, durable, and in the end the cheap esV MADE OF BROWN VELVETEEN. dockets and Lininsr made to take onL so that may be worn for early fail and winter shooting. 'Horace' Smith. Esq.. aava ? "Tt is mv Idea of shooting coat. I have worn them for several yeart and will have none other." . Price for Coat. 25: Vest ae ki ia the beei brown corduroy Pants, at $10 per pair. I make on ly the one grade, as the cheapest goods do not tare briars and will not give satist action. . , Also, in addition to fhe ahnv1 Tim winkim? Waterproef Canvass fcnit. cut same atvlc aa the Vei veteen! goods, not stiff and hard, bat son and plea sant to wear; guaranteed to turn water. Sporumeii who have seen it say it is The Pest Yet. Coat tti.5" For full Suit, f 14.00.; ' ? I also make the Slrevelea ( oa i Var. with sletvef if desired. . .. ; . ;. i s- Rules fer measurement and samples seufopot L. SHELDON, ", RAHWAY, N J application. .,, ect 25 D&Wtf ' SHARP'S M, lETALLICCARTRIDOK. MILITARY, HUNT - - 1NG AND 'CREBDMOOR" RIFLhS . EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN ACCU . ' RACY, 8TRBNGTH AND ? K8AFETY,, : No PrematureDischarge Ever Occur 4 Every Rifle warranted a ' good shooter. Calibrt 40, 44 and 50-100 of, an inch, and of any desired length. Charge ef powder from "50 to 105 grains. ' Weight ol halls from . 2S0 to 648 grains, , Stock, plain; al Pistol grip and. checked. : Sighu: plain; Globeana Peep Sights; Vernier with interchangeable from sights ; and Wind-gauge ' 'Every srlty of- munition for above guns, constantly on hand. Prices - Jroin ' 30 to $135. ' 1 SHARP'S -RIFLE COMPANY, septai-DAWtf - , . , . ; Bridgeport. Cona- N. Ar STEDHAIT. Jr., ' Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ELIZABBTHTON,J BLADEN ' COUNTY, N. C Office TJd stairs, in Brick BaUdinr. occupied J Rinaldl Co. u t f . - -? . Special attention to Claims. "J Col 'ecfions on sum ef $100 and upward made for Five Per Cent, u without suit.-, Drawing-Deeds, Mortgages, snecialtv-. ;' -i--' - ap 5-D4Wtf mn A ri- The choicest in the world Import- J. HiiiD. ers prices-Largesti Company w America staple article pleases everybody continually increasing Agents -wanted everywnerc -best Inducements dotft . waste time-send I i Circular to ROBERT WKLLS. Prea of tne wrig". American Tea Company 43 VeseySt Jj'fi. PnESCftlPTIOW FREE. t rme BPKAtV4r!TTRK of Seminal Weaf- ness. Lost Manhood, and all diaorderabrosgm by indiscretion w excess. Anydruggisi nw on . i. i : ax . IW Tini KN A " W. Sixth St, Cincinnati, Ohio, febl5-lyD4W