THE IIQEITIITG GTAIt. OfiBfiqnart Oft day,r..,...v...t ... 100 - two days. 1 5 U BLISHBD DAILY EXCEPT MON DAYS , . .' .." .- . - um o BtnaoBiraos n advanoz :, oiejeu, (by mall) postage paid,,:.;...;.;.. $7 Six months, Yi ; . . ; ' ............ 4 ?iTflP months. w 3 00 00 3 36 l!d6 month - 1 00 To City Sabttifbera, delivered In any part of the .lty Fifteen Cents per week.1 Onr City Agent are oot authorised to collect for mere than three mentha ta advance. OUTLINES. i , Russia has. agreed - that all .questions raised by the treaty shall be 'submitted to the Congress; Germany haa been requested to issue invitations to the Powers. The Times is hopeful, and . says that the preliminary ireqajnunents. of EDgland have been conceded. .News from Berlin is that the inTitations have been sent ! The settlement is due to' the good' offices of Count Schouvaioflf and : the . German Crown -prince. - German Socialist Coogress will not be held; the Government will enforce vigorously laws against sedi tion, &c. The German Government will prosecute five Socialistic, journals for publishing ' improper articles concerning the attempt to assassinate the Emperor. - Russian Imperial Bank of St. Peters- iuurjt is greatly embarrassed, -r Potter'a committee is sitting with closed doors. Chamberlain opened before the com mittee on Privileges and Elections in be half of Corbin. '. - An immense con course of people attended the decorating of the Confederate and Union soldiers' graVes at St. Louis. Communists are drilling at Chicago. - New. York mar kets: . Money easy at 3 per ct; gold firm at 101; cotton firm at iliQlli cts; flour dull and heavy at 510c lower; wheat heavy : and 25c lower; . corn heavy and l2c lower; spirits turpentine firmer at 29J30c; i rosin quiet at $1451 52. I f v A steamer that sailed from New York on the 25 th carried ; t& "Europe 28,000 boxes of - cheese. This.-indicates a marked increase in the export ' "of dairy products. -. . - The complaint of Rev. Dr. E. T. Baird against the Synod of Virginia was not sustained by the General As sembly. 'It will be remembered that Dr.. Baird was suspended on account of being a defanlter in the manage ment of a Church fund. : The peace outlook is most flatter ing, -j England declined theMiret pro position made by Russia, whereupon the latter agreed to refer all ques tions raised by the treaty to the sanc tion of the Powers. ' A clear- back down, but good news for the world. Already Germany has sent invita tions to the Powers to meet in Con gress The good work is attributa ble to the kind offices of Count Schou valoffand the German Crown Prince, who married Victoria's eldest daqgti ter. Peace is much better than war, and we trust out of the nettle dan ger will come the flower safety, and that it will be a perennial. . Mrs. Vosburgh was overhauled in New York, and taken back to Jersey City. It appears as if chemical ex perts did not discover any poisons in the medicine they analyzed. Mrs. Vos burgh's mother gives a bad ac count of the Rev.(Vosborgh, and says he not' only beat and choked her daughter, but that her daughter con fessed to her that . she had detected her husband in the act of endeavoring to poison her. Still the wife denies that he is guilty The mother-in-law says the parson wrote to other ' women and thna the domestic trouble began. - , ." , ; ' : From WaiblBClon. Special to Richmond Dispatch, . j j j-. Washington, May 25. j POUTICAT SPECULATIONS. ! . From the members of the Cabinet ; down to the disappointed applicants for official crumbs, everybody to-day seemed to be indulging in political speculations. Mr. Evarts says he has f ally examined into the Florida, mat ter, and that the Potter, committee will make a water-hauL : The inves tigation, he adds,' has its origin in some dark corner of New York, and not with the majority of the Demo cratic members of Congress. His information from the; South is that the Republicans will gain ' Congress men at " the coming election, and in cases where Republicans are not elect- j ed Democrats of a stnpe more ac ceptable to the administration than those now in Congress will be sent. He is sure that the Hayes leaven is working in the South, and anticipates good fruits in due lime. Republicans '' at the Capitol said to-day that Judge Alfred Morton has gone to Florida to 'bring to the front McLin, whem they" say resides? in the ' everglades, many; . miles away ffom the railroads. They declare, too, : that Dennis nas gone! back on Messrs. Finley, Springer and . Co., jind will not testify, when tlier: time comes what he promised. . ' - J ' WHAT THE DEMOCRATS SAT. f ' 7 The Democrats, on the other band, . keep cool, and seem determined to , conduet tbe j" investigation, in - their own way." They say that evidence will be i forthcoming ' proving the' grossest, frauds in .Florida and Looi ?iana,'andf that Mr. Sherman is now playing only, a strong game of bluff. Their belief is that the passage of the resolution; united the Democratic party, and that the official publication . of the Florida ; and Louisiana frauds will complete the overthrow of the Republican party. . , l I' know tn-nicrht that Mr 'Pnttfcr VOL. XXII.--NO. 57. says, after a careful examination of what has been submitted to him, that mo luvesugauon will, result .: in im4 portant developments. Spirits Turpentine. The orphans secured5 $i75 their concert at Raleigb. -;: 1 by :: Revenue collections in 4th Dis trict last week, $3l,57a98. j r- Mrs. Mary Wootenj wife of Mr. John F. Wooten, of Kinston, is dead. : Judge !Kerr delivered two re ligious lectures at Kinsten during court wees. ;' Raleigh' handled 417 bales Cot ton last week. Increase thus far over last year, ljozo Dales. tr-,-:V i L - Col. George Worthani is to der nver tne address before tie Fetter Male Academy at Oxford. ' A little son of Willis Landis, a wormy colored resident or Oxford, died irom ariuEing some concentrated lye. ; - Rutherford College Commence mentcame off last week and was well at tended. Rev. Dr. Wetmore delivered the sermon. ; ;; . . ;; ; ; ." Fayetteville and States ville both celebrated tbe 30th, the anniversary of the aiecKienonrg declaration or Independence, in appropriate style. : ; -v ; J - A new edition of the late Edwin W; Fuller's Doem. "The Am;el Id the Cloud," has beeu published. ; It contains a sselcb and portrait of the author, with some later minor poems . . ;: ; Mrs. R. L. Stewart' was consid4 erably injured at Monroe by being thrown from a buggy, the mule attached thereto doing some lively running. Mr.' S. "saved his bacon" by jumping from the buggy, i Rockingham Spirit: We regret to learn that Rev. - Henry II. Crowson. whose health has been very precarious for some three months or more past, is now seriously ill and not expected to live much longer. - - - j Paris correspondent of the Baltimore Sun: "Looking at tbe samples at paper irom .North Carolina and from (jfeorgia here presented before me, 1 am both proud and amazed at the manufactur ing energy of a people so essentially agri cultural." -. 'i: ., . C - I Reidsville correspondent of the Greensboro North Slate: Our usually quiet little city was to-day thrown into some commotion, by the arrest of John R, Web ster, of the Reidsville News, who was taken in the custody of a deputy U. S. Marshal, and carried to Abingdon, Va., fof trial. j Elizabeth City Carolinian: The Chowan Baptist Association, which con vened at ahuob, Camden county, on Tues day of last week, adjourned on Thursday evening The weather .for the first two days being unfavorable, the attendance was not so laree. but on the last day it is estimated that there were over two thou-- santl people present. The session was har monious, and considerable business was transacted. Some of the ablest divines and members of the Church were in atten- dancet : - '.;- '; .-."!;. Raleigh Observer: On yesterday the Governor issued a requisition to the Governor of South Carolina for a fugitive from justice.' The number of white and colored polls iu North Carolina,' who paid taxes in 1877, was: White, 107,703: colored. 54,382. In 1876: White, 103,207; colored, 52,509. In 1875: White, 99,427; colored; 50,755. George; Lloyd, the murderer of Wm. Thompson, of Orange county, in 1876, and for whom a reward of 9200 was offered, has been arrested at Giddings, Texas. - We learn that a daughter of Tom Bolton, living near Jamestown, Guil ford county, killed her child and then tried to destroy herself by cutting uer throaj. NBW . AOVKBTI9EH1ENT8. C. D. Mtxbs Butter and flour; Jab. Poston Cleaveland Springs. ELeinsbebgkb Croquet and splints. - J. C. STEVKNSos-Hains and coffees. C, T., Hiixsbobo Hand press wanted. J. n Iniaae Man Found In the Hive Patrick J ordan, , an Irishman, who was ...... 9 examined by competent authority about two weeks ago, pronounced insane, and ordered to be sent. .to the insane depart ment at the County Poor House, . from whence it is supposed he succeeded in ef fecting his escape, Vas discovered by Offi cer Woebse, of the police force, on Sunday nighty iu the river and astraddle . of a , log The poor fellow was rescued from his peril ous position and taken to the guard house, where he was held at last accounts;, await ing some disposition to be made of him by. the county authorities. -r,.. r. - - " ' ; ie eja ' sf Early Closing. '; The uptown clerks in our retail business houses are discussing the question of ' the closing of the stores, from : June 1st to the usual time in the fall; at7T o'clocfc f-They argue that employers and employes .alike need a little recreation during the summer season, and that if all the houses agree to the proposal no detriment . to business will be suffered .Mt has been usual, we believe, to close at that hour from the 1st of June to the 15th of September. ('. ' The following comprise " the County Executive Committee; elected by the Re publican Convention iSaturdayFirst TiyarfmjKei Second an& H.; Manning; Third Ward, Jos., E. ; Sampson; Four'h ,',Wd,'' : Wm .; E.-Johnson , Fifth Ward, James Winfield ; W ilmingtqn Town ship, W. P.; Canaday, YanAmnnge; iFedera PdintBWWaaei Masohboro, James Smith i Harnett: mfJWtMs(!&Qf FearH.; C,.Tate. Th 8to CoBveaiWnf j U The CV CJ-JlaUwayu willi juo laspecial train from Shelby to BeightyWHam)e;t; on the 12th proximo ' tox hebnefit Of delegates and "visitors to ihe! Btate CSo'nven lioo, which meets in that cilypn the 13th of June! StrgKteduLt'.' allowing all an opportunity-of attending.- . 1 i . v.i -.-i- i - 'oa 'UnmiuaUa lietltra;;;;;; f-. ' The following are ' the un mailable, letters remaining in the city postofflceiiir '--j i f Mr. Sam'l Southerland's Sous, Richmond,! Va.'; Aderson Haochey, Marion C. Hi S. C.' WILMINGTON, ' N. C:', TUESDAY. Local Dots. '5.. Weathei permitting, the pupils of Misses Burr and James' school will have; their regular.May picnic at Hilton td-idayl i.ffa.!-; -3 -5.- fc .?yraivi AV-. f , - Kev. Angus McDonald, of Kent tucky preached two excellent sermons at the Second Presbyterian church on Sunday. tit i i : h f u t w y -7 fn ' t We are f e-quested 7id sta' ,te mat the special ttain for delegates' td the" Clin4 ton Convention ;w ill. leave at 7:50 p. m. on Thursday nexL. .s. We regret to be ..called' upon to 1 4t announce Itie-snddendeaib, " heart disease, of Mrs.v S. , Hanstein, -ui this city, which took place yesterday mqriiug. ' We,ieaDthatifWaTr6y, Esq., of Cumberland,' has withdrawn his name fr6mvtbe list fof candidates for the Congressional nominationTn favor of Col. Waddelfc 1 : Higher pressures, stationary to lower temperatures, winds mostly from this northwest to northeast, partly cloudy wea ther and occasional rains, are the . indica tions for this section to day. . ; We. have information from the post office here to the effect that: Special Agent; Col. : Henry Booth, of the. Post Office Department, arrested a clerk in the post office at Sumter, n S. C., on . Saturday, for robbing the mails.; The clerk, bad been suspected for some titnVof purloining let ters from the mails. ; ' Mayor's Court. John Henegan. coloteif; , was' arraigned for drunkenness and disorderly conduct and resisting the police, on Saturday night last. Defendant ordered to pay a fine of $10 or be coa fined in the city prison for one week. - ; : -i- : . ' u .. . - - H. W. Williams, colored, charged with cursing and swearing in a boisterous man ner on the streets, on Saturday evening, was ordered. lo pay. a fia of $10 and costs or be confined in the city, prison for ten days. ...,...: . .j 3 1 . j . I John Smith, - white, charged ' with drun- kenneas, was ordered to pay a' fine of $5 and 'costs, f . "f V 1 1 ffi fi 3 .- Hattie Lee, white, for drunkenness, was ordered to pay a fine of $5 and costs or be confined in the city prison for five days, 1 Attcmpiea Assault wlib a Deadly i . wnpau. . r George Sheridan, living on the corner of Ninth and Castle streets reports that he was called to his door on Saturday, night, about half-past 0 o'clock, and upon open ing it the party on the outside made a lunge at him with a. large knife -Ho avoided the blow and' attempted to close tbe door, which was resisted by his assailant, but finally, some one in the room having come to his assistance, it was closed in the face of the fellow and he-was then heard to depart. Sheridan says be thought the voice of the man who called him was that of his bro ther until he had opened the door. He failed to recognize him, but says he was co lored. ' ' " ' ' ' . Exearalonto tVlIntlna-ion, : , i . The . Charlotte Observer says that the Caro lina Central Railroad authorities will short ly give an excursion from CharlaVte to Wil mington to a' select party of the patrons and . friends : of. the road in that cUyhejdaor the excursion to be agreed upon by the in vited guests; who were to meet' for that purpose at the rooms pi the Chamber of Commerce Satuirdayihight H : Since the above was in type we learn that the party will 'consist . of : the alayor; and Alderthen and. merchants of Charlotte'and that they will arrive.; here on Thursday. morning. The same day the party will make an excursion to Smithville on one of the steamers. . I A Deserved Tribute. !- i . ' i ? The following brief but comprehensive and; just tribute to One ' who has so . lately tjone from among" us," is clipped .from the Charlotte Democrat Wti&tok a! Wrightr Esq., who died : in " Wilmington last week. was One of .the fewjrealiy able men or the State who did not seek office. 'He was so modest that his nanie was seldom mention-' ed4 in connection witV political affairs, yet he was one of - the best menand-wisest po litical advisers we ever -t knew, j Such men as Wm. A. Wriht are becoming Scarce in the land. We ho the lisingeneration will learn to imitate ,bis virtues ?nd strict rl'ri jO-'S i '" "-" 1 integrity." v. ,;,; - ! '"..... . ( committed for Lareeay Delaware Moore-,i oloredi wbO'Was Ar? rested and committed;, to laiLon Saturday afternoon,., had ;a hearipg.before . Justice j Harries; yesterday, on the ebarge of steal- ing av quantity of ijrosin and turning it oyer id; Hsi Hill, ,: '(prepnsiy pmmjtf. ted), to sell, for' him.. He was. ordered to give bond iti tiie sum ot .;$100t. foc'h'iaUp pearaBce at the next term' "of the" Criminal Court,; in def auiWf whi6hTh waseiaml ed d jail To-day he will be examined on the charge of Btealing a quantity of cotton about a month..ago. . .'1 mt'ikl Arrested for larceny; 0f)n : Henry. Brown'; alias. ,Wma Henry Davis, colored, was , arrested yesterda on the- charge of 'larceny, and ordered o giv s justified bond; in inenium oi aw- ior nu appearance' be&le? Justice Wagner this moraine at 10 o'clock, in default of which he was committed to jail. '01 festival TJala BTeilDS.4-.(T w sf -s . :-The ladles of the Front Street M. JC' ahuxchwin give a stra wherry atidicTlJream J an Wnmingtqn, .flumbla& Augusta Rail festivalat the ttleGiant Engine Hall j ridaul pass deiegates tolhe Democratic, ts Bumcienyto secure a jarge aieauauiio, j juuwu vu vab lush., uibb their, festivals' 'iaw;iwafi7'succeM an.J ftot Wiin$ j?rP?F?f P?111 those 'who catf never go away disappointed, 'for one fare.l ,..' -,v. 1 - JJ JJLL -n" ' ' ' ' r "" 1 " 1 -' 1 - 1 " "" 1 ' : ' - ..- i Esther, the Beaa tirut Qneen Tiie xepetiliouof Estterayhpera House; -last evening; for the benefit of Prof. Chaie, was greeted with 'a fair ' audience oniy,;9,win j undou weaiy .to. tne very paa -weather which prevailed.? ' Previous to the Cantata tbe audience were agreeably enter tained by the rendition of several charming aslections.'yoca How I .Ijove:My, Mountain Home,'? by Websterwas admirably isung by a quar- tette, consisting .of the Misses ' Thompson ana messrs. u. ru hooiubuu , uu . t .. ; u. Northrop-.";' : ;"' By request. Miss 8. M. Thompson gave VComin'i thro1 the Bye" In , charming; jStyle, and she was heartily applauded. : i , Messrs; . JTe!sh. Mitchell and Chase, the quartette of male' voices, were also the recipients of ...much jrawe for the SOng'Wbat Beams so 1 Bright." It. would certainly be hard to find four, finer ; voices than these eentlemen possess, and their singing was delightful. ' ' if f Protf A. Pauli, an" accomplished mas ir cian, played 'a prayer from Flotow's Stra- della,n solo for violoncello,' to ' the perfect satisfaction of his audience.. The rendition Of the duet, 'Friendship, ' by tbe Misses Thompson, was delightful and deservedly received a hearty encore! 1 We deem it needless to make any special mention of the cantata, as it has already been extensively written - up' in the Stab', and will content ourselves with saying that the performance last night fully sustained in every .way the success of the first two performances, and only lacked that enthu siasm which a full house alone could give to make it in many respects tbe superior of either. . ' . ., .-.:.;;; ; S A Rarrow'Eieapti 5j--.M'u?.t ; i- ; '.There is no doubt of the fact that a great many fires have occurred 'here as well as elsewhere, the precise origin of t which has really caused 'by those mischievous and dan. gerous pests, rats. A case in which a very narrow escape from what would in. al probability bavej proved a serious confla gration, was related to . us ; a day or two since. . , Messrs. Gore & Gore , had occasion to ship a quaptity of, peanuis, whichhad been stored in their establishment, adjoining the office of ;Vice Consul Heide, on South Water street, ever .since last.. July, ; now nearly twelve months ago, when they came across a rat nest in the midst? of tbe lower tier of bags, which Were piled up nearly to the ceiling, ; being nine bags ' in height. Which consisted of about a peck measure full of rags, cotton, peanut bulls, particles of bagging, etctr and tin the midst of this inflammable material a box of, matches, -with the lid off and a portion of the matches scattered about. These peanuts were very dry and would have, burned - like so much Under, and as there was a large quantity of them stored in the room it would have been next to impossible to' have stopped a fire among them. ; Messrs. Gore & Gore very naturally consider ! that they made a Very narrow escape. A;ttare.Caeo.tvi iio:n",'.r;V -v.. The.follo.wiBg is from Mr. Hale's letter from New York to the Raleigh, Observer ; A rare case occurred yesterday of; the death of a man who; had held an office for thirty-two years, in the course of which he had to disburse many hundreds of thou sands of dollars Of public money in eharity, and yet -died poor." and unsuspected of stealine. His name was Georee Kellock. and he was Superintendent of the Outdoor Charity .Bureau His experience oi men and things, his memory of faces, his know ledge of human nature and his capacity to distinguish feigned from real suffering. were ol tbe greatest service to tne city, ue held office under fourteen different inayOrs.. He weighed 830 pounds.' ' ' ; ' " v' The gentleman' alluded' to was a brother. in-law of Messrs. . George and Ct' D. Myers of this city. " " '1 ' l ii i -J. !.'!T""r"!!T i ilia i' i Good SamarnaHJBxenraieB, , i There was an excursion to Columbia, S. C. yesterday, given by tbe several Lodges Of Good Samaritans and. other societies. The R: W. N. Gi Orator, Bobert ;Feale, pf Washington, D. Ci accompanied the exJ curslon, i which was under the management of J. Hi Whiteinan, for the purpose of es- tablishinz several subordinate' Lodges of the I O J G; S. arid D: of 8. in South CarU linal He asaccompahied by the 1 N.- G. Sire, E. W. Williams, and E. Thurgood, of Norfolk;Va Compromlao of tbe Telegrapu raJ As the result of a conference between the . i . . . . , i - city . authorities, the committee or ' mer chants, and ManagerAbgel of the Tfele graph office herej3 acting 'foi'lme'JSv'esJernf Union .Telegraph Company, we understand that a, compromise , in regard to . the j tax. matterXhas been jeffecied,' the Telegraph Company to pay the citya taxof.'50 ..per month and. the cqmpanyjonly to collect 10 cents extra on messages paidV here. . ! - 1 Tarhtln vr IVawb. 'iyfijVV Cazaux, ar I? rived here from Masonboro Sound yeiter terdaypreparatorjr.i JO participating in the racoon the aotk of ; June.Tfae SosaXklv Masonboto' at 11 Ar M. ,- and had a pleasan; passage to New Inlet, when a calm set in, followed by1, flails df rain ahdiml the Jaehafriyihg safely at pgtbja j550 piJmJWe learn that theVacht -fbara is ex pected to-day. K ; - v?::'5V-f; ; ill AfM m ."i rrr-- --' .ConreMlonal, .convention. jV feWe-are requested jQo H BShort Chairman of thSExecuttve CWmmitte'e, ltd announce, wai me vy umingiuu n cmuu, Clinton on the'st lhst.; at three cent per (MAY lo af 1878 'i ' : ?roeeedlBg:e: of ltae.Denioeratle Conn mA ffcu; in-- tyonvntlon.'ju'!i-,'- ' Below we give' the; proceedings of th? rXrenuef vouniy uonveniiOBj, omitting only such portions, including the resolutions, as appearea in sunaays issue of tbe stab: f Pursuant to notice the Democratic Con vention of Pender met at Bureaw on the 25th of May. for. the purpose of electing aeiegates to tne congressional, Judicial and State Conventions.-- ; v,m iy laf-'t'ftfft-M'a ; Dr. Batch w. ell was called to : the chair and T H W 'Mclntire requested to act as secretary, t :i4, ,!t. . . On motion, the chair .was , requested to appOintra committee of three on permanent organjzauon, The following were ap- ?ointed on said Committee, to wit: Messrs 'homas Williams, Edward - Shaw and E A nawes, ,.They , irenorted. throueh ? their chairman, Dr S S Satchwell for permanent 'chairman, and T H W Mclotire and Dr Ennett as permanent secretaries, j Report received and adopted , ' , ' ;f " On ' motion;' the chair 4 was requested 'to appoint one from each township on resolu tions. ' The following compose said com mittee, to wit: Messrs T A McLendon, 8 P Jtianu, j. r Kichards, K J Armstrong, G Jr Walker; R J Nixon. John Moore. J E Rivenbark. . Through their chairman they reponeatne iouowing, which were adopted These resolutions 1 have already appeared mtha StAtrT" "--t- - .--.m ., , During the(: absence ef the committee, Mr E W Kerr, of SamDsbn. beine loudlv called for, icame torward and addressed the convention in his Usual happy style.' Loud calls for L WMcClammv brousrht this gentleman out, who won new" laurels as a public speaker. tin motion. ,, . ... r Resolved, That our delegates to the Con gressional Convention be instructed to vote for, Major C . W , McClammy as its first cnoice. -fW. . r : On motion.the delegates from eachfTown ship were requested to retire and select five delegates each to the different conventions, The following compose the lists: - - '' ' ; Colombia .Township. State Convention M C Collins, C C Woodcock, R W Moore, K 11 Murphy, G F Walker, v Judicial J C JBroadhurst, Sr., J C Broadhurst, Jr, B H juurpny,. i r donnson, a u . vyard. con- eressional J F Johnson. H A Bland:; G Jf Walker, T H W MclnUre, ,G A Herring, " 5 Holly i TownshiD. Cocsrressional J R Bannerman, J K James, Eli H Shiver, J T Bnepperd, idwln Bhaw. Judicial ConveU lion Samuel Player, " R O Cowan, R T Williams, W L Moore, W T Hodges. State uioson james. J a. MasnDurn.u Wooten. Jesse Blood worth. Daniel Shaw. Holden- Township Cod eressional S P Hand, W M Hrnd, WT Bordeaux, W T uroomi J A" uoinns. " Judicial a v Hand, R T Henderson, W T Bordeaux, W T Ban nerman, P H Williams. State R T Sans ders, T J Bradshaw, W T Bannerman, R vv uoiniis, j rt nenKen. , , .. . Grant Township State C W McClam my, J V Foy, J OJNixon, JW Westbrook, Wm WooJvin, i J r. Judicial R K Bryan, Sr. Geo E Shepherd. ? Ir W Howard. R K isryan, Jr, lTey W Stdburv. Congressional H J. JNixon, Don Garrason. J. W Poy, W a. rung, x a inxciammy. , n n . i. j ' Caswell Tawnship Slate-Dr JRHawes, Dr J F Simpson. John: H Murnhv. G: W Corbett, J Pridgen,f! Judicial- R Pad- dison, J A Moore, J F Moore.- W.C Keith. D J .a Corbett..;. Con eressional Andrew Moore. E A Harriss. mR P Paddison. J G Jfarxer, U AColvin. u ?? t v n i r Lincoln .Township State A H Paddi son, David Lucas, P fl Bell L Simpson, J QBell. Judicial AiD Bordeaux; W W Aiar&m,; B.jiYUiiams, S J Herring, ;J F isewen. itjoneressional M J Bordeaux. J P Richards. L P Bell. John Scott. WF Bell. i itocxy roint Township congressional S : S Satch welU.T A McClendon. Jesse Bowden, W T Ennett Williams, i- Ju- dicial-W.TJEnnettr T J. Armstrong, Thos w imams,- u . cr uurham. ji ; .Bordeaux. State S S Satchwell. E Porter: D H Arm strong, das we8torooK. A i?i.i50wden. i . union vTownsbip Congressional-HH F Murphy, J D Powers, Ira Woody, L Stari f ord, J E RiTenbark.a Judicial W J. Ri venbark, E M Johnson, r H J Carlton, , L SUnford, H F Murphy. State J fl af derman, A B Croom. K J Powers. H P Murphy, E McMoore. - ; " ' '-ai- i TJie following resolutions passed r r ' Resolved, That if any delegate fail to at tend-either of the Conventions, be can give a written proxy to any oinis colleagues. " Resolved, That Mai C W McClammy be chosen as chairnan of the delegation to the state convention. . , . . . ! county, for electinir delegates to the Stated Judicial, Congressional and senatorial Con venlions, .was held at Lock wood's Follt on the 35th InsL ' -.'.; .-, .. t The meellher was called to Order bv M C Guthrie; "and K i W Woodsides was chosen permanent, president. - j . : .. Delegates to State Convention J D Mc Rae, Samuel Chinnis, T C Mcllhenny, A W Riger. Dr W G Curtis, R D Hewett. Frank lin Galloway;' J H Mintsi-TV S Mellican Louis Belter. Dr. F W Potter; ; .ts i Judicial F-M Moore. . James S Melvin, J A Evans, H M Dorant, M Q Guthrie, F G Drew.E H Pieotte. Thomas Lewis. Jabez Frinkl' ' Joseph Stanaland.; Noah. Bennet. o Congressional F M. Moore. J J Gay.- M W, Hilburn. George.H Bellamy. Capt C C Morse. Joseph Stanaland, EH Pieotte, Jas Drew, f Kourk, Thos uickman, , Christo pner JiivansjJTanKixorris. ,..: . - . ) -i Senatorial James Melvin.' W L HalL Nixon Aufaway,' ATV'Goodman, D F Mer cer. .David Ward-Elisha Sellars, ? A? B demmons. Samuel ' Frink. Jackson Haws. j r jcounauvai.1 JMoan-'ueonei.,-"vt t f It was reauested that the- secretary send the proceedings of this meeting to tbe Stab for publication, with a request thal'iha Journal &ua Jxevitte copy.r , .,;r u. r . miBCB, oeci y Bewat :.t iqapfcsrjifwiu j0j'-if o,?l l :s , Two young men were passing up Second I street a fewf nights spjCej When they .dis, I coveredsome Lrpttegodon the ground, I opposite, .the, postofflce,-which emitted a -KwiV nK-rtarttimwaan l?lit IflrA Ifa 4 Thmr t t ' j ,i picked It Up Ana J0OC I it home, and one pfj the young rjMrA rubbing the I wood when itsuddenly assumed almost the I nnalntnnflv nC . & mass. Of fire: narticlea Of I m Be Other members of the family, who rushed to his assistance,. were I i- AiZVZLJ Jo. alsofbadly burMd, f and scedmfseveralaceiw of the'fox.nre' as it !s commonly called, I fell upon it. ".ffef &-iWihr f " TT thnntrht hn rtparrl thft ahtrels sinff. I but it Proved to be a ehorus Of yells from theBertdoorchUdren.-iHft grew desper-r ate,proCTiredabotUeof 'Dr. Bull's Baby SvruD and sent it to llraiL With bit tcomv plimenta. He twaa a bacheloTj r j f 28 JJp:,r.tri Secretaries.; tend the Judicial. State and Coneressfonil , '; -. ....u-x. u, .) hl Conyentions..; M. . ., ,14: , j i ? ? ?tire Q:' Brun.wlcfeiconniy Coiinon. - I Jjf' iSj!!11 Wso-tf-B. , . u, A.. ' ... x tw-., tofurnish a copy-of the proceedings to the , .. i . ' ' v DUPLIN COUNTY CONVENTION. Kenansville, Dotiin CO...N. C., l ;1 f. - Mnv 1R7S J lB(c??rdanice w. Previous notice, the l.0,ca?0 yd .f - recuB townsnips in I ne county met in conventton, which wa called to order by Isaac B Kelly, Chairman Cohnty Executive Committee, whocstated . that the Cpnvention was ready to proceed with the, business for which it was called. ! y On motion, Dr IJ W Hill, of . Warsaw, was i elected " temporary chairman;- -and Messrs T, . S Watson and D B Nicholson temporary secretaries." ;;' ':C -' .' ' ; On motion, a committee of one from each township were, appointed a committee on permanent organization and rules for the government of the convention.1 iisau. v The committee, after deliberation, re commended Dr J W Hill as nermaoent chairman and T S Watson and D B Nich olson as permanent secretaries . ; . " That the Convention adoDfv the two- thirds rule in the nomination of candidates. That the, delegates from each townshiD shall apoint three delegates from their re. spectlve districts to reDresent, them In the Congressional, State and Judicial Conven tions, to assemble infCliaton. Raleiffh and Goldsboro. : - - j ;. - That tbe delegates shall aDDoint one f rom each township as one of the County Execu- f "Te. V.n!nnueo and, tba ih7 8ha Iec lueir enairman... , m That the townships vote according to the yote given in the last; Gubernatorial elec tion. ! ... . , - "--! The report was auaoimouslv adonted and the Chairman declared the Convention readyj to proceed to . ballot J for Senator when i J AJ Bryan, Esq.; having received two-thirds of the votes offall thejdelegates, was declared the nominee of this -Conven tion.-- . - . : ; . -f ; . .-. .-.j ; ,.f l The Convention proceeded to ballot ?on the nominations for the House of Repre- sentatives. when A S Col well 1 and G W Liamb, having received:two-th rds of the votes of all the delegates, they were declared the nominees of this Convention for the House of Representatives, v. : ; j . '' On motion, resolved, that the roles be suspended and that the nomination for the office of Sheriff be dispensed with for the uu " T". : " . " present, and mat the Convention proceed I "IVi.. ---r. officers, who were nominated '.by- a two- iniras vote oi an the delegates as follows: ; .superior uourt tJierlc J u southerland. Register Of Deeds Jas. M Sprun t. Treasurer Jno A McArthur; ? 1 . j Coroner Dr Jas W Blount, , '-jl- f Surveyor John R Miller. : U , " Jti'-:: . The Convention proceeded to appoint , in accordance with suggestions irom the re spective Township delegations:) ; ; i . ;;. ' . i Members of County Executive , Commit tee. DD; Wells,Magnolia rAD r'McGow an, Kenansriile; r J; W Hill s Warsaw ; M Moore, Faison?s; G Hill, WoifscrapepG B CarrvRockfish ; ET Pigford; Island Creek ; M T Horn; Cypress Creek : I J W r Gresham. Inns- .Tnnoo Smith Qr GmitK'ort T? f Delegates to CoDffressional Cortvention I RFaison. Dr M Moore. Q Moselev. Major Btncxiin, , A JKobinson, j j At Hart sell, W B Middleton, J E Matthews, J G Kenan; 1 R J Williams.' J A Gavin,: G ; W Middleton tM Witherington, J D Jones. ? D S Kornegay, E T Pigford, H B Boney, D J: Williams, S M Grady. J J Smith. J R Mil ler. Sr. G W Lamb. , R W Tate. , B G Lar sons, j K ward, wm lince, Bizzell John son, F P Outlaw, -J W Outlaw, ; J F Max well. D H Wallace. GL . Smith.! T, I Arn- slrong, H Garriss,NB Outlaw, D H Garner. - - Judicial Convention B W : Faison, Dr .M Moore. CK MiUard. FE Reeister; Wells Taylor, H Hollihgsworth," I B Kelly," A F WilliamSj O H Allen, D Bowden, : J W R' Bass, R J WiUiams, E B Herring, JSlias BelL Jaqufeline Jones.' J E Pieford. s W N. Ellsworth, D T Teachy, L Smith, D Boney, RH Kenedy, W.H Sloan, J E Lamb, DM uuior, vr t aru, o vv rkoney, u a Jarr, Mac Grady, ; John Maxwell,' S H Simmons, J W Grisbam, A B Sandlin, S O Middle-' ton, D 1 tiarner, i a Outlaw, M S Jones, f State Conventiod-4-J WPassi AD Hicks, W E Hill, J N Stalliqgs. G C Garriss, D D Wells, W A Allen. I B KellylJ D StanfordJ T M Mooreti T B Pierce .D J Aarons, B Witherington, P H Kornegay,- Gaston Kel ly, JWCarrrCW Murray, Daniel Teachy. J . Smith, G L Swinson. D Boney. J L Bradham, J D Batts, E T Lanier, W R Ward, M N Johnson: James Wells; 'W H Grady. B D Ford. John , Grady. W J An drews, H Wilkins, D Thomas, C.Hill, M : Witherington N B Outlaw. jf ) -' On. motion, the Chairman and Secretaries were added to the list of delegates. to at-f wumineton Moknino otar.1 with a re- 3 nest - to "publish; and' the Wilmington ournal and Goldsboro -Mesaengr be re quested to copy. , J J.1 W. Htll, Chairman. T 8. Watson. suit Secretaries: i 90j D. B. Nicholson I HOTEL AKRIVAX.S. tyo ; Purcell House Cobb1 Bros. . Prop'rs May 26-!-Harry S Belt Wm I R Sturgeon. Baltimore; H B Short,, &r. Lake Wacca- maw; Oliver P Cazaux Masonboro. N C; Geo A Smith. Norwich. -Conn;. James T Chapman, New York; M W Garrison, Ala; Jeff Johnson, VV - Q- Johnson, Charlotte, "May 27 G K lteate. Ausrusta. Ga: Cor- helius DuBois, Jr, .H Amidown and wife,. x v Amidown, MB Bhort, isew XdrK. 'The Colonnade Hotel. PhlladelDhiA. PA.', e&diarsed hy eminent and distinguished, visitors aa a - model establishment, will be an ezceotion hereafter to the general complaint of high prices. ' h" '-' '' j .. . 1 -MOTHERS', MOTHERS,' MOTHERS,' dont - faU to procure Mas. W is blow's Soothing Stbitp for all diseases of teething In children. a It relieves the child from pain, cores wina cone, regulates toe Dow els, and, by giving 'relief aud health - to the child gives rest to the mother, stu tnuSiCji u SiSti j j vi -. tm im mm , : i . IF THERE 18 ANY VICTIM of aa ertrntlve m'a- htdy who-Aetpairs of relief, let him abandon his despondency.. So long as it Is possible for him to no oubts reBpccUng ttw, possibUity; pf Ma being " 'X IlinOTt I jt - " . yawjafvuo; p. vhibvu jtiamu mum m aciBAn t Chrenlc, painful and prostrating, .diseases cured the grand desideratum, i Avoid imitations. Book and Journal, with f nU parflcnlarg mailed free: Ad- I Cincinnati. Ohio.' '." . V " ,- . s i5 ' - ; LIVES IS KING. The liver Is the imperial or gan or taewnoie.naman system. . wnen km on h natural result that Green's Aug turbed In Its proper action all kinds of ailments are esoitv It has been tRtccessnuly proved ;Thrdo.wUiWe just what Limestone: Jones Smith. Sr. Smith's? F,M I TPHE best new May BUTTER, Keathley, Glisson's; W H Grady.' Albert- f,, . , -i .?. SOnTownsbipii j : i - my28D&Wtr 88Md4CNorth "' "e"" ' "ilffiiii iW W Beautiful .: "lA,. f - '' " ' 'DfEO ' iHANSTIlirf. InThls dty Monday indmlng, 37th lnt.t ms. hanstein, aged M yeara. ; , r . 1 The funeral win take placft at 4 bclockthia after. noon, from (her resUencvi an ICarket, between 6th' and 6th Streets, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. 8 W) .. ... 8 k ,;;.' ; 4 00 .. . . 6 60 8 60 10 00 .......17 00 ..... 24 00 . 40 00 ..... 60 00 at propo x nvs aaysv.4 . , ,v ... . . . iti .M?pwoweelrt, Obc month...... ,.. ... a Two montha,,.i. ....... .,. " is ;,Miu Tkree. monthi,...- " " Six month,. vne year,.,. ........ Contract AdvertiaemenU taken I - -Tea lines Mild Noapan NoapaiU type make one square. NEW: ADVERTISEMENTS. ; ,1 OB ERA HO U$E. n on ai . -.41 ; , TTI& CADBTM OF Tbe Cane Fear: Mililary Academy 4 ' Wm give aa Xatertaintnent en - AVKDflESDAT BVBNING.BIAT 29lto. On which occasion there wSl be presented ' -' the beaattfal Cram entitled THEfCBQSspP- ST. JOHN'S, a,To conclnde with the laughable Fares called " THB UHBBICK BOY. ' t Idmlsaion 60 cents; Children half price. Be eerved seats can; be .procured at Belnsberger's on Monday. -, ,. my 26-3t Wanted, A HAND PRESS. f Address, giving size, condition and price. C. T., Box 09,' BJUeboro, N. C. j my 58 St CMeMd Mineral Springs, VJBAR SHELBY. N. C., UNDER THB HAN 1 AGKJUSNT OF JAM KB OSTON. This Hotel will be open for the reception of Vis itors en the 1st of June. Katefr-Wagle Bay. tl.tO; Single Week, $9.00: Fenr Weeks, fSOOQ. w - . . ' - mj S8-6w JAHBS POSTON. Manager. Croquet. ANEW EOT OF CROQUET SETS, " mu t - BKAUTIFUL aAd CHBAP. The best assertment ever brought to this city, Atthe : LIVi BOOK STOBE. ' Splints, F)B FANCY. FRAMES AND BRACKETS, AT greatly reduced prices, ail sizes and colore.. - POTTERY and PICTURES In great variety. TELEGRAPHIC SNAPPERS at . HEIWSBERGBR'S, my 28 it 89 and 41 Market Street. Country Butter; ' TN TUBS. PAILS ANO KITS. i vyi , it to 13 Cents per pound. 13 Cents i au.D. M , 88 and 40 North Water street Three Lots GOSHEN BUTTER on consignmenC With ORDERS- TO SELL AT ONCE. CHAS. t. MYERS, - , 38 and 40 North Water street. Host People WANT GOOD FLOUR, AND CAN FIND IT in my stock. Barrels and Half Barrels, at very low prices. - - . - CHAS. D. MYERS, ,. . ,. .., ,,38 and 40 North Water tteet Ji Small Packages. Water street. HortK Carolina Hams ! 1400 Founds 1400 VERY' CHOICE SMALL AVERAGE, FROM 6 TO VMU jQ'n 14 LB&. CORN FED. If -yo want a REAL NICE N. C. HAM, end to me S 3 Coffees. . I OLD GOV'T, i r . i t, ,j , LAGTJAYRA, aad RIO COFFEES, n aio-yl t,B?!!.? hand, :;' . ; Roasted three t'mea- a week under my own tnper ' -,.-V lj vl8ipa,and ground to order. - I select with care the Coffees, therefore you can't f ail toet a PURE and GOOD article. ..' Jas. C. Stevenson PCARBOHOUGH HOUSE, WATER STREET, Market and Dock. . neait fr $1.00 1 v j SCARBOROUGH, Prop'r. on w i: i fIIarket Hours- rpHE MARKET 'HOURS SHALL BE BETWEEN A daylight and 9 V o'clock, In the forenoon, from tae 1st of Jane to the 1st of October: ana Between .daylight and 10 e'clock from 1st of October to 1st of .aprii; ana on Bauraays rrom o r. m. to vjf f. ji. All meats mnst be moved oat of the Market by 9J a. a., ana au .oaicner snops oe uosea ac tne same noor. By order ef the Mayor. S5-8t I M. WILLIAMS, Clerk. :iay STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, nv NEWvHANOVEB COUNTY, . r.l..!..l -i&uii - May.Jlst, 1878. To llie Voters of M HanoTer Comity. "JN- ACCORDANCE WITH 1 Al ' RESOLUTION passed by the Board 'of Justices of the Peace for "New Hahovu CouBty, in meeting assembled, May . .. . . . ; . : .... ! . 'i 2d, 1878, and In obedience to their order, I hereby give 'notka'tnat there 'will be "AN ENTIRELY NEW REGISTRATION ! OP' VOTERS" of. the County of 'New Hanover; to commence on 'the "TWENTY-SEVENTH CWth) DAY OP JUNE, 1878, and to'CONTlNUS FOR THIRTY &0) DAYS (Sun days excepted), preceding the election to be held on the First Thursday in August, 1878. - ; JOHN COWAN, Secretary Board of Justices of the Peace myt3-lw t Rev. copy. - for New Hanover co. u n. wnu. 1, T WOULD INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THB A' - Ladles to my large and Elegant Stock of - , : BimineJT and Fancy Articles, Now opening, comprising all the Latest Novelties in HATS AND BONNETS. irttATrnrRst. rvRTVAinevTR. . : . : v - , FANCY GOODS, c., Ac. 19'. line of Ladles' Underrarments. Tae most irasnionabie na xjatest wbikub cun stantly recerriog daring the seasons. . LOWEST PRICES warranted. ."il'' ..YAJUBTX BlVlUE, .42 Market Street. TVpli it nac . L. rtAAGAW, -I- I; .. A